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2019, XV Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva, 14 e 15 de novembro 2019, CIIMAR (Matosinhos, Portugal)
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Ÿ Due to the endogenous DNA poor preservation , variants within specific nuclear genes related to coat color, coat texture or body size could not be recovered (very low coverage). A comparison between the nuclear genome -recovered from NGS analysis -and the reference dog genome revealed SNPs of possible high impact, which are being analysed. Ÿ Regarding sex determination, comparing the proportion of reads/Mbp ) for each chr, we observed that: 1) for LYEP9, LYEP11, LYEP53and LYEP27 only half of the reads/Mbp aligned with the X chr, in contrast to the proportion observed for the autosomes. Fewer reads aligned against Y chr because the reference used here is only a part of the dog Y chr (its real size is not know, but is expected to be ~20Mbp long); 2) LYEP51 has the same proportion of reads/Mbp aligning along all the autosomal and X chr.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2019
We investigated the genetic composition of six Canis remains from western Iberia, directly radiocarbon dated to 7,903–7,570 years (cal BP). They were identified as dogs via their archaeological and depositional context, osteometry, and a high percentage of aquatic diet shared with humans. For comparison, genetic data were obtained from an additional 37 Iberian dog remains from the Neolithic to Late Antiquity, as well as two Palaeolithic and a Chalcolithic Canis identified as wolves. Previous data indicated that dog mtDNA haplogroup A (HgA) is prevalent in extant European dogs (> 50%), in the Near East and Asia, but rare or absent (< 10%) in European Canis older than 3,000 years (cal BP). We found a high frequency (83%) of dog HgA in Mesolithic Iberian dog remains. This is the first report of a high frequency of dog HgA in pre-Neolithic Europe. We show that, contrary to the current view, Canis with HgA did not necessarily arrive in Europe from East-Asia. This phylogeographical difference in HgA frequency demonstrates that genetic differentiation was high prior to, or as a consequence of, domestication which may be linked with pre-Neolithic local processes for Iberian wolf domestication. Our results emphasize that knowledge of both ancient wolves' and early dogs’ genetic profiles from the European periphery should improve our understanding of the evolution of the European dog.
Journal of Human Evolution, 2015
As dogs have traveled with humans to every continent, they can potentially serve as an excellent proxy when studying human migration history. Past genetic studies into the origins of Native American dogs have used portions of the hypervariable region (HVR) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to indicate that prior to European contact the dogs of Native Americans originated in Eurasia. In this study, we summarize past DNA studies of both humans and dogs to discuss their population histories in the Americas. We then sequenced a portion of the mtDNA HVR of 42 pre-Columbian dogs from three sites located in Illinois, coastal British Columbia, and Colorado, and identify four novel dog mtDNA haplotypes. Next, we analyzed a dataset comprised of all available ancient dog sequences from the Americas to infer the pre-Columbian population history of dogs in the Americas. Interestingly, we found low levels of genetic diversity for some populations consistent with the possibility of deliberate breeding practices. Furthermore, we identified multiple putative founding haplotypes in addition to dog haplotypes that closely resemble those of wolves, suggesting admixture with North American wolves or perhaps a second domestication of canids in the Americas. Notably, initial effective population size estimates suggest at least 1000 female dogs likely existed in the Americas at the time of the first known canid burial, and that population size increased gradually over time before stabilizing roughly 1200 years before present.
