Enneagram Personality
Enneagram Type 1 - The Reformer
Perfectionists, responsible, fixated on improvement
People of this personality type are essentially looking to make things better, as they think nothing is ever quite good enough. This makes them perfectionists who desire to reform and improve; idealists who strive to make order out of the omnipresent chaos.
Ones have a fine eye for detail. They are always aware of the flaws in themselves, others and the situations in which they find themselves. This triggers their need to improve, which can be beneficial for all concerned, but which can also prove to be burdensome to both the One and those who are on the receiving end of the One's reform efforts.
The One's inability to achieve the perfection they desire feeds their feelings of guilt for having fallen short, and fuels their incipient anger against an imperfect world. Ones, however, tend to feel guilty about their anger. Anger is a "bad" emotion, and Ones strive sincerely and wholeheartedly to be "good." Anger is therefore vigorously repressed from consciousness, bursting forth in occasional fits of temper, but usually manifesting in one of its many less obvious permutations - impatience, frustration, annoyance and judgmental criticality. For this reason, Ones can be difficult to live with, but, on the high side, they tend to be loyal, responsible and capable partners and friends.
Ones are serious people; they tend to be highly principled, competent and uncompromising. They follow the rules and expect others to do so as well. Because they believe so thoroughly in their convictions, they are often excellent leaders who can inspire those who follow them with their own vision of excellence. Reform movements are frequently spearheaded by Ones.
Ones are often driven and ambitious, and are sometimes workaholics. But whatever their professional involvement, they are definitely active, practical people who get things done. They are natural born organizers, listmakers who finish everything on the list, the last one to leave the office, the first one to return, industrious, reliable, honest and dutiful.
The relentlessness of their pursuit of the ideal can make Ones tense people who have a hard time relaxing and who unnecessarily deny themselves many of the harmless pleasures of life. They tend to be emotionally repressed and uncomfortable with expressing tender feelings; they generally see emotionality as a sign of weakness and lack of control. They are seldom spontaneous. They have multiple interests and talents however; they are self-reliant and seldom run out of things to do.
Ones are often intelligent and independent and can easily mistake themselves for Fives, but unlike Fives, Ones are primarily people of action, not thought. Ones tend to worry and are prone to anxiety and can sometimes mistype as Sixes, but they are far less affiliative than Sixes and their standards are not reached by seeking consensus with a group. Finally, the relentless pursuit of perfection can take its toll and lead to depression. At such times, a One can mistype as a Four. But Fours have a tendency towards self-indulgence whereas Ones are self-denying. Fours are emotionally expressive; Ones are emotionally constrained.
Enneagram Type 2 - The Helper
Helpers who need to be needed
People of this personality type essentially feel that they are worthy insofar as they are helpful to others. Love is their highest ideal. Selflessness is their duty. Giving to others is their reason for being. Involved, socially aware, usually extroverted, Twos are the type of people who remember everyone's birthday and who go the extra mile to help out a co-worker, spouse or friend in need.
Twos are warm, emotional people who care a great deal about their personal relationships, devote an enormous amount of energy to them, and who expect to be appreciated for their efforts. They are practical people who thrive in the helping professions and who know how to make a home comfortable and inviting. Helping others makes Twos feel good about themselves; being needed makes them feel important; being selfless, makes Twos feel virtuous. Much of a Two's self-image revolves around these issues, and any threat to that self-image is scarcely tolerated. Twos are thoroughly convinced of their selflessness, and it is true that they are frequently genuinely helpful and concerned about others. It is equally true, however, that Twos require appreciation; they need to be needed. Their love is not entirely without ulterior motive.
Twos often develop a sense of entitlement when it comes to the people closest to them. Because they have extended themselves for others, they begin to feel that gratitude is owed to them. They can become intrusive and demanding if their often unacknowledged emotional needs go unmet. They can be bossy and manipulative, feeling entirely justified in being so, because they "have earned the right" and their intentions are good. The darkest side of the type Two fixation appears when the Two begins to feel that they will never receive the love they deserve for all of their efforts. Under such circumstances, they can become hysterical, irrational and even abusive.
Because Twos are generally helping others meet their needs, they can forget to take care of their own. This can lead to physical burnout, emotional exhaustion and emotional volatility. Twos need to learn that they can only be of true service to others if they are healthy, balanced and centered in themselves.
Twos can mistype themselves if they are not in an obvious helper role in their professional lives; they might not recognize the extent of their involvement in assisting others. This is especially true for male Twos, who have not received the same social rewards for helping as female Twos receive. Male Twos frequently mistype as Ones or Threes, the wings of type Two. Females, of all types, are bound to recognize some of the dynamics of type Two in their personalities, as such qualities have been socially reinforced. Female Nines, for instance, are especially prone to mistyping as Twos, particularly if they are the mothers of small children. But Nines are self-effacing and humble; Twos are proud and have a strong sense of their own worth.
