PDR for Herbal Medicines 4th Edition

2007, PDR for Herbal Medicines 4th Edition

This definitive guide to current herbal remedies includes more than 700 monographs complete with scientific and common names, indications, and usage (including Commission E–approved usage). Featured are clinical studies results, when available, and usage in Chinese, Indian, and homeopathic medicine, when applicable. The guide also includes information on possible interactions with prescription drugs, and the management of those interactions and is fully indexed for easy use.

PDR for Herbal Medicines" SCIENTIFIC EDITORS DATA MANAGER Joerg Gruenwald, PhD Thomas Brendler, BA Christof Jaenicke, MD Jeffrey D. Schaefer INDEX EDITOR Johanna M. Mazur P H A R M A C E U T I C A L DIRECTOR SENIOR P R O D U C T I ON C O O R D I N A T O R Mukesh Mehta, RPh Amy B. Brooks C H I E F EDITOR E L E C T R O N I C P U B L I S H I N G DESIGNER Thomas Fleming, RPh Livio Udina A S S I S T A N T EDITORS Donna Tapellini Maria Deutsch, MS, RPh, CDE Lori Murray Christine Wyble, PharmD ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mohammed Hamid, MS, RPh Joseph Nathan, RPh Kavitha Pareddy, MS, RPh Joyce Case Potter Kathleen Rodgers, RPh P R O D U C T I O N MANAGER Lydia F. Biagioli P R O D U C T I O N EDITOR P R O D U C T I O N COORDINATO R Arlene M. Phayre DATABASE MANAGER Thomas Dougherty DESIGN DIRECTOR Robert Hartman PUBLISHING STAFF Senior Vice President, Directory Services: Paul Walsh Director of Product Management: Mark A. Friedman Product Manager: Bill Shaughnessy Senior Business Manager: Mark S. Ritchin Financial Analyst: Wayne M. Soltis Director of Sales: Dikran N. Barsamian National Sales Manager, Medical Economics Trade Sales: Bill Gaffney Director of Direct Marketing: Michael Bennett Direct Mail Manager: Lorraine M. Loening Senior Marketing Analyst: Dina A. Maeder New Business Development Manager: Jeffrey D. Dubin Editor, Directory Services: David W. Sifton Assistant Editor: Gwynned L. Kelly Director of Production: Carrie Williams Manager of Production: Kimberly H. Vivas Index Editor: Robert N. Woerner Senior Digital Imaging Coordinator: Shawn W. Cahill Digital Imaging Coordinator: Fulfillment Managers: Stephanie DeNardi, Louis Bolcik Copyright © 2000 and published by Medical Economics Company, Inc. at Montvale, NJ 07645-1742. Ail rights reserved. None of the content of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, resold, redistributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. PHYSICIANS' DESK REFERENCE®, PDR®, PDR For Ophthalmology®, Pocket PDR®, and The PDR® Family Guide to Prescription Drugs® are registered trademarks used herein under license. PDR For Nonprescription.Drugs and Dietary Supplements™, PDRCompanion Guide™, PDR for Herbal Medicines™, PDR® Medical Dictionary™, PDR® Nurse's Drug Handbook™, PDR® Nurse's Dictionary™, The PDR® Family Guide Encyclopedia of Medical Care™, The PDR® Family Guide to Natural Medicines and Healing Therapies™, The PDR®Family Guide to Common Ailments™, The PDR®Family Guide to Over-the-Counter Drugs™, and PDR®Electronic Library™ are trademarks used herein under license. OFFICERS OF MEDICAL ECONOMICS COMPANY: President and Chief Executive Officer: Curtis B. Allen; Vice President, New Media: L. Suzanne BeDell; Vice President, Corporate Human Resources: Pamela M. Bilash; Vice President and Chief Information Officer: Steven M. Bressler, Chief Financial Officer: Christopher Caridi; Vice President and Controller: Barry Gray; Vice President, New Business Planning: Linda G. Hope; Vice President, Finance: Donna Santarpia; Senior Vice President, Directory Services: Paul Walsh; Senior Vice President, Operations: John R. Ware; Senior Vice President, Internet Strategies: Raymond Zoeller ISBN: 1-56363-361-2 1 Contents Foreword iv Alphabetical Index i-i Lists all scientific, common, and brand names found in the herbal monographs. Therapeutic Category Index 1-45 Groups herbs by therapeutic or medicinal category. Listings are alphabetical by category and accepted common name. Herbs deemed effective by Commission E are flagged for quick recognition. Indications Index 1-81 Lists herbs by their primary indications. Entries are alphabetical by indication and accepted common name. Herbs deemed effective by Commission E are specially flagged. Homeopathic Indications Index 1-131 Catalogs herbal applications in homeopathy. Entries are alphabetical by indication and scientific name. Asian Indications Index 1-141 Groups herbs by their therapeutic uses in Chinese and Indian medicine. Listings are alphabetical by indication and accepted common name. Side Effects Index 1-161 Groups herbs by the adverse reactions with which they have been associated. Listings are alphabetical by reaction and accepted common name. Drug/Herb Interactions Guide 1-179 Lists problem combinations alphabetically by the name of the drug and the name of the interacting herb, and provides a brief description of each combination's potential effect. Safety Guide 1-191 Lists herbs that must be avoided while pregnant or nursing, and herbs that should be used only under professional supervision. Includes all scientific, common, and brand names. Manufacturers Index 1-203 Provides contact information for each supplier whose products appear in the monographs. Herb Identification Guide G-l Permits rapid, positive identification of unknown botanicals. Includes nearly 400 full-color photos. Product Identification Guide G-27 Present photos of a representative group of popular commercial formulations. Herbal Monographs 1 Profiles of 700 medicinal herbs, including trade names, description, actions, indications, contraindications, precautions, adverse effects, overdosage, dosage, and literature citations. Organized alphabetically by accepted common name, and cross-referenced by scientific name. Glossary 849 A key to the specialized botanical nomenclature and other unfamiliar terminology employed in the herbal monographs. Poison Control Centers 855 IV PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Foreword With 150,000 copies of its first edition in print, PDR for Herbal Medicines has almost instantly become one of the nation's leading pharmacological references. The reasons for its phenomenal reception are evident. Hundreds of herbal remedies now fill the shelves in virtually every supermarket and pharmacy, and the popularity of self-medication with "natural" supplements continues to rise, making the benefits—and risks—of these preparations an ever more compelling concern. Now, to better address the host of questions that still surround most herbal remedies. Physicians' Desk Reference® is proud to present this completely revised and updated second edition of PDR for Herbal Medicines. Significantly enhanced and expanded, this new edition extends both the range and depth of the original volume. Among the many improvements you'll find: • Broader Coverage: With some 100 new entries, the book now covers a total of 700 botanicals, including a wide selection of popular Chinese herbs. • More Research Data: Hundreds of entries have been augmented with additional information on safety and efficacy. • Additional Adverse Effects: The entries include new information on drug/herb interactions. The Side Effects and Interactions indices have been enriched and expanded • Available Formulations: Whenever applicable, the herbal monographs now list the names and suppliers of popular commercial preparations. • New Indices: The index section has been enhanced with four additional indices: — Homeopathic Indications Index — Asian Indications Index — Safety Guide — Manufacturers Index • Better Organization: In this edition, remedies appear under their more familiar common name, instead of their botanical designation. All monographs are cross-referenced by scientific name. One important aspect of the first edition does, however, remain constant. Because it is still extremely hard to come by reliable information on the swarm of unregulated "dietary supplements" in today's marketplace, this new edition continues to provide you with the closest available analog to FDA-approved label- ing—the findings of the German Regulatory Authority's herbal watchdog agency, commonly called "Commission E." This agency has conducted an intensive assessment of the peer-reviewed literature on some 300 common botanicals, weighing the quality of the clinical evidence and identifying the uses for which the herb can reasonably be considered effective. Its conclusions represent the best expert consensus on medicinal herbs currently available. For the herbs not considered by Commission E, PDR for Herbal Medicines provides the results of an exhaustive literature review conducted by the respected PhytoPharm U.S. Institute of Phytopharmaceuticals under the direction of noted botanist, Dr. Joerg Gruenwald. These additional monographs, now some 400 in number, provide a detailed introduction to an array of exotic botanicals that you'll be hard pressed to find in any other source. To make the information in the monographs as useful and accessible as possible, PDR® has echoed the structure of standard U.S. product labeling. Each monograph contains up to ten standard sections, covering considerations ranging from description to dosage. Here's a closer look at what you will find: • Title: Each monograph begins with the herb's generally accepted common name, followed by its scientific name. In addition, all monographs are crossreferenced by their botanical designation. • Trade Names: Listed here are common commercial preparations of the herb. • Description: This section provides a detailed botanical overview of the herb, including information on its medicinal parts; flower and fruit; leaves, stem, and root; unique characteristics, habitat, production, related plants, and additional common names and synonyms. • Actions and Pharmacology: Here you'll find data on the active compounds or heterogeneous mixtures found in the plant, followed by a summary of the herb's clinical effects. If various parts of the plant possess different pharmacological activity, the parts are discussed individually, here and throughout the remainder of the monograph. FOREWORD • Indications and Usage: Information on the uses of the herb is listed under five categories, as applicable: — Approved by Commission E — Unproven Uses — Chinese Medicine — Indian Medicine — Homeopathic Approved uses are presented in list fashion. Other uses are described with provisos as necessary regarding route and form of administration. • Contraindications: Although most natural remedies can be used under all medical circumstances, a few pharmacologically potent herbs must be avoided in the presence of certain medical conditions. If any such contraindications exist, they are summarized here. • Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Found in this section are any cautions or special considerations regarding safe use of the herb, including any restrictions on use in pregnancy or childhood. Although most herbal remedies are notably free of known side effects, any reported in the available literature are noted here. • Overdosage: As we all know, "natural" is not synonymous with "benign," and an overdose of many "healing" herbs can have serious—even fatal—consequences. Whenever adverse effects of overdose have been found in the literature, they are reported here, along with the appropriate medical interventions to be undertaken when an overdose occurs. • Dosage: Listed here are common modes of administration, forms and strengths of available commercial preparations, methods for preparing the natural herb, and representative dosage recommendations drawn from the literature. Note, however, that dosage recommendations can be used only as a general guide. The potency of individual preparations and extracts is subject to substantial variation, so the manufacturer's directions should be consulted whenever available. • Literature: This section provides you with a unique bibliography of the technical literature. Because German researchers have been particularly active in the herbal arena, you will find an unusual number of German-language citations. However, work in the English literature is included as well. V To assist you in quickly locating the information you require, the monographs have been indexed by name, therapeutic category, general indications, homeopathic indications, Asian indications, and side effects. To aid you in evaluating potential risk, a drug/herb interaction guide and a safety guide are also included. An index of manufacturers completes the set. Here's an overview of what each index provides: . • Alphabetical Index: This index includes all scientific, common, and brand names found in the herbal monographs, together with appropriate page numbers. • Therapeutic Category Index: This index lists the monographs and their page numbers, alphabetically by accepted common name, under appropriate therapeutic category headings. Herbs deemed effective by Commission E are flagged with a (•) symbol at their left. To facilitate comparison with prescription and nonprescription drugs, PDR's standard therapeutic categories are used throughout. • Indications Index: This index lists herbs and their page numbers, alphabetically by accepted common name, under their various indications. Herbs deemed effective for the indication by Commission E are flagged with a (•) symbol at their left. To help you quickly identify conventional alternatives, the indication headings match those found in PDR's Indications Index, which appears in the PDR Companion Guide™ and the PDR Electronic Library ™ CD-ROM. • Homeopathic Indications Index: Included in this index are only the uses found in homeopathy. Herbs, which homeopaths typically prescribe by scientific name, are listed here in the same manner, followed by their accepted common name in parentheses. As in the main indications index, headings are chosen to match those in the PDR Companion Guide. • Asian Indications Index: Entries in this index are limited to uses found in Chinese and Indian medicine. (Chinese entries are signified with a "C;" Indian entries with an "I.") Herbs are listed by accepted common name. Once again, indication headings employ the nomenclature used in the PDR Companion Guide. • Side Effects Index: In this index, you'll find a list of all herbs associated with a given adverse reaction. Herbs are listed alphabetically by accepted common name, with the scientific name and page number VI appended. Nomenclature employed in the side effect headings matches that used in PDR's Side Effects Index, another feature of the PDR Companion Guide and the PDR Electronic Library CD-ROM. • Drug/Herb Interactions Guide: In this convenient reference, each potential interaction is listed under both the name of the drug and the name of the interacting herb. A brief description of the interaction's effect follows each item. • Safety Guide: This section lists botanicals in three precautionary categories: — Not for use during pregnancy — Not for use while nursing — For use only under supervision Here, the scientific, common, and brand names of all herbs in each category are listed alphabetically, together with the appropriate page number for further information. • Manufacturers Index: This index provides you with contact information for each supplier whose products appear in the herbal monographs. The names of the products, together with the page number of the monograph in which they appear, are included in each manufacturer's entry. Following the indices, just as in PDR itself, you'll find an extensive full-color identification section. The first part of the section—the Herb Identification Guide— encompasses nearly 400 of the most widely used herbs. The second part—the Product Identification Guide—includes photos of some of the more popular commercial formulations. Together, these guides provide you with a truly unique reference unmatched in any other printed resource. We've also included a brief glossary of the unfamiliar terms found in the monographs. PDR for Herbal Medicines is the product of one of the most thorough and inclusive examinations of the herbal literature ever undertaken. Nevertheless, it's important to remember that it merely summarizes and synthesizes key data from the underlying research reports, and of necessity includes neither every published report nor every recorded fact. As in all scientific investigation, conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the herbs discussed in this compendium are based on the preponderance of current PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES evidence and cannot be considered firm or final. The publisher does not warrant that any herb will unfailingly and uniformly exhibit the properties ascribed to it by Germany's Commission E or any other scientific authority. In the United States, herbal products are marketed under the provisions of the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994, which prohibits their sale for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. Enumeration of specific commercial preparations within an herbal monograph should not be construed as a claim or warranty of their efficacy for any purpose, by either the manufacturer or the publisher. Furthermore, it should be understood that, just as omission of a product does not signify rejection, inclusion of a product does not imply endorsement, and that the publisher is not advocating the use of any product or substance described herein. Please remember, too, that dosing of herbal preparations is highly dependent on a variety of factors, such as cultivation and harvesting conditions, the specific parts of the plant to be processed, the extraction methods employed, and the dosage form chosen by the manufacturer. Since there are no official standards governing the production of herbal medicines in the United States, and the potency and the purity of herbal products are subject to substantial variation, dosage ranges set forth in the herbal monographs must be employed only as general guidelines. In addition, the publisher does not guarantee that every possible hazard, adverse effect, contraindication, precaution, or consequence of overdose is included in the summaries presented here. The publisher has performed no independent verification of the data reported herein, and expressly disclaims responsibility for any error, whether inherent in the underlying literature or resulting from erroneous translation, transcription, or typography. When patients approach you—as they surely will—for advice on the latest herbal "discovery" to hit the nightly news, we hope that PDR for Herbal Medicines will provide you with all the facts you need to offer sound, rational guidance firmly grounded in fact. Certainly such counseling is the aim of every dedicated health care professional. And at PDR, we fully share that goal. 1-1 Alphabetical Index Listed here are all scientific, common, and brand names to be found in the herbal monographs. Generally accepted common names that serve as monograph titles appear in bold type. Scientific names are shown in italic type. Brand names are followed by the supplier's name in parentheses. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant or product in the Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. A Aaron's Rod (Sempervivum tectorum) . .0-14, 411 Aaron's Rod (Solidago canadensis) 145 Aaron's Rod (Solidago virgaurea) 0-11, 289 Aaron's Rod (Verbascum densiflorum) .0-18, 832 Abelmoschus moschatus 833 Abelmosk 833 Abies alba 802 Abrus precatorius 43s ABSCESS ROOT (Polemonium reptans) Absinthe Abyssinian Tea 0-3, 3 0-2*, 829 447 Acorus calamus Acrid Crowfoot Acrid Lettuce Actaea spicata Activated Ginkgo Tablets (Aim for Herbs) Activin Capsules (Advanced Nutritional) Adam's Apple Adam's Flannel G-7, 138 133 433 so 342 362 G-16, 476 G-18, 532 filamentosa) Adder's Eyes Adder's Mouth Adder's Root Adderwort Adiantum capillus-veneris 4 0-22, 668 180 46 o-s, 82 491 ADONIS ACACIA (Acacia arabica) 3 Acacia Acacia arabica Acacia Bark Acacia catechu Acacia Senegal Acalypha indica Acer rubrum Achillea millefolium Achillea ptarmica Achweed Aconite Aconite Bean Aconitum napellus 378 3 3 183 378 419 0-21, 838 G-26, 833 700 0-13, 36i 0-18,321 376 G-18, 321 G-3, 8 AGAR (Gelidium amansii) 9 Agar-Agar 9 Aged Garlic Extract, Kyolic Hi-Po Formula Capsules (Wakunaga) 327 Agrimonia eupatoria G-3, 10 AGRIMONY ADAM'S NEEDLE (Yucca AGA (Amanita muscaria) (Adonis vernalis) Adonis vernalis 0-3, 3 c-3, 3 ADRUE (Cyperus articulatus) c-3, 6 Adulsa G-17, 492 Aegle marmelos 88 Aegopodium podagraria ... .0-13, 36i Aesculus hippocastanum ... G-14, 403 Aethusa cynapium 0-12, 316 Aframomum melegueta G-13, 362 African Pepper 0-8, ies AFRICAN POTATO (Hypoxis rooperi) 7 (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 Agropyron repens G-23, 771 Agrostemma githago 222 Ague Grass 11 Ague Tree G-21, 662 Ague-Root 11 Agueweed o-6, 113 Ailanthus altissima 770 Ailanto 770 Airelle G-3, 7s Ajuga chamaepitys G-13, 373 Ajuga reptans G-6, 12s Akebia 189 Akebia quinata 189 Alant (Inula britannica) 119 Alant (Inula helenium) G-10,266 Alcanna : G-14, 391 Alcea rosea G-14, 398 Alchemilla vulgaris G-13, 436 Alchornea floribunda . 424 Alcohol Free Black Walnut Green Hulls Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 134 1-2 / A L C O H O L FREE C H A S T E T R E E BERRY LIQUID Alcohol Free Chaste Tree Berry Liquid (Nature's Answer) 176 Alcohol Free Dandelion Root Liquid (Nature's Answer) . . . .245 Alcohol Free Ginger Root Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 339 Alcohol Free Gotu Kola Herb Liquid (Nature's Answer) . . . . 359 Alcohol Free Horsetail Liquid (Nature's Answer) 409 Alcohol Free Kava Kava Liquid (Nature's Answer) . . . .443 Alcohol Free Milk Thistle Seed Liquid (Nature's Answer) 516 Alcohol Free Mullein Leaves Liquid (Nature's Answer) 532 Alcohol Free Nettles Leaf Liquid (Nature's Answer) 729 Alcohol Free Passionflower Liquid (Nature's Answer) 573 Alcohol Free Red Raspberry Leaf Liquid (Nature's Answer) 630 Alcohol Free Sage Liquid (Nature's Answer) 655 Alcohol Free White Willow Bark Liquid (Nature's Answer) 807 Alcohol Free Yarrow Flowers Liquid (Nature's Answer) . . . .833 Alcohol Free Yellowdock Root Liquid (Nature's Answer) 835 Alder Buckthorn c-12, 317 Alder Dogwood G-12, 317 Alehoof .372 Alerce 660 Aletris farinosa 11 Alexandrian Senna G-22, 684 ALFALFA (Medicago sativa) Alfalfa Capsules (Nature's Way) Alfalfa Concentrate Tablets (Freeda) Alfalfa Fortified Tablets (Mason Vitamins) G-3, 12 12 12 12 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Alfalfa Herbs Tablets (Nature Made) 12 Alfalfa Leaf Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) 12 Alfalfa Liquid (McZand, Nature's Answer) .. .12 Alfalfa Natural Tablets (Nature's Bounty) 12 Alfalfa Tablets (Apothecary, Basic Vitamins, Major, Mason Vitamins, National Vitamin, Nature's Resource, Rexall Consumer) 12 Alfalfa Whole Juice Concentrate Liquid (Futurebiotics) 12 Alfamin Tablets (Key Co.) 12 ALISMA (Alisma plantagoaquatica) ALKANET G-3, 13 Alkanet Root G-3, 13 Alkanna tinctoria G-3, 13 Ail-Heal {Valeriana officinalis) . . . .G-25, 783 All-Heal (Viscum album) . . .0-11, 291 Allium cepa G-19, 557 Allium sativum G-12, 327 Allium schoenoprasum G-8, 188 Allium ursinum 66 Allseed Nine-Joints G-IS, 448 Allspice 590 ALMOND (Prunus dulcis) Alnus glutinosa ALPINE CRANBERRY (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . . . . G-3, 20 ALPINE RAGWORT (Senecio nemorensis) Alpine Strawberry Alpinia officinarum Alstonia Bark Alstonia constricta 21 G-23, 735 467 305 305 G-3, 13 Alisma plantago-aquatica . . . . G-3, 13 (Alkanna tinctoria) Aloe Vera Concentrate 5000 Capsules (Mason Vitamins) . . . . 16 Aloe Vera Mild Stimulant Laxative Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 16 Aloe Vera Super-Strength Liquid (Pharmaceutical Labs) 16 Aloe-Root 11 Aloysia triphylla 463 15 G-S, 89 ALOE (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, ie Aloe 99 Gel (Lee) ie Aloe barbadensis G-3, ie Aloe capensis G-3, ie Aloe ferox ie Aloe vera G-3, 16 Aloe Vera Capsules (ADH, Herbal Harvest, National Vitamin, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Way) ie ALTERIS (Aletris farinosa) 11 Alterra Extended-Release Tablets (Upsher-Smith) Althaea officinalis Althea Althea Rose Alumsroot Alvita Astragalus Root Tea Bags (Alvita Tea) Amanita muscaria Amantilla 719 505 505 G-14, 398 233 54 G-3, 8 G-25, 783 AMARANTH (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) G-3, 22 Amaranthus hypochondriacus G-3, 22 AMARGO (Quassia amara) . .. .r Amber Ambretta Ambrette Seed Ambroise ' G-3, 23 G-23, 719 533 533 G-26, 826 AMERICAN ADDER'S TONGUE (Erythronium americanum) . . . .24 AMERICAN BITTERSWEET (Celastrus scandens) 24 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 1-4/ASS'S FOOT ASS'S Foot Asthma Weed Astragali G-9, 209 G-ief 479 54 ASTRAGALUS (Astragalus species) 54 AVOCADO Ayahuasca Ayegreen Ayron Azedarach 57 833 G-14, 411 G-14, 411 G-18, 539 Bahama Cascarilla Bahia Powder Bai-Zi-Ren '. .3 G-17, 503 G-23, 725 58 ise 352 seo BALLOON-FLOWER (Platycodon grandiflorum) Balsam Fir Balsam of Peru Balsam of Tolu Balsam Styracis Balsam Tree Balsam-Weed G-4, 59 714 G-24, 764 G-24, 764 G-23, 734 G-24, 764 436 BAMBOO (Arundinaria japonica) Banana Banana Tree Band Man's Plaything . . . . G-4, 60 597 597 G-26, 833 BANEBERRY (Actaea spicata) Banisteriopsis caapi Bantu Tulip Baptisia tinctoria Barbary 60 833 7 G-26, 812 487 BARBERRY (Berberis vulgaris) Barber's Brush Bardana G-4, 61 G-24, 757 G-7, 128 BARLEY (Hordeum distichon) Barley Grain Capsules (ADH) Barosma betulina Barweed Basam Basics Stinging Nettles Capsules (Natrol) (Ocimum basilicum) BAEL (Aegle marmelos) (Chelone glabra) G-4, 63 63 691 193 G-22, 672 729 Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) .G-22, 705 Bayberry (Myrica gale) . . . .G-24, 745 Bayberry Bark Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 705 Bayberry Bark Liquid Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) . . . .705 Bayberry Root Capsules (Nature's Way) 705 Bean Herb G-23, 739 BEAN POD (Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 Bean Trifoil Bearberry Bearbind Beard Moss Bearded Darnel Bear's Foot (Alchemilla vulgaris) Bear's Foot (Helleborus viridis) 452 G-25, 779 G-13, 367 778 G-24, 756 G-15, 456 368 BEAR'S GARLIC (Allium ursinum) Bear's Grape Bear's Paw Root Bear's Weed Bearsgrape Beaver Poison Beaver Tree Beccabunga Bedstraw Bee Balm Bee Nettle Beechdrops Beeflower Beefsteak Plant Bees' Nest 66 G-20, 602 G-17, 493 84i G-25, 779 G-13, 386 490 G-6, 121 193 562 G-25, soe 109 G-25, 792 583 G-25, 809 BEET (Beta vulgaris) G-4, 67 BASIL B Babul Bark . Backache Root Badiana G-S, 98 G-16, 46i 714 BALMONY Astragalus Capsules (Natrol, Solaray) 54 Astragalus gummifer 767 Astragalus Liquid (Nature's Answer) 54 Astragalus Root Capsules (Nature's Way) 54 Astragalus Root Liquid (McZand) 54 Astragalus species 54 Astragalus Vegicaps (Solgar) . . . .54 Athyrium filix-femina G-15, 454 Atractylodes japonica 430 Atractylodes lancea 706 Atropa belladonna G-4, 69 August Flower 379 Australian Febrifuge 305 Australian Fever Bush 305 Australian Pepper Tree 139 Australian Quinine 305 Autumn Crocus G-9, 206 Ava G-15, 443 Ava Pepper G-15, 443 Avena sativa G-IS, 551 Avens Root G-4, 71 Averrhoa carambola 148 (Persea americana) Ballota nigra Balm Balm of Gilead Fir 58 Basil Thyme Bastard Cinnamon Bastard Jasmine Bastard Saffron Batchelor's Buttons (Centaurea cyanus) Batchelor's Buttons (Ranunculus acris) Bay Bay Laurel Bay Tree G-4, 64 138 182 487 652 G-9, 225 133 G-15, 459 G-15, 459 G-15, 459 Beg Kei Beggar's Blanket Beggar's Buttons Beggarweed (Cuscuta epithymum) Beggarweed (Polygonum aviculare) Beggary 54 G-IS, 532 G-7, 128 G-10, 254 . . G-15, 448 G-12, 322 BEHEN (Moringa oleifera) Bei Qi Bel 67 54 58 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ASS EAR/I-3 American Cotton Plant 228 American Ginseng 346 American Ginseng Capsules (Nature's Resource) 346 American Ginseng Root Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) 346 American Greek Valerian . . . . c-3, 3 (Veratrum viride) 25 American Ipecacuanha 421 AMERICAN IVY G-3, 26 AMERICAN LIVERLEAF (Hepatica nobilis) American Nightshade ANGOSTURA (Galipea officinalis) 26 G-20, 602 (Asimina triloba) American Saffron American Sloe American Spinach American Valerian 27 652 G-5, 96 G-20, 602 541 AMERICAN WHITE POND LILY (Nymphaea odorata) G-3, 28 American Woodbine G-3, 26 American Wormgrass 594 American Wormseed G-26, 828 American Wormwood Grass ....831 Ammi Visnaga G-5, SI AMMONIAC GUM (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Amomum aromaticum 540 Anacardium occidentale . . . . G-7, 157 Anacyclus Pyrethrum 577 Anagallis arvensis .G-22, 668 Anamirta cocculus 312 Ananas comosus 593 Anchusa G-3, 13 Andira araroba 352 Aniseed Stars Annual Wormwood Grass Antelaea azadirachta Antennaria dioica Anthoxanthum odoratum . . . Anthyllis vulneraria Aphanes arvensis Apium graveolens Apocynum cannabinum G-3, 35 G-23, 725 83i G-18, 539 G-8, 162 G-24, 749 G-9, 214 570 G-8, 172 418 (Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (Malus domestica) Aquilegia vulgaris G-9, 211 Arabian Coffee G-9, 202 Arabian Tea 447 Arabica Coffee G-9, 202 Arachis 575 Arachis hypogaea 575 Aralia racemosa G-23, 711 Araroba 352 Arartree 660 Arberry G-25, 779 Arborvitae G-24, 759 Archangel G-25, 806 Arctium lappa G-7, 128 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi . . . G-25, 779 Areca catechu G-4, 38 Anemarrhena asphodeloides 31 Anemone nemorosa 824 Anethum graveolens G-IO, 252 ANGELICA (Angelica archangelica) . . . G-3, 32 (Chenopodium vulvaria) Arrow Poison Arrow Wood 43 450 G-12, 317 (Areca catechu) G-4, 38 ARENARIA RUBRA (Spergularia rubra) 39 Arisaema atrorubens Aristolochia clematitis 426 G-S, SO Armoracia rusticana Armstrong .39 G-14, 408 G-15, 448 ARNICA (Arnica montana) Arnica Flowers Arnica montana (Maranta arundinacea) Arruda Brava Arruda Do Mato Arryan Arsesmart Artemisia absinthium Artemisia cina Artemisia dracunculus Artemisia vulgaris Arthritica 41 41 41 43 G-IS, 425 G-IS, 425 178 699 G-26, 829 827 G-12, 320 G-i8, 530 231 ARTICHOKE G-4, 44 ARUM (Arum maculatum) 46 Arum maculatum Arundinaria japonica Arusa 46 G-4, eo G-17, 492 ASA FOETIDA (Ferula foetida) .47 48 Asarabacca ASARUM (Asarum europaeum) .48 Asarum europaeum . . . Asclepias incarnata . . . Asclepias tuberosa . . . 48 G-23, 743 G-20, 598 ASH . G-4, 50 (Fraxinus excelsior) ARECA NUT (Terminalia arjuna) 31 ARRACH (Cynara scolymus) G-4, 37 ARJUN TREE ANEMARRHENA .41 ARROWROOT APPLE TREE AMERICAN PAWPAW Arnica Root 34 ANISE (Pimpinella anisum) AMERICAN HELLEBORE (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) Angelica archangelica G-3, 32 Angelica Root Liquid Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 32 Angel's Wort G-3, 32 Ash {Picrasma excelsa) . Ash {Sorbus domestica) . Ash (Sorbus torminalis) . Ashweed .622 .704 814 G-13, 36i ASIATIC DOGWOOD (Cornus officinalis) 51 Asimina triloba .27 ASPARAGUS (Asparagus officinalis) . . . . G-4, 52 Asparagus officinalis Aspidium Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco Ass Ear G-4, 52 : . . . G-17, 493 G-9, 623 212 A L P H A B E T I C A L INDEX BLACK H A W / 1 - 5 BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna) Belladonna Scopola Bellis perennis Ben Nut Tree Bengal Quince Beniseed Benjamin Tree G-4, 69 671 G-26, 8H 67 58 688 73 BENNET'S ROOT (Geum urbanum) BIRCH (Betula species) (Styrax benzoin) 73 Berberis vulgaris Berberry Bergamot Bergenia crassifolia Besom Beta vulgaris Betel G-4, 6i G-4, 61 562 268 G-22, 672 G-4, 67 G-4, 74 BETEL NUT (Piper betle) G-4, 74 Betel Nut G-4, 38 BETH ROOT (Trillium erectum) Betonica officinalis Betony Bettie Grass Betula species Bhang Bidens tripartita Bigarade Orange G-4, 74 G-26, 825 G-26, 825 11 G-S, 78 G-17,500 G-7, 131 G-3, 86 BILBERRY myrtillus) Bilberry Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Cardinal, Major, Mason Vitamins, Naturalife, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer, Sundown, Zenith Goldline) Bilberry Extract Capsules (ADH, Futurebiotics, Humco, Nature's Way) Bilberry Herb Capsules (Natrol) Bilberry Leaf Capsules (Frontier) Bilberry Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) G-5, 7 5 Bird Bread Bird Pepper Birdlime Bird's Eye Maple Bird's Foot Bird's Neat Birds' Nest Bird's Tongue (Fraxinus excelsior) Bird's Tongue (Polygonum aviculare) Birdweed Birthroot G-5, 78 215 G-a, 165 G-11, 291 G-21, 635 G-11, 304 G-25, 809 G-25, 809 G-4, 50 . . .G-15, 448 G-IS, 448 G-4, 74 (Aristolochia clematitis) . . . G-5, SO Biscuits Bishop's Elder G-8, 192 G-13, 361 (Ammi Visnaga) Bishopsweed Bishopswort (Aegopodium podagraria) Bishopswort (Betonica officinalis) Bissy Nut G-5, 81 G-13, 36i 75 75 G-26, 825 205 G-S, 82 BITTER CANDYTUFT Bitter Clover Bitter Cucumber 75 I Bitter Damson 75 G-S, 83 Bitter Ash (Picrasma excelsa) .. 622 Bitter Ash (Quassia amara) . G-3, 23 Bitter Bark G-7, 153 (Iberis amara) 85 BITTER ORANGE G-5, 86 Bitter Redberry Bitter Root Bitter Wood Bitterbloom Bitterroot Bittersweet G-IO, 256 836 G-3, 23 G-8, 174 418 G-S, 88 BITTERSWEET NIGHTSHADE (Solanum dulcamara) G-S, 88 Bitterwood Bitterwort Bizzom 622 836 G-22, 672 BLACK ALDER (Alnus glutinosa) G-S, 89 G-12, 317 BLACK BRYONY (Tamus communis) G-S, 90 BLACK CATNIP 91 Black Cherry Black Choke sio 810 BLACK COHOSH G-13, 361 BITTER APPLE (Citrullus colocynthis) (Polygala amara) (Phyllanthus amarus) BISHOP'S WEED BISTORT 75 BITTER MILKWORT Black Alder BIRTHWORT (Persicaria bistorta) Bitter Fennel G - H , 302 Bitter Grass 11 Bitter Herb (Centaurium erythraea) . . . G - 8 , 174 Bitter Herb (Chelone glabra) G-4, 59 (Citrus aurantium) G-4, 71 BENZOIN (Vaccinium Bilberry Tablets (Yerba Prima) 75 Bio-EFA Black Currant Capsules (Health from the Sun) 94 Bioflax Capsules (Bio-Tech) . . . . 313 BioGinkgo Extra Strength Tablets (Pharmanex) G-29, 342 BioGinkgo Tablets (Pharmanex) 342 84 G-8, 174 G-S, 83 695 (Cimicifitga racemosa) . . . . G-S, 92 Black Cohosh Capsules (Frontier, Herbal Harvest, Natrol, Nature's Way, Rexall Consumer) Black Cohosh Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 92 92 BLACK CURRANT (Ribes nigrum) G-S, 94 Black Currant Capsules (Health from the Sun) 94 Black Currant Oil Capsules (Neurovites) 94 Black Elder G - I I , 287 BLACK HAW (Viburnum prunifolium) . . . G-S, 96 1-6/BLACK HELLEBORE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES BLACK HELLEBORE (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 BLACK HOREHOUND (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 BLACK MULBERRY (Morus nigra) 99 BLACK MUSTARD (Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 Black Myrobalan 772 BLACK NIGHTSHADE (Solanum nigrum) Blanket-Leaf Blatterdock Blazing Star (Aletris farinosa) Blazing Star (Veratrum luteum) Bleaberry Bleeding Heart (Cypripedium calceolus) Bleeding Heart (Dicentra cucullaria) Blessed Herb G-18, 532 G-19, 585 11 301 G-5, 75 541 775 G-4, 71 BOG BEAN BLESSED THISTLE (Cnicus Black Poplar G-6, 103 G-20, 607 BLACK ROOT (Leptandra virginica) 104 Black Root G-9, 212 Black Sampson 26i Black Snake Root G-5, 92 Black Tea G-13, 369 Black Walnut 134 Black Walnut Hulls Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 134 Black Walnut Liquid (McZand) 134 Black Wattle 3 Black Whortles G-5, 75 Black Willow G-25, 807 Black-Berried Alder G - H , 287 BLACKBERRY (Rubus fruticosus) Blackcurrant Seed Oil Capsules (Natrol) Blackeye Root Black-Root Black-Tang Blackthorn . Blackwort Bladder Fucus Bladderpod G-6, 104 94 G-S, 90 . . .11 106 G-22,697 G-9, 212 ioe G-16, 479 BLADDERWORT (Utricularia vulgaris) G-6, 105 BLADDERWRACK (Fucus vesiculosus) 109 G - H , 283 G-14, 395 G-5, 88 G-22, 678 G-18, 521 G-5, 75 109 G-9, 225 G-9, 225 G-9, 225 46 G-6, 101 BLACK PEPPER (Piper nigrum) Blue Ginseng Blue Gum Blue Mallow Blue Nightshade Blue Pimpernel Blue Rocket Blueberry Blueberry Root Bluebonnet Bluebottle Bluebow Bobbins 106 Bladderwrack Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 106 Blanket Herb G-18, 532 benedictus) G-6, 107 (Menyanthes trifoliata) . . .G-6, 110 BOG BILBERRY Blessed Thistle Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 107 Blessed Thistle Low Alcohol Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 107 Blind Nettle G-25, soe Blindweed G-22, 690 Blisterweed 133 Blood Elder 259 Blood Hilder 259 Blood Plantago 612 Blood Vine G-26, 818 Boldu Boldus Bolivian Coca BLOODROOT BONESET (Sanguinaria canadensis) Bloodroot Bloodwood BloodwOlt Blooming Sally (Epilobium angustifolium) Blooming Sally (Lythrum salicaria) Blowball Blue Balm Blue Bells Blue Cap Blue Centaury BLUE COHOSH (Caulophyllum thalictroides) Blue Cohosh Liquid (McZand) Blue Cohosh Root Liquid (Nature's Answer) Blue Curls Blue Flag 108 G-8, 192 480 G-26, 833 G-26, 818 G-20, 620 G-9, 245 562 G-3, 3 G-9, 225 G-9, 225 109 109 109 G-22, 681 G-19, 56i (Vaccinium uliginosum) ..G-6, 111 Bog Myrtle yMenyanthes trifoliata) . . . G - 6 , 110 Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale) . G-24, 745 Bog Rhubarb G-19, 585 Bogshorns G-19, 585 BOLDO (Peumus boldus) (Eupatorium perfoliatum) Boneset Boor Tree G-6, 112 G-6, 112 G-6, 112 197 G-6, 113 G-9, 212 G-II, 287 BORAGE (Borago officinalis) Borage Oil Capsules (ADH, Sundown) Borago officinalis Boswellia carteri Bottle-Brush Bouncing Bess Bouncing Bet Bountry Bovisand Soldier Bovista Bowman's Root (Gillenia trifoliata) Bowman's Root (Leptandra virginica) Box Thorn Box Tree Boxberry G-e, 114 114 G-e, 114 319 G-14, 409 G-2i, 639 G-22, 701 G-11, 287 G-21, 639 * . .sis 421 104 487 G-10, 256 820 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CALAMINT/I-7 BOXWOOD (Buxus sempervirens) . . . .G-6, 116 BoXWOod Brake Root Bramble Branching Phytolacca Brandy Mint Brassica napus Brassica nigra Brassica oleracea Brassica rapa Brazil Powder Brazilian Cocoa G-10, 256 G-IS, 454 G-6, 104 G-20, 602 G-19, sso G-19, 554 G-5, 100 G-7, 134 816 352 376 BRAZILIAN PEPPER TREE (Schinus terebinthifolius) Brazilian Peppertree Breeam 117 139 G-22, 672 BREWER'S YEAST (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Brideweed Bridewort Brier Hip Brier Rose . . .118 840 G-17, 511 G-10, 254 G-10, 254 BRITISH ELECAMPANE (Inula britannica) British Myrrh . British Tobacco Broad-Leafed-Laurel Broad-Leaved-Garlic Brook Bean G-24, 743 . G-9, 209 120 G-18, 528 66 G-6, 110 BROOKLIME (Veronica beccabunga) . . . G-6, 121 Broom G-22, 672 BROOM CORN (Sorghum vulgare) Broomtops Browme ...' BROWN KELP (Macrocystis pyrifera) G-22, 672 494 G-24, 757 G-25, 800 632 691 G-6, 110 G-14, 403 G-11, 278 231 BUCKTHORN (Rhamnus catharticus) Buckthorn Bark . . . G-6, 123 G-12, 317 BUCKWHEAT (Fagopyrum esculentum) G-6, 124 BudwOOd G-10, 256 Buffalo Herb G-3, 12 Bugbane (Actaea spicata) 60 Bugbane (Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . G-5, 92 Bugbane (Veratrum viride) 25 BUGLE (Ajuga reptans) G-6, 125 BUGLEWEED 119 BROAD BEAN (Vicia faba) Brum Brunfelsia hopeana Brushes and Combs Bryonia alba Bryonia cretica Buchu Buck Bean Buckeye Buckhorn Buckles 121 G-22, 672 G-22, 672 122 Brownwort G-22, 68i Bruisewort (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Bruisewort (Saponaria officinalis) . . . G-22, 701 Bruisewort (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 (Lycopus virginicus) Bugloss Bugula Bugwort G-6, 126 G-6, 114 G-6, 125 G-5, 92 BULBOUS BUTTERCUP (Ranunculus bulbosus) Bullock's Eye Bull's Eyes Bullsfoot Bupleurum Chinese Burage 128 G-14, 411 G-17, 503 G-9, 209 187 G-6, 114 BURDOCK Burrage Burren Myrtle Burrwort Bush Tree G-6, 114 G-5, 75 133 G-6, 116 BUTCHER'S BROOM (Ruscus aculeatus) Butcher's Broom Capsules (ADH) 132 Butcher's Broom Root Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 132 Butter and Eggs 840 Butter Daisy 563 Butter Rose 231 Butter Winter 595 Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Butterbur (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 BUTTERCUP (Ranunculus acris) Butter-Dock Buttered Haycocks Butterfly Dock Butterfly Weed (Juglans cinerea) Buttons G-24, 754 Buxus sempervirens G-6, l i e C CABBAGE (Brassica oleracea) CAJUPUT Burning Bush G-7, 130 G-25, 791 (Bidens tripartita) Burr Seed (Melaleuca leucadendra) . . . . . . . G-7, 131 G-7, 128 G-7, 134 644 134 G-8, 199 253 G-9, 202 339 . G-7, 136 CALABAR BEAN (Physostigma yenenosum) BURR MARIGOLD 134 G-17, 503 38i BURNING BUSH (Dictamnus albus) G-19, 585 840 G-19, 585 G-20, 598 Button Snakeroot Buttonhole Burdock Root Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) . . . . 128 Burdock Root Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 128 Burnet Saxifrage G-19, 591 G-7, 128 133 BUTTERNUT Cabbage Rose Cabbage Tablets (Freeda) Cacao Caesalpinia bonducella Caffea Caffeine-Free Ginger Root Tea Bags (Alvita Tea) (Arctium lappa) G-7, 132 137 CALAMINT (Calamintha nepeta) 138 I-8/CALAMINTHA NEPETA Calamintha nepeta PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 138 CALAMUS (Acorus calamus) G-7, 138 Calcutta Lucerne 376 Calendula G-17, 497 Calendula Gel (Boiron) 497 Calendula Lotion (Boiron) 497 Calendula officinalis G-17, 497 Calendula Ointment (Boiron) . . 497 Calico Bush G-18, 528 Califlora Calendula Gel (Boericke & Tafel) 497 California Buckthorn G-7, 153 CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE (Schinus molle) .... 139 CALIFORNIA POPPY (Eschscholtzia californica) . . . Calluna vulgaris . G-7, 140 G-13, 383 Calotropis gigantea Calotropis procera Caltha palustris Calumba Calves' Snout Calystegia sepium Camboge Camellia sinensis Cammock Camolea 141 338 141 0-17, 503 208 840 G-13, 367 0-12, 325 G-13, 369 G-23, 713 G-17,515 CAMPHOR TREE (Cinnamomum camphora) 0-7, 143 Cana Fistula Canada Balsam Canada Pitch Canada Root Canada Tea 0-13, 354 714 G-19, 594 G-20,598 820 (Erigeron canadensis) . . . . 0-7, 144 CANADIAN GOLDEN ROD canadensis) Canadian Hemp Canadian Poplar Canarium species Cancer-Root Canchalagua CANELLA Canella Alba Canella winterana (Costus speciosa) (Chondrus crispus) 152 147 147 Carragennan Carrahan Carrot Carthamus tinctorius Cartkins Willow Carum carvi 152 152 G-25, 809 652 G-25, 807 G-7, 148 146 Cang-Zhu Cankerroot Cankerwort (Senecio jacobaea) Cankerwort (Taraxacum officinale) Cannabis Cannabis sativa Canton Cassia Capdockin 706 358 CASCARA SAGRADA G-20, 629 . . . G-9, 245 G-17, 500 G-17, 500 182 G-19, 585 CAPE ALOE 16 G-26, 819 378 G-25, 783 . . . G-22, 690 G-8, ies 6-8, 165 CARAMBOLA (Averrhoa carambola) 148 CARAWAY 145 418 G-20, 607 184 0-20, 602 G-8, 174 (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Cascara Sagrada Bark Capsules (Frontier) Cascara Sagrada Bark Mild Stimulant Laxative Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . . Cascara Sagrada Capsules (Herbal Harvest, Humco, Nature's Way) Cascara Sagrada Natural Laxative Capsules (Nature's Resource) 153 153 153 153 CASCARILLA (Croton eluteria) Case-Weed 156 0-22, 690 CASHEW (Anacardium occidentale) . 0-7, 157 CASSIA (Carum carvi) G-7, 148 Card Thistle G-24, 757 (Elettaria cardamomum) . . G-7, 149 Cardin Carex arenaria Carica papaya Carlina acaulis o-e, 107 336 G-19, 565 151 CARLINE THISTLE (Carlina acaulis) CAROB (Ceratonia siliqua) G-22, 681 147 CANE-REED Cape Gooseberry Cape Gum Capon's Tail Capsella bursa-pastoris Capsicum Capsicum annuum Carpenter's Weed (Prunella vulgaris) CARRAGEEN (Canella winterana) CARDAMOM CANADIAN FLEABANE (Solidago G-22, 705 G-18, 532 (Aloe ferox) CALOTROPIS (Calotropis procera) Candleberry Candlewick Plant 151 (Cassia angustifolia) Cassia Cassia angustifolia Cassia Aromaticum Cassia Bark Cassia fistula Cassia Lignea Cassia senna Castanea sativa Castor Bean G-7, 151 Carpenter's Herb (Ajuga reptans) G-6, 125 Carpenter's Herb (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 Carpenter's Square G-11, 311 Carpenter's Weed (Achillea millefolium) . . . G-26, 833 182 684 182 182 0-13, 354 182 G-22, 684 708 G-7, I S S CASTOR OIL PLANT (Ricinus communis) .. 684 Catalonia Jasmine Catarrh Root Catchfly Catchweed o-7, i s s 0-15,432 467 418 193 CATECHU (Acacia catechu) Catha edulis 163 447 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Catmint Catnep CHICKWEED/I-9 G-8, 164 0-8, 164 CATNIP (Nepeta cataria) G-8, 164 Catnip Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) 164 Catnip Herb Liquid Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 164 Catnip Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 164 Catnip Liquid (Nature's Answer) 164 Catrup G-8, 164 (Urticaria fomentosa) 160 Cat's Claw Bark Capsules (Naturalife) Cat's Claw Bark Liquid (Nature's Answer) Cat's Claw Caplets (Nature's Resource) Cat's Claw Capsules (ADH, Bergen Brunswig, Humco, Irwin, Mason Vitamins, McZand, National Vitamin, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way, Rexall Consumer) Cat's Claw Inner Bark Capsules (Frontier) Cat's Claw Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Catswort Caulophyllum thalictroides ieo ieo ieo ieo . . ieo ieo G-8, 162 41© 372 372 G - 8 , 164 109 CAYENNE (Capsicum annuum) Cayenne 30,000 Heat Units Capsules (Frontier) Cayenne Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Herbal Harvest, Mason Vitamins, McKesson, McZand, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Resource, Perrigo) (Cedrus libani) 169 Cedrus libani . . . 169 CELANDINE Celastrus scandens G-8, 169 24 CELERY CAT'S FOOT Cat's Nettle Catsfoot Cat's-Paw CEDAR (Chelidonium majus) CAT'S CLAW (Antennaria dioica) Cayenne Herbal Capsules (Apothecary) 165 Cayenne Pepper Capsules (Humco, Major) 165 Cayenne Peppers Capsules (ADH) 165 Cayenne Power Herb Capsules (Nature's Herbs) .. .. 165 Ceanothus americanus 541 G-8, 16S 165 165 (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Celery Liquid Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 172 Celery Seed Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 172 Celery Seed Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 172 Celery-Leaved Crowfoot . . G-20, 601 Cemphire G-7, 143 Centaurea G-9, 22s Centaurea cyanus G-9, 225 Centaurium erythraea G-8, 174 CENTAURY (Centaurium erythraea) .. 0-8, 174 Centaury Gentian Centella asiatica Centinode Centory G-8, 174 G-13, 359 o-«, 448 G - 8 , 174 Centranthus ruber G-21, 639 Centrum Echinacea Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) G-31, 26i Centrum Garlic Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) G-31, 327 Centrum Ginkgo Biloba Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) G-31, 342 Centrum Ginseng Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) G-31, 346 Centrum Saw Palmetto Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) G-31, 664 Centrum St. John's Wort Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) G-31, 719 Cephaelis ipecacuanha 423 Ceratonia siliqua G-7, 151 Certified Organic Nettle Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 729 Certified Organic Red Raspberry Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 630 Cetraria , 415 Cetraria islandica 415 Ceylon Cinnamom G-S, 190 Chai Hu 187 Chamaemelum nobile G-10, 270 Chamomile G-12, 331 Chamomile Flowers Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) . . . .331 Chamomile Liquid (McZand) . . . 331 Chamomilla G-12, 331 Chantal Aloe Vera Cream (National Vitamin) ie Chard G-4, 67 Charity G-15, 427 CHASTE TREE (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 Chasteberry Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 176 CHAULMOOGRA (Hydnocarpus species) Cheat Chebulic Myrobalan Checkerberry Cheese Rennet Cheese Renning Cheeseflower Cheiranthus cheiri 177 G-24, 756 772 820 o-is, 455 G-15, 455 G-i4, 395 G-25, 792 CHEKEN (Eugenia chequen) 178 Chelidonium majus G-8, 169 Chelone G-4, 59 Chelone glabra G-4, 59 Chenopodium ambrosioides .0-26, 828 Chenopodium vulvaria 43 Cheque Tree 704 CHERRY LAUREL (Prunus laurocerasus) . . . . G-8, 179 Cherry-Bay Chestnut Chicken Toe G-8, 179 708 220 CHICKWEED (Stellaria media) ^ 180 I-10/CHICKWEED CAPSULES PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Chickweed Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Chickweed Herb Capsules (Frontier) Chickweed Herb Liquid (Nature's Answer) iso iso -iso CHICORY (Cichorium intybus) G-8, 181 Chilli Pepper Chimaphila umbellata Chimney-Sweeps Chin Cups China Orange China Root {Alpinia ojficinarum) China Root (Dioscorea villosa) Chinese Arborvitae Chinese Bell-Flower Chinese Cabbage G-8, 165 595 G-11, 278 238 G-24, 747 467 G-26, 817 560 58 816 (Cinnamomum aromaticum) . . . 182 Chinese Ginger . Chinese Ginseng Chinese Green Tea Tea Bags (Alvita Tea) Chinese Matrimony Vine Chinese Mock-Barberry 467 346 369 486 669 CHINESE MOTHERWORT (Leonurus japonicus) 183 CHINESE OLIVE (Canarium species) 184 Chinese Red Panax Capsules (Nature's Resource) Chinese Red Panax Ginseng Capsules (Nature Made) Chinese Red Panax Ginseng Tablets (Nature Made) 346 346 346 CHINESE RHUBARB Chinese Sumach Chinese Tea G-12, 321 187 187 CHIRETTA (Swertia chirata) Chittem Bark Chive 187 G-7, 153 G-8, 188 CHIVES (Allium schoenoprasum) . . G-8, 188 Chocolate Root Chocolate Tree G-25, 794 G-8, 199 CHOCOLATE VINE CHINESE CINNAMON (Rheum palmatum) Chionanthus virginicus Chirata Chirayta G-8, 185 770 G-13, 369 (Akebia quinata) 189 Choke Cherry 810 Chondrodendron tomentosum . . . 566 Chondrus 152 Chondrus crispus 152 Chongras G-20, 602 Chop Nut 137 Christe Herbe G-5, 97 Christmas Rose G-5, 97 Christmas-Berry Tree 117 Christ's Ladder G-8, 174 Christ's Spear 269 Christ's Thorn G-14, 397 Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium 621 Chrysanthemum leucanthemum 563 Chrysatobine 352 Church Broom G-24, 757 Church Steeples G-3, 10 Churastaff 840 Cichorium intybus G-8, 181 Cicuta virosa G-11, 297 Cimicifuga G-5, 92 Cimicifuga racemosa G-5, 92 Cinchona G-20, 626 Cinchona pubescens G-20, 626 Cineraria Maritima 25a Cinnamomum aromaticum 182 Cinnamomum camphora . . . . G-7, 143 Cinnamomum verum G-8, 190 CHINESE THOROUGHWAX (Bupleurum Chinese) Chinese Tian Shan Garlic Tablets (Nature's Herbs) Chinese Wolfberry Chinwood Chionanthus 187 CINNAMON (Cinnamomum 327 486 G-26, 84i G-12, 321 verum) G-8, 190 Cinnamon Bark Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 190 Cinnamon Sedge G-7, 138 Cinnamon Wood G-21, 662 CINQUEFOIL (Potentilla erecta) Cinquefoil {Potentilla anserind) Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans) Citronella Citrullus colocynthis Citrus aurantifolia Citrus aurantium Citrus Dulcis Citrus limon Citrus sinensis City Avens G-8, 192 G-20, 610 G-11, 289 G-16, 465 G-5, 83 G-16, 476 G-5, 86 G-24, 747 460 G-24, 747 G-4, 71 Cive Garlic G-8, 188 QveS G-8, 188 Civet G-8, 188 Cladonia pyxidata Clu\>iceps purpurea 238 280 CLEAVERS (Galium aparine) 193 Cleavers, Alcohol-Free Liquid (Nature's Answer) Cleaverwort 193 193 CLEMATIS (Clematis recta) G-8, 194 Clematis recta G-8, 194 Clematis vitalba G-25, 769 Clivers 193 Clot-Bur (Arctium lappa) . .. G-7, 128 Clot-Bur (Verbascum densiflorum) G-i8, 532 CLOVE (Syzygium aromaticum) . .. G-8, 195 Clove Garlic Clove Pepper Clown's Lungwort Clown's Mustard G-12, 327 590 G-18, 532 84 CLUB MOSS (Lycopodium clavatum) Clusterbean Cnicus benedictus Coachweed Coakum r . 196 376 G-6, 107 i . . 193 G-20, 602 COCA (Erythroxylum coca) Cocaine Cocash Weed Cocculus Indicus 197 197 354 312 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Cochlearia officinalis Cochlospermum gossypium COTTON TREE/1-11 0-22, 679 229 COCILLANA TREE (Guraea rusbyi) Cockle Cockle Buttons Cocklebur (Agrimonia eupatoria) Cocklebur {Arctium lappa) Cockoo Flower Cockspur Rye Cockup Hat Cocky Baby COCOA (Theobroma cacao) 198 222 G-7, 128 G-3, 10 . G-7, 128 657 280 729 46 G-8, 199 COCONUT PALM (Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 Cocos nucifera CoCOWOlt Coffea arabica G-9, 201 G-22, 690 G-9, 202 Cokan G-7, 144 COLUMBINE (Aquilegia vulgaris) G-9, 211 Colza Combretum Combretum micranthum G-19, 554 559 559 48 G-9, 202 G-20, 602 COLA (Cola acuminata) 205 Cola acuminata Cola Nut Cola Seeds 205 205 205 COLCHICUM (Colchicum autumnale) . . . G-9, 206 (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 Commiphora molmol Common Agrimony Common Alder Common Ash Common Bean G-IS, 534 G-3, 10 G-5, 89 G-4, 50 G-4, 65 Common Common Common Common Common Common . . . . G-9, 214 Larch G-IS, 457 Matrimony Vine 487 Polypody G-15, 454 Sandspurry 39 Shrubby Everlasting . . . 417 Silver Fir 802 COMMON STONECROP (Sedum acre) 215 Compass Plant Compass Weed Compass-Weed G-21, 645 G-21, 646 G-21, 645 (Marsdenia condurango) Coneflower . ., COLOMBO (Jateorhiza COPAIBA BALSAM (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 COLT'S FOOT (Tussilago farfara) Copaifera langsdorffi Copaiva G-9, 209 I Coriandrum sativum (Agrostemma githago) Corn Horsetail G-9, 221 218 r-t G-13, 386 G-9, 212 84i 222 G-14, 409 CORN POPPY (Papaver rhoeas) Corn Rose 223 223 CORN SILK (Zea mays) Cornel Cornelian Tree 224 G-10, 256 G-10, 256 CORNFLOWER (Centaurea cyanus) CORYDALIS Corydalis Corydalis cava Corynanthe pachyceras Cossoo G-9, 225 G-10, 256 51 G-23, 741 226 775 226 412 450 COSTUS 218 G-ie, 475 G-ie, 475 G-16, 475 COOLWORT (Tiarella cordifolia) 220 (Coriandrum sativum) . . . . G-9, 221 26i 108 CONTRAYERVA (Dorstenia contrayerva) . . . . 220 CORIANDER (Corydalis cava) ... Conium maculatum Consound Consumptive's Weed Convallaria Convallaria majalis Convall-Lily odontorhiza) Corallorhiza odontorhiza 216 CONGOROSA (Maytenus ilicifolia) (Corallorhiza Cornus florida Cornus officinalis Corona Solis CONDURANGO Coon Root 208 G-23, 734 223 358 358 358 358 G-26, 819 CORN COCKLE COMMON KIDNEY VETCH Colchicum autumnale G-9, 206 Cole G-19, 554 Colewort (Brassica oleracea) G-7, 134 Colewort (Geum urbanum) . .G-4, 71 Colic Root (Alpinia officinarum) 467 Colic Root. (Dioscorea villosa) G-26, 817 Colic Root (Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Colic-Root 11 Collinsonia canadensis G-23, 733 Colocynth Pulp G-5, 83 palmata) Copalm Copperose Coptide CoptlS Coptis Groenlandica Coptis trifolia Coqueret CORAL ROOT COMFREY (Anthyllis vulneraria) COFFEE (Coffea arabica) Coltsfoot Coltstail . G-9, 219 220 220 (Saussurea costus) Costus speciosa 227 146 COTTON (Gossypium hirsutum) Cotton Dawes 228 236 Cotton R o ot G-16, 468 Cotton Seed Cotton Shell 228 229 COTTON TREE (Cochlospermum gossypium) 229 1-12/COTTON W E E D Cotton Weed Couch Grass Coughroot Coughweed Coughwort Couhage Cow Cabbage Cow Grass Cowbane Cowberry PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 236 G-25, 771 G-4, 74 354 G-9, 209 230 G-3, 28 G-15, 44a G-11, 297 G-3, 20 (Piper cubeba) 235 Cuca Cuckoo Bread Cuckoo Buds Cuckoo Pint Cuckowes Meat Cucurbita pepo Cuddy's Lungs 197 827 128 46 827 G-20, 618 G-18, 532 CUDWEED COWHAGE (Mucuna pruriens) Cowitch COWSLIP (Primula CUBEB 230 230 veris) Cowslip Crab's Eyes Cramp Bark Crampweed 231 G-17, 503 435 G-5, 96 G-20, 610 Cudweed Cullay Culveris Root Culverwort (Cuminum (Geranium CROTON SEEDS (Croton tiglium) Croton tiglium Crow Corn . Crow Soap Crowberry Crowfoot (Anemone nemorosa) Crowfoot (Geranium maculatum) Crowfoot (Ranunculus bulbosus) Crown Flower Crude Chrysarobin G-10, 271 220 220 G-IS, 448 G-3, 26 372 G-17, 520 G-17, 520 215 658 231 658 G-21, 653 G-e, 113 ise 234 234 11 G-22, 701 G-20, 602 .824 233 128 338 352 236 G-8, 162 G-20, 624 104 G-9, 211 cyminum) Cuminum cyminum (Silphium Crataegus laevigata Crawley Crawley Root Crawlgrass Creeper Creeping Charlies Creeping Jenny Creeping Joan Creeping Tom Crest Marine Crewel Crithum maritimum Crocus sativus Crosswort Croton eluteria CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) . G-9, 241 46 CYPRESS SPURGE (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Cypripedium calceolus Cytisus laburnum Cytisus scoparius 541 452 G-22, 672 CUMIN CUP PLANT 233 240 625 G-ie, 465 335 G-4, 44 410 G-3, 6 Cypress Powder (Gnaphalium uliginosum) CRANESBILL maculatum) Cyclamen europaeum Cydonia oblongata Cymbopogon citratus Cynanchum vincetoxicum Cynara scolymus Cynoglossum officinale Cyperus articulatus . . . G-9, 2 3 7 Daemonorops draco 257 DAFFODIL perfoliatum) G-9, 238 (Cladonia pyxidata) . . . . . . 238 CUPMOSS Cup-Puppy 223 Cupressus sempervirens . . . . G-9, 241 Curcu Caps Capsules (Health from the Sun) 132 (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) . . . 243 Dage of Jerusalem Daggers Da-Huang Daisy Dalmatian^Insect Flowers Dalmatian Pellitory G-16, 485 G-19, 56i G-8, 185 G-24, 754 621 621 DAMIANA CURCUMA (Curcuma xanthorrhizia) . G-9, 239 Curcuma domestica Curcuma xanthorrhizia Curcuma zedoaria Curdwort Cure All Cure-Ail Curled Dock Curled Mint Cursed Crowfoot Cuscuta epithymum Cusparia Bark Custard Apple Cutch (Acacia catechu) Cutch (Agropyron repens) . Cutweed Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Cyani Cyani-Flowers 775 G-9, 239 G-26, 846 G-15, 455 G-25, 794 G-ie, 46i 835 G-23, 709 G-20, eoi G-10, 254 34 27 163 G-25, 771 106 376 G-9, 225 G-9, 225 CYCLAMEN (Cyclamen D G-9, 2 3 7 europaeum) 240 (Turnera diffusa) 244 Damiana Leaf Capsules (Frontier) Damiana Leaf Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) Damiana Leaves Capsules (ADH, Nature's Herbs) 244 244 244 DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale) . . . G-9, 245 Dandelion Capsules (Nature's Way) 245 Dandelion Liquid (McZand) . . . . 245 Dandelion Root Capsules (ADH, Frontier, Herbal Harvest, Nature's Bounty) . . . .245 Danewort 259 Dan-Shen 636 Daphne (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Daphne (Laurus nobilis) . . .G-IS, 459 Daphne mezereum G-17, 515 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Darkmous Darri DUN DAISY / I - 1 3 716 121 DATE PALM (Phoenix dactylifera) G-IO, 246 Datura G-IS, 436 Datura stramonium G-IS, 436 Daucus carota G-25, 809 Da-Zao 439 Dead Men's Bells G-IO, 248 Dead Men's Fingers 79s Dead Nettle G-25, 806 Dead Tongue 795 Deadly Nightshade G-4, 69 Deaf Nettle G-25, 806 Deer Balls 618 Deerberry 820 Delicate Bess G-21, 639 Delphinium consolida G-15, 458 Delphinium staphisagria 726 Demerara Pinkroot 831 Deodorized Garlic Tablets (Nature's Bounty) 327 Dergmuse 716 Desert Herb G-16, 488 Devil Tree 305 Devil's Apple G-15, 436 Devil's Bit {Aletris farinosa) . . . .11 Devil's Bit (Alstonia constricta) 305 Devil's Bit (Scabiosa succisa) G-20, 612 Devil's Bite {Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Devil's Bite {Veratrum viride) 25 Devil's Bones G-26, 817 Devil's Cherries G-4, 69 DEVIL'S CLAW (Harpagophytum procumbens) Devil's Head Devil's Herb Devil's Nettle Devil's Plaything Devil's Ribbon Devil's Root Devil's Trumpet Devil's Turnip {Bryonia alba) Devil's Turnip {Bryonia cretica) Devil's Vine Dew Plant Dewberry Dicentra cucullaria Dictamnus albus Didin Didthin 840 G-4, 69 G-26, 833 G-26, 833 840 G-19, 588 G-15, 436 G-25, 800 632 G-13, 367 740 G-6, 104 775 G-7, 130 G-18, 534 G-18, 534 DIGITALIS {Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 DIGITALIS LANATA (Digitalis lanata) Digitalis lanata Digitalis purpurea Di-Gu-Pi Di-Huang 250 250 G-10, 248 486 640 DILL (Anethum graveolens) . . . .G-10, 252 Dilly Dionaea muscipula Dioscorea villosa Dipsacus silvestris Diptam Dipteryx odorata Dita Bark Dittany Divale G-IO, 252 786 G-26, 817 G-24, 757 G-7, 130 767 305 G-7, 130 G-4, 69 DIVI-DIVI 247 Devil's Claw Capsules (ADH) 247 Devil's Claw Root Tuber Capsules (Frontier) 247 Devil's Claw Secondary Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 247 Devil's Dung 47 Devil's Eye G-14, 389 Devil's Fuge G-11, 291 Devil's Guts G-IO, 254 (Caesalpinia bonducella) 253 DODDER (Cuscuta epithymum) Dodder of Thyme Dog Cloves Dog Parsley Dog Poison G-IO, 254 G-10, 254 G-22, 701 G-12, 316 G-12, 316 DOG ROSE (Rosa canina) G-10, 254 Dog Rowan Tree Dog Standard G-S, 96 G-20, 629 Dog Wood Dogbane Dog-Berry Dog-Bur Doggies Dog-Grass Dog's Arrach Dog's Finger Dog's Tongue Dog's Tooth Violet Dog-Tree G-12, 317 418 G-10, 254 410 840 G-25, 771 43 G-IO, 248 410 24 G-10, 256 DOGWOOD (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 DogWOOd 428 Dogwood Bark G-7, 153 Dolloff G-17, 511 Donnhove G-9, 209 Doorweed ., G-15, 448 Dorema ammoniacum 29 Dorstenia contrayerva 218 Dr. Masquelier's Authentic OPC's Tablets (Naturalife) . . . .362 Draconis Resina 257 Dracontium 696 Dracorubin 257 Dragon Flower G-19, 561 Dragon Root 46 Dragon-Bushes 840 DRAGON'S BLOOD (Daemonorops draco) 257 Dragon's Blood Dragonwort Drake Drimys winteri Dropberry Dropsy Plant Drosera ramentacea Drumstick Tree Drunken Sailor Dryas octopetala Dryopteris filix-mas Duck's Foot G-14, 393 G-5, 82 G-24, 756 820 G-22, 703 G-ie, 461 740 67 G-21, 639 526 G-17, 493 G-17, 510 DUCKWEED (Lemna minor) G-IO, 258 Dudgeon Duffle Dulcamara Dumb Nettle Dumpling Cactus Dun Daisy G-6, l i e G-IS, 532 G-S, 88 G-25, soe G-19, 588 563 I - 1 4 / D U R F A GRASS Durfa Grass Durri PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES G-25, 771 121 DUSTY MILLER (Senecio bicolor) Dutch Myrtle Dutch Rushes Dutchman's Breeches Dwale Dwarf Bay Dwarf Carline 258 G-24, 745 G-i4, 409 775 G-4, 69 c-17, 515 151 DWARF ELDER (Sambucus ebulus) Dwarf Flax Dwarf-Pine Dwayberry Dyeberry 259 526 c-22, 674 G-4, 69 G-5, 75 Dyer's Bugloss Dyer's Greenwood Dyer's Madder Dyer's Saffron Dyer's Weed Dyer's Whin Dysentery Bark Dysentery Weed Eagle Vine Early Fumitory Earth Gall Earth Smoke Earthbank East India Catarrh Root East India Root East Indian Almond Easter Rower Easter Giant Easter Mangiant Echinacea G-10, 260 0-3, 13 G-10, 260 G-ie, 490 652 G-10, 260 G-10, 260 695 236 216 226 25 G-12,322 G-8, 192 467 467 G-7, 157 572 o-s, 82 G-5, 82 261 (Echinacea pallida) Echinacea pallida . . . (Echinacea angustifolia) 261 Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea Angustifolia Herb Capsules (Frontier) 261 26i ELM BARK 261 261 261 261 G-10, 261 Echinacea purpurea G-10, 26i Echinacea purpurea Root Capsules (Frontier) 26i Echinacea Root Capsules (Key Co., Major) 261 Echinacea Root Herbal Capsules (Apothecary) 261 Echinacea Standardized Capsules (Rexall Consumer) 26i Eggs and Bacon 840 Eggs and Collops 840 Eglantine Gall G-10, 254 Egyptian Alcee 533 Egyptian Privet G-14, 391 Egyptian Thorn 378 Elder G-II, 287 Elder Flowers Capsules (Frontier) 287 Elderberry Flowers & Berries Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .287 Elderberry Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 287 ELECAMPANE Elemi G-10, 266 184 ELEPHANT-EARS (Bergenia crassifolia) Elettaria cardamomum Eleuthero Ginseng Root Capsules (Frontier) (Ulmus minor) 6-10, 269 EltTOOt Elytrigig Repens Emetic Herb Emetic Weed Enchanter's Plant Enebro G-13, 361 G-25, 771 G-16, 479 o-ie, 479 G-25, 788 G-15, 440 ENGLISH ADDER'S TONGUE ECHINACEA PURPUREA (Inula helenium) ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA Eleutherococcus senticosus 693 Elfdock G-10, 266 ElfwOrt O-10, 266 Ellanwood 0-11, 287 Ellhorn G-II, 287 ECHINACEA PALLIDA (Echinacea purpurea) DYER'S BROOM (Genista tinctoria) Echinacea Capsules (ADH, Bergen Brunswig, Cardinal, Celestial Seasonings, Contract Pharmacal, Herbal Harvest, Humco, Irwin, Mason Vitamins, McKesson, National Vitamin, Nature Made, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer, Rexall Managed Care, Sundown, Zenith Goldline) Echinacea Liquid (McZand, Pharmaceutical Labs) 268 G-7, 149 346 (Ophioglossum vulgatum) 269 ENGLISH CHAMOMILE (Chamaemelum nobile) . . .0-10, 270 English Cowslip 231 English Greek Valerian . .. G-15, 427 ENGLISH HAWTHORN (Crataegus laevigata) . . . .0-10, 271 ENGLISH HORSEMINT (Mentha longifolia) 0-10, 275 ENGLISH IVY (Hedera helix) 0-10, 275 ENGLISH LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia) . G-10, 277 English Mandrake (Bryonia alba) English Mandrake (Bryonia cretica) English Masterwort English Oak G-25, soo 632 0-13, 36i 0-18, 549 ENGLISH PLANTAIN (Plantago lanceolata) . .. .0-11, 278 English Sarsaparilla G-8, 192 English Watercress 384 Ephedra o-ie, 488 Ephedra sinica o-ie, 488 Ephedrine o-ie, 488 Epigae repens 768 Epilobium angustifolium ... .0-26, 818 Epright Sumach 600 Equisetum arvense 0-14, 409 ERGOT (Claviceps purpurea) Eriffe Erigeron canadensis 280 193 0-7, 144 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Eringo Eriodictyon Eriodictyon californicum Eryngium campestre FEVERFEW/1-15 G-11, 282 84i 841 G - H , 282 ERYNGO (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 Eryngo-Leaved Liverwort 415 Erysimum 384 Erysimum diffusum 365 Erythronium 24 Erythronium americanum 24 Erythroxylum coca 197 Eschscholtzia californica . . . G-7, 140 Estragon G-12, 320 Eternal Flower 417 EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus) Eucalyptus globulus . . . Eugenia chequen Eugenia unifloria Euonymus atropurpurea Eupatorium cannabinum Eupatorium perfoliatum Euphorbia cyparissias . Euphorbia resinifera Euphrasia Euphrasia officinalis European Angelica European Ash European Aspen European Avens European Barberry European Bitter Polygala European Cranberry G-11, 283 G-11, 283 178 742 G-25, 791 G-13, 388 G-6, 113 . G-9, 242 716 300 300 G-3, 32 G-4, 50 0-20, 607 G-4, 71 G-4, ei 88 o-s, 96 EUROPEAN ELDER (Sambucus nigra) o-ii, 287 EUROPEAN FIVE-FINGER GRASS (Potentilla reptans) G-11, 289 European Vervain G-25, 788 EUROPEAN WATER HEMLOCK (Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 European Wild Pansy 382 EuroQuality Juniper Berries Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .440 EuroQuality Red Clover Blossoms Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 633 EVENING PRIMROSE (Oenothera biennis) officinalis) 300 Eyebright (Centaurium erythraea) . . . G-8, Eyebright (Lobelia inflata) .G-i6, Eyebright Capsules (Herbal Harvest, Major, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Resource) Eyebright Herb Capsules (Frontier) 174 479 300 300 EUROPEAN GOLDEN ROD (Solidago virgaurea) European Larch G-11,289 o-is, 457 EUROPEAN MISTLETOE (Viscum album) .. G-11, 291 EUROPEAN PEONY (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 EUROPEAN SANICLE (Sanicula europaea) European Senega Snakeroot 296 .85 Fagopyrum esculentum Fairy Bells Fairy Caps (Digitalis purpurea) Fairy Caps (Primula veris) Fairy Fingers Fairy Flax Fairy Gloves Fairy Thimbles Fairy-Wand Saffron Bittersweet Box Cinnamon Coltsfoot Grapes Hellebore Jacob's Ladder Jasmin Pepper 652 24 G-IO, 256 182 48 G-3, 26 G-3, 5 G-3, 3 838 139 FALSE SCHISANDRA G-11, 298 Evening Primrose Capsules (Major) 298 Evening Primrose Oil Capsules (ADH, Bergen Brunswig, Mason Vitamins, National Vitamin, Natrol, Nature's Bounty) 298 Evergreen Snakeroot 85 Everlasting 236 Everlasting Friendship 193 Eve's CupS G-20, 596 Ewe Daisy G-8, 192 Ex-Lax Maximum Strength (Novartis Consumer) 684 Eye Balm G-13, 355 Eye Root G-13, 355 EYEBRIGHT (Euphrasia Fake False False False False False False False False False o-6, 124 827 0-10, 248 231 G-IO, 248 526 G-IO, 248 G-IO, 248 301 (Kadsura japonica) 301 FALSE UNICORN ROOT (Veratrum luteum) 301 Featherfew Featherfoil Felon Herb Felonwood Felonwort Feltwort Fenkel 0-11, 3oe G-11, 3oe G-IS, 530 G-5, 88 G-5, 88 G-IS, 532 G-11, 302 FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare) . . . G-11, 302 Fennel Seed Capsules (Nature's Way) Fennel Seed Liquid (Nature's Answer) 302 302 FENUGREEK (Trigonella graecum) foenum- Fenugreek Capsules (Nature's Way) Fenugreek Seed Capsules (Frontier) Fern Ferula Ferula foetida Ferula gummosa Ferula sumbul Fetid Nightshade FEVER BARK (Alstonia constricta) Fever Fever Fever Fever Plant Root Tree Twig G-11, 304 304 304 0-17, 493 0-23, 738 47 323 G-23, 738 G-14, 389 305 0-11, 298 220 0-11, 283 G-5, 88 FEVERFEW (Tanacetum parthenium) . G-11, 306 1-16 /FEVERFEW CAPSULES PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Feverfew Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Mason Vitamins, McZand, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer) . . . . 306 Feverfew Extract Capsules (Herbal Harvest, Humco) 306 Feverfew Leaf Capsules (Naturalife) 306 Feverfew Traditional Herb Capsules (Nature's Resource) 306 Fevergrass G-16, 465 Feverwort (Centaurium erythraea) . . . G-8, 174 Feverwort (Eupatorium perfoliatum) G-6, 113 Ficus carica G-11, 310 Field Balm G-8, 164 Field Horsetail G-14, 409 Field Lady's Mantle 570 Field Mustard 816 Field Pumpkin G-20, 618 G-11, 310 Fieldhove G-9, 209 FIGS (Ficus carica) G-11, 310 FIGWORT (Scrophularia nodosa) . . . G-11, 311 Figwort Filipendula ulmaria Filwort Finger Flower Fir Tree Fireweed (Linum usitatissimum) 466 G-17, sn G-8, 174 G-IO, 248 714 G-26, SIS G-20, 598 Fly Agaric G-3, 8 Fly-Catcher G-20, 596 Fly-Trap (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Fly-Trap (Sarracenia purpurea) . . . G-20, 596 Foal's-Foot G-9, 209 Foalswort G-9, 209 Foam Flower G-9, 219 Foeniculum vulgare G-11, 302 Folks' Glove G-IO, 248 Food of the Gods 47 312 Fish Mint Fish Poison Tree Five Fingers . Five Leaves Five-Finger Blossom Five-Finger Fern Five-Fingered Root Five-Leaflet Flag Lily Flaggon Flake Manna Flannelflower Flapperdock G-23, 709 428 G-11, 289 G-3, 26 G-11, 289 491 , 795 189 G-19, 56i G-19, 56i G-17, 496 G-IS, 532 G-19, 585 Fool's-Cicely arvensis) Foxglove G-10, 248 G-7, 128 FRANGULA Fraxinella G-12, 317 G-12, 317 . G-12, 320 G-IS, 521 46 FRINGETREE (Chionanthus virginicus) . .G-12, 321 Frogsfoot Frogwort Frost Plant Frostweed 128 128 G-12, 321 G-12, 321 FROSTWORT (Helianthemum canadense) G-12, 321 FUCUS Fucus vesiculosus Fuller's Herb Fumaria officinalis 106 106 G-22, 701 G-12, 322 FUMITORY (Fumaria officinalis) Fumus Furze Fusanum Fusoria G-12, 322 G-12, 322 G-IO, 260 G-25, 791 G-25, 791 G (Ferula gummosa) G-12, 316 G-23, 735 FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia carteri) Friar's Cap Friar's Cowl GALBANUM Fragaria vesca Frangula Bark (Artemisia dracunculus) G-12, 316 FOX'S C l o t e (Rhamnus frangula) G-4, 50 G-17, 496 G-13, 353 FRENCH TARRAGON G-12, 316 FORGET-ME-NOT (Myosotis Fraxinus excelsior Fraxinus ornus French Lilac Gadrose Gaglee Gagroot Galanga Galangal Galanthus nivalis FOOL'S PARSLEY (Aethusa cynapium) FISH BERRY (Anamirta cocculus) G-12, 313 Flax Weed G-21, 650 Flaxseed G-12, 313 Flaxseed Oil Capsules (Advanced Nutritional, Rx Vitamins) 313 Flaxweed 840 Flea Wort (Erigeron canadensis) . . . . G-7, 144 Flea Wort (Plantago afra) . G-20, 616 Fleaseed G-20, 616 Flesh and Blood G-8, 192 Fliggers G-19, 561 Florentine Orris G-19, 561 Florida Holly 117 Flower Velure G-9, 209 Flowering Ash G-17, 496 Flowering Sally G-20, 620 Flowering Wintergreen 85 Fluellin 840 Fluffweed G-IS, 532 Flux Root FIELD SCABIOUS (Knautia arvensis) FLAX Galega officinalis Galeopsis segetum Galipea officinalis Galium aparine Galium odoratum Galium verum Gallinaccia Oak Gallwort G-25, 791 46 G-ie, 479 467 467 700 323 G-13, 353 G-13, 389 34 193 G-24, 751 G-15, 455 550 840 GAMBIR 319 G-7, 130 (Uncaria species) Gambodia 324 G-12, 325 ALPHABETICAL INDEX GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT TABLETS / I - 1 7 GAMBOGE (Garcinia hanburyi) . . . . G-12, 3 2 5 Ganja G-17, 5 0 0 Garbato Tambor Hausca 160 G-12, 3 2 5 Garcinia hanburyi Garden Angelica . . G-3, 3 2 Garden Artichoke . G-4, 4 4 GARDEN CRESS (Lepidium sativum) Garden Mint Garden Nightshade Garden Violet Garden-Poppy Gargaut Garl-Action Tablets (Action Labs) G-12, 3 2 6 G-23, 7 0 9 G-6, 101 G-24, 7 5 0 G-20, 6 0 9 467 . . 327 GARLIC (Allium sativum) G-12, 3 2 7 Garlic Capsules (Bio-Tech, Cardinal, Frontier, Key Co., Major, Mason Vitamins, National Vitamin) . . . . 327 Garlic Enteric Coated Tablets (Perrigo, Rexall Consumer) . . . 3 2 7 Garlic Oil 1000 Capsules 327 (Republic) Garlic Oil Capsules (Advanced Nutritional, Apothecary, Basic Vitamins, Bergen Brunswig, Family Pharmacy, Health Products, Mason Vitamins, Medicine Shoppe, Nature Made, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo) . . . . 3 2 7 Garlic Oil Natural Capsules (Cardinal, Rexall 327 Consumer) Garlic Power Tablets . . .327 (Nature's Herbs) Garlic Sage ci-26, 8 2 6 Garlic Tablets (ADH, American Pharmaceutical, Apothecary, Basic Vitamins, Bergen Brunswig, Celestial Seasonings, Contract Pharmacal, Family Pharmacy, Freeda, Mason Vitamins, Medicine Shoppe, National Vitamin , Naturalife, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo, Republic , 327 Zenith Goldline) Garlicin Tablets .327 (Nature's Way) Garlic-X Tablets (Mason Vitamins) 327 Garlin Tablets (Major) . . . . .327 Garlique Enteric Coated Tablets (Sunsource) .327 Garlique Tablets (Sunsource ) .. . 3 2 7 G-7 130 Gas Plant Gatten G-25 i 791 Gatter G-25 , 791 .820 Gaultheria procumbens Gay-Feather G-17 , 5 0 3 Gelidium amansii . .9 Gelsemin .838 838 Gelsemium sempervirens Genista tinctoria G-10 , 2 6 0 Gentian .836 .836 Gentian Root .836 Gentiana lutea Geranium .233 Geranium maculatum 233 G-14 3 9 3 Geranium robertianum . . . . GERMAN CHAMOMILE (Matricaria recutita) . . . . G-12 331 GERMAN IPECAC (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 GERMAN SARSAPARILLA (Carex arenaria) 336 GERMANDER (Teucrium chamaedrys) Geum Geum rivale Geum urbanum Gharghar Giant Kelp G-12, 337 G-4 , 71 G-25, 7 9 4 G-4 , 71 660 122 GIANT MILKWEED (Calotropis gigantea) Giant Swallow Root Gillenia Gillenia trifoliata 338 338 421 421 Gill-Go-over-the-Ground Gill-to-by-the-Hedge Gillyflower Gin-Action Tablets (Action Labs) Ginepro Gingelly 372 372 G-25, 792 346 G-15, 440 688 GINGER (Zingiber officinale) G-12, 339 Ginger Capsules (Mason Vitamins, Sundown) 339 Ginger Kid Liquid (Nature's Answer) 339 Ginger Liquid (McZand) 339 Ginger Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 339 Ginger Root Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Frontier, Herbal Harvest, Mason Vitamins, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Resource, Nature's Way, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer) 339 Ginger Root Oil (Aura Cacia) . . 339 Ginkai Tablets (Lichtwer) . G-29, 342 GinkAlert Tablets (Mason Vitamins) 342 GINKGO (Ginkgo biloba) G-12, 342 Ginkgo biloba G-12, 342 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules (ADH, Bergen Brunswig, Cardinal, Celestial Seasonings, Major, Mason Vitamins, Naturalife, Nature's Resource, Rexall Consumer, Rexall Managed Care, Sundown, Zenith Goldline) .. * 342 Ginkgo Biloba Extract (Natrol) Ginkgo Biloba Extract Capsules (Humco, Mason Vitamins, National Vitamin, Neurovites) Ginkgo Biloba Extract Tablets (Herbal Harvest, Nature's Bounty) 342 342 342 1 - 1 8 / G I N K G O BILOBA LIQUID PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Ginkgo Biloba Liquid (Pharmaceutical Labs) 342 Ginkgo Biloba Plus Capsules (Apothecary) 342 Ginkgo Biloba Premium Extract Capsules (Futurebiotics) 342 Ginkgo Biloba Premium Extract Tablets (Futurebiotics) 342 Ginkgo Biloba Standardized Capsules (Rexall Consumer) c-30, 342 Ginkgo Biloba Tablets (Major, Natrol, Nature Made, Reese) 342 Ginkgo Capsules (McZand) 342 Ginkgo Leaf Capsules (Frontier) Ginkgo Liquid (McZand) 342 342 Ginseng Chinese Liquid (McZand) 346 Ginseng Complex Capsules (Herbal Harvest, Nature's Bounty, Rexall Consumer) . . . . 3 4 6 Ginseng Complex Korean Capsules (Mason Vitamins) . . . 346 Ginseng Concentrate Capsules (McKesson) 346 Ginseng Energy Capsules (Celestial Seasonings) 346 Ginseng Korean Capsules (Advanced Nutritional, Health Products, Major, Mason Vitamins, National Vitamin, Nature's Bounty, Zenith Goldline) 346 Ginseng Korean Standardized Capsules (Rexall Consumer) 346 Ginseng Up Capsules (Nature's Bounty) Ginseng Vitamin Capsules (Family Pharmacy) Giroflier Gladdon Gladyne Glechoma hederacea Globe Amaranth Globe Artichoke Globe Crowfoot (Trollius europaeus) Globe Ranunculus Globe Trollius Gloves of Our Lady Glycine soja Glycyrrhiza glabra Gnaphalium uliginosum (Andira araroba) 342 Ginseng Liquid (Pharmaceutical Labs) Goat's Arrach Goat's Leaf 346 Ginkgo-Go Tablets (Wakunaga) Goat's Pod 342 Ginkgold Tablets (Nature's Way) Ginseng Manchurian Capsules (Nature's Bounty) 346 342 Ginseng Natural Tablets (Bergen Brunswig) 346 Ginseng Power Max 4X Capsules (Action Labs) 346 Ginseng Power Max 4X Liquid (Action Labs) 346 Ginseng Root Korean White Capsules (Bergen Brunswig) 346 346 Ginseng Root Siberian Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Nature's Resource) 346 346 Ginseng Root Tablets (Rexall Consumer) 346 Ginkgo Tablets (Mericon) 342 Ginkoba Tablets (Pharmaton) Ginsai Capsules (Lichtwer) G-29, 342 346 Ginsana Capsules (Pharmaton) G-29, 346 Ginsana Chewable Tablets (Pharmaton) G-29, 346 GINSENG (Panax ginseng) Ginseng American Capsules (ADH) Ginseng American Liquid (McZand) Ginseng Capsules (American Pharmacal, Basic Vitamins, Bergen Brunswig, Contract Pharmacal, Major, McKesson, Naturalife, Perrigo) Ginseng Chinese Capsules (ADH) . 346 G-12, 351 G-12, 351 G-12, 351 G-IO, 248 G-22, 707 G-ie, 469 236 GOA POWDER 346 (Irwin) 346 G-25, 792 G-7, 138 G-19, 56i 372 133 G-4, 44 G-12, 351 GLOBE FLOWER Ginseng Korean Tablets (Mason Vitamins) Ginkgo Smart Capsules 346 352 43 399 G-8, 165 GOAT'S RUE (Galega officinalis) G-13, 353 Goatweed (Aegopodium podagrarid) .G-13, 361 Goatweed (Hypericum perforatum) . G-23, 719 God's-Hair 38i Gold Chain 215 Gold Cup 133 Goldbloom G-17, 497 Goldcup 128 Golden Chain 452 Golden Daisy 563 Golden Groundsel 354 Golden Moss 215 GOLDEN RAGWORT Ginseng Siberian Capsules (Apothecary, Cardinal, Major, Mason Vitamins, Rexall Consumer) .. 346 346 Ginseng Siberian Liquid (McZand) 346 346 Ginseng Siberian Tablets (Nature's Bounty) 346 (Senecio aureus) 354 Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) G-11, 289 Golden Rod (Verbascum densiflorum) G-18, 532 Golden Seal Capsules (National Vitamin) 355 Golden Seal Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 355 ALPHABETICAL INDEX GROUND LILY / I - 1 9 Golden Seal Root Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Herbal Harvest, Major, McKesson, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way, Zenith Goldline) Golden Senecio 355 354 GOLDEN SHOWER TREE (Cassia fistula) G-13, 354 GOLDENSEAL (Hydrastis canadensis) . G-13, 355 Goldenseal 563 Goldenseal Capsules (ADH, Mason Vitamins) 355 Goldenseal Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 355 Goldenseal Liquid (McZand) . . 355 Goldenseal Plus Capsules (Key Co.) 355 Goldenseal Root Alcohol Free Liquid (Nature's Answer) 355 Goldenseal Root Capsules (Apothecary, Frontier, Humco, Mason Vitamins, Nature Made, Nature's Resource, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer, Sundown) 355 Goldilocks 417 Golds G-17, 497 GOLDTHREAD (Coptis trifolia) 358 Goldy Star G-4, 71 Goonteh 435 Goose Grass 193 Goose Tansy G-20, 610 Goosebill 193 Goosefoot 43 Goosegrass (Galium aparine) .. .193 Goosegrass (Potentilla anserina) G-20, 610 Goosewort G-20, 610 Go-Qi-Zi 487 Gosling Weed 193 Gossypium herbaceum G-16, 468 Gossypium hirsutum 228 GOTU KOLA (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Gotu Kola Capsules (ADH, Bergen Brunswig, Frontier, Major, Mason Vitamins, Nature's Resource, Rexall Consumer, Sundown, Zenith Goldline) 359 Gotu Kola Herb Capsules (McKesson) 359 Gotu Kola Herb Liquid (Nature's Way) 359 Gotu Kola Liquid (McZand) . . . . 359 Gout Herb G-13, 36i Goutberry G-6, 104 (Aegopodium podagraria) .G-13, 361 GoUtWOlt G-13, 361 Grain Grains of Paradise G-18, 551 G-8, 165 (Aframomum melegueta) . G-13, 362 G-19^73 GRAPE G-13, 3 6 2 Grape Seed Capsules (Bergen Brunswig) 362 Grape Seed Extract Capsules (Major, Rexall Consumer, Sundown) 362 Grapeholly G-18, 527 Grapeseed Extract Capsules (Nature's Bounty) 362 Grapple Plant 247 Grass G-17, 500 Grass Myrtle G-7, 138 Gratiola G-i3, 385 Gratiola officinalis G-13, 385 Gravel Plant 768 Gray Beard Tree G-12, 321 Gray Nicker 253 GRAY WALLFLOWER (Erysimum diffusum) 365 GREAT BURNET (Sanguisorba officinalis) . G-13, 366 Great Burr Great Morel Great Ox-Eye Great Raifort Greater Ammi Grecian Laurel Greek Hay Seed Greek Nuts G-7, 128 G-4, 69 563 G-14, 408 G-5, SI G-13, 367 G-15, 459 G-11, 304 15 GREEK SAGE (Salvia triloba) Green Green Green Green Bean Broom Endive Ginger 367 G-4, 65 G-10, 260 453 G-26, 829 GREEN HELLEBORE Green Mint Green Ozier Green Sauce 368 G-23, 709 G-IO, 256 827 GREEN TEA (Camellia sinensis) GRAINS-OF-PARADISE (Vitis vinifera) (Calystegia sepium) (Helleborus viridis) GOUTWEED Granadilla GREATER BINDWEED G-13, 369 Green Tea Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Natrol) ....369 Green Tea Extract Capsules (Celestial Seasonings) 369 Green Tea Leaf, Alcohol Free Liquid (Nature's Answer) 369 Green Tea Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 369 Green Tea Power, CaffeineFree Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 369 Green Tea Tablets (Futurebiotics) 369 Greenweed G-IO, 260 Grenadier G-20, 605 Grindelia 379 Grindelia species 379 Grip Grass 193 Groats G-18, 551 Ground Apple G-10, 270 Ground Berry 820 Ground Elder G-13, 361 Ground Furze G-23, 713 Ground Glutton 374 Ground Holly 595 GROUND IVY (Glechoma hederacea) Ground Laurel Ground Lemon Ground Lily 372 768 G-17, 510 G-4, 74 1 - 2 0 / G R O U N D PINE PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S GROUND PINE (Ajuga chamaepitys) G-13, 373 Ground Raspberry Ground Thistle Groundbread Groundnuts G-13, 355 151 240 575 Gum Plant G-9, 212 Gum Senegal 378 Gum Tree {Eucalyptus globulus) . . . .G-11, 283 Gum Tree {Liquidambar orientalis) . G-23, 734 Gummigutta G-12, 325 GROUNDSEL (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Grundy Swallow {Senecio aureus) Grundy Swallow {Senecio vulgaris) G-Sana Capsules (Mason Vitamins) 354 374 346 GUAIAC (Guaiacum officinale) 375 Guaiacum Guaiacum officinale 375 375 GUAR GUM (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) . . . . 376 Guar Gum Powder (Freeda) 376 GUARANA (Paullinia cupana) 376 Guarana Bread 376 Guarana Capsules (Mason Vitamins, Natrol) 376 Guarana Seed Liquid (Nature's Answer) 376 Guarana Tablets (Apothecary, National Vitamin, Sundown) 376 Guelder Rose G-5, 96 Guggal Gum G-18, 534 Guggal Resin G-IS, 534 Guggul Resin Capsules (Frontier) 534 Guinea Corn 121 Guinea Grains G-13, 362 Guinea Rush G-3, 6 Guinea Sorrel G-14, 394 Gum Acacia 378 GUM ARABIC (Acabia Senegal) Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum Asafoetida Bush Camphor Dragon Euphorbium Ivy 378 47 84i G-7, 143 767 7ie G-IO, 275 GUMWEED (Grindelia species) 379 Gunga Guraea rusbyi Guru Nut Gutta Cambodia Gutta Gamba Gypsy Flower Gypsywort 435 198 205 G-12, 325 G-12, 325 410 G-6, 126 H H. Lignum Hackmatack Haematoxyion campechianum Hagenia abyssinica Hag's Taper Hair of Venus Hairy Mint Hallelujah Hallfoot Hamamelis Hamamelis virginiana Hamburg Parsley Handflower Happy Major Hardback Hardhack Hardhay Hardock Hareburr Hare's Beard 480 G-24, 759 . . . 480 450 G-18, 532 491 G-26, 813 827 G-9, 209 G-26, 821 G-26, 821 G-19, 567 G-25, 792 G-7, 128 G-23, 733 G-23, 733 G-23, 719 G-7, 128 G-7, 128 G-18, 532 HARONGA (Haronga madagascariensis) Haronga madagascariensis Harpagophytum procumbens Hart's Tree Hart's Truffle Hartshorn 380 380 . . . . 247 G-24, 744 618 G-6, 123 HARTSTONGUE (Scolopendrium vulgare) Haw Hawthorn 38i 271 G-IO, 271 G-IO, Hawthorn Berries Capsules (Nature's Resource, Nature's Way) 271 Hawthorn Berries Liquid (Nature's Way) 271 Hawthorn Berry Capsules (Mason Vitamins) 271 Hawthorn Capsules (McZand) . . . 271 Hawthorn Extract Capsules (Humco) 271 Hawthorn Flowers Leaves & Berries Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 271 Hawthorn Liquid (McZand) 271 Hawthorn Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 271 Hawthorn Tablets (Naturalife) . . . 271 Hawthorne Berries Capsules (Frontier, Herbal Harvest, Nature's Bounty, Sundown) . . .271 Hawthorne Capsules (ADH) . . . 271 Hay Flowers G-24, 744 Haymaids 372 Hayriffe 193 Hayruff 193 Hazel Nut G-26, 821 Hazelwort 48 Headache 223 Headsman G-11, 278 Headwark 223 Heal-All {Collinsonia canadensis) . .G-23, 733 Heal-All {Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 68i Heal-All {Scrophularia nodosa) . . . G-11, 311 Healing Herb G-9, 212 Heart of the Earth G-22, 681 HeartCare Hawthorn Extract Tablets (Nature's Way) 271 HEARTSEASE (Viola tricolor) 382 HEATHER (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Hedera helix Hedge Convolvulus Hedge Fumitory Hedge Lily G-IO, 275 G-13, 367 G-12, 322 G-13, 367 HEDGE MUSTARD (Sisymbrium officinale) Hedge-Burs 384 193 A L P H A B E T I C A L INDE X HORSE CHESTNUT POWER C A P S U L E S / I - 2 1 Hedgeheriff 193 (Geranium robertianum) . G-14, 393 HEDGE-HYSSOP (Gratiola officinalis) G-13, 385 Hedgemaids 372 Hedge-Taper G-IS, 532 Helianthemum canadense . . G-12, 321 Helianthus annuus G-23, 741 Helichrysum arenarium 417 Heliotrope G-2S, 783 Helleborus niger G-5, 97 Helleborus viridis 368 Hellweed G-IO, 254 Helmet Flower G-22, 678 Helonias Root 301 HEMLOCK (Conium maculatum) Hemlock Bark Hemlock Gum Hemlock Spruce G-13, 386 G-19, 594 G-19, 594 714 HEMP AGRIMONY (Eupatorium cannabinum) G-13, 388 HEMPNETTLE (Galeopsis segetum) Hen Bell G-13, 389 G-14, 389 HENBANE (Hyoscyamus niger) Hendibeh G-14, 389 G-8, ISI HENNA (Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Henne G-14, 391 Hens and Chickens G-14, 411 Hep Tree G-10, 254 Hepatica nobilis 26 Heracleum sphondylium . . . G-14, 396 Herb Bennet (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 Herb Bennet (Geum urbanum) G-4, 71 Herb Christopher eo Herb Gerard G-13, 36i Herb Louisa 463 Herb Margaret 563 Herb of the Cross G-25, 788 HERB PARIS (Paris quadrifolia) Herb Peterpaigle HERB ROBERT G-14, 392 231 Herb Trinity 26 Herb Twopence G-17, 520 Herbal Eyebright Capsules (Nature's Way) 300 Herbal Sure Aloe Vera Softgels (Nature's Bounty) 16 Herbal Sure Chinese Red Ginseng Capsules (Nature's Bounty) 346 Herbal Sure Extracts Capsules (Nature's Bounty) .-. . .75 Herbal Sure Feverfew Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . . 306 Herbal Sure Ginger Root Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .339 Herbal Sure Goldenseal Root Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .355 Herbal Sure Korean Ginseng Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .346 Herbal Sure Maximum Strength Ginkgo Biloba Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .342 Herbal Sure Saw Palmetto Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .664 Herbal Sure Valerian Root Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .783 Herb-of-Grace (Ruta graveolens) G-21, 648 Herb-of-Grace (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Herbygrass G-21, 648 Hercules Woundwort G-22, 68i Herniaria glabra G-21, eso Herniary G-21, eso HIBISCUS (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Hibiscus sabdariffa High Alicin Garlic Tablets (Futurebiotics) High Balm High Cranberry G-14, 394 G-14, 394 327 562 G-S, 96 HIGH MALLOW (Malva sylvestris) High Potency Garlic Oil Capsules (Nature Made) Highwaythorn Hillberry Hind Heal Hindheal G-14, 395 Hind's Tongue 381 Hini 104 Hip G-10, 254 Hip Fruit G-10, 254 Hippophae rhamnoides . . . . .G-22, 680 Hock-Heal G-22, 68i Hog Apple G-17, 510 Hogbean G-14, 389 Hogseed G-10, 254 HOGWEED (Heracleum sphondylium) Hogweed Holigold Holligold .G-14, 396 G-15, 448 G-17, 497 G-17, 497 HOLLY (Ilex aquifolium) Holly Bay Holly Thistle G-14, 397 490 G-6, 107 HOLLYHOCK (Alcea rosea) G-14, 398 Holly-Leaved Berberis G-IS, 527 Holm G-14, 397 Holme Chase G-14, 397 Holy Herb 84i Holy Rope G-13, 388 Holy Tree (Antelaea azadirachta) . . G-18, 539 Holy Tree (Ilex aquifolium) G-14, 397 Honey Plant G-16, 461 Honeybloom 418 HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera caprifolium) Hoodwort Hop Fruit 399 G-22, 678 G-10, 254 HOPS (Humulus lupulus) Hordeum distichon G-14, 400 G-4, 63 HOREHOUND (Marrubium vulgare) Horehound Hornseed Horse Blobs HORSE CHESTNUT > G-14, 401 G-S, 98 . . . 280 G-17, 503 327 (Aesculus G-6, 123 hippocastanum) G-14, 403 820 G-26, 826 Horse Chestnut Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .403 G-24, 754 I 1-22/HORSE CHESTNUT STANDARDIZED CAPSULES Horse Chestnut Standardized Capsules (Rexall Consumer) 403 Horse Daisy 563 Horse Gowan 563 Horse Tongue 381 Horse Willow G-14, 409 Horsebane (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 Horsebane (Oenanthe crocata) 795 Horse-Elder G-IO, 266 Horse-Fly Weed G-26, 812 Horse-Foot G-9, 209 Horseheal G-10, 266 Horsehoof G-9, 209 HORSEMINT (Monarda punctata) 407 HORSERADISH (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 G-14, 409 Horsetail Grass G-14, 409 Horsetail Grass Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Way) 409 Horsetail Liquid (McZand) 409 Horsetail Rush G-14, 409 Horseweed (Collinsonia canadensis) . .G-23, 733 Horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) . . . . G-7, 144 Houndsbane 410 G-14, 401 HOUSELEEK (Sempervivum tectorum) . G-14, 411 Huang-Qi Huckleberry Hulm Hulver Bush Hulver Tree Hummingbird Tree Humulus lupulus Hundred-Leaved Rose Hungarian Pepper Huntsman's Cup Hurtleberry Hurts Hurtsickle Husked Nut 54 HWEMA BARK (Corynanthe pachyceras) Hydnocarpus Hydnocarpus species . . .54 G-S, 75 G-14, 397 G-i4, 397 G-14, 397 G-4, 59 G-14, 400 644 G-8, 165 G-20, 596 G-5, 75 G-S, 75 G-9, 225 708 412 177 177 HYDRANGEA (Hydrangea arborescens) G-14, 413 Hydrangea arborescens . . . G-14, 413 Hydrastis canadensis G-13, 355 Hydrocotyle G-13, 359 Hyoscyamus niger G-14, 389 Hypericalm Capsules (Enzymatic Therapy) 719 Hypericum perforatum G-23, 719 Hypericum Perforatum (auro cultum) 1/24 Injection (Weleda) 719 Hypoxis rooperi 7 HYSSOP . . . G-15, 414 Hyssop Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) Hyssopus officinalis Iberis amara Ice Vine Iceland Lichen 414 G-15, 414 84 566 415 ICELAND MOSS (Cetraria islandica) HOUND'S TONGUE (Cynoglossum officinale) Hwanggi (Hyssopus officinalis) HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 415 IGNATIUS BEANS (Strychnos ignatii) Ilex aquifolium Ilex paraguariensis Illicium verum Imlee . . . 416 G-14, 397 G-17, 508 G-23, 725 753 IMMORTELLE (Helichrysum arenarium) Impatiens biflora India Root India Senna Indian Apple Indian Arrowroot Indian Balm Indian Balmony Indian Bark Indian Chocolate Indian Corn 417 436 467 G-22, 684 G-17,510 G-25, 791 G-4, 74 187 490 G-25, 794 224 Indian Cress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 Indian Cress (Tropaeolum majus) G-18, 537 Indian Dye G-13, 355 Indian Gentian 187 Indian Gum (Acacia arabica) 3 Indian Gum (Silphium perfoliatum) . . . G-9, 238 Indian Hemp G-17, 500 Indian Hippo 421 Indian Horseradish 67 Indian Laburnum G-13, 354 Indian Liquorice 435 Indian Nard 433 INDIAN NETTLE (Acalypha indica) 419 Indian Paint (Hydrastis canadensis) . . G-13, 355 Indian Paint (Sanguinaria canadensis) 108 Indian Pennywort G-13, 359 INDIAN PHYSIC (Gillenia trifoliata) 421 Indian Pink 594 Indian Plant (Hydrastis canadensis) . . G-13, 355 Indian Plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) 108 Indian Plantago 612 Indian Poke 25 Indian Root G-23, 711 Indian Sage G-e, 113 Indian Shamrock G-4, 74 Indian Spikenard 433 INDIAN SQUILL (Urginea indica) Indian Tobacco 421 G-16, 479 INDIAN-HEMP (Apocynum cannabinum) Indian-Hemp Inkberry Intoxicating Pepper Inula britannica Inula helenium 418 418 G-20, 602 G-15, 443 < 119 G-10, 266 IPECAC (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) Ipecacuanha Ipecacuanha Rio 423 423 423 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Ipomoea Ipomoea hederacea Ipomoea orizabensis Ipomoea purga KEIRI /I-23 514 523 514 G-15, 427 IPORURU (Alchornea floribunda) IriS Iris species Irish Moss Irish Tops Ispaghula Italian Fitch Italian Jasmine Italian Limetta Itchweed Ivy Ivy-Leafed Cyclamen 424 G-19, 561 G-19, 561 152 G-22, 672 612 G-13, 353 G-15, 432 G-16, 476 25 G-3, 26 240 JABORANDI ^, (Pilocarpus microphyllus) JAPANESE ATRACTYLODES (Atractylodes japonic a) Japanese Belladonna Japanese Bell-Flower Japanese Isinglass JUNIPER 430 67i 58 9 JAPANESE MINT (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 JASMINE (Jasminum officinale) . . . G-15, 432 Jasminum officinale G-15, 432 JATAMANSI (Nardostachys jatamansi) Jateorhiza palmata Jaundice Berry Jaundice Root Java Pepper Java Plum 433 208 G-4, 61 G-13, 355 235 429 (Juniperus communis) . . . G-15, 440 Juniper Berry Juniper Berry Liquid (Nature's Answer) Juniper Berry Oil (Aura Cacia) Juniperus communis Juniperus sabina Juno's Tears Jupiter's Bean Jupiter's Beard Jupiter's Eye Jupiter's Nut Justicia adhatoda G-15, 440 440 440 G-15, 440 G-21, 663 G-25, 788 G-14, 389 G-14, 411 G-14, 411 708 G-17, 492 K Kadsura Fruit Kadsura japonica Kalmia latifolia 301 301 G-IS, 528 JAVA TEA G-15, 425 (Orthosiphon spicatus) 434 KAMALA (Mallotus philippinensis) 442 JEQUIRITY Jach-of-the-Buttery 215 JACK-1N-THE-PULPIT (Arisaema atrorubens) Jack-Jump-About 426 G-13, 361 JACOB'S LADDER (Polemonium caeruleum) Jacob's Ladder Jacob's Staff Jacob's Sword G-15, 427 G-ie, 475 G-18, 532 G-19, 561 JALAP (Ipomoea purga) G-15, 427 Jalap {Ipomoea orizabensis) ....514 Jalap {Phytolacca americana) . .G-20, 602 JAMAICA DOGWOOD m* (Piscidia piscipula) 428 Jamaica Mignonette Jamaica Pepper Jamaica Sorrel G-14, 391 590 G-14, 394 JAMBOLAN (Syzygium cumini) Jambul Jamestown Weed Jamguarandi Jamum 429 429 G-15, 436 G-IS, 425 429 (Abrus precatorius) . . Jersey Tea Jesuit's Bark Jesuit's Tea (Chenopodium ambrosioides) Jesuit's Tea (Ilex paraguariensis) 435 541 G-20, 626 G-26, 828 biflora) Jew's Myrtle Jew's-Harp Plant Jie-Geng 436 G-7, 132 G-4, 74 58 JIMSON WEED (Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 Johnny-Jump-Up 382 Jointed-Podded Charlock . . G-26, 814 JOJOBA (Simmondsia chine sis) . . . G-15, 438 Jordan Almond Juarandi Juglans cinerea Juglans regia 15 G-15, 425 134 G-25, 793 JUJUBE (Zyzyphus jujube) Jungle Weed 439 559 442 442 443 KAVA KAVA (Piper methysticum) G-17, 508 JEWEL WEED (Impatiens Kamcela Kameela Kava Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) G-15, 443 Kava Kava Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Celestial Seasonings, Humco, Mason Vitamins, McZand, Nature's Resource, Rexall Consumer, Rexall Managed Care, Sundown) 443 Kava Kava Extract Liquid (Rainbow Light) 443 Kava Kava Liquid (McZand) . .. 443 Kava Kava Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 443 Kava Kava Premium Extract Capsules (Futurebiotics) 443 Kava Kava Root Capsules (Frontier, Major, Naturalife, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 443 Kavatrol Capsules (Natrol) G-29, 443 Kawa G-15, 443 Kecksies G-13, 386 Keiri G-25, 792 1-24 /KELP PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES KELP KOMBE SEED (Laminaria hyperborea) 446 Kelp Tablets (Major, Mason Vitamins, National Vitamin) . 1 2 2 Kelpware 106 Kelp-Ware 106 Kernelwort G-11, 311 KeX G-13, 386 Key Flower 231 Key of Heaven 231 Kharbagehindi 589 KHAT (Catha edulis) Khella Khella Fruits Kid Chamomile Liquid (Nature's Answer) Kidney Bean Kidney Vetch Kidney wort Kif Kingcups Kings and Queens King's Clover King's Crown King's Cup King's Cure King's Cureall (Chimaphila umbellata) King's Cureall {Oenothera biennis) Kinnikinnick Kira Tablets (Lichtwer) Kiwach Klamath Weed Knautia arvensis Knee Holly Kneeholm Knight's Spur Knitback Knitborie Knob Grass Knob Root Knobweed Knotgrass Knotty Brake 447 G-5, SI G-5, SI 331 G-4, 65 G-9, 214 26 G-17, 500 G-17, 503 46 G-24, 744 G-S, 96 128 595 Kola Tree Kombe 450 Konsyl Easy Mix (Konsyl) 612 Konsyl for Kids (Konsyl) 612 Konsyl Powder Sugar Free (Konsyl) 612 Kooso 450 Korean Ginseng 346 Korean Ginseng Capsules (Herbal Harvest) 346 Korean Ginseng Extract Capsules (Humco) 346 Korean Ginseng Root Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) . . . .346 Korean White Ginseng Capsules (Humco) 346 Kosso 450 KOUSSO (Hagenia abyssinica) 450 Krameria Root 64i Krameria triandra 641 Kwai Garlic Tablets (Lichtwer) G-29, 327 Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Tablets (Wakunaga) G-30, 327 Lady's Purse Lady's Seals Lady's Slipper Ladysmock Lamb Mint (Mentha piperita) Lamb Mint (Mentha spicata) Lambkill Lamb's Quarters Lamb's Toes Lamb's Tongue Laminaria Laminaria hyperborea Lamium album Lancea Land Whin Langwort Lappa G-22, 690 G-22, 703 541 46 G-19, 580 G-23, 709 G-IS, 528 G-4, 74 G-9, 214 24 446 446 G-25, 806 706 G-23, 713 G-19, 585 G-7, 128 LARCH (Larix decidua) G-15, 457 Large Fennel G-11, 302 Large-Leaved Germander . . G-26, 826 Larix decidua G-15, 457 Lark Heel G-IS, 458 Lark's Claw G-15, 458 Lark's Toe G-15, 458 LARKSPUR 595 (Delphinium consolida) . . G-15, 458 LABRADOR TEA (Ledum latifolium) G-11, 298 G-25, 779 G-29, 719 230 G-23, 719 G-11, 310 G-7, 132 G-7, 132 G-IS, 458 G-9, 212 G-9, 212 G-23, 733 G-23, 733 G-23, 733 G-15,448 G-17, 493 .. G-15, 448 205 736 451 LABURNUM (Cytisus laburnum) . . . . Lactuca virosa 453 Ladder-to-Heaven Ladies Fingers Ladies' Glove Ladies Seal Lady Bleeding G-ie, 475 G-9, 214 G-IO, 248 G-25, 800 G-3, 22 LADY FERN Lady of the Meadow . . G-15, 454 G-17, 511 LADY'S BEDSTRAW G-15, 455 LADY'S MANTLE (Alchemilla vulgaris) Lady's Nightcap 840 G-22, 701 LAUREL . . . . . . 453 (Lactuca virosa) (Athyrium filix-femina) Larkspur Lion's Mouth Latherwort 452 LACTUCARIUM (Galium verum) KNOTWEED (Polygonum aviculare) (Strophanthus hispidus) G-15, 456 G-13, 367 (Laurus nobilis) Laurel Laurel Camphor Laurus nobilis Lavandula angustifolia Lavender G-15, 459 G-IS, 528 G-7, 143 G-15, 459 G-IO, 277 G-IO, 277 LAVENDER COTTON (Santolina chamaecyparissias) Lavose Lawsonia inermis Leather Bergenia Ledum latifolium Lemna minor G-ie, 460 G-ie, 482 G-14, 391 268 451 G-IO, 258 LEMON (Citrus limon) 460 ALPHABETICAL INDEX LYNAE GINSE-COOL CHEWABLE TABLETS /1-25 LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 LEMON VERBENA (Aloysia triphylla) 463 Lemon Walnut 134 LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citratus) . . Lemon-Scented Verbena .G-16, 465 463 LEMON-WOOD (Schisandra sphenanthera) Lemonwood Lent Lily Lentisk Leontopodium Leonurus cardiaca Leonurus japonicus Leopard's Bane Leopard's Foot Lepidium sativum Leptandra virginica . . . . 464 669 243 G-17, sos G-15, 456 G-18, 524 183 41 G-17, 503 G-12, 326 104 LESSER CELANDINE (Ranunculus ficaria) Lesser Dodder 466 G-10, 254 LESSER GALANGAL (Alpinia officinarum) Lesser Hemlock Lettuce Opium Levant 467 G-12, 316 453 827 LEVANT COTTON (Gossypium herbaceum) . G-ie, 468 Levant Nut Levant Salep Levisticum officinale Liatris spicata Lichwort 312 657 G-ie, 482 G-17, 503 578 LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-ie, 469 Licorice Capsules (Mason Vitamins) 469 Licorice Liquid (McZand) 469 Licorice Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 469 Licorice Root Capsules (Frontier, Major, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Way, Sundown) 469 Life Everlasting G-8, 162 Life of Man G-23, 711 Life Root (Senecio aureus) Life Root {Senecio nemorensis) Lignum Vitae Lilium candidum Lilium martagon Lily Constancy 354 21 375 804 506 G-16, 475 LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY (Convallaria majalis) LIME (Citrus aurantifolia) Lime Limette Limon Linaria vulgaris 480 Lolium temulentum Long Purples Long-Bladder Kelp Lonicera caprifolium G-24, 756 G-20, 620 122 399 LOOSESTRIFE G-16, 475 (Lysimachia vulgaris) . . . .G-16, 481 G-16, 476 Loosestrife Lophophora williamsii Lords and Ladies G-20, 620 G-19, 588 46 G-16, 477 G-16, 476 460 840 LOTUS (Nelumbo nucifera) G-16, 481 Lousewort 726 LOVAGE LINDEN (Tilia LOGWOOD (Haematoxylon campechianum) species) G-16, 477 Ling G-13, 383 Linn Flowers G-16, 477 Linseed G-12, 313 Lint Bells G-12, 313 Linum catharticum 526 Linum usitatissimum G-12, 313 Linum-20 Capsules (Key Co.) .. 313 Lion's Ear G-18, 524 Lion's Foot G-IS, 456 Lion's Mouth G-10, 248 Lion's Tail G-18, 524 Lion's Tooth G-9, 245 Liquid Amber G-23, 734 Liquidambar orientalis G-23, 734 Liriodendron tulipifera 774 Lithospermum erytrorhizon 619 Little Dragon G-12, 320 Little Pollom ss Liveforever G-14, 411 Liver Lily G-19, sei Liverleaf 26 Liverweed 26 Liverwort (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 Liverwort (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Lizzy-Run-up-the-Hedge 372 Lobaria pulmonaria 484 LOBELIA (Lobelia inflata) Lobelia inflata Locust Bean Locust Pods G-16, 479 G-16, 479 G-7, 151 G-7, 151 (Levisticum officinale) . . . .G-16, 482 Love Apple Love in Winter Love Leaves Love-Lies-Bleeding Lovely Bleeding Love-Man Low Balm Lucerne G-24, 766 595 G-7, 128 G-3, 22 G-3, 22 193 562 G-3, 12 LUFFA (Luffa aegyptica) Luff a G-16, 483 aegyptica G-16, 483 LUNGMOSS (Lobaria pulmonaria) 484 LUNGWORT (Pulmonaria officinalis) Lungwort Lupinus luteus Lurk-in-the-Ditch Lustwort Lycium barbarum . .G-16, 485 484 839 579 740 487 LYCIUM BARK (Lycium chinense) 486 LYCIUM BERRIES (Lycium barbarum) 487 Lycium chinense 486 Lycoperdon species 618 Lycopersicon esculentum . . G-24, 766 Lycopodium clavatum 196 Lycopus virginicus G-6, 126 Lynae Ginse-Cool Chewable Tablets (Boscogen) 346 1-26/LYSIMACHIA NUMMULARIA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Lysimachia nummularia . . . G-17, 520 Lysimachia vulgaris G-16, 481 Lythrum G-20, 620 Lythrum salicaria G-20, 620 M Mace Mackerel Mint Macochihua Macrocystis pyrifera Mad-Apple G-18, 545 G-23, 709 424 122 G-15, 436 tinctorum) G-16, 4 9 0 Madder Whole Root Liquid (Herb Pharm) 490 Mad-Dog Weed (Alisma plantago-aquatica) G-3, 13 Mad-Dog Weed {Scutellaria lateriflora) . . G-22, 678 Madonna Lily 804 Madweed G-22, 678 MAGNOLIA (Magnolia glauca) Magnolia glauca Mahonia aquifolium 490 490 G-18, 527 MA-HUANG 494 Manchurian Ginseng Capsules (Nature's Bounty) 346 Manchurian Ginseng Tablets (Nature's Bounty) 346 Mandragora G-17, 495 Mandragora officinarum . . G-17, 495 G-ie, 488 Maiden Fern 491 MAIDENHAIR (Adiantum capillus-veneris) Maidenhair-Tree Maid's Hair Maize 491 G-12, 342 G-IS, 455 224 (Mandragora officinarum) (Justicia adhatoda) G-17, 492 Malan 424 MALE FERN filix-mas) Male Shield Fern Mallaguetta Pepper Mallards Mallotus philippinensis Mallow Malus domestica Malva Flowers Malva sylvestris Mamaeire .. . .G-17, 493 G-17, 493 G-13, 362 505 442 G - 1 4 , 395 G-4, 37 G-14, 398 G-14, 39s G-19, 565 G-17, 497 G-17, 497 G-17, 497 594 G-24, 751 MASTERWORT (Peucedanum ostruthium) Masterwort 507 G-14, 396 MASTIC TREE G-17, 495 G-17, 510 MANNA (Fraxinus ornus) G-17, 496 Manna Ash Mapato Maranta Maranta arundinacea Marcory Marginal Fern Marguerite Marian Thistle G-17, 496 641 43 43 729 G-17, 493 563 G-17, 516 MARIGOLD (Calendula officinalis) Marigold of Peru . . G-17, 497 G-23, 741 (Cannabis sativa) Marrubium Marrubium vulgare Marsdenia condurango G-17, 500 G-14, 401 G-14, 401 216 MARSH BLAZING STAR (Liatris spicata) Marsh Clover (Caltha palustris) Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Mint Penny Stachys Tea G-17, 503 G-e, 110 G-17, 503 G-26, 813 G-13, 359 832 451 MARSHMALLOW (Althaea officinalis) G-17, 508 MATE (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 MATICO (Piper elongatum) 509 Matricaria recutita Matto Grosso Maudlin Daisy Maudlinwort Mauls Mawseed G-12, 331 423 563 563 G-14, 395 G-20, 609 May G-10, 271 May Bells May Lily May Rose G-16, 475 G-16, 475 G-5, 96 MAYAPPLE Mayflower Maypop Maytenus ilicifolia Meadow Anemone Meadow Cabbage Meadow Lily Meadow Queen Meadow Routs Meadow Runagates Meadow Saffran Meadow Saffron Meadowbloom {Ranunculus acris) Meadowbloom (Ranunculus bulbosus) . G-17, 510 231 G-19, 573 218 572 696 804 G-17,511 G-17, 503 G-17,520 G-9, 206 G-9, 206 133 128 MEADOWSWEET 505 Marshmallow Root Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) . . . .505 Marshmallow Root Liquid (Nature's Answer) 505 MARTAGON (Lilium martagon) (Pistacia lentiscus) (Podophyllum peltatum) MARSH MARIGOLD MALABAR NUT Mary Bud Mary Gowles Marybud Maryland Pink Master of the Wood MANDRAKE MARIJUANA (Ephedra sinica) (Dryopteris (Brunfelsia hopeana) Mandrake MADDER (Rubia MANACA 506 (Filipendula ulmaria) . . . .G-17, 511 Meadow-Wort G-17, 511 Meadsweet G-17, 511 Mealberry G-25, 779 Medicago sativa G-3, 12 Mega Primrose Oil Capsules (Twinlab) 298 ALPHABETICAL INDEX MOUNTAIN TOBACCO / I - 2 7 Mehndi Melaleuca alternifolia Melaleuca leucadendra Melaleucea viridiflora Melampode Melegueta Pepper Melilot Melilotus officinalis Melissa Melissa Lemon Balm Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) Melissa officinalis Melon Tree Membranous Milk Vetch Mendee Mengkudu Mentha aquatica Mentha arvensis piperascens Mentha longifolia Mentha piperita Mentha pulegium Mentha spicata Menyanthes trifoliata . . . . . Mercurialis annua G-i4, 391 757 G-7, 136 542 G-5, 97 G-13, 362 G-24, 744 G-24, 744 G-16, 461 461 G-16, 461 G-19, 565 54 G-14, 391 G-18, 544 G-26, 813 . . . . 431 G-10, 275 G-19, 580 579 G-23, 709 G-6, 110 G-17, 513 MERCURY HERB (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Mescal Buttons Metamucil (Procter & Gamble) Mexican Jalap G-19, 588 G-30, 612 514 MEXICAN SCAMMONY ROOT (Ipomoea orizabensis) 514 Mexican Tea G-26, 828 Mexican Wild Yam Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 817 Mexican Wild Yam Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . .. .817 Mexico Seed G-7, I S S MEZEREON (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Middle Comfrey Middle Confound Midsummer Daisy Mignonette Tree Milfoil Milk Ipecac (Apocynum cannabinum) Milk Ipecac (Trillium erectum) G-6, 125 G-e, 125 G - I I , 306 G-14, 391 G-26, 833 418 G-4, 74 MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Milk Thistle Capsules (Major, Mason Vitamins, McZand, Naturalife, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo) . . . . 5ie Milk Thistle Complex Capsules (Rexall Consumer) G-30, 516 Milk Thistle Extract Capsules (Humco) 516 Milk Thistle Extract Liquid (Rainbow Light) sie Milk Thistle Liquid (McZand) sie Milk Thistle Phytosome Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .516 Milk Thistle Plus Tablets (Rainbow Light) sie Milk Thistle Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs, Nature's Resource) sie Milk Thistle SuperComplex Tablets (Rainbow Light) 5ie Milk Willow-Herb G-20, 620 Milkweed 418 Milkwort 683 Mill Mountain (Calamintha nepetd) 138 Mill Mountain (Linum catharticum) 526 Mistletoe G-11, 291 Mitrewort G-9, 219 Moccasin Flower 541 Monarda didyma 562 Monarda Lutea 407 Monarda punctata 407 MONEYWORT (Lysimachia nummularia) G-17, 520 Moonflower Moor Grass Morinda citrifolia Moringa oleifera G-6, 110 G-20, 610 G-18, 544 67 MORNING GLORY (Ipomoea hederacea) 523 Mortification Root Morus nigra Mosquito Plant Mother of Rye Mother of Thyme Mother's Heart 505 99 579 280 G-26, S I S G-22, 690 MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca) G-18, 524 MOUNTAIN ASH BERRY (Sorbus aucuparia) G-18, 525 MOUNTAIN AVENS (Dryas octopetala) 526 Mountain Balm (Calamintha nepetd) Mountain Balm (Eriodictyon californicum) Mountain Balm (Monarda didyma) Mountain Box Mountain Cranberry Mountain Damson Mountain Everlasting 138 . . . . 84i 562 G-25, 779 G-25, 779 695 G-8, 162 MOUNTAIN FLAX (Linum catharticum) Mountain Flax 526 683 MOUNTAIN GRAPE (Mahonia aquifolium) Mountain Grape Mountain Ivy . . . .G-18, 527 G-4, ei G-18, 528 MOUNTAIN LAUREL Monkey Flower (Cypripedium calceolus) Monkey Flower (Linaria vulgaris) Monkey Nuts 541 840 575 MONKSHOOD (Aconitum napellus) Mood Support Capsules (Natrol) Moon Daisy Moon Flower Moon Penny G-i8, 521 719 563 563 563 (Kalmia latifolia) Mountain Mint (Calamintha nepetd) Mountain Mint (Monarda didyma) Mountain Mint (Origanum vulgare) Mountain Pink Mountain Radish Mountain Strawberry Mountain Tea Mountain Tobacco G-18, 528 138 562 G-19, 559 768 G-14, 408 G-23, 735 820 41 1-28 /MOUNTAIN-SWEET PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Mountain-Sweet 541 MOUSE EAR (Pilosella officinarum) 529 Mouse Ear Mousebane Mousetail 236 G-IS, 521 215 Mouth Root 358 Mouth-Smart Movana Tablets (Pharmaton) Mu Tong Mucuna pruriens Mudar Bark Mudar Yercum Muguet G-6, 121 G-30, 719 189 230 141 141 G-16, 475 MUGWORT (Artemisia vulgaris) G-i8, 530 Mugwort G-12, 320 534 G-24, 743 MYRTLE (Myrtus communis) G-18, 536 Myrtle Flag Myrtle Flower Myrtle Sedge Myrtus Chekan Myrtus communis Mystyldene G-7, 138 G-19, 561 G-7, 13s 178 G-18, 536 G - H , 291 olacoides) 531 MULLEIN (Verbascum densiflorum) Mullein Leaf Liquid (Frontier) Mullein Leaves Liquid (Nature's Way) Musa paradisiaca .G-IS, 532 532 532 597 Musk Root G-23, 738 MUSKMALLOW (Abelmoschus moschatus) 533 Muskseed 533 Musquash Root G-13, 386 Mustard G-25, sos Mutton Chops 193 Mu-Xiang 227 Mygrafew Tablets (Nature's Way) 306 Myosotis arvensis G-12, 316 Myrica G-22, 705 Myrica cerifera G-22, 705 Myrica gale G-24, 745 Myristica fragrans . . . . . . . . G-IS, 545 Myrobalan 772 Myroxylon balsamum G-24, 764 MYRRH (Commiphora molmol) Myrrh Commiphora Oil (Aura Cacia) . . .G-IS, 534 534 Nettle Leaf Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) . . . .729 Nettle Liquid (McZand) 729 Nettle Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 729 New Energy Capsules (Advanced Nutritional) 313 NEW JERSEY TEA (Ceanothus americanus) Niando 541 424 NIAULI (Melaleucea viridiflora) N Naked Ladies Narcissus pseudonarcissus Nard Nardostachys jatamansi Narrow-Leaved Echinacea G-9, 206 243 433 433 433 (Tropaeolum Nichol Seeds Nicotiana tabacum Niggerhead Night Willow-Herb 542 253 G-24, 762 261 G-11, 298 NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS (Selenicereus grandiflorus) . . . .543 NASTURTIUM MUIRA-PUAMA (Ptychopetalwn Myrrh Gum Liquid (Nature's Answer) Myrrhis odorata majus) G-18, 537 Nasturtium officinale Natural Ginkgo Biloba Tablets (Nature's Bounty) Natural Honey & Calendula Moisturizer for Extra Dry Skin (Kiss My Face) Nature's Root Nighttime Tablets (Nature's Way) Naughty Man's Cherries . . . Navy Bean Neckweed 798 . . . .342 497 783 G-4, 69 G-4, 65 G-6, 121 NEEM (Antelaea azadirachta) Nightshade (Datura stramonium) Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) Nightshade (Trillium erectum) Nikkar Nuts Nim Nine Hooks Ninety-Knot Noah's Ark Noble Laurel G-15, 436 G-5, 88 G-4, 74 253 G-IS, 539 G-15, 456 G-15, 448 541 G-15, 459 NONI . . .G-IS, 539 Neem Capsules (Nature's Way) Nelumbo nucifera Nepeta cataria Nerium oleander Neroli NERVE ROOT (Cypripedium calceolus) Netchweed Nettle Nettle Capsules (McZand) Nettle Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) G-IS, 544 NORTHERN PRICKLY ASH 539 G-16, 481 NEPALESE CARDAMOM (Amomum aromaticum) (Morinda citrifolia) 540 G-S, 164 G-19, 555 G-5, 86 541 43 G-23, 729 729 729 (Zanthoxylum americanum) Norway Pine Norway Spruce Nose Bleed . . . 545 714 714 G-26, 833 NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans) G-IS, 545 NuVeg Black Cohosh Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 92 NuVeg Eyebright Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 300 NuVeg Feverfew Leaf Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . . 3 0 6 NuVeg Ginkgo Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . . 342 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PALI-MARA / I - 2 9 NuVeg Red Clover Combination Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 633 NuVeg Valerian Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . . 783 . G-18, 547 Nymphaea odorata G-3, 28 OAK (Quercus robur) G-18, 549 Oak Fern G-IS, 454 OAK GALL (Quercus infectoria) 550 Oak Lungs Oat Bran Chewable Tablets (National Vitamin) Oat Bran Tablets (Major, Mason Vitamins, Nature's Bounty) Oatmeal 484 551 551 G - 1 8 , 551 OATS (Avena sativa) G-IS, 531 Oatstraw Capsules (McZand) . . . 5 5 1 Oatstraw Liquid (McZand) 551 Ocimum basilicum G-4, 64 Oderwort G-S, 82 Odorless Garlic Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 327 Oenanthe aquatica G-25, 796 Oenanthe crocata 795 Oenothera biennis 0-11, 298 Ofbit G-20, 612 Oil Nut 134 Oil of Evening Primrose Capsules (Health Products) . . . 298 Oil Plant G-7, 158 OILSEED RAPE (Brassica napus) G-19, 554 Oilseed Turnip sie Okra 533 Old Maids' Pink G-22, 701 Old Man's Beard (Chionanthus virginicus) . G-12, 321 Old Man's Beard (Usnea species) 778 Old Man's Night Cap G-13, 367 Old Man's Pepper G-26, 833 G-23, 711 G-19, 556 OLEANDER (Nerium oleander) Olibanum NUX VOMICA (Strychnos nux vomica) Old Man's Root Olea europaea G-19, 555 319 OLIVE (Olea europaea) G-19, 556 Olive Leaf Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 556 Olivier G-19, 556 One Berry G-14, 392 One-A-Day Cholesterol Health Tablets (Bayer) . . G-29, 327 One-A-Day Cold Season Tablets (Bayer) G-29, 261 One-A-Day Garlic Capsules (Bayer) G-29, 327 One-A-Day Memory & Concentration Tablets (Bayer) G-29, 342 One-A-Day Menopause Health Tablets (Bayer) . . . G-29, 92 One-A-Day Prostate Health Capsules (Bayer) G-29, 664 One-A-Day Tension & Mood Tablets (Bayer) G-29, 719 ONION (Allium cepa) Ononis spinosa Onopordum acanthium Ophioglossum vulgatum G-19, 557 G-23, 713 G-22, 678 269 OPIUM ANTIDOTE (Combretum micranthum) 559 Opium Poppy G-20, 609 Opobalsam G-24, 764 Opossum Tree G-23, 734 Oraches 43 Orange (Citrus aurantium) . . . G-5, 86 Orange (Citrus sinensis) . . . G-24, 747 Orange Milkweed G-20, 598 Orange Root G-13, 355 Orange Swallow-Wort G-20, 598 Orchid 657 Orchis species 657 Ordeal Bean 137 OREGANO (Origanum vulgare) Oregon Barberry G-19, 559 G-IS, 527 Oregon Grape (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) . . . G-18, 527 Oregon Grape Liquid (Herb Pharm) 527 Oregon Grape Root Liquid (Nature's Answer) 527 ORIENTAL ARBORVITAE (Thuja orientalis) Oriental Ginseng Oriental Sesame Origano Origanum majorana Origanum vulgare Original Primrose for Women Capsules (Naturalife) 560 346 688 G-19, 559 G-24, 746 G-19, 559 298 ORRIS (Iris species) G-19, 56i Orthosiphon spicatus Oryza sativa Osier Osterick 434 G-21, 643 G-IO, 256 G-S, 82 OSWEGO TEA (Monarda didyma) 562 Our Lady's Flannel Our Lady's Keys Our Lady's Mint Our Lady's Tears Owler Oxadoddy Oxalis acetosella Ox-Eye G-18, 532 231 G-23, 709 G-IS, 475 G-5, 89 104 827 G-3, 5 OX-EYE DAISY (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) 563 P P. Vulgaris \ . . G-19,585 Pacific Kelp Tablets (Freeda) . . . 122 Paddock-Pipes G-14, 409 Paeonia officinalis . . . . . . . . G-11, 295 PAGODA TREE (Sophora japonica) Pale Coneflower Pale Gentian Pale Mara Pali-Mara 564 261 836 305 305 1-30 /PALMA CHRISTI PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Palma Christi G-7, 158 Palmers Aloe Vera Formula Cream (E.T. Browne) 16 Palsy Root G-17, 503 Palsywort 231 Panama Bark G-20, 624 Panax ginseng 346 Panax Ginseng Capsules (Celestial Seasonings) 346 Papaver rhoeas 223 Papaver somniferum G-20, 609 PapaW G-19, 565 G-19, 565 Papaya Chewable Tablets (Health Products, Marlex) . . . . 565 Papaya Coated Tablets (Marlex) 565 Papaya Digestive Enzyme Tablet (Apothecary) 565 Papaya Enzyme Double Strength Tablet (Rexall Consumer) 565 Papaya Enzyme Tablet (National Vitamin, Rexall Consumer) 565 Papaya Enzyme with Papain Tablet (Mason Vitamins) 565 Papaya Tablets (Freeda, Major, Rugby) 565 Paperbark Tree G-7, 136 Papoose Root 109 Paprika G-8, ies Paraguay Tea G-17,508 Paraguaya 160 PAREIRA (Chondrodendron tomentosum) 566 Parietaria officinalis Paris quadrifolia Pariswort 578 G-14, 392 G-4, 74 PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum) . . G-19, 567 Parsley Breakstone Parsley Fern Parsley Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) Parsley Leaf Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 570 G-24, 754 567 Pellote 567 570 PARSLEY PIERT (Aphanes arvensis) 570 PARSNIP (Pastinaca sativa) Parson and Clerk Parthenocissus quinquefolia Partridge Berry G-19, 571 46 G-3, 26 820 PASQUE FLOWER (Pulsatilla pratensis) PAPAYA (Carica papaya) Parsley Leaf Liquid (Nature's Answer) Parsley Piercestone Pasque Flower Passe Flower Passerina Passiflora incarnata 824 572 180 G-19, 573 PASSION FLOWER (Passiflora incarnata) . . . .G-19, 573 Passion Flower Capsules (Frontier) Passion Vine Password Pastinaca sativa Patchouly Patience Dock Pattens and Clogs Paucon Paullinia Paullinia cupana Pausinystalia yohimbe Pauson Pea Tree Peachwood Peagles 573 G-19, 573 231 G-19, 571 G-19, 575 G-19, 575 G-5, 82 840 108 376 376 843 108 452 480 231 PEANUT (Arachis hypogaea) 575 PEAR (Pyrus communis) Pearl Barley Pedlar's Basket Peggie 577 G-4, 63 840 231 PELLITORY (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) Pellitory of Spain 577 577 PELLITORY-OF-THE-WALL 567 (Parietaria officinalis) (Mentha pulegium) 578 579 Pennywort 840 Peony 0-11, 295 Pepper Bark (Drimys winteri) . . . 820 Pepper Bark (Piper nigrum) G-6, 103 Pepper-and-Salt G-22, 690 PEPPERMINT Perdiem Fiber Therapy (Novartis Consumer) Perdiem Overnight Relief (Novartis Consumer) Pereira Brava G-19, 580 G-29, 612 G-29, 684 566 PERILLA (Perilla fructescens) PATCHOULI (Pogostemon cablin) PENNYROYAL (Mentha piperita) 572 G-19, 588 Perilla fructescens 583 583 PERIWINKLE (Vinca minor) Persea americana Persely Persian Berries Persicaria bistorta Persicaria hydropiper Personata Peru-Apple Peruvian Balsam Peruvian Bark Peruvian Coca Peruvian Mastix Tree Peruvian Pepper Tree 584 57 G-19, 567 G-12, 317 G-s, 82 699 G-7, 128 G-IS, 436 G-24, 764 G-20, 626 197 139 139 PETASITES (Petasites hybridus) Petasites hybridus Peter's Cress Petersylinge Petroselinum crispum Pettigree Petty Morel Petty Morell Petty Mugget Petty Mulleins Petty Whin Peucedanum ostruthium Peumus boldus Pewterwort G-19, 585 G-19, 585 ess G-19, 567 G-19, 567 G-7, 132 G-6, 101 G-23, 711 G-IS, 455 231 G-23, 713 507 G-6, 112 G-14, 409 ALPHABETICAL INDEX POOLROOT/I-31 PIMPINELLA PEYOTE (Lophophora williamsii) Phaseolus vulgaris Pheasant's Eye Philanthropium Philanthropos Philtron Phoenix dactylifera Phragmites communis Phyllanthus amarus Physalis alkekengi . .G-19, 588 G-4, 65 G-3, 5 G-7, 128 G-3, 10 G-25, 809 G-IO, 246 639 91 G-26, 819 Physic R c o t 104 Physostigma venenosum Phyto Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Phytolacca americana Phytolacca Berry Phytolacca Root p icea species i'ickaway Anise 3 ick-Pocket °icrasma excelsa 137 kurroa) 469 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 714 790 G-22, 690 622 589 °icrorhiza kurroa 589 'ierce-Stone 658 'igeon Berry G-20, 602 'igeon's Grass G-25, 788 'igeonweed G-25, 788 'ig-Rush G-15, 448 'igweed (Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 'igweed (Polygonum aviculare) . . G-15, 448 igwood G-25, 791 ilewort (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) G-3, 22 ilewort (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 ilewort (Ranunculus ficaria) . .. 466 iliolerial . 579 ilocarpus microphyllus . . . G-15, 425 ilosella officinarum 529 ilot Plant G-9, 238 [lot Weed G-21, 646 menta 590 Imenta racemosa 590 MENTO (Pimenta mpernell Pimpinella anisum Pimpinella major Pin Heads Pinang Pine Oils G-19, 591 G-3, 35 G-19, 591 G-12, 331 G-4, 38 G-22, 674 PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus) 593 Piney Pink Peppercorns . . G-11, 295 117 PINK ROOT (Spigelia marilandica) MCRORHIZA (Picrorhiza (Pimpinella major) Pink Root Pinto Bean 594 831 G-4, 65 PINUS BARK (Tsuga canadensis) Pinus species Piper Piper betle Piper cubeba Piper elongatum Piper methysticum Piper nigrum Pipperidge G-19, 594 G-22, 674 G-6, 103 G-4, 74 235 509 G-15, 443 G-6, 103 G-4, 6i PIPSISSEWA (Chimaphila umbellata) Piscidia piscipula Pistacia lentiscus 595 428 G-17, 508 PITCHER PLANT (Sarracenia purpurea) . . . G-20, 596 Pix Liquida Plantago afra Plantago lanceolata Plantago ovata G-22, 674 G-20, ei e G-11, 278 612 PLANTAIN (Musa paradisiaca) 597 590 231 G-20, 602 375 G-17, 510 G-15, 432 G-19, 575 494 G-12, 321 G-4, 69 G-19, 56i POISON IVY (Rhus toxicodendron) 600 Poison Lettuce Poison Nut Poison Oak Poison Parsley Poison Root Poison Snakeweed Poison Tobacco Poison Vine Poisonberry 453 G-18, 547 600 G-13, 386 G-13, 386 G-13, 386 G-14, 389 600 G-6, 101 POISONOUS BUTTERCUP (Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, 601 Poisonous Gum-Thistle 716 POKE (Phytolacca americana) . G-20, 602 Poke Berry Poke Root Pokeweed Polar Plant (Rosmarinus officinalis) . Polar Plant (Silphium laciniatum) . . . Polar Plant (Silphium perfoliatum) ... Polecatweed Polemonium caeruleum . . . Polemonium reptans G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-21, 645 G-21, 646 G-9, 238 696 G-15, 427 G-3, 3 POLEY (Teucrium polium) 603 Plantain (Plantago afra) . . . G-20, eie Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) . . . G-11, 278 Platycladus Orientalis 560 Platycodon grandiflorum 58 Polygala amara 85 Polygala senega 683 Polygonatum multiflorum . . G-22, 703 Polygonum aviculare G-IS, 448 PLEURISY ROOT POMEGRANATE (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 PLUMBAGO racemosa) Plumrocks Pocan Pockwood Podophyllum peltatum Poet's Jasmine Pogostemon cablin Pohl Poison Ash Poison Black Cherry Poison Flag (Plumbago (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 PONTIAN RHODODENDRON zeylanica) G-19,591 I Plumbago zeylanica . . . 599 599 (Rhododendron ponticum) PoolrOOt . . . . 606 296 1-32 /POOR MAN'S PARMACETTIE Poor Man's Parmacettie . . . G-22, 690 Poor Man's Treacle G-12, 327 Poor Man's Weatherglass . G-22, 668 POPLAR (Populus species) .... G-20, 607 POPPYSEED (Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 Populus species Portland Arrowroot G-20, 607 46 Pot G-17, 500 Pot Barley G-4, 63 POTENTILLA (Potentilla anserina) G-20, 610 Potentilla anserina G-20, 610 Potentilla erecta G-8, 192 Potentilla reptans G-11, 289 Poverty Weed 563 Power Herb Korean Ginseng Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .346 Prairie Dock G-9, 238 Prairie Grub 790 Prayer Beads 435 Premium Blend Korean Ginseng Capsules (Futurebiotics) 346 Premium Blend Saw Palmetto Capsules (Futurebiotics) 664 Premium Cayenne Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 165 Premium Fenugreek Seed Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .304 Premium Feverfew Leaf Capsules (Nature's Herbs) .. . .306 PREMORSE (Scabiosa succisa) Premorse Scaboius Pretty Betsy Prick Madam Prickly Ash Prickly Ash AutumnHarvested Liquid (Health from the Sun) Prickly Box t Prickly Lettuce Prickwood Prideweed Priest's Crown Primrose Primrose Oil Capsules (Green Turtle Bay) G-20, 612 G-20, 612 G-21, 639 215 545 545 487 453 G-25, 791 G-7, 144 G-9, 245 231 298 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Primula veris Prince's Feather Prince's Feathers Prince's Pine Proactive Saw Palmetto Capsules (Nature's Way) Promensil Tablets (Novogen) Prunella vulgaris Prunus dulcis Prunus laurocerasus Prunus serotina Prunus spinosa Psyllion Psyllios 231 G-3, 22 G-20, 610 595 664 G-29, 633 G-22, 681 15 G-8, 179 810 G-22, 697 G-20, 616 G-20, 616 PSYLLIUM (Plantago ovata) 612 Psyllium Husk Bulk-Forming Laxative Capsules (Nature's Way) Psyllium Husk Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Psyllium Husks Capsules (Yerba Prima) PURPLE GROMWELL (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE (Lythrum salicaria) Purple Medic Purple Medick Purple Medicle Purple Mulberry Purple Side-Saddle Flower Purple Turk's Cap Lily Purple Willow-Herb Purshiana Bark Pussywillow Putcha-Pat Pyrethre 612 612 (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) 621 Pyrethrum Pyrola rotundifolia Pyrus communis 577 647 577 Q G-20, 616 PUFF BALL Pukeweed Pulegium Pulmonaria officinalis Pulsatilla Pulsatilla pratensis Pumilio Pine 618 G-16, 479 579 G-16, 485 572 572 G-22, 674 PUMPKIN (Cucurbita pepo) Punica granatum Purging Cassia Purging Flax Purple Clover Purple Coneflower G-3, 12 G-3, 12 G-3, 12 99 G-20, 596 soe G-20, 620 G-7, 153 G-25, 807 G-19, 575 577 612 Psyllium Seed Bulk-Forming Laxative Capsules (Nature's Way) 612 Ptelea trifoliata 790 Pterocarpus santalinus 635 Ptychopetalum olacoides 531 Public House Plant 48 Pudding Grass 579 Pudding Pipe Tree G-13, 354 (Lycoperdon species) G-20, 620 PYRETHRUM PSYLLIUM SEED (Plantago afra) 619 G-20, 618 G-20, 605 G-13, 354 526 G-21, 633 26i Quack Grass G-25, 771 Quaker 46 Quaker Bonnet G-22, 678 Quaker Button's G-18, 547 Quaking Aspen G-20, 607 Quanterra Emotional Balance (Warner-Lambert) G-30, 719 Quanterra Mental Sharpness Tablets (Warner-Lambert) G-30, 342 Quanterra Prostate (Warner-Lambert) G-30, 664 Quanterra Sleep (Warner-Lambert) G-30, 461 Quanterra Stomach Comfort (Warner-Lambert) G-30, 339 QUASSIA (Picrasma excelsa) Quassia Quassia amara Quassia Wood 622 G-3, 23 G-3, 23 G-3, 23 QUEBRACHO (Aspidosperma bianco) Queen Ann's-Lace quebracho623 G-25, 809 ALPHABETICAL INDEX RHODODENDRON PONTICUM /1-33 Queen of the Meadow Queen's Delight Quercus infectoria Quercus Marina Quercus robur Quickgrass Quick-in-the-Hand Quillai G-17, 511 729 550 106 G-18, 549 G-25, 771 436 G-20, 624 QUILLAJA G-26, 812 G-S, 92 683 G-4, 74 24 G-S, 92 RAUWOLFIA (Quillaja saponaria) G-20, 624 Quillaja Bark Quillaja saponaria G-20, 624 G-20, 624 QUINCE (Cydonia oblongata) . 625 (Rauwolfia serpentina) Rauwolfia serpentina Ray-Grass Red Bay Red Bilberry 631 63i G-24, 756 490 G-3, 20 RED BRYONY QUININE (Cinchona Rattlebush Rattleroot Rattlesnake Root (Polygala senega) Rattlesnake Root (Trillium erectum) Rattlesnake Violet Rattleweed pubescens) Quinsy Berries Quitch Grass G-20, 626 G-5, 94 G-25, 771 (Bryonia cretica) Red Chickweed 840 .G-17, 510 RADISH (Raphanus sativus) Rag Paper Ragged Cup Ragweed G-20, 628 G-IS, 532 G-9, 238 G-20, 629 RAGWORT (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Ragwort 354 Rainbow Weed G-20, 620 Ramp 46 Ramsons 66 Ramsted 840 Ramsthorn G-6, 123 Ranunculus acris 133 Ranunculus bulbosus 128 Ranunculus ficaria 466 Ranunculus sceleratus G-20, eoi Rape G-19, 554 Rape Seed G-19, 554 Raphanus raphanistrum . . . G-26, 814 Raphanus sativus G-20, 628 RASPBERRY (Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 Rati Rattle Pouches Rattle Snake Weed 435 G-22, 690 261 G-22, 668 RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense) Rabbits Raccoon Berry 632 G-21, 633 Red Raspberry Leaves Glycerine Extract Liquid (Nature's Way) Red Raspberry Liquid (McZand) Red Robin Red Root (Ceanothus americanus) Red Root (Sanguinaria canadensis) Red Rot (Pterocarpus santalinus) Reed REED HERB Red Elder . G-S, 96 Red Elm 697 Red Ginseng 636 Red Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) . .. .G-11, 283 Red Gum (Liquidambar orientalis) . G-23, 734 Red Legs G-S, 82 RED MAPLE (Acer rubrum) Red Morocco Red Pepper Red Pimpernel Red Poppy Red Raspberry Red Raspberry Leaves Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Way) G-21, 635 G-3, 5 G-8, ie s G-22, 668 223 G-21, eso 630 541 108 740 635 Red Sanderswood 635 Red Saunders 635 Red Sedge 336 Red Sorrel G-14, 394 Red Thyme Oil (Aura Cacia) . . .76i Red Weed G-20, 602 Red Wine Extract Capsules (Sundown) 362 Redberry Leaves G-25, 779 Red-Ink Plant G-20, 602 RED CURRANT G-21, 634 630 G-15, 448 RED SANDALWOOD Red Clover Blossom Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .633 Red Clover Herb Capsules (Frontier) 633 Red Clover Herbal Capsules (Apothecary) 633 Red Clover Liquid (McZand) . .. 633 Red Cockscomb G-3, 22 Red Cole G-14, 408 Red Couchgrass 336 (Ribes rubrum) 630 RED-ROOTED SAGE (Salvia miltiorrhiza) Red-Rooted Salvia 636 636 RED-SPUR VALERIAN (Centranthus ruber) (Phragmites communis) G-21, 639 639 639 REHMANNIA (Rehmannia glutinosa) Rehmannia glutinosa Remifemin Tablets (PhytoPharmica) Reseda Rest-Harrow Rhamnus catharticus Rhamnus frangula Rhamnus purshiana Rhatania 640 640 G-30, 92 G-14, 391 G-23, 713 G-6, 123 G-12, 317 G-7, 153 64i RHATANY (Krameria triandra) Rheum palmatum Rheumatism Root Rheumatism Weed Rhododendron ferrugineum Rhododendron ponticum 641 G-8, 185 G-26, SI 7 595 eso eoe 1-34/RHUBARB PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Rhubarb Rhus aromatica Rhus toxicodendron Ribes nigrum Ribes rubrum Ribgrass Ribwort G-8, ISS 748 600 G-S, 94 G-21, 634 G-11, 278 G-11, 278 RICE (Oryza sativa) G-21, 643 Richleaf G-23, 733 Richweed (Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-5, 92 Richweed (Collinsonia canadensis) . G-23, 733 Ricinus communis G-7, 158 Ringworm Powder 352 Ripplegrass G-11, 278 Robbia G-16, 490 Robin-Run-in-the-Grass 193 Robin-Run-in-the-Hedge 372 Rock Brake G-IS, 454 Rock Fern 491 Rock of Polypody G-15, 454 Rock Parsley G-19, 567 Rock-Rose G-12, 321 Rockwrack 106 Roman Chamomile G-IO, 270 Roman Laurel G-IS, 459 Roman Pellitory 577 Rosa canina G-10, 254 Rosa centifolia 644 ROSE (Rosa SAFFLOWER 645 G-11, 311 379 ROSINWEED (Silphium G-21, 646 G-9, 238 G-21, 645 442 ROUND-LEAFED WINTERGREEN rotundifolia) Round-Leaved Hepatica Rowan Tree Royal Brittany Evening Primrose Oil Capsules (Nature's Bounty) Royal Jasmine Rubia tinctorum Rubus fruticosus Rubus idaeus Rubywood Rudbeckia Ruddes .... 647 26 G-18, 525 298 G-15, 432 G-16, 490 G-6, 104 G-21, 630 635 26i G-17, 497 RUE (Ruta graveolens) G-21, 648 Rum Cherry Rumex acetosa Rumex aquaticus Rumex crispus Run-by-the-Ground Running Jenny 810 705 795 835 579 G-17, 520 652 SAFFRON (Crocus sativus) Sagackhomi laciniatum) Rosinweed Rosmarinus officinalis Rottlera Tinctoria (Pyrola (Carthamus tinctorius) G-21, 653 G-25, 779 SAGE (Salvia officinalis) G-21, 655 Sage of Bethlehem Sagrada Bark Sahlep G-23, 709 G-7, 153 657 SALEP (Orchis species) Salicaire Salicin Willow Salix species Sallow Thorn SaloOp Salsify Salt-Rheum Weed Salvia miltiorrhiza Salvia officinalis Salvia triloba Sambucus ebulus Sambucus nigra 657 G-20, 620 G-25, 807 G-25, 807 G-22, 680 657 G-9, 212 G-4, 59 636 G-21, 655 367 259 G-11, 287 SAMPHIRE (Crithum maritimum) Sampier Sampson Root Sand Plantain Sand Sedge 658 658 261 612 336 SANDALWOOD centifolia) 644 Rose Apple Rose Bay Willow Herb . . . Rose Elder Rose Hip Rose Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) Rose Laurel. (Nerium oleander) Rose Mallow Rose Pink Rose Willow Rose-a-Rubie Rosebay Rose-Colored Silkweed . . . Roselle 429 G-26, 818 G-5, 96 G-IO, 254 G-IS, 528 G-19, 555 G-14, 398 G-8, 174 G-IO, 256 G-3, 5 eso G-23, 743 G-14, 394 ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) Rosemary Leaf Liquid (Nature's Answer) Rosenoble Rosin Weed . .G-21, 645 RUPTUREWORT (Santalum album) (Herniaria glabra) G-21, eso Ruscus aculeatus Russian Belladonna G-7, 132 671 RUST-RED RHODODENDRON (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 Ruta graveolens Rutland Beauty G-21, 648 G-i3, 367 Sabal Sabline Rouge Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sacred Bark Sacred Herb Sacred Mushroom G-21, 664 39 118 G-7, 153 841 G-19, 588 659 SANDARAC (Tetraclinis articulata) eeo Sandarac Gum Tree 660 Sandberry G-25, 779 Sanderswood 659 Sandwort 39 Sanguinaria 108 Sanguinaria canadensis 108 Sanguinary (Achillea millefolium) . . . .G-26, 833 Sanguinary (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Sanguis Draconis 257 Sanguisorba officinalis . . . . G-13, 366 Sanicle 296 Sanicula europaea 296 Santalum album 659 A L P H A B E T I C A L INDEX S E N O K O T G R A N U L ES / 1 - 3 5 Santolina chamaecyparissias Santonica Saponaria officinalis Sappan Sardian Nut Sarracenia purpurea G-i6, 460 827 G-22, 701 635 708 G-20, 596 SARSAPARILLA (Smilax species) G-21, 661 Sarsaparilla Capsules (ADH) . . . . 66i Sarsaparilla Root Capsules (Apothecary, Frontier) 66i SASSAFRAS (Sassafras albidum) Sassafras albidum Sassafrax Satan's Apple Satin Flower Satureja hortensis Satyrion Saussurea Costus Saussurea costus Savin G-21, 662 G-21, 662 G-21, 662 G-17, 495 iso G-23, 739 657 227 227 G-21, 663 SAVIN TOPS (Juniperus sabina) Savine Savory G-21, 663 G-21, 663 G-23, 739 repens) SCARLET PIMPERNEL (Anagallis arvensis) Schinus molle Schinus terebinthifolius G-22, 668 139 117 SCHISANDRA (Schisandra chinensis) 669 Schisandra chinensis Schisandra sphenanthera Schloss Tea 669 464 505 Scilla G-23, 717 Scoke Scolopendrium vulgare Scoparium Scopola G-20, 602 38i G-22, 672 67i G-21, 6 6 4 Saw Palmetto Berries Capsules (Frontier, Futurebiotics, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) Saw Palmetto Berries Liquid (Nature's Answer) Saw Palmetto Capsules (ADH, Bergen Brunswig, Cardinal, Celestial Seasonings, Herbal Harvest, Major, Mason Vitamins, McZand, National Vitamin, Natrol, Naturalife, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Resource, PD-Rx, Rexall Consumer, Zenith Goldline) Saw Palmetto Extract Capsules (Humco) Saw Palmetto Liquid (McZand) (Scopolia carniolica) Scopolia carniolica Scotch Barley 67i 671 G-4, 63 SCOTCH BROOM 664 664 (Cytisus scoparius) Scotch Fir G-22, 672 G-22, 674 SCOTCH PINE (Pinus species) Scotch Quelch G-22, 674 G-25, 771 SCOTCH THISTLE 664 664 (Onopordum acanthium) . G-22, 678 Scouring Rush G-14, 409 Scratweed 193 Scrofula Plant G - H , 311 Scrophularia nodosa G-11, 311 Scrubby Grass G-22, 679 Scubby Trefoil 790 SCULLCAP 664 SCURVY GRASS (Cochlearia officinalis) . . .G-22, 679 Scutellaria lateriflora (Scutellaria lateriflora) . . G-22, 678 G-22, 678 SEA BUCKTHORN (Hippophae rhamnoides) Sea Fennel Sea Holly Sea Holme Sea Hulver Sea Kelp Sea Parsley Sea Sedge Sea Wormwood Sealroot Sealwort Seawrack Sedum acre Segg Selenicereus grandiflorus .G-22, 680 658 G - H , 282 G - I I , 282 G - I I , 282 122 G-16, 482 336 827 G-22, 703 G-22, 703 106 215 G-19, 561 543 SELF-HEAL (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 Self-Heal Sempervivum tectorum 296 G-14, 411 SENBURI (Swertia japonica) Seneca 682 683 SENECA SNAKEROOT (Polygala senega) SCOPOLIA SAW PALMETTO (Serenoa Saw Palmetto Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .664 Saw Palmetto Standardized Capsules (Rexall Consumer) G-30, 664 Saxifrage G-19, 591 Saxifrax G-21, 662 Scabiosa succisa G-20, 612 Scabish G - H , 298 Scabwort G-10, 266 Scaldweed G-10, 254 Scaly Dragon's Claw 220 Scarlet Berry G-S, 88 Scarlet Monarda 562 Senecio Senecio Senecio Senecio Senecio Senega 683 aureus bicolor jacobaea nemorensis vulgaris 354 258 G-20, 629 21 374 683 Senega Snakeroot Seneka 683 683 Sengreen G-14, 411 Senior Ginkgo Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . . 342 SENNA (Cassia senna) Senna Extract Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Senna Leaf Capsules (Frontier) Senokot Childrens' Syrup (Purdue Frederick) Senokot Granules (Purdue Frederick) G-22, 684 684 684 G-30, 684 G-30, 684 1-36 /SENOKOT TABLETS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Senokot Tablets (Purdue Frederick) G-30, 684 Senokot X (Purdue Frederick) . . 684 Senokot Xtra (Purdue Frederick) 684 Septfoil G-8, 192 Serenoa repens G-21, 664 Serpentaria G-17, 520 Serpent's Tongue (Erythronium americanum) 24 Serpent's Tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum) 269 Serpyllum G-26, 815 Service Tree 704 SESAME (Sesamum orientale) Sesamum orientale Setewale SetWall Seven Barks Shamrock Shan-Zhu-Yu Shave Grass Shavetail Grass Sheep Laurel Sheep Sorrel, Whole Flowering Plant Liquid (Herb Pharm) Sheep-Lice SheggS Shellflower Shepherd's Barometer Shepherd's Club Shepherd's Heart Shepherd's Knapperty Shepherd's Knot Shepherd's Needle 688 688 G-25, 783 G-25, 783 G-14, 413 827 51 G-14, 409 G-14, 409 G-18, 528 705 410 G-19, 561 G-4, 59 G-22, 668 G-18, 532 G-22, 690 G-S, 192 G-8, 192 G-24, 743 SHEPHERD'S PURSE (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Shepherd's Shepherd's Shepherd's Shepherd's Scrip Sprout Staff Thyme .G-22, 690 G-22, 690 G-22, 690 G-18, 532 G-26, 815 SHORT BUCHU (Barosma betulina) 691 tonkinesis) 692 SIBERIAN GINSENG (Eleutherococcus senticosus) SIMARUBA (Simaruba amara) Simaruba amara Simmondsia chines Simpler's Joy Simson Sinapis alba Singer's Plant Sisymbrium officinale Sium sisarum Skewerwood 693 695 is 695 G-15, 438 G-25, 788 374 G-25, sos 384 384 G-22, 696 G-25, 791 SKIRRET (Sium sisarum) Skoke Skullcap Herb Capsules (Frontier) G-22, 6 9 6 G-20, 602 678 SKUNK CABBAGE (Symplocarpus foetidus) SIAM BENZOIN (Styrax Siberian Ginseng Capsules (Nature's Way) . . .. 346 Siberian Ginseng Power Herb Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .346 Siberian Ginseng Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .346 Siberian Ginseng Tablets (Herbal Harvest) 346 Siberian Tea 268 Sicklewort (Ajuga reptans) . G-6, 125 Sicklewort (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 Side-Saddle Plant G-20, 596 Silky Cornel G-10, 256 Silphium laciniatum G-21, 646 Silphium perfoliatum G-9, 238 Silver Bells G-5, 96 Silver Leaf 729 Silverweed (Impatiens biflora) 436 Silverweed (Potentilla anserina) G-20, 610 Silverweed Herb 526 Silybum marianum G-17, 516 Silymarin Capsules (Twinlab) . . . 516 Silymarin Milk Thistle Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . 516 Skunkweed Slave Wood Slipper Root Slipperweed SLIPPERY ELM (Ulmus rubra) 697 Slippery Elm Bark Capsules (Frontier) 697 Slippery Root G-9, 212 SLOE (Prunus spinosa) G-22, 697 Slough-Heal Small Hemlock Smallage Smallpox Plant Smallwort G-22, 681 G-12, 316 G-8, 172 G-20, 596 466 SMARTWEED (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Smell Fox Smilax species Smooth Lawsonia Smooth Strophanthus Smut Rye Snake Leaf Snake Lily Snake Root Snakebite (Sanguinaria canadensis) Snakebite (Trillium erectum) Snakehead Snakeroot Snakeweed Snap Bean Snapdragon Snapping Hazel 824 G-21, 661 G-14, 391 736 280 24 G-19, 56i 683 108 .G-4, 74 G-4, 59 48 G-5, 82 G-4, 65 840 G-26, 821 SNEEZEWORT (Achillea ptarmica) Snow Rose Snowball Tree 700 eso G-S, 96 SNOWDROP (Galanthus nivalis) Snowdrop Tree Snowflower Soap Bark Soap Root Soap Tree Soapwood 700 G-12, 321 G-12, 321 G-20, 624 G-22, 701 G-20, 624 G-22, 701 SOAPWORT 696 696 695 : . 541 436 (Saponaria officinalis) Solanum dulcamara Solanum nigrum Soldiers Soldier's Herb . . .G-22, 701 G-5, 88 G-6, 101 G-20, 620 G-11, 278 A L P H A B E T I C A L INDEX Soldier's Woundwort Solidago canadensis Solidago virgaurea ST. J O H N ' S WORT PREFERRE D C A P S U L E S / 1 - 3 7 G-26, 833 145 0-11, 289 SOLOMON'S SEAL (Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 Solsequia Somali Tea Sophora japonica G-17, 503 447 564 Sorb Apple Sorbus aucuparia Sorbus domestica Sorbus torminalis Sorghum Sorghum vulgare 704 G-18, 525 G-18, 525 704 814 121 121 SORREL (Rumex acetosa) 705 Sour Trefoil South Indian Squill 827 421 SOUTHERN BAYBERRY (Myrica cerifera) G-22, 705 SOUTHERN TSANGSHU (Atractylodes lancea) Southernwood Root Sow Berry Sowbread 706 isi G-4, 6i 240 SOYBEAN (Glycine soja) Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Bugloss Camomile Chestnut Saffron G-22, 707 G-3, 13 577 G-14, 403 G-21, 653 SPANISH-CHESTNUT (Castanea sativa) Sparrow Grass Sparrow Tongue 708 G-4, 52 G-15, 448 SPEARMINT (Mentha spicata) Speckled Jewels G-23, 709 436 SPEEDWELL (Veronica officinalis) Speedwell Spergularia rubra Spiceberry Spigelia anthelmia 594 G-23, 711 G-20, 620 G-20, 620 SPIKENARD SORB APPLE (Sorbus domestica) Spigelia marilandica Spignet Spiked Spiked Loosestrife G-23, 710 G-6, 121 39 820 831 (Aralia racemosa) Spikenard G-23, 711 433 SPINACH (Spinacia oleracea) Spinacia oleracea Spindle Tree G-23, 712 G-23, 712 G-25, 791 SPINY REST HARROW (Ononis spinosa) Spire Mint Spireaea Ulmaria Spogel Sponsa Solis Spoonwood (Kalmia latifolia) Spoonwood (Mallotus philippinensis) Spoonwort Spotted Alder Spotted Corobane Spotted Cranesbill Spotted Crowbane Spotted Geranium Spotted Hemlock Spotted Monarda Spotted Parsley Spotted Thistle Spotted Touch-Me-Not G-23, 713 G-23, 709 G-17, 511 612 G-17, 503 G-18, 528 442 G-22, 679 G-26, 821 G-13, 386 233 G-13, 386 233 G-13, 386 407 G-13, 386 G-6, 107 436 SPRUCE (Picea species) Spruce Fir 714 714 SPURGE (Euphorbia resinifera) Spurge Flax Spurge Laurel Spurge Olive Spurred Rye Squaw Balm Squaw Root Squaw Weed (Senecio aureus) Squaw Weed (Senecio nemorensis) Squawmint Tickweed Squawroot 716 G-17, 515 G-17, 515 G-17, 515 280 579 G-S, 92 354 21 579 109 SQUILL (Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 Squinancy Berries G-5, 94 Squirrel Corn (Corydalis cava) 226 Squirrel Corn (Dicentra cucullaria) 775 St. Anthony's Turnip 128 St. Barbara's Hedge Mustard . . .384 St. Benedict Thistle G-6, 107 St. James' Weed G-22, 690 St. James Wort G-20, 629 St. James's Tea 451 St. John's Bread G-7, 151 St. John's Herb G-13, 388 St. John's Plant G-18, 530 St. John's Power 0.3% Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .719 St. John's Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 719 St. John's Power Time Release Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 719 ST. JOHN'S WORT (Hypericum perforatum) . G-23, 719 St. John's Wort Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Breckenridge, Celestial Seasonings, Futurebiotics, Herbal Harvest, Key Co., Mason Vitamins, Naturalife, Nature's Resource, Nature's Way, PNC, Rexall Managed Care, Sundown, Zenith Goldline) 719 St. John's Wort Capsules (Rexall Consumer) G-30, 719 St. John's Wort Extract Capsules (Humco, National Vitamin) . . . 719 St. John's Wort Herb Capsules (Frontier) 719 St. John's Wort Herb Liquid (Nature's Way) 719 St. John's Wort Liquid (Nature's Answer, Pharmaceutical Labs, PNC) . . . 719 St. John's Wort Preferred Capsules (Reese) 719 1 - 3 8 / S T . JOHN'S WORT TABLETS St. John's Wort Tablets (Contract Pharmacal, Natrol, Nature Made, PDRx, Vitaline) 719 St. John's Wort Transdermal Patch (Zayco) 719 St. Josephwort G-4, 64 St. Mary's Seal G-22, 703 Stachys palustris 832 Staff Vine G-5, 88 Stagbush G-5, 96 Staggerweed {Delphinium consolida) . . G-15, 458 Staggerweed {Dicentra cucullaria) 775 Staggerwort G-20, 629 Stags Horn 196 Stammerwort G-20, 629 Standardized Bilberry Extract Capsules (Nature's Resource) 75 Standardized Cat's Claw Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 160 Standardized Chamomile Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 331 Standardized Feverfew Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 306 Standardized Garlic Capsules (Nature's Resource) 327 Standardized Ginseng, Korean White Capsules (Nature's Resource) 346 Standardized Green Tea Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 369 Standardized Hawthorn Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 271 Standardized Horsechestnut Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 403 Standardized Licorice Capsules (Nature's Resource) 469 Standardized Saw Palmetto ExtractCap Capsules (Nature's Way) 664 Standardized Siberian Ginseng Root Capsules (Nature's Way) 346 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Standardized Uva Ursi Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) Standardized Valerian Capsules (Nature's Resource) Standardized White Willow Bark Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 779 783 Stinking Prairie Bush Stinking Tommy Stinkweed Stinkwort Stitchwort Stockholm Tar 790 G-23, 713 G-IS, 436 G-IS, 436 iso G-22, 674 1 STONE ROOT 807 (Collinsonia canadensis) . .G-23, 733 STORAX STAR ANISE (Illicium verum) G-23, 725 Star Grass 11 Star of the Earth G-4, 71 Starbloom 594 Starchwort 46 Starweed 180 Starwort (Aletris farinosa) 11 Starwort {Stellaria media) iso Starwort {Veratrum luteum) 301 Staunchweed G-26, 833 Staunchwort G-9, 214 Stave Wood 695 STAVESACRE (Delphinium staphisagria) Stayplough Stellaria Stellaria media Stemless Carlina Root Sterretjie 726 G-23, 713 G-15, 456 iso 151 7 STEVIA (Stevia rebaudiana) 727 Stevia rebaudiana 727 Stick-a-Back 193 Sticklewort G-3, 10 Stickwort (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 Stickwort (Oxalis acetosella) . . . . 827 Stigmata Maydis 224 (Stillingia sylvatica) 729 Stillingia sylvatica . . . 729 STINGING NETTLE Stingless Nettle Stinking Arrach Stinking Goosefoot . . . . Stinking Motherwort . . . Stinking Nanny Stinking Nightshade Storkbill Storksbill Stramonium Strangle Tare Straw G-14, 393 233 G-IS, 436 G-IO, 254 G-IS, 551 STRAWBERRY (Fragaria vesca) Strawberry Tomato String Bean String of Sovereigns Stringy Bark Tree Striped Alder Strong-Scented Lettuce G-23, 735 G-26, 819 G-4, 65 G-17, 520 G-II, 283 G-26, 821 453 (Strophanthus kombe) Strophanthus 736 736 STROPHANTHUS GRATUS (Strophanthus gratus) Strophanthus gratus Strophanthus hispidus Strophanthus kombe Strychnos ignatii Strychnos nux vomica Stubwort Styrax benzoin Styrax paralleloneurum Styrax tonkinesis Sugar Maple Sugar Pods Sumaruba 736 736 450 . 736 416 G-18, 547 827 73 738 692 G-8, 181 G-21, 635 G-7, 151 695 SUMATRA BENZOIN G-23, 729 G-25, 806 43 (Styrax paralleloneurum) ^ 738 SUMBUL (Ferula sumbul) G-23, 738 43 43 G-20, 629 G-14, 389 t STROPHANTHUS Succory STILLINGIA (Urtica dioica) (Liquidambar orientalis) . G-23, 734 SUMMER SAVORY (Satureja hortensis) Sun Drop G-23, 739 G-II, 298 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TEA PLANT/1-39 Sun Rose Sundance Aloe Vera Gel (Lee) G-12, 321 16 SUNDEW (Drosera ramentacea) SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annuus) 740 G-23, 741 Sunkfield c-11, 289 Super Bilberry Plus Tablets (Action Labs) 75 Super Ginkgo Biloba Plus Tablets (Action Labs) 342 Super Milk Thistle Plus Tablets (Action Labs) 51 e Super Saw Palmetto Plus Tablets (Action Labs) 664 Super St. John's Wort Plus Tablets (Action Labs) 719 Super Yohimbe-Plus Tablets (Irwin) 843 Superior Chinese Astragalus Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 54 Surelle 827 SURINAM CHERRY (Eugenia unifloria) Suterberry Swallow Wort Swallow-Wort Swamp Cedar Swamp Dogwood (Cornus florida) Swamp Dogwood (Ptelea trifoliata) Swamp Laurel Swamp Maple 742 545 338 G-20, 598 G-24, 759 G-10, 256 790 490 G-21, 635 SWAMP MILKWEED (Asclepias incarnata) . . . G-23, 743 Swamp Sassafras 490 Swamp Silkweed G-23, 743 r Swamp Tea Tree G-7, 136 Sweating Plant G-6, 113 Sweatroot G-3, 3 Sweet Almond 15 Sweet Bark ise Sweet Bay (Laurus nobilis) G-15, 459 Sweet Bay (Magnolia glauca) . . 490 Sweet Betty G-22, 701 Sweet Bracken G-24, 743 Sweet Brake G-17, 493 Sweet Brier G-IO, 254 Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Broom Bugle Cane Chervil Chestnut SWEET CICELY (Myrrhis odorata) G-7, 132 G-6, 126 G-7, 138 G-24, 743 708 G-24, 743 SWEET CLOVER (Melilotus officinalis) Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Dock Elm Fennel Flag . . . G-24, 744 G-S, 82 697 G-11, 302 G-7, 138 SWEET GALE (Myrica gale) Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Grass Gum Herb Lucerne G-24, 745 G-7, 138 G-23, 734 727 G-24, 744 Sweethearts Sweet-Humlock Sweetleaf Sweets Sweet-Scented Cactus Sweet-Smelling Trefoil Swertia chirata Swertia japonica Swine Snout Swinebread Swine's Grass Swiss Mountain Pine Swiss Pine Swynel Grass Symphytum officinale Symplocarpus foetidus Synkfoyle Syzygium aromaticum Syzygium cumini 193 G-24, 743 727 G-24, 743 543 G-13, 388 187 682 G-9, 245 240 G-15, 448 G-22, 674 802 G-15, 448 G-9, 212 696 G-11, 289 G-8, 195 429 T SWEET MARJORAM (Origanum majorana) . . . G-24, 746 Sweet Mary Sweet Myrtle G-16, 46i G-7, 138 SWEET ORANGE (Citrus sinensis) Sweet Pepper Sweet Root (Acorus calamus) Sweet Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Sweet Rush Sweet Sedge Sweet Slumber G-24, 747 Sweet Vernal TAMARIND G-7, i38 (Tamarindus indica) 753 G-ie, 469 G-7, 138 G-7, 138 ios Tamarindus indica Tamus Tamus communis Tanacetum parthenium Tanacetum vulgare Tanner's Bark 753 G-25, 800 G-5, 90 G-11, 306 G-24, 754 G-18, 549 748 G-3, 5 SWEET VERNAL GRASS (Anthoxanthum odoratum) G-24, 749 SWEET VIOLET (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Sweet Weed Sweet Wood Bark so* ise SWEET WOODRUFF (Galium odoratum) Sweet-Cus Sweet-Fern G-5, 89 235 235 104 104 G-22, 705 G-8, 165 SWEET SUMACH (Rhus aromatica) Tag Alder Tailed Cubebs Tailed Pepper Tall Speedwell Tall Veronica Tallow Shrub G-24, 751 G-24, 743 G-24, 743 TANSY (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Tar Weed Taraxacum officinale Tare Target-Leaved Hibiscus Tarragon Tarweed 379 G-9, 245 G-24, 756 533 G-12, 320 841 TAUMELLOOLCH (Lolium temulentum) Taxus baccata . Tea Tea Plant . . . . G-24, 756 G-26, 841 G-13, 369 487 1-40/TEA TREE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia) Tea Tree Teaberry Teasel 757 487 820 G-6, 113 TEAZLE (Dipsacus silvestris) G-24, 757 THYME (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 761 Thyme Herb Liquid (Nature's Answer) 761 Thyme Leaf & Flower Liquid (Herb Pharm) 761 Thymus serpyllum G-26, 815 Thymus vulgaris G-24, 761 Tiarella cordifolia G-9, 219 Tickleweed 25 Tiglium 234 Tiglium Seeds 234 Tilia species G-16, 477 Time Release Bilberry Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 75 Time Release Ginkgo Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .342 Time Release Hawthorn Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 271 Time Release Korean Ginseng Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 346 Time Release Milk Thistle Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 516 Tinnevelly Senna G-22, 684 Tipton Weed G-23, 719 Toadpipe (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Toadpipe (Linaria vulgaris) 840 Toadroot 60 Tegreen Capsules (Pharmanex) 369 Temu Lawak G-9, 239 Terminalia arjuna .39 Terminalia chebula 772 Tetraclinis articulata 660 Tetterberry G-25, soo Tetterwort (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Tetterwort (Sanguinaria canadensis) 108 Teucrium chamaedrys G-12, 337 Teucrium polium 603 Teucrium scordium 797 Teucrium scorodonia G-26, 826 Tewon Lawa G-9, 239 Thalictroc 384 The Roman Plant G-24, 743 Theobroma cacao G-8, 199 Thick-Leaved Pennywort . . G-13, 359 Thimbleberry G-6, 104 Thisilyn Standardized Milk Thistle Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 516 TOBACCO Thormantle G-8, 192 (Nicotiana tabacum) G-24, 762 Thorn-Apple CMS, 436 Tobacco Wood G-26, 821 Thorny Burr G-7, 128 Tobasco Pepper G-8, ies Thoroughwort G-6, 113 Tolu G-24, 764 Thor's Beard G-14, 411 Thousand Weed G-26, 833 TOLU BALSAM Three-Leafed Hop Tree 790 (Myroxylon balsamum) . . .G-24, 764 Three-Leaved G-4, 74 Tom Rong G-12, 325 Three-Leaved Grass 827 TOMATO Three-Lobed Sage 367 (Lycopersicon Throat Root G-25, 794 esculentum) G-24, 766 Throatwort , G-11,311 Throw-Wort G-IS, 524 Tongue-Grass iso THUJA (Thuja occidentalis) Thuja occidentalis Thuja orientalis Thunder Plant G-24, 759 560 G-14, 411 (Dipteryx odorata) Tonquin Bean Toothache Tree Torch Weed 767 767 545 G-IS, 532 G-IS, 532 G-8, 192 G-8, 192 160 327 G-22, 690 G-5, 75 TRAGACANTH (Astragalus gummifer) Tragacanth 767 54 TRAILING ARBUTUS (Epigae repens) Trailing Tansy 768 G-20, 610 TRAVELLER'S JOY (Clematis vitalba) Tree Moss G-25, 769 778 TREE OF HEAVEN (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Tree of Life G-24, 759 Trefoil (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Trefoil (Menyanthes trifoliata) . . . G - 6 , 110 Trefoil (Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Trembling Poplar G-20, 607 Trifolium pratense G-21, 633 Trigonella foenum-graecum .G-11, 304 Trillium erectum G-4, 74 TRITICUM (Agropyron repens) Triticum aestivum Trollius europaeus Tropaeolum majus G-25, 771 799 G-12, 351 G-IS, 537 TROPICAL ALMOND (Terminalia chebula) True Angostura True Ivy Tru& Laurel True Unicorn Root True Unicorn Star-Grass Tsuga canadensis Tuber Root 772 34 G-IO, 275 G-15, 459 11 11 G-19, 594 G-20, 598 TULIP TREE (Liriodendron tulipifera) TONKA BEANS G-24, 759 Torches Tormentil Root Tormentilla Toron Total Gar Capsules (Mason Vitamins) Toywort Trackleberry Tun-Hoof Turkey Claw 774 372 220 TURKEY CORN (Dicentra cucullaria) 775 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Turkey Corn Turkish Sage Turk's Cap WALLPEPPER/I-41 226 367 506 TURMERIC (Curcuma domestica) Turmeric Turmeric Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) Turmeric Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Turmeric Root Turmeric Whole Rhizome Liquid (Health from the Sun) Turnera diffusa Turnhoof Turnip Greens Turnip Rope Turpentine Weed Turtle Head Turtlebloom Tussilago farfara Twitch-Grass Twopenny Grass 775 G-26, 846 846 UZARA (Xysmalobium undulatum) Vaccinium myrtillus Vaccinium uliginosum Vaccinium vitis-idaea 782 G-5, 75 G-6, 111 G-3, 20 VALERIAN (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 7 8 3 846 G-i3, 355 Valerian Capsules (Mason Vitamins, Nature's Resource) 783 Valerian Liquid (McZand) 783 846 Valerian Power Time Release 244 Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 783 Valerian Root Alcohol Free 372 Liquid (Nature's Answer) 816 783 Valerian Root Capsules 816 (ADH, Bergen Brunswig, G-9, 238 Cardinal, Frontier, Herbal G-4, 59 Harvest, Humco, Major, G-4, 59 McKesson, National G-9, 209 Vitamin, Nature's Bounty, G-25, 771 Nature's Herbs, Nature's G-17, 520 Way, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer, Sundown, U Zenith Goldline) 783 Ulmus minor G-10, 269 Valerian Root Power Ulmus rubra 697 Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .783 Umbellate Wintergreen 595 Valerian Root Standardized Umbrella Leaves G-19, 585 Capsules Una de Gato ieo (Rexall Consumer) 783 Uncaria species 324 Valerian Root Tablets Unicaria tomentosa ieo (Apothecary, Mason Upright Virgin's Bower . . . . G-8, 19< Vitamins) 783 Upstart G-9, 206 Valeriana officinalis G-25, 783 Urginea indica 421 Vandal Root G-25, 783 Urginea maritima G-23, 717 Vapor G-12, 322 Urtica dioica G-23, 729 Vegetable Antimony G-6, 113 Vegetable Mercury 494 USNEA Vegetable Sulfur 196 (Usnea species) 778 Vegetable Tallow G-22, 705 Usnea species 778 Velvet Dock G-IO, 266 Utricularia vulgaris G-e, 105 Velvet Flower G-3, 22 Uva Ursi Leaf Capsules Velvet Leaf see (ADH, Frontier, Nature's Velvet Plant G-IS, 532 Herbs) 779 Venastat Capsules Uva Ursi Leaves Capsules (Pharmaton) G-30, 403 (Nature's Way) 779 Venus' Basin G-24, 757 UVA-URSI (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) G-25, 779 VENUS FLYTRAP (Dionaea muscipula) 786 Venus Hair Venus Shoe Veratrum album Veratrum luteum Veratrum viride Verbascum densiflorum . . , Verbena officinalis Vernis de Japon Veronica beccabunga Veronica officinalis Verrucaria 491 541 G-25, 803 301 25 G-18, 532 G-25, 788 770 G-6, 121 G-23, 710 G-17, 503 VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Viburnum prunifolium G-5, 96 Vicia faba 120 Vinca minor 584 Vine of the Souls 833 Viola odorata G-24, 750 Viola tricolor 382 Violet Bloom G-5, 88 Virginia Creeper G-3, 26 Virginia Water Horehound . . G-6, 126 Virginian Poke G-20, 602 Virginian Prune 8io Virgin's Glove G-IO, 248 VIROLA (Virola theiodora) 789 Virola theiodora 789 Viscum album G-11, 291 Vitex agnus-castus G-8, 176 Vitex Capsules (Naturalife, Nature's Way) . .. . 176 Vitis vinifera G-13, 362 Vomitroot G-ie, 479 Vomitwort G-16, 479 W WAFER ASH (Ptelea trifoliata) 790 WAHOO (Euonymus atropurpurea) G-25, 791 Wake Robin Wake-Robin Walewort Wall Ginger 46 *.. . G-4, 74 259 215 WALLFLOWER (Cheiranthus cheiri) Wallflower Wallpepper G-25, 792 418 215 1 - 4 2 /WALLSTOCK-GILLOFER Wallstock-Gillofer Wallwort PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES G-25, 792 G-9, 212 WALNUT (Juglans regia) G-2S, 793 Walpole Tea Wandering Jenny Wandering Tailor Warnera Wartwort Water Agrimony 541 G-17, 520 G-17, 520 G-13, 355 236 G-7, 131 WATER AVENS (Geum rivale) Water Water Water Water Blobs Bugle Cabbage Chisch G-25, 794 G-17, 503 G-6, 126 G-3, 28 G-25, 794 WATER DOCK (Rumex aquaticus) Water Dragon 795 G-17, 503 crocata) Water Dropwort Water Elder 795 G-25, 796 G-5, 96 WATER FENNEL (Oenanthe aquatica) Water Flag Water Flower G-25, 796 G-19, sei G-25, 794 WATER GERMANDER (Teucrium scordium) Water Hemlock Water Lily Water Lovage Water Maudlin Water Mint Water Nymph Water Parsley Water Pepper Water Pimpernel Water Pink Water Plantain Water Purslane Water Shamrock 797 G-13, 386 G-3, 28 795 G-13, 388 G-26, 813 G-3, 28 G-13, 386 699 G-6, 121 768 G-3, 13 G-6, 121 G-6, 110 WATERCRESS (Nasturtium officinale) Watercress Capsules (National Vitamin) Water-Cup Wattle Bark 798 798 G-20, 596 3 G-4, 65 820 G-12, 322 G-22, 705 24 G-4, 71 G-6, 123 G-17, 500 G-4, 50 139 G-13, 36i WHEAT (Triticum aestivum) Wheat Bran Wheat Germ Oil Whig Plant White Archangel White Ash White Bay 799 799 799 G-10, 270 G-25, 806 G-13, 361 490 WHITE BRYONY (Bryonia alba) WATER DROPWORT (Oenanthe Wax Bean Wax Cluster Wax Dolls Waxberry Waxwork Way Bennet Waythorn Weed Weeping Ash Weeping Pepper Tree Weyl Ash White White White White White Bryony Candytuft Cedar Cinnamon Daisy G-25, 800 632 84 G-24, 759 147 563 WHITE FIR (Abies alba) White Flag Root White Fringe White Gum 802 G-19, 561 G-12, 321 G-23, 734 White Thyme Oil (Aura Cacia) White Walnut White Weed 761 134 563 WHITE WILLOW (Salix species) G-25, 807 White Willow Bark Capsules (ADH, Apothecary, Frontier, Nature's Way) 807 White Wood (Canella winter ana) 147 White Wood (Melaleuca leucadendra) . G-7, 136 Whitethorn G-IO, 271 Whitsun Bosses G-5, 96 Whitsun Rose G-5, 96 Whorlywort 104 Whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Whortleberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . . . . G-3, 20 Wild Agrimony G-20, 610 Wild American Scullcap Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) 678 Wild Balsam 436 Wild Bergamont 407 WILD CARROT (Daucus carota) Wild Celandine Wild Chamomile Oil (Aura Cacia) G-25, 809 436 331 WHITE HELLEBORE (Veratrum album) White Horehound White Laurel G-25, 803 G-14, 401 490 WHITE LILY (Lilium candidum) White Mulberry White Murda 804 99 39 WHITE MUSTARD (Sinapis alba) G-25, 8 0 5 WHITE NETTLE (Lamium album) G-25, 806 White White White White White G-20, 607 G-20, 598 G-13, 359 659 G-7, 136 Poplar Root Rot Saunders Tea Tree WILD CHERRY (Prunus serotina) 810 Wild Cinnamon 147 Wild Clover G-21, 633 Wild Cotton 4is Wild Countryside Black Cohosh Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 92 Wild Countryside Chickweed Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . .. 180 Wild Countryside Damiana Leaves Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 244 Wild Countryside Dandelion Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 245 Wild Countryside Gotu Kola Capsules (Nature's Herbs) .. . .359 ALPHABETICAL INDEX WOOD S A G E / 1 - 4 3 Wild Countryside Licorice Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 469 Wild Countryside Myrrh Gum Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 534 Wild Countryside Red Raspberry Leaf Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 630 Wild Countryside Scullcap Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .678 Wild Countryside Springtime Horsetail Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 409 Wild Countryside White Willow Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 807 Wild Countryside Yellow Dock Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . 835 Wild Cranesbill 233 Wild Crane's-Bill G-14, 393 Wild Curcuma G-13, 355 WILD DAISY (Bellis perennis) Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Endive Fennel Ginger Guelder Rose Hops Ice Leaf G-26, 811 G-9, 245 G-11, 302 48 G-S, 96 G-25, 800 G-IS, 532 WILD INDIGO (Baptisia tinctoria) Wild Indigo Fresh Root Liquid (Health from the Sun) Wild Indigo Root, Alcohol Free Liquid (Nature's Answer) Wild Iris Wild Laburnum Wild Lady's Slipper Wild Lemon Wild Lettuce Wild Liquorice (Abrus precatorius) Wild Liquorice {Ononis spinosa) Wild Marjoram G-26, 812 aquatica) 48 G-25, 800 551 551 382 G-17, 515 G-22, 697 WILD RADISH (Raphanus raphanistrum) G-26, 814 Wild Radish Wild Rosemary Wild Rye 365 451 G-4, 71 WILD SERVICE TREE (Sorbus Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild torminalis) 814 Snowball Sorvice Strawberry Succory Sunflower Sweet William 541 814 G-23, 735 G-8, 174 G-10, 266 G-22, 701 WILD THYME (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, 815 Wild Tobacco G-ie, 479 WILD TURNIP (Brassica rapa) 816 Wild Vine Wild Woodbine Wild Woodvine (Dioscorea 812 812 G-19, 561 G-24, 744 436 G-17,510 453 435 G-23, 713 G-19, 559 G-26, 813 G-25, soo G-3, 26 G-3, 26 villosa) G-26, 817 Wild Yam Capsules (Bio-Tech) Wild Yam Extract Liquid (Nature's Way) Wild Yam Liquid (Nature's Answer) Wild Yam Root & Rhizome Extract Liquid (Frontier) Wild Yam Root Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Way) Willow 817 817 817 817 si7 G-25, 807 824 572 G-20, 59s G-5, 75 790 WINTER CHERRY (Physalis alkekengi) G-26, 819 Winter Fern Winter Marjoram Winter Pink Wintera Wintera Aromatica Winterbloom G-13, 386 G-19, 559 768 820 820 G-26, 821 WINTERGREEN (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 Wintergreen Winterlien 647 G-12, 313 WINTER'S BARK (Drimys winteri) 820 Winter's Cinnamon Wintersweet Winterweed Witch Grass 820 G-19, 559 180 G-25, 771 (Epilobium angustifolium) (Hamamelis virginiana) . G-26, 821 Witch Hazel Leaf Liquid (Nature's Answer) 821 Witch Meal 196 Witchen G-IS, 525 Witches' Brier G-10, 254 Witches' Gloves G-IO, 248 Witches' Pouches G-22, 690 Withe Withy G-25, 807 Wolfs Claw 196 Wolfsbane (Aconitum napellus) G-IS, 521 Wolfsbane (Arnica montana) 41 WOOD ANEMONE (Anemone nemorosa) 824 WOOD BETONY (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Wood Betony Herb Liquid (Nature's Answer) WILLOW HERB Willow Sage Wind Flower (Anemone nemorosa) Wind Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) Wind Root Wineberry Wingseed WITCH HAZEL WILD YAM WILD MINT (Mentha Wild Nard Wild Nep Wild Oats Liquid (Action Labs) Wild Oats Tablets (Action Labs) Wild Pansy Wild Pepper Wild Plum G-26, 818 G-20, 620 825 WOOD SAGE (Teucrium scorodonia) . . G-26, 826 1-44/WOOD SORREL PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S WOOD SORREL (Oxalis acetosella) 827 YAGE Wood Sour 827 Wood Spider 247 Wood Strawberry G-23, 73s Wood Vine G-25, 800 Wood Waxen G-10, 260 Woodbind G-10, 275 Woodbine (Gelsemium sempervirens) . . . . 838 Woodbine (Lonicera caprifolium) 399 Woodruff G-24, 751 Woodwrad G-24, 751 Woody G-5, 88 Woody Climber G-3, 26 Woollen G-18, 532 Woolly Thistle G-22, 678 Woolmat 410 Wormgrass 594 827 WORMSEED OIL (Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 WORMWOOD (Artemisia absinthium) . . G-26, 829 Wormwood G-IS, 530 WORMWOOD GRASS (Spigelia anthelmia) 831 833 Yan-Hu-Suo 226 (Achillea millefolium) . . . G-26, 833 Yarrow Extract Liquid (Nature's Way) Yarrow Flowers Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) Yaw Root Yellow Avens Yellow Bark Yellow Bugle Yellow Catechu Yellow Chaste Weed Yellow Cleavers 833 835 Yellow Dock Root Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Way) 835 Yellow Flag G-19, 561 Yellow Galium G-15, 455 Yellow Ginseng Yellow Iris Yellow Jasmine 836 109 G-19, 56i 838 YELLOW JESSAMINE WOUNDWORT (Stachys palustris) Woundwort (Anthyllis vulneraria) Woundwort (Prunella vulgaris) Woundwort (Solidago canadensis) Woundwort (Solidago virgaurea) Wu-Wei-Zi Wymote 832 (Gelsemium sempervirens) . . . . 