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Reshaped Urban Mobility
Csaba Csiszár, Dávid Földes and Yinying He
The application of novel solutions in vehicle and information technologies
and the need for sustainability result in significant change in urban mobility.
Moreover, autonomous vehicles (AVs) are expected to contribute to this alteration
as well. The mobility is considered not only a single trip from A to B anymore but
a comprehensive service. Shared and demand-driven services are more and more
available besides traditional transportation modes. Modes are presented, evaluated,
and compared, giving a realistic scenario for upcoming changes and opportunities.
The development of the passenger transportation system requires an integrated
approach considering user expectations. It is facilitated by the concept of Mobilityas-a-Service (MaaS), in which improvement of the quality has higher relevance
than before. The impacts of the alteration are also summarized.
Keywords: autonomous vehicles, demand-driven, future mobility, impacts,
Mobility-as-a-Service, passenger transportation system, shared urban mobility
1. Introduction
Passenger transportation, accessibility, land use, and activities interact with
each other. On the one hand, passenger transportation provides the adequate
circumstances of every movement. On the other hand, its effect on the environment
is negative (e.g., traffic accidents, energy consumptions, pollution, land use).
Mobility is the complexity of transportation processes derived from the spatial
characteristics of human needs and activities. It includes the flow of persons, goods,
and information, as well as information processes related to them. In cities, the
demands are concentrated resulting in a high volume of traffic.
Sustainable mobility means a long-term and balanced relationship among
environment, economy, society, and transportation system. Accordingly, substantial alteration is required by introducing such innovative solutions that provide the
adaptivity of the system. During the development, the aim is to apply such solutions
that manage the resources efficiently while satisfying travelers’ preferences [1].
In this chapter, we summarize the knowledge related to the reshaping of urban
passenger mobility based on literature review and our previous studies. The topic is
discussed by a transportation engineering point of view. We focus both on management- and traveler-related issues, highlighting social effects instead of technical details.
The chapter proceeds as follows: Section 2 provides a thorough overview and
comparison of current traditional and novel urban transportation modes and
mobility services. In Section 3, the alteration in mobility services is discussed with
a special focus on automation and autonomous vehicles (AVs). Section 4 describes
the planning principles of novel mobility services highlighting user expectations.
In Section 5, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concept is detailed with special regard
Urban Design
to quality. Section 6 presents the major impacts of novel mobility services on the
urban environment. In the last section, the research is concluded, emphasizing the
key findings, and the future research directions are given.
2. Mobility services
Transportation modes are defined as the means of transportation and their
attributes. Individual and collective modes are distinguished. Besides them, socalled transitional modes are spreading. The attributes of transitional modes are
to be defined between that of individual car use and traditional public transportation. Typically, either the time frame of a vehicle or the available seats of a vehicle
are shared. The sharing facilitates the efficient allocation of the available sources.
Either demand-responsive or demand-driven (on-demand) mobility services are
provided. In demand-responsive services, flexible schedules are applied, and the
capacity reflects the demands [2]. Demand-driven services are operated only if
any demand arises. The routes and schedules are not predetermined [3]. At these
modes, the ordering (demand announcement) in advance is usually mandatory. The
real-time demand-capacity coordination and management of the services are based
on an advanced infocommunication system. Several transitional modes are available only via a smartphone application. Mobility services can be defined as joint
activities that provide the transportation capacities, technological processes, and
related (information) services (e.g., seat reservation). Description of typical urban
transportation modes and services is summarized in Table 1.
Walking is incorporated into every trip. Access to the departure point and egress
from the destination point, as well as transfer between the modes, require walking.
It is competitive for a short range. The so-called soft mobility forms cover micromobility, namely small-sized (one or two seats) human or electric-driven vehicles (e.g.,
bicycle, pedelec, Segway, scooter). They are used for the last miles. These vehicles
are operated in shared mobility services as well.