Enneagram Type 3 - The Achiever
Focused on the presentation of success, to attain validation
People of this personality type need to be validated in order to feel worthy; they pursue success and want to be admired. They are frequently hard working, competetive and are highly focused in the pursuit of their goals, whether their goal is to be the most successful salesman in the company or the "sexiest" woman in their social circle. They are often "self-made" and usually find some area in which they can excel and thus find the external approbation which they so desperately need. Threes are socially competent, often extroverted, and sometimes charismatic. They know how to present themselves, are self-confident, practical, and driven. Threes have a lot of energy and often seem to embody a kind of zest for life that others find contagious. They are good networkers who know how to rise through the ranks. But, while Threes do tend to succeed in whatever realm they focus their energies, they are often secretly afraid of being or becoming "losers."
Threes can sometimes find intimacy difficult. Their need to be validated for their image often hides a deep sense of shame about who they really are, a shame they unconsciously fear will be unmasked if another gets too close. Threes are often generous and likable, but are difficult to really know. When unhealthy, their narcissism takes an ugly turn and they can become cold blooded and ruthless in the pursuit of their goals.
Because it is central to the type Three fixation to require external validation, Threes often, consciously and unconsciously, attempt to embody the image of success that is promoted by their culture. Threes get in trouble when they confuse true happiness, which depends on inner states, with the image of happiness which society has promoted. If a Three has a "good" job and an "attractive" mate, she might be willing, through an act of self-deception which is also self-betrayal, to ignore the inner promptings which tell her that neither her job, nor her mate are fulfilling her deeper needs. Even the most "successful" Threes, who generally appear quite happy, often hide a deeply felt sense of meaninglessness. The attainment of the image never quite satisfies.
Threes can sometimes mistype themselves when they mistake the more superficial features of their personalities as indicators of their type. So, for instance, an intellectual Three might mistype as a Five; a Three who is devoted to her role as mother might think she is a Two; a Three in a leadership position might mistype as an Eight and so on. Regardless of the manifestation however, the core of the type Three fixation is the deep need for external validation.
Enneagram Type 4 - The Individualist
Identity seekers, who feel unique and different
People of this personality type tend to build their identities around their perception of themselves as being somehow different or unique; they are thus self-consciously individualistic. Fours tend to see their difference from others as being both a gift and a curse - a gift, because it sets them apart from those they perceive as being somehow "common," and a curse, as it so often seems to separate them from the simpler forms of happiness that others so readily seem to enjoy. Thus, Fours can manage to feel superior to others while also secretly harboring some degree of longing and envy. A feeling of being a member of the "true aristocracy" alternates with deep feelings of shame, and fears of somehow being deeply flawed or defective.
Fours are emotionally complex and highly sensitive. They long to be understood and appreciated for their authentic selves, but easily feel misunderstood and unappreciated. They have a tendency to withdraw in the face of a world that seems harsh or crude, and are often somewhat moody or temperamental. They are emotionally centered and spend much of their lives immersed in their internal mental landscapes, where they feel free to cultivate and analyse their feelings. A desire to manifest this internal world often leads Fours to an interest in the arts, and some do become actual artists. Whether artistic or not, however, most Fours are aesthetically sensitive and concerned with self-expression and self-revelation, whether it be in the clothes they wear or in the overall nature of their often idiosyncratic lifestyles.
Fours are somewhat melancholic by disposition, and under stress tend to lapse into depression. They also tend to be self-absorbed, even under the best of circumstances, but when unbalanced, easily give way to a self-indulgence which they perceive as being fully justified as a way to compensate for the general lack of pleasure they experience in their lives. Rather than look for practical solutions to their difficulties, Fours are prone to fantasizing about a savior who will rescue them from their unhappiness.
Intellectual Fours tend to mistakenly type themselves as Fives, and a heavy wing can certainly exacerbate this tendency. Fours however, unlike Fives, tend to be self-revealing and comfortable with emotional expression.
Enneagram Type 5 - The Investigator
Thinkers who tend to withdraw and observe
People of this personality type essentially fear that they don't have enough inner strength to face life, so they tend to withdraw, to retreat into the safety and security of the mind where they can mentally prepare for their emergence into the world. Fives feel comfortable and at home in the realm of thought. They are generally intelligent, well read and thoughtful and they frequently become experts in the areas that capture their interest. While they are sometimes scientifically oriented, especially with the Six wing, just as many Fives are drawn to the humanities and it is not at all uncommon for Fives to have artistic inclinations. Fives are often a bit eccentric; they feel little need to alter their beliefs to accommodate majority opinion, and they refuse to compromise their freedom to think just as they please. The problem for Fives is that while they are comfortable in the realm of thought, they are frequently a good deal less comfortable when it comes to dealing with their emotions, the demands of a relationship, or the need to find a place for themselves in the world. Fives tend to be shy, nonintrusive, independent and reluctant to ask for the help that others might well be happy to extend to them.