La arquitectura moderna es el conjunto de todos los estilos arquitectónicos que nacieron en el transcurso del siglo XX. Aunque años más tarde, en el siglo XXI todos estos estilos se fueron modernizando y así también fueron apareciendo otros más nuevos, la verdad es que ninguno de ellos pudo ocupar el puesto que llego a alcanzar la arquitectura moderna. Cualquier persona puede darse cuenta de esto a simple vista, la arquitectura moderna se caracteriza por prescindir de decoraciones y ornamentos demasiados complejos, se inclina más por la belleza de la simpleza, algo que puede verse muy a menudo en las construcciones actuales. Así también, la arquitectura moderna ha seguido con su proceso de simplificación tomando las formas de los objetos. Esto si ha cambiado un poco actualmente, ya que las tendencias nos van presentando cada día formas más innovadoras, aunque mucha gente todavía prefiere este estilo simple propuesto por la arquitectura moderna. Durante el siglo XX, el arte se vería muy influenciado por el cubismo, el arte moderno, el neoplasticismo, el futurismo y el expresionismo, aunque la lista podría seguir estos eran los más importante. La arquitectura moderna tomo un poco de cada uno de ellos para combinarlo es este estilo arquitectónico que, fue transformándose poco a poco, hasta llegar a ser una verdadera maravilla. La resistencia de estos materiales y su flexibilidad para ser utilizados en la decoración son perfectas para construcciones grandes e
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Plura, 2021
The Plura and ABHR Religions in transition A Plura e a Associação Brasile ra, uma nova fase, rumo a t lentos e de horizontes mais amplos. Nos últimos dois anos de pé. Também para que se reencontrasse com seu legado acadêmico e tagonismo na própria constituição do campo dos estudos da religião no Brasil. Em 2019, quando compusemos uma diretoria interina, estávamos cientes que nossa tarefa era promover essa transição, serenar os ânimos, ampliar os espaços de diálogo e, na medida do possível, reunir todas as das em manter a ABHR viva e atuante. Essa reconstrução, lenta, inclusive porque nos deparamos nesse percurso com todos os desafios extras impostos pela pandemia, começou pela formação de novas coordenações regionais. Uma interlocução que, também aos poucos, pav mentou o caminho para a realização do XVII Simpósio Nacional o II Simpósio Nacional de Estudos da Religião da Universidade Estadual de Go ás. O evento, realizado online ent assim, um sabor de retomada. Mesmo à distância, pudemos discutir com pesqu sadores bastante qualificados temas de primeira importância, não apenas para a
Third World Quarterly, 2016
This paper works to unpack the different dimensions of the links between Africa and China including the "untold story" of this relationship, which characterized by evolving Sino-Africa relations in which African states now have an opportunity to build for themselves an increasingly assertive role when it comes to investment and signing trade deals, ensuring that labour, environmental, and human rights are respected. The paper examines the extent to which China holds sway over Africa as it once did, given the emergence of other emerging powers in and outside the continent. In short, it is argued that China's relationship with Africa has transformed into one defined by a emerging dynamism and African agency, characteristics which have the capacity to lessen the hold the former previously had on Africa, if captured and leveraged appropriately. The paper's first section engages in a comprehensive literature review of historical Sino-African relations, from the early Han dynasty to its contemporary manifestations, denoting how these linkages have swayed, evolved, ebbed, and flowed according to domestic interests and international/external pressures. Section Two continues this analysis by focusing exclusively on the status quo and contemporary shifts in the Sino-African economic relationship, including analysis of trade flows, investments, development, economic cooperation, and Chinese support for regional integration. The paper then concludes with an elaboration of some key, emerging relationship areas, inclusive of challenges which must be overcome and opportunities for collaboration, thereby supporting the resurgence of African agency, interests, and objectives in their relations with China.
Daniel Defoe in Context, Ed. Rivero & Justice, 2023
A concise but detailed account of the development of Daniel Defoe's views of slavery in writings across genres (poetry, essay, journalism, novels, life-writing, fiction, and conduct and self-help books) and throughout his career. Finds an underlying consistency in his support of investment in the slave trade, and the Royal African Company (RAC), despite his seemingly contradictory positions on slavery more broadly. Examines Defoe's Review, The True-Born Englishman, The Family Conductor, Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, Captain Singleton, Roxanna, Colonel Jack and... there's more?!?!
Se enlistan los mas importantes retos a los que se deberá enfrentar la recientemente designada, por la Dra. Claudia Sheinbaum, como nueva Secretaria de Cultura: la historiadora Claudia Curiel de Icaza
History of implementation of Industrial and Residential schools in Canada through London Penny Magazine, January-February 1835, 2024
Studi medievali e umanistici, 2022
JAMA Pediatrics, 2016
Doctoral DIssertation, Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Río Piedras, 2024
Caminhos em Linguística Aplicada, 2024
Hereditas, 2004
Translational pediatrics, 2017
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 1998
Revista de Geografia (Recife), 2015
IOSR journal of engineering, 2017
Hachetetepé, 2021
Book of proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation and Schools of Young Scientists "Mechanisms of resistance of plants and microorganisms to unfavorable environmental" (parts I, II), 2018
Nanoscale, 2016
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2020