Transportation modes and mobility services can be categorized according to
several attributes. The knowledge of these attributes is necessary to sufficiently
serve the travel demand and remain competitive. The most important categorization aspects of transportation modes are as follows (Figure 1):
• Modality of vehicle use (individual or collective)
• Vehicle proprietor (service company or private person)
• Driver (traveler or professional driver)
The selection of a mobility form for a specific trip is influenced by several
aspects at the same time. Transportation modes can be compared, among others,
according to travel distance, the regularity of traveling, the number of passengers,
and flexibility. Detailed flexibility analyses focus on the following attributes:
• Spatiality—e.g., departure and destination point, coverage, availability, travel
distance, and the fixity of the routes
• Temporality—e.g., accessibility (operation time), timetable, waiting time,
service time, time units of the use, and the minimum time of use
• User target group
Reshaped Urban Mobility
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.89211
Transportation modes
Public transportation
Supply-based services which are accessible for anyone at a specified location
(stop), at a specified time (according to timetable), on a specified route
(line), according to the specified terms and conditions, for a specified fee
Flexible mobility service in space and/or in time which can be used only after
request, often with the same tariff as the traditional public transportation
has. It is operated typically in a sparsely populated area or in time periods
when travel demand is low
Shared use (in time) of a publicly or privately owned vehicle. The vehicles
are available for anyone for a (time-based) fee. It is typically used for a shortrange, urban ride, for a short term
Capacity (seat) sharing of a privately owned vehicle to share the travel cost.
Typically, a slightly regulated, nonprofit transitional mode for a long-range
travel. The driver offers the free seats of the vehicle
Strongly regulated profit-oriented transportation mode typically for a shortrange, urban ride. It provides a door-to-door, high-quality ride for a high fee
Application-based ride management. Travel demand and capacity are
coordinated automatically. The mode is preferred for a short-range, urban
ride, like the taxi service. It provides door-to-door service with slight
regulation, applying dynamic tariff system
Chauffeur service
Traveling in our own car as a passenger with a “hired” driver. Typically, it is
used for the sake of convenience, usually at night, when the traveler is not
capable of driving or wishes to do other activities during the travel
Individual car/motorcycle/
Using a privately owned vehicle for an individual trip; neither the vehicle nor
the seat is shared with unknown travel mates
Table 1.
Description of transportation modes (source: based on [4]).
Figure 1.
Classification of current passenger transportation modes (source: based on [4]).
• Attributes of ordering
• The degree of spread
Urban Design
• Type of the applied infocommunication system and services
• Attributes of the fee collection system—e.g., method of fee calculation and
• Need for additional tasks—e.g., maintenance and repair
• Type of operation—e.g., publicly or privately owned vehicles [4]
The attributes influence modal share and travel chains. Modal share is a set of
indicators which show the percentages of travelers using particular transportation
modes in terms of either the number or the length of the trips. Usually walking,
cycling, car use, and public transportation are considered. Although the use of
transitional modes is constantly increasing, their modal share is still exiguous.
Travel chain is defined as the combined use of different modes and services
during a trip. The aims of forming travel chains are:
• To extend the supply of passenger transportation
• To combine the partial advantages of transportation modes
During the formation of an integrated travel chain, the combination of transportation modes is to be planned to provide similar mobility opportunity and
service level than that of individual transportation. If a travel chain including a
public transportation service provides favorable mobility opportunity according to
flexibility and service quality, the share of public transportation can be enhanced.
The “weakest link” determines the “strength” of a travel chain. The transfer is the
critical part of a chain. The transfers between means and modes are performed at
stops and in stations as well as at intermodal junctions. The quality of the mobility
service is influenced by, besides the quality attributes of each mode, the design of
the intermodal junctions (e.g., walking distances) and the quality of the available
supplementary services (e.g., information provision). The common targets during the combination of transportation modes are to minimize the time spent in
the system and the fee to be paid while maximizing the perceived service quality.
Figure 2.
Model of travel chain (source: [4]).
Reshaped Urban Mobility
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.89211
Figure 3.
Enhancement of capacity utilization of individual cars (source: based on [4]).
Travelers’ movements should be managed in the network considering these targets.
The coordination of passenger flows is represented in Figure 2 [4].