838 YELLOW LUPIN . . . . G-9, 214 G-22, 68i 145 G-11, 289 669 505 (Lupinus luteus) Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Pheasant's Eye Poplar Puccoon Rod Root Saunders Snakeleaf Snowdrop Starwort Sweet Clover 839 G-3, 5 774 G-13, 355 840 G-13, 355 659 24 24 G-IO, 266 G-24, 744 YELLOW TOADFLAX 257 Xie-Jie (Linaria vulgaris) X-Prep Bowel Evacuant Yellow Willowherb Liquid (Purdue Frederick) . . . . 684 Yellow Wood Xuan-Fu-Hua 119 Xysmalobium undulatum 782 I Yellowroot (Eriodictyon californicum) . . . . 841 Yerba Santa Resin-Rich Leaf Liquid (Herb Pharm) 841 YEW . . . .833 729 G-4, 71 G-7, 153 G-13, 373 324 417 G-15, 455 YELLOW DOCK YELLOW GENTIAN (Gentiana lutea) 541 133 133 G-17, 508 YERBA SANTA YARROW (Rumex crispus) WORMSEED (Artemisia cina) (Banisteriopsis caapi) Yellows (Cypripedium calceolus) Yellows (Ranunculus acris) Yellowweed Yerba Mate 840 G-ie, 481 545 358 (Taxus baccata) G-26, 841 Ying Zicao Yocon Tablets (Glenwood) 619 843 YOHIMBE BARK (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 Yohimbe Capsules (Mason Vitamins) 843 Yohimbe Power Max 1500 for Women Tablets (Action Labs) 843 Yohimbe Power Max 1500 Tablets (Action Labs) 843 Yohimbe Power Max 2000 Capsules (Action Labs) 843 Yohimbe Power Max 2000 Liquid (Action Labs) 843 Yohimbe Super Potent Tablets (Mason Vitamins) . . . . 843 Yohimbie Bark Tablets (Nature's Bounty) 843 Yohimbized 1000 Liquid (Action Labs) 843 Youthwort 740 Yucca 4 Yucca filamentosa 4 Yuma G-26, 817 Z Zaffer Zanthoxylum americanum Zanzibar Pepper Zea mays 652 545 G-8, 165 224 ZEDOARY (Curcuma zedoaria) G-26, 846 Ze-Xie Zhi Mu Zingiber officinale Zostrix Cream (Bioglan) Zyzyphus jujube G-3, 13 31 G-12, 339 165 439 1-45 Therapeutic Category Index Entries in this index are organized by prescribing category, enabling you to quickly identify botanicals with similar properties. Within each category, herbs are listed alphabetically by their accepted common name, with the scientific name shown in parentheses. Botanicals deemed effective by the German Regulatory Authority's ''Commission E" are marked with a (•) symbol at their left. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant in the Herb Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. The index lists herbs by general category only. To locate botanicals considered appropriate for a specific indication, please consult the Indications Index. ACNE PREPARATIONS ANALGESIC AGENTS • Bittersweet Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) . . . G-S, 88 • Brewer's Yeast {Saccharomyces cerevisiae) lis Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 2 8 3 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . .. .382 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 ADJUNCT ANTINEOPLASTIC THERAPY Cat's Claw (Urticaria tomentosa) ieo • European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) G-8, 165 218 AMEBICIDES Henna (Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Aga (Amanita muscaria) . . .G-3, 8 Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . G-4, SO Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Black Bryony (Tamus communis) G-5, 90 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Haw (Viburnum prunifolium) G-S, 96 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) G-6, 103 Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) 109 Borage (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) G-6, 126 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) 133 Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 Clematis (Clematis recta) .G-8, 194 Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) G-8, 195 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) *". . G-9, 221 Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) 223 Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens) 230 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) G-9, 237 Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) 247 1-46/ANALGESIC AGENTS Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) Dogwood (Cornus florida) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES G-IO, 248 G-10, 256 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-IO, 270 English Horsemint (Mentha longifolia) G-IO, 275 English Ivy (Hedera helix) Eucalyptus globulus) G-10, 275 (Eucalyptus G-11, 283 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 European Water Hemlock (Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 False Unicorn Root (Veratrum luteum) 301 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 Garlic (Allium sativum) G-12, 327 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Horsemint (Monarda punctata) 407 Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) 410 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Iporuru (Alchornea floribunda) 424 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) G-15, 456 Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-i6, 461 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Marsh Blazing Star (Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Martagon (Lilium martagon) 506 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Muskmallow (Abelmoschus moschatus) 533 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) G-19, 571 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Petasites (Petasites hybridus) Poplar (Populus species) Potentilla (Potentilla anserind) Puff Ball (Lycoperdon species) Quince (Cydonia oblongata) Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-19, 580 G-19, 585 G-20, 607 G-20, 610 618 625 G-20, 629 I • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) 639 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, 650 Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 » Spruce (Picea species) 714 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) 726 Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) G-24, 749 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 White Fir (Abies alba) 802 White Willow (Salix species) G-25, 807 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) Wild Mint {Mentha aquatica) Wild Thyme {Thymus serpyllum) Wild Yam {Dioscorea Villosa) G-26, 812 G-26, 813 G-26, 815 G-26, 817 Winter's Bark {Drimys winteri) 820 Wintergreen {Gaultheria procumbens) 820 Wood Anemone {Anemone nemorosa) 824 Wormwood {Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Yellow Jessamine {Gelsemium sempervirens) 838 ANORECTAL PREPARATIONS • • • • • • Bilberry {Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Butcher's Broom {Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Poplar {Populus species) G-20, 607 Psyllium {Plantago ovata) . . . . 612 Sweet Clover {Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 Tolu Balsam {Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 Witch Hazel {Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 ANTACID PREPARATIONS Barberry {Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Congorosa {Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 European Five-Finger Grass {Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 Lovage {Levisticum officinale) G-16, 482 Salep {Orchis species) 657 Wood Betony {Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yellow Jessamine {Gelsemium sempervirens) 838 ANTHELMINTICS Amargo {Quassia amara) . .G-3, 23 Balmony {Chelone glabra) G-4, 59 Behen {Moringa oleifera) 67 ANTIANXIETY A G E N T S / I - 4 7 Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) Black Horehound {Ballota nigra) Blue Cohosh {Caulophyllum thalictroides) Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-5, 97 G - 5 , 98 109 G-7, 130 Butternut {Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) 141 Canadian Fleabane {Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Castor Oil Plant {Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Centaury {Centaurium erythraea) G-8, 174 Chives {Allium schoenoprasum) G-8, 188 Cinnamon {Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 Corn Cockle {Agrostemma githago) 222 Cowhage {Mucuna pruriens) 230 Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Water Hemlock {Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 Feverfew {Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Green Hellebore {Helleborus viridis) . . 368 Groundsel {Senecio vulgaris) 374 Indian Nettle {Acalypha indica) 419 Kamala {Mallotus philippinensis) 442 Kousso {Hagenia abyssinica) 450 Larkspur {Delphinium consolida) G-15, 458 Lavender Cotton {Santolina chamaecyparissias) . . . G-ie, 460 Male Fern {Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 Marigold {Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Morning Glory {Ipomoea hederacea) 523 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Mugwort {Artemisia vulgaris) G-IS, 530 Myrtle {Myrtus communis) G-18, 536 Neem {Antelaea azadirachta) G-IS, 539 Papaya {Carica papaya) . G-19, 565 Pineapple {Ananas comosus) 593 Pink Root {Spigelia marilandica) 594 Pomegranate {Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Pumpkin {Cucurbita pepo) G-20, 618 Quassia {Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Rue {Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Sweet Gale {Myrica gale) G-24, 745 Tansy {Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) 770 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 Walnut {Juglans regia) . . G-25, 793 Water Germander {Teucrium scordium) 797 Wild Carrot {Daucus carota) G-25, 809 Wormseed {Artemisia cina) . . .827 Wormseed Oil {Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 Wormwood {Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Wormwood Grass {Spigelia anthelmia) 831 Yellow Lupin {Lupinus UlteUS) 839 Yew {Taxus baccata) . . . G-26, 841 ANTIANXIETY AGENTS • Adonis {Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 Aga {Amanita muscaria) . . G-3, 8 Anemarrhena {Anemarrhena asphodeloides) 31 Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 Black Horehound {Ballota nigra) G-S, 98 • Bugle weed {Lycopus virginicus) G-6, 126 1 - 4 8 / A N T I A N X I E T Y AGENTS California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Catnip (Nepeta cataria) . . G-8, 164 Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) G-9, 211 Corydalis (Corydalis cava) . . . 226 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum) 240 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-10, 270 • English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-10, 277 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Greek Sage (Salvia triloba) . . . 367 Heather (Calluna Vulgaris) G-13, 383 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 • Hops (Humulus lupulus) . G-14, 400 Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula) 428 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 • Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 » Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 46i » Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-ie, 475 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 • Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) t G-18, 524 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-i8, 530 Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) G-18, 547 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 • Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) G-19, 573 • Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) G-22, 678 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 • Squill (Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) 8io Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 ANTIARRHYTHMICS • Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . G-3, 5 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-S, si Bitter Candytuft (Iberis amara) 84 • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Digitalis Lanata (Digitalis lanata) 250 English Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) . G-10, 271 » Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-ie, 475 Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) G-18, 524 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) • Squill (Urginea maritima) G-22, 672 G-23, 717 ANTICONVULSANTS Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 Fool's Parsley (Aethusa cynapium) G-12, 316 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-ie, 475 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) G-22, 678 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 Yew (Taxus baccata) . . . G-26, 841 ANTIDEPRESSANTS Basil (Ocimum basilicum) .G-4, 64 California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Corydalis (Corydalis cava) . . . 226 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 46i Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) G-IS, 547 Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) G-19, 573 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 T H E R A P E U T I C CATEGOR Y INDEX • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 ANTIDIABETIC AGENTS Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) G-3, 12 Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Bean Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarits) 91 Centaury (Centaurium erythraea) G-8, 174 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 Divi-Divi (Caesalpinia bonducella) 253 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Goat's Rue (Galega officinalis) G-13, 353 Greek Sage (Salvia triloba) . . . 367 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) 376 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) • • •429 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . .G-18, 525 Noni (Mdrinda citrifolia) .G-18, 544 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Plantain (Musa paradisiacd) 597 Poley (Teucrium polium) 603 Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) 639 Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) . . . . 727 Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 ANTIDIARRHEALS / 1-49 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 ANTIDIARRHEALS Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 • Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) G-3, 13 Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) G-3, 22 American White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) . . . G-3, 28 Angostura (Galipea officinalis) 34 Apple Tree (Malus domestica) G-4, 37 Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) 43 Bael (Aegle marmelos) 58 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Barley (Hordeum distichori) G-4, 63 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Bennet's Root (Geum urbanum) G-4, 71 • Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) G-5, 82 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 • Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) G-6, 104 Bog Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) G-6, 111 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) G-7, I S I Carrageen (Chondrus crispus) 152 Cascarilla (Croton eluteria) . . . 156 Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) 160 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 * Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . . . 178 Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 » Cinquefoil (Potentilla erecta) G-8, 192 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 » Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . G-9, 202 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) 233 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) G-9, 237 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) G-9, 242 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 Dragon's Blood (Daemonorops draco) 257 Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Elm Bark (Ulmus minor) G-10, 269 European Five-Einger Grass (Potentilla rep tans) . . . G-II, 289 European Mistletoe (Viscum album.) G - I I , 291 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) 305 Fool's Parsley (Aethusa cynapium) G-12, 316 Gambir (Uncaria species)? . . . .324 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Gum Arabic (Acacia Senegal) 378 1-50 / ANTIDIARRHEALS Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) . . . .410 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 • Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 • Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) G-15, 456 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Logwood (Haematoxylon campechianum) 480 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-16, 481 Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) G-16, 48i Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Matico (Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 Moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia) G-17, 520 Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala) 526 Muira-Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) 531 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-IS, 53s Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 » Oak (Quercus robur) . . . G-18, 549 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Pagoda Tree (Sophora japonica) 564 Pinus Bark (Tsuga canadensis) G-19, 594 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Potentilla (Potentilla anserina) G-20, 610 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) . . 612 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES • Psyllium Seed (Plantago afro) G-20, 616 Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Quince (Cydonia oblongata) 625 Rhatany (Krameria triandra) 64i Rice (Oryza sativa) G-21, 643 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 Salep (Orchis species) 657 Sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata) 660 Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) 695 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lanced) 706 Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 • Uzara (Xysmalobium undulatum) 782 Water Avens (Geum rivale) G-25, 794 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) sio Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Wild Mint (Mentha aquatica) G-26, 813 Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. ANTIEMETICS Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) . G - 3 , 6 Almond (Prunus dulcis) 15 American Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) 27 Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 British Elecampane (Inula britannica) 119 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) G-7, 151 Cascarilla (Croton eluteria) . . . 156 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Cola (Cola acuminata) 205 Common Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Gambir (Uncaria species) . . . .324 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) G-12, 339 Green Hellebore (Helleborus viridis) 368 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 461 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, sso Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) . . G-24, 749 White Hellebore (Veratrum album) G-25, 803 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX ANTIFLATULENTS Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) G-3, 6 Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 Angelica {Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 Basil {Ocimum basilicum) . G-4, 64 Bear's Garlic {Allium ursinum) 66 Caraway {Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Curcuma {Curcuma xanthorrhizia) G-9, 239 English Horsemint {Mentha longifolia) G-IO, 275 Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) G-II, 302 Galbanum {Ferula gummosa) 323 German Sarsaparilla {Carex arenaria) 336 Horehound {Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horsemint {Monarda punctata) 407 Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Jatamansi {Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 461 Lovage {Levisticum officinale) G-ie, 482 Masterwort {Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 Motherwort {Leonurus cardiaca) G-i8, 524 Oswego Tea {Monarda didyma) 562 Quinine {Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Salep {Orchis species) 657 Sloe {Prunus spinosa) . .. G-22, 697 Sneezewort {Achillea ptarmica) 700 Spearmint {Mentha spicata) .G-23, 709 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 White Nettle {Lamium album) G-25, 806 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS/1-51 Wormwood {Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Yellow Gentian {Gentiana lutea) 836 ANTIFUNGALS Cornflower {Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS Hwema Bark {Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 ANTMNFECTIVES Bistort {Persicaria bistorta) G-5, 82 Black Mustard {Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 Brazilian Pepper Tree {Schinus terebinthifolius) . . .117 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Butternut {Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) 141 Catechu {Acacia catechu) 163 Clematis {Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Cocoa {Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 Coconut Palm {Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 • Colchicum {Colchicum autumnale) G-9, 206 Dog Rose {Rosa canina) G-10, 254 English Ivy {Hedera helix) G-IO, 27S Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 Fumitory {Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 German Sarsaparilla {Carex arenaria) 336 Goa Powder {Andira araroba) 352 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Greek Sage {Salvia triloba) . . . 367 Guaiac {Guaiacum officinale) 375 Heartsease {Viola tricolor) . . . .382 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Jequirity {Abrus precatorius) 435 Lily-of-the-Valley {Convallaria majalis) . G-ie, 475 Marsh Blazing Star {Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 New Jersey Tea {Ceanothus americanus) . . . . 541 Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) 550 Oats {Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Oregano {Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Pasque Flower {Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Picrorhiza {Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Pitcher Plant {Sarracenia purpurea) G-20, 596 Purple Gromwell {Lithospermum erytrorhizon) 619 Red Bryony {Bryonia cretica) 632 Sandalwood {Santalum album) 659 Sassafras {Sassafras albidum) G-21, 662 Sorrel {Rumex acetosa) 705 Spruce {Picea species) 714 Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Thuja {Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 Thyme {Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 761 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) 770 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 Virola {Virola theiodora) 789 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 Yellow Dock {Rumex CrispUS) 835 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS, SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANE • Agrimony {Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 1-52/ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS • Arnica (Arnica montana) 4i • Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 118 • English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-II, 278 • Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) G-11, 304 • Flax (Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 • Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . .382 • Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 • Oak (Quercus robur) . . . G-IS, 549 • Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 • Walnut (Juglans regia) . . G-25, 793 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS, SYSTEMIC Abscess Root (Polemonium reptans) G-3, 3 Barley (Hordeum distichon) G-4, 63 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Cape Aloe (Aloe ferox) 16 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum) G-15, 427 Quince (Cydonia oblongata) 625 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . .G-21, 655 Strawberry (Fragaria G-23, 735 vesca) ANTILIPEMIC AGENTS Bilberry (Vaccinium G-5, 7 5 myrtillus) . . . .< Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) 228 Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) . . . G-11, 298 • Garlic (Allium sativum) . . G-12, 327 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) 376 PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) . . . 575 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) . . . 583 • Psyllium (Plantago ovata) .. .612 • Soybean (Glycine soja) . . G-22, 707 Strophanthus (Strophanthus kombe) 736 Strophanthus Gratus (Strophanthus gratus) 736 Surinam Cherry (Eugenia unifloria) 742 ANTIMALARIAL AGENTS Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) 305 Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Neem (Antelaea azadirachta) G-IS, 539 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) 695 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) 774 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 ANTIPANIC AGENTS • Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 ANTIPLATELET AGENTS Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 ANTIPRURITICS Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) . . . G-11, 298 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) G-24, 745 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) . . . . 799 ANTIPSORIATIC AGENTS Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Burdock (Arctium lappa) . G-7, 128 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Goa Powder (Andira araroba) 352 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Mountain Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) G-IS, 527 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) G-21, 661 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 Teazle (Dipsacus silvestris) G-24, 757 ANTIRHEUMATIC AGENTS Alpine Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . American Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens) • Arnica (Arnica montana) Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Behen (Moringa oleifera) • Birch (Betula species) Black Bryony (Tamus communis) Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) .G-3, 20 24 41 G-4, 61 G-4, 64 67 G-5, 78 G-5, 90 G-5, 94 G-5, 100 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX ANTIRHEUMATIC AGENTS/1-53 Borage (Borago Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 officinalis) G-6, 114 English Ivy (Hedera Boxwood (Buxus helix) G-10, 275 sempervirens) G-6, 116 » Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Brazilian Pepper Tree globulus) G-11, 283 (Schinus terebinthifolius) . . .117 European Golden Rod Bulbous Buttercup (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 • European Mistletoe (Viscum Burning Bush (Dictamnus album) G-11, 291 albus) G-7, 130 European Peony (Paeonia Buttercup (Ranunculus officinalis) G-11, 295 acris) 133 Fever Bark (Alstonia • Cajuput (Melaleuca constricta) 305 leucadendrd) G-7, 136 Feverfew (Tanacetum Calamus (Acorus parthenium) G-11, 306 calamus) G-7, 138 Frankincense (Boswellia California Peppertree carteri) 319 (Schinus molle) 139 Fumitory (Fumaria Calotropis (Calotropis officinalis) G-12, 322 procera) 141 German Sarsaparilla (Carex • Camphor Tree arenaria) 336 (Cinnamomum Gotu Kola (Centella camphora) G-7, 143 asiatica) G-13, 359 Canella (Canella Goutweed (Aegopodium winterana) 147 podagraria) G-13, 361 • Cayenne (Capsicum Ground Ivy (Glechoma annuum) G-8, 165 hederacea) 372 Celery (Apium Ground Pine (Ajuga graveolens) G-8, 172 chamaepitys) G-13, 373 Chickweed (Stellaria • Guaiac (Guaiacum media) iso officinale) 375 Chinese Cinnamon Heather (Calluna (Cinnamomum vulgaris) G-13, 383 aromaticum) 182 Hemlock (Conium Chinese Olive (Canarium maculatum) G-13, 386 species) 184 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus Clematis (Clematis recta) G-8, 194 hippocastanum) G-i4, 403 Comfrey (Symphytum Horseradish (Armoracia officinale) G-9, 212 rusticana) G-14, 408 Cowhage (Mucuna Horsetail (Equisetum pruriens) 230 arvense) G-14, 409 Cumin (Cuminum Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cyminum) G-9, 237 cannabinum) 418 • Devil's Claw Iporuru (Alchornea (Harpagophytum floribunda) 424 procumbens) 247 Jack-in-the-Pulpit Dog Rose (Rosa canina) G-10, 254 (Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Duckweed (Lemna Jalap (Ipomoea purga) . . G-15, 427 minor) G-10, 258 Java Tea (Orthosiphon Dwarf Elder (Sambucus spicatus) 434 ebulus) 259 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 * Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Laurel (Laurus nobilis) . . G-15, 459 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 Manaca (Brunfelsia hopeana) 494 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-18, 525 Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) G-18, 532 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) 545 Oats (A vena sativa) G-IS, 551 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Poison Ivy (Rhus toxicodendron) eoo Poke (Phytolacca americana) G-20, 602 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . . . 606 Poplar (Populus species) G-20, 607 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 63i Red Bryony (Bryonia cretica) 632 • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, 650 Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 Sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata) 660 1-54/ANTIRHEUMATIC AGENTS Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES G-21, 66i G-21, 662 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 Sesame (Sesamum orientale) 688 Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 691 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lancea) 706 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 Spiny Rest Harrow (Ononis spinosa) G-23, 713 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 • Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) Teazle (Dipsacus silvestris) Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Triticum (Agropyron repens) Vervain (Verbena officinalis) Wafer Ash (Ptelea trifoliata) G-23, 729 G-23, 735 G-23, 741 Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) White Bryony (Bryonia alba) 798 G-25, 800 • White Fir (Abies alba) • White Mustard (Sinapis alba) 802 G-25, 805 • White Willow (Salix species) G-25, 807 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, 815 Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) G-26, 817 Winter Cherry (Physalis alkekengi) Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) G-26, 819 820 ANTISEBORRHEIC AGENTS Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Mountain Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) G-i8, 527 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Peanut (A rachis hypogaea) . . . 575 Quillaja (Quillaja saponaria) G-20, 624 Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) 6-23, 729 ANTISPASMODICS G-24, 750 G-24, 754 G-24, 757 G-24, 759 G-24, 766 G-25, 771 G-25, 788 790 American Hellebore (Veratrum viride) 25 Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-5, 81 Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 Boldo (Peumus boldus) . . G-6, 112 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G - 7 , 130 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, i48 Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) 151 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 • Celandine (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-10, 270 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) G-11, 302 Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . .G-12, 331 Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Muskmallow (Abelmoschus moschatus) 533 Ox-Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) 563 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) 67i Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Sumbul (Ferula sumbul) . .G-23, 738 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 761 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) .G-26, 833 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX ANTITHYROID AGENTS Motherwort {Leonurus cardiaca) G-i8, 524 ANTITUBERCULOSIS AGENTS Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Chickweed (Stellaria media) iso Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-18, 536 Spruce (Picea species) 714 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 ANTIVIRALS Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) ieo Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 APPETITE STIMULANTS m v Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 • Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 • Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) G-4, 44 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, ei Basil (Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 • Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 • Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedict us) G-6, 107 • Bog r>c." (Menyanthes trifoliata) G-6, 110 BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA / 1 - 5 5 • Brewer's Yeast (Sacch a romyces cerevisiae) California Peppertree (Schinus molle) Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Celery (Apium graveolens) • Centaury (Centaurium erythraea) • Chicory' (Cichorium intybus) 118 139 G-7, 149 G-8, 165 G-8, 172 G-8, 174 G-8, 181 • Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Chiretta (Swertia chirata) 187 • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 • Condurango (Marsdenia condurango) 216 • Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 • Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhizia) G-9, 239 • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 • Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) 247 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 • English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-10, 277 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 • Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) G-11, 304 French Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) G-12, 320 • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) G-12, 339 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Hops (Humulus lupulus) . G-14, 400 • Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 * Denotes recommendation by Commission E. • Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 • Juniper (Juniperus communis) G-15, 440 Larkspur (Delphinium consolida) G-15, 458 • Lesser Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) 467 Muira-Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) 531 Muskmallow (Abelmoschus moschatus) 533 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) G-18, 547 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 • Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Radish (Raphanus SUtivUS) G-20, 628 • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 • Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 Senburi (Swertia japonica) . . . . 682 Skirret (Sium sisarum) . . G-22, 696 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) G-23, 712 • Star Anise (Illicium verum) G-23, 725 • Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) G-24, 747 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 • Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea) 836 APPETITE SUPPRESSANTS Cola (Cola acuminata) Dwarf Elder (Sambucus ebulus) 205 259 BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA (BPH) THERAPY African Potato (Hypoxis rooperi) 7 1 - 5 6 / B E N I G N PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .0-11, 289 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 • Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) G-20, 618 • Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) G-21, 664 • Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 BOWEL EVACUANTS Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Amargo (Quassia amara) . G-3, 23 Baneberry (Actaea spicata) . . . 60 Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) G-6, 123 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) G-7, 153 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Dyer's Broom (Genista tinctoria) G-10, 260 Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) 487 Mexican Scammony Root (Ipomoea orizabensis) 514 Mountain Flax (Linum catharticum) 526 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) .. . G-22, 697 BURN PREPARATIONS English Ivy (Hederq helix) G-10, 275 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) G-22, 680 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 CALCIUM OXALATE STONE PREVENTION Alpine Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . . G-3, 20 PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S • Stinging Nettle (Urtica Arenaria Rubra dioica) G-23, 729 (Spergularia rubra) 39 Stone Root (Collinsonia • Asparagus (Asparagus canadensis) G-23, 733 officinalis) G-4, 52 Strawberry (Fragaria • Bean Pod (Phaseolus vesca) G-23, 735 vulgaris) G-4, 65 Wood Betony (Betonica • Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Officinalis) G-26, 825 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS • Canadian Golden Rod Alpine Ragwort (Senecio (Solidago canadensis) 145 nemorensis) 21 Celery (Apium Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 graveolens) G-8, 172 As arum (Asa rum Centaury (Centaurium europaeum) 48 erythraea) G-8, 174 Astragalus (Astragalus Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 species) 54 Dandelion (Taraxacum Bear's Garlic (Allium officinale) G-9, 245 ursinum) 66 Dyer's Broom (Genista Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 tinctoria) G-10, 260 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Eryngo (Eryngium Visnaga) G-5, si campestre) G-11, 282 Bitter Candytuft (Iberis • European Golden Rod amara) 84 (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus Ground Ivy (Glechoma amarus) 91 hederacea) 372 Bladderwrack (Fucus Herb Robert (Geranium vesiculosus) 106 robertianum) G-14, 393 Brown Kelp (Macrocystis • Horsetail (Equisetum pyrifera) 122 arvense) G-14, 409 Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Hydrangea (Hydrangea esculentum) G-6, 124 arborescens) G-14, 413 Calamus (Acorus • Java Tea (Orthosiphon calamus) G-7, 138 spicatus) 434 • Camphor Tree • Lovage (Levisticum (Cinnamomum officinale) G-16, 482 camphora) G-7, 143 Madder (Rubia Cayenne (Capsicum tinctorum) G-16, 490 annuum) = . . . G-8, 165 » Parsley (Petroselinum Celandine (Chelidonium crispum) G-19, 567 majus) G-8, 169 Parsley Piert (Aphanes Centaury (Centaurium arvensis) 570 erythraea) G-8, 174 Petasites (Petasites Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . . . 178 hybridus) G-19, 585 Common Stonecrop (Sedum Pimpinella (Pimpinella acre) 215 major) G-19, 591 Coriander (Coriandrum Pontian Rhododendron sativum) G-9, 221 (Rhododendron ponticum) . .. 606 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Scotch Broom (Cytisus Digitalis (Digitalis scoparius) G-22, 672 purpurea) . G-10, 248 Spiny Rest Harrow (Ononis • English Hawthorn spinosa) G-23, 713 (Crataegus laevigata^* . G-IO, 271 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. T H E R A P E U T I C C A T E G O R Y INDEX English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-IO, 277 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) 0-11, 291 Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 • Garlic (Allium sativum) . . G-12, 327 • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) 421 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Kombe Seed (Strophanthus hispidus) 450 Lactucarium (Lactuca virosa) 453 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 • Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) 486 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) G-18, 524 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) 545 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) G-18, 547 Oats (Avena sativa) G-i8, 551 Oleander (Nerium oleander) G-19, 555 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . .. eoe Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 COUGH & COLD P R O D U C T S / I - 5 7 • Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) eso Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 • Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium) G-22, 678 • Squill (Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) . . . . 727 Strophanthus (Strophanthus kombe) 736 Strophanthus Gratus (Strophanthus gratus) 736 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 Wallflower (Cheiranthus cheiri) G-25, 792 Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULANTS Areca Nut (Areca catechu) G-4, 38 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Contrayerva (Dorstenia contrayerva) 218 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorfff) 220 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) 305 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Grains-of-Paradise (Aframomum melegueta) G-13, 362 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Gum Arabic (Acacia senegat) Khat (Catha edulis) Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-13, 369 . . . 376 378 447 G-i6, 488 G-17, 516 CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS Snowdrop nivalis) (Galanthus 700 COGNITIVE ENHANCING AGENTS • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 COLD & COUGH PRODUCTS WITH ANALGESICS Basil (Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 CONTRACEPTIVES (See under Oral contraceptives) COUGH & COLD PRODUCTS • Angelica (Angelica archangelica) • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) • Arnica (Arnica montana) Arum (Arum maculatum) Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) • Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) Catnip (Nepeta cataria) .. Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) Coral Root (Corallorhiza odontorhiza) Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) G-3, 32 G-3, 35 41 46 G-5, 94 G-5, 97 118 G-7, 143 151 G-8, 164 G-8, 179 G-8, 195 G-9, 209 220 G-9, 221 G-9, 241 1-58/COUGH & COLD PRODUCTS Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) 243 Dog Rose (Rosa canina) G-10, 254 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 • Echinacea Pallida (Echinacea pallida) 261 • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . G-10, 261 • English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 • European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffd) G-14, 394 Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 • Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . .G-15, 457 Lemon (Citrus limon) 460 Lesser Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) 467 Linden (Jilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Luff a (Luffa aegyptica) . . G-16, 483 • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americanus) . . . . 541 • Oak (Quercus robur) . . . G-IS, 549 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) . G-19,591 • Radish (Raphanus SativUS) G-20, 628 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Southern Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) G-22, 705 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 • Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) G-24, 766 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 • White Mustard (Sinapis alba) G-25, 805 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 DECONGESTANTS & COMBINATIONS Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 DECONGESTANTS, EXPECTORANTS & COMBINATIONS Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis G-24, 743 odorata) DENTAL PREPARATIONS Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) ios Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 Calamus (Aco>us calamus) G-7, 138 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 • Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) G-8, 195 Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-10, 270 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 Denotes recommendation by Commission E. German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) 486 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 Mastic Tree (Pistacia lentiscus) G-17, 508 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) 550 Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) 795 Winter's Bark (Drimys winteri) 820 Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) 827 DEODORANTS Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 761 DEPIGMENTING AGENTS Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) G-25, 809 DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) 43 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Jujube (Zyzyphus jujube) DIGESTIVE AIDS DIGESTIVE AIDS / I - 5 9 439 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Calamus (Acorus Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) G-3, 6 calamus) G-7, 138 Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Calotropis (Calotropis Aloe capensis; Aloe procera) 141 vera) G-3, 16 Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 • Cardamom (Elettaria American Ivy cardamomum) G-7, 149 (Parthenocissus Carline Thistle (Carlina quinquefolia) G-3, 26 acaulis) 151 • Angelica (Angelica Carob (Ceratonia arckangelica) G-3, 32 siliqua) G-7, 151 Anise (Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 Cascarilla (Croton eluteria) . . . 156 Apple Tree (Malus Cayenne (Capsicum domestica) G-4, 37 annuum) G-8, 165 Arrowroot (Maranta • Centaury (Centaurium arundinacea) 43 erythraea) G-8, 174 Artichoke (Cynara Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . . .178 scolymus) G-4, 44 • Chicory (Cichorium Asa Foetida (Ferula intybus) G-8, i8i foetida) 47 • Chinese Cinnamon Balmony (Chelone glabra) G-4, 59 (Cinnamomum Barberry (Berberis aromaticum) 182 vulgaris) G-4, 61 Chiretta (Swertia chirata) 187 Barley (Hordeum • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum distichon) G-4, 63 verum) G-8, 190 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 Colombo (Jateorhiza Bear's Garlic (Allium palmata) 208 ursinum) 66 • Condurango (Marsdenia Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 condurango) 216 Bennet's Root (Geum Congorosa (Maytenus urbanum) G-4, 71 ilicifolia) 218 Bistort (Persicaria Coolwort (Tiarella bistorta) G-3, 82 cordifolia) G-9, 219 • Bitter Orange (Citrus • Coriander (Coriandrum aurantium) G-5, 86 sativum) G-9, 221 Black Pepper (Piper Corn Cockle (Agrostemma nigrum) G-6, 103 githago) 222 Bladderwrack (Fucus Cup Plant (Silphium vesiculosus) 106 perfoliatum) G-9, 238 • Blessed Thistle (Cnicus • Curcuma (Curcuma benedictus) G-6, 107 xanthorrhizia) G-9, 239 • Bog Bean (Menyanthes Cyclamen (Cyclamen trifoliata) G-6, 110 europaeum) 240 • Boldo (Peumus boldus) . . . G-6, 112 • Dandelion (Taraxacum • Brewer's Yeast officinale) G-9, 245 (Saccharomyces • Devil's Claw cerevisiae) 118 (Harpagophytum Broom Corn (Sorghum procumbens) 247 vulgare) 121 • Dill (Anethum Bugle (Ajuga reptans) . . . G-6, 125 graveolens) G-10, 252 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Dragon's Blood (Daemonorops draco) 257 Dyer's Broom (Genista tinctoria) G-IO, 260 Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-10, 266 Elm Bark (Ulmus minor) G-IO, 269 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-10, 270 English Horsemint (Mentha longifolia) G-IO, 275 • English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-10, 277 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) G-11, 302 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Frostwort (Helianthemum canadense) G-12, 321 Galbanum (Ferula gummosa) 323 Gamboge (Garcinia hanburyi) G-12, 325 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) G-12, 337 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) G-12, 339 Goldthread (Coptis trifolia) . .. 358 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) 376 • Haronga (Haronga madagascariensis) 380 Hartstongue (Scolopendrium vulgare) .. 381 • Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) . . G-14, 397 Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) 399 1-60 /DIGESTIVE AIDS • Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horsemint (Monarda punctata) 407 Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 • Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 • Immortelle (Helichrysum arenarium) 417 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 Indian Physic (Gillenia trifoliata) 421 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Jewel Weed (Impatiens biflora) 436 Lavender Cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissias) . . . G-16, 460 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) 463 • Lesser Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) 467 Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) G-ie, 48i Lovage (Levisticum officinale) G-ie, 482 Magnolia (Magnolia glauca) 490 Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 • Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-17, s i e Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) G-18, 534 Noni (Morinda citrifolia) G-18, 544 Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) . ._ G-18, 545 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 5S7 Opium Antidote (Combretum micranthum) . .. sso Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 5S9 Oswego Tea (Monarda didyma) 562 Papaya (Carica papaya) . G-19, ses Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) G-19, 571 Pear (Pyrus communis) 577 Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 593 Pinus Bark (Tsuga canadensis) G-19, 594 Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea) G-20, 596 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . .622 Quince (Cydonia oblongata) 625 • Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 • Radish (Raphanus SatiVUS) G-20, 628 Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) 639 • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 Rosinweed (Silphium laciniatum) G-21, 646 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Saffron (Crocus sativus) . G-21, 653 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, ess Salep (Orchis species) 657 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 Senburi (Swertia japonica) . . . . 682 Skirret (Sium sisarum) . . .G-22, 696 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Spearmint (Mentha spicata) G-23, 709 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Star Anise (Illicium verum) G-23, 725 Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) 729 Stone Root (Collinsonia canadensis) G-23, 733 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) . . G-23, 743 Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) G-24, 745 • Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) G-24, 747 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 761 Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) G-24, 766 Turkey Corn (Dicentra cucullaria) 775 • Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpurea) G-25, 791 Water Avens (Geum rivale) G-25, 794 Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 • White Nettle (Lamium album) G-25, 806 Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) G-25, 809 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) 810 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, SIS Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) 827 • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 • Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea) 836 Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) 840 Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) G-26, 846 DIGESTIVE ENZYMES • Haronga (Haronga madagascariensis) 380 Papaya (Carica papaya) . G-19, 565 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Pineapple (Ananas comosus) ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION THERAPY / I - 6 1 593 DIURETIC AGENTS Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) G-3, 12 Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . . G-4, 50 Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) G-4, 52 Astragalus (Astragalus species) 54 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) . G-4, 64 Bean Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) G-6, 123 Burdock (Arctium lappa) . G-7, 128 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Cat's Foot (Antennaria dioica) G-S, 162 Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Cheken (Eugenia chequen) .178 Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . 193 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) . 220 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 Dog Rose (Rosa canina) G-IO, 254 Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-10, 266 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) G-12, 326 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Goat's Rue (Galega officinalis) G-13, 353 Hempnettle (Galeopsis segetum) G-13, 389 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) . . G-14, 397 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Immortelle (Helichrysum arenarium) 417 Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Juniper (Juniperus communis) G-IS, 440 Knotweed (Polygonum axiculare) G-15, 448 Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum) G-15, 455 Larkspur (Delphinium consolida) G-15, 458 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Linden (Tilia species) . . . .G-16, 477 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marsh Blazing Star (Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Martagon (Lilium martagon) 506 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Olive (Olea europaea) . . G-19, 556 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Parsley PierP (Aphanes arvensis) 570 Pear (Pyrus communis) 577 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 63i Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) G-21, eei Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 69i • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpurea) G-25, 791 Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 White Bryony (Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 Winter Cherry (Physalis alkekengi) G-26, 819 EMOLLIENTS & MOISTURIZERS Avocado (Persea americana) 57 Jojoba (Simmondsia chinesis) G-15, 438 Mountain Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) G-IS, 527 ENURESIS MANAGEMENT California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 • Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) \ . . G-20, 618 ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION THERAPY Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) \ Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 51 182 346 572 1-62/ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION THERAPY Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) . . . .843 EXPECTORANTS Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Betel Nut (Piper betle) . . . G-4, 74 Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) 108 Chinese Olive (Canarium species) 184 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) G-12, 339 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) . . . .410 Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Malabar Nut (Justicia adhatoda) G-17, 492 Moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia) G-17, 520 Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) G-18, 534 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 Seneca Snakeroot (Polygala senega) 683 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, S I S Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 FEVER REDUCERS • Angelica (Angelica archangelica) • Arnica (Arnica montana) • Echinacea Pallida (Echinacea pallida) G-3, 32 41 261 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . .G-10, 261 • English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 • European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 GASTRITIS AIDS Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) 160 GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 Adam's Needle (Yucca filamentosa) 4 Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) . G - 3 , 35 Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) G-4, 44 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) 47 Baneberry (Actaea spicata) . . . .60 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Betel Nut (Piper betle) . . . . G-4, 74 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) G-S, SO Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) G-5, 83 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) G-5, 89 Black Bryony (Tamus communis) G-5, 90 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) G-6, 103 Black Root (Leptandra virginica) 104 Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) G-6, 107 Bog Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) G-6, 111 • Boldo (Peumus boldus) . . G-6, 112 Burdock (Arctium lappa) . G-7, 128 Burr Marigold (Bidens tripartita) G-7, 131 Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . . .134 Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) G-7, 134 Calamus (Acorus calamus) G-7, 138 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Canella (Canella winterana) 147 Cape Aloe (Aloe ferox) 16 Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 • Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) G-7, 149 Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) G-7, 157 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Cat's Foot (Antennaria dioica) G-a, 162 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Catnip (Nepeta cataria) . . G-S, 164 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 • Celandine (Chelidonium majUS) G-8, 169 Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Chickweed (Stellaria media) 180 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Chicory {Cichorium intybus) G-8, ISI Chinese Olive {Canarium species) 184 Cinquefoil (Potentilla erecta) G-8, 192 Colombo {Jateorhiza palmata) 208 Comfrey {Symphytum officinale) 0-9, 212 Common Kidney Vetch {Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Common Stonecrop {Sedum acre) 215 Condurango {Marsdenia condurango) 216 Congorosa {Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Cornflower {Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Cranesbill {Geranium maculatum) 233 Croton Seeds {Croton tiglium) 234 Cubeb {Piper cubeba) 235 Curcuma {Curcuma xanthorrhizia) G-9, 239 • Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 • Devil's Claw {Harpagophytum procumbens) 247 Digitalis {Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Dill {Anethum graveolens) G-10, 252 Elecampane {Inula helenium) G-10, 266 Elephant-Ears {Bergenia crassifolia) 268 English Ivy {Hedera helix) English Lavender {Lavandula angustifolia) , Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) G-10, 275 G-10, 277 G-11, 283 European Golden Rod {Solidago virgaurea) . . .G-11, 289 European Peony {Paeonia officinalis) G-II, 295 GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS/1-63 Field Scabious {Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Flax {Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 Fool's Parsley {Aethusa cynapium) G-12, 316 Fringetree {Chionanthus virginicus) G-12, 321 • Fumitory {Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 Gambir {Uncaria species) . . . .324 German Chamomile {Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 German Sarsaparilla {Carex arenaria) 336 Germander {Teucrium chamaedrys) G-12, 337 Goutweed {Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 Great Burnet {Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Greater Bindweed {Calystegia sepium) . . . G-13, 367 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) 372 Groundsel {Senecio vulgaris) 374 • Haronga {Haronga madagascariensis) 380 Heather {Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Hedge Mustard {Sisymbrium officinale) 384 Hedge-Hyssop {Gratiola officinalis) G-13, 385 Hemp Agrimony {Eupatorium cannabinum) G-13, 388 • Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) G - 1 4 , 389 Henna {Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Herb Robert {Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 High Mallow {Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Hogweed {Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Hollyhock {Alcea rosea) . G-14, 398 • Horehound {Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Horseradish {Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Horsetail {Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 • Hyssop {Hyssopus officinalis) G-15, 414 • Immortelle {Helichrysum arenarium) 417 Indian Physic {Gillenia trifoliata) 421 Ipecac {Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Jalap {Ipomoea purga) . . G-15, 427 Jambolan {Syzygium cumini) 429 Japanese Atractylodes {Atractylodes japonica) 430 • Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Khat {Catha edulis) 447 Lady Fern {Athyrium filix-femina) G-15, 454 Lady's Mantle {Alchemilla vulgaris) G-15, 456 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 Lemon Verbena {Aloysia triphylla) 463 Lemongrass {Cymbopogon citratus) G-ie, 465 Lesser Galangal {Alpinia officinarum) 467 • Licorice {Glycyrrhiza glabra) c-ie, 469 Linden {Tilia species) . . . G-ie, 477 Lungwort {Pulmonaria officinalis) G-16, 485 Mandrake {Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Marigold {Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Marshmallow {Althaea officinalis) 505 Masterwort {Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 1-64/GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 • Milk Thistle {Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Mountain Flax {Linum catharticum) 526 Mugwort {Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Nux Vomica {Strychnos mix vomica) G-IS, 547 Oak {Quercus robur) . . . G-18, 549 Oats {Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Opium Antidote {Combretum micranthum) . . . 559 Papaya {Carica papaya) . G-19, 565 Parsley {Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Parsnip {Pastinaca sativa) G-19, 571 Pasque Flower {Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Passion Flower {Passiflora incarnata) G-19, 573 Pennyroyal {Mentha pulegium) 579 • Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, sso Petasites {Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Poke {Phytolacca americana) G-20, 602 Poley {Teucrium polium) 603 Pomegranate {Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Poplar {Populus species) G-20, 607 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 Psyllium {Plantago ovata) . . :. 612 Purple Loosestrife {Lythrum salicaria) _. G-20, 620 Raspberry {Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 Red Bryony {Bryonia cretica) \ 632 Red Sandalwood {Pterocarpus santalinus) . . . . 635 Rice {Oryza sativa) G-21, 643 Rosemary {Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 Sage {Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Scarlet Pimpernel {Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 • Scopolia {Scopolia carniolica) 671 Scotch Broom {Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Self-Heal {Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 Simaruba {Simaruba amara) 695 Slippery Elm {Ulmus rubra) 697 Smartweed {Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Solomon's Seal {Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 Sorb Apple {Sorbus domestica) 704 Speedwell {Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Spinach {Spinacia oleracea) G-23, 712 Stillingia {Stillingia sylvatica) 729 Strawberry {Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Summer Savory {Satureja hortensis) G-23, 739 Sweet Marjoram {Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Tamarind {Tamarindus indica) 753 Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Tolu Balsam {Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 1 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain {Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wafer Ash {Ptelea trifoliata) 790 Walnut {Juglans regia) . . G-25, 793 Water Germander {Teucrium scordium) 797 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 White Nettle {Lamium album) G-25, 806 Wild Daisy {Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Wild Radish {Raphanus raphanistrum) G-26, 814 Wild Yam {Dioscorea villosa) G-26, 817 Willow Herb {Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, 818 Winter's Bark {Drimys winteri) 820 Witch Hazel {Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Woundwort {Stachys palustris) 832 • Yarrow {Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 Yellow Jessamine {Gelsemium sempervirens) 838 Yellow Toadflax {Linaria vulgaris) 840 GASTROINTESTINAL STIMULANTS Strawberry {Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 GOUT PREPARATIONS Alpine Cranberry {Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . Ash {Fraxinus excelsior) . Barberry {Berberis vulgaris) Bilberry {Vaccinium myrtillus) Birch {Betula species) Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) Black Bryony {Tamus communis) Black Currant {Ribes nigrum) Black Horehound {Ballota nigra) Brazilian Pepper Tree {Schinus terebinthifolius) Bulbous Buttercup {Ranunculus bulbosus) Burr Marigold {Bidens tripartita) Calotropis {Calotropis procera) Celandine {Chelidonium majUS) Celery {Apium graveolens) Cheken {Eugenia chequen) . G - 3 , 20 .G-4, 50 G-4, 61 G-5, 75 G-5, 78 G-5, 86 G-S, 90 G-5, 94 G-5, 98 . . .117 128 G-7, 131 141 G-8, 169 G-8, 172 . . . 178 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Chickweed (Stellaria media) iso Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 • Colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) G-9, 206 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 Dog Rose (Rosa canina) G-IO, 254 Dyer's Broom (Genista tinctoria) G-IO, 260 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 275 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) G-12, 337 Gout weed (Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 Ground Pine (Ajuga chamaepitys) G-13, 373 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Java Tea (Orthosiphon spicatus) 434 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-IS, 525 Oats (Avena sativa) G-is, 551 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . . . 606 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, 650 Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 INFECTION PROPHYLAXIS AGENTS/1-65 Sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata) 660 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 691 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Spiny Rest Harrow (Ononis spinosa) G-23, 713 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) 716 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Winter Cherry (Physalis alkekengi) G-26, 819 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) .' 832 HAIR GROWTH STIMULANTS Arnica (Arnica montana) Birch (Betula species) Black Bryony (Tamus communis) Burr Marigold (Bidens tripartita) Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 41 G-5, 78 G-5, 90 G-7, 131 G-14, 409 491 HEMOSTATICS Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) . . . 280 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis) G-12, 316 Golden Ragwort (Senecio aureus) 354 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Logwood (Haematoxylon campechianum) 480 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-16, 481 Matico (Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americanus) . . . . 541 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Puff Ball (Lycoperdon species) 618 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, ess Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 68i • Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Sweet Sumach (Rhus aromatica) 748 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 INFECTION PROPHYLAXIS AGENTS • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 • Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 • Echinacea Purpurea v (Echinacea purpurea) . G-IO, 261 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-IS, 457 1-66/INFECTION PROPHYLAXIS AGENTS • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) • Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) • Spruce (Picea species) G-19, SSO G-22, 674 693 714 INOTROPIC AGENTS • Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 Digitalis Lanata (Digitalis lanata) 250 Gray Wallflower (Erysimum diffusum) 365 Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) 700 IODINE PRODUCTS Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) Kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) 106 446 KERATOLYTICS Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 LAXATIVES Agar (Gelidium amansii) 9 • Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . . G-4, SO Bael (Aegle marmelos) 58 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) G-5, 83 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Black Mulberry (Morus nigra) 99 Black Root (Leptandra virginica) 104 Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-e, 121 • Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) G-e, 123 Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . .. 134 Cape Aloe (Aloe ferox) 16 » Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) G-7, 153 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Chicory (Cichorium intybus) G-8, ISI • Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Cornflower (Centaurea cy anus) G-9, 225 Cotton Tree (Cochlospermum gossypium) 229 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-10, 270 Figs (Ficus carica) G-11, 310 • Flax (Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 • Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Gamboge (Garcinia hanburyi) G-12, 325 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) G-12, 326 Greater Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) . . . G-13, 367 Green Hellebore (Helleborus viridis) 368 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 3 8 2 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 Jalap (Ipomoea purga) . . G-IS, 427 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) 463 • Manna (Fraxinus ornus) . .G-17, 496 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) Oats (Avena sativa) Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Pear (Pyrus communis) Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea) • Psyllium (Plantago ovata) • Psyllium Seed (Plantago afra) Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) Sesame (Sesamum orientate) Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) Triticum (Agropyron repens) Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpurea) Wallflower (Cheiranthus cheiri) Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) Wheat (Triticum aestivum) White Bryony (Bryonia alba) 523 G-IS, 551 . . . 575 577 589 G-20, 596 . . . . 612 G-20, 616 619 688 G-22, 697 700 G-23, 741 753 767 G-25, 771 G-25, 791 G-25, 792 795 . . . . 799 G-25, 800 LEPROSTATICS Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 Lily-of-the- Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX LOCAL ANESTHETICS / I - 6 7 LIVER PRODUCTS Adam's Needle (Yucca filamentosa) American Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens) .... 24 American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) .G-3, 35 • Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) G-4, 44 Asurum (Asarum eiiropaeum) 48 Astragalus (Astragalus species) 54 Balmony (Chelone glabra) G-4, 59 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Beet (Beta vulgaris) G-4, 67 • Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) G-5, 83 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Root (Leptandra virginica) 104 Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) • Celandine (Chelidonium majus) Chicory (Cichorium intybus) Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) Corn Silk (Zea mays) Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhizia) • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) • Devil's Claw (Ha rpagophytum procumbens) G-7, 130 G-7, 140 G-8, 169 G-8, I S I G-8, 199 G-9, 211 224 G-9, 225 G-9, 239 G-9, 245 247 Dodder (Cuscuta epithymum) Elecampane (Inula helenium) English Ivy (Hedera helix) Eucalyptus globulus) G-10, 254 G-10, 266 G-10, 275 (Eucalyptus G-11, 283 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) G-12, 321 • Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Haronga (Haronga madagascariensis) 380 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Hedge-Hyssop (Gratiola officinalis) G-13, 385 Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) G-13, 388 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) . . G-14, 397 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 • Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) G-15, 414 » Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Jujube (Zyzyphus jujube) 439 Lavender Cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissias) . . . G-ie, 460 Lesser Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) 467 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-ie, 469 Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-ie, 477 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Opium Antidote (Combretum micranthum) . . .559 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . • Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Soybean (Glycine soja) . . Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) • Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) Vervain (Verbena officinalis) Wallflower (Cheiranthus cheiri) White Bryony (Bryonia alba) Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-19, 585 589 . . . 622 631 G-21, 648 G-22, 668 67i G-22, 672 G-22, 707 G-23, 710 729 G-23, 735 753 775 G-25, 788 G-25, 792 G - 2 5 , 800 G-26, 811 G-26, 826 827 G-26, 829 G-26, 833 LOCAL ANESTHETICS Coca (Erythroxylum coca) . . . . 197 1-68/MENOPAUSAL PREPARATIONS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES American Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) 27 American White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 MIGRAINE PREPARATIONS Arum (Arum maculatum) 46 Asarum (Asarum • Bilberry (Vaccinium europaeum) 48 myrtillus) G-5, 75 Catnip (Nepeta cataria) . . G-S, 164 Bistort (Persicaria Cola (Cola acuminata) 205 bistorta) G-5, 82 Cyclamen (Cyclamen Bitter Orange (Citrus europaeum) 240 aurantium) G-5, 86 Dusty Miller (Senecio Black Alder (Alnus bicolor) 258 glutinosa) G-5, 89 European Peony (Paeonia Black Currant (Ribes officinalis) G-II, 295 nigrum) G-5, 94 European Water Hemlock • Blackberry (Rubus (Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 fruticosus) G-6, 104 Feverfew (Tanacetum Borage (Borago parthenium) G-11, 306 officinalis) G-6, 114 Green Tea (Camellia • Brewer's Yeast sinensis) G-13, 369 (Saccharomyces Herb Paris (Paris cerevisiae) 118 quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Bugle (Ajuga reptans) . . . G-6, 125 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 Canadian Fleabane Marijuana (Cannabis (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 sativa) G-17, 500 Canella (Canella Nux Vomica (Strychnos winterana) 147 nux vomica) G-18, 547 Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla Carline Thistle (Carlina pratensis) 572 acaulis) 151 Petasites (Petasites Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 hybridus) G-19, 585 Cayenne (Capsicum Rust-Red Rhododendron annuum) G-8, 165 (Rhododendron Chinese Cinnamon ferrugineum) eso (Cinnamomum Sweet Marjoram (Origanum aromaticum) 182 mqjorana) G-24, 746 • Cinquefoil (Potentilla Sweet Violet (Viola erecta) G-8, 192 odorata) G-24, 750 • Clove (Syzygium Tansy (Tahacetum aromaticum) G-8, 195 vulgare) G-24, 754 Coconut Palm (Cocos Traveller's Joy (Clematis nucifera) G-9, 201 vitalba\ G-25, 769 • Coffee (Cqffea arabica) . . G-9, 202 • Colt's Foot (Tussilago MOUTH & THROAT PRODUCTS farfara) G-9, 209 Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 Comfrey (Symphytum • Agrimony (Agrimonia officinale) G-9, 212 eupatoria) G-3, 10 Amaranth (Amaranthus Common Kidney Vetch hypochondriacus) G-3, 22 (Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 MENOPAUSAL PREPARATIONS • Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 • Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) 215 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum) 236 • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . .G-10, 26i English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) .G-10, 270 • English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . .G-11, 289 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .G-11, 289 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa) G-11, 311 Gambir (Uncaria species) . . . .324 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 • High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 • Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens) 426 • Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) G-15, 456 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 • Lesser Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) 467 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX • Marigold {Calendula officinalis) Marshmallow {Althaea officinalis) • Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) • Oak (Quercus robur) . . . • Onion (Allium cepa) • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Perilla (Perilla fructescens) Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) Pinus Bark (Tsuga canadensis) Pomegranate (Punica granatum) • Potentilla (Potentilla anserina) Radish (Raphanus SativUS) NON-NARCOTIC ANTITUSSIVES / 1 - 6 9 • White Nettle (Lamium G-17, 497 505 G-18, 534 G-IS, 549 G-19, 557 G-19, sao . . . 583 G-19, 591 G-19, 594 album) Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) Yew (Taxus baccata) . . . MUSCLE RELAXANTS • Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-25, 806 G-25, 809 G-26, 812 G-26, 818 G-26, 826 827 G-26, 84i G-8, 165 G-20, 605 NARCOTIC ANTITUSSIVES G-20, 610 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 NARCOTICS Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 G-20, 628 Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 • Rhatany (Krameria triandra) 64i • Rose (Rosa centifolia) 644 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 • Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 68i • Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 • Usnea (Usnea species) 778 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) 795 NON-NARCOTIC ANTITUSSIVES Almond (Prunus dulcis) • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) • Arnica (Arnica montana) Asarum (Asarum europaeum) Bamboo (Arundinaria japonica) Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) Bitter Milkwort (Polygala amara) Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) Borage (Borago officinalis) • Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) British Elecampane (Inula britannica) Broad Bean (Vicia faba) Calotropis (Calotropis procera) • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) 15 . G - 3 , 35 41 48 G-4, 60 G-5, 81 85 G-5, 94 G-5, 98 G-6, 114 lis Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) c-7, 151 Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) G-8, 179 Cocillana Tree (Guraea rusbyi) 198 • Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 Common Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) 215 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 222 Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) 223 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 • Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cupmoss (Cladonia pyxidata) 238 Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) G-9, 241 Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) 243 Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) G-IO, 246 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . G-IO, 261 Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-10, 266 • English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-IO, 275 • English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 • European Elder (Sambucus 119 120 nigra) G-7, 143 Denotes recommendation by Commission E. G-11, 287 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) 141 \ G-11, 291 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 • European Sanicle (Sanicula europaea) 296 1-70/NON-NARCOTIC ANTITUSSIVES False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) G - I I , 302 Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) 0-11, 310 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) G-12, 326 Garlic (Allium sativum) . .G-12, 327 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 • Gumweed (Grindelia species) 379 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 • Hempnettle (Galeopsis segetum) G-13, 389 • High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) . . G-14, 397 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 • Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) . . . .410 • Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandicd) 415 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) G-IS, 436 • Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-IS, 448 Lactucarium (Lactuca virosa) 453 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 Lesser Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) 467 • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 • Linden (Tilia species) . . . .G-ie, 477 Lungmoss (Lobaria pulmonaria) 484 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) 486 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES • Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 • Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Mouse Ear (Pilosella officinarum) 529 • Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) G-18, 532 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-18, 536 • Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) G-18, 537 • Niauli (Melaleucea viridiflord) 542 • Oak (Quercus robur) . . . G-18, 549 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Ox-Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) 563 • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 » Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 Premorse (Scabiosa succisa) G-20, 612 Quillaja (Quillaja saponaria) G-20, 624 Quince (Cydonia oblongata) 625 Radish (Raphanus Sativus) Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 628 G-20, 629 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 • Seneca Snakeroot (Polygala senega) 683 • Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Southern Bay berry (Myrica cerifera) G-22, 705 Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 • Star Anise (Illicium verum) G-23, 725 Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) G-23, 734 • Sundew (Drosera ramentacea) 740 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 76i • Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 Tonka Beans (Dipteryx odorata) 767 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 • Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 • White Mustard (Sinapis alba) G-25, 805 • White Nettle (Lamium album) G-25, 806 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) 810 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 • Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, S I S Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 OPHTHALMIC CONDITIONS Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 48 Calabar Bean (Physostigma venenosum) 137 Chickweed (Stellaria - media) iso Coca (Erythroxylum coca) . . . . 197 Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Dusty Miller (Senecio bicolor) 258 Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) 300 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) G-16, 475 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Nux Vomica (Strychnos mix vomica) G-IS, 547 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Red Maple (Acer rubrum) G-21, 635 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) 716 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES OXYTOCIC AGENTS Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) 109 Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) 305 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . .G-16, 475 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 Scotch Broom (Cy t is us scoparius) G-22, 672 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) 695 Yew (Taxus baccata) . . . G-26, 841 PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME AGENTS • Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 • Bugle weed (Lye opus virginicus) G-6, 126 • Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 • Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC AGENTS Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) RESPIRATORY A G E N T S / I - 7 1 G-7, 130 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Jequirity (Abrus precatorius) 435 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-ie, 468 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 OTIC PREPARATIONS Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) G-19, 588 Yage (Banisteriopsis caapi) . . . 833 RENAL STONE PREVENTION (See under Calcium oxalate stone prevention) RESPIRATORY AGENTS Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) . G-3, 35 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 48 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Astragalus (Astragalus species) 54 Bamboo (Arundinaria japonica) G-4, 60 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) 73 Betel Nut (Piper betle) . . . . G-4, 74 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-S, SI Bitter Milkwort (Polygala amara) 85 Black Mulberry (Morus nigra) 99 Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) G-6, 103 Borage (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 • Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 118 Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) 133 Calamint (Calamintha nepeta) 138 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Carrageen (Chondrus crispus) 152 Cedar (Cedrus libani) iss Celandine (Chelidonium mOJUS) G-8, 169 Cocillana Tree (Guraea rusbyi) 198 • Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) . G-9, 209 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 1-72/RESPIRATORY AGENTS Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Corn Poppy {Papaver rhoeas) 223 • Cowslip {Primula veris) 231 Cupmoss {Cladonia pyxidata) 238 Cypress {Cupressus sempervirens) G-9, 241 Cypress Spurge {Euphorbia cyparissias) G-9, 242 Daffodil {Narcissus pseudonarcissus) 243 Duckweed (Lemna minor) G-10, 258 Echinacea Angustifolia {Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 • Echinacea Purpurea {Echinacea purpurea) . G-10, 261 Elecampane {Inula helenium) G-10, 266 • English Ivy {Hedera helix) G-10, 275 • English Plantain {Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 Eryngo {Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 • Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 • European Elder {Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 European Golden Rod {Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 European Mistletoe {Viscum album) G-11, 291 European Peony {Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 • European Sanicle {Sanicula europaea) 296 False Schisandra {Kadsura japonica) 301 • Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) G-11, 302 Fenugreek {Trigonella foenum-graecum) G-11, 304 Forget-Me-Not {Myosotis arvensis) G-12, 3ie Gambir {Uncaria species) .. . .324 Garlic {Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 • German Chamomile {Matricaria recutita) . . .G-12, 331 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) 372 Guaiac {Guaiacum officinale) 375 • Gum weed (Grindelia species) 379 Heartsease {Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Heather {Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Hedge Mustard {Sisymbrium officinale) 384 Hemlock {Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 • Hempnettle {Galeopsis segetum) G-13, 389 Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 • High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Hollyhock {Alcea rosea) . G-14, 398 Horehound {Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 • Horseradish {Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Hyssop {Hyssopus officinalis) G-15, 414 • Iceland Moss {Cetraria islandica) 415 Indian Nettle {Acalypha indica) 419 Indian Squill {Urginea indica) 421 Indian-Hemp {Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Ipecac {Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 Iporuru {Alchornea floribunda) 424 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Aris'aema atrorubens) 426 Jambolan {Syzygium cumini) 429 • Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Jimson Weed {Datura stramonium) G-IS, 436 » Knotweed {Polygonum aviculare) G-IS, 448 Labrador Tea {Ledum latifolium) 451 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Lactucarium {Lactuca virosa) 453 Lady Fern {Athyrium filix-femina) G-15, 454 • Larch {Larix decidua) . . . .G-15, 457 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 Lesser Galangal {Alpinia officinarum) 467 • Licorice {Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 • Linden {Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) G-16, 479 Luffa {Luffa aegyptica) . . G-ie, 483 Lungmoss {Lobaria pulmonaria) 484 Lungwort {Pulmonaria officinalis) G-ie, 485 • Ma-Huang {Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Maidenhair {Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 Mandrake {Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 • Marshmallow {Althaea officinalis) 505 Meadowsweet {Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Mouse Ear {Pilosella officinarum) 529 • Mullein {Verbascum densiflorum) G-18, 532 Myrtle {Myrtus communis) G-IS, 536 • Nasturtium {Tropaeolum majus) G-IS, 537 • Niauli {Melaleucea viridiflora) 542 Night-Blooming Cereus {Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Nux Vomica {Strychnos nux vomica) G-IS, 547 • Oak {Quercus robur) . . . G-IS, 549 Oats {Avena sativa) G-18, 551 • Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Oregano {Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Orris {Iris species) G-19, 561 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Ox-Eye Daisy {Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) 563 • Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, SSO Petasites {Petasites hybridus) . G-19, 585 Picrorhiza {Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 • Pimpinella {Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Pineapple {Ananas comosus) 593 Pleurisy Root {Asclepias tuherosa) G-20, 598 Poppy seed {Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 Quebracho {Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) 623 Quillaja {Quillaja saponaria) G-20, 624 • Radish {Raphanus Sativiis) G-20, 628 Raspberry {Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 Red Bryony {Bryonia cretica) 632 Red Clover {Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Rupturewort {Herniaria glabra) G-21, 650 Scotch Broom {Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 • Scotch Pine {Pinus species) G-22, 674 • Seneca Snakeroot {Polygala senega) 683 Siam Benzoin {Styrax tonkinesis) 692 Skunk Cabbage {Symplocarpusfoetidus) ....696 Sloe {Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Soapwort {Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Solomon's Seal {Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 Sorrel {Rumex acetosa) 705 Spanish-Chestnut {Castanea sativa) 708 Speedwell {Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 SEDATIVES & HYPNOTICS / I - 7 3 Spikenard {Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 • Spruce {Picea species) 714 • Star Anise {Illicium verum) G-23, 725 Storax {Liquidambar orientalis) G-23, 734 Sumatra Benzoin {Styrax paralleloneurum) 738 Sumbul {Ferula sumbul) . G-23, 738 • Sundew {Drosera ramentacea) 740 Sweet Cicely {Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Sweet Violet {Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Thuja {Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 • Thyme {Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 761 • Tolu Balsam {Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) 770 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain {Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Water Fennel {Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 Water Germander {Teucrium scordium) 797 • Watercress {Nasturtium officinale) 798 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 White Fir {Abies alba) 802 • White Nettle {Lamium album) G-25, 806 Wild Cherry {Prunus serotina) 810 Wild Daisy {Bellis perennis) G-26, 8 i i Wild Service Tree {Sorbus torminalis) 814 » Wild Thyme {Thymus serpyllum) G-26, 815 Wintergreen {Gaultheria procumbens) 820 Witch Hazel {Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Wood Anemone {Anemone nemorosa) 824 Wood Betony {Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Wood Sage {Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 Yellow Dock {Rumex CrispUS) 835 Yerba Santa {Eriodictyon californicum) 841 REVITALIZING AGENTS • Cola {Cola acuminata) • Mate {Ilex paraguariensis) • Siberian Ginseng {Eleutherococcus senticosus) 235 G-17, 508 693 SALIVA PRODUCTS Betel Nut {Piper betle) . . . . G-4, 74 Moneywort {Lysimachia nummularia) G-17, 520 Quassia {Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 SCABICIDES & PEDICULICIDES Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) G-6, 103 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Celandine {Chelidonium majlis) G-8, 169 Field Scabious {Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Fish Berry {Anamirta cocculus) 312 Henna {Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Pellitory {Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Picrorhiza {Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Poisonous Buttercup {Ranunculus sceleratus) G-20, eoi Pyrethrum {Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) < 621 Quassia {Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 SEDATIVES & HYPNOTICS Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 Black Horehound {Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 1-74/SEDATIVES & HYPNOTICS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Borage (Borago Red-Spur Valerian (Centranthus ruber) . . . G-21, 639 officinalis) G-6, 114 Sweet Vernal Grass • Bugle weed (Lye opus (Anthoxanthum virginicus) G-6, 126 odoratum) G-24, 749 Burning Bush (Dictamnus Sweet Violet (Viola albus) G-7, 130 odorata) G-24, 750 California Poppy Sweet Woodruff (Galium (Eschscholtzia odoratum) G-24, 751 californica) G-7, 140 Taumelloolch (Lolium Corn Poppy (Papaver temulentum) G-24, 756 rhoeas) 223 Tulip Tree (Liriodendron English Hawthorn tulipifera) 774 (Crataegus laevigata) . G-10, 271 • Valerian (Valeriana • English Lavender officinalis) G-25, 783 (Lavandula Wood Betony (Betonica angustifolia) G-10, 277 Officinalis) G-26, 825 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS Feverfew (Tanacetum Pareira (Chondrodendron parthenium) G-11, 306 tomentosum) 566 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANE AGENTS Heather (Calluna • Agrimony (Agrimonia vulgaris) G-13, 383 eupatoria) G-3, 10 » Hops (Humulus lupulus) . G-14, 400 Alkanet (Alkanna Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia tinctoria) G-3, 13 piscipula) 428 Almond (Prunus dulcis) 15 Jatamansi (Nardostachys American Adder's Tongue jatamansi) 433 (Erythronium » Kava Kava (Piper americanum) 24 methysticum) G-15, 443 American White Pond Lily Larkspur (Delphinium (Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 consolida) G-15, 458 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Lemon Balm (Melissa Bear's Garlic (Allium officinalis) G-16, 46i ursinum) 66 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia Bilberry (Vaccinium triphylla) 463 myrtillus) G-S, 75 Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-IS, 477 Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Male Fern (Dryopteris • Bittersweet Nightshade filix-mas) G-17, 433 (Solanum dulcamara) . . . G-5, 88 Marijuana (Cannabis Black Bryony (Tamus sativa) G-17, 500 communis) G-S, 90 Mugwort (Artemisia Black Currant (Ribes vulgaris) G-18, 530 nigrum) G-S, 94 Nerve Root (Cypripedium Black Nightshade (Solanum calceolus) 541 nigrum) G-6, 101 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 B ladderwort (Utricu laria Passion Flower (Passiflora vulgaris) G-6, 105 incarnata) G-19, 573 Brazilian Pepper Tree Petasites (Petasites (Schinus terebinthifolius) . . .117 • Brewer's Yeast hybridus) G-19, 585 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia (Sacch a romyces cerevisiae) 118 serpentina) 631 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Burdock (Arctium lappa) . G-7, 128 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) 133 Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) 151 Cashew (Anacardium occidentals) G-7, 157 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Chickweed (Stellaria media) 180 Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) 215 Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 222 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) G-9, 242 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) 247 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 26i Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 English Adder's Tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum) . . . 269 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 27s English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Eucalyptus SUNBURN PREPARATIONS / 1-75 Martagon (Lilium martagon) 506 Mezereon (Daphne European Elder (Sambucus mezereum) G-17, 515 nigra) G-11, 287 Moneywort (Lysimachia European Peony (Paeonia nummularia) G-17, 520 officinalis) G-11, 295 Monkshood (Aconitum European Water Hemlock napellus) G-18, 521 (Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 • Oak (Quercus robur) . . . G-18, 549 Evening Primrose » Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 (Oenothera biennis) . G-11, 298 Oleander (Nerium Field Scabious (Knautia oleander) G-19, 555 arvensis) G-11, 310 Onion (Allium cepci) G-19, 557 Flax (Linum Ox-Eye Daisy usitatissimum) G-12, 313 (Chrysanthemum Frostwort (Helianthemum leucanthemum) 563 canadense) G-12, 321 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla Fumitory (Fumaria pratensis) 572 officinalis) G-12, 322 Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) . . . 575 • German Chamomile Pennyroyal (Mentha (Matricaria recutita) G-12, 331 pulegium) 579 German Sarsaparilla (Carex Pimento (Pimenta arenaria) 336 racemosa) 590 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba Poisonous Buttercup (Ranunculus officinalis) G-13, 366 sceleratus) G-20, 601 Ground Ivy (Glechoma Puff Ball (Lycoperdon hederacea) 372 species) 618 Guaiac (Guaiacum Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum officinale) 375 salicaria) G-20, 620 » Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Red Clover (Trifolium Henna (Lawsonia pratense) G-21, 633 inermis) G-14, 391 Rosemary (Rosmarinus Horse Chestnut (Aesculus officinalis) G-21, 645 hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Indian Nettle (Acalypha Sarsaparilla (Smilax indica) 419 species) G-21, 66i » Jambolan (Syzygium Sassafras (Sassafras cumini) 429 albidum) G-21, 662 Knotweed (Polygonum Soapwort (Saponaria aviculare) G-15, 448 officinalis) G-22, 701 Labrador Tea (Ledum Solomon's Seal latifolium) 451 (Polygonatum Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla multiflorum) G-22, 703 vulgaris) G-15, 456 Southern Bayberry (Myrica Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 cerifera) G-22, 705 Laurel (Laurus nobilis) . . G-15, 459 Spikenard (Aralia Lemon Verbena (Aloysia racemosa) G-23, 711 triphylla) 463 Spurge (Euphorbia Marigold (Calendula resinifera) 716 officinalis) G-17, 497 • St. John's Wort (Hypericum Marshmallow (Althaea perforatum) G-23, 719 officinalis) 505 globulus) (Eucalyptus G-11, 283 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris) 729 G-23, 735 G-23, 741 G-24, 750 757 G-24, 759 G-24, 761 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Turkey Corn (Dicentra cucullaria) 775 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 • Walnut (Juglans regia) . . G-25, 793 White Lily (Lilium candidum) 804 • White Nettle (Lamium album) G-25, 806 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) G-26, 814 Winter's Bark (Drimys winteri) 820 • Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Yellow Dock (Rumex CrispUS) 835 Yellow Lupin (Lupinus luteUS) Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) 839 840 SMOKING CESSATION AIDS Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) SMOOTH MUSCLE RELAXANTS Celandine (Chelidonium majus) G-16, 479 G-24, 762 G-8, 169 STIMULANT LAXATIVES • Senna (Cassia senna) . . . G-22, 684 SUNBURN PREPARATIONS Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) G-22, 680 1 - 7 6 / T E E T H I N G R E M E D I ES PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S TEETHING REMEDIES Male Fern {Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 TREMOR PREPARATIONS Cowslip {Primula veris) 231 • Stinging Nettle {Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 • Triticum {Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 • Uva-Ursi {Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) G-25, 779 URINARY ANTI-INFECTIVES • Angelica {Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 • Asparagus {Asparagus officinalis) G-4, 52 • Bean Pod {Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 • Birch {Bet it la species) G-5, 78 Canadian Fleabane {Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 • Canadian Golden Rod {Solidago canadensis) 145 Chocolate Vine {Akebia quinata) 189 Copaiba Balsam {Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 • Echinacea Purpurea {Echinacea purpurea) . G-10, 261 • European Golden Rod {Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 • Horseradish {Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 • Horsetail {Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Iporuru {Alchornea floribundd) 424 • Java Tea {Orthosiphon spicatus) 434 Juniper {Juniperus communis) G-15, 440 • Lovage {Levisticum officinale) G-16, 482 Matico {Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 • Nasturtium {Tropaeolum majas) G-18, 537 • Parsley {Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Pipsissewa {Chimaphila umbellata) 595 » Sandalwood {Santalum album) 659 Short Buchu {Barosma betulina) 691 • Spiny Rest Harrow {Ononis spinosa) G-23, 713 URINARY TRACT AGENTS Alisma (Alisma plantago-aquatica) G-3, 13 Arenaria Rubra {Spergularia rubra) 39 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . . G-4, 50 Barberry {Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Bean Pod {Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 Bilberry {Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Black Currant {Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Bladderwort {Utricularia vulgaris) G-6, 105 Bog Bilberry {Vaccinium uliginosum) G-6, 111 Borage {Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 British Elecampane {Inula britannica) 119 Broad Bean {Vicia faba) 120 Brooklime {Veronica beccabungd) G-6, 121 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Burr Marigold {Bidens tripartita) G-7, 131 California Peppertree {Schinus molle) 139 California Poppy {Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Cleavers {Galium aparine) . . . . 193 Club Moss {Lycopodium clavatum) 196 Cocoa {Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 Coolwort {Tiarella cordifolia) G-9, 219 Coriander {Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Corn Silk {Zea mays) Cubeb {Piper cubeba) Dodder {Cuscuta epithymum) Dog Rose {Rosa canina) Eryngo {Eryngium campestre) Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) 224 235 G-10, 254 G-10, 254 G-11, 282 G-11, 2 8 3 Field Scabious {Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Flax {Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 Fumitory {Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 German Ipecac {Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Gout weed {Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 36i Greater Bindweed {Calystegia sepium) . . . G-13, 367 Hartstongue {Scolopendrium vulgare) 381 Heather {Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Herb Robert {Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 High. Mallow {Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Horsetail {Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Hydrangea {Hydrangea arborescens) G-14, 413 Jatamansi {Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Juniper {Juniperus communis) G-15, 440 Lactucarium {Lactuca virosa) 453 Levant Cotton {Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Lily-of-the-Valley {Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Lungwort {Pulmonaria officinalis) G-16, 485 Madder {Rubia tinctorum) G-ie, 490 Marsh Blazing Star {Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Marshmallow {Althaea officinalis) sos T H E R A P E U T I C C A T E G O R Y INDEX Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-IS, 525 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-18, 536 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Parsley Piert (Aphanes arvensis) 570 Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) G-19, 571 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Pellitory-of-the-Wall (Parietaria officinalis) 578 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea) G-20, 596 Poplar (Populus species) G-20, 607 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 • Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) G-20, 618 Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) 619 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Round-Leafed Wintergreen (Pyrola rotundifolia) 647 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, eso Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) G-21, 66i Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) G-21, 662 • Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) G-21, 664 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . .G-22, 668 VENOUS INSUFFICIENC Y P R O D U C T S / 1 - 7 7 Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) 67i Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 69i Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Squill (Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 • Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Sweet Sumach (Rhus aromatica) 748 Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) G-24, 749 Trailing Arbutus (Epigae repens) 768 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Turkey Corn (Dicentra cucullaria) 775 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, 815 Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, 818 Winter Cherry (Physalis alkekengi) G-26, 819 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yellow Lupin (Lupinus luteUS) 839 Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) 840 VAGINAL PREPARATIONS Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 American White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 * Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 VASOPROTECTIVE AGENTS Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY PRODUCTS Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Borage (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) G-6, 124 • Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 • English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-10, 277 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Grape (Vitis vinifera) . . . G-13, 362 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 • Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) G-15, 414 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphytla) 463 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) . ., G-17, 497 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Periwinkle (Vinca minor) 584 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 1-78/VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY PRODUCTS Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 • Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 • Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 White Hellebore (Veratrum album) G-25, 803 Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) Behen (Moringa oleifera) Cowslip (Primula veris) Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) European Mistletoe (Viscum 51 67 231 . 243 G-11, 291 Fish Berry (Anamirta cocculus) 312 • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 VITAMIN C & COMBINATIONS Dog Rose (Rosa canina) Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) Globe Flower (Trollius europaeus) Lemon (Citrus limon) Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . Samphire (Crithum maritimum) Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-10, 254 G-12, 326 G-12, 351 460 466 G-ie, 476 G-is, 525 658 G-22, 679 VITAMIN E Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) WART PREPARATIONS Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 • Bittersweet Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) . . .G-5, 88 Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) G-7, 157 Celandine (Chelidonium majlis) VERTIGO AGENTS album) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 228 G-8, 169 Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) 215 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 • Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 • Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) G-17, 510 • Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Savin Tops (Juniperus sabina) G-21, 663 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) 716 Sundew (Drosera ramentacea) 740 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) G-3, 13 American White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) .G-4, 64 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) G-5, SO Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) G-5, 82 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris) G-6, 105 Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) . . .117 Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Bugle (Ajuga reptans) . . . G-6, 125 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G - 7 , 130 • Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) 151 Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) 160 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Chickweed (Stellaria media) 180 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . G-9, 202 Cola (Cola acuminata) 205 • Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Common Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) 215 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . G-IO, 261 Elm Bark (Ulmus minor) G-10, 269 English Adder's Tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum) . . . 269 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-IO, 275 English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) . . G-11, 283 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .G-11, 289 THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY INDEX Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) G-11, 304 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Galbanum (Ferula gummosa) 323 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) G-13, 355 Gout weed (Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 36i Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) 410 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Jujube (Zyzyphus jujube) 439 Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum) G-IS, 455 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) . . . . . . . 466 Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-ie, 481 Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) G-ie, 485 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS /1-79 • Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Matico (Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-IS, 521 Mouse Ear (Pilosella officinarum) 529 Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) G-IS, 532 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Ox-Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) 563 Petasites (Petasites hybrid us) G-19, 585 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 • Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 593 • Poplar (Populus species) G-20, 607 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) G-22, 680 • Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) 697 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 • Denotes recommendation by Commission £. Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) G-23, 734 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 • Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 Teazle (Dipsacus silvestris) G-24, 757 • Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 Traveller's Joy (Clematis vitalba) G-25, 769 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Virola (Virola theiodora) 789 Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) 795 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 White Fir (Abies alba) 802 White Lily (Lilium candidum) 804 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, S I S • Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) 827 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) 840 1-81 Indications Index Entries in this index are organized by specific indication, enabling you to quickly review the botanical alternatives for a particular diagnosis. For ease of comparison with prescription and over-the-counter medications, the index employs the same nomenclature found in the Indications Index of the PDR Companion Guide™. Under each heading, herbs are listed alphabetically by accepted common name, with the scientific name shown in parentheses. Botanicals deemed effective by the German Regulatory Authority's "Commission E" are marked with a (•) symbol at their left. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant in the Herb Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. For more information on both proven and traditional remedies, be sure to check the appropriate underlying monograph. ABDOMINAL CRAMPS {See under Cramps, abdominal, symptomatic relief of) ABDOMINAL DISTRESS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF English Lavender {Lavandula angustifolia) G-IO, 277 Lady's Mantle {Alchemilla vulgaris) G-15, 456 ABORTION {See under Pregnancy, termination of) ABRASIONS, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH {See under Pain, topical relief of) ABSCESS, CUTANEOUS {See also under Infections, skin and skin structure) German Chamomile {Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 ACHES, MUSCULAR {See under Pain, muscular, temporary relief of) ACID INDIGESTION ALLERGIES, UNSPECIFIED {See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) ACNE VULGARIS Feverfew {Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 ALOPECIA AREATA • Brewer's Yeast {Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 118 Birch {Betula species) Burr Marigold {Bidens tripartita) G-5, 78 G-7, 131 ACNE, UNSPECIFIED • Bittersweet Nightshade {Solanum dulcamara) . . . G-5, 88 Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 German Chamomile {Matricaria recutita) . . .G-12, 331 Heartsease {Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION DISORDERS {See under Bronchial asthma; Emphysema) ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) Congorosa {Maytenus ilicifolia) G-8, ies 218 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE {See under Dementia, Alzheimer's type) AMENORRHEA Alteris {Aletris farinosa) 11 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 European Mistletoe {Viscum album) G-11, 291 German Sarsaparilla {Carex arenaria) 336 Levant Cotton {Gossypium herbaceum) G-ie, 468 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 1-82/AMENORRHEA, SECONDARY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES AMENORRHEA, SECONDARY (See also under Menstrual disorders) Yew {Taxus baccata) . . . G-26, 841 ANEMIA ASSOCIATED WITH PREGNANCY Brown Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) 122 ANEMIA, UNSPECIFIED Congorosa {Maytenus ilicifolia) Nux Vomica (Strychnos mix vomica) Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) 218 G-18, 547 G-20, 629 G-26, 829 ANESTHESIA, LOCAL Coca (Erythroxylum coca) . . . . 197 ANGINA (See under Angina pectoris) ANGINA PECTORIS Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 48 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-S, SI Calamus (Acorus calamus) G-7, 138 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 ANTISEPTIC Perilla (Perilla fructescens) Quassia {Picrasma excelsa) Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) . .583 . .622 820 ANXIETY AND TENSION DUE TO MENOPAUSE {See under Menopause, management of the manifestations of) ANXIETY DISORDERS, MANAGEMENT OF • Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 Anemarrhena (Anemarrhena asphodeloides) 31 Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 Black Horehound {Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 • Bugle weed {Lye opus virginicus) G-6, 126 California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Catnip (Nepeta cataria) . . G-8, 164 Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) G-9, 211 Corydalis (Corydalis cava) . . . 226 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum) 240 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-IO, 270 • English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-10, 277 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Greek Sage (Salvia triloba) . . . 367 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Herb Paris {Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 • Hops {Humulus lupulus) . G-14, 400 Jamaica Dogwood {Piscidia piscipula) 428 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 • Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-IS, 443 • Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-16, 46i • Lily-of-the- Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 » Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) G-IS, 524 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-IS, 530 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 Night-Blooming Cereus {Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Nux Vomica (Strychnos mix vomica) G-18, 547 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 • Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) G-19, 573 • Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) G-22, 678 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 • Squill (Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Strawberry {Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) 810 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 APHRODISIAC Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) G-21, 664 APHTHOUS ULCERS (See under Stomatitis, recurrent aphthous, symptomatic relief of) APPENDICITIS, UNSPECIFIED Licorice {Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 APPETITE, STIMULATION OF Alteris {Aletris farinosa) • Angelica (Angelica archangelica) • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) 11 G-3, 32 G-3, 35 INDICATIONS INDEX ARTERIOSCLEROSIS PROPHYLAXIS /1-83 • Artichoke (Cynara • Ginger (Zingiber scolymus) G-4, 44 officinale) G-12, 339 Barberry (Berberis Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 vulgaris) G-4, 61 Hibiscus (Hibiscus Basil (Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 sabdariffa) G-14, 394 • Bitter Orange (Citrus Hops (Humulus lupulus) . G-14, 400 aurantium) G-5, 86 • Horehound (Marrubium • Blessed Thistle (Cnicus vulgare) G-14, 401 benedictus) G-6, 107 • Iceland Moss (Cetraria • Bog Bean (Menyanthes islandica) 415 trifoliata) G-6, no • Juniper (Juniperus • Brewer's Yeast communis) G-15, 440 (Saccharomyces Larkspur (Delphinium cerevisiae) us consolida) G-15, 458 California Peppertree • Lesser Galangal (Alpinia (Schinus molle) 139 officinarum) 467 Cayenne (Capsicum Muira-Puama annuum) G-8, 165 (Ptychopetalum Celery (Apium olacoides) 531 graveolens) G-8, 172 Muskmallow (Abelmoschus • Centaury (Centaurium moschatus) 533 erythraea) G-8, 174 Nux Vomica (Strychnos • Chicory (Cichorium nux vomica) G-18, 547 intybus) G-8, 181 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 • Chinese Cinnamon Petasites (Petasites (Cinnamomum hybridus) G-19, 585 aromaticum) 182 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Chiretta (Swertia chirata) 187 • Quinine (Cinchona • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum pubescens) G-20, 626 verum) G-8, 190 • Rosemary (Rosmarinus • Condurango (Marsdenia officinalis) G-21, 645 condurango) 2ie • Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 • Coriander (Coriandrum Senburi (Swertia japonica) . . . . 682 sativum) G-9, 221 Skirret (Sium sisarum) . . G-22, 696 • Curcuma (Curcuma Sneezewort (Achillea xanthorrhizia) G-9, 239 ptarmica) 700 • Dandelion (Taraxacum Spinach (Spinacia officinale) G-9, 245 oleracea) G-23, 712 • Devil's Claw • Star Anise (Illicium (Harpagophytum verum) G-23, 725 • Sweet Orange (Citrus procumbens) 247 sinensis) G-24, 747 Dogwood (Cornus Tansy (Tanacetum florida) G-10, 256 vulgare) G-24, 754 • English Lavender • Turmeric (Curcuma (Lavandula domestica) 775 angustifolia) G-10, 277 Watercress (Nasturtium Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 6-11, 283 officinale) 798 • Fenugreek (Trigonella • Wormwood (Artemisia foenum-graecum) G-11, 304 absinthium) G-26, 829 French Tarragon (Artemisia • Yarrow (Achillea dracunculus) G-12, 320 millefolium) G-26, 833 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. • Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea) 836 APPETITE, SUPPRESSION OF (See also under Obesity, exogenous) Cola (Cola acuminata) Dwarf Elder (Sambucus ebulus) 205 259 APPREHENSION (See under Anxiety disorders, management of) ARRHYTHMIAS • Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-5, SI Bitter Candytuft (Iberis amara) 84 • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 English Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) . .G-10, 271 • Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 • Squill (Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Bear's Garlic (Allium ursinum) 66 Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) 106 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 • Garlic (Allium sativum) . . G-12, 327 Lactucarium (Lactuca virosd) 453 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Strophanthus (Strophanthus kombe) 736 Strophanthus Gratus (Strophanthus gratus) 736 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS PROPHYLAXIS Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) G-6, 124 1-84 /ARTERIOSCLEROSIS PROPHYLAXIS Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Garlic (Allium sativum) Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) . G-12, 327 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 ASCITES Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata) 189 ARTHRALGIA, TOPICAL RELIEF OF (See under Pain, topical relief of) ARTHRITIS (See under Arthritis, unspecified; Rheumatoid arthritis) (See under Bronchial asthma) ATHEROSCLEROSIS Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM DISTURBANCES Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID (See under Rheumatoid arthritis) ARTHRITIS, UNSPECIFIED Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . G-4, 50 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Dog Rose (Rosa canina) G-10, 254 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Iporuru (Alchornea floribunda) 424 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . .. 606 Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 ASCARIASIS Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 G-22, 672 790 BITE WOUNDS ASTHMA, BRONCHIAL 552 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Wafer Ash (Ptelea trifoliata) BACKACHE Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 BACKACHE, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF 619 757 597 BITTER TASTE Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum) (See under Infections, urinary tract) 841 BLEEDING ASSOCIATED WITH TOOTH EXTRACTION (See also under Bleeding, gingival) Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) BACTERIURIA ASSOCIATED WITH POLYNEPHRITIS, ELIMINATION OR SUPPRESSION OF (See under Infections, urinary tract) 21 BLEEDING IN THE LUNGS BEDSORES European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 (See under Ulcers, decubitus, adjunctive therapy in) BELL'S PALSY G-IS, 521 BLEEDING, GASTROINTESTINAL Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) G-S, 89 BLEEDING, GINGIVAL G-17, 500 BILIARY CALCULI, CHEMICAL DISSOLUTION OF American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Celery (Apium graveolens) Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) 589 622 . . . . 261 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) BACTERIURIA ASSOCIATED WITH CYSTITIS, ELIMINATION OR SUPPRESSION OF BERIBERI Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) BITES, INSECT Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 67 509 BITES, POISONOUS (See under Pain, topical relief of) Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) Behen (Moringa oleifera) Matico [Piper elongatum) . . . . Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) Quassia {Picrasma excelsa) . . . Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 26 G-4, 44 G-8, 172 G-12, 321 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. G-6, 121 G-11, 283 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 INDICATIONS INDEX BRONCHIAL ASTHMA/1-85 Scotch Broom (Cytisus BOWEL DISEASE, INFLAMMATORY SCOpahus) G-22, 672 BLEEDING, RECTAL Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, 818 BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEMS Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 English Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) G-IO, 271 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 • Larch {Larix decidua) . . G-15, 457 • Rosemary {Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 BLOOD PURIFYING Birch (Betula species) Borage (Borago officinalis) Burdock (Arctium lappa) Celery (Apium graveolens) Common Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria). Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) Noni (Morinda citrifolia) Rupturewort (Herniaria G-5, 78 G-6, 114 G-7, 128 G-8, 172 G-4, 63 BOWEL OBSTRUCTION Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 BOWEL, EVACUATION OF Amargo (Quassia amara) . . G - 3 , 23 Baneberry (Actaea spicata) 60 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Dyer's Broom (Genista tinctoria) G-10, 260 Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) 487 Mexican Scammony Root (Ipomoea orizabensis) 514 Mountain Flax (Linum catharticum) 526 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 BOWEL, IRRITABLE, SYNDROME G-9, 214 G-11, 306 G-12, 322 G-18, 544 glabra) G-21, 650 Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) G-21, 662 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) 729 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Walnut (Juglans regia) . . G-25, 793 Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) 795 Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus) BOILS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF (See under Furunculosis, symptomatic relief of) Barley (Hordeum distichon) 835 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) 47 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, sso Psyllium (Plantago ovata) . . . . 612 Psyllium Seed (Plantago afra) G-20, 6ie BREAST CANCER (See under Carcinoma, breast) BREAST CARCINOMA (See under Carcinoma, breast) BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-5, 81 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) 160 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) . . Cowslip (Primula veris) Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 243 G-11, 283 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 Gambir (Uncaria species) . . . . 324 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) 421 Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens) Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) Khat (Catha edulis) Lactucarium (Lactuca virosa) Lungmoss (Lobaria pulmonaria) Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) . .. s Mouse Ear (Pilosella officinarum) Onion (Allium cepa) Ox-Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) Petasites (Petasites G-8, 169 hybridus) G-9, 209 Picrorhiza kurroa) • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. 218 231 418 426 429 G-15, 443 447 453 484 G-16, 488 G-17, 495 G-17, 500 529 G-19, 557 563 G-19, 585 (Picrorhiza 589 1-86 /BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 593 Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) . . . . 696 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum) 841 BRONCHIAL CONGESTION Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Betel Nut (Piper betle) . . . . G-4, 74 Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) 108 Chinese Olive (Canarium species) 184 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) G-12, 339 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) . . . . 4 1 0 Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Malabar Nut (Justicia adhatoda) G-17, 492 Moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia) G-17, 520 Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) G-18, 534 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 Seneca Snakeroot (Polygala senega) 683 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, 815 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 BRONCHITIS, ACUTE • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 48 Bitter Milkwort (Polygala amara) 85 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) 133 • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Carrageen (Chondrus crispus) 152 • Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 » Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cupmoss (Cladonia pyxidata) 238 Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) G-9, 241 • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . G-10, 26i Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-10, 266 ' English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 275 English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. • Eucalyptus globulus) (Eucalyptus G-11, 283 • European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-II, 287 • European Sanicle (Sanicula europaea) 296 • Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) G-n, 302 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 • Gum weed (Grindelia species) 379 Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 • Hempnettle (Galeopsis segetum) G-13, 389 • High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 • Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 • Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Knot weed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Lactucarium (Lactuca virosa) 453 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . .G-15, 457 • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 • Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 • Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 • Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 50s • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Mountain Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) G-18, 527 Mouse Ear (Pilosella officinarum) 529 • Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) G-18, 532 INDICATIONS INDEX Myrtle {Myrtus communis) G-IS, 536 • Nasturtium {Tropaeolum majUS) G-18, S37 • Niauli (Melaleucea viridiflora) 542 • Oak {Quercus robur) . . . G-IS, 549 • Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Oregano {Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 • Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 • Pimpinella {Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 • Radish {Raphanus SOtivUS) G-20, 628 • Scotch Pine {Pinus species) G-22, 674 • Seneca Snakeroot {Polygala senega) 683 Skunk Cabbage {Symplocarpus foetidus) . . . . 696 • Soapwort {Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Spanish-Chestnut {Castanea sativa) 708 • Spruce {Picea species) 714 • Star Anise {Illicium verum) G-23, 725 Storax {Liquidambar orientalis) G-23, 734 • Sundew {Drosera ramentacea) 740 Sweet Violet {Viola odorata) 6-24, 730 Thuja {Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 • Thyme {Thymus vulgaris) .G-24, 76i • Tolu Balsam {Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 • Watercress {Nasturtium officinale) 798 • White Mustard {Sinapis alba) G-25, 805 • White Nettle {Lamium album) G-25, 806 Wild Cherry {Prunus serotina) si o Wild Daisy {Bellis perennis) G-26, 8ii CARCINOMA, RECTAL/I-87 • Wild Thyme {Thymus serpyllum) G-26, s i s BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC Alteris {Aletris farinosa) 11 Ammoniac Gum {Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Asarum {Asarum europaeum) 48 Cocillana Tree {Guraea rusbyi) 198 Hedge Mustard {Sisymbrium officinale) 384 Horehound {Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Indian Squill {Urginea indica) 421 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 Lungmoss {Lobaria pulmonaria) 484 Quillaja {Quillaja saponaria) G-20, 624 Sweet Violet {Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Wood Sage {Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 BRONCHITIS, NOT ACUTE OR CHRONIC Black Cohosh {Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 St. John's Wort {Hypericum perforatum) .G-23, 719 BRONCHOSPASM, REVERSIBLE {See under Bronchial asthma) G-20, 609 BRUCELLOSIS • Colchicum {Colchicum autumnale) G-9, 206 BRUISES Black Bryony {Tamus communis) Cajuput {Melaleuca leucadendra) Comfrey {Symphytum officinale) BRUISES, TOPICAL RELIEF OF {See under Pain, topical relief of) BURNS, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH {See under Pain, topical relief of) BURNS, SUPERFICIAL Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 CALCULOSIS {See under Renal calculi) CALLUSES {See under Hyperkeratosis skin disorders) CANDIDIASIS, VAGINAL Cornflower cyanus) {Centaurea G-9, 225 CANKER SORES {See under Stomatitis, recurrent aphthous, symptomatic relief of) CARBUNCLES {See under Furunculosis, symptomatic relief of) BRONCHOSPASTIC DISORDERS, POSSIBLY EFFECTIVE IN Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) German Ipecac {Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Solomon's Seal {Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 CARCINOMA, BREAST Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) Reed Herb {Phragmites communis) G-13, 369 639 CARCINOMA, PANCREAS G-5, 90 G-7, 136 G-9, 212 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 CARCINOMA, RECTAL Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 1-88/CARCINOMA, STOMACH Strophanthus CARCINOMA, STOMACH Celandine (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Condurango (Marsdenia condurango) 216 151 CARCINOMA, UNSPECIFIED Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) 160 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . .G-22, 668 CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS (See under Arrhythmias) CARDIAC FAILURE (See under Congestive heart failure, adjunct in) CARDIAC OUTPUT, LOW Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-5, 81 Bitter Candytuft (Iberis amara) 84 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 • English Hawthorn *" (Crataegus laevigata) . G-10,271 Gray Wallflower (Erysimum diffusum) 365 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) 421 » Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 » Squill (Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 CHOLERA 736 Wallflower (Cheiranthus cheiri) CARCINOMA, TONGUE, PALLIATIVE TREATMENT IN Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) (Strophanthus kombe) G-25, 792 CARDIAC STIMULANT Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium) G-22, 678 CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Kombe Seed (Strophanthus hispidus) 450 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Nux Vomica (Strychnos mix vomica) G-18, 547 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Oleander (Nerium oleander) G-19, 555 Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 Strophanthus Gratus (Strophanthus gratus) 736 CELLULITIS Linden (Tilia species) G-16, 477 CEREBROVASCULAR INSUFFICIENCY Periwinkle (Vinca minor) 584 CHEST PAIN, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Coriander sativum) (Coriandrum G-9, 221 CHOLECYSTITIS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Celandine (Chelidonium majUS) G-8, 169 Immortelle (Helichrysum arenarium) 417 CHOLECYSTOPATHY Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) 151 Opium Antidote (Combretum micranthum) . . . 559 CHOLELITHIASIS Celandine majUS) (Chelidonium G-8, 169 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Fool's Parsley (Aethusa cynapium) Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-12, 316 G-17, 500 CHOLESTASIA Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) G-6, 107 Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-10, 266 Greater Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) . . . .G-13, 367 CHOLESTEROL LEVELS, ELEVATED (See under Hypercholesterolemia, primary, adjunct to diet) CHOREA, PROPHYLAXIS OF European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) G-22, 678 CIRCULATORY DISORDERS Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 • English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-10, 277 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Grape (Vitis vinifera) . . . G-13, 362 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffd) G-14, 394 Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) G-IS, 414 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Periwinkle (Vinca minor) 584 Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 • Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 INDICATIONS INDEX CLAUDICATION, INTERMITTENT • Ginkgo {Ginkgo bilobd) . G-12, 342 COLD, COMMON, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF • Angelica {Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 • Anise {Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 • Arnica {Arnica montana) 41 Arum {Arum maculatum) 46 Basil {Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 Behen {Moringa oleifera) 67 Black Currant {Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) G-S, 97 Carline Thistle {Carlina acaulis) 151 Catnip {Nepeta cataria) . . G-8, 164 Cherry Laurel {Prunus laurocerasus) G-8, 179 Coconut Palm {Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 Colt's Foot {Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 Coral Root {Corallorhiza odontorhiza) 220 Cypress {Cupressus sempervirens) G-9, 241 Daffodil {Narcissus pseudonarcissus) 243 Dog Rose {Rosa canina) G-IO, 254 Echinacea Angustifolia {Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 2 6 1 » Echinacea Pallida {Echinacea pallida) 261 • Echinacea Purpurea {Echinacea purpurea) . G-IO, 26i » English Plantain {Plantago lanceolata) 0-11, 278 » European Elder {Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 German Chamomile {Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Greek Sage {Salvia triloba) . . . 367 Hibiscus {Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Hwema Bark {Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 Iporuru {Alchornea floribunda) 424 Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 I COLITIS, MUCOUS / I - 8 9 • Larch {Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 Lemon {Citrus limon) 460 Linden {Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Luff a {Luffa aegyptica) . . G-16, 483 • Meadowsweet {Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 New Jersey Tea {Ceanothus americanus) . . . .541 • Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Pennyroyal {Mentha pulegium) 579 • Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, sso Pimpinella {Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 • Scotch Pine {Pinus species) G-22, 674 Sloe {Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Southern Bayberry {Myrica cerifera) G-22, 705 • Spruce {Picea species) 714 Sweet Marjoram {Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Sweet Violet {Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tomato {Lycopersicon esculentum) G-24, 766 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain {Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 • White Mustard {Sinapis alba) G-25, 805 Wild Indigo {Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 COLIC, BILIARY, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Belladonna {Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Birthwort {Aristolochia clematitis) G-5, SO Croton Seeds {Croton tiglium) 234 English Ivy {Hedera helix) G-10, 275 Immortelle {Helichrysum arenarium) 417 Milk Thistle {Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Scopolia {Scopolia carniolica) St. John's Wort {Hypericum perforatum) Wild Yam {Dioscorea Villosa) 671 G-23, 719 G-26, 817 COLIC, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Behen {Moringa oleifera) 67 Birthwort {Aristolochia clematitis) G-5, SO Black Currant {Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Catnip {Nepeta cataria) . . G-8, 164 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Eryngo {Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 German Sarsaparilla {Carex arenaria) 336 Groundsel {Senecio vulgaris) 374 Heather {Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Jalap {Ipomoea purga) . . G-IS, 427 Mandrake {Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Petasites {Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 Zedoary {Curcuma zedoaria) G-26, 846 COLITIS Burr Marigold {Bidens tripartita) G-7, 131 Carob {Geratonia siliqua) G-7, 151 Catechu {Acacia catechu) 163 Jalap {Ipomoea purga) . . G-IS, 427 Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Witch Hazel {Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 COLITIS, MUCOUS {See under Bowel, irritable, syndrome) 1-90/COLON, IRRITABLE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES COLON, IRRITABLE (See under Bowel, irritable, syndrome) COLON, SPASTIC (See under Bowel, irritable, syndrome) CONCENTRATION AND MEMORY DEFICITS AS A RESULT OF PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) G-17, 510 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, ADJUNCT IN (See also under Edema, adjunctive therapy in) Astragalus (Astragalus species) 54 CONJUNCTIVITIS, UNSPECIFIED California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) 300 Jequirity (Abrus precatorius) 435 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 CONNECTIVE TISSUE DEFICIENCIES Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 CONSTIPATION Agar (Gelidium amansii) • Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . Bael (Aegle marmelos) Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Behen (Moringa oleifera) Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) 9 G-3, 16 . G-4, 50 58 G-4, 61 67 G-5, 83 91 G-5, 97 Black Mulberry (Morus nigra) 99 Black Root (Leptandra virginica) 104 Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 118 Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 • Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) G-6, 123 Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . . .134 Cape Aloe (Aloe ferox) 16 • Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) G-7, 153 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, I S S Chicory (Cichorium intybus) G-8, 181 • Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Cotton Tree (Cochlospermum gossypium) 229 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) .G-10, 270 Figs (Ficus carica) G-11, 310 » Flax (Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 » Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Gamboge (Garcinia hanburyi) G-12, 325 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) G-12, 326 Greater Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) . . . G-13, 367 Green Hellebore (Helleborus viridis) 368 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 Jalap (Ipomoea purga) . . G-15, 427 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) 463 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 • Manna (Fraxinus ornus) . G-17, 496 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) 523 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Pear (Pyrus communis) 577 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea) G-20, 596 • Psyllium (Plantago ovata) . . . . 612 • Psyllium Seed (Plantago afra) G-20, 616 Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) 619 • Senna (Cassia senna) . . . G-22, 684 Sesame (Sesamum orientate) 688 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) 767 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpurea) cG-25, 791 Wallflower (Cheiranthus cheiri) G-25, 792 Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) \ 795 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) . . . . 799 White Bryony (Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 CONTRACEPTION (See under Pregnancy, prevention of) INDICATIONS INDEX COUGH, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF O F / I - 9 1 Common Kidney Vetch CONTRACEPTIVE, MALE Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) (Anthyllis vulneraria) G - 1 6 , 468 B a s i l (Ocimum basilicum) Vervain . G-4, 64 (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 CONVULSIVE EPISODES, CONTROL OF European Mistletoe (Aethusa G-12, 316 (Calotropis 222 Poppy 338 CORNS (See under H y p e r k e r a t o s i s (Centaurea • C o w s l i p (Primula veris) (Cladonia 238 (Cupressus common, • English A l m o n d (Prunus dulcis) • A r n i c a (Arnica montana) 15 G-3, 35 41 europaeum) 48 japonica) G - 4 , 60 85 G - 5 , 94 officinalis) G - 6 , 114 britannica) 119 B r o a d B e a n (Vicia faba) 120 141 camphora) G - 7 , 143 (Eryngium G-11, 282 • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus G-11, 283 • European Elder (Sambucus G-11, 287 • European Sanicle 296 Eyebright False • Fennel 300 G - 7 , 151 (Foeniculum e - f i , 302 G-11, 310 laurocerasus) G - 8 , 179 198 G-9, 209 maculatum) G-12, 331 . . . 367 418 Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) Weed 431 {Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 Khat (Catha edulis) • Knotweed 447 (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 • L a r c h (Larix decidua) . . . G - I S , 457 • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G - 1 6 , 469 • L i n d e n (Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Lungmoss (Lobaria pulmonaria) Lycium 484 Bark (Lycium chinense) 486 (Ephedra sinica) G - 1 6 , 488 (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 (Cannabis sativa) G - 1 7 , 500 (Althaea officinalis) sos (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Ear (Pilosella officinarum) • Mullein 529 (Verbascum densiflorum) (Glechoma hederacea) Hemlock » C o l t ' s F o o t (Tussilago . . G r e e k S a g e (Salvia triloba) 372 • Nasturtium G-i8, 532 (Tropaeolum majus) (Grindelia species) cannabinum) Mouse • German Chamomile • Gumweed (Guraea rusbyi) G-12, 326 Ivy 415 • Meadowsweet (Lepidium (Cetraria (Apocynum • Marshmallow (Knautia arvensis) Ground (Prunus Moss 379 • Niauli G - I S , 537 (Melaleucea viridiflora) (Conium G-13, 386 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. 410 islandica) Marijuana vulgare) Cress • I cel and Marigold (Kadsura 301 Scabious G - 1 4 , 408 Maidenhair (Euphrasia Schisandra G - 1 4 . 403 (Armoracia • Ma-Huang (Sanicula (Matricaria recutita) (Ceratonia siliqua) farfara) G-11, 278 sativum) (Cinnamomum Tree Eryngo Garden • Camphor Tree Cocillana (Plantago lanceolata) Field (Calotropis procera) . Laurel Plantain japonica) British E l e c a m p a n e (Inula Cherry • English officinalis) (Borago Carob G-10, 27S europaea) (Ribes nigrum) Calotropis (Hedera nigra) (Polygala amara) Borage G-10, 261 globulus) (Arundinaria Milkwort . campestre) (Asa rum Currant . . . . 261 helix) COUGH, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF • A n i s e (Pimpinella anisum) Ivy (Aesculus Hound's Tongue Jimson angustifolia) (Echinacea purpurea) s y m p t o m a t i c relief of) • H o r s e r a d i sh • Japanese G-9, 241 • E c h i n a c ea P u r p u r e a (See under C o l d , Chestnut Indian-Hemp pyxidata) (Echinacea CORYZA, ACUTE Black 231 Echinacea Angustifolia disorders) Horse {Cynoglossum officinale) sempervirens) skin G - 1 4 , 395 rusticana) G-9, 225 Cypress Bamboo (Papaver 223 Cornflower sylvestris) hippocastanum) githago) Cupmoss gigantea) As a r u m (Agrostemma cyanus) cynapium) Milkweed G-9, 221 Cockle G - 1 3 , 389 (Malva Holly {Ilex aquifolium) . . G - 1 4 , 397 sativum) Corn (Galeopsis segetum) • High Mallow (Coriandrum rhoeas) G-11, 291 Parsley Bitter (Sedum 215 Coriander Corn (Viscum album) Giant Stonecrop acre) CONTUSION Fool's Common • Hempnettle . . G-9, 214 • O a k (Quercus robur) 542 . . . .G-IS, 549 1-92/COUGH, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Oats (Avena sativa) • Onion (Allium cepa) Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Ox-Eye Daisy (Ch rysan themum leucanthemum) • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Petasites (Petasites hybridus) Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) • Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-18, 551 G-19, 557 G-19, 559 563 G-19, 580 G-19, 585 589 G-19, 591 Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 Premorse (Scabiosa succisa) G-20, 612 Quillaja (Quillaja saponaria) G-20, 624 Quince (Cydonia oblongata) 625 • Radish (Raphanus SativUS) G-20, 628 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 • Seneca Snakeroot (Polygala senega) 683 • Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Southern Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) G-22, 705 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 • Star Anise (Illicium verum) . . . . : ' G-23, 725 Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) G-23, 734 • Sundew (Drosera ramentacea) 740 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) • Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) Vervain (Verbena officinalis) Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) • Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) • White Mustard (Sinapis alba) • White Nettle (Lamium album) Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) • Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) Wood Betony (Betonica Officinalis) G-24, 750 G-24, 761 G-24, 764 G-25, 788 G-25, 796 798 G-25, 805 G-25, 806 810 G-26, 811 G-26, 815 G-26, 825 COUGH, WHOOPING (See under Pertussis) CRAMPS, LEG (See under Leg muscle cramps) CRAMPS, TETANIC AND EPILEPTIC Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 CUTS, MINOR, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH (See under Pain, topical relief of) CYSTITIS African Potato (Hypoxis rooperi) Arenaria Rubra (Spergularia rubra) Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) Niauli (Melaleucea viridiflora) Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 7 39 G-11, 310 G-12, 322 G-15, 443 542 543 775 CRADLE CAP (See under Dermatitis, seborrheic) DANDRUFF (See under Dermatitis, seborrheic) CRAMPS, ABDOMINAL, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-5, SI Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 Celandine (Chelidonium majliS) G-8, 169 Chicory (Cichorium intybus) G-8, I S I Muskmallow (Abelmoschus moschatus) 533 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. DEBILITY Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) 487 DEHYDRATION, TREATMENT OF Asarum (Asarum europaeum) Borage (Borago officinalis) Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) Onion (Allium cepa) 48 G-6, 114 G-13, 359 G-19, 557 DEMENTIA, ALZHEIMER'S TYPE (See also under Organic brain dysfunction, symptomatic relief of) Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) 700 DENTAL CARIES, PROPHYLAXIS Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 INDICATIONS INDEX DIARRHEA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF/I-93 DENTAL PLAQUE, PREVENTION OF Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) 108 DEPRESSION, RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS Basil (Ocimum basilicum) .G-4, 64 California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Corydalis {Corydalis cava) . . 226 Khat {Catha edulis) 447 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 Mug wort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) G-i8, 547 Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) G-19, 573 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 DERMATITIS, ECZEMATOID • Bittersweet Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) . . . G-5, 88 Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) . . . G-11, 298 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 DERMATITIS, SEBORRHEIC Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . .382 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Mountain Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) G-i8, 527 Oats (Avena sativa) G-i8, 551 Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) . . . 575 Quillaja (Quillaja saponaria) G-20, 624 Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 DERMATITIS, UNSPECIFIED Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) 151 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 Winter's Bark (Drimys winteri) 820 DERMATOSES, CORTICOSTEROIDRESPONSIVE (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) DIABETES MELLITUS (See under Hyperglycemia, control of, adjunct to diet) Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) G-9, 237 DIARRHEA, CHRONIC American White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 DIARRHEA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF DIAPHORETIC Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) DIARRHEA, BLOODY, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF 29 DIARRHEA Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) 43 Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) G-7, 151 Elm Bark (Ulmus minor) G-10, 269 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Gum Arabic (Acacia Senegal) 378 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-ie, 48i Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala) 526 Muira-Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) 531 Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lancea) 706 Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 Surinam Cherry (Eugenia unifloria) 742 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 Wild Mint (Mentha aquatica) G-26, 813 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 • Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) G-3, 13 Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) G-3, 22 Angostura (Galipea officinalis) 34 Apple Tree (Malus domestica) G-4, 37 Bael (Aegle marmelos) 58 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, ei Barley (Hordeum distichon) G-4, 63 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Bennet's Root (Geum urbanum) G-4, 71 • Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) G-5, 82 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-S, 94 • Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) G-6, 104 Bog Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) G-e, 111 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Carrageen (Chondrus crispus) 152 Cascarilla (Croton eluteria) . . . 156 Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) ieo Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 1-94/DIARRHEA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . . . 178 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 • Cinquefoil (Potentilla erecta) G-8, 192 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 • Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . G-9, 202 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) 233 Dragon's Blood (Daemonorops draco) 257 Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 Fool's Parsley (Aethusa cynapium) G-12, 316 Gambir (Uncaria species) . . . . 324 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) . . . .410 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 ' Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) G-15, 456 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Logwood (Haematoxylon campechianum) 480 Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) G-16, 481 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Matico (Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 Moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia) G-17, 520 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-18, 536 Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 • Oak (Quercus robur) . . . .G-18, 549 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Pinus Bark (Tsuga canadensis) G-19, 594 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 • Potentilla (Potentilla anserina) G-20, 610 • Psyllium (Plantago ovata) . . . 612 • Psyllium Seed (Plantago afra) G-20, 616 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Quince (Cydonia oblongata) 625 Rhatany (Krameria triandra) 641 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, ess Salep (Orchis species) 657 Sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata) 660 Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) 695 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . .G-22, 697 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Uzara (Xysmalobium undulatum) 782 Water Avens (Geum rivale) G-25, 794 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) 810 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 • Denotes recommendation by Commission £. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 DIET, SUPPLEMENTATION OF Wheat (Triticum aestivum) . . . . 799 DIGESTIVE DISORDERS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) G-3, 6 Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 American Ivy (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) G-3, 26 • Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 Apple Tree (Maius domestica) . G-4, 37 Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) G-4, 44 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) 47 Balmony (Chelone glabra) G-4, 59 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Basil (Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Bennet's Root (Geum urbanum) G-4, 71 Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) G-S, 82 Bitter Candytuft (Iberis amara) 84 • Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) 106 • Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) G-6, 107 • Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) G-6, 110 • Boldo (Peumus boldus) . . G-6, 112 • Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) lis Broom Corn (Sorghum vulgare) 121 Bugle (Ajuga reptans) . . . G-6, 125 INDICATIONS INDEX Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Calamint {Calamintha nepeta) 138 Calamus {Acorus calamus) G-7, 138 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) 141 • Caraway {Carum carvi) . G-7, 148 • Cardamom {Elettaria cardamomum) G-7, 149 Carline Thistle {Carlina acaulis) 151 Carob {Ceratonia siliqua) G-7, 151 Cascarilla {Croton eluteria) . . . 156 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 • Centaury {Centaurium erythraea) G-8, 174 Cheken {Eugenia chequen) . . . 