Fives are sensitive; they don't feel adequately defended against the world. To compensate for their sensitivity, Fives sometimes adopt an attitude of careless indifference or intellectual arrogance, which has the unfortunate consequence of creating distance between themselves and others. Trying to bridge the distance can be difficult for Fives, as they are seldom comfortable with their social skills, but when they do manage it, they are often devoted friends and life long companions.
Fives are usually somewhat restrained when it comes to emotional expression, but they often have stronger feelings than they let on. Few people know what is going on beneath the surface, as Fives have an often exaggerrated need for privacy and a deep seated fear of intrusion. Because of their sensitivity and their fears of inadequacy, Fives fear being overwhelmed, either by the demands of others or by the strength of their own emotions. They sometimes deal with this by developing a minimalistic lifestyle in which they make few demands on others in exchange for few demands being made on them. Other Fives make their peace with the messiness of life and engage it more fully, but they almost always retain their fears that life is somehow going to demand more of them than they can deliver.
Fives, especially with the Four wing, sometimes mistype themselves as Fours. Such Fives recognize that they have strong emotions and don't identify with the often extremely cerebral portrait of type Five. But, Fives, unlike Fours, always retain some degree of discomfort when it comes to the expression of their emotional states. However much facility they may gain with it, the language of emotion is not their native tongue.
Enneagram Type 6 - The Loyalist
Conflicted between trust and distrust
People of this personality type essentially feel insecure, as though there is nothing quite steady enough to hold onto. At the core of the type Six personality is a kind of fear or anxiety. This anxiety has a very deep source and can manifest in a variety of different styles, making Sixes somewhat difficult to describe and to type. What all Sixes have in common however, is the fear rooted at the center of their personality, which manifests in worrying, and restless imaginings of everything that might go wrong. This tendency makes Sixes gifted at trouble shooting, but also robs the Six of much needed peace of mind and tends to deprive the personality of spontaneity. The essential anxiety at the core of the type Six fixation tends to permeate the personality with a sort of "defensive suspiciousness." Sixes don't trust easily; they are often ambivalent about others, until the person has absolutely proven herself, at which point they are likely to respond with steadfast loyalty. The loyalty of the Six is something of a two edged sword however, as Sixes are sometimes prone to stand by a friend, partner, job or cause even long after it is time to move on.
Sixes are generally looking for something or someone to believe in. This, combined with their general suspiciousness, gives rise to a complicated relationship to authority. The side of the Six which is looking for something to believe in, is often very susceptible to the temptation to turn authority over to an external source, whether it be in the form of an individual or a creed. But the Six's tendency towards distrust and suspicion works against any sort of faith in authority. Thus, two opposite pulls exist side by side in the personality of enneatype Six, and assume different proportions in different individuals, sometimes alternating within the same individual.
The truly confounding element when it comes to typing Sixes is that there are two fundamentally different strategies that Sixes adopt for dealing with fear. Some Sixes are basically phobic. Phobic Sixes are generally compliant, affiliative and cooperative. Other Sixes adopt the opposite strategy of dealing with fear, and become counterphobic, essentially taking a defiant stand against whatever they find threatening. This is the Six who takes on authority or who adopts a dare devil attitude towards physical danger. Counterphobic Sixes can be agressive and, rather than looking for authorities, can adopt a rebellious or anti-authoritarian demeanor. Counterphobic Sixes are often unaware of the fear that motivates their actions. In fact, Sixes in general, tend to be blind to the extent of their own anxiety. Because it is the constant back drop to all of their emotions, Sixes are frequently unaware of its existence, as they have nothing with which to contrast it.
Because Sixes so frequently fail to appreciate the extent of their own fear, they often mistype themselves. It is common for instance, for female Sixes to mistype as Twos, especially if they are identified with a helper role, but Sixes have a much more ambivalent attitude towards relationships than do Twos, who generally know exactly what they want. Sixes, failing to recognize their anxiety, can mistype as Nines, but Nines have the ability to relax and to trust in others, neither of which come easily to Sixes. Sixes can mistype as Fours, especially if they have artistic inclinations, but they lack the Four's self-absorption. They can mistype as Fives, especially if they are intellectual, as many Sixes are, but unlike Fives, Sixes tend to be practical. Finally, conterphobic Sixes can easily mistype as Eights, but they lack the Eight's self-certainty.