Shared or transitional modes provide services complementing traditional public
transportation. So, new alternatives to individual vehicle use are established. The
relevance of that is high as the individual cars are used for only 0.75–1 hour per day
and only 1.5–1.8 travelers sit in a car on average during a trip in the European Union.
However, the utilization of a vehicle can be enhanced by car-sharing and ridesharing. The daily utilization of a car can be enhanced to 6–8 hours by car-sharing
and the seat capacity utilization to 3.5–4 travelers by ride-sharing. In an ideal case,
car-sharing and ride-sharing are to be combined (Figure 3), which is a significant
potential for the application of AVs.
3. Alteration of mobility services
In the early days, walking and animal-powered (mainly horses) transportation
meant the only way of transportation. The individual serve of increasing travel
demand was not efficient over a specific volume. Thus, public transportation
services were implemented. In an urban environment, the horse-drawn omnibus,
later the electric (e.g., tram, subway) and internal combustion engine-powered
vehicles (e.g., bus), meant the base of transportation. The use of electric drivetrain remained significant in guided public land transportation, namely, electric
locomotive, tram, subway (metro), and trolleybuses. Public transportation may
significantly contribute to the decrease of fossil fuel dependency [5]. Furthermore,
nowadays electric vehicles are getting more and more attention in the field of road
Because of economic growth, changing lifestyle, and technological development, mobility demand is increasing. Private car ownership and private car use
have grown by leaps and grounds. The increasing number of road vehicles made
imperative the management of traffic flow. High-quality public transportation and
Urban Design
the spread of transitional modes can reverse the tendency. Where the road network,
mainly in the European cities with historical urban structure, cannot serve the huge
volume of private car use or where the economic growth was not sufficient, the
nonmotorized and public transportation become widespread.
At early stages, mobility service providers managed the processes independently
without cooperation. In the second half of the twentieth century, many transportation centers have been established to coordinate the public transportation services
in urban areas (e.g., common tariff and information system, fee collection). The
integration is an expectation from travelers as well.
Innovation in the transportation system is motivated by altering traveler expectations and technical developments [6, 7]. The adoption of novel technologies is a
solution to several challenges albeit the shift in technology causes difficulties during
the implementation phase and the fears around new technologies are significant. As
a result of technology development, the characteristic of vehicles and traffic management alter. Furthermore, the attributes of mobility demand and quality expectations are also altering. The travelers increasingly wish short preparation and travel
times, pleasant circumstances during travel, as well as reliable and personalized
information services. Intelligent and smart systems are available. Smart systems
“know” more than intelligent systems because they are able to learn. The learning
ability is programmed into them. With learning ability smart systems can respond
not only predetermined situations.
Vehicle automation generates alterations in planning, operational management,
and passenger handling functions. The current transportation modes are usually
operated under human control, while the back-end functions are more and more
automated. In general, automated and autonomous systems are distinguished:
• The automated system is controlled by computers following predetermined,
step-by-step rules which were programmed into them, respectively. The
algorithms cover potential situations and their consequences.
• The autonomous system is controlled by computers which make individual
decisions using cognitive capabilities and learning capacities to manage the
situations that have not been known before.
Automated and autonomous vehicles can be considered as moving computers. Several pieces of hardware and software are required for the operation. The
operation of these components is simpler if the propulsion of the vehicle is electric.
Moreover, the control functions needed for driver-less operation can be adopted
easier in an electric vehicle. The main development areas in automotive technology
are vehicle control, communication system, validation, and verification of components [8]. In the automotive industry, SAE levels are commonly used for describing
only the vehicle control [9].
Several types of public transportation means are already automated, especially
in track-based services (e.g., subways). Personal rapid transit (PRT) and group
rapid transit (GRT) are relatively new mobility services operated mostly by
automated vehicles. The comfortable, exclusive, either feeder or point-to-point
services are available in small-scale areas in order not to give up the advantages of
individual travel [4].
The entire mobility system is expected to be reshaped due to the widespread use
of fully autonomous vehicles. According to the expectations, a high proportion of
road vehicles becomes automatized. Currently, the developments of AVs focus on
most types of road vehicles such as car, small bus (so-called pod), as well as even air
vehicles (drone).