178 • Chicory {Cichorium intybus) G-8, I S I • Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Chiretta {Swertia chirata) 187 • Cinnamon {Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 Colombo {Jateorhiza palmata) 208 • Condurango {Marsdenia condurango) 216 Congorosa {Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Coolwort {Tiarella cordifolia) G-9, 219 • Coriander {Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 222 Cup Plant {Silphium perfoliatum) G-9, 238 • Curcuma {Curcuma xanthorrhizia) G-9, 239 Cyclamen {Cyclamen europaeum) 240 • Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 • Devil's Claw {Harpagophytum procumbens) 247 DIGESTIVE DISORDERS / I - 9 5 • Dill {Anethum graveolens) G-10, 252 Dragon's Blood {Daemonorops draco) 257 Dyer's Broom {Genista tinctoria) G-10, 260 Elecampane {Inula helenium) G-10, 266 Elm Bark {Ulmus minor) G-10, 269 English Chamomile {Chamaemelum nobile) G-10, 270 English Horsemint {Mentha longifolia) G-10, 275 • English Lavender {Lavandula angustifolia) G-10, 277 Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 • Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) G-11, 302 Feverfew {Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Frostwort {Helianthemum canadense) G-12, 321 Galbanum {Ferula gummosa) 323 Gamboge {Garcinia hanburyi) G-12, 325 Garlic {Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 German Ipecac {Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Germander {Teucrium chamaedrys) G-12, 337 Giant Milkweed {Calotropis gigantea) 338 • Ginger {Zingiber officinale) G-12, 339 Goldthread {Coptis trifolia) . .. 358 Greek Sage {Salvia triloba) . . . 367 Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Guar Gum {Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) 376 • Haronga {Haronga madagascariensis) 380 Hartstongue {Scolopendrium vulgare) 381 • Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Hogweed {Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Holly {Ilex aquifolium) . . G-14, 397 Honeysuckle {Lonicera caprifolium) 399 • Horehound {Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horsemint {Monarda punctata) 407 Horseradish {Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 • Iceland Moss {Cetraria islandica) 415 • Immortelle {Helichrysum arenarium) 417 Indian Nettle {Acalypha indica) 419 Indian Physic {Gillenia trifoliata) 421 Jambolan {Syzygium cumini) 429 Jatamansi {Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Jewel Weed {Impatiens biflora) 436 • Juniper {Juniperus communis) G-15, 440 Lavender Cotton {Santolina chamaecyparissias) . . . G-16, 460 Lemon Verbena {Aloysia triphylla) 463 • Lesser Galangal {Alpinia officinarum) 467 Lotus {Nelumbo nucifera) G-16, 481 Lovage {Levisticum officinale) G-ie, 482 Magnolia {Magnolia glauca) 490 Masterwort {Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 • Milk Thistle {Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Mountain Avens {Dryas octopetala) 526 Mountain Grape {Mahonia aquifolium) G-IS, 527 Myrrh {Commiphora molmol) G-IS, 534 Noni {Morinda citrifolia) .G-IS, 544 • Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Opium Antidote {Combretum micranthum) . . .559 1-96/DIGESTIVE DISORDERS Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Oswego Tea (Monarda didyma) Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) Pear (Pyrus communis) Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) • Peppermint (Mentha G-19, 559 562 G-19, 567 G-19, 571 577 577 579 piperita) G-19, 580 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Pinus Bark (Tsuga canadensis) Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea) Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) Quince (Cydonia oblongata) • Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) • Radish (Raphanus Sativus) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES G-19, 591 593 G-19, 594 G-20, 596 597 . . . 622 625 G-20, 626 G-20, 628 Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) 639 • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Saffron (Crocus sativus) . G-21, 653 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . G-21, 655 Salep (Orchis species) Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) Senburi (Swertia japonica) Skirret (Sium sisarum) .. Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . Spearmint (Mentha spicata) St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) 657 G-22, 679 . . . . 682 G-22, 696 G-22, 697 G-23, 709 Star Anise (Illicium verum) G-23, 725 Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) 729 Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) . . .G-23, 743 Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) G-24, 745 • Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) G-24, 747 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 761 Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) G-24, 766 Turkey Corn (Dicentra cucullaria) 775 • Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpurea) G-25, 791 Water Avens (Geum rivale) G-25, 794 Water Fennel (Oenanthe aquatica) G-25, 796 Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) G-25, 809 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) 810 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyilum) G-26, 815 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) 827 » Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 ' Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea) 836 Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) 840 Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) G-26, 846 DIGESTIVE INSUFFICIENCIES, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF G-23, 719 Papaya (Carica papaya) . G-19, 565 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. DROPSY (See under Edema, idiopathic) DYSENTERY Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Jalap (Ipomoea purga) . . G-15, 427 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-16, 481 Matico (Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) 695 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Uzara (Xysmalobium undulatum) 782 DYSMENORRHEA, UNSPECIFIED, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 Black Haw (Viburnum prunifolium) G-5, 96 False Unicorn Root (Veratrum luteum) 301 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 INDICATIONS INDEX EPILEPSY /I-97 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horsemint (Monarda punctata) 407 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) G-15, 456 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marsh Blazing Star (Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Martagon (Lilium martagon) 506 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Potentilla (Potentilla anserina) G-20, 610 Puff Ball (Lycoperdon species) 618 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Wild Mint (Mentha aquatica) G-26, 813 Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosd) G-26, 817 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 DYSPEPSIA (See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) DYSTONIA California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 DYSURIA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Arenaria Rubra (Spergularia rubra) Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) 39 G-13, 359 EAR, INFLAMMATION, MIDDLE Betel Nut (Piper betle) . . . . G-4, 74 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Garlic (Allium sativum) . .G-12, 327 ECZEMA, ATOPIC Teazle (Dipsacus silvestris) Surinam Cherry (Eugenia unifloria) Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 742 775 EMPHYSEMA G-24, 757 ECZEMA, UNSPECIFIED (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) EDEMA, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 EDEMA, IDIOPATHIC Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 222 Dog Rose (Rosa canind) G-IO, 254 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Japanese Atractylodes (Atractylodes japonica) 430 Lily-of-the- Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-IS, 475 Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) 487 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 593 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) 716 Stone Root (Collinsonia canadensis) G-23, 733 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Marijuana sativa) (Cannabis G-17, 500 ENTERITIS Flax (Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Rhatany (Krameria triandra) 641 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . .G-21, 655 Simaruba (Simaruba amard) 695 Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis) G-23, 739 ENTEROCOLITIS, CHRONIC Colombo (Jateorhiza palmata) 208 ENURESIS Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 ENURESIS, NOCTURNAL, PRIMARY California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) G-7, 140 G-21, 664 EPILEPSY Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 1-98/EPILEPSY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) 0-11, 295 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Mug wort {Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Scullcap {Scutellaria lateriflora) G-22, 678 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Valerian {Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 Yew {Taxus baccata) . . . G-26, 841 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-IO, 256 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 693 Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) G-23, 712 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Asiatic Dogwood {Cornus officinalis) Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 51 182 346 572 EXHAUSTION Celery (Apium graveolens) Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) G-8, x 172 *"* 182 218 G-13, 359 429 . . . . 843 EYE, INFLAMMATION OF Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens) 426 FATIGUE, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Arnica (Arnica montana) California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) Cola (Cola acuminata) 41 G-7, 140 205 FEVER ASSOCIATED WITH COMMON COLD • Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Calamint (Calamintha nepeta) 138 Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) 151 • Echinacea Pallida (Echinacea pallida) 26i • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . G-10, 261 • English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 • European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-IS, 457 Linden (Tilia species) .. . .G-16, 477 • Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Premorse (Scabiosa succisa) • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) • Spruce (Picea species) G-19, 580 G-20, 612 G-22, 674 714 FEVER, REDUCTION OF Abscess Root (Polemonium reptans) G-3, 3 Adonis (Adonis vernalis) . . G-3, 5 Aga (Amanita muscaria) . . G-3, 8 Angostura (Galipea officinalis) 34 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . . G-4, 50 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Canella (Canella winterana) 147 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Centaury (Centaurium erythraea) G-8, 174 Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . . . 178 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Divi-Divi (Caesalpinia bonducella) 253 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-IO, 256 Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) 305 Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) G-12, 337 Greater Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) . . . .G-13, 367 INDICATIONS INDEX Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) G-13, 388 Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum) G-15, 427 Khat (Catha edulis) 447 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Marigold {Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-18, 525 Neem (Antelaea azadirachta) G-IS, 539 Noni (Morinda citrifolia) G-IS, 544 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) 545 Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) G-19, 571 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 593 Poley (Teucrium polium) 603 Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) 619 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) ... 622 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 63i Red Currant (Ribes rubrum) G-21, 634 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata) eeo Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) G-22, 678 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) , 695 Surinam Cherry (Eugenia unifloria) 742 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) 753 FLUID RETENTION/I-99 Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) 774 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 White Willow (Salix species) G-25, 807 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 FISSURE, ANAL Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) G-6, 123 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) G-7, 153 Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 European Peony (Paeon ia officinalis) G-11, 295 Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Manna (Fraxinus ornus) . G-17, 496 FLATULENCE, RELIEF OF Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) G-3, 6 Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11 Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 Bear's Garlic (Allium ursinum) 66 Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 English Horsemint (Mentha longifolia) G-10, 275 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) G-11, 302 Galbanum (Ferula gummosa) 323 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Horsemint (Monarda punctata) 407 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Lovage (Levisticum officinale) G-16, 482 Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 Oswego Tea (Monarda didyma) 562 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Salep (Orchis species) 657 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Spearmint (Mentha spicata) G-23, 709 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 White Nettle (Lamium album) G-25, 806 Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea) 836 FLUID RETENTION Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) G-3, 12 Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . . G-4, SO Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) G-4, 52 Astragalus (Astragalus species) 54 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) .G-4, 64 Bean Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) G-6, 123 Burdock (Arctium lappa) .G-7, 128 Cat's Foot (Antennaria dioica) G-8, 162 Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . . .178 Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . 193 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 1-100 /FLUID RETENTION PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 langsdorffi) 220 Parsley Piert (Aphanes Cornflower (Centaurea arvensis) 570 cyanus) G-9, 225 Pear (Pyrus communis) 577 Dog Rose (Rosa canina) .G-10, 254 Pimpinella (Pimpinella Elecampane (Inula major) G-19, 591 helenium) G-10, 266 Sarsaparilla (Smilax Garden Cress (Lepidium species) G-21, 661 sativum) G-12, 326 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia German Ipecac officinalis) G-22, 679 (Cynanchum Short Buchu (Barosma vincetoxicum) 335 betulina) 691 German Sarsaparilla (Carex Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 arenaria) 336 Strawberry (Fragaria Goat's Rue (Galega vesca) G-23, 735 officinalis) G-13, 353 Sweet Clover (Melilotus Hempnettle (Galeopsis officinalis) G-24, 744 segetum) G-13, 389 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum Hibiscus (Hibiscus majorana) G-24, 746 sabdariffa) G-14, 394 Wahoo (Euonymus Holly (Ilex aquifolium) . . G-14, 397 atropurpurea) G-25, 791 Horsetail (Equisetum Water Fennel (Oenanthe arvense) G-14, 409 aquatica) G-25, 796 Immortelle (Helichrysum White Bryony (Bryonia arenarium) 417 alba) G-25, 800 Indian-Hemp (Apocynum Winter Cherry (Physalis cannabinum) 418 alkekengi) G-26, 819 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 FROSTBITE, POSSIBLY EFFECTIVE IN Knotweed (Polygonum Cayenne (Capsicum aviculare) G-IS, 448 annuum) G-8, 165 Lady's Bedstraw (Galium Horsetail (Equisetum verum) G-IS, 455 arvense) G-14, 409 Larkspur (Delphinium Marigold (Calendula consolida) 6-15, 458 officinalis) G-17, 497 Linden (Tilia species) . . . G-ie, 477 Oak Gall (Quercus Marigold (Calendula infectoria) 550 officinalis) G-17, 497 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Marsh Blazing Star (Liatris Poplar (Populus species) G-20, 607 spicata) G-17, 503 Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon Marsh Marigold (Caltha balsamum) G-24, 764 palustris) G-17, 503 FUNGAL INFECTIONS, SKIN Martagon (Lilium (See under Infections, mycotic, martagon) 506 cutaneous) Mate (Ilex FURUNCULOSIS paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Meadowsweet (Filipendula American White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 ulmaria) G-17, 511 Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Mercury Herb (Mercurialis • Bittersweet Nightshade annua) G-17, 513 (Solanum dulcamara) . . G-5, 88 Olive (Olea europaea) . . .G-19, 556 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. • Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) us Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 White Lily (Lilium candidum) 804 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 FURUNCULOSIS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) Behen (Moringa oleifera) 29 67 GALLSTONES (See under Biliary calculi, chemical dissolution of) GASTRIC ULCERS, ACTIVE, BENIGN, SHORT-TERM TREATMENT OF Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 GASTRITIS Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) Barley (Hordeum distichon) Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) Calamus (Acorus calamus) California Peppertree (Schinus molle) Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) 47 G-4, 63 G-7, 134 G-7, 138 139 160 INDICATIONS INDEX GASTROINTESTINAL HYPERMOTILITY /I-101 Colombo {Jateorhiza palmata) 208 Comfrey {Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Flax {Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 German Chamomile {Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) 372 Khat {Catha edulis) 447 • Licorice {Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-i6, 469 Marshmallow {Althaea officinalis) 505 Mountain Grape {Mahonia aquifolium) G-IS, 527 Quince {Cydonia oblongata) 625 Strawberry {Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Sweet Marjoram {Origanum major ana) G-24, 746 White Nettle {Lamium album) G-25, 806 GASTRITIS, HEMORRHAGIC Horsetail {Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 GASTROENTERITIS Cinquefoil {Potentilla erecta) Fool's Parsley {Aethusa cynapium) Self-Heal {Prunella vulgaris) G-8, 192 G-12, 316 G-22, 681 GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Behen {Moringa oleifera) 67 Betel Nut {Piper betle) . . . . G-4, 74 Bilberry {Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Black Nightshade {Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) G-6, 103 Bog Bilberry {Vaccinium uliginosum) G-6, 111 Boldo {Peumus boldus) . G-6, 112 Burdock {Arctium lappa) . G-7, 128 Butternut {Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Canella {Canella winterana) 147 Cashew {Anacardium occidentale) G-7, 157 Castor Oil Plant {Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Cat's Foot {Antennaria dioica) G-8, 162 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Chinese Olive {Canarium species) 184 Columbine {Aquilegia vulgaris) G-9, 211 Congorosa {Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Cubeb {Piper cubeba) 235 Elecampane {Inula helenium) G-10, 266 Elephant-Ears {Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Gambir {Uncaria species) . . . .324 Germander {Teucrium chamaedrys) G-12, 337 Goutweed {Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 Heather {Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Hogweed {Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Hollyhock {Alcea rosea) . G-14, 398 Hyssop {Hyssopus officinalis) G-15, 414 Jambolan {Syzygium cumini) 429 Japanese Atractylodes {A tract}'lodes japonica) 430 Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Lady Fern {Athyrium filix-femina) G-15, 454 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 461 Linden {Tilia species) . . . G-16, 477 Lungwort {Pulmonaria officinalis) G-16, 485 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Masterwort {Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Mercury Herb {Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Mug wort {Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Oats {Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Parsley {Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Parsnip {Pastinaca sativa) G-19, 571 Pasque Flower {Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Petasites {Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Picrorhiza {Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Poley {Teucrium polium) 603 Raspberry {Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 Red Bryony {Bryonia cretica) 632 Red Sandalwood {Pterocarpus santalinus) . . . . 635 Rice {Oryza sativa) G-21, 643 Sorb Apple {Sorbus domestica) 704 Speedwell {Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Spinach {Spinacia oleracea) G-23, 712 Sweet Marjoram {Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Wafer Ash {Ptelea trifoliata) 790 Walnut {Juglans regia) .. .G-25, 793 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 White Nettle {Lamium album) G-25, 806 Wild Daisy {Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Wild Radish {Raphanus raphanistrum) G-26, 814 Willow Herb {Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, 818 Yellow Jessamine {Gelsemium sempervirens) 838 GASTROINTESTINAL HYPERMOTILITY, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Henbane niger) {Hyoscyamus G-14, 389 1-102/GENITAL WARTS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES GENITAL WARTS (See under Condylomata acuminata) GIBRALTAR FEVER (See under Brucellosis) GINGIVITIS Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Calamus (Acorus calamus) G-7, 138 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Mastic Tree (Pistacia lentiscus) G-17, sos Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) 550 Rhatany (Krameria triandra) 64i Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) 827 GLANDS, SWOLLEN Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 GLANDULAR PROBLEMS Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 GLANDULAR STIMULATION Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 GLAUCOMA, UNSPECIFIED Calabar Bean (Physostigma venenosum) 137 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-IS, 425 Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) 700 GONORRHEA Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . .261 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 Khat (Catha edulis) 447 Marsh Blazing Star (Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 New Jersey Tea [Ceanothus americanus) . . . .541 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Sandalwood (Santalum album) 659 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 GOUT, MANAGEMENT OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Alpine Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) . Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) Birch (Betula species) Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) Black Bryony (Tamus communis) Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) , G - 3 , 20 . G-4, 50 G-4, 6i G-5, 75 G-5, 78 G-5, 86 G-5, 90 G-5, 94 G-5, 98 Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) . . .117 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Burr Marigold (Bidens tripartita) G-7, 131 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Celandine (Chelidonium mqjus) G-8, 169 Celery (Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . . . 1 7 8 Chickweed (Stellaria media) iso Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 1 Colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) G-9, 206 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 Dog Rose (Rosa canina) G-10, 254 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Dyer's Broom (Genista tinctoria) English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 260 G-10, 275 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .G-11, 289 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) G-12, 337 Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 Ground Pine (Ajuga chamaepitys) G-13, 373 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Java Tea (Orthosiphon spicatus) 434 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) G-17, 511 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-i8, 521 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-18, 525 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . .. 606 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, eso Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 Sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata) 660 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 I N D I C A T I O N S INDEX HEADACHE, M I G R A I NE / 1 - 1 0 3 Short Buchu {Barosma betulina) 691 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Spiny Rest Harrow (Ononis spinosa) G-23, 713 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) 716 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Surinam Cherry (Eugenia unifloria) 742 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Winter Cherry (Physalis alkekengi) G-26, 819 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 GROWTH, IN CHILDREN, STIMULATION OF Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) G-23, 712 GUM DISEASE Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 GUMS, SORE (See under Pain, dental) GYNECOLOGICAL DISORDERS Birth wort (Aristolochia clematitis) G-5, so Catnip (Nepeta cataria) . . G-8, 164 Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) . .. 280 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 300 Ground Pine (Ajuga chamaepitys) G-13, 373 Marijuana (Cannabis G-17, 500 sativa) Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 White Lily (Lilium candidum) 804 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 HAIR LOSS Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Black Bryony (Tamus communis) G-5, 90 Horsetail (Equisetum an'ense) G-14, 409 Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 HALITOSIS, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Coriander sativum) (Coriandrum G-9, 221 HALLUCINOGENS Iporuru (Alchornea floribunda) Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) 424 G-19, 588 HANSEN'S DISEASE (See under Leprosy) HAY FEVER (See under Pollinosis) HEADACHE Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) G-9, 237 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-IO, 248 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . 261 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-IO, 270 English Horsemint (Mentha longifolia) G-10, 275 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Khat (Catha edulis) 447 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-ie, 468 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Muskmallow (Abelmoschus moschatus) 533 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) 716 Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) G-24, 749 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 White Willow (Salix species) G-25, 807 Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) 838 HEADACHE, MIGRAINE Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 48 Catnip (Nepeta cataria) . . G-8, 164 Cola (Cola acuminata) 205 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 461 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) G-18, 547 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 1-104/HEADACHE, MIGRAINE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Traveller's Joy (Clematis vitalba) G-25, 769 HEADACHE, TENSION (See under Pain, unspecified) HEADACHE, VASCULAR (See under Headache, migraine) HEART FAILURE (See under Congestive heart failure, adjunct in) HEART FAILURE, CONGESTIVE (See under Congestive heart failure, adjunct in) HEARTBURN (See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) HELMINTHIASIS Amargo (Quassia amara) . G-3, 23 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) 109 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) .. G-7, 144 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Centaury (Centaurium c erythraea) G-8, 174 Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) G-8, 188 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 222 Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens) 230 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Water Hemlock (Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Green Hellebore (Helleborus viridis) 368 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 374 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 Larkspur (Delphinium consolida) G-15, 458 Lavender Cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissias) . . . G-16, 460 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) 523 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-18, 536 Neem (Antelaea azadirachta) G-18, 539 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 593 Pink Root (Spigelia marilandica) 594 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) G-20, 618 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Rue (Ruta graveolens) .. G-21, 648 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) G-24, 745 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Walnut (Juglans regia) . . G-25, 793 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) G-25, 809 Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Wormwood Grass (Spigelia anthelmia) 83i Yellow Lupin (Lupinus luteUS) 839 HEMATEMESIS Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 82i HEMATURIA Burr Marigold (Bidens tripartita) G-7, 131 HEMOPHILIA, UNSPECIFIED Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 HEMOPTYSIS Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 HEMORRHAGE, NASAL Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis) G-12, 316 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-16, 48i Puff Ball (Lycoperdon species) 618 • Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 HEMORRHAGE, POSTPARTUM Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) . . . 280 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 HEMORRHAGE, UNSPECIFIED Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) European Mistletoe (Viscum album) 21 G-11, 291 Golden Ragwort (Senecio aureus) 354 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-ie, 468 INDICATIONS INDEX Logwood (Haematoxylon campechianum) 480 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 681 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA / I - 1 0 5 • HEMORRHOIDS Cape Aloe (Aloe ferox) 16 Chicory (Cichorium intybus) G-8, 181 Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) 233 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 • Psyllium (Plantago ovata) . . . . 612 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 HEMORRHOIDS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) G-e, 123 • Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) 6-7, 153 Chickweed (Stellaria media) iso Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) 215 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Gout weed (Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) 463 • • • Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) G-19, 573 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Poplar (Populus species) G-20, 607 Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) 840 163 HERPETIC MANIFESTATIONS, ORAL, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF (See under Herpes simplex virus infections) HICCUP Calamint nepeta) (Calamintha 138 HOARSENESS Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-8, 165 G-11, 283 300 G-22, 674 Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) 786 G-14, 409 . . . . 509 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 Lovage (Levisticum officinale) G-ie, 482 Salep (Orchis species) 657 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) 838 . . . . 541 G-17, s i e Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-ie, 469 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 HYPERACTIVITY Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) . . . G-11, 298 HERNIA, TESTICULAR HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA 182 HERPES GENITALIS Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) G-24, 759 HYPERACIDITY, GASTRIC, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF HEPATITIS, UNSPECIFIED Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) 268 HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS INFECTIONS HODGKIN'S DISEASE HEMOSTASIS, AN AID IN Catechu (Acacia catechu) Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Matico (Piper elongatum) New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americanus) Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 G-13, 355 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) 228 • Garlic (Allium sativum) . . G-12, 327 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) . . . 583 I - 1 0 6 /HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, PRIMARY HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, PRIMARY, ADJUNCT TO DIET Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) . . . Garlic (Allium sativum) . Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) • Psyllium (Plantago ovata) • Soybean (Glycine soja) . . .0-11, 298 G-12, 327 . . . 575 . . . . 612 G-22, 707 HYPERGLYCEMIA, CONTROL OF, ADJUNCT TO DIET Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) . G-3, 12 Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Bean Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Centaury (Centaurium erythraea) G-8, 174 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Divi-Divi (Caesalpinia bonducella) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G - 8 , 199 G-9, 245 253 G-11, 283 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Goat's Rue (Galega officinalis) G-13, 353 Greek Sage (Salvia triloba) . . . 367 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) . 376 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-18, 52s Noni (Morinda citrifolia) .G-18, 544 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Poley (Teucrium polium) 603 Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) 639 Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) . . . . 727 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 HYPERHIDROSIS Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Japanese Atractylodes (Atractylodes japonica) 430 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 • Sage (Salvia officinalis) . .G-21, 655 • Walnut (Juglans regia) . . G-25, 793 HYPERKERATOSIS SKIN DISORDERS Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 HYPERLIPEMIA Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA, UNSPECIFIED Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) majUS) 736 HYPERTENSION, ESSENTIAL (See under Hypertension) (See under Hypertension) HYPERTHYROIDISM 21 66 122 G-8, 169 Centaury (Centaurium erythraea) G-8, 174 Cheken (Eugenia chequen) . .. 178 Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) 215 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) kombe) Strophanthus Gratus (Strophanthus gratus) 736 Surinam Cherry (Eugenia unifloria) 742 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 HYPERTENSIVE CRISES 376 HYPERTENSION Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) Bear's Garlic (Allium ursinum) Brown Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) Celandine (Chelidonium Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . . . 606 • Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 • Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) . . . . 727 Strophanthus (Strophanthus Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) 106 HYPERTONIA Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-5, 81 Olive (Olea europaea) . . .G-19, 556 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 63i HYPNOTIC (See under Sleep, induction of) HYPOCHONDRIA Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-18, 530 G-11, 291 • Garlic (Allium sativum) . . .G-12, 327 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 461 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) 486 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. HYPOGLYCEMIA Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 HYPOTENSION • Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) G-7, 143 545 INDICATIONS INDEX INFECTIONS, TAPEWORM / I - 1 0 7 HYSTERIA, ACUTE Black Horehound {Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) 141 English Chamomile {Chamaemelum nobile) G-IO, 270 European Mistletoe {Viscum album) G-11, 291 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Nerve Root {Cypripedium calceolus) 541 Scullcap {Scutellaria lateriflora) G-22, 678 Sweet Violet {Viola odoratd) G-24, 750 Valerian {Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 ICHTHYOSIS, UNSPECIFIED Burdock {Arctium lappa) . G-7, 128 Peanut {Arachis hypogaea) . . . 575 IMMUNODEFICIENCY, UNSPECIFIED {See under Infection, tendency to) IMPETIGO CONTAGIOSA Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Heartsease {Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Oats {Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 IMPOTENCE, MALE {See under Erectile dysfunction) INDIGESTION {See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) INFECTION, TENDENCY TO • Arnica {Arnica montana) 41 Barberry {Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Birthwort {Aristolochia clematitis) G-5, SO • Cajuput {Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 • Echinacea Purpurea {Echinacea purpurea) . .G-10, 261 Garden Cress {Lepidium sativum) G-12, 326 • German Chamomile {Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 • Japanese Mint {Mentha an'ensis piperascens) 431 • Larch {Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 Lemon {Citrus limon) 460 Lime {Citrus aurantifolia) G-16, 476 Luffa {Luffa aegyptica) . . G-16, 483 • Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 • Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 • Siberian Ginseng {Eleutherococcus senticosus) 693 • Spruce {Picea species) 714 INFECTION, VIRAL Cat's Claw {Unicaria tomentosa) 160 INFECTIONS, GENITOURINARY TRACT Matico {Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 INFECTIONS, INTESTINAL Cocoa {Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 INFECTIONS, MYCOTIC, CUTANEOUS Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 INFECTIONS, NON-SPECIFIC Butternut {Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Fumitory {Fumaria officinalis) G-12, 322 Picrorhiza {Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Red Bryony {Bryonia cretica) 632 Sorrel {Rumex acetosa) 705 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 Yellow Dock {Rumex Crispus) 835 INFECTIONS, PREVENTION OF Dog Rose {Rosa canina) G-IO, 254 Sea Buckthorn {Hippophae rhamnoides) G-22, 680 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. INFECTIONS, RESPIRATORY TRACT, TREATMENT ADJUNCT Echinacea Purpurea {Echinacea purpurea) . G-10, 26i INFECTIONS, RESPIRATORY TRACT, UNSPECIFIED Astragalus {Astragalus species) 54 Echinacea Angustifolia {Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 Iporuru {Alchornea floribunda) 424 Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Thuja {Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) 775 INFECTIONS, SKIN AND SKIN STRUCTURE Coconut Palm {Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 Goa Powder {Andira araroba) 352 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) 550 Pasque Flower {Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Tea Tree {Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Thuja {Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 Virola {Virola theiodora) 789 INFECTIONS, SMALLPOX Pitcher Plant {Sarracenia purpurea) G-20, 596 Purple Gromwell {Lithospermum erytrorhizon) 619 INFECTIONS, SOFT TISSUES {See under Infections, skin and skin structure) INFECTIONS, TAPEWORM Kamala {Mallotus philippinensis) Kousso {Hagenia abyssinica) Male Fern {Dryopteris filix-mas) 442 450 G-17, 493 1 - 1 0 8 / I N F E C T I O N S , TAPEWOR M Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S G-20, 605 • G-20, 6 1 8 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Yew (Taxus baccata) . . . G-26, 841 INFECTIONS, UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) G-5, 82 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 INFECTIONS, URINARY TRACT • Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 • Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) G-4, 52 • Bean Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, 65 • Birch (Betula species) G-S, 78 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) . . G-7, 144 • Canadian Golden Rod (Solidago canadensis) 145 Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata) 189 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . G-10, 261 • European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 • Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Iporuru (Alchornea floribunda) 424 • Java Tea (Orthosiphon spicatus) 434 • Lovage (Levisticum officinale) G-ie, 482 • Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) G-18, 537 • Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 • Sandalwood (Santalum album) 659 • • • Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 691 Spiny Rest Harrow (Ononis spinosa) G-23, 713 Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Uva-Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) G-25, 779 INFECTIONS, VENEREAL IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (See under Bowel, irritable, syndrome) ITCHING, SKIN (See under Pruritus, topical relief of) (See under Pruritus, topical relief of) INFLAMMATION, ANORECTAL . . . G-18, 549 563 INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS, UNSPECIFIED Picrorhiza kurroa) (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) ITCHING, SUNBURN (See under Gonorrhea) Oak (Quercus robur) Ox-Eye Daisy (Ch rysa n th em u m leucanthemum) INTERTRIGO (Picrorhiza 589 INFLUENZA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) G-8, Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) G-9, Dog Rose (Rosa canina) G-10, English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) .G-10, Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 128 190 209 254 270 G-11, 2 8 3 European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 2 8 7 Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 4os Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 INSECT BITES, PAIN DUE TO (See under Pain, topical relief of) INSOMNIA (See under Sleep, induction of) INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION (See under Claudication, intermittent) • Denotes r e c o m m e n d a t i o n by Commission E. JAUNDICE American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 48 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) G-9, 211 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) . . G-14, 397 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Lavender Cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissias) . . . .G-16, 460 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 367 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 JOINTS, SWOLLEN Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) KERATOSIS PALMARIS (See under Hyperkeratosis skin disorders) 29 419 466 INDICATIONS INDEX LIVER DISORDERS / I - 1 0 9 KERATOSIS PILARIS (See under Hyperkeratosis skin disorders) KERATOSIS PLANTARIS (See under Hyperkeratosis skin disorders) LABOR, STIMULATION OF Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) 109 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) 305 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 LACK OF STAMINA • • • • Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . G-9, 202 Cola (Cola acuminata) 205 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 693 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lancea) 706 LACTATION, STIMULATION OF Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-16, 469 G-25, 788 LARYNGOTRACHEITIS European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . .G-21, 655 LEG MUSCLE CRAMPS Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 LEPROSY Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . G-16, 475 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Elecampane (Inula helenium) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) • LEUKEMIA, UNSPECIFIED Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) 639 LEUKORRHEA Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) White Nettle (Lamium album) • 770 G-25, 806 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) • G-26, 812 LICE, BODY (See under Pediculosis, human) • piperita) LICE, HEAD (See under Pediculosis, human) • LICE, PUBIC (See under Pediculosis, human) LITHURSIS Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 LIVER AND GALLBLADDER COMPLAINTS Adam's Needle (Yucca filamentosa) • Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) • Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) Black Root (Leptandra virginica) » Celandine (Chelidonium majus) Cornflower cyanus) Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) Heather (Calluna vulgaris) Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) Linden (Tilia species) . . . Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) Peppermint (Mentha 4 • G-4, 44 • G-4, ei G-4, 69 G-S, 83 104 G-8, 169 (Centaurea G-9, 225 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. ' Petasites (Petasites hybridus) Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) Vervain (Verbena officinalis) Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-9, 245 G-10, 266 G-11, 283 G-12, 321 G-12, 322 G-13, 383 G-13, 388 G-14, 393 G-14, 408 431 G-16, 477 G-17, 516 579 G-19, 580 G-19, 585 671 729 753 G-25, 788 G-26, 829 G-26, 833 LIVER DISORDERS American Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens) American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 24 26 29 48 1-1 10 /LIVER DISORDERS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Astragalus (Astragalus species) 54 Balmony (Chelone glabra) .G-4, 59 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Beet (Beta vulgaris) G-4, 67 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 Corn Silk (Zea mays) 224 Dodder (Cuscuta epithymum) G-10, 254 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 275 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Hedge-Hyssop (Gratiola officinalis) G-13, 385 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Jujube (Zyzyphus jujube) 439 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Opium Antidote (Combretum micranthum) . . .559 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 63i Red Bryony (Bryonia cretica) 632 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Soybean (Glycine soja) . . .G-22, 707 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 White Bryony (Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 811 G-26, 826 827 G-26, 829 LUMPS IN THE BREAST Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 LYMPH NODES, INFLAMMATION OF Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) 770 Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) 774 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 MASTODYNIA Bugle weed (Lye opus virginicus) Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) G-6, 126 G-8, 176 MEASLES G-26, 812 LYMPHEDEMA Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa) G-11, 311 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 LYMPHOMAS, HODGKIN'S (See under Hodgkin's disease) Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 261 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 MENINGITIS Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 MENOPAUSE, CLIMACTERIC COMPLAINTS • Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 • Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 LYMPHOMAS, NON-HODGKIN'S Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) 786 LYMPHOSARCOMA (See under Lymphomas, non-Hodgkin's) MALARIA (See under P. falciparum infections) MALARIA, TREATMENT OR PROPHYLAXIS OF Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-17, sie Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . .. 622 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) 695 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. MENOPAUSE, MANAGEMENT OF THE MANIFESTATIONS OF Borage (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Golden Ragwort (Senecio aureus) 354 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) G-IS, 456 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 MENORRHAGIA Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 • Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Burning Bush 0ictamnus albus) G - 7 , 130 Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) . . . 280 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 INDICATIONS INDEX MOOD SWINGS / I - 1 1 1 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Sweet Sumach (Rhus aromatica) 748 MENSTRUAL BLOOD, HEAVY LOSS OF, IDIOPATHIC Loosestrife vulgaris) (Lysimachia G-16, 481 MENSTRUAL CRAMPS (See under Pain, menstrual) MENSTRUAL DISORDERS American Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens) 24 Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Arrach (Chenopodium vulvaria) 43 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) 48 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Caraway (Carum carvi) .. G-7, 148 Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) ioo Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) 233 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) G-9, 237 Cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum) 240 Dusty Miller (Senecio bicolor) 258 Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-IO, 266 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) G-10, 270 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Lovage (Levisticum officinale) G-ie, 482 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) G-17, 516 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-i8, 525 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) 774 Turkey Corn (Dicentra cucullaria) 775 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wallflower (Cheiranthus cheiri) G-25, 792 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, S I S Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 MENSTRUAL SYNDROME, PRE-, MANAGEMENT OF • Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) • Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) G-6, 126 • Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 Evening Primrose {Oenothera biennis) . . . G - I I , 298 Lavender Cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissias) . . . G-16, 460 Oswego Tea (Monarda didyma) 562 • Potentilla (Potentilla anserina) G-20, 610 • Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 METABOLIC DISORDERS Red Bryony (Bryonia cretica) White Bryony (Bryonia alba) 632 G-25, 800 METEORISM Caraway (Carum carvi) . . G-7, 148 Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhizia) G-9, 239 English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) G-IO, 277 Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 46i Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . . . G-22, 697 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 MICTURATION PROBLEMS ACCOMPANYING PROSTATE ADENOMA Poplar (Populus species) Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-20, 607 G-20, 618 G-23, 729 MIGRAINE HEADACHE (See under Headache, migraine) MOOD SWINGS G-5, 92 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 I-112/MORNING SICKNESS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES MORNING SICKNESS Cola {Cola acuminata) Peppermint (Mentha piperita) MYALGIA, TOPICAL RELIEF OF 205 G-19, 580 MOTION SICKNESS Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) G-8, 165 G-12, 339 American White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 Borage (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Canella (Canella winterana) 147 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Common Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum) 236 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) . . . 583 Pinus Bark (Tsuga canadensis) G-19, 594 Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 MUSCLE SPASM (See under Spasticity, muscle, symptomatic alleviation of) MUSCLE TENSION G-7, 136 G-S, 165 MYALGIA (See under Pain, muscular, temporary relief of) NEURALGIA, TRIGEMINAL MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE INFECTIONS Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 NARCOTIC ADDICTION, DETOXIFICATION TREATMENT OF G-18, 551 NASAL CONGESTION, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 NAUSEA (See also under Motion sickness) Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) G-3, 6 Almond (Prunus dulcis) 15 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Gambir (Uncaria species) . . . . 324 Green Hellebore (Helleborus viridis) 368 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-16, 468 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) G-24, 749 NECK STIFFNESS Hemlock (Conium maculatum) Corydalis (Corydalis cava) 566 (Aconitum napellus) MYOCARDITIS, UNSPECIFIED Oats (Avena sativa) Monkshood .G-18, 521 Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 NEURITIS, PERIPHERAL, ACUTE (See under Pain, neurogenic) NEUROPATHY California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 NIGHT SWEATS Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 51 301 NIGHT VISION ENHANCER Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 NUTRIENTS, DEFICIENCY OF Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) Jujube (Zyzyphus jujube) 43 439 NUTRIENTS, DEFICIENCY OF, STRESS-INDUCED (See under Nutrients, deficiency of) NUTRIENTS, DEFICIENCY OF, SURGERY-INDUCED (See under Nutrients, deficiency of) NYSTAGMUS Fish Berry (Anamirta cocculus) 312 OBESITY, EXOGENOUS Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-IS, 443 OPHTHALMIA G-13, 386 NERVE DAMAGE MUSCLES, SKELETAL, RELAXATION, PREOPERATIVE Pareira (Chondrodendron tomentosum) (See under Pain, neurogenic) (See under Leprosy) MOUTH AND THROAT DISORDERS Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) • Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) NEURALGIA (See under Pain, topical relief of) . . . 226 NERVE INFLAMMATION Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-ie, 468 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, 650 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Asarum (Asarum europaeum) California Peppertree (Schinus molle) Cape Aloe (Aloe ferox) Chickweed (Stellaria media) Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) 48 139 16 iso G-9, 225 I N D I C A T I O N S INDEX PAIN, N E U R O G E N I C / I - 1 1 3 Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) 300 OPHTHALMIC DISORDERS Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) Oats (Avena sativa) Red Maple (Acer rubrum) Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 218 300 G-18, 547 G-18, 551 PAIN, MENSTRUAL 824 832 Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) . . . .G-11, 298 PAIN, CANCER Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 PAIN, DENTAL 7ie 77s G-9, 221 ORCHITIS Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 ORGANIC BRAIN DYSFUNCTION, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF (See also under Dementia, Alzheimer's type) • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12,342 OXYTOXIC Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) .G-ie, 468 P. FALCIPARUM INFECTIONS Hwema Bark (Corynanthe pachyceras) 412 PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH ARTHRITIS, TOPICAL (See under Pain, topical relief of) PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH SPORTS INJURIES (See under Pain, topical relief of) PAIN, ABDOMINAL (See also under Cramps, abdominal, symptomatic relief of) Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17,500 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) 775 Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) 109 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 PAIN, BREAST G-21, 635 ORAL AND PHARYNGEAL DISORDERS Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) . Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) . . .. Woundwort (Stachys palustris) • Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) G-8, 195 PAIN, EAR English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-10, 270 419 G-ie, 461 .G-17, 493 .G-21, 648 PAIN, JOINT Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . .0-22, 668 PAIN, LEO Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 PAIN, LUMBAR Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) 51 Barberry (Berberis . vulgaris) G-4, 61 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)1 . .6-5, 92 Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) G-16, 465 'Denotes recommendation by Commission E, PAIN, MUSCULAR, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Black Bryony (Tamus communis) G-5, 90 • Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens) 230 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Iporuru (Alchornea floribunda) 424 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) ,. G-17, 493 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-IS, 521 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) eso Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Spruce (Picea species) 714 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 PAIN, NEUROGENIC Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) .. G-6, 103 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) . .. 128 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) 133 • Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 English Ivy (Hedera helix) .G-10, 275 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 1-114/PAIN, NEUROGENIC PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) 0-11, 29s Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Larch (Larix decidua) . . . G-IS, 457 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) G-ie, 465 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-IS, 521 Niauli (Melaleucea viridiflora) 542 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, sso Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) 700 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) . 726 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 7S4 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 • White Fir (Abies alba) 802 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) 838 PAIN, SPASMODIC Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 PAIN, STOMACH Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . .261 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Winter's Bark (Drimys winteri) 820 PAIN, TEETHING (See under Pain, dental) PAIN, TOOTH Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) .G-10, 270 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) 486 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, s i s Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Rue (Ruta graveolens) .. G-21, 648 Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Winter's Bark (Drimys winteri) 820 PAIN, TOPICAL RELIEF OF Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 26i Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) .G-14, 411 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Poplar (Populus species) .G-20, 607 Quince (Cydonia oblongata) 62s Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) 639 White Fir (Abies alba) 802 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 812 G-26, 815 G-26, 829 PAIN, UNSPECIFIED Borage (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) 223 Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) 247 English Horsemint (Mentha longifolia) G-10, 275 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) . . . . 410 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-IS, 521 Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) G-19, 571 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Poplar (Populus species) G-20, 607 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) G-20, 609 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 • White Willow (Salix species) G-25, 807 PAIN, URINARY TRACT Petasites (Petasites hybridus) Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) G-19, 585 ... .G-22, 668 PALPITATIONS Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 PANCREAS, DISSEMINATED ADENOCARCINOMA (See under Carcinoma, pancreas) PANCREATIC INSUFFICIENCY Haronga (Haronga madagascariensis) 380 Papaya (Carica papaya) . G-19, 565 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 INDICATIONS INDEX POISONING/I-115 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) 593 PARALYSIS, UNSPECIFIED Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 PEDICULOSIS CAPITIS INFESTATION Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) 62i PEDICULOSIS, HUMAN Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) 62i Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . . . 622 PERICARDITIS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-IS, 521 PERTUSSIS Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) G-5, 81 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) 6-8, 179 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cupmoss (Cladonia pyxidata) 238 Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) 243 Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-10,266 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) . -G-11, 283 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) .G-11,291 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 Lactucarium (Lactuca virosa) 453 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) 486 Maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) 491 Mandrake (Mandragora offtcinarum) G-17, 495 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Mouse Ear (Pilosella offtcinarum) 529 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-IS, 536 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 76i Tonka Beans (Dipteryx odorata) 767 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina) 810 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 PHARYNGITIS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Arum (Arum maculatum) 46 Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) G-5, 89 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis). .. G-7, 144 Catechu (Acacia catechu) . . . . . . 163 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, ies Chicory (Cichorium intybus) G-8, ISI Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) . . . G-9, 209 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) .6-9, 212 Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . .e-21, 655 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Spanish-Chestnut (Castanea sativa) 708 Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 PHLEBITIS Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Borage (Borago officinalis) . G-6, 114 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 275 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 PHOTODERMATOSIS Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) G-25, 809 PILES (See under Hemorrhoids) PLASMODIUM INFECTION (See under P. falciparum infections) PLEURITIS Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . . . . . . . . . . . G-9, 212 PMS (See under Menstrual syndrome, pre-, management of) PNEUMONIA ' Asarum (Asarum europaeum) Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 48 G - 5 , 100 268 POISONING Calabar Bean (Physostigma venenosum) Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 137 423 1-116/POISONING PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Milk Thistle {Silybum marianum) Yew (Taxus baccata) . .. G-26, 841 G-17, 516 POISONING, ALCOHOL Aga {Amanita muscaria) . . G-3, 8 POISONING, STRYCHNINE Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) Sweet Gale (Myrica PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (See under Menstrual syndrome, pre-, management of) gale) POISONING, UNSPECIFIED Jatamansi {Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 G-17, 495 Astragalus (Astragalus species) Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosd) Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Burdock (Arctium lappa) . G-7, 128 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Goa Powder (Andira araroba) 352 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Mountain Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) G-i8, 527 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) G-21, eei Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 54 160 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) Pumpkin (Cucurbita (See under Cold, common, symptomatic relief of) PREGNANCY, COMPLAINTS OF G-11, 282 pepo) 247 301 PREGNANCY, PREVENTION OF Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) PSORIASIS PROSTATE DISORDERS POSTNASAL DRIP Devil's Claw {Harpagophytum procumbens) False Unicorn Root {Veratrum luteum) G-17, 497 PROMOTE THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE BODY POLLINOSIS Mandrake {Mandragora officinarum) Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-7, 130 Castor Oil Plant {Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosd) ieo Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Jequirity {Abrus precatorius) ....,............435 Rue (Ruta graveolens) .. .0-21, 648 Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) . . .727 PREGNANCY, TERMINATION OF Asarum (Asarwn europaeum) 48 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) 0-5, 97 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Rue (Ruta graveolens) .. .G-21, 648 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) 652 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) 695 G-20, 618 Round-Leafed Wintergreen (Pyrola rotundifolia) 647 Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 691 Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, sis PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA, BENIGN, SYMPTOMATIC TREATMENT African Potato (Hypoxis rooperi) 7 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .G-11, 289 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 • Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) dioica) PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA (See under Emphysema) RASH, UNSPECIFIED (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) RENAL CALCULI G-20, 618 • Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) • Stinging Nettle (Urtica .G-21, 664 ..-:•:• G-23, 729 PRURITUS, ANAL Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G-11, 310 • • • PRURITUS, TOPICAL RELIEF OF Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) ... .G-11, 298 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G - 2 4 , 745 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) . . . .799 PROCTITIS G-17, SOO G-23, 710 G - 1 4 , 411 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) .. . G-22, 668 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. • Alpine Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . .G-3, 20 Arenaria Rubra (Spergularia rubra) 39 Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) G-4, 52 Bean Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) . . . .G-4, 65 Birch (Betula species) . . . . G-5, 78 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) .............. .0-5, 94 Canadian Golden Rod (Solidago canadensis) 145 Celery {Apium graveolens) G-8, 172 Centaury (Centaurium erythraea) G-8, 174 Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 INDICATIONS INDEX Dyer's Broom (Genista tinctoria) G-IO, 260 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) 0-11, 282 • European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .0-11, 289 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) G-14, 413 • Java Tea (Orthosiphon spicatus) 434 • Lovage (Levisticum officinale) G-16, 482 Madder (Rubia tinctorum) G-ie, 490 • Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Parsley Piert (Aphanes arvensis) 570 • Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) ... 6oe Rust-Red Rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) eso Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) . 0-22, 672 • Spiny Rest Harrow (Ononis spinosa) G-23, 713 • Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)...... .G-23, 729 Stone Root (Collinsonia canadensis) G-23, 733 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 • Triticum (Agropyron repens) . . . G-25, 771 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 RESPIRATORY TRACT DISORDERS Anise (Pimpinella anisum) .0-3, 35 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) .. 73 RESPIRATORY TRACT DISORDERS / I - 1 1 7 Bitter Milkwort (Polygala amara) 85 Black Mulberry (Morus nigra) 99 Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 Borage (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 Calamint (Calamintha nepeta) 138 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Cedar (Cedrus libani) 169 Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) 223 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) G-9, 242 Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) 243 Duckweed (Lemna minor) G-IO, 258 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) G-11,295 European Sanicle (Sanicula europaea) 296 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) G-11,304 Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis) G-12, 316 Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) 375 Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) .6-13, 383 Hollyhock (Alcea rosea) . .0-14, 398 Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) . Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) . Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina) Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) .G-IS, 414 ......431 .G-IS, 448 G-15, 454 o-ie, 485 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) G-18, 532 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) G-IS, 547 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Orris (Iris species) G-19, sei Ox-Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) . 563 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) 623 Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) G-21, 630 Red Bryony (Bryonia cretica) 632 Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) G-21, 633 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Siam Benzoin (Styrax tonkinesis) 692 Sloe (Prunus spinosa) ... .G-22,697 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum) . . . . . . . . . G-22, 703 Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) ...705 Speedwell {Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Sumatra Benzoin (Styrax paralleloneurum) 738 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) G-24, 76i Vervain (Verbena officinalis) 0-25, 788 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 White Bryony (Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 White Fir (Abies alba) 802 1-118/RESPIRATORY TRACT DISORDERS Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 81 I Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 Yellow Dock (Rumex CrispUS) 835 RETINOPATHY, DIABETIC Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 RHEUMATIC DISORDERS, UNSPECIFIED Alpine Cranberry {Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . . G - 3 , 20 American Bittersweet {Celastrus scandens) 24 • Arnica {Arnica montand) 41 Barberry {Berberis vulgaris) G-4, ei Basil {Ocimum basilicum) G-4, 64 Behen {Moringa oleifera) 67 • Birch {Betula species) G-5, 78 Black Bryony {Tamus communis) G-5, 90 Black Currant {Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Mustard {Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 Borage {Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Boxwood {Buxus sempervirens) G-6, 116 Brazilian Pepper Tree {Schinus terebinthifolius) . . . 117 Bulbous Buttercup {Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Buttercup {Ranunculus acris) 133 • Cajuput {Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 Calamus {Acorus calamus) G-7, 138 California Peppertree {Schinus molle) 139 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) 141 • Camphor Tree {Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Canella {Canella winterana) 147 • Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Celery {Apium graveolens) . .. G-8, 172 Chickweed {Stellaria media) iso Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) 182 Chinese Olive {Canarium species) 184 Clematis {Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Comfrey {Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Cowhage {Mucuna pruriens) 230 Cumin {Cuminum cyminum) . G-9, 237 Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 • Devil's Claw {Harp agophy turn procumbens) 247 Dog Rose {Rosa canina) .G-10, 254 Duckweed {Lemna minor) G-10, 258 Dwarf Elder {Sambucus ebulus) 259 Elephant-Ears {Bergenia crassifolia) 268 • Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Golden Rod {Solidago virgaurea) .. .G-11, 289 • European Mistletoe {Viscum album) G-11, 291 European Peony {Paeonia officinalis) G-11, 295 Fever Bark {Alstonia constricta) ...............305 Feverfew {Tanacetum parthenium) .G-11, 306 Fumitory {Fumaria officinalis) G-12,322 German Sarsaparilla {Carex arenaria) 336 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Goutweed {Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) 372 Ground Pine {Ajuga chamaepitys) G-13, 373 • Guaiac {Guaiacum officinale) 375 Heather {Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 Hemlock {Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Horseradish {Armoracia rusticana) G-14, 408 Horsetail {Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Indian-Hemp {Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Iporuru {Alchornea floribunda) 424 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Jalap {Ipomoea purga) . . G-IS, 427 Java Tea {Orthosiphon spicatus) 434 Kava Kava {Piper methysticum) G-IS, 443 • Larch {Larix decidua) . . . G-15, 457 Laurel {Laurus nobilis) . . G-15, 459 Lemongrass {Cymbopogon citratus) G-ie, 465 Male Fern {Dryopteris filix-mas) G-17, 493 Manaca {Brunfelsia hopeana) 494 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Meadowsweet {Filipendula ulmaria) G-17,511 Mezereon {Daphne mezereum) . G-17, 515 ^Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) . G-i8, 521 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . .o-i 8, 525 Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) G-IS, 532 Niauli (Melaleucea viridiflora) 542 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) . 543 INDICATIONS INDEX SCIATICA, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF/I-119 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) . . 545 Oats (Avena sativa) G-is, 551 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) 577 Poke (Phytolacca americana) G-20, 602 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . . . 606 Poplar (Populus species) G-20, 607 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 63i Red Bryony (Bryonia cretica) 632 • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) G-21, 645 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, eso Sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata) 660 Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) G-21, 66i Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) G-21, 662 Scotch Broom (Cytisus SCOparius) G-22, 672 • Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) 0-22, 679 Sesame (Sesamum orientate) 688 Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) .. 69i Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) ,. 699.Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) 700 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lanced) 706 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 Spiny Rest Harrow (Ononis spinosa) G-23, 713 • Spruce (Picea species) 714 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) . G-23, 719 • Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) G-23, 735 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Teazle (Dipsacus silvestris) G-24, 757 Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) G-24, 759 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Wafer Ash (Ptelea trifoliata) 790 Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) 798 White Bryony (Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 • White Fir (Abies alba) 802 White Hellebore (Veratrum album) G-25,803 • White Mustard (Sinapis alba) . . . . .G-25,805 • White Willow (Salix species) G-25,807 Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) G-26, SIS Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa) G-26, 817 Winter Cherry (Physalis alkekengi) •..: G-26, 819 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) (See under Tinea capitis infections) RUBEFACIENT Laurel (Laurus nobilis) . . G-15, 459 Pimento (Pimenta racemosa) 590 SAUVATION, INCREASE SECRETION OF Betel Nut (Piper betle) . . . . G-4, 74 Moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia) G-17, 520 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) . .. 622 SARCOPTES SCABIEI INFESTATIONS Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) G-6, 103 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G - 7 , 130 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Fish Berry (Anamirta cocculus) 312 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Poisonous Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) G-20, eoi Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) 621 SCABIES (See under Sarcoptes scabiei infestations) SCAR TISSUE Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G - 1 4 , 389 SCARLATINA • American Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) 27 G-11, 283 G-26, 812 SCARLET FEVER 6-23, 710 (See under Scarlatina) SCIATICA, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF RHINITIS, VASOMOTOR Asarum (Asarum europaeum) RINGWORM INFECTIONS OF THE SCALP 48 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) .29 1-120/SCIATICA, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 Garlic (Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Hemlock (Conium maculatum) G-13, 386 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) .G-17, 493 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 SCROFULOSIS English Ivy (Hedera helix) Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-10, 275 G-19, 559 SCURVY Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Canella (Canella winterana) 147 Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) G-9, 211 Globe Rower (Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Lemon (Citrus limon) 460 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) G-ie, 476 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-ie, 48i Pinus Bark (Tsuga canadensis) G-19, 594 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) 597 Samphire (Crithum maritimum) 658 Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) 827 Yellow Dock (Rumex CrispUS) 835 SEDATION (See also under Sleep, induction of) Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-s, 92 Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 I PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-11, 306 Linden (Tilia species) . . . .G-ie, 477 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Wood Betony (Betonica officinalis) G-26, 825 SEDATION, DAYTIME Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula) 428 SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) G-5, SO Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Damiana (Turnera diffusa) . . . . 244 Iporuru (Alchornea floribunda) 424 Khat (Catha edulis) 447 Matico (Piper elongatum) . . . . 509 Muira-Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) 531 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) . . . .843 SHORTNESS OF BREATH European Elder (Sambucus nigra) G-11, 287 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus G-11, 283 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) .. .G-16,483 Sage (Salvia officinalis) . .G-21, 655 Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) 705 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 Yellow Dock (Rumex CrispUS) 835 SKIN ABSCESSES (See under Infections, skin and skin structure) SKIN CARE Almond (Prunus dulcis) SKIN DISORDERS Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) G-3, 13 Bear's Garlic (Allium ursinum) 66 Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Black Bryony (Tamus communis) G-5, 90 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) 133 Butternut (Juglans cinerea) . . . 134 Chickweed (Stellaria media) iso Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 222 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) G-9, 242 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 245 Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) 247 Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) SINUSITIS, TREATMENT OF globulus) Avocado (Persea americana) 57 Jojoba (Simmondsia chinesis) G-IS, 438 Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) . . .575 15 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. G-11, 283 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) .G-11, 295 Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) .. G-12, 322 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Greek Sage (Salvia triloba) .. .367 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) 375 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) G-14, 391 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 INDICATIONS INDEX Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla Vulgaris) G-15f 456 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) 463 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 Oleander (Nerium oleander) G-19, 555 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 Puff Ball (Lycoperdon species) .618 Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) G-21, 662 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) G-22, 701 Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 Southern Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) G-22, 705 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) 729 Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) 6-23, 735 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 730 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Triticum (Agropyron repens) G-25, 771 Turkey Corn (Dicentra cucullaria) 773 Virola (Virola theiodora) 789 White Lily (Lilium candidum) 804 Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) G-26, 814 Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus) 833 SKIN, INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS/I-1 21 Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) 840 SKIN LACERATIONS, INFECTED (See under Infections, skin and skin structure) SKIN PIGMENTATION Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) G-25, 809 SKIN ULCERS American Adder's Tongue (Erythronium americanum) 24 Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) G-7, 157 Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163 Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 Clematis (Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . . . . 26i English Adder's Tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum) ... 269 English Ivy (Hedera helix) .G-10, 273 Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) G-11, 310 Frostwort (Helianthemum canadense) .G-12, 321 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) .G-14, 391 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) .............G-15, 436 Martagon (Lilium martagon) soe Ox-Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) 563 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Southern Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) G-22, 705 Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) G-23, 734 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 Yellow Lupin (Lupinus luteUS) 839 SKIN, BACTERIAL SUPERINFECTIONS Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) 619 SKIN, DRY, MOISTURIZATION OF Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Mountain Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) G-i8, 527 SKIN, INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS • Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 Behen (Moringa oleifera) 67 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris) G-6, 105 • Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 118 Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Chickweed (Stellaria media) . ? . . . . — .. .180 Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 3 Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) ............... .218 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) G-9, 243 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 273 1-122/SKIN, INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS • English Plantain (Plantago Rue (Ruta graveolens) . . G-21, 648 Soapwort (Saponaria lanceolata) 0-11, 278 officinalis) G-22, 701 European Elder (Sambucus Spurge (Euphorbia nigra) G-11, 287 resinifera) 716 European Water Hemlock • St. John's Wort (Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 (Hypericum Evening Primrose perforatum) G-23, 719 (Oenothera biennis) . . . G-11, 298 Turmeric (Curcuma • Fenugreek (Trigonella domestica) 775 foenum-graecum) G-11, 304 • Walnut (Juglans regia) . . .G-25, 793 Field Scabious (Knautia White Lily (LiHum arvensis) G-11, 310 candidum) 804 • Flax (Linum • White Nettle (Lamium usitatissimum) G-12, 313 album) G-25, 806 • German Chamomile • Witch Hazel (Hamamelis (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 virginiana) G-26, 821 • Heartsease (Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 Henna (Lawsonia SKIN, IRRITATION, MINOR, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH inermis) G-14, 391 (See under Pain, topical Horse Chestnut (Aesculus relief of) hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Indian Nettle (Acalypha SKIN, RADIATION DAMAGE, TREATMENT OF indica) 419 Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae • Jambolan (Syzygium rhamnoides) G-22, 680 cumini) 429 SLEEP DISORDERS Labrador Tea (Ledum Corn Poppy (Papaver latifolium) 451 rhoeas) 223 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla English Hawthorn vulgaris) G-15, 456 (Crataegus laevigata) . G-IO, 271 Marigold (Calendula Male Fern (Dryopteris officinalis) G-17, 497 filix-mas) G-17, 493 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 SLEEP, INDUCTION OF Mezereon (Daphne (See also under Sedation) mezereum) G-17,515 American Hellebore Moneywort (Lysimachia (Veratrum viride) 25 nummularia) G-17, 520 Bitter Orange (Citrus Monkshood (Aconitum aurantium) G-5, 86 napellus) G-18, 521 Borage (Borago • Oak (Quercus robur) G-IS, 549 officinalis) G-e, 114 Oak Gall (Quercus • Bugleweed (Lycopus infectoria) .. 550 virginicus) G-e, 126 • Oats (Avena sativa) . . . . .G-IS, 551 Burning Bush (Dictamnus Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla albus) G-7, 130 pratensis) 572 Corn Poppy (Papaver Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)"... 575 rhoeas) 223 Purple Loosestrife (Lyihrum • English Lavender salicaria) G-20, 620 (Lavandula Red Clover (Trifolium angustifolia) G-IO, 277 pratense) G-21, 633 False Schisandra (Kadsura Rosemary (Rosmarinus japonica) 301 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 officinalis) G-21, 645 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Heather (Calluna vulgaris) .G-13, 383 • Hops (Humulus lupulus) . G-14, 400 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 • Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 Larkspur (Delphinium consolida) G-15, 458 • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) G-ie, 461 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) 463 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-IS, 530 Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 Oats (Avena sativa) G-IS, 551 • Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) G-IO, 573 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 • Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Red-Spur Valerian (Centranthus ruber) . . . G-21, 639 Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) G-24, 749 Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) G-24, 750 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) 774 • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 SMOKING CESSATION, TEMPORARY AID TO Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) G-24, 762 SNAKEBITE Calotropis (Calotropis procera) Contrayerva (Dorstenia contrayerva) Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) . 141 218 . . . . 261 INDICATIONS INDEX STOMATITIS/1-123 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Muskmallow (Abelmoschus moschatus) 533 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 SOUR STOMACH (See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) SPASM, ALIMENTARY CANAL Carline Thistle (Carlina acaulis) Hemlock (Conium maculatum) 151 Angelica (Angelica archangelica) G-3, 32 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) G-4, 69 Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) G-s, 98 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) SPASTICITY, MUSCLE, SYMPTOMATIC ALLEVIATION OF Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) G-5, 92 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 G-7, 130 .G-10, 270 G-11, 302 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) 301 29 67 SPRAINS, TOPICAL RELIEF OF (See under Pain, topical relief of) STERILITY Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) 91 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) . . . . . 346 STIMULANT 0-12,322 .0-12, 331 Areca Nut (Areca catechu) Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-i4, 389 671 G-22, 697 G-24, 756 G-24, 761 0-26,833 SPASMS, UNSPECIFIED Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) c-8, 165 G-ie, 488 G-17, 516 STOMACH, DISSEMINATED ADENOCARCINOMA (See under Carcinoma, stomach) (See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) STOMACH, UPSET (See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) STOMATITIS SPLEEN, DISORDERS OF Ammoniac Gum (Dorema ammoniacum) Behen (Moringa oleifera) Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) STOMACH, SOUR SPERMATORRHEA G-13, 386 SPASM, GASTRIC English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) .. Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) Sloe (Prunus spinosa) ... Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) ... Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Linden (Tilia species) .. . G-ie, 477 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Sumbul (Ferula sumbul) . G-23, 738 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 G-4, 38 G-7, 130 Contrayerva (Dorstenia contrayerva) 218 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) 305 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) .. .G-11, 30* Grains-of-Paradise . (Aframomum melegueta) G-13, 362 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Guarana (Paullinia cupana) ... 376 Gum Arabic (Acacia Senegal) 378 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 • Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) G-3, 22 American Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) 27 • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) G-3, 35 • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 • Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-S, 75 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-S, 94 • Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) '... G-6, 104 Bugle (Ajuga reptans) ... o-e, 12s Catechu (Acacia catechu) .. .. 163 • Cinquefoil (Poientilla erecta) G-8, 192 • Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) G-8, 195 • Coffee (Coffea arabica) .. G-9, 202 • Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . .G-10, 261 English Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) .G-10, 270 • English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-11, 278 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) . . . G-11, 289 1-1 24/STOMATITIS European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . G-11, 289 Gambir (Uncaria species) . . . .324 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) G-14, 393 • High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 • Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 41s Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens) 426 • Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 • Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 • Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) G-is, 456 • Larch (Larix decidua) . . . .G-IS, 457 • Lesser Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) :. . 467 • Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) sos • Myrrh (Commiphora molmoJ) G-IS, 534 • Oak (Quercus robur) . . . G-i8, 549 • Onion (Allium cepa) G-19,557 • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) G-19, sso Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) .G-19, S9i • Potentilla (Potentilla anserina) . . . . . . . . . . . . G-20, eio • Rhatany (Krameria triandra) . . . . 641 • Rose (Rosa centifolia) '.. 644 Rue (Ruta graveolens) .. .G-21, 648 • Sage (Salvia officinalis) . .G-21, ess • Scotch Pine (Pinus Species) G-22, 674 Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) G-22, 68i • Sloe (Prunus spinosa) . .. G-22, 697 Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES • Spruce (Picea species) Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) • Usnea (Usnea species) • White Nettle (Lamium album) Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctorid) Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) 714 G-24, 750 757 775 778 G-25, 806 Q-26, 812 G-26, 818 STOMATITIS, RECURRENT APHTHOUS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Common Stonecrop (Sedum acre) Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) 215 795 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 SWOLLEN ANKLES Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum) G-IS, 455 SYNCOPE Ignatius Beans (Strychnos ignatii) 4ie Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 SYPHILIS (See under T. pallidum infections) STRANGURIA Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) T. PALLIDUM INFECTIONS 619 STREP THROAT (See under Streptococci species upper respiratory tract infections) STREPTOCOCCI SPECIES UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) G-9, 212 G-24, 759 STREPTOCOCCUS TONSILLITIS (See under Streptococci species upper respiratory tract infections) STROKE, ISCHEMIC Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) SWELLING AND FRACTURES G-8, i e s . G-ie, 47s STYES Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) 300 SUNBURN, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH (See under Pain, topical relief of) • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) . . .117 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) 141 Clematis (Clematis recta) .G-8, 194 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) 338 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 3S9 Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) 37s Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-IS, 443 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americanus) . . 5 4 1 Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) ; .. .G-21, 662 TACHYCARDIA, UNSPECIFIED Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 91 770 TAPEWORM INFECTIONS (See under Infections, tapeworm) INDICATIONS INDEX ULCERS, L E G / I - 1 2 5 TEETHING Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) 0-17, 493 TETANUS Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 (See under Pharyngitis, symptomatic relief of) TREPONEMA PALLIDUM (See under T. pallidum infections) THROMBOPHLEBITIS Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 THYROID DYSFUNCTION Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) .G-3, 12 Kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) 446 TINEA CAPITIS INFECTIONS Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-i8, 528 TINNITUS Calamint (Calamintha nepeta) : . . . 138 • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . .G-12,342 TOBACCO WITHDRAWAL, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF G-18,551 TONSILLITIS Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa) 0-11,311 Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) 757 Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) G-25,809 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26,812 Yew (Taxus baccata) . . . .0-26,841 TOOTH DECAY ' Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) TREMOR, KINETIC Corydalis (Corydalis cava) . . . 226 Cowslip (Primula veris) 231 THROAT, SORE Oats (Avena sativa) • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) G-23, 719 • Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 G-9, 201 TRACHEITIS Seneca Snakeroot (Polygala senega) TRAUMA, BLUNT • Arnica (Arnica montana) 41 • Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS, TREATMENT ADJUNCT Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 Chickweed (Stellaria media) iso Chicory (Cichorium intybus) G-8, ISI Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Spruce (Picea species) ....... 714 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 TUMOR THERAPY ADJUVANT Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) ... G-3, 16 Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) . . . 117 Canadian Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) .. G-7, 144 • European Mistletoe (Viscum G-11, 291 TUMOR, MALIGNANT Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) (See under Warts, common, removal of) TYPHUS FEVER Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 ULCERS, DECUBITUS, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) G-24, 764 ULCERS, DUODENAL European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .G-11, 289 German Sarsaparilla (Carex arenaria) 336 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-14, 401 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) G-15, 448 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) G-IS, 536 album) TUMORS, BENIGN EPITHELIAL 399 786 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) Calamus (Acorus calamus) Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-7, 134 G-7, 138 233 G-IO, 248 G-i6, 469 ULCERS, GASTRIC Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) G-7, 134 Calamus (Acorus calamus) G-7, 138 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) G-9, 212 Common Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) .G-14, 391 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-ie, 469 Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17,497 Papaya (Carica papaya) . G-19, 565 Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) 697 ULCERS, LEG Linden (Tilia species) . .. .G-ie, 477 Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 1-126/URETHRITIS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES URETHRITIS Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) G-ie, 468 URINARY BLADDER WITH RETENTION, NEUROGENIC ATONY OF Snowdrop nivalis) (Galanthus 700 URINARY FREQUENCY, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) G-6, 121 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 • Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) G-20, 618 • Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) G-21, 664 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) . . . G-22, 668 • Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 URINARY INCONTINENCE Sweet Sumach (Rhus aromatica) 748 URINARY RETENTION, UNSPECIFIED Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 URINARY TRACT DISORDERS Alisma (Alisma plantago-aquatica) G-3, 13 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) .. G-4, SO Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, ei Bean Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) G-4, es Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) •. G-5, 73 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-S, 97 Bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris) G-6, 10s Bog Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) G-6, 111 Borage (Borago officinalis) . G-6, 114 British Elecampane (Inula britannica) 119 Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 Cleavers (Galium aparine) . . . . 193 Club Moss (Lycopodium clavatum) 196 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) G-8, 199 Coolwort (Tiarella cordifolia) G-9, 219 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) G-9, 221 Corn Silk (Zea mays) 224 Cubeb (Piper cubeba) 23s Dodder (Cuscuta epithymum) G-IO, 254 Dog Rose (Rosa canind) G-IO, 254 Eryngo (Eryngium campestre) G-11, 282 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 Flax (Linum usitatissimum) G-12, 313 German Ipecac (Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria) . . . . : .G-13, 301 Greater Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) ... G-13, 367 Hartstongue (Scolopendrium vulgare) .: 381 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13,383 Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) . . . . . . . . . G-14, 393 High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 39s Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) G-14,413 I • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 433 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) G-16, 485 Madder (Rubia tinctorum) G-ie, 490 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Marsh Blazing Star (Liatris spicata) G-17, 503 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . G-IS, 525 Myrtle (Myrtw communis) G-18, 536 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 543 Oats (Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) G-19, 559 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) G-19, 567 Parsley Piert (Aphanes arvensis) 570 Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) G-IO, 571 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Pellitory-of-the-Wall v (Parietaria officinalis) .578 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea) G-20, 595 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) G-20, eoo Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Round-Leafed Wintergreen (Pyrola rotundifolia) 647 Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) G-21, 650 Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) G-21, eei Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) G-21, 662 INDICATIONS INDEX VOMITING/I-127 Scopolia (Scopolia carniolicd) 671 Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 69i Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) 699 Sneezewort {Achillea ptarmicd) 700 Speedwell {Veronica officinalis) G-23, 710 Squill {Urginea maritima) G-23, 717 Sweet Cicely {Myrrhis odorata) G-24, 743 Sweet Sumach {Rhus aromatica) 748 Sweet Vernal Grass {Anthoxanthum odoratum) G-24, 749 Trailing Arbutus {Epigae repens) 768 Triticum {Agropyron repens) G-25, 77i Turkey Corn {Dicentra cucullaria) 775 Wild Daisy {Bellis perennis) G-26, S I I Wild Service Tree {Sorbus torminalis) 814 Wild Thyme {Thymus serpyllum) G-26, S I S Winter Cherry {Physalis alkekengi) G-26, 819 Wood Betony {Betonica officinalis) . . . . . . . G-26, 825 Yellow Lupin {Lupinus luteUS) 839 Yellow Toadflax {Linaria vulgaris) 840 URINARY TRACT PAIN, RELIEF OF {See under Pain, urinary tract) {Claviceps purpurea) 280 UTERINE BLEEDING Canadian Fleabane {Erigeron canadensis) .. o-7, 144 UTERINE SPASTICITY Valerian {Valeriana officinalis) VENOUS STASIS 541 VAGINAL PROLAPSE Alteris {Aletris farinosa) G-25, 783 VAGINAL ITCHING Heartsease {Viola tricolor) . . . . 382 G-6, 124 VERRUCAS VULGARIS INFECTION 3 (See under Warts, common, removal of) VAGINAL SECRETIONS Acacia {Acacia arabica) Feverfew {Tanacetum parthenium) Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) 11 G - H , 306 VENEREAL DISEASE Clematis {Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 German Sarsaparilla {Carex arenarid) 336 VENOUS CONDITIONS Beth Root {Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Buckwheat {Fagopyrum esculent'im) G-6, 124 • Butcher's Broom {Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Clematis {Clematis recta) . G-8, 194 Garlic {Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Grape {Vitis vinifera) . . . .G-13, 362 Great Burnet {Sanguisorba officinalis) G-13, 366 • Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Lemon Verbena {Aloysia triphylla) 463 Marigold {Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Pimpinella {Pimpinella major) G-19,591 Purple Loosestrife {Lythrum salicaria) G-20, 620 • Sweet Clover {Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 • Witch Hazel {Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY UTERINE ATONY, POSTPARTUM Ergot Nerve Root {Cypripedium calceolus) Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 Grape (Vitis vinifera) ... .G-13, 362 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Sweet Clover {Melilotus officinalis) G-24, 744 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 • Denotes recommendation by Commission £. VERTIGO Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) Behen (Moringa oleifera) Cowslip (Primula veris) European Mistletoe (Viscum album) 51 67 231 G-11, 291 Fish Berry (Anamirta cocculus) 312 • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . G-12, 342 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) G-24, 746 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 VISUAL DISTURBANCES Dusty Miller (Senecio bicolor) 258 VITAMIN C, DEFICIENCY OF Dog Rose (Rosa canina) .G-10,254 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) .. G-12, 326 Lemon (Citrus limon) . . . . 460 Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) . G-16,476 Mountain Ash Berry (Sorbus aucuparia) . . . .G-is, 525 Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis) G-22, 679 P Wild Service Tree (Sorbus torminalis) 814 VITAMIN E, DEFICIENCY OF Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) 228 VOMITING (See also under Motion sickness) Almond (Prunus dulcis) 15 American Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) 27 1-128/VOMITING Black Horehound {Ballota nigra) G-5, 98 British Elecampane {Inula britannica) 119 California Peppertree (Schinus molle) 139 Carob {Ceratonia siliqua) G-7, 151 Cascarilla {Croton eluteria) . . . 156 Common Kidney Vetch {Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Giant Milkweed {Calotropis gigantea) 338 Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Lemon Balm {Melissa officinalis) G-16, 461 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Mugwort {Artemisia vulgaris) G-i8, 530 Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Sneezewort {Achillea ptarmica) 700 White Hellebore {Veratrum album) G-25, 803 VOMITING, INDUCTION OF Asarum {Asarum europaeum) 48 Baneberry {Actaea spicata) . . . .60 Black Bryony {Tamus communis) G-5, 90 Cocillana Tree {Guraea rusbyi) 198 European Peony (Paeonia officinalis) 0-11, 295 German Ipecac {Cynanchum vincetoxicum) 335 Hedge-Hyssop (Gratiola officinalis) . . . . . . . . . . . G-13, 385 Indian Physic {Gillenia trifoliata) 421 Ipecac {Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 Mountain Flax {Linum catharticum) 526 Picrorhiza {Picrorhiza kurroa) 589 Poke {Phytolacca americana) G-20, 602 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES White Bryony {Bryonia alba) W O U N D CARE, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN G-25, 800 VULVOVAGINAL CANDIDIASIS {See under Candidiasis, vaginal) WARTS Behen {Moringa oleifera) 67 • Bittersweet Nightshade {Solanum dulcamara) . . . G-5, 88 Broad Bean {Vicia faba) 120 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) 141 Cashew {Anacardium occidentale) G-7, 157 Celandine {Chelidonium majUS) G-8, 169 Common Stonecrop {Sedum acre) 215 Garlic {Allium sativum) . G-12, 327 Giant Milkweed {Calotropis gigantea) 338 Houseleek {Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Indian-Hemp {Apocynum cannabinum) 418 • Mayapple {Podophyllum peltatum) G-17, 510 • Oats {Avena sativa) G-18, 551 Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Spurge {Euphorbia resinifera) 7ie Sundew {Drosera ramentacea) 740 WARTS, COMMON, REMOVAL OF Savin Tops {Juniperus sabina) G-21, 663 WARTS, GENITAL {See under Condylomata acuminata) WEIGHT, REDUCTION OF Brown Kelp {Macrocystis pyrifera) Pineapple {Ananas comosus) 122 593 WHEEZING, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF {See under Bronchial asthma) WHOOPING COUGH {See under Pertussis) WITHDRAWAL, NARCOTIC, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Barberry {Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Alkanet {Alkanna tinctoria) G-3, 13 American White Pond Lily {Nymphaea odorata) . . . . G-3, 28 Ammoniac Gum {Dorema ammoniacum) 29 Basil {Ocimum basilicum) .G-4, 64 Behen {Moringa oleifera) 67 Beth Root {Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Birthwort {Aristolochia clematitis) G-5, SO Bistort {Persicaria bistorta) G-5, 82 Black Currant {Ribes nigrum) G-5, 94 Black Nightshade {Solanum nigrum) G-6, 101 Bladderwort {Utricularia vulgaris) G-6, 105 Brazilian Pepper Tree {Schinus terebinthifolius) . . .117 Broad Bean {Vicia faba) 120 Bugle {Ajuga reptans) . . . G-6, 125 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) G-7, 130 • Cajuput {Melaleuca leucadendra) G-7, 136 Carline Thistle {Carlina acaulis) 151 Cascara Sagrada {Rhamnus purshiana) G-7, 153 Cat's Claw {Unicaria tomentosa) ieo Catechu {Acacia catechu) 163 Chickweed {Stellaria media) iso Cinnamon {Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 Clematis {Clematis recta) .G-8, 194 Coconut Palm {Cocos nucifera) G-9, 201 Coffee {Coffea arabica) .. G-9, 202 Cola {Cola acuminata) 205 Common Kidney Vetch {Anthyllis vulneraria) . . G-9, 214 Common Stonecrop {Sedum acre) 215 Digitalis {Digitalis purpurea) G-IO, 248 INDICATIONS INDEX WOUND CARE, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN/I-129 Dogwood (Cornus florida) G-10, 256 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) 261 • Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . G-IO, 261 Elm Bark (Ulmus minor) G-IO, 269 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-10, 275 English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) G-II, 278 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) G-11, 283 European Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) . . .G-11, 289 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) G-II, 304 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) G-II, 306 Galbanum (Ferula gummosa) 323 • German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) . . G-12, 331 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) G-13, 355 Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria) G-13, 361 Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) G-i3f 366 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) 372 Heather (Calluna vulgaris) G-13, 383 High Mallow (Malva sylvestris) G-14, 395 Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) G-i4, 401 • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) G-14, 409 Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) . . . . 410 Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) G-14, 411 Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) 419 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) 429 Jujube (Zyzyphus jujube) 439 Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum) .G-15, 455 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 Loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) G-16, 48i Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) G-ie, 485 • Marigold (Calendula officinalis) G-17, 497 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) 505 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Mouse Ear (Pilosella officinarum) 529 Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) G-18, 532 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Ox-Eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) 563 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Pimpinella (Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 • Pineapple (Ananas comosus) : . . . . 593 • Poplar (Populus species) .G-20, 607 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) G-20, 626 Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) . G-2i, 645 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) ... G-22, 668 Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) ......... G-22, 680 • Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) ....... .G-22, 690 • Denotes recommendation by Commission E. Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Teazle (Dipsacus silvestris) • Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) Traveller's Joy (Clematis vitalba) 697 G-23, 710 G-23, 719 G-23, 741 G-24, 757 G-24, 764 G-25, 769 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) . .G-25, 788 Virola (Virola theiodora) 789 Water Dock (Rumex aquaticus) 795 Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) 797 White Fir (Abies alba) 802 White Lily (Lilium candidum) 804 Wild Daisy (Bellis perennis) G-26, 811 Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) G-26, 818 • Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) G-26, 821 Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia) G-26, 826 Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) 827 Wormwood {Artemisia absinthium) G-26, 829 Woundwort (Stachys palustris) 832 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) G-26, 833 Yellow Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) . . . ..........840 1-131 Homeopathic Indications Index Entries in this index are organized by specific indication, enabling you to quickly review the botanicals used by homeopaths for a particular diagnosis. For ease of comparison with prescription and over-the-counter medications, the index employs the same nomenclature found in the Indications Index of the PDR Companion Guide™. Under each heading, herbs are listed alphabetically by scientific name, with the accepted common name shown in parentheses. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant in the Herb Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. For more information on any of these botanicals, be sure to check the appropriate underlying monograph. ANXIETY DISORDERS, MANAGEMENT OF ABDOMINAL CRAMPS {See under Cramps, abdominal, symptomatic relief of) ABRASIONS, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH {See under Pain, topical relief of) ACHES, MUSCULAR {See under Pain, muscular, temporary relief of) AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION DISORDERS {See under Bronchial asthma) AMENORRHEA, SECONDARY {See under Menstrual disorders) ANEMIA, UNSPECIFIED Lycoperdon species (Puff Ball) 618 ANGINA {See under Angina pectoris) ANGINA PECTORIS Nicotiana tabacum (TobaCCO) Spigelia anthelmia (Wormwood Grass) .0-24, 762 831 ANXIETY AND TENSION DUE TO MENOPAUSE {See under Menopause, management of the manifestations of) Aconitum napellus (Monkshood) G-IS, 521 Amanita muscaria (Aga) G-3, 8 Anamirta cocculus (Fish Berry) 312 Aquilegia vulgaris (Columbine) G-9, 211 Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood) G-26, 829 Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 Ferula sumbul (Sumbul) .. G-23, 738 Humulus lupulus (Hops) .. .G-i4, 400 Leonurus japonicus (Chinese Motherwort) 183 Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) G-IS, 545 Origanum majorana (Sweet Marjoram) G-24, 746 Papaver rhoeas (Corn Poppy) .. 223 Paris quadrifolia (Herb Paris) . G-14, 392 Passiflora incarnata (Passion Flower) G-19, 373 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) eoo Spigelia marilandica (Pink Root) 594 Strophanthus gratus (Strophanthus Gratus) Strophanthus hispidus (Kombe Seed) Strychnos ignatii (Ignatius Beans) Strychnos mix vomica (Nux Vomica) Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste Tree) 736 450 416 G-18, 547 G-8, 176 APPETITE, SUPPRESSION OF {See under Obesity, exogenous) APPREHENSION {See under Anxiety disorders, management of) ARRHYTHMIAS Iberis amara (Bitter Candytuft) Viscum album (European Mistletoe) 84 0-11, 291 ARTHRALGIA, TOPICAL RELIEF OF {See under Pain, topical relief of) ASTHMA, BRONCHIAL {See under Bronchial asthma) BACKACHE, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF {See under Pain, topical relief of) 1 - 1 3 2 / B A C T E R I U R I A A S S O C I A T E D WITH CYSTITIS BACTERIURIA ASSOCIATED WITH CYSTITIS, ELIMINATION OR SUPPRESSION OF (See under Infections, urinary tract) Ruta graveolens (Rue) Verbena officinalis (Vervain) PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S G-21, 648 G-2S, 788 BRUISES, TOPICAL RELIEF OF BACTERIURIA ASSOCIATED WITH POLYNEPHRITIS, ELIMINATION OR SUPPRESSION OF (See under Pain, topical relief of) (See under Infections, urinary tract) BULIMIA NERVOSA Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Ipecac) Crataegus laevigata (English Hawthorn) Viscum album (European Mistletoe) 423 G-IO, 271 G-H, 291 BLOOD PURIFYING Lycopodium clavatum (Club Moss) 196 BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Aralia racemosa (Spikenard) Aspidosperma quebrachobianco (Quebracho) Betonica officinalis (Wood Betony) Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Ipecac) Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) Lobelia inflata (Lobelia) .. G-23, 711 623 G-26, 825 423 G-23, 719 G-ie, 479 .G-IO, 266 BRONCHITIS, ACUTE Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Ipecac) 423 Cetraria islandica (Iceland Moss) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 5 Dorema ammoniacum (Ammoniac Gum) .29 Myroxylon balsamum (Tolu Balsam) .G-24, 764 BRONCHOSPASM, REVERSIBLE (See under Bronchial asthma) BRUISES Bellis perennis (Wild Daisy) CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS (See under Arrhythmias) CARDIAC OUTPUT, LOW 84 736 G-26, 811 Adonis vernalis (Adonis) G-3, 5 Apocynum cannabinum (Indian-Hemp) 4is Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) G-13, 369 Crataegus laevigata (English Hawthorn) G-10, 271 Digitalis purpurea (Digitalis) G-IO, 248 Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) G-IS, 528 Leonurus cardiaca (Motherwort) . . . . . . . . . . . o - i s , 524 Prunus spinosa (Sloe) . . . . G-22, 697 Spigelia anthelmia (Wormwood Grass) 83i Strophanthus hispidus (Kombe" Seed) 450 CATHARTIC Quassia amara (Amargo) . . . G-3, 23 CEREBROVASCULAR INSUFFICIENCY Conium maculatum (Hemlock) Hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort) CHEILITIS, ACTINIC Marsdenia condurango (Condurango) COLD, COMMON, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF COLIC, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF G-4, 52 CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS BRONCHIAL CONGESTION ... CALCULOSIS Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus) Iberis amara (Bitter Candytuft) Strophanthus gratus (Strophanthus Gratus) 280 Aralia racemosa (Spikenard) G-23, 711 Lemna minor (Duckweed) . .G-IO, 258 Mentha piperita (Peppermint) G-19, sso Mercurialis annua (Mercury Herb) G-17, 513 (See under Renal calculi) BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEMS Inula helenium (Elecampane) 226 (See under Pain, topical relief of) G-8, 169 G-7, 144 CIRCULATORY DISORDERS BURNS, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH Chelidonium majus (Celandine) Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) Claviceps purpurea (Ergot) Corydalis cava (Corydalis) BILIARY CALCULI, CHEMICAL DISSOLUTION OF CHOLECYSTITIS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF G-13, 386 G-23, 719 Allium cepa (Onion) Gratiola officinalis (Hedge-Hyssop) G-19, 557 G-13, 385 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, ADJUNCT IN (See under Edema, adjunctive therapy in) CONJUNCTIVITIS, UNSPECIFIED Ilex aquifolium (Holly) G-14, 397 CONSTIPATION Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) Collinsonia canadensis (Stone Root) G-26, 833 G-23, 733 CONVULSIVE EPISODES, CONTROL OF Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) . . . . . . . . . . . . .G-26, 833 Artemisia cina (Wormseed) . . . . . 827 Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort) G-IS, 530 Oenanthe crocata (Water Dropwort) 795 Passiflpra incarnata (Passion Flower) G-19, 573 Verbena officinalis (Vervain) G-25, 788 CORYZA, ACUTE (See under Cold, common, symptomatic relief of) COUGH, CHRONIC 216 Inula helenium (Elecampane) G-IO, 266 HOMEOPATHIC INDICATIONS INDEX DYSPEPSIA/1-1 3 3 COUGH, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF DERMATITIS, SEBORRHEIC Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) Linum catharticum (Mountain Flax) Prunus laurocerasus (Cherry Laurel) Buxus sempervirens (BoXWOOd) Daphne mezereum (Mezereon) 0-26, 833 526 G-8, 179 {See under Pertussis) CRADLE CAP DERMATOSES, CORTICOSTEROIDRESPONSIVE DIARRHEA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF {See under Dermatitis, seborrheic) CRAMPS, ABDOMINAL, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF G-14, 408 G-26, 829 CRETINISM {See under Hypothyroidism, replacement or supplemental therapy in) CUTS, MINOR, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH {See under Pain, topical relief of) DANDRUFF {See under Dermatitis, seborrheic) DEBILITY Betonica officinalis (Wood Betony) Cinchona pubescens (Quinine) Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) Panax ginseng (Ginseng) G-17, 515 {See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) COUGH, WHOOPING Armoracia rusticana (Horseradish) Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood) G-6, 116 G-26, 825 G-20,626 726 346 DELIRIUM Pastinaca sativa (Parsnip) . .o-i», 571 DEPRESSION, RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) 0-13, 369 Conium maculatum (Hemlock). 0-13,386 Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) .. 726 Hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort) 0-23, 7i» Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) 572 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) eoo Strychnos ignatii (Ignatius Beans) . . . . ;. 416 Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) . .G-24, 759 Aethusa cynapium (Fool's Parsley) G-12, 316 Alchemilla vulgaris (Lady's Mantle) G-15, 456 Apocynum cannabinum (Indian-Hemp) 418 Asarum europaeum (Asarum) . . . .48 Cinchona pubescens (Quinine) G-20, 626 Corydalis cava (Corydalis) 226 Euphorbia cyparissias (Cypress Spurge) G-9, 242 Ferula foetida (Asa Foetida) 47 Glechoma hederacea (Ground Ivy) 372 Helleborus niger (Black Hellebore) G-a, 97 Helleborus viridis (Green Hellebore) 368 Ipomoea purga (Jalap) G-IS, 427 Leptandra virginica (Black Root) 104 Linum catharticum (Mountain Flax) 526 Nicotiana tabacum (TobaCCO) . . .' G-24, 762 Nymphaea odorata (American White Pond Lily) 0-3, 28 Rheum palmatum (Chinese Rhubarb) o-s, iss Ricinus communis (Castor Oil Plant) G-7, isa Sanguisorba officinalis (Great Burnet) G-13,366 Sanicula europaea (European Sanicle) 296 Veratrum album (White Hellebore) G-25,803 Allium sativum (Garlic) .. . G-12, 327 Allium ursinum (Bear's Garlic) 66 Capsicum annuum (Cayenne) G-8, ies Chelone glabra (Balmony) . . G-4, 59 Cornus florida (Dogwood) G-IO, 256 Gentiana lutea (Yellow Gentian) 836 Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) G-13, 355 Ilex paraguariensis (Mate) G-17, sos Iris species (Orris) G-19, sei Juniperus communis (Juniper) G-15, 440 Knautia arvensis (Field Scabious) G-II, 310 Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato) G-24, 766 Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile) . . . G-12, 331 Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) G-IS, 545 Picrasma excelsa (Quassia) 622 Raphanus sativus (Radish) . G-20, 628 Rhamnus catharticus (Buckthorn) G-e, 123 Rhamnus purshiana (Cascara Sagrada) G-7, 153 Silphium laciniatum (Rosinweed) G-21, 646 Tamarindus indica (Tamarind) 753 Taxus baccata (Yew) G-26, 84i DROPSY {See under Edema, idiopathic) DYSENTERY Sophora japonica (Pagoda Tree) . . . 564 DYSMENORRHEA, UNSPECIFIED, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Anamirta cocculus (Fish Berry) . . .312 Aquilegia vulgaris (Columbine) .. . . . . G-9, 211 Cicuta virosa (European Water Hemlock) . G-II, 297 DIGESTIVE DISORDERS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF DYSPEPSIA Agrostemma githago (Corn Cockle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 {See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) 1 - 1 3 4 / E A R , I N F L A M M A T I O N , MIDDLE PDR FOR H E R B A L M E D I C I N E S EAR, INFLAMMATION, MIDDLE FLATULENCE, RELIEF OF Capsicum annuum (Cayenne) Ferula foetida (Asa Foetida) 47 Leonurus cardiaca (Motherwort) G-IS, 524 G-8, i65 ECZEMA, UNSPECIFIED (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) FROSTBITE, POSSIBLY EFFECTIVE IN Calendula officinalis (Marigold) EDEMA, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Apocynum cannabinum (Indian-Hemp) FURUNCULOSIS 418 EDEMA, IDIOPATHIC Corydalis cava (Corydalis) 226 GALACTORRHEA Linum catharticum (Mountain Flax) 526 ENCEPHALITIS, VIRAL Helleborus niger (Black Hellebore) G-17, 497 Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) G-6, 103 GALLSTONES G-5, 97 {See under Biliary calculi, chemical dissolution of) EPILEPSY Oenanthe crocata (Water Dropwort) GASTRITIS 795 EXHAUSTION Asarum europaeum (Asarum) . . . .48 Avena sativa (Oats) G-IS, 551 Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 Piper methysticum (Kava Kava) G-IS, 443 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) 6oo FATIGUE, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 FEVER, REDUCTION OF Amanita muscaria (Aga) G-3, 8 Artemisia cina (Wormseed) 827 Asimina triloba (American Pawpaw) 27 Cinchona pubescens (Quinine) G-20,626 Cornus florida (Dogwood) .G-10, 256 Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset) .' c-e, 113 Phytolacca americana (Poke) G-20, 602 Pimpinella major (Pimpinella) G-19,591 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) eoo Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet Nightshade) . . . G-S, 88 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-IS, 547 Agrostemma githago (Corn Cockle) Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood) Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) Punica granatum (Pomegranate) G-20, eos Quassia amara (Amargo) . . .G-3, 23 Rhamnus frangula (Frangula) G-12, 317 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) 600 Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) G-21, 645 Sinapis alba (White Mustard) G-25, 805 Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet Nightshade) . . . G-5, 88 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-IS, 547 Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) . G-24, 759 GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, SMOOTH MUSCLE SPASM (See under Spasm, smooth muscle) 222 G-26, 829 GENITOURINARY TRACT, SMOOTH MUSCLE SPASM (See under Spasm, smooth muscle) GLANDS, SWOLLEN 726 G-7, 144 GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Aethusa cynapium (Fool's Parsley) G-12, 316 Aletris farinosa (Alteris) 11 Aloe ferox (Cape Aloe) 16 Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) G-4, 69 Brassica nigra (Black Mustard) G-5, 100 Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) G-13, 369 Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Ipecac) 423 Chamaemelum nobile (English Chamomile) . . . G-10,270 Cochlearia officinalis (Scurvy Grass) G-22, 679 Colchicum autumnale (Colchicum) G-9, 206 Ferula foetida (Asa Foetida) 47 Geranium maculatum (Cranesbill) 233 Marsdenia condurango (Condurango) 216 Piper methysticum (Kava Kava) G-15, 443 Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 GLANDULAR PROBLEMS Conium maculatum (Hemlock) Phytolacca americana (Poke) G-13, 386 . .G-20, 602 GOITER Fucus vesiculosus (Bladderwrack) 106 GONORRHEA Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 GOUT, MANAGEMENT OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) .G-4, 61 Colchicum autumnale (Colchicum) G-9, 206 Juniperus sabina (Savin Tops) G-21, 663 Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) 128 GYNECOLOGICAL DISORDERS Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) G-13, 359 HAIR LOSS Buxus sempervirens (Boxwood) G-6, lie HOMEOPATHIC INDICATIONS INDEX Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 HAY FEVER (See under Pollinosis) Quassia amara (Amargo) Spigelia anthelmia (Wormwood Grass) . . . G-3, 23 Anamirta cocculus (Fish Berry) 312 Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) G-13, 369 Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 Fagopyrum esculentum (Buckwheat) G-6, 124 Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo) . . . G-12, 342 Iris species (Orris) G-19, 56i Paris quadrifolia (Herb Paris) G-14, 392 Paullinia cupana (Guarana) 376 Primula veris (Cowslip) 231 Prunus spinosa (Sloe) G-22, 697 Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) 572 Spigelia anthelmia (Wormwood Grass) 831 Strychnos mix vomica (Nux Vomica) G-IS, 547 HEADACHE, MIGRAINE G - H , 297 240 o-io, 248 G-14, 392 258 Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) Claviceps purpurea (Ergot) (See under Hypothyroidism, replacement or supplemental therapy in) HEMORRHOIDS Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) Aloe ferox (Cape Aloe) Collinsonia canadensis (Stone Root) . . Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) Glechoma hederacea (Ground Ivy) Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel) Linum catharticum (Mountain Flax) Paeonia officinalis (European Peony) Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-14, 403 ie G-23, 733 G-7, 144 372 G-26, 821 526 HYPOTHYROIDISM, PRIMARY (See under Hypothyroidism, replacement or supplemental therapy in) HYPOTHYROIDISM, REPLACEMENT OR SUPPLEMENTAL THERAPY IN Brassica oleracea (Cabbage) G-7, 134 HYPOTHYROIDISM, SECONDARY (See under Hypothyroidism, replacement or supplemental therapy in) G-11, 295 HYPOTHYROIDISM, TERTIARY G-18, 547 (See under Hypothyroidism, replacement or supplemental therapy in) HEMOSTASIS, AN AID IN Geranium maculatum (Cranesbill) 233 Vinca minor (Periwinkle) . . . . . . 5 8 4 Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) Leptandra virginica (Black Root) . HYSTERIA, ACUTE Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 IMMUNODEFICIENCY, UNSPECIFIED HEPATITIS, UNSPECIFIED HERPES ZOSTER INFECTIONS HELMINTHIASIS G-25, 803 (See under Pain, anorectal) Daphne mezereum (Mezereon) Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) Artemisia cina (Wormseed) 827 Artemisia vulgaris (MugWOrt) G-18, 530 Chelone glabra (Balmony) . . G - 4 , 59 Cicuta virosa (European Water Hemlock) G-II, 297 Linum catharticum (Mountain Flax) 526 .G-24, 762 HYPOTHYROIDISM, ORDINARY (See under Pain, unspecified) (See under Headache, migraine) G-26, 833 280 HYPOTENSION Nicotiana tabacum (TobaCCO) Veratrum album (White Hellebore) HEMORRHOIDAL PAIN HEADACHE, TENSION HEADACHE, VASCULAR HYPNOTIC (See under Sleep, induction of) 83i HEMORRHAGE, UNSPECIFIED HEADACHE Cicuta virosa (European Water Hemlock) Cyclamen europaeum (Cyclamen) Digitalis purpurea (Digitalis) Paris quadrifolia (Herb Paris) Senecio bicolor (Dusty Miller) INFECTIONS, URINARY TRACT/1-133 (See under Infection, tendency to) G-7, 144 104 G-17, 515 G-IS, 528 HYPERHIDROSIS Salvia officinalis (Sage) . . . .G-21, 655 HYPERTHYROIDISM Hedera helix (English Ivy) .G-10, 275 Leonurus cardiaca (Motherwort) G-18, 524 Lycopus virginicus (Bugleweed) G-6, 126 INDIGESTION (See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) INFECTION, TENDENCY TO Scrophularia nodosa (Figwort) .G-11,311 INFECTIONS, NON-SPECIFIC Baptisia tinctoria (Wild Indigo) Datura stramonium (Jimson Weed) Veratrum album (White Hellebore) .0-26,812 c . G-IS, 436 G-25, 803 INFECTIONS, URINARY TRACT Agropyron repens (Triticum) .G-25, 771 1 - 1 3 6 / I N F E C T I O N S , URINARY TRACT Anagallis arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel) G-22, 668 INFECTIONS, VENEREAL (See under Gonorrhea) INFLUENZA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset) G-6, 113 Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato) G-24, 766 Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) 128 Ranunculus sceleratus (Poisonous Buttercup) . . . G-20, 601 INSECT BITES, PAIN DUE TO (See under Pain, topical relief of) INSOMNIA (See under Sleep, induction of) INTERTRIGO (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) Lycopodium clavatum (Club MOSS) Mahonia aquifolium (Mountain Grape) 196 G-18, 527 LIVER DISORDERS Chelidonium majus (Celandine) G-8, 169 Chelone glabra (Balmony) . . G-4, 59 Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) G-7, 144 Fagopyrum esculentum (Buckwheat) G-6, 124 Fumaria officinalis (Fumitory) G-12, 322 Lactuca virosa (Lactucarium) . . . 453 Picrasma excelsa (Quassia) 622 Solidago virgaurea (European Golden Rod) . G-11, 289 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-IS, S47 LYMPHEDEMA Scrophularia (Figwort) ITCHING, SKIN (See under Pruritus, topical relief of) Chimaphila umbellata (Pipsissewa) Oenanthe aquatica (Water Fennel) (See under Pruritus, topical relief of) JOINTS, SWOLLEN G-11, 311 G-4, 69 LACTATION, STIMULATION OF 595 G-25, 796 G-8, 176 LACTOSE INTOLERANCE Aethusa cynapium (Fool's Parsley) G-12, 31 e LARYNGOTRACHEITIS Lactuca virosa (Lactucarium) . . . 453 LEUKORRHEA G-IS, 45s G-13, 355 196 G-ie, 461 572 eoo 258 MENSTRUAL SYNDROME, PRE-, MANAGEMENT OF Cyclamen europaeum (Cyclamen) 240 MIGRAINE HEADACHE (See under Headache, migraine) Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) . Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade) 572 196 Gossypium herbaceum (Levant Cotton) G-ie, 468 MUMPS MUSCLE SPASM v . . .G-4, 69 128 G-e, 101 MUSCLE TENSION Abelmoschus moschatus (Muskmallow) MYALGIA (See under Pain, muscular, temporary relief of) MYALGIA, TOPICAL RELIEF OF G-S, SO (See under Pain, topical relief of) MENORRHAGIA MYXEDEMA LIPS, DRY Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) (See under Cheilitis, actinic) MENSTRUAL DISORDERS (See under Hypothyroidism, replacement or supplemental therapy in) 726 LIVER AND GALLBLADDER COMPLAINTS Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) Leptandra virginica (Black Root) .G-4, ei .104 572 (See under Spasticity, muscle, symptomatic alleviation of) MENOPAUSE, MANAGEMENT OF THE MANIFESTATIONS OF Aristolochia clematitis (Birthwort) Lycopodium clavatum (Club MOSS) Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) MENINGITIS Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste Tree) G-16, 468 MORNING SICKNESS MEASLES Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) Gossypium herbaceum (Levant Cotton) Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Lycopodium clavatum (Club MOSS) Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) Senecio bicolor (Dusty Miller) MOOD SWINGS nodosa MASTITIS ITCHING, SUNBURN Alchemilla vulgaris ., (Lady's Mantle) Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) PDR FOR H E R B A L M E D I C I N E S G-7, 144 Caulophyllum thalictroides (Blue Cohosh) 109 Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) . . . . . G - 7 , 144 MYXEDEMA COMA/PRECOMA (See under Hypothyroidism, replacement or supplemental therapy in) 533 PROSTATITIS / 1 - 1 3 7 H O M E O P A T H I C I N D I C A T I O N S INDEX (See under Pain, neurogenic) Sedum acre (Common Stonecrop) NEURALGIA, TRIGEMINAL PAIN, HEMORRHOIDAL Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) (See under Pain, anorectal) NEURALGIA 726 (See under Pain, neurogenic) OBESITY, EXOGENOUS 338 141 ioe Corydalis cava (Corydalis) 226 Datura stramonium (Jimson Weed) G-15, 436 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) eoo OPHTHALMIC DISORDERS Armoracia rusticana (Horseradish) Cochlearia officinalis (Scurvy Grass) Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) Dryopteris filix-mas (Male Fern) Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Rower) Senecio bicolor (Dusty Miller) G-14, 408 G-22, 679 726 G-17, 493 ORCHITIS Rhododendron ferrugineum (Rust-Red Rhododendron) 572 258 eso PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH ARTHRITIS, TOPICAL (See under Pain, topical relief of) PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH SPORTS INJURIES 4* PAIN, JOINT G-3, 8 G-7, ISS (See under Pain, topical relief of) Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) G-14, 403 Pimpinella anisum (Anise) . G-3, 35 Pimpinella major (Pimpinella) G-19, 591 PAIN, MUSCULAR, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF Bellis perennis (Wild Daisy) G-26, SI 1 (See under Cramps, abdominal, symptomatic relief of) PAIN, ANAL (See under Pain, anorectal) PAIN, ANORECTAL Krameria triandra (Rhatany) . . . . 64i G-14, 392 Anamirta cocculus (Fish Berry) 312 Claviceps purpurea (Ergot) 280 Conium maculatum (Hemlock) G-13, 386 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-18, 547 PERITONITIS Bryonia cretica (Red Bryony) . . . 632 PERTUSSIS Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Ipecac) . . . Prunus laurocerasus (Cherry Laurel) 423 G-8, 179 PAIN, NEUROGENIC Aconitum napellus (Monkshood) G-18, 521 Amanita muscaria (Aga) G-3, 8 Cinchona pubescens (Quinine) G-20, 626 Coffea arabica (Coffee) . . . . G-9, 202 Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) G-18, 528 Paris quadrifolia (Herb Paris) G-14, 392 Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) 128 Rhododendron ferrugineum (Rust-Red Rhododendron) .. .. eso Spigelia anthelmia (Wormwood Grass) 83i Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-18, 547 Veratrum album (White Hellebore) G-25, 803 PAIN, TOOTH Cheiranthus cheiri (Wallflower) Ruta graveolens (Rue) PILES (See under Hemorrhoids) PMS (See under Menstrual syndrome, pre-, management of) POISONING, ALCOHOL Amanita muscaria (Aga) 6-3, 8 POISONING, UNSPECIFIED Cinchona pubescens (Quinine) G-2O, 626 POLLINOSIS Aralia racemosa (Spikenard) Justicia adhatoda (Malabar Nut) G-23, 711 G-17, 492 POSTNASAL DRIP (See under Cold, common, symptomatic relief of) PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME G-25, 792 (See under Menstrual syndrome, pre-, management of) G-21, 648 PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA, BENIGN, SYMPTOMATIC TREATMENT PAIN, TOPICAL RELIEF OF PAIN, ABDOMINAL Paris quadrifolia (Herb Paris) PARALYSIS, UNSPECIFIED PAIN, LUMBAR OPHTHALMIA -^ 215 Amanita muscaria (Aga) Ricinus communis (Castor Oil Plant) NEURITIS, PERIPHERAL, ACUTE Calotropis gigantea (Giant Milkweed) Calotropis procera (Calotropis) Fucus vesiculosus (Bladderwrack) PALPITATIONS PAIN, UNSPECIFIED Allium cepa (Onion) G-19, 557 Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile) . . . G-12, 331 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-18, 547 Chondrodendron tomentosum (Pareira) 566 PROSTATITIS Chimaphila umbellata (Pipsissewa) 595 1 - 1 3 8 / P R U R I T U S , TOPICAL RELIEF OF PRURITUS, TOPICAL RELIEF OF Anacardium occidentale (Cashew) Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) Fagopyrum esculentum (Buckwheat) Fumaria officinalis (Fumitory) Pinus species (Scotch Pine) Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) Smilax species (Sarsaparilla) G-7, 157 G-13, 359 G-6, 124 G-12, 322 G-22, 674 600 G-21, 661 RASH, UNSPECIFIED (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) RENAL CALCULI Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus) G-4, 52 Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) G-4, 6i Capsella bursa-pastoris (Shepherd's Purse) G-22, 690 Galium aparine (Cleavers) 193 RENAL IMPAIRMENT Apocynum cannabinum (Indian-Hemp) 418 Solidago virgaurea (European Golden Rod) . G-11, 289 RESPIRATORY TRACT DISORDERS Allium sativum (Garlic) . . . G-12, 327 Armoracia rusticana (Horseradish) G-i4, 408 Aspidosperma quebrachobianco (Quebracho) 623 Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) G-4, 69 Brassica nigra (Black Mustard) G-5, 100 Bryonia cretica (Red Bryony) . . . 632 Chelidonium majus (Celandine) G-S, 169 Cinchona pubescens (Quinine) G-20, 626 Corydalis cava (Corydalis) 226 Eupatorium cannabinum (Hemp Agrimony) G-13, 388 Euphorbia cyparissias (Cypress Spurge) G-S, 242 Euphorbia resinifera (Spurge) . . . 71 e PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Hedera helix (English Ivy) G-IO, 27s Iris species (Orris) G-19, sei Justicia adhatoda (Malabar Nut) G-17, 492 Knautia arvensis (Field Scabious) G-11, 310 Lycopodium clavatum (Club MOSS) 196 Marrubium vulgare (Horehound) G-14, 401 Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile) .. . G-12, 331 Oenanthe aquatica (Water Fennel) G-25, 796 Phytolacca americana (Poke) G-20, 602 Pinus species (Scotch Pine) G-22, 674 Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) 572 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) eoo Sambucus nigra (European Elder) G-11, 287 Sinapis alba (White Mustard) G-25, 805 Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet Nightshade) .. . G-5, 88 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-IS, 547 Teucrium scorodonia (Wood Sage) G-26, 826 Viola odorata (Sweet Violet) G-24, 7»o RHEUMATIC DISORDERS, UNSPECIFIED Actaea spicata (Baneberry) eo Allium sativum (Garlic) . . . .G-12, 327 Apium graveolens (Celery) . G-8, 172 Bellis perennis (Wild Daisy) .0-26,811 Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) .o-4> ei Bryonia cretica (Red Bryony) . . . 632 Caulophyllum thalictroides (Blue Cohosh) . . . io» Chelidonium majus (Celandine) . . . G-8, 169 Colchicum autumnale (Colchicum) G-9, 20* Corydalis cava (Corydalis) . . . . 226 Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 Filipendula ulmaria (Meadowsweet) G-17, 511 Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil's Claw) 247 Hedera helix (English Ivy) G-IO, 275 Juniperus sabina (Savin Tops) G-21, 663 Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) G-IS, 528 Linum catharticum (Mountain Flax) 526 Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato) G-24, 766 Mercurialis annua (Mercury Herb) G-17, 513 Panax ginseng (Ginseng) 346 Phytolacca americana (Poke) G-20, 602 Pinus species (Scotch Pine) G-22, 674 Polygonum aviculare (Knotweed) G-IS, 448 Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) 572 Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) 128 Ranunculus sceleratus (Poisonous Buttercup) . .. G-20, 601 Rhamnus purshiana (Cascara Sagrada) G-7, 153 Rhododendron ferrugineum (Rust-Red Rhododendron) . . . . eso Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) eoo Ruta graveolens (Rue) G-21, 648 Smilax species (Sarsaparilla) G-21, eei Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet Nightshade) . . . G-5, 88 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-IS, 547 Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) . G-24, 759 Viola odorata (Sweet Violet) G-24, 750 Viscum album (European Mistletoe) . . . . .G-11, 291 SARCOPTES SCABIEI INFESTATIONS Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) SCABIES (See under Sarcoptes scabiei infestations) N 726 HOMEOPATHIC INDICATIONS INDEX T. PALLIDUM INFECTIONS / I - 1 3 9 SCARLATINA Asimina triloba (American Pawpaw) 27 SCARLET FEVER (See under Scarlatina) SCROFULOSIS Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 SEBORRHEA Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) 726 SEDATION (See under Sleep, induction of) SEPTICEMIA, UNSPECIFIED Baptisia tinctoria (Wild Indigo) G-26, SI 2 SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION Origanum majorana (Sweet Marjoram) Origanum vulgare (Oregano) Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste Tree) G-24, 746 G-19, 559 G-8, 176 SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION, FEMALE Euphorbia cyparissias (Cypress Spurge) G-9, 242 Fagopyrum esculentum (Buckwheat) G-6, 124 Lycoperdon species (Puff Ball) 618 Lycopodium clavatum (Club MOSS) 196 Mahonia aquifolium (Mountain Grape) G-IS, 527 Marsdenia condurango (Condurango) 216 Primula veris (Cowslip) 231 Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) 128 Ranunculus sceleratus (Poisonous Buttercup) .. . G-20, 601 Raphanus sativus (Radish) . G-20, 628 Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) eoo Smilax species (Sarsaparilla) G-21, 661 Taxus baccata (Yew) G-26, 84i Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) . G-24, 759 SPASTICITY, MUSCLE, SYMPTOMATIC ALLEVIATION OF SKIN ULCERS Claviceps purpurea (Ergot) Clematis recta (Clematis) .. G-8, 194 SPLEEN, DISORDERS OF SKIN, DRY, MOISTURIZATION OF Ceanothus americanus (New Jersey Tea) SLEEP, INDUCTION OF Coffea arabica (Coffee) . . . G-9, 202 Eschscholtzia californica (California Poppy) G-7, 140 Humulus lupulus (Hops) . . G-14, 400 Ipomoea purga (Jalap) G-IS, 427 Passiflora incarnata (Passion Flower) G-19, 573 Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) 572 Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-18, 547 SMOKING CESSATION, TEMPORARY AID TO Lobelia inflata (Lobelia) . . G-16, 479 SPASM, SMOOTH MUSCLE Petasites hybridus (Petasites) G-19, 585 SPASMS, UNSPECIFIED Strychnos ignatii (Ignatius Beans) 4ie 280 Apium graveolens (Celery) . G-8, 172 Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) 572 Mahonia aquifolium (Mountain Grape) SHINGLES SKIN, INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS (See under Pain, topical relief of) (See under Herpes zoster infections) Anacardium occidentale STIMULANT (Cashew) SINU-BRONCHITIS Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) c-13,35s SKIN DISORDERS G - 7 , 157 Cicuta virosa (European Water Hemlock) Daphne mezereum G-26,811 Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) . G-4, 61 Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold) . . . . . . .G-I 7,503 Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) : G-13, 359 Cinchona pubescens (Quinine) G-20, 626 Daphne mezereum (Mezereon) G-17,515 SPRAINS, TOPICAL RELIEF OF Veratrum album (White Hellebore) G-25,803 0-11,297 STOMACH, UPSET (Mezereon) Anagallis arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel) ......G-22, 668 Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) G-4, 69 Bellis perennis ( W i l d Daisy) . . . . . . . . G-18, 527 541 G-17, 515 Euphorbia resinifera (Spurge) . . . 716 Fumaria officinalis (Fumitory) G-12, 322 Pinus species (Scotch Pine) . . . . . . . . . . G-22,674 Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet Nightshade)—0-5, 88 Vinca minor (Periwinkle) 584 Viola tricolor (Heartsease) . . . . . . 3 8 2 (See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) STOMATITIS Asimina triloba (American Pawpaw) Capsicum annuum (Cayenne) .27 G-8, ies Galium aparine (Cleavers) 193 SUNBURN, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH (See under Pain, topical relief of) SKIN, IRRITATION, MINOR, PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH SYPHILIS (See under Pain, topical relief of) (See under T. pallidum infections) SLEEP DISORDERS T. PALLIDUM INFECTIONS Avena sativa (Oats) G-18, 551 Stillingia sylvatica (Stillingia) . . . 729 1-140/TEETHING PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES TEETHING Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile) . . . G-12, 331 Rheum palmatum (Chinese Rhubarb) G-8, ISS THYROID DYSFUNCTION Iris species (Orris) G-19, 561 TONSILLITIS Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) G-4, 69 Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo) . . . G-12, 342 Scrophularia nodosa (Figwort) G-11, 311 TRACHEITIS Lactuca virosa (Lactucarium) . . .453 TREPONEMA PALLIDUM (See under T. pallidum infections) ULCERS, GASTRIC Inula helenium (Elecampane) G-IO, 266 URINARY TRACT DISORDERS Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Uva-Ursi) G-25, 779 Capsicum annuum (Cayenne) G-8, 165 Chimaphila umbellata (Pipsissewa) 595 Chondrodendron tomentosum (Pareira) 566 Colchicum autumnale (Colchicum) G-9, 206 Delphinium staphisagria (Stavesacre) .726 Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) G-7, 144 Geum urbanum (Bennet's Root) G-4, 71 Gratiola officinalis (Hedge-Hyssop) G-13, 385 Helleborus niger (Black Hellebore) G-S, 97 Juniperus communis (Juniper) G-15, 440 Juniperus sabina (Savin Tops) G-21, 663 Lactuca virosa (Lactucarium) . . . 453 Myroxylon balsamum (Tolu Balsam) G-24, 764 Nasturtium officinale (Watercress) 798 Petroselinum crispum (Parsley) G-19, 567 Piper cubeba (Cubeb) 235 Piper methysticum (Kava Kava) G-15, 443 Pulsatilla pratensis (Pasque Flower) 572 Rhus aromatica (Sweet Sumach) 748 Santalum album (Sandalwood) 659 Serenoa repens (Saw Palmetto) G-21, 664 Smilax species (Sarsaparilla) G-21, 66i Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) G-18, 547 Viola tricolor (Heartsease) 382 UTERINE BLEEDING Capsella bursa-pastoris (Shepherd's Purse) Gossypium herbaceum (Levant Cotton) Juniperus sabina (Savin Tops) Sanguisorba officinalis (Great Burnet) G-22, 690 G-16, 468 G-26, 821 196 699 G-21, 648 G-13, 366 VERTIGO Anamirta cocculus (Fish Berry) Paris quadrifolia (Herb Paris) Strychnos nux vomica (Nux Vomica) Viscum album (European Mistletoe) VOMITING Aethusa cynapium (Fool's Parsley) Apocynum cannabinum (Indian-Hemp) Aquilegia vulgaris (Columbine) Asimina triloba (American Pawpaw) Nicotiana tabacum (TobaCCO) 312 G-14, 392 G-18, 547 G-11, 291 G-12, 316 418 G-9, 211 27 G-24, 762 G-21, 663 WARTS G-13, 366 UTERINE PROLAPSE Aletris farinosa (Alteris) Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel) Lycopodium clavatum (Club MOSS) Persicaria hydropiper (Smartweed) Ruta graveolens (Rue) Sanguisorba officinalis (Great Burnet) . . . . . . . .11 Anagallis arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel) Juniperus sabina (Savin Tops) G-22, 668 G-21, 663 UTERINE SPASTICITY WHEEZING, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Claviceps purpurea (Ergot) 280 Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile) .. . .G-12, 331 (See under Bronchial asthma) VARICOSE VEINS (See under Veins, varicose, obliteration of) VEINS, VARICOSE, OBLITERATION OF Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) G-26, 8 3 3 WHOOPING COUGH (See under Pertussis) WOUND CARE, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Aristolochia clematitis (Birthwort) G-5, SO Calendula officinalis (Marigold) G-17, 497 Clematis recta (Clematis) .. G-8, 194 1-141 Asian Indications Index Entries in this index are organized by specific indication, enabling you to quickly review the botanicals used in Asian medicine for a particular diagnosis. For ease of comparison with prescription and over-the-counter medications, the index employs the same nomenclature found in the Indications Index of the PDR Companion Guide™. Under each heading, herbs are listed alphabetically by accepted common name, with the scientific name shown in parentheses. An "I" in parentheses indicates Indian usage; a "C" denotes Chinese medical applications. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant in the Herb Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. For more information on any of these botanicals, be sure to check the appropriate underlying monograph. AMENORRHEA ABORTION {See under Pregnancy, termination of) ACHES, MUSCULAR {See under Pain, muscular, temporary relief of) ACID INDIGESTION {See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) ACNE, UNSPECIFIED Duckweed {Lemna minor) (C) .G-IO, 258 AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION DISORDERS {See under Bronchial asthma) ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE Betel Nut {Piper betle) (I) .. G-4, 74 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) (I) .. 0-8, 165 ALCOHOL INTOXICATION, MANAGEMENT OF Coffee {Coffea arabica) (I) . G-9, 202 Quinine {Cinchona pubescens) (C) G-20, 626 Tamarind {Tamarindus indica) (I) 753 Aloe {Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) (I) . . . G-3, ie Astragalus {Astragalus species) (C) .54 Bog Bean {Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) (I) G-7, 130 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) (C) 182 Chinese Rhubarb {Rheum palmatum) (C) . . . G-8, 185 Henna {Lawsonia inermis) (I) .. .0-14, 391 Myrrh {Commiphora molmol) (C) . . . . . . . . . . . .G-18, S34 Red-Rooted Sage {Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 636 Safflower {Carthamus tinctorius) (C) . . . 652 Saffron {Crocus sativus) (C) G-21, 653 AMNESIA Lemon-Wood {Schisandra sphenanthera) (C) 464 ANEMIA, UNSPECIFIED Arjun Tree {Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Cassia {Cassia angustifolia) (J) 684 Chocolate Vine {Akebia quinata) (C) . . . . . . 189 Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) (I) G-11,302 Henna {Lawsonia inermis) (I) .. .0-14, 391 Lycium Berries .{Lycium barbarum) (I,C) 487 Nux Vomica {Strychnos nux vomica) (I) G-18,547 Plumbago {Plumbago zeylanica) (C) t 599 Senna {Cassia senna) (I) .. G-22,684 ANGINA {See under Angina pectoris) ANGINA PECTORIS AMENORRHEA, SECONDARY {See under Menstrual disorders) Ginkgo {Ginkgo biloba) (C) . . . . .0-12, 342 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1-142/ANGINA PECTORIS PDR FOR H E R B A L M E D I C I N E S Red-Rooted Sage {Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 636 ANOREXIA NERVOSA Tropical Almond {Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 Zedoary {Curcuma zedoaria) (I) . G-26, 846 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, 165 APPREHENSION ANXIETY AND TENSION DUE TO MENOPAUSE {See under Anxiety disorders, management of) {See under Menopause, management of the manifestations of) ARTHRITIS {See under Arthritis, unspecified; Rheumatoid arthritis) ANXIETY DISORDERS, MANAGEMENT OF ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) (I,C) . . .G-17, 500 Schisandra {Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 Soybean {Glycine soja) (C) G-22, 707 {See under Rheumatoid arthritis) APPETITE, STIMULATION OF ARTHRITIS, UNSPECIFIED Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Castor Oil Plant {Ricinus communis) (I) . . . G-7, 158 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, 165 Garlic {Allium sativum) (I) .G-12, 327 Red-Rooted Sage {Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 636 Safflower {Carthamus tinctorius) (I) . . . . 652 Basil {Ocimum basilicum) (I) . . . G-4, 64 Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) (C) . . . . G-5, 86 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, 165 Clove {Syzygium aromaticum) (I) G-8, 195 ASCITES Coriander {Coriandrum Bitter Apple sativum) (C) G-9, 221 {Citrullus colocynthis) (I) .. G-5, 83 Costus {Saussurea Black Catnip costus) (C) 227 {Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Fennel {Foeniculum Celandine vulgare) (I) G-11, 302 {Chelidonium majus) (C) . G-8, 169 Fenugreek {Trigonella Giant Milkweed foenum-graecum) (I) G-11, 304 {Calotropis gigantea) (I) . . . . . 338 Ginger Lycium Berries {Zingiber officinale) (I) . G-12, 339 {Lycium barbarum) (I) 487 Golden Shower Tree ASTHMA, BRONCHIAL {Cassia fistula) (I) G-13, 354 {See under Bronchial asthma) Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) (I) G-13, 369 BELL'S PALSY Guar Gum {Cyamopsis ' Castor Oil Plant tetragonoloba) (I) 376 {Ricinus communis) (C) .. G-7, 158 Japanese Atractylodes Garlic {Allium sativum) (I) .G-12, 327 {Atractylodes japonica) (C) . . . 430 Star Anise Nux Vomica {Strychnos nux {Illicium verum) (I) G-23, 725 vomica) (I) G-18,547 BERIBERI Siberian Ginseng Walnut {Juglans regia) (C) G-25, 793 {Eleutherococcus BITE WOUNDS senticosus) (C) 693 Bistort Tomato {Lycopersicon {Persicaria bistorta) (C) . . G-5, 82 esculentum) (I) G-24, 766 Calotropis {Calotropis procerd) (I) 141 Cane-Reed (Costus speciosa) (I) 146 Cotton {Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Great Burnet {Sanguisorba officinalis) (C) G-13, 366 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) (C) G-22, 668 Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) (C) G-26, 828 BITES, POISONOUS Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosd) (C) G-5, 92 Rauwolfia {Rauwolfia serpentina) (I) 63i Red Sandalwood {Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 BITTER TASTE Chinese Thoroughwax {Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 BLEEDING ASSOCIATED WITH TOOTH EXTRACTION {See under Bleeding, gingival) BLEEDING, GINGIVAL Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . .G-14, 389 BLEEDING, POSTPARTUM Cane-Reed {Costus speciosa) (I) 146 BLEEDING, VAGINAL, ASSOCIATED WITH PREGNANCY European Mistletoe {Viscum album) (C) G-11, 291 BOILS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF {See under Furunculosis, symptomatic relief of) BREAST CANCER {See under Carcinoma, breast) BREAST CARCINOMA {See under Carcinoma, breast) BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Arjun Tree {Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Asa Foetida {Ferula foetida) (I) 47 Bamboo {Arundinaria japonica) (C) G-4, 60 Betel Nut {Piper betle) (I) . . G-4, 74 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN I N D I C A T I O N S I N D E X COLD, COMMON, SYMPTOMATIC RELIE F O F / I - 1 4 3 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . .G-6, 101 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) (I) G-7, 134 Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) (I) G-7, 143 Costus (Saussurea costus) (I,C) 227 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) (I) . . .G-12, 326 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) (C) G-12, 342 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (I,C) G-14, 389 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) (I) 421 Jequirity (Abrus precatorius) (I) 435 Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) (C) G-IS, 436 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) (C) G-16, 488 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (I) G-i8, 547 Rose (Rosa centifolia) (I) 644 Walnut (Juglans regia) (C) G-25, 793 Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) (I) . G-26, 846 BRONCHIAL CONGESTION Balloon-Flower (Platycodon grandiflorum) (C) Garlic (Allium sativum) (I) G-12, 327 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . G-14, 391 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) (I) 419 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I) 431 Jequirity (Abrus precatorius) (C) 435 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) (I) G-16, 465 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (I) G-16, 469 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) (I) G-16, 483 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (I) , G-18, 547 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Papaya (Carica papaya) (I) G-19, 565 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 Rose (Rosa centifolia) (I) 644 Saffron (Crocus sativus) (I) G-21, 653 Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) (I) . G-26, 846 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (C) . . . G-6, 101 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) (I) 421 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) (C) G-ie, 483 (See under Bronchial asthma) CALCINOSIS BRONCHITIS, ACUTE Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) ..-. 39 Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) (I) 43 Betel Nut (Piper betle) (I) .. c-4, 74 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) (I) G-9, 201 Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) (I) . .G-10, 246 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) (I) G-11, 302 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (I) G-11, 304 (See under Congestive heart failure, adjunct in) CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 CHEILITIS, ACTINIC Areca Nut (Areca catechu) (I) G-4, 38 CHEST PAIN, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) (C) . . . .73 Chinese Thoroughwax (Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) (C) 234 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (I) . . .G-13, 369 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) (I) . . . . 652 Sandalwood (Santalum album) (C) 659 Siam Benzoin (Styrax tonkinesis) (C) 692 Sumatra Benzoin (Styrax paralleloneurum) (C) 738 CHOLERA BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC BRONCHOSPASM, REVERSIBLE 58 CARDIAC FAILURE (See under Renal calculi) Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, ies Costus (Saussurea costus) (I,C) 227 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) (I) G-ie, 465 Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) (I) G-16, 481 Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (I) . .G-18, 545 CIRRHOSIS, LIVER CARBUNCLES CARCINOMA, BREAST Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) . . . . . . . . 3 9 Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) (C) .G-15, 432 Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) (C) . .. 