Enneagram Type 7 - The Enthusiast
Pleasure seekers and planners, in search of distraction
People of this personality type are essentially concerned that their lives be an exciting adventure. Sevens are future oriented, restless people who are generally convinced that something better is just around the corner. They are quick thinkers who have a great deal of energy and who make lots of plans. They tend to be extroverted, multi-talented, creative and open minded. They are enthusiasts who enjoy the pleasures of the senses and who don't believe in any form of self-denial.
Sevens are practical people who have multiple skills. They know how to network and to promote themselves and their interests. They often have an entrepreneurial spirit and are able to convey their enthusiasm to those with whom they come in contact. When they are able to focus their talents, they are often highly successful. Focusing does not always come easily for Sevens, however. Their tendency to believe that something better awaits them, makes them reluctant to narrow down their options or to pursue their aims with true devotion.
The central problem for Sevens is that their pursuit of pleasure is compulsive. Sevens are fear types who are specifically afraid of the power of negative states of mind. These they avoid by seeking distractions in the external environment: by multi-tasking, by keeping their options open, by engaging in stimulation seeking of all kinds. For this reason, Sevens are more prone than most to addictions of all sorts, whether it be to shopping, gambling, drugs or whatever.
Sevens usually have a high opinion of themselves and their talents; they tend to focus on their strengths and virtues and to downplay their flaws and vices. They are often a bit self-centered which manifests in an unfounded feeling of entitlement. As Sevens don't want to confront their own darker emotions, they also have difficulty acknowledging the pain that others experience, so that they sometimes have a hard time seeing the reality of other people. The extent of the Seven's flight from negative emotions is really a measure of the Seven's mental health; the more that the Seven flees from them, the more their strength grows and the more likely they are to erupt into consciousness in the form of an anxiety disorder or a severe depressive episode.
As they are outward looking and not especially prone to introspection, it is not uncommon for Sevens to mistype themselves. Sometimes they mistype as Eights, as Sevens too can be domineering, especially if Eight is the dominant wing. But Eights are not anxious and they lack the quick, mental energy that is charateristic of the Seven. Sevens can easily mistype as Threes, but Threes are much more single minded than Sevens and don't suffer from the desire to keep all options open. Surprisingly, Sevens can mistype as Fours. When they recognize the disparity between the optimistic, fun loving persona that they project to the world and their own, often anxious internal mental states, they can confuse their pain with the melancholia of type Four. Sevens are in flight from this pain however, whereas Fours often cultivate their negative mental states.
Enneagram Type 8 - The Challenger
Taking charge, because they don't want to be controlled
People of this personality type are essentially unwilling to be controlled, either by others or by their circumstances; they fully intend to be masters of their fate. Eights are strong willed, decisive, practical, tough minded and energetic. They also tend to be domineering; their unwillingness to be controlled by others frequently manifests in the need to control others instead. When healthy, this tendency is kept under check, but the tendency is always there, nevertheless, and can assume a central role in the Eight's interpersonal relationships.
Eights generally have powerful instincts and strong physical appetites which they indulge without feelings of shame or guilt. They want a lot out of life and feel fully prepared to go out and get it. They need to be financially independent and often have a hard time working for anyone. This sometimes necessitates that the Eight opt out of the system entirely, assuming something of an outlaw mentality. Most Eights however, find a way to be financially independent while making their peace with society, but they always retain an uneasy association with any hierarchical relationship that sees the Eight in any position other than the top position.
Eights have a hard time lowering their defenses in intimate relationships. Intimacy involves emotional vulnerability and such vulnerability is one of the Eight's deepest fears. Betrayal of any sort is absolutely intolerable and can provoke a powerful response on the part of the violated Eight. Intimate relationships are frequently the arena in which an Eight's control issues are most obviously played out and questions of trust assume a pivotal position. Eights often have a sentimental side that they don't even show to their intimates, such is their fear of vulnerability. But, while trust does not come easily to an Eight, when an Eight does take someone into the inner sanctum, they find a steadfast ally and stalwart friend. The Eight's powerful protective instincts are called into play when it comes to the defense of family and friends, and Eights are frequently generous to a fault in providing for those under their care.
Eights are prone to anger. When severely provoked, or when the personality is unbalanced, bouts of anger can turn into rages. Unhealthy Eights are frankly agressive and when pushed, can resort to violence. Such Eights enjoy intimidating others whom they see as "weak" and feel little compunction about walking over anyone who stands in their way. They can be crude, brutal and dangerous.
Female Eights are far more likely to mistype than male Eights, as many of the traits typical to the type Eight personality have been discouraged in females. For the most part, however, it is other types who mistake themselves for Eights. This is especially common in male counterphobic Sixes who fail to recognize that their agression is a cover for a very deep seated anxiety. Sevens too, are prone to mistype as Eights, but Sevens lack the intensity of focus typical of the type Eight, and while both Sevens and Eights have high energy personalities, Eights have a physically based energy whereas the Seven's energetic pattern has a nervous, mental quality to it.
Enneagram Type 9 - The Peacemaker
Keeping peace and harmony
People of this personality type essentially feel a need for peace and harmony. They tend to avoid conflict at all costs, whether it be internal or interpersonal. As the potential for conflict in life is virtually ubiquitous, the Nine's desire to avoid it generally results in some degree of withdrawal from life, and many Nines are, in fact, introverted. Other Nines lead more active, social lives, but nevertheless remain to some to degree "checked out," or not fully involved, as if to insulate themselves from threats to their peace of mind. Most Nines are fairly easy going; they adopt a strategy of "going with the flow." They are generally reliable, sturdy, self-effacing, tolerant and likable individuals.
Nines tend to adopt an optimistic approach to life; they are, for the most part, trusting people who see the best in others; they frequently have a deep seated faith that things will somehow work out. They desire to feel connected, both to other people and to the world at large. They frequently feel most at home in nature and generally make warm and attentive parents.
The Nine's inability to tolerate conflict sometimes translates into an overall conservative approach to change. Change can provoke unpleasant feelings and disrupt the Nine's desire for comfort. Less healthy Nines seem incapable of motivating themselves to move into action and bring about effective change. When change does come however, as it generally will, Nines find that they are usually well able to adapt. They tend to be more resilient than they give themselves credit for. In fact, Nines tend not to give themselves enough credit in general, and their self-effacing attitude often seems to invite others to take them for granted or to overlook their often significant contributions. This can cause a subterranean anger to build inside the Nine's psyche, which can erupt into consciousness in occasional fits of temper which quickly blow over, but which more often manifests itself in passive agressive footdragging. Being overlooked is often a source of a deep sadness in Nines, a sadness that they scarcely ever give voice to.
Nines frequently mistype themselves as they have a rather diffuse sense of their own identities. This is exacerbated by the fact that Nines often merge with their loved ones and through a process of identification take on the characteristics of those closest to them. Female Nines frequently mistype as Twos, especially if they are the mothers are small children. Nines, however, are self-effacing whereas Twos are quite aware of their own self worth. Nines also mistake themselves for Fours, but Nines tend to avoid negative emotions whereas Fours often exacerbate them. Intellectual Nines, especially males, frequently mistype as Fives, but Fives are intellectually contentious whereas Nines are conciliatory and conflict avoidant.
Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 1 - The Reformer
Chakra meditations for
Sacral (2) chakra to become more feeling
Heart (4) chakra to develop compassion towards others and self
Acupressure on points
LIV-3 (reduce) to unblock repressed anger or other emotions, and to relax
SP-6 to relax and unblock repressed emotions
Ones want to be "good" and generally have a morality based on the rigid adherence to rules. But true goodness requires compassion and compassion comes from the heart. Working to open the Heart chakra helps Ones to develop the compassion for others (and themselves) that they sometimes lack.
Ones tend to repress their emotions. They are often quite "stiff." Doing chakra meditations for the Sacral chakra helps Ones to be more passionate and feeling.
Smooth flow of emotions
The One's strong super-ego keeps the emotions, and especially anger, under very rigid control. But emotions need to flow or they will build up. Working with point LIV-3 can help to loosen this stranglehold. To a lesser extent also, SP-6 can serve this function. Utilizing these points also helps Ones to relax.
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Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 2 - The Helper
Chakra meditations for
Root (1) chakra for grounding and stability to deal with one's own needs
Crown (7) chakra to develop wisdom and self-awareness
Acupressure on points
ST-36 for grounding and stability to deal with one's own needs
P-7 (reduce) to heal effects of too much emotion on the body
The Two's own needs
Strengthening the Root chakra provides Twos with the sense of stability they need to attend to their own needs, instead of focusing their energy on catering to the needs of others. Twos can also work with ST-36, either instead of, or in addition to working with the Root chakra, as it also helps to provide a sense of stability.
Twos are emotional people and are sometimes too emotional. Unrestrained emotionality can result in a kind of nervousness that can be treated by doing acupressure on point P-7. (This point needs to be reduced, which is an uncommon acupressure technique.)
Thinking instead of emotion
Twos look outward for a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. With their focus on emotion and their emphasis on relationships, they often overlook the importance of introspection, and they frequently fail to develop wisdom and self-knowledge. Working to open the Crown chakra can help Twos develop insight and self-awareness.
Take the free enneagram test to find your personality type
Do the chakra test to check the state of your chakras
Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 3 - The Achiever
Chakra meditations for
Sacral (2) chakra to become more feeling
Heart (4) chakra for developing compassion and sensitivity
Acupressure on points
SI-19 to focus and listen to one's heart and the hearts of others
SP-6 to relax and unblock repressed emotions
TB-17 to become less sensitive to what people think of you
The heart
As Threes get absorbed in the pursuit of validation and success, they tend to cut themselves off from the true desires of the heart. They may even deceive themselves about how they really feel. Working with SI-19 helps Threes get in touch with their own depth and their true feelings.
Working with the Heart chakra helps Threes become more compassionate and sensitive to both themselves and others.
What others think
Threes can relax some of their sensitivity to what others think of them by doing acupressure on point TB-17.
When Threes overwork in their pursuit of success, they often become tense and repress their emotions. Both tension and repressed emotions can be alleviated by working with point SP-6.
Feelings and intimacy
In addition to repressing emotions, Threes sometimes develop a fear of true intimacy. They fear intimacy because they worry that others are attracted to them for the images they project, not for themselves. Or, sometimes, they so identify with their images that they even become afraid of their true feelings and begin to ignore them. As they ignore their feelings, they become increasingly alienated from themselves. Strengthening the Sacral chakra can help Threes feel more capable of dealing with intimacy and the feelings that it arouses.
Take the free enneagram test to find your personality type
Do the chakra test to check the state of your chakras
Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 3 - The Achiever
Chakra meditations for
Sacral (2) chakra to become more feeling
Heart (4) chakra for developing compassion and sensitivity
Acupressure on points
SI-19 to focus and listen to one's heart and the hearts of others
SP-6 to relax and unblock repressed emotions
TB-17 to become less sensitive to what people think of you
The heart
As Threes get absorbed in the pursuit of validation and success, they tend to cut themselves off from the true desires of the heart. They may even deceive themselves about how they really feel. Working with SI-19 helps Threes get in touch with their own depth and their true feelings.
Working with the Heart chakra helps Threes become more compassionate and sensitive to both themselves and others.
What others think
Threes can relax some of their sensitivity to what others think of them by doing acupressure on point TB-17.
When Threes overwork in their pursuit of success, they often become tense and repress their emotions. Both tension and repressed emotions can be alleviated by working with point SP-6.
Feelings and intimacy
In addition to repressing emotions, Threes sometimes develop a fear of true intimacy. They fear intimacy because they worry that others are attracted to them for the images they project, not for themselves. Or, sometimes, they so identify with their images that they even become afraid of their true feelings and begin to ignore them. As they ignore their feelings, they become increasingly alienated from themselves. Strengthening the Sacral chakra can help Threes feel more capable of dealing with intimacy and the feelings that it arouses.
Take the free enneagram test to find your personality type
Do the chakra test to check the state of your chakras
Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 4 - The Individualist
Chakra meditations for
Root (1) chakra feeling more at home in reality
Navel (3) chakra for assertiveness and self-esteem
Heart (4) chakra to be more compassionate toward self and others
Acupressure on points
LU-1, LU-3 or LU-9 for internal emptiness, making contact to one's inner worth, sadness
LI-4 for letting go of grief
LIV-3 (reduce) for counteracting depression and letting go of feelings
SP-6 to heal effects of too much thinking on the body, smoothing the flow of emotions
Feeling at home in reality
Fours tend to escape reality into a world of idealized fantasy; this weakens their sense of feeling at home in reality. Their tendency to feel unappreciated can also increase this sense of alienation. Strengthening the Root chakra can help to repair the damage caused by the Four's lack of presence in the physical world.
As Fours often focus on what they perceive to be their defects, they tend to lack self-confidence and to have low self-esteem. The resulting lack of assertiveness can be counteracted by doing Navel chakra meditations. This will also help with the Four's tendency to withdraw.
The heart
Opening the Heart chakra can help Fours to be more compassionate toward themselves and others. A strenghthened Heart chakra helps them to connect better to people and to cease obsessing about themselves.
Sadness and depression
Fours are known for their tendency to hold onto sadness and melancholy; they frequently suffer from depressive episodes. The acupressure points discussed below are useful for treating these difficulties.
The acupressure points LU-1, LU-3 and LU-9 are useful for treating the damage that is done to the body from feeling too much sadness. They are also helpful for increasing resistance to such feelings and for increasing a sense of self-worth.
As the Four's lack of a firm a sense of identity and feelings of diminished self-worth are partly rooted in a feeling of internal emptiness, working with the appropriate acupressure points can be helpful for treating the underlying problem.
Letting go of feelings
Fours tend to hold onto their feelings, especially feelings of melancholy and sadness. LI-4 is especially indicated for letting go of such feelings, particularly feelings of loss. LIV-3 is also a useful point to work with when it is necessary to release pent up emotions of all sorts. As the inability to let go of one's feelings is a major cause of depression, working with LIV-3 is an especially beneficial point to access.
Fours find working with point SP-6 to be beneficial for several reasons. Like LIV-3, it has some effect in smoothing the flow of emotions, but it doesn't require the specific acupressure technique (reducing) that is used for LIV-3; it can simply be pressed. Also, SP-6 is indicated for counteracting the fatigue that is often caused by too much thinking, whether it be caused by worrying or endless fantasizing.
Take the free enneagram test to find your personality type
Do the chakra test to check the state of your chakras
Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 5 - The Investigator
Chakra meditations for
Root (1) chakra to ground and be more present
Sacral (2) chakra to be more feeling and be able to be more intimate
Navel (3) chakra for assertiveness
Heart (4) chakra for kindness and compassion
Acupressure on points
ST-36 for stability and grounding, and to heal effects of too much worrying and thinking on the body
SP-6 to relax, and heal effects of too much worrying, thinking and fear on the body
KI-6 for enhancing vision, and to heal effects of fear on the body
TB-5 for increasing expressiveness and sensitivity to feelings
Thinking and the instinctual centers
The Five's tendency to think too much creates difficulties, as the needs of the body are often overlooked. The instinctual energies are especially important to our overall sense of well being and these energies become weakened from too much thinking. Opening the three instinctual centers, the Root, Sacral and Navel chakras is therefore beneficial.
Grounding and being more present
It is especially important for Fives to strengthen the Root chakra, as this will help to counteract the Five's tendency to feel overwhelmed and to withdraw in response to that. A strengthened Root chakra will help the Five feel more balanced and more present, more in the "here and now." If a Five wanted to choose to work with only one chakra meditation, it ought to be the one for the Root chakra.
As a lack of assertiveness can also contribute to the tendency to withdraw, working with the Navel chakra can also be beneficial, as a strong Navel chakra contributes to a feeling of self-confidence.
The Five's tendency to ignore and hide feelings can actually cause the Five to be alienated from the emotions. Working with TB-5 is indicated as it can help to restore the connection to feelings. As the Sacral chakra is also an important emotional center, strengthening it is also beneficial.
Kindness and compassion
The Five's tendency to maintain distance from other people is also detrimental to the Heart chakra. Maintaining too much emotional distance from others makes it difficult to feel and to exercise kindness and compassion. So, when the instinctual chakras have been strengthened, work on the Heart chakra can take place.
Depletion caused by thinking
As thinking too much requires quite a lot of energy, it tends to exhaust certain energy centers. Doing acupressure on SP-6 and ST-36 energizes these centers. The result is that one has more stamina and feels more stable.
As Fives like to visually analyze their surroundings, good eyesight is especially important. Maintaining good eyesight is not simply a matter of having the right glasses, as there are other factors that influence visual acuity. The amount of energy that the eyes receive partly determines the amount of detail and the variation in color that one can distinguish. When eyesight is less than optimal, a Five might become anxious. Working with KI-6 enhances vision by increasing the energy flow to the eyes. The Navel chakra controls eyesight as well, so it's usually a good idea to open this chakra also when eyesight is a problem.
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Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 6 - The Loyalist
Chakra meditations for
Root (1) chakra for grounding and assuredness
Navel (3) chakra for assertiveness (only for phobic Sixes)
Third Eye (6) chakra to achieve insight
Acupressure on points
SP-6 to relax, and heal the effects of too much worrying, thinking and fear on the body
KI-3 for self-assuredness, and to heal the effects of fear on the body
KI-6 for restlessness, and to heal the effects of fear on the body
KI-4 to strengthen the will and dispel fear (only for phobic Sixes)
The basic problem for Sixes is their tendency to approach the world from an attitude of fear and anxiety. While counterphobic Sixes are generally not as aware of their fear as phobic Sixes, it is present nevertheless.
Acupressure points for Fear
Too much fear causes specific kinds of damage to the hormonal system of the body. This damage manifests as a kind of nervousness, which in turn, can easily lead to more fear. This damage can be counteracted by acupressure to points KI-3 and KI-6. Working with these points helps Sixes feel calmer and more sure of themselves. KI-6 is a particularly good point to access when a Six is feeling restless or anxious which sometimes results from overworking. Point KI-4 is specifically effective at dispelling fear which is especially important for phobic Sixes. It helps Sixes feel more sure of themselves and it strengthens the will.
Because of their fearful nature, Sixes tend to worry quite a bit. Acupressure point SP-6 is ideal for this as it helps to reduce the fatigue that is produced by worrying, induces a state of calm, and counteracts the damage to the body that is caused by fear.
As fear is most damaging to the Root chakra, it is of principal importance that Sixes work to strengthen this chakra. This will help Sixes feel more comfortable in distressing or unknown situations.
Assertiveness for phobic Sixes
Opening the Navel chakra will help Sixes overcome their lack of assertiveness. This is not usually indicated for counterphobic Sixes.
Sixes tend to lack faith in themselves and in the power of their own insight. This often manifests as an over reliance on authorities, belief systems and well established routines. Opening the Third Eye chakra helps Sixes to achieve insight so that they can learn to rely on their own judgment.
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Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 7 - The Enthusiast
Chakra meditations for
Root (1) chakra for becoming more grounded
Heart (4) chakra to develop compassion and empathy
Acupressure on points
SP-6 to relax, and heal the effects of too much thinking on the body
P-7 (reduce) to calm, and heal the effects of too much excitement on the body (may help falling asleep)
SI-19 to focus, and listen to one's heart and the hearts of others
The Seven's search for fun and distraction causes restlessness and excitability. Consequently, Sevens frequently have a hard time falling asleep and tend to stay up too late. Acupressure on P-7 (reducing method) helps Sevens feel calmer and thus facilitates sleep. Getting enough sleep will, in turn, help the Seven feel calmer.
Thinking and anxiety
As Sevens are mental types, they tend to think too much. They are constantly planning and turning ideas over in their minds. This constant thinking can create an underlying fatigue that can be lifted by doing acupressure on SP-6. This point is also useful for alleviating the anxiety that Sevens often have (even though they are frequently unaware of it.) So, working with this point helps Sevens to feel calmer, more relaxed and thus more able to concentrate.
Becoming grounded
As Sevens become more grounded, they cease their attempt to escape anxieties. Strengthening the Root chakra will help to provide this sense of stability.
Listening to the heart
While Sevens think that they are receptive to the true desires of their hearts, they actually tend to act on impulse, which is something else entirely. Sometimes, in their pursuit of distraction, they can become insensitive to their true needs and to the needs of others. Working with SI-19 and opening the Heart chakra can help Sevens be more open to the messages of their hearts and more empathetic to others.
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Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 8 - The Challenger
Chakra meditations for
Heart (4) chakra for kindness and compassion
Third Eye (6) chakra to develop insight
Crown (7) chakra for thinking
Acupressure on points
LIV-2 (reduce) to heal effects of too much anger on the body
LI-11 (reduce) to heal effects of too much anger on the body
Eights get angry easily as it makes them feel strong. However, being angry often creates a heat in the body that's unhealthy. It may show as a red face, headaches or feeling warm. This heat in turn contributes to more feelings of anger, resulting in a cycle that can be difficult to break. The points LIV-2 and LI-11 can dispel this heat (they need to be reduced for that effect, which is an uncommon acupressure technique).
Kindness instead of fighting
The Eight's focus on power and conflict may make them lose sight of the importance of compassion and kindness. Doing Heart chakra meditations can teach them that conflict isn't always the solution to differences.
Thinking before acting
As Eights tend to act on impulse and go with their instincts, they tend to underdevelop insight and thinking. Opening the upper two chakras, the Third Eye chakra and the Crown chakra, will help them to see more clearly and to think before acting.
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Energy Healing for
Enneagram Type 9 - The Peacemaker
Chakra meditations for
Sacral (2) chakra to become more passionate and feeling
Navel (3) chakra for assertiveness
Throat (5) chakra for supporting self-expression
Crown (7) chakra to develop self-knowledge and self-awareness
Acupressure on points
GB-44 for decisiveness and focus (while resolving anger), timidity, inertia
LIV-1 for assertiveness, discerning when to go along with others and when to assert oneself, self-esteem
Assertiveness and Self-esteem
Nines have trouble asserting themselves and with making themselves heard. As self-assertion is particularly associated with the Navel chakra and self-expression with the Throat chakra, doing meditations for these chakras is especially beneficial. Doing acupressure on LIV-1 is also appropriate. This point is sometimes called "Great Esteem," which indicates its ability to enhance the feeling of self-worth. Working with these techniques helps Nines to discern when they should go along with others and when they should assert themselves. This is very important for Nines as their natural tendency is to acquiesce too frequently to the wishes and needs of others.
Decisiveness and focus
The Nine's tendency to see situations from every possible angle before coming to a decision, actually leads to indecisiveness and lack of focus. Indecisiveness, in turn, leads to inertia and timidity. Working with acupressure point GB-44 can help Nines break this self-destructive cycle.
Passion and Feeling
Nines generally don't have a strong sense of their identity. Although it is also the result of their lack of self-assertion, their tendency to repress their feelings is a major cause. This can result in a lack of passion and even numbness. Opening the Sacral chakra helps them to get into contact with their feelings again, and thereby, with themselves. This will also help Nines to be more decisive.
Nines tend to be too self-effacing; they pay too little attention to themselves, to who they are. Doing meditations for the Crown chakra helps Nines achieve greater self-knowledge and self-awareness.
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