Reshaped Urban Mobility
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.89211
Current transitional modes are merging into a new mode—so-called shared
AV. This mode is infocommunication-based, highly personalized, shared, and available via mobile application and provides mostly on-demand or demand-responsive
service. Small capacity vehicles, so-called pods, are applied. The seat or trip reservation is mandatory, which supports capacity planning, and so results in efficient
transportation. The reservation, especially in urban transportation, requires
additional action from the traveler. Since the large one-directional travel demands
cannot be served efficiently by any other modes, the high-capacity, arterial public
transportation lines remain important in the future too. Different scenarios are
made for the type of this mode:
• Door-to-door, shared service [10]
• Feeder service to high-capacity public transportation [11, 12]
• Combination of the previous types [13, 14]
Personalized, flexible, door-to-door service can be provided mostly in rarely
built-up areas because of the road capacity limitations. Consequently, in densely
populated and highly urbanized areas, feeder service should be provided [13, 15].
The demands can be influenced by the application of dynamic tariff structures. In
this way, the traveler is motivated to use the feeder and shared services.
Based on the scenarios, we defined the types of shared AVs:
• Taxi provides individual door-to-door service between any departure and
arrival points without sharing the seat capacity.
• Shared taxi provides door-to-door service between any departure and arrival
points with sharing of the seat capacity.
• Feeder pod provides feeder service from any departure points in a zone to the
stop of an arterial, high-capacity line; transfers are guaranteed by semi-fixed
timetable. The operation is symmetric in the opposite direction (from the stop
of an arterial line to any arrival points).
• Fixed route pod provides mostly feeder service on fix route. The departure
and arrival points are fix stops. It is operated according to fix timetable, but
additional departures may be inserted according to current demands [4].
This mode can serve a significant rate of demand derived from individual car
use. The individual, private AVs are used only for the most flexible travel purposes.
The proportion of soft mobility forms, i.e., walking, and micromobility remain significant in the cases of both individual and shared use. However, the circumstances
of soft mode use should be improved, especially in the downtowns.
Future transportation modes are represented in Figure 4 according to the
modality of vehicle use, vehicle owner-operator, and the driver. The modality of
the vehicles tends to collective modes due to shared AVs. Furthermore, most of the
vehicles are to be owned by a company. The mobility services are managed by an
integrated mobility service provider, while vehicles are owned and maintained by
either a transportation company or a private person. Especially the smallest capacity vehicles used for taxi and shared taxi service may be owned by a private person.
These vehicles can be publicly used when they are not used by the owner (i.e.,
ride-sourcing service with AVs).
Urban Design
Figure 4.
Classification of future transportation modes.
The future categories of passenger transportation are:
• Individual transportation
○ Nonmotorized: walking and cycling
○ Motorized: individual AV, motorcycle, and micromobility
• Public transportation (mobility services)
○ Small capacity
○ Nonmotorized: bike-sharing
○ Motorized: shared AV, other shared micromobility
○ High capacity (mass transit) based on AVs (e.g., bus, tram) or highly automated vehicle (e.g., subway) [4]
4. Planning principles
The new mobility services require new approaches in planning. Especially,
knowledge about mobility services based on AVs is still lacking as vehicle
developments are still at an early stage. However, the various and combined
service types require novel comprehensive planning and operational methods.
Traditional methods [16] should be altered as the consequence of the following
• Complex system architecture (e.g., the vehicle becomes an independent system
component, and the number of operational functions is increasing)
• New and unknown technology
Reshaped Urban Mobility
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.89211
• Increasing dynamism of data management
• Altering user preferences and expectations toward a higher quality of service
The traveler needs to learn completely new tasks, and the existing ones should
be managed in a different way (e.g., ordering, open/close the vehicle, payment).
Because of AVs, the role of human staff can be reduced, and drivers’ work regulations are not to be considered anymore. But the lack of staff attendance implies
several new challenges both in management (e.g., electric energy charging) and
passenger handling (e.g., safety, information). Moreover, the vanishing driver as a
job will cause a societal challenge.
Most of the functions can be automated either partially or entirely. The most
relevant challenges are revealed in the following functions:
• Real-time demand-capacity coordination
• Planning vehicle runs with and without passengers; furthermore, shared runs
are to be introduced
• Customization of mobile application and supplementary services
• Automatic real-time, personalized, and location-based push information
• Automatic vehicle charging
In advance mobility services, both data collection and planning functions are
supported by software. The planning and operation of the novel, transitional services and shared AVs require a high amount of real-time data. But, as the technology
is new, operational data are unavailable. The collection and consideration of user
expectations are inevitable. The acceptance and easy adoption of a new service or
technology, like AVs, can be significantly enhanced by a highly personalized mobility service considering the user expectations.
Not every traveler group can be served by the new mobility services. For
instance, the ride-sourcing services are used by mostly youngers with high education background and for short distance [17]. The acceptability can be measured
before the use (as an expectation), whereas the acceptance itself is to be measured
after the use (as a revealed preference) [18]. Numerous publications deal with the
measurement of expectations toward services based on AVs mostly by stated preference questionnaires [10, 19] or in some cases by revealed preference questionnaires
[20, 21]. Measuring the acceptance is rather difficult as bare experience is available. Consequently, the expectations can only be measured according to the stated
preferences. But the acceptability is predominantly influenced by the perceived
usefulness, expected effort, ease of use, and social influence [12].
In our previous studies [22, 23], we performed a questionnaire survey to reveal
user expectations. The main findings were:
• The preferred service type is influenced by motivation and current mode use.
The less-flexible (pod-like) types are preferred for less-flexible motivation
(e.g., work/school), whereas the flexible (taxi-like) types are more likely preferred for the ad hoc travel motivation (e.g., leisure activity). Current car users
prefer flexible types, while public transportation users accept less-flexible
service types.
Urban Design
• Higher spatial coverage is expected from the shared AV mode. Namely, the
willingness to walk is less in general than in the case of a traditional bus service. But it depends also on the current mode choice preference, the size of the
city, and age. Young generations living in big cities and using public transportation have a higher willingness to walk.
• The more flexible the service is, the higher the acceptable fee level is. The
younger generation’s willingness to pay is higher.
• Mobile application functions that help the use of the mobility service are the
most important (ticketing, entitlement checking, fee calculation, display
travel-related information).
• Services providing travel-related information, along with the services supporting the use of individual smart devices (free Wi-Fi, chargers), are the most
important onboard services.
• Activities which are limited or impossible to do during driving become more popular in the future (looking around, surfing on the Internet/chatting, working).
5. Mobility-as-a-Service
The integration facilitates the establishment of the concept of Mobility-as-aService. It provides a wide range of personalized mobility packages in an integrated
way that consists of shared, transitional, and mass (public) transportation modes.
Instead of tickets and passes, the traveler purchases mobility packages. The mobility package or “monthly plan” consists of rides on various transportation modes
(e.g., public transportation, bike-sharing, car-sharing, etc.) provided by several
providers. Thus, MaaS establishes the interoperability of transportation subsystems. The combination of travel modes highlights the advantages and eliminates
the drawbacks of the various transportation modes. Passenger handling functions
(e.g., journey planning, booking, payment) for an entire multimodal journey are
operated through a single interface (mainly smartphones). The operational model is
presented in Figure 5. Traditional MaaS consists of the following modes: bus, tram
Figure 5.
MaaS operational model (source: [4]).
Reshaped Urban Mobility
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.89211
(light rail), metro (subway), taxi, car-sharing, ride-sharing, and bike-sharing. The
operational area of the MaaS is mostly cities, but regional travels can also be managed [4]. The aim is to reach the international and global MaaS operation [24].
The so-called MaaS operator coordinates the processes and connects passengers
and mobility service providers. Contracts are made on two levels. On the one hand,
a contract is made between the MaaS operator and the traveler when the mobility
package is compiled and purchased. On the other hand, a contract is made between
the MaaS operator and mobility service provider to permit sub-sale of services. The
quality aspects, the minimum level of services, as well as the cooperation-related
issues are declared in the contracts (bonus-malus system).
The quality of a mobility service is a complex and partially subjective term
which depends on several attributes of the mobility service. Its objectivity is to be
enhanced by the application of norms. The quality is an important aspect to facilitate passenger’s satisfaction.
The traditional MaaS is defined as a semipublic transportation service. Thus,
the quality assessment criteria of both public and private transportation are taken
into consideration. Real-time information management among subsystems (e.g.,
service providers, travelers) is the backbone of this service. The accessibility and
availability of transfers are highlighted; the transfer connection both in spatial and
temporal senses should be ensured. As shared services are also incorporated, the
interior facility of small or medium-sized vehicles may significantly affect traveler’s
satisfaction (e.g., cleanness).
MaaS can be fully adopted with the application of AVs [24]. The differences
between the MaaS provided by traditional and autonomous vehicles are as follows:
• The composition of mobility services (high-capacity public transportation,
shared AV, bike-sharing, and other shared micromobility forms)
• Integrated operational control
• Driving
• Passenger handling
The MaaS based on AVs is defined as a public transportation service, where
highly automated transportation processes are considered. Namely, the AVs are fully
incorporated, and the real-time task coordination process is managed by machine-tomachine components automatically. Service types are highly fused, and the transitional modes are replaced by the service of shared AVs. Assessment criteria of MaaS
based on AVs is established on the basis of public transportation [25]. Since MaaS is
a smartphone application-based and traveler-centric service, the infocommunication background is tightly related to quality. Travelers interact with “two computers
(smartphone and AV)” in real time. Thus, passenger handling functions (e.g., journey
planning, booking, payment), as well as seat reservation function, are to be assessed
as the specialties of this service. In the case of MaaS based on AVs, the aim of MaaS
operator is to enhance the quality, while sustainability is attained in all senses at.
6. Impacts of alteration
Reshaped urban mobility implies several impacts. Due to shared and demanddriven services, it is expected that the individual car use will decrease. However,
the change in the travelers’ mindset is needed. In an urban area, individual car use
Urban Design
and car ownership are to be eliminated. Necessarily, efficient public transportation
and introduction of shared and transitional transportation modes are required. In
developed countries, the intention to own a car is decreasing among the younger
Significant benefits can be gained by dynamic assignment of shared vehicles for
different service types [26]. The benefits are relevant for passengers (e.g., reduction
of travel time and fee) and operators (enhanced utilization rate). However, the
utilization of shared services is not efficient without adequate management. For
instance, the capacity utilization of a taxi service is not efficient without seatsharing [27]. The mileage of taxis can be reduced by 40% by seat-sharing [28].
Moreover, if shared, demand-driven services are too convenient, the share of
high-capacity public transportation decreases, which may cause further problems
(e.g., increasing traffic jams). For instance, at least half of the ride-sourcing trips
replace traditional public transportation trips [17].
The application of AVs has impacts on society and the environment too. The
length of trips is expected to grow as travel time is spent in a more efficient and
pleasant manner. In this way, daily commuting distance can be even longer.
Furthermore, travel time can be reduced as a result of better drivability of the
vehicles and advanced traffic control. Vehicle design and passenger compartment
also alter. The individual total utility of travel increases, because onboard activities
may replace activities performed at home or the workplace. All in all, the number of
travels is expected to increase.
However, individual car use decreases by the introduction of a flexible shared
AV service because similar service quality can be provided as by an individual car.
Current car users’ willingness to shift is the highest, as bikers’ and pedestrians’ willingness to shift are the lowest according to our previous study [29]. The number of
cars decreases as less vehicle is enough to meet the needs. Furthermore, the capacity
utilization and useful mileage of the vehicles increase because of the shared use.
However, the number and length of empty runs may increase due to dissimilar
pickup and drop-off points of passengers.
The vehicles communicate with each other, with the infrastructure and with
other road users. Consequently:
• The number of road accident decreases [30], and traffic safety increases.
• Traffic parameters alter, for instance, smaller headway and higher speed.
• Traffic control alters [31], for instance, less traffic sign is enough, but a complete
replacement of them is not expected as they are needed by soft mobility users.
The public places in cities are utilized in a different way which causes a paradigm
shift in urban design as well. The number and extension of road infrastructure
elements are also expected to be altered. For instance, less parking lots are enough.
Accordingly, the available space for pedestrians and micromobility users or other,
non-transportation-related functions (e.g., green areas) can be increased. The time
base of road infrastructure elements is to be shared between the functions:
• Shared parking lots:
○ At night or daytime, residents or shared AVs park and recharge.
○ In daytime shared AVs use them as virtual stop.
Reshaped Urban Mobility
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.89211
○ In dedicated time intervals, freight AVs serving neighborhood shops, restaurants, etc. park and recharge during loading.
• Shared traffic lanes: in the peak hours for moving traffic, in the off-peak hours
for parking
Though the AVs may serve any point, they cannot stop “anywhere.” Therefore,
allocation of virtual stops is needed. Virtual stops are points where passengers can
board and alight an AV in a safe way and the traffic is not hindered. Virtual stops
can be established without any special infrastructure.
The energy consumption becomes more efficient as a result of energy-efficient
vehicle control. Thus, the environmental impact of transportation is also reduced.
Pollution decreases further if electric and renewable energy sources are applied.
The traveler groups alter as well. Current car drivers become passengers.
Demand-driven mobility services provide better spatial coverage and time availability as they usually serve door-to-door rides on demand. Accordingly, some
pedestrians become also passengers as the use of a demand-driven service can be
faster and more comfortable than walking. The small AVs may be also considered
as an accessory of a building. While the elevators support the vertical movements,
the small AVs connect the locations with horizontal movements. The travelers can
enter the building with them (e.g., during shopping). Thus, the concept of smart
vehicle and smart mobility is related to the concept of smart home or building, and from a wider perspective, these all are part of the smart city concept.
However, all in all, the share of pedestrians and micromobility users is expected
to increase as soft mobility modes are promoted, especially in urban areas (e.g.,
pedestrian zone). Accordingly, both soft mobility modes and the shared use of
AVs as a feeder service are needed in order to avoid the significant increment of
motorized road traffic.
7. Conclusion
In this chapter, reshaping urban mobility was discussed in a transportation engineering point of view with a special focus on automation. The main contribution
of the chapter was the description of transportation modes and current mobility
services, as well as the detailing alteration in urban mobility. Moreover, planning
principles of such mobility services and MaaS as a concept was overviewed, and the
impacts of alteration were summarized.
The border between the individual and public transportation modes is blurring.
Novel shared and on-demand, so-called transitional transportation modes are
spreading in cities which can provide similar service level as individual car use but
in a more efficient way as either the vehicle in time or the seats are shared.
New mobility services based on AVs are expected soon. We found that the
transitional transportation modes and, even more, most of the individual car use
can be replaced by a new, shared, demand-driven mobility service based on small
capacity AVs which is accessible only with advance ordering via a mobile application. However, we highlighted that as the capacity of the built infrastructure is
limited, the travel demands can be served efficiently only by shared and feeder
mobility services. Additionally, promotion of walking, public transportation, and/
or micromobility use is also required. Mobility-as-a-Service concept contributes to
achieving these aims. Moreover, the shared use of vehicles causes significant alteration in cities, e.g., the function of public places alters.
Urban Design
Since the current shared services are novel, and the mobility services based on
AVs are at the very early stage, only assumptions can be made about the impacts.
Considering the user expectations during the planning of these services is inevitable. In that way, the acceptance and adoption of new services can be facilitated.
Possible future intentions are to be the elaboration of novel, complex evaluation and comparison methods for mobility services. The evaluation covers service
quality, flexibility, features of integrity and automation, as well as customization.
Furthermore, planning and operational methods of mobility services based on AVs
are to be developed, and travelers’ expectations are to be analyzed.
The research reported in this chapter was supported by the Higher Education
Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities in the frame of Artificial
Intelligence research area of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Author details
Csaba Csiszár, Dávid Földes* and Yinying He
Department of Transport Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transportation
Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Budapest, Hungary
*Address all correspondence to: foldes.david@mail.bme.hu
© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
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