639 COLD, COMMON, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF (See under Furunculosis, symptomatic relief of) CARCINOMA, LUNG, SMALL CELL Astragalus (Astragalus species) (C) 54 CARCINOMA, STOMACH Celandine (Chelidonium majus) (C) .G-8, 169 (See also under Influenza syndrome, symptomatic relief of) Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) (C) . . . .G-5, 86 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (C) . .G-12, 339 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1 - 1 4 4 / C O L D , COMMON, SYMPTOMATIC R E L I E F O F Oregano (Origanum vulgare) (C) . G-19, 559 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 COLIC, BILIARY, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 COLIC, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Aloe {Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) (I) . . . 0-3, 16 Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (I) G-8, 195 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (I) G-9, 245 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 Walnut (Juglans regia) (I) G-25, 793 COLITIS Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (I) G-11, 304 COLONOPATHY Rice (Oryza sativa) (I) G-21, 643 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, ADJUNCT IN (See also under Edema, adjunctive therapy in) Astragalus (Astragalus species) (C) 54 CONJUNCTIVITIS, UNSPECIFIED Catechu (Acacia catechu) (I) . . . 163 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (C) .G-14, 394 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 CONSTIPATION Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) (I) . . . G-3, 16 Areca Nut (Areca catechu) (I) G-4, 38 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (I) 47 Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) (C) G-4, 52 Cassia (Cassia angustifolia) (I) 684 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) (C) .. G-7, ISS Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) (I,C) 234 Garlic (Allium sativum) (I) .G-12, 327 Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) (I) G-13, 354 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) (I) 376 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) (I) 419 Kamala (Mallotus philippinensis) (I) 442 Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) (I,C) . . . .523 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (I) G-18, 547 Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) (I) 575 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) (I) 593 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrorhizon) (C) 619 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Senna (Cassia senna) (I) .. G-22, 684 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) (I) . . . . 716 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) (I) 753 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 Walnut (Juglans regia) (C) G-25, 793 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (I) .. 799 CONSTIPATION, HYPERTONIC SPHINCTER Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) (C) . . . G-8, 185 CONTRACEPTION (See under Pregnancy, prevention of) CONVULSIVE EPISODES, CONTROL OF Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata) (C) 189 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) (I) 234 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (C) . .G-14, 389 Pellitory (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) (I) . . . . 577 PDR FOR H E R B A L M E D I C I N E S CORYZA, ACUTE (See under Cold, common, symptomatic relief of) COUGH, CHRONIC Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) (C) Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) (I) G-20, 609 G-23, 734 COUGH, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Anemarrhena (Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (C) 31 Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) (I) 43 Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) (C) G-4, 52 Bamboo (Arundinaria japonica) (C) G-4, 60 Beet (Beta vulgaris) (I) G-4, 67 Betel Nut (Piper betle) (I) . . G-4, 74 Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) (C) . . . . G-S, 86 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) (I) . . . G-7, 134 Cane-Reed (Costus speciosa) (I) 146 Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata) (C) 189 Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) (I) G-9, 201 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (I) .G-9, 221 Costus (Saussurea costus) (I,C) 227 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Cotton Tree (Cochlospermum gossypium) (I) 229 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) (I) G-H, 302 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (I) G-11, 304 Flax (Linum usitatissimum) (I) .G-12, 313 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) (I) 338 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN INDICATIONS INDEX DIARRHEA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF O F / I - 1 4 5 Henna (Lawsonia DEAFNESS Chinese Thoroughwax inermis) (I) G-14, 391 (Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I) 431 DEBILITY Jequirity Japanese Mint (Mentha (Abrus precatorius) (I) 435 arvensis piperascens) (I) 431 Jimson Weed (Datura Rice (Oryza sativa) (C) . . . G-21, 643 stramonium) (C) G-15, 436 DEHYDRATION, TREATMENT OF Lemon-Wood (Schisandra Anemarrhena (Anemarrhena sphenanthera) (C) 464 asphodeloides) (C) 31 Licorice Gotu Kola (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (C) .0-16, 469 (Centella asiatica) (I) . . . G-13, 359 Luff a (Luffa aegyptica) (C) G-16, 483 Lycium Bark DELIRIUM (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Chinese Rhubarb Lycium Berries (Rheum palmatum) (C) . .. G-8, 185 (Lycium barbarum) (C) 487 DERMATITIS, UNSPECIFIED Ma-Huang Celandine (Ephedra sinica) (C) G-16, 488 (Chelidonium majus) (C) . G-8, 169 Marijuana (Cannabis DERMATOSES, CORTICOSTEROIDsativa) (I,C) G-17, 500 RESPONSIVE Northern Prickly Ash (See under Skin, inflammatory (Zanthoxylum conditions) americanum) (I) 545 DIABETES MELLITUS Oak Gall (See under Hyperglycemia, (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 control of, adjunct to diet) Papaya (Carica papaya) (I) G-19, 565 DIARRHEA, CHRONIC Perilla Pomegranate (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 (Punica granatum) (C) . . G-20, 605 Poppyseed Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) (I) .G-20, 609 (Papaver somniferum) (I) G-20, 609 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Radish Salep (Orchis species) (I) 657 (Raphanus sativus) (C) .. .G-20, 628 Schisandra Rose (Rosa centifolia) (I) 644 (Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 Schisandra Tropical Almond (Schisandra chinensis) (C) 669 (Terminalia chebula) (C) 772 White Mustard DIARRHEA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF (Sinapis alba) (C) 0-25,80s Acacia (Acacia arabica) (I) 3 Wild Thyme Areca Nut (Thymus serpyllum) (C) . G-26, SIS (Areca catechu) (C) G-4, 38 COUGH, WHOOPING Arrowroot (See under Pertussis) (Maranta arundinacea) (I) 43 Bael (Aegle marmelos) (I) 58 CROUP Black Catnip Indian Nettle (Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 (Acalypha indica) (I) 419 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (C) G-6, 103 CYSTITIS Carambola Cotton (Averrhoa carambola) (I) 148 I (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) . . . . . 228 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, ies Chicory (Cichorium intybus) (I) G - 8 , 181 Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) (I,C) 182 Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) (C) . . . G-8, 185 Coffee (Coffea arabica) (I) . G-9, 202 Cotton Tree (Cochlospermum gossypium) (I) 229 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) (I) . . G-9, 237 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) (C) G-11, 302 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) (I,C) 305 Flax (Linum usitatissimum) (I) G-12, 313 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) (C) . . G-13, 359 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (I,C) G-13, 369 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (C) . .G-14, 389 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . G-14, 391 Japanese Atractylodes (Atractylodes japonica) (C) . . . 430 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I,C) . . . 431 Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) (I) . . .G-16, 48i Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) (I,C) . . .G-17, 500 Nepalese Cardamom (Amomum aromaticum) (C) . . . 540 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (C) . G-18, 545 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) (I) . . .G-20, 605 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) (C) G-20, 609 Radish (Raphanus sativus) (C) G-20, 628 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1 - 1 4 6 / D I A R R H E A , SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF O F Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 Rice {Oryza sativa) (I,C) . . G-21, 643 Smartweed {Persicaria hydropiper) (C) . . . 699 Sumbul {Ferula sumbul) (I) G-23, 738 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) (C) 770 Wild Thyme {Thymus serpyllum) (C) . .G-26, SIS DIGESTIVE DISORDERS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Areca Nut {Areca catechu) (C) G-4, 38 Arrowroot {Maranta arundinacea) (I) 43 Bael {Aegle marmelos) (I) 58 Betel Nut {Piper betle) (I) . . G-4, 74 Birthwort {Aristolochia clematitis) (C) G-5, SO Black Nightshade {Solanum nigrum) (I) G-6, 101 Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Calamus {Acorus calamus) (I,C) . . . G-7, 138 Castor Oil Plant {Ricinus communis) (I) . . . G-7, 158 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) (I) .. G-S, 165 Chicory {Cichorium intybus) (I) G-8, ISI Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) (I,C) 182 Coriander {Coriandrum sativum) (C) G-9, 221 Croton Seeds {Croton tiglium) (I) 234 Ginger {Zingiber officinale) (I) . G-12, 339 Ginseng {Panax ginseng) (C) . .. 346 Guar Gum {Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) (I) 376 Indian Squill {Urginea indica) (I) 421 Jambolan {Syzygium cumini) (I) 429 Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I,C) . .. 431 Lemon {Citrus limon) (I) 460 PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Morning Glory {Ipomoea hederacea) (I,C) . . . .523 Neem {Antelaea azadirachta) (I) G-IS, 539 Nepalese Cardamom {Amomum aromaticum) (C) . . . 540 Northern Prickly Ash {Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Nutmeg {Myristica fragrans) (C) . .G-IS, 545 Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Onion {Allium cepa) (I) . . . G-19, 557 Pineapple {Ananas comosus) (I) 593 Radish {Raphanus sativus) (I) . . G-20, 628 Senburi {Swertia japonic a) (C) . 682 Smartweed {Persicaria hydropiper) (C) . . . 699 Star Anise {Illicium verum) (I) G-23, 725 Tomato {Lycopersicon esculentum) (I) G-24, 766 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) (I,C) . .. 775 DISLOCATED JOINTS Peanut {Arachis hypogaea) (I) 575 DROPSY {See under Edema, idiopathic) DYSENTERY Arjun Tree {Terminalia arjuna) (I) . . . . . . . . 3 9 Arrowroot {Maranta arundinacea) (I) 43 Black Catnip {Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) (I) G-e, 103 Coriander {Coriandrum sativum) (I) . G-9, 221 Cotton {Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Cotton Tree {Cochlospermum gossypium) (I) 229 Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) (I) .0-11, 302 Figs {Ficus carica) (C) . . . G-11, 310 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) (C) G-13, 359 Great Burnet {Sanguisorba officinalis) (C) G-13, 366 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (C) . .G-14, 389 Henna {Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . .G-14, 391 Jasmine {Jasminum officinale) (C) G-15, 432 Knotweed {Polygonum aviculare) (C) G-15, 448 Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) (I,C) 550 Oregano {Origanum vulgare) (C) . .G-19, 559 Oriental Arborvitae {Thuja orientalis) (C) 560 Picrorhiza {Picrorhiza kurroa) (C) 589 Pomegranate {Punica granatum) (I,C) . G-20, 605 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) (I,C) G-20, 609 Psyllium {Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Smartweed {Persicaria hydropiper) (C) . . . 699 Star Anise {Illicium verum) (I) G-23, 725 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) (C) 770 Tropical Almond {Terminalia chebula) (C) . . . . . 772 Walnut {Juglans regia) (I) .G-25, 793 DYSMENORRHEA, UNSPECIFIED, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . G-14, 389 Henna {Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . G-14, 391 Jasmine {Jasminum officinale) (I) .G-IS, 432 Sumbul {Ferula sumbul) (I) G-23, 738 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) (C) 770 DYSPEPSIA {See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN INDICATIONS INDEX FEVER, REDUCTION O F / I - 1 4 7 DYSPNEA Bog Bean ( trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (C) G-12, 339 Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) (C) G-15, 436 Lemon-Wood (Schisandra sphenanthera) (C) 464 Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 DYSTOCIA Saffron (Crocus sativus) (C) G-21, 653 DYSURIA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) (I) G-9, 201 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (I) . G-9, 221 Duckweed (Lemna minor) (C) G-10, 258 Grape (Vitis vinifera) (I) . . G-13, 362 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . G-14, 391 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) (I) 429 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) (I) . . . . 63i Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-e, 110 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) (I) G-8, 165 Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) (C) . . . G-8, 185 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (I) . G-9, 221 Duckweed (Lemna minor) (C) G-10, 258 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) (I) 421 Japanese Atractylodes (Atractylodes japonica) (C) . . . 430 Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) (C) 523 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lanced) (C) 706 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) (C) .G-25, 788 ENTERITIS Figs (Ficus carica) (C) . . . G-11, 310 Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lanced) (C) 706 ENURESIS Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 EPILEPSY Areca Nut (Areca catechu) (C) G-4, 38 Celandine • (Chelidonium majus) (C) .G-8, 169 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) (C) 234 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) (C) G-ie, 488 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) (C) . G-22, 668 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (I) 47 Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) (C) .. o-s, 82 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) (I) . . . . . . 141 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Duckweed ^ (Lemna minor) (C) G-10, 258 Gotu Kola (Centella * asiatica) (I) G-13, 359 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) (I) 433 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) (C) 589 Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) (C) G-23, 734 EDEMA, IDIOPATHIC ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION ECZEMA, UNSPECIFIED (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) EDEMA, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Alisma (Alisma plantagoaquatica) (C) G-3, 13 Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) (C) . 51 Betel Nut {Piper betle) (I) .. G-4, 74 Fenugreek {Trigonella foenum-graecum) (C) . . . .G-II, 304 Nutmeg {Myristica fragrans) (I) .G-IS, 545 Siberian Ginseng {Eleutherococcus senticosus) (C) 693 Walnut {Juglans regia) (C) G-25, 793 ERYSIPELAS Black Nightshade {Solanum nigrum) (C) . . . G-e, 101 Duckweed {Lemna minor) (C) G-IO, 258 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 Psyllium {Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 EXHAUSTION Arjun Tree {Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) (C) 182 Japanese Atractylodes {Atractylodes japonica) (C) . . . 430 Lotus {Nelumbo nucifera) (I) G-ie, 48i EYE SIGHT IMPAIRMENT Lycium Berries {Lycium barbarum) (C) 487 EYES, WATERY {See under Lacrimation, symptomatic relief of) FATIGUE, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (I) .. .G-13, sea Salep (Orchis species) (I) 557 Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) (C) 669 FEVER, REDUCTION OF Anemarrhena (Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (C) 31 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) (I) . . . G-4, 64 Behen (Moringa oleifera) (I) . . . . 67 Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) (C) . .0-5, 82 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1 - 1 4 8 / F E V E R , REDUCTION OF Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, HO Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) (C) G-7, 130 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Cane-Reed 146 {Costus speciosa) (I) Carambola 148 (Averrhoa carambola) (I) . Cassia 684 (Cassia angustifolia) (I) . . Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, ies Chinese Thoroughwax (Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 Coffee (Coffea arabica) (I) . G-9, 202 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (I) G-11, 304 Garlic (Allium sativum) (I) G-12, 327 Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) (I) G-13, 354 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (I) . . G-13, 369 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . .G-14, 391 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) (I) 429 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) (I) G-ie, 465 Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) (I) G-ie, 481 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) (I) .G-16, 483 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) (C) G-16, 488 Neem (Antelaea azadirachta) (I) 6-18,539 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (I) . G-18,. 545 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (C) G-IS, 547 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Oregano (Origanum vulgare) (C) . G-19, 559 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) (C) 589 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) (I) 593 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) (I,C) G-20, 626 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) (I) 631 Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Rose (Rosa centifolia) (I) 644 Saffron (Crocus sativus) (I) G-21, 653 Sandalwood (Santalum album) (I) 659 Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) (I) G-23, 734 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) (I) 753 Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) (I) . G-26, 846 FLATULENCE, RELIEF OF Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (I) 47 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) (C) G-7, 149 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) (I) . . . . 177 Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (I) G-8, 195 Costus (Saussurea costus) (C) 227 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (I) G-9, 245 Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) (I) .G-13, 354 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) (I) 433 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) (I) G-16, 465 Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) (I) 523 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Radish (Raphanus sativus) (I) . . :G-20, 628 Star Anise (Illicium verum) (I) G-23, 725 Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) (I) G-24, 766 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (I) . . 799 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) (C) . .G-26, 815 FLU SYMPTOMS (See under Influenza syndrome, symptomatic relief of) FURUNCULOSIS Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) (C) . . G-5, 82 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (C) . . . G-6, 101 Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Burdock (Arctium lappa) (C) G-7, 128 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) (C) . . G-7, 158 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) (C) . . . . 177 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) (C) 23* Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (C) .G-14, 394 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (C) .G-ie, 469 Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) (C) G-18, 534 Plumbago (Plumbago zeylanica) (C) 599 Red-Rooted Sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 636 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) (C) .G-25, 788 White Nettle (Lamium album) (C) G-25, 806 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN INDICATIONS INDEX HEART FAILURE / I - 1 4 9 FURUNCULOSIS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Calotropis (Calotropis procera) (I) 141 GASTRITIS Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) (C) G-6, 103 Psyllium {Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Tropical Almond {Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Black Catnip {Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Bog Bean {Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Cabbage {Brassica oleracea) (I) G-7, 134 Cardamom {Elettaria cardamomum) (C) G-7, 149 Clove {Syzygium aromaticum) (I) G-s, 195 Costus {Saussurea COStUS) (I,C ) 227 Date Palm {Phoenix dactylifera) (I) G-IO, 246 Jatamansi {Nardostachys jatamansi) (I) 433 Lemongrass {Cymbopogon citratus) (I) G-ie, 46S Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Pomegranate {Punica granatum) (I) .. G-20, eos Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) (C) G-20,609 Southern Tsangshu {Atractylodes lancea) (C) 706 Tropical Almond {Terminalia chebula) (I,C) . . . . 772 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) (C) 775 GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, SMOOTH MUSCLE SPASM {See under Spasm, smooth muscle) Basil {Ocimum basilicum) (C) .. . G-4, 64 Tropical Almond {Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 GONORRHEA Cotton {Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 22s Cowhage {Mucuna pruriens) (I) 230 Flax {Linum usitatissimum) (I) G-12, 313 Grape {Vitis vinifera) (I) . . G-13, 362 Knotweed {Polygonum aviculare) (C) G-15, 448 Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Psyllium {Plantago ovata) (I) . .612 Sandalwood {Santalum album) (I) 659 GOUT, MANAGEMENT OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Bog Bean {Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Cabbage {Brassica oleracea) (I) G-7, 134 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, 165 Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) (I) G-9, 245 Golden Shower Tree {Cassia fistula) (I) G-13, 354 Psyllium {Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 HEADACHE Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) (C) . . .G-3, 6 Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Chicory (Cichorium intybus) (I) G-8, 181 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) (I) . .G-IO, 246 Grape (Vitis vinifera) (I) . . .G-13, 362 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) G-14, 391 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I,C) . . .431 Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) (I) G-15, 432 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) (I) 433 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (I) G-ie, 469 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (I) . .G-IS, 545 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 Radish (Raphanus sativus) (I) . . .G-20, 628 Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 Saffron (Crocus sativus) (I) G-21, 653 HEADACHE, MIGRAINE HAIR LOSS Cashew {Anacardium occidentale) (I) Oriental Arborvitae {Thuja orientalis) (C) G-7, 157 560 HALITOSIS Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (I) . . . > Coffee (Coffea arabicd) (I) . G-9, 202 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (I,C) .G-13, 369 HEADACHE, TENSION (See under Pain, unspecified) . HEADACHE, VASCULAR G-8, 195 (See under Headache, migraine) HEARING, IMPAIRMENT HALITOSIS, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN {See under Spasm, smooth muscle) Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) (I) . G-8, 190 Dill (Anethum graveolens) (I) G-10, 252 GINGIVITIS HANSEN'S DISEASE Acacia {Acacia arabicd) (I) . .. . .3 (See under Leprosy) GENITOURINARY TRACT, SMOOTH MUSCLE SPASM Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) (C) 487. Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 HEART FAILURE (See under Congestive heart failure, adjunct in) (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1 - 1 5 0 / H E A R T FAILURE, CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, CONGESTIVE (See under Congestive heart failure, adjunct in) HEARTBURN (See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) HEAT STROKE Sandalwood (Santalum album) (I) Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (C) HELMINTHIASIS 659 775 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Plumbago (Plumbago zeylanica) (C) . . . . 599 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) (C) . . G-20, 605 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 Walnut (Juglans regia) (I) G-25, 793 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Oriental Arborvitae (Thuja orientalis) (C) 560 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Turmeric {Curcuma domestica) (C) 775 HEMATEMESIS Acacia (Acacia arabicd) (I) 3 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) (I) . . . G-7, 134 Carambola (Averrhoa carambola) (I) 148 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (I,C) G-9, 221 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) (I) G-12, 326 Grape (Vitis vinifera) (I) . . G-13, 362 Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) (I) 487 Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) (C) . . G-3, 6 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . G-14, 389 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) (I) 593 Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) (C) .G-3, 10 Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) (I) . . . G-3, 16 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (C) 47 Calamus HEMATURIA (Acorus calamus) (I) G-7, i38 Chocolate Vine Calotropis (Akebia quinata) (C) 189 (Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Cleavers Croton Seeds (Galium aparine) (C) 193 (Croton tiglium) (I,C) 234 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) (I) G-16, 483 Dill Oriental Arborvitae (Anethum graveolens) (I) G-10, 252 (Thuja orientalis) (C) 560 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) (I) 338 HEMOPTYSIS Indian Squill (Urginea Asparagus (Asparagus indica) (I) 421 officinalis) (C) G-4, 52 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) (C) . . . 346 Kamala (Mallotus Great Burnet (Sanguisorba philippinensis) (I) 442 officinalis) (C) G-13, 366 Knotweed (Polygonum Oak Gall aviculare) (C) -h . 1 .. .CMS, 448 (Quercus infectoria) (I) . . . . . 550 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon Oriental Arborvitae citratus) (I) . . . G-ie, 465 (Thuja orientalis) (C) . . . . . . . .560 Lotus (Nelumbo Pineapple .G-16, 481 nucifera) (I) (Ananas comosus) (I) 593 Morning Glory Turmeric ? / (Ipomoea hederacea) (I,C) . . . . »23 (Curcuma domestica) (C) . . . . .775 Neem (Antelaea azadirachta) (I) 0-18,539 HEMORRHAGE, NASAL Northern Prickly Ash Coriander (Zanthoxylum (Coriandrum sativum) (I) .G-9, 221 americanum) (I) 545 Gotu Kola (Centella Onion (Allium cepd) (C) .. G-19,557 asiatica) (C) G-13, 359 Papaya Great Burnet (Sanguisorba (Carica papaya) (I) . . . . ' . .G-19, sea officinalis) (C) G-13, 366 Plantain Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . G-14, 389 (Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 HEMORRHOIDS Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I,C) . . . . 550 Oleander (Nerium oleander) (I) . . . G-19, 555 Papaya (Carica papaya) (I) G-19, 565 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) (C) 589 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) (I) 753 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 HEMOSTASIS, AN AID IN Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) (C) .G-3, 10 Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) (C) . . . G-4, 64 HEPATITIS, CHRONIC Areca Nut (Areca catechu) (C) . . . . . . G-4, 38 HEPATITIS, UNSPECIFIED Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (C) . . . G-6, 101 Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) (C) G-15, 432 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN I N D I C A T I O N S INDEX ITCHING, SUNBURN / I - 1 5 1 Jequirity (Abrus precatorius) (C) 435 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 HERNIA, UNSPECIFIED Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) (C) G-11, 302 Fenugreek {Trigonella foenum-graecum) (C) . . . G-11, 304 Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) (I) . G-24, 762 HERPES ZOSTER INFECTIONS Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (C) G-14, 394 HICCUP Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 HYPERACIDITY, GASTRIC, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Lemon (Citrus limon) (I) 460 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Alisma (Alisma plantagoaquatica) (C) G-3, 13 HYPERGLYCEMIA, CONTROL OF, ADJUNCT TO DIET Alisma (Alisma plantagoaquatica) (C) G-3, 13 Anemarrhena (Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (C) 31 Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus . species) (I) 177 Divi-Divi (Caesalpinia bonduceila) (I) 253 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) (C) 487 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (I) G-IS, 547 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Rice (Oryza sativa) (C) . . . .G-21, 643 Salep (Orchis species) (I) 657 HYPERHIDROSIS Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) (C) Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I,C) . . . . Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . Rose (Rosa centifolia) (I) Soybean (Glycine soja) (C) G-22, 39 51 IMPOTENCE, MALE (See under Erectile dysfunction) INDIGESTION (See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) INFECTION, TENDENCY TO Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 INFECTIONS, FUNGAL, UNSPECIFIED 486 550 640 644 707 HYPERTENSION Alisma (Alisma plantagoaquatica) (C) G-3, 13 Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) (I) . . . . 631 Sumbul (Ferula sumbul) (I) G-23, 738 HYPERTENSION, ESSENTIAL (See. under Hypertension) HYPERTENSIVE CRISES Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) (C) . G-3, 16 Calamus (Acorus calamus) (C) . . . . G-7, 138 Onion (Allium cepa) (C) . . .G-19, 557 INFECTIONS, NON-SPECIFIC Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) (I) . . G-3, 16 Beet (Beta vulgaris) (I) G-4, 67 Onion (Allium cepa) (C) . . G-19, 557 INFECTIONS, SMALLPOX Behen (Moringa oleifera) (I) . . . .67 INFECTIONS, VENEREAL (See under Gonorrhea) INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS, UNSPECIFIED Divi-Divi (Caesalpinia bonduceila) (I) 253 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) (C) . G-18, 521 (See under Hypertension) INFLUENZA SYNDROME, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF HYPNOTIC Jequirity (Abrus precatorius) (I) (See under Sleep, induction of) HYPOSALIVATION Lemon-Wood (Schisandra sphenanthera) (C) 435 INFLUENZA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF 464 HYSTERIA, ACUTE Calotropis (Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) (I) . . . .G-13, 359 IMMUNODEFICIENCY, UNSPECIFIED Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) (I) INSOMNIA (See under Sleep, induction of) INTERTRIGO (See under Skin, inflammatory conditions) (See under Infection, tendency to) ITCHING, SKIN IMPETIGO CONTAGIOSA (See under Pruritus, topical relief of) Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) (C) . . . G-7, 130 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 G-24, 766 ITCHING, SUNBURN (See under Pruritus, topical relief of) (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1-152/JAUNDICE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES JAUNDICE LARYNGOTRACHEITIS Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, HO Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) (C) G-7, 130 Cassia (Cassia angustifolia) (I) 684 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) (C) . G-8, 169 Chinese Thoroughwax (Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (I) G-9, 245 Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) (I) G-13, 354 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) (C) . . G-13, 359 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) (C) G-15, 448 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) (C) G-19, 559 Picrorhiza (Picrorhiza kurroa) (C) 589 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 LABOR AND DELIVERY, ROUTINE MANAGEMENT OF Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) (I) . . . . G-7, 130 Chinese Motherwort (Leonurus japonicus) (C) 183 Fish Berry (Anamirta cocculus) (I) 312 LACRIMATION, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) (C) . . . . . . . 487 LACTATION, STIMULATION OF Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (C) G-9, 245 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) (C) G-11, 291 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) (I) 376 LACTOSE INTOLERANCE Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) (C) G-23, 734 Catechu (Acacia catechu) (I) Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata) (C) Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (C) LICE, BODY . . . 163 189 772 Betel Nut (Piper betle) (I) . . G-4, 74 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Calotropis (Calotropis 141 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) (I,C) 177 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) (I) . . G-9, 237 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) (I) . . . G-13, 359 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . G-14, 391 Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) (I) G-15, 432 Kamala (Mallotus philippinensis) (I) 442 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) (I) . .G-16, 465 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) (I) G-ie, 483 Neem (Antelaea azadirachta) (I) G-is, 539 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) (I) G-23, 734 LEUKEMIA, UNSPECIFIED Reed Herb (Phragmites communis) (C) . . . 639 LEUKORRHEA Adrue (Cyperuj articulatus) (C) . . .G-3, 6 Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) (I) 429 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I,C) Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) (C) Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (C) LICE, HEAD (See under Pediculosis, human) LICE, PUBIC (See under Pediculosis, human) LEPROSY procera) (I) (See under Pediculosis, human) . . . . 550 770 772 LIPS, DRY (See under Cheilitis, actinic) LIVER AND GALLBLADDER COMPLAINTS Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (I) G-9, 245 LIVER DISORDERS Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (I) 47 Asiatic Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) (C) 51 Carambola (Averrhoa carambola) (I) 148 Cassia (Cassia angustifolia) (I) 684 Corn Silk (Zea mays) (C) 224 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) (I) . . G-12, 326 Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) (C) 487 Red-Rooted Sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 636 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Senna (Cassia senna) (I) . . G-22, 684 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (C) 775 MALARIA, CHRONIC Vervain (Verbena officinalis) (C) G-25, 788 MALARIA, TREATMENT OR PROPHYLAXIS OF Basil (Ocimum basilicum) (I) . . . G-4, 64 Birth wort (Aristolochia clematitis) (C) G-5, so Chinese Thoroughwax (Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 Fever Bark (Alstonia constricta) (I,C) . . . . 305 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN INDICATIONS INDEX OPHTHALMIC DISORDERS /I-153 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Neem (Antelaea azadirachta) (I) G-18, 539 Nepalese Cardamom (Amomum aromaticum) (C) . . . 540 Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (I) . G-IS, 545 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (I) G-18, 547 Onion (Allium cepa) (I) . . . G-19, 557 Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) (I,C) G-20, 626 MASTITIS Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (C) G-9, 245 MASTODYNIA Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) (C) . . .G-3, 6 MEASLES Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) (C) Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (C) Duckweed (Lemna minor) (C) G-S, 92 G-9, 221 G-10, 258 MENINGITIS Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . G-14, 389 MENOPAUSE, MANAGEMENT OF THE MANIFESTATIONS OF Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) (I) 433 False Schisandra (Kadsura japonica) (C) 301 Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) (I) 421 Lycium Berries (Lycium barbarum) (I) 487 Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) (I) G-18, 534 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) (I) 593 Red-Rooted Sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 636 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) (I) . G-22, 668 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) (I) . . . . 716 Vervain (Verbena officinalis) (C) G-25, 788 Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium) (C) G-26, 818 Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) (C) G-26, 828 Lemon-Wood (Schisandra sphenanthera) (C) Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (C) Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (C) MIGRAINE HEADACHE NOCTURIA, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF (See under Headache, migraine) Lemon-Wood (Schisandra sphenanthera) (C) MOUTH, DRY Japanese Atractylodes (Atractylodes japonica) (C) . . . 430 Radish (Raphanus sativus) (I) . . .G-20, 628 NEPHROPATHY Psyllium (Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 NEURALGIA [See under Pain, neurogenic) NEURITIS, PERIPHERAL, ACUTE (See under Pain, neurogenic) NEUROPATHY Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) NIGHT BLINDNESS Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) (I) 376 NIGHT SWEATS (See under Hyposalivation) OLIGURIA MYALGIA Areca Nut (Areca catechu) (C) (See under Pain, muscular, temporary relief of) 772 464 772 799 464 G-4, 38 OPHTHALMIA 54 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) (C) . G-8, 169 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) (I) G-11, 302 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) (I) G-20, 609 MENSTRUAL CRAMPS NAUSEA OPHTHALMIC DISORDERS (See under Pain, menstrual) Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) (C) G-7, 149 Chinese Thoroughwax (Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) (I) . G-8, 190 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (C) . .G-12, 339 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (C) . . .G-13, 369 Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G - 6 , 101 Chinese Motherwort (Leonurus japonicus) (C) 183 Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (I) G-8, 195 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (I) G-ie, 469 MENORRHAGIA Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Saffron (Crocus sativus) (C) G-21, 653 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (I) .. 799 MENSTRUAL DISORDERS Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) (C) . . G-3, 6 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) (I) . . G-4, 64 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) (C) G-8, 169 Chinese Motherwort (Leonurus japonicus) (C) . . . . 183 MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE INFECTIONS (See under Leprosy) MYOCARDITIS, VIRAL Astragalus (Astragalus species) (C) (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1-154/OPHTHALMIC DISORDERS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Northern Prickly Ash {Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Oleander {Nerium oleander) (I) . . . G-19, 555 Red Sandalwood {Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 ORCHITIS Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . G-14, 389 PAIN, ABDOMINAL Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) (C) G-II, 302 Fenugreek {Trigonella foenum-graecum) (C) . . . G-11, 304 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 Jasmine {Jasminum officinale) (C) G-15, 432 Lesser Galangal {Alpinia officinarum) (C) 467 Radish {Raphanus sativus) (C) . . G-20, 628 PAIN, BONE False Schisandra {Kadsura japonica) (C) Ma-Huang {Ephedra sinica) (C) 301 G-16, 488 PAIN, EAR Basil {Ocimum basilicum) (I) . . . G-4, 64 Black Nightshade {Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Bog Bean {Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Indian Nettle {Acalypha indica) (I) 419 Tobacco {Nicotiana tabacum) (I) . G-24, 762 PAIN, EPIGASTRIC Adrue {Cyperus articulatus) (C) . . . G-3, 6 Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) (C) . . . . G-S, 86 Sandalwood {Santalum album) (C) 659 PAIN, JOINT Asiatic Dogwood {Cornus officinalis) (C) 51 Birthwort {Aristolochia clematitis) (C) Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) (C) Divi-Divi {Caesalpinia bonducella) (I) Duckweed {Lemna minor) (C) European Mistletoe {Viscum album) (C) Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (C) Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I) Plumbago {Plumbago zeylanica) (C) Red-Rooted Sage {Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) (C) . Soybean {Glycine soja) (C) PAIN, RENAL G-5, SO 182 253 G-10, 258 G-11, 291 G-14, 389 431 . . . .599 636 G-22, 668 G-22, 707 PAIN, LUMBAR Asiatic Dogwood {Cornus officinalis) (C) 51 European Mistletoe {Viscum album) (C) G-11, 291 Nux Vomica {Strychnos nux vomica) (I) G-18, 547 Walnut {Juglans regia) (C) G-25, 793 White Nettle {Lamium album) (C) G-25, 806 PAIN, MENSTRUAL False Schisandra {Kadsura japonica) (C) Red-Rooted Sage {Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 301 636 PAIN, MUSCULAR, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF Camphor Tree {Cinnamomum camphora) (I) G-7, 143 European Mistletoe {Viscum album) (C) G-11, 291 PAIN, NEUROGENIC Peanut {Arachis hypogaea) (I) 575 Quinine {Cinchona pubescens) (I) G-20, 626 Radish {Raphanus sativus) (I) . . G-20, 628 Siberian Ginseng {Eleutherococcus senticosus) (C) 693 PAIN, STOMACH Benzoin {Styrax benzoin) (C) . . . .73 Croton Seeds {Croton tiglium) (C) 234 False Schisandra {Kadsura japonica) (C) 301 Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (C) . G-14, 389 Jasmine {Jasminum officinale) (I) G-15, 432 Siam Benzoin {Styrax tonkinesis) (C) 692 Sumatra Benzoin {Styrax paralleloneurum) (C) 738 PAIN, TOOTH Betel Nut {Piper betle) (I) . . G-4, 74 Calamus {Acorus calamus) (I) G-7, 138 Catechu {Acacia catechu) (I) .163 Cinnamon {Cinnamomum verum) (I) . G-8, 190 Clove {Syzygium aromaticum) (I) G-8, 195 Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (I) G - 1 4 , 389 Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I,C) . . . 431 Jasmine {Jasminum officinale) (I) .G-15, 432 Lycium Berries {Lycium barbarum) (I) 487 Northern Prickly Ash {Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Pellitory {Anacyclus Pyrethrum) (I) . . . . 577 Red Sandalwood {Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 Tobacco {Nicotiana tabacum) (I) . .G-24, 762 Wild Thyme {Thymus serpyllum) (C) . .G-26, S I S PAIN, UNSPECIFIED Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . G-14, 389 Lycium Bark {Lycium chinense) (C) 486 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN I N D I C A T I O N S INDEX RECTAL PROLAPSE /I-155 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) (C) . G-is, 521 Nux Vomica (Strychnos mix vomica) (C) G-IS, 547 Onion (Allium cepa) (I) . . . G-19, 557 Southern Tsangshu (Atractylodes lanced) (C) 706 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) (C) . G-26, 815 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) (C) G-16, 483 Northern Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) (I) 545 Nux Vomica (Strychnos mix vomica) (I) G-18, 547 Salep (Orchis species) (I) 657 PEDICULOSIS, HUMAN 312 PERTUSSIS Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (I) 772 PILES (See under Hemorrhoids) PNEUMONIA Rice (Oryza sativa) (I) Sumbul (Ferula sumbul) (I) G-21, 643 G-23, 738 POISONING, FISH PARALYSIS, UNSPECIFIED Fish Berry (Anamirta cocculus) (I) Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 47 PHARYNGITIS, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF Balloon-Flower (Platycodon grandiflorum) (C) 58 Burdock (Arctium lappa) (C) G-7, 128 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) (C) . . G-7, ISS Chinese Motherwort (Leonurus japonicus) (C) 183 Cotton Tree (Cochlospermum gossypium) (I) 229 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) (C) 234 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (I) . .G-12, 339 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (I,C) 6-16, 469 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (C) G-18, 547 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 Saffron (Crocus sativus) (I) G-21, 653 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) (I) 753 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) (C) . G-22, 668 POISONING, UNSPECIFIED Cassia (Cassia angustifolia) (I) 684 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (C) G-i6, 469 Perilla (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 Senna (Cassia senna) (I) . . G-22, 684 POLYDIPSIA, TEMPORARY, MANAGEMENT OF Carambola (Averrhoa carambola) (I) 148 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) (C) . . . 346 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (I) . . G-13, 369 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 PRURITUS, TOPICAL RELIEF OF Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) (I) . . . . 177 Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) (I) G-13, 354 Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) (I) .G-15, 432 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) (C) G-15, 448 Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 Storax (Liquidambar oriemalis) (I) G-23, 734 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (I) . . 799 Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) (C) . G-26, 815 PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS, MANAGEMENT OF THE MANIFESTATIONS OF (See also under Psychotic disorders, management of the manifestations in severely ill) Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) (I) . . . .G-13, 359 PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS, MANAGEMENT OF THE MANIFESTATIONS IN SEVERELY ILL Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (C) . G-14, 389 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . G-14, 391 POSTNASAL DRIP PULPITIS (See under Cold, common, symptomatic relief of) Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) POSTPARTUM, COMPLICATIONS OF Red-Rooted Sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 486 RASH, UNSPECIFIED 636 PREGNANCY, PREVENTION OF Costus (Saussurea costus) (I) . . . 227 Kamala (Mallotus philippinensis) (I) 442 PREGNANCY, TERMINATION OF Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (I) ....'. 228 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) (I) .. G-9, 237 Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) (I) . . G-12, 326 Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) (I) . . . . 716 (See'under Skin, inflammatory conditions) RECTAL PROLAPSE Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) (C) . . . . G-S, 86 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (C) G-9, 221 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (C) 550 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) (C) . . G-20, 60s Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) (I,C) G-20, 609 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (C) 772 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1 - 1 5 6 / R E N A L CALCULI PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S RENAL CALCULI Chocolate Vine (Akebia quinata) (C) 189 Cumin {Cuminum cyminum) (I) . . G-9, 237 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) (C) G-13, 359 Kamala {Mallotus philippinensis) (I) 442 RENAL IMPAIRMENT Asiatic Dogwood {Cornus officinalis) (C) 51 Basil {Ocimum basilicum) (C) G-4, 64 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) (C) 182 Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) (I) G-9, 245 Date Palm {Phoenix dactylifera) (I) G-10, 246 Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) (I) G-11, 302 Southern Tsangshu {Atractylodes lancea) (C) 706 RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS, UPPER, RELIEF OF {See under Influenza syndrome, symptomatic relief of) RESPIRATORY TRACT DISORDERS Balloon-Flower {Platycodon grandiflorum) (C) 58 Dill {Anethum graveolens) (I) G-10, 252 Flax {Linum usitatissimum) (I) G-12, 313 Onion {Allium cepa) (I) . . . .G-19, 557 RHEUMATIC DISORDERS, UNSPECIFIED Basil {Ocimum basilicum) (I) . . . G-4, 64 Behen {Moringa oleifera) (I) . . . .67 Betel Nut {Piper betle) (I) . G-4, 74 Black Cohosh {Cimicifuga racemosa) (C) G-5, 92 Black Nightshade {Solanum nigrum) (I) G-e, 101 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) (C) . . . G-7, 130 Calotropis {Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Chinese Cinnamon {Cinnamomum aromaticum) (C) 182 Frankincense {Boswellia carteri) (I) 319 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) (I) . . . .G-13, 359 Henna {Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . .G-14, 391 Indian Squill {Urginea indica) (I) 421 Jimson Weed {Datura stramonium) (C) G-15, 436 Lycium Bark {Lycium chinense) (I,C) 486 Plumbago {Plumbago zeylanica) (C) . . . .599 Rehmannia {Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) 640 Siberian Ginseng {Eleutherococcus senticosus) (C) 693 Walnut {Juglans regia) (I) .G-25, 793 White Mustard {Sinapis alba) (C) G-25, 805 Wormseed Oil {Chenopodium ambrosioides) (C) G-26, 828 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Star Anise {Illicium verum) (I) G-23, 725 Morning Glory {Ipomoea hederacea) (I) 523 Oleander {Nerium oleander) (I) . . . .G-19, 555 Plantain {Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 Plumbago {Plumbago zeylanica) (C) . . . . 599 Safflower {Carthamus tinctorius) (I) . . . . 652 Smartweed {Persicaria hydropiper) (C) . . . 699 SCABIES {See under Sarcoptes scabiei infestations) SCARLATINA Anemarrhena {Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (C) 31 SCARLET FEVER {See under Scarlatina) SCHIZOPHRENIA {See under Psychotic disorders, management of the manifestations of) SCIATICA, TEMPORARY RELIEF OF Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) (I) . . G-8, 165 Quinine {Cinchona pubescens) (I) .G-20, 626 RHINITIS SCROFULOSIS Tobacco {Nicotiana tabacum) (I) . G-24, 762 Bistort {Persicaria bistorta) (C) . . G-5, 82 Coriander {Coriandrum sativum) (I) . G-9, 121 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 SARCOPTES SCABIEI INFESTATIONS Black Catnip {Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Bog Bean {Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) (C) G-7, 130 Carambola {Averrhoa carambola) (I) 148 Chaulmoogra {Hydnocarpus species) (C) . . . . 177 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) (C) . . G-13, 359 Grape {Vitis vinifera) (I) . . G-13, 362 Ground Ivy {Glechoma hederacea) (C) . . . . 372 Lycium Berries {Lycium barbarum) (I) 487 SCURVY Garden Cress {Lepidium sativum) (I) . . G-12, 326 SEDATION {See under Sleep, induction of) SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION Acacia {Acacia arabica) (I) 3 Behen {Moringa oleifera) (I) . . . . 67 Cotton {Gossypium hirsutum) (I) 228 Walnut {Juglans regia) (I) G-25, 793 SHINGLES {See under Herpes zoster infections) (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN INDICATION S INDEX STOMATITIS / I - 1 5 7 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) (C) G-23, 719 SHORTNESS OF BREATH Perilla (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 SINUSITIS, TREATMENT OF Perilla (Perilla fructescens) (C) 583 SKIN DISORDERS Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) (I) . . c-3, 16 Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) (I) 39 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) (I) . . . G-4, 64 Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) (C) G-5, SO Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) G-6, 101 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (I) G-6, 103 Burdock (Arctium lappa) (C) G-7, 128 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Cane-Reed (Costus speciosa) (I) 146 Catechu (Acacia catechu) (C) . . . 163 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) (I) . . . . 177 Costus (Saussurea costus) (I,C) 227 Flax (Linum usitatissimum) (I) G-12, 313 Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) (I) 338 Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) (I) G-13, 354 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) (I) G-13, 359 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . G-14, 391 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (C) G-14, 394 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) (I) 421 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis piperascens) (I,C) . . . 431 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) (C) G-is, 448 Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) (I) G-18, 534 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) (I) G-18, 547 SKIN ULCERS Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I,C) . . G-6, 101 Burdock (Arctium lappa) (C) G-7, 128 Calotropis (Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) (C) . . G-7, 158 Indian Nettle (Acalypha indica) (I) 419 Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) (I) G-18, 534 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 SKIN, INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (I) . G-18, 545 Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 Senburi (Swertia japonica) (C) 682 SOUR STOMACH (See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) SPASM, GASTRIC Basil (Ocimum basilicum) (C) . . . G-4, 64 SPASM, SMOOTH MUSCLE Star Anise (Illicium verum) (I) G-23, 725 SPERMATORRHEA Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) (C) . . . G-7, 130 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) (I) . . . . 177 Chicory (Cichorium intybus) (I) . . . G-8, 181 Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (C) G-14, 394 Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) (I) 429 Lycium Bark (Lycium chinense) (C) 486 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum erytrvrhizon) (C) 619 Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) (C) G-26, 828 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) (I) . . .G-14, 389 Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) (C) . . . . 669 SPLEEN, DISORDERS OF Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (I) 47 Cassia (Cassia angustifolia) (I) 684 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (C) .G-16, 469 Luffa (Luffa aegyptica) (C) .G-16, 483 Red-Rooted Sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) (C) 638 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 STERILITY Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens) (I) 230 SLEEP DISORDERS Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) (C) STOMACH, DISSEMINATED ADENOCARCINOMA 693 (See under Carcinoma, stomach) STOMACH, SOUR SLEEP, INDUCTION OF Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) (C) G-6, 110 Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus) (C) G-7, 130 Lemon-Wood (Schisandra sphenanthera) (C) 464 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) (I,C) . . G-17, 500 (See under Hyperacidity, gastric, symptomatic relief of) STOMACH, UPSET (See under Digestive disorders, symptomatic relief of) STOMATITIS Catechu (Acacia catechu) (I,C) (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 163 PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S 1-158/STOMATITIS Myrrh {Commiphora molmof) (I) G-IS, 534 Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) (I,C) 550 Tamarind {Tamarindus indica) (I) . . 753 STRANGURIA Anemarrhena {Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (C) URINARY RETENTION, UNSPECIFIED Ginkgo {Ginkgo biloba) (C) G-12, 342 Lycium Berries {Lycium barbarum) (C) 487 Rehmannia {Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) ....640 Siberian Ginseng {Eleutherococcus senticosus) (C) TONSILLITIS 31 STREPTOCOCCI GROUP A BETAHEMOLYTIC INFECTIONS {See under Erysipelas) > STROKE, ISCHEMIC Benzoin {Styrax benzoin) (C) Siam Benzoin {Styrax tonkinesis) (C) Sumatra Benzoin {Styrax paralleloneurum) (C) TINNITUS Balloon-Flower {Platycodon grandiflorum) (C) 58 Oak Gall {Quercus infectoria) (I) 550 St. John's Wort {Hypericum perforatum) (C) G-23, 719 73 TREPONEMA PALLIDUM 692 {See under T. pallidum infections) TUBERCULOSIS, TREATMENT ADJUNCT 738 SWELLING AND FRACTURES Black Nightshade {Solanum nigrum) (I,C) .. G-6, 101 Chinese Motherwort {Leonurus japonicus) (C) 183 Anemarrhena {Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (C) 31 Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) (I) G-9, 245 Zedoary {Curcuma zedoaria) (I) G-26, 846 TUMOR THERAPY ADJUNTIVE SYNCOPE Benzoin {Styrax benzoin) (C) . . . .73 Betel Nut {Piper betle) (I) . . G-4, 74 Siam Benzoin {Styrax tonkinesis) (C) 692 Storax {Liquidambar orientalis) (C) G-23, 734 Sumatra Benzoin {Styrax paralleloneurum) (C) 738 Reed Herb {Phragmites communis) (C) . . . 639 T. PALLIDUM INFECTIONS Dill {Anethum graveolens) (I) G-10, 252 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) (I) . .. G-13, 359 UTERINE BLEEDING Anemarrhena {Anemarrhena asphodeloides) (C) 31 Senna {Cassia senna) (I) . . G-22, 684 Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) (C) . . . G-7, 130 Bistort {Persicaria bistortd) (C) .. G-5, 82 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) (I,C) .. G-17, 500 UTERINE PROLAPSE Psyllium {Plantago ovata) (I) . . . 612 Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) (C) . . . . 6-5, 86 ULCERS, GASTRIC VENEREAL DISEASE Licorice {Glycyrrhiza glabra) (I) . G-ie, 469 Cotton Tree {Cochlospermum gossypium) (I) URETHRITIS VERTIGO Flax {Linum usitatissimum) (I) .G-12, 313 Coriander {Coriandrum sativum) (I) . G-9, 221 Croton Seeds {Croton tiglium) (I) 234 Lycium Berries {Lycium barbarum) (C) 487 Rehmannia {Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 ULCERS, DUODENAL URETHRORRHEA TETANUS URINARY TRACT DISORDERS Black Catnip {Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Cardamom {Elettaria cardamomum) (I) G-7, 149 Chinese Motherwort {Leonurus japonicus) (C) 183 Chocolate Vine {Akebia quinata) (C) 189 Cleavers {Galium aparine) (C) 193 Coriander {Coriandrum sativum) (I) . G-9, 221 Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) (C) G-9, 245 Lycium Berries {Lycium barbarum) (C) 487 Papaya {Carica papaya) (I) G-19, 565 Plantain {Musa paradisiaca) (I) 597 Radish {Raphanus sativus) (I) . . G-20, 628 TYPHUS FEVER SYPHILIS {See under T. pallidum infections) 693 Arjun Tree {Terminalia arjuna) (I) Black Pepper {Piper nigrum) (I) . . . . 39 G-6, 103 229 THROAT, SORE URINARY FREQUENCY, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF VISUAL DISTURBANCES {See under Pharyngitis, symptomatic relief of) Rehmannia {Rehmannia glutinosa) (C) . . . . 640 Nutmeg {Myristica fragrans) (I) . G-IS, 545 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. ASIAN INDICATIONS INDEX WOUND CARE, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN / I - 1 5 9 VOMITING Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) (C) . . . . G-5, 86 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (C) G-6, 103 Carambola (Averrhoa carambola) (I) 148 Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) (C) G-7, 149 Chicory (Cichorium intybus) (I) G-8, ISI Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) (I) 182 Chinese Thoroughwax (Bupleurum Chinese) (C) 187 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) (I) . G-8, 190 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) (I) . G-9, 221 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) (I,C) G-11, 302 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (I) G-11, 304 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (C) . G-12, 339 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) (C) . . . 346 Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) (C) . . .G-13, 359 Grape (Vitis vinifera) (I) . . .G-13, 362 Japanese Atractylodes (Atractylodes japonica) (C) . .. 430 Japanese Mint (Mentha arvensis p'perascens) (I,C) . . . 431 Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) (I) . . .G-16, 48i Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) (I,C) . . G-17, 500 Nepalese Cardamom (Amomum aromaticum) (C) . . . 540 Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (C) . G-18, 545 Oregano (Origanum vulgare) (C) . G-19, 559 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) (I) . . G-20, 605 Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) (I) . . . 635 Saffron (Crocus sativus) (I) G-2i, 653 Sandalwood (Santalum album) (C) 659 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) (C) . . . 699 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) (I) 753 White Mustard (Sinapis alba) (C) G-25, sos Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) (C) . .G-26, 815 WARTS Calotropis (Calotropis procera) (I) 141 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) (C) . G-8, 169 WHEEZING, SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF (See under Bronchial asthma) WHOOPING COUGH (See under Pertussis) WOUND CARE, ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN Black Catnip (Phyllanthus amarus) (I) 91 Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (I) . . . . G-6, 101 Catechu (Acacia catechu) (C) . . . 163 Costus (Saussurea costus) (I,C) 227 Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) (I) . .G-10, 246 Henna (Lawsonia inermis) (I) . . .G-14, 391 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (I) . G-16, 469 Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) (I,C) G-18, 534 Oak Gall (Quercus infectoria) (C) 550 Onion (Allium cepa) (I) . . . G-19, 557 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) (I) . . . . 631 Rose (Rosa centifolia) (I) 644 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) (C) . . . 652 Smartweed (Persicaria hydropiper) (C) . . . 699 Storax (Liquidambar orientalis) (I) G-23, 734 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) (I) 772 Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (I) 775 White Nettle (Lamium album) (C) G-25, 806 Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) (I) . G-26, 846 (I) denotes use in Indian medicine. (C) denotes use in Chinese medicine. 1-161 Side Effects Index Presented here is an alphabetical list of every side effect cited in the herbal monographs. Under each heading, herbs associated with the reaction are listed alphabetically by accepted common name, with the scientific name shown in parentheses. For ease of comparison with prescription and over-the-counter medications, the index employs the same nomenclature found in the Side Effects Index of the PDR Companion Guide™. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant in the Herb Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT ALKALOSIS, METABOLIC (See under Distress, abdominal; Distress, gastrointestinal) Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) ABDOMINAL DISTENTION ALLERGIC REACTIONS Sunflower (Helianthus annum) G-23, 741 ABDOMINAL PAIN/CRAMPS Aga (Amanita muscaria) G-3, 8 Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, IS Gamboge (Garcinia hanburyi) G-12, 325 Jalap (Ipomoea purga) G-15, 427 Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) 523 Orris (Iris species) G-19, 561 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) .. .G-26, 829 ACCOMMODATION, IMPAIRED Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-IS, 443 Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) .. 67i ALBUMINURIA Aloe (Aloe barbadensis', Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 G-16, 469 Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) G-6, 107 Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) . .. 118 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) . . G-8, 199 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) 26i Echinacea Pallida (Echinacea pallida) 261 Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) ... G-IO, 26i European Mistletoe (Viscum album) 0-11, 291 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) ... .G-11, 302 Garlic (Allium sativum) ... .G-12, 327 Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 Kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) . . . 446 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) . . G-ie, 465 Papaya (Carica papaya) . . . .G-19, 565 Poplar (Populus species) . . .G-20, 607 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) 612 Psyllium Seed (Plantago afra) G-20, eie Rhatany (Krameria triandra) . . . . 641 Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) . . G-24, 764 Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) 767 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) . .. G-25, 783 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 820 ALLERGIC SENSITIZATION Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) 117 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) G-11, 304 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) . . . .G-26, 833 ALLERGY (See under Allergic reactions) ALVEOBRONCHIOLITIS Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, i6S ANAPHYLACTIC REACTIONS German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) G-12, 331 1 - 1 6 2 /ANAPHYLAXIS PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Indian Squill {Urginea ANAPHYLAXIS Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) Echinacea Angustifolia {Echinacea angustifolia) indica) G-8, 165 261 ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC Trailing Arbutus {Epigae repens) 768 ANEMIA, MICROCYTIC Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 ANGINA Ergot {Claviceps purpurea) 280 European Mistletoe {Viscum album) G-II, 291 ANGIOEDEMA {See under Edema, angioneurotic) ANOREXIA Coca {Erythroxylum coca) 197 Coffee {Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Digitalis {Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Mate {Ilex paraguariensis) .G-17, 508 Squill {Urginea maritima) . G-23, 717 Swamp Milkweed {Asclepias incarnata) . . . G-23, 743 ANURIA Broad Bean {Vicia faba) 120 ANXIETY Yohimbe Bark {Pausinystalia yohimbe) . . 843 APATHY Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Pleurisy Root {Asclepias tuberosa) {See under Stomatitis, ulcerative) G-20, 598 Aloe {Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Buckthorn {Rhamnus catharticus) . . . G-6, 123 Cascara Sagrada {Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Chinese Rhubarb {Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 Frangula {Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Lily-of-the-Valley {Convallaria majalis) . . . G-16, 475 Ma-Huang {Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Strophanthus {Strophanthus Kombe) 736 ASPHYXIA Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) Cyclamen {Cyclamen europaeum) Pink Root {Spigelia marilandica) G-5, 97 240 594 ASTHENIA Kousso {Hagenia abyssinica) . . . 450 Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) . . . G-20, 609 ASTHMA, ALLERGIC 612 G-20, 616 APPETITE, DECREASED Coffee {Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Khat {Catha edulis) 447 Mate {Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, sos APPETITE, LOSS OF {See also under Anorexia) Digitalis Lanata {Digitalis lanata) ASTHMA, WORSENING OF BLEEDING, VAGINAL Ginseng {Panax ginseng) 346 Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) BLISTERING American Liverleaf {Hepatica nobilis) 26 Arnica {Arnica montana) 41 Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 Black Mustard {Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 Bulbous Buttercup {Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Buttercup {Ranunculus acris) . . . 133 Cashew {Anacardium occidentale) . G-7, 157 Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Clematis {Clematis recta) . . G-8, 194 Cypress Spurge {Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Globe Flower {Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Marsh Marigold {Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Mezereon {Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Pasque Flower {Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Poisonous Buttercup {Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, 601 Savin Tops {Juniperus sabina) G-21, 663 Traveller's Joy {Clematis vitalba) G-25, 769 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 Wood Anemone {Anemone nemorosa) 824 BLOOD GLUCOSE, REDUCTION {See under Hypoglycemia) 431 BLOOD PRESSURE, ELEVATION {See under Hypertension) ASTHMATIC EPISODES Black Mustard {Brassica nigra) . . Senna {Cassia senna) BLOOD PRESSURE, REDUCTION G-5, 100 G-22, 684 BELCHING 250 {See under Epistaxis) ARRHYTHMIAS Psyllium {Plantago ovata) Psyllium Seed {Plantago afra) APHTHOUS STOMATITIS BLEEDING, NASAL 421 Asa Foetida {Ferula foetida) . .47 {See under Hypotension) BONE DENSITY, CHANGES Buckthorn {Rhamnus catharticus) . .. G-6, 123 SIDE EFFECTS INDEX Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) COLIC / I - 1 6 3 . . . . G-7, 153 G-8, 185 G-12, 317 BONE DISORDERS Aloe (Aloe barbadensis: Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 BOWEL MOVEMENTS, PAINFUL Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 BRADYCARDIA Areca Nut (Areca catechu) . G-4, 38 Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) 280 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . . . . 606 BREATH, SHORTNESS OF Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-s, 97 CARCINOMA, HEPATOCELLULAR BREATHING, DIFFICULT Borage (Borago officinalis) . G-e, 114 (See under Dyspnea) CARDIAC ABNORMALITIES BREATHING, LABORED American Hellebore (Veratrum viride) 25 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) . . . G-25, 783 (See under Dyspnea) BRONCHITIS Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, soo BRONCHOSPASM Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Coca (Erythroxylum coca) 197 Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . .G-9, 212 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Dusty Miller (Senecio bicolor) 258 Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis) G-12, 316 Golden Ragwort (Senecio aureus) 354 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) . . . . 374 Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) G-13, 388 Madder (Rubia tinctorum) . G-16, 490 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) G-21, 662 Senna (Cassia senna) G-22, 684 CARDIAC ARREST Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 G-15, 425 CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS BRONCHOSPASM, EXACERBATION OF (See under Arrhythmias) Scotch Pine (Pinus species) .G-22, 674 Spruce (Picea species) 714 CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS (See under Arrhythmias) BURNING Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens) . . . . 230 CACHEXIA Trailing Arbutus (Epigae repens) 768 CARCINOGENIC Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) .. G-3, 13 Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 CARDIAC RHYTHMS, DISTURBANCES Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 CENTRAL/PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) 243 Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) . . G-26, 829 CHEST TIGHTNESS Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) .G-14, 413 CHILLS European Mistletoe (Viscum album) Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) G-11, 291 786 CHOLERA Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) . . . G-6, 123 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 CIRCULATORY COLLAPSE Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) G-17, 515 786 CIRCULATORY DAMAGE Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) 786 CNS STIMULATION Khat (Catha edulis) 447 COAGULATION INTERFERENCE Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 COLIC American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) G-5, 83 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) . . . 133 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Clematis (Clematis recta) .. G-8, 194 Globe Flower (Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) . .. 37s Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) .6-15, 425 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 Mexican Scammony Root (Ipomoea orizabensis) 514 I-164/COLIC PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Poisonous Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, 601 Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) . . . 700 Traveller's Joy (Clematis vitalba) G-25, 769 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 COLIC, BILIARY Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) G-4, 44 Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) . . G-7, 149 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhizia) . G-9, 239 CONSTIPATION CRAMPS, ABDOMINAL Coffee (Cojfea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, sos CONSTRICTION, PUPILLARY DEPENDENCE, PSYCHIC (See under Miosis) (See under Dependence, psychological) COLLAPSE CONSTRICTION, PUPILS Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 (See under Miosis) Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) 47 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 COLOR PERCEPTION, DISTURBED COORDINATION DIFFICULTY Lily-of-the- Valley (Convallaria majalis) . . . G-16, 475 Strophanthus (Strophanthus Kombe) 736 (See under Coordination, impaired) CONVULSIONS COORDINATION, DISTURBED CONJUNCTIVITIS Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) .. G-9, 242 Goa Powder (Andira araroba) 352 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) . . . . . . 612 Psyllium Seed (Plantago afra) G-20, 616 CONJUNCTIVITIS, ALLERGIC German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) G-12, 331 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) G-14, 403 G-S, 100 G-8, 165 177 G-12, 342 CRAMPING, ABDOMINAL (See under Abdominal pain/cramps) CONSCIOUSNESS, LOSS OF Poison Ivy (Rhus toxicodendron) . . G-9, 242 COUGH Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) CRAMPING, MUSCULAR 600 Aga (Amanita muscaria) G-16, 488 DEPENDENCE, PHYSICAL DEPRESSION Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 63i DEPRESSION, MOOD (See under Depression) Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) .G-12, 339 Squill (Urginea maritima) . .G-23, 717 DERMATITIS, ALLERGIC CONTACT CRAMPING CONSCIOUSNESS, DISORDERS OF Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-18, 528 CORNEAL DEFECTS Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) DEPENDENCE, DRUG Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) DERMATITIS (See under Coordination, impaired) Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) (See under Nasal congestion) DELIRIUM Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) G-13, 355 Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 DEPENDENCE, PSYCHOLOGICAL Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, sos COORDINATION, IMPAIRED CONGESTION, NASAL (See under Abdominal pain/cramps) Acacia (Acacia arabica) 3 Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) G-3, 10 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) . . G-8, 199 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) . . .G-13, 355 Khat (Catha edulis) 447 Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala) 526 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) . . . .G-20, 609 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) . .G-23, 719 Tropical Almond (Terminalia chebula) 772 G-3, 8 Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) G-12, 331 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) . . G-19, 567 Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) . G-21, 645 DERMATITIS, CONTACT Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) . . . G-6, Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendra) . G-7, Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) . .G-11, 116 136 220 306 SIDE EFFECTS INDEX Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) DISTRESS, GASTROINTESTINAL / I - 1 6 5 G-IS, 545 DERMATOSIS Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) G-5, 86 DIAPHORESIS Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) G-6, 113 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) 623 DIARRHEA American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) 47 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) . . . .48 Bael (Aegle marmelos) 58 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) . G-6, 113 Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) . . . 133 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Clematis (Clematis recta) . . G-8, 194 Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) .. . G-9, 206 Cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum) 240 Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) . . . 243 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-IO, 248 Digitalis Lanata (Digitalis lanata) 250 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) . . . .0-11, 283 Globe Flower (Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) .. . 375 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) . . . . 376 Gumweed (Grindelia species) . . . 379 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) 421 Kousso (Hagenia abyssinica) . . . 450 Labrador Tea (Ledum latifolium) 451 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) . . . . 466 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) . . . G-17, 493 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Mountain Flax (Linum catharticum) 526 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 Myrtle (Myrtus communis) . .G-IS, 536 Niauli (Melaleucea viridiflora) 542 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) . . . . 543 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Pineapple (Ananas comosus) . . . . 593 Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 Poisonous Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, 601 Senna (Cassia senna) G-22, 684 Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) . . . 700 Soybean (Glycine soja) . .. .G-22, 707 Squill (Urginea maritima) . G-23, 717 Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) . . . 729 Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) . .. G-23, 743 Traveller's Joy (Clematis vitalba) G-25, 769 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 DIARRHEA, BLOODY Arum (Arum maculatum) 46 Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) . Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) Celandine (Chelidonium majus) . . Orris (Iris species) . . . G-5, 83 . . G-7, 153 . . G-8, 169 . G-19, 561 DIPLOPIA Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempennrens) . . . . 838 DIPSESIS Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-14, 403 G-17, 515 DISCOMFORT, GENERAL Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) 47 DISTENTION, ABDOMINAL (See under Abdominal distention) DISTRESS, ABDOMINAL Garlic (Allium sativum) . . . G-12, 327 DISTRESS, EPIGASTRIC Colombo (Jateorhiza palmata) 208 DISTRESS, GASTRIC (See under Distress, gastrointestinal) DISTRESS, GASTROINTESTINAL American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) G-5, 75 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-5, 92 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) . . . 133 Cane-Reed (Costus speciosa) ... 146 Cinquefoil (Potentilla erecta) G-8, 192 cClematis (Clematis recta) . . G - 8 , 194 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) 233 Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhizia) . G-9, 239 Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) . . . G-9, 245 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 1-166 /DISTRESS, GASTROINTESTINAL Elephant-Ears {Bergenia crassifolia) 268 False Unicorn Root {Veratrum luteum) 301 Garden Cress {Lepidium sativum) G-12, 326 Ginkgo {Ginkgo biloba) . . . G-12, 342 Globe Flower {Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Goldenseal {Hydrastis canadensis) . . G-13, 355 Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Gumweed {Grindelia species) . . . 379 Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Indian Nettle {Acalypha indica) 419 Indian Squill {Urginea indica) 421 Jack-in-the-Pulpit {Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Japanese Mint {Mentha arvensis piperascens) 431 Mate {Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Oak {Quercus robur) G-18, 549 Peppermint {Mentha piperita) G-19, 580 Periwinkle {Vinca minor) 584 Pineapple {Ananas comosus) . . . . 5 9 3 Pleurisy Root {Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 Poisonous Buttercup {Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, 601 Pomegranate {Punica granatum) G-20, 605 Red Bryony {Bryonia cretica) . . . 632 Sandalwood {Santalum album) 659 Scurvy Grass {Cochlearia officinalis) . . G-22, 679 Soapwort {Saponaria officinalis) .. . G-22, 701 Squill {Urginea maritima) . G-23, 717 St. John's Wort {Hypericum perforatum) . G-23, 719 Stinging Nettle {Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 Swamp Milkweed {Asclepias incarnata) .. . G-23, 743 Trailing Arbutus {Epigae repens) 768 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Traveller's Joy {Clematis vitalba) Watercress {Nasturtium officinale) Wild Radish {Raphanus raphanistrum) Wood Anemone {Anemone nemorosa) G-25, 769 798 G-26, 814 Quebracho {Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) Yage {Banisteriopsis caapi) DRUG IDIOSYNCRASIES {See under Allergic reactions) DRY MOUTH 824 {See under Xerostomia) DISTRESS, PRECORDIAL DYSPEPSIA {See under Distress, epigastric) DISTRESS, STOMACH Witch Hazel {Hamamelis virginiana) {See under Distress, gastrointestinal) DYSPHORIA DISTRESS, UPPER Gl {See under Distress, epigastric) DISTURBANCES, GASTROINTESTINAL {See under Distress, gastrointestinal) DIURESIS, POTENTIATION OF Bitter Apple {Citrullus colocynthis) 623 833 G-5, 83 DIZZINESS Aga {Amanita muscaria) G-3, 8 Black Cohosh {Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-5, 92 Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Coffee {Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Croton Seeds {Croton tiglium) 234 Cypress Spurge {Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Hydrangea {Hydrangea arborescens) G-14, 413 Mate {Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Mezereon {Daphne mezereum) G-17, s i s Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) . . . G-20, 609 Quassia {Picrasma excelsa) 622 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) 770 Wormwood {Artemisia absinthium) . . G-26, 829 . G-26, 821 Coffee {Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Cola {Cola acuminata) 205 Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Jimson Weed {Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 Ma-Huang {Ephedra sinica) G-ie, 488 Mate {Ilex paraguariensis) .G-17, 508 St. John's Wort {Hypericum perforatum) . .G-23, 719 Valerian {Valeriana officinalis) . . . G-25, 783 DYSPNEA Chaulmoogra {Hydnocarpus species) Jaborandi {Pilocarpus microphyllus) 177 G-15, 425 EARS, RINGING {See under Tinnitus) ECZEMA Camphor Tree {Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Garlic {Allium sativum) . . . .G-12, 327 Onion {Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Quinine {Cinchona pubescens) . . . G-20, 626 Stavesacre {Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 ECZEMATOUS REACTIONS {See under Eczema) DROWSINESS EDEMA California Poppy {Eschscholtzia californica) Jimson Weed {Datura stramonium) Aloe {Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Buckthorn {Rhamnus catharticus) . . . G-6, 123 G-7, 140 G-15, 436 SIDE EFFECTS INDEX FLUID RETENTION / I - 1 6 7 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, ISS Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 EDEMA, ANGIONEUROTIC Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) G-23, 729 EDEMA, LOCAL Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) 280 FACE, REDDENING OF Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) G-S, 86 Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) . G-7, 157 Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Poison Ivy (Rhus toxicodendron) 600 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) ESTROGEN, DECREASE Cat's Claw (Unicaria tomentosa) ieo EUPHORIA Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 Yage (Banisteriopsis caapi) 833 EDEMA, NON-SPECIFIC (See under Edema) EDEMA, SKIN (See under Edema, angioneurotic) ELECTROLYTE DISTURBANCES (See under Electrolyte imbalance) ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 ELECTROLYTES, LOSS OF Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) ERYTHEMA G-3, 16 EXANTHEMA Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) . . . 1 is Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) . G-7, 157 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 EXCITABILITY Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) . . G-13, 3ss Malabar Nut (Justicia adhatoda) G-17, 492 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 EMBRYOTOXICITY Coca (Erythroxylum coca) 197 EMESIS (See under Vomiting) G-17, sis EPILEPTIFORM MOVEMENTS, UNSPECIFIED EYELIDS, HEAVY 827 EPISTAXIS 346 ERECTION DISTURBANCES, UNSPECIFIED (See under Impotence) ERUPTIONS, ECZEMATOID (See under Eczema) Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) . . . . 838 EYES, DILATATION OF PUPIL (See under Mydriasis) EYES, IRRITATION OF Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) FACIAL SWELLING Pagoda Tree (Sophora japonica) FASCICULATIONS FATIGUE Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) . .G-23, 719 FERTILITY DISORDERS, MALE Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) . . .228 FEVER Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) 26i Echinacea Pallida (Echinacea pallida) 261 Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . . . G-10, 261 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 Poison Ivy (Rhus toxicodendron) eoo Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) 786 FINGER CLUBBING G-22, 684 FLATULENCE Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) . . . . . 47 Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) . . .118 Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) . . . . 376 Manna (Fraxinus ornus) .. .G-17, 496 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 FLUID RETENTION G-S, 100 564 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) . . . .G-20, 609 Wormseed (Artemisia cina) 827 Senna (Cassia senna) Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) .. G-9, 242 (See under Distress, epigastric) Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) ....838 EYELID SWELLING EPIGASTRIC PAIN Wormseed (Artemisia cina) G-IS, 436 EYE MOVEMENTS, ABNORMAL EPIDERMAL SHEDDING Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) EXHAUSTION Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) G-14, 403 (See under Edema) 1-168/FLUSHING, CUTANEOUS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES GASTROINTESTINAL UPSET FLUSHING, CUTANEOUS Periwinkle (Vinca minor) 584 FRETFULNESS (See under Anxiety) (See under Gastrointestinal disorders) GENITAL FUNCTION DISTURBANCES GASTRIC DISCOMFORT (See under Distress, gastrointestinal) Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) G-17, 500 GENITAL SWELLING GASTRIC DISORDER Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (See under Distress, gastrointestinal) GASTRITIS Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Kousso (Hagenia abyssinica) Mountain Flax (Linum catharticum) 47 GIDDINESS (See under Dizziness) G-8, 165 . . . 450 526 GINGIVITIS Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 GLOSSONCUS Arum (Arum maculatum) 46 GASTROENTERITIS Asarum (Asarum europaeum) . . . .48 Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) . . . G-5, SO Guaiac (Guaiacum officinale) . . . 375 Jalap (Ipomoea purga) G-IS, 427 Labrador Tea (Ledum latifolium) 451 Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) G-22, 668 Wormseed (Artemisia cina) 827 GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 Labrador Tea (Ledum latifolium) 451 Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) G-18, 537 Onion (Allium cepa) G-19, 557 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Seneca Snakeroot (Polygala senega) 683 Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum) G-22, 703 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) G-25, 783 GASTROINTESTINAL REACTIONS (See under Gastrointestinal disorders) GASTROINTESTINAL SYMPTOMS (See under Gastrointestinal disorders) GROIN PAIN Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 HAIR DISCOLORATION Trailing Arbutus (Epigae repens) 768 HALLUCINATIONS Coca (Erythroxylum coca) 197 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) . . G-13, 355 Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) . G-19, 588 Yage (Banisteriopsis caapi) 833 HALLUCINATIONS, AUDITORY Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) G-17, 500 . .G-19, 588 HALLUCINATIONS, VISUAL Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) Peyote r (Lophophora williamsii) G-17, 500 . G-19, 588 HEADACHE Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) 47 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-S, 92 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Digitalis Lanata (Digitalis lanata) 250 European Mistletoe (Viscum album) G-11, 291 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) 421 Kousso (Hagenia abyssinica) . . . 450 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . . . ,G-16, 475 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) . . . .G-17, 493 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-18, S28 Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, S98 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) . . . G-20, 609 Quassia (Picrasma excelsa) 622 Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) 623 Squill (Urginea maritima) . G-23, 717 St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) . G-23, 719 Strophanthus (Strophanthus Kombe) 736 Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) . . . G-23, 743 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) . . . G-24, 744 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) 770 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) . . . G-25, 783 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) .. G-26, 829 HEADACHE, MIGRAINE Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) . . . . 597 HEARING, IMPAIRED Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 SIDE EFFECTS INDEX HYPOTENSION / 1 - 1 6 9 HEAT INTOLERANCE Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 HEMATURIA Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) Celandine (Chelidonium majus) Sandalwood (Santalum album) G-3, 16 G-8, 169 659 HEMIPARESIS Asarum (Asarum europaeum) . . . .48 HEMOGLOBINURIA Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 HEMOLYSIS Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 HEMOLYTIC ICTERUS (See under Jaundice) Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 579 Petasites (Petasites hybridus) G-19, 585 Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) G-20, 629 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) . . . G-24, 744 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 751 Tonka Beans (Dipteryx odorata) 767 Trailing Arbutus (Epigae repens) 768 Uva-Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) G-25, 779 Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) . G-26, 821 (See under Urticaria) HYPERACIDITY Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 (See under Liver function, impaired) HEPATOTOXICITY Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) . . G-3, 13 Alpine Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . . . . G-3, 20 Alpine Ragwort (Senecio nemorensis) 21 Borage (Borago officinalis) . G-e, 114 Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Colt's Foot (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . ., G-9, 212 Dusty Miller (Senecio bicolor) 258 Forgbt-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis) G-12, 316 Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) . . .G-12, 337 Golden Ragwort (Senecio aureus) 354 Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) . . . . 374 Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) G-13, 388 Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 HYPERTENSION Broad Bean (Vicia faba) Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 120 G-16, 469 G-ie, 488 843 HYPERTENSION, PORTAL Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 HYPERTHERMIA Khat (Catha edulis) 447 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) . . . G-20, 609 HIVES HEPATIC ADENOMA HEPATIC FUNCTION TESTS, IMPAIRED Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) G-8, 165 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) 261 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) .G-12, 339 HYPERTHYROIDISM Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) 106 HYPERTHYROIDISM, EXACERBATION OF Kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) HYPERALDOSTERONISM Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) . . . G-6, 123 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 . . . 446 HYPERTONIA Khat (Catha edulis) 447 HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) G-23, 741 HYPOGLYCEMIA Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) . . . . 376 HYPERDIPSIA HYPOKALEMIA (See under Dipsesis) HYPEREXCITABILITY Cola (Cola acuminata) 205 HYPERGLYCEMIA Khat (Catha edulis) 447 HYPERPYREXIA (See under Fever) HYPERSALIVATION (See under Sialism) HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS, GENERAL Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) . . . G-6, 123 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) G-8, ISS Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Senna (Cassia senna) G-22, 684 HYPOTENSION G-3, 16 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-5, 92 1-170 /HYPOTENSION PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-IS, 425 Pontian Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) . . . . 606 HYPOTHERMIA Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-13, 369 G-16, 488 .G-17, sos IRRITATION G-18, 521 ICTERUS (See under Jaundice) Club Moss (Lycopodium clavatum) Short Buchu (Barosma betulina) 197 IMPOTENCE Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina) 631 691 3 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 INFECTION, SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE White Bryony (Bryonia alba) Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 IRRITABILITY Coffee (Coffea arabica) LIPS, SWELLING JAUNDICE Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) . . .G-12, 337 KIDNEY DAMAGE Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Labrador Tea (Ledum latifolium) 451 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 G-9, 202 LESIONS, GASTROINTESTINAL ITCHING INFLAMMATION, ORAL INTOXICATION, STATE OF 280 LESIONS, HEPATIC (See under Stomatitis) Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Cola (Cola acuminata) 205 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) . . . G-25, 783 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 LEGS, WEAKNESS (See under Irritation, local) Bishop's Weed (Ammi Visnaga) INSOMNIA 177 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 Birth wort (Aristolochia clematitis) . Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . Mercury Herb (Mercurialis annua) Scotch Pine (Pinus species) Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) .. 47 LIVER DAMAGE LIVER FUNCTION, CHANGES G-5, 81 Tonka Beans (Dipteryx odorata) 767 LIVER FUNCTION, IMPAIRED . G-5, so G-8, 165 177 . G-9, 212 G-17, 513 G-22, 674 G-24, 764 KIDNEY DISORDERS, EXACERBATION OF Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Asa Foetida (Ferula foetida) (See under Hepatotoxicity) JAUNDICE, CHOLESTATIC G-25, soo G-17, 500 IRRITATION, SKIN (See under Pruritus) G-3, 10 . . . 641 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) IRRITATION, LOCAL INDIGESTION Acacia (Acacia arabica) Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) Rhatany (Krameria triandra) LARYNGITIS Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) LARYNGOSPASM 196 IMMUNOSUPPRESSION Coca (Erythroxylum coca) Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) . G-9, 241 Wormseed (Artemisia cina) 827 G-14, 403 Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 MALIGNANCY Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, 16 MANIC BEHAVIOR Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) G-15, 436 Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) . G-24, 745 MASTALGIA (See under Mastodynia) MASTODYNIA Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES KIDNEY IRRITATION Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) G-S, 83 Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) . . . G-6, 123 Cane-Reed (Costus speciosa) . . .146 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Beth Root (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 MENTAL DEPRESSION (See under Depression) MICTURITION DISTURBANCES Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 SIDE EFFECTS INDEX NAUSEA /I-171 Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) . . 67i MIGRAINE, AGGRAVATED Brewer's Yeast {Saccharomyces cerevisiae) . . .118 Cocoa {Theobroma cacao) . . G-8, 199 MIOSIS Herb Paris {Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 MOTOR SKILLS, IMPAIRMENT Aga {Amanita muscaria) Rauwolfia {Rauwolfia serpentina) G-3, 8 63i MOUTH SENSATIONS, UNPLEASANT Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) Buttercup {Ranunculus acris) . . .133 Clematis {Clematis recta) . . G-8, 194 Elecampane {Inula helenium) G-10, 266 Globe Flower {Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Green Hellebore {Helleborus viridis) 368 Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Orris {Iris species) G-19, 56i Poisonous Buttercup {Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, 601 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 MUSCLE CRAMP {See under Cramping, muscular) G-5, 97 G-IS, 528 MUSCLE PITCHING {See under Fasciculations) MOUTH, BURNING MUSCLE WEAKNESS Celandine {Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Croton Seeds {Croton tiglium) 234 Cypress Spurge {Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Night-Blooming Cereus {Selenicereus grandiflorus) . . . .543 {See under Myasthenia) MUTAGENICITY Basil {Ocimum basilicum) . . . G-4, 64 Comfrey {Symphytum officinale) . .. G-9, 212 Madder {Rubia tinctorum) . G-ie, 490 MYALGIA Chaulmoogra {Hydnocarpus species) Ergot {Claviceps purpurea) MOUTH, DRY {See under Xerostomia) 177 280 MUCOUS MEMBRANE IRRITANT Arum {Arum maculatum) 46 Hedge-Hyssop {Gratiola officinalis) G-13, 385 Horseradish {Armoracia rusticana) . . . G-14, 408 Marsh Marigold {Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Poke {Phytolacca americana) . G-20, 602 Spurge {Euphorbia resinifera) . . . 716 Traveller's Joy {Clematis vitalba) G-25, 769 ... 26 G-5, 83 128 G-18, 528 MYDRIASIS Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) Mandrake {Mandragora officinarum) Valerian {Valeriana officinalis) G-14, 389 G-17, 495 ' G-25, 783 NASAL CONGESTION Rauwolfia {Rauwolfia serpentina) MUCOUS MEMBRANE, IRRITATION OF American Liverleaf {Hepatica nobilis) Bitter Apple {Citrullus colocynthis) Bulbous Buttercup {Ranunculus bulbosus) MYASTHENIA Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) 631 NAUSEA Alpine Cranberry {Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . . . . G-3, 20 American Pawpaw {Asimina triloba) 27 Angostura {Galipea officinalis) 34 Beth Root {Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Black Hellebore {Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Broad Bean {Vicia faba) 120 Butcher's Broom {Ruscus aculeatus) G-7, 132 Cane-Reed {Costus speciosa) . . . 146 Celandine {Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Colchicum {Colchicum autumnale) . . . G-9, 206 Cranesbill {Geranium maculatum) 233 Cyclamen {Cyclamen europaeum) 240 Echinacea Angustifolia {Echinacea angustifolia) 26i Echinacea Pallida {Echinacea pallida) 261 Echinacea Purpurea {Echinacea purpurea) . . . .G-10, 26i Elephant-Ears {Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Ergot {Claviceps purpurea) 280 Eucalyptus {Eucalyptus globulus) . . . G-11, 283 Guar Gum {Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) . . . . 376 Herb Paris {Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Indian-Hemp {Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Ipecac {Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 Jaborandi {Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-IS, 425 Jalap {Ipomoea purga) G-15, 427 Kousso {Hagenia abyssinica) . .. 450 Lily-of-the-Valley {Convallaria majalis) .. . G-ie, 475 Ma-Huang {Ephedra sinica) G-ie, 488 Male Fern {Dryopteris filix-mas) .. . G-17, 493 Manna {Fraxinus ornus) . . G-17, 496 Monkshood {Aconitum napellus) G-i8, 521 Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 1-172 /NAUSEA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Myrtle {Myrtus communis) . G-i8, 536 Niauli {Melaleucea viridiflora) 542 Night-Blooming Cereus {Selenicereus grandiflorus) . . . . 543 Sandalwood {Santalum album) 659 Sarsaparilla {Smilax species) G-21, 661 Stavesacre {Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 Strophanthus {Strophanthus Kombe) 736 Trailing Arbutus {Epigae repens) 768 Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima) 770 Uva-Ursi {Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) G-25, 779 Yohimbe Bark {Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 NECROSIS, CUTANEOUS Black Mustard {Brassica nigra) Mezereon {Daphne mezereum) Savin Tops {Juniperus sabina) White Bryony {Bryonia alba) NERVE DAMAGE White Mustard {Sinapis alba) PANIC G-25, 805 NERVOUSNESS 346 NEUROTOXICITY G-8, 165 NUMBNESS, FINGERS Ergot {Claviceps purpurea) 280 OBSTIPATION Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 Mandrake {Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Scopolia {Scopolia carniolica) . . 671 OLIGURIA Broad Bean {Vicia faba) 120 ORTHOSTATIC CIRCULATORY DISORDERS G-5, 100 G-17, 515 G-21, 663 G-25, soo European Mistletoe {Viscum album) Arnica {Arnica montana) European Mistletoe {Viscwn album) 41 G-11, 291 NEPHRITIS Scarlet Pimpernel {Anagallis arvensis) G-11, 291 Aloe {Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) G-3, ie Buckthorn {Rhamnus catharticus) . .. G-6, 123 Cascara Sagrada {Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 153 Chinese Rhubarb {Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 Frangula {Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 I Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia) {See under Distress, epigastric) PAIN, LIMB Black Cohosh {Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-5, 92 {See under Myalgia) {See under Stomachache) G-17, 500 PERSPIRATION PHOTODERMATOSIS PAIN, ABDOMINAL G-18, 528 PERCEPTION OF TIME AND SPACE, ALTERATIONS IN Cocoa {Theobroma cacao) . . G-8, 199 {See under Abdominal pain/cramps) 594 PARESTHESIA {See under Diaphoresis) PAIN, STOMACH NEPHROPATHY PARALYSIS, SPINAL CORD Pink Root {Spigelia marilandica) OVERSTIMULATION PAIN, MUSCLE G-22, 668 Areca Nut {Areca catechu) . .G-4, 38 Chaulmoogra {Hydnocarpus species) 177 Labrador Tea {Ledum latifolium) 451 Mercury Herb {Mercurialis annua) G-17, 513 Wormseed Oil {Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 Marijuana {Cannabis sativa) PAIN, EPIGASTRIC NECROSIS, SKIN 843 PARALYSIS Ginseng {Panax ginseng) Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) Yohimbe Bark {Pausinystalia yohimbe) Angelica {Angelica archangelica) . . . G-3, 32 Dill {Anethum graveolens) . G-10, 252 Parsley {Petroselinum crispum) . . G-19, 567 Rue {Ruta graveolens) G-21, 648 PHOTOSENSITIVITY Parsnip {Pastinaca sativa) . G-19, 571 Pimpinella {Pimpinella major) G-19, 591 Rue {Ruta graveolens) G-21, 648 St. John's Wort {Hypericum perforatum) . .G-23, 719 PAIN, UTERINE Quassia {Picrasma excelsa) 622 PALPITATIONS Coffee {Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Green Tea {Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Mate {Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, 508 PANCREATIC DISEASE, UNSPECIFIED Comfrey {Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 PHOTOTOXICITY Bishop's Weed {Ammi Visnaga) Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) Burning Bush {Dictamnus albus) Celery {Apium graveolens) Contrayerva {Dorstenia contrayerva) G-5, SI G-5, 86 G-7, 130 G-8, 172 218 SIDE EFFECTS INDEX SENSITIVITY REACTIONS / I - 1 7 3 Haronga (Haronga madagascariensis) 380 Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) G-14, 396 Lovage {Levisticum officinale) . . . .G-16, 482 Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium) 507 Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) . G-i9, 571 Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamwn) . . G-24, 764 Wafer Ash (Ptelea trifoliata) . . . 790 PIGMENTATION Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) Quinine {Cinchona pubescens) . . . G-20, 626 Sandalwood {Santalum album) 659 Stavesacre {Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 PSEUDOALDOSTERONISM Licorice {Glycyrrhiza glabra) G-16, 469 PSYCHIATRIC DISTURBANCES Coca {Erythroxylum coca) {See under Dependence, psychological) PULMONARY HYPERPLASIA Comfrey {Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 REFLEXES, ABNORMAL Areca Nut {Areca catechu) . .G-4, 38 Cat's Claw {Unicaria tomentosa) PULSE CHANGES Squill {Urginea maritima) . G-23, 717 54 RESPIRATORY DISORDERS, UNSPECIFIED RESTLESSNESS {See under Dysphoria) PULSE, FAST Cocoa {Theobroma cacao) . . G-8, 199 RHINITIS Psyllium {Plantago ovata) 612 PULSE, IRREGULAR Indian Squill {Urginea indica) RHINOCONJUNCTIVITIS 421 PUPIL ENLARGEMENT Cypress Spurge {Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Kava Kava {Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 PURPURA Cayenne {Capsicum annuum) Senna {Cassia senna) {See under Sialism) SALIVATION, INCREASE {See under Sialism) SEDATION Henbane {Hyoscyamus niger) SEIZURES PRURITUS PUSTULES, UNSPECIFIED {See under Convulsions) Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantium) Goa Powder {Andira ararobd) G-8, 165 G-22, 684 SALIVATION {See under Hypokalemia) Arnica {Arnica montand) 41 Brewer's Yeast {Saccharomyces cerevisiae) . . . 118 Cowhage {Mucuna pruriens) . . . . 230 Cypress Spurge {Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Ergot {Claviceps purpurea) 280 Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Night-Blooming Cereus {Selenicereus grandiflorus) . . . . 543 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) . . . G-20, 609 ieo Camphor Tree {Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Tolu Balsam {Myroxylon balsamum) . . G-24, 764 POTASSIUM LOSS G-5, 90 RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION {See under Thrombocytopenia) POISONOUS Black Bryony {Tamus communis) Astragalus {Astragalus species) PLATELET, DECREASE Asarum {Asarum europaeum) . . . .48 Bitter Apple {Citrullus colocynthis) G-S, 83 European Water Hemlock {Cicuta virosa) G-11, 297 Fool's Parsley {Aethusa cynapium) G-12, 316 Rust-Red Rhododendron {Rhododendron ferrugineum) 650 Tansy {Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Taumelloolch {Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Tobacco {Nicotiana tabacum) G-24, 762 Wormwood Grass {Spigelia anthelmia) 831 RASH, PUSTULAR RENAL FAILURE 197 PSYCHIC DEPENDENCE G-5, 86 Poppyseed {Papaver somniferum) . . . .G-20, 609 White Bryony {Bryonia alba) G-25, 800 G-14, 389 SEIZURES, EXACERBATION OF G-S, 86 352 PYREXIA {See under Fever) RASH Arnica {Arnica montand) 41 Asarum {Asarum europaeum) . . . .48 Chaste Tree {Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 Guaiac {Guaiacum officinale) . . . 37s Evening Primrose {Oenothera biennis) G-11, 298 SENSATION, ABNORMAL {See under Paresthesia) SENSITIVITY REACTIONS Boneset {Eupatorium perfoliatum) . G-6, 113 Cornflower {Centaurea cyanus) G-9, 225 Gotu Kola {Centella asiatica) G-13, 359 1-174/SENSITIVITY REACTIONS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) G-13, 388 Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica) 415 Ipecac {Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 SERUM ELECTROLYTE CHANGES {See under Electrolyte imbalance) SERUM POTASSIUM, REDUCTION (See under Hypokalemia) SERUM TRIGLYCERIDE, ELEVATION (See under Hypertriglyceridemia) SHAKING (See under Tremors) SHIVERING (See under Tremors) SIALISM Areca Nut (Areca catechu) . . G-4, 38 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) . . . 243 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-i5, 425 Kousso (Hagenia abyssinica) . . . 450 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-18, 528 Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) 623 Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 SIALORRHEA SKIN, BURNING OF (See under Sialism) Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) SIALOSIS (See under Sialism) SKIN ERUPTIONS Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) . . . .543' SKIN REACTIONS Arnica (Arnica montana) Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) Boneset (Eupatorium petfoliatum) .G-6, 113 Burdock (Arctium lappa) . . . G-7, 128 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Chicory (Cichorium intybus) G-8, 181 Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) . . . 182 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) . . . . G-8, 190 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Elecampane (Inula helenium) G-IO, 266 English Ivy (Hedera helix) G-IO, 275 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) . .G-11, 306 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . . . G-12, 342 Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) G-i3, 388 Hops (Humulus lupulus) . . G-14, 400 Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) .G-14, 413 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 466 Nerve Root (Cypripedium calceolus) 541 Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata) 595 Poplar (Populus species) . . G-20, 607 Savin Tops (Juniperus sabina) G-21, 663 Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) .G-24, 754 4i G-4, 44 G-6, 107 234 . . G-9, 242 SKIN, ERUPTIONS OF Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) 234 466 SKIN, IRRITATION OF American Hellebore (Veratrum viride) 25 American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) G-4, 44 Birch (Betula species) G-5, 78 Black Bryony (Tamus communis) G-5, 90 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) . . . 133 Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) G-7, 157 Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Chinese Olive (Canarium species) 184 Clematis (Clematis recta) . . G-8, 194 Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) . . . G-8, 195 Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens) . . . .230 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Globe Flower (Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Goa Powder (Andira araroba) 352 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) 421 Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens) 426 Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) G-17, 503 Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) . .G-17, 510 Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) G-IS, 530 Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) G-18, 537 Orris (Iris species) G-19, sei Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Poisonous Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, eoi Savin Tops (Juniperus sabina) G-21, 663 Scotch Pine (Pinus species) G-22, 674 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) . . . G-22, 701 Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) G-23, 711 SIDE EFFECTS INDEX Spurge (Euphorbia resinifera) Squill (Urginea maritima) . Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) Traveller's Joy (Clematis vitalba) White Bryony (Bryonia alba) White Mustard (Sinapis alba) TACHYARRHYTHMIA . . . 716 G-23, 717 . . . 729 G-25, 769 G-25, 800 G-25, 805 SKIN, REDDENING Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) SPASM, TONIC-CLONIC G-17, 515 Hyssop (Hyssopus 726 G-15, 443 SLEEP DISTURBANCES cacao) G-8, 199 SLEEPINESS (See under Drowsiness) SLEEPLESSNESS (See under Insomnia) SNEEZING Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) G-5, 100 SOMNOLENCE (See under Drowsiness) SPASM, GASTROINTESTINAL Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) . . . G-5, 8 0 Buckthorn {Rhamnus catharticus) . . . G-6, 1 2 3 Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) . . . . G-7, 1 5 3 ' Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) . . . . . G-8, 1 8 5 Digitalis Lanata 250 (Digitalis lanata) Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) . . . . G-12, 3 1 7 Senna (Cassia senna) . . . . G-22, 6 8 4 SPASM, GENERALIZED Areca Nut (Areca catechu) . . G-4, 38 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 G-17, 515 STOMATITIS, ULCERATIVE Tolu Balsam (Myroxyion balsamum) . . .G-24, 764 STOOL URGENCY Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 STUFFINESS, NASAL STUPOR officinalis) G-15, 414 SPEECH, COMPULSIVE Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) STOMATITIS Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) (See under Nasal congestion) G-14, 389 SKIN, YELLOWING Cocoa (Theobroma Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) G-7, 143 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) . . . G-12, 342 Labrador Tea (Ledum latifolium) 451 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 /I-175 G-15, 436 STOMACH COMPLAINTS Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) . . Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . . . Cola (Cola acuminata) European Five-Finger Grass (Potentilla reptans) Henna (Lawsonia inermis) . Potentilla (Potentilla anserina) Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) White Willow (Salix species) 117 G-7, 132 G-8, 188 G-9, 202 205 G-11, 289 G-14, 391 G-20, eio Celandine (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . . . .G-16, 475 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) 623 Strophanthus (Strophanthus Kombe) 736 Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) . . . .G-24, 744 Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) G-24, 7Si Wormseed (Artemisia cina) 827 SWEAT GLAND DISORDER Scopolia (Scopolia carniolica) G-21, 66i G-21, 664 775 .. 67i SWEAT, COLD Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 SWEATING (See under Diaphoresis) G-25, 807 STOMACHACHE Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum) 240 Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 Soybean (Glycine soja) . . . G-22, 707 SWEATING, DECREASED Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 SWELLING, UNSPECIFIED Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-3, 86 G-17, 515 TACHYARRHYTHMIA Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) G-14, 389 1 - 1 7 6 /TACHYCARDIA PDR FOR HERBA L M E D I C I N E S TACHYCARDIA TINGLING, TOES Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) 280 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 Mezereon {Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) TACHYPHYLAXIS Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 ULCERS, CUTANEOUS G-18, 521 TINNITUS (See under Hyperthermia) ULCERS, GASTRIC Ginger (Zingiber officinale) .G-12, 339 (See under Fatigue) UNCONSCIOUSNESS TISSUE DAMAGE (See under Consciousness, loss of) Aloe (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) URINARY DISTURBANCES G-3, 16 TONGUE, BURNING (See under Glossoncus) Jalap (Ipomoea purga) . . Morning Glory (Ipomoea hederacea) . . G-15, 427 TOXICITY, UNSPECIFIED (See under Thrombocytopenia) American Hellebore (Veratrum viride) 25 Bitter Candytuft (Iberis amara) 84 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) . . . 228 Fool's Parsley (Aethusa cynapium) G-12, 316 Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux vomica) . G-18, 547 Taumelloolch (Lolium temulentum) G-24, 756 Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) 774 White Hellebore (Veratrum album) G-25, 803 Yew (Taxus baccata) G-26, 841 THYROID GLAND ENLARGEMENT TREMBLING Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) (See under Tremors) 523 THIRST (See under Dipsesis) THROAT IRRITATION Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 THROMBOCYTOPENIA Quinine (Cinchona pubescens) . . . G-20, 626 THROMBOPENIA G-6, 126 TINGLING Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-i8, 521 TINGLING, FINGERS Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-is, 521 TREMORS Areca Nut (Areca catechu) . . G-4, 38 Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera langsdorffi) 220 Poppyseed (Papaver somniferum) . . . G-20, 609 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) URINARY TRACT IRRITATION URINARY URGENCY Stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) . . . . 726 URINE, PRESENCE OF RBC'S TRIGLYCERIDES, INCREASE (See under Hematuria) TUMORS, MALIGNANT G-i8, 521 Areca Nut (Areca catechu) . G-4, 38 466 American Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) 26 Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) 128 Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) . . . 133 Clematis (Clematis recta) . . G-8, 194 Globe Flower (Trollius europaeus) G-12, 351 Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) 572 Poisonous Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) . G-20, 601 Sarsaparilla (Smilax species) G-21, 66i Traveller's Joy (Clematis vitalba) G-25, 769 Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) 824 (See under Tremors) Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) 572 URINARY TRACT DISORDER, UNSPECIFIED Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) (See under Hypertriglyceridemia) G-16, 488 (See under Micturition disturbances) TREMULOUSNESS TINGLING, MOUTH 466 URINARY FREQUENCY TINGLING, LIMBS 770 G-8, 165 TIREDNESS TONGUE, SWELLING TERATOGENICITY G-5, 100 Wormseed Oil (Chenopodium ambrosioides) G-26, 828 Asarum (Asarum europaeum) . . . .48 TEMPERATURE ELEVATION Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) URTICARIA American Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) 27 SIDE E F F E C T S INDEX WATER R E T E N T I O N / 1 - 1 7 7 Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) . . . 118 Psyllium (Plantago ovata) 612 Psyllium Seed (Plantago afra) G-20, 616 Tolu Balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) . . G-24, 764 VERTIGO Broad Bean (Vicia faba) Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) 120 G-13, 369 623 VESTIBULAR DISTURBANCES Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 VISION ABNORMALITIES (See under Visual disturbances) VISION, CHANGES (See under Visual disturbances) VISION, DOUBLE (See under Diplopia) VISION, TEMPORARY LOSS OF Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 528 VISUAL DISTURBANCES Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus species) 177 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Wormseed (Artemisia cina) 827 VOMITING Aga (Amanita muscaria) G-3, 8 Alpine Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) . . . . G-3, 20 Angostura (Galipea officinalis) 34 Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) ... G-5, SO Bitter Apple (Citrullus colocynthis) G-5, 83 Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-S, 92 Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) G-5, 97 Black Root (Leptandra virginica) 104 Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) 117 I Broad Bean (Vicia faba) 120 Celandine (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 Cinquefoil (Potentilla erecta) G-8, 192 Coffee (Coffea arabica) . . . . G-9, 202 Colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) . . . G-9, 206 Colombo (Jateorhiza palmata) 208 Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) 233 Croton Seeds (Croton tiglium) 234 Cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum) 240 Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) . . G-9, 242 Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) . . . 243 Digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) 261 Echinacea Pallida (Echinacea pallida) 26i Echinacea Purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) . . . G-10, 261 Elephant-Ears (Bergenia crassifolia) 268 Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) 280 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) . .. G-11, 283 Frangula (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Gamboge (Garcinia hanburyi) G-12, 325 Ginseng (Panax ginseng) 346 Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) G-13, 369 Herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) G-14, 392 Horse Chestnut (Aesculus < hippocastanum) G-14, 403 Indian Squill (Urginea indica) 421 Indian-Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) 423 Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 Labrador Tea (Ledum latifolium) 451 Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) . . . G-16, 475 Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica) G-16, 488 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) . . . G-17, 493 Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) G-17, sos Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) G-17, 515 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) G-18, 521 Mountain Flax (Linum catharticum) 526 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) G-IS, 52s Myrtle (Myrtus communis) . G-IS, 536 Niauli (Melaleucea viridiflora) 542 Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) . . . .543 Orris (Iris species) G-19, sei. Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 Simaruba (Simaruba amara) . . . . 695 Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) . . . 700 Squill (Urginea maritima) . G-23, 717 Stillingia (Stillingia sylvatica) . . . 729 Strophanthus (Strophanthus Kombe) 736 Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) .. . .6-23, 743 Trailing Arbutus (Epigae repens) 768 Uva-Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) .G-25, 779 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) . G-26, 829 Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) 835 Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) . . . . 838 Yohimbe Bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 843 VOMITING, BLOODY Arum (Arum maculatum) WATER RETENTION (See under Edema) 46 1-178 /WEAKNESS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES (See under Asthenia) European Mistletoe (Viscum album) WHEALS XEROSTOMIA Black Bryony (Tamus communis) Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) WEAKNESS G-S, 90 G-11, 291 Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) G-17, 495 G-14, 389 Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) . . . . 838 4| * 1-17 Drug/Herb Interactions Guide This section catalogs potentially adverse drug/herb combinations by both the generic name of the drug or drug category and the accepted common name of the herb. Under each bold-face drug entry you '11 find a list of the herbs with which the agent may interact. Likewise, under a bold-face herb entry you '11 find a list of potentially interactive drugs. A description of the interaction's effect follows each item in the list. Further information on each drug can be found in Physicians' Desk Reference®. Information on each herb appears in the Herbal Monographs section of this book. ADONIS Calcium (Increases action Digoxin (Increases action Glucocorticoids (Increases action Laxatives (Increases action Quinidine (Increases action Saluretics (Increases action ADONIS of Adonis) of Adonis) of Adonis) ALOE VERA Green Tea (Decreased absorption of alkaline drugs due to tannin component in tea) Oak (Absorption of alkaline drugs may be reduced or inhibited) {See under Aloe) ALPHA ADRENERGIC BLOCKERS Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto has an additive alpha adrenergic blocking effect when given in combination with alpha blockers) of Adonis) ALKALOIDS ALPINE CRANBERRY of Adonis) Oak (Absorption of alkaloids may be reduced or inhibited) Medication and Food that Increase Uric Acid Levels (Decreases effect of Alpine Cranberry) of Adonis) VERNAL/S {See under Adonis) AESCULUS ALKALINE DRUGS HIPPOCASTANUM {See under Horse Chestnut) ALCOHOL German Chamomile (May increase sedative effect) Rauwolfia (Increases impairment of motor skills) Valerian (Additive depressive effects with Valerian) White Willow (Enhances toxicity of salicylates) ALOE Antiarrhythmics (Aloe-induced hypokalemia may affect cardiac rhythm) Cardiac Glycosides (Increases effect of cardiac glycosides) Corticosteroids (Increased potassium loss) Licorice (Increased potassium loss) Thiazide Diuretics (Increased potassium loss) ALOE Belladonna (Increases anticholinergic effect of herb) Henbane (Increased anticholinergic action) Scopolia (Increased effect when given simultaneously with herb) ANDROGENS Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto antagonizes the effect of androgens) BARBADENSIS {See under Aloe) ALOE AMANTADINE HYDROCHLORIDE CAPENSIS {See under Aloe) ANTIARRHYTHMICS Aloe (Aloe-induced hypokalemia may affect cardiac rhythm) 1-180 /ANTIARRHYTHMICS Buckthorn (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Cascara Sagrada (Potentiates arrhythmias with prolonged use of Cascara) Licorice (Licorice-induced hypokalemia increases risk of arrhythmias) Senna (Senna-induced hypokalemia may increase risk of arrythmia) ANTICHOLINERGICS Jimson Weed (Co-administration of Jimson Weed with other anticholinergic drugs may increase the frequency and/or severity of anticholinergic side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness, and others) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ANTIPLATELET DRUGS White Willow (Additive effect with salicylates) ANTITHROMBOLYTIC DRUGS Ginkgo (Increases effect of antithrombolytic drugs) ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI (See under Uva-Ursi) Anticoagulant drugs, unspecified (Coumarin component in Arnica may increase anticoagulant effect) Warfarin Sodium (Additive anticoagulant effect) ARNICA MONTANA (See under Arnica) ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM (See under Wormwood) ASPIRIN Arnica (Coumarin component in Arnica may increase anticoagulant effect) Astragalus (Astragalus may potentiate anticoagulant effects) Horse Chestnut (Horse Chestnut has a coumarin componant and may interact with warfarin, salicylates and other drugs with anticoagulant properties) Cayenne (Decreased bioavailability of aspirin) Feverfew (Increased antithrombotic effect) Evening Primrose (Evening Primrose oil may lower seizure threshold and decrease effectiveness of anticonvulsant medications) ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS, UNSPECIFIED Yohimbe Bark (May need to adjust antihypertensive medications due to hypertensive effect of Yohimbe) German Chamomile (May increase sedative effect) Anticoagulant drugs, unspecified (Astragalus may potentiate anticoagulant effects) Immunosuppressants (Decreased effectiveness of immunosuppressive effect due to immunostimulant effect of Astragalus) ASTRAGALUS SPECIES (See under Astragalus) ATROPA Salicylates (Increases prothrombin time; caution should be observed when used concurrently) Warfarin Sodium (Increases prothrombin time; caution should be observed when used concurrently) BLADDERWRACK Hypoglycemic Drugs (Herb may have an additive hypoglycemic effect when taken with other hypoglycemic drugs) BREWER'S YEAST MAO Inhibitors (Increase in blood pressure) BUCKTHORN ASTRAGALUS BELLADONNA (See under Belladonna) ANTIHISTAMINES Henbane (Increased anticholinergic action) BENZODIAZEPINES BILBERRY ARNICA ANTICOAGULANT DRUGS, UNSPECIFIED ANTICONVULSANTS Quinidine (Increases anticholinergic effect of herb) Tricyclic Antidepressants (Increases anticholinergic effect of herb) BARBITURATES Rauwolfia (Synergistic effect) White Willow (Enhances toxicity of salicylates) BELLADONNA Amantadine Hydrochloride (Increases anticholinergic effect of herb) Antiarrhythmics (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Cardiac Glycosides (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Corticosteroids (Increases hypokalemic effects) Digoxin (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) Licorice Root (Increases hypokalemic effects) Thiazide Diuretics (Increases hypokalemic effects) BUGLEWEED Diagnostic Procedures Using Radioactive Isotopes (Herb interferes with these isotopes) Thyroid Preparations (Effect not specified) DRUG/HERB INTERACTIONS GUIDE CALCIUM Adonis (Increases action of Adonis) Lily-of-the-Valley (Increases the effect of Lily-ofthe-Valley) Squill (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) CALCIUM SALTS Kombe Seed (Increases effects and side effects of herb) Oleander (Increased efficacy and side effects when given simultaneously with herb) Strophanthus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Strophanthus Gratus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) CAMELLIA SINENSIS (See under Green Tea) DIGITALIS / I - 1 8 1 Ma-Huang (Disturbance of heart rhythm) CARDIOACTIVE STEROIDS Castor Oil Plant (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) CARICA PAPAYA (See under Papaya) CASCARA SAGRADA Antiarrhythmics (Potentiates arrhythmias with prolonged use of Cascara) Cardiac Glycosides (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Corticosteroids (Increases hypokalemic effect) Digoxin (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) Indomethacin (Decreases therapeutic effect of Cascara) Thiazide Diuretics (Increases hypokalemic effect) CASSIA SENNA CAPSICUM ANNUUM (See under Cayenne) (See under Senna) Digoxin (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) CINCHONA PUBESCENS (See under Quinine) COFFEA ARABICA (See under Coffee) COFFEE Drugs, unspecified (Herb can hinder (or decrease) resorption of other drugs) CONVALLARIA MAJALIS (See under Lily-of-the-Valley) CORTICOSTEROIDS Aloe (Increased potassium loss) Buckthorn (Increases hypokalemic effects) Cascara Sagrada (Increases hypokalemic effect) Echinacea Angustifolia (Echinacea may potentially interfere with the anti-cancer chemotherapeutic effect of corticosteroids) CASTOR OIL PLANT CYCLOSPORINE White Willow (Potentiates action of salicylates) Cardioactive Steroids (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES CAYENNE St. John's Wort (The herb induces the cytochrome P450 enzyme system and will lower cyclosporine serum levels) CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITORS Aloe (Increases effect of cardiac glycosides) Buckthorn (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Cascara Sagrada (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Chinese Rhubarb (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Frangula (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Guarana (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Aspirin (Decreased bioavailability of aspirin) CYTISUS (See under Scotch Broom) DATURA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULANTS Ma-Huang (Ma-Huang has an additive effect on the CNS when combined with CNS stimulants) CHASTE TREE Dopamine Antagonists (Decreased dopaminergic effect of herb) CHINESE RHUBARB Cardiac Glycosides (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) SCOPARIUS STRAMONIUM (See under Jimson Weed) DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES USING RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES Bugleweed (Herb interferes with these isotopes) DIGITALIS Methylxanthines (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) 1-182/DIGITALIS Quinidine (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Sympathomimetic Agents (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) DIGITALIS GLYCOSIDE PREPARATIONS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Lily-of-the-Valley (Increases the effect of Lily-ofthe-Valley) Squill (Squill potentiates the positive inotropic and negative chronopic effects of digoxin) St. John's Wort (Co-administration of the herb with digoxin has resulted in a significant decrease in the digoxin area under the curve) Uzara (Herb contains cardiac glycosides and may have additive effect when taken with digoxin, possibly increasing digoxin toxicity) Licorice (Licorice-induced hypokalemia increases risk of digitalis toxicity) Rauwolfia (Severe bradycardia when used in combination with digitalis glycosides) Senna (Senna-induced hypokalemia may increase toxicity of digitalis preparations) DIOSCOREA DIGITALIS LANATA (See under Wild Yam) Methylxanthines (Risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (Risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Quinidine (Risk of'cardiac arrhythmias) Sympathomimetic Agents (Risk of cardiac arrhythmias) DIGITALIS PURPUREA (See under Digitalis) DIGOXIN Adonis (Increases action of Adonis) Buckthorn (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) Cascara Sagrada (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin. toxicity) Chinese Rhubarb (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) Frangula (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) Guarana (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) VILLOSA DIURETICS Kombe Seed (Increases effects and side effects of herb) DOPAMINE ANTAGONISTS Chaste Tree (Decreased dopaminergic effect of herb) DRUGS THAT CAUSE THROMBOCYTOPENIA Quinine (Herb increases risk of thrombocytopenia) DRUGS, UNSPECIFIED Coffee (Herb can hinder (or decrease) resorption of other drugs) Flax (Absorption of other drugs may be delayed when taken simultaneously) Niauli (Co-administration may result in decreased effect of drugs that undergo liver metabolism) Psyllium (Absorption of other drugs may be decreased if taken simultaneously with herb) Psyllium Seed (Absorption of other drugs may be decreased if taken simultaneously with herb) ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA Corticosteroids (Echinacea may potentially interfere with the anti-cancer chemotherapeutic effect of corticosteroids) Immunosuppressants (The immune-stimulating effect of Echinacea may interfere with drugs that have immunosuppressant effects) EPHEDRA SINICA (See under Ma-Huang) ESTROGEN Senna (Senna decreases estrogen levels when taken with estrogen supplements) Wild Yam (Additive effect) ETHANOL Yohimbe Bark (Increased anxiogenic effects) EVENING PRIMROSE Anticonvulsants (Evening Primrose oil may lower seizure threshold and decrease effectiveness of anticonvulsant medications) FENUGREEK Hypoglycemic Drugs (Herb may have an additive hypoglycemic effect when taken with other hypoglycemic drugs) FEVERFEW Aspirin (Increased antithrombotic effect) Warfarin Sodium (Increased antithrombotic effect) FLAX Drugs, unspecified (Absorption of other drugs may be delayed when taken simultaneously) FRANGULA Cardiac Glycosides (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) DRUG/HERB INTERACTIONS GUIDE Digoxin (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) FUCUS VESICULOSUS (See under Bladderwrack) GALEGA OFFICINALIS (See under Goat's Rue) INDIAN SQUILL / I - 1 8 3 Strophanthus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Strophanthus Gratus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) GLYCYRRHIZA GERMAN CHAMOMILE Alcohol (May increase sedative effect) Benzodiazepines (May increase sedative effect) Warfarin Sodium (Hydroxycoumarin component in Chamomile may elevate prothrombin times) GINKGO Antithrombolytic Drugs (Increases effect of antithrombolytic drugs) GINKGO BILOBA (See under Ginkgo) GINSENG Hypoglycemic Drugs (Increases hypoglycemic effect) Loop Diuretics (Increases diuretic resistance) MAO Inhibitors (Combination increases chance for headache, tremors, mania) GLUCOCORTICOIDS Adonis (Increases action of Adonis) Kombe Seed (Increases effects and side effects of herb) Licorice (Licorice potentiates effect of glucocorticoids) Lily-of-the-Valley (Increases the effect of Lily-ofthe-Valley) Oleander (Increased efficacy and side effects when given simultaneously with herb) Squill (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) GLABRA (See under Licorice) GOAT'S RUE Hypoglycemic Drugs (Herb may have an additive hypoglycemic effect when taken with other hypoglycemic drugs) Quinidine (Increased anticholinergic action) Tricyclic Antidepressants (Increased anticholinergic action) HORSE CHESTNUT Anticoagulant drugs, unspecified (Horse Chestnut has a coumarin componant and may interact with warfarin, salicylates and other drugs with anticoagulant properties) HYOSCYAMUS NIGER (See under Henbane) HYPERICUM PERFORA TUM (See under St. John's Wort) GREEN TEA HYPNOTICS Alkaline Drugs (Decreased absorption of alkaline drugs due to tannin component in tea) Valerian (Additive effect when taken with Valerian) GUANETHIDINE Ma-Huang (Increased sympathomimetic effects) GUARANA Cardiac Glycosides (Increased effect due to potassium loss with chronic use of herb) Digoxin (Herb may cause hypokalemia, which may increase digoxin toxicity) HALOPERIDOL Milk Thistle (Silymarin in combination with haloperidol causes a decrease in lipid peroxidation) HALOTHANE Ma-Huang (Disturbance of heart rhythm) HENBANE Amantadine Hydrochloride (Increased anticholinergic Antihistamines (Increased anticholinergic Phenothiazines (Increased anticholinergic Procainamide (Increased anticholinergic action) action) action) action) HYPOGLYCEMIC DRUGS Bladderwrack (Herb may have an additive hypoglycemic effect when taken with other hypoglycemic drugs) Fenugreek (Herb may have an additive hypoglycemic effect when taken with other hypoglycemic drugs) Ginseng (Increases hypoglycemic effect) Goat's Rue (Herb may have an additive hypoglycemic effect when taken with other hypoglycemic drugs) IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS Astragalus (Decreased effectiveness of immunosuppressive effect due to immunostimulant effect of Astragalus) Echinacea Angustifolia (The immune-stimulating effect of Echinacea may interfere with drugs that have immunosuppressant effects) INDIAN SQUILL Methylxanthines (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) 1-184/INDIAN SQUILL Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) Quinidine (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) Sympathomimetic Agents (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) INDINAVIR SULFATE St. John's Wort (The herb induces the cytochrome P450 enzyme system and will lower indinavir serum levels) INDOMETHACIN Cascara Sagrada (Decreases therapeutic effect of Cascara) Senna (Decreased therapeutic effect of Senna) Wild Yam (Wild Yam may decrease the antiinflammatory effect of indomethacin) INSULIN Psyllium (Effect unspecified; insulin dose should be decreased) JIMSON WEED Anticholinergics (Co-administration of Jimson Weed with other anticholinergic drugs may increase the frequency and/or severity of anticholinergic side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness, and others) KOMBE SEED Calcium Salts (Increases effects and side effects of herb) Diuretics (Increases effects and side effects of herb) Glucocorticoids (Increases effects and side effects of herb) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Laxatives (Increases effects and side effects of herb) Quinidine (Increases effects and side effects of herb) LAXATIVES Adonis (Increases action of Adonis) Kombe Seed (Increases effects and side effects of herb) Lily-of-the-Valley (Increases the effect of Lily-ofthe-Valley) Oleander (Increased efficacy and side effects when given simultaneously with herb) Squill (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) Strophanthus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Strophanthus Gratus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) LEVODOPA Rauwolfia (Decreased effect; increases in extra-pyramidal symptoms) LICORICE Aloe (Increased potassium loss) Antiarrhythmics (Licorice-induced hypokalemia increases risk of arrhythmias) Digitalis Glycoside Preparations (Licorice-induced hypokalemia increases risk of digitalis toxicity) Glucocorticoids (Licorice potentiates effect of glucocorticoids) Loop Diuretics (Additive effect of hypokalemia) Thiazide Diuretics (Additive effect of hypokalemia) LICORICE ROOT Buckthorn (Increases hypokalemic effects) LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY Calcium (Increases the the-Valley) Digoxin (Increases the the-Valley) Glucocorticoids (Increases the the-Valley) Laxatives (Increases the the-Valley) Quinidine (Increases the the-Valley) Saluretics (Increases the the-Valley) LINUM effect of Lily-of- effect of Lily-of- effect of Lily-of- effect of Lily-of- effect of Lily-of- effect of Lily-of- USITATISSIMUM (See under Flax) LOOP DIURETICS Ginseng (Increases diuretic resistance) Licorice (Additive effect of hypokalemia) Uva-Ursi (The sodium-sparing effect of Uva-Ursi may antagonize the diuretic effect of the loop diuretics) LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS (See under Bugleweed) MA-HUANG Cardiac Glycosides (Disturbance of heart rhythm) Central Nervous System Stimulants (Ma-Huang has an additive effect on the CNS when combined with CNS stimulants) Guanethidine (Increased sympathomimetic effects) Halothane (Disturbance of heart rhythm) MAO Inhibitors (Increases sympathomimetic effects of ephedrine) DRUG/HERB I N T E R A C T I O N S GUIDE Oxytocin (Development of high blood pressure) PHENTOLAMINE M E S Y L A T E / I - 1 8 5 Yohimbine Hydrochloride (Silymarin antagonizes the effect of yohimbine) MAO INHIBITORS MORPHINE SULFATE Brewer's Yeast (Increase in blood pressure) Ginseng (Combination increases chance for headache, tremors, mania) Ma-Huang (Increases sympathomimetic effects of ephedrine) Scotch Broom (Increased risk of hypertensive crisis) Yohimbe Bark (Potentiates effects of morphine) MATRICARIA RECUTITA (See under German Chamomile) MEDICATION AND FOOD THAT INCREASE URIC ACID LEVELS Alpine Cranberry (Decreases effect of Alpine Cranberry) Uva-Ursi (Decreases effect of herb) MELALEUCEA NALTREXONE HYDROCHLORIDE Yohimbe Bark (Potentiates Yohimbe side effects) NERIUM OLEANDER (See under Oleander) NEUROLEPTICS Rauwolfia (Synergistic effect) NIAULI Drugs, unspecified (Co-administration may result in decreased effect of drugs that undergo liver metabolism) NIFEDIPINE Senna (Inhibits activity of Senna via calcium channel blockade) VIRIDIFLORA (See under Niauli) METHYLXANTHINES Digitalis (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Digitalis Lanata (Risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Indian Squill (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) Squill (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) MILK THISTLE Haloperidol (Silymarin in combination with haloperidol causes a decrease in lipid peroxidation) Phenothiazines (Silymarin in combination with phenothiazines causes a decrease in lipid peroxidation) Phentolamine Mesylate (Silymarin antagonizes the effect of phentolamine) NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS Uva-Ursi (Uva-Ursi may potentiate the gastrointestinal irritation caused by NSAIDs) White Willow (Use with caution; effect not specified) Glucocorticoids (Increased efficacy effects when given with herb) Laxatives (Increased efficacy effects when given with herb) Quinidine (Increased efficacy effects when given with herb) Saluretics (Increased efficacy effects when given with herb) Yohimbe Bark (Potentiates hypertensive effect) OAK Alkaline Drugs (Absorption of alkaline drugs may be reduced or inhibited) Alkaloids (Absorption of alkaloids may be reduced or inhibited) OENOTHERA BIENNIS (See under Evening Primrose) OLEANDER Calcium Salts (Increased efficacy and side effects when given simultaneously with herb) and side simultaneously and side simultaneously and side simultaneously ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES St. John's Wort (Breakthrough bleeding has been reported with concomitant use of the herb with oral contraceptives) OXYTOCIN Ma-Huang (Development of high blood pressure) PANAX GINSENG (See under Ginseng) PAPAYA Warfarin Sodium (Increased INR levels) PAULLINIA CUPANA (See under Guarana) PAUSINYSTALIA OTC STIMULANTS and side simultaneously YOHIMBE (See under Yohimbe Bark) PHENOTHIAZINES Henbane (Increased anticholinergic action) Milk Thistle (Silymarin in combination with phenothiazines causes a decrease in lipid peroxidation) Wormwood (Wormwood preparations should not be administered with drugs known to lower the seizure threshold) PHENTOLAMINE MESYLATE Milk Thistle (Silymarin antagonizes the effect of phentolamine) 1 - 1 8 6 /PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS Digitalis (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Digitalis Lanata (Risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Indian Squill (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) Squill (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) PHOTOSENSITIZING AGENTS St. John's Wort (An additive photosensitizing effect is expected when the herb is used with photosensitizing drugs such as tetracyclines, sulfonamides, and thiazides) PLANTAGO AFRA (See under Psyllium Seed) PLANTAGO OVATA (See under Psyllium) PROCAINAMIDE Henbane (Increased anticholinergic action) PSYLLIUM Drugs, unspecified (Absorption of other drugs may be decreased if taken simultaneously with herb) Insulin (Effect unspecified; insulin dose should be decreased) PSYLLIUM SEED Drugs, unspecified (Absorption of other drugs may be decreased if taken simultaneously with herb) QUERCUS ROBUR (See under Oak) QUINIDINE Adonis (Increases action of Adonis) Belladonna (Increases anticholinergic effect of herb) PDR FOR H E R B A L M E D I C I N E S Digitalis (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Digitalis Lanata (Risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Henbane (Increased anticholinergic action) Indian Squill (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) Kombe Seed (Increases effects and side effects of herb) Lily-of-the-Valley (Increases the effect of Lily-ofthe-Valley) Oleander (Increased efficacy and side effects when given simultaneously with herb) Scopolia (Increased effect when given simultaneously with herb) Squill (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias; increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) Strophanthus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Strophanthus Gratus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Levodopa (Decreased effect; increases in extra-pyramidal symptoms) Neuroleptics (Synergistic effect) Sympathomimetic Agents (Increases blood pressure) RAUWOLFIA (See under Rauwolfia) RESERPINE St. John's Wort (Hypericum antagonizes the effect of reserpine) RHAMNUS Drugs that Cause Thrombocytopenia (Herb increases risk of thrombocytopenia) RAUWOLFIA Alcohol (Increases impairment of motor skills) Barbiturates (Synergistic effect) Digitalis Glycoside Preparations (Severe bradycardia when used in combination with digitalis glycosides) CATHARTICUS (See under Buckthorn) RHAMNUS FRANGULA (See under Frangula) RHAMNUS PURSHIANA (See under Cascara Sagrada) RHEUM PALMA TUM (See under Chinese Rhubarb) RICINUS COMMUNIS (See under Castor Oil Plant) SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE (See under Brewer's Yeast) SALICYLATES Bilberry (Increases prothrombin time; caution should be observed when used concurrently) White Willow (Use with caution; effect not specified) SALIX QUININE SERPENTINA SPECIES (See under White Willow) SALURETICS Adonis (Increases action of Adonis) Lily-of-the-Valley (Increases the effect of Lily-ofthe-Valley) Oleander (Increased efficacy and side effects when given simultaneously with herb) Squill (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) DRUG/HERB I N T E R A C T I O N S GUIDE STROPHANTHUS / I - 1 8 7 Strophanthus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Strophanthus Gratus (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) SAW PALMETTO Alpha Adrenergic Blockers (Saw Palmetto has an additive alpha adrenergic blocking effect when given in combination with alpha blockers) Androgens (Saw Palmetto antagonizes the effect of androgens) SCOPOLIA Amantadine Hydrochloride (Increased effect when given simultaneously with herb) Quinidine (Increased effect when given simultaneously with herb) Tricyclic Antidepressants (Increased effect when given simultaneously with herb) SCOPOLIA CARNIOLICA (See under Scopolia) SCOTCH BROOM MAO Inhibitors (Increased risk of hypertensive crisis) SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS St. John's Wort (Concomitant use with the herb will result in an additive serotonin effect and possible toxicity) SENNA Antiarrhythmics (Senna-induced hypokalemia may increase risk of arrythmia) Digitalis Glycoside Preparations (Senna-induced hypokalemia may increase toxicity of digitalis preparations) Estrogen (Senna decreases estrogen levels when taken with estrogen supplements) Indomethacin (Decreased therapeutic effect of Senna) Nifedipine (Inhibits activity of Senna via calcium channel blockade) SERENOA REPENS (See under Saw Palmetto) SIL YBUM MARIANUM (See under Milk Thistle) SQUILL Calcium (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) Digoxin (Squill potentiates the positive inotropic and negative chronopic effects of digoxin) Glucocorticoids (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) Laxatives (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) Methylxanthines (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Quinidine (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias; increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) Saluretics (Increases effectiveness and side effects of herb) Sympathomimetic Agents (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) ST. JOHN'S WORT Cyclosporine (The herb induces the cytochrome P450 enzyme system and will lower cyclosporine serum levels) Digoxin (Co-administration of the herb with digoxin has resulted in a significant decrease in the digoxin area under the curve) I Indinavir Sulfate (The herb induces the cytochrome P450 enzyme system and will lower indinavir serum levels) Oral Contraceptives (Breakthrough bleeding has been reported with concomitant use of the herb with oral contraceptives) Photosensitizing Agents (An additive photosensitizing effect is expected when the herb is used with photosensitizing drugs such as tetracyclines, sulfonamides, and thiazides) Reserpine (Hypericum antagonizes the effect of reserpine) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (Concomitant use with the herb will result in an additive serotonin effect and possible toxicity) Sympathomimetic Agents (St. John's Wort may have MAO inhibitor properties and caution should be used with sympathomimetic agents) Theophylline (The herb induces the cytochrome P450 enzyme system and will lower theophylline serum levels) STROPHANTHUS Calcium Salts (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Glucocorticoids (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Laxatives (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Quinidine (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Saluretics « (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) 1 - 1 8 8 / S T R O P H A N T H U S GRATUS PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S STROPHANTHUS GRATUS Calcium Salts (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Glucocorticoids (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Laxatives (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Quinidine (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) Saluretics (Simultaneous administration with herb enhance both effects and side effects) STROPHANTHUS KOMBE (See under Strophanthus) STROPHANTHUS URINARY TRACT ACIDIFIERS St. John's Wort (The herb induces the cytochrome P450 enzyme system and will lower theophylline serum levels) Uva-Ursi (Drugs or foods that acidify the urine will decrease the antibacterial effect of Uva-Ursi) THIAZIDE DIURETICS UVA-URSI Aloe (Increased potassium loss) Buckthorn (Increases hypokalemic effects) Cascara Sagrada (Increases hypokalemic effect) Licorice (Additive effect of hypokalemia) Uva-Ursi (The sodium-sparing effect of Uva-Ursi may antagonize the diuretic effect of thiazide diuretics) Loop Diuretics (The sodium-sparing effect of Uva-Ursi may antagonize the diuretic effect of the loop diuretics) Medication and Food that Increase Uric Acid Levels (Decreases effect of herb) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Uva-Ursi may potentiate the gastrointestinal irritation caused by NSAIDs) Thiazide Diuretics (The sodium-sparing effect of Uva-Ursi may antagonize the diuretic effect of thiazide diuretics) Urinary Tract Acidifiers (Drugs or foods that acidify the urine will decrease the antibacterial effect of Uva-Ursi) THYROID PREPARATIONS Bugleweed (Effect not specified) TRAZODONE HYDROCHLORIDE GRATUS (See under Strophanthus Gratus) STROPHANTHUS THEOPHYLLINE HISPIDUS (See under Kombe Seed) SYMPATHOMIMETIC AGENTS Digitalis (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Digitalis Lanata (Risk of cardiac arrhythmias) Indian Squill (Can increase the risk of cardie arrhythmias when given simultaneously with this herb) Rauwolfia (Increases blood pressure) Squill (Increases risk of cardiac arrhythmias) St. John's Wort (St. John's Wort may have MAO inhibitor properties and caution should be used with sympathomimetic agents) Wormwood (Wormwood preparations should not be administered with drugs known to lower the seizure threshold) TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS Belladonna (Increases anticholinergic effect of herb) Henbane (Increased anticholinergic action) Scopolia (Increased effect when given simultaneously with herb) Wormwood (Wormwood preparations should not be administered with drugs known to lower the seizure threshold) TRIGONELLA FOENUM-GRAECUM (See under Fenugreek) URGINEA INDICA (See under Indian Squill) UZARA Digoxin (Herb contains cardiac glycosides and may have additive effect when taken with digoxin, possibly increasing digoxin toxicity) VACCINIUM MYRTILLUS (See under Bilberry) VACCINIUM VITIS-IDAEA (See under Alpine Cranberry) VALERIAN Alcohol • (Additive depressive effects with Valerian) Hypnotics (Additive effect when taken with Valerian) VALERIANA OFFICINALIS (See under Valerian) 0 TANACETUM PARTHENIUM (See under Feverfew) URGINEA MARITIMA I (See under Squill) VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS I (See under Chaste Tree) D R U G / H E R B I N T E R A C T I O N S GUIDE WARFARIN SODIUM Arnica (Additive anticoagulant effect) Bilberry (Increases prothrombin time; caution should be observed when used concurrently) Feverfew (Increased antithrombotic effect) German Chamomile (Hydroxycoumarin component in Chamomile may elevate prothrombin times) Papaya (Increased INR levels) WHITE WILLOW Alcohol (Enhances toxicity of salicylates) Antiplatelet Drugs (Additive effect with salicylates) Barbiturates (Enhances toxicity of salicylates) Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors (Potentiates action of salicylates) YOHIMBINE Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Use with caution; effect not specified) Salicylates (Use with caution; effect not specified) HYDROCHLORIDE / I - 1 8 9 Tricyclic Antidepressants (Wormwood preparations should not be administered with drugs known to lower the seizure threshold) XYSMALOBIUM UNDULATUM {See under Uzara) WILD YAM YOHIMBE BARK Estrogen (Additive effect) Indomethacin (Wild Yam may decrease the antiinflammatory effect of indomethacin) Antihypertensive agents, unspecified (May need to adjust antihypertensive medications due to hypertensive effect of Yohimbe) Ethanol (Increased anxiogenic effects) Morphine Sulfate (Potentiates effects of morphine) Naltrexone Hydrochloride (Potentiates Yohimbe side effects) OTC stimulants (Potentiates hypertensive effect) WORMWOOD Phenothiazines (Wormwood preparations should not be administered with drugs known to lower the seizure threshold) Trazodone Hydrochloride (Wormwood preparations should not be administered with drugs known to lower the seizure threshold) YOHIMBINE HYDROCHLORIDE Milk Thistle (Silymarin antagonizes the effect of yohimbine) 1-19 Safety Guide This guide lists botanicals in three precautionary categories: • Not for use during pregnancy • Not for use while nursing • For use only under supervision All common, scientific, and brand names of each potentially harmful botanical are listed alphabetically. Generally accepted common names that serve as monograph titles appear in bold type. Scientific names are shown in italic type. Brand names are followed by the supplier's name in parentheses. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant or product in the Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. For additional information on potential adverse effects, be sure to check the appropriate underlying monograph. Not for use during pregnancy Absinthe G-26, 829 Achillea millefolium G-26, 833 Adiantum capillus-veneris 491 Akebia 189 Akebia quinata 189 Alant G-io, 266 Alcohol Free Chaste Tree Berry Liquid (Nature's Answer) 176 Alcohol Free Kava Kava Liquid (Nature's Answer) . . . . 443 Alcohol Free Sage Liquid (Nature's Answer) 655 Alcohol Free Yarrow Flowers Liquid (Nature's Answer) . . . . 833 Alder Buckthorn G-12, 317 Alder Dogwood G-12, 317 Alexandrian Senna G-22, 684 ALKANET (Alkanna tinctoria) Alkanet Root Alkanna tinctoria G-3, 13 G-3, 13 G-3, 13 ALOE (Aloe barbadensis; Aloe capensis; Aloe vera) Aloe 99 Gel (Lee) Aloe barbadensis Aloe capensis Aloe ferox Aloe vera Aloe Vera Capsules (ADH, Herbal Harvest, National Vitamin, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Way) Aloe Vera Concentrate 5000 Capsules (Mason Vitamins) Aloe Vera Mild Stimulant Laxative Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Aloe Vera Super-Strength Liquid (Pharmaceutical Labs) AMERICAN LIVERLEAF G-3, ie ie G-3, 16 G-3, ie ie G-3, ie American Saffron 26 652 AMMONIAC GUM (Dorema ammoniacum) Anchusa 29 G-3, 13 ANGELICA ie . . . . 16 (Angelica archangelica) ... G-3, 32 Angelica archangelica G-3, 32 Angelica Root Liquid Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 32 Angel's Wort G-3, 32 ANISE (Pimpinella anisum) . . . . . .G-3, 35 16 16 AMARGO (Quassia amara) (Hepatica nobilis) G-3, 23 Apium graveolens Arabian Coffee Arabica Coffee Aralia racemosa Arberry Arborvitae G-8, 172 G-9, 202 G-9, 202 G-23, 711 G-25, 779 G-24, 759 1-192/ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Arisaema atrorubens Aristolochia clematitis Arrow Wood Arruda Brava Arruda Do Mato Artemisia absinthium Artemisia vulgaris . . . G-25, 779 426 G-5, SO G-12, 317 G-IS, 425 G-15, 425 G-26, 829 G-18, 530 foetida) 47 Asarabacca 48 ASARUM (Asarum europaeum) Asarum europaeum Asclepias tuberosa Ash Ass Ear ASS'S Foot Asthma Weed Ava Ava Pepper Band Man's Plaything Baptisia tinctoria Barbary 48 48 G-20, 598 622 G-9, 212 G-9, 209 G-16, 479 G-15, 443 G-15, 443 G-26, 833 G-26, 812 487 BARBERRY (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 61 BARLEY (Hordeum distichon) G-4, 63 Barley Grain Capsules (ADH) 63 BLUE COHOSH (Trillium erectum) G-4, 74 Bird's Foot Bird's Neat Birds' Nest Birthroot G-11, 304 G-25, 809 G-25, 809 G-4, 74 BIRTH WORT Bissy Nut 205 Bitter Ash (Picrasma excelsa) . . 622 Bitter Ash (Quassia amara) . G-3, 23 Bitter Bark G-7, 153 Bitter Wood G-3, 23 Bitterwood 622 Black Alder G-12, 317 BLACK COHOSH (Cimicifuga racemosa) . . . . G-5, 92 Black Cohosh Capsules (Frontier, Herbal Harvest, Natrol, Nature's Way, Rexall Consumer) 92 Black Cohosh Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 92 Black Root G-9, 212 Black Snake Root G-5, 92 Black-Tang 106 Blackwort G-9, 212 Bladder Fucus 106 Bladderpod G-16, 479 BLADDERWRACK (Fucus vesiculosus) BASIL (Ocimum basilicum) Bastard Cinnamon Bastard Jasmine Bastard Saffron Bearberry Bearsgrape Bee Balm Beechdrops . Beefsteak Plant Bees' Nest G-4, 64 182 487 652 G-25, 779 G-25, 779 562 109 583 G-25, 809 BEHEN (Moringa BETH ROOT (Aristolochia clematitis) . . . G-5, 80 ASA FOETIDA (Ferula PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES oleifera) Ben Nut Tree Berberis vulgaris Berberry Bergamot Bergenia crass .67 67 G-4, 6i G-4, 61 562 ifolia 268 Bladderwrack Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) Blazing Star 106 106 301 BLESSED THISTLE (Cnicus benedictus) G-6, 107 Blessed Thistle Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 107 Blessed Thistle Low Alcohol Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 107 Blindweed G-22, 690 (Caulophyllum thalictroides) 109 Blue Cohosh Liquid (McZand) Blue Cohosh Root Liquid (Nature's Answer) Blue Flag Blue Ginseng Blueberry Root Boneset 109 109 G-19, 561 109 109 G-9, 212 BORAGE (Borago officinalis) G-6, 114 Borage Oil Capsules (ADH, Sundown) Borago officinalis Box Thorn British Tobacco Bruisewort 114 G-6, 114 487 G-9, 209 G-9, 212 BUCKTHORN (Rhamnus catharticus) Buckthorn Bark Bugbane Bugloss Bugwort Bullsfoot . . . G-6, 123 G-12, 317 G-5, 92 G-6, 114 G-5, 92 G-9, 209 Bupleurum Chinese Burage Burrage Butterbur Butterfly Weed 187 G-6, 114 G-6, 114 G-9, 209 G-20, 598 Buttons G-24, 754 Caffea G-9, 202 California Buckthorn G-7, 153 CALIFORNIA POPPY (Eschscholtzia californica) G-7, 140 CAMPHOR TREE (Cinnamomum camphora) Cana Fistula Canada Root Cankerroot Canton Cassia G-7, 143 G-13, 354 G-20, 598 358 182 CAPE ALOE BLOODROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis) BloodwOIt Blue Balm (Aloe ferox) 108 G-26, 833 562 Capsella bursa-pastoris Cardin Carpenter's Weed 16 . . . G-22, 690 G-6, 107 G-26, 833 SAFETY GUIDE DYER'S BROOM /1-1 93 Carrot Carthamus tinctorius G-25, 809 652 CASCARA SAGRADA (Rhamnus purshiana) G-7, 153 Cascara Sagrada Bark Capsules (Frontier) 153 Cascara Sagrada Bark Mild Stimulant Laxative Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . 153 Cascara Sagrada Capsules (Herbal Harvest, Humco, Nature's Way) 153 Cascara Sagrada Natural Laxative Capsules (Nature's Resource) 153 Case-Weed G-22, 690 Cassia 182 Cassia Aromaticum 182 Cassia Bark 182 Cassia fistula G-13, 354 Cassia Lignea 182 Cassia senna G-22, 684 Castor Bean G-7, 158 Celery Seed Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 172 Cemphire G-7, 143 Cephaelis ipecacuanha 423 Ceylon Cinnamom G-8, 190 Chai Hu 187 Chamaemelum nobile G-10, 270 Chantal Aloe Vera Cream (National Vitamin) ie Coltsfoot CHASTE TREE COMFREY (Vitex agnus-castus) G-8, 176 Chasteberry Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 176 Chelidonium majus G-8, 169 (Ricinus communis) G-7, 158 Catmint Catnep G-8, 164 G-8, 164 (Cinnamomum aromaticum) . . . 182 Chinese Matrimony Vine 486 CHINESE MOTHERWORT (Leonurus japonicus) 183 CHINESE RHUBARB (Rheum palmatum) G-8, 185 (Bupleurum Chinese) (Nepeta Chinese Wolfberry Chittem Bark (Akebia cataria) 486 G-7, 153 CatSWOlt G-8, 164 Caulophyllum thalictroides 109 CELANDINE (Chelidonium majus) G-8, 169 189 Cimicifuga Cimicifuga racemosa Cinchona Cinchona pubescens '. Cinnamomum aromaticum Cinnamomum camphor a . . . . Cinnamomum verum G-S, 92 G-5, 92 G-20, 626 G-20, 626 182 G-7, 143 G-8, 190 CINNAMON (Cinnamomum verum) G-8, 190 Cinnamon Bark Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 190 Citronella G-ie, 465 Cnicus benedictus G-6, 107 COCILLANA TREE CELERY (Apium graveolens) quinata) G-8, 164 Catnip Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) 164 Catnip Herb Liquid Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) 164 Catnip Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 164 Catnip Liquid (Nature's Answer) 164 Catnip G-8, 164 . Celery Liquid Fluid Extract (Nature's Answer) Celery Seed Capsules (Nature's Herbs) G-8, 172 172 172 Cola acuminata Cola Nut Cola Seeds 205 205 205 205 COLT'S FOOT (Tussilago farfara) G-9, 209 48 (Symphytum officinale) . . . G-9, 212 Commiphora molmol Common Matrimony Vine Compass Plant Compass-Weed G-i8, 534 487 G-21, 645 G-21, 645 (Guraea rusbyi) CoCOWOrt Coffea arabica . . COFFEE (Coffea CONGOROSA (Maytenus ilicifolia) 218 Consound Coon Root Coptide Coptis Coptis Groenlandica Coptis trifolia G-9, 212 108 358 358 358 358 Cotton Root 187 CHOCOLATE VINE CATNIP (Cola acuminata) CHINESE CINNAMON CHINESE THOROUGHWAX CASTOR OIL PLANT COLA 198 G-22, 690 G-9, 202 CoUghrOOt Coughwort Crocus sativus Curcuma domestica Curcuma zedoaria Cutweed Cymbopogon citratus Daggers Da-Huang Daisy Daucus carota Desert Herb Devil's Dung Devil's Nettle Devil's Plaything Didin Didthin Di-Gu-Pi Dog Wood Dogwood Bark Donnhove Dorema ammoniacum Dragon Flower Drumstick Tree Duck's Foot G-16, 468 G-4, 74 G-9, 209 G-21, 653 775 G-26, 846 106 G-ie, 465 G-19, sei G-S, 185 G-24, 754 G-25, 809 G-ie, 488 47 G-26, 833 G-26, 833 G-IS, 534 G-IS, 534 .486 G-12, 317 G-7, 153 G-9, 209 29 G-19, s e i 67 G-17, 510 DYER'S BROOM arabica) G-9, 202 (Genista tinctoria) G-10, 260 1 - 1 9 4 / D Y E R ' S BUGLOSS Dyer's Dyer's Dyer's Dyer's Dyer's Bugloss Greenwood Saffron Weed Whin PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES G-3, 13 G-IO, 260 652 G-IO, 260 G-IO, 260 ELECAMPANE (Inula helenium) G-10, 266 ELEPHANT-EARS (Bergenia crassifolia) Elfdock ElfwOlt Emetic Herb Emetic Weed Enchanter's Plant Enebro 268 G-10, 266 G-10, 266 G-16, 479 G-16, 479 G-25, 788 G-15, 440 ENGLISH CHAMOMILE (Chamaemelum nobile) . . G-10, 270 Ephedra G-ie, 488 Ephedra sinica G-ie, 488 Ephedrine G-ie, 488 Eschscholtzia californica . . . G-7, 140 European Angelica G-3, 32 European Barberry G-4, 6i European Vervain G-25, 788 EuroQuality Juniper Berries Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . .. .440 EuroQuality Red Clover Blossoms Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 633 Ex-Lax Maximum Strength (Novartis Consumer) 684 Eye Balm G-13, 355 Eye Root G-13, 355 Eyebright G-ie, 479 Fairy-Wand 301 Fake Saffron 652 False Cinnamon -.. 182 False Coltsfoot 48 FALSE UNICORN ROOT (Veratrum luteum) Featherfew Featherfoil Felon Herb 301 G-11,3oe G-11, soe G-IS, 530 FENUGREEK (Trigonella graecum) foenum- Fenugreek Capsules (Nature's Way) G-11, 304 304 Fenugreek Seed Capsules (Frontier) Ferula foetida GOLDEN SHOWER TREE 304 47 FEVERFEW (Tanacetum parthenium) . G-11, 306 Feverfew Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Mason Vitamins, McZand, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer) . . 306 Feverfew Extract Capsules (Herbal Harvest, Humco) 306 Feverfew Leaf Capsules (Naturalife) 306 Feverfew Traditional Herb Capsules (Nature's Resource) 306 Fevergrass G-16, 465 Field Balm G-8, 164 Fieldhove G-9, 209 Five-Finger Fern 491 Five-Leaflet 189 Flag Lily G-19, 56i Flaggon . G-19, 561 Fliggers G-19, 56i Florentine Orris G-19, 56i Flower Velure G-9, 209 Flux Root G-20, 5 9 8 Foal's-Foot Foalswort Food of the Gods G-9, 209 G-9, 209 47 FRANGULA (Rhamnus frangula) G-12, 317 Frangula Bark G-12, 317 Fucus 106 Fucus vesiculosus ioe Furze G-IO, 260 Gagroot G-ie, 479 Garden Angelica G-3, 32 Genista tinctoria G-IO, 260 Ginepro G-IS, 440 Gladyne G-19, sei Glycyrrhiza glabra G-ie, 469 Golden Seal Capsules (National Vitamin) 355 Golden Seal Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 355 Golden Seal Root Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Herbal Harvest, Major, McKesson, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way, Zenith Goldline) 355 (Cassia fistula) GOLDENSEAL (Hydrastis canadensis) G-13, 354 . . G-13, 355 Goldenseal Capsules (ADH, Mason Vitamins) 355 Goldenseal Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 355 Goldenseal Liquid (McZand) . . . . 355 Goldenseal Plus Capsules (Key Co.) 355 Goldenseal Root Alcohol Free Liquid (Nature's Answer) 355 Goldenseal Root Capsules (Apothecary, Frontier, Humco, Mason Vitamins, Nature Made, Nature's Resource, Perrigo, Rexall Consumer, Sundown) 355 GOLDTHREAD (Coptis trifolia) Go-Qi-Zi Gossypium herbaceum Grapeholly Greek Hay Seed Green Broom Green Ginger Greenweed Ground Apple Ground Lemon Ground Lily Ground Raspberry Guggal Gum Guggal Resin Guggul Resin Capsules (Frontier) Gum Asafoetida Gum Camphor Gum Plant Guraea rusbyi Guru Nut Hackmatack Hair of Venus Hallfoot Hamburg Parsley Hartshorn Hazelwort Healing Herb Helonias Root 358 487 G-16, 468 G-IS, 527 G-11, 304 G-IO, 260 G-26, 829 G-10, 260 G-IO, 270 G-17, 510 G-4, 74 G-13, 355 G-IS, 534 G-IS, 534 534 47 G-7, 143 G-9, 212 198 205 G-24, 759 491 G-9, 209 G-19, 567 G-e, 123 48 G-9, 212 301 SAFETY GUIDE LICORICE ROOT CAPSULES / I - 1 95 Hepatica nobilis 26 Herb of the Cross G-25, 788 Herb Trinity 26 Herbal Sure Aloe Vera Softgels (Nature's Bounty) 16 Herbal Sure Feverfew Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . 306 Herbal Sure Goldenseal Root Capsules (Nature's Bounty) . . .355 Herb-of-Grace (Ruta graveolens) c-21, 648 Herb-of-Grace {Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Herbygrass G-21, 648 High Balm 562 Highwaythorn G-6, 123 Hindheal G-24, 754 Hog Apple G-17, 510 Holly Thistle G-6, 107 Holly-Leaved Berberis G-18, 527 Hordeum distichon G-4, 63 HOREHOUND (Marrubium vulgare) Horse-Elder Horse-Fly Weed Horse-Foot Horseheal Horsehoof G-14, 401 G-IO, 266 G-26, 812 G-9, 209 G-IO, 266 G-9, 209 Indian Plant (Hydrastis canadensis) . . G-13, 355 Indian Plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) 108 Indian Root G-23, 711 Indian Shamrock G-4, 74 Indian Spikenard 433 Indian Tobacco G-16, 479 Intoxicating Pepper G-IS, 443 Inula helenium G-10, 266 IPECAC (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) Ipecacuanha Ipecacuanha Rio Ipomoea hederacea Ipomoea purga Iris Iris species 423 423 423 523 G-15, 427 G-19, 561 G-19, 561 JABORANDI (Pilocarpus microphyllus) G-15, 425 JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT (Arisaema atrorubens) Jacob's Sword 426 G-19, 561 JALAP (Ipomoea purga) Jamguarandi G-15, 427 G-15, 425 HORSEMINT (Monarda punctata) Houndsbane Hydrastis canadensis 407 G-14, 401 G-13, 355 HYSSOP (Hyssopus officinalis) Hyssop Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) Hyssopus officinalis India Senna Indian Apple Indian Balm Indian Cress Indian Dye Indian Horseradish Indian Laburnum Indian Nard Indian Paint (Hydrastis canadensis) . . Indian Paint (Sanguinaria canadensis) G-15, 414 „..414 G-15,414 G-22,684 G-17,510 G-4, 74 798 G-13,355 67 G-13,354 433 G-13, 355 JATAMANSI (Nardostachys jatamansi) Jaundice Berry Jaundice Root Jesuit's Bark Jew's-Harp Plant Juarandi 433 G-4, ei G-13, 355 G-20, 626 G-4, 74 G-15,425 JUNIPER (Juniperus communis) . . . .G-15, 440 Juniper Berry Juniper Berry Liquid (Nature's Answer) Juniper Berry Oil (Aura Cacia) Juniperus communis Juno's Tears Kava Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) G-IS, 440 440 440 G-IS, 440 G-25, 788 443 KAVA KAVA 108 (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 Kava Kava Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Celestial Seasonings, Humco, Mason Vitamins, McZand, Nature's Resource, Rexall Consumer, Rexall Managed Care, Sundown) 443 Kava Kava Extract Liquid (Rainbow Light) 443 Kava Kava Liquid (McZand) . . . 443 Kava Kava Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 443 Kava Kava Premium Extract Capsules (Futurebiotics) 443 Kava Kava Root Capsules (Frontier, Major, Naturalife, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 443 Kavatrol Capsules (Natrol) G-29, 443 Kawa G-IS, 443 Kelpware ioe Kelp-Ware ioe Kidney wort 26 Kinnikinnick G-25, 779 Knitback G-9, 212 Knitbone 6-9, 212 Kola Tree 205 Lady's Purse G-22, 690 Lamb's Quarters G-4, 74 Laurel Camphor G-7, 143 Lavose G-16, 482 Leather Bergenia 268 LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citratus) . . G-ie, 4es Leonurus cardiaca Leonurus japonicus G-IS, 524 183 LEVANT COTTON (Gossypium herbaceum) . .G-IS, 468 Levisticum officinale G-ie, 482 LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Licorice Capsules (Mason Vitamins) Licorice Liquid (McZand) Licorice Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Licorice Root Capsules (Frontier, Major, Nature's Bounty, Nature's Way, Sundown) G-16, 469 469 469 469 469 1 - 1 9 6 /LIFE OF MAN PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Life of Man Lion's Ear Lion's Tail Liver Lily Liverleaf Liverweed Liverwort G-23, 711 c-is, 524 G-IS, 524 G-19, 56i 26 26 26 LOBELIA (Lobelia inflata) G-ie, 479 Lobelia inflata G-i6, 479 LOVAGE (Levisticum officinale) . . . G-16, 482 Low Balm Lurk-in-the-Ditch Lycium barbarum 562 579 487 (Lycium chinense) 486 LYCIUM BERRIES (Lycium barbarum) 487 Lycium chinense Mace Mahonia aquifolium 486 G-IS, 545 G-18, 527 MA-HUANG (Ephedra sinica) G-ie, 488 Maiden Fern 491 MAIDENHAIR (Adiantum capillus-veneris) . . . 491 G-17, 510 G-14, 401 G-14, 401 423 MAYAPPLE (Podophyllum peltatum) Maytenus ilicifolia Mealberry Mentha pulegium Mexico Seed Midsummer Daisy Milfoil Milk Ipecac Milkwort Monarda didyma Monarda Lutea Monarda punctata Moringa oleifera . .G-17, 510 218 G-25, 779 . 579 G-7, 158 G-11, 306 G-26, 833 G-4, 74 683 562 407 407 67 MORNING GLORY (Ipomoea hederacea) Mosquito Plant G-22, 690 MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca) Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain G-i8, 524 Balm Box Cranberry Flax 562 G-25, 779 G-25, 779 683 MOUNTAIN GRAPE (Mahonia aquifolium) . . . G-IS, 527 Mountain Grape Mountain Mint Mouth Root Mu Tong G-4, 6i 562 358 189 523 579 G-18, 530 306 G-18, 545 MYRRH . . G-is, 534 Myrrh Commiphora Oil (Aura Cacia) Myrrh Gum Liquid (Nature's Answer) Myrtle Flower Nard Nardostachys jatamansi Narrow-Leaved Echinacea Nasturtium officinale Nepeta cataria Nightshade 534 (Zanthoxylum americanum) 534 G-19, sei 433 433 433 798 G-8, 164 G-4, 74 . .. 545 G-26, 833 NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans) G-19, 561 OSWEGO TEA 562 Palma Christi G-7, ISS Palmers Aloe Vera Formula Cream (E.T. Browne) ie Papoose Root 109 Pariswort G-4, 74 PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum) . . G-19, 567 NORTHERN PRICKLY ASH Nose Bleed ORRIS (Monarda didyma) Mygrafew Tablets (Nature's Way) Myristica fragrans (Commiphora molmol) One-A-Day Menopause Health Tablets (Bayer) .. . G-29, 92 Orange Milkweed G-20, 598 Orange Root G-13, 355 Orange Swallow-Wort G-20, 598 Oregon Barberry G-18, 527 Oregon Grape (Berberis vulgaris) G-4, 6i Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) . . . G-IS, 527 Oregon Grape Liquid (Herb Pharm) 527 Oregon Grape Root Liquid (Nature's Answer) 527 (Iris species) MUGWORT (Artemisia vulgaris) LYCIUM BARK Mandrake Marrubium Marrubium vulgare Matto Grosso Mother's Heart G-18, 545 NuVeg Black Cohosh Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 92 NuVeg Feverfew Leaf Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . . 306 NuVeg Red Clover Combination Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 633 Ocimum basilicum G-4, 64 Oil Plant G-7, 158 Old Man's Pepper G-26, 833 Old Man's Root G-23, 711 Parsley Fern Parsley Herb Capsules (Nature's Way) Parsley Leaf Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Parsley Leaf Liquid (Nature's Answer) Paucon Pauson Pearl Barley PENNYROYAL (Mentha pulegium) Pepper-and-Salt Perdiem Overnight Relief (Novartis Consumer) G-24, 754 567 567 567 108 108 G-4, 63 579 G-22, 690 G-29, 684 PERILLA (Perilla fructescens) 583 Perilla fructescens Persely Persian Berries Peruvian Bark Petersylinge Petroselinum crispum Petty Morell 583 G-19, 567 G-12,317 G-20, 626 G-19,567 G-19, 567 G-23, 711 SAFETY GUIDE SNAKE LILY/I-197 Philtron G-25, 809 Phyto Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 469 Pick-Pocket G-22, 690 Picrasma excelsa 622 Pigeon's Grass G-25, 788 Pigeonweed G-25, 788 Piliolerial 579 Pilocarpus microphyllus . . . G-15, 425 Pimpinella anisum G-3, 35 Piper methysticum G-15, 443 Pipperidge G-4, 6i PLEURISY ROOT (Asclepias tuberosa) G-20, 598 Podophyllum peltatum G-17, 510 Poison Flag G-19, 561 Polar Plant G-21, 645 Polygala senega 683 Poor Man's Parmacettie . . . G-22, 690 Pot Barley G-4, 63 Premium Fenugreek Seed Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . .304 Premium Feverfew Leaf Capsules (Nature's Herbs) ....306 Prickly Ash 545 Prickly Ash AutumnHarvested Liquid (Health from the Sun) 545 Prickly Box 487 Promensil Tablets (Novogen) G-29, 633 Public House Plant 48 Pudding Grass 579 Pudding Pipe Tree G-13, 354 Pukeweed G-ie, 479 Pulegium 579 Purging Cassia G-13, 354 Purple Clover G-21, 633 Purshiana Bark G-7, 153 QUASSIA (Picrasma. excelsa) ff- Quassia Quassia amara Quassia Wood Queen Ann's-Lace Quercus Marina Raccoon Berry Ramsthorn . . . .G-22, 6 9 0 . . . G-26, 8 1 2 G-5, 9 2 683 . . . . G-4, 7 4 . . G-5, 9 2 RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense) . . G-21, 6 3 3 Red Clover Blossom Capsules (Nature's Bounty) 633 Red Clover Herb Capsules (Frontier) 633 Red Clover Herbal Capsules (Apothecary) 633 Red Clover Liquid (McZand) . . . 633 Red Root 108 Redberry Leaves G-25, 779 Remifemin Tablets (PhytoPharmica) G-30, 92 Rhamnus catharticus G-6, 123 Rhamnus frangula G-12, 317 Rhamnus purshiana G-7, 153 Rheum palmatum G-8, 185 Rhubarb G-8, 185 Richweed G-5, 92 Ricinus communis G-7, 158 Rock Fern 491 Rock Parsley G-19, 567 Rockwrack 106 Roman Chamomile G-IO, 270 ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) Rosemary Leaf Liquid (Nature's Answer) Rosmarinus officinalis Round-Leaved Hepatica G-21, 645 645 G-21, 645 26 RUE 622 G-3, 23 G-3, 23 G-3, 23 G-25, 809 106 (Ruta graveolens) G-21, 648 Run-by-the-Ground Ruta graveolens Sacred Bark 579 G-21, 648 G-7, 153 SAFFLOWER (Carthamus tinctorius) QUININE (Cinchona pubescens) Rattle Pouches Rattlebush Rattleroot Rattlesnake Root (Polygala senega) . . . Rattlesnake Root (Trillium erectum) . . . Rattleweed G-20, 626 G-17, 510 G-6, 123 652 SAFFRON (Crocus sativus) Sagackhomi G-21, 653 G-25, 779 SAGE (Salvia officinalis) G-21, 655 Sagrada Bark G-7, 153 Salsify G-9, 212 Salvia officinalis G-21, 655 Sandberry G-25, 779 Sanguinaria 108 Sanguinaria canadensis 108 Sanguinary (Achillea millefolium) . . . .G-26, 833 Sanguinary (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Scabwort G-10, 266 Scarlet Monarda 562 Scotch Barley G-4, 63 Sea Parsley G-16, 482 Seawrack 106 Segg Seneca G-19, 561 683 SENECA SNAKEROOT (Polygala senega) Senega Senega Snakeroot Seneka 683 683 683 683 SENNA (Cassia senna) G-22, 684 Senna Extract Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 684 Senna Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 684 Senokot Childrens' Syrup (Purdue Frederick) G-30, 684 Senokot Granules (Purdue Frederick) G-30, 684 Senokot Tablets (Purdue Frederick) G-30, 684 Senokot X (Purdue Frederick) .. 684 Senokot Xtra (Purdue Frederick) 684 SheggS G-19, 561 Shepherd's Heart 0-22, 690 SHEPHERD'S PURSE (Capsella bursa-pastoris) G-22, 690 Shepherd's Scrip Shepherd's Sprout Siberian Tea Simpler's Joy Slippery Root Smallage Snake Lily ,. .G-22, 690 G-22, 690 268 G-25, 788 G-9, 212 G-8, 172 G-19, sei I-198/SNAKE ROOT Snake Root Snakebite (Sanguinaria canadensis) Snakebite (Trillium erectum) Snakeroot Soldier's Woundwort Sow Berry Spanish Bugloss Spanish Saffron Spignet PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 683 ios . G-4, 74 48 G-26, 833 G-4, 61 G-3, 13 G-21, 653 G-23, 711 SPIKENARD (Aralia racemosd) Spikenard Spotted Monarda Spotted Thistle Squaw Balm Squaw Root Squawmint Tickweed Squawroot St. Benedict Thistle St. James' Weed St. John's Plant St. Josephwort Standardized Feverfew Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) Standardized Licorice Capsules (Nature's Resource) Standardized Uva Ursi Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) Starwort Staunchweed Sundance Aloe Vera Gel (Lee) Suterberry Swallow-Wort Swamp Cedar Sweet Root Sweet Slumber Symphytum officinale Tanacetum parthenium Tanacetum vulgare G-23, 711 433 407 G-6, 107 579 G-5, 92 579 109 G-6, 107 G-22, 690 G-IS, 530 G-4, 64 306 469 779 301 G-26, 833 16 545 G-20, 598 G-24, 759 G-16, 469 108 G-9, 212 0-11, 306 G-24, 754 TANSY (Tanacetum vulgare) G-24, 754 Tea Plant Tea Tree Tetterwort (Chelidonium majus) 487 487 G-8, 169 Tetterwort {Sanguinaria canadensis) Thousand Weed Three-Leaved Throw-Wort ios G-26, 833 G-4, 74 G-18, 524 THUJA (Thuja occidentalis) Thuja occidentalis Tinnevelly Senna Toothache Tree Toywort Tree of Life Trefoil (Hepatica nobilis) Trefoil (Trifolium pratense) Trifolium pratense Trigonella foenum-graecum Trillium erectum Tuber Root G-24, 759 G-24, 759 G-22, 684 545 G-22, 690 G-24, 759 26 G-21, 633 G-21, 633 G-11, 304 G-4, 74 G-20, 598 TURMERIC (Curcuma domestica) 775 Turmeric G-26, 846 Turmeric Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) 846 Turmeric Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 846 Turmeric Root G-13, 355 Turmeric Whole Rhizome Liquid (Health from the Sun) 846 Tussilago farfara G-9, 209 Uva Ursi Leaf Capsules (ADH, Frontier, Nature's Herbs) 779 Uva Ursi Leaves Capsules (Nature's Way) 779 UVA-URSI (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) G-25, 779 Velvet Dock Venus Hair Veratrum luteum Verbena officinalis G-IO, 266 491 301 G-25, 788 VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis) G-25, 788 Vitex agnus-castus G-8, 176 Vitex Capsules (Naturalife, Nature's Way) . . .176 Vomitroot G-16, 479 Vomitwort G-16, 479 Wake-Robin G-4, 74 Wallwort G-9, 212 Warnera Water Flag G-13, 355 G-19, 56i WATERCRESS (Nasturtium officinale) 798 Watercress Capsules (National Vitamin) Waythorn Whig Plant White Cedar White Flag Root White Horehound White Root Wild Bergamont 798 G-6, 123 G-10, 270 G-24, 759 G-19, 56i G-14, 401 G-20, 598 407 WILD CARROT (Daucus carota) G-25, 809 Wild Clover Wild Countryside Black Cohosh Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Wild Countryside Licorice Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Wild Countryside Myrrh Gum Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Wild Curcuma Wild Ginger G-21, 633 92 469 534 G-13, 355 48 WILD INDIGO (Baptisia tinctoria) G-26, 812 Wild Indigo Fresh Root Liquid (Health from the Sun) Wild Indigo Root, Alcohol Free Liquid (Nature's Answer) Wild Iris Wild Lemon Wild Nard Wild Sunflower Wild Tobacco Wind Root Witches' Pouches Wood Waxen 812 812 G-19, 56i G-17, 510 48 G-IO, 266 G-16, 479 G-20, 598 G-22, 690 G-10, 260 WORMWOOD (Artemisia absinthium) . . .G-26, 829 Wormwood G-18, 530 X-Prep Bowel Evacuant Liquid (Purdue Frederick) . . . . 684 SAFETY GUIDE GARLIC POWER T A B L E T S / I - 1 9 9 YARROW (Achillea millefolium) . . . G-26, 833 Yarrow Extract Liquid (Nature's Way) 833 Yarrow Flowers Capsules (Frontier, Nature's Herbs) . . . .833 Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Bark Flag Ginseng Iris Puccoon Root Starwort G-7, 153 G-19, sei 109 G-19, 561 G-13, 355 G-13, 355 G-10, 266 Yellow Wood Yellowroot Zaffer Zanthoxylum americanum 545 358 652 545 ZEDOARY (Curcuma zedoaria) G-26, 846 Not for use while nursing Aged Garlic Extract, Kyolic Hi-Po Formula Capsules (Wakunaga) Alcohol Free Kava Kava Liquid (Nature's Answer) Alder Buckthorn Alder Dogwood Alexandrian Senna ALKANET (Alkanna tinctoria) Alkanet Root Alkanna tinctoria Allium sativum Anchusa Arrow Wood Ass Ear Ava Ava Pepper 327 . . . .443 G-12, 317 G-12, 317 G-22, 684 G-3, 13 G-3, 13 G-3, 13 G-12, 327 G-3, 13 G-12, 317 G-9, 212 G-15, 443 G-15, 443 BASIL (Ocimum basilicum) Bergenia crassifolia Bitter Bark Black Alder G-4, 64 268 G-7, 153 G-12, 317 racemosa) Black Cohosh Capsules (Frontier, Herbal Harvest, Natrol, Nature's Way, Rexall Consumer) Black Cohosh Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) Black Root Black Snake Root Blackwort Boneset Bruisewort G-5, 9 2 92 92 G-9, 212 G-5, 92 G-9, 212 G-9, 212 G-9, 212 BUCKTHORN (Rhamnus catharticus) G-6, 123 G-12, 317 G-5, 92 G-5, 92 G-7, 153 G-13, 354 CASCARA SAGRADA (Rhamnus purshiana) G-7, 153 Cascara Sagrada Bark Capsules (Frontier) 153 Cascara Sagrada Bark Mild Stimulant Laxative Capsules (Nature's Herbs) . . . . 153 Cascara Sagrada Capsules (Herbal Harvest, Humco, Nature's Way) 153 Cascara Sagrada Natural Laxative Capsules (Nature's Resource) 153 Cassia fistula G-13, 354 Cassia senna G-22, 684 Centrum Garlic Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) G-31, 327 CHINESE RHUBARB (Rheum BLACK COHOSH (Cimicifuga Buckthorn Bark Bugbane Bugwort California Buckthorn Cana Fistula palmatum) G-8, 185 Chinese Tian Shan Garlic Tablets (Nature's Herbs) Chittem Bark Cimicifuga Cimicifuga racemosa Clove Garlic Cockup Hat . . . . .327 G-7, 153 G-5, 92 G-5, 92 G-12, 327 729 COMFREY (Symphytum officinale) . .. G-9, 212 Consound G-9, 212 Da-Huang G-8, ISS Deodorized Garlic Tablets (Nature's Bounty) 327 Dog Wood G-12, 317 Dogwood Bark Dyer's Bugloss G-7, 153 G-3, 13 ELEPHANT-EARS (Bergenia crassifolia) Ex-Lax Maximum Strength (Novartis Consumer) 268 684 FRANGULA (Rhamnus frangula) Frangula Bark Garl-Action Tablets (Action Labs) G-12, 317 G-12, 317 327 GARLIC (Allium sativum) Garlic Capsules (Bio-Tech, Cardinal, Frontier, Key Co., Major, Mason Vitamins, National Vitamin) G-12, 327 327 Garlic Enteric Coated Tablets (Perrigo, Rexall Consumer) . . . 327 Garlic Oil 1000 Capsules (Republic) 327 Garlic Oil Capsules (Advanced Nutritional, Apothecary, Basic Vitamins, Bergen Brunswig, Family Pharmacy, Health Products, Mason Vitamins, Medicine Shoppe, Nature Made, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo) . . . .327 Garlic Oil Natural Capsules (Cardinal, Rexall Consumer) 327 Garlic Power Tablets (Nature's Herbs) 327 1 - 2 0 0 /GARLIC TABLETS PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Garlic Tablets (ADH, American Pharmaceutical, Apothecary, Basic Vitamins, Bergen Brunswig, Celestial Seasonings, Contract Pharmacal, Family Pharmacy, Freeda, Mason Vitamins, Medicine Shoppe, National Vitamin, Naturalife, Nature's Bounty, Perrigo, Republic, Zenith Goldline) Garlicin Tablets (Nature's Way) Garlic-X Tablets (Mason Vitamins) Garlin Tablets (Major) Garlique Enteric Coated Tablets (Sunsource) Garlique Tablets (Sunsource) . . 327 327 327 327 327 . 327 GOLDEN SHOWER TREE (Cassia fistula) Gum Plant Hartshorn Healing Herb High Alicin Garlic Tablets (Futurebiotics) High Potency Garlic Oil Capsules (Nature Made) Highwaythorn India Senna Indian Laburnum Intoxicating Pepper Kava Extract Capsules (Nature's Way) G-13, 354 G-9, 212 G-6, 123 G-9, 212 327 327 G-6, 123 G-22, 684 G-13, 354 G-15, 443 443 KAVA KAVA (Piper methysticum) G-15, 443 Kava Kava Capsules (Bergen Brunswig, Celestial Seasonings, Humco, Mason Vitamins, McZand, Nature's Resource, Rexall Consumer, Rexall Managed Care, Sundown) Kava Kava Extract Liquid (Rainbow Light) 443 443 Kava Kava Liquid (McZand) . . . 443 Kava Kava Power Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 443 Kava Kava Premium Extract Capsules (Futurebiotics) 443 Kava Kava Root Capsules (Frontier, Major, Naturalife, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way) 443 Kavatrol Capsules (Natrol) G-29, 443 Kawa G-15, 443 Knitback G-9, 212 Knitbone G-9, 212 Kwai Garlic Tablets (Lichtwer) G-29, 327 Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Tablets (Wakunaga) G-30, 327 Leather Bergenia 268 Marcory 729 NuVeg Black Cohosh Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 92 Ocimum basilicum G-4, 64 Odorless Garlic Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 327 One-A-Day Cholesterol Health Tablets (Bayer) . . G-29, 327 One-A-Day Garlic Capsules (Bayer) G-29, 327 One-A-Day Menopause Health Tablets (Bayer) . . . G-29, 92 Perdiem Overnight Relief (Novartis Consumer) G-29, 684 Persian Berries G-12, 317 Piper methysticum G-15, 443 Poor Man's Treacle G-12, 327 Pudding Pipe Tree G-13, 354 Purging Cassia G-13, 354 Purshiana Bark G-7, 153 Queen's Delight 729 Ramsthora G-e, 123 Rattleroot G-5, 92 Rattleweed G-5, 92 Remifemin Tablets (PhytoPharmica) G-30, 92 Rhamnus catharticus G-6, 123 Rhamnus frangula G-12, 317 Rhamnus purshiana G-7, 153 Rheum palmatum Rhubarb Richweed Sacred Bark Sagrada Bark Salsify G-8, ISS G-8, iss G-5, 92 G-7, 153 G-7, 153 G-9, 212 SENNA (Cassia senna) G-22, 684 Senna Extract Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 684 Senna Leaf Capsules (Frontier) 684 Senokot Childrens' Syrup (Purdue Frederick) G-30, 684 Senokot Granules (Purdue Frederick) G-30, 684 Senokot Tablets (Purdue Frederick) G-30, 684 Senokot X (Purdue Frederick) . . 684 Senokot Xtra (Purdue Frederick) 684 Siberian Tea 268 Silver Leaf 729 Slippery Root G-9, 212 Spanish Bugloss G-3, 13 Squaw Root G-S, 92 St. Josephwort G-4, 64 Standardized Garlic Capsules (Nature's Resource) 327 STILLING1A (Stillingia sylvatica) 729 Stillingia sylvatica 729 Symphytum officinale G-9, 212 Tinnevelly Senna .G-22, 684 Total Gar Capsules (Mason Vitamins) 327 Wallwort G-9, 212 Waythorn G-e, 123 Wild Countryside Black Cohosh Root Capsules (Nature's Herbs) 92 X-Prep Bowel Evacuant Liquid (Purdue Frederick) . . . . 684 Yaw Root 729 Yellow Bark G-7, 153 SAFETY GUIDE PIGWOOD/I-201 For use only under supervision Aconite Aconitum napellus G-IS, 521 G-18, 521 ALMOND (Prunus dulcis) 15 AMERICAN HELLEBORE (Veratrum viride) American Nightshade American Spinach Apocynum cannabinum Aristolochia clematitis Arruda Brava Arruda Do Mato Atropa belladonna Basam Bear's Grape 2s G-20, 602 G-20, 602 418 G-5, SO G-15, 425 G-15, 425 G-4, 69 G-22, 672 G-20, 602 BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna) Belladonna Scopola Besom G-4, 69 67i G-22, 672 BiRTHWORT (Aristolochia clematitis) . . . G-S, SO Bitterroot Bizzom Blue Rocket 418 G-22, 672 G-IS, 521 BOXWOOD (Buxus sempervirens) . . . . G-6, l i e Branching Phytolacca Breeam Broom Broomtops Browme Brum Bugbane Burning Bush Bush Tree Buxus sempervirens Canadian Hemp Cancer-Root Catchfly Chongras Coakum Cokan Convallaria Convallaria majalis Convall-Lily Crowberry G-20, 602 G-22, 672 G-22,672 G-22, 672 G-22, 672 G-22, 672 25 G-25, 791 G-e, ne G-6, l i e 418 G-20, 602 418 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-20,602 G-16, 475 G-16, 475 G-ie, 475 G-20, 602 Cytisus scoparius Dead Men's Bells Deadly Nightshade Devil's Bite Devil's Cherries Devil's Herb G-22, 672 G-10, 248 G-4, 69 25 G-4, 69 G-4, 69 DIGITALIS (Digitalis purpurea) G-10, 248 Digitalis purpurea G-10, 248 Dipteryx odorata 767 Divale G-4, 69 Dogbane 418 Dog's Finger G-10, 248 Duck's Foot G-17, 510 Dudgeon G-6, 116 Dwale G-4, 69 Dwayberry G-4, 69 Earth Gall 25 Euonymus atropurpurea . . . G-25, 791 Fairy Caps G-10, 248 Fairy Fingers G-IO, 248 Fairy Gloves G-IO, 248 Fairy Thimbles G-IO, 248 Finger Flower G-IO, 248 Fly-Trap 4is Folks' Glove G-10, 248 Foxglove G-10, 248 Friar's Cap G-IS, 521 Fusanum G-25, 791 Fusoria G-25, 791 Gadrose G-25, 791 Gatten G-25, 791 Gatter G-25, 791 (Teucrium chamaedrys) . . G-12, 337 G-IO, 248 G-4, 69 15 G-17, 510 G-17, 510 418 G-17, 510 G-25, 791 25 INDIAN-HEMP (Apocynum cannabinum) 418 418 G-20, 602 G-22, 672 25 JABORANDI (Pilocarpus microphyllus) Jacob's Ladder Jalap Jamguarandi Japanese Belladonna Jordan Almond Juarandi Ladder-to-Heaven Ladies' Glove Lily Constancy G-15, 425 G-16, 475 G-20, 602 G-15, 425 67i 15 G-15, 425 G-16, 475 G-10, 248 G-16, 475 LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY (Convallaria majalis) Lion's Mouth Mace Mandragora Mandragora ojficinarum . . . G-16, 475 G-10, 248 G-18, 545 G-17, 495 . . G-17, 495 MANDRAKE (Mandragora ojficinarum) Mandrake May Bells May Lily G-17, 495 G-17, 510 G-IS, 475 G-16, 475 MAYAPPLE (Podophyllum peltatum) Milk Ipecac Milkweed . G-17, 510 418 418 MONKSHOOD (Aconitum napellus) GERMANDER Gloves of Our Lady Great Morel Greek Nuts Ground Lemon Hog Apple Honeybloom Indian Apple Indian Arrowroot Indian Poke Indian-Hemp Inkberry Irish Tops Itchweed G-IS, 521 Mousebane G-IS, 521 Muguet G-IS, 475 Myristica fragrans G-18, 545 Naughty Man's Cherries . .. . G - 4 , 69 NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans) G-18, 545 Our Lady's Tears Phytolacca americana Phytolacca Berry Phytolacca Root Pigeon Berry Pigwood G-ie, 475 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-25, 791 1-202/PILOCARPUS MICROPHYLLUS Pilocarpus microphyllus . . . G-15, 425 Pocan G-20, 602 Podophyllum peltatum Poison Black Cherry G-17, 5io G-4, 69 POKE (Phytolacca americana) Poke Berry Poke Root Pokeweed Prickwood Prunus dulcis Raccoon Berry Red Weed Red-Ink Plant Russian Belladonna PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Satan's Apple Scoke Scoparium Scopola G-17, 495 G-20, 602 G-22, 672 67i SCOPOLIA . G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 G-25, 791 15 G-17, 510 G-20, 602 G-20, 602 671 (Scopolia carniolicd) Scopolia carniolica 671 671 Tickleweed 25 TONKA BEANS (Dipteryx odorata) Tonquin Bean Veratrum viride Virginian Poke Virgin's Glove 767 767 25 G-20, 602 G-10, 248 WAHOO SCOTCH BROOM (Cytisus scoparius) G-22, 672 Skewerwood Skoke Spindle Tree Sweet Almond Teucrium chamaedrys G-25, 791 G-20, 602 G-25, 791 15 G-12, 337 (Euonymus atropurpurea) Wallflower Wild Cotton Wild Lemon Witches' Gloves Wolfsbane G-25, 791 418 418 G-17, 510 G-10, 248 G-18, 521 1-203 Manufacturers Index This herbal entry Guide, index provides monographs. lists the two you with The names page second numbers, to the Direct Inquiries to: (800) 932-2953 FAX: (516) 694-6493 215 North Route 303 Congers, NY 10920-1726 the the first information for products refers monograph each follow to in a the supplier photograph which the 327 346 346 346 75 342 516 664 719 551 ssi 843 843 843 of the product 843 843 Herbal Products Available: Aloe Vera Capsules 16 Barley Grain Capsules 63 Bilberry Extract Capsules 75 Borage Oil Capsules 114 Butcher's Broom Capsules 132 Cat's Claw Capsules 160 Cayenne Peppers Capsules 165 Damiana Leaves Capsules 244 Dandelion Root Capsules 245 Devil's Claw Capsules 247 Echinacea Capsules 26i Evening Primrose Oil Capsules 298 Garlic Tablets 327 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Ginseng American Capsules . . . . 346 Ginseng Chinese Capsules 346 Goldenseal Capsules 355 Gotu Kola Capsules 359 Hawthorne Capsules 271 Sarsaparilla Capsules 661 Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Uva Ursi Leaf Capsules 779 Valerian Root Capsules 783 White Willow Bark Capsules . . . SOT ADVANCED NUTRITIONAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. 6988 Sierra Court Dublin, CA 94568 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 624-6543 (925) 828-2128 FAX: (925) 828-6848 whose company's Direct Inquiries to: (914) 268-0027 FAX: (914) 268-2988 280 Adams Boulevard Farmingdale, NY 11735 ADH HEALTH PRODUCTS INC. of herbal ACTION LABS, INC. Herbal Products Available: Garl-Action Tablets Gin-Action Tablets Ginseng Power Max 4X Capsules Ginseng Power Max 4X Liquid Super Bilberry Plus Tablets Super Ginkgo Biloba Plus Tablets Super Milk Thistle Plus Tablets Super Saw Palmetto Plus Tablets Super St. John's Wort Plus Tablets Wild Oats Liquid Wild Oats Tablets Yohimbe Power Max 1500 for Women Tablets Yohimbe Power Max 1500 Tablets Yohimbe Power Max 2000 Capsules Yohimbe Power Max 2000 Liquid Yohimbized 1000 Liquid contact products appear contact information. product in the in the If an Identification appears. Herbal Products Available: Activin Capsules Flaxseed Oil Capsules Garlic Oil Capsules Ginseng Korean Capsules New Energy Capsules 362 313 327 346 313 AIM FOR HERBS 16 Kingston Street Somerville, MA 02144 Direct Inquiries to: (888) 752-1352 Herbal Products Available: Activated Ginkgo Tablets 342 ALVITA TEA COMPANY 600 East Quality Drive American Fork, UT 84003-3302 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 258-4828 FAX: (801) 763-0789 Herbal Products Available: Alvita Astragalus Root Tea Bags 54 Caffeine-Free Ginger Root Tea Bags 339 Chinese Green Tea Tea Bags . .. 369 AMERICAN PHARMACAL, INC. 1201 Douglas Avenue Kansas City, KS 66103 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 349-4923 FAX: (210) 349-9043 Herbal Products Available: Ginseng Capsules AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL CO. 12 Dwight Place Fairfield, NJ 07004 Direct Inquiries to: (973) 515-1000 346 1-204 /AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL CO. FAX: (973) 515-9766 Herbal Products Available: Garlic Tablets 327 APOTHECARY PRODUCTS 11531 Rupp Drive Bumsville, MN 55337 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 328-2742 FAX: (800) 328-1584 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Tablets 12 Cayenne Herbal Capsules 165 Echinacea Root Herbal Capsules 261 Garlic Oil Capsules 327 Garlic Tablets 327 Ginkgo Biloba Plus Capsules . . . 342 Ginseng Siberian Capsules 346 Goldenseal Root Capsules 355 Guarana Tablets 376 Papaya Digestive Enzyme Tablet 565 Red Clover Herbal Capsules . . . 633 Sarsaparilla Root Capsules 66i Valerian Root Tablets 783 White Willow Bark Capsules . .. 807 AURA CACIA 101 Arbuckle Road Weaverville, CA 96093 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 437-3301 FAX: (800) 717-4375 Herbal Products Available: Ginger Root Oil Juniper Berry Oil Myrrh Commiphora Oil Red Thyme Oil White Thyme Oil Wild Chamomile Oil 339 440 534 761 76i 331 BASIC VITAMINS P.O. Box 412 Vandalia, OH 45377 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 782-2742 FAX: (937) 898-0500 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Tablets Garlic Oil Capsules Garlic Tablets Ginseng Capsules BAYER CORP., CONSUMER CARE DIVISION 36 Columbia Road P.O. Box 1910 Morristown, NJ 07962-1910 12 327 327 346 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Direct Inquiries to: (800) 348-2240 Herbal Products Available: One-A-Day Cholesterol Health Tablets G-29, 327 One-A-Day Cold Season Tablets G-29, 26i One-A-Day Garlic Capsules G-29, 327 One-A-Day Memory & Concentration Tablets . . . G-29, 342 One-A-Day Menopause Health Tablets G-29, 92 One-A-Day Prostate Health Capsules G-29, 664 One-A-Day Tension & Mood Tablets G-29, 719 BERGEN BRUNSWIG DRUG COMPANY 4000 Metropolitan Drive Orange, CA 92868 Direct Inquiries to: (714) 385-4000 FAX: (714) 385-8830 Herbal Products Available: Bilberry Capsules Cat's Claw Capsules Cayenne Capsules Echinacea Capsules Evening Primrose Oil Capsules Feverfew Capsules Garlic Oil Capsules Garlic Tablets Ginger Root Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Capsules Ginseng Capsules Ginseng Natural Tablets Ginseng Root Korean White Capsules Ginseng Root Siberian Capsules Golden Seal Root Capsules Gotu Kola Capsules Grape Seed Capsules Green Tea Capsules Kava Kava Capsules Saw Palmetto Capsules St. John's Wort Capsules Valerian Root Capsules BIOGLAN PHARMA, INC. 900 West Valley Road Suite 400 Wayne, PA 19087 Direct Inquiries to: (610) 225-0200 FAX: (610) 225-0160 Herbal Products Available: Zostrix Cream 165 BIO-TECH PHARMACAL, INC. P.O. Box 1992 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 345-1199 FAX: (501) 443-5643 Herbal Products Available: Bioflax Capsules Garlic Capsules Wild Yam Capsules 313 327 817 BOERICKE & TAFEL 2381 Circadian Way Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 876-9505 (707) 571-8202 FAX: (707) 571-8237 Herbal Products Available: Califlora Calendula Gel 497 BOIRON USA 75 160 165 261 298 306 327 327 339 342 346 .. 346 346 346 355 359 362 369 443 664 719 783 6 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, PA 19073 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 264-7661 FAX: (610) 325-7480 Herbal Products Available: Calendula Gel Calendula Lotion Calendula Ointment 497 497 497 BOSCOGEN INC. 11 Morgan Irvine, CA 92618 Direct Inquiries to: (949) 380-4317 FAX: (949) 583-2016 Herbal Products Available: Lynae Ginse-Cool Chewable Tablets 346 BRECKENRIDGE PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. P.O. Box 206 Boca Raton, FL 33429 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 367-3395 (561) 367-8512 FAX: (561) 367-8107 Herbal Products Available: St. John's Wort Capsules E.T. BROWNE DRUG COMPANY 140 Sylvan Avenue P.O. Box 1613 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 Direct Inquiries to: (201) 947-3050 FAX: (201) 947-9276 719 M A N U F A C T U R E R S INDEX FUTUREBIOTICS / 1 - 2 0 5 Herbal Products Available: Palmers Aloe Vera Formula Cream is CARDINAL HEALTH, INC. 5555 Glendon Court Dublin, OH 43016 Direct Inquiries to: (614) 757-5000 Herbal Products Available: 75 Bilberry Capsules 261 Echinacea Capsules 327 Garlic Capsules Garlic Oil Natural Capsules . . . . 327 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Ginseng Siberian Capsules 346 Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Valerian Root Capsules 783 CELESTIAL SEASONINGS, INC. 4600 Sleepytime Drive Boulder, CO 80301-3292 Direct Inquiries to: (303) 530-5300 FAX: (303) 581-1294 Herbal Products Available: Echinacea Capsules 261 Garlic Tablets 327 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Ginseng Energy Capsules 346 Green Tea Extract Capsules . . . . 369 Kava Kava Capsules 443 Panax Ginseng Capsules 346 Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 St. John's Wort Capsules 719 CONTRACT PHARMACAL CORPORATION 160 Commerce Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 Direct Inquiries to: (631) 231-4610 FAX: (631) 231-4156 Herbal Products Available: Echinacea Capsules Garlic Tablets Ginseng Capsules St. John's Wort Tablets 261 327 346 719 ENZYMATIC THERAPY 825 Challenger Drive Green Bay, WI 54311 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 783-2286 E-mail: Herbal Products Available: Hypericalm Capsules FAMILY PHARMACY P.O. Box 1027 Southeastern, PA 19398-1027 719 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 333-7347 FAX: (610) 695-8604 Herbal Products Available: Garlic Oil Capsules Garlic Tablets Ginseng Vitamin Capsules 327 327 346 FREEDA VITAMINS, INC. 36 E. 41st Street New York, NY 10017 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 777-3737 (212) 685-4980 FAX: (212) 685-7297 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Concentrate Tablets Cabbage Tablets Garlic Tablets Guar Gum Powder Pacific Kelp Tablets Papaya Tablets FRONTIER 12 134 327 376 122 565 P.O. Box 299 Norway, IA 52318 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 786-1388 FAX: (800) 717-4372 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Leaf Capsules 12 American Ginseng Root Capsules 346 Bilberry Leaf Capsules 75 Black Cohosh Capsules 92 Black Walnut Hulls Capsules . . . 134 Blessed Thistle Capsules 107 Burdock Root Capsules 128 Butcher's Broom Root Capsules 132 Cascara Sagrada Bark Capsules 153 Catnip Leaf Capsules 164 Cat's Claw Inner Bark Capsules ieo Cayenne 30,000 Heat Units Capsules i65 Certified Organic Nettle Leaf Capsules 729 Certified Organic Red Raspberry Leaf Capsules 630 Chamomile Flowers Capsules .. . 331 Chickweed Herb Capsules iso Damiana Leaf Capsules 244 Dandelion Root Capsules 245 Devil's Claw Root Tuber Capsules 247 Echinacea Angustifolia Herb Capsules Echinacea purpurea Root Capsules Elder Flowers Capsules Eleuthero Ginseng Root Capsules Eyebright Herb Capsules Fenugreek Seed Capsules Garlic Capsules Ginger Root Capsules Ginkgo Leaf Capsules Goldenseal Leaf Capsules Goldenseal Root Capsules Gotu Kola Capsules Guggul Resin Capsules Hawthorne Berries Capsules Horsetail Grass Capsules Kava Kava Root Capsules Korean Ginseng Root Capsules Licorice Root Capsules Marshmallow Root Capsules Mullein Leaf Liquid . . Nettle Leaf Capsules Passion Flower Capsules Red Clover Herb Capsules Red Raspberry Leaves Capsules Sarsaparilla Root Capsules Saw Palmetto Berries Capsules Senna Leaf Capsules Skullcap Herb Capsules Slippery Elm Bark Capsules St. John's Wort Herb Capsules Uva Ursi Leaf Capsules Valerian Root Capsules White Willow Bark Capsules Wild Yam Root & Rhizome Extract Liquid Wild Yam Root Capsules Yarrow Flowers Capsules Yellow Dock Root Capsules FUTUREBIOTICS 145 Ricefield Lane Hauppauge, NY 11788 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 367-5433 261 261 287 346 300 304 327 339 342 355 355 359 534 ....271 409 443 346 469 . . . . 505 532 729 573 633 630 66i 664 684 678 . . . . 697 719 779 783 . . . 807 817 817 33 . . . . 835 1-206 /FUTUREBIOTICS Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Whole Juice Concentrate Liquid Bilberry Extract Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Premium Extract Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Premium Extract Tablets Green Tea Tablets High Alicin Garlic Tablets Kava Kava Premium Extract Capsules Premium Blend Korean Ginseng Capsules Premium Blend Saw Palmetto Capsules Saw Palmetto Berries Capsules St. John's Wort Capsules PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Wild Indigo Fresh Root Liquid 12 75 342 342 369 327 443 346 664 664 719 GLENWOOD 82 North Summit Street Tenafly, NJ 07670 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 664-1449 (732) 981-9780 FAX: (732) 981-9790 Herbal Products Available: Yocon Tablets 843 THE GREEN TURTLE BAY VITAMIN CO., INC. 56 High Street P.O. Box 642 Summit, NJ 07902 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 887-8535 (908) 277-2240 FAX: (908) 273-9116 E-mail: Herbal Products Available: Primrose Oil Capsules . . . . HEALTH PRODUCTS CORPORATION/ HEALTH BRAND Health Vitamin Company, Inc. 1060 Nepperhan Avenue Yonkers, NY 10703-1432 Direct Inquiries to: (914) 423-2900 FAX: (914) 963-6001 Herbal Products Available: Garlic Oil Capsules 327 Ginseng Korean Capsules 346 Oil of Evening Primrose Capsules 298 Papaya Chewable Tablets 565 HERB PHARM P.O. Box 116 Williams, OR 97544 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 599-2392 (541) 846-6262 FAX: (800) 545-7392 E-mail: Herbal Products Available: Madder Whole Root Liquid . . . . 490 Oregon Grape Liquid 527 Sheep Sorrel, Whole Flowering Plant Liquid 705 Thyme Leaf & Flower Liquid . . 761 Yerba Santa Resin-Rich Leaf Liquid 84i HERBAL HARVEST 298 HEALTH FROM THE SUN P.O. Box 179 Newport Beach, NH 03773 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 447-2249 FAX: (603) 763-9159 Herbal Products Available: Bio-EFA Black Currant Capsules Black Currant Capsules . . . . Curcu Caps Capsules Prickly Ash AutumnHarvested Liquid Turmeric Whole Rhizome Liquid 812 . .94 . .94 .132 .545 .846 90 Orville Drive Bohemia, NY 11716 Direct Inquiries to: (631) 567-9500 FAX: (631) 244-2136 Herbal Products Available: Aloe Vera Capsules 16 Black Cohosh Capsules 92 Cascara Sagrada Capsules 153 Cayenne Capsules 165 Dandelion Root Capsules 245 Echinacea Capsules 26i Eyebright Capsules 300 Feverfew Extract Capsules 306 Ginger Root Capsules 339 Ginkgo Biloba Extract Tablets 342 Ginseng Complex Capsules 346 Golden Seal Root Capsules 355 Hawthorne Berries Capsules . . . . 271 Korean Ginseng Capsules 346 Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Siberian Ginseng Tablets 346 St. John's Wort Capsules Valerian Root Capsules 719 783 HUMCO 7400 Alumax Drive Texarkana, TX 75501 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 662-3435 FAX: (903) 831-7736 Herbal Products Available: Bilberry Extract Capsules 75 Cascara Sagrada Capsules 153 Cat's Claw Capsules 160 Cayenne Pepper Capsules 165 Echinacea Capsules 261 Feverfew Extract Capsules 306 Ginkgo Biloba Extract Capsules 342 Goldenseal Root Capsules 355 Hawthorn Extract Capsules 271 Kava Kava Capsules 443 Korean Ginseng Extract Capsules 346 Korean White Ginseng Capsules 346 Milk Thistle Extract Capsules . . 516 Saw Palmetto Extract Capsules 664 St. John's Wort Extract Capsules 719 Valerian Root Capsules 783 IRWIN NATURALS 10549 West Jefferson Boulevard Culver City, CA 90232 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 841-8448 FAX: (310) 202-9454 Herbal Products Available: Cat's Claw Capsules ieo Echinacea Capsules 261 Ginkgo Smart Capsules 342 Super Yohimbe-Plus Tablets . . . . 8 4 3 THE KEY COMPANY 1313 W. Essex Ave. P.O. Box 220370 St. Louis, MO 63122 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 325-9592 (314) 965-6699 FAX: (314) 965-7629 Herbal Products Available: Alfamin Tablets Echinacea Root Capsules Garlic Capsules Goldenseal Plus Capsules Linum-20 Capsules St. John's Wort Capsules 12 26i 327 355 313 719 MANUFACTURERS INDEX MCZAND HERBAL, INC. / I - 2 0 7 KISS MY FACE P.O. Box 224 Gardiner, NY 12525 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 262-KISS (914) 255-0884 ^ FAX: (914) 255-4312 "^ Herbal Products Available: Natural Honey & Calendula Moisturizer for Extra Dry Skin 497 KONSYL PHARMACEUTICALS 4200 South Hulen Fort Worth, TX 76109 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 356-6795 (817) 763-8011 FAX: (817) 731-9389 Herbal Products Available: Konsyl Easy Mix Konsyl for Kids Konsyl Powder Sugar Free 612 612 612 LEE PHARMACEUTICALS 1434 Santa Anita Avenue P.O. Box 3836 If South El Monte, CA 91733-3312 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 950-5337 FAX: (626) 442-6994 Herbal Products Available: Aloe 99 Gel Sundance Aloe Vera Gel ie ie LICHTWER PHARMA U.S., INC. Foster Plaza 9 750 Holiday Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Direct Inquiries to: (412) 928-9334 FAX: (412) 928-9655 Herbal Products Available: Ginkai Tablets 0-29, 342 Ginsai Capsules 346 Kira Tablets G-29, 719 Kwai Garlic Tablets G-29, 327 MAJOR PHARMACEUTICALS • 31778 Enterprise Drive Livonia, MI 48150 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 875-0123 FAX: (734) 762-9730 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Tablets Bilberry Capsules Cayenne Pepper Capsules Echinacea Root Capsules Evening Primrose Capsules Eyebright Capsules Garlic Capsules 12 73 i65 261 298 300 327 Garlin Tablets 327 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Ginkgo Biloba Tablets 342 Ginseng Capsules 346 Ginseng Korean Capsules 346 Ginseng Siberian Capsules 346 Golden Seal Root Capsules 355 Gotu Kola Capsules 359 Grape Seed Extract Capsules . . .362 Kava Kava Root Capsules 443 Kelp Tablets 122 Licorice Root Capsules 469 Milk Thistle Capsules 516 Oat Bran Tablets 551 Papaya Tablets 565 Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Valerian Root Capsules 783 MARLEX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 50 McCullough Drive Southgate Center New Castle, DE 19720 Direct Inquiries to: (302) 328-3355 FAX: (302) 328-6968 Herbal Products Available: Papaya Chewable Tablets Papaya Coated Tablets Tablet 565 565 Saw Palmetto Capsules St. John's Wort Capsules Total Gar Capsules Valerian Capsules Valerian Root Tablets Yohimbe Capsules Yohimbe Super Potent Tablets MASON VITAMINS, INC. 5105 N.W. 159th Street Miami Lakes, FL 33014 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 327-6005 FAX: (800) 328-3944 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Fortified Tablets Alfalfa Tablets Aloe Vera Concentrate 5000 Capsules Bilberry Capsules Cat's Claw Capsules Cayenne Capsules Echinacea Capsules Evening Primrose Oil Capsules Feverfew Capsules Garlic Capsules Garlic Oil Capsules Garlic Tablets Garlic-X Tablets Ginger Capsules Ginger Root Capsules GinkAlert Tablets Ginkgo Biloba Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Extract Capsules Ginseng Complex Korean Capsules Ginseng Korean Capsules Ginseng Korean Tablets Ginseng Siberian Capsules Goldenseal Capsules Goldenseal Root Capsules Gotu Kola Capsules G-Sana Capsules Guarana Capsules Hawthorn Berry Capsules Kava Kava Capsules Kelp Tablets Licorice Capsules Milk Thistle Capsules Oat Bran Tablets Papaya Enzyme with Papain 342 346 346 346 346 355 355 359 346 122 271 443 122 469 516 .551 565 664 719 327 783 783 843 843 McKESSON DRUG COMPANY 12 12 ie 75 ieo 163 261 One Post Street San Francisco, CA 94104-5296 Direct Inquiries to: (415) 983-8300 FAX: (415) 983-7160 Herbal Products Available: Cayenne Capsules 165 Echinacea Capsules 261 Ginseng Capsules 346 Ginseng Concentrate Capsules .. 346 Golden Seal Root Capsules 355 Gotu Kola Herb Capsules 359 Valerian Root Capsules 783 McZAND HERBAL, INC. 298 306 327 327 327 327 339 339 342 342 P.O. Box 5312 Santa Monica, CA 90409 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 800-0405 FAX: (310) 822-1050 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Liquid Astragalus Root Liquid Black Walnut Liquid Blue Cohosh Liquid Cat's Claw Capsules 12 54 134 109 160 1-208 /MCZAND HERBAL, INC. Cayenne Capsules Chamomile Liquid Dandelion Liquid Echinacea Liquid Feverfew Capsules Ginger Liquid Ginkgo Capsules Ginkgo Liquid Ginseng American Liquid Ginseng Chinese Liquid Ginseng Siberian Liquid Goldenseal Liquid Gotu Kola Liquid Hawthorn Capsules Hawthorn Liquid Horsetail Liquid Kava Kava Capsules Kava Kava Liquid Licorice Liquid Milk Thistle Capsules Milk Thistle Liquid Nettle Capsules Nettle Liquid Oatstraw Capsules Oatstraw Liquid Red Clover Liquid Red Raspberry Liquid Saw Palmetto Capsules Saw Palmetto Liquid Valerian Liquid PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 165 331 245 261 306 339 342 342 346 346 346 355 359 271 271 409 443 443 469 516 516 729 729 551 551 633 630 664 664 783 THE MEDICINE SHOPPE ll 00 North Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63132 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 325-1397 (314) 993-6000 FAX: (314) 872-5500 Herbal Products Available: Garlic Oil Capsules Garlic Tablets 327 327 MERICON INDUSTRIES, INC. 8819 N. Pioneer Road Peoria, IL 61615-1561 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 242-6464 FAX: (309) 693-2158 E-mail: Herbal Products Available: Ginkgo Tablets NATIONAL VITAMIN COMPANY, INC. 2075 West Scranton Avenue Porterville, CA 93257-8358 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 538-5828 FAX: (209) 781-8878 342 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Tablets Aloe Vera Capsules Cat's Claw Capsules Chantal Aloe Vera Cream Echinacea Capsules Evening Primrose Oil Capsules Garlic Capsules Garlic Tablets Ginkgo Biloba Extract Capsules Ginseng Korean Capsules Golden Seal Capsules Guarana Tablets Kelp Tablets Oat Bran Chewable Tablets Papaya Enzyme Tablet Saw Palmetto Capsules St. John's Wort Extract Capsules Valerian Root Capsules Watercress Capsules 12 16 ieo 16 261 298 327 327 342 346 355 376 122 551 565 664 719 783 798 NATROL 2 l 4 l l Prairie Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 326-1520 Herbal Products Available: Astragalus Capsules 54 Basics Stinging Nettles Capsules 729 Bilberry Herb Capsules 75 Black Cohosh Capsules 92 Blackcurrant Seed Oil Capsules 94 Evening Primrose Oil Capsules 298 Ginkgo Biloba Extract 342 Ginkgo Biloba Tablets 342 Green Tea Capsules 369 Guarana Capsules 376 Kavatrol Capsules G-29, 443 Mood Support Capsules 719 Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 St. John's Wort Tablets 719 NATURALIFE CORPORATION 10 Mountain Springs Parkway Springville, UT 84663 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 531-3233 FAX: (800) 489-3302 Herbal Products Available: Bilberry Capsules 75 Cat's Claw Bark Capsules Dr. Masquelier's Authentic OPC's Tablets Feverfew Leaf Capsules Garlic Tablets Ginkgo Biloba Capsules Ginseng Capsules Hawthorn Tablets Kava Kava Root Capsules Milk Thistle Capsules Original Primrose for Women Capsules Saw Palmetto Capsules St. John's Wort Capsules Vitex Capsules 160 362 306 327 342 346 271 443 516 298 664 719 176 NATURE MADE 1150 Aviation Place San Fernando, CA 91340 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 276-2878 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Herbs Tablets Chinese Red Panax Ginseng Capsules Chinese Red Panax Ginseng Tablets Echinacea Capsules Garlic Oil Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Tablets Goldenseal Root Capsules High Potency Garlic Oil Capsules St. John's Wort Tablets 12 346 346 261 327 342 355 327 719 NATURE'S ANSWER 320 Oser Avenue Hauppauge, NY 11788 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 439-2324 (516) 231-7492 FAX: (516) 951-2499 Herbal Products Available: Alcohol Free Black Walnut Green Hulls Fluid Extract . . . . 134 Alcohol Free Chaste Tree Berry Liquid 176 Alcohol Free Dandelion Root Liquid 245 Alcohol Free Ginger Root Fluid Extract 339 Alcohol Free Gotu Kola Herb Liquid 359 Alcohol Free Horsetail Liquid . . 409 MANUFACTURERS INDEX Alcohol Free Kava Kava Rosemary Leaf Liquid 645 Saw Palmetto Berries Liquid . . . 664 Liquid 443 St. John's Wort Liquid 719 Alcohol Free Milk Thistle Thyme Herb Liquid 76i Seed Liquid 516 Valerian Root Alcohol Free Alcohol Free Mullein Leaves Liquid 783 Liquid 532 Wild Indigo Root, Alcohol Alcohol Free Nettles Leaf Free Liquid 812 Liquid 729 Wild Yam Liquid 817 Alcohol Free Passionflower Witch Hazel Leaf Liquid 821 Liquid 573 Wood Betony Herb Liquid 825 Alcohol Free Red Raspberry Leaf Liquid 630 NATURE'S BOUNTY, INC. Alcohol Free Sage Liquid 655 90 Orville Drive Bohemia. NY 11716 Alcohol Free White Willow Direct Inquiries to: Bark Liquid 807 (631) 567-9500 Alcohol Free Yarrow Flowers FAX: (631) 244-2136 Liquid 33 Herbal Products Available: Alcohol Free Yellowdock Alfalfa Natural Tablets 12 Root Liquid 835 Aloe Vera Capsules 16 Alfalfa Liquid 12 Bilberry Capsules 75 Angelica Root Liquid Fluid Cat's Claw Capsules 160 Extract 32 Cayenne Capsules 165 Astragalus Liquid 54 Dandelion Root Capsules 245 Bayberry Bark Liquid Fluid Deodorized Garlic Tablets 327 Extract 705 Echinacea Capsules 261 Bladderwrack Fluid Extract 106 Evening Primrose Oil Blessed Thistle Low Alcohol Capsules 298 Fluid Extract 107 Eyebright Capsules 300 Blue Cohosh Root Liquid 109 Feverfew Capsules 306 Burdock Root Fluid Extract . 1 2 8 Garlic Oil Capsules 327 Catnip Herb Liquid Fluid Garlic Tablets 327 Extract 164 Ginger Root Capsules 339 Catnip Liquid 164 Ginkgo Biloba Extract Cat's Claw Bark Liquid ieo Tablets 342 Celery Liquid Fluid Extract 172 Ginseng Complex Capsules 346 Chickweed Herb Liquid iso Ginseng Korean Capsules 346 Cinnamon Bark Fluid Extract . . . 190 Ginseng Manchurian Capsules .. 346 Cleavers, Alcohol-Free Liquid . . 193 Ginseng Siberian Tablets 346 Damiana Leaf Fluid Extract . . . . 244 Ginseng Up Capsules 346 Fennel Seed Liquid 302 Golden Seal Root Capsules 355 Ginger Kid Liquid 339 Grapeseed Extract Capsules 362 Goldenseal Root Alcohol Hawthorne Berries Capsules . . . . 271 Free Liquid 355 Herbal Sure Aloe Vera Green Tea Leaf, Alcohol Softgels 16 Free Liquid 369 Herbal Sure Chinese Red Guarana Seed Liquid 376 Ginseng Capsules 346 Juniper Berry Liquid 440 Herbal Sure Extracts Kid Chamomile Liquid 331 Capsules 75 Marshmallow Root Liquid 505 Herbal Sure Feverfew Myrrh Gum Liquid 534 Capsules 3oe Herbal Sure Ginger Root Oregon Grape Root Liquid 527 Capsules 339 I Parsley Leaf Liquid 567 I NATURE'S HERBS / I - 2 0 9 Herbal Sure Goldenseal Root Capsules 355 Herbal Sure Korean Ginseng Capsules 346 Herbal Sure Maximum Strength Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Herbal Sure Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Herbal Sure Valerian Root Capsules 783 Licorice Root Capsules 469 Manchurian Ginseng Capsules . . 346 Manchurian Ginseng Tablets . . . . 346 Milk Thistle Capsules 516 Natural Ginkgo Biloba Tablets 342 Oat Bran Tablets 551 Red Clover Blossom Capsules 633 Royal Brittany Evening Primrose Oil Capsules 298 Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Silymarin Milk Thistle Capsules 516 Valerian Root Capsules 783 Yohimbie Bark Tablets 843 NATURE'S HERBS 150 Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Direct Inquiries to: (516) 467-3140 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Leaf Capsules 12 Aloe Vera Mild Stimulant Laxative Capsules 16 American Ginseng Root Capsules 346 Bayberry Bark Capsules 705 Bilberry Power Capsules 75 Black Cohosh Power Capsules 92 Black Walnut Hulls Capsules . . . 134 Blessed Thistle Capsules 107 Burdock Root Capsules 128 Butcher's Broom Root Capsules 132 Cascara Sagrada Bark Mild Stimulant Laxative Capsules 153 Cat's Claw Capsules 160 Cat's Claw Power Capsules . . . . 160 1-210/NATURE'S HERBS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Cayenne Power Herb Capsules 165 Celery Seed Capsules 172 Celery Seed Power Capsules . . . 172 Chamomile Flowers Capsules . . . 331 Chasteberry Power Capsules . . . . 176 Chickweed Capsules -iso Chinese Tian Shan Garlic Tablets 327 Damiana Leaves Capsules 244 Devil's Claw Secondary Root Capsules 247 Elderberry Flowers & Berries Capsules 287 Elderberry Power Capsules 287 EuroQuality Juniper Berries Capsules 440 EuroQuality Red Clover Blossoms Capsules 633 Eyebright Capsules 300 Garlic Power Tablets 327 Ginger Power Capsules 339 Golden Seal Power Capsules . . . 355 Golden Seal Root Capsules 355 Green Tea Power Capsules 369 Green Tea Power, CaffeineFree Capsules 369 Hawthorn Flowers Leaves & Berries Capsules 271 Hawthorn Power Capsules 271 Horse Chestnut Power Capsules 403 Kava Kava Power Capsules . . . . 443 Kava Kava Root Capsules 443 Korean Ginseng Root Capsules 346 Licorice Power Capsules 469 Marshmallow Root Capsules . . . . 505 Mexican Wild Yam Capsules .. . 817 Mexican Wild Yam Power Capsules 817 Milk Thistle Phytosome Capsules sie Milk Thistle Power Capsules . . . 516 Nettle Leaf Capsules 729 Nettle Power Capsules 729 NuVeg Black Cohosh Root Capsules 92 NuVeg Eyebright Capsules 300 NuVeg Feverfew Leaf Capsules 306 NuVeg Ginkgo Power Capsules 342 NuVeg Red Clover Combination Capsules 633 NuVeg Valerian Root Capsules 783 Odorless Garlic Capsules 327 Olive Leaf Power Capsules 556 Parsley Leaf Capsules 567 Phyto Power Capsules 469 Power Herb Korean Ginseng Capsules 346 Premium Cayenne Capsules . 1 6 5 Premium Fenugreek Seed Capsules 304 Premium Feverfew Leaf Capsules 306 Psyllium Husk Capsules 612 Saw Palmetto Berries Capsules 664 Saw Palmetto Power Capsules 664 Senior Ginkgo Power Capsules 342 Senna Extract Capsules 684 Siberian Ginseng Power Herb Capsules 346 Siberian Ginseng Root Capsules 346 St. John's Power 0.3% Capsules 719 St. John's Power Capsules 719 St. John's Power Time Release Capsules 719 Superior Chinese Astragalus Capsules 54 Time Release Bilberry Power Capsules 75 Time Release Ginkgo Power Capsules 342 Time Release Hawthorn Power Capsules 271 Time Release Korean Ginseng Power Capsules 346 Time Release Milk Thistle Power Capsules 516 Turmeric Power Capsules 846 Uva Ursi Leaf Capsules 779 Valerian Power Time Release Capsules 783 Valerian Root Capsules 783 Valerian Root Power Capsules Wild Countryside Black Cohosh Root Capsules Wild Countryside Chickweed Capsules Wild Countryside Damiana Leaves Capsules Wild Countryside Dandelion Root Capsules Wild Countryside Gotu Kola Capsules Wild Countryside Licorice Root Capsules Wild Countryside Myrrh Gum Capsules Wild Countryside Red Raspberry Leaf Capsules Wild Countryside Scullcap Capsules Wild Countryside Springtime Horsetail Capsules Wild Countryside White Willow Capsules Wild Countryside Yellow Dock Root Capsules Yarrow Flowers Capsules 783 92 iso 244 245 359 469 534 630 678 409 807 835 33 NATURE'S RESOURCE 1150 Aviation Place San Fernanado, CA 91340 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 314-4372 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Tablets 12 American Ginseng Capsules . . . . 346 Cascara Sagrada Natural Laxative Capsules 153 Cat's Claw Caplets iso Cayenne Capsules 165 Chinese Red Panax Capsules . .. 346 Eyebright Capsules 300 Feverfew Traditional Herb Capsules 306 Ginger Root Capsules 339 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Ginseng Root Siberian Capsules 346 Goldenseal Root Capsules 355 Gotu Kola Capsules 359 Hawthorn Berries Capsules 271 Kava Kava Capsules 443 Milk Thistle Power Capsules . . .516 MANUFACTURERS INDEX Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 St. John's Wort Capsules 719 Standardized Bilberry Extract Capsules 7s Standardized Garlic Capsules . 3 2 7 Standardized Ginseng, Korean White Capsules 346 Standardized Licorice Capsules 469 Standardized Valerian Capsules 783 Valerian Capsules 783 NATURE'S WAY 10 Mountain Springs Parkway Springville, UT 84663 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 962-8873 FAX: (801) 489-1700 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Capsules 12 Aloe Vera Capsules 16 Astragalus Root Capsules 54 Bayberry Root Capsules 705 Bilberry Extract Capsules 75 Black Cohosh Capsules 92 Black Walnut Hulls Capsules . . 134 Blessed Thistle Capsules 107 Butcher's Broom Root Capsules 132 Cascara Sagrada Capsules 153 Catnip Herb Capsules 164 Cat's Claw Capsules 160 Dandelion Capsules 245 Devil's Claw Secondary Root Capsules 247 Fennel Seed Capsules 302 Fenugreek Capsules 304 Garlicin Tablets 327 Ginger Root Capsules 339 Ginkgold Tablets 342 Golden Seal Root Capsules 355 Gotu Kola Herb Liquid 359 Hawthorn Berries Capsules 271 Hawthorn Berries Liquid 271 HeartCare Hawthorn Extract Tablets 271 Herbal Eyebright Capsules 300 Horsetail Grass Capsules 409 Hyssop Herb Capsules 414 Kava Extract Capsules 443 Kava Kava Root Capsules 443 Licorice Root Capsules 469 PERRIGO/I-211 Melissa Lemon Balm Herb Capsules 461 Mullein Leaves Liquid 532 Mygrafew Tablets 306 Nature's Root Nighttime Tablets 783 Neem Capsules 539 Nettle Herb Capsules 729 Parsley Herb Capsules 567 Proactive Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Psyllium Husk Bulk-Forming Laxative Capsules 612 Psyllium Seed Bulk-Forming Laxative Capsules 612 Red Raspberry Leaves Capsules 630 Red Raspberry Leaves Glycerine Extract Liquid 630 Saw Palmetto Berries Capsules 664 Siberian Ginseng Capsules 346 St. John's Wort Capsules 719 St. John's Wort Herb Liquid . . . 719 Standardized Cat's Claw Extract Capsules ieo Standardized Chamomile Extract Capsules 331 Standardized Feverfew Extract Capsules 306 Standardized Green Tea Extract Capsules 369 Standardized Hawthorn Extract Capsules 271 Standardized Horsechestnut Extract Capsules 403 Standardized Saw Palmetto ExtractCap Capsules 664 Standardized Siberian Ginseng Root Capsules 346 Standardized Uva Ursi Extract Capsules 779 Standardized White Willow Bark Extract Capsules 807 Thisilyn Standardized Milk Thistle Extract Capsules sie Turmeric Extract Capsules 846 Uva Ursi Leaves Capsules 779 Valerian Root Capsules 783 Vitex Capsules 176 White Willow Bark Capsules . . . 807 Wild American Scullcap Herb Capsules Wild Yam Extract Liquid Wild Yam Root Capsules Yarrow Extract Liquid Yellow Dock Root Capsules . . . 678 si 7 817 33 835 NEUROVITES P.O. Box 180 Rockaway Beach, OR 97136 Direct Inquiries to: (503) 228-4119 FAX: (503) 228-4119 Herbal Products Available: Black Currant Oil Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Extract Capsules 94 342 NOVARTIS CONSUMER HEALTH, INC. 560 Morris Avenue Summit, NJ 07901-1312 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 452-0051 FAX: (800) 635-2801 Herbal Products Available: Ex-Lax Maximum Strength 684 Perdiem Fiber Therapy G-29, 612 Perdiem Overnight Relief . G-29, 684 NOVOGEN, INC. 1 Landmark Square, 2nd Floor Stamford, CT 06901-2628 Direct Inquiries to: (888) NOVOGEN E-mail: Herbal Products Available: Promensil Tablets G-29, 633 PD-RX PHARMACEUTiCALS INC. 727 North Ann Arbor Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73127 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 299-7379 FAX: (405) 942-5471 Herbal Products Available: Saw Palmetto Capsules St. John's Wort Tablets 664 719 PERRIGO 117 Water Street Allegan, MI 49010 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 827-2296 FAX: (616) 673-9122 Herbal Products Available: Bilberry Capsules 7S Cayenne Capsules ies Echinacea Capsules 26i Feverfew Capsules 306 Garlic Enteric Coated Tablets . . . 327 Garlic Oil Capsules 327 Garlic Tablets 327 1-212/PERRIGO PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Ginger Root Capsules Ginseng Capsules Goldenseal Root Capsules Milk Thistle Capsules Valerian Root Capsules 339 346 355 516 783 PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORIES, INC. 1170 Corporate Drive W. Suite 102 Arlington, TX 76006-6813 Direct Inquiries to: (817) 633-1461 FAX: (817) 633-8146 Herbal Products Available: Aloe Vera Super-Strength Liquid Echinacea Liquid Ginkgo Biloba Liquid Ginseng Liquid St. John's Wort Liquid 16 26i 342 346 719 G-29, 342 342 369 PHARMATON NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCTS 900 Ridgebury Road P.O. Box 368 Ridgefield, CT 06877 Direct Inquiries to: (203) 798-4157 FAX: (203) 798-5771 Herbal Products Available: Ginkoba Tablets G-29, 342 Ginsana Capsules G-29, 346 Ginsana Chewable Tablets . G-29, 346 Movana Tablets G-30, 719 Venastat Capsules G-30, 403 PHYTOPHARMICA 825 Challenger Drive Green Bay, WI 54311 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 553-2370 (Doctors and Pharmacists) (800) 644-0799 (Consumers) Herbal Products Available: Remifemin Tablets G-30, 92 PNC, PHARMACISTS' NUTRITION CENTER 9775 SW Commerce Circle Suite C4 Wilsonville, OR 97070-9602 719 719 THE PURDUE FREDERICK COMPANY 100 Connecticut Avenue Norwalk, CT 06850-3590 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 877-5666 FAX: (800) 877-3210 Herbal Products Available: Senokot Childrens' Syrup . G-30, 684 Senokot Granules G-30, 684 Senokot Tablets G-30, 684 Senokot X 684 Senokot Xtra 684 X-Prep Bowel Evacuant Liquid 684 RAINBOW LIGHT NUTRITIONAL SYSTEMS 125 McPherson Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 635-1233 (831) 429-9089 FAX: (831) 429-0189 Herbal Products Available: Kava Kava Extract Liquid Milk Thistle Extract Liquid Milk Thistle Plus Tablets Milk Thistle SuperComplex Tablets 443 sie sie sie REESE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY 10617 Frank Ave. P.O. Box 1957 Cleveland, OH 44106 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 321-7178 FAX: (216) 231-6444 E-mail: w w w .reesechemical. com Herbal Products Available: Ginkgo Biloba Tablets St. John's Wort Preferred Capsules REPUBLIC DRUG COMPANY, INC. 175 Great Arrow Buffalo, NY 14207 Herbal Products Available: Garlic Oil 1000 Capsules Garlic Tablets 327 327 REXALL CONSUMER PRODUCTS PROCTER & GAMBLE PHARMANEX, INC. BioGinkgo Tablets Tegreen Capsules Direct Inquiries to: (800) 828-7444 FAX: (716) 874-6060 P.O. Box 5516 Cincinnati, OH 45201 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 358-8707 (513) 558-4422 Herbal Products Available: Metamucil G-30, 612 625 Cochran Street Simi Valley, CA 93065-1939 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 999-6229 FAX: (805) 582-9301 Herbal Products Available: BioGinkgo Extra Strength Tablets Direct Inquiries to: (877) 376-6762 (503) 682-1415 FAX: (503) 682-0845 E-mail: Herbal Products Available: St. John's Wort Capsules St. John's Wort Liquid 342 719 Div. of Rexall Sundown, Inc. 6111 Broken Sound Parkway, NW Boca Raton, FL 33487-3693 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 255-7399 FAX: (561) 995-6881 Herbal Products Available: Alfalfa Tablets 12 Bilberry Capsules 75 Black Cohosh Capsules 92 Cat's Claw Capsules 160 Echinacea Capsules 261 Echinacea Standardized Capsules 261 Feverfew Capsules 306 Garlic Enteric Coated Tablets . . . 327 Garlic Oil Natural Capsules . . . 327 Ginger Root Capsules 339 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Ginkgo Biloba Standardized Capsules G-30, 342 Ginseng Complex Capsules 346 Ginseng Korean Standardized Capsules 346 Ginseng Root Tablets 346 Ginseng Siberian Capsules 346 Goldenseal Root Capsules 3ss Gotu Kola Capsules 359 Grape Seed Extract Capsules . . . 362 Horse Chestnut Standardized Capsules 403 Kava Kava Capsules 443 Milk Thistle Complex Capsules G-30, s i e Papaya Enzyme Double Strength Tablet ses Papaya Enzyme Tablet ses Saw Palmetto Capsules 664 Saw Palmetto Standardized Capsules G-30, 664 St. John's Wort Capsules . . G-30, 719 Valerian Root Capsules 783 Valerian Root Standardized Capsules 783 MANUFACTURERS INDEX YERBA PRIMA / I - 2 1 3 REXALL MANAGED CARE Div. of Rexall Sundown, Inc. 6111 Broken Sound Parkway Boca Raton, FL 33487 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 700-0065 FAX: (561) 995-0191 •4fcHerbal Products Available: Echinacea Capsules Ginkgo Biloba Capsules Kava Kava Capsules St. John's Wort Capsules 261 342 443 719 RUGBY LABORATORIES, INC. 2725 Northwoods Parkway Norcross, GA 30071-1533 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 645-2158 FAX: (770) 840-9040 Herbal Products Available: Papaya Tablets SUNSOURCE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 565 RX VITAMINS, INC. 200 Myrtle Boulevard Larchmont, NY 10538-2002 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 792-2222 FAX: (914) 337-4006 Herbal Products Available: "» Flaxseed Oil Capsules 313 54 150 Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Direct Inquiries to: (516) 467-3140 Herbal Products Available: Mega Primrose Oil Capsules . . . . 298 Silymarin Capsules 516 14905 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 328-3344 FAX: (612) 476-4026 Herbal Products Available: Alterra Extended-Release Tablets 54 m 385 Williamson Way Ashland, OR 97520 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 648-4755 (541) 482-9231 FAX: (541) 482-9112 Herbal Products Available: St. John's Wort Tablets 75 114 261 Tablets 327 342 G-30, 327 WARNER-LAMBERT CONSUMER HEALTH PRODUCTS 201 Tabor Road Morris Plains, NJ 07950 Direct Inquiries to: (973) 540-2000 (973) 540-4655 Herbal Products Available: Quanterra Emotional Balance G-30, 719 Quanterra Mental Sharpness Tablets G-30, 342 Quanterra Prostate G-30, 664 Quanterra Sleep G-30, 46i Quanterra Stomach Comfort G-30, 339 WELEDA, INC. 175 North Rt. 9W P.O. Box 249 Congers, NY 10920 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 241-1030 (914) 268-8572 FAX: (914) 268-8574 Herbal Products Available: Hypericum Perforatum (auro cultum) 1/24 Injection 719 5 Giralda Farms Madison, NJ 07940-0871 719 719 WAKUNAGA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Div. of Wakanuga Pharmaceutical 23501 Madero Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 527-5200 FAX: (949) 458-2764 E-mail: Herbal Products Available: Aged Garlic Extract, Kyolic Hi-Po Formula Capsules Ginkgo-Go Tablets Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract WHITEHALL-ROBINS HEALTHCARE VITALINE CORPORATION SUNDOWN VITAMINS, INC. Div. of Rexall Sundown, Inc. m 6111 Broken Sound Parkway, NW Boca Raton, FL 33487 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 327-0908 FAX: (561) 995-4891 Herbal Products Available: Bilberry Capsules Borage Oil Capsules Echinacea Capsules 327 327 UPSHER-SMITH LABORATORIES, INC. SOLGAR VITAMIN AND HERB COMPANY, INC. 500 Willow Tree Road Leonia, NJ 07605 Direct Inquiries to: (201) 944-2311 FAX: (201) 944-7351 Herbal Products Available: Astragalus Vegicaps RR 3 Box 690K Kula, HI 96790-9766 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 446-7262 FAX: (808) 879-6895 Herbal Products Available: Garlique Enteric Coated Tablets Garlique Tablets TWINLAB SOLARAY Division of Nutraceutical Corporation 1400 Kearns Blvd. Park City, UT 84060 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 669-8877 FAX: (800) 767-8514 Herbal Products Available: Astragalus Capsules Ginger Capsules 339 Ginkgo Biloba Capsules 342 Goldenseal Root Capsules 355 Gotu Kola Capsules 359 Grape Seed Extract Capsules . . . 362 Guarana Tablets 376 Hawthorne Berries Capsules . . . . 271 Kava Kava Capsules 443 Licorice Root Capsules 469 Red Wine Extract Capsules 362 St. John's Wort Capsules 719 Valerian Root Capsules 783 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 322-3129 Herbal Products Available: Centrum Echinacea Capsules G-31, 261 Centrum Garlic Capsules . . G-31, 327 Centrum Ginkgo Biloba Capsules G-31, 342 Centrum Ginseng Capsules G-31, 346 Centrum Saw Palmetto Capsules G-31, 664 Centrum St. John's Wort Capsules ., G-31, 719 YERBA PRIMA 740 Jefferson Avenue Ashland, OR 97520-3743 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 488-4339 FAX: (541) 488-2443 I - 2 1 4 / Y E R B A PRIMA Herbal Products Available: Bilberry Tablets Psyllium Husks Capsules ZAYCO, INC. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 75 612 Herbal Products Available: St. John's Wort Transdermal Patch ZENITH GOLDLINE PHARMACEUTICALS 4275 Executive Square Suite 800 La Jolla. CA 92037 4400 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33137 Direct Inquiries to: (888) 776-6005 FAX: (760) 770-2612 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 327-4114 FAX: (954) 575-4319 719 Herbal Products Available: Bilberry Capsules Echinacea Capsules Garlic Tablets Ginkgo Biloba Capsules Ginseng Korean Capsules Golden Seal Root Capsules Gotu Kola Capsules Saw Palmetto Capsules St. John's Wort Capsules Valerian Root Capsules 75 261 327 342 346 355 359 664 719 783 G-1 Herb Identification Guide In this full-color photo section, you'll find hundreds of pictures of herbs and leading commercial preparations. The first part of the section is an Herb Identification Guide with photos of over 380 common medicinal plants. Each herb is labeled with its generally accepted common name immediately above the photo, and its scientific name immediately below. The pictures are arranged alphabetically by common name. Following these photos is a Product Identification Guide in which you'll find a representative selection of popular commercial formulations. The pictures on these pages are arranged alphabetically by manufacturer and product name. Please note that the plants are not reproduced in actual size, and that the scale of the photos varies. For the average dimensions of the plant and its component structures, please check the Description section of the corresponding herbal monograph. HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-3 G-4/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES APPLE TREE ASPARAGUS BARLEY BELLADONNA Malus domestica Asparagus officinalis Hordeum species Atropa belladonna BENNET'S ROOT Areca catechu Chelone glabra Ocimum basilicum Geum urbanum ARTICHOKE BAMBOO BEAN POD BETEL NUT Beta vulgaris Trillium erectum HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-5 BLACK ALDER G-6/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES BLACK NIGHTSHADE BLESSED THISTLE BONESET BUCKTHORN Solanum nigrum Cnicus benedictus Eupatorium perfoliatum Rhamnus catharticus BLACK PEPPER BOG BEAN BORAGE BUCKWHEAT Piper nigrum Menyanthes trifoliata Borago officinalis Fagopyrum esculentum BLACKBERRY BOG BILBERRY BOXWOOD BUGLE Rubus fruticosus Vaccinium uliginosum Buxus sempervirens Ajuga reptans BLADDERWORT BOLDO BROOKLIME BUGLEWEED Utricularia vulgaris Peumus boldus Veronica beccabunga Lycopus virginicus HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-7 G-8/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Capsicum annuum Vitex agnus-castus Allium schoenoprasum Syzygium aromaticum CELANDINE CHERRY LAUREL CINNAMON COCOA Cinnamomum verum Theobroma cacao Chelidonium majus Prunus laurocerasus HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-9 G-10/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES DOG ROSE ECHINACEA PURPUREA Lavandula angustifolia HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-11 G-12/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES HERB IDENTIFICATION G U I D E / G - 13 GOAT'S RUE GOUTWEED GREATER BINDWEED HEDGE-HYSSOP Galega officinalis Aegopodium podagraria Calystegia sepium Gratiola officinalis GOLDEN SHOWER TREE GRAINS OF PARADISE GREEN TEA HEMLOCK Cassia fistula Aframomum melegueta Camellia sinensis Conium maculatum GOLDENSEAL Centella asiatica ! Sanguisorba officinalis G - 1 4 / P D R FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Paris quadrifolia Heracieum sphondylium HERB ROBERT Geranium robertianum Ilex aquifolium Marrubium vulgare Sempervivum tectorum HORSE CHESTNUT HYDRANGEA Aesculus hippocastanum Hydrangea arborescens HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-1! LADY'S MANTLE G-16/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-17 G-18/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-19 OILSEED RAPE OREGANO PARSNIP PETASITES Brassica napus Origanum vulgare Pastinaca sativa Petasites hybridus PASSION FLOWER PEYOTE OLEANDER LEAF G-20/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES PITCHER PLANT POMEGRANATE PREMORSE QUILLAJA Sarracenia purpurea Punica granatum Scabiosa succisa Quillaja saponaria PLEURISY ROOT POPLAR PSYLLIUM SEED QUININE Plantago afra Cinchona pubescens & AS Asclepias tuberosa Populus species HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-21 G-22/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES SCARLET PIMPERNEL SCULLCAP SENNA SOAPWORT Anagallis arvensis Scutellaria lateriflora Cassia senna Saponaria officinalis SCOTCH BROOM SCURVY GRASS SHEPHERD'S PURSE SOLOMON'S SEAL Cytisus scoparius Cochlearia officinalis Capsella bursa-pastoris Polygonatum multiflorum SCOTCH PINE SEA BUCKTHORN SKIRRET SOUTHERN BAYBERRY Pinus species Hippophae rhamnoides Sium sisarum Myrica cerifera Glycine soja HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-23 SPINY REST HARROW STINGING NETTLE SUMBUL Mentha spicata Ononis spinosa Urtica dioica Ferula sumbul SPEEDWELL SQUILL STONE ROOT SUMMER SAVORY SPEARMINT L^-V-A^; Spinacia oleracea G-24/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES HERB IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-25 G-26/PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES G-27 Product Identification Guide Wf Shown here are selected herbal preparations and their packaging. The photos are arranged alphabetically by manufacturer and brand name. The company's name appears above the product; its brand name below. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/G-29 BAYER CORPORATION LICHTWER PHARMA NOVARTIS PHARMANEX, INC. LICHTWER PHARMA NOVARTIS CONSUMER HEALTH, INC. PHARMANEX, INC. • Clinically Proven lb Improve MemorvAnd Concentration' BioGinkgo Extra ° Strength ^ ^ j ^ ^ 0 Kxcliuivc (iinkgo Formula £ Ginkar , ^ „ 3n>c..J3> ^ 50 mg Ginkgo Biloba Clinically Proven to Improve Memory and Concentration 100% Natural Vegetable Laxative 2 5 0 gm and 4 0 0 gm GinkaP Perdiem" Overnight Relief LICHTWER PHARMA NOVARTIS CONSUMER HEALTH. INC. e^PHARHANEX 6 0 mg Extra Strength Ginkgo biloba Available in 60 et. BioGinkgo 27/7® PHARMATON PHARMATON f\ Kira Hie Clinically Proven / . " > ; Hypericum Formula VJ\\S?^"'.' St. John's Won! ••'-'..' Standardized St. John's Wort Extract To Maintain a Healthy Emotional Balance and Weil-Being Kira^ OtUOML STJUNWUtao flWQO M U U CXTMCT 100% Natural Daily Fiber Source available in 2 5 0 gm Perdiem 9 Fiber Therapy 40 mg Ginkoba™ PHARMATON LICHTWER PHARMA NOVOGEN «. Ginsana •+ Clinically Proven To Lower Cholesterol* promensil" midlife as nature intended i»fiff ?*"f. *' *" I Guaranteed Odor Free ^ promensi Specialized Nutritional Supplements Tension & Mood, Memory & Concentration. Cold Season, Cholesterol Health. Prostate Health, Menopause Health One-A-Day* Standardized and Tested Q A Concentrated y \ ) Garlic Tablets Dietary Supplement Concentrated Garlic Tablets Clinically Proven to Lower Cholesterol Kwai* 30 Tablets Natural plant estrogens for women experiencing normal midlife changes. 100 mg Capsules Promensil™ Ginsana* PHARMATON BAYER CORPORATION CONSUMER CARE DIVISION NATROL TO DOUBLE-CHECK SAFETY: - F E E L your BEST: Take a quick glance at the Safety Guide, which lists herbs to be avoided while ONEADAY pregnant and nursing, and those to be used only under '•BSofleels (jMTlML supervision. Ginsana' 5 0 mg Chewy Squares Standardized Potency Kava Extract One-A-Day® Garlic Softgels Kavatrol™ Ginsana 8 30PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES REXALL SUNDOWN WARNER-LAMBERT CONSUMER HEALTHCARE PURDUE FREDERICK THE PURDUE FREDERICK COMPANY Qpanterria C K ^ # ^ John'* ^SUPPLEMENT FOR MOOD SU Sn/rly & Xntlimlh: "• - " " ^ " •"•"• '-»•*"» 36 Ounces (74 mL) 300 mg Dietary Supplement for Mood Support Natural Vegetable Laxative Children's Syrup Movana™ Senokot 8 St. John's Wort Quanterra™ Mental Sharpness PHARMATON THE PURDUE FREDERICK COMPANY REXALL SUNDOWN WARNER-LAMBERT CONSUMER HEALTHCARE Quanterra Senokot VENASTAI LEG HEALTH DIETARY SUPPLEMENT MSima-un mu*)** Senokot Senolibt . HJp. P„tc*l Aiam.l Uj Svellmt _. . Dietary Supplement for Leg Health Natural Vegetable Laxative Available in Tablets, Granules, and Syrup. Venastat™ Senokot* Saw Palmetto PHYTOPHARMICA REXALL SUNDOWN WAKUNAGA PHYTOPHARMICA REXALL SUNDOWN WAKUNAGA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Quanterra™ Prostate WARNER-LAMBERT CONSUMER HEALTHCARE f 5Ptiyt°FWi*=*. "WlAlsUPPtlKf"' 6 0 and 1 2 0 tablets Natural support for menopause. Also available in Remifemin™ Plus, with St. John's Wort. Remifemin 7 PROCTER & GAMBLE 2JL ^ «L Aged Garlic Extract" Ginkgo Biloba REXALL SUNDOWN Kyolic* WARNER-LABMERT Quanterra™ Sleep WARNER-LAMBERT CONSUMER HEALTHCARE WARNER-LAMBERT CONSUMER HEALTHCARE PROCTER A GAMBLE • ^v* w**' Qiianterra yuanterra Available in 4 8 , 7 2 , 1 1 4 and 1 8 0 dose canisters and cartons of 30 one-dose packets. Also available in sugar free. Cinnamon Spice and Apple Crisp Wafers available in 12-dose cartons. Metamucil* Milk Thistle Quanterra™ Emotional Balance Quanterra™ Stomach Comfort PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION GUIDE/ WHITEHALL-ROBINS WHITEHALL-ROBINS S' CUIIITIWI If SIRBALSJ 'IBMttlWUUllWMUT s q u i r t j 1 helps support immune system function and the bodi's defenses ; A natural!defenses* <8^T 9$ 1 Qnilriiiii 1 OTtBALS hralf to blood pressure* t JereJs 2nd o ? | 3tCUS.USM».*UOi ~^a Certnnn" 3 ^RBALSl H93HWJ f o g g g B C S S - . : - —. a Echinacea, Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, St. John's Wort Centrum 6 Herbals * 1 Herbal Monographs This section contains comprehensive profiles of some • Title: Each monograph begins with the herb's gener700 medicinal herbs, including the findings of the ally accepted common name, followed by its scientific German Regulatory Authority's herbal watchdog agen- name. In addition, all monographs* are cross-refercy, commonly called "Commission E." This agency enced by their botanical designation. has conducted an intensive assessment of the peerreviewed literature on some 300 common botanicals, • Trade Names: Listed here are common commercial weighing the quality of the clinical evidence and identi- preparations of the herb. fying the uses for which the herb can reasonably be considered effective. Its conclusions represent the best • Description: This section provides a detailed botanexpert consensus on medicinal herbs currently to be ical overview of the herb, including information on its medicinal parts; flower and fruit; leaves, stem, and found. root; unique characteristics, habitat, production, related plants, and additional common names and synonyms. For those herbs not considered by Commission E, Physicians' Desk Reference has augmented this section • Actions and Pharmacology: Here you'll find data with the results of an exhaustive literature review con- on the active compounds or heterogeneous mixtures ducted by the respected PhytoPharm U.S. Institute of found in the plant, followed by a summary of the herb's Phytopharmaceuticals under the direction of noted clinical effects. If various parts of the plant possess botanist, Dr. Joerg Gruenwald. These monographs, different pharmacological activity, the parts are disr some 400 in number, provide a detailed introduction to cussed individually, here and throughout the remainder an array of exotic botanicals that you'll be hard pressed of the monograph. to find in any other source. • Indications and Usage: Information on the uses of To make the information in the monographs as useful the herb is listed under five categories, as applicable: and accessible as possible, PDR has echoed the struc- — Approved by Commission E ture of standard U.S. product labeling. Each mono- — Unproven Uses graph contains up to ten standard sections, covering — Chinese Medicine considerations ranging from description to dosage. — Indian Medicine Specifically, here's what you will find: — Homeopathic PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Approved uses are presented in list fashion. Other uses are described with provisos as necessary regarding route and form of administration. • Contraindications: Although most natural remedies can be used under all medical circumstances, a few pharmacologically potent herbs must be avoided in the presence of certain medical conditions. If any such contraindications exist, they are summarized here. • Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Found in this section are any cautions or special considerations regarding safe use of the herb, including any restrictions on use in pregnancy or childhood. Although most herbal remedies are notably free of known side effects, any reported in the available literature are noted here. • Overdosage: As we all know, "natural" is not synonymous with "benign," and an overdose of many "healing" herbs can have serious—even fatal—consequences. Whenever adverse effects of overdose have been found in the literature, they are reported here, along with the appropriate medical interventions to be undertaken when an overdose occurs. As in all scientific investigation, conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the herbs discussed in this compendium are based on the preponderance of current evidence and cannot be considered firm or final. The publisher does not warrant that any herb will unfailingly and uniformly exhibit the properties ascribed to it by Germany's Commission E or any other scientific authority. In the United States, herbal products are marketed under the provisions of the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994, which prohibits their sale for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. Enumeration of specific commercial preparations within an herbal monograph should not be construed as a claim or warranty of their efficacy for any purpose, by either the manufacturer or the publisher. Furthermore, it should be understood that, just as omission of a product does not signify rejection, inclusion of a product does not imply endorsement, and that the publisher is not advocating the use of any product or substance described herein. • Dosage: Listed here are common modes of admin- Please remember, too, that dosing of herbal preparaistration, forms and strengths of available commercial tions is highly dependent on a variety of factors, such preparations, methods for preparing the natural herb, as cultivation and harvesting conditions, the specific and representative dosage recommendations drawn from the literature. Note, however, that dosage recom- parts of the plant to be processed, the extraction methmendations can be used only as a general guide. The ods employed, and the dosage form chosen by the manpotency of individual preparations and extracts is sub- ufacturer. Since there are no official standards governject to substantial variation, so the manufacturer's ing the production of herbal medicines in the United directions should be consulted whenever available. States, and the potency and the purity of herbal products are subject to substantial variation, dosage ranges • Literature: This section provides you with a unique set forth in the herbal monographs must be employed bibliography of the technical literature. Because only as general guidelines. German researchers have been particularly active in the herbal arena, you will find an unusual number of In addition, the publisher does not guarantee that every German-language citations. However, work in the possible hazard, adverse effect, contraindication, preEnglish literature is included as well. caution, or consequence of overdose is included in the PDR for Herbal Medicines is the product of one of the summaries presented here. The publisher has permost thorough and inclusive examinations of the herbal formed no independent verification of the data reported literature ever undertaken. Nevertheless, it's important herein, and expressly disclaims responsibility for any to remember that it merely summarizes and synthesizes error, whether inherent in the underlying literature or key data from the underlying research reports, and of resulting from erroneous translation, transcription, or necessity includes neither every published report nor typography. every recorded fact. HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Abelmoschus moschatus See Muskmallow ACACIA/3 PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Abies alba See White Fir Abrus precatorius See Jequirity Mode of Administration: It is ground as a drug for infusion. LITERATURE Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Acacia Acacia arabica DESCRIPTION Abscess Root Polemonium rep tans DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried root. Flower and Fruit: The hanging blue flowers are in loose ^^ terminal, glandular-haired panicles. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows to about 25 cm. It has creeping roots and a thin rhizome, which produces numerous stems and numerous pale, thin, glabrous and brittle roots. The glabrous stems are heavily branched and bear alternate or opposite, pinnatifid leaves with 6 or 7 pairs of leaflets. Habitat: The plant is found in the U.S. Production: Abscess Root is the rhizome of Polemonium reptans. Not to be Confused With: The plant is known as False Jacob's Ladder because it has an astringent action similar to true Jacob's Ladder. Other Names: American Greek Valerian, Blue Bells, False Jacob's Ladder, Sweatroot ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY gL COMPOUNDS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the bark, the gum and the fruit of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are yellow and sweetly scented. Two to 6 inflorescence peduncles with capitula-like inflorescences grow from the axils of the upper leaflets. The flowers have short calyces with numerous overlapping sepals. The completely fused petals are almost twice as large as the sepals. The fruit is a 12 to 16 cm long and 1.5 cm wide pod. The pod is straight or lightly curved, flat to convex, and pinched in to create segments. It is matte-black to dark-red. The seeds are 7 x 6 mm and the same color as the pod. Leaves, Stem and Root: Acacia arabica is a 6 m high tree with a compact, round to flat crown. Older branches are bare, younger ones measuring 15 to 20 mm in diameter are covered in hairy down. The bark is black and fissured; the coloring in the fissure changes to red-brown. There are stipule thorns at the nodes. The leaflets of the double-pinnate leaves are in 3 to 12 pairs on the bare to downy petiole, which is covered with glands The leaflets are oblong, blunt, and bare or thinly ciliate. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Nile area, Ethiopia, East Africa, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan and India. Production: The bark is collected from plants that are at least 7 years old and then left to mature for a year. EFFECTS Not to be Confused With: The bark of the Australian species Acacia decurrens, which is commercially available under the same name. Abscess root has astringent, diaphoretic and expectorant effects. Other Names: Acacia Bark, Babul Bark, Wattle Bark, Indian Gum, Black Wattle INDICATIONS AND USAGE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Unproven Uses: The drug is used for febrile and inflammatory disorders. COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins Tannins 4 /ACACIA EFFECTS The drug has an astringent effect. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Achillea millefolium See Yarrow INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used as a decoction for gum disease and inflammations of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat (rarely used today). Achillea ptarmica Indian Medicine: Acacia is used as a decoction in the treatment of diarrhea and vaginal secretions, and as an enema for hemorrhoids. See PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Aconitum napellus Large doses taken internally can lead to indigestion and constipation. See Sneezewort Monkshood LITERATURE Berger F, Handbuch der Drogenkunde, W Maudrich Verlag Wien 1964. Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Trease GE, Evans WC (Eds.), Pharmacognosy, 12th Ed., Bailliere Tindall 1983. Acorus calamus See Calamus Actaea spicata See Acacia arabica See Acacia Baneberry Adam's Needle Yucca filamentosa DESCRIPTION Acacia catechu See Catechu Acacia Senegal See Gum Arabic Acalypha indica Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and the roots of non-flowering plants. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are ivory-colored and located in nodding, many-blossomed terminal panicles. The perigone is simple, campanulate, tinged greenish on the outside, with 6 tepals. The flower has 6 stamens, and the stigma is 3sectioned. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 120 to 240 cm in height. The leaves are in a basal rosette. They are sword-shaped and erect with a recurved tip. They are short-thorned, broadly grooved and. covered on the margin with long, twisted, whitish or yellowish threads. See Indian Nettle Acer rubrum See Red Maple Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the southern United States and is cultivated mainly as an ornamental plant in Europe. Production: Adam's Needle leaves are the leaves of Yucca filamentosa. ADONIS/5 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Steroid saponins (from the roots; the saponins from the leaves remain uninvestigated): protoyuccoside C, yuccoside B, yuccoside E, yuccoside C, aglycones including sarsapogenin, tigogenin Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 10 to 40 cm high with a sturdy, black-brown rhizome. The stem is erect, undivided, covered with scales at the base, vertically grooved and succulent. There are few branches. The leaves have many slits and a curved, glabrous or sparsely haired tip. The middle leaves are half-clasping. EFFECTS Characteristics: Adonis is a poisonous plant. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The plant is used for liver and gallbladder disorders. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Intake can lead to stomach complaints because of the saponin content. Habitat: This Siberian/east European plant is found in the north as far as the central Urals and southwest Sweden. In central Europe, it is limited to the basins of the Weichsel and the Oder as far as the Main and Rhine. Production: The drug is gathered in forests and should be dried quickly. Not to be Confused With: Other Adonis species may be added to Adonidis herba. Mode of Administration: Adam's Needle is available in ground form and in extracts. Other Names: False Hellebore, Yellow Pheasant's Eye, Oxeye, Sweet Vernal, Pheasant's Eye, Red Morocco, Rose-aRubie LITERATURE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY DOSAGE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroid gylcosides (cardenolids): including adonitoxin, k-strophanthoside, k-strophanthoside-{3 and cymarin Flavonoids: including vitexin and luteolin EFFECTS Adiantum capillus-veneris See Maidenhair Adonis has a positive inotropic effect. Animal tests demonstrated a tonic effect on the veins. The adonitoxin component is slightly more toxic than coumarin. The drug is insufficiently documented. Adonis Adonis vemalis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is derived from the aerial parts of the herb, which are collected during the flowering season and dried. Flower and Fruit: The erect, solitary, terminal flower is 4 to 7 cm in diameter and the 5 broad-ovate, downy sepals are half as long as the petals. The 10 to 20 petals are narrow, wedge-shaped, simple or finely serrated at the tip. They are 20 to 40 mm long and lemon-yellow, splayed, glossy, reddish on the outside or greenish-tinged. There are numerous stamens and carpels. The small fruit forms a globose capitulum. The fruit is tomentose, wrinkled, laterally veined and keeled widi a sideways-facing, hook-shaped beak. The fruit are arranged on the spindle-shaped, oblong receptacle. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Arrhythmia • Nervous heart complaints Unproven Uses : The drug is used for mild impairment of heart functions (NYHA I and II), especially when accompac nied by nervous symptoms. In Russian folk medicine, the drug is used for dehydration, cramps, fever and menstrual disorders, but efficacy is unproven. Homeopathic Uses: Preparations of Adonis vemalis are used for cardiac insufficiency. CONTRAINDICATIONS Adonis is contraindicated in conjunction with digitalis glycoside therapy and also in potassium deficiency. 6 /ADONIS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Despite the strong efficacy of the drug's cardioactive steroid gylcosides in parenteral application, serious poisoning in the course of per oral administration is hardly to be expected due to the low resorption rate. Drug Interactions: Enhancement of efficacy, and thus also of side effects, with simultaneous administration of quinidine, digoxin, calcium, saluretics, laxatives and extended therapy with glucocorticoids. OVERDOSAGE For possible symptoms of overdose and treatment of poisonings see Digitalis folium. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb and preparations thereof for internal use. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 0.5 gm of standardized Adonis powder. The maximum single dose is 1.0 gm; maximum daily dose is 3.0 gm. Homeopathic Dosage: From D2: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules, 1 to 3 times daily; Injection solution: 1 ml once a week sc. From D4: Injection solution: 1 ml twice weekly sc. Storage: Adonis herb and powder should be stored carefully. Adonis powder should be stored away from light in tightly sealed containers. LITERATURE Brevoort P, Der Heilpflanzenmarkt der USA - Ein Uberblick. In: ZPT 18(3): 155-162. 1997. ESCOP-Monographs. In: ESCOP-Monographs Fascicule I and II. 1996. Hiller KO, Rahlfs V, Therapeutische Aquivalenz eines hochdosierten Phytopharmakons mit Amytriptylin bei angstlichdepressiven Versimmungen - Reanalyse einer randomisierten Studie unter besonderer Beachtung biometrischer und klinischer Aspekte. In: Forsch. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S extract and of the flavone Linarin of Buddleia cordata. In: PM 62:137-140. 1996. Reinhard KH, Uncaria tomentosa (WILLD.) DC. - Cat's claw, Una de gato oder Katzenkralle Protrait einer Arzneipflanze. In: ZPT 18(2): 112-121. 1997. Sandberg F, Thorsen R, (1962) Lloydia 25(3):201. Schulz V, Hubner WD, Ploch M, Klinische Studien mit Psycho-Phytopharmaka. In: ZPT 18(3): 141-154. 1997. Winkler C and Wichtel M, (1985) Pharm Acta Helv 60(9/10): 234. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Karrer W, (1950) Helv Chim Acta.33:433. Lee MK, et al., Antihepatotoxic activity of Icariin, a major constituent of Epimedium koreanum. In: PM 61(6):523-526. 1995. Loew, Buch. In: Loew D, Rietbrock N: Phytopharmaka II: Forschung und klinische Anwendung, Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1996. Loew DA, Loew AD, Pharmakokinetik von herzglykosidhaltigen Pflanzenextrakten. In: ZPT 15(4): 197-202. 1994. Adonis vernalis See Adonis Adrue Cyperus articulatus Loew D, Phytotherapie bei Herzinsuffizienz. In: ZPT 18(2):9296. 1997. DESCRIPTION Martinez-Vazquez M, Ramirez Apan TO, Hidemi Aguilar M, Bye R, Analgesic and antipyretic activities of an aqueous Medicinal Parts: Adrue root is used in the West Indies for its anti-emetic properties. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS AFRICAN Flower and Fruit: The tubers are blackish and ,top-shaped, with bristly remains of former leaves. The plant is sometimes connected in twos or threes by narrow underground stems. The transverse section is pale, showing a central column with darker vascular bundles. - plants from the Peruvian Amazon region. Rev Argent Microbiol, 27:199-203. 1995 Oct-Dec Characteristics: Adrue has an aromatic odor and a bitter taste, reminiscent of Lavender. Aegle marmelos Habitat: Turkey, region of the river Nile, Jamaica. Production: Adrue root is the root of Cyperus articulatus. The roots are collected in the autumn, scalded or steamed, and then dried in the sun. Other Names: Guinea Rush POTATO/7 Pinder AR, (1976) Tetrahedron 23:2172. See Bael Aegopodium podagraria See Goutweed ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: containing above all sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and sesqiterpene alcohols, including cyperenone Aesculus hippocastanum See Horse Chestnut EFFECTS Adrue has anti-emetic, carminative and sedative properties. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Aethusa cynapium Unproven Uses: Preparations of the root are used for digestive disorders, nausea and flatulence. See Fool's Parsley Chinese Medicine: Used for pre- and post-natal headaches, epigastric pain, vomiting with bleeding, hematuria, leucorrhea, menstrual irregularities, tension and pain in the breasts and amenorrhea. Aframomum melegueta See Grains-ojc-Paradise PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Available as a liquid extract for internal use. Daily Dosage: 6 to 9 gm of drug Storage: Should be stored in a cool and dry place, protected from insects. LITERATURE Bum EN et al., Extracts from rhizomes of Cyperus articulatus displace 3H CGP39653 and 3H glycine binding from cortical membranes and selectively inhibit NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission. J Ethnopharmacol, 54:103-11, 1996 Nov Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Mongelli E, Desmarchelier C, Coussio J, Ciccia G, Antimicrobial activity and interaction with DNA of medicinal African Potato Hypoxis rooperi DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the plant's rhizome tuber. Flower and Fruit: Four to 10 flowers are arranged in racemes on a long peduncle; the pedicles are 1.2 to 2.5 cm long. The 6 tepals are approximately 18 mm long, elongate, free and yellow. There are 6 stamens, and the ovary is inferior, 3-chambered, top-shaped and thickly pubescent. The fruit is a densely pubescent capsule approximately 12 mm long and split in the middle. The seeds are black and warty. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a herbaceous perennial with 12 to 18 leaves that are 30 to 60 cm long, 2.4 to 4 cm wide, lanceolate, acuminate, firm with a ciliate margin and short hairs underneath. The leaves grow from a globose PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 8/AFRICAN POTATO shoot, which has a diameter of 5 to 8 cm and is crowned with a ring of bristle-like hairs. Habitat: Hypoxis rooperi is indigenous to South Africa. Aga Amanita muscaria DESCRIPTION Production: Bantu tulip is the fresh or dried rhizome tuber of Hypoxis rooperi. The plant is collected in the wild, cut and then dried in the sun. Other Names: Bantu Tulip, Sterretjie Medicinal Parts: The fungus is used to prepare homeopathic dilutions. Flower and Fruit: Aga belongs to the group of lamella fungi, genus Amanita. The hymenium in the inside of the fruiting body is exposed by unfolding the cap on the underside. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Lignans (3.5 to 4.5%): particularly hypoxoside (norlignan glucoside) Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol (ca. 0.2%), betasitosterol glucoside Polysaccharides: starch EFFECTS The phytosterols, which have not as yet been more closely identified (beta-sitosterol is possibly the chief active ingredient), are said to have anti-exudative effects in animal experiments. The positive effect of the drug on benign prostate hyperplasia (reduction of the residual urine volume, increase of the uroflow, improvement of subjectively experienced complaints) is explained by the phytosterols' inhibition of local prostaglandin synthase. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Used internally for micturition complaints resulting from benign prostate hyperplasia, cystitis (South Africa/decoction) and lung disease (Botswana). It is used externally as a vulnerary (Africa). Efficacy for these indications has not yet been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and cut drug preparations for internal and external use. How Supplied: Commercially produced capsules. LITERATURE Brauer H, Schomann C, Tolerance of beta-sitosterin from Hypoxis rooperi in patients with limited liver function. Results of a controlled double-blind study, Fortschr Med, 96:833-4, 1978 Apr 20. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL, Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Characteristics: The poisonous fungus has a basidia which is dirty white, as are the cuffs and underside of the cap. The mushroom's cap is orange at first, then strong red with a few dirty white to yellow spots. Habitat: Aga grows in the Northern Hemisphere as far north as the tundra and thrives in sandy, acid soils. Production: Aga is the above-ground part of Amanita muscaria. Other Names: Fly Agaric ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Ibotenic acid (0.17% to 1%) Muscimol Muscarine (traces) Muscazone Betalains (skin pigment): muscaflavin, muscaaurins and muscapurpurins Amavandin (compound containing vanadium) EFFECTS The drug, containing ibotenic acid, has a psychotropic and hallucinogenic effect and is toxic in higher doses. The decarboxylation product muscimol is similar in structure to the neurotransmitter GAB A and attaches itself to the latter's receptor complex as a selective and direct antagonist. The drug is initially stimulating then paralyzing in its effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Homeopathic Uses: The fungus is used to treat neuralgias, fever, anxiety, alcohol poisoning and joint pains. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is highly toxic. Signs of poisoning include dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, movement disorders, muscle cramps and psychic stimulation, followed by deep sleep. OVERDOSAGE The intake of more than 10 g of the fresh mushroom can lead to coordination disorders, confusion, illusions and manic HERBAL MONOGRAPHS attacks. Higher dosages (over, 100 g of fresh mushrooms) lead to unconsciousness, asphyxiation, coma and death. The treatment of poisoning includes emptying the gastrointestinal tract and the use of sedatives. In case of shock, a , plasma volume expander should be used. Artificial respiration should be administered for respiratory arrest. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: In homeopathy, dilutions of the mother tincture are used. LITERATURE Hastings MH, et al.. Brain Res 360:248. 1985. Hatfield GM, Brady LR, JNP 38:36, 1975. Marmo E, Med Res Rev 8:441. 1988. Schwarz B, Ein Mannlein steht im Walde. In: PZ 139(13): 1040. 1994. Further information in: Benjamin DR, Mushroom poisoning in infants and children: the Amanita pantherina/muscaria group. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol, 256:13-22, 1992 Bresinsky A. Bresl H, Giftpilze. Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Arzte und Biologen, Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH. Stuttgart 1885. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen. 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. AGAR/9 Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Pacific coasts of Japan and China, Sri Lanka and also the South African coasts. Production: Agar, or Agar-Agar, is the purified and bleached gel derived from algae mucilage of the Rhodophyceae Gelidium amansii (Lamour), which has been dried and cut into thread-like strips. An aqueous extract is obtained from the algae through autoclaving (pressure-cooking), using over-heated steam. It is then chilled in ice cells and cooled into ice-blocks, which are crushed and thawed. Water separates from the gel during the thawing process. The gel mass is dried using warm air. Other Names: Agar-Agar, Japanese Isinglass ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Heteropolysaccharides: made up of D-galactose- and 3,6anhydro-L-galactose- components, partially bearing sulfate or pyruvic acid residues, low-sulfate fraction designated agarose EFFECTS The drug has a laxative effect due to its ability, similar to that of cellulose, to absorb and retain large quantities of water and swell in the intestine. The mucilaginous substances cause an increase in the bulk of the content of the intestine that stimulates the intestinal muscles, thereby aiding peristalsis. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used as a mild laxative. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Agar Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally. Gelidium amansii Daily Dosage: Laxative: Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of the powder, always with some liquid, fruit or jam before meals, 1 to 3 times daily. Never take dry! DOSAGE DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the seaweed's gelatinous extract known as Agar or Agar-Agar. Flower and Fruit: This perennial seaweed grows up to 1 m long. The thallus sprouts from a permanent base every year and is heavily branched. It is cylindrical or flattened, pinnately subdivided and tough. The brownish-white, translucent thallus has prickly appendages on the branchings. The fruit is spherical. Characteristics: Agar is colorless and tasteless. It is capable of absorbing up to 200 times its volume of water to form a jelly. Storage: Dried Agar can be kept tightly sealed for up to 5 years without being opened and tested. LITERATURE Ataki C, Chem Soc Japan 29:543. 1956. Franz G (Hrsg.), Polysaccharide. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1991. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Murano E et al., Pyruvate-rich agarose from the red alga Gracilaria dura. In: PM 58(Suppl. 7) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 10/AGAR Schmid OJ, Marina (Hamburg) 1:54. 1959. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Approved by Commission E: Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Vessal M. Mehrani HA. Omrani GH, Effects of an aqueous extract of Physalis alkekengi fruit on estrus cycle, reproduction and uterine craetive kinase BB-isoenzyme in rats. In: ETH 34(l):69-78. 1991. Agrimonia eupatoria See Agrimony • Diarrhea • Inflammation of the skin • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Unproven Uses: Agrimony is used internally for mild, nonspecific, acute diarrhea, cholestasis, inflammation of oral and pharyngeal mucosa, inflammation of kidney and bladder, diabetes and childhood bedwetting; externally for poorly healing wounds, chronic pharyngitis, psoriasis, seborrhoeic eczema as well in hip-baths for lower abdominal conditions. Chinese Medicine: Agrimony is used as a hemostyptic. It is also used for certain forms of cancer and as an anthelmintic. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The drug consists of the flowering plant, which is cut a few fingers width above the ground and dried. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are yellow, arranged along small, spike-like racemes. They have an epicalyx and 5 sepals, 5 ovate petals. 5 to 20 stamens and 2 ovaries. The calyx is rough-haired with deep furrows. The fruit is obconical and thorny (burdocks). Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is fifty to 100 cm high, with a villous, erect stem. The leaves are alternate and irregularly pinnate. The leaflets are deeply serrate and downy beneath. Characteristics: Agrimony has a slight pleasant fragrance and a tangy, bitter taste. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to middle and northern Europe, temperate Asia and North America. Production: Agrimony herb consists of the dried, aboveground parts of Agrimonia eupatoria and/or Agrimonia procera gathered just before or during flowering, as well as its preparations in effective dosage. Other Names: Stickwort, Cocklebur, Liverwort, Common Agrimony, Philanthropos, Church Steeples, Sticklewort No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Because of the constituent tannins, the intake of larger quantities could lead to digestive complaints and constipation. DOSAGE Daily Dosage: Internally, the average daily dose is 3 to 6 gm of herb or equivalent preparations. Externally, a poultice prepared from a decoction (10%) several times a day is applied. LITERATURE Bilai AR. et al., A flavonol glycoside from Agrimonia eupatoria. In: PH 32:1078. 1993. Chon SC, et al., (1987) Med Pharmacol Exp 16(5):407-413. Drozd GA, et al., (1983) Khim Prir Soed 1:106. Patrascu V, et al., (1984) Ser. Dermato-Venerol 29(2): 153-157. Peter-Horvath M, et al., (1964) Rev Med 10(2):190-193. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Catechin tannins EFFECTS Agropyron repens Agrimony is an astringent. See Triticum HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Agrostemma githago See Corn Cockle Ailanthus altissima See Tree of Heaven Ajuga chamaepitys See Ground Pine ALETRIS/11 bracts, are in terminal, spike-like racemes on stalks that reach up to 1 m. The perianth is tubular, covered in scales and shrinks when ripe. Later, the perianth springs open in a beak shape. The fruit is an ovoid capsule containing many oblong ribbed seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The leaves are erect-oblong, lanceolate and 2 to 20 cm long. The rhizome is brownishgray, flattened and has a diameter of up to 1 cm, but usually measures less. The upper part is covered in leaf bases and stem scars. The fracture is floury and white. Characteristics: The plant has a sweet taste, becoming bitter and soapy. The odor is mild. Habitat: The plant is found in the northeast U.S., south to Gulf of Mexico, southern Canada. Ajuga reptans See Bugle Akebia quinata %>• See Chocolate Vine (Mu-Tong) Production: Aletris root is the rhizome of Aletris farinosa. It is gathered in the wild and air-dried in the shade. Other Names: Star Grass, Colic-Root, Starwort, Blazing Star, Ague-Root, Aloe-Root, Ague Grass, Black-Root, Bitter Grass, Crow Corn, Bettie Grass, Devil's Bit, True Unicorn Star-Grass, True Unicorn Root ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Saponins Alcea rosea See Hollyhock Volatile oil Resins Bitter principles Starch Alchemilla vulgaris EFFECTS See Lady's Mantle The active agents increase motility and act as a tonic. There may be an estrogenic principle but a possible estrogenic effect has not been sufficiently researched. Alchornea floribunda INDICATIONS AND USAGE See Iporuru Aletris Aletris farinosa DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried Aletris farinosa rhizome with roots. Fresh underground parts dug up after flowering are also used. Flower and Fruit: The plant has numerous white, tubularoblong, campanulate flowers. The flowers, with a few small Unproven Uses: In the U.S., the plant is used for gynecological disorders or "female complaints," in particular dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and complaints associated with prolapses vaginae. Preparations of Aletris are also used for loss of appetite, venous dyspepsia, flatulence and nervous digestive complaints. In Argentina, it is used to treat chronic bronchitis. Homeopathic complaints. Uses: Prolapsed uterus, gastrointestinal PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. 12/ALETRIS DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Available in the forms of powdered root, liquid extract and infusions for internal use. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, 1.5 gm of the drug is added to 100 ml of water. A fluid extract (1:1) is produced with ethanol water (45%). Daily Dosage: Approximately 6 gm. The recommended single dose is 0.3 to 0.6 gm to be taken 3 times daily. Infusion: 1.5 gm of the drug to 100 ml water. Fluid extract (1:1), produced with ethanol water (45%). PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES sharply angled. The leaves are trifoliate, petiolate, and alternate. The leaflets are thorny-tipped, dentate toward the front, obovate, and villous beneath. The stipules are ovate, lanceolate, slightly dentate and acuminate. Characteristics: The taste is unpleasantly salty, bitter and dry. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean region and has been widely cultivated elsewhere for centuries. Other Names: Lucerne, Purple Medick, Purple Medicle, Buffalo Herb, Purple Medic Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules; Injection solution: 1 ml once a week sc (HAB1). ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY LITERATURE Carotinoids: including among others, lutein Costello CH, Lynn EV, (1950) J Am Pharm Ass 39:117. Marker RE et al., (1940) J Chem Soc 60:2620. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homeopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York. COMPOUNDS: IN THE FOLIAGE Triterpene saponins: sojasapogenols A-E aglycones medicagenic acid, hederagenin Isoflavonoids: including among others, formononetin glycosides, genistein, daidzein Coumestans: coumestrol, 3'-methoxy coumestrol, lucernol, sativol, trifoliol Triterpenes: including among others, stigmasterol, spinasterol Cyanogenic glycosides: (corresponding to less than 80 mg HCN/100 g) COMPOUNDS: IN THE SEEDS L-canavaine Aletris farinosa Betaine: stachydrine, homostachydrine See Aletris Trigonelline Fatty oil Alfalfa Medicago sativa TRADE NAMES Alfalfa, Alfalfa Concentrate, Alfalfa Fortified, Alfalfa Natural, Alfalfa Organics, Alfalfa Whole Juice Concentrate Alfamin DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the whole flowering plant or the germinating seeds. Flower and Fruit: The clover-like flowers can be yellow to violet-blue. They are 9 to 10 mm long and appear in oblong, many-blossomed racemes. The fruit is a spiralled pod with 2 or 3 twists; the center is hollow and not thorny. Leaves, Stem and Root: The annual, succulent plant grows from 45 to 100 cm high. The stems are erect, smooth and EFFECTS The saponin contents act on the cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses:'In folk medicine, the drug is used in the treatment of diabetes and malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. Alfalfa has isolated use as a diuretic and aromatic. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. LITERATURE Berrang B, (1974) Phytochemistry 13:2253. Gestetner B, (1974) Phytochemistry 10:2221. Keeler RF, (1975) Lloydia 38:56. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Larher F et al., (1983) Plant Sci Lett 29(2/3):315. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Malinow MR et al., (1977) Steroids 29:105. COMPOUNDS Morton JF, (1975) Morris Arbor Bull 26:24. Nowacki E et al., (1976) Biochem. Physiol Pflanz. 169:183. W Tapper BA et al., (1975) J Sci Food Agric 26:277. 3 Triterpenes: including alisol-A, alisol-B, alisol-C and their monoacetates Sesquiterpenes (guaian type): alismol, alismol oxide Further information in: Flavone sulfate Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel. Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid sulfate Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Alisma is used for diseases of the bladder and urinary tract. Chinese Medicine: The drug is used to lower blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels; it is also used as a diuretic. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with die proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Alisma plantago-aquatica Mode of Administration: The drug is available as an extract for oral use. The root is also used in homeopathy. LITERATURE See Alisma (Ze-Xie) Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Alisma (Ze-Xie) Murata T et al., (1968) Tetrahedron Letteers 103:849. Murata T et al., Chem Pharm Bull 18:1369. 1970. Alisma plantago-aquatica Oshima Y et al., PH 22:183. 1983. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh rhizome. Flower and Fruit: The peduncle is triangular. There are long-pedicled, white or reddish flowers in leafless, loose panicles. There are 3 sepals, 3 petals and 3 stamens in the flower. The fruit is small and obtuse and is formed by 15 to 30 ovaries. Leaves, Stem and Root: The water leaves are ribbon-like. Wt There are long-stemmed, swimming leaves. The aerial leaves are basal, long-stemmed, cordate or oblong-ovate, and spoon-like. Characteristics: The rootstock of Alisma has a bitter taste; it is poisonous when fresh. Habitat: The plant is distributed widely throughout Europe, northern Asia and North America. Other Names: Mad-Dog Weed, Water Plantain, Ze-Xie Alkanet Alkanna tinctoria DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root of the plant (the dried roots and rhizomes). Flower and Fruit: The calyx is 4 to 5 mm in the flower, 5 to 6 mm in the fruit and eglandular. The corolla is blue and glabrous outside. The funnel is as long as or slightly longer than the calyx. The limb is 6 to 7 mm in diameter. There are 5 stamens, and the anthers are fused with the corolla tube. The nutlets are 2 mm in diameter, irregularly reticulate and tuberculate. Leaves, Stem and Root: Alkanet is a short-bristled, perennial half-rosette shrub. The stems are 10 to 20 cm, procumbent or 14/ALKANET ascending and glandular. The basal leaves are 6 to 15 cm by 0.7 to 1.5 cm, linear-lanceolate; the lower ones are cauline, oblong-linear and cordate at base. The bracts are slightly longer than calyx and oblong-lanceolate. The neck of the root is covered with the remains of leaves and the stems. The root is spindle-shaped, curved, up to 25 cm long and 1.5 cm thick, with purplish root bark. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southeastern Europe and some parts of Turkey and Hungary. It is cultivated in other parts of Europe, Britain and northern Africa. Production: Alkanna rhizomes are the dried roots and rhizomes of Alkanna tinctoria Tausch. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S characteristics and its uncertain efficacy." Alkannin and extracts of the root are used externally in pharmacy. Preparations: Extractum alcannae: almost black, green glistening mass (no extraction information). Histoplastin Red® Ointment: The ointment approved in Greece, contains 76.5 gm loosely defined ethereal oily Alkanet root extract with lipophil ointment base (beeswax, mastic rubber and olive oil q.s. ad 100 gm). Daily Dosage: Maximum 0.1 meg pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1.2 unsaturated necin framework and their N-oxides. LITERATURE Other Names: Anchusa, Dyer's Bugloss, Spanish Bugloss, Alkanet Root, Alkanna Majlathova L, (1971) Nahrung 15:505. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Papageorgiou VP, PM 31:390-394. 1977. COMPOUNDS Naphthazarine derivatives: including the ester of the (-)alkannin (stained red) Papageorgiou VP, Digenis GA, PM 39:81-84. 1980. Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids Roder E, et al., PH 23:2125-2126. 1984. Tannins Wiedenfield H et al.. (1985) Arch Pharm 318(4):294. EFFECTS Antimicrobial action: In the agar diffusion test, Alkanet root extracts and Alkannin esters impaired the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, however Alkannin worked only against Candida albicans. Healing action for wounds: In a double-blind study, 72 patients suffering from ulcers of the leg (Ulcus cruris) caused by varicose veins, were treated with Histoplastin Red® over a period of three years. After 5 to 6 weeks of daily administration, 80% of the patients' ulcers had healed or were considerably reduced in size. The results are difficult to assess, as details concerning the patients, the treatment pattern and control groups are unavailable. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Used by the ancient Greeks to heal wounds; also for skin diseases and diarrhea. Papageorgiou VP, (1980) Planta Med 38(3): 193-203. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart. Alkanna tinctoria See Alkanet Allium cepa See Onion PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Hepatotoxicity and carcinogenity are expected, due to the pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1,2-unsaturated necic parent substances in its makeup. Alkanna should not be taken internally for this reason and is recommended for external use only. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Seldom used as a drug. Internal administration is not recommended, due to the drugs toxic Allium sativum See Garlic Allium schoenoprasum See Chives HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Allium ursinum See Bear's Garlic ALMOND/15 Mucilages (3 to 4%): arabinogalactans Proteic substances (20 to 25%) EFFECTS: SWEET ALMONDS Sweet Almonds have a demulcent effect. Almond Prunus species DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the ripe fruit. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are very short-petioled in pairs and appear before the leaves. The petals are 19 to 20 mm long, pale pink to whitish with dark veins. The fruit is oblong-ovoid, compressed. 3.5 to 4.6 cm long by 2.5 to 3 cm wide, gray-green, velvet-downy and pubescent. The nut shell is yellow, hard, compressed, broad- and sharp-edged, punctate externally with irregular grooves, smooth and glossy inside and thick- or thin-skinned. The seed is cinnamon brown, flattened, and 2 cm long by 1.2 to 1.5 cm wide. ^ Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is of medium height, seldom reaching 12 m. It is a tree or shrub with mildly redtinged branches, thorny in its wild form but not in the cultivated form. The leaves have a 1.2 to 1.5 cm long, glandular petiole and glabrous, oblong-lanceolate-acuminate or serrate, tough, glossy, dark green blades. Habitat: The tree is indigenous to Western Asia and is extensively cultivated in many regions. Production: Bitter almonds are the fruits of Prunus dulcis var. amara (also of Prunus armeniaca). Sweet almonds are the fruits of Prunus amygdalus var. dulcis. Other Names: Greek Nuts, Jordan Almond, Bitter Almond, and Sweet Almond ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BITTER ALMONDS Cyanogenic glycosides, amygdalin, 0.2 to 8.5% (corresponding to 12 to 500 mg prussic acid per 100 gm) m Fatty oil (non-dehydrating, 38 to 60%): chief fatty acids oleic acid (77%) and linoleic acid (17 to 20%) Mucilages (3 to 3%): arabinogalactans INDICATIONS AND USAGE BITTER ALMONDS Unproven Uses: Bitter Almonds were used in the past as a remedy for coughs, vomiting and nausea in the form of bitter almond water. SWEET ALMONDS Unproven Uses: Sweet Almonds are used topically in skin care and liniments. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BITTER A L M O N D S To be used only under the supervision of an expert qualified in the appropriate use of this substance. SWEET ALMONDS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic topical dosages. OVERDOSAGE BITTER ALMONDS 10 bitter almonds are said to be fatal for a child, 60 for an adult (a fatal dosage would presumably be already reached at a lower level, given disadvantageous conditions - higher cyanide level in the almonds, intensive chewing). Recommended antidotes include injection of solutions of dicobaltEDTA or thiosulfates or else application of methemoglobinforming substances, such as amyl nitrite. At the same time, vomiting should be induced or the stomach emptied. Circulation support measures and/or artificial respiration may be required. DOSAGE BITTER ALMONDS Mode of Administration: The drug is obsolete and no longer used. SWEET ALMONDS Mode of Administration: Sweet Almonds fatty oil is used as an ointment base and in the production of natural cosmetics. LITERATURE Proteic substances (25 to 35%) BITTER ALMONDS EFFECTS: BITTER ALMONDS Fincke H, Z Untersuch Lebensm 52:423. 1926. There is no reliable information available. Le Quesne PW et al., JNP 48:496. 1985. COMPOUNDS: SWEET ALMONDS Opdyke DLF, (1976) Food Cosmet Toxicol: 14. Fatty oil (non-dehydrating, 43 to 57%): chief fatty acids oleic acid (77%) and linoleic acid (17 to 20%) Salvo F et al., Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse 57:24. 1980. Saura-Calixto F et al., Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm 87:4. 1985. 16 /ALMOND PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Further information in: DESCRIPTION Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is dried juice of the leaves. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. SWEET ALMONDS Fincke H, Z Untersuch Lebensm 52:423. 1926. Le Quesne PW et al., JNP 48:496. 1985. Opdyke DLJ, (1976) Food Cosmet Toxicol: 14. Rosenthaler L, Ber Pharm Ges 30:13. 1920. Salvo F et al., Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse 57:24. 1980. Saura-Calixto F et al., Fette. Seifen, Anstrichm 87:4. 1985. Sommer W, Dissertation Albrechts-Universitat Kiel. 1984. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fiir Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is forked once or twice and is 60 to 90 cm high. The raceme is dense, cylindrical and narrows toward the top. The terminal raceme is up to 40 cm high while the lower ones are somewhat shorter. The bracts are almost white, and the flowers are yellow, orange or red, and are 3 cm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: The lily-like succulent-leafed rosette shrub either does not have a stem or has a 25 cm stem. The stem has about 25 leaves in an upright dense rosette. The lanceolate leaf is thick and fleshy, 40 to 50 cm long and 6 to 7 cm wide at the base. The upper surface is concave, graygreen, often with a reddish tinge, which sometimes appears in patches in the young plants. The leaf margin has a pale pink edge and 2 mm long pale teeth. Habitat: Aloe is thought to have originated in the Sudan and the Arabian Peninsula. Today the species is cultivated and found in the wild in northern Africa, the Near East, Asia, and in the southern Mediterranean region. The plant is cultivated in subtropical regions of the United States and Mexico, and on the Dutch Antilles, as well as coastal regions of Venezuela. Production: Curacao Aloe consists of the dried latex of the leaves of Aloe barbadensis (syn. Aloe vera), as well as its preparations. Aloe is harvested from August until October. The juice is dried using various methods. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Not to be Confused With: Confusion sometimes arises with Agave americana, known as American Aloe, which is not a true Aloe. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: ALOE BARBADENSIS Alnus glutinosa See Black Alder Anthracene derivatives: particularly anthrone-10-C-glycosyls, including aloin A, aloin B, 7-hydroxyaloins A and B, and 1,8-dihydroxy ions, including aloe-emodin, and 6'cinnamic acid esters of these compounds 2-alkylchromones: including aloe resins B, C and D Flavonoids Aloe Aloe barbadensis/capensis/vera TRADE NAMES Aloe Vera (available from numerous manufacturers), Herbal Sure Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera Mild Stimulant Laxative, Aloe 99 Gel, Sundance Aloe Vera Gel, Chantal Aloe Vera Cream, Palmers Aloe Vera Formula Cream, Aloe Vera Super Strength, Herbal Sure Aloe Vera COMPOUNDS: ALOE CAPENSIS Anthracene derivatives: particularly an throne- 10-C-glycosyls, including aloin A, aloin B, 5-hydroxyaloin, and 1,8dihydroxy anthraquinones, including aloe-emodin, and mixed anthrone-C- and O-glycosides, including aloinosides A and B 2-alkylchromones: including aloe resins A, B, C and D Flavonoids HERBAL MONOGRAPHS EFFECTS Laxative Effects Aloe anthranoids such as 1,8-dihydroxy-anthracene derivatives exert a laxative effect. The laxative action is due to g* anti-absorption osmotic properties. The compounds induce active secretion of electrolytes and water in the lumen of the bowel. Absorption of electrolytes and water from the colon is inhibited resulting in a volume increase. The volume increase of the bowel content leads to an increase in pressure and stimulates intestinal peristalsis. There is some evidence that endogenous nitric oxide modulates the diarrhea effect of aloe. Studies demonstrate a laxative effect 9 hours after ingestion (Izzo, 1999). Antibacterial/Antiviral Effects Aloe-emodin exerts dose-dependent growth inhibition of H. pylori through inhibition of arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity (Wang. 1998). Aloe-emodin has shown antibacterial effects on four strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (Hatano, 1999). Aloe emodin inactivates enveloped viruses and is directly viracidal to herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2, varicella-zoster virus, <(§P pseiidorabies virus, and influenza virus (Sydiskis. 1991). Antineoplastic Effects Emodin suppresses tyrosine kinase activity of HER-2/neuencoded pl85neu receptor tyrosine kinase resulting in antineoplastic effects. This is beneficial in controlling HER2/neu overexpressing cancer cells (Zhang, 1998). Effects of topical Aloe plants 4^ Aloe vera depresses action potential generation and conduction at neuromuscular junction processes which result in analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (Friedman, 1999). Ultraviolet radiation (UV) suppresses delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) by altering the function of immune cells in the skin and causing the release of immunoregulatory cytokines. Extracts of crude Aloe barbadensis gel inhibits this photosuppression by preventing suppression of DTH responses and reducing the amount of keratinocyte derived immunosuppressive cytokines (IL-2) (Byeon, 1998; Strickland, 1999). Aloe vera gel contains small molecular modulators that prevent UVB-induced immune suppression in the skin. The immunomodulators restore the UVB-induced damages on epidermal Langerham cells (Lee, 1999). Aloe vera increases collagen content of the granulation tissue and its degree of crosslinking to contribute to wound healing (Chithra, 1998). Aloe vera acts as a modulatory system toward wounds with anti-inflammatory effects (Davis, 1991). The use of Aloe vera has been associated with a delay in wound healing compared to standard treatment (Schmidt, ALOE/17 1991). Aloe vera gel exerts anti-inflammatory activity through its inhibitory action on the arachidonic acid pathway via cyclooxygenase (Vazquez, 1996). Due to its anti-thromboxane effects, Aloe vera decreases the morbidity of progressive dermal ischemia in frostbite (Heggers, 1987). Aloe vera contains a carboxypeptidase that inactivates bradykinin, salicylates, and a substance that inhibits thromboxane formation (Fujita, 1976; Klein, 1988). CLINICAL TRIALS Psoriasis A double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to evaluate the clinical efficacy and tolerability of topical Aloe vera extract 0.5% (in hydrophilic base) in patients with psoriasis vulgaris. There were 60 patients with slight to moderate chronic plaque-type psoriasis determined by the Psoriasis Area and Severity Score (PASI). The extract was applied topically three times daily for 5 consecutive days per week with a maximum of 4 weeks active treatment. The study period was for 16 weeks with monthly check-ups for a period of 12 months. Aloe vera extract cream had a significantly higher cure rate and clearing of psoriatic plaques compared to placebo. The PASI score was also decreased in the Aloe treatment group compared to placebo. The Aloe-treatment group had no adverse drug related symptoms and the drug was well tolerated (Syed, 1996). Radiation-Induced Skin Toxicity A phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated Aloe vera gel for use as a prophylactic agent for radiation-induced skin toxicity. A total of 194 women receiving breast or chest wall irradiation were included in the study. Skin dermatitis was scored weekly during the trial by patients and by health care providers. Aloe vera gel did not protect against radiation therapy-induced dermatitis (Williams, 1996). INDICATIONS AND USAGE ALOE BARBADENSIS AND CAPENSIS Approved by Commission E: • Constipation ALOE BARBADENSIS Unproven Uses: The drug is used for evacuation relief in the presence of anal fissures after recto-anal operations. In European folk medicine the drug is employed for its ability to influence digestion. Chinese Medicine: The most common use in Chinese medicine is for treatment of fungal diseases. Indian Medicine: Uses in Indian medicine include stomach tumors, constipation, colic, skin diseases, amenorrhea, worm infestation, and infections. 18 /ALOE ALOE CAPENSIS Unproven Uses: Aloe capensis has been used as a stool softener in the presence of anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and after recto-anal operations. The fresh juice is used for eye inflammations and for syphillis in South Africa. Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for gastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhoids, and constipation. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Thiazide diuretics, loop diuretics, licorice and corticosteroids—There is an increase in the possibility of potassium deficiency when Aloe is used along with these agents. Pregnancy: Aloe should not be used during pregnancy. Pediatric Use: Aloe should not be prescribed to children under 12 years of age. DOSAGE CONTRAINDICATIONS Aloe is contraindicated in cases of intestinal obstruction, acutely inflamed intestinal diseases (e.g., Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), appendicitis and abdominal pain of unknown origin. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: If cramping of the gastrointestinal tract after single dosing occurs, the dosage should be reduced. Spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints are a side effect to the drug's purgative effect. Heart arrhythmias, nephropathies, edema and accelerated bone deterioration may occur in rare cases. Prolonged use of Aloe may lead to pigmentation in the intestinal mucosa (pseudomelanosis coli), a harmless side effect, which usually reverses upon discontinuation of the drug. Long-term use can also lead to albuminuria and hematuria. Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity, manifested by generalized nummular eczematous and papular dermatitis, have been reported after long-term use of oral and topical Aloe preparations (Morrow, 1980). Loss of Electrolytes: Long-term use can cause loss of electrolytes, in particular potassium. The loss of potassium can result in hyperaldosteronism, inhibition of intestinal motility and enhancement of the effect of cardioactive medications. Malignancy: Prolonged use of anthracene drugs increases the relative risk of colon carcinoma (Siegers, 1993). Recent studies fail to demonstrate a connection between the administration of anthracene drugs and frequency of carcinomas in the colon (Schorkhuber; 1998). Low molecular weight compounds found in Aloe vera gel are cytotoxic (Avila, 1997). The component 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone inhibits the catalytic activity of topoisomerase II resulting in genotoxicity and mutagenicity (Mueller, 1999). Tissue Damage: Chronic treatment with high doses of Aloe reduces vasoactive intestinal peptide and somatostatin levels, which may damage enteric nervous tissue (Tzavella, 1995). Drug Interactions: Cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmic drug—Chronic use of Aloe can lead to potassium loss, which can increase the actions of cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmic drugs. Mode of Administration: Due to the side effects of the drug, it is rarely used and is not recommended. Aloe powder, aqueous- and aqueous-alcoholic extracts in powdered or liquid form are available for oral use. How Supplied: Capsule—250 mg, 470 mg Cream Gel—99%, 72% Softgel—1000 mg Preparation: A stabilized aloe extract is prepared with hot water. The extract will have a content of 19% to 21% aloin. Daily Dosage: The recommended daily dosage is 20 to 30 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives/day, calculated as anhydrous aloin. The recommended single dosage is 0.05 g aloe powder from Aloe barbadensis or 0.05 to 0.2 g aloe powder of Aloe capensis in the evening. Aloe capensis can be given as a single dose of 0.1 g in the evening. Homeopathic Dosage: For Aloe capensis, administer 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules, or parenterally 1-2 ml three times daily (HAB1). Note: The smallest dosage needed to maintain a soft stool should be used. Stimulating laxatives must not be used over an extended period of time (1 to 2 weeks) without medical advice. Storage: Aloe should be protected from light and moisture. LITERATURE Anonym, Aloe und Aloine - Aktuelles iiber weltweit verwendete Arzneistoffe. In: DAZ 135(39):3644-3645. 1995. Avila H, Rivero J, Herrera F, Fraile G, Cytotoxicity of a low molecular weight fraction from Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel. Toxicon 1997 Sep;35(9): 1423-30. BGA, Arzneimittelrisiken: Anthranoide. In: DAZ 132(21): 1164. 1992. Byeon SW, Pelley RP, Ullrich SE et al., Aloe barbadensis extracts reduce the production of interleukin-10 after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. J Invest Dermatol 1998 May; 110(5): 811-7. Che QM, Akao T, Hattori M, Kobashi K, Namba T, Metabolism of barbaloin by intestinal bacteria. 2. Isolation of ALOE/19 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS human intestinal bacterium capable of tranforming barbaloin to Aloe-emodin anthrone. In: PM 57:15. 1991. Chithra P, Sajithlal GB, Chandrakasan G, Influence of Aloe vera on collagen turnover in healing of dermal wounds in rats. Indian J Exp Biol 1998 Sep;36(9):896-901. & Davis RH, Parker WL, Samson RT, Murdoch DP, Isolation of a stimulatory system in an Aloe extract. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1991 Sep;81(9):473-8. Friedman RN, Si K, Initial characterization of the effects of Aloe vera at a crayfish neuromuscul junction. Phytother Res 1999 Nov;13(7):580-583. Fujita K, Ito S, Teradaira R, Beppu H, Properties of a carboxypeptidase from aloe. Biochem Pharmacol 1979 Apr 1;28(7):I261. Hatano T, Uebayashi H, Ito H et al.-, Phenolic constituents of Cassia seeds and antibacterial effect of some naphthalenes and anthraquinones on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 1999 Aug;47(8): 1121-7. Heggers JP, Robson MC, Manavalen K et al.. Experimental and clinical observations on frostbite. Ann Emerg Med 1987 Sep; 16(9): 1056-62. j^ W Hutter JA et al.. Anti-inflammatory C-glucosyl chromone from Aloe barbadensis. In: JNP 59(5):541-543. 1996. Izzo AA, Sautebin L, Borrelli F et al.. The role of nitric oxide in aloe-induced diarrhoea in the rat. Eur J Pharmacol 1999 Feb 26;368(l):43-8. Klein AD, Penneys NS, Aloe vera. J Am Acad Dermatol 1988 Apr; 18(4 Pt 1):714-20. Schorkhuber M, Richter M, Dutter A, et al. Effect of anthraquinone-laxatives on the proliferation and urokinase secretion of normal, premalignant and malignant colonic epithelial cells. Eur J Cancer 1998 Jun;34(7): 1091-8. Strickland FM, Darvill A, Albersheim P et al., Inhibition of UV-induced immune suppression and interleukin-10 production by plant oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Photochem Photobiol 1999 Feb;69(2): 141-7. Sydiskis RJ, Owen DG, Lohr JL et al., Inactivation of enveloped viruses by anthraquinones extracted from plants. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1991 Dec;35(12):2463-6. Syed TA, Ahmad SA, Holt AH et al., Management of psoriasis with Aloe vera extract in a hydrophilic cream: a placebocontrolled, double-blind study. Trop Med Int Health 1996 Aug;l(4):505-9. Tzavella K, Riepl RL, Klauser AG et al., Decreased substance P levels in rectal biopsies from patients with slow transit constipation. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1996 Dec;8(12):12071211. Tzeng SH, Ko WC, Ko FN, Teng CM, Inhibition of platelet aggregation by some flavonoids. In: Thromobosis Res 64:91. 1991. Vazquez B, Avila G, Segura D, Escalante B, Anti-inflammatory activity of extracts from Aloe vera gel. J Ethnopharmacol 1996 Dec;55(l):69-75. Klimpel BE et al., Anthranoidhaltige Laxantien - ein Risiko fur die Entwicklung von Tumoren der ableitenden Harnwege. In: PUZ 26(1 ):33, Jahrestagung der DPhG, Berlin, 1996. 1997. Wang HH, Chung JG, Ho CC, Wu LT, Chang SH. Aloeemodin effects on arylamine N-acetyltransferase activity in the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Planta Med 1998 Mar;64(2):176178. Koch A, Investigations on the laxative action of aloin in the human colon. In: PM 59(7)89. 1993. Westendorf J, Phytotherapie: Anthranoide in Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 133(25):2345. 1993. Koch A, Metabolisierung von Aloin. Korrelation zwischen Invitro- und in-vivo-Versuchen. In: DAZ 135(13): 1150-1152. 1995. Williams MS, Burk M, Loprinzi CL et al., Phase III doubleblind evaluation of an aloe vera gel as a prophylactic agent for radiation-induced skin toxicity, nt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1996 Sep l;36(2):345-9. Lee CK, Han SS, Shin YK et al.. Prevention of ultraviolet radiation-induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity by Aloe vera gel components. Int J Immunopharmacol 1999 May;21(5):303-10. Morrow D, Rapaport M, Strick R. Hypersensitivity to aloe. Arch Dermatol 1980 Sep; 116(9): 1064-5. 4p Sigers C, von Hertzberg-Lottin E, Otte M, Schneider B. Anthranoid laxative abuse—a risk for colorectal cancer? Gut 1993 Aug;34(8): 1099-101. Mueller S, Stopper H. Characterization of the genotoxicity of anthraquinones in mammalian cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1999 Aug 5;1428(2-3):406-14. Park MK et al., Neoaloesin A: A new C-glucofuranosyl chromone from Aloe barbadensis. In: PM 62(4):363-365. 1996. Schmidt JM, Greenspoon JS, Aloe vera dermal wound gel is associated with a delay in wound healing. Obstet Gynecol 1991 Jul;78(l): 115-7. Shida T et al., (1985) Planta Med 51(3):273. Yoig A, Egusa T, Arase M, Tanabe M, Tsujitt, Isolation and characterization of the glycoprotein fraction with proliferationpromotory activity on human and hamster cells in vitro. In: PM 63:18-21. 1997. Zhang L, Tizard IR, Activation of a mouse macrophage cell line by acemannan: the major carbohydrate fraction from Aloe vera gel. Immunopharmacology 1996 Nov;35(2): 119-28. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen BM, Allergiepflanzen - Pflanzenallergene, Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1988. 20 /ALOE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl., Bde 1-3, W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. regions (Scandinavia, England). The leaves are dried in the open air. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Other Names: Cowberry, Red Bilberry, Whortleberry Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY * Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Hydroquinone glycosides: arbutin (3-5%), pyroside (6'-acetyl-arbutin), hydroquinone gentiobioside, 2-O-caffeoyl arbutin Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Aloe barbadensis/capensis/ vera See Aloe COMPOUNDS Tannins (10-20%): chiefly condensed tannins, proanthocyainidine Flavonoids: including among others, avicularin, hyperoside, quercitrin, isoquercitrin Triterpenes: including among others, beta-amyrin, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid EFFECTS The drug is antiviral and a urine disinfectant due to the tannin fraction. It also raises cyclooxigenase activity through the flavonol glycosides. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Aloysia triphylla See Lemon Verbena Unproven Uses: Alpine Cranberry is used to treat urinary tract irritation, gout, rheumatism, and calculus (stone complaints). It is also considered a substitute for Bearberry leaves. Alpine Cranberry The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, nursing, and in children under 12 years of age. CONTRAINDICATIONS Vaccinium vitis-ideae PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves and the ripe dried fruit. Flower and Fruit: The white to reddish-tinged flowers are in clusters of various sizes. The 10 stamens are pubescent at the base and the anthers are two-tipped and have no appendage. The white berries initially turn scarlet and contain numerous rust-brown seeds that are 1.5 to 2 mm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a low shrub up to 30 cm high with scaly underground runners. The shoots sprout from the axillary buds of the runners. The sprouts are downy when young and later become glabrous. The leaves are alternate, short-petioled, obovate and coriaceous. The upper surface is dark green and the under surface pale green and covered in glandular hairs. No healtii hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Individuals widi gastric sensitivity may experience queasiness and vomiting following intake of preparations made from the drug with high tannin content. Liver damage is conceivable with administration of the drug over extended periods, particularly with children, due to the possible hepatotoxicity of the hydroquinones released. Because the urine-disinfecting effect of the hydroquinonesr released in the urinary tract only occurs in an alkali environment, the simultaneous administration of medication and food that increases uric acid concentration in the bladder should be avoided. DOSAGE Habitat: The plant is common in the Northern Hemisphere. Mode of Administration: Available as whole, cut, and powdered drug. Production: Cranberry leaves are die foliage leaves of Vaccinium vitis-ideae. Collection takes place in uncultivated Daily Dose: The internal dose is 2 gm as a single dose; as a decoction, the concentration is 2 gm per cup. ALPINE R A G W O R T /21 HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Storage: Store the drug in a tightly sealed container and protect it from light. LITERATURE Friedrich H, Naturwissenschaften 48:304. 1961. Frohne D, Pfander HJ. Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (0.01-0.1%): including among others, senecionine, fuchsisencionine. 7-angeloylretronecin, bulgarsenine, nemorensin, platyphyllin, sarracin Sesquiterpenes of the eremophilane-type: including among others, nemosenine A-D Flavonoids: including among others, rutin, quercitrin Hydroxycoumarins: including among odiers, esculetin Volatile oil (0.1%) Sticher O et al., PM 35:253. 1979. EFFECTS Thieme H et al., PA 24:236. 1969. The drug is hemostyptic and hypoglycemic. The pyrrolizidine alkaloids are hepatotoxic and carcinogenic. Thieme H, Winkler HJ, PA 21:182. 1966. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Thompson RS et al.. J Chem Soc Perkin Tarns 1:1387. 1972. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses of Life Root have included diabetes mellitus, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, spasms and as a uterine stimulant. The drug is also used in bleeding as a result of tooth extraction. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS * Alpine Ragwort Senecio 4| nemorensis Life Root should not be taken internally. Hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity are possible due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1,2-unsaturated necic parent substances. DESCRIPTION DOSAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb. Mode of Administration: Internal use is not recommended. Flower and Fruit: The composite flower heads are in a dense, usually heavily blossomed corymb. The involucre bracts are grass- or olive-green and often tinged greenishblack at the tips. The florets are yellow. The fruit is 4 mm long, long-stemmed and glabrous. During flowering, the pappus is only as long as the disc florets. By the time the fruit ripens, the pappus is 3 times as long as the fruit. How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical preparations include drops. Leaves, Stem and Root: This geophytic perennial has runners that are fleshy, 20 cm long and 5 cm thick. The stem is erect, 40 to 140 cm high with rounded ribs. The stem is green or, in particularly sunny locations, reddish-brown. The stem is glabrous to sparsely pubescent or short-downy. The foliage leaves are lanceolate-ovate, oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate and serrate to double-serrate-dentate. The upper cauline leaves are usually petiolate, almost glabrous above to sparsely pubescent. The lower surface of the leaf is sparsely or moderately scattered and appressed pubescent. Preparation: To prepare a tea, pour boiling water over 1 teaspoonful (approximately 1 g) of finely cut drug, steep for 5 to 10 minutes, then strain. Daily Dosage: A cup of the tea may be taken several times a day. (See precautions and adverse reactions). LITERATURE Gottlieb R et al., DAZ 130:285. 1990. Roder E et al., PH 16:1462. 1977. Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. Wiedenfeld H et al., Arch Pharm 315:165. 1982. Wiedenfeld H et al., Arch Pharm 318:294. 1985. Wiedenfeld H et al., PH 18:1083. 1979. Wiedenfeld H et al., PM 41:124. 1981. Wiedenfeld H et al., PM 46:426. 1986. Habitat: The plant grows in many regions of southern and western Europe and is cultivated in some eastern European countries. Other Names: Squaw Weed, Life Root Wiedenfeld H et al., Sci Pharm 57:97. 1989. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 * PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S 2 2 / A L P I N E RAGWO"RT (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. versely dehiscing capsule. Seeds are lentil-shaped, erect, circular, smooth and usually black. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a tall, glabrous annual, occasionally perennial, and grows up to 2 m tall. It is erect, glabrous or sparsely pubescent above. The leaves are rhomboid-ovate and alternate, with occasionally undulating or ruffled margins. Habitat: Amaranth is common in temperate and warm climates. Production: Amaranth is the complete plant in flower of Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Alpinia officinarum See Lesser Galangal Other Names: Lady Bleeding, Lovely Bleeding, Love-LiesBleeding, Red Cockscomb, Velvet Flower, Pilewort, Prince's Feather ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Alstonia constricta See Fever Bark COMPOUNDS Saponins Betacyans Protoalkaloids Althaea officinalis See Marshmallow Amanita muscaria EFFECTS The drug is said to have an astringent effect (possibly due to the saponins, betacyans and protoalkaloids). There are no studies available on efficacy. INDICATIONS AND USAGE See Aga Unproven Uses: Amaranth has been used for diarrhea, ulcers, and inflammation of the mouth and throat. Amaranth No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Amaranthus hypochondriacus DESCRIPTION DOSAGE Medicinal Parts: The entire plant is used medicinally Mode of Administration: Amaranth is administered orally as a liquid extract. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is bifurcated, solitary and oblong-spicate in dense spike-like terminal clusters with very short internodes, often composed of twigs. In some species they are all in the leaf axils. The plant is monoecious, dioecious or mixed. Bracteoles are 4 to 6 mm, ovate, with a mucro that is about twice as long as the perianth. The perianth segments are narrowly ovate, usually acute and about as long as the fruit. The segments are dry-skinned, whitish- or reddish-green to red. The ovary is ovate. The fruit is one-seeded, ovate, dry-skinned, and forms a trans- LITERATURE Martindale. The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 27th Ed. Pub. The Pharmaceutical Press (1977) UK. Amaranthus hypochondriacus See Amaranth AMARGO/23 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Amargo Quassia amara DESCRIPTION ^fc Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the wood of the trunk and branches. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Internal administration can be followed occasionally by dizziness and headache, as well as by uterine pain. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small and pale yellowish green. The sepals are round to ovate, fused at the base and imbricate. There are 5 petals, 10 stamens and 5 carpels. The style is fused from bottom to top. The fruit is a pea-sized drupe, which ripens from December to January. They are black, glossy, solitary, clavate and have a thin skin. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 15 to 30 m high tree with a diameter of 1 m. The bark is smooth and grayish. The alternate leaves are odd pinnate. The leaflets are opposite, oblong, acuminate and uneven at the base. Habitat: The plant grows in Jamaica Production: Quassia Wood is the wood of Quassia amara or Picrasma excelsa. (p Not to be Confused With: The wood of Rhus metopium Other Names: Bitter Wood, Jamaica Quassia, Surinam Quassia, Japanese Quassia, Bitter Ash OVERDOSAGE Overdosage could lead to mucous membrane irritation, followed by vomiting. Use over prolonged periods of time may lead to weakened vision and total blindness. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Quassia Wood is used in homeopathic dilutions and in commercial pharmaceutical preparations. Daily Dosage: 500 mg Storage: Quassia should be protected from light and kept dry. LITERATURE Barbetti P et ah, Quassinoids from Quassia amara. In: PH 32:1007. 1993. Bray DH et al., (1987) Phytother Res 1 (1):22. Geissmann T, (1964) Ann Rev Pharmacol 4:305. Kupchan SM, Streelman DR, (1976) J Org Chem 41:3481. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpenes: decanor-triterpenes (picrasan derivatives, quassinoids, simaroubolides) chief components quassin (nigakilactone D, 0.1 to 0.2%), isoquassin (picrasmine), neoquassin and 18-hydroxyquassin Indole alkaloids of: Murae T et al., (1973) Tetrahedron 29:1515. Murae T et al., (1975) Chem Pharm Bull 23 (9):2191. Njar VCO et al., 2-Methoxycanthin-6-on: a new alkaloid from the stem wood of Quassia amara. In: PM 59(3):259. 1992. Njar VCO et al., Antifertility activity of Quassia amara: Quassin inhibits the steroidgenesis in rat Leydig cells in vitro. In: PM 61(2):180-182. 1995. -beta-carboline type, including l-vinyl-4,8-dimethoxy-betacarboline Ohmoto T, Koike K. (1983) Chem Pharm Bull 31:3198. -canthinone type, including 2-methoxy-6-one, 3-methylcanthine-5,6-dione Wagner H et al., (1979) Planta Med 36:113. EFFECTS The amaroid drug (quassinoids) stimulates secretion of £r gastric juices, increases appetite and aids digestion. It may also have a choleretic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Homeopathic Uses: Quassia amara is used for gallbladder complaints, as bitter tonic, purgative and as anthelmintic (for ascarid and threadworms). CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in pregnancy. Polonsky J, (1973) Fortschr. Chem Org Naturst 30. 101. Wagner H et al., (1980) Planta Med 38:204. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969 (unter Pirola rotundifolia). Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. 24/AMARGO PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena. New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrdgen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. EFFECTS When used internally, the drug is emetic. Externally it is an emollient. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The plant is used externally for ulcers. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The plant has a strongly sensitizing effect. Reciprocal reactions occur with tulip, fritallaria, lily, alstroemeria and Bomarea species. Nothing is known regarding health hazards or side effects in connection with the administration of the drug. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Fresh leaves are applied topically as a poultice or administered internally as an infusion. LITERATURE American Adder's Tongue Erythronium americanum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and tubers. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are terminal, large, hanging, lily-like and are 2.5 cm in diameter. The bracts of the involucre are sharply revolute, bright yellow and often tinged purple and sprinkled at the base. There are 6 stamens. The fruit is a fusiform nodule about 2 cm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from a small, ovate fern-colored corm to between 2 and 2.5 cm long. It is perennial with a bulbous light brown root. The stem is thin and about 25 cm high. There are only 2 leaves which are lanceolate, and pale green. They have purplish or brownish spots, are about 6 cm long by 2 to 3 cm wide, minutely wrinkled and with parallel veins. The petioles are 5 to 7.5 cm long. Characteristics: The fresh leaves have emollient and antiscrofulous properties when applied as a poultice. Habitat: The plant grows in the eastern U.S. as far south as Florida and as far north and west as Ontario and Arkansas. Production: American Adder's Tongue leaves are the fresh leaves of Erythronium americanum. Other Names: Dog's Tooth Violet, Erythronium, Lamb's Tongue, Rattlesnake Violet, Serpent's Tongue, Snake Leaf, Yellow Snakeleaf, Yellow Snowdrop Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. American Bittersweet Celastrus scandens DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the root and the bark of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The twining shrub is up to 8 m tall. The leaves are 5 to 12.5 cm long, ovate to ovate-lanceolate and serrate. There are numerous very small greenish flowers on terminal racemes 10 cm long. The orange-yellow seed capsules are 1 cm in diameter. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to North America. Production: American Bittersweet root and bark are the root and bark of Celastrus scandens. Other Names: Waxwork, False Bittersweet ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Tannins Celastrol ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY (yellow quinoide nortriterpene) EFFECTS COMPOUNDS Alpha-methylene-gamma-butyrolactones: Cavallito CJ, Haskell TR (1946) J Am Chem Soc 66:2332. tuliposides American Bittersweet has diuretic and diaphoretic effects. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Unproven Uses: The drug has been used for rheumatism, menstrual disorders and liver disorders, but is rarely used today. COMPOUNDS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE No information is available. LITERATURE Hegnauer R. Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen. Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. American Hellebore Veratrum viride ** AMERICAN HELLEBORE / 2 5 DESCRIPTION Steroid alkaloids {!%): including among others, some of the solanidane-type, isorubijervine, rubijervine- C-nor-D-homosterane-type: including among others, protoverine, protoveratrine A and B. In contrast with Veratrum album, the less toxic alkaloids of the solanidane-type are here in the majority. EFFECTS The herb reduces blood pressure and slows down the pulse due to the alkaloid germitrin. When used externally, it is hyperemic, hyperalgic, and locally anaesthetic. The drug is extremely toxic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is obsolete due to the high risk of side effects. Historically, American Hellebore was used internally to treat pneumonia, peritonitis, epilepsy, pain. asthma, colds, cholera, croup, consumption, dyspepsia, fever. hypertension, herpes, gout, headache, inflammation, neuralgia, whooping cough, puerperal fever, scarlet fever, sciatica. rheumatism, shingles, toothache, scrofulous, tumors, and typhus. It was used externally for throat infections and tonsillitis (as a gargle solution), neuralgia, and skin irritations. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried rhizome and the roots. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Flower and Fruit: The terminal inflorescence is a panicle made up of spike-like racemes. The flowers are shortpedicled and often unisexual. The perigone has 6 tepals and is almost free. The anther is reniform. The fruit is capsulelike with numerous seeds and dividing membranes. The seeds are flattened, light-brown and winged all around. The embryo is small and set in the tip of the fusiform endosperm. The drug is severely toxic and has numerous severe side effects, even in therapeutic dosages. It is no longer administered in allopathic medicine. The alkaloids are severely mucous membrane-irritating, and because they inhibit inactivation of the sodium ion channels after resorption, the alkaloids have a paralyzing effect on numerous excitable cells, in particular those governing cardiac activity. Leaves, Stem and Root: The species are perennial herbs with strong leafy stems. The leaves are spiralled, broadly elliptical to linear-lanceolate, heavily ribbed and drawn together in a broad sheath. The leaves of Veratrum viride are oval to linear. Characteristics: Characteristics of the species Veratrum viride is very similar to Veratrum album. Habitat: The herb is indigenous to the swamps and moist 0> ground from Canada to Georgia and westward to Minnesota. Production: American Hellebore root is the rhizome of Veratrum viride. Not to be Confused With: The rhizome from Symplocarpus foetidus is thicker than that of Veratrum viride and more porous. Other Names: Bugbane, Devil's Bite, Earth Gall, Indian Poke, Itchweed, Tickleweed OVERDOSAGE The first symptoms of poisoning are sneezing, lacrimation, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, burning sensation in the mouth and pharyngeal space, and inability to swallow; then, following resorption: paresthesia, vertigo, possible blindness, paralysis of the limbs; also mild convulsions, lowering of cardiac frequency, cardiac arrhythmias and hypotension. Death occurs either through systolic cardiac arrest or through asphyxiation. The alkaloids can also be absorbed through uninjured skin. Following gastrointestinal emptying (inducement of vomiting, gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium permanganate solution, sodium sulphate), installation of activated charcoal and shock prophylaxis (appropriate body position, quiet, warmth), the therapy for poisoning consists of treating spasms with diazepam or certain barbiturates (i.v.), bradycardia with atropine and hypotension wim peripherally active circulatory medications. Electrolyte sub- 2 6 / A M E R I C A N HELLEBORE stitution may be necessary and possible cases of acidosis should be treated with sodium bicarbonate infusions. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The herb can be found in whole and powdered forms. Production: American Ivy bark is the bark of the trunk and branches of Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Other Names: American Woodbine, Creeper, False Grapes, Five Leaves, Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Wild Woodbine, Wild Woodvine, Woody Climber ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Daily Dose: The daily dose is 100 mg. COMPOUNDS Storage: The drug should be clearly labeled as "poisonous" and stored in a safe place. Up to 2% oxalic acid is contained in the berries, however there is no information available on the constituents of the rind. LITERATURE -Brossi, B, In: Brossi A, Cordell GA (Eds), The Alkaloids. Vol. 41. Academic Press, 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. 1992. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Kupchan, S M et al., (1961) Lloydia 24(1): 17. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: American Ivy is used for digestive disorders. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The berries are considered poisonous, however no health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Older scientific literature describes the death of a child following intake of the berries (Lewin, 1992). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is ground for use as an infusion. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. American Ivy Parthenocissus EFFECTS The plant is diaphoretic, astringent and tonic. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. quinquefolia DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the bark, the branch tips, the fresh leaves, the berries and the resin. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. o Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are fairly small and appear in yellowish-green racemes. They produce darkpurple, pea-sized berries; the seeds are cordate. Leaves, Stem and Root: American Ivy is a high-climbing shrub with dark green branches, which sometimes develop adventitious roots. The flowering branches turn into regular, double-rowed creepers, which diminish toward the top. The leaves are long-petioled and divided into 5 elliptical, ovate or obovate, roughly serrate or dentate leaflets. The leaflets have broad, suddenly acuminate and usually somewhat roundedoff teeth. The upper surface is dark green, and the undersurface is whitish-green and matte. Habitat: Parthenocissus quinquefolia originated in North America and is cultivated worldwide. American Liverleaf Hepatica nobilis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The drug is the herb, without roots, harvested at flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The flowering stems are axillary, numerous, pubescent and erect. They are usually reddish and have 3 entire-margined, ovate, unpetiolate, calyx-like bracts, up to 1 cm long, directly under the upright flower. The 6 to 8 bracts are sky blue, paler on the outside, occasionally pink or white, narrow-ovate, entire-margined and dropping. There are no nectaries. The stamens are almost white with red H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS connective. The stigma is head-like. The fruit is oblong with a short beak fitted into the semi-globular receptacle. Leaves, Stem and Root: The herb is a 7 to 15 cm high, hardy perennial with a short, fibrous, dark brown rhizome. The •^t numerous leaves are basal, long-petioled, coriaceous, green above and usually more or less violet beneath. They are cordate and 3-lobed at the base, deeply indented, broadly ovate, with blunt to acute lobes. The young leaves, including the stems, are densely covered in silky white hairs. The leaves later become glabrous and appear after flowering. Liverwort is a protected species in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to almost all of Europe except the Atlantic regions, Denmark and northwest Germany. It is also indigenous to Korea, Japan and temperate North America. Production: American Liverleaf consists of the fresh or dried above-ground parts of Hepatica nobilis. The herb is harvested when in bloom and air-dried in the shade. The roots must be left in the ground because they are a protected species. Other Names: Herb Trinity, Kidneywort, Liverleaf, Liverweed, Round-Leaved Hepatica, Trefoil ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Protoanemonine-fonning agents (0.07% in the freshly harvested plant, based on weight): presumably, the glycoside ranunculin changes enzymatically when the plant is cut into small pieces (and probably also during dehydration) into the pungent, volatile protoanemonine that quickly dimerizes to anemonine. Once dried, the plant is not capable of protoanemonine formation. Flavonoids: including isoquercitrin, astragalin, quercimeritrin Saponins EFFECTS The main active agents are lactone-forming glycosides, flavo-glycosides and anthocyane. The fresh plant contains K* protoanemonine, which causes skin irritation. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of American Liverleaf herb are used for liver ailments, liver diseases of all origins, jaundice, gallstones and gravel. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. AMERICAN PAWPAW / 27 Extended skin contact with the freshly harvested, bruised plant can lead to blister formation and cauterizations mat are difficult to heal due to the resulting protoanemonine, which is severely irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. If taken internally, severe irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, combined with colic and diarrhea, as well as irritation of the urinary drainage passages, are possible. Symptomatic treatment for external contact consists of mucilaginosa, following irrigation with diluted potassium permanganate solution. In case of internal contact, administration of activated charcoal should follow gastric lavage. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug can be taken internally or used externally as a rinse. Preparation: To make a rinse, a cataplasm can be made of the squeezed fresh plant; alcohol can be used if necessary. A liniment can be made with added fats, oils or alcohol. Daily Dosage: When used internally, a single dose consists of 2 to 4 gm as an infusion, or 2 to 3 cups from a 3 to 6% infusion. The daily dosage is 4 teaspoonfuls, or 3.8 gm drug. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K: Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachveriag Landsberg Lech 1993. Ruijgrok HWL, PM 11:338-347. 1963. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. American Pawpaw Asimina triloba DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seeds, bark and leaves. Flower and Fruit: The axillary flowers are dull purple and solitary. They are about 3.5 cm wide. The petals are round, ovate and marbled. The outer ones are almost circular and 3 to 4 times as long as the sepals. The fruit is yellowish, oblong-ovoid. The fleshy pods are about 7.5 by 2.5 cm and contain 3 flat, brown seeds. The seeds are slightly polished with darker brown lines on the surface. They are oblongoval, with a grayish hilum at one end. The taste and smell are resinous. 28/AMERICAN PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S PAWPAW Leaves, Stem and Root: The American Pawpaw grows up to 6 m in height. The young shoots and leaves are covered in rust-colored down and later become glabrous. The leaves are thin (20-25 cm long and 7 cm wide), smooth, entire, ovate and acuminate. The plant's leaves and flowers appear simultaneously. Characteristics: The fruit has an unpleasant smell when unripe, but when it ripens after a frost, it smells, faintly of custard. This characteristic gives rise to one of its common names—Custard Apple. Habitat: The plant is found in the west, south and central U.S., also India and parts of Asia and Africa. Production: American Pawpaw seeds are the seeds of Asimina triloba. Other Names: Custard Apple ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Benzyl isoquinoline alkaloids: including anolobine Ratnayake S, Rupprecht JK, Potter WM, McLaughlin JL, Evaluation of various parts of the paw paw tree Asimina triloba (Annonaceae) as commercial sources of the pesticidal annonaceous acetogenins. J Econ Entomol, 55:2353-6, 1992. Woo MH, Cho KY, Zhang Y, Zeng L, Gu ZM, McLaughlin JL, Asimilobin and cis- and trans-murisolinones novel bioactive Annonaceous acetogenins from the seeds of Asimina triloba. J Nat Prod, 4:1533-42, 1995. Zhao G, Hui Y, Rupprecht JK, McLaughlin JL, Wood KV, Additional bioactive compounds and trilobacin a novel highly cytotoxic acetogenin from the bark of Asimina triloba. J Nat Prod, 55:347-56, 1992. Zhao GX, Chao JF, Zeng L, McLaughlin JL, (24-cis)asimicinone and (24-trans)-asimicinone: two novel bioactive ketolactone acetogenins from Asimina triloba (Annonaceae). Nat Toxins, 4:128-34, 1996. Zhao GX, Chao JF, Zeng L, Rieser MJ, McLaughlin JL, The absolute configuration of adjacent bis-THF acetogenins and asiminocin a novel highly potent asimicin isomer from Asimina triloba. Bioorg Med Chem, 4:25-32, 1996. Polyketides: including asimicine Fatty oil EFFECTS No information is available. American White Pond Lily Nymphaea odorata INDICATIONS AND USAGE DESCRIPTION Homeopathic Uses: In homeopathy, American Pawpaw is used in the treatment of scarlet fever, fevers and vomiting, as well as for mouth and throat inflammation. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the cut and dried rhizome, the fresh rhizome and the rhizome with the roots. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug has a nauseant effect. Allergic individuals may be susceptible to severe urticaria. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The mother tincture is used in homeopathic dilutions. LITERATURE He K, Shi G, Zhao GX, Zeng L, Ye Q, Schwedler JT, Wood KV, McLaughlin JL, Three new adjacent bis-tetrahydrofuran acetogenins with four hydroxyl groups from Asimina triloba. J Nat-Prod, 59:1029-34, 1996. He K, Zhao GX, Shi G, Zeng L, Chao JF, McLaughlin JL, Additional bioactive annonaceous acetogenins from Asimina triloba (Annonaceae). Bioorg Med Chem, 5:501-6, 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Oliver-Bever B (Ed.), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa, Cambridge University Press Cambridge, London 1986. Flower and Fruit: The androgynous flowers are solitary, 7 to 15 cm across and radial-symmetrical. They grow from the rhizome and extend above the water by means of a long stem. The 4 sepals are almost free, oblong-ovate, pale green on the outside and greenish-white on the inside. The pure white 23 to 32 petals are free, elliptical-lanceolate, narrower than the sepals and arranged on the axis like a screw. The numerous carpels are sunk into the beaker-shaped axis in a ring and are partially fused with it. The fruit is a berry-like capsule, which ripens under water. The seeds are small, ovate, approximately 2.5 mm long, smooth and have an aril. The flowers open as the sun rises, close a few hours later (before the intense midday heat) and remain closed until the next morning. The size of the plant varies according to depth of water. Leaves, Stem and Root: The fragrant water lily is an aquatic plant with a strong horizontal rhizome, which grows under water. The leaves are swimming, alternate, long-petioled and have 4 air channels in the petiole. The lamina is ovalorbicular, large (15-30 cm long) and has a wedge-shaped deep indentation at the base. It is entire-margined, coriaceous, green above and purple-brown beneath. The petiole is HERBAL MONOGRAPHS AMMONIAC GUM 29 greenish and is usifally purple-tinged. The stipules are triangular to reniform. Preparation: The fluid extract is produced by percolation: 1:1 using ethanol 25%. Characteristics: The flowers have a sweet fragrance. Daily Dosage: Internally: in a single dose of 1 to 2 g drug as an infusion; 1 to 4 ml of liquid extract. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the eastern part of North America. It is found as far south as Mexico, El Salvador and the West Indies, and has been naturalized in parts of western Europe. Production: American White Pond Lily root is the rhizome of Nymphaea odorata and other varieties. The drug is derived from the cut and dried rhizome and, in powdered form, is yellowish to gray-brown. Other Names: Water Cabbage, Cow Cabbage, Water Lily, Water Nymph ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Tannins (gallotannins, ellagitannins) Only a very small amount of research work has been carried out on the drug, but American White Pond Lily root is known to contain large amounts of gallic and ellagic tannins. Homeopathic Dosages: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic): parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl.. Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-5. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Odinstsova NV, (1960) Farmakol i Toxicol 23:132. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen. Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Su KL et al., (1983) Lloydia 36:72 and 80. EFFECTS The astringent and antiseptic effects of the American White Pond Lily can be attributed to the high tannin content. Only limited amounts of research have been carried out on the drug. Ammi Visnaga See Bishop's Weed INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Chronic diarrhea is a common internal application. Externally, the plant has been used in the treatment of vaginal conditions and as a gargle in the treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat. Traditional folk medicine uses also included dysentery, gonorrhea and leukorrhea, and the leaves and roots were applied as a mash poultice for boils, tumors, scrofulous sores and inflamed skin. Homeopathic Uses: Morning diarrhea is one use in homeopathy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Ammoniac Gum Dorema ammoniacum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is a resin exuded from the flowers and stems. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is an umbel which grows from the axils of the upper leaves. Because of the very short flower stems, the individual inflorescences appear very globular. The flower structures are in fives, the flowers radial and small, the calyx teeth indistinct, the petals white with revolute tips. There are 5 stamens. The ovary is inferior, 2chambered, densely haired, witfi a conical style cushion with 2 styles. The fruit is double achene. OVERDOSAGE No poisonings have yet been observed among humans but animal experiments have been performed with fatal results. Even though very high dosages were used with the animals, these results should be taken as a warning to exercise care. Leaves, Stem and Root: This herbaceous perennial grows up to 2.5 m high. The leaves are arranged in spirals, with clearly developed sheaths, and the lamina is often only rudimentary. The stem is hollow, gnarled, blue-striped, and up to 5 cm thick. The taproot is tuberous. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a decoction or liquid extract used for washes, poultices and gargles or taken internally. Habitat: The plant is found growing in areas from Iran to southern Siberia. 3 0 / A M M O N I A C GUM PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Production: Ammoniac gum is the naturally-exuding gum resin latex of Dorema ammoniacum hardened in the air and collected in the wild. fogned. It is then pressed through linen and evaporated until a few drops can be worked in the hand without becoming sticky. Not to be Confused With: Confusion may occur with North African and Cyrenian ammoniac. Combination — Ammoniac emulsion: toluene: distilled water; 1:2:30 ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Daily Dosage: 0.3 to 1 g drug COMPOUNDS Resin (60 to 709c): chief component ammoresinol Water-soluble polysaccharides (10 to 20%) Volatile oil (0.1 to 0.3%): chief components linalool, linalyl acetate, citronellyl acetate EFFECTS The drug is credited with being mildly diuretic, sudorific, spasmolytic, expectorate and menstruation-promoting in its effect, although research data regarding these effects is not available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Uses dating back to ancient times include ingestion for its expectorant effect in chronic bronchitis, especially in the elderly. Because of the resin's purported diuretic, antispasmodic and stimulant properties, it was often employed internally as a diaphoretic and emmenagogue as well as externally as a plaster for swellings of the joints and indolent tumors. In the late 19th century, it was used as an expectorant for chronic catarrh and externally in plasters to relieve hyperadenosis and in compresses for abscesses. More recently, internal folk medicine uses include chronic bronchitis, asthma, sciatica and joint pain as well as conditions of the liver and spleen. Among external uses are treatment of wounds and abscesses as well as lymph node swelling. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) and 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1); special doses for children Storage: The drug should be stored over chalk in a container that protects it from light. LITERATURE Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G, Schneider G (Eds) Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgeb nde 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. Amomum aromaticum See Nepalese Cardamom Anacardium occidentale See Cashew Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include bronchitis. Anacyclus Pyrethrum CONTRAINDICATIONS See Pellitory The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy due to the existence of indications of a menstruation-inducing effect. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS According to older sources, repeated visual disorders and glaucoma-like states appeared following ingestion of the drug, however no health hazards have been verified in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Preparations for internal and external use Anagallis arvensis See Scarlet Pimpernel Anamirta cocculus See Fish Berry Preparation: Ammoniacum depuratum — 1000 parts coarse ammoniac powder are heated with 1500 parts ethanol 60% in a steam bath while being constantly stirred until an emulsion is Ananas comosus See Pineapple HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Andira araroba See Goa Powder Anemarrhena asphodeloides See Anemarrhena (Zhi-Mu) ANEMARRHENA (ZHI-MU)/31 INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Zhi-Mu is used for agitation (in Oriental medicine). Chinese Medicine: In China, Zhi-Mu is used for febrile conditions and inflammation, diabetes, dry cough, "bone fever" and general dehydration, painful stool or strangury. It is also as a decoction for typhus, scarlet fever and tuberculosis. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Anemarrhena (Zhi-Mu) Anemarrhena asphodeloides DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the rhizome. ^tf Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is spike-like, and the flowers are clustered and radial. The perianth structures are in sixes. The tepals are free and all the same. There are 3 stamens and a 3-carpeled, fused ovary, with 1 to 3 seeds in each chamber. The fruit is a globose capsule, which opens on 3 sides. Leaves, Stem and Root: Anemarrhena asphodeloides is a herbaceous perennial, and extends up to 60 cm high. The leaves are grass-like and clustered at the base. Habitat: The plant is native to northern China, Korea and Japan. Production: Zhi-Mu is the dried rhizome of Anemarrhena asphodeloides. It is best harvested in the third year of cultivation in spring or autumn. The rhizome is then airdried. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Steroid saponins (6%): aglycones sarsapogenin, markogenin, neogitonin, particularly sarsapogenin-3-timobioside and markogenin-3-timobioside Water-soluble polysaccharides: anemarans A to D Lignans: hinoki resinol, among others W Xanthones: mangiferin (1.3%) EFFECTS A variety of experiments have been able to demonstrate antipyretic and cortisone-like effects for the drug with its steroid saponin content. In addition, inhibitions of platelet aggregation, of Na, K-ATP-ase and of DNA-polymerase were observed. The timosaponin A-III isolated from the drug reduced the serum levels of a 1-fetoprotein in animal experiments. No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE The ingestion of large dosages of the drug may lead to gastroenteritis, intestinal colic and diarrhea, due to the saponin content. The drug is not to be administered in the presence of diarrhea. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and cut drug preparations for internal use. Daily Dosage: 6 to 12 gm of drug often used with other herbs in teas. Storage: Should be stored in a dry and well-aired place. LITERATURE Dong JX, Han GY, A new active steroidal saponin from Anemarrhena asphodeloides. Planta Med, 57:460-2, 1991 Oct. Dong JX, Han GY, Studies on the active constituents of Anemarrhena asphodeloides bunge. Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 27:26-32, 1992. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Li PM, Zhong JL, Chen RQ, Zhang XK, Ho KL, Chiu JF, Huang DP, Zhi-mu saponin inhibits alpha-fetoprotein gene expression in developing rat liver. Int J Biochem, 21:15-22, 1989. Liu JQ, Wu DW, 32 cases of postoperative osteogenic sarcoma treated by chemotherapy combined with Chinese medicinal herbs. Planta Med, 21: 1997. Ma B, Wang B, Dong J, Yan X, Zhang H, Tu A, New spirostanol glycosides from Anemarrhena asphodeloides. Letter Planta Med, 63:376-9, 1997 Aug. Miura T, Kako M, Ishihara E, Usami M, Yano H, Tanigawa K, Sudo K, Seino Y, Antidiabetic effect of seishin-kanro-to in KKAy mice. Planta Med, 21:320-2, 1997 Aug. Nakashima N, Kimura I, Kimura M, Matsuura H, Isolation of pseudoprototimosaponin AIII from rhizomes of Anemarrhena asphodeloides and its hypoglycemic activity in streptozotocininduced diabetic mice. J Nat Prod, 57:Kimura I, Matsuura H. 32/ANEMARRHENA (ZHI-MU) Takahashi M, Konno C, Hikino H, Isolation and hypoglycemic activity of anemarans A, B, C and D, glycans of Anemarrhena asphodeloides rhizomes. Planta Med, 57:100-2, 1985 Apr. Anemone nemorosa See Wood Anemone PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES drying in the air or in ovens, the umbels are threshed to separate the seeds. Angelica herb consists of the aboveground parts of Angelica archangelica. Angelica root is the dried root and rhizome of Angelica archangelica. Other Names: European Angelica, Garden Angelica, Angel's Wort ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: ANGELICA FRUIT Anethum graveolens See Dill Volatile oil: constituents include hexylmethyl phthalate, alpha-pinene, beta-phellandrene, borneol, camphene, betabisabolene, beta-caryophyllene, macrocyclic lactones (odordetermining) such as 15-oxypentadecenlactone Furanocoumarins: including angelicin, bergaptene, imperatorin, oxypeucedanin, xantholtoxin Angelica Fatty oil Angelica archangelica Phytosterols: including beta-sitosterol, sigmasterol TRADE NAMES Nature's Answer Angelica Root Liquid DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seed, whole herb and root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are greenish-white to yellowish and are arranged in 20 to 40 rayed compact umbels without an involucre. The tiny epicalyx has numerous sepals with minute tips. The petals have an indented, indistinguishable tip. The elliptic fruit is 7 mm long by 4 mm wide and winged. The outer fruit membrane separates from the inner one. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 50 to 250 cm tall. The rhizome is short, strong, fleshy and has long fibrous roots. The stem is erect, often as thick as an arm at the base. It is round, finely grooved, hollow and tinged reddish below. The leaves are very large, 60 to 90 cm and tri-pinnate with a hollow petiole. Leaflets are ovate and unevenly serrate. The leaf sheaths are large and swollen. Characteristics: The plant has a strong tangy odor. The taste is sweetish to burning tangy. Habitat: Angelica is thought by some botanists to be indigenous to Syria, Holland or Poland. Today it is found growing in the wild on the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas as far north as Lapland. It is a protected species in Iceland, and is cultivated in other regions. Other species are found in America (A. atropurpurea), in Europe (A. sylvestris) and in China/Asia (A. sinensis). Production: Angelica seed consists of the fruit of Angelica archangelica, which is harvested from July onward. After EFFECTS: ANGELICA FRUIT The furanocoumarins in the fruit are cytostatic and phototoxic. The spasmolytic, gastric juice-stimulating and cholagogic effect of the herb could be explained by the aromaticamaroid structure. COMPOUNDS: ANGELICA LEAVES Volatile Oil (0.015 to 0.1%): chief constituents myrcene (17 to 29%), p-cymene, limonene, cis-and trans-ocimene, alphaphellandrene, beta-phellandrene, alpha-pinene Furanocoumarins: including angelicin, bergaptene, imperatorin, isoimperatorin, oxypeucedanin, archangelicin EFFECTS: ANGELICA LEAVES The essential oils and furanocoumarins from the leaves have a strong irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes (angelica dermatitis). The spasmolytic, gastric juice-stimulating and cholagogic effect of the herb could be explained by the aromatic-amaroid structure. COMPOUNDS: ANGELICA ROOT Volatile oil: chief components are alpha- and beta-phellandrenes, alpha-pinenes, macrocyclic lactones, including penta- and heptadecanolide Furanocoumarins: including bergaptene, xanthotoxin, scopoletin, umbelliferone Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid Flavonoids EFFECTS: ANGELICA ROOT The root acts as an antispasmodic, cholagogue and stimulatory for secretion of gastric juices. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE ANGELICA FRUIT ANGELICA/33 Oil Approved by Commission E: Tincture — 1:5 • • • • Preparation: There is no information on preparation in the literature. Fevers and colds Infections of the urinary tract Dyspeptic complaints Loss of appetite Unproven Uses: Preparations of angelica seed are used internally for conditions of the kidneys and efferent urinary tract, the intestinal tract and the respiratory tract, as well as for rheumatic and neuralgic complaints. Preparations are also used as a diaphoretic and have been used in the past for malaria. Externally, an ointment from the seeds is used for body lice. ANGELICA LEAVES Unproven Uses: Preparations from the leaves have been used as a diuretic and diaphoretic. ANGELICA ROOT Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, preparations of the root are used as a mild rubefacient, for coughs, bronchitis, menstruation complaints, loss of appetite, dyspeptic complaints with mild gastrointestinal cramps, liver and biliary duct conditions. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ANGELICA FRUIT AND HERB General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Photodermatosis is possible following contact with the plant juice. Pregnancy: Preparations are not to be used during pregnancy. ANGELICA ROOT No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The furocoumarins contained in angelica root sensitize the skin to light and can lead to inflammation of the skin in combination with UV rays. It is therefore advisable to avoid sunbathing and intensive UV radiation for the duration of treatment with Angelica or its preparations. Daily Dosage: 4.5 gm of drug, 0.5 to 3.0 gm of liquid extract (1:1); 1.5 gm of tincture (1:5); 10 to 20 drops of essential oil. LITERATURE ANGELICA FRUIT AND HERB Amling R, Phytotherapeutika in der Neurologic In: ZPT 12(1):9. 1991. Ashraf M et al., (1980) Pak J Sci Ind Res 23 (l-2):73. Chang, EH et al., (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Escher S, Keller U et al., (1979) Helv Chim Acta 62 (7):2061. Glowniak K et al., Localisation and seasonal changes of psoralen in Angelica fruits. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 76. 1996. Lemmich J et al., (1983) Phytochemistry 23 (2):553-555. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1980. Opdyke DLJ, (1975) Food Cosmet Toxicol: 13, Suppl 713. Sethi OP, Shah AK, (1979) Ind J Pharm Sci 42 (6): Cll. Shimizu M, Matsuzawa T, Suzuki S, Yoshizaki M, Morita N, Evaluation of Angelicae radix (Touki) by inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. In: Chem Pharm Bull 39:2046. 1991. Taskinen J, (1975) Acta Chem Scan 29 (5):637 et (7) 757. Tastrup O et al., (1983) Phytochemistry 22 (9):2035. Zotikov YM et al., (1978) Rastit Resur 14 (4):579. Further information in: Kem W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. ANGELICA ROOT Amling R, Phytotherapeutika in der Neurologic In: ZPT 12(1):9. 1991. Ashraf M et al., (1980) Pak J Sci Ind Res 23 (l-2):73. DOSAGE Chang, EH et al., (Eds),1 Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co., Singapore 1985. ANGELICA ROOT Chalchat JC, Garry RPh, J Essent Oil Res 5:447. 1993. Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb and other oral galenic preparations for internal use. Escher S, Keller U et al., (1979) Helv Chim Acta 62 (7):2061. How Supplied: Fluid Extract — 1:1 Glowniak K et al., Localisation and seasonal changes of psoralen in Angelica fruits. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 76. 1996. 34/ANGELICA PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Harkar S, Razdan TK, Waight ES, Steroids, chromoines and coumarins from Angelica officinalis. In: PH 23:419-426. 1983. Angostura Harmala P, Kaltia S, Vuorela H, PM 58:287. 1992. Galipea officinalis Lemmich J et al., (1983) Phytochemistry 23 (2):553-555. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc.. New York, 1980. Nykanen I et al., Essent Oil Res 3:229. 1991. Opdyke DLJ, (1975) Food Cosmet Toxicol: 13, Suppl 713. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried bark of the tree. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in terminal, peduncled and closed racemes. The fruit is a 5-valved capsule, of which 2 or 3 are often sterile. There are 2 round, black seeds in each capsule and usually only one seed is fertile. Sethi OP, Shah AK, (1979) Ind J Pharm Sci 42 (6):C11. Shimizu M, Matsuzawa T, Suzuki S, Yoshizaki M, Morita N. Evaluation of Angelicae radix (Touki) by inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. In: Chem Pharm Bull 39:2046. 1991. Sun H, Jakupovic J, PA 41:888. 1986. Taskinen J, (1975) Acta Chem Scan 29 (5):637 et (7) 757. Tastrup O et al.. (1983) Phytochemistry 22 (9):2035. Zotikov YM et al., (1978) Rastit Resur 14 (4):579. Further information in: Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen. Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde. 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Oims Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Leaves, Stem and Root: Galipea officinalis is a small 4 to 5 m high tree, which is 7.5 to 12.5 cm in diameter and has a straight trunk and irregular branches. The bark is smooth and gray. It is slightly curved or quilled. The outer layer is sometimes soft and spongy; the inner surface is yellowishgray. The transverse section is dark brown. The bright green leaves are smooth, glossy, alternate and petiolate. They sometimes have white spots. The 3 leaflets are oblong, pointed and 4 cm long. Characteristics: The flowers have a strong scent, which initially resembles that of tobacco. The taste is bitter. Habitat: Angostura is indigenous to Venezuela and tropical regions of South America. Production: Angostura is the whole or ground bark of Galipea officinalis. Other Names: Cusparia Bark, True Angostura ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chief constitents galipol, (-)- cadinene, galipene Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Quinolin alkaloids: including cusparine including galipine, galipoline, quinaldine, cuspareine, galipoidine, l-methyl-2quinolone Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Angustorine Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. (bitter iridoid glycoside) EFFECTS Angostura stimulates gastric juices and acts as a tonic. In larger doses, the drug also has an emetic and strong laxative effect. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Unproven Uses: Folk medicine indications include diarrhea; it is also used as a febrifuge. Angelica archangelica No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The administration of larger doses can lead to nausea and vomiting. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS See Angelica HERBAL MONOGRAPHS ANISE/35 LITERATURE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Brieskorn CH, Beck V, (1971) Phytochemistry 10:3205. COMPOUNDS Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl., Bde 1-3, W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. Volatile oil (2 to 6%): chief constituent trans-anethole (94%), including as well chavicol methyl ether (estragole, 2%), anis aldehyde (1.4%) Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid (0.1%), other caffeoyl quinic acids Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Fatty oil (30%) Proteic substances (20%) EFFECTS The drug is said to have an expectorant, mildly spasmolytic and antibacterial effect based on the essential oil. The data is empirical and there are no recent studies available. Aniseed oil (main constituent trans-anethol) has an antibacterial, antiviral, insect repellent effect and in animal experiments it has been shown to be expectorant, spasmolytic and estrogenic. Anise Pimpinella Flavonoids: including apigenin-7-O-glucoside, isoorientin, isovitexin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside anisum DESCRIPTION INDICATIONS AND USAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the essential oil from the ripe fruit and the dried fruit. Approved by Commission E: Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are medium-sized umbels with about 7 to 15 scattered pubescent rays. There is usually no involucre, but sometimes there is a single bract. There are barely any sepals. The petals are white, about 15 mm long, and have a ciliate margin. They have small bristles on the outside and a long indented tip. The fruit is downy, ovate to oblong and flattened at the sides. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an annual herb about 0.5 m high; it is downy all over. The root is thin and fusiform, and the stem is erect, round, grooved and branched above. The lower leaves are petiolate, orbicular-reniform, entire and coarsely dentate to lobed. The. middle leaves are orbicular and 3-lobed, or 3-segmented with ovate or obovate segments. The upper leaves are short-petioled to sessile with narrow sheaths; they are pinnatisect with narrow tips. • • • • • • Common cold Cough/bronchitis Fevers and colds Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Dyspeptic complaints Loss of appetite The drug is used internally for dyspeptic complaints. It is used both internally and externally for catarrhs of the respiratory tract. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Anise is used internally for whooping cough, flatulence, colic-like pain, as a digestive, for menstruation disturbances, liver disease and tuberculosis. Homeopathic Uses: Pimpinella anisum is used for shoulder pain and lumbago. CONTRAINDICATIONS odor Anise is contraindicated in patients allergic to anise and anethole. Habitat: The origin of the plant is unknown but it probably came from the Near East. Today, it is cultivated mainly in southern Europe, Turkey, central Asia, India, China, Japan, Central and South America. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Sensitization has been observed very rarely. Production: Anise consists of the dried fruits of Pimpinella anisum. Mode of Administration: As a comminuted drug for infusions and other galenic preparations for internal use or for Characteristics: characteristic. The taste is sweet and the PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DOSAGE PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S 36 /ANISE inhalation. The purpose of an external application of an Anise preparation is the inhalation of essential oil. Daily Dosage: Internal average daily dose is 3 g drug (depending on the preparation). Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Tea — Drink 1 cup mornings and/or evenings (expectorant); 1 dessertspoon per day (gastrointestinal complaints); infants 1 teaspoon (added to the bottle). Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Infusion — single dose: 0.5 to 1 g before meals. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. External application — inhalation of the essential oil. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York, 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. LITERATURE Albert Puleo M, (1980) J Ethnopharmacol 2(4):337. Czygan FC, Anis (Anisi fructus DAB 10) - Pimpinella anisum. In: ZPT 13(3): 101. 1992. Antelaea azadirachta Drinkwater NR, Miller EC. Miller JA, Pilot HC, (1976) Hepatocarcinogenicity of estragole and l'-hydroxyestragole in the mouse and mutagenicity of 1-acetoxystragole in bacteria. J Natl Cane Inst 57:1323-1331. See Neem Gershbein LL, (1977) Food Cosmet Toxicol 15(3): 173. Kartnig T et ah, (1975) Planta Med 27:1. Antennaria dioica Kubeczka KH et al., (1976) Z Naturforsch 31b:283. See Cat's Foot Kubeczka KH, Formacek V, New Constituents from the Essential Oils of Pimpinella. In: Brunke EJ (Ed.) Progress in Essential Oil Research, Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin 1986. 1986. Anthoxanthum odoratum Kunzemann J, Herrmann K, (1977) Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 164:194. See Sweet Vernal Grass Mueller-Limmroth W, Froenlich HH, (1980) Fortschr Med 98 (3):95. Nofal MA, (1981) Ain Chams Univ Fac Agric Res Bull 1602: 1-10. Anthyllis vulneraria Reichling J, Merkel B, Elicitor-Induced Formation of Coumarin Derivatives of Pimpinella anisum. In: PM 59(2).T87. 1993. See Common Kidney Vetch Truhaut R, LeBourhis B, Attia M, Glomot R, Newman J, Caldwell J, (1989) Chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study of trans-anethole in rats. Food chem Tox 27:11-20. Aphanes arvensis Further information in: See Parsley Piert Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Apium graveolens | See Celery HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Apocynum cannabinum See Indian Hemp ARALIA RACEMOSA/37 I EFFECTS Pectin is a swelling agent. Apple pectins have a mild binding effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Malus domestica Unproven Uses: Finely ground fruit or preparations that contain liquid or dry pectin are used for milder forms of dyspepsia, diarrhea and digestive complaints, especially in children. DESCRIPTION PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh false fruit, the dried fruit peels, and the inflorescences with their leaves and solid peduncles. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Apple Tree Flower and Fruit: The flowers are umbelled racemes with only a few blossoms. The petals are obovate, up to 2.5 cm long, stemmed, white, pink, or pink on the outside and white on the inside. The carpels are fused with the false fruit. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 6 to 10m high tree or shrub. Boughs and branches are initially villous-haired, later becoming glabrous. The leaves are alternate, ovate, usually shortly acuminate and finely crenate-serrate. JP Habitat: The plant is cultivated in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and occasionally grows wild. Production: Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations of apples come in liquid and dried pectin forms. The source material is the apple residue with 10% to 20% pectin in the dried mass. The residue is extracted at pH 1.5 to 3 and 60° to 100° C. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: IN THE FRUIT PULP Fruit acids: the chief acid is malic acid (0.2 to 1.5%); in unripe apples quinic acid; including as well citric acid, succinic acid, lactic acid DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The fruit is available for oral use in the grated or chopped form. The skin peel can be used in teas. Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations of apples come in liquid and dried pectin forms. LITERATURE Belitz HD, Grosch W, Lehrbuch der Lebensmittelchemie, 4. Aufl., Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1992. Hansel R. Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Caffeic acid derivatives: including 5-caffeoyl quinic acid Aromatic substances: in particular 2-trans-hexenal, 3-cishexenal, 2-trans-hexenol, 3-cis-hexenol, beta-damascenone, ethyl butyrate, methyl butyric acid hexylester; in some strains, 1 -methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzole Aquilegia vulgaris See Columbine A, Pectins Tannins Arachis hypogaea Vitamins: in particular ascorbic acid (3 to 30 mg/100 gm) See Peanut COMPOUNDS: IN THE SEEDS Cyanogenic glycoside: amygdalin (0.5 to 1.5%, corresponding to 30 to 90 mg HCN/100 gm) Aralia racemosa Fatty oil See Spikenard 3 8 / A R C T I U M LAPPA Arctium lappa See Burdock Arctostaphylos uva-ursi See Uva-Ursi Areca catechu See Areca Nut Areca Nut Areca catechu DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the nut. Flower and Fruit: The plant is an erect palm growing up to 30 m high. The trunk has a girth of about 50 cm. The numerous feathery leaflets are 30 to 60 cm long, confluent and glabrous. The flowers are on branching spadix. The male flowers are numerous and above, the female solitary and below. The ovoid drupe has a fibrous layer under the yellow shell and one-seeded stone. The seeds are conical or nearly spherical and about 2.5 cm in diameter. They are very hard, and contain a deep brown testa showing fawn marbling. Characteristics: The taste is slightly acrid and astringent, and the odor faint. Habitat: The plant is found in the East Indies, cultivated in parts of Asia and eastern Africa. Production: Areca or Betel Nuts are the fresh seeds of Areca catechu. Not to be Confused With: Piper Betel, also called Betel, the leaf of which is chewed. Other Names: Betel Nut, Pinang ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S causes tremors and bradycardia. Chewing mouthfuls of betel leads to a saponification of the ester alkaloids and the resulting arecaidine produces euphoria. The drug also causes cramps in the muscles of intestinal parasites and stimulates the vagus nerve. Central nervous system stimulation has been observed in mice. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Betel Nut is no longer frequently prescribed in human medicine. However, the nuts are chewed as a recreational drug by an estimated 450 million people because of their intoxicating qualities. Fresh slices of the seed are part of the "betel titbit" used in eastern Asia. (Arecoline is converted in the central nervous system to the stimulant arecaidine through chewing.) That practice is being discouraged because of its link with some forms of oral cancer. In veterinary medicine, the drug is used as a vermifuge for tape worms in cattle and dogs, as well as for intestinal colic in horses. Chinese Medicine: Uses in Chinese medicine include chronic hepatitis, edema, oliguria, diarrhea and digestive problems. Indian Medicine: The juice of young seeds is used as a laxative in Indian medicine. A decoction of the root is used for cracked lips. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Due to its arecoline content, the drug appears parasympathomimetic. It leads to increased salivation, in high doses to bradycardia, tremor, reflex excitability, spasms and eventual paralysis. Long-term use of the drug as a stimulant can result in malignant tumors of the oral cavity through formation of nitrosamines. When the nuts are chewed, the mouth and lips are stained red, as are the feces. OVERDOSAGE The toxic dose for humans is 8 to 10 g of the drug. Atropine is given as the antidote. Chewing the "nut" leads to a saponification of the ester alkaloids. The resulting arecaidine produces euphoria. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: In the past, Areca Nut was used in chewing balm for gum disease and as a vermifuge. Today, it is only used as a vermifuge in veterinary medicine for house pets. Therapeutic use is insignificant. Pyridine alkaloids: arecoline, guvacoline (ester alkaloids), as well as arecaidine, guvacine Storage: Must be stored separately, protected from light and in well-sealed containers. Tannins: catechin type LITERATURE Aue W, Pharm Zentralhalle 136:728. 1967. EFFECTS The drug acts on the parasympathetic nervous system with an effect that is more muscarinic than nicotinic. It stimulates secretion in the salivary, bronchial and intestinal glands and Hirono I, J Environ Sci Health C3(2):145. 1985. Huang JL, McLeish MJ, J Chromatogr 475:447. 1989. Juptner H, (1968) Z Tropenmed Parasit 19:254. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS ARJUN T R E E / 3 9 Lewin L, Ober Areca catechu, Chavica Betle und das Betelkauen. In: Monographic Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1889. EFFECTS The herb has diuretic effects. Schneider E, PUZ 15:161. 1986. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Further information in: Frohne D, Pfiinder HJ. Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker. Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl.. Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergittungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1992. Roth L. Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen. Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl.. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The herb is used internally as a liquid extract. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. rubra Aristolochia clematitis Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part i.s the herb. Flower and Fruit: The bracts of the inflorescence are almost as large as the leaves. The sepals and petals are 3 to 4 mm. The petals are usually pink, sometimes white. There are 5 to 10 stamens. The capsule is 4 to 5 mm and about equal in size to the sepals. The seeds are 0.45 to 0.55 mm, unwinged, dark brown, subtrigonal and more or less flattened. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is annual to perennial with a slender to somewhat woody taproot, which is smooth and somewhat sticky. From beneath, it produces numerous, 5 to 22 cm long, diffuse, decumbent or procumbent stems. The leaves are narrow, linear and have very short, lanceolate, acute, silver, scarious stipules. Habitat: The plant is common in Europe, Russia, Australia, North America and Asia. Production: Arenaria Rubra is the aerial part of Spergularia rubra. Common ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins Resins No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. See Jack-in-the-Pulpit DESCRIPTION Other Names: Sandwort PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Arisaema atrorubens Arenaria Rubra Spergularia Unproven Uses: Arenaria Rubra is used for conditions of the urinary tract, such as cystitis, dysuria and urinary calculus. Sandspurry, Sabline Rouge, See Birthwort Arjun Tree Terminalia arjuna DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the tree are the bark and fruit. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged in upright, apical panicles. The upper flowers of the panicles are usually only male. The flowers are small and fused; their structures are in fours or fives. The sepals are almost glabrous; the calyx tube has 4 to 5 short, triangular lobes. The petals are inconspicuous. There are 10 stamens and inferior, singlechambered, brownish or reddish pubescent ovary. The style is long and projects above the bud. The fruit is an over 2-cm long, glabrous, ovoid 4- to 5-sided drupe with 5 thick, narrow wings. Leaves, Stem and Root: Arjun tree grows up to 30 m high. The leaves are opposite, 12 to 30 cm long and coriaceous with approximately 6-mm long petioles, which have 2 glands at the upper end. The lamina is elongate-elliptical, blunt or PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 4 0 / A R J U N TREE with a short tip. The base is narrow or cordate and has a finely crenate margin. The trunk is grooved with a thick bark. available. There was, however, one study carried out with a daily dose of 3.88 gm powdered drug. LITERATURE Habitat: India Production: Arjun Tree bark is the dried trunk bark of Terminalia arjuna. It is collected in wild areas. Other Names: White Murda ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Tannins: gallotannins, ellagitannins Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol Triterpenes: arjunolic acid and its glucosides, oleanolic acid Flavonoids: including arjunolon, baicalein EFFECTS Clinical experiments with the bark powder have demonstrated efficacy against congestive cardiac insufficiency and hypertonia. Various extracts caused lowered blood pressure, bradycardia and positively inotropic effects in animal experiments. Spasmolytic and hemostyptic qualities have also been described. The substance is said to be sedative and potentiates the activity of barbiturates. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Indian Medicine: Arjun tree is used for fractures, ulcers, discharge of the urethra, leucorrhea, diabetes, anemia, cardiopathy, hyperhydrosis, asthma, bronchitis, states of exhaustion, tumors, dysentery, internal and external hemorrhaging, liver cirrhosis and high blood pressure. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Powdered drug and liquid preparations for internal use. Preparation: The following basic forms are used in Indian medicine in many compound preparations. Arjunatvagadi — An aqueous decoction. Pardhadyaristam — An aqueous decoction with grapes and final fermentation. Arjunaghrtam — A paste of the powdered drug with purified butter, heated and filtered. Arjunatvak — The powdered drug. Daily Dosage: Since the Indian medicine is dosed according to the individual patient, there is no exact information Bharani A, Ganguly A, Bhargava KD, Salutary effect of Terminalia Arjuna in patients with severe refractory heart failure. Int J Cardiol, 49:191-9, 1995 May. Chauhan S, Agarwal S, Mathur R, Vasal assault due to Terminalia arjuna W. & A. bark in albino rats. Andrologia, 53:491-4, 1990 Sep-Oct. Dwivedi S, Jauhari R, Beneficial effects of Terminalia arjuna in coronary artery disease. Indian Heart J, 49:507-10, 1997 SepOct. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kandil FE, Nassar MI, A tannin anti-cancer promoter from Terminalia arjuna. Phytcchemistry, 53:1567-8, 1998 Apr. Kaur S, Grover IS, Kumar S, Antimutagenic potential of ellagic acid isolated from Terminalia arjuna. Indian J Exp Biol, 53:478-82, 1997 May. Pettit GR, Hoard MS, Doubek DL. Schmidt JM, Pettit RK, Tackett LP, Chapuis JC, Antineoplastic agents 338. The cancer cell growth inhibitory. Constituents of Terminalia arjuna (Combretaceae). J Ethnopharmacol, 53:57-63, 1996 Aug. Pettit GR, Hoard MS, Doubek DL, Schmidt JM, Pettit RK, Tackett LP, Chapuis JC, Hypocholesterolaemic effects of Terminalia arjuna tree bark. J Ethnopharmacol, 53:165-9, 1997 Feb. Pettit GR, Hoard MS, Doubek DL, Schmidt JM, Pettit RK, Tackett LP, Chapuis JC, On the ethnomedical significance of die Arjun tree, Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arnot. J Ethnopharmacol, 53:173-90, 1987 Jul. Seth SD, Maulik M, Katiyar CK, Maulik SK, Role of Lipistat in protection against isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis in rats: a biochemical and histopathological study. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 42:104-6, 1998 Jan. Singh N, Kapur KK, Singh SP, Shanker K, Sinha JN, Kohli RP, Mechanism of cardiovascular action of Terminalia arjuna. Planta Med, 53:102-4, 1982 Jun. Srivastava N, Prakash D, Behl HM, Biochemical contents, their variation and changes in free amino acids during seed germination in Terminalia arjuna. Int J Food Sci Nutt, 53:2159, 1997 May. Armoracia rusticana See Horseradish HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Arnica Arnica montana DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of Arnica are the ethereal oil of the flowers, the dried flowers, the leaves collected before flowering and dried, the roots, and the dried rhizome and roots. Flower and Fruit: The terminal composite flower is found in the leaf axils of the upper pair of leaves. They have a diameter of 6 to 8 cm, are usually egg yolk-yellow to orangeyellow, but occasionally light yellow. The receptacle and epicalyx are hairy. The 10 to 20 female ray flowers are lingui-form. In addition, there are about 100 disc flowers, which are tubular. The 5-ribbed fruit is black-brown and has a bristly tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: Arnica is a herbaceous plant growing 20 to 50 cm high. The brownish rhizome is 0.5 cm thick by 10 cm long, usually unbranched, 3-sectioned and sympodial. The rhizome may also be 3-headed with many yellow-brown secondary roots. Leaves are in basal rosettes. They are in 2 to 3 crossed opposite pairs and are obovate and entire-margined with 5 protruding vertical ribs. The glandular-haired stem has 2 to 6 smaller leaves, which are ovate to lanceolate, entire-margined or somewhat dentate. Characteristics: The flower heads are aromatic; the taste is bitter and irritating. ARNICA/41 Cajfeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid, 1,5dicaffeoyl quinic acid Flavonoids: numerous flavone and flavonol glycosides and their aglycones EFFECTS Arnica preparations have an antiphlogistic, analgesic and antiseptic effect when applied topically, due to the sesquiterpene lactone componant. The flavonoid bonds, essential oils and polyynes may also be involved. In cases of inflammation, Arnica preparations also show analgesic and antiseptic activity. The sesquiterpenes (helenalin) in the drug have an antimicrobial effect in vitro and an antiphlogistic effect in animal tests. A respiratory-analeptic, uterine tonic and cardiovascular effect (increase of contraction amplitude with simultaneous increase in frequency, i.e. positive inotropic effect) was demonstrated. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • • • • • Fever and colds Inflammation of the skin Cough/bronchitis Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Rheumatism Common cold Blunt injuries Tendency to infection Other Names: Arnica Flowers, Arnica Root, Leopard's Bane, Mountain Tobacco, Wolfsbane Unproven Uses: External folk medicine uses include consequences of injury such as traumatic edema, hematoma, contusions, as well as rheumatic muscle and joint problems. Other applications are inflammation of the oral and throat region, furunculosis, inflammation caused by insect bites and phlebitis. In Russian folk medicine, the drug is used to treat uterine hemorrhaging. Furthermore, the drug is used for myocarditis, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, exhaustion, cardiac insufficiency, sprains, contusions and for hair loss due to psychological causes. While some uses are plausible, most are unproven. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS COMPOUNDS General: The risks connected with the external, appropriate administration of therapeutic dosages of the drug are minimal. Frequent administration, in particular of the undiluted tincture, as well as with contacts with the plant, can nevertheless lead to sensitization. Habitat: Arnica is found in Europe from Scandinavia to southern Europe. It is also found in southern Russia and central Asia. Production: Arnica flower consists of the fresh or dried inflorescence of Arnica montana or Arnica chamissonis. The flower should be dried quickly at 45° to 50°C. Not to be Confused With: Other yellow-flowering Asteracea. Sesquiterpene lactones of the pseudo-guaianolid-type: particularly esters of the helenalin- and 11,13-dihydrohelenalins with short-chained fatty acids such as acetic acid, isobutyric acid, 2- methyl-butyric acid, methylacrylic acid, isovaleric acid or tiglic acid Volatile oil: with thymol, thymol esters, free fatty acids Polyynes: including tri-dec-l-en-penta-3,5,7,9 11-in Hydroxycumarines Allergy-related skin rashes with itching, blister formation, ulcers and superficial necroses can result from repeated contact with, among odier things, cosmetics containing Arnica flowers or other composites (for example tansy, chrysanthemums, sunflowers). External application of very 42/ARNICA high concentrations can also result in primary blister formation and necroses. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Merfort I, (1985) Planta Med 51 (2): 136. Schmidt Th J et al., Sesquiterpen lactones and inositol esters from Arnica angustifolia. In: PM 61(6):544-550. 1995. Drug Interactions: The coumarin componant may theoretically interact with warfarin, resulting in an additive anticoagulant effect. Thesen R, Phytotherapeutika - nicht immer harmlos. In: ZPT 9(49): 105. 1988. OVERDOSAGE Weil D, Reuter HD, EinfluP von Arnika-Extrakt und Helenalin auf die Funktion menschlicher Blutplattchen. In: ZPT 9(1):26. 1988. Overdoses taken internally can lead to poisonings, characterized by severe mucous membrane irritation (vomiting, diarrhea, mucous membrane hemorrhage) and a brief stimulation of cardiac activity followed by cardiac muscle palsy. For mat reason, internal administration of the drug is strongly discouraged. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Arnica is used in the form of the whole herb, cut herb or herb powder for infusions, extracts, and tinctures; gel, oil and poultice for external application. How Supplied: Commercial pharmaceutical preparations include gels, ointments, tinctures, oils and plasters. Preparation: Arnica tincture (3x to lOx dilutions with water) is used to prepare a poultice. A tincture is prepared using 1 part Arnica flowers and 10 parts ethanol 70% v/v (according to DAB 10). Arnica oil is an extract of 1 part herb and 5 parts slightly warmed fatty oil. Ointments are made up with up to 15% Arnica oil or with 10 to 25% tinctures in a neutral ointment base. Mouthwashes are prepared as a tincture in lOx dilution. Willuhn G et al., (1984) Planta Med 50 (1):35. Willuhn G, Leven W, Luley C, Arnikabliiten DAB 10. Untersuchung zur qualitativen und quantitativen Variabilitat des Sesquiterepnelactongehaltes der offizinellen Arzneidroge. In: DAZ 134(42):4077. 1994. Willuhn G, Leven W, Qualitat von Arnikazubereitungen. In: DAZ 135(21): 1939-1942. 1995. Woerdenbag HJ et al., Cytotoxicity of flavonoids and sesquiterpene lactones from Arnica species. In: PM 59(7)81. 1993. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Daily Dose: Tincture for cataplasm: tincture in 3x to lOx dilution. For mouth rinses: tincture in lOx dilution. Ointments should contain a maximum of 15% Arnica oil. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Storage: When stored, die drug should be tightly sealed and protected from light. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. LITERATURE Anonym, Arnikabliiten nur aufterlich. In: DAZ 131(38):1949. 1991. Beekman AC et al., Structure-cytotoxicity relationship of some helenanolide-type sesquiterpene lactones. In: JNP 60(3):252-257. 1997. Brandt L, (1967) Scand J Haematol Suppl 2. Brock FE, Arnica montana bei Venenleiden. In: ZPT 12(5): 141. 1992. Hall, IH et al., (1979) J Pharm Sci 68:537. Lyss G, Schmidt TJ, Merfort I, Pahl HL, Helenalin an antiinflammatory sesquiterpene lactone from Arnica selectively inhibits transcription factor NF-kappaB. Biol Chem, 378:951-61, 1997. Lyss G, Schmidt TJ, Merfort I, Pahl HL, Immunologic studies of plant combination preparations. In-vitro and in-vivo studies on the stimulation of phagocytosis. Arzneimittelforschung, 378:1072-6, 1991. Lyss G, Schmidt TJ, Merfort I, Pahl HL, Postpartum homeopadiic Arnica montana: a potency-finding pilot study. Br J Clin Pract, 378:951-61, 1997. Halub M et al., (1975) Phytochemistry 14:1659. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Hormann HP, Kortin HC, (1995) Allergic acute contact dermatitis due to Arnica tincture self-medication. Phytomedicine 4:315-317. Puhlmann J, Zenk MH, Wagner H, Immunologically active polysaccharides of Arnica montana cell cultures. Phytochemistry, 111:1141-5, 1991. Kaziro, GSN et al., (1984) Br. J Oral Maxillofacial Surg 22:42. Merfort I, (1984) Planta Med 50 (1):107. ™ Rom L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, | 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. <flh HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Schroeder H, Loesche W, Strobach H, Leven W, Willuhn G, Till U, Schroer K, Helenalin and 11 alpha 13-dihydrohelenalin two constituents from Arnica montana L. inhibit human platelet function via thiol-dependent pathways. Thromb Res, 57:839-45, 1990. ^Hf Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Veriag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Veriag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Veriag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Tveiten D, Bruseth S, Borchgrevink CF, L hne K Effect of Arnica D 30 during hard physical exertion. A double-blind randomized trial during the Oslo Marathon 1990. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 111:3630-1, Dec 10, 1991. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Veriag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. * ARROWROOT/43 Other Names: Stinking Arrach, Stinking Goosefoot, Dog's Arrach, Goat's Arrach, Goosefoot, Stinking Motherwort, Netchweed, Oraches ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mono-, di- and trimethylamine : only in the fresh plant due to their volatility Betaine Tannins EFFECTS No substantiated information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Arrach is used internally and externally to relieve cramps and as an emmenagogue. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The offensive smell often precludes continued use. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Arrach is used externally and as an extract. Arnica montana See Arnica Arrach Chenopodium vulvaria DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The whole fresh, flowering plant has medicinal properties. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small, yellow-green and inconspicuous. They grow in clusters in leafless, compact spikes at the tip of the stem. The fruit is enclosed by the involucre. The seeds are black and glossy. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 15 to 40 cm high. The stems are branched from low down. The leaves are broad, rhomboid, entire-margined and petiolate. The whole plant is floury-dusty. Characteristics: Arrach has a distinctive unpleasant smell of musty herring brine. Habitat: Europe, northern Africa and the Caucacus Production: Arrach is the complete flowering plant of Chenopodium vulvaria. LITERATURE Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Arrowroot Maranta arundinacea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the starch from the rhizome tubers and the dried rhizome. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in pairs, 3.5 cm long and pedicled. They have 3 green, lanceolate sepals and a white, tubular-fused corolla with 1 hanging and two erect tips. The stamens are in 2 circles; the first consists of 2 petal-like staminoids, the second of 1 hood-like. There is 1 thickened stamen partly developed like a petal. The ovary is inferior and 3-sectioned. Only 1 carpel is developed. The fruit is 1valved and has 1 seed. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a herbaceous perennial, 1 to 2 m high with thin, reed-like, branched and cane-like stems. The rhizome produces, along with the usual root, a sturdy, fusiform, swollen, up to 8 cm thick and 35 cm long tuber. The tuber is thickly covered with whitish, scaly stipules. The leaves are obovate, light green, lightly pubes- 44/ARROWROOT cent and short-petioled. They have long sheaths and up to 13 cm long and 6 cm ovate-lanceolate leaf blades. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Central America and is found today in all tropical regions around the world. Production: Arrowroot is the rhizome of Maranta arundinacea. The drug itself is a white powder extracted from the rhizome. The rhizome is washed, peeled and macerated, and the starch is then extracted, using water in a process of elutriation. The resulting starch mass is purified by repeated sieving and dried in the sun. Not to be Confused With: Cheaper starches, such as potato, maize, wheat, or rice starch. These are often used as substitutes. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Artemisia absinthium See Wormwood Artemisia cina See Wormseed Artemisia dracunculus See French Tarragon Other Names: Maranta ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Starch (25-27%, with respect to the fresh bulbs): as Marantae amylum, maranta starch, medicinal arrowroot Artemisia vulgaris See Mugwort Other constituent elements are not known. EFFECTS Animal tests: In rats that received a Marantae-rich diet, a reduction in the increase of the cholesterin levels in the aorta and heart muscle was reported. The effect was put down to an increased elimination of bile acids. In humans, the drug is a demulcent and soothing agent. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Arrowroot is used as a nutritive (nutritional food stuff) for infants and convalescents, a dietary aid in gastrointestinal disorders, and also for diarrhea, especially in pediatrics. In folk medicine, it is used in acute diarrhea. Indian Medicine: Arrowroot is used in dysentery, diarrhea, dyspepsia, bronchitis, coughs and as a particularly nourishing food for children, the chronically ill and convalescents. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction witfi the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The powder is boiled with water. Storage: Arrowroot should be stored in tightly sealed containers. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Artichoke Cynara scolymus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried whole or cut basal leaves and the dried or fresh herb from the artichoke. Flower and Fruit: Globose, thorny capitual of lingual florets grows at the end of the stem. The epicalyx is ovate to globose. The bracts are fleshy and taper into a flattened greenish or purple tip. The petals are blue, lilac or white. The fruit is a pubescent achaene 4 to 5 mm in diameter and 7 to 8 mm long. It is flecked brown and glossy. Leaves, Stem and Root: Cynara scolymus is a perennial plant with a short rhizome and a strong, erect, glabrous stalk. The stalk is up to 2 m high, thickly covered in lanceolate, prickly pinnate to double pinnate leaves. The upper surface is bare and light green; the lower surface is gray and tomentose. Habitat: The plant is found in the Mediterranean region, the Canary Islands and South America. It is cultivated elsewhere. Production: Artichoke root is the dried root of Cynara scolymus. Artichoke leaf consists of the fresh or dried basal leaves of Cynara scolymus. Artichoke is cultivated and dried with extreme care. Other Names: Garden Artichoke, Globe Artichoke ARTICHOKE/45 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS ' 4£ ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY DOSAGE COMPOUNDS: ARTICHOKE LEAF ARTICHOKE LEAF Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, cynarin Mode of Administration: Dried, comminuted drug, pressed juice of fresh plant and other galenical preparations for internal use. Flavonoids (0.5%): in particular rutin Sesquiterpene lactones (0 to 4%): cynaropicrin, dehydrocynaropicrin, grossheimin, cynaratriol Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 6 gm of drug; single dose is 500 mg of dry extract. Storage: Artichoke should be protected from light and insects in well-sealed containers. COMPOUNDS: ARTICHOKE ROOT Caffeic acid derivatives, including chlorogenic acid sesquiterpene lactones, are not contained in the rhizome. EFFECTS: ARTICHOKE LEAF AND ROOT The main active principles are sesquiterpenes (amaroids), hydroxy cinnamic acid and flavonoids. The drug has a cholagogic, hepatotoxic and lipid-reducing effect. A choleretic effect has been observed in rats (effect of the cinnamic acid). The cholesterol levels were reduced in the rats; a hepatostimulating and bitter effect on the gastrointestinal tract has also been documented. INDICATIONS AND USAGE ARTICHOKE LEAF Approved by Commission E: • Liver and gallbladder complaints • Loss of appetite ARTICHOKE LEAF AND ROOT Unproven Uses: Artichoke is used for dyspeptic problems and also for prophylactic treatment against the return of gallstones. In folk medicine, Artichoke is also used for digestion complaints and as a tonic in convalescence. CONTRAINDICATIONS ARTICHOKE LEAF AND ROOT Because of the stimulating effect of the drug upon the biliary tract, it should not be administered if there is a bile duct blockage. Colic can occur where the patient suffers from gallstones. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ARTICHOKE LEAF AND ROOT Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The plant possesses a medium potential for sensitization through skin contact. Allergic reactions occur in particular when there is frequent on-the-job contact with artichokes. There are cross-reactions with other composites (including chrysanthemes, arnica Pyrethrum). LITERATURE Adzet T, Puigmacia M, J Chromatogr 348:447-453. 1985. Brand N, Cynara scolymus L. - Die Artischocke. In: ZPT 11 (5): 169. 1990. Fintelmann V, Antidyspetische und lipidsenkende Wirkung von Artischockenblatterextrakt. In: ZPT 17(5) Beilage ZFA. Zeitschrift fur AUgem Med. 1996. Fintelmann V, Menken HG, Artischockenblatterextrakt Aktuelle Erkenntnis zur Wirkung als Lipidsenker und Antidyspeptikum. In: DAZ 136(17): 1405-1414. 1996. Hinou J, Harvala C, Philianos S, Polyphenols substances of Cynara scolymus L. leaves. Ann Pharm Fr, 47:95-8, 1989 Khalkova Zh, Vangelova K, Zaikov Kh, An experimental study of the effect of an artichoke preparation on the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system in carbon disulfide exposure. Probl Khig, 53:162-71. 1995 Kirchhoff R. Beckers CH, Kirchhoff GM, Trinczek-Gartner H, Petrowicz O, Reimann HJ (1994) Increase in choleresis by means of artichoke extract. Phytomedicine 1:107-115. Maros T, Seres-Sturm L, Racz G, Rettegi C, Kovacs VV, Hints M, Quantitative analysis of cynarin in the leaves of the artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) Farm Zh, 18:56-9, 1965 Meding B, Allergic contact dermatitis from artichoke Cynara scolymus. Contact Dermatitis, 18:314, 1983 Jul Reuter HD, Pflanzliche Gallentherapeutika (Teil I) und (Teil II). In: ZPT 16(1): 13-20, 77-89. 1995. Schilcher H, Pharmazeutische Aspekte pflanzlicher Gallentherapeutika. In: ZPT 16(4):211-222. 1995. Schmidt M, Phytotherapie: Pflanzliche Gallenwegstherapeutika. In: DAZ 135(8):680-682. 1995. Sokolova VE, Liubartseva LA, Vasilchenkoo EA, Effect of artichoke (Synara scolymus) on some aspects of nitrogen metabolism in animals. Farmakol Toksikol, 53:340-3, 1970 May-Jun Wasielewski S, Artischockenblatterextrakt: Prevention der Arteriosklerose?. In: DAZ 137(24):2065-2067. 1997. Further information in: Adzet T, Camarasa J, Laguna JC, Hepatoprotective activity of polyphenol^ compounds from Cynara scolymus against CC14 toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes. J Nat Prod, 50:612-7, 1987 Jul-Aug 4 6 /ARTICHOKE Gebhardt R, Antioxidative and protective properties of extracts from leaves of the artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) against hydroperoxide-induced oxidative stress in cultured rat hepatocytes. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 144:279-86, 1997 Jun Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Khalkova Zh. Vangelova K, Zaikov Kh, Inefficiency of cynarin as therapeutic regimen in familial type II hyperlipoproteinaemia. Atherosclerosis. 53:249-53, 1977 Feb Khalkova Zh, Vangelova K, Zaikov Kh, Traditional medicine in health care. J Ethnopharmacol, 53:19-22, 1995 Maros T, Seres-Sturm L, Racz G, Rettegi C, Kovacs VV, Hints M. Effect of Cynara scolymus-extracts on the regeneration of rat liver. Arzneimittelforschung, 18:884-6, 1968 Jul Maros T, Seres-Sturm L, Racz G, Rettegi C, Kovacs VV, Hints M, On the determination of o-dihydrophenols of caffeic acid type present in artichoke leaves (Cynara scolymus L.) Ann Pharm Fr, 18:419-27, 1965 Jun Ruppelt BM. Pereira EF, Goncalves LC, Pereira NA, Pharmacological screening of plants recommended by folk medicine as anti-snake venom. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. Mem inst uswaiao cruz, DJ:ZU^O, iyyi Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S structure forms a typical insect trap. The fruit is a scarlet berry. Leaves, Stem and Root: Arum maculatum is a 30 to 60 cm spit- to arrow-shaped plant. It is long-stemmed, glossy, often brown-speckled and basal. The petiole is spread to a sheath at the base. The root-stock is tuberous, ovoid and flouryfleshy, varying in size between that of a hazelnut and a pigeon's egg. Characteristics: Arum maculatum bears attractive scarlet berries that yield an acrid juice that is poisonous and can be fatal if ingested by small children. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to parts of Europe, to Britain and the U.S. Production: Arum root is the fresh rhizome of Arum maculatum collected before removing the leaves. Other Names: Adder's Root, Bobbins, Cocky Baby, Cuckoo Pint, Cypress Powder, Dragon Root, Friar's Cowl, Gaglee, Kings and Queens, Ladysmock, Lords and Ladies, Parson and Clerk, Portland Arrowroot, Quaker, Ramp, Wake Robin ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mucilages: glucomannane Starch Lectins EFFECTS The glucomannans, bassorin and starch contained in the drug have a strong irritant and swelling effect on the mucous membranes. The diaphoretic and expectorant effect attributed to the drug may be due to the strong actions of these constituents. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Arum is used for colds and inflammation of the throat. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Arum Arum maculatum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are pale yellowish-green. They are surrounded by a bulbous spath and therefore are not visible. A violet or brown-red spadix emerges from the bract with 2 circles of bristles underneath. Under the bristles are the male flowers, and under these are the female flowers. The spath doubles the length of the spadix. The whole The intake of plant parts leads to severe mucous membrane irritations (swelling of the tongue, bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea), presumably due to lesions of the membrane from the very sharp-edged oxalate needles and the introduction of impurities into the wounds. Decoctions of the roots in therapeutic dosages can be taken without risk. Caution is advised even though the level of cyanogenic glycosides is too low to be able to bring about signs of poisoning and other soluble poisonous substances have not been shown to be present. DOSAGE No dosage information is available. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS LITERATURE Akhtardziev K et aL, (1984) Farmatsiya 34(3):1. Koch H, Steinegger E, Components of Arum maculatum L. (woven arrowroot). In: Pharm Acta Helv 54(2):33-36. 1979. ASA F O E T I D A / 4 7 Arundinaria japonica See Bamboo Mladenov IV, (1982) C R Acad Bulg Sci 35(8): 116. Mladenov I, Bulanov I, Stamenova M, Ribarova F, The composition and structure of isolectihs from Arum maculatum. Eksp Med Morfol, 29:36-9, 1990. Moore THS, Vet Rec 89:569. 1971. Nahrstedt A, Triglochinin in Arum maculatum. In: PH 14(12): 1870-1871. 1975. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Pub; HMSO (1984) UK. Proliac A, Chaboud A, Raynaud J, Isolement et identification de trois C- glycosylflavonews dans les tiges feuillees d'Arum dracunculus. In: PA:47:646-647. 1992. Further information in: Allen AK, Purification and characterization of an Nacetyllactosamine-specific lectin from tubers of Arum maculatum. Biochim Biophys Acta, 317 ( Pt l):129-32. 1995. Bulanov I, Mladenov I, Boianovska V, Gateva I, Stanislavov R, The effect of lectins on human spermatozoa in the capillary sperm penetration test. Eksp Med Morfol, 317 ( Pt l):42-5, 1990. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Jaspersen-Schib R, Theus L, Guirguis-Oeschger M, Gossweiler B, Meier-Abt PJ, Serious plant poisonings in Switzerland 19661994. Case analysis from the Swiss Toxicology Information Center. Schweiz Med Wochenschr, 60:1085-98, 19%. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdirck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde. 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (Ed) Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man, HMSO, UK 1984 Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Asa Foetida Ferula foetida DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the oily gum-resin extracted from the plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers appear after 5 years in yellow umbels on a 10 cm thick naked stem. They are numerous, pale greenish-yellow to white. The fruit is ovate, flat, thin, flaky, reddish-brown with distinct oil marks. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a herbaceous monoecious perennial, 1.5 to 2 m high with a large, fleshy rhizome, which is 14 cm thick at the crown. The leaves are large, bipinnate, and radical. Characteristics: The fruit has milky juice and a strong smell. Habitat: Afghanistan and eastern Iran. Production: Asa foetida is the gum resin of Ferula foetida. Other Names: Devil's Dung, Food of the Gods, Gum Asafoetida ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: disulphide chief constituent is sec-propenyl-isobutyl Gum resin: consisting mainly of ferulic acid esters, farnesiferol A, B, C and bassorin-like mucilage Sesquiterpenoide coumarins: including asafoetida EFFECTS Asa foetida has a mild intestinal disinfectant effect; its sedative effect is uncertain. In animal experiments it has antitumoural and mild mutagenic effect on Salmonella typhimurium. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used for chronic gastritis, dyspepsia and irritable colon. Chinese Medicine: In China, the drug is used for infestation with intestinal parasites. Arum maculatum See Arum Indian Medicine: In India, Asa foetida is used to treat asthma, whooping cough, flatulence, constipation, diseases of die liver and spleen and for epilepsy. 4 8 / A S A FOETIDA Homeopathic Uses: Ferula foetida is used for low acid levels in the stomach, stomach pressure, flatulence and loose stools. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The intake of larger dosages can lead to swelling of the lips, digestive complaints (belching, flatulence, diarrhea), discomfort and headache. Convulsions are possible in susceptible individuals. Swelling of the genital organs has been observed following external administration on the abdomen. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is available as an extract. Preparation: Gum-resin is obtained by incising the roots, which contain a fetid juice. This solidifies to a brown resin, sometimes with a pinkish tint, in sticky lumps. The final product has a pungent, acrid, persistent, alliaceous odor. Daily Dosage: Tincture: 20 drops as a single dose. Homeopathic Dosage: D3 and D4 dilutions. LITERATURE Buddrus J et al., (1985) Phytochemistry 24(4):869. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Naimie H et al., (1972) Collect Czec Chem Commun 37:1166. Rajanikanth B et al., (1984) Phytochemistry 23(4):899. Roth L, Daunderer M, Konr.ann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S tube and are flattened above. The style is thick, short and not hollow; the stigma is 6-rayed. The fruit is a many-seeded, indehiscent capsule divided into many chambers by false membranes. In each capsule there are numerous boat-shaped seeds with a spongy appendage. Leaves, Stem and Root: Asarum europaeum is a shaggyhaired perennial growing 4 to 10 cm high. It has a thin, creeping rhizome that is branched and usually has 3 to 4 scale-like, brownish-green stipules. It has an ascending short-scaled stem, with the terminal flower at the tip. There are 2 to 4 long-petioled, almost opposite, broad, reniform leaves. They are entire-margined, coriaceous, dark-green glossy above, pale and matte beneath, deeply reticulate and evergreen. Characteristics: The rhizome has a pepper-like smell; the leaves and flowers have an unpleasant camphor smell. Asarum europaeum is a protected species. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the northern parts of southern Europe, central and east-central Europe as far as the Crimea and eastward into western Siberia as well as an enclave in the Atai. Asarum is cultivated in the U.S. Production: Asarum root is the root of Asarum europaeum, which is gathered in August and air-dried in the shade. Asarum is primarily collected in the wild, but is cultivated in the U.S. Not to be Confused With: Can be confused with other valerian types and with Arnica montana, Genum urbanum, Valeriana officinalis and Viola ordorata. The mistaken powder can be identified by the presence of fibers, stone cells, oxalate filament agglomerations and the absence of starch. Other Names: Asarabacca, Coltsfoot, False Coltsfoot, Fole's Foot, Hazelwort, Public House Plant, Snakeroot, Wild Ginger, Wild Nard ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Asarum Asarum europaeum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The primary medicinal part is the root of the plant. However, the leaves have been used to a lesser extent. Flower and Fruit: The end of the stem forms a shortpedicled, slightly hanging flower. The perigone forms a campanulate tube with a 3 to 4 lobed margin. It is brownish on the outside, dark and purple on the inside. There are 2 groups of 6 stamens on the ovaries, which are fused with the Volatile oil: composition depends upon breed but possible constituents include asarone trans-isoasarone, trans-isoeugenol methyl ether, trans-isoelemicin or eudesmol, possibly in addition to sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, -alcohols, -furans,carbonyl compounds Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid Flavonoids EFFECTS Asarum acts as an expectorant, bronchial spasmolytic, superficial relaxant and local anesthetic. Studies of the plant's emetic action exist for Asari root and herb. However, ASARUM/49 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS self-experiment with 100 gm trans-isoasaron taken orally caused severe vomiting. The surface-tension-reducing effect of trans-isoasaron and trans-isomethyleugenol was studied in vitro, using stalagmo• metry. Both substances showed a concentration-dependent surface activity, which surpassed the effect of the control substance tyloxapol in a normal treatment concentration. In studies of Asarum's spasmolytic effect, bronchial spasms induced in a guinea pig by histamine were inhibited in vivo by trans-isoasaron, depending on the dose. The survival rate was determined subsequent to the addition of a histaminecontaining aerosol 30 minutes after trans-isoasarin had been administered. The control substance here was clemizole hydrochloride, which has a similarly inhibiting effect. emmenagogue (menstrual stimulant) and for artificial abortion. The dried, powdered leaves have been used as an ingredient of some snuffs, helping to expel mucus from the respiratory passages. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include diarrhea, irritation of mucous membranes and exhaustion. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Older scientific literature contains reports of signs of poisoning including burning of the tongue, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, erysipeloid skin rashes and hemiparesis. An extremely susceptible mouse strain developed hepatoma after exposure to asarone. Administration of the drug is not advised. CONTRAINDICATIONS The action of trans-isoasaron and of isomethyleugenol as a local anesthetic was tested on 10 volunteer subjects, in order to compare it with benzocaine (anesthetic index AI = 1). The results showed a dose-related action for both drugs, with the following anesthetic indexes of AI = 0.72 for trans-isoasarin and AI = 0.47 for trans-isomethyleugenol. The only available studies of Asarum's antibacterial effect are those carried out on Asari root and herb. A double-blind clinical trial with a placebo as alternative was carried out on 30 patients with acute bronchitis, 30 with chronic bronchitis and an additional 30 with bronchial asthma. Eighty percent of the patients wim acute bronchitis, 58% of the patients with chronic bronchitis and 68% of the patients with bronchial asthma were cured or showed improvement in both their subjective and objective states. The contrast with the placebo groups was significant. The treatment consisted of a daily dose of 3 x 2 tablets, purified dry (GB) or powdered (US) extract (30 mg phenylpropanol derivatives) taken over an average of 7 days. However, to obtain conclusive results, further trials are needed over a longer period and with more patients. The drug's efficacy was also tested in a multicentric field trial, a clinically controlled study and an open bicentric study. However, the results are only useful to a small extent, as there is an absence of details about placebo groups, trial parameters, and statistical analysis. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The purified dry extract of Asarum europaeum rootstock is used for inflammatory conditions of the lower respiratory system (acute and chronic bronchitis), for various causes of bronchial spasms and for bronchial asthma. Asari root and Asari root with herb are used for similar indications in folk medicine. In the past, the drugs were used as emetics. Some other uses are as antitussives (cough remedies), sneezing-powder for chronic rhinitis, for inflammation of the eye, for pneumonia, angina pectoris, migraines, liver disease and jaundice, for dehydration, as an Asarum is not to be used during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Asarum is taken as a sneezingpowder, or orally as a purified dry extract in the form of coated tablets and pills. It is obsolete as a drug. How Supplied: Commercial pharmaceutical preparations include coated tablets and confectionery tea mixtures. Preparation: The air-dried rootstock is extracted with an organic solvent, which can be mixed with water. The liquid extract is separated from the solvent by means of vacuum distillation. The watery portion remaining is diluted with an equal amount of distilled water, and further extraction takes place. Then the organic liquid extract is mixed with a suitable excipient according to the desired percentage of trans-isoasaron. Afterward, the extract is dried and rubbed. Trans-isoasaron can also be produced from asarylaldehyde by means of Perkin's cinnamic synthesis. As sneezingpowder, the average content of the drug is 20%. Daily Dosage: The average daily oral dose of the dry extract for adults and children aged 13 and over is 30 mg, which corresponds to 30 mg phenylpropane derivatives and should be spread over 2 to 3 doses per day. Children aged 2 and over can take an extract corresponding to 5 mg phenylpropanol derivatives 3 times daily. The average single dose of the drug is 0.1 gm. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet, 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution twice weekly sc; ointments 1 to 2 times daily; Dl and D2 should not be taken for longer than 1 month (HAB1). Storage: Coated tablets and pills that contain the purified dry extract or the tincture from the rhizome can be stored for a period of 28 days in conditions of high temperature, humidity and light. Under preferred storage conditions (i.e. 50/ASARUM brown glass, away from light), they can be stored for up to 2 years, after which period stability should be checked. LITERATURE Doskotch RW, Vanevenhoven PW, (1967) Lloydia 30:141. Gracza L, (1987) Pharmazie 42 (2): 141. Gracza L, In vitro studies on the expectorant effect of the phenylpropane derivatives from hazlewort. 12. The active agents in Asarum europaeum. In: PM 42(2):155. 1981. Gracza L, Phytobiological (phytophamacological) studies on phenylpropane derivatives from Asarum europaeum L. 10. Actice principles of Asarum europaeum L. In: Arzneim Forsch 30(5):767-771. 1980. Gracza L, Uber die Wirkstoffe von Asarum europaeum. 16. Mitt., Die Iokalanasthetische Wirkung der Phenylprpanderivate. In: PM 48(3): 153-157. 1983. Mose JR., Lukas G, (1961) Arzneim Forsch 11:33. Rosch A, (1984) Z Phytother 5(6):964. Trennheuser L, Dissertation Saarbriicken. 1961. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde. 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde. 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Asarum europaeum See Asarum PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Ash Fraxinus excelsior DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves, the fresh bark, the branch bark, and the fresh leaves. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in richly blossomed panicles, the terminal ones appearing on the new flowering branches. They are usually androgynous, occasionally male, polygamous or dioecious. They have no calyx or corolla. The anthers of the male flowers are dark purple and are on short filaments. The female flowers consist of 1 inferior ovary with a 2-lobed stigma and 2 split staminoids. The fruit is a narrow lanceolate to oblong-obovate nutlet hanging on a thin stem. The fruit is 25 to 50 mm long and 7 to 10 mm wide, glossy brown, 1-seeded with a veined winged border. Leaves, Stem and Root: The ash is an impressive 15 to 30 m tall tree with a gray-brown, smooth, later fissured and wrinkled bark and large, black-brown, pubescent buds. The leaves are entire-margined, opposite and odd pinnate. There are 9 to 15 leaflets. The leaflets are sessile, usually 5 to 11 cm long by 1 to 3 cm wide, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, long acuminate, finely and sharply serrate. They are glabrous above, rich green, loosely tomentose or almost glabrous, and greenish brown beneath. Habitat: The plant is distributed in most parts of Europe except the northern, southern and eastern edges. Production: Ash bark consists of the bark of young branches of Fraxinus excelsior. Ash leaf consists of the leaf of Fraxinus excelsior. The leaves are harvested in spring and air-dried. Not to be Confused With: It may be confused with Ailanthus glandulosa. Other Names: Bird's Tongue, European Ash, Common Ash, Weeping Ash ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : A S H LEAF. Flavonoids: including rutin (0.1-0.9%) Asclepias inearnata See Swamp Milkweed Tannins Mucilages Mannitol Asclepias tuberosa See Pleurisy Root Triterpenes, (10-20%) (16-28%) phytosterols Iridoide monoterpenes: syringoxidin including syringoxide, deoxy- HERBAL MONOGRAPHS COMPOUNDS: ASH BARK Hydroxycoumarins: aesculin, fraxin, aesculetin, fraxetin, fraxidin, isofraxidin, fraxinol, scopoletine Tannins ASIATIC DOGWOOD / 5 1 Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Poisonous Plants in Britain and their Effects on Animals and Man, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, HMSO UK 1984. ^Iridoide monoterpenes: including 10-hydroxyligstroside EFFECTS: ASH BARK The main active principle is coumarin. Preparations of fresh ash bark showed an analgesic, anti-oxidative, and antiphlogistic action. Cyclo AMP phosphodiesterase is inhibited and an anti-oxidative (radical trapping action) effect was proven for scopoletine, isofraxin and fraxin. INDICATIONS AND USAGE ASH LEAF Unproven Uses: Preparations of Ash leaf are used for arthritis, gout, bladder complaints, as well as a laxative and diuretic. In folk medicine Ash leaf is used internally for fever, rheumatism, gout, edema, stones, constipation, stomach symptoms and worm infestation; and externally for lower leg ulcers and wounds. ASH BARK ^ Unproven Uses: Preparations of Ash bark are used for fever ^ and as a tonic. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy for the claimed applications has not been documented, therapeutic application cannot be recommended. The efficacy of Ash in fixed combinations must be verified specifically for each preparation. Storage: Should be protected from light. Asiatic Dogwood Cornus officinalis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the tree is the fruit. Flower and Fruit: The umbels contain 20 to 30 flowers surrounded by 4 yellow-green, 6 to 8 mm long, ellipticalacuminate bracts. The flower structures are in fours and the diameter of the flower is 4 to 5 mm including the disc. The calyx is fused and has 4 tips. There are 4 free petals, 4 stamens and a 2-chambered ovary, with 1 ovule per chamber. The drupe is elongate- elliptical, approximately 15 mm long and red with an elongate, 2-chambered stone kernel. Leaves and Branches: Cornus officinalis is shrub or tree, that grows up to 4 m high. The leaves are opposite, simple and 4 to 10 cm long. The petiole is 6 to 10 cm long. The lamina is ovate-elliptical or ovate, long acuminate, rounded at the base, yellow-brown and pubescent beneath. The branches are smooth, bluish-green and the bark peels off. Habitat: China, Japan Production: Cornus fruit is the dried fruit pulp of Cornus officinalis. Fruits are harvested in the late autumn or the beginning of winter. They are scalded with boiling water or gently heated. Cleaning of the raw drug follows kernel extraction and drying. LITERATURE Carnat A, Lamaison JL, Dubnand F, Plant Med Phytother 24:145-151. 1990. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Genius OB, DAZ 120:1505-1506. 1980. Iridoids: iridoid glycosides, including loganin, cornuside, sweroside, morronoside Jensen SR, Nielsen BJ, PH 15:221-223. 1976. Marekov N et al., Khira Ind 58:132-135. 1986. £> Tissut M, Ravane P, PH 19:2077-2081. 1980. Yamagami I, Suzuki Y, Koichiro I, Pharmacological studies on the components of Fraxinus japonica. In: Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 64(6):714-729 (jap.). 1968. COMPOUNDS Tannins: gallotannins, including cornusiens-A to -G, tellimagrandin I and II, camptothins-A and -B Triterpenes: including oleanolic acid, ursolic acid Anthocyans Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. EFFECTS The drug has an astringent effect due to its tannin content. It has exhibited diuretic, blood pressure-lowering and leukocytopoiesis-promoting effects in clinical tests. 52/ASIATIC DOGWOOD PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES INDICATIONS AND USAGE The perigone is longer than the cauline leaves and has oblanceolate sections that are twice as long as the perigone tube. The stamens are oblong and almost as long the filaments. The perigone of the female flowers is much smaller. The fruit is a pea-sized, brick-red round berry that is up to 8 mm thick. The seeds are black with wrinkly stripes and are 3 to 4 mm wide. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug has been used for impotency, loss of semen, lumbago-sciatica syndrome, night sweats and vertigo. Chinese Medicine: In China, Asiatic Dogwood is used for liver and renal disorders, tinnitus, hyperhidrosis, impotency and low back and knee pain. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole herb preparations and liquid preparations for internal use Preparation: The fruit is boiled or steamed with wine until all the liquid has been drawn out. Daily Dosage: 5 to 12 gm of drug. Chinese Medicine Dosage: 3 to 9 gm of drug daily. Storage: The herb should be protected from insects and stored in dry place. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed) Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leaves, Stem and Root: Asparagus officinalis is a perennial with a short, woody rootstock. In the wild, the plant typically reaches heights of 30 to 100 cm, but cultivated plants may grow to 150 cm. The stem is erect, glabrous and smooth, later inclined with numerous erect to leaning branches. The scale sections at the base have short spurs. The round, needle-like phylloclades are in clusters of 4 to 15 that are 5 to 25 cm long and about 0.5 cm thick. The root-stock is short and thick. It produces a few ascending shoots that are as thick as a finger, fleshy, white, and red or blue-reddish tinged. (This is the edible asparagus.) The female plants are often slimmer than the male, which are shorter and stockier. Characteristics: The fruit is considered to be poisonous, but that has not been substantiated. Habitat: The plant grows in central and southern Europe, the Middle East, western Siberia and northern Africa. It is cultivated in many places. Jeng H, Wu CM, Su SJ, Chang WC A substance isolated from Cornus officinalis enhances the motility of human sperm. Am J Chin Med, 25:301-6, 1997. Production: Asparagus herb consists of the above-ground parts of Asparagus officinalis. Asparagus root consists of the rhizome with roots of Asparagus officinalis, which are dug up and air-dried in autumn, and also the fresh underground shoots. Jeng H, Wu CM, Su SJ, Chang WC Observations on the biological characteristics of Cornus officinalis Chung Yao Tung Pao, 25:8-11, Jul, 1985. Not to be Confused With: This variety is sometimes confused with other types of asparagus cultivated in the Mediterranean region. Other Names: Sparrow Grass Asimina triloba ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY See American Pawpaw Flavonoids: including rutin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin COMPOUNDS: ASPARAGUS HERB Steroid saponins Asparagus Asparagus officinalis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the herb and the rhizome with roots. Flower and Fruit: Thin pedicles measuring from 2 to 20 mm long, grow 1 to 3 flowers from the nodes. The plants are usually dioecious. The perigone of the male flowers is about 5 mm long, funnel-shaped and whitish to greenish-yellow. EFFECTS: ASPARAGUS HERB Animal experiments indicate the herb has a mild diuretic action. COMPOUNDS: ASPARAGUS RHIZOME AND ROOT Steroid saponins: including asparagosides A, B, D, F, G, H, I, the bitter steroid saponins, aspartic saponin I Amino acids: among them sulphur-containing aspartic acid, the esters 3-mercapto- butyric acid, 3-methylthio-isobutyric acid, diisobutyric acid disulphide Fructans: asparagose, asparagosine HERBAL MONOGRAPHS EFFECTS: ASPARAGUS RHIZOME AND ROOT Animal tests indicate that the root has a diuretic effect. The main active principles are flavonol glycoside and furostanol and spirostanol glycosides, mainly derivatives of sarsapogenin. The distinctive odor of the urine after an individual has i^ eaten asparagus is said to be caused by methylmercaptan. INDICATIONS AND USAGE ASPARAGUS HERB Unproven Uses: Preparations of Asparagus are used as a diuretic, although the effectiveness for the claimed application has not been sufficiently documented. ASPARAGUS/53 DOSAGE ASPARAGUS RHIZOME AND ROOT Mode of Administration: The cut rhizome is used for teas, as well as other galenic preparations for internal use. When used in flushing-out therapy, ensure ample fluid intake. How Supplied: Commercial pharmaceutical preparations of Asparagus root are available in tablet form. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 45 to 80 g. A typical single dose is 800 mg of the drug. ASPARAGUS RHIZOME AND ROOT Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily, or 1 ml injection solution twice weekly sc (HAB1). Approved by Commission E: LITERATURE • Infections of the urinary tract • Kidney and bladder stones Unproven Uses: Traditional uses of the root include application for non-specific inflammatory diseases of the efferent urinary tract and for prevention of kidney and bladder stones (irrigation therapy). Among other folk medicine uses are J^, dropsy, rheumatic conditions, liver disease, bronchial asthma and gout. These applications have not been proven. Chinese Medicine: The root is used to treat irritable cough, coughing with blood, dry mouth and throat, and constipation. Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include kidney stones and cardiac insufficiency. CONTRAINDICATIONS ASPARAGUS RHIZOME AND ROOT Because of the irritating effect of saponin, the drug should not be administered in die presence of kidney diseases. In the case of reduced cardiac and/or kidney function, irrigation therapy should not be attempted. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ASPARAGUS HERB No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The plant has a low sensitization potential through A skin contact. The berries are considered poisonous, although ~ there is no proof of this. ASPARAGUS RHIZOME AND ROOT No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. When used in irrigation therapy, ensure ample fluid intake. There is a low sensitization potential, particularly among workers in canning factories who can become prone to asparagus scabies. ASPARAGUS HERB Goryanu GM et al., (1976) Khim Prir Soed 3: 400 et 6: 762. Kawano K et al., (1975) Agric Biol Chem 39: 1999. Shiomi N et al., (1976) Agric Biol Chem 40: 567. Tagasuki M et al., (1975) Chem Letters 1: 43. Woeldecke M, Hermann K, (1974) Z Lebensm Forsch Unters 25: 459. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Rodi L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. ASPARAGUS RHIZOME AND ROOT Goryanu GM et al., (1976) Khim Prir Soed 3: 400 et 6: 762. Kawano K et al., Agric Biol Chem (Tokyo) 41:1. 1977. Lazurevskii GV et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 231:1479. 1976. Pant G et al., PH 27:3324. 1988. Shao Y et al., Steroidal saponins from Asparagus officinalis and their cytotoxic activity. In: PM 63(3):258-262. 1997. Shiomi N et al., (1976) Agric Biol Chem 40: 567. Tagasuki M et al., (1975) Chem Letters 1: 43. 54/ASPARAGUS Woeldecke M, Hermann K, (1974) Z Lebensm Untersuch Forsch 25: 459 Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The primary medicinal parts of the herb are the roots. Flower and Fruit: The flower racemes are apical, and most are axillary. The inflorescenses have' many small, blue, purple or blue-purple flowers. Two to three days following bloom, pods will develop in a square shape of a cross section with two chambers. There are 10 dark brown seeds in each chamber. The seeds are 6 to 13 mm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial and has several stems 1.5 to 2.0 m in height. The stems are covered with pinnate leaves with T-shaped soft hairs. The primary root is thick, long and contains many lateral roots. There is a secondary root beginning 20 to 30 feet below the soil surface. Characteristics: The plant is cold tolerant and also able to grow in high temperatures. Habitat: Astragalus australis is an endemic plant of the Olympic Mountains, Washington. Other species are grown in northern and southern parts of China, Japan, and Korea. Other Names: Beg Kei, Bei Qi, Hwanggi, Membranous Milk Vetch, Astragali, Tragacanth ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Asparagus officinalis Triterpene glycosides: brachyosides A, B, and C, and cyclocephaloside II, astrachrysoside A See Asparagus Saponins: astragalosides I, II, and IV, isoastragaloside I, 3-0beta-D-xylopyranosyl-cycloastragenol, cyclocanthoside E, soyasaponin I and cycloastragenol Aspidosperma quebrachobianco Tragacanth (from the sap) See Quebracho Astragalus gummifer See Tragacanth Astragalus (Huang-Qi) Astragalus species TRADE NAMES Astragalus (available from numerous manufacturers), Astragalus Root, Superior Chinese Astragalus, Astragalus Vegicaps, Astragalus Extract, Alvita Astragalus Root Sterols: daucosterol and beta-sitosterol Fatty acids: including heptenoic acid, tetradecanoic acid, pentadecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, octadecenoic acid, octadecanoic acid, octadecadienoic acid, linolenic acid, eicosanoic acid, eicosenoic acid and docosanoic acid Isoflavonoid compounds: astrasieversianin XV (II), 7,2'dihydroxy-3',4'-dimethoxy-isoflavane-7-0-beta-D-glucoside (III) Amino acids: gamma-L-glutamyl-Se-methyl-seleno-L-cysteine, Se-methylseleno-L-cysteine Polysaccharides EFFECTS Antiviral—Astragalus membranaceus inhibits the replication of coxsackie B-3 virus (CB3V)-RNA, a virus that causes myocarditis in animal models (Peng, 1995). The herb demonstrated significantly higher survival rates and lower ASTRAGALUS (HUANG-QI) / 5 5 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS abnormal action potential in animal models infected with CB3V, suggesting its possible use for prevention and treatment of acute myocarditis involving CB3V (Rui, 1994). on memory acquisition as well as the alcohol-elicited deficit of memory retrieval (a reduction in errors and prolonged latent period) (Hong, 1994). Antioxidant—Astragalus membranaceus inhibits lipid peroxidation in rat heart mitochondria (Hong, 1994). Immune-stimulating Cardiovascular Effects—Astragalus membranaceus increases cardiac output in patients with angina pectoris (Lei, 1994). Astragaloside IV improves left ventricular end-diastolic volume, left ventricular end-systolic volume and slows heart rate in heart failure. The compound also alleviates chest distress and dyspnea associated with heart failure (Luo, 1995). The herb has therapeutic effects on sodium and water retention in aortocaval fistula-induced heart failure, improving cardiac and renal functions in heart failure. The mechanism is partly through correction of abnormal mRNA expressions of hypothalmic arginine vasopresin system and aquaporin-2, and amelioration of blunted renal response to atrial natriuretic peptide (Ma, 1998). Fibrinolytic—Astragaloside IV increases the fibrinolytic potential of endothelial ells by upregulating the expression of tissue-type plasminogen activator and by downregulating the A^, expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (Zhang, 1997). Gastrointestinal Effects—The herb strengthens the movement and muscle tonus in the intestine, especially the jejunum, to increase movements in the digestive tract, as evidenced by positive effects on the cycle duration of interdigestive myoelectric complex (Lei, 1994). Hepatoprotective—An ethanol extract of the root of Astragalus membranaceus alleviated liver injury through a reduction of elevated SGPT levels and subacute toxicity. The herb also decreased loss of righting reflex and protected hepatic cells from pathological changes (Zhang, 1990). £ Immuno-modulating—The herb stimulates macrophages, promotes antibody formation, and increases T lymphocyte proliferation. F3, an immuno-regulatory component of the herb reverses macrophage suppression induced by urological tumors (Rittenhouse, 1991). Astragalus membranaceus extracts enhance the antibody response to a T-dependent antigen associated with an increase of Th cell activity in normal and immunodepressed animal models (Zhao, 1990). A fractionated extract of Astragalus membranaceus potentiates lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell cytotoxicity generated by low-dose recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2). This immune response occurs through a 10-fold potentiation of rIL-2 activity manifested by tumor cell killing activity resulting from LAK cell generation (Chu, 1990). Memory Improvement—Aqueous extracts of Astragalus demonstrated improvement of anisodine-induced impairment CLINICAL TRIALS The effect of pure Astragalus preparation (PAP) in treating 115 patients with leukopenia was determined after 8 weeks of therapy. Group I was treated by a concentrated PAP (10 ml, equivalent to 15 grams of Astragalus), and group II was treated with a different concentrated PAP (10 ml, equivalent to 5 grams of Astragalus). Both treatment groups received a dose of 10 ml twice daily. The effectiveness was statistically different between the groups with 82.76% and 47.37% in Group I and II, respectively. The total effective rate was 65.22%. The average WBC count of group I was significantly higher than that of group II with a significant rise of the WBC counts in both groups after treatment (Weng XS, 1995). Cardiovascular Effects The effect of Astragalus membranaceus on left ventricular function and oxygen free radicals was evaluated in 43 cardiac patients. All patients in the treatment group had experienced their myocardial infarction within the past 36 hours. The herb demonstrated a strengthening of left ventricular function and an effect of anti-oxygen free radicals for a cardiotonic action. The herb decreased the ratio of pre- ejection period/left ventricular ejection time, increased the superoxide dismutase activity of red blood cells and reduced lipid peroxidation content (Chen, 1995). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The herb has been used for respiratory infections, immune depression, cancer, heart failure, viral infections, liver disease and kidney disease. Astragalus has also been used as a diuretic. Chinese Medicine: The herb has been used alone and in combination for liver fibrosis, acute viral myocarditis, heart failure, small cell lung cancer, amenorrhea, and antiviral. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Caution should be taken with patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, such as transplant patients, or patients with autoimmune diseases. Extracts of Astragalus lusitanicus in animal models resulted in toxic excitatory cardiac effects and respiratory depression, involving skeletal muscle and neurological systems (Abdennebi, 1998). Neurological Dysfunction: Due to the selenium content in Astragalus, toxic doses may result in neurological dysfunction leading to paralysis (Panter, 1996). 56/ASTRAGALUS (HUANG-QI) Drug Interactions: Cyclophosphamide—Although enhancement of the antibody response through an increase of Th cell activity was seen in cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed animal models, another study demonstrated the herb does not prevent cyclophosphamide-induced myelosuppression. Astragalus membranaceus given concomitantly with cyclophosphamide showed no difference in terms of nadir count, time to nadir and time to recovery for both the ANC and the platelet counts (Khoo, 1995; Zhao, 1990). Anticoagulants/Antiplatelets/Antithrombotic Agents—Due to the increased fibrinolysis effect of astragaloside IV, concomitant use with anticoagulants, antiplatelets or antithrombotic agents may potentiate the risk of bleeding (Zhang, 1997). DOSAGE How Supplied: Capsule—200 mg, 250 mg, 400 mg, 450 mg, 470 mg, 500 mg, 520 mg Liquid Tea Bag Daily Dosage: The dried root is administered as 2-6 grams daily, and the fluid extract as 4 to 12 milliliters daily (Bone, 1997). The powdered root capsule (250 mg-500 mg) has been administered as two capsules three times daily (Foster, 1998). LITERATURE Abdennebi EH, el Ouazzani N, Lamnaouer D., Clinical and analytical studies of sheep dosed with various preparations of Astragalus lusitanicus. Vet Hum Toxicol 1998 Dec;40(6):32731. Barneby, R. 1964. Atlas of North American astragalus part II. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. Vol. 13. Bedir D; Calis I; Aquino R et al. Secondary metabolites from the roots of Astragalus trojanus. J .Nat Prod 1999 Apr;62(4):563-8. Bedir E; Calis I; Aquino R et al. Cycloartane triterpene glycosides from the roots of Astragalus brachypterus and Astragalus microcephalus. J Nat Prod 1998 Dec;61(12):1469-72. Bone K: Clinical Applications of Ayurvedic and Chinese Herbs: Monographs for the Western Herbal Practitioner. Phytotherapy Press, Queensland, Australia 1997. Chen LX; Liao JZ; Guo WQ. Effects of Astragalus membranaceus on left ventricular function and oxygen free radical in acute myocardial infarction patients and mechanism of its cardiotonic action. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1995 Mar;15(3):141-3. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Chen M; Liu F. Chemical constituents of the seed oil of Astragalus complanatus R. Brown. Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih 1990 Apr;15(4):225-6, 255. Chu D; Sun Y; Lin J et al. F3, a fractionated extract of Astragalus membranaceus, potentiates lymphokine-activated killer cell cytotoxicity generated by low-dose recombinant interleukin-2. Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1990 Jan;10(l):34-6, 5. Chu DT; Lin JR; Wong W. The in vitro potentiation of LAK cell cytotoxicity in cancer and aids patients induced by F3—a fractionated extract of Astragalus membranaceus. Chung Hua Chung Liu Tsa Chih 1994 May; 16(3): 167-71. Foster S. Astragalus: A superior herb. Herbs for Health 1998; Sept/Oct:40-41. Guo XW; Zhang XX; Zhang ZM; Li FD. Characterization of astragalus sinicus rhizobia by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of chromosomal and nodulation genes regions. Curr Microbiol 1999 Dec;39(6):358-0364. Hirotani M; Zhou Y; Rui H; Furuya T. Cycloartane triterpene glycosides from the hairy root cultures of Astragalus membranaceus. Phytochemistry 1994 Nov;37(5): 1403-7. Hong CY; Lo YC; Tan FC et al. Astragalus membranaceus and Polygonum multiflorum protect rat heart mitochondria against lipid peroxidation. Am J Chin Med 1994;22(l):63-70. Hong GX; Qin WC; Huang LS. Memory-improving effect of aqueous extract of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih 1994 Nov;19(l l):687-8, 704. Kaye TN. From flowering to dispersal: reproductive ecology of an endemic plant, Astragalus australis var. olympicus (Fabaceae). Am J Bot 1999 Sep;86(9): 1248. Khoo KS; Ang PT. Extract of astragalus membranaceus and ligustrum lucidum does not prevent cyclophosphamide-induced myelosuppression. Singapore Med J 1995 Aug;36(4):387-90. Lei ZY; Qin H; Liao JZ. Action of Astragalus membranaceus on left ventricular function of angina pectoris. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1994 Apr; 14(4): 199-202, 195. Li SQ; Yuan RX; Gao H. Clinical observation on the treatment of ischemic heart disease with Astragalus membranaceus. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1995 Feb;15(2):77-80. Luo HM; Dai RH; Li Y. Nuclear cardiology study on effective ingredients of Astragalus membranaceus in treating heart failure. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1995 Dec;15(12):707-9. Ma J; Peng A; Lin S. Mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of astragalus membranaceus on sodium and water retention in experimental heart failure. Chin Med J (Engl) 1998 Jan;l 11(1): 17-23. Nigam SN; McConnell WB. Seleno amino compounds from Astragalus bisculcatus. Isolation and identification of gamma-Lglutamyl-Se-methyl-seleno-L-cysteine and Se-methylseleno-Lcysteine. Biochim Biophys Acta 1969 Nov 18;192(2):185-90. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS AVOCADO/57 Panter KE, Hartley WJ, James LF, et al. Comparative toxicity of selenium from seleno-DL-methionine, sodium selenate, and Astragalus bisulcatus in pigs. Fundam Appl Toxicol 1996 Aug;32(2):217-23. Peng T; Yang Y; Riesemann H; Kandolf R. The inhibitory effect of astragalus membranaceus on coxsackie B-3 virus RNA replication. Chin Med Sci J 1995 Sep; 10(3): 146-50. Atropa belladonna See Belladonna Rui T; Yang YZ; Zhou TS. Effect of Astragalus membranaceus on electrophysiological activities of acute experimental Coxsackie B3 viral myocarditis in mice. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1994 May;14(5):292-4, 26. Avena sativa Weng XS. Treatment of leucopenia with pure Astragalus preparation—an analysis of 115 leucopenic cases. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1995 Aug;15(8):462-4. ^^ Zhang WJ; Wojta J; Binder BR. Regulation of the fibrinolytic potential of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells: astragaloside IV downregulates plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and upregulates tissue-type plasminogen activator expression. J Vase Res 1997 Jul-Aug;34(4):273-80. Zhang ZL; Wen QZ; Liu CX. Hepatoprotective effects of astragalus root. J Ethnopharmacol 1990 Sep;30(2): 145-9. Zhao KS; Mancini C; Doria G. Enhancement of the immune response in mice by Astragalus membranaceus extracts. Immunopharmacology 1990 Nov-Dec;20(3):225-33. Zheng Z; Liu D; Song C et al. Studies on chemical constituents and immunological function activity of hairy root of Astragalus membranaceus. Chin J Biotechnol 1998;14(2):93-7. Astragalus species See Astragalus (Huang-Qi) ; — : — Athyrium filix-femina i See Southern Tsangshu (Cang-Zhu) Rittenhouse JR; Lui PD; Lau BH. Chinese medicinal herbs reverse macrophage suppression induced by urological tumors. J Urol 1991 Aug;146(2):486-90. Wang HK; He K; Xu HX, et al. The structure of astrachrysosid A and the study of 2D-NMR on astrasieversianin XV and 7,2'dihydroxy-3\4'-dimethoxy-isoflavane-7-0- beta-D-glycoside. Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1990;25(6):445-50. * Atractylodes lancea See Lady Fern Atractylodes japonica See Japanese Atractylodes See Oats Averrhoa carambola See Carambola Avocado Persea americana DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves, die fresh leaves, the whole fruit including the seed and the oil extracted from the leaves. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in compact or loose racemes. They are 5 to 8.2 mm long and greenish. The inner and outer perianth circles are 4 to 6 mm long and elliptical to oval-elliptical. The anthers are 3.5 mm long, and the filaments are 2.3 mm. The ovary is oval or pear-shaped and downy. It develops into a drupe, which is green and fleshy and up to 18 cm long. The drupe is smooth with thick oily flesh and a very large seed. Leaves, Stem and Root: The avocado is a tree up to 40 m in height and with a trunk 60 cm in diameter. The leaves are 6 to 30 cm long and 3.5 to 19 cm wide. They are narrow to broadly elliptical. The leaf surface is sticky, while the lower surface is downy. Habitat: The plant originated in central and southern South America and is cultivated in all tropical and subtropical regions today. Production: Avocado oil comes from the fruit of Persea americana. Avocado oil is recovered from the pericarp of Persea americana and refined if necessary. 58/AVOCADO PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS COMPOUNDS Fatty oil: chief fatty acids oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, palmitoleic acid (tocopherols, vitamin E) Tannins EFFECTS Avocado oil is an emollient, which improves rough ichtyotic skin. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Avocado is a main ingredient in so-called natural cosmetics. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Saccharides Starch Fatty oil Furocoumarins Furoquinolin alkaloids EFFECTS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. INDICATIONS AND USAGE DOSAGE Indian Medicine: Bael is used, especially in Indian medicine, for constipation and diarrhea. Mode of Administration: As an active or inactive ingredient in various preparations (bath oils, ointments, etc.). Storage: Oils from different batches should not be mixed. The drug should be stored in a sealed container away from light and moisture. LITERATURE Albert K, Pharm Ztg 131:2279. 1986. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Heller H, Asche W, Seifen Oele Fette Wachse 111:164. 1985. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Bael has a digestive and an astringent effect. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE Digestive complaints and constipation are possible with the intake of large quantities, due to the constituent tannins. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Available as a liquid extract for internal use. LITERATURE Oliver-Bever B (Ed., 1986), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa, Cambridge University Press UK. Sharma BR and Sharma P, (1981) Planta Med 43:102. Schimmer O, Furochinolinalkaloide als biologisch aktive Naturstoffe. In: ZPT 12(5): 151. 1991. Bael Aegle marmelos DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the unripe fruit, the root, the leaves and the branches. Flower and Fruit: The plant has greenish-white flowers. The yellow fruit is globular or ovoid, with a hard shell. The fruit is divided internally like an orange. The flesh is reddish, with numerous seeds covered in a layer of latex. Characteristics: The taste is mucilaginous and slightly sour. Habitat: This plant is native to India but has spread over wide areas of southeast Asia. Other Names: Bel, Bengal Quince Balloon-Flower (Jie-Geng) Platycodon grandiflorum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the main and secondary roots. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are at the tip of the leading shoot. The flower structures are in fives and are fused. The calyx tube is appressed to the ovary; the corolla is 5-lobed, blue, occasionally white with a diameter of approximately 5 cm. The 5 stamens are free and the ovary inferior with numerous ovules. The fruit is an obovoid, multi-chambered, dehiscent capsule. The seeds are ovoid, light to dark brown, smooth, 1.7 to 2.2 mm long, 1 to 1.2 mm wide and flattened. BALMONY/59 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a herbaceous perennial growing to 90 cm high. The leaves are almost sessile with a simple lamina, bluish-green above and gray-green beneath, irregularly crenate-serrate and entire at the base. The plant has a hardy (approximately 3 cm thick) taproot and hardy <JL secondary roots. Habitat: Balloon-Flower is indigenous to China, Japan, Korea and Siberia. Production: The plant is collected in the wild and air-dried. Balloon-Flower root is the dried main and secondary root of Platycodon grandiflorum. Other Names: Chinese Bell-Flower, Japanese Bell-Flower ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins (1.7%): including platycodin, platycodoside C, aglycone platycodigenin, including glycosides of polygalic acid, platycogenic acids A to C Volatile oil (0.2 to 0.3%) Steroids: sterols, spinasterol * including delta7-stigmasterol, alpha- Kim KS, Ezaki O, Ikemoto S, Itakura H, Effects of Platycodon grandiflorum feeding on serum and liver lipid concentrations in rats with diet-induced hyperlipidemia. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 41:485-91, 1995 Aug. Kim KS, Ezaki O, Ikemoto S, Itakura H, Effects of Platycodon grandiflorum feeding on serum and liver lipid concentrations in rats with diet-induced hyperlipidemia. Yakugaku Zasshi, 41:48591, 1995 Aug. Kim KS, Ezaki O, Ikemoto S, Itakura H Rat plasma corticosterone secretion-inducing activities of total saponin and prosapogenin methyl esters from the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC. Yakugaku Zasshi, 41:1191-4, 1995 Aug. Ballota nigra See Black Horehound BPPHCTS The saponin fraction contained in the drug has inhibiting effects upon gastric secretion and exhibits both ulcer-protective and ulcer-healing effects. In addition, a mild antibacterial effect was able to be demonstrated. The plant is said to have a sedative effective on the respiratory organs and to encourage expectoration. The antitussive, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects require further clinical testing for verification. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Chinese Medicine: Jie-Geng is mainly used as an expectorant for bronchitis, sore throat, tonsillitis and other conditions of the respiratory tract. Efficacy as an expectorant is plausible due to the saponin content; efficacy for the other indications has not been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE W LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Mode of Administration: Preparations of whole, cut and powdered drug are for internal use. Preparation: Liquid extract: root powder 1:1 25% ethanol Daily Dosage: Powder — 6 g daily; 0.5 g as a single dose Decoction — 1 g daily; 0.2 g as a single dose Storage: Store tightly sealed and protected from light. Balmony Chelone glabra DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh herb picked during the flowering season Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is a short terminal spike of bilabiate white, purple, cream or pink flowers. The lower lip is awned in the tube and the cordate anthers are downy. The seeds are round and bitter. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is small and erect, and may reach up to 60 cm in height. It is a perennial herb with angular, smooth stems and a horizontally spreading root system. The leaves are opposite, oblong-lanceolate, on short petioles. Characteristics: The leaves have a tea-like smell and an extremely bitter taste. Habitat: Northeastern U.S. and Canada Production: Balmony is the above-ground part of Chelone glabra. Other Names: Turtlebloom, Turtle Head, Chelone, Shellflower, Salt-Rheum Weed, Bitter Herb, Hummingbird Tree, Snakehead i 60/BALMONY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY INDICATIONS AND USAGE COMPOUNDS Bamboo is seldom used for medicinal purposes in Western medicine. Iridoide monoterpenes: catalpol Resin: (bitter-tasting) Chinese Medicine: The drug is used for asthma, coughs and disorders of the gallbladder. EFFECTS No information available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Homeopathic Uses: Chelone glabra is used in the treatment of liver disorders, digestive disorders and worm infestation. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The juice from the young shoots is hardened as bamboo sugar and used internally. LITERATURE No literature is available. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The herb is available in homeopathic dilutions. LITERATURE Belofsky G et al„ PH 28:1601. 1989. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Bamboo Arundinaria japonica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the young shoots of the plant. Flower and Fruit: Greenish-yellow, round culms exceeding 3 m in height are surrounded at the culm nodes by dry leaf sheaths, which do not fall off. The upper surface of the leaves are shiny and dark green; the underside is matte and gray-green. The leaf margins are sharply serrated. Baneberry Actaea spicata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root. Flower and Fruit: The white flowers are in ovate racemes. They have 4 to 6 bracts, white stamens and 1 ovary. The fruit is a black, many-seeded berry. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows 30 to 60 cm tall. It is large, long-petioled, trifoliate and pinnate. The leaflets are pinnatisect and serrate. The stem is erect and glabrous. Characteristics: Baneberry is poisonous, as are several other plants with similar qualities. Habitat: The plant grows in most of Europe and in moderate and arctic regions of Asia. Production: Baneberry or Herb Christopher root is the root of Actaea spicata. Not to be Confused With: Helleborus niger is occasionally used as a substitute by mistake. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the tropics, southern subtropics and Asia. Other Names: Bugbane, Herb Christopher, Toadroot Production: Bamboo sprouts are the young shoots of Arundinaria japonica. COMPOUNDS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Isoquinoline alkaloids: magnoflorine, corytuberine Triterpene glycosides: including actein Soluble mono-, oligo-, and polysaccharides Trans-aconitic acid Silicic acid: to some extent water-soluble EFFECTS EFFECTS No information is available. The drug, which contains alkaloids (magnoflorine) and saponins, was shown to inhibit growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. An antirheumatic effect is being investigated. BARBERRY/61 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Baneberry is used as an emetic and purgative. w/ Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used in homeopathy for rheumatic conditions, especially those of the smaller joints. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: In homeopathy, Baneberry is available as dilutions of the mother tincture. LITERATURE Jfr Flower and Fruit: The flowers are 5 to 7 cm long in yellow, dense, hanging clusters. The 6 sepals are yellow and the 6 petals have orange-colored honey glands at the base. The 6 stamens burst open at the side. The ovary is superior with a flat stigma. The edible fruit is a bright scarlet, oblongcylindrical berry, 10 to 12 mm long and 6 mm thick. The exocarp is membranous-coriaceous. There are usually 2 seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: Barberry is a deciduous, heavily branched, thorny bush up to 2 m high. The thorny branches are angular, deeply grooved, initially brownish yellow, later more white-gray. The thorns are 1 to 2 cm long and stick out horizontally. The leaves are in bunches and are obovate to elliptoid, 2 to 4 cm long and narrow. They are dark green and reticulate, the margin is dentate. Fardella G, Corsano St, Preliminary study on actein biosynthesis. In: Ann Chim(Rom)63:333-337. 1973. Characteristics: The flowers have a repulsive smell; the stamens lie on the carpels at the slightest touch. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and sour. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fiir Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Habitat: Europe, northern Africa, parts of America and central Asia. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. I-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Nikonow GK, Syrkina SA, Chemische Untersuchungen der aktiven Prinzipien von Actaea spicata L. In: Pharm Zentralhalle 103(8):60l. 1964. Production: Barberries are the ripe fruit of Berberis vulgaris. Barberry root bark or berberis bark is the dried root bark of Berberis vulgaris. Berberis aqui folium is a closely-related American variety that is often used in commercially available Oregon Grape products. Not to be Confused With: There is a possiblity of confusion with the fruits of other berberidis types. The commercial drug often consists of admixtures; between 15% and 50% of branch and trunk bark. Other Names: Berberry, Pipperidge, Jaundice Berry, Sow Berry, Mountain Grape, Oregon Grape Banisteriopsis caapi See Yage ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BARBERRY FRUIT Isoquinoline alkaloids (at the most, traces) Anthocyans Baptisia tinctoria See Wild Indigo Chlorogenic acid Malic acid, acetic acid EFFECTS: BARBERRY ROOT BARK Barberry Berberis vulgaris Source of vitamin C. In various metabolic processes, vitamin C increases immune system activity, stimulates iron absorption, and prevents scurvy. There is a mild diuretic effect due to the acid content. COMPOUNDS: BARBERRY ROOT BARK DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fruit and the root bark. Isoquinoline alkaloids: in particular berberine, berbamine, oxyacanthin, further to include columbamine, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, magnoflorine. 62/BARBERRY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES EFFECTS: BARBERRY ROOT BARK BARBERRY ROOT BARK Cardiovascular effect: Fractions from the root extracts, which contain 80% berberine and other alkaloids, have been shown to reduce the blood pressure of cats for several hours. With varying doses, both positive and negative inotropic effects on the cats' hearts were recorded. How Cholagogue effect: A homeopathic mother tincture increased the bile flow in guinea pigs by an average of 20%. An extract with 80% berberine and additional alkaloids stimulated the bile excretion of rats by 72%. Antipyretic effect: Aqueous tinctures have an anti-febrile effect on a feverish rabbit. Antibiotic effect Stimulation of intestinal peristalsis INDICATIONS AND USAGE BARBERRY FRUIT Unproven uses: Decoction or alcoholic extract for lung, spleen and liver diseases. Jam or wine made from the fresh berries can relieve constipation and stimulate the appetite. Alcoholic extracts have been used for heartburn and stomach cramps. Extracts have also been used for susceptibility to infection, feverish colds, and diseases of the urinary tract. Used in the pharmaceutical industry as a syrup for masking flavor. BARBERRY ROOT BARK Unproven uses: Barberry has been used for opium or morphine withdrawal. In folk medicine, the bark is used for liver malfunctions, gallbladder disease, jaundice, splenopathy, indigestion, diarrhea, tuberculosis, piles, renal disease, urinary tract disorders, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, malaria, and leishmaniasis. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BARBERRY FRUIT AND ROOT BARK No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE BARBERRY ROOT BARK Dosages over 4 mg will bring about light stupor, nosebleeds, vomiting, diarrhea and kidney irritation. The treatment for poisonings is to be carried out symptomatically. DOSAGE Supplied: Liquid—1:1, 1:5 Tea Preparation: A tincture 1:10 is prepared according to the German Pharmacopeia 10th ed. To extract the pure alkaloids from berberis roots, use 0.3% sulphuric acid mixed with 10% sodium chloride. The precipitated berberine hydrochloride is washed with mildly hydrochloric water and dried. It is then dissolved in water (pH 8) and filtered. The filtrate is heated to 70° C and set to pH 2.0 using hydrochloric acid. The precipitate of pure berberine hydrochloride is then washed and dried. Daily Dosage: The dosage of the infusion is 2 g in 250 ml water, to be sipped. The tincture dosage is 20 to 40 drops daily. LITERATURE Andronescu E et al., (1973) Clujul. Med 46: 627. Chen MQ et al., (1965) Acta Pharm Sinica 12 (3): 185. Cordell GA, Farnsworth NR, (1977) Lloydia 40: 1. Ikram M, (1975) Planta Med 28: 253. Lahiri SC et al., (1958) Ann Biochem Exp Med India 18: 95. Liu CX et al., (1979) Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs Communications 9: 36. Naidovich LP et al., (1976) Farmatsiya 24: 33. Subbaiah TV, Amin AH, (1967) Nature 215: 527. Ubebaba K et al., (1984) Jpn J Pharmacol 36 (Suppl): 352. Willaman JJ, Hui-Li L, (1970) Lloydia 33 (3A): 1. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. BARBERRY FRUIT Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Mode of Administration: Barberry is used internally in tea mixtures and combination preparations. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Preparation: To prepare a tea infusion, pour approximately Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und 150 ml of hot water into 1 to 2 teaspoons of whole or pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New squashed Barberries and strain after 10 to 15 minutes. | York 1995. H E R B A L M O N O G R A P HS Barley Hordeum distichon TRADE NAMES Barley (available from numerous manufacturers and as combination product), Barley Grain DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the polished grain without the husk. Flower and Fruit: The spike is 7 to 15 cm long. The long form is nodding and the shorter one erect and compressed at the side that does not bear spikelets. The spike spindle is tough and loosens the spikelets when ripe. The lateral spikelets are unbearded, male or sexless. The middle spikelet is seed-bearing with a beard up to 15 cm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an annual that grows 60 to 130 cm high. It has a long hollow stalk and lanceolate leaves. The leaflets are very wide, long and glabrous. Habitat: Barley is cultivated worldwide. Production: Barley seeds are the seeds of Hordeum distichon. Other Names: Pearl Barley, Pot Barley, Scotch Barley BAROSMA SPECIE S / 63 INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Barley has been used for convalescents and in the treatment of diarrhea, gastritis and inflammatory bowel conditions. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Barley is used as a malt extract, in preparations and in combinations. How Supplied: Capsules - 450 mg LITERATURE Bergantino E, Sandon'a D, Cugini D, Bassi R, The photosystem II subunit CP29 can be phosphorylated in both C3 and C4 plants as suggested by sequence analysis. Plant Mol Biol, 36:11-22, 1998 Jan Davies TG, Theodoulou FL, Hallahan DL, Forde BG, Cloning and characterisation of a novel P-glycoprotein homologue from barley. Gene, 199:195-202, 1997 Oct 15 ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Polysaccharides: starch (50%), fructans Mono- and oligosaccharides: saccharose, raffinose, glucodifructose, glucose, fructose Proteins (10%): including, among others, prolamines: hordein- glutelins: hordenine (not to be confused with the amine of the same name, see below)- albumins and globulins Prolamines: hordein Glutelins: hordenine (not to be confused with the amine of the same name, see below) Albumins and globulins Fatty oil (2%): chief fatty acids linoleic and oleic acid Vitamins: Vitamin E, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamins B6, B2, folic acid Hydroxycoumarins (only in the stalks): including, among others, umbelliferone, scopoletin, nermann, aesculetin (in the sprouts) Amines: tyramine, hordenine (dimethyltyramine), gramine also with certain strains (dimethy- laminomethylindol) Dhar ML et al., (1968) Indian J Exp Biol 6:232. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Labbe M, (1936) J Canad Med Assoc 34:141. Oliver-Bever B 01x1), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London 1986 Pajuelo P, Pajuelo E, Forde BG, Marquez AJ, Regulation of the expression of ferredoxin-glutamate synthase in barley. Planta, 203:517-25, 1997 Dec Rudi H et al., A (His)6-tagged recombinant barley endosperm ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase expressed in the baculovirusinsect cell system is insensitive to allosteric regulation by 3phosphoglycerate and inorganic phosphate. FEBS Lett, 419, 1997 Schuurink RC, Shartzer SF, Fath A, Jones RL, Characterization of a calmodulin-binding transporter from the plasma membrane of barley aleurone. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 95:1944-9, 1998 Feb 17 EFFECTS Barosma species Barley is soothing on the alimentary tract. See Short Buchu 64/BASIL PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Basil Chinese Medicine: Basil herb is used for disturbances of renal function, gum ulcers and as a hemostyptic both before and after birth. Ocimum basilicum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the fresh or dried herb as well as the oil extracted from the dried aerial parts. Flower and Fruit: The white, labiate flowers are in 6blossomed, pedicled, almost sessile axillary false whorls. The calyx is bilabiate, and the corolla is 4-lobed. The lower lip is simple; the 4 stamens lie on it. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 20 to 40 cm high. The stem is erect, branched from the base up and downy. The leaves are ovate or oblong. They are longpetioled, acuminate, irregularly dentate or entire-margined. Characteristics: Basil has a characteristic odor and sharp taste. Habitat: The plant probably originated in India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India, and now is cultivated worldwide. Indian Medicine: Among uses in Indian medicine are earaches, rheumatoid arthritis, anorexia, itching and skin diseases, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, malaria and other febrile illnesses. BASIL OIL Unproven Uses: Among traditional uses for the oil are wounds, rheumatic complaints, colds and chills, contusions, joint pains and depression. . PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BASIL HERB General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Pregnancy: The herb contains about 0.5% essential oil with up to 85% estragole. Because of the high estragole content in the essential oil, the herb should not be taken during pregnancy. BASIL OIL Production: Basil herb consists of the dried, above-ground parts of Ocimum basilicum. Oil of basil is the essential oil extracted from the dried aerial parts of Ocimum basilicum by steam distillation. Other Names: St. Josephwort ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : BASIL HERB Volatile oil: chief constituents are chavicol methyl ether (estragole), linalool and eugenol Caffeic acid derivatives Flavonoids E F F E C T S : BASIL HERB In vitro, Basil is antimicrobial. C O M P O U N D S : BASIL OIL Chief constituents: estragole (chavicol methyl ether), linalool, eugenol EFFECTS: BASILOIL In vitro, the oil demonstrates an antimicrobial effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BASIL HERB Unproven Uses: Preparations of basil are used for supportive therapy for feelings of fullness and flatulence, for the stimulation of appetite and digestion, and as a diuretic. General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. However, pending final determination of the drug's carcinogenic potential, one should completely forgo administration of the drug. Pregnancy: Because a mutagenic effect in vitro and a carcinogenic effect in animal experiments have been demonstrated for estragole, oil of basil should not be administered during pregnancy or while nursing. Pediatric Use: Basil oil should not be given to infants or small children. DOSAGE Until the final determination of die drug's carcinogenic potential, one should completely forgo its administration. LITERATURE Balambal R et al!~, (1985) J Assoc Phys (India) 33(8):507. Czygan FCh, Balsilikum - Ocimum basilicum L. Portrait einer Arzneipflanze. In: ZPT 18(l):58-66. 1997. Jain ML, Jain SR, (1972) Planta Med 22:66. Lemberkovics E et al., Formation of essential oil and phenolic compounds during the vegetation period in Ocimum basilicum. In: PM 59(7)00. 1993. Miller EC et al., (1983) Cancer Res 43:1124. Opdyke DLJ, (1973) Food Cosmet Toxicol 11:867. HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S BEAN POD/65 Wagner H, Norr H, Winterhoff H, Drogen mit "Adaptogenwirkung" zur Starkung der Widerstandskrafte. In: ZPT 13(2):42. 1992. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Simon JE, Chadwick AF. Craker LE (Eds.), Herbs. An Indexed Bibliography 1971-80. Archon Books, USA 1984. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4.' Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. EFFECTS A weak diuretic action has been demonstrated in animal and human experiments. Chromium salts present in the Bean Pod may produce an antidiabetic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Infections of the urinary tract • Kidney and bladder stones Unproven Uses: Bean Pod is used as a supportive treatment for inability to urinate. In folk medicine, it is used as a diuretic and antidiabetic. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages, in the form of heated infusions. OVERDOSAGE Bean Pod Phaseolus vulgaris DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe, dried pods and the beans. Flower and Fruit: The white, pink and lilac flowers are in lightly blossomed, peduncled racemes, which are shorter than their leaves. The calyx is bilabiate. The carina, stamens and style are twisted in a spiral. The fruit is a straight, smooth, hanging pod with a number of reniform seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The annual plant grows from 30 to 60 cm high. It is heavily branched but not twining. The leaves are trifoliate, die leaflets are broad ovate and acuminate. The terminal leaflet is rhomboid. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to America and is cultivated worldwide today. Poisonings following the intake of large quantities of fresh green bean husks (or of raw green beans) are not to be entirely ruled out, due to the lectins content, which varies greatly among the individual species. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and gastroenteritis. The lectins are destroyed in the process of cooking. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a comminuted herb for decoctions and other galenic preparations for internal use. The drug is a component of various kidney and bladder teas and of standardized preparations of natural diuretics and antidiabetics. Preparation: To make an infusion, pour boiling water over 2.5 gm drug and strain after 10 to 15 minutes while still covered (1 teaspoonful = 1.5 gm drug). Daily Dosage: The recommended daily dosage is 5 to 15 gm of herb. LITERATURE Production: The seed-free pods of Phaseolus vulgaris are collected during the harvest season. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Eds.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Other Names: Common Bean, Green Bean, Kidney Bean, Navy Bean, Pinto Bean, Snap Bean, String Bean, Wax Bean Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Lectins: complex glycoproteins) Saponins L-pipecolic acid Flavonoids termed phytomitogen (tetrameric Pusztai A et al., Recent advances in the study of the nutrtional toxicity of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) lectins in rat. In: Toxicon 20(1): R195. 1982. Rom L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. 66 /BEAN POD Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Ed.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Bear's Garlic Allium ursinwn DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The fresh herb and fresh bulb are the medicinal parts of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The sheath of the terminal inflorescence is made up of 3 ovate-lanceolate, acute, early-falling leaves, which are almost as long as the peduncle. The inflorescence is a loose, flat, 2.5 to 6 cm wide cyme with 6 to 20 florets. The florets are erect, outward-inclined, pointed or blunt. They are pure white and have 6 star-shaped, splayed petals. Six stamens are wedge-shaped, only fused at the base and only half as long as the involucre. One superior ovary is formed out of 3 carpels and 3 deep grooves. The 3-valved capsule contains black, angular seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant's compact stem is upright, 10 to 50 cm high, double-edged, half-cylindrical or triangular-to-round in shape. The leaf blade is flat, narrow-elliptical-lanceolate to narrow-ovate and acute. It is 6 to 20 cm long and thin, with a base that is rounded to cordate and narrows suddenly to a 5 to 20 cm long petiole. The l e a f s dark-green underside is covered with irregular horizontal veins that face upward, leaving the paler upper surface facing toward the ground. The bulb is almost cylindrical, 2 to 6 cm long, about 1 cm wide and surrounded by transparent or white skins. Characteristics: Bear's garlic forms many onions and has a distinctive leek odor. Habitat: Bear's Garlic is indigenous to almost all of Europe and Turkey, but not in the Hungarian plain and the evergreen Mediterranean region. It is also found in the Caucasus and Siberia as far as Kamtschatka. Production: Bear's garlic is fresh or dried herb of Allium ursinum. Not to be Confused With: One case was reported of confusion with Colchicum leaves. Other Names: Ramsons, Broad-Leaved Garlic PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Alliins (alkyleysteine sulphoxides): in particular methyl alliin (methyl-L-(+)-cysteine sulphoxide) and allylalliin (allyl-L(+)-cysteine sulphoxide) and presumably their gamma-glutamyl conjugates, that readily transform into the so-called alliaceous oils, for example into dimethyl-disulphide-monoS-oxide, allicin (diallyl-disulphide-mono-S-oxide) and allylmethyl-disulphide mono-S-oxide and the corresponding dialkyldi- or oligosulphides EFFECTS The diverse sulphur bonds are said to be lipid-reducing, antioxidative, aggregation inhibiting and ACE inhibiting. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used internally for gastrointestinal complaints, fermentative dyspepsia, flatulence, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis; externally for chronic rashes. Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include digestive disorders. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally as well as externally. Preparation: Extract of Bear's Garlic. Daily Dosage: Due to low concentration of the active substance, the drug must be administered in higher doses than Allium sativum. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes for acute conditions, and 1 to 3 times daily for chronic; parenterally: 1 to 2 ml daily sc (HAB1). LITERATURE Landshuter J et al., Comparative biochemical studies on a purified C-S-lyase preparation from wild garlic. In: PM 58(7)66. 1992. Sendl A, Barlauch: Alternative zu Knoblauch. In: Naturw. Rdsch 7/94. 1994. Sendl A, Phytotherapie: Barlauch und Knoblauch im Vergleich. In: DAZ 133(5):392. 1993. Veit M, Barlauch (Allium ursinum) als Ersatz fur Knoblauch (Allium sativum). In: ZPT 13(6):201. 1993. Wagner H, Ebl G, Lotter H, Guinea M, Evaluation of natural products as inhibitors of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE). In: Pharm Pharmacol Letters 1(1): 15-18. 1991. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Wagner H, Sendl A, Barlauch und Knoblauch. In: DAZ 130(33): 1809. 1990. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg,). Hagers ^ Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 19921994. BEHEN/67 EFFECTS Beet is said to have antihepatotoxic effects; in animal tests, the drug effectively keeps fat from depositing in the liver. This is probably due to the herb's concentration of betaine, which is a methyl group donor in the liver's transmethylation process. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Unproven Uses: Beet is used as supportive therapy in diseases of the liver and fatty liver. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Indian Medicine: The drug is used for coughs and infections. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika. Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE Taking very large quantities could lead to hypocalcemia and kidney damage because of the drug's oxaluric acid content. Beet Beta vulgaris DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The root is the medicinal part. Flower and Fruit: The flowers bloom in clusters of 2 to 4 in panicle-like leafy inflorescences. Leaves, Stem and Root: The beet is a 0.5 to 1.5 m perennial with a swollen, edible tuber that is red or white. The large, upright leaves have long stalks and grow in rosettes that arise basally from the top of the tuber. They are deep green and tinged with red. Habitat: The Beet is indigenous to the coastal regions of Europe, North Africa, and Asia from Turkey to India. Red Beets, Sugar Beets and the white variety are all widely cultivated. Other Names: Chard ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Saccharose (up. to 27% in the pressed sugar beet) Other oligosaccharides: refined sugar, ketose Polysaccharides: including galactans, arabans, pectin Fruit acids: including L(-)-malic acid, D(+)-tartaric acid, oxaluric acid, adipic acid, citric acid, glycolic acid, glutaric acid Amino acids: including asparagine, glutamine Betaine (trimethylglycine) Triterpene saponins DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Beet is available as a granular powder in standardized form. Daily Dosage: For the first 14 days, take 10 gm of drug after meals throughout the course of the day. For long-term treatment, the dose is 5 gm per day for at least 3 months. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Behen Moringa oleifera DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the leaves, bark, nuts and root, which have had numerous uses in traditional medicine. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is a leaf-axillary panicle. The flowers are zygomorphic with their structures in fives and a bowel-shaped receptacle. The sepals are linearlanceolate, irregular and revolute. The petals are spatulate, veined, irregular and white or yellow. There are 5 stamens, and a superior ovary developing from 3 fused carpels. The firuit is a hanging capsule opening on 3 sides, up to 1.2 m long and triangular with 9 ribs. The seeds are triangular, light brown to black, with 3 thin, whitish wings, approximately the size of a hazelnut. Leaves, Stem and Root: The leaves of the tree are alternate, 30 to 60 cm long, and incompletely triple-pinnate. The 68/BEHEN leaflets are 12 to 20 mm long and elliptical. The branches are slim. Characteristics: The flowers are extremely fragrant, and the leaves, root and fruit taste like horseradish. Habitat: The tree is indigenous to India. Production: Behen root is the fresh or dried root of Moringa oleifera. Behen nuts are the ripe unpeeled seeds of Moringa oleifera. Other Names: Ben Nut Tree, Drumstick Tree, Indian Horseradish ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BEHEN ROOT Glucosinolates: 4-(alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy)benzyl glucosinolate (ca. 1%), yielding 4-(alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy)benzyl isothiocyanate following enzymatic segregation with myrosinase, glucotropaeolin (ca. 0.05%), yielding benzyl isothiocyanate EFFECTS: BEHEN ROOT The root is antimicrobial in effect, due to the mustard oils it contains. Applied as a cataplasm, it triggers local hyperemias due to the irritating effect of the isothiocyanates. Dried extracts of the root are abortive and contraceptive in their effect. COMPOUNDS: BEHEN SEEDS Glucosinolates (up to 9% in the defatted seeds): 4-(alpha-Lrhamnosyloxy)benzyl glucosinolate, yielding 4-(alpha-Lrhamnosyloxy)benzyl isothiocyanate following enzymatic segregation with myrosinase Phenol carboxylic acids: 1 -beta-D-glucosyI-2,6-dimethyl benzoate Fatty oil (20 to 50%): chief fatty acids oleic acid (60 to 70%), palmitic acid (3 to 12%), stearic acid (3 to 12%), including as well behenic acid, eicosanoic acid, lignoceric acid PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Indian Medicine: Indications have included smallpox and rheumatism. Efficacy for rheumatism seems plausible because of the stimulating effect of the isothiocyanates. Efficacy for the other indications has not yet been proven. BEHEN SEEDS Unproven Uses: Folk medicine indications for internal use are constipation, warts and worms (Central America); for diarrhea (Chad); for splenomegaly, colic, dyspepsia, fever, inflammation of the skin, edema, diabetes, abdominal tumors, paralyses and lumbago (Saudi Arabia). The seeds are used externally for dandruff in Nigeria. Indian Medicine: Behen seeds are used for fever and as an aphrodisiac. Efficacy for these indications has not yet been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BEHEN ROOT No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The ingestion of larger quantities can lead to nausea, dizziness and vomiting. BEHEN SEEDS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The single peroral administration of a dosage of 5 g of the drug/kg body weight to a mouse led to hyperkeratosis in the stomach and to liver cell steatosis. Administration of 22 to 50 mg/kg body weight, parenterally, of the glucosinolate mentioned above proved to be fatal for mice. CONTRAINDICATIONS BEHEN ROOT Behen preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy because of their possible abortive effect. EFFECTS: BEHEN SEEDS DOSAGE The seeds are antimicrobial in effect, due to the mustard oils they contain. BEHEN ROOT Mode of Administration: Preparations of the whole and powdered root are administered internally and externally. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BEHEN ROOT Unproven Uses: The root has been used internally in folk medicine for gastrointestinal complaints, epilepsy, paralyses, cardiac and blood pressure disturbances, fever (particularly intermittent), scurvy, dizziness and colds. External indications include gingivitis, worm diseases, snake bites, abscesses, inflammation, rheumatism and poorly healing wounds. Root paste has been used to treat worms, rheumatism and headaches. BEHEN SEEDS Mode of Administration: Preparations of the seed are used internally and externally. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G OEd), Hagers . Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. BELLADONNA/69 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Belladonna ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Atropa belladonna Tropan alkaloids: chief alkaloid (-)-hyoscyamine, which during drying transforms to some extent into atropine, as well as apoatropine, scopolamine and tropine DESCRIPTION ^P Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and roots. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary and hanging. The calyx is fused at the base, has 5 divisions and is spread like a star when the fruit ripens. The violet corolla is a campanulate tube, 2.5 to 3.5 cm long, dirty yellow on the inside with crimson veins. There are 5 stamens and 1 style with a 2lobed stigma. The ovary is superior. The fruit is a cherrysized globose berry. The fruit is initially green, then becomes black and glossy with numerous black, ovoid seeds. . ^ Leaves, Stem and Root: Atropa belladonna is a perennial, herbacious plant 1 to 2 m high with a many-headed cylindrical rhizome. The woody stem is erect, branched, bluntly angular and hairy. The leaves are ovately pointed, entire-margined, downy and up to 15 cm long. The lower leaves are alternate. Near the inflorescence the leaves are in pairs of 1 large and 1 small. Characteristics: Belladonna has a strong narcotic smell, a sharp and bitter taste, and is poisonous. Habitat: The plant is found throughout western, central and southern Europe, in the Balkans, southeast Asia, Iran, northern Africa, Denmark, Sweden and Ireland. It is cultivated in other countries, particularly England, France and the U.S. Production: Belladonna leaf consists of the dried leaves, or the dried leaves together with the flowering branch tips, of Atropa belladonna. The leaves are collected in the wild from May to July. They are dried at a temperature not exceeding 60°C. Belladonna root consists of the dried roots and rhizomes of Atropa belladonna. The roots of 2- to 4-year-old plants are dug up in mid-October to mid-November or shortly before the start of the flowering season. They are cleaned and dried at a maximum temperature of 50°C. V Not to be Confused With: Belladonna leaf should not be confused with Ailanthus altissimus, Phytolacca americana or Scopolia carniolica. Belladonna root should not be confused with Atropa acuminata. It is sometimes adulterated with Phytolacca americana and Scopolia cariolica. Other Names: Deadly Nightshade, Devil's Cherries, Devil's Herb, Divale, Dwale, Dwayberry, Great Morel, Naughty Man's Cherries, Poison Black Cherry COMPOUNDS: BELLADONNA LEAF Flavonoids Hydroxycoumarins: including scopoline, scopoletine Tannins COMPOUNDS: BELLADONNA ROOT Tropan alkaloids: chief alkaloid (-)-hyoscyamine, in drying transformed to some extent during dehydration into atropine as well as apoatropine, 3alpha-phenylacetoxytropane, tropine, cuskhygrine, scopolamine, pseudotropine EFFECTS: BELLADONNA LEAF AND ROOT The tropane alkaloids in the drug (atropine, scopolamine, tropine etc.) are responsible for the anti-cholinergic-parasympatholytic, spasmolytic, positive, dromotropic and chronotropic effect. Atropa belladonna preparations act as a parasympatholytic or anticholinergic via a competitive antagonism of the neuromuscular transmitter acetylcholine. This antagonism concerns mainly the muscarine-like effect of acetylcholine and less the nicotine-like effects on the ganglions and the neuromuscular end plate. Atropa belladonna preparations release peripheral effects targeted on the vegetative nervous system and the smooth muscle system, as well as the central nervous system. Because of the parasympatholytic properties, the drug can cause relaxation of organs with smooth muscles and relieve spastic conditions, especially in the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. Additionally, Belladonna use may result in muscular tremor or rigidity due to effects on the central nervous system. Atropa belladonna preparations have a positive dromotropic as well as a positive chronotropic effect on the heart. The drug has always been important in folk medicine for its hallucinogenic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BELLADONNA LEAF Approved by Commission E: • Liver and gall bladder complaints Unproven Uses: Belladonna leaf is used for spasms and colic-like pain in the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. External uses include gout and ulcers. In folk medicine, the drug is contained in medicinal plasters and is applied for neuro-vegetative disorders, hyperkinesis, hyperhidrosis and bronchial asthma. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include meningitis as well as inflammations (accompanied by fever) of the tonsils, 7 0 /BELLADONNA respiratory organs, the urogenital tract, the skin, the joints and the gastrointestinal tract. BELLADONNA ROOT Approved by Commission E: • Liver and gall bladder complaints Unproven Uses: The drug is used for arrhythmia, cardiac insufficiency NYHA I and II, nervous heart complaints, and colic-like pains in the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. In folk medicine, a drug from the leaves is preferred for pain in the gastrointestinal area, for asthma, bronchitis and muscular pain. (Also see Belladonna leaf.) PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical preparations include coated and uncoated tablets, drops, tea, juice, syrup, ampules, capsules, suppositories, plaster and ophthalmic drops. Daily Dosage: When using Belladonna powder (belladonnae pulvis normatus-total alkaloid content 0.28% to 0.32% German pharmacopoeia 10), the average single dose is 0.05 to 0.10 g. The maximum single dose is 0.20 g, which is equivalent to 0.60 mg total alkaloids, calculated as hyoscyamine. The maximum daily dosage is 0.60 g, which is equivalent to 1.8 mg total alkaloids, calculated as hyoscyamine. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS B E L L A D O N N A L E A F AND R O O T General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The following could occur as side effects, particularly with overdoses: erubescence, dryness of the mouth, mydriasis, and tachycardiac arrhythmias. These are early signs of atropine poisoning. Other side effects may include hypocycloses, heat accumulation through reduction of perspiration, micturation difficulties and obstipation. Because of potential ramifications, Belladonna should be used only under the supervision of an expert familiar with the appropriate use of this substance. Pediatric Use: The fatal dose in children is considerably less than that of adults. Drug Interactions: Tricyclic antidepressants, amantadine and quinidine will increase the anticholinergic effect. OVERDOSAGE BELLADONNA LEAF AND ROOT High dosages lead to central excitation that may produce restlessness, compulsion to talk, hallucinations, delirium and manic attacks, followed by exhaustion and sleep. The fatal dose depends on me atropine content; asphyxiation can occur with 100 mg atropine, which corresponds to 5 to 50 g of Belladonna. Treatment of poisonings consists of gastric lavage, application of wet cloths to reduce body temperature (avoid antipyretics), oxygen respiration for breathing distress, intubation, parenteral physostigmine salts as an antidote, diazepam for spasm and chlorpromazine for serious excitation. (Also see side effects listed under PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS, which may be early signs of poisoning.) For Belladonna extract, the average single dose is 0.01 g. The maximum single dose is 0.05 g, which is equivalent to 0.73 mg total alkaloids, calculated as hyoscyamine. The maximum daily dosage is 0.150 g, which is equivalent to 2.2 mg total alkaloids, calculated as hyoscyamine. Storage: Belladonna leaves and various leaf preparations have specific storage requirements. Store leaves and powders tightly sealed and protected from light. Extracts require protection from moisture and light as well as a temperature of approximately 30°C. Store tinctures tightly sealed without exposure to direct sunlight or extreme heat to attain a shelf life of approximately 3.5 years. BELLADONNA ROOT Mode of Administration: As a comminuted drug for infusions and dried extracts and as a powdered drug for other galenic preparations for internal use. Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage is 0.3 g, which is equivalent to 1.5 mg total alkaloids, calculated as hyoscyamine. Single doses range from 0.05 g to a maximum of 0.1 g. For Belladonna extract, the total alkaloids range from 1.3% to 1.45% (German pharmacopoeia 10). Single doses of the extract range from 0.01 g to 0.05 g. The maximum daily dosage is 0.15 g, which is equivalent to 2.2 mg total alkaloids, calculated as hyoscyamine. For Belladonna tincture, a single dose of 0.5 to 2 ml is given 3 times daily. BELLADONNA LEAF Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet, 5 to 10 globules, 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution twice weekly sc. From D3: one suppository 2 to 3 times daily; ointments 1 to 2 times daily (HAB1). Mode of Administration: The comminuted drug is used for decoctions and dried extracts, and the powdered drug is used internally for galenic preparations. Due to the toxicity, the drug must be handled with care. Storage: Belladonna root should be stored for a maximum of 3 years in well-sealed containers protected from light and insects. DOSAGE HERBAL MONOGRAPHS LITERATURE BELLADONNA LEAF AND ROOT Fintelmann V, Phytopharmaka in der Gastroenterologie. In: ZPT 15(3): 137. 1994. Hartmann Th et al., Reinvestigation of the alkaloid composition ' tf£ of Atropa belladonna plants, roots cultures, and cell suspension. In: PM 53:390-395. 1986. Phillipson JD et al., (1975) Phytochemistry 14: 999-1003. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. w Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, " Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. BENNET'S ROOT/71 Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopamika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Bellis perennis See Wild Daisy Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Bennet's Root Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Geum Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. f Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. BELLADONNA ROOT. .. Fintelmann V, Phytopharmaka in der Gastroenterologie. In: ZPT 15(3): 137. 1994. Hartmann Th et al., Reinvestigation of the alkaloid composition of Atropa belladonna plants, roots cultures, and cell suspension. In: PM 53:390-395. 1986. Phillipson JD et al., (1975) Phytochemistry 14: 999. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. urbanum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the dried flowering herb, the dried or fresh underground parts and the roots. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is a loose panicled, umbelled cyme with a few terminal and erect flowers. The pedicles are short-haired. The sepals are 3 to 8 cm long with long tips, pubescent on the outside and glabrous on the inside, except for a tomentose border. The epicalyx bracts are half as long as the sepals, pubescent on both sides and narrowly lanceolate. The yellow petals are 3 to 7 mm long, slightly stemmed, and drop easily. The style is jointed and the stigma flat The small fruits have no stems and are pubescent. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a semi-rosette shrub with a primary root mat dies off early and is replaced by adventitious roots. The rhizome is simple, thick, cylindrical and crooked. The stem is erect, soft-haired, 15 to 70 cm high; it sprouts from the basal rosette. The basal leaves are rosette-like and pinnate. The cauline leaves are trifoliate to tri-pinnate and the stipules are small, fused wim the stem in 4 PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 72/BENNET'S ROOT the lower part, and ovate-lanceolate roughly dentate to pinnatesect. Characteristics: The plant's root has a clove-like scent. Habitat: Bennet's Root is found in central and southern Europe, central Asia and North America. Production: Bennet's Root herb is the aerial part of Geum urbanum. Bennet's Root (root) is the root of Geum urbanum, which is usually harvested in May and then air-dried or dried artificially at a maximum of 35° C. Other Names: Avens Root, Colewort, Herb Bennet, City Avens, Wild Rye, Way Bennet, Goldy Star, Geum, European Avens, Blessed Herb, Star of the Earth, Yellow Avens ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BENNET'S ROOT HERB Tannins: gallo tannins, ellagitannins, including sanguiin H-6, casuarictin, pendunculagin, potentillin, tellimagrandin I EFFECTS: BENNET'S ROOT HERB The drug has an astringent effect. COMPOUNDS: BENNET'S ROOT (ROOT) In the freshly harvested rhizome: Tannins PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE BENNET'S ROOT HERB The herb is rarely used medicinally today. It is found in some pharmaceutical preparations. BENNET'S ROOT (ROOT) Mode of Administration: Infusions are drunk or applied as an external wash or poultice. Preparation: To prepare an internal infusion, boil 1/2 to 1 teaspoon coarsely powdered drug in water for 10 minutes and filter. Prepare an external infusion by adding 1 teaspoon coarsely powdered drug to cold water, bringing it briefly to the boil, leaving it to steep for 10 minutes and then straining. Daily Dosage: Infusion (internal): 1 cup lukewarm several times a day. Infusion (external): Use several times a day for washes or poultices. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Gein (eugenol-vicianose): transformed through drying or size reduction into eugenol In the dried rhizome and the roots: Volatile oil (traces): chief components - eugenol, additionally cis- and trans-myrtanal, cis- and trans-myrtanol EFFECTS: BENNET'S ROOT (ROOT) The drug has an astringent effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BENNET'S ROOT HERB Unproven Uses: Although rarely used today, folk medicine indications have included use of the drug for digestive complaints and diarrhea, febrile illnesses, and for muscle and nerve pain. Use as a bath additive for hemorrhoids seems plausible due the astringent content. BENNET'S ROOT (ROOT) Unproven Uses: Internal folk medicine applications include use for digestive problems such as loss of appetite and diarrhea. The root of Bennet's Root has been used externally as a gargle for gum and mucous membrane inflammations and as a bath additive or poultice for frost bite, hemorrhoids and skin diseases. Efficacy appears plausible due to the astringent properties of the tannins. BENNET'S ROOT HERB Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Psenak M et al., (1970) Planta Med 19(2): 154. Vollmann C, Schultze W, Nelkenwurz. In: DAZ 135(14): 12381248. 1995. Vollmann C, Untersuchung der Nelkenwurz. In: DAZ 131(40):2081. 1991. BENNET'S ROOT (ROOT) Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. c Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. PsenaTc M et al., (1970) Planta Med 19(2):154. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Vollmann C, Schultze W, Nelkenwurz. In: DAZ 135(14): 12381248. 1995. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic applications include use Vollmann C, Untersuchung der Nelkenwurz. In: DAZ for inflammations of the bladder and urinary tract. j 131(40):2081. 1991. HERBAL MONOGRAPH S Benzoin BETA VULGARIS /73 connection with an "aroma,therapy," due to its vanilla content). Styrax benzoin INDICATIONS AND USAGE DESCRIPTION ^| Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the balsamic resin obtained from the mechanically damaged trunk. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in terminal or axillary panicled racemes. The flowers are fused and their structures are in fives. The calyx is campanulate, weakly 5 toothed, densely silky tomentose and red-brown on the inside. The corolla is 6 to 11 mm long with 5 tips, brown-red, silky tomentose on the outside and at the margin. There are 8 to 10 stamens fused below to a tube and a 1-chambered ovary above and 2- to 3-chambered ovary below. The fruit is nutlike, appressed pubescent with a diameter of up to 3 cm. The seeds are light brown with 6 longitudinal stripes and are up to 2 cm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: Styrax benzoin is an evergreen tree, which grows up to 30 m high. The leaves are alternate and the petioles are rust brown-downy pubescent. They are W approximately 1 cm long. The lamina is 8 to 13 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm wide, ovate or elongate with a rounded base and irregularly curved-dentate margin. The lamina is covered with white and brown star hairs beneath. The bark is winered and the wood is white. Characteristics: The flowers have a strong fragrance. Habitat: The plant is native to western Java and Sumatra. Production: Sumatra benzoin (Gum benzoin) is the balsamic resin from the damaged trunk of Styrax benzoin and Styrax paralleloneurum. The optimal age of trees to be harvested is 7 years. The tree is cut, causing it to exude resin to heal the cuts. The resin is then collected in a vessel and left to melt to a homogenous mass in the sun. Other Names: Benjamin Tree ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Ester mixture (70 to 80%): composed of coniferyl benzoate and cinnamyl benzoate, as well as cinnamyl cinnamoate " (styracin), propyl cinnamoate Phenylacrylic acids: cinnamic acid (10%) Benzoic acid (to 30%) Unproven Uses: Benzoin is "used for respiratory catarrh. Chinese Medicine: In China, benzoin is used for stroke, syncopes, post partal syncope due to heavy loss of blood, and for chest and stomach pain. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole herb preparations are for internal use. Storage: Benzoin should be tightly sealed and stored below 25°C. LITERATURE Bacchi EM, Sertie JA, Villa N. Katz H, delta7-stigrnasteryl-3 betaD-glucoside from Styrax officinalis. Part II. Planta Med, 61:221-2, 1976 Nov. Bacchi EM, Sertie JA, Villa N. Katz H, Preliminary investigations on the herba of Styrax officinalis. I. Planta Med, 61:290-3, 1973 Nov. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. James WD, White SW, Yanklowitz B, Allergic contact dermatitis to compound tincture of benzoin. J Am Acad Dermatol 11:847-50, 1984 Nov. Berberis vulgaris See Barberry Bergenia crassifolia See Elephant-Ears Resins EFFECTS The expectorant effect with which the drug is credited could not be proven experimentally (it possibly originated in Beta vulgaris See Beet 74/BETEL NUT PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Betel Nut PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Piper betle DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The main medicinal parts are the dried leaves; the roots and the fruit are also used. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are compact, hanging, cylindrical and 3.5 to 5 cm long spikes of yellow-green flowers. There are 2 stamens in the male flowers. The female stamens have an ovary, which is pubescent at the top and has 3 to 5 stigmas. The fruit is globular, fleshy and about 6 mm in diameter. The fruit is yellow and becomes red when ripe. The seeds are also globular. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a dioecious or monoecious woody climber that can grow to 15 m. It has numerous small and short adventitious roots. The stem is thickened at the nodes, and the younger parts are glabrous. The leaves have a 2.5 to 5 cm long petiole, are broadly cordate, 5 to 18 cm long and half as wide. The leaves are glabrous, light green and glossy on both surfaces with 5 to 7 radiating ribs. Habitat: Piper betle is found in tropical southern Asia and has been introduced to east Africa, Madagascar and the West Indies. Production: Betel Nut leaves are the leaves of Piper betle. When the leaves are green, they are gathered, pressed and dried. Other Names: Betel ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (0.8-1.8%): chief components- chavibetol (betel phenol), eugenol, additionally allylpyrocatechol (hydroxychavicol), allylpyrocatechol-mono and -diacetate, anethole, chavibetolacetate, chavicol, methyl eugenol, safrol Neolignans: including crotepoxide, piperbetol, piperol, among others EFFECTS v The essential oils are antimicrobial and immune-modulating. The Betel leaf is centrally sedating. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Betel Nut is used for coughs, as an expectorant for stomach ailments, diphtheria and inflammation of the middle ear. Indian Medicine: In India, Betel Nut is used to treat asthma, bronchitis, coughs, dyspepsia, rheumatism, leprosy, severe thirst, alcoholism, syncopes, toothache and impotency. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Today, the drug is obsolete. LITERATURE Das PC, Sarkar AK, (1979) Acta Physiol Pol. 30(3):389. Rawat AKS et al., Ind Perf 31:146-149. 1987. Sharma ML et al., Ind Perf 26:134-137. 1982. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Beth Root Trillium erectum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the rhizome and the dried root and the leaves. Flower and Fruit: The plant has solitary, terminal, hanging flowers. The 3 green, persistent sepals and the 3 large, white to red or yellow, wilting sepals are characteristic. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial, smooth herb with an erect stem, which grows from 25 to 40 cm high. It bears 3 whorled, terminal leaves under the flower, which are broad, rhomboid and lightly curled. The rhizome is matte brown, subcorneal, more or less compressed, 3 to 5 cm long and 2 to 3 cm in diameter. It is often ringed with oblique lines and with numerous wrinkled root fibres on the upper surface. Characteristics: The taste is sweetish then acrid and the odor is characteristic. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the central and western U.S. Production: Beth Root Stock is the rhizome of Trillium erectum, Trillium pendulum and other varieties. Other Names: Birthroot, Indian Shamrock, Lamb's Quarters, Wake-Robin, Indian Balm, Ground Lily, Coughroot, Jew'sHarp Plant, Milk Ipecac, Pariswort, Rattlesnake Root, Snakebite, Three-Leaved, Nightshade H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS B I L B E R R Y / 75 Betonica officinalis Steroid saponins: including among others, trillin (disogenin monoglucoside), trillarin (disogenin diglucoside), aglycones including cryptogenic chlorogenin, nologenin See Wood Betony Tannins Betula species EFFECTS See Birch The drug has astringent and expectorant properties. It can severely irritate the area to which it has been applied; the irritation can cause vomiting. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internally, Beth Root is used internally for long and heavy menstruation and externally, it is used for varicose veins, ulcers, hematoma, and hemorrhoidal bleeding. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug should not be used during pregnancy. Bidens tripartita See Burr Marigold Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus TRADE NAMES PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. In higher dosages, the drug is said to be nauseant, and to have the effect of promoting labor and menstruation. Bilberry, Bilberry Extract, Bilberry Herb (available from numerous manufacturers,) Time Release Bilberry Power, Standardized Bilberry Extract, Super Bilberry Plus, Bilberry Power, Bilberry Leaf DESCRIPTION Pregnancy: In high dosages, the drug promotes labor; therefore, it should not be used during pregnancy. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves, the ripe, dried fruit and the ripe fresh fruit. DOSAGE Flower and Fruit: The flowers are axillary and solitary. They are 4 to 7 mm long, short-pedicled, greenish and tinged with pale pink. The calyx is fused to the ovary, persistent and indistinctly 5-lobed. The corolla is globular-jug-shaped and has 5 tips. There are 8 to 10 stamens, which are enclosed and shorter than the styles. They have glabrous filaments that widen toward the base and 2 horn-like yellow-brown anthers, whose spurred appendage is erect. The fruit is a globular, blue-black, frosted, many-seeded berry with purple pulp. Mode of Administration: The ground drug and liquid extract are used for infusions and poultices. Daily Dosage: The usual dose is 2 to 4 gm dissolved in liquid as an infusion. LITERATURE Fukuda N et al., (1981) Chem Pharm Bull 29 (2):325. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a deciduous, dwarf shrub with sharp-edged, green branches 15 to 50 cm high. The leaves are alternate, ovate or oblong-ovate, acuminate and finely serrate. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Habitat: The plant is common to central and northern Europe, Asia and North America. Nakano K et al., (1982) J Chem Soc Chem Commun. 789. Production: The leaves and fruit of Bilberry are collected in the wild from July to August and dried in the shade. Nakano K et al., (1982) Yakugaku Zasshi 102(11):1031. Nakano K et al., (1983) Phytochemistry 22 (5):1249. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Wolters B, Zierpflanzen aus Nordamerika. In: DAZ 137(26):2253-2261. 1997. Not to be Confused With: Myrtilli folium should not be confused with the fruits of Vaccinium uliginosum. Other Names: Whortleberry, Blueberry, Burren myrtle, Dyeberry, Huckleberry, Hurtleberry, Wineberry, Black Whortles, Hurts, Bleaberry, Airelle, Trackleberry 76 /BILBERRY ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : B I L B E R R Y LEAF Catechin tannins (1 to 7%): including oligomeric proanthocyandins Flavonoids: including among others, avicularin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin, quercitrin, meratine, astragaline Iridoide monoterpenes: asperuloside, monotropein Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid Phenolic acids: including among others, salicylic acid, gentisic acid Quinolizidine alkaloids: myrtine, epimyrtine (hybrids of Vaccinium myrtillus x V. vitis-idaea contain arbutin [hydroquine glucosides]). EFFECTS: BILBERRY LEAF The drug is astringent and useful for treating diarrhea due to the catechin tannin content. The drug is antiviral and, in animal experiments, lipid-lowering. It is thought that the chromium content of the drug is responsible for a possible antidiabetic effect. C O M P O U N D S : BILBERRY FRUIT Fruit acids: including among others, quinic acid (3-5%), malic acid, citric acid Tannins (5-12%): chiefly catechin tannins, including oligomeric procyanidins Anthocyanoides (0.1% -0.5%): chief components delphinidine-3-O-arabinoside, delphinidine-3-O-galactoside, delphinidine-3-O-glucoside, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin, malvidin PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Increased synthesis of connective tissue is one of the contributing factors that may lead to blindness caused by diabetic retinopathy. Anthocyanides have been shown to slow the synthesis of polymeric collagen in diabetic patients (Boniface, 1996.) CLINICAL STUDIES One case study involving 20 patients with diabetic retinopathy that were treated with 400 mg of Bilberry extract twice daily demonstrated increased conjunctival capillary resistance in the subjects that were evaluated. The authors of the study concluded that Bilberry provides protection against hemorrhage of the retina (Sevin, 1996.) INDICATIONS AND USAGE BILBERRY L E A F Unproven Uses: Bilberry has been used in Diabetes Mellitus (for prevention and treatment); complaints of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and urinary tract, arthritis, gout and dermatitis. External uses include inflammation of the oral mucosa, eye inflammation, burns and skin diseases. BILBERRY FRUIT • Diarrhea • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Internally, Bilberry is used for nonspecific, acute diarrhea (particularly in light cases of enteritis). Externally the berry is used for mild inflammation of the mucous membranes of mouth and throat. Pectins Unproven Uses: Well constructed clinical studies in humans that give conclusive support for use of Bilberry in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy or as a treatment for inproving night vision are not available. There is moderate support in animal model trials that support the vasoprotective and anti-edema properties of Bilberry. The literature also demonstrates efficacy in animal models for the treatment of diabetes, hyperlipidemia and gastric ulcers. Folk medicine uses include internal use for vomiting, bleeding and hemorroids and external use for poorly healing skin ulcers and wound healing. E F F E C T S : B I L B E R R Y FRUIT - PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Flavonoids: including among others, hyperoside, isoquercitrin, quercitrin, astragaline Iridoids: including asperuloside, onotropein (only in the unripe fruits) Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid The drug is an astringent and has anti-diarrheal action due to the catechin tannin content which is also responsible for the wound healing effect. Limited data show that the bilberry anthranocyoside is antiexudative, vessel-protective, inhibits platelet aggregation in human blood and has an anti-ulcer effect. Several animal studies have demonstrated that anthocyanosides have a collagen stabilizing effect, and provide protection againts ischemia reperfusion injury (Bertuglia, 1995.) BILBERRY LEAF General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Digestive complaints due to the high tannin content are possible. Drug Interactions: Bilberry has a platelet aggregation inhibiting effect. There is a possiblility that the herb can interact with other platelet aggregation inhibitors such as aspirin and anticoagulants like warfarin. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS BILBERRY FRUIT No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. ^ OVERDOSAGE BILBERRY LEAF The signs of poisoning observed in animal experiments (including cachexia, anemia, icterus) appeared only in conjunction with the chronic administration of high dosages and are presumably effects of the tannins. DOSAGE BILBERRY LEAF Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over 1 g finely cut drug (1 teaspoonful = approximately 0.6g) and strain after 10 to 15 minutes. Not to be taken over a long duration. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage of tea is 1 cup 2 to 3 times daily. For an infusion, a single dose is equal to 1 g per cup. BILBERRY FRUIT ^ Mode of Administration: Tablets, capsules, macerated drug for infusions for internal use and local application. How Supplied: Most commercially available capsules and tablets are standardized at 25 to 36% anthocyanoside content. Capsule — 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, 125 mg, 160 mg, 310 mg, 400 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg Tablet — 40 mg BILBERRY/77 Bosio E et al., Ginkgo biloba L. and Vaccinium myrtillus L. extracts prevent photo-induced oxidation of low density lipoproteins. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44m Ann Congress of GA, 24. 1996. Cignarella A, Bertozzi D, Pinna C, Puglisi L, Hypolipidemic activity of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves on an model of genetically hyperlipidemic rat. In: PM 58(Suppl. 7):A581. 1992. Colantuoni A, Bertuglia S, Magistretti MJ, Donato L Effects of Vaccinium Myrtillus anthocyanosides on arterial vasomotion. Arzneimittelforschung, 84:905-9, Sep, 1991. Dombrowicz E, Zadernowski R, Swiatek L Phenolic acids in leaves of Arctostaphylos uva ursi L. Vaccinium vitis idaea L. and Vaccinium myrtillus L. Pharmazie, 84:680-1, Sep, 1991. Frohne D, Vaccinium myrtillus L.- Die Heidelbeere. In: ZPT 11(6):209-211. 1999. Kyerematen G, Sandberg F, (1986) Acta Pharm Suec. 23:101. Sticher O et al., (1979) Planta Med 35:253. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. BILBERRY FRUIT Preparation: To prepare an infusion, use 5 to 10 g mashed drug in cold water, bring to a simmer for 10 minutes, then strain (1 teaspoonful = 4 g drug). A 10% decoction is prepared for external use. Daily Dose: 20 to 60 g of unprocessed fruit for internal use. Externally use a 10% infusion. For commercially available tablets and capsules that are standardized to 36% anthocyanosides, the recommended dose is 60 to 160 mg three times daily. LITERATURE m* BILBERRY LEAF Bertuglia S, Malandrino S.Colantuoni A Effect of Vaccinium myrtillus anthocyanosides on ischaemia reperfusion injury in hamster cheek pouch microcirculation. Pharmacol Res, 84:183-7, Mar-Apr, 1995. Bettini V et al., (1984) Fitoterapia 55(6):323. Bettini V et al., (1985) Fitoterapia 56(1):3. Bomser J et al., In vitro anticancer activity of fruit extracts from Vaccinium species. In: PM 62(3):212-216. 1996. Bertuglia S, et al. Effect of Vacciniu myrtillus anthocyanosides on ischaema reperfusion injury in hamster cheek pouch microcirculation. Pharmaol Res:31; 183-187. 1995. Bettini V et al., (1984) Fitoterapia 55(6):323. Bettini V et al., (1985) Fitoterapia 56(1 ):3. Bomser J et al., In vitro anticancer activity of fruit extracts from Vaccinium species. In: PM 62(3):212-216. 1996. Boniface R & Robert AM: Influence of anthocyanosides on human connective tissue metabolism. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 209(6):368-372. 1996. Bosio E et al., Ginkgo biloba L. and Vaccinium myrtillus L. extracts prevent photo-induced oxidation of low density lipoproteins. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 24. 1996. Cignarella A, Bertozzi D, Pinna C, Puglisi L, Hypolipidemic activity of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves on an model of genetically hyperlipidemic rat. In: PM 58(Suppl. 7):A581. 1992. Frohne D, Vaccinium myrtillus L.- Die Heidelbeere. In: ZPT 11(6):209-211. 1999. Kyerematen G, Sandberg F, (1986) Acta Pharm Suec 23:101. 78/BILBERRY Sevin R, Cuendent JF. Effects d'unne association d'anthocyanosides de myrtille et de beta-carotene sur la resistance capillaire des diabetiques. Ophthalmologica: 152:109117. 1966. Sticher O et al., (1979) Planta Med 35:253. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES a lighter gray-green below. They have serrate margins and particularly tightly packed veins. The lamina are about 3 to 7 cm long by 2 to 5 cm wide, rhomboid-triangular, acuminate, glabrous, densely covered in glands, and have a doubly serrate margin. They are dark green and glabrous above and a lighter green below; they are initially downy and later pubescent in the vein axils. Habitat: Betula pendula and Betula pubescens are indigenous to Europe from the northern Mediterranean regions to Siberia and to temperate regions of Asia. Production: Birch leaf consists of the fresh or dried leaf of Betula pendula (syn. Betula verrucosa), Betula pubescens, or of both species. The leaves are collected in the wild during the spring and dried at room temperature in the shade. Birch tar (Betulae oleum empyreumaticum retificatum) is a clear, dark brown oil obtained from Betula pendula or Betula pubescens through a distillation process. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BIRCH LEAF Triterpene alcohol ester with saponin-like effect: betulatriterpene saponins Birch Betula species DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the bark, leaves and buds. Flower and Fruit: The male flowers of Betula pendula are sessile and oblong-cylindrical 6 to 10 cm long. The female catkins are petioled, cylindrical and 2 to 4 cm long by 8 to 10 mm thick when fully grown. They are densely flowered, first yellow-green, later light green. The fruit scales are brownish and pubescent or glabrous. The middle lobes are small, short-triangular and shorter than the broad, always revolute side lobes. The fruit wings are half-oval and 2 to 3 times as broad as the fruit. Flavonoids: including hyperoside, quercetin, myricetin digalactosides Proanthocyan idins Volatile oil: including sesquiterpene oxide Monoterpene glucosides: including betula alboside A and B, roseoside Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid Ascorbic acid 3,4'-dihydroxy propiophenone-3-beta-D-glucoside EFFECTS: BIRCH LEAF Birch leaves have a mild saluretic effect and are antipyretic. In animal tests, they have been shown to increase the amount of urine. The male catkins of Betula pubescens are sessile and oblongcylindrical. They are initially upright, later hanging, 2.5 to 4 cm long and 6 to 10 mm thick, greenish to light brown. The middle lobes of the fruit scales protrude clearly, are usually linguiform-elogated and generally longer than the usually sharp-cornered, clearly evolute side lobes. The fruit scales are about as broad as the fruit. Phenols (6%): including among others guaiacol, cresole, catechol, pyrogallol, 5-propyl-pyrogallol dimethyl ether and 5-methyl-pyrogallol dimethyl ether Leaves, Stem and Root: Betula pendula is a tree that grows up to 30 cm high, witih a snow white bark that usually peels off in horizontal strips or changes into a black, stony, hard bark. Young branches are glabrous and thickly covered in warty resin glands. The petioled leaves are dark green above, The aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in birch tar are irritating to die skin and have an antiparasitic effect. Its use for diverse skin conditions and for parasitic infestation such as scabies seems plausible. COMPOUNDS: BIRCH TAR EFFECTS: BIRCH TAR HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE BIRCH LEAVES Approved by Commission E: • Infections of the urinary tract • Kidney and bladder stones • Rheumatism Unproven Uses: The leaves are used in flushing-out therapy for bacterial and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and for kidney gravel. They are also used in adjunct therapy for rheumatic ailments, for increasing amount of urine. In folk medicine, the leaves are used as a blood purifier, and for gout and rheumatism. Externally, the leaves are used for hair loss and dandruff. BIRCH TAR Unproven Uses: External birch tar uses include parasitic infestation of the skin with subsequent hair loss, rheumatism and gout (ointment); dry eczema and dermatoses (liquid preparations), psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. Birch tar is a constituent of "Unguentum contra scabiem" that is used for the treatment of scabies. CONTRAINDICATIONS BIRCH LEAF The drug should not be used for edema when there is reduced cardiac or kidney function. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BIRCH LEAF No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. BIRCH TAR No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Birch tar can cause irritations on sensitive skin. Administration of the drug is not advisable, due to the possible presence of cancerogenic hydrocarbons. DOSAGE BIRCH LEAF Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb or dry extracts are used for teas; other galenic preparations and freshly pressed plant juices can also be used internally. Preparation: Tea is prepared by pouring 150 ml hot water over 1 to 2 dessertspoons of drug and then straining the leaves out after 15 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 2 to 3 g drug several times a day with a caution to ensure ample intake of fluid (minimum 2 liters per day). A fresh cup of tea is taken between meals 3 to 4 times a day BIRCH 179 Storage: Birch leaf should be stored in sealed containers protected from light and moisture. BIRCH TAR Mode of Administration: Birch Tar is used in combination preparations as external ointments and liniments. Storage: Birch tar should be stored in tightly sealed containers. LITERATURE BIRCH LEAF Anonym, Phytotherapie: Pflanzliche Antirheumatika - was bringen sie. In: DAZ 136(45):4012-4015. 1996. Bufe A, Spangfort MD, Kahlert H, Schlaak M, Becker WM, The major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 shows ribonuclease activity. Planta, 175:413-5, 1996. Cadot P, LeJoly M, Van Hoeyveld EM, Stevens EA, Influence of the pH of the extraction medium on the composition of birch (Betula verrucosa) pollen extracts. Allergy, 108:431-7, 1995 May. Carnat A, Lacouture I, Fraisse D, Lamaison JL, Standardization of the birch leaf. Ann Pharm Fr, 175:231-5, 1996. Cirla AM, Sforza N, Roffi GP, Alessandrini A, Stanizzi R, Dorigo N, Sala E, Delia Torre F, Preseasonal intranasal immunotherapy in birch-alder allergic rhinitis. A double-blind study. Allergy, 175:299-305, 1996 May. Czygan FC, Betula pendula - Die Birke. Z Phytother 10(1989): 135-139. Davidov MI, Goriunov VG, Kubarikov PG, Phytoperfusion of the bladder after adenomectomy. Urol Nefrol (Mosk), 175:1920, 1995 Sep-Oct. Fountain DW, Berggren B, Nilsson S, Einarsson R, Expression of birch pollen-specific IgE-binding activity in seeds and other plant parts of birch trees (Betula verrucosa Ehrh.). Int Arch Allergy Immunol, 98:370-6, 1992. Hasler A et al., High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of five widespread flavonoid aglycones. J. Chromatogr. 508, 1(1990): 236-40. Hiller K, Pharmazeutische Bewertung ausgewahlter Teedrogen. In: DAZ 135(16): 1425-1440. 1995. Horhammer L, Wagner H, Luck R, Arch Pharm 290:338-341. 1957. Karatodorof K, Kalarova R, (1977) Izn Durzh Inst Kontrol Lek Sredstva 10:103-9. Keinanen M, Comparison of methods for extraction of flavonoids from birch leaves carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Agric. Food Chem. 41, 11(1993): 1986-90. Kiiskinen M, Korhonen M, Kangasjaervi J, Immunological study of- the HLA class II antigen associated wira birch pollen allergy. Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho, 35:541-50, 1992 Apr. 80/BIRCH Lee MW et al., Phenolic compounds of the leaves of Betula. Arch. Pharmaceutical. Res. 15, 3(1992): 211-14. Olsen OT et al., A double-blind randomized study investigating the efficacy and specificity of immunotherapy witii Artemisia vulgaris or Phleum pratense/betula verrucosa. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr), 23:73-8, 1995 Mar-Apr. Ossipov V et al., HPLC isolation and identification of flavonoids from white birch. Biochem Syst. Ecol. 23, 3(1995): 213-22. Pietta PG et al., HPLC determination of the flavonoid glycosides from Betulae folium. Chromatographia, 28, 56(1989): 311-12. Pisha E et al., Discovery of betulinic acid as a selective inhibitor of human melanoma mat functions by induction of apoptosis. In: Nature Medicine 1:1046-1051. 1995. Ramirez J, Carpizo JA, Ipsen H, Carreira J, Lombardero M, Quantification in mass units of Bet v 1 the main allergen of Betula verrucosa pollen by a monoclonal antibody basedELISA. Clin Exp Allergy, 27:926-31, 1997 Aug. Rickling B, Glombitza KW, Saponins in the leaves of birch? Hemolytic dammarane triterpenoids esters of Betula pendula. Planta Med 59 (1993), 77. Schilcher H, Boesel R, Effenberger ST Segebrecht S, Neuere Untersuchungsergebnisse mit aquaretisch, antibakteriell und prostatotrop wirksamen Arzneipflanzen. In: ZPT 10(3):77. 1989. Schilcher H, Rau H, Nachweis der aquaretischen Wirkung von Birkenblatter- und Goldrutenauszugen im Tierversuch. Urologe B 28(1988): 274-280. Sokeland J, Phytotherapie in der Urologie. In: ZPT 10(1):8. 1989. Spangfort MD, Ipsen H, Sparholt SH, Aasmul-Olsen S, Osmark P, Poulsen FM, Larsen M, M rtz E, Roepstorff P, Larsen JN, Characterisation of recombinant isoforms of birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. Adv Exp Med Biol, 175:251-4, 1996. Tschesche R, Ciper F, Breitmeier E, Chem Ber 110:3111-3117. 1977. Valenta R, Duchene M, Ebner C, Valent P, Sillaber C, Deviller P, Ferreira F, TeJkl M, Edelmann H, Kraft D, et al., Profilins constitute a novel family of functional plant pan-allergens. J Exp Med, 175:377-85, 1992 Feb 1. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. BIRCH TAR Kreitmair H, PA 8:534-536. 1953. Nowak GA, Am Perf Cosmet 81:37-39. 1966. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Birthwort Aristolochia clematitis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the aerial portion (when in blossom) and the root. Flower and Fruit: The plant has dirty yellow flowers, usually in axillary groups of 7. The perigone forms a straight tube, which is bulbous beneath and has a linguiform, oblongovate, obtuse border. There are 6 stamens, the style is upward growing, and the stigma is 6-lobed. The flower briefly traps the insects that pollinate it. The fruit is a globose, pear-shaped capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows to a height of 30 to 100 cm. The stem is erect, simple, grooved and glabrous. The leaves are alternate, long-petioled, cordate-reniform, yellow-green with prominent ribs. Characteristics: The plant has a fruit-like fragrance and is poisonous. Habitat: Indigenous to Mediterranean regions, Asia Minor and the Caucasus, but is also found in numerous other regions. Production: Birthwort is the aerial part of Aristolochia clematitis. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Aristolochic acids {10-nitro-phenanthrene-l-acids): ticular aristolochic acids I and II in par- Isoquinoline alkaloids: including magnoflorin, corytuberin HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Volatile oil (0.03 to 0.2%): chief constituents alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol EFFECTS The aristolochic acids have a phagocytosis- and metabolismactivating effect. They are also thought to improve the production of lymphokinins. Activation of phagocytes has been demonstrated in animal tests in rabbits and guinea pigs, along with an increase in serum bactericides and stimulation of pMysine. In addition, in animal tests, immune resistance to Herpes simplex viruses of the eye was proven. In the ring test, stimulation and formation of granulation tissue was demonstrated in rats. In mice, there was a clear increase in the survival rate in cases of general infection. No significant results were recorded in cases where infections had no or only a low leucocytic immune reaction. The drug's pure aristolochic acid acts similarly to colchicine; it is nephrotoxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Birthwort is used to stimulate the immune system and in the treatment of allergically caused gastrointestinal and gallbladder colic. The plant is used in a wide variety of ways in the folk medicine of nearly all European countries. Chinese Medicine: Uses in Chinese medicine include joint pain, stomachache, malaria and abscesses. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic indications include gynecological disorders and climacteric symptoms, as well as the treatment of wounds and ulcers. It is also used as a treatment after major surgery and in ear-nose-throat treatments. CONTRAINDICATIONS Birthwort is contraindicated during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Birthwort is highly toxic. The intake of acutely toxic doses leads to vomiting, gastroenteritis, spasms, severe kidney damage and eventually to death by kidney failure. The chronic intake of low dosages among both humans and laboratory animals led to the development of tumors. Because of the genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of the aristolochic acids, the drug is not to be administered even in small dosages. BISHOP'S W E E D / 8 1 Fanselow G, Der Einflu(3 von Pflanzenextrakten (Echinacea purpurea, Aristolochia clematitis) und homoopathischen Medikamenten auf die Phagocytoseleistung humaner Granulocyten in vitro. In: Dissertation Berlin. 1981. Henrickson CU, (1970) Z Immunitats Forsch 5:425. Mengs U, Klein M, Genotoxic Effects of Aristolochic Acid in the Mouse Micronucleus Test. In: PM 52(6):502. 1988. Mix DB et al., (1982) J Nat Prod 45(6):657. Siess M, Seybold G, Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung von Pulsatilla pratensis, Cimicifuga racemosa und Aristolochia clematis auf den Ostrus infantiler und kastrierter weifier Mause. In: Arzneim Forsch 10:514. 1960. Strauch R, Hiller K, (1974) Pharmazie 29(10/11):656. Tympner KD, (1981) Z Angew Phytother 5:181. Further information in: Chan H, But P (Eds.), Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica, Vol. 1, Ed. World Scientific Singapore 1986. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde. 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Bishop's Weed Ammi Visnaga DESCRIPTION Pregnancy: Birthwort is not to be used during pregnancy. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fruit. DOSAGE Flower and Fruit: The rays are slender and patent in the flower, becoming erect, thickened and indurate in the fruit. The bracts are 1 to 2-pinnatisect, equaling or exceeding the rays, and the bracteoles are subulate. The pedicles are erect, stout and rigid in the fruit. The fruit is 2 to 2.5 mm long. Mode of Administration: Birthwort is used as a tincture in an ethanol solution. No further information is available. How Supplied: Birthwort is available in homeopathic dilutions of D l l . LITERATURE Che CT et al., (1984) J Nat Prod 47(2):331. Leaves, Stem and Root: Bishop's Weed is a robust annual or biennial that grows up to 100 cm tall. The lower leaves are 8 2 / B I S H O P ' S WEED pinnate, the others are 2 to 3 pinnate. All of the leaves have narrow linear or filform lobes. Habitat: The plant grows in the Mediterranean region, and is cultivated in the U.S., Mexico, Chile and Argentina. Production: Bishop's Weed fruit consists of the dried, ripe fruits of Ammi Visnaga. Other Names: Khella, Khella Fruits, Greater Ammi ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Furochromones: particularly khellin, visnagin, khellol and khellol glucoside Trunzler G, Phytotherapeutische Moglichkeiten bei Herz- und arteriellen Gefa(3erkrankungen. In: ZPT 10(5): 147. 1989. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Pyranocoumarins: particularly visnadin and samidin Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Flavonoids: including quercetin and isohamnetin and their 3sulfates Wagner H, Wiesenauer M: Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Volatile oil Fatty oil ^ PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. EFFECTS The drug intensifies coronary and myocardial circulation, acting as a mild positive ionotrope. It has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. Bistort Persicaria bistorta INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Bishop's Weed has been used for angina pectoris, cardiac insufficiency, paroxysmal tachycardia, extra systoles, hypertonia, asthma, whooping cough and cramplike complaints of the abdomen. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Infrequently, a cholestatic jaundice (reversible) is observed following administration of the drug. The drug also possesses a phototoxic effect. OVERDOSAGE Long-term use or overdose of the drug can lead to queasiness, dizziness, loss of appetite, headache or sleep disorders. Very high dosages, corresponding to over 100 mg khellin, may cause elevated levels (reversible) of liver enzymes in blood plasma. DOSAGE No information is available. LITERATURE Duarte J et al., Effects of visnadine on rat vascular smooth muscle. In: PM 63(3):233-236. 1997. Greinwald R, Stobernack HP, Ammi Visnaga - Das Bischhofskraut. In: ZPT 11(2):65. 1990. Le Quesne PW et al., JNP 48:496. 1985. Martelli P et al., J Chromatogr 301:297. 1984. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and the rhizome. Flower and Fruit: The flowering stem terminates in a compact, cylindrical, false spike of flesh-colored flowers without a terminal bud. The pedicle is winged. The flowers consist of 5 sepals, 8 stamens and an ovary with 2 to 3 styles. The flowers are in pairs, one of which is complete, the other only having a rudimentary ovary. Only the latter ripens. The complete flowers can be cross-pollinated by insects. The fruit is a three-seeded achene. The ripe seeds are small, brown and glossy. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial, 30 cm to 1 m high herb on a thick, somewhat flattened and twisted Sshaped rhizome. The radical, oval leaves grow out of the rhizome to form basal rosette leaves with cordate bases, which are blue-green above and somewhat undulate. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, North America and Asia. Production: Bistort root and rhizome is the subterranean part of Persicaria bistorta. The root-stocks of the older plants are harvested, cleaned and freed from green parts and rootlets. The stronger parts are then cut up, and this material is dried in the sun. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Other Names: Adderwort, Dragonwort, Easter Giant. Easter Mangiant, Oderwort, Osterick, Patience Dock, Red Legs, Snakeweed, Sweet Dock ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY ^fe COMPOUNDS BITTER APPLE/83 External Dosage Decoction—poultice applied every 2 hours. LITERATURE Gonnet JF, (1981) Biochem Syst Ecol 9(4):299. Tannins (15-36%): chiefly catechin tannins, small quantity of gallo tannins Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Starch (in the root 30%) Penso G, Medico Farmaceutica, Milano, 1987. EFFECTS The active agents are the galenic tannin substance, starch, catechin and silicic acid. Higher concentrations of the root cause an increase in the formation of mucous. It is also an astringent. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The herb is used in the treatment of digestive disorders, particularly diarrhea and for internal bleeding. Externally, it is used as a gargle for mouth and throat infections and as an ointment for wounds. Chinese Medicine: Preparations from the rhizome are used for epilepsy, fever, tetanus, carbuncles, snake and mosquito •j/t bites, scrofulous and cramps in the hands and feet. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Internally as a powdered drug for infusion, or externally as an extract or ointment. Preparation: Infusion (internal) — Macerate 50 g drug in 1 1 water for 6 hours, percolate and sweeten as required (Penso, 1987). Infusion (external) — Boil 60 g drug with 1 1 water for 15 minutes, percolate and cool (Penso, 1987). Rao PRSP, Rao EV, (1977) Curr. Sci 48(18):640. Bitter Apple Citrullus colocynthis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the dried pulp. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are yellow and appear singly in the leaf axils. The fruit is about the size of an apple. It is yellow, smooth, dry and very bitter. When ripe, the fruit contains white spongy flesh within the coriaceous peel, with numerous ovate, white or brownish seeds. The seeds are 0.75 cm long and 0.5 cm wide, ovate, compressed, without an edge, oily and somewhat shiny. Leaves, Stem and Root: Bitter Apple is an annual similar to a watermelon plant. The stems are leafy and rough-haired. The leaves are alternate on long petioles. They are triangular, divided, variously indented, obtuse and pubescent. The upper surface is delicate green, the lower surface rough and pale. Characteristics: Bitter Apple (the drug) is highly poisonous. Habitat: Bitter Apple is indigenous to Turkey and southern Mediterranean countries. It is also found in Sri Lanka, Egypt, Syria and the Arabian Gulf. Tincture — drug 1:5 in 25% ethanol (BHP83). Production: Bitter Apples are the ripe fruits of Citrullus colocynthis that have been removed from the harder outer layer. Daily Dosage: Other Names: Colocynth Pulp, Bitter Cucumber Liquid extract — drug 1:1 in 25% ethanol (BHP83). f§K Internal Dosage Powder—in the form of 0.25 g gelatine capsules, 2 to 4 capsules every 3 hours. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cucurbitacins: including cucurbitacin E-, J-, L-glucosides Decoction—1 to 2 g for each decoction, 3 times a day. Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid Infusion—200 ml every 3 hours. Fatty oil (in the seeds) Liquid extract—1 to 2 ml 3 times daily. EFFECTS Tincture—1 to 3 ml 3 times daily. Bitter Apple irritates the intestinal mucous membrane, increasing liquid production. 84/BITTER APPLE INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of Bitter Apple are used as a drastic purgative in fixed combinations in the treatment of acute and chronic constipation with various causes. It is also used in pregnancy and in the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders. Indian Medicine: Acitis and elephantiasis are among the conditions treated with Bitter Apple in Indian medicine. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is severely poisonous. It has a strongly irritating (and painful) effect on mucous membranes due to its cucurbitacin glycoside content, out of which cucurbitacins are released in watery environments. OVERDOSAGE Vomiting, bloody diarrhea, colic, and kidney irritation follow the intake of toxic dosages (0.6 to 1 g), and then increased diuresis that progresses to anuria. Lethal dosages (starting at 2 g) lead to convulsions, paralysis and, if untreated, to death through circulatory collapse. The treatment for poisonings should proceed symptomatically following gastric lavage. Administration in allopathic dosages is no longer defensible. LITERATURE Habs M et al., (1984) J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 108(1):154. Konopa J et al., In: Advances in Antimicrobial and Antineoplastic Chemotherapy, Vol. 2, Ed. M. Semonsky, Avicenna Press Prague 1972. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Bitter Candytuft Iberis amara DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe seeds and the whole flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The stemmed flowers are arranged in racemes; there are 4 orbicular, diagonally splayed sepals approximately 2 mm long with white or reddish membranous margins and 4 obovate-elongate white petals, the outer ones approximately 6 mm, the inner ones 3 mm long. The plant has 2 short and 4 long stamens and a superior 4-carpled ovary; the carpels are fused. The fruit is a small pod, 4 to 5 mm long, almost circular with wide-winged fruit sides and a tough margin. Each of the 2 chambers has only 1 seed. The seeds are semi-ovoid, 2.5 to 3 mm long, flat and approximately 1 mm thick. They are usually narrow-winged at the margin, brown and smooth. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an herb, occasionally biennial, up to 40 cm high. The leaves are elongatecuneiform and obtuse. The lower leaves are often spatulate and narrow toward the petiole. The upper leaves are sessile, usually with 2 to 4 blunt teeth at wide intervals and a ciliate margin. The stem is upright with splayed branches and downy-haired at the edges. Habitat: The plant is found in most parts of western, central and southern Europe, in the Caucasus, and also in Algeria. Rawson MD, (1966) Lancet 1:1121. Production: Bitter Candytuft seeds are the ripe seeds of Iberis amara, which are collected in the wild and cultivated. Bitter Candytuft herb is the fresh, whole flowering plant of cultivated Iberis amara. Further information in: Other Names: Clown's Mustard, White Candytuft Lavie D et al., (1964) Phytochemistry 3:52. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytophannaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BITTER CANDYTUFT SEEDS Cucurbitacins (0.2 to 0.4%): particularly cucurbitacins E and I Glucosinolates (1%): glucoiberin, glucocheiroline, glucoiberviridine Fatty oil (12%): chief fatty acids are behenic acid (45%), oleic acid (20%), palmitic acid (10%) and linolenic acid (10%) EFFECTS: BITTER CANDYTUFT SEEDS The cucurbitacins contained in the seeds are toxic, cytotoxic and generally irritating to die small and large intestines. Furthermore, the seeds exhibit a mildly antimicrobial and fungistatic effect. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS COMPOUNDS: BITTER CANDYTUFT HERB Cucurbitacins: particularly cucurbitacins E and I Flavonoids: including kempferol-3-0-arabinosido-7-0rhamnoside, kempferol-7-O-rhamnoside, quercetin-3-O-glucosido-7-O-rhamnoside (high concentration in the flowers) EFFECTS: BITTER CANDYTUFT HERB BITTER MILKWORT / 85 DOSAGE BITTER CANDYTUFT SEEDS How Supplied: Commercially prepared pharmaceutical compounds only. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules, every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) and 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 ml sc: 3 times daily (acute); 1 ml sc once a day (chronic) (HAB1). The chief active ingredients of the fresh plant are cucurbitacins. A significant anti-edematous effect was exhibited in animal experiments. Its nature as a bitter substance makes its administration both as a choleretic and for stimulating the secretion of gastric juices appear plausible. How Supplied: Only available in commercial pharmaceutical compound preparations. INDICATIONS AND USAGE LITERATURE BITTER CANDYTUFT SEEDS Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses for the drug have included problems with cardiac arrhythmia and insufficiency. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include cardiac arrhythmia and insufficiency. BITTER CANDYTUFT HERB Unproven Uses: Folk medicine usage includes digestion problems. BETTER CANDYTUFT HERB Kowalewski Z, Wierzbicka K, Flavonoid compounds in the blossoms of Iberis amara, L Planta Med, 20:328-39. 1971 Dec. Uhlenbruck G, Dahr W, Studies on lectins with a broad agglutination spectrum. XII. N-acetyl-D-galactosamine specific lectins from the seeds of Soja hispida, Bauhinia purpurea. Iberis amara, Moluccella laevis and Vicia graminea. Vox Sang, 21:338-51, 1971 Oct. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BITTER CANDYTUFT SEEDS The drug is toxic, due to its cucurbitacin content. Symptoms of poisoning could include vomiting, diarrhea, colic and kidney irritation. Cases of poisonings, however, have not been documented. BITTER CANDYTUFT HERB No risks are known in connection with the administration of homeopathic dosages of the drug. The drug is mildly toxic due to its (low) level of cucurbitacins. Symptoms of poisoning could include vomiting, diarrhea, colic and kidney irritation. Cases of poisonings have, however, never been documented. OVERDOSAGE BITTER CANDYTUFT SEEDS In case vomiting has not already occurred, gastric lavage should be induced using burgundy-colored potassium permanganate solution and sodium sulfate. .Following gastrointestinal emptying and installation of activated charcoal, begin therapy for poisoning. Diazepam (i.v.) for muscle spasm may be necessary, along with electrolyte substitution and treatment for possible cases of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate infusions. In the event of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused. Monitoring of kidney function is imperative. Intubation and oxygen respiration also may be necessary. Bitter Milkwort Polygala amara DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the flowering plant with root. Flower and Fruit: The blue or occasionally white or pink flowers are in many-blossomed racemes. Of the 5 sepals, the 2 lateral ones are large, petal-like, patent and 3-veined. The other 3 are smaller; die middle vein is green. The 3 petals are fused together with die stamens. These form 2 clusters in 2 green pockets on the larger, lower petal. The 2 upper petals form a kind of upper lip. The ovary is superior and bilocular witfi a spoon-like style. The fruit is an obcordate capsule, compressed at die sides and enclosed in the sepals. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 5 to 15 cm high. The stems are branched at the base, decumbent or ascending. The basal leaves form a rosette, while the cauline leaves are alternate, oblong-cuneate or obovate-lanceolate. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe. Production: Bitter Milkwort herb, including its roots, is die complete plant of Polygala amara. 86 /BITTER MILKWORT Other Names: European Bitter Polygala, European Senega Snakeroot, Evergreen Snakeroot, Flowering Wintergreen, Little Pollom ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Saponins (1-2%) Bitter principles: polygalin (polygamarin) Phenol glycosides: monotropitoside (methyl salicylic acidprimveroside) Polygalite (acerite, 1.5-anhydrosorbite) EFFECTS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Leaves, Stem and Root: Bitter Orange is an evergreen tree with a rounded crown and smooth grayish-brown bark. The branches are angular when young, becoming terete and glabrous soon after, with a few stout but flexible axillary spines. The alternate leaves are 7.5 to 10 cm, broadly elliptoid, subacute at the apex, cuneate or rounded below. The upper surface is a shiny dark green and the underside paler. Petioles are broadly winged, tapering to a wingless base. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to tropical Asia but is widely cultivated in other regions today, such as the Mediterranean. Unproven Uses: Bitter Milkwort is used for conditions of the respiratory tract, cough and bronchitis. Production: Bitter Orange flower consists of the dried flowers of Citrus aurantium. The oil is obtained by steam distillation of the fresh, fully opened flowers. Bitter Orange peel consists of the dried outer peel of ripe fruits of Citrus aurantium separated from the white pulp layer. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Other Names: Orange, Neroli, Bigarade Orange The drug is mildly expectorant. INDICATIONS AND USAGE No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Preparation: The drug is contained in tea for the treatment of bronchitis. LITERATURE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BITTER ORANGE FLOWER AND FLOWER OIL Volatile oil: chief constituents linalool, linalyl acetate, alphapinenes, limonene, nerol Methyl anthranilate Limonoids: (triterpenoide bitter principles) Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Flavonoids Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. EFFECTS: BITTER ORANGE FLOWER AND FLOWER OIL Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Bitter Orange Citrus aurantiwn DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh and dried fruit peel, the flowers, the seeds and the extracted essential oil. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged singly or in clusters in the axils, and are very fragrant. The calyx is cupshaped, and the 5 thick fleshy petals are an intense white and revolute. The fruit is about 7.5 cm in diameter (similar in size to a cherry), subglobose, slightly flattened at both ends, 10- to 12-locular. The peel is thick, rough and orange when ripe. The fruit pulp is acidic. The core is hollow when ripe. No substantiated information available. Efficacy of the use of an extraction of the blossoms as a neurostimulant is not confirmed. COMPOUNDS: BITTER ORANGE PEEL Volatile oil: chief constituents (+) -limonene, nerol, geraniol, linalool, linalyl-, neryl-, geranyl- and citronellyl acetate, typical constituent methyl anthranilate Flavonoids: among them the bitter compounds neohesperidin dyhydrochalcone and naringin as well as the lipophilic compounds sinensetin, nobiletin, tangeretin Furocoumarins EFFECTS: BITTER ORANGE PEEL Bitter Orange has a mild spasmolytic effect on the gastrointestinal tract and increases gastric juice secretion. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BITTER ORANGE FLOWER AND FLOWER OIL Unproven Uses: Preparations of Bitter Orange flower and flower oil are used as a preventive measure for gastric and nervous complaints, gout, sore throat, as a sedative, for HERBAL MONOGRAPHS BITTER nervous tension and sleeplessness. Fold medicine uses include chronic bronchitis. ORANGE/87 Stanley WL, Jurd L, (1971) J Agric Food Chem 19:1106. Tatum JH, Berry RE, (1977) Phytochemistry 16:109. Chinese Medicine: Uses in Chinese medicine include pain in the epigastrum, vomiting and anorexia. - Further information in: BITTER O R A N G E PEEL Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Approved hy Commission E: • Loss of appetite • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include loss of appetite and dyspeptic symptoms. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Chinese Medicine: Bitter Orange peel is used for coughs, colds, anorexia, to reduce apathy and for uterine and anal prolapse. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. BITTER ORANGE FLOWER AND FLOWER OIL No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. BITTER ORANGE PEEL Clavarano I, Essenze Deriv. Agrum 36:5. 1966. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. An elevation of UV-sensitivity is possible with light-skinned individuals due to the phototoxic effect of the furocoumarins. Frequent contact with the drug or with the volatile oil (such as the exposure experienced by workers in the liquor industry) can cause a sensitization that results in erythema, swelling, blisters, pustules, dermatoses leading to scab formation and pigment spots. DOSAGE BITTER ORANGE PEEL Mode of Administration: Cut and coarsely powdered drug for teas, other bitter-tasting galenic preparations for oral application. How Supplied:' Commercial pharmaceutical include drops, tonics and tea mixtures. preparations Preparation: To prepare a tea, add 1 tsp of drug to 150 ml of hot water, let stand for 10 minutes, then strain. Daily Dosage: Drug: 4 to 6 g Extract: 1 to 2 g Tea: 1 cup 1 hour before meals Tincture (according to DAB 7): 2 to 3 g LITERATURE BITTER O R A N G E FLOWER AND OIL Slater CA, (1961) J Sci Agric Food 12:732. BITTER O R A N G E PEEL Horowitz RM, Gentili B, Tetrahedron 19:773. 1963. Slater CA, (1961) J Sci Agric Food 12:732. Stanley WL, Jurd L, (1971) J Agric Food Chem 19:1106. Tatum JH, Berry RE, (1977) Phytochemistry 16, 109. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. 88/BITTERSWEET NIGHTSHADE Bittersweet Nightshade PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Solanum dulcamara Solasodin has a cortisone-like effect. A desensitizing and cardiotonic effect has been observed in clinical trials with patients suffering from rheumatic polyarthritis. DESCRIPTION Its use as an expectorant may be due to the saponin content. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the stem of the plant INDICATIONS AND USAGE Flower and Fruit: The violet flowers are arranged in 10 to 20 blossomed, long-peduncled and hanging, panicle-like forms. The calyx is fused, 5-tipped and does not drop. The corolla has a very short tube and 5 long tips, which become revolute when mature. At the base of each tip, there are 2 green spots surrounded by white. There are 5 stamens with golden yellow anthers, which lean toward each other, and 1 superior ovary. The fruit is an oblong, scarlet and manyseeded berry. Approved by Commission E: • • • • Eczema Furuncles Acne Warts Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Bittersweet Nightshade is used internally for nose bleeds, rheumatic conditions, asthma and bronchitis, and to stimulate the immune system; externally for herpes, eczema, abscesses and contusions. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a subshrub from 30 to 150 cm in height with a creeping, branched rhizome. The stem is twining or creeping, woody below, angular and usually glabrous. The leaves are petiolate, the upper and lower ones are usually cordate and acute. The middle leaves are usually pinnatesect with 1 pair of lateral segments and a large terminal segment. Homeopathic Uses: Solanum dulcamara is used for inflammation of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, the joints and skin, and for febrile infections. Efficacy has not been proven. Habitat: The plant is common in Europe, northern Africa, eastern and western Asia, and North America. Bittersweet Nightshade is contraindicated in pregnancy and nursing mothers. Production: Bittersweet Nightshade consists of the dried, 2to 3-year-old stems of Solanum dulcamara harvested in spring prior to leafing, or late autumn after the leaves have dropped. Other Names: Bittersweet, Dulcamara, Felonwort, Felonwood, Scarlet Berry, Violet Bloom, Blue Nightshade, Fever Twig, Nightshade, Woody, Staff Vine ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Steroid alkaloid glycosides: (0.07 to 0.4%) the alkaloid spectrum varies widely with the variety Tomatidenol variety—alpha-solamarine, beta-solamarine Soladulcidine variety—soladulcidinetetraoside Solasodine variety—solasonine, solamargine Steroid saponins Mixed varieties also occur. EFFECTS The main active principles are the steroid alkaloid glycosides whose resorption is probably promoted by the saponins. They stimulate phagocytosis, are hemolytic, cytotoxic, antiviral, anticholinergic and have local anaesthetic properties. CONTRAINDICATIONS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Toxic effects should not be seen in dosages under approximately 25 gm due to the low alkaloid content of the stem. OVERDOSAGE Poisonings among children are known through the unripe berries. More than 10 berries cause nausea, vomiting, dilated pupils and diarrhea. Lethal dosage is estimated to be 200 berries. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb is used in teas and other galenic preparations for internal use. The drug is also used externally in compresses and rinses. Preparation: A decoction is prepared by adding 1 to 2 g of drug to 250 ml water. Daily Dosage: The average daily internal dose is 1 to 3 gm of the drug. Externally, the herb is used as infusions or decoctions that have strengths equivalent to 1 to 2 gm of the drug per 250 ml of water. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml, sc, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1) HERBAL MONOGRAPHS LITERATURE Frohne D, (1992) Solanum dulcamara L. - Der Bittersujie Nachtschatten. Portrait einer Arzneipflanze. Z Phytother 14: 337-342. BLACK ALDER/89 Black Alder Alnus glutinosa DESCRIPTION Holzer I, (1992) Dulcamara-Extrakt bei Neurodermitis und w chronischem Ekzem. Ergebnisse einer klinischen Priifung. Jatros Dermatologie 6: 32-36. JNP 56(3):430-431. 1993. Kupchan SM et al., (1965) Science 150:1827. Ronsch H, Schreiber K, Stubbe H. Naturwissenschaften 55:182. 1968. Willaman JJ, Hui-Li L, (1970) Lloydia 33 (3A):1. Willuhn G, Kothe U, (1983) Arch Pharm 316(8):678-687. Willuhn G, Phytopharmaka in der Dermatologie. In: ZPT 16(6):325-342. 1995. Wolters B, Antibiotische Wirkung von Solanum dulcamara. In: Naturwissenschaften 51:111. 1964. Wolters B, Der Anteil der Steroidsaponine an der antibiotischen -. Wirkung von Solanum dulcamara. In: PM 13:2. 1965. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the bark and leaves. Flower and Fruit: Black Alder is monoecious. Male flowers are arranged in stemmed catkins. Female flowers form ovoid fruit, which turns woody and remains on the tree the whole year. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plants grow as a shrub or tree extending up to 25 m high. Black Alder has gray branches and orange-colored wood. The obovate leaves have doubleserrate margins; the young leaves are very sticky. Habitat: Black Alder originated in the damp regions of Europe, Asia and North America. The plant now grows in much of the Northern Hemisphere. Production: Black (English) Alder bark is the bark and branch rind of Alnus glutinosa. It is gathered from the shrubs or trees growing wild. Other Names: Common Alder, Owler, Tag Alder tr Wolters B, (1965) Planta Med 13:189. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Tannins Flavonoids: in particular hypericin Steroids: beta-sitosterol Triterpenes: especially alpha-amyrenone, lupenone, taraxerol, glutenone EFFECTS Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer ^r, Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homdopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. The decoction is a tonic and has astringent and hemostatic properties, which may be due to the tannins (20%), flavone glycosides and triterpenes. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Black Alder is used as a decoction for gargles in the treatment of streptococcal sore throat and pharyngitis, and for intestinal bleeding. The bark is considered to be effective for intermittent fever. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in, conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Leaves and bark are prepared as infusions and decoctions for internal and local use. Mention is made of an ophthalmic powder. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 90/BLACK ALDER Preparations: The bark is prepared as a decoction. LITERATURE Freudenberg K, Weinges K, (1967) Tetrahedron Letters 17: 19. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Auff., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hoppe, HA (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl., Bde 1-3, W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. Black Bryony Tamus communis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small greenish-white and in loose clusters. They consist of 6 petals and are found on various plants in fertile and infertile form. The fertile flowers develop into crimson berries. Leaves, Stem and Root: Tamus communis is a glabrous climber. The stem dies back in winter but the root is perennial. The leaves are cordate, smooth, acute and glossy. The root is almost cylindrical with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm. The root is 6 to 8 cm long and has scattered, thin root fibers. Externally, the root is blackish-brown. Internally, it is whitish and produces a slimy paste when it is peeled. Characteristics: The taste of the root is acrid and the odor is slightly earthy. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to parts of Europe. Production: Black Bryony root is the root of Tamus communis. Ths roots are gathered at the end of the vegetation period. They are dug up and the bark is peeled off and cut into slices or pieces. During this procedure, gloves should be worn to protect the hands, as the fresh roots cause serious reddening of the skin. Other Names: Blackeye Root ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Histamine-oxalate: in the form of skin- and mucous membrane-irritating needles Mucilages (2.5-5%) Volatile oil (1%) Phenanthrene derivatives Steroid saponins, aglycone diosgenin EFFECTS Black Bryony stimulates die external nerve ends. A substance similar to histamine increases blood circulation in areas of the skin to which it is applied. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The plant is used for agitation and redness of the skin, bruises, strains, torn muscles, gout and other rheumatic disorders. Black Bryony is also used for irritation of the intestine mucous membrane and as an emetic. It is also used as a tonic for hair loss, as it improves blood circulation to the scalp. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Skin contact with the fresh plant leads to the formation of rashes, swelling, pustules and wheals, due to the skin- and mucous membrane-irritating oxalate needles and histamine. Internal administration triggers signs of severe irritation in the mouth, pharyngeal space and gastrointestinal tract, combined with vomiting and intense diarrhea. Extracts from the plant are toxicologically harmless. Skin lesions are treated with cortisone foam and sterile coverings; tetanus prophylaxis might be required. If taken by mouth, following gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium permanganate solution and administration of activated charcoal, treat spasms with diazepam (i.v.) and colic with atropine. Monitoring of kidney function is essential. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The ground root is applied externally as a lotion. LITERATURE Aquino R et al., (1985) J Nat Prod 48(3):502. Aquino R et al., (1985) J Nat Prod 48(5):811. Barbakadze V, Usov Al, Isolation and characterisation of glucans from roots of Tamus communis L. In: PM 62, Abstracts of die 44th Ann Congress of GA, 127. 1996. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apodieker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Ireland CR et al., (1981) Phytochemistry 20:1569. Kern W, List PH, Hdrhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S BLACK CATNIP/91 Black Catnip PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS " No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Phyllanthus amarus ^jf DESCRIPTION DOSAGE Medicinal Parts: The whole, dried herb is the medicinal part. Mode of Administration: Whole herb preparations for internal and external use. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are axillary. The male flower has 5, 0.5 mm long, acute, pale-green sepals with a white margin. There are 3 stamens with the filaments forming a 0.2 mm high column. The female flowers have an apically thickened pedicle and 5 ovate-elongate, up to 1 mm long, yellowish-green sepals. The ovary is 0.3 mm in diameter and 3-chambered. The fruit is ochre to olive with 3 pressed lobes, 2 mm in diameter and 1 mm long. Leaves and Stem: Black catnip is a monoecious, occasionally dioecious, upright or ascending herb, which grows up to 60 cm high, or occasionally higher. The bracts and stipules are linear-lanceolate, 1 mm long, cream with a brownish middle rib. The stem is round, greenish or reddish, glabrous and woody at the base. Habitat: Africa, Asia and America. # Production: Black catnip herb is the aerial part of Phyllanthus amarus. The harvested herb is dried. Not to be Confused With: May be confused with Phyllanthus urinaria, P, niruri, P. debilis and P. fraternus. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Tannins: gallotannins, including amarine, phyllanthusin D, geraniine, corilagin, elaecarpusin Flavonoids: including rutin, quercetin-3-O-glucoside Lignans: phyllantin phyllanthin (0.8%, extremely bitter), hypo- EFFECTS The drug, which contains tannins and lignans, is antiviral and antimicrobial in effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE ^fr Unproven Uses: The herb is used for fever (Cuba, Nigeria), for malaria (Cuba, Bahamas), diarrhea, tachycardia and female sterility (Congo), constipation with spasms and colic, as a diuretic (Nigeria) and for diabetes (Dominican Republic). Indian Medicine: Black catnip is used for stomach conditions, ascites, jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, intermittent fever, conditions of the urogenital tract, eye disease, scabies, ulcers and wounds. Preparation: Decoction: 10 plants to 1-liter water Daily Dosage: No exact doses are known. LITERATURE Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K. Reichling J, Rimpler G. Schneider G (Eds). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. Blumberg BS, Millman I, Venkateswaran PS, Thyagarajan SP, Hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma - treatment of HBV carriers with Phyllanthus amarus. Cancer Detect Prev, 14:195-201, 1989. Blumberg BS, Millman I, Venkateswaran PS, Thyagarajan SP, Hepatitis B virus and primary hepatocellular carcinoma: treatment of HBV carriers with Phyllanthus amarus. Vaccine, 8 Suppl: 86-92, 1990 Mar. Lee CD, Ott M, Thyagarajan SP, Shafritz DA, Burk RD, Gupta S, Phyllanthus amarus down-regulates hepatitis B virus mRNA transcription and replication. Eur J Clin Invest, 26:1069-76, 1996 Dec. Leelarasamee A, Trakulsomboon S, Maunwongyathi P, Somanabandhu A, Pidetcha P, Matrakool B, Lebnak T, Ridthimat W, Chandanayingyong D, Failure of Phyllanthus amarus to eradicate hepatitis B surface antigen from symptomless carriers. Lancet, 2:1600-1, 1990 Jun 30. Niu JZ, Wang YY, Qiao M, Gowans E, Edwards P, Thyagarajan SP, Gust I, Locarnini S, Effect of Phyllanthus amarus on duck hepatitis B virus replication in vivo. J Med Virol, 32:212-8, 1990 Dec. Ott M, Thyagarajan SP, Gupta S, Phyllanthus amarus suppresses hepatitis B virus by interrupting interactions between HBV enhancer I and cellular transcription factors. Eur J Clin Invest, 27:908-15, 1997 Nov. Srividya N, Periwal S, Diuretic, hypotensive and hypoglycaemic effect of Phyllanthus amarus. Indian J Exp Biol, 74:861-4, 1995 Nov. Thamlikitkul V, Wasuwat S, Kanchanapee P, Efficacy of Phyllanthus amarus for eradication of hepatitis B virus in chronic carriers. J Med Assoc Thai, 74:381-5, 1991 Sep. Thyagarajan SP, Jayaram S, Valliammai T, Madanagopalan N, Pal VG, Jayaraman K, Phyllanthus amarus and hepatitis B. Lancet, 2:949-50, 1990 Oct 13. Thyagarajan SP, Subramanian S, Thirunalasundari T, Venkateswaran PS, Blumberg BS, Beneficial effects of Phyllanthus amarus for chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol, 2:405-6, 1991 May. 92/BLACK CATNIP Thyagarajan SP, Subramanian S, Thirunalasundari T, Venkateswaran PS, Blumberg BS, Effect of Phyllanthus amarus on chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus. Lancet, 2:764-6, 1988 Oct 1. Thyagarajan SP, Subramanian S, Thirunalasundari T, Venkateswaran PS, Blumberg BS, In vitro effect of Phyllanthus amarus on hepatitis B virus. Indian J Med Res, 2:71-3, 1991 Mar. Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa TRADE NAMES Black Cohosh (available from a number of manufacturers) and sometimes sold as Black Cohosh Root, Black Cohosh Power, Wild Countryside Black Cohosh, NuVeg Black Cohosh Root, Remifemin DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh and dried root. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is a long-peduncled, drooping raceme, 30 to 90 cm long with white flowers. There are 3 to 8 petals without nectaries, and the sepals enclose the flower bud. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows 1 to 1.5 m high. It is leafy, with a sturdy, blackish rhizome, which is cylindrical, tough and knotty. The straight, strong, dark brownish roots sprout from the underground rhizome and are roughly quadrangular and grooved. The transverse root section shows wedge-shaped bundles of white wood. The rhizome section shows a large black medulla surrounded by a ring of paler, woodier wedges. The leaves are double-pinnate, smooth and crenate-serrate. Habitat: Black Cohosh is native to Canada and the U.S.; it is cultivated in Europe. Production: The medicinally used part of die plant consists of the dried rhizome of Cimicifuga racemosa with attached roots. Other Names: Black Snake Root, Rattleroot, Rattleweed, Squaw Root, Bugbane, Bugwort, Cimicifuga, Richweed ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpenes : triterpene glycoside, including actein, 27-deoxyactein, cimifugoside Quinolizidine alkaloids: cytisine, methyl cytisine Phenylpropane derivatives: including isoferulic acid PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES EFFECTS The active ingredients in the root are the triterpine glycosides such as cimifugaside, 27-deoxyactein and the actein. The increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs as estrogen levels decrease is implicated as the cause of menopausal symptoms. Compounds of the rootstock of Cimicifuga racemosa bind to the estrogen receptor where it selectively suppresses LH secretion with no effect on FSH. The result is an estrogenic effect, which will decrease climacteric symptoms such as hot flashes, diaphoresis and psychological disturbances (Duker, 1991; Lehmann-Wilenbrock, 1988). There have been conflicting reports stating Cimicifuga racemosa has no estrogen-like action (Einer-Jensen, 1996; Liske, 1998). The herb did not appear to have an effect on levels of LH, FSH, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), prolactin and estradiol in a study that concluded the therapeutic effects seen are not attributable to estrogenic or other endocrine-system effects (Liske, 1998). The improvement in premenstrual symptoms, dysmenorrhea and menopause may be due to the relaxing of uterine tissue (Tyler, 1997). CLINICAL TRIALS A placebo-control, open study was conducted to determine the effects of commercially available Cimicifuga racemosa extract (Remifemin) on LH and FSH secretion in 110 menopausal women. After 2 months of therapy with 8 mg daily of the drug, FSH levels in the Remifemin treatment group and placebo group were similar. LH secretion was significantly reduced in the Remifemin treatment group, which points to the estrogenic effect of Cimicifuga racemosa preparations (Duker, 1991). Sixty hysterectomized patients, under 40 years of age, with at least one intact ovary were involved in a study to determine the effect of Cimicifuga racemosa extract (Remifemen 8 mg), estriol (1 mg), conjugated estrogens (1.25 mg) and an estrogen-gestagen product on menopausal symptoms. The evaluation of menopausal symptoms was determined by the Kupperman-Index. The study also included evaluation of the trophic disorders of the genitals, including FSH and LH serum concentration measurement. There was a significant decrease in menopausal symptoms determined by the Kupperman-Index in all treatment groups. There was a moderate decline in the serum gonadotropin concentration in each group, with no significant therapeutic difference between the groups. Cimicifuga racemosa was as effective as the estrogen products in decreasing menopausal symptoms in young patients who have undergone a hysterectomy (LehmannWillenbrock, 1988). In an open study including 50 patients with menopausal complaints, the effect of Cimicifuga racemosa extract HERBAL MONOGRAPHS (Remifemen) 40 drops twice daily was determined after a duration of 3 months. The participants had either refused hormone treatment or had conditions where hormone treatment was contraindicated. The efficacy of the herb was measured according to the Kupperman-Index, Profile of Mood States (POMS) scale and the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) scale. A significant improvement in menopausal complaints for all testing protocols were recorded. (Vorberg, 1984). Note: Cimicifuga racemosa should not be substituted for hormone replacement therapy with estrogen. There is no information to date that the herb contains cardioprotective effects or protective effects against osteoporosis, as those seen with estrogen therapy. BLACK COHOSH/93 flow Supplied: Capsules — 60 mg, 80 mg, 450 mg, 540 mg, 545 mg Drops Solutions Tablets — 60 mg, 120 mg. Daily Dosage: Alcoholic-aqueous extracts (ethanolic-aqueous 40-60% (WV) or isopropanolic-aqueous 40% (V/V)) corresponding to 40 mg drug. The herb is not recommended for treatment longer than 6 months unless advised by a physician. LITERATURE Benoit PS et al., (1976) Lloydia 39:160. Approved by Commission E: Berger S, Junior P, Kopanski L, 27-Desoxyactein: a New Polycyclic Triterpenoid Glycoside from Actaea racemosa. In: PM 54:579-780. 1988. • Climacteric complaints • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Beuscher N, Cimicifuga racemosa L. - Die Traubensilberkerze. In: ZPT 16(5):301-310. 1995. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Corsano S, Panizzi L, Sull' Acteina, principio attivo della Actaea racemosa. In: Atti Acca Nazi Lincei, Rend, Classe Sci, Fis. Mat. Nat 38:600-604. 1965. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the plant is used for rheumatism, sore throats and bronchitis. The tincture is also used as a sedative, for choreic states (involuntary, rapid motions), fever, lumbago (pain in the lumbar region) and snakebite. The herb is also available commercially in combination with St. John's Wort for depressive moods associated with premenstrual and menopausal symptoms. Duke JA, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton: CRC, 1985. Chinese Medicine: The Chinese have used Black Cohosh for the above indications as well as for measles in the preexanthem stage. Duker EM, Kopanski L, Jarry H, Wuttke W, (1991) Effects of extracts from cimicifuga racemosa on gonadotropin release in menopausal women and ovariectomized rats. Planta Med 57:420-424. CONTRAINDICATIONS The use of Black Cohosh is contraindicated during pregnancy due to an increased risk of spontaneous abortion. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages, although occasional stomach complaints have been observed. Drug Interactions: Black Cohosh can potentiate the effect of antihypertensive medications. The concomitant use of these drugs may result in hypotension (Einer-Jensen, 1996; Lehmann-Willenbrock, 1988). OVERDOSAGE An intake of very high dosages of die drug (5 g) or an extract (12 g) leads to vomiting, headache, dizziness, limb pains and lowered blood pressure. Daiber W, Klimakterische Beschwerden: ohne Hormone zum Erfolg! In: Arztl Praxis 35:1946-1947. 1983. Einer-Jensen N, Zhao J, Andersen KP, Kristoffersen K. Cimicifuga and Melbrosia lack oestrogenic effects in mice and rats. In: Matuntas 25(1995):149-153. 1996. Foldes J, Die Wirkungen eines Extraktes aus Cimicifuga racemosa. In: Arzd Forsch 13:623-624. 1959. Genazzani, E et al., (1962) Nature 194:544. Gerhard I, Liske E, Wustenberg P, Behandlung von psychovegetativen Beschwerden im Klimakterium mit Remifemin(R)plus (Poster). In: ZPT 16(5, Supplemental, 6. Phytotherapiekongrep* in Berlin. 1995. Gorlich N, Behandlung ovarieller Storungen in der Allgemeinpraxis. In: Arzd Praxis 14:1742-1743. 1962. Harnischfeger G, Cillien N, Influence of Cimicifuga racemosa extract fractions on the proliferation of human carcinoma cells in vitro with regard to their estrogen receptor sensitivity. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 40. 1996. DOSAGE Harnischfeger G, Stolze H, Bewahrte Wirksubstanzen aus Naturstoffen. Traubensilberkerze. In: Notabene medici 10:446450. 1980. Mode of Administration: Galenic preparations for internal use. Jarry H, Gorkow Ch, Wutdce W, (1995) Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms with Extracts of Cimicifuga Racemosa, 94/BLACK COHOSH In vivo and in vitro Evidence for Estrogenic Activity. In, Loew D, Netbrock N (Hrsg) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, S 99-112. Jarry H, Hamischfeger G, (1985) Studies on the endocrine effects of the contents of Cimicifuga racemosa, 1. Influence on the serum concentration of pituitary hormones in ovariectomized rats. Planta Med 51:46-49. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Tyler VE, The bright side of black cohosh. Prevention Magazine, April 1997. Vorberg G, Treatment of menopausal symptoms. ZFA 1984;60:626-629. Warnecke G, (1985) Beeinflussung klimakterischer Beschwerden durch ein Phytotherapeutikum. Erfolgreiche Therapie mit Cimicifuga- Monoextrakt. Med Welt 36:871-874. Jarry H, Hamischfeger G, Diiker E, (1985) Studies on the endocrine effects of the contents of Cimicifuga racemosa, 2. In vitro binding of compounds to extrogen receptors. Planta Med 51:316-319. Further information in: Jarry H, Isolierung pharmakogologisch aktiver Substanzen aus Cimicifuga racemosa. In: Dissertation, math.-naturwiss. 1984. Chan EH et al., (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Jarry H. Ludwig L, Stephan A, Wuttke W, Erste Beweise fur eine direkte Wirkung von Inhaltsstoffen von Cimicifuga racemosa auf die in-vitro- Steroidsekretion von porcinen Granulosa- und Lutealzellen (Poster). In: ZPT 16(5, Supplement):7-8, 6. Phytotherapiek. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Kesselkauf O, Uber die Behandlung klimakterischer Beschwerden mit Remifemin. In: Med Monatsschr 11:87-88. 1957. Kramer H, Geisenhofer H, Erfahrungen mit dem CimicifugaPraparat Remifemin. In: Therapie der Gegenwart 97:238-239. 1958. Lauritzen C, Nichthormonale Therapie klimakterischer Beschwerden. In: Gynakol Praxis 14:43-56. 1990. Lehmann-Willenbrock E, Riedel HH, Clinical and endocrinologic studies of the treatment of ovarian insufficiency manifestations following hysterectomy with intact adnexa. Zentralbl Gynakol 1988.110(10): 611-8. Liske E, Therapeutic efficacy and safety of Cimicifuga racemosa for gynecologic disorders. Adv Ther 1998 JanFeb;15(l):45-53. Liske E, Wustenberg P, Therapy of climacteric complaints with Cimicifuga racemosa: herbal medicine with clinically proven evidence. Menapause. 1998 5:250. Ne(3elhut T, Schellhase C, Dietrich R, Kuhn W, Untersuchungen zur proliferativen Potenz von Phytopharmaka mit ostrogenahnlicher Wirkung bei Mammakarzinomzellen. In: Arch Gynecol Obstetrics 254:817-818. 1993. Petho A, Umstellung einer Hormonbehandlung auf ein pflanzliches Gynakologikum moglich? In: Arztl Praxis 47:15511553. 1987. Radics L et al., (1975) Tetrahedron Letters 48:4287. Winterhoff H, (1993) Arzneipflanzen mit endokriner Wirksamkeit. Z Phytother 14:83-94. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Black Currant Ribes nigrum TRADE NAMES Bio-EFA Black Currant, Black Currant, Black Currant Oil, Black Currant Seed Oil Shibata M et al., (1980) Yakugaku Zasshi 100:1143. DESCRIPTION Shibata M, (1977) J Chem Soc Jpn 97:911. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves collected after the flowering season and dried, the fresh ripe fruit with the tops and stems and the fresh leaves collected in summer. Stoll W, (1987) Phytotherapeutikum beeinflufj atrophisches Vaginalepithel, Doppelblindversuch Cimicifuga vs. Ostrogenpraparat. Therapeutikon 1:23-32. Stolze H, Der andere Weg klimakterische Beschwerden zu behandeln. In: Gyne 1:14-16. 1982. Suntry L, (1984) Pat. JP 84/20298 Japan. Flower and Fruit: The flowers form richly blossomed racemes. Each is in the axil of a pubescent bract, which is shorter than the petiole. The petiole is pinnate has 2 small bracteoles. The sepals are together with the 5 small stamens HERBAL MONOGRAPHS on the campanulate flower axis within which the singlevalved ovary and the divided style is sunk. The hanging flowers are self-pollinating. The multi-seeded, black, glandular punctuate berries develop from the ovary. ^ Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a sturdy perennial bush ^ up to 2 m high. The branches are pale, hard and initially pubescent. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, becoming quickly glabrous on the upper surface and have numerous yellow resin glands on the undersurface. The 3- to 5-lobed leaf blade has a cordate base and doubly dentate margin. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Eurasian forests as far as the Himalayas, Canada and Australia and is cultivated in many regions. Production: Black currant leaves are the leaves of Ribes nigrum collected during or shortly after the flowering season. Leaves are harvested from cultivated crops during or shortly after flowering. They are air-dried in the shade or carefully at a maximum temperature of 60° C. Black currant fruits are the ripe fruits, with stalks attached, of Ribes nigrum. Fruits are harvested when fully ripe, and utilized immediately or deep frozen. £r Other Names: Quinsy Berries, Squinancy Berries ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BLACK CURRANT LEAVES Flavonoids: including astragalin, isoquercitrin, rutin Oligomeric proanthocyanidins Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, 0.1 to 0.27% of fresh weight) Volatile oil (traces) EFFECTS: BLACK CURRANT LEAVES A salidiuretic effect is attributed to die drug through a 'diuretic factor' that is not closely defined. In animal experiments, a hypotensive, anti-exudative and prostaglandin-release inhibiting effect has been proven. COMPOUNDS: BLACK CURRANT FRUITS Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, 0.1 to 0.3%) Anthocyans: chiefly cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside and delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside f* Phenol caroboxylic acid derivatives: caffeoyi-, p-cumaroyland feruloyl-quinic acids; p-cumaroyl and feruloyl glucoses BLACK CURRANT / 95 COMPOUNDS: BLACK CURRANT SEEDS Fatty oil (30%) with high gamma linolenic acid content Monosaccharides: invert sugar EFFECTS: BLACK CURRANT FRUIT AND SEEDS The extract of the drug that contains anthocyane has a hypotensive and spasmolytic effect in animal experiments. In addition, an antimicrobial and xanthine-oxidase and lipoperoxidase inhibiting effect has been proven. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BLACK CURRANT LEAVES Unproven Uses: Black Currant leaves are used internally to increase micurition. In folk medicine they are used internally for arthritis, gout and rheumatism, diarrhea, colic, jaundice and liver ailments, painful micturition, urinary stones, convulsive coughs and whooping cough. Black Currant is used externally for treatment of wounds and insect bites. BLACK CURRANT FRUITS Unproven Uses: In folk medicine Black Currant fruit is used internally to relieve colds, hoarseness and coughs, diarrhea and stomachache. It is also used as a source of vitamin C. Preparations are used on mucous membranes as a gargle for hoarseness, strep throat and other inflammations of the oral cavity. Black currant dried berries are used for bladder complaints, venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, bruising and petechiae CONTRAINDICATIONS BLACK CURRANT LEAVES Contraindicated in edema resulting from reduced cardiac and renal activity. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BLACK CURRANT LEAVES AND FRUITS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE BLACK CURRANT LEAVES Mode of Administration: Black currant leaves are available as whole, crude and powder drug for internal use. Preparation: To prepare a tea, add 1 to 2 heaped teaspoons (2 to 4 gm) Black currant leaves to boiling water (150 ml), and strain after 10 minutes. Flavonoids: chief components isoquercitrin, myricetin glucoside, rutin Daily Dosage: Tea — 1 cup to be drunk several times a day. Fruit acids (3.5%): malic acid, citric acid, isocitric acid Poultice — freshly rubbed Black Currant leaves or leaves soaked in warm water are dried and used as a compress. Place dried drug on wounds and fresh rubbed leaves on insect bites. Invert sugar Pectins 96 /BLACK CURRANT Storage: Should be protected from light and moisture B L A C K C U R R A N T FRUITS Mode of Administration: Black Currant fruit is available as whole drug for internal use. Daily Dosage: Syrup — 5 to 10 ml, by the tablespoon, taken several times daily, or eaten as jelly or sweets. Gargle — with the juice and equal parts of warm water. LITERATURE BLACK CURRANT LEAVES Kyerematen G, Sandberg F, (1986) Acta Pharm Suecica 23:101. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Leaves, Stem and Root: Black Haw is a deciduous tree 5 m tall. It has gray-brown bark and green, grooved branches. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, 3 to 5 lobed, roughly dentate, green on both surfaces and softly pubescent beneath. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the eastern and central U.S. Production: Black Haw bark is the bark of the trunk and branches of Viburnum prunifolium. Other Names: Stagbush, American Sloe, European Cranberry, Cramp Bark, Guelder Rose, Snowball Tree, King's Crown, High Cranberry, Red Elder, Rose Elder, Water Elder, May Rose, Whitsun Rose, Dog Rowan Tree, Whitsun Bosses, Silver Bells, Wild Guelder Rose Lietti A et al., (1976) Arzneim Forsch 26(5):829. Senchute GV, Boruch IF, (1976) Rastit Resur 12(1): 113. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: amentoflavon (a biflavone) Triterpenes: including among others oleanolic acid, ursolic acid as well as their acetates Hydroxycoumarins: scopoletin, aesculetin, scoplin Cajfeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid B L A C K C U R R A N T FRUITS Kyerematen G, Sandberg F, (1986) Acta Pharm Suecica 23:101. Phenol carboxylic acids: salicylic acid, salicin Lietti A et al., (1976) Arzneim Forsch 26(5):829. Tannins (2%) Senchute GV, Boruch IF, (1976) Rastit Resur 12(1): 113. Arbutin (traces) Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. The drug has a spasmolytic and, to date, an undefined effect on the uterus. EFFECTS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Black Haw is used for complaints of dysmenorrhea. Black Haw Viburnum prunifolium DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the bark of the trunk and the root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers of the Viburnum species are white and in richly blossomed, flat, apical cymes. The central florets are campanulate and fertile; the lateral ones are much larger, rotate and infertile. The calyx margin is small and 5-tipped. The corolla of the fertile florets is campanulate and 5-petalled. There are 5 stamens, a semiinferior ovary and 3 sessile stigmas. The fruit of the Black Haw is a shiny, black, juicy berry. The fruit of Viburnum opulus is red. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: An extract is used as a constituent of a tea mixture made from Black Haw bark, Camomile flowers, and Peppermint leaves. LITERATURE Handjieva N et al., PH 27:3175. 1988. Horhammer L, Wagner H, Reinhardt H, Chemistry, pharmacology, and pharmaceutics of the components of Viburnum prunifolium and V. opulus. In: Botan Mag (Tokyo) 79(Oct/Nov.): 510-525. 1966. Jarboe CH et al., (1967) J Med Chem 10: 448. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Jarboe CH et al., (1969) J Org Chem 34: 4202. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Jensen SR et al., PH 24:487. 1985. COMPOUNDS: HELLEBORUS FOETIDUS Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., 0 CRC Press 1975. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steroid saponins: mixture known as helleborin COMPOUNDS: HELLEBORUS NIGER Steroid saponins: mixture known as helleborin Cardioactive steroid glycosides (bufadienolide): including hellebrin, deglucohellebrin (only traces) Alkaloids: celliamine, sprintillamine COMPOUNDS: HELLEBORUS VIRIDIS Wichtl M (Hrsg.). Teedrogen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Steroid saponins: mixture known as helleborin Black Hellebore Alkaloids: celliamine, sprintillamine, sprintillin Helleborus The plant is said to have a typical saponin effect (irritates mucous membranes) and is in general extremely toxic. niger DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the dried rhizome with or without roots and the fresh under£p ground parts. Flower and Fruit: The flower is white with a greenish margin, reddish on the outside. It is hanging and splayed. There are 5 broadly ovate, campanualate bracts with redbrown borders, which tend toward each other. The petals are altered to nectaries. There are numerous yellow stamens. The fruit is a pod-like, many-seeded follicle with a curved beak and horizontal stripes. The seeds are matte black, ovate and have a long swelling on them. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial subshrub up to 50 cm high. The stem is erect, glabrous, branched, woody at the base and almost leafless. The basal leaves are longpetioled, thickish, coriaceous, glabrous, dark green above with a lighter underside. Characteristics: The plant is poisonous; rhizome is blackbrown. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the forests of southern and central Europe. #. m BLACK HELLEBORE/97 Production: Black Hellebore root is the root of Helleborus niger. Not to be Confused With: Helleborus foetidus, Helleborus niger and Helleborus viridis are different plants widn different active compounds. They may be confused with the subterranean parts of Trollius eurpaeus, Aconitum napellus, Astrantia major, Actaea spicata and Adonis vernalis. Other Names: Christe Herbe, Christmas Rose, Melampode Cardioactive steroid glycosides (bufadienolide): including hellebrin, deglucohellebrin EFFECTS: ALL SPECIES Note that other varieties of Helleborus also contain hellebrin with a digitalis-like effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Black Hellebore is used as a laxative, for nausea, worm infestation, to regulate menstruation and as an abortifacient, as well as for acute nephritis. Also used in the treatment of head colds. Homeopathic Uses: Used to treat acute diarrhea, encephalitis, cephalitis, kidney inflammation and states of confusion. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: The mucous membrane-irritating saponin effect of the drug is the chief focus in cases of poisoning. Symptoms include scratchy feeling in mouth and throat, salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, shortness of breath, possible spasm and asphyxiation. Disorders of cardiac function (cardiac arrhythmias are to be expected with large intakes of the rhizome of Helleborus viridis). Poisonings are recorded among the animals that feed on the plant. Following stomach and intestinal emptying (gastric lavage, sodium sulfate) and the administration ofractivated charcoal, therapy for poisonings consists of diazepam for spasm and electrolyte replenishment and sodium bicarbonate infusions for any acidosis that may arise. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. Pregnancy: In folk medicine, Black Hellebore is used as an abortifacient. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Black Hellebore is obsolete and dangerous as a drug in allopathic doses. 98/BLACK HELLEBORE Daily Dosage: The average dose is 0.05 gm; the maximum single dose is 0.2 gm; the largest daily dose is 1.0 gm. A powder with a medium content of 10% is used for head colds. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). LITERATURE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Glombitza KW et al., Do roots of Helleborus niger contain cardioactive substances. In: PM 55:107. 1989. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES reddish-lilac, occasionally white. It contains a straight tube that grows out of the calyx tube and has a ring of hairs at the base. It has an elliptoid, slightly domed upper lip, which is slightly compressed from the outside. There is an equally long, downward hanging, white-marked lower lip, and an obovate, often edged or weakly dentate middle lip. The stamens are slightly hairy at the base and have small, distinctly spreading pollen sacks. The plant produces a hard fruit. The nuts are ovoid, 12 mm long and quite smooth. Leaves, Stem and Root: Horehound is a perennial 0.30 to 1 m high shrub with a short creeping rhizome and upright, sturdy, angular, branched stems. The whole plant is pubescent and fresh green. In the autumn, the plant is often tinged brownviolet. The opposite leaves have a 0.5 to 1 cm long petiole. The lower leaves are larger and have an ovate to almost round, 2 cm long by 1.5 to 3.5 cm wide leaf blade. They are weakly cordate, blunt or wedge-shaped at the base and finely crenate to roughly and unevenly serrate. Both sides are pubescent, the upper surface often becoming glabrous and somewhat glossy. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Characteristics: The whole plant has an unpleasant smell of essential oil. Petricic J et al.. Acta Pharm Jugosl 27:127. 1977. Habitat: The plant is considered to be a weed in western, central and northern Europe, but was intentionally introduced to the U.S. Petricic J, Acta Pharm Jugosl 24:179. 1974. Poisonous Plants in Britain and their effects on Animals and Man, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, Pub; HMSO, UK 1984. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. WiPner W, Kating H, Botanische und phytochemische Untersuchung an europaischen und kleinasiatischen Arten der Gattung Helleborus. In: PM 26:128-143, 228-249, 364-374. 1974. Production: Black Horehound is the aerial part of Ballota nigra, gathered when in bloom. It is collected in the wild or from cultivated plants propagated by sowing seeds or planting cuttings at the end of winter. The harvest is in July and August. There are no special conditions for drying. Not to be Confused With: The drug can be confused with Folia melissae. Adulterations with hybrids of Marubium vulgare have been found on the market. Other Names: Black (Stinking) Horehound ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Black Horehound Diterpenes, marrubiin: 7-acetoxymarrubiin, ballotinon, ballotenol, ballonigrin (to some extent bitter principles) Ballota nigra Volatile oil (traces, unpleasant smell) DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The aerial parts of the plant are used medicinally. Flower and Fruit: The clearly stemmed flowers are 1 to 1.5 cm long. They are arranged in 4 to 10 fairly loose and often short-stemmed cymes in the axils of the cauline leaves. The bracteoles are arrow-shaped and soft. They are half as long as the funnel-shaped calyx, which is downy to silky-shaggy haired. The calyx has 5 awned tips. The corolla is usually Caffeic and ferulic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid Tannins EFFECTS Horehound acts as a stimulant, antiemetic and antispasmodic; however, the mode of action has not been satisfactorily explained. According to older literature, a drop in arterial blood pressure and bradycardia occurred in a dog when it BLACK MULBERRY/99 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS was injected intravenously with an infusion (2.5g infusion per kg body weight). When a decoction of the fresh plant was administered intravenously, the volume of gall secretions tripled within 30 minutes. ^ j F * INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internally, Horehound is used as a sedative in cases of hysteria and hypochondria, as a spasmolytic for stomach cramps and complaints, for whooping cough and to increase bile flow. Horehound is also used to treat nervous, upset stomach, nausea and vomiting. In France, it is traditionally used in the symptomatic treatment of nervous disorders in adults and children, especially for mila sleep disorders and for the symptomatic treatment of coughs. Furthermore, Horehound enemas and suppositories are used against worm infestation. Externally, Horehound is used for gout. The drug's efficacy has not been adequately proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. m DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally in the form of liquid extracts and tinctures. It is also used externally. Preparation: Liquid extract: 1:1 in 25% ethanol. Tincture: 1:10 with 45% ethanol. Alcohol tincture from the fresh plant with 90% alcohol. Daily Dose: Single dose of the drug is 2 to 4 g (as an infusion); Liquid extract: 1 to 3 ml; Tincture: 1 to 2 ml. Black Mulberry Morus nigra DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe berries and the root bark. Flower and Fruit: The plant is monoecious or dioecious. The greenish flowers are in catkin-like inflorescences. The male flowers are ovate to cylindrical; the female flowers ovate or globular. The flowers have a 4-bract involucre, which enlarges and becomes fleshy in the female flowers. The female flowers have 2 stigmas, the male flowers have 4 stamens. All of the fruit from the catkins develops into blackberry-like false berries, which are really a series of fleshy drupes that are edible and pleasant-tasting. Leaves, Stem and Root: The tree grows from 6 to 12 m high. The bark is gray-brown. The leaves are alternate with flatgrooved, somewhat hairy petioles. They are cordate or ovate. sessile, unevenly lobed, and serrate with short rough hairs on the upper surface. Habitat: The plant is cultivated worldwide in temperate regions. Other Names: Purple Mulberry, White Mulberry ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: IN THE FRUIT Fruit acids (1.9%): including malic acid, citric acid Saccharose (10%) Pectins Ascorbic acid (0.17%) LITERATURE Flavonoids: including, among others rutin Balansard J, Compt Rend Soc Biol 115:1295-1297. 1933. COMPOUNDS: IN THE LEAVES Kooiman P, (1972) Acta Bot Nederl 21 (4): 417. Flavonoids: including among others rutin (2-6%) Savona G et al., (1976) J Chem Soc (P) 1: 1607-1609. Savona G et al., (1977) J Chem Soc (P) 1: 322-324 et 497499. The constituents of the rhizome rind are not known. £ Savona G et al., La chimica e h'ndustria 58:378. 1976. Seidel V et al., Phenylpropanoid glycosides from Ballota nigra. In: PM 62(2): 186-187. 1997. EFFECTS The active agents are sugar, acids, pectin and rutin, but there is no information available regarding their effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Further information in: Unproven Uses: The drug is used as a mild laxative and in the treatment of inflammations of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS 100/BLACK MULBERRY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Production: Mustard seeds are the seeds of Brassica nigra. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally as a comminuted drug, juice or syrup. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 2 to 4 ml of syrup. LITERATURE Deshpande VH, (1968) Tetrahedron Lett 1715. Kern W, List PR Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 1969. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Glucosinolates: chiefly sinigrin (allylglucosinolates, 1-5%); grinding the seeds into powder and then rubbing with warm water (not with hot water because enzymes would be destroyed), as well as chewing, releases the volatile mustard oil allylisothiocyanate Fatty oil (30-35%) Kimura Y et aL (1986) J Nat Prod 94(4):639. Proteins (40%) Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Phenyl propane derivatives: including sinapine (choline ester of sinapic acid, 1%) Nomura T et al., (1983) Planta Med 47:151. Oliver-Bever B (Ed.), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge 1986. Black Mustard Brassica nigra DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seeds from which oil is extracted. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are terminal or axillary and compressed into a semi-sphere. The flowers have 4 free sepals, 4 free petals, 6 stamens and 1 ovary. The sepals are 3.5 to 4.5 mm long and appear linear because of slits on the edge. They are yellowish-green, usually glabrous, upright and slightly splayed. The yellow petals are twice as long as the calyx, obovate, rounded at the tip and narrowed to a stem at the base. The ovary is on the receptacle. The style is thin and has a semi-globose, cushion-like stigma. The fruit is an erect pod, which is linear and rounded or angular with a thin dividing wall. It is 10 to 25 mm long and pressed onto the stem. The seed is globose, brown, matte and punctate. EFFECTS The hyperemic effect is the main effect and is employed for various indications where increased blood flow is desired. The drug contains glucosinolates whose main constituent, sinigrin, is converted through enzymatic hydrolysis to allyl mustard oil. This causes a stabbing pain and an intense reddening of the skin. Upon contact with the skin, Allylsen oil causes the severity of the inflammation to increase, potentially to the extent were blisters and necrosis may occur. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: External uses include bronchial pneumonia, sinusitis, pleurisy, lumbago and sciatica for which a mustard poultice is applied, sometimes to achieve an antirheumatic effect (mustard spirit 2%). Foot baths and full baths are used to prompt increased circulation (headaches and mild glaucoma) or to stimulate the cardiopulmonary system (frost bite and vascular disease). Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include irritation of the upper respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. CONTRAINDICATIONS Use of Black Mustard is contraindicated in individuals with gastrointestinal ulcers or inflammatory kidney diseases. Leaves, Stem and Root: Black. Mustard is an annual that grows up to 1 m tall and is slim-branched with thin fusiform roots. The stem grows up to 1 m. It is almost round and bristly-haired at the base, with a bluish bloom toward the top. The stem is glabrous with upright branches almost in bushels. The leaves are petiolate, up to 12 cm long and 5 cm wide. The lower leaves are grass-green and covered in 1 mm long bristles. They are pinnatifid and densely dentate, with 2 to 4 obtuse lobes on each side and a large end section. The upper stem and branch leaves are smaller, usually glabrous and blue-green, ovate or lanceolate and slightly dentate. General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Gastrointestinal complaints (and, rarely, kidney irritation) could occur following internal administration, due to fiie mucus-membrane-irritating effect of the mustard oil. The drug possesses minimal potential for sensitization; contact allergies have been observed. The draining effect associated with the drug's administration makes it inadvisable in the presence of varicosis and venous disorder. Habitat: Black Mustard grows in temperate regions worldwide. Sneezing, coughing and possible asthmatic attacks can result from breathing the allylisothiocyanate that arises with the PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS HERBAL W preparation and application of mustard poultices. Eyes should be protected when preparing or using the poultices because the vapors can cause eye irritation. Long-term external application or too-intensive reactions upon the skin can lead to injury such as blister formation, suppurating ulcerations and necroses. Mustard poultices are to be removed after no more than 30 minutes. Drug Interactions: Avoid concomitant use of preparations containing ammonia, because ammonia with mustard oil forms inactive thiosinamine. Pediatric Use: Black Mustard should not be administered to children under 6 years of age. OVERDOSAGE A Internal overdosage can lead to vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. In severe cases, these can be accompanied by somnolence, cardiac weakness, breathing difficulties and even to death through coma. Following installation of activated charcoal and shock prophylaxis (suitable body position, quiet, warmth), the therapy for poisonings consists of administering mucilaginosa for the protection of mucus membranes and generous amounts of fluids. Possible cases of acidosis should be treated with sodium bicarbonate infusions. In case of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused. Cardiac massage, intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Used externally as a mustard plaster, foot bath or full bath. On rare occasions, Black Mustard is used as a constituent in antirheumatic preparations and cardiac ointments. How Supplied: Allyl mustard oil: 1 to 3% solution, ointments, emulsions and other rubs (including a rheumatism liniment) are available from commercial sources. Preparation: To prepare a mustard poultice, mix approximately 100 g mustard flour with lukewarm water and pack in linen. Use on the chest should not exceed 10 minutes (with a maximum of 3 to 5 minutes for children). Limit use on the face to 3 to 4 minutes and take care to avoid the eye area. When mustard paper is used, it is immersed in warm water and then placed on the painful area of skin. W BLACK MONOGRAPHS To prepare a full mustard bath, mix 100 to 200 g mustard flour with cold water and press through a cloth into the warm bath. A mustard footbath should be prepared in a bucket or other container that allows the warm water to extend up the leg to the desired position. Add 1 to 3 dessertspoons of mustard flour and stir. Daily Dosage: The poultice is placed on the chest for about 10 minutes (with a maximum of 3 to 5 minutes for children). Foot bath use should be limited to 10 minutes. NIGHTSHADE/101 Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc; acute: 3 times daily; chronic once a day (HAB34). Storage: The stored drug should be protected from light. LITERATURE Halva S et al., Agric Sci Finl 58:157. 1986. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL, Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hill CB et al., J Am Soc Hort Sci 112(2):309. 1987. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried herb collected during the flowering season, the whole fresh plant collected during the flowering season and the whole fresh plant with berries. Flower and Fruit: The small white flowers are in 6- to 10blossomed, umbel-like, nodding, axillary inflorescences. The calyx is 5-tipped and does not drop. The corolla is 5-tipped with a short tube. There are 5 stamens wim clavate anthers inclining toward each other. The corolla is rotate and has 1 superior ovary. The fruit is a pea-sized black, occasionally green or yellow, berry. Leaves, Stem and Root: Solanum nigrum is an annual plant 10 to 50 cm in height. The stem is erect, leafy and angular with outward-inclined branches. The leaves are fleshy, petiolate, rhomboid or ovate. They narrow to a cuneate base, which is crenate-dentate and glabrous or sparsely pubescent. 1 0 2 / B L A C K NIGHTSHADE Characteristics: The plant has a musk-like odor when wilting and is poisonous. Habitat: The plant is found worldwide. Production: Black Nightshade is the herb of Solanum nigrum picked in uncultivated regions (the wild) and dried in the open air. Not to be Confused With: Black Nightshade was often called Petty (a corruption of "petit") Morel, to distinguish it from the Deadly Nightshade, or Great Morel, as it is also poisonous but apparently less so. Other Names: Garden Nightshade, Petty Morel, Poisonberry ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Steroid alkaloid glycosides: in the foliage and in unripe fruits (0-2.0%). Ripe fruits are, as a rule, free of alkaloids. Chief alkaloids: solasonine, solamargine, P-solamargine Steroid saponins: with tigogenin as an aglycone EFFECTS According to folk medicine, the herb should work as an antispasmodic, pain reliever, sedative and narcotic; however, there are no studies available. In animal experiments, the steroid alkaloid glycosides have a local anesthetic effect, increase sleep duration and significantly inhibit the occurrence of acetlysalicylic acid-induced stomach ulcers. The effect is attributed to the inhibition of pepsin and hydrochloric acid secretion. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S OVERDOSAGE Overdoses resulting from the intake of large quantities of fresh foliage with high alkaloid content could lead to gastrointestinal signs of irritation, characterized by queasiness, vomiting, headache and, in rare cases, mydriasis. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The herb is available as a ground drug, tincture and liquid extract for internal and external use. Preparation: To prepare a rinse or moist compress, add a handful of drug to 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. A tincture is prepared in a ratio of 1:1 with 9 5 % ethanol. Daily Dosage: Externally, use as a compress or rinse. Internally, the dose is 10 drops of liquid extract 2 to 3 times daily, or 5 to 10 gm of tincture daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc; acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34) LITERATURE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Johnson R, Lee JS, Ryan CA, Regulation of expression of a wound-inducible tomato inhibitor I gene in transgenic nightshade plants. Plant Mol Biol, 45:349-56, 1990 Mar. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internally, Black Nightshade is used for gastric irritation, cramps and whooping cough. Externally, the herb is used for psoriasis, hemorrhoids, abscesses, eczema and bruising. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Chinese Medicine: Black Nightshade is used for furuncles, carbuncles, abscesses, erysipelas, sprains, strains, contusions, chronic bronchitis and acute hepatitis. Moundipa PF, Domngang FM, Effect of the leafy vegetable Solanum nigrum on the activities of some liver drugmetabolizing enzymes after aflatoxin Bl treatment in female rats. Br J Nutr, 45:81-91, 1991 Jan. Indian Medicine: Black Nightshade is used for rheumatic pain, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, wounds, swellings, ulcers, flatulence, dyspeptic complaints, vomiting, dysuria, earache, hiccups, eye disease, leprosy and skin diseases. Ridout CL et al., PA 44:732. 1989. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schreiber K, Kulturpflanze 11:451-501. 1963. Homeopathic Uses: Black Nightshade is used for cerebral and meningeal irritation. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Sultana S, Perwaiz S, Iqbal M, Athar M, Crude extracts of hepatoprotective plants Solanum nigrum and Cichorium intybus inhibit free radical-mediated DNA damage. J Ethnopharmacol, 45:189-92, 1995 Mar. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS Black Pepper Piper nigrum DESCRIPTION <£. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the berries, which have been freed from the pericarp, and the dried berry-like fruit, which has been collected before ripening. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are pendulous, axillary spikes 5 to 15 cm long containing over 100 inconspicuous white florets. The florets have 1 large ovary with 3 stigmas, 2 stamens and a reduced perianth. Red berry-like drupes form the 30 to 50 flowers, which are fertilized. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is actually a liane, which in cultivation is trained on posts or wire. It can grow to over 6 m. The stem is strong and woody, and the leaves are cordate, glossy and pale green. The leaves are 5 to 10 cm wide, 8 to 18 cm long and are on 5 cm long petioles. Habitat: The plant grows wild in southern India and is cultivated in tropical Asia and the Caribbean. ™ Production: Black Peppers are the dried fruits of Piper nigrum, harvested before ripening. The whole ears are plucked and separated from the spindles that have been dried, or the fruit is first brushed from the spindles and then dried. Once the shell has been removed, the green stone-fruit is sun-dried or roasted, after which it blackens. Not to be Confused With: Foreign fruits of the Piperacae family. It is most frequently confused with peppershells, pepper spindles or stiles, i.e. by-products of the extraction of white pepper from black pepper. Other Names: Piper, Pepper Bark BLACK PEPPER/103 bial effect. It influences liver and metabolic functions, and has an insecticidal effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include stomach disorders and digestion problems, neuralgia and scabies. Chinese Medicine: Black Pepper is used for vomiting, diarrhea and gastric symptoms in China. Indian Medicine: Indian uses include arthritis, asthma, fever, coughs, catarrh, dysentery, dyspepsia, flatulence, hemorrhoids, hiccoughs, urethral discharge and skin damage. Homeopathic Uses: Piper nigrum is used for irritation of the mucous membranes and galactorrhea. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Black Pepper is used internally for stomach disorders and externally as an irritant ointment for neuralgia and scabies. Daily Dosage: Single doses range from 0.3 to 0.6 gm. The daily dosage is 1.5 gm. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times a day or from D4: 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly (HAB1). LITERATURE Atal CK et al., (1975) Lloydia 38:256. Freist W, Der scharfe Geschmack des Pfeffers - Ein altes Ratsel, nur teilweise gelost. In: Chemie i.u. Zeit 23(3): 135-142. 1991. COMPOUNDS Kapil A, Piperine. A Potent Inhibitor of Leishmania donovani Promastigotes in vitro. In: PM 59(5):474. 1993. Volatile oil (1.2-2.6%): chief components- sabinene (1525%), limonene (15-20%), caryophyllene (10-15%), betapinene (10-12%), alpha-pinene (8-12%), delta3-carene (5%) Koul IB, Kapil A. Evaluation of the Liver Protective Potential of Piperine, an Active Principle of Black and Long Peppers. In: PM 59(5):413. 1993. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Acid amides (pungent substances): chief components- piperine, additionally including among others piperylin, piperolein A and B, cumaperine 3,4-dihydroxy phenyl ethanol glycosides (substratum for the enzymatic black colouring of the fresh fruits) Polysaccharides (45%) Fatty oil (10%) EFFECTS The drug stimulates the thermal receptors and increases secretion of saliva and gastric mucous. It has an antimicro- Raina ML et al., (1976) Planta Med 30:198. Richard ML et al., (1976) J Food Sci 36:584. Schroder, Buch. In: Schroder R: Kaffee, Tee und Kardamom, Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart. 1991. Traxter JT, (1971) J Agric Food Chem 19:1135. Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1. 2nd Ed. Pub. CRC Press Boca Raton 1975. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. 104/BLACK PEPPER Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Black Root Leptandra virginica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried rhizome with the roots. The roots have a very different action according to whether they are used fresh or dry. The dried root is milder. Flower and Fruit: The stems end in terminal, 15 to 25 cm long spikes of white flowers. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial herb, which grows to about 120 cm high. The rhizome is horizontal, cylindrical, branched and dark red to dark purple-brown on the outside. The simple, erect stems grow in intervals of 1.2 to 3.2 cm from the rhizome. They are smooth and finely downy. The leaves are whorled (4 to 7 in one whorl), lanceolate, on short petioles, pointed and finely serrate. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Black Root is used for chronic constipation and liver and gallbladder disorders. It is also used as an emetic. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used for diarrhea and inflammation of the liver and gallbladder. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The emetic and laxative effects of the drug are used therapeutically. DOSAGE Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 (unter Veronica virginica). Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Habitat: Indigenous to the eastern U.S. but grows elsewhere. Production: Black Root and its rhizome are the complete underground parts of Leptandra virginica. Other Names: Bowman's Root, Physic Root, Hini, Oxadoddy, Tall Speedwell, Tall Veronica, Whorlywort, Culveris Root Blackberry Rubus fruticosus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves, roots and berries. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: composition unknown Cinnamic acid derivatives: including among others 4-methoxycinnamic acid, 3,4-dimethoxycinnamic acid and their esters Tannins The constituents of the drug have not been fully investigated. Flower and Fruit: The white or sometimes pale pink flowers are in cymes. The calyx is 5-sepaled, the corolla is 5petalled. There are numerous stamens and ovaries. The small fruit forms a black or reddish-black aggregate fruit, the blackberry. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a fast-growing, thorny bush up to 2 m high. The generally blunt stems are densely covered in tough thorns that creep or curve backward. The leaves are usually 5-paired pinnate, glabrous above, and gray to white tomentose beneath. EFFECTS The drug has diaphoretic, carminative and cathartic effects. It is also a cholagogue and a laxative. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe and has naturalized in America and Australia. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Production: Blackberry root bonsists of the underground parts of Rubus fruticosus as well as its preparations. Blackberry leaf consists of the dried, fermented or unfermented leaf, gathered during the flowering period, of Rubus fruticosus as well as its preparations. Other Names: Blackberry, American, Dewberry, Bramble, Goutberry, High Blackberry, Thimbleberry ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: BLACKBERRY ROOT Saponins Tannins EFFECTS: BLACKBERRY ROOT There is no reliable information available. COMPOUNDS: BLACKBERRY LEAF Fruit acids: including citric acid, isocitric acid Flavonoids Tannins (8 to 14%): gallo tannins, dimeric ellagitannins BLADDERWORT Daily Dosage: 2 to 5 gm drug. To prepare a tea, scald 1.5 gm drug, steep for 10 to 15 minutes, strain (1 teaspoon equivalent to approximately 0.6 gm drug). LITERATURE BLACKBERRY LEAF Henning W, (1981) Lebensm Unters Forsch 173:180. Gupta RK et al., J Chem Soc Perkin 1:2525. 1982. Mukherjee M et al., PH 23:2881. 1984. Wollmann Ch et al., PA 19:456. 1964. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. EFFECTS: BLACKBERRY LEAF Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Blackberry leaf has astringent and antidiarrheal effects due to the high tannin content. Henning W, (1981) Lebensm Unters Forsch 173:180. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BLACKBERRY ROOT 105 BLACKBERRY ROOT Further information in: Unproven Uses: Blackberry root is used in folk medicine &r. a prophylaxis for dropsy. It is also used in gastrointestinal conditions. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. BLACKBERRY LEAF Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Approved by Commission E: • Diarrhea • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Bladderwort Blackberry leaf is used for non-specific, acute diarrhea and mild inflammation of the mucosa of the oral cavity and throat. Utricularia vulgaris PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the whole plant. DESCRIPTION BLACKBERRY ROOT AND LEAF No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Flower and Fruit: The vertical peduncle is 10 to 35 cm high and bears 4 to 15 flowers in a loose raceme. The petioles are short and campanulate, 13 to 20 mm long with a bilabiate margin. DOSAGE BLACKBERRY ROOT No information is available BLACKBERRY LEAF Leaves, Stem and Root: Utricularia vulgaris is a water plant, which appears at flowering time. The water shoot is 60 cm long with double-rowed leaves facing all directions. The water leaves are 1 to 8 cm long and have 2 to 3 large lobes. Each lobe is pinnatifid and ends in numerous tips. There are 8 to 209 tubes per leaf. Mode of Administration: Balckbeny leaf is available as crude drug for infusions and other preparations for internal use, as well as for mouthwashes. The drug is a component of various tea mixtures. I Habitat: Europe 1 0 6 /BLADDERWORT Production: Bladderwort is the whole plant of Utricularia vulgaris. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried thallus and the fresh thallus of Bladderwrack. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Iridoids: including globularin, scutellarioside II Phenylpropane derivatives: 1-p-cumaroyl-glucoside EFFECTS The plant has diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE The drug was formerly used internally in the treatment of urinary tract disorders and externally for burns. The active substances in Bladderwort increase gallbladder secretions; consequently, the drug is used to treat skin and mucous membrane inflammation. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is obsolete in many parts of Germany. Bladderwort is used internally and externally in other parts of the world. Preparation: To prepare a diuretic infusion for internal use, add 2 gm of drug per 100 ml of water. To prepare an antiinflammatory infusion for external use, add 6 gm of drug per 100 ml of water. Daily Dosage: Internally, as a diuretic infusion, drink two small cups daily. Externally, the anti-inflammatory infusion is used in mouthwashes, cleansers, cosmetics and face packs. Flower and Fruit: Some thallus ends look grainy and it is here that the reproductive organs are found. The fructifications consisting of 3 cm long ovoid receptacles are found in the tips of these thalli. They are either cordate or ovately flattened with grainy bladders. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is often over 1 m long, olive green when fresh and black brown when dry. The stem of the thallus is flat, repeatedly bifurcated and has a midrib along the whole length. Beside this midrib there are often scattered pores and numerous air-filled bladders. Habitat: The plant is found on the North Sea coast, the western Baltic coast, and on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Production: Bladderwrack consists of the dried thallus of Fucus vesiculosus, of Ascophyllum nodosum, or of both species, as well as their preparations. The algae are harvested when the tide is out, then washed in fresh water and dried at 60° C. Other Names: Sea wrack, Kelpware, Black-Tang, Bladder Fucus, Cutweed, Fucus, Quercus marina, Kelp-Ware, Rockwrack ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Inorganic iodine salts Organically-bound iodine: in particular in proteins and lipids, also present as diiodothyrosine Polysaccharides: including alginic acid, fucane, fucoidine (strongly sulfated) Polyphenold: Phlorotannins LITERATURE Baumgartner DL, Laboratory evaluation of the bladderwort plant, Utricularia vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae), as a predator of late instar Culex pipiens and assessment of its biocontrol potential. J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 23:504-7, 1987 Sep. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus TRADE NAMES Bladderwrack (available from numerous manufacturers and as combination product) EFFECTS The drug is antimicrobial, has a hypoglycemic effect in animal experiments and leads in vitro to hemaglutination of human erythrocytes because of the polyphenolic substances. Its use in the treatment of thyroid conditions associated with hypethyrosis has merit because of the high iodine content. There is information on its apparent usefulness in weight reduction, which must be strongly criticized for the reasons given above. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of Bladderwrack are used internally for diseases of the thyroid, obesity, overweight, arteriosclerosis and digestive disorders and externally for sprains. H E R B A L M O N O G R A P HS BLESSED THISTLE / 107 Homeopathic Uses: In Homeopathy Fucus vesiculosus is used for obesity and goitre. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992.* General: Dosages above 150 gm iodide/day carry with them the danger of induction or worsening of a hyperthyroidism. For that reason, the drug should no longer be administered due to its variable iodide content (0.03 - 1%). Allergic reactions have been known to occur. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. Drug Interactions: Bladderwrack has a hypoglycemic effect. Theoretically, there may be an interaction with other antihyperglycemic medications. Monitor patients carefully if they are concurrently using glucose lowering agents. Cnicus benedict us Blessed Thistle DOSAGE TRADE NAMES Mode of Administration: Bladderwrack is available as drops and fluid extract for internal use. Blessed Thistle is available from a number of manufacturers. How Supplied: Fluid Extract: 1:1 Medicinal Parts: The dried leaves and upper stems, including the inflorescence, and the flowering parts of the plant. DESCRIPTION Daily Dosage: Infusion — single dose: 5 to 10 gm drug 3 times daily. Extract — single dose: 4 to 8 ml 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) and 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). Maximum daily intake of iodine is limited to 120 Llg. Storage: Should be protected from light. LITERATURE Beress A, Wassermann O, Bruhn T, Beress L, A new procedure for the isolation of anti-HIV compounds (polysaccharides and polyphenols) from the marine alga Fucus vesiculosus. In: JNP 56(4):478-488. 1993. Criado MT et al., (1983) IRC Med Sci 11(3):286. Curro F et al., (1976) Arch Med Interna 28(1): 19. Frohne D, Phytotherapeutika und Schilddruse. In: Intern Praxis 32(1)158. 1992. Glombitza KW et al., (1977) Planta Med 32(1):33. Glombitza KW, Lentz G (198'i) Tetrahedron 37(22):3861. Phillips DJH (1979) Environ Pollut 18(1):31. Quang-Liem P, Laur MH (1974) Biochimie 56(677):925. Quang-Liem P, Laur MH (1976) Biochimie 58(11/12): 1367, Stahl E et al., DAZ 115:1893. 1975. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Flower and Fruit: The blossom is a pale yellow composite, its solitary flower sessile on the tips of the twigs. The florets are tubular. The few lateral florets are sterile, have 3-part borders and are smaller than the numerous androgynous florets. The epicalyx is ovate. The inner bracts end in a long, rigid and pinnatifid thorn. The outer bracts terminate in a simple thorn. They are broad, leafy and connected with the cordate-oblong leaflets of the epicalyx by numerous web-like hairs. The fruit has a tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The high. The stems are heavily and glutinous pubescent. The to pinnatifid, thorny-dentate, thistle grows to 30 to 50 cm branched, thistle-like, villous leaves are oblong, emarginate and roughly reticulate. Characteristics: The plant has a strong and bitter taste. Habitat: The thistle comes from southern Europe but is cultivated in other regions of the continent. Production: Blessed Thistle herb consists of the dried leaves and upper stems, including inflorescence, of Cnicus benedictus. Other Names: St. Benedicts Thistle, Cardin, Holy Thistle, Spotted Thistle ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Sesquiterpene lactone-bitter principles: chief components cnicin, additionally, salonitenolide, artemisiifolin Lignans (also bitter): tracheloside trachelogenin, arctigenin, nor- 1 0 8 / B L E S S E D THISTLE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Volatile oil: components including n-nonane, n-undecane, n-i- , Harnischfeger G, tridecane, dodeca-l,ll-dien-3,5,7,9-tetrain (polyyne), p-cyUrzua A, Acuna mene, fenchon, citral, cinnamaldehyde Vanhaelen-Fastre Triterpenes: alpha-amyrin, multiflorenol Vanhaelen-Fastre Flavonoides: astragalin including apigenin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin,I, EFFECTS The main constituent is the amaroid cnicin, which iss antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antitumoural. The amaroidss stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juices. In animal1 tests an anti-edemic effect was demonstrated. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Stolze H, notabene medici 11:652. 1981. P, (1983) Fitoterapia 4:175 R, PM 24:165. 1973. R, Vanhaelen M. (1976) Planta Med 29:179. Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL. Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 1969. Approved by Commission E: Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K. Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Unproven Uses: St. Benedict Thistle is used as a cholagogue. Internal folk medicine applications include loss of appetite, anorexia, fever and colds, and as a diuretic. External application for wounds and ulcers is noted. CONTRAINDICATIONS St. Benedict Thistle is not to be used during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The drug exhibits a strong potential for sensitization (crossreactions with mugwort and cornflower, among others); however, allergic reactions have been seen only rarely. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug and dried extracts for infusions or other bitter-tasting galenic preparations for internal use. How Supplied: Capsules — 340 mg, 360 mg Extract — 1:1 Tablets Preparation: Infusions are prepared by pouring boiling water over 1.5 to 2 gm of drug, allowing to set, then straining after 10 to 20 minutes. Daily Dosage: Four to 6 gm of drug. The dosage for the aromatic bitter is 1 cup 1/2 hour before meals. One cup of tea is taken 3 times a day. LITERATURE Banhaelen M, Vanhaelen-Fastre R, (1975) Phytochemistry 14: 2709. Farnsworth NR et al., (1975) J Pharm Sci 64(4):535. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are roots and the whole plant. Flower and Fruit: The plant bears a white flower with 8 to 12 petals on a 15 cm long scape. It is wax-like and has golden stamens. The seed is an oblong, narrow capsule approximately 2.5 cm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: The perennial plant grows to about 15 cm high. The rhizome is thick, round, fleshy and slightly curved at the end. It is 2.5 to 10 cm long and has orange-red rootlets. The 1 basal palmately-lobed leaf appears when the flower dies. The down-covered, grayish green leaf is clasping, 15 to 25 cm long and has 5 to 9 lobes. Protruding ribs are recognizable on the under surface. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the northeastern U.S. Production: Canadian Bloodroot is the root-stock (rhizome) of Sanguinaria canadensis. HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Other Names: Indian Paint, Tetterwort, Red Root, Paucon, Coon Root, Snakebite, Sweet Slumber, Indian Plant, Pauson, Sanguinaria ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Isoquinoline alkaloids of the benzophenanthridine type (47%): chief alkaloid sanguinarine, further including among others, chelerythrine. oxysanguinarine: protoberberine-type: berberine, coptisine: protopine-type: protopine. alpha- and beta-allocryptopine Resins Starch EFFF.CTS The alkaloid sanguinarin is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Its use as an antiplaque agent and for gingivitis is plausible and has been documented in diverse studies. The alkaloids initially act as a narcotic, causing severe cramping that is followed by a local paralysis of sensitive nerve endings. BLUE COHOSH/109 Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Blue Cohosh INDICATIONS AND USAGE Caulophyllum The drug was formerly used as an expectorant, as an active antiplaque agent, and as a mouthwash. TRADE NAMES CONTRAINDICATIONS thalictroides Blue Cohosh Root Liquid (available from numerous manufacturers and as a combination product) Bloodroot is not to be used during pregnancy. DESCRIPTION PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE The drug has an emetic effect in dosages above 0.03 g, and was previously used therapeutically. Higher dosages of the drug severely irritate the mucus membranes. Overdoses can cause vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal colic, and possible collapse. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is obsolete in most countries. Bloodroot is still used in homeopathic preparations, as an ingredient in some pharmaceutical preparations, and as a component of toothpaste and mouthwashes. LITERATURE Anonym, Medizinische Mundpflege mit Sanguinaria-Extrakt. In: DAZ 131(l6):XLH. 1991. Collins KR, Pat. EP 25649 (1981) Europe. Elliott JQ, Pat. US 4515779 (1985) USA. Ladanyi P, Pat. CH 638973 (1983) Switzerland. Maiti M et al., Febs Lett 142:280. Medicinal Parts: Medicinal parts are the dried rhizome and roots and preparations of the fresh roots. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence on the terminal leaf is panicled, 3 to 6 cm long and surrounded by a leaf-like bract. The flowers are yellowish-green to purple and are 1 cm in diameter. The 6 sepals are arranged in 2 rows. The 6 petals are markedly reduced, inconspicuous and gland-like. The 6 stamens are as long as the petals. The ovary opens before it is ripe and contains 2 dark blue 5 to 8 mm long, roundish seeds on solid stems. These resemble drupes because of the fleshy seed-shell. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a leafy, 30 to 70 cm high erect perennial with a brownish-gray, branched rhizome. The leaves are inserted in the middle of the shoot with a large, almost sessile leaf, which is tri-pinnate and resembles 3 foliage leaves. The leaflets are stemmed, obovate, finely divided into 3 lobes, and wedge-shaped at the base. Characteristics: Taste is sweetish, then bitter; almost odorless. Habitat: The plant is found in the damp woods of the eastern part of North America. 1 1 0 / B L U E COHOSH PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Production: Blue Cohosh is the dried root and root-stock of Caulophyllum thalictroides. It is collected in the wild. Preparation: Infusion (no specifications); liquid extract 1:1, in ethanol 70% (V/V) Other Names: Papoose Root, Squawroot, Blueberry Root, Beechdrops, Blue Ginseng, Yellow Ginseng Daily Dosage: The average single dose is 0.3 to 1 gm of drug; 0.5 to 1 ml of liquid extract. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml 3 times a day sc (HAB34). COMPOUNDS Quinolizidine alkaloids: main alkaloids (-)-anagyrines, (-)N-methyl-cytisines, and (-)-baptifoline Isoquinoline alkaloids: magnoflorine Triterpene saponins: caulophyllosaponin Caulosapogenin LITERATURE Benoit PS et al., (1976) Lloydia 39:160. Di Carlo FI et al., (1964) J Reticuloendothelial Soc 1:224. Flom MS et al., (1967) J Pharm Sci 56:1515-1517. Strigina LI et al., (1975) Phytochemistry 15:1583. EFFECTS Strigina LI et al., (1976) Khim Prir Soedin 5:619. An unspecified glycoside, which has been localized from the drug and then injected into the ears of rabbits, causes a strong local irritation. Applying a solution into the rabbit's eyes leads to inflammation. Glycoside is supposed to have an oxytoxic effect. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. The weak estrogenic, spasmolytic effect is probably caused by, as yet unknown constituents; the ensuing nicotine effect is possibly caused by N-methylcytisine. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internally it has been used for amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, threatened miscarriage, contraction-like spasms, rheumatic symptoms, and in particular conditions resulting from uterus atonia. Indian Medicine: In India, die drug is known as a treatment for gynecological disorders. In English and American medicine, the drug has been used since the beginning of the 20th century for worm infestation, dehydration, menstrual ailments, cramps, and mainly to stimulate contractions and act as an antispasmodic during labor. Homeopathic Uses: Uses include for problems of menstruation and labor, as well as rheumatism of the fingers and toes. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Pregnancy: The drug should not be taken during the first three months of pregnancy due to its estrogenic effect and possible teratogenic action of the anagyrines. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally as a decoction or a liquid extract. How Supplied: Liquid — 1:1 Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Bog Bean Menyanthes trifoliata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the dried herb. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are white or reddish-white, medium-sized and have many blossomed racemes on long, leafless peduncles. There are 5 sepals. The corolla is fused with 5 tips and is pubescent inside. There are 5 reddish stamens and 1 superior ovary. The fruit is an ovate capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: Menyanthes trifoliata is a perennial green, glabrous aquatic plant that grows from 15 to 30 cm high. The herb has a small, finger-thick creeping rhizome. The decumbent stem varies in length according to conditions. Leaf sheaths surround the stem. The leaves are on long, fleshy, grooved petioles. They are trifoliate, 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, and have obovate leaflets. Characteristics: The herb has a strong bitter taste. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, Asia and | America. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS BOG B I L B E R R Y / 1 1 1 Production: Bog Bean leaf consists of the leaf of Menyanthes trifoliata. Other Names: Buck Bean, Bog Myrtle, Brook Bean, Marsh Clover, Moonflower. Trefoil, Water Shamrock ^ DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb for teas and other bitter-tasting preparations for internal use. COMPOUNDS Preparation: Pour boiling water over 0.5 to 1 g of the finely cut drug (1 teaspoonful = 0.9 g) or place the drug in cold water and bring rapidly to a boil. Allow either preparation to steep for 5 to 10 minutes, then strain. fridoide monoterpenes (bitter principles): chief components 7', 8'-dihydrofoliamenthin, additionally including among others sweroside, loganin, menthiafolin, foliomenthin How Supplied: The drug is a component of standardized preparations of various tonics. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Monoterpene alkaloids: including gentianin E Flavonoids: trifolin including Hydroxycoumarins: among others rutin, hyperoside, Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 1.5 to 3 g of the drug. The dosage for the infusion is 1/2 cup, unsweetened, before each meal. LITERATURE scopoletin Battersby AR et al.. (1967) J Chem Soc Chem Commun. 1277. Ciaceri G. (1972) Fitoterapia 43:134. Caffeic acid derivatives Pyrridine alkaloids: including gentianine, gentianidine Triterpene glycosides: lupeol, beta-amyrenol, betulin, betulinic acid, alpha-spinasterol, stigmast-7-enol Janeczko Z et al.. A triterpenoid glycoside from Menyanthes trifoliata. In: PH 29(12):3885-3887. 1990. Junior P, Weitere Untersuchungen zur Verteilung und Straktur der Bitterstoffe von Menyanthes trifoliata. In: PM 32(12): 112. 1989. Phillipson JD, Anderson LA. (1984) Pharm J 233:80 et 111. ^ EFFECTS The drug stimulates saliva and gastric juice secretion. An antimicrobial effect has been demonstrated in vitro. INDICATIONS AND USAGE • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite Because it is a bitter and promotes gastric secretion, the drug is used for loss of appetite and peptic discomfort. Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses, particularly in European countries, include diseases of the digestive system and fevers. Chinese Medicine: Insomnia, weak stomach and intestines, spleen disorders, intermittent fever, headache, breathing difficulties, amenorrhea, ear ache, jaundice, edema, gout, scabies and furuncles are among the applications in Chinese medicine. CONTRAINDICATIONS JP* Use of the drug is contraindicated for patients with diarrhea, dysentery or colitis. Swaitek L et al., (1986) Planta Med 6:60P. Tumon H et al.. The effect of Menyanthes trifolita L. on acute renal failure might due to PAF-inhibition. In: Phytomedicine 1:39-45. 1994. Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1., 2nd Ed., CRC Press Boca Raton 1975. Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Oeorg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Bog Bilberry OVERDOSAGE DESCRIPTION Symptoms of overdose include vomiting and diarrhea. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried ripe fruit. Vaccinium uliginosum 112/BOG BILBERRY Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged in axils of small leaves at the end of short lateral branches. They are hanging and white or reddish in color. The pedicle is encircled at the base with a light brown bud husk. The calyx is fused with the ovary. The fruit is a round or pear-shaped, blue-frosted, 7 to 10 cm long, multi-seeded berry. The light brown seeds are sickle-shaped with sharp ends, and have a punctate-reticulate skin. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an angular shrub up to 80 cm high with round, gray-brown, glabrous branches and a creeping rhizome. The leaves are deciduous, obovate or oblong, entire, tough and short-petioled. The undersurface has a protruding, reticulate vein system and is blue-green. The upper surface of the leaves is light matte-green to almost white. Habitat: The plant is common throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Production: Bog Bilberries and leaves are the ripe fruit and leaves of Vaccinium uliginosum. The collection or picking occurs in uncultivated regions. The drug is either air-dried in the shade or dried artificially. Not to be Confused With: The Bog Bilberry has smaller flowers and berries than the common Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus; see separate entry). ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S OVERDOSAGE Signs of poisoning following consumption of large quantities of the fruits have occurred very rarely. Signs include queasiness, vomiting, states of intoxication, feelings of weakness and visual disorders. Presumably, these poisonmgs can be traced back to the plant being infested with the lower fungus Sclerotinia megalospora. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally as a liquid extract (tea). Preparation: To prepare a tea, pour 250 ml of cold water over 2 heaping teaspoons of drug; steep for 10 to 12 hours and strain. Daily Dosage: Drink 1 cup of the prepared tea, unsweetened, once or twice a day. LITERATURE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. C O M P O U N D S : IN THE LEAVES Tannins: catechin tannins Triterpenes: alpha-amyrin, friedelin, ursolic acid Sterols: beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosteroI-3-O-beta-glucoside Flavonoids: including hyperoside Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Giftstoffe mikrobieller Endo- und Epiphyten. Gefahren fur Mensch und Tier. In: DAZ I32(42):2231. 1992. C O M P O U N D S : IN T H E F R U I T S Anthocyans: including chief components: malvidin-3-O-glucoside, delphinidine-3-O-glucoside, delphinidine-3-O-arabinoside Organic acids: including benzoic acid Flavonoids: including hyperoside, myricetin, myricetin-5'methyl ether EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Bog Bilberry is used for gastric and intestinal catarrh, diarrhea and bladder complaints. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Boldo Peumus boldo DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are racemes of whitish or pinkish campanulate flowers. The berries are small, yellowish-green and edible. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a strongly aromatic, heavily branched evergreen shrub 5 to 6 m tall. The leaves are sessile, opposite, oval, about 5 cm long with an entire and slightly revolute margin. They are rather thick and coriaceous with a protruding midrib and a row of small glands on the upper surface. Both surfaces are slightly pubescent. BONESET H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS Characteristics: Boldo has a bitter, aromatic odor and a camphoraceous, lemony taste. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Chile and Peru. It is naturalized in mountainous Mediterranean regions and on the western coast of the U.S. Production: Boldo leaf consists of the dried leaves of Peumus boldus. Other Names: Boldu, Boldus ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS 113 LITERATURE Belts TJ, J Chromatogr 511:373. 1990. Bombardelli E et al., (1976) Fitoterapia 47:3. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Eds.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlas Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Kreitmar H, (1952) Pharmazie 7:507. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc.. New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-5. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Isoquinoline alkaloids of the aporphine type (0.25-0.5%): main alkaloid boldine (0.1%) Reuter HD, Pflanzliche Gallentherapeutika (Teil I) und .Teil II). In: ZPT 16(l):13-20 u. 77-89. 1995. Volatile oil (2-39c): chief components are p-cymene, cineol, ascaridiole Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen. Pflanzendfte. 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Flavonoids: including rhamnetin-3-0-arabinoside-3'-0rhamnoside (peumoside), isorhamnetin-3-0-glucoside-7-0rhamnoside (boldoside), isorhamnetin dirhamnoside (fragroside) EFFECTS Boldo has been shown to be antispasmodic, choleretic and to increase gastric secretions. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.. Stuttgart 1997. Urzua A, Acuna P, (1983) Fitoterapia 4:175. Wichtl M (Eds.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsge-s. Stuttgart 1997. Wolters B, Arzneipflanzen und Volksmedizin Chiles. In: DAZ 134(39):3693. 1994. • Dyspeptic complaints CONTRAINDICATIONS Boldo is contraindicated in patients with bile duct obstruction and those with severe liver diseases. Patients who have gallstones should consult a physician before using the drug. Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DESCRIPTION No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The volatile oil should not be used, because it contains up to 40% of the toxin ascaridole. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb after flowering. OVERDOSAGE Signs of paralysis are reported to appear following intake of very high dosages. A case is described in the older scientific literature in which depression, color hallucinations, sound hallucinations and partial motor aphasia occurred following the consumption of boldine over a period of months. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb for infusions and other, virtually ascaridol-free preparations for internal application. Because of the ascaridol content, essential oil and distillates of Boldo leaf should not be used. Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage is 4.5 gm Flower and Fruit: There are numerous flower heads in terminal, large and slightly convex cymose-paniculate inflorescences. They consist of 10 to 12 white, inconspicuous florets with bristly pappus whose hairs are arranged in a single row. The fruit is a tufted achene. Leaves, Stem and Root: Eupatorium perfoliatum is a perennial herb with a horizontal hairy rootstock. The stems are rough-haired and grow to about 1.5 m. The leaves are opposite, 10 to 15 cm long, lanceolate, crenate, tapering to narrow point and fused at the base. They have shiny yellow points due to the resin glands, which are visible on the undersurface. Characteristics: The taste is astringent and persistendy bitter. 114/BONESET PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Habitat: The herb is indigenous to the eastern U.S. Production: Boneset is the complete aerial part of Eupatorium perfoliatum. Other Names: Agueweed, Crosswort, Feverwort, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Teasel, Thoroughwort, Vegetable Antimony ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: including eupatorin, astragalin, rutin, hyperoside Sesquiterpene lactones: including eupafolin, eufoliatin, eufoliatorin, euperfolide Jmmunostimulating polysaccharides euperfolitin, (heteroxylans) EFFECTS The herb acts as an antiphlogistic, a diaphoretic and a bitter, in addition to stimulating the body's immune system. In a comparative study of the homeopathic preparation Eupatorium D2 with aspirin in the treatment of feverish catarrh, a similar positive tendency was observed. In vitro, the phagocytic action of granulocytes was increased. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. Woerdenbag HJ, Eupatorium perfoliatum L.- der "durchwachsene" Wasserhanf. In: ZPT 13(4): 134-139. 1992. Further information in: Chan, EH et al., (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Unproven Uses: On rare occasions, Boneset is used in folk medicine. Homeopathic Uses: Boneset is used as a treatment for flu and febrile diseases. Borage Borago officinalis PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Sensitization after skin contact with the plant is possible. Older scientific literature (Lewin) calls attention to the fact that the drug can lead to enhanced outbreaks of sweat and diarrhea in therapeutic use. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Boneset is used in homeopathic preparations and dilutions. LITERATURE Antibiotika und Immunabwehr. In: Symbiose 4(2):20. 1992. Benoit PS et al., (1976) Lloydia 39:160. Bohlmann F et al., (1977) Phytochemistry 16:1973. Elsasser-Beile U, Willenbacher W, Bartsch HH, Gallati H, Schulte Monting J, Kleist von S et al., Cytokine production in leukocyte cultures during therapy with echinacea extract. In: J Clin Lab Analysis 10(6):441-445. 1996. Herz W et al., (1977) J Org Chem 42(13):2264. Vollmar A et al., (1986) Phytochemistry 25:377. Wagner H (1972) Phytochemistry 11:1504. TRADE NAMES Borage Oil capsules manufacturers. are available from numerous DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried Borage flowers and the dried or fresh foliage, stems and leaves. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in separate, terminal, erect, leafy racemes. The calyx is divided almost to the base into 5 rough-haired tips. The 1.5 to 2.5 cm wide corolla is usually sky blue (occasionally white) and has a short tube. The scales of the tube are white. The 5 stamens have a broadened filament and a violet, spur-like appendage. The anthers are black-violet. The style is thread-like with a headlike stigma. The ovary is divided into 4 valves. The small nut js elongate-ovate, about 7 to 10 mm long, light brown, keeled, ribbed, warty and rough. Leaves, Stem and Root: Borage is an annual, succulent, bristly-haired herb, 15 to 60 cm high. The erect, vertically grooved stems are covered in rough, whitish hairs. The leaves are alternate, clasping, solitary, entire-margined and hairy. They are also folded, curved in at the margins, green HERBAL MONOGRAPHS on top and whitish on the underside. The leaves are 3 to 10 cm long and elliptoid to ovate. Characteristics: Borage has a taste similar to cucumber. Habitat: Borage originated in the Mediterranean region, but <qfe is now found all over Europe and the U.S. Production: Borage oil is the fatty oil of the seeds of Borago officinalis. Borage leaves are the dried leaves and inflorescence of Borago officinalis. The herb most often grows wild, but is cultivated on a small scale in Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria and Turkey. Borage is harvested during the flowering period. Due to the plant's very high water content, it should be artificially dried at 40°C. Not to be Confused With: The herb can be confused with Echium vulgare. Other Names: Burrage, Bugloss, Burage ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : B O R A GE OIL Fatty oil: chief fatty acid is gamma-linolenic acid (17-25%), linoleic acid BORAGO O F F I C I N A L I S / 1 1 5 PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BORAGE OIL No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. BORAGE L E A F Even though the hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic pyrrolizidine alkaloid content is small, the drug should not be administered. External use may present less of a potential for problems. DOSAGE B O R A G E OIL Mode of Administration: In capsules, sometimes in combination with vitamins. How Supplied: Capsules — 500mg, 1000 mg BORAGE LEAF Storage: The drug should be protected from light and moisture. LITERATURE E F F E C T S : B O R A G E OIL ^ The drug acts as an astringent and as a sequestering agent. COMPOUNDS: BORAGE LEAF Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: supinin, lycopsamin, 7-acetyl-lycopsamin, intermedin, 7-acetyl- intermedine, amabiline, thesinine Hansel R. Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Silicic acid (to some extent water-soluble) Ippen H, Gamma-Linolensaure besser aus Nachtkerzen- oder aus Borretschol? In: ZPT 16(3): 167-170. 1995. Mucilages Luthy J et al., (1984) Pharm Acta Helv 59 (9/10): 242. Tannins EFFECTS: BORAGE LEAF The tannins in Borage leaves have an astringent effect and the mucins a sequestering effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BORAGE OIL Unproven Uses: The oil is used for neurodermatitis and as a food supplement. BORAGE LEAF w B O R A G E OIL Fell KR, Peck JM, (1968) Planta Med 4: 411. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Borage is used as a sequestering and mucilaginous agent for coughs and throat illnesses and as a bronchial treatment. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent for kidney and bladder disorders, as an astringent and to treat rheumatism. Preparations using Borage are also used for blood purification and dehydration; the prevention of chest and peritoneal inflammation and rheumatism of the joints; as a pain-relieving, cardiotonic, sedative, sudorific; as a performance-enhancing agent; and for phlebitis and menopausal complaints. BORAGE LEAF Dodson CD, Stermitz FR, JNP 49(4):727-728. 1986. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Larson KM, Stermitz FR, JNP 47(4):747-748. 1984. Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Borago officinalis See Borage 1 1 6 / B O S W E L L I A CARTERI Boswellia carteri See Frankincense Boxwood PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine preparations were used internally for rheumatism and constipation (decoction), as a diaphoretic (aqueous extract), for malaria (tincture) and pneumonia (ethanol extract), and externally for rashes, hair loss, gout and rheumatic complaints (ointment) Buxus sempervirens Homeopathic Uses: Buxus sempervirens is used for greasy scalp with dandruff and for hair loss. DESCRIPTION PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried Boxwood tree leaves and the woody aerial parts of the plant. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Contact dermatitis, in particular through contact with the freshly harvested plant, is possible. Flower and Fruit: Clusters of axillary yellow flowers open in early spring. The male flowers are evenly shaped and have 4 tepals, 4 stamens and a small rudimentary ovary. The female flowers have 4 to 8 tepals, 3 fused carpels with 3 free, short, thick styles. The fruit is a capsule with oblong. 5 to 6 mm long seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: Boxwood is an evergreen monoecious shrub or tree growing to a height of 6 m with variable forms and leaf shapes. The green branches are initially pubescent, later glabrous, olive green, angular and densely covered with ovate leaves, which are usually opposite. The upper surface of the leaves is smooth, coriaceous, dark green and very glossy. The lower surface is lighter in shade, and the lamina margin is smooth. OVERDOSAGE The intake of toxic dosages of the drug leads to vomiting, diarrhea, severe clonic spasms, eventually to signs of paralysis and ultimately to fatal asphyxiation. The fatal dosage in dogs is O.l gm of the alkaloid mixture/kg body weight (approximately 5 to 10 gm of the drug/kg body weight). The treatment for poisonings proceeds through suppression of the spasms with diazepam or barbiturates (no more than absolutely necessary) followed by gastric lavage and possible oxygen respiration. Phenothiazines and analeptics are not to be administered. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Boxwood is obsolete as a drug. Characteristics: The leaves have a nauseous taste. Habitat: The plant is found mainly in southern and central Europe with a clear division into east and west regions, i.e., northwest Spain and southern France in the west and the Balkans to northern Greece and Asia Minor in the east. It is otherwise extensively cultivated. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, l tablet or 5 to 10 globules, 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly. (HAB34) LITERATURE Atta-ur-Rahman et al., Alkaloids from Buxus species. In: PH 31(8):2933-2935. 1992. Production: Boxwood leaves are the leaves of Buxus sempervirens. They are collected from the wild. Atta-ur-Rahman et al.. New alkaloids from Buxus sempervirens. In: JNP 52:1319-1322. 1989. Other Names: Dudgeon, Bush Tree Atta-ur-Rahman et al., Steroidal alkaloids from leaves of Buxus sempervirens. In: PH 30(4): 1295-1298. 1991. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und.Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. COMPOUNDS Steroid alkaloids: including cyclobuxine-D, cyclobuxine-B, cycloprotobuxine-A, cycloprotobu EFFECTS The. cycloprotobuxine in the drug was shown to have a cytotoxic effect in vitro as well as an inhibitory effect on the growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis. In animal tests, an inhibition of motility, including tetanus, spinal paralysis and respiratory paralysis, was demonstrated. A hypotensive effect has been described. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Khodshaev BU et al., (1984) Khim Prir Soedin 6:802. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie. 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Willaman JJ. Hui-Li L, (1970) Lloydia 33(3A):1. BRAZILIAN PEPPER T R E E / 1 1 7 harvested in winter (May to August) and then air- or freezedried. Other Names: Christmas-Berry Tree, Florida Holly ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Brassica napus See Oilseed Rape Brassica nigra See Black Mustard COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (2.0 to W.0%): chief components including limonene, alpha-phellandrene, beta-phellandrene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, including as well p-cymol, sabinene, terpinolene, in some chemical varieties up to 50% delta3carene Alkyl phenols cardolenes (0.1%): cardanols, cardols, 2-methyl Fatty oil (in the seeds 20 to 60%) Brassica oleracea See Cabbage Flavonoids: including amentoflavone biflavonoids, for example Triterpenes: masticadienonic acid, 3-epimasticadienonic acid EFFECTS * Brassica rapa See Wild Turnip Brazilian Pepper Tree Schinus terebinthifolius DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: Medicinal properties have been attributed to the bark, leaves, fruit and seeds. Flower and Fnut: The flowers are in panicles up to 15 cm long. The flowers are small, ivory white to greenish, and the structures are in five. The calyx is 5-tipped. There are 5 petals, 10 stamens and a superior ovary developing from a single carpel and a style in 3 sections. The fruit is a bright pink to red, glossy, single-drupe with a diameter of approximately 5 mm, a thin pergament-like exocarp, an oleoresin-rich mesocarp and a hard endocarp. 4& Leaves, Stem and Root: The leaves are alternate, up to 40 cm long, odd pinnate, with 7 to 13 leaflets up to 8 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide, sessile, elongate, glossy, finely serrate or jaggededged. The branches do not hang down. Characteristics: The fruit is aromatic and sweetish. Habitat: Indigenous to Central America and South America. Production: Brazilian peppers (Pink peppers) are the ripe unpeeled seeds of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, which are The "antibiotic activity" with which the drug is credited has not yet been proven. Its use on wounds and inflammatory alterations of the skin appears plausible, due to the antimicrobial, astringent and anti-inflammatory characteristics of the gallic acid it contains. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internal folk medicine uses have included treatment of tumors and as a diuretic. In Brazil, a liquid extract and tincture are prepared from the bark and used internally as a stimulant, tonic and astringent, and externally for rheumatism, gout and syphilis. The leaf and fruit have been added to baths for wounds and ulcers. (Hager, 1949.) The effect seems plausible due to the gallic acid content but has not yet been sufficiently clinically proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages, although there is some danger of sensitization (alkyl phenols). Sensitizations occur particularly frequently in North America. Stomach upset and vomiting have been observed following the ingestion of a number of the fruits. CONTRAINDICATIONS Should not be administered to individuals with a pre-existing sensitivity to alkyl phenols. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole drug, tincture and extract for internal and external use. Daily Dosage: There is no information in the literature. 1 1 8 / B R A Z I L I A N PEPPER TREE Storage: Store tightly sealed and protected from light in a cool* dry place. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Haridbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hayashi T, Nagayama K, Arisawa M, Shimizu M, Suzuki S, Yoshizaki M, Morita N, Ferro E, Basualdo I, Berganza LH, Pentagalloylglucose, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor from a Paraguayan crude drug, Molle-i (Schinus terebinthifolius). J Nat Prod, 39:210-1, 1989 Jan-Feb. Jain MK, Yu BZ. Rogers JM, Smith AE, Boger ET, Ostrander RL, Rheingold AL, Specific competitive inhibitor of secreted phospholipase A2 from berries of Schinus terebinthifolius. Phytochemistry, 39:537-47, 1995 Jun. Ramos Ruiz A, De la Torre RA, Alonso N, Villaescusa A, Betancourt J, Vizoso A, Screening of medicinal plants for induction of somatic segregation activity in Aspergillus nidulans. J Ethnopharmacol, 39:123-7, 1996 Jul 5. Brewer's Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the mature, debittered, bottom-fermented Brewer's Yeast. Flower and Fruit: The cells may be single, in pairs, in chains or aggregate. On a suitable solid fertile base the individual cell colonies have smooth margins, are slightly convex to flat and are whitish to cream-yellow. Older individual colonies are slightly raised, smooth or slightly lobed (sometimes in sections), or folded, and are yellowish to light brown. The vegetative reproduction is via multilateral budding. Ascospores are produced from the vegetative cells. There are normally 1 to 4, occasionally more, round, smooth-walled ascospores per ascus. Characteristics: Brewer's Yeast is found extensively in the wild, and it lives as a saprophytic parasite or symbiotically. Habitat: Brewer's Yeast is grown worldwide. Production: Medicinal yeast consists of fresh or dried cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or of Candida utilis. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Vitamins of the B group (per 100 gm): thiamin 8-15 mg, riboflavin 4-8 mg, nicotinic acid amide 45-90 mg, pantothenic acid 7-25 mg, pyridoxine 4-10 mg, biotin 20 jig, folic acid 1-5 mg, vitamin B-12 20 fig PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Polysaccharides: mannans, glucans Proteins Amines Sterols: ergosterol, zymosterol EFFECTS The yeast is antibacterial and stimulates phagocytosis. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic complaints • Eczema, furuncles, acne • Loss of appetite Unproven Uses: Brewer's Yeast is used for constipation and itching skin diseases. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The intake of large quantities can cause gas. Allergic intolerance reactions are possible (itching, urticaria, exanthema, Quinck's disease). Migraine headaches can be triggered in susceptible patients. Drug Interactions: The simultaneous intake of monoamine oxidase inhibitors can cause an increase in blood pressure. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Medicinal yeast and galenic preparations are available for internal use. Pharmaceutical forms include tablets and compound preparations. Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage is 6 gm. Storage: Store in air-tight containers protected from light. LITERATURE Aflmann C, Mikroorganismen:Bioth2rapeutika bei Infektionskrankheiten. In: DAZ 136(46):4136-4137. 1996. Anonym, Hefepraparate haben sich bewahrt. In: PTA 5(9):433. 1991. Bockeler W, Thomas G, (1989): In-vitro-Studien zur destabilisierenden Wirkung lyophilisierter Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926-Zellen auf Enterobakterien. Lafk sich diese Eigenschaft biochemisch erklaren? In, Miiller J, Ottenjann R, Seifert J (Hrsg), Okosystem Darm, Springer Verlag, S 142-153. Czerucka D, Roux 1, Rampal P, (1994) Saccharomyces boulardii inhibits sectretagogue-mediated adenosin-cyclic monophosphate induction in intestinal cells. Gastroenterology 106:65-72. Ewe K, (1983) Obstipation - Pathophysiologic Klinik, Therapie. Int Welt 6:286-292. Gedek B, Hagenhoff G, (1989) Orale Verabreichung von lebensfahigen Zellen des Hefestammes Saccharomyces cerevisiae BRITISH E L E C A M P A NE ( X U A N - F U - H U A ) / 1 1 9 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Hansen CBS 5926 ,und deren Schicksal wahrend der MagenDarm-Passage. Therapiewoche 38 (Sonderheft): 33-40. Hochter W, Chase D, Hagenhoff G, (1990) Saccharomyces boulardii bei akuter Erwachsenediarrhoe. Miinch Med Wschr 132: 188-192. ^ H o j g a a r d L, Arffmann S, Jorgeasen M, Krag E, (1981) Tea consumption, a cause of constipation. Br Med J 282: 864. Jahn HU, Zeitz M. (1991) Immunmodulatorische Wirkung von Saccharomyces boulardii beim Menschen. In: Seifert J, Ottenjann R, Zeitz M, Bockemuhl J (Hrsg) Okosystem Darm III. Springer-Verlag, S 159-164. Kollaritsch HH. Toburen D, Scheiner O, Wiedemann G, (1988) Prophylaxe der Reisediarrhoe. Munch Med Wschr 130: 671-673. Massot J, Desconclois M, Astoin J, (1982) Protection par Saccharomyces boulardii de la diarrhee Escherichia coli du souriceau. Ann Pharm Fr 40: 445-449. Plein K, Hotz J, (1993) Therapeutic effect of Saccaromyces boulardii on mild residual symptoms in a stable phase of Crohn's disease with special respect to chronic diarrhea - a pilot study. Z Gastroenterol 31: 129-134. Schmidt CH, (1977) Unspezifische Steigerung der ,^ Phagozytoseaktivitaten von Peritoneal-makrophagen nach oraler ™ Gabe verschiedener Hefepriiparationen. Dissertation Freie Universitiit Berlin. Sinai Y, Kaplan A, Hai Y et al., (1974) Enhancement of resistance to infectious disease by oral administration of Brewer's Yeast. Infection Immunol 9: 781-787 Surawicz Ch, Elmer GW, Speelman P, McFarland LV, Chinn J, van Belle G, (1989) Die Prophylaxe Antibiotika-assoziierter Diarrhoen mit Saccharomyces boulardii. Eine prospektive Studie. Gastroenterol 96: 981-988. Tempe JD, Steidel AL, Blehaut H, Hasselmann M, Lutun PH, Maurier F, (1983) Prevention par Saccharomyces boulardii des diarrhees de ralimentation enterale debit continu. La Semaine des Paris 59: 1409-1412. Weber R, Regio Seminar Pharma: Reisemedizinische Beratung. In: DAZ 135(25):2352-2354. 1995. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 m (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992^* 1994 (unter Saccharomyces). Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. British Elecampane (Xuan-Fu-Hua) Inula britannica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the flower. Flower and Fruit: The semi-globose composite flowers are surrounded by bracts; they have a diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm, are single or in umbelliferous racemes with bracts arranged in a number of rows. The lingual florets are yellow and up to 1 mm wide, the tubular florets are 5-tipped, androgenous and numerous. The anther has an appendage tail. The fruit is a cylindrical, long-ribbed, 1.3 mm long achene. The pappus is single-rowed, approximately 5 mm long and consists of fine, rough bristles. Leaves, Stem and Root: This herbaceous perennial grows up to 60 cm high. The leaves are alternate and simple. The lower leaves narrow into the short petiole, entire or dentate. The upper leaves are sessile and rounded at the base, lanceolate, sparsely pubescent above, and are covered below in dense silky hairs or almost glabrous. The stem is upright, round, weakly ribbed, silky-haired to almost glabrous. The root is creeping. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Asia and Europe. Production: Elecampane flowers are the inflorescences of Inula britannica and Inula japonica, dried in the sun or shade after harvesting. Not to be Confused With: Arnicae flos Other Names: Alant-Okleuveasis ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Sesquiterpenes: sesquiterpene lactones, particularly gaillardin but also including britanin Flavonoids: including isoquercitrin Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid EFFECTS It has been reported that a watery extract of the sesquiterpene-containing drug inhibits in vitro cAMP-phosphodiesterase up to 60%, and prevents the infection of human embryo muscle cells with the herpes simplex virus II. The drug is also assumed to possess potential for sensitization, due to the sesquiterpene lactones with exocyclic methylene groups it contains. The secretolytic and emetic effect with which the drug is credited has not been documented. The flower of the East Asian species is used as a depurative. 120/BRITISH E L E C A M P A N E (XUAN-FU-HUA) INDICATIONS AND USAGE PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA, Unproven Uses: Indications in folk medicine include feelings of fullness in the chest and diaphragm area, vomiting, coughs and symptoms of the efferent urinary tract. Proteins (26%) PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Tannins (2%) No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. EFFECTS up to 8%) Starch No information is available. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug. Preparation: The drug is roasted with a honey solution until it is no longer sticky. A decoction is prepared by boiling 3 to 9 g drug in a sealed sachet. Storage: Store in a dry place. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. lijima K, Kiyohara H, Tanaka M, Matsumoto T, Cyong JC, Yamada H Preventive effect of taraxasteryl acetate from Inula britannica subsp, japonica on experimental hepatitis in vivo. Planta Med, 61:50-3, 1995 Feb. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Formerly, Broad Bean flowers were used in the treatment of coughs and kidney and genital complaints. Externally, they are used as a poultice for skin inflammation, warts and burns. Homeopathic Uses: An essence of the fresh plant after flowering is used in homeopathy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Following division of the glycosides in the intestine resorption and oxidation through dehydration of SH-groups in the erythrocyte membrane, the pyrimidine derivatives can, in high dosages, lead to hemolysis. OVERDOSAGE Broad Bean Vicia faba DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh flower. Flower and Fruit: The white or bluish short-pedicled flowers have black spots on the standard. They are arranged in groups of 2 to 4 in the upper leaf axils. The calyx tips are uneven, with the upper ones shorter than the lower. The pod is leathery and velvety on the flat surface. The seeds are large, flat, ovate or oblong, and brown. Leaves, Stem stem is erect the leaflets acutely. The and Root: The plant is 60 to 125 cm high. The and has no climbers. The leaves are pinnate and elliptical, fleshy, blue-green and terminate stipules are ovate and semi-saggitate. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the temperate regions of the world. Production: Broad Beans are the seeds of Vicia faba. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Pyrimidine derivatives: vicine (vicioside, 0.4-0.8%), convicine (0.1-0.6%) Lectins: The isolectins mixture is referred to as favine The intake of large quantities of raw or only briefly cooked seeds can lead to queasiness, vomiting, diarrhea and feelings of vertigo. In severe cases, overdosage may lead to acute hemolytic anemia with fever, icterus, hemoglobinuria, oliguria and anuria, particularly among individuals with genetically caused glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (inadequate protection of the erythrocytes by glutathione), which is also known as favism. Favism is treated by transfusion of washed erythrocytes and administration of prednisone. Elevations in blood pressure are also possible due to the L-DOPA content of the seeds. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Broad Bean preparations are now obsolete. LITERATURE Chevion M, Maer J, Glaser G, Naturally occuring food toxicant: favism-producing agents. In: CRC Handbook of Naturally Occuring Food Toxicants, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 1983. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Vered Y et al., The influence of Vicia faca (Broad bean) seedlings on urinary sodium excretion. In: PM 63(3):237-240. 1997. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS BROOM CORN / 1 2 1 Brooklime PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Veronica beccabunga DESCRIPTION ^ Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh flowering plant freed from the root, the fresh aerial parts collected during the flowering season and the whole plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in loose, axillary, diagonal clusters. The accompanying leaves are linear, as long as or shorter than the flowers. The peduncles and pedicles are glabrous. The calyx is dorsiventral and divided into 4. The sepals are lanceolate to spatulate and acuminate; the front ones are larger than the back ones. The corolla is rotate with a very short tube, 4 to 9 mm wide and azure blue. The ovary is green and the stigma capitual-like. The fruit is a cordate, almost globular, narrow-winged capsule. The seeds are 0.6 mm long and 0.45 mm wide. They are yellow, oval and flatly convex with a fairly smoo'h back. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial with a creeping rhizome. The stem is ascending, up to 50 cm high, round and filled with latex. The leaves are petiolate, ovate or "W broad elliptical, obtuse, narrowly serrate, glabrous and glossy. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to almost all of Europe, western and northern Asia and northern Africa, and is naturalized in eastern North America. Production: Brooklime is the aerial part of Veronica beccabunga. The collection or picking occurs in uncultivated regions in Europe, west and north Asia, North Africa and North America. Other Names: Beccabunga, Mouth-Smart, Speedwell, Water Purslane, Water Pimpernel Neckweed. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Iridoide monoterpenes: aucubin (0.8%) Flavonoids: including among others scutellarin glycosides £ The drug has not been extensively investigated. EFFECTS Brooklime has a diuretic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Brooklime is used to lessen the elimination of urine. It is also used for constipation, liver complaints, dysentery and lung conditions. The drug has also been reported to be effective against bleeding of the gums. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Inouye H et ah, (1974) Planta Med 25:285. Kato Y, (1946) Folia Pharmacol Jap 42:37 (via CA 47: I845i. Swiatek L et al.. A<na Pol Pharm 25:597. 1968. Broom Corn Sorghum vulgare DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seeds. Flower and Fruit: The flowers and inflorescences are large spadix-like and solitary. They may also be in pairs and terminal on long, stiff, indistinct panicles. The panicles may be bushy-branched or occasionally tangled-branched. The individual spikelets are usually ovate to round, and the spelts are usually broad-lanceolate. The spelts become hard, shiny and dentated at the tip. The seeds are small, round and white. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is reed-like and similar to maize but is not as tall. Habitat: The plant is common in Spain, Italy and southern Europe. It is widely cultivated in the U.S. Production: Broom Corn seeds are the seeds of Sorghum vulgare. Other Names: Darri, Durri, Guinea Cora, Sorghum ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cyanogenic glycosides: dhurrin (in the fruits, in contrast with the foliage [250-700 mg/100 gm] only in very low concentrations: 0.005-5 mg/100 gm) Starch (70%) Proteins (10%) Fatty oil (3%) Vitamins of the B group: thiamin (Bl), riboflavine (B2) EFFECTS Broom Corn is a demulcent that is soothing to the alimentary tract. 1 2 2 / B R O O M CORN • PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S INDICATIONS AND USAGE Iodine (0.1 to 0.5%): to some extent organically bound Unproven Uses: Preparations of the seeds' are used for digestive disorders, but it is mainly used as a cereal grain. Proteins PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Cyclitols: laminitol (4-C-methyl-meso-inositol) No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Broom Corn can be administered as an infusion, but is mostly used as a cereal grain. LITERATURE Erb N et al. PM 41:84. 1981. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Seigler D, Cyanogene Glykoside (Vortragsref.). In: DAZ 132(25): 1365. 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biclogie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Sugar alcohols: mannitol EFFECTS Brown algae thallus serves chiefly as a source of iodine. The drug has also been demonstrated to have an influence on the immune system, as well as antiviral qualities. In a study with 400 women, the daily intake of 5.5 g of macrocystis powder over a period of 6 to 8 weeks led to an elevation of hemoglobin levels of 86% over normal values. Although licensed as a substance to aid weight loss, no adequate experimental data are available to support that effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include weight reduction. The drug is used as a commercial pharmaceutical preparation in the U.S. for anemia in pregnancy. In Japan the drug is used for hypertension. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Brown Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera CONTRAINDICATIONS DESCRIPTION Brown Kelp should not be used by individuals with a familial disposition to thyroid illness or hyperthyroidism. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the thallus. Flower and Fruit: This brown algae grows up to 100 m long. Generations switch between sporophyte and gametophyte. The haploid male or female gametophytes are tiny plantlets. The 50 to 100 m long sporophyte is made up of root-like rhizoids, a rope-like cauloid, and phylloids that are leaf-like, coriaceous-thick sections with a large elongate to pearshaped air-bladder at the base. The rhizoids form a conical adhesive disc of up to 1 m in diameter. The phylloids grow up to 1 m long, are attached to the cauloid-like leaflets and are covered with sporangia. Habitat: Found along the west coast of United States (primarily California) and along the coast of Chile. Production: Brown algae thallus is the dried thallus, usually only the phylloid, of Macrocystis pyrifera. (Macrocystis integrifolia may be added.) The algae are harvested using vessels called mowing ships. Other Names: Giant Kelp, Long-Bladder Kelp, Sea Kelp OVERDOSAGE Long-term administration of daily dosages that exceed 150 micrograms iodine carry with them the danger of worsening an existing hyperthyroidism. Quantities over 300 micrograms iodine per day can precipitate hyperthyroidism. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Brown available for internal use. Kelp LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 OOrogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Zeller SG, Gray GR, Analysis of Macrocystis pyrifera and Pseudomqnas aeruginosa alginic acids by the reductive-cleavage method. Carbohydr Res, 226:313-26, 1992 Mar 30. Brunfelsia hopeana Alginic acid (15 to 20%) Polysaccharides: fucoidan, laminaran are Storage: Store in tightly sealed container. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS preparations See Manaca HERBAL MONOGRAPHS BUCKTHORN/123 Bryonia alba ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY See White Bryony Anthracene derivatives (2 to 7%): anthranoids, chief components glucofrangulin A, diacetylglucofrangulin, frangulin A COMPOUNDS Bryonia cretica Flavonoids (1 to 2%): including catharticin (rhamnocitrin-3O-rhamnoside), xanthorhamnine (rhamnetin-3-O-rhamnoside) See Red Bryony Tannins (3 to 4%): oligomeric proanthocyanidins Buckthorn The drug has a laxative effect because of the anthranoid content. Anthranoids have an anti-absorptive hydrogogic effect resulting in a more liquid stool and an increase in volume of the content of the intestine. EFFECTS Rhamnus catharticus DESCRIPTION INDICATIONS AND USAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the whole, ripe, dried fruit and the fresh ripe fruit. Approved by Commission E: Flower and Fruit: The small, dioecious, greenish-yellow flowers are in axillary cymes. The calyx is fused, has 4 segments and droops. The petals are small and are on the edge of the calyx tube, which has short stamens. The ovary is 4-valved with a style that is divided in 4. The fruit is a peasized, black berry-like drupe. The seeds are 5 mm long and triangular with a narrow split, which separates slightly at the end and is surrounded by a cartiliginous margin. Buckthorn is used internally for constipation and for bowel movement relief in cases of anal fissures and hemorrhoids. It is used after recto-anal surgery and in preparation for diagnostic intervention in the gastrointestinal tract and to achieve softer stool. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant occurs in a variety of forms, usually as a bush that is up to 3 m in height, but occasionally as a tree with a bent trunk that grows up to 8 m. The boughs are usually stiffly spread; the branches are more or less clearly opposite, glossy, glabrous or occasionally pubescent and end in a thorn. The leaves are clustered on the older branches, opposite on the younger ones. They are ovate or elliptical, finely serrate with 2 to 3 lateral ribs curved towards the midrib. Characteristics: The flowers are fragrant, the heartwood is orange-red. Habitat: The plant is common all over Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Production: Buckthorn, consists of the dried ripe berries of Rhamni catharticus and its preparations. Buckthorn is harvested in uncultivated regions in autumn and dried. Not to be Confused With: May be confused with the fruit of Frangula alnus. Other Names: Hartsthorn, Common Buckthorn, Purging Buckthorn, Way thorn, High way thorn, Ramsthorn • Constipation Unproven Uses: In folk medicine it is used as a diuretic (in 'blood-purifying' remedies). Homeopathic Uses: Rhamnus catharticus is used for poor digestion. CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory intestinal diseases, appendicitis and abdominal pain of unknown origin. Use during pregnancy or while nursing only after consulting a physician. The drug is not to be administered to children under 12 years of age. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints could occur as a side effect to the drug's purgative effect. Long-term use leads to loss of electrolytes, especially potassium ions. This may lead to hyperaldosteronism, inhibition of intestinal motility and enhancement of the effect of cardioactive steroids, which in rare cases may result in cardiac arrhythmias. Nephropathies, edema and accelerated bone deterioration may be the result of long term use. Drug-Interactions: Resorption of other medications could be reduced due to the laxative effect. In the case of chronic use/ overuse, a potassium deficiency leads to an increase in the effect of cardiac glycosides as well as effecting heartbeatregulating drugs. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. 124/BUCKTHORN PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S OVERDOSAGE The intake of large quantities of the fresh berries could lead to European cholera or kidney irritation. The question of the increase in probability of developing colonic carcinomas following long-term administration of anthracene drugs has not yet been fully clarified. Recent studies show no connection between the administration of anthracene drugs and the frequency of carcinoma of the colon. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Buckthorn is available in solid pharmaceutical forms and in commercial compounded preparations for oral intake. It is also available parenterally for homeopathic use. Preparation: To prepare a tea, cut drug and strain after 10 to cold water, bring to boil, boil while still warm. (1 teaspoon 3.8 gm drug). pour boiling water over 4 gm 15 minutes or put the drug in for 2 to 3 minutes and strain corresponds to approximately Daily Dosage: 2 to 5 gm drug corresponding to 20 to 30 mg hydroxyanthracene derivative per day calculated as glucofrangulin A Thesen R. Phytotherapeutika - nicht immer harmlos. In: ZPT 9(49): 105. 1988. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ. Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L. Gifte und Vergiftungen. 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M. Kormann K. Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Thomson RH, Naturally Occuring Quinones, 2nd Ed., Academic Press New York 1971. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Tea — 1 cup mornings and evenings. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. The individual dose is the minimum dose required to produce a soft stool. Administration should be limited to a few days. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Homeopathic Dosage: from D3: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1) Buckwheat Fagopyrum Storage: Buckthorn should be protected from light. DESCRIPTION LITERATURE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh aerial parts, and the leaves and flowers collected during the flowering season and later dried. Anonym, Abwehr von Arzneimittelrisiken, Stufe II. In: DAZ 136(38):3253-2354. 1996. Anonym, Anwendungseinschrankungen fur Anthranoid-haltige Abfiihrmittel angeordnet. In: PUZ 25(6):341-342. 1996. BGA, Arzneimittelrisiken: Anthranoide. In: DAZ 132(21): 1164. 1992. Belkin M et al., (1952) J Nat Cancer Inst 13:742. Coskun M, Int J Pharmacogn 30:151. 1992. Demirezer LO, Glucofrangulinanthrone A/B, deren Oxidationsformen und davon abgeleitete Zuckerester aus Rhamnus-Arten. In: Dissertation Universitat Frankfurt/Main. 1991. Klimpel BE et al., Anthranoidhaltige Laxantien - ein Risiko fur die Entwicklung von Tumoren der ableitenden Harnwege. In: PUZ 26(1 ):33, Jahrestagung der DPhG, Berlin, 1996. 1997. Rauwald HW Just, J-D, (1981) Planta Med 42:244. esculentum Flower and Fruit: Short, compact, long-peduncled thryses form in the leaf axils and at the end of the branches. The involucre is 3 to 4 mm long. It has 5 bracts, is pink or white and usually green at the base. The floret has 8 stamens with golden yellow nectaries at the base. The fruit is a sharply triangular achaene. Leaves, Stem and Root: Buckwheat is an annual 15 to 60 cm high plant with an erect, usually red stem covered in alternating, sagittate and sessile leaves. The lobes are obtuse or rounded with sweeping borders. The lower leaves are petioled, the upper ones less so. The root is fusiform. Tatar Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum), which is used in the pharmaceutical industry, is easily distinguishable from Fagopyrum esculentum by its green flowers, usually green stems, and curved, dentated and squat achaenes. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Habitat: The plant is indigenous to central Asia and is cultivated in Europe. Production: Buckwheat herb consists of the flower and leaves of Fagopyrum esculentum, which are5 harvested (Q* during flowering season and dried. The harvest takes place 50 to 60 days after sowing and before the fruit forms. There is a slight loss of rutin if it is quickly dried (20 to 40 minutes) at high temperatures (105° to 135° C). ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: rutin (up to 8% in the leaves), quercitrin, hyperoside ^ Anonym, Nicht-Brotgetreidearten: Alternative Korner unter der Lupe. In: DAZ B6(38):3229-2330. 1996. Bassler R, PA 12:758-772 et 834-841. 1985. Couch JF, Naghski J, Krewson CF, Science 103:197-198. 1974. Gaidies I, Buchweizen, eine Venenhilfe. In: PTA 6(7):439. 1992. Hagels H et al.. Two anthraquinones and a bianthraquinone from Fagopyrum tataricum. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA. 125. 1996. Ihme N et al.. Leg oedema protection from a buckwheat herb tea in patients with chronic venous insufficiency: A single centre, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. In: European J Clin Pharmacol 50(6)443-447. 19%. Anthracene derivatives (naphthadianthrones, chiefly in the blossoms): fagopyrine (0.01%), protofagopyrine Koscielny J, Radtke H, Hoffmann KH, Jung F, Miiller A, Griitzner KI, Kiesewetter H, Fagorutin-Tee bei chronisch venoser Insuffizienz (CVI). In: ZPT 17(3): 145-159. 1996. EFFECTS Buckwheat increases the venous tone (antiedematic, capillary sealing), which can be attributed to the rutin in the herb. Samel D, de Witte P, Fagopyrins from Fagopyrum esculentum and their PTK inhibitory activity. In: PM 61(Abstracts of 43rd Ann Congr):67. 1995. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Further information in: Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used as a venous and capillary tonic and as a prophylaxis to prevent general hardening of the arteries. The drug alleviates venous stasis and varicose veins. Homeopathic Uses: Buckwheat is used to treat skin and liver diseases with itching and headache. Hiinsel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. (unter Buchweizen). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. OVERDOSAGE The intake of large quantities of the Buckwheat plant leads to phototoxicoses in animals due to the photosensitizing effect of the naphthadianthrones. There are no dangers for humans in the application of therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Bugle Mode of Administration: Buckwheat is taken orally as tablets and in teas. Ajuga reptans Preparation: Follow package instructions for making Buckwheat tea. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the aerial parts collected during the flowering season and dried. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); from D6: parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). Flower and Fruit: The flowers are 1 to 1.5 cm long. The flowers are in spikes. They are located in the axils of undivided bracts at the end of the stem. The 5-tipped, hairy calyx is short-stemmed, erect, labiate and campanulate. The tips are triangular and about as long as the tube. The corolla is bright violet-blue, pink or white. It is downy-haired on the outside with a long straight tube, which has a circle of hairs under the stamen. There are 4 stamens with yellow anthers. The 4 mericarps are 2 mm long and finely reticulate. I* w BUGLE/125 LITERATURE Adamek B, Drozdzik M, Samochowiec L, Wojcicki J, Clinical effect of buckwheat herb, Ruscus extract and troxerutin on retinopathy and lipids in diabetic patients. In: Phytotherapy Res 10(8):659-662. 1996. DESCRIPTION 126/BUGLE Leaves, Stem and Root: Ajuga reptans is a shrub, up to 30 cm high with overground rooting runners sprouting from the rosette-like basal leaves. The flower stem is quadrangular, villous above and glabrous below. The rest of the plant is glabrous. The basal leaves are large, long-petioled, spatulate and dentate. The cauline leaves are crossed opposite, shortpetioled, small and oval. The lowest or at least the thirdlowest stem is flower-bearing. There are some upper false whorls, which are compressed into a false spike. Habitat: The plant is found in Europe, Britain, and parts of Asia and northern Africa. Production: The aerial parts of Ajuga reptans are picked when in bloom and dried. Gathered in uncultivated areas (the wild). Other Names: Bugula, Middle Comfrey, Middle Confound, Sicklewort, Carpenter's Herb ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Iridoid glycosides and ajugols Phytoecdysone: Diterpene ajugalactone bitter principles Caffeic acid derivatives: including rosemary acid Both plants have a deep black juice PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES which has traditionally been used (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992for fabric dyes. It derived its name 1994. from practice ofSoedin gypsy fortuneKomissarenko NF, etthe al., (1976) Khim Prir 11:109-110. 1976. tellers in England, who used the Kooiman P, (1972) Acta Bot Nederl. 21(4):417. juice to darken their skin so that Ruhdorfer J, Rimpler H, (1981) Z Naturforsch 36c:697-707. they looked more like Africans to 1981. make their tales more believable Bugleweed Lycopus virginicus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh or dried herb collected during the flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small, almost radial in dense axillary whorls. The calyx is campanulate with a glabrous tube and 4 or 5 regular, usually erect, tips. The corolla is whitish with the tube only partly showing and a few uneven lobes. The epicalyx and calyx sepals are shorter than in the European variety. There are only 2 fertile stamens with initially parallel, later spreading pollen sacs. The upper stamens are reduced to staminoids or completely disappear. The fruit is a flattened, rectangular, stunted, and smooth nutlet. EFFECTS There is no information available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internally, Bugle is used as an astringent for inflammation of the mouth and larynx. It is also used for gallbladder and stomach disorders. Externally, the plant is used for the treatment of wounds. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Bugle is used topically, in alcoholic extracts, as a water infusion and in teas. LITERATURE Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a herbaceous perennial with runners. The quadrangular, 60 cm high smooth stems grow from the perennial creeping root. The stems bear pairs of opposite, short-petioled leaves. The upper ones are dentate and pointed; the lower ones wedge-shaped to entire-margined. They are glabrous and glandular-punctate on the lower surface. Habitat: The plant grows in North America. Lycopus europaeus, Gypsywort, is a close European relative. Production: Bugleweed consists of the fresh or dried, aboveground parts of Lycopus europaeus and/or Lycopus virginicus, as well as preparations collected in the wild and airdried. Other Names: Sweet Bugle, Water Bugle, Virginia Water Horehound, Gypsywort Breschi M, Martinotti E, Catalano S, Flamini G, Morelli I, Pagni A, Vasoconstrictor activity of 8-O-Acetylharpagide from Ajuga reptans. In: JNP 55: H45-H48. 1992. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Camps F, et al., (1985) An Quim 8lC(l):74-75. Caffeic acid derivatives: rosmaric acid, lithospermic acid and their oligomerics created through oxidation Camps F, et al., (1981) Rev Latinoamj Quim 12:81-88. 1981. Camps F, Coll J, (1993) Insect allochemicals from Ajuga plants. In: PH 32:1361. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: including acacetine-, apigenein-, luteolin glycosides, among them cosmosiin, genkwanin, pilloin, apigenin-, acacetine- and luteolin-7-O-glucuronides. Diterpenes: tetrahydroxy-delta8(9)-pimaric acid methyl ester BUGLEWEED/127 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Volatile oil (0.1%) EFFECTS "^ Bugle weed has antigonadotropic and antithyrotropic effects. It inhibits the peripheral de-iodination of T4. The phenolic constituents of the drug have an atigonadotropic effect. They cause a lowering of the prolactin level and have a depressant effect on the thyroid as a result of an inhibition of iodine transport and the release of preformed thyroid hormone. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1) LITERATURE Aufmkolk M, (1985) Endocrinology 116(5):1687. • Nervousness and insomnia • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Bucar R et al., Flavonoid glycosides from Lycopus europaeus. In: PM 6I(5):489. 1995. Unproven Uses: Bugleweed is used for mild thyroid hyperfunction associated with disturbances of the autonomic nervous system. It is also used for tension and pain in the breast (mastodynia). In folk medicine, it is used for functional and organic cardiac conditions, liver and kidney disease. Frombling-Borges A, (1987) Intrathyreoidale Wirkung von Lycopus europaeus, Pflanzensauren, Tyrosinen, Thyroninen und Lithiumchlorid. Darstellung einer Schilddrusensekretionsblockade. Inauguraldissertation. Westfalische WilhelmsUniverstitiit Munster. Homeopathic Uses: Lycopus virginicus is used to treat hyperthyroidism in homeopathic preparations. Frombling-Borges A, Intrathyreoidale Wirkung von Lycopus europaeus, Pflanzensauren. Kaltumjodid und Lithiumchlorid. In: ZPT 10(!):1. 1990. Gumbinger HG et al., (1981) Contraception 23(6):661. * w Each patient has his own individual optimal level qf thyroid hormone. Only rough estimations of dosage are possible for thyroid disorders, in which age and weight must be considered. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is contraindicated in hypofunction of the thyroid and thyroid gland enlargement without function disturbance. There should not be any simultaneous administration of thyroid hormone preparations. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Drug Interactions: No simultaneous administration of thyroid preparations. Administration of Lycopus preparations disturbs the administration of diagnostic procedures with radioactive isotopes. OVERDOSAGE Enlargement of the diyroid gland is possible only through administration of the drug in very high dosage. Sudden discontinuation of Lycopus preparation can lead to a rebound phenomenon with increased TSH secretion and prolactin £» secretion, as well as an increase of the hyperthyroid symptom complex and mastodynia. Hegnauer R, Kooiman P, (1978) Planta Med 33(1): 13. Jeremic D et al.. (1985) Tetrahedron 41(2):357. John M, Gumbinger HG, Winterhoff H, The oxidation of caffeic acid derivatives as model reaction for the formation of potent gonadotropin inhibitors in plant extracts. In: PM 59(3): 195. 1993. Jung F, Kiesewetter H, Mrowietz C, Pindur G, Heiden M, Miyashita C, Wenzel E, Akutwirkungen eines zusammengesetzten Knoblauchpraparates auf die FliepTahigkeit des Blutes. In: ZPT 10(3):87. 1989. Kartnig T, Lycopus europaeus L. - Wolfsfup oder Wolfstrapp. In: ZPT 10(1):31. 1989. Kern W, List PH, Hdrhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Auf!., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Kooiman P, (1972) Acta Bot Neerl 21(4)417. DOSAGE Sourgens H et al., (1982) Planta Med 45:78. Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb, freshly pressed juice and other galenic preparations for internal use. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 1 to 2 gm of the drug for teas, and water-ethanol extracts containing the equivalent of 20 mg of the drug. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. 128/BULBOUS BUTTERCUP Bulbous Buttercup Ranunculus bulbosus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the latex and the fresh flowering herb with root. Flower and Fruit: The large golden yellow flowers consist of 5 sepals hanging down, 5 petals on grooved stems and numerous stamens and ovaries. The small fruit has a short curved beak. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 10 to 30 cm high and has a tuber on the underground part of the stem. The basal leaves are long-petioled, trifoliate with orbicular and pinnasect leaflets. The middle one has a longer petiole and is sheath-like at the base. The stems are branched and tuberously thickened at the base. The plant is appressed pubescent above and patently pubescent below. Habitat: The plant grows in the northern parts of Europe and in the northeastern U.S. Production: Bulbous Buttercup is the whole plant in flower of Ranunculus bulbosus with root. Other Names: Crowfoot, Cuckoo Buds, Frogwort, King's Cup, Meadowbloom, Pilewort, St. Anthony's Turnip, Frogsfoot, Goldcup ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS The glycoside ranunculin: changes enzymatically when the plant is cut into small pieces, and probably also when it is dried, into the pungent, volatile protoanemonine that quickly dimerizes to non-mucous-membrane irritating anemonine. When dried, the plant is not capable of protoanemonine formation. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S difficult to heal due to the resulting protoanemonine, which is severely irritating to skin and mucous membranes. If taken internally, severe irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, combined with colic and diarrhea, as well as irritation of the urinary drainage passages, are possible. Symptomatic treatment for external contact should consist of mucilage, after irrigation with diluted potassium permanganate solution; in case of internal contact, activated charcoal should follow gastric lavage. Pregnancy: The administration of the drug during pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated. OVERDOSAGE Death by asphyxiation following the intake of large quantities of protoanemonine-forming plants has been observed in animal experiments. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The herb is used as an extract in homeopathic dilutions. LITERATURE Bonora A et al., PH 26:2277. 1987. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Ruijgrok HWL, PM 11:338-347. 1963. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. EFFECTS The active agents cause signs of toxic irritation; the drug is also said to cause symptoms of drowsiness and tiredness. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for skin diseases, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, influenza and meningitis. Bupleurum chinense See Chinese Thoroughwax (Chai-Hu) CONTRAINDICATIONS The administration of the drug during pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages of the dehydrated drug. Burdock Arctium lappa TRADE NAMES Burdock Root (available from numerous manufacturers). DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the ripe Extended skin contact with the freshly harvested, bruised plant can lead to blister formation and cauterizations that are j seed and the fresh or dried roots. BURDOCK/129 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS _ Flower and Fruit: The crimson flowers grow in longpeduncled, loose cymes. The heads are fairly large, globose and almost glabrous. All flowers are funnel-shaped and androgynous. The bracts are green and coriaceous with a barb-shaped inward-curving tip. The fruit is compressed arid has a bristly tuft, which falls off easily. The fruits separate from their stems on ripening. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows to a height of 80 to 150 cm. The stem is erect, rigid, grooved, branched and downy to wooly. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, broad to ovate-cordate. They are blunt and slightly wooly to hairy on the underside. The lowest leaves are very large and have a latex-filled stem. Habitat: Burdock grows in Europe, northern Asia and North America. Production: Burdock root consists of the fresh or dried underground parts of Arctium lappa, Arctium minus and/or Arctium tomentosum. Roots are gathered in the autumn of the plant's first year or the early part of the second year. 4p Other Names: Bardana, Beggar's Buttons, Burr Seed, ClotBur, Cockle Buttons. Cocklebur, Fox's Clote, Great Burr, Happy Major, Hardock, Hareburr, Lappa, Love Leaves, Personata, Philanthropium, Thorny Burr ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (small amounts) of very complex make-up: including, among others, phenylacetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, 2-alkyl-3-methoxy-pyrazines INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of Burdock Root are used for ailments and complaints of the gastrointestinal tract, as a diaphoretic and diuretic, and for blood purifying. Externally, they are used for ichthyosis, psoriasis and seborrhea of the scalp. The claimed efficacies have not been documented. Chinese Medicine: Burdock is used to treat carbuncles, ulcers and erythema of the skin as well as sore throats. Efficacy has not been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. There is a slight potential for sensitization via skin contact with the drug. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Administered as a drug and, for external use, in the form of burdock oil (extract with fat oil). How Supplied: Capsules — 460 mg and 475 mg Fluid Extract — l:l LITERATURE Bryson PD et al., (1978) J Am Med Ass 239 (20):2l57. Dombradi G, (1970) Chemotherapy 15:250. Ichihara A et al., (1968) Tetrahedron 44:3961. Ichihara A et al., (1978) Tetrahedron Letters 33:305. Morita K et al., (1984) Mutat Res 129(1):25. Naya K et al., (1972) Chem Letters 3:235. Lignans: neoarchtiin A Schulte K et al., (1967) Arzneim Forsch 17:829. Sesquiterpene lactones Takeda H, Kiriyami S, (1979) J Nutr 109(3):388. Polyynes: chief components are trideca-l, ll-dien-3, 5,7,9tetrain, as well as sulfur derivatives Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid Polysaccharides: insulin (fructose), mucilage's (xyloglucans, acidic xylans) ff* Triterpenes: including alpha-amyrin, omega-taraxasterol, present to some extent as acetic acid ester Tsujita J et al., (1979) Nutr Rep Int 20(5):635. Yamada Y et al., (1975) Phytochemistry 14:582. Yamanouchi S et al., (1976) Yakugaku Zasshi 96(12): 1492. Further information in: Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Kem W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Phytosterols: beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol and their esters Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1980. Tannins Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. EFFECTS Schulte KE et al Arzneim Forsch 17 (1967), 825. In vitro, the drug shows mild antimicrobial activity. No other information is available. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. 130/BURNING BUSH Burning Bush Dictamnus albus PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES C O M P O U N D S : BURNING BUSH HERB Volatile oil: chief components (according to breed) anethole (+) estragole, anethole (+) myrcene, limonene, 1,8-cineol, pcymene (+) estragole DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried and occasionally the fresh leaves, the fresh or dried root, and the fresh or dried root rind. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are terminal racemes and pink with dark veins. They are large and irregular, with 5 sepals and 5 petals. There are 2 bracteoles that are slightly zygomorphous. The 10 stamens are long, threadlike and bent forward. The ovaries have 5 carpels fused at the base on a short gynophore. The fruit is a capsule that bursts open into mericarps ejecting the seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 0.5 to 1.5 m high perennial. Numerous erect, unbranched and sticky-glandularhaired shoots grow from the root. The leaves are alternate. odd, 7 to 11 pinnate and transparently punctuated with oil glands. Characteristics: The plant has a strong lemon or cinnamon fragrance. The oil is easily inflammable. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to central Europe and parts of Asia, and is cultivated in the northern U.S. Not to be Confused With: Burning Bush herb can be confused with that of the herb Dictamni cretici. Previous sources cite a confusion between Burning Bush root and Carophyllaceen root. Furoquinoline alkaloids: including skimmianine, gammafagarine, dictamnine Furocoumarins: including psoralen, xanthotoxin, auraptene, bergaptenE Limonoids: including limonin, obacunone, obacunone acid Flavonoids: including rutin, diosmin, isoquercitrin EFFECTS: BURNING BUSH HERB See Burning Bush root. A 40% reduction in egg laying by Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese liver fluke) was observed when infected rabbits were given an evaporated extract of the drug. INDICATIONS AND USAGE BURNING BUSH ROOT Unproven Uses: Infusion of the root is used to treat stomach disorders, cramps and worm infestation, and to promote menstruation. In Greece, it is used as a tonic and a stimulant. Chinese Medicine: Burning Bush root is used for jaundice, inflammation of the skin, rheumatic ailments, fever, hemorrhage of the womb, thread fungus, as a sedative, tonic and for nervous crying in children. It is also found in decoctions for the external treatment of eczema, impetigo and scabies. Other Names: Fraxinella, Dittany, Gas Plant, Diptam Indian Medicine: Burning Bush root is used for amenorrhea and the regulation of labor. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY BURNING BUSH HERB COMPOUNDS: BURNING BUSH ROOT Unproven Uses: In the Middle Ages, the drug was used as a cure or remedy for wounds, to promote menstruation and to aid the expulsion of afterbirth. It served as a urinary aid and was used in the treatment of epilepsy, in combination with mistletoe and peony. Volatile oil: chief components are the fraxinellone derivatives, thymol methylether, beta-pinene, pregeijerene, geijerene Furoquinoline alkaloids: including skimmianine, gammafagarine, dictamnine Limonoids: including limonin, obacunone, dictamdiol, limonin diosphenol At the end of the 19th century, the drug was applied as an ointment for rheumatism. The infusion is used as a remedy for worm infestation, to treat stomach disorders and cramps and to promote menstruation. In Greece, it is used as a tonic and stimulant. EFFECTS: BURNING BUSH ROOT In vitro, a mutagenic effect on Salmonella typhimurum and a phototoxic effect on bacteria and yeasts have been observed. In animal tests, a contraceptive effect was observed through the inhibition of implantation, as well as a slight increase in hair growth of shaved mice after the application of an alcoholic extract. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS BURNING BUSH ROOT AND HERB Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The plant can trigger phototoxicoses through skin contact. The furoquinoline derivatives have a mutagenic effect in the Ames test. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS DOSAGE BURNING BUSH ROOT Mode of Administration: Mostly obsolete as a drug. It is occasionally used in tea mixtures. Preparation: To prepare a tea infusion, add l teaspoon of drug to 2 glasses of hot water. Daily Dosage: Drink the tea preparation throughout the day. BURNING BUSH HERB Mode of Administration: Mostly obsolete as a drug. The herb is sometimes used internally as an infusion. Preparation: An infusion is prepared by adding 20 gm 01" dried herb to I liter of water; or l gm fresh or 2 gm dried herb to l cup of water. Daily Dosage: Drink one cup of the infusion 2 to 3 times daily after meals. LITERATURE Kanamori H, Sakamoto I, Mizuta M. Chem Pharm Bull 34:1826. 1986. Reisch J, PM 15:320. 1967. Renner W, PA 12:763-776. 1962. Renner W, PA 17:763. 1962. Szenedrei K, Novak I, Varga E, Buzas G, PA 23:76-77. 1968. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. BURR MARIGOLD /131 green. The petals are brownish-yellow. The fruit is glabrous, distinctly compressed, brownish-green, with thorny edges and 2 to 4 awns. Leaves, Stem and Root: Bidens tripartita is an erect annual growing 15 to 100 cm high with a fibrous fusiform root. The stem is erect, heavily branched, glabrous or somewhat downy ,and often brownish-red. The leaves are dark green, opposite and narrow to a short, winged petiole. The leaves are usually 3 to 5 lobed, ovate-rhomboid to lanceolate with pointed, roughly dentate tips and straight or narrowly curved teeth. Habitat: The plant is found in damp regions throughout Europe. Production: Burr Marigold is the aerial part of Bidens tripartita. Other Names: Water Agrimony ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: including isookanin-7-O-glucoside and tridecane derivatives such as trideca-l,12-dien-3,5,7,9-tetrain Hydroxycoumarins: including umbelliferone, scopoletin Polyynes (tridecane derivatives): including trideca-i, 12dien-3,5,7,9-tetrain Water-soluble polysaccharides Bitter principles Tannins Volatile oil: including eugenol, ocimene, cosmene EFFECTS Astringent, diaphoretic and diuretic effects are attributed to the plant, but remain unproven. In a study that has not been described in detail, a choleretic effect caused by the flavones and flavonoids was proven. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Burr Marigold ^ Bidens tripartita Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include gout, hematuria, loss of hair, scurvy and toothache. The roots were used for scorpion bites. It was used for other indications when a diuretic, diaphoretic or astringent effect was desired. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The whole Burr Marigold plant is used medicinally. Flower and Fruit: The flower heads are solitary, erect or inclined, 15 to 25 mm long and wide, generally with no lingual blossoms. There are two rows of bracts. The inner row is ovate and brownish-yellow; die outer is oblong and PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE No information is available. 132/BURR MARIGOLD LITERATURE Bauer R, Neues von "immunmodulierenden Drogen" und "Drogen mit antiallergischer und antiinflammatorischer Wirkung". In: ZPT l4(l):23-24. 1993. Ben'ko GN, (1983) Rastit Resur 19 (4),516. Morozova SS et al., (1981) Rastit Resur 17 (1),101. Further information in: Alvarez L, Marquina S, Villarreal ML, Alonso D, Aranda E, Delgado G, Anti-inflammatory activity of Taiwan folk medicine "ham-hong-chho" in rats. Am J Chin Med, 62:273-8, 1995. Alvarez L, Marquina S, Villarreal ML, Alonso D, Aranda E, Delgado G, Bioactive polyacetylenes from Bidens pilosa. Planta Med, 62:355-7, 1996. Alvarez L, Marquina S. Villarreal ML, Alonso D, Aranda E, Delgado G, Constituents and biological activity of Bidens pilosa L. grown in Egypt. Acta Pharm Hung, 62:317-23, 1991. Brandao MG et al., Antimalarial activity of extracts and fractions from Bidens pilosa and other Bidens species (Asteraceae) correlated with the presence of acetylene and flavonoid compounds. J Ethnopharmacol, 57:131-8, 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Flower and Fruit: The small greenish white flowers are solitary or in a few clusters and grow from the middle of the leaves. They are dioecious. The corolla is deeply divided into 6 segments. In one variety the stamens are fused at the base. In fertile varieties the style is surrounded by a honey gland. The fertile flowers develop into cherry-sized, scarlet berries, which ripen in September and remain on the tree all winter. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial evergreen subshrub that grows 20 to 80 cm high. The stems are erect, woody and heavily branched. The leaves are small, brownmembranous, triangular to lanceolate, and scale-like. The phylloclades (short shoots spread like leaves) are oblong, stiff, double-rowed, up to 2.5 cm long and terminate in a sharp tip. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to almost all of Europe, western Asia and North Africa. Production: Butcher's Broom consists of the dried rhizome and root of Ruscus aculeatus. Other Names: Kneeholm, Pettigree, Sweet Broom, Knee Holly, Jew's Myrtle de Tommasi N, Pizza C, Aquino R, Cumanda J, Mahmood N, Flavonol and chalcone ester glycosides from Bidens leucantha. J Nat Prod, 60:270-3, 1997 Mar ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Geissberger P, Sequin U, Constituents of Bidens pilosa L.: do the components found so far explain the use of this plant in traditional medicine? Acta Trop, 57:251-61, 1991. Steroid saponins (4-6%): chief components, ruscine, ruscoside, aglycones neoruscogenin, ruscogenin Jaeger AK, Hutchings A, van Staden J, Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors. J Ethnopharmacol, 52:95-100, 1996. COMPOUNDS Benzofuranes: euparone, ruscodibenzofurane EFFECTS Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. In animal tests, there was an increase in venous tone and an electrolyte-like reaction on the cell wall of capillaries. Butcher's Broom is antiphlogistic and diuretic. Martin Calero M et al., Healing process induced by a flavonic fraction of Bidens aurea on chronic gastric lesion in rat. Role of angiogenesis and neutrophil inhibition. Z Naturforsch C , 51:570-7, 1996. Approved by Morozova SS et al Rastit Resur 17 (1981), 101 Further information in: Kern, W.; List, P.H.; Horhammer, L. (Ed.): Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1969. Butcher's Broom Ruscus aculeatus TRADE NAMES Butcher's Broom (available from numerous manufactures), Butcher's Broom Root, Curcu Capsules INDICATIONS AND USAGE Commission E: • Hemorrhoids • Venous conditions The herb is used as supportive therapy for discomfort of chronic venous insufficiency, such as pain and heaviness, as well as cramps in the legs, itching, and swelling. Butcher's Broom also is used as therapy for hemorrhoid complaints, such as itching and burning. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Stomach complaints and queasiness can occur in rare cases. DESCRIPTION DOSAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the herb and the rhizome. Mode of Administration: Extracts and their preparations for internal use. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S 134/BUTTERCUP OVERDOSAGE Death by asphyxiation following the intake of large quantities of protoanemonine-forming plants has been observed in animal experiments. Other Names: White Walnut, Oil Nut, Lemon Walnut, and Black Walnut ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS DOSAGE Fatty oil Mode of Administration: Buttercup is available as a ground dried herb and as an extract. Tannins LITERATURE Juglone Bonora A et al., PH 26:2277. 1987. Frohne D, Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997 Juglandis folium Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde l-ll: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. INDICATIONS AND USAGE EFFECTS Vermifuge, laxative, tonic. Unproven Uses: Preparations of the bark are used for disorders of the gallbladder, for hemorrhoids and in the treatment of skin diseases. Juglone has antimicrobial, antineoplastic and antiparasitic properties as well as being a gentle laxative. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Ruijgrok HWL, PM 11:338-347. 1963. Teuscher E, Lindequist U: Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Butternut Juglans cinerea TRADE NAMES Black Walnut (Juglans nigra), Black Walnut Hulls, Alcohol Free Black Walnut Green Hulls DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the bark of the tree and root. Flower and Fruit: The tree has male catkins and female flowers. The male catkins are 5 to 8 cm long. The fruit is 4 to 6.5 cm and ovoid-oblong. The fruit is pubescent, viscid and strong smelling. The hard nut is ovoid-oblong with 4 prominent and 4 less prominent sharp ridges and many broken grooves between them. Mode of Administration: Available preparations include liquid and dry extracts that are used internally and externally. How Supplied: Capsules — 95 mg, 500 mg, 3.5 gm Fluid Extract - 1 : 1 LITERATURE Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Buxus sempervirens Leaves, Stem and Root: Butternut tree grows up to 30 m tall. The bark is gray and deeply fissured. The leaf scars have a prominent pubescent band on their upper edge. The 6 to 12 cm long leaflets are oblong-lanceolate, acuminate and appressed-serrate. They are finely pubescent above, glandular and pubescent beneath. Cabbage Habitat: Butternut is indigenous to the forests of the U.S. Brassica Production: Butternut bark is the inner rind of Juglans cinerea. TRADE NAMES See Boxwood oleracea Cabbage Tables (available from various manufacturers) HERBAL MONOGRAPHS How Supplied: Capsules — 75 mg, 370 mg. 470 mg, 475 mg Daily Dosage: Raw extract, equivalent to 7 to ll mg total ruscogenin (determined as the sum of neoruscogenin and ruscogenin obtained after fermentation or acid hydrolysis). BUTTERCUP/133 pedicles are appressed and downy. The basal leaves are longpetioled and palmate with rhomboid tips, which are divided into 2 or 3. The similar cauline leaves are shorter-petioled. Characteristics: The fresh herb is spicy and poisonous; once dried, it is no longer poisonous. LITERATURE Adamek B, Drozdzik M, Samochowiec L. Wojcicki J. Clinical effect of buckwheat herb. Ruscus extract and troxerutin on retinopathy and lipids in diabetic patients. In: Phytotherapy Res l0(8):659-662. 1996. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to northern Europe. Bombardelli E et al.. (1972) Fitoterapia 43:3. Other Names: Acrid Crowfoot, Batchelor's Buttons, Blisterweed, Burrwort, Globe Amaranth, Gold Cup, Meadowbloom, Yellows, Yellowweed Dunaouau CH et al.. Triterpenes and sterols from Ruscus aculeatus. In: PM 62(2):189-190. !997. Rauwald HW, JanpVn B. Desglucoruscin and Desglucoruscosid als Leitstoffe des Ruscus-aculeatus-Wurzelstock. Analytische Kennzeichnung mittel HPLC und DC. In: PZW l33(l):6l-68. 1988. Schiebel-Schlosser G. Stechender Mausedorn. eine Venenhiife. In: PTA 8(7):586. 1994. Vanhoutte PM (1986) in: Advances in Medicinal Phytochemistry, Ed. D Barton, WD OIlis, Pub. John Wiley 1986. Further information in: Kern W. List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsa.). Hasers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl.. Bde. I-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Production: Buttercup is the fresh herb Ranunculus acris. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Glycoside ranunculin: as protoanemonine-forming agent in the freshly harvested plant (0.36-2.66% of the fresh weight) that changes enzymatically when the plant is cut into small pieces, and probably also while it is drying, into the pungent, volatile protoanemonine that quickly dimerizes to non-mucous-membrane-irritating anemonine. Once dried, the plant may not be capable of protoanemonine formation. Saponins EFFECTS The active agents are ranunculin, protoanemonin and anemonin. On contact with the skin, the juice of the plant causes redness, swelling and blisters. If taken internally, it can lead to burning in the mouth, vomiting, stomachache and pains in the liver. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Buttercup is used for blisters, bronchitis, chronic skin complaints, neuralgia and rheumatism. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Buttercup Ranunculus acris DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb. Flower and Fruit: The golden-yellow, medium-sized flowers are on long, round pedicles. The 5 sepals and 5 petals are close. There are numerous stamens and ovaries. The broad obovate petals are very glossy and have a broad scale on the surface. The small fruit is in an almost globular capitulum. Leaves, Stem and Root: The leafy plant grows from 30 to 80 cm. The erect stem has few branches. The petioles and No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages of the dehydrated drug. Extended skin contact with the freshly harvested, bruised plant can lead to blister formation and cauterizations that are difficult to heal due to the resulting protoanemonine, which is severely irritating to skin and mucous membranes. If taken internally, severe irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, combined with colic and diarrhea, as well as irritation of the urinary drainage passages, may occur. Symptomatic treatment for external contact should consist of mucilaginosa, after irrigation with diluted potassium permanganate solution. In case of internal contact, administration of activated charcoal should follow gastric lavage. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the fresh cabbage head and juice derived from the fresh leaves. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences have long-pedicled flowers. The flowers are large and have 4 erect, narrowly elliptoid sepals 6 to 12 mm long. The 4 petals are about twice as long as the calyx and are sulphur yellow. The margin broadens at the tip and narrows at the base to an equally long wedge-shaped funicle stem. The stamens are erect and close to the ovary. The central honey gland is almost erect. The fruit is oblong, pod-like, almost cylindrical and has a domed lid. The dividing wall of the fruit is thin as well as pitted and folded between the dark brown seeds, which have a diameter of 1.5 to 4 mm. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant can be annual, biennial or perennial. It is about 2 m high and has thin roots. The stem is woody from the first year and is covered in leaf nodes. It has a bluish bloom and is branched toward the top. The leaves are fleshy, blue-green and glabrous. The lower leaves are petiolate. lyre-shaped, pinnatifid or simple. The upper leaves are oblong to linear-oblong, usually entire-margined and narrowed to rounded at the base and sessile. Habitat: Wild Cabbage was originally found in the Mediterranean region. Today it grows wild as far north as southern England and Helgoland, and cultivated varieties are found in temperate and damp climates worldwide. Production: White cabbage juice is the juice of Brassica oleracea. Other Names: Colewort ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mustard oils (breakdown products of the glucosinolates accompanying cell destruction): allyl mustard oil, methyl sulfinyl alkyl isothiocyanates, 'methyl sulfonyl alkyl isothiocyanates 3-kydroxy-methyl-indole 5-vinyl-oxazolidine-2-thion (goitrin) Rhodanides Alkyl nitriles Amino acids: including S-methyl cysteine sulphoxide, Smethyl methionine sulphoxide and, when extracted from red cabbage, also anthocyans, including cyanidine-5-0-glucoside-3-0-sophoroside EFFECTS Cabbage protects the mucous membrane of the stomach from gastric hydrochloric acid. The gastroprotective effect of the CABBAGE/135 juice is attributed to the regenerative ability of the mucous membrane that is caused by an anti-ulcer factor (vitamin U). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include drinking the juice for Roemheld syndrome, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastralgia and subacidity. Homeopathic Uses: Preparations of the flowering herb are used for hypothyroidism. Indian Medicine: Cabbage leaves are used for disorders of the thyroid, gastrointestinal tract, itching and cough, as well as for asthma, gout and hemorrhoids. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is available as a standard preparation or prepared from chopped and pressed Cabbage for internal use. Also available in homeopathic preparations. How Supplied: Tablet — 500 mg Preparation: White cabbage (Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata) extract is prepared by processing leaves by mashing or using a centrifuge. The resulting mass is pressed through a linen cloth. Daily Dosage: To augment a bland diet take 1 liter of juice daily for at least 3 weeks but not more than 6 weeks as a dietary additive. For gastralgia and subacidity, the dose is 1 teaspoonful to be taken before meals, 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc; acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). Storage: The fresh juice will keep for approximately 24 hours if kept cool. LITERATURE Josefsson E, PH 6:1617-1627. 1967. Kaoulla N et al., PH 19:1053-1056. 1980. Larson KM, Stermitz FR, JNP 47(4):747-748. 1984. Petroski RJ, Tookey HL, PH21:1903-1905. 1982. Slominski BA, Campbell LD, J Agric Food Chem 37:12971302. 1989. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 136 /CABBAGE (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Gaesalpinia bonducella See Divi-Divi EFFECTS In vitro, the drug has an antimicrobial and a rubefacient effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • • Rheumatism Neurogenic pain Temporary relief of muscular pain Tendency to infection Wounds and burns Cajuput Unproven Uses: The drug is used for painful muscles and joints in rheumatic disorders, sciatica, lumbago, slipped disk and low back pain. Cajuput is also used for muscular tension and pain following sports injuries such as sprains, bruising, and pulled muscles or ligaments. Melaleuca leucadendra CONTRAINDICATIONS DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the oil distilled from the fresh leaves and twigs. Flower and Fruit: The tree has racemes of small, sessile, creamy white flowers on long terminal spikes up to 15 cm long, which themselves terminate in a tuft of leaves. The flowers have numerous stamens extending to 15 mm. Leaves, Stem and Root: Melaleuca leucadendra is a large tree up to 40 m tall with a flexible trunk and irregular pendulous branches. The tree is covered in a pale, lamellate bark, which is soft and spongy and occasionally peels off its layers. The leaves are alternate, entire-margined, oblong-lanceolate, tapering, ash-colored and on short petioles. Characteristic: It has an odor reminiscent of camphor and eucalyptus. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Southeast Asia and the tropical regions of Australia. It is cultivated elsewhere. Production: Cajuput oil consists of the essential oil of Melaleuca leucadendra. It is extracted from the fresh leaves and twig tips of a number of varieties collected from the wild or from cultivation, followed by air-drying and aqueous steam distillation. Other Names: White Tea Tree, Swamp Tea Tree, Paperbark Tree, White Wood No internal administration of the drug should take place in the presence of inflammatory illnesses of the gastrointestinal area or of the biliary ducts, nor in the presence of severe liver diseases. Preparations containing the oil should not be applied to the faces of infants or small children (glottal spasm or bronchial spasm or even asthma-like attacks or respiratory failure might occur). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages; however, contact dermatitis is possible. Pediatric Use: The drug should not be applied to the facial area, in particular not around the nose, of infants and small children (glottal spasms could occur). OVERDOSAGE Overdoses of cajuput oil (more than 10 gm) could lead to life-threatening poisonings, due to the high cineole content. Symptoms include including loss of blood pressure, circulatory disorders, collapse and respiratory failure. Vomiting is not to be induced in the case of poisoning, because of the danger of aspiration. Following administration of activated charcoal, the therapy for poisonings consists of treating spasms with diazepam (i.v.), treating colic with atropine, electrolyte substitution and treating possible cases of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate infusions. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Chief constituents: cineol, (+)-alpha-terpineol, (-)-alpha-terpineol, (+)-alpha-terpineol valerate, (-)- alpha-terpineol valerate, furthermore alpha-pinenes and bicyclic sesquiterpenes, non-rectified oils also contain 3,5-dimethyl-4, 6-di-O-methyl-phloroacetophenone DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cajuput oil is used only for external purposes. LITERATURE Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1. 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lowry JB, (1973) Nature 241:61. Opdyke DU. (1976) Food Cosmet Toxicol: 14. Steinegger E. Hansel R. Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. CALABAR B E A N / 1 3 7 contract, thus reducing intraocular pressure. It is a glandular stimulant and increases peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. It reduces heart rate and is a curare antidote. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is frequently used in the treatment of glaucoma. It is also a poison antidote. Its use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease to reduce memory loss and confusion is being investigated. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is only used in the extraction of physostigmine. Symptoms of poisoning include: diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, salivation, stupor, sweats and vomiting. OVERDOSAGE Calabar Bean Physostigma venenosum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seeds. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are pendulous racemes ^ o f bean-like flowers. The fruit is a dark brown pod up to 15 ^ cm long containing two or three dark brown or blackish kidney-shaped seeds that are about 2.5 cm long. They are rounded at the ends, uneven and somewhat polished with the hilum extending along the whole convex side. The cotyledons are whitish. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a large, perennial, twining, woody climber with large, pinnate, trifoliate leaves. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to western Africa and is cultivated in India and parts of South America. Production: The Calabar Bean is the seed of Physostigma venenosum. Other Names: Chop Nut, Ordeal Bean ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Indole alkaloide (0.3 - 0.5%): main alkaloid physostigmine, secondary alkaloids include physovenine, geneserine, eseramine mStarch (up to 50%) Proteic substances Fatty oil EFFECTS The main alkaloid, physostigmine, is miotic, spasmogenic, negatively chronotropic and curare-antagonistic. It causes an increase in tone in the parasympathetic system and the striated muscles. In particular, it causes the pupils to Lethal doses can cause muscle twitching, spasms, tachycardia and cyanosis through asphyxiation. Following gastric lavage, poisonings are treated with atropine; in the case of spasms, diazepam is also used. Forced diuresis can be useful. The lethal dose for an adult is 6 to 10 mg of physostigmine (corresponding to approximately 2 to 3 Calabar Beans). Poisonings are possible through inappropriate administration of physostigmine eye drops, due to drainage into the mouth or nose. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As an eye medication, in drops and ointments. It is used as an antidote in the form of an injection solution. For gastrointestinal use, it has been replaced by synthetic prostigmine. Daily Dosage: Apply 1 to 2 eye drops 3 times daily to the conjunctival sac. LITERATURE Die G, 125 Jahre Physostigmin. In: ZPT 11(2):7. 1990. Morbus A, Was gibt es Neues aus der Forschung? In: DAZ 133(23):2090. 1993. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Eds.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 138/CALAMINT Calamint Kokkalo E, Stefanaou E, Flavour Fragrance J 5(l):23-26. 1990. Calamintha nepeta DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried foliage, stems, leaves and flowers. Flower and Fruit: The medium-sized to large flowers are 5 to 20 blossomed cymes. The pedicle is 0 to 22 mm long and the tubular calyx is 3 to 7 mm by l to 1.5 mm in size and slightly downy to very downy on the inside. The upper tips are 0.5 to 1.5 mm and the lower ones are l to 2 mm, downy. They occasionally have long, ciliate hairs. The corolla is white to lilac and purple. Leaves, Stem and Root: Calamint is a perennial, 30 to 80 cm high, slightly to densely downy shrub. The leaves are oval, obtuse, almost entire-margined or lightly to deeply crenateserrate, with 9 teeth on each side. Habitat: Britain, Europe, northern Africa Production: Calamint is the above-ground part of Calamintha nepeta. It is collected in the wild. Other Names: Basil Thyme, Mountain Mint, Mountain Balm, Mill Mountain ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (0.35%: including pulegone, menthone, menthol and its ester, P-bisobolen, cineol, thymol Triterpenes: including calaminthadiol, ursolic acid EFFECTS The drug is a diaphoretic and expectorant. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Calamint has been used for febrile colds and respiratory diseases. The drug is also used in folk medicine for hiccups, tinnitus, as a diuretic and for stomach complaints. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Calamintha nepeta See Calamint Calamus Acorus calamus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the rhizome after the removal of all other material. Flower and Fruit: Green flowers, like small dice, form a tightly packed, slim, conical spadix. The plant is non-fruitbearing and propagates from the rhizome. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 60 to 100 cm tall. The stem is triangular and sprouts from a horizontal, round root-stock, which has the thickness of a thumb. The upper shoot forms a grooved flower sheath. The leaves are oblong, sword-shaped and arranged in two rows. The leaves have no stems. Characteristics: The rhizome has an intensely aromatic fragrance and a tangy, pungent and bitter taste. The leaves often undulate on the margins. Habitat: Today Calamus is found all over the world. It probably originated in India and North America. Production: Calamus root-stock is the dried, coarsely ground and mostly peeled, root-stock of Acorus calamus. Calamus oil is extracted from the same plant. Other Names: Sweet Flag, Sweet Sedge, Grass Myrtle, Myrtle Flag, Sweet Grass, Sweet Myrtle, Sweet Rush, Sweet Root, Sweet Cane, Gladdon, Myrtle Sedge, Cinnamon Sedge ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS DOSAGE No information is available. LITERATURE de Pooter HL, Goetghebeur P. Schamp P, PH 26(12):33553356. 1987. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Volatile oil: chief constituents are heavily dependent upon the chemical strain (divtri-, tetraploid); beta-asarone (cisisoasarone), alpha- and gamma-asarone, beta- gurjuns, acorone (bitter), ZZ-Deca-4,7-dienal (odor-determining) EFFECTS Calamus is an aromatic, bitter stomachic, which stimulates appetite and digestion. It has spasmolytic, carminative and sedative effects, in addition to being externally hyperemic. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used in the form of teas, for dyspeptic disorders, gastritis and ulcers. It is used externally for rheumatism, gum disease and tonsillitis. £ Indian Medicine: Calamus is used for dyspeptic complaints, worms, pain syndrome and toothache. Chinese Medicine: Acorus calamus stimulates peptic juices for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used externally for fungal infections. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Long-term use of this drug should be avoided. Malignant tumors appeared in rats that received Indian Calmus oils over an extended period (tetraploid strain, over 80% f5-asarone in volatile oil). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Calamus preparations are for internal and external use. Preparations are used as a bitter, stomachic, carminative, digestant, sedative, rubefacient, balneotherapeutic and corrigent. Calamus is available in tea ^mixtures, as an oil or extract and as a bath oil. Preparation: Steep with hot water to make a tea. For use in a bath, add 250 to 500 gm of the drug to the bath water. Storage: Store for a maximum of 18 months. If in powder form, however, do not keep for more than 24 hours. CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE / 1 3 9 Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeuuschen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart. 1997. Calendula officinalis See Marigold LITERATURE Iguchi M et al., (1973) Tetrahedron Letters 29:2759. Keller K et al., (1985) Planta Med 51(1):6. California Peppertree Keller K, Stahl E, Composition of the essential oil from betaasarone free calamus. In: PM 47(2):71. 1983. Schinus molle Keller K, Stahl E, Kalmus: Inhalsstoffe und (3-Asarongehalt bei verschiedenen Herkunften. In: DAZ 122(48):2463-2466. 1982. DESCRIPTION Mazza G, Gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric studies of the constituents of the rhizome of calamus. In: J Chromatogr 328:179-206. 1985. Rohr M, Naegeli P, (1979) Phytochemistry 18(2):279 and 328. Saxena DB, Phenyl indane from Acorus calamus. In: PH 25(2):553. 1986. •Schneider K, Jurenitsch J, Kalmus als Arzneidroge: Nutzen oder Risiko. In: Pharmazie 47(2):79-85. 1992. Stahl E, Keller K, Classification of typical commercial Calamus drugs. In: PM 43(2): 128-140. 1981. Taylor JM et al., Toxicity of oil of calamus (Jammu variety). In: Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 10:405 (Abstract). 1967. Further information in: Chan, EH et al. (Eds.), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Medicinal Parts: Medicinal properties have been attributed to the plant's leaves, bark, fruit and gum resin. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in apical, heavily branched, hanging, 5 to 30 cm long panicles. The flowers are small, yellowish-white, and their structures are in fives. The calyx is 5-tipped. The flower has 5 petals, 10 stamens and a superior ovary that develops from a carpel. The style is divided into 3. The fruit is a coral red, single-seeded drupe with a diameter of approximately 7 mm, a thin pergamentlike exocarp, an oleo-resin-rich mesocarp and a hard endocarp. Leaves, Stem and Root: The tree is an evergreen, up to 15 m high. The leaves are alternate, up to 25 cm long and odd pinnate. There are 17 to 35 leaflets, 1.6 to 6 cm long, 2 to 8 mm wide, sessile, linear-lanceolate, punctate with oil glands and dentate. The branches hang down. 140/CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE Characteristics: The leaves give off a pepper-like smell when rubbed; the fruit is aromatic and somewhat sweet. Habitat: The tree is indigenous to Central America and South America. Production: California Peppertree (or Peruvian Peppertree) leaves are the leaflets of Schinus molle. California Peppertree fruits are ripe unpeeled drupes of Schinus mollek, which are air- or freeze-dried. Not to be Confused With: Other Schinus species. Other Names: Australian Pepper Tree, Brazilian Pepper Tree, False Pepper, Peruvian Mastix Tree, Peruvian Peppertree, Weeping Pepper Tree ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ings, loss of teeth, conjunctivitis (leaf juice), and as a diuretic. External indications are considered to include uterus prolapse, eye inflammations, joint pains, colds (used as healing baths), as a vulnerary and for rheumatism. CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE FRUIT Unproven Uses: Used internally as a stomachic, tonic, for nausea, vomiting, anuria, gastric complaints, loss of appetite, conditions of the respiratory tract, blennorrhagia, for muscular pain and as a diuretic. Preparations from the fruit are used externally for rheumatism. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE LEAVES AND FRUIT No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. COMPOUNDS: CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE LEAVES DOSAGE Volatile oil (0.2 to 1.0%): chief components including alphaphellandrene, beta-phellandrene, limonene, including as well T-cadinol, elemol, germacrene D, gamma-eudesmol Preparation: To prepare an infusion, use 30 g drug to 500 ml water. Flavonoids: including kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin Resins Mucilages EFFECTS: CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE LEAVES The leaves contain unknown bitter substances and tannins, which make administration for inflammatory alterations of the skin and oral mucous membranes plausible. COMPOUNDS: CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE FRUIT CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE LEAVES Daily Dosage: For inflammation of the mucous membranes, gargle with infusion 3 times daily. For wound cleansing, wash wounds with infusion. CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE FRUIT Mode of Administration: Whole and cut drug are used in preparations for internal and external use. Daily Dosage: No information is given in the literature. Storage: Tightly sealed, cool, dry and protected from light. Volatile oil (2.0 to 5.0%): chief components including alphaphellandrene, beta-phellandrene, limonene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, including as well camphene, carvacrol, p-cymol, 4-ethyl phenol Dikshit A, Naqvi AA, Husain A, Schinus molle: a new source of natural fungitoxicant. Appl Environ Microbiol, 38:1085-8, 1986 May. Triterpenes: including 3-epiisomasticadienolalic acid, 3-epimasticadienolic acid, isomasticadienonic acid, masticadienonic acid Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 19921994. Fatty oil (in the seeds 6 to 14%) Resins (with long-chained fatty acids, C22 to C28) EFFECTS: CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE FRUIT The fruit resin is purgative in effect. The essential oil is fungicidal and is said to be excreted primarily through the lungs and the kidneys. No experimental data are available for the traditional areas of administration. INDICATIONS AND USAGE CALIFORNIA PEPPERTREE LEAVES Unproven Uses: Internal uses in folk medicine include infections of the pharynx, respiratory tract conditions, rheumatism (decoction), for leucorrhea, suppuration of the mucous membranes and hypertension (infusion), for swell- LITERATURE Vargas Correa JB, Sanchez Sol s L, Farfpn Ale JA, Noguchi H, Moguel Ba~nos MT, Vargas de la Pe~na MI, Allergological study of pollen of mango (Magnifera indica) and cross reactiyity with pollen of piru (Schinus molle). Rev Alerg, 38:134-8, 1991 Sep-Oct. California Poppy Eschscholtzia californica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of Eschscholtzia californica are the aerial parts collected during the flowering season and dried. CALOTROP1S/141 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Flower and Fruit: The bright yellow-to-orange flowers are solitary, axillary and long-pedicled. They are 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter with a cup-shaped receptacle. The sepals are fused. Four crenate petals, orange-red at the base, form an open dish. The stigma is thread-like. There are numerous yellow JP*stamens. The fruit is an oblong, 4 to 6 cm pod-like exploding capsule, which spreads small globular seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: Eschscholtzia californica is a bluishgreen annual or perennial that grows 30 to 60 cm high. The leaves are sparse. The strongly pinnatifid leaves have linear sections and taper to a thin tip. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is rarely prescribed, yet is a component of some standardized preparations in combination with plant sedatives. Medical or clinical documentation and other experimental material about phytotherapeutic application of the Califomian Poppy herb are unavailable. As the efficacy of the claimed uses has not been documented, a therapeutic application cannot be justified. Preparation: The tea is prepared using 2 gm herb per 150 ml water. The liquid extract (Extractum Eschscholziae) should be prepared according to the German Pharmacopoeia (DAB) 10. Habitat: The plant grows in California and is cultivated in central Europe and southern France. Daily Dosage: The tea is taken as a drink. The average single dose for the liquid extract is 1 to 2 ml. Production: The Califomian Poppy herb consists of the aerial parts of Eschscholtzia californica. It is collected in uncultivated regions. Homeopathic Dosage: from D2: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); from D4: parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (PF X). ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS lsoquinoline alkaloids: The main alkaloid is californidine. Included are others, such as eschscholzine (escholzine), ^(rprotopine, alpha-allocryptopine. beta-allocryptopine. Cyanogenic glycosides (in the freshly-harvested plant) EFFECTS The main active principle californidine has sleep-inducing, sedative, anxiolytic and spasmolytic effects. In mice, a hot water extract had a significant sleep-inducing effect. In other animal experiments an anxiolytic and spasmolytic effect was proven. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of the drug are used for insomnia, aches, nervous agitation, enuresis nocturna in children, diseases of the bladder and liver, reactive agitative and masked depressions, melancholia, neurasthenia, neuropathy, organic neuroses, vegetative-dystonic disorders, mood swings, weather sensitivity, vasomotor dysfunctions, vegetative-endocrine syndrome, constitutional weakness of the nervous system and vasomotor cephalgia. The tea is used as a sedative. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Jain L et al., Alkaloids of Eschscholtzia californica. In: PM 62(2): 188. 1997. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Sturm S, Stuppner H, Mulinacci N, Vincieri F, Capillary zone electrophoretic analysis of the main alkaloids from Eschscholtzia californica. In: PM 59(7)25. 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Weischer ML, Okpanyi SN, Pharmakologie eines pflanzlichen Schlafmittels. In: ZPT 15(5):257-262. 1994. Calluna vulgaris See Heather m Homeopathic Uses: Eschscholtzia californica is used to treat insomnia. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. Calotropis Calotropis procera DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried root and root bark. The bark with its outer cork layer removed is known as Mudar, and is used medicinally. 142/CALOTROPIS Flower and Fruit: The fragrant flowers are 2.5 cm in diameter and form umbel-like flower clusters. The erect petals are whitish and have purple spots on the upper half. The bracts of the corolla are smooth or downy with a divided tip. The ovate follicles are 7.5 to 10 cm long by 5 to 7.5 cm wide. The seeds have a tuft of silky hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: This upright herbacious perennial normally grows to a height of 1.8 to 2.4 m. The leaves are short-petioled, 6 to 15 cm long by 4.5 to 8 cm wide, oblongelliptoid to broadly ovate. The bark appears in irregular short pieces, slightly quilled or curved and about 0.3 - 0.5 cm thick. The external portion is grayish-yellow, soft and spongy. The internal portion is yellowish-white. The fracture is short. Characteristics: The taste is acrid and bitter. Habitat: Indigenous to parts of Asia, India, Africa, Pakistan and on the Sunda Islands Production: Calotropis bark is the dried root bark of Calotropis procera. Other Names: Mudar Bark, Mudar Yercum PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES i OVERDOSAGE The drug is highly toxic. Higher dosages cause vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia and convulsions. Very high dosages may cause death. Following gastric lavage, treatment for poisonings should proceed symptomatically (for further measures, see Digitalis). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Calotropis is used in a ground form, as a powder, as smoke (fume) and also topically. Daily Dosage: As an expectorant and diaphoretic 200 mg to 600 mg; as an emetic 2 gm to 4 gm. Homeopathic Dosage: from D4: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet, 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily; from D6: 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly (HAB1). LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Seiber JN et al., (1982) Phytochemistry 21(9):2343. Willaman JJ, Hui-Li L, (1970) Lloydia 33(3A):1. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroids (cardenolids): including calotropin, calactin, uscharidin EFFECTS The cardenolid glycocides calotropine shows an anti-tumor effect in vitro on human epidermoid carcinoma cells of the rhinopharynx. It is also works as an expectorant and a diuretic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The powdered root bark is used to treat dysentery. It has a similar effect to that of the ipecacuanha root. In Indian and African folk medicine, the bark is used to treat epilepsy, hysteria, cramps, cancer, warts, leprosy, elephantitis, worms, fever, gout and snake bites. In particular, the milky juice is used against boils, ulcers, swellings and rheumatism. In Africa, it is used to treat toothache, syphilis, digestive disorders and diarrhea. Indian Medicine: The smoke (fumes) from the bark is used for coughs and asthma and as a sudorific. Calotropis gigantea See Giant Milkweed Calotropis procera See Calotropis Caltha palustris See Marsh Marigold Calystegia sepium See Greater Bindweed Homeopathic Uses: Calotropis procera is used for obesity. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Camellia sinensis See Green Tea CAMPHOR TREE/143 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Camphor Tree Cinnamomum camphora DESCRIPTION j^Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is camphor oil extracted from the tree. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small, white and sessile on 1 to 1.5 mm long pedicles. The petals are pubescent on the inside. The flowers are caespitose, on long axillary petioles. The 1.5 mm stamens form 3 circles and are pubescent with broad, sessile-cordate glands. The fruit is a purple-black, 1-seeded, 10 to 12 mm oval drupe. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen tree growing up to 50 m tall and 5 m in diameter. The trunk is erect at the lower part and knottily branched above. The leaves are alternate on long petioles, oval-lanceolate, acuminate, grooved and glossy. They are light yellowish-green above and paler beneath; they grow to 5 to 11 cm long by 5 cm across. Habitat: Camphor trees are indigenous to Vietnam and an Mpxzz extending from southern China to southern Japan. Production: Purified camphor is obtained from the chipped wood of the Cinnamomum camphora tree using steam distillation followed by sublimation to yield the oil. Other Names: Gum Camphor, Laurel Camphor, Cemphire ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Unproven Uses: External uses in folk medicine include muscular rheumatism and cardiac symptoms. Among internal uses are hypotonic circulatory regulation disorders and digestive complaints. Inflammation of respiratory-tract mucous membranes is treated with both internal and external applications. Indian Medicine: Uses include muscle pain, cardiac insufficiency and asthma. CONTRAINDICATIONS Camphor should not be used during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Local administration can lead to skin irritation, as well as to resorbent and/or airborne poisonings. Contact eczema occasionally appears following the application of oily salves containing camphor. The drug is sometimes used as a hashish substitute because 6 to 10 g leads to intoxication. Pediatric Use: Camphor salves should not be administered to infants. OVERDOSAGE Symptoms of poisonings that have been seen, particularly in children, include intoxicated states, delirium, spasms and respiratory control disturbances. Treatment proceeds symptomatically. Less than 1 g can be a lethal dosage for young children. For adults, the lethal dosage is considered to be approximately 20 g. However, toxicity in adults has been noted after use of as little as 2 g. DOSAGE Camphora is a single substance: D(+) -camphor ((1R,4R)l,7,7-trimethyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-on), extracted from the volatile oil of the trunk of the camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora. L(-)-camphor also occurs in nature. Synthetic camphor is DL-camphor. Mode of Administration: As a liquid (camphor spirit) for topical application or inhalation, and also semi-solid ointments and liniments. Internally, in liquid or solid preparations. EFFECTS How Supplied: Commercial pharmaceutical preparations include creams, ointments, balms and gels. Used externally, camphor acts as a bronchial secretolytic and hyperemia Internally, the effect is that of a respiratory analeptic and bronchospasmolytic. It should be noted that the effect only sets in at dosages considered toxic. An antibacterial effect has been noted in vitro, with cineol the main active J^trinciple. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • • Arrhythmia Cough/bronchitis Hypotension Nervous heart complaints Rheumatism Daily Dosage: Internal average daily dosage: 2 to 4 g drug; 0.05 to 0.2 g essential oil. For external use, camphor spirit (DAB 10) 9.5 to 10.5% camphor to be rubbed in several times a day: Depending on prescribed application, concentrations generally are not higher than 25% for adults and no higher than 5% for small children. Storage: Camphor should be stored in containers filled so there is no empty air space left and also should be protected from light. LITERATURE Bean NE, Camphora -curriculum vitae of a perverse terpene. In: Chem in Brain 8(9):386. 1972. 144/CAMPHOR TREE Burrow A, Eccles R, Jones AS, (1983) The effects of camphor, eucalyptus and menthol vapor on nasal resistance to airflow and nasal sensation. Acta Otolaryng (Stockholm) 96:157-161. Stone JE, Blundell MJ, (1951) Anal Chem 23:771. Takaoka D et al., (1975) Nippon Kagaku Kaishi 12:2192. Further information in: Bruchhausen F von, Ebel S, Frahm AW, Hackenthal E (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 79 (Stoffe), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1993. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3, Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M. Kormann K, Giftpflanzen. Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E. Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E. Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika. Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Canadian Fleabane Erigeron canadensis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried aerial parts of the plant and the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: Canadian Fleabane has very small yellowish-white composite flowers in long, terminal, branched panicle-like inflorescences. The involucre is in a number of rows. The composite head has numerous florets. The ray florets are linguiform, female, white or reddish. The disc florets are tubular and androgynous. The stamens are fused. The fruit is an achaene, 1.2 to 1.5 mm long, brownish and has short appressed hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: Erigeron canadensis is an annual or biennial 30 to 100 cm high. The root is thin and fusiform, the stem erect, roundish, slightly ribbed, greenish with paler ribs and is covered in scattered patent hairs. It is branched from the peduncle. The leaves are alternate, pointed, ciliate, narrowly lanceolate and up to 10 cm wide and tapering to the petiole. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Habitat: The plant is indigenous to America but is found globally today. Production: Canadian Fleabane is the flowering plant and seeds (without the root) of Erigeron canadensis. The plant is collected in the wild in high summer, then hung in bundles to dry. Other Names: Coltstail, Flea Wort, Horseweed, Prideweed ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: including (++)-limonene, alpha-cis-bergamots, beta-trans-famesene, beta-pinenes, myrcene, cis, cis-matricariamethyl ester (polyyne) Tannins EFFECTS The drug is reported to have anti-edema and antiphlogistic effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used for diarrhea, dysentery, as an antithelmintic, a mild hemostyptic, for uterine bleeding, gout, rheumatic symptoms, dropsy, tumors, and bronchitis. In African folk medicine, it is used in the treatment of granuloma annulare, sore throats, urinary tract infections and for medicinal baths. Homeopathic Uses: Erigeron canadensis is used for bleeding of the bladder, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, gastritis, hepatitis and cholecystitis PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used topically and in alcoholic extracts. Daily Dosage: Tea: 3 cups daily after meals; Liquid extract: approximately 2 teaspoons. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml 3 times daily sc (HAB1). LITERATURE Grancia D et al., (1985) Ceskoslov Farm 34(6):209. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 (unter Conyza). Lasser B et al., (1983) Naturwissenschaften 70:95. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. CANADIAN GOLDEN ROD / 145 Volatile oil (0.6%): chief components curlone, germacrene D, alpha-pinene, beta-sesquiphellandrene, limonene Diterpenes of the trans-clerodane and ladanum types Canadian Golden Rod Carotenoids (as blossom pigments) Solidago canadensis Flavonoids (2.4%): rutin (1.4%), including as well hyperoside, quercitrin, astragalin DESCRIPTION Cajfeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried aerial parts collected during the flowering season, the fresh inflorescences and the flowering twigs. COMPOUNDS: CANADIAN GOLDEN ROD (GIGANTEA Flower and Fruit: The yellow composite flowers are in erect racemes facing all directions and are simple or compound. They are medium-sized. The involucral bracts are imbricate and arranged in numerous rows. The ray florets are narrow, lingual and female. The disc florets are funnel-shaped, 5tipped and androgynous. The fruit is an achene, which is cylindrical with numerous ribs. It is brown, sparsely pubescent and 3.5 to 4.5 mm long with a tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial that ranges £| in size from a few centimeters to over 1 m. The rhizome is cylindrical, noded, diagonally ascending and short. The stem is erect, cane-like, angularly grooved above, usually redtinged beneath, and glabrous to loosely appressed pubescent higher up. The basal leaves are long-petioled, elliptical, acuminate and narrowing to the winged stem. The lower ones are serrate and the upper ones entire-margined. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, Asia and North America. Production: Golden Rod is the aerial part of Solidago virgaurea. It occurs in the wild in Hungary, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Poland. Golden Rod herb consists of the above-ground parts of Solidago serotina (synonym S. gigantea). Solidago canadensis and its hybrids are gathered during the flowering season and carefully dried. Not to be Confused With: Despite qualitative and quantitative differences in their effects, drugs containing Solidago gigantea or Solidago canadensis are exchanged with Solidago virgaurea on the market; confusions with Senecio species J ^ a r e also conceivable. Other Names: Aaron's Rod, Woundwort ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: CANADIAN GOLDEN ROD VARIETY) Triterpene saponins (9%): bisdesmoside of the bayogenins: GS1-GS4 Volatile oil (0.5%): chief components gamma-cadinenediterpenes of the cis-clerodane-type, including among others 6-deoxysolidagolactone IV-18,19-olide Carotenoids (as blossom pigments) Flavonoids (3.8%): quercitrin (1.3%), further including among others hyperoside, rutin, isoquercitrin Cajfeic acid derivatives: including among others chlorogenic acid EFFECTS: CANADIAN GOLDEN ROD Canadian Golden Rod is diuretic, weakly spasmolytic and, because of the saponin componant, antiphlogistic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Infections of the urinary tract • Kidney and bladder stones Unproven Uses: The herb is used as a flushing-out therapy for inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract. CONTRAINDICATIONS Irrigation therapy is contraindicated in cases of edema resulting from reduced cardiac and/or kidney function. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug possesses a weak potential for sensitization. Care must 1 be taken in patients with chronic renal diseases, and the drug should be used in this patient population only under the supervision of a doctor. Triterpene saponins: bisdemosides of the bayogenin, bearing acylglycosidically-bound arabino residue DOSAGE Polysaccharides (water-soluble): beta-l,2-fructans, acidic polysaccharides Mode of Administration: As chopped drug by itself or in combination preparations. SOLIDAGINIS VIRGAUREAE HERBA 1 4 6 / C A N A D I A N GOLDEN ROD PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 6 to 12 gm of comminuted drug prepared as an infusion. Fluid intake of at least 2 liters daily is recommended. Storage: The drug must be protected from light and moisture. Cane-Reed Costus specious DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the rhizome. LITERATURE Bader G et al., (1987) Pharmazie 42(2): 140. Goswami A et al., (1984) Phytochemistry 23(4):837. Metzer J et al., (1984) Pharmazie 39(12):869. Lassere B et al., (1983) Naturwissenschaft 70:95. Reznicek G et al., PM 55:623. 1989. Reznicek G et al., Tetrahedron Lett 30:4097. 1989. Reznicek G, Freiler M, Schader M, Schmidt U, Determination of the content and the composition of the main saponins from Solidago gigantea AIT. Using high-perfomance liquid chromatography. In: J Chromatog" A 755(1): 133-37. 1996. Tiansheng L et al., Polyacetylenes and diterpenes from Solida canadensis. In: PH 32:1483. 1993. Weyerstahl P, Marshall H, Christiansen C, Kalemba D, Gora J, Constituents of the essential oil of Solidago canadensis ("Goldenrod") from Poland. In: PM 59(3):281. 1993. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is ovoid, apical and 4 to 7 cm long. The zygomorphic flowers are each supported by one narrow, ovate, acuminate, coriaceous, thickly haired, red to red-brown bract. There is a bracteole, which is approximately 2 cm long, violet to brown-red and sparsely pubescent. The calyx is approximately 2.5 cm long, green to red-brown and tubular. The 3 petals are approximately 6 cm long, white to pale pink and silky haired. The corolla tube is approximately 1.5 cm long. The lobes are elliptical to ovate and 6 to 7 cm long. The lobes are white to pale pink, with a yellow lip in the center made up of 5 stamens. When spread out, the lobe is broad obviate and crenate. There is 1 fertile stamen, which is white to yellowish and up to 5 cm long. The style is thread-like and the ovary 3-chambered and inferior. The fruit is a light red, loculicidal capsule. The seeds are black, 2 to 4 mm wide, with a narrow, fleshy aril. Leaves, Stem and Root: Costus specious is a herbaceous perennial, upright, up to 3 m high. The leaves have tubular sheaths, which are 0.7 to 1.2 cm in diameter and a pubescent to glabrous. The ligula is 1 to 2 mm long; the leaves are 12 to 25 cm long, 3 to 6 cm wide, narrow elliptical, thorny-tipped, glabrous above and downy-haired beneath. The stem is upright. The rhizome is up to 50-cm long, 3 cm thick and rich in starch. Habitat: India Production: Kust or costus root is the dried rhizome of Costus speciosus. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Not to be Confused With: Confusion may occur with Saussurea lappa and Canella winterana. The drug itself is used to adulterate Gloroisa superba. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. COMPOUNDS Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Steroid saponins (1 to 4%): chief components dioscin and gracillin, aglycones diosgenin, tigogenin Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol glucoside Curcuminoids (3 %): including curcumin EFFECTS Canarium species See Chinese Olive The saponin fraction of the drug exhibits estrogenic, antiexudative, spasmolytic, choleretic and anesthesia-proI longing effects. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS / 1 4 7 INDICATIONS AND USAGE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Indian Medicine: for febrile conditions, coughs, skin conditions, retention of the placenta, post-partum bleeding, threatening abortion, insufficient uterine contractility and snake bites. COMPOUNDS I PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. It is conceivable that gastric complaints and nausea might be experienced, as well as kidney irritation, due to the high level of saponin content. OVERDOSAGE Volatile oil (1%): chief components eugenol, cineol, pinene, caryophyllene, myristicin Resins (8%) Sesquiterpenes: including muzigadial, warburganal (pungent-tasting dialdehydes) Mannitol (6-8%) Starch (12%) EFFECTS Overdose could lead to European cholera, increased diuresis and shock. Canella has a stimulant and tonic effect. The sesquiterpenes contained in the bark have antimycotic and molluscacidal effects. DOSAGE INDICATIONS AND USAGE Mode of Administration: Whole herb preparations, cut and powdered drug for internal use. Unproven Uses: In Central and South America, Canella is used internally to treat upset stomach, fever and conditions of the mouth and throat; it is used externally for rheumatism. In the West Indies, it is used to treat scurvy and as a spice. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed) Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 ^.Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 19921994 PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Canella Mode of Administration: Canella is available in whole, cut and powdered forms. Canella LITERATURE winterana DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the bark of the tree. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small and seldom open. They are violet and fused in clusters to the tips of the branches. The involucre is sometimes fused at the base. The stamens are fused to form a pollen tube. The fruit is an elongate berry with 4 reniform seeds. The fruit changes color from green to blue and then to a shiny black. Leaves, Stem and Root: Canella winterana is a tree that grows up to 15 m andis only branched at the top. The bark is whitish-yellowish on the outside and chalk-like on the inside. Jjjpie leaves are alternate, oblong, thick, and are a dark, intense laurel-green shade. Habitat: The tree is indigenous to the Caribbean and Florida. Not to be Confused With: It is often sold as the rarer Cortex winteranus. Other Names: Canella alba, White Cinnamon, White Wood, Wild Cinnamon El Feraly M et al., (1980) J Nat Prod 43:407. Kem W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Morton JF, An Atlas of Medicinal Plants of Middle America, Charles C. Thomas USA 1981. Canella winterana See Canella Cannabis sativa See Marijuana Capsella bursa-pastoris See Shepherd's Purse 1 4 8 / C A P S I C U M SPECIES PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S See Cayenne Neto MM, Robl F, Netto JC, Intoxication by star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) in six dialysis patients? (Preliminary report) news. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 13:570-2, 1998 Mar. Garambola Caraway Averrhoa carambola Carum carvi Capsicum species DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fruit. Flower and Fruit: Cymose inflorescences grow from the trunk. The flowers are radial, and their structures are arranged in fives. The petals are free; there are 10 stamens and a 5-chambered ovary. The fruit is a berry, approximately 10 cm long. The berry is acuminate, 5-sided and star-shaped in cross-section. It is translucently amber-yellow. Leaves, Stem and Root: Averrhoa carambola is a tree, that grows up to 5 m high. The leaves are alternate, odd pinnate and 10 to 12 cm long. Habitat: India Production: The fruit of the Carambola tree is the ripe fruit of Averrhoa carambola. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Oxalic acid (0.3% of fresh weight) Vitamin C (0.05% of fresh weight) Monosaccharides/polysaccharides Carotinoids EFFECTS No definitive data available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fruit and the oil obtained from the squashed fruit when ripe. Flower and Fruit: The main trunk and the side branches each terminate in a compound flowering umbel of 8 to 16 umbel rays. The epicalyx and calyx are almost non-existent. The florets are white or reddish and very small. The fruit is a schizocarp that is glabrous, oblong and elliptoid. It consists of 2 mericarps that are 3 to 6 mm long, sickle-shaped, brownish with 5 lighter, angular main ribs (caraway seeds). Leaves, Stem and Root: Carum carvi is usually a biennial, 30 to 100 cm high plant with a fleshy, fusiform tap root. The stem is erect, angular, grooved, filled with latex, glabrous and branched from the ground up. The rosette leaves and the cauline leaves are glabrous and in part tri-pinnate. The lower pinna are typically crossed. Characteristics: The plant has a caraway taste and an aromatic smell. Habitat: Caraway is found in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, the Near East, the Himalayas, Mongolia and Morocco. Found wild in North America after being introduced. Production: Caraway oil consists of the essential oil extracted from the ripe fruits of Carum carvi. Caraway is harvested when completely ripe and threshed 3 weeks later. The oil is recovered from the crushed seeds by a process of aqueous steam distillation. Indian Medicine: Carambola is used for diarrhea, vomiting, severe thirst, hemorrhoids, intermittent fever, scabies and liver pain. Not to be Confused With: Carvon is occasionally added in synthetic form. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY There is no evidence of any health risks connected with limited consumption of the fruit or the preserves made from them. Nevertheless, due to the high oxalate content, which corresponds approximately to that of rhubarb stalks, the ingestion of large amounts over extended periods should be avoided. COMPOUNDS In the berries: volatile oil, fatty oil, polysaccharides, proteins, furocoumarins (traces) In volatile oil: in particular D-(+)-carvone and D-(+)limonene EFFECTS DOSAGE No information is available. LITERATURE Neto MM, Robl F, Netto JC, Depressant action of averrhoa carambola. Med J Malaysia, 13:279-80, 1980 Mar. In animal tests the drug had a spasmolytic effect. The antimicrobial effect has been demonstrated against bacillus, pseudomonas, and Candida; dermatomyces are also inhibited. The choleretic effect has been described in a study which is not accessible. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: Caraway is used for gastrointestinal cramps, >4fc> flatulence and feelings of fullness, as well as nervous cardiac-gastric complaints. In folk medicine, Caraway is used to improve lactation in nursing mothers, as an emmenagogue and to settle the stomach. The essential oil is used as constituent in mouthwashes and bath additives. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. CARDAMOM/149 Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. " Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Simon JE, Chadwick AF, Craker LE (Eds.), Herbs. An Indexed Bibliography 1971-80. Archon Books, USA 1984. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. OVERDOSAGE An intake of larger dosages of the volatile oil (see for example in caraway liquor) for extended periods can lead to kidney and liver damage. Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Preparations from the essential oil 4f are for internal use. The comminuted fresh drug is used for infusions and other galenic preparations. How Supplied: Powder, capsules, film tablets, coated tablets, drops and tea. Preparation: An infusion i.s prepared by pressing l to 2 teaspoonfuls of seeds before using and pouring 150 ml of hot water over it, draining after 10 to 15 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average single dose of oil is 2 to 3 drops on sugar; caraway, 1 to 5 gm. The average daily dose of oil is 3 to 6 drops; caraway, 1.5 to 6 gm. Storage: Protect from light and moisture in glass or metal containers. LITERATURE Debelmas AM, Rochat J, (1967) Plant Med Phytother 1:23. Harries N et al., (1978) J Clin Pharm 2:171. Hopf H, Kandler O, (1977) Phytochemistry 16:1715. Koedam A, Scheffer JJC, Barheim Svendsen A, Z Lebensm g Unters Forsch 168:106-111. 1979. Salveson A et al., Sci Pharm 46(2):93-100. 1978. Further information in: Chan, EH et al. (Eds). Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the oil extracted from the seeds and fruit plus seeds harvested shortly after ripening. Flower and Fruit: The flowering shoots grow on the stem very close to the ground. The panicle branches can grow up to 8 cm. The flowers are alternate and covered by sheath-like bracts before opening. The calyx is slightly wider above, finely striped, obtusely 3-tipped and does not droop. The corolla is greenish white. The lobes are rounded, somewhat curly, white with a yellowish border with blue veins and lines in the center. The only fertile stamen is set into the edge of the petals. The sterile stamens are arranged beside the styles on the receptacle. The pollen is globular and prickly. The ovary is inferior, oblong, obovate with 3 valves, each with 12 horizontal ovules. The fruit is 6 to 18 mm long, 6 to 10 mm thick, short-stemmed, ovate or elliptical to oblong. The seeds are light brown, gray or dark red brownish. They are very roughly wrinkled, 4 to 5 mm long, irregular edged and the whole seed is surrounded by an almost colorless seed coat. Mysore and Malabar cardamoms are usually blanched pale and have a smooth surface. They are sold commercially less often than the Green Aleppy or Ceylon varieties. Leaves, Stem and Root: Elettaria cardamomum is a perennial with a thick, tuberous rhizome and numerous long roots. There are up to 30 erect, glabrous, green stems that are 2 to 3 m high. The leaves are in 2 rows with a leaf membrane at the end of a soft-haired sheath. The leaf surface is lanceolate, clearly acuminate and up to 60 cm long. The leaves are entire-margined, downy above, silky-haired beneath and 150/CARDAMOM punctuated by numerous small oil cells. The seeds are about 4 mm diameter and dark-reddish-brown. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Characteristics: Cardamom has an aromatic and pleasant odor. The taste is aromatic and pungent. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug can trigger gallstone colic, due to its motility-enhancing effect. Habitat: The plant is indigenous in southern India and Sri Lanka and is cultivated in tropical regions in southeast Asia and Guatamala. Mode of Administration: Ground seeds, as well as galenic preparations for internal use. DOSAGE Production: Cardamom consists of the dried, almost ripe, greenish to yellow-gray fruit of Elettaria cardamomum. Medicinal use is limited to the seed, which is removed from its fruit capsule. The main harvest is in October and November of the third year after planting. The fruit is then dried either in the sun or in so-called 'curing houses' and then sorted according to size, form, color etc. Storage: Cardamom should be stored in a cool, dry place protected from light in tightly sealed containers. The powder can be stored for a maximum of 24 hours. Loose seeds without the testa cannot be stored. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY LITERATURE COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: composition varies according to the specific strain, chief components cineol, alpha-terpinyl acetate, linalyl acetate Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage is 1.5 gm of drug. When using a tincture, the dosage range is l to 2 gm. Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. I, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. Fatty oil Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Starch Haginiwa H et al., (1963) Yakagaku Zasshi 83:623. EFFECTS The drug is a cholagogue and has virustatic properties. The essential oil (monoterpene) of the drug is antibacterial and antimycotic. In animal experiments the essential oil caused an increase in the secretion of bile and a reduction of gastric juice production. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • • • • Common cold Cough/bronchitis Fevers and colds Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Liver and gallbladder complaints Loss of appetite Tendency to infection Unproven Uses: Cardamom is also used for dyspepsia. In folk medicine it is used for digestive complaints, vomiting and diarrhea, morning sickness and loss of appetite as well as Roemheld syndrome. Chinese Medicine: Cardamom is used for stomachache, nausea, vomiting and flatulence. Indian Medicine: In Indian medicine, Cardamom is used for disorders of the efferent urinary tract. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewis YS, Nambuduri ES, Philip T, Perfum Essent OH Res 57:623-628. 1966. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Carex arenaria See German Sarsaparilla Carica papaya See Papaya Carlina acaulis See Carline Thistle HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Carline Thistle Carlina acaulis DESCRIPTION £ Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are made up of individual heads that are 7 to 13 cm in diameter. The disc florets are androgynous, pink to violet, and have a 5-tipped radial corolla. The outer bracts are thorny. The middle bracts consist of glossy white, acuminate, 3 to 4 cm long leaves. The stamens have bristly-tipped appendages. The styles are cylindrical with short stigma lobes. The fruit is 5 mm long, obclavate to cylindrical, and bluntly angular with bifurcated hairs at the tip. Leaves, Stem and Root: Carlina acaulis is a 30 cm high thistle-like, leafy plant with milky latex. The stem is compressed and under 5 cm long. The whorled to alternate leaves are flat or slightly frilled and a little tough, 10 to 20 cm long, pinnatifid to pinnatisect with broad, thorny tips. The rhizome is finger thick and has 1 or more heads. 9> Habitat: The plant extends from Spain, Italy and the Balkans across central Europe to central Russia. Production: Carline Thistle (Dwarf Thistle) is the root of Carlina acaulis collected in autumn and dried. It is collected in the wild. Not to be Confused With: Sometimes Carline Thistle is adulterated by addition of other Carlina species. Other Names: Stemless Carlina Root, Dwarf Carline, Ground Thistle, Southernwood Root ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chief components carlina oxide CAROB/151 Externally, it is used as a wash for dermatosis, and to rinse wounds and ulcers; as a mouthwash to alleviate symptoms associated with cancer of the tongue. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Carline Thistle is used both internally and externally. Daily Dosage: Common preparations and doses are: Decoction: Boil 3 gm of drug in 150 ml of water for 5 minutes, drink 3 cups daily. Infusion: 2 teaspoons of the drug to be boiled in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes, leave to draw for half an hour, take 3 to 4 cups daily between mealtimes. Tincture: 20 gm of chopped drug, left to draw for 10 days in 80 gm of ethanol 60%, use 40 to 50 drops, 4 to 5 times daily. Wine: Add 50 gm of the drug to 1 L of white wine, leave to draw for a minimum of 12 days, then strain; drink one full small glass before mealtimes. Externally it is used as a decoction; 30 gm of the drug added to I L of water. Storage: Should be stored in tightly sealed containers. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Schilcher H, Hagels H, Carlinae radix. Verfalschung, Verwechslung oder Ersatzdroge. In: DAZ 130(40):2186. 1990. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Inulin (18 to 20%) (fructosan) Tannins EFFECTS Jf There is no valid data on the mode of action. The essential oil hinders the growth of Staphylococcus aureus up to a dilution of 1:2 X 105. Carline Thistle has mild diuretic, spasmolytic and diaphoretic effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used internally for cholecystopathy, digestive insufficiency and for spasms in the alimentary canal. In Spain, it is used to treat colds and illnesses accompanied by fever. Carob Ceratonia siliqua DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fruit and the bark. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is erect and lateral in old wood. It is often bushy, clustered or catkin-like, and unisexual with erect receptacles. There is no corolla. The male flowers have 5 long filaments with long slits and opening pollen tubes. The female flowers have short- 152/CAROB PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES stemmed ovaries. The pods are 10 to 20 cm by 2 cm, tough leathery, brown-violet, flat and often rounded to a horn shape. There are numerous, lumpy and glossy brown seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: This walnut-like tree is usually under 6 m high, broad-crowned, sparsely branched and with cracked gray-brown bark. There are 2 to 4 paired pinnate leaves. The leaflets are obovate, 4 to 5 cm long, curved, glabrous, glossy dark green above and red-brown beneath. Habitat: Indigenous to southeastern Europe and west Asia, otherwise cultivated. Production: Carob seed flour is the ground endosperm of the seeds of Ceratonia siliqua. Not to be Confused With: Carob Tree, Jacaranda procera or Jacaranda caroba. Other Names: St. John's Bread, Locust Bean, Locust Pods, Sugar Pods ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mucilages: chiefly made up of galactomannanes Proteic substances Flavonoids: schaftoside including isoschaftoside, neoschaftoside, EFFECTS In various test series and studies, the effect of carob gum on the serum glucose level, the secretion and activity of digestive enzymes, the secretion of gastrointestinal hormones as well as on the serum lipid level was proven. The hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic effect is attributed to an increase in viscosity of the gastrointestinal content. Effects on nitrogen balance, efficacy in infantile diarrhea, as well as an anti-exudative, anticoagulant and antiviral effects have been demonstrated. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Carob is used in dietary agents for acute nutritional disorders, diarrheal disorders, dyspepsia, enterocolitis, celiac disease and sprue. It is also used for habitual vomiting in babies, acetonemic vomiting, rumination, retching cough and vomiting. Carob seed flour is used in the production of glutin-free starch bread, which is used for vomiting during pregnancy, celiac disease and obesity. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: It is obsolete as a drug but is included in thickening powders and as a baking aid for glutin-free starch bread. Preparation: As a baking aid or thickening agent, dissolve in cold liquid, boil for 1 to 2 minutes, cool and mix into the prepared baby food. Daily Dosage: For a 3 to 10% arabon preparation, add 20 to 30 mg of drug to water, tea or milk, to be drunk during the course of the day. As a baking agent in glutin-free bread for babies, add 1/4 to 1/2 gm of drug (max. 2 gm) to 100 ml liquid; adults 1% to 3% additive to low-calorie starters and desserts. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. McLeary BV, Biomass A Cellulose and Hemicellulose 160:523. 1988. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E. Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Carrageen Chondrus crispus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of carrageen, the Irish seaweed, is the thallus that has been freed from the adhesive disc then dried and bleached in the sun. Flower and Fruit: Gamatangia: The spematangia are colorless and are at the end of the younger thaljus lobes. The spermatia are 7.5 to 10 p:m long and 4 to 5 p:m wide; the carposporangia are 20 to 20 jim long and 14 to 25 \\m wide and have no outer threads. The tetrasporangia, along with the cruciform arranged tatra spores, are in the'medulla of the short side branches. Thallus: Chondrus crispus is a perennial red algae that grows in waters up to 25 m deep. The thallus is usually yellowgreen to purplish-brown when fresh, white to yellow and translucent after drying. Thallus fronds, are 10 to 30 cm long on an adhesive disc, arising from a subcylindrical stem. They HERBAL MONOGRAPHS CASCARA then become flattened, curled and sometimes 'bifid. The segments are linear and usually 3 to 8 mm wide. The margin is linguiform, later repeatedly dividing into bifid thallus lobes. The thallus is cartilaginous and double-layered. The internal tissue is made up of reticulately linked cells. The bark layer is at right angles to the thallus. The bifurcated cell strings are like strings of pearls that are spread radially. Habitat: Carrageen is found from the coast of Iceland to the Baltic, from northern Russia to the south of Spain, Morocco and the Cape Verde Islands, and also in parts of North America and some Japanese coastal regions. Production: Carrageen is the dried and bleached thalli of Chondrus crispus as well as other varieties of Gigartina species. After being cleaned, the algae are left to bleach in the sun, then dried. Not to be Confused With: Confusion can arise with related species of Gigartina stellata and Gigartina pistillata. Other Names: Carrageennan Irish Moss, Chondrus, Carrahan, SAGRADA/153 Preparation: Irish moss extract is prepared using a diluted, almost boiling alkali solution. Filtration and vacuum inspissation follow prior to extensive dehydration. A decoction is prepared by combining 1.5 g drug with 1 cup water. Storage: The drug should be stored in tightly sealed containers. LITERATURE Chapman B, Chapman VJ, Chapman DJ, Seaweeds and their uses. Chapmann and Hall, London, New York 1980. Standoff DJ, Renn DW, (1975) A C S Symp Ser. 15:282. Thomson AW, Home CHW, (1976) Brit J Exp Pathol 57:455. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl.. Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Carrageenans: (carrageenine): in particular kappa-, iota- and lambda-carrageenan (muciform galactane sulphates) Carthamus tinctorius Proteins See Safflower Mineral salts: including iodides and bromides EFFECTS Carum carvi The drug contains hydrocolloids of the carrageenan type. Carrageen is considered a mucilage because it hinders the effect of peptides in digestive enzymes. It also acts as an expectorant and secretory agent. In animal experiments the drug was not absorbed. There are no studies available on absorption in humans. The drug's purported demulcent and antitussive effects have not been confirmed. Rhamnus purshiana INDICATIONS AND USAGE TRADE NAMES Unproven Uses: Folk medicine internal uses of Carrageen include as roughage for constipation and as a mucilage for diarrhea, as well as for peptic ulcers. Sometimes a decoction is used for coughs, bronchitis and tuberculosis. Cascara Sagrada (available from numerous manufacturers), Cascara Sagrada Bark Mild Stimulant Laxative, Cascara Sagrada Natural Laxative, Cascara Sagrada Bark PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Intracutaneous injections of solutions, however, can trigger local inflammations. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Seldom used as a drug, but is included in compound preparations as syrup and granules. See Caraway Cascara Sagrada DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried bark. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in axillary richly blossomed racemes. The receptacles are green and the sepals are larger than the petals. Both receptacles and sepals are white. The ovary is longer than the style and is trilocular. The fruit is dark purple and top-shaped. The seeds are ovate, black, glossy, domed on the outside and have a distinct line on the inside. 154/CASCARA SAGRADA Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is either a bush or a 6 to 18 m tall tree with branches which are gray tomentose when young. The leaves are oblong-ovate, rounded at the base or sometimes narrowing at the petiole. On the longer shoots they are up to 17 cm long and 7.5 cm wide with an 8 to 18 mm long petiole. The margins are finely dentate and the young leaves are tomentose, later becoming dark-green but not coriaceous even in autumn. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the western part of North America and is cultivated on the Pacific coast of the U.S., Canada and in eastern Africa. Production: Cascara Sagrada bark consists of the dried bark of Rhamnus purshiana. Not to be Confused With: The bark of other Rhamnus species. Other Names: Purshiana Bark, Sagrada Bark, Sacred Bark, Bitter Bark, Yellow Bark, Dogwood Bark, California Buckthorn, Chittem Bark, Cascara Buckthorn ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Anthracene derivatives (8-10%): anthranoids, chief components cascarosides A and B (stereoisomeric aloin-8-glucosides), C and D (stereoisomeric 1 l-deoxy-aloin-8glucosides), E and F (C-glucosyl-emodin-anthron-8glucosides), further including aloin, 11-deoxyaloin PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES CLINICAL TRIALS , Bowel Preparation The effectiveness and acceptability of three bowel-cleansing regimens was determined in 271 patients for colonoscopy. Senna laxative (X-prep), combined with a saline enema, a polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage solution (Golytely 4 liters) or combined regimen of Cascara-Salax laxative (PicoSalax) and 1.51 Golytely was administered. No clinically important differences were found between the three bowel preparation regimens (Borkje, 1991). A prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted to determine the side effects, patient acceptance, residual liquid and stool during colonoscopy and also quality of examination of three colon cleansing methods. Three hundred ambulatory patients were randomly assigned to one of the following three groups for colon preparation: Group 1, (4 liters of Golytely), group 2, (2 liters of Golytely combined with Cascara-Salax), and group 3, (X-Prep (a Senna preparation) combined with an enema). X-Prep caused significantly more abdominal cramps than Group 1 or Group 2. Vomiting was most frequent with Group 1, and the patients preferred X-Prep to 4 liters of Golytely. The cleanest colon was obtained with 4 liters of Golytely; 2 liters of Golytely with Cascara-Salax was least effective. The quality of the examination was equal in groups 1 and 3, which were both significantly better than group 2 (Hangartner, 1989). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Constipation EFFECTS Laxative Effects The anthranoid compounds of Cascara are carried unabsorbed to the large intestine where the active aglycon is released by bacterial hydrolysis of the sugar. The intestinal bacterial flora reduces anthraquinone aglycons to the active components of 1,8-dihydroxy-anthracene derivatives, which have the laxative effect (de Witte & Lemli, 1990). The anthranoids are anti-absorptive, hydrogogic and inhibit the absorption of electrolytes and water from die colon. The laxative effect is caused by an increase in the volume of the intestinal contents with the resulting increase in pressure and stimulation of intestinal peristalsis. In addition, stimulation of the active chloride secretion into the intestine by nitricoxide-donating compounds or nitric oxide itself increases water and electrolyte content (Izzo, 1998). Aloin and other anthranoid derivatives stimulate prostaglandin production in isolated segments of intestinal tissue, thus contributing to die cathartic action (Cohen, 1982; Capasso, 1983). Cascara Segrada is used for constipation, relief of defecation with anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and as a recto-anal postopeiative treatment. The herb is also used in preparation of diagnostic procedures of the gastrointestinal tract and to obtain a soft stool. Unproven Uses: In Folk medicine, Cascara is used as a tonic and for cleaning wounds. Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for rheumatism and as a digestive aid. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory intestinal disease (colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel), appendicitis and abdominal pain of unknown origin. Cascara drug is not to be administered to children under 12 years of age. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints can occur as a side effect to the drug's purgative effect. In rare cases, prolonged use may lead to heart arrhythmias, nephropathies, CASCARA SAGRADA / 1 5 5 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS £T edema and accelerated bone deterioration. Intake of the fresh rind could lead to European cholera, intestinal colic, bloody diarrhea and kidney irritation. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, add 2 gm finely cut drug to boiling water and strain after 10 minutes. (1 teaspoonful = 2.5 gm drug) Electrolyte Abnormalies: Long-term use leads to loss of electrolytes, in particular potassium ions. Hyperaldosteronism, albuminuria, hematuria, inhibition of intestinal motility, and muscle weakness may occur. Enhancement of cardioactive steroids and antiarrythics may also occur as a consequense of hypokalemia. Daily Dosage: Administer 20 to 30 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives daily, calculated as cascaroside A. Carcinogenesis: The probability of carcinomas in the colon following long-term administration of anthracene drugs has not yet been fully clarified. Cascara glycoside may act as weak promoters in colon carcinogenesis in animal models (Mereto, 1996). One study determined aloin-enriched diets did not promote incidence and growth of adenomas, carcinomas or significant hepatotoxicity after 20 weeks (Siegers, 1993a). Anthranoid laxative abuse is a relative risk factor for colorectal cancer (Siegerss, 1993b). Drug Interactions: ftk Thiazide Diuretics/Corticoadrenal Steroids/Liquorice Root — These drugs may potentiate potassium deficiency when used concomitantly with Cascara. Antiarrythmics — Loss of potassium associated with prolonged use of Cascara may potentiate arrhythmias when given concomitantly with antiarrhythmic medications. Digitalis Glycosides — With prolonged use or abuse of Cascara, loss of potassium may potentiate digitalis toxicity. Indomethacin (NSAIDS) — Indomethacin given concomitantly with anthracene derivatives had a decrease in therapeutic effect due to the inhibition of prostaglandin E2 (SEE EFFECTS) (Cohen, 1982; Capasso, 1983). Pregnancy: Use during pregnancy or while nursing only after consulting a physician. . •* Tea: Take 1 fresh cup mornings and evenings. Homeopathic Dosage: from D3: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34) Note: The individually correct dosage is the smallest dosage necessary to maintain a soft stool. Stimulating laxatives must not be used over a period of more than 1 to 2 weeks without medical advice. LITERATURE Anonym, Abwehr von Arzneimittelrisiken, Stufe II. In: DAZ 136(38):3253-2354. 1996. Anonym, Anwendungseinschrankungen fur Anthranoid-haltige Abfuhrmittel angeordnet. In: PUZ 25(6)341-342. 1996. Borkje B; Pedersen R: Lund GM et al. Effectiveness and acceptability of three bowel cleansing regimens. Scand J Gastroenterol 1991 Feb:26(2): 162-6. BGA, Arzneimittelrisiken: Anthranoide. In: DAZ 132(21): 1164. 1992. Capasso F; Mascolo N; Autore G: Duraccio MR. Effect of indomethacin on aloin and 1,8 dioxianthraquinone-induced production of prostaglandins in rat isolated colon. Prostaglandins 1983 Oct;26(4):557-62. Cohen MM. The effect of cathartics on prostaglandin synthesis by rat gastrointestinal tract. Prostaglandins Leukot Med 1982 Apr;8(4):389-97. de Witte P, Cuveele J, Lemli J, Bicascarosides in fluid extracts of Cascara. In: PM 57:440. 1991. de Witte P; Lemli L. The metabolism of anthranoid laxatives. Hepatogastroenterology 1990 Dec:37(6):601-5. Nursing Mothers: Cascara has been identified by the American Academy of Pediatrics as compatible with breastfeeding. (Hagemann, 1998). Evans FJ et al., (1975) J Pharm Pharmacol 27.91P. Pediatric Use: The drug is not to be administered to children under 12 years of age. Griffini A et al., Isolation and characterisation of pure Cascarosides A, B, C, and D. In: PM 58(Suppl.7):A593. 1992. DOSAGE Hagemann TM. Gastrointestinal medications and breastfeeding. J Hum Lact 1998 Sep;14(3):259-62. Mode of Administration: Liquid or solid forms of medication are exclusively for oral use. The drug is used as comminuted drug, powder or dry extracts for infusions, decoction, and as a cold maceration or elixir. How Supplied: Capsule — 425 mg, 440 mg, 450 mg, 850 mg Fairbairn JW et al., (1977) J Pharm Sci 66:1300. Fairbairn JW, Simic S, (1964) J Pharm Pharmacol 16:450. Hangartner PJ; Munch R; Meier J et al. Comparison of three colon cleansing methods: evaluation of a randomized clinical trial with 300 ambulatory patients. Endoscopy 1989 Nov;21(6):272-5. Helrnholz H, Ruge A, Piasecki A, Schroder S, Westendorf J, Genotoxizitat der Faulbaumrinde. In: PZ 138(43):3478. 1993. 156/CASCARA SAGRADA Izzo AA; Mascolo N; Capasso F. Nitric oxide as a modulator of intestinal water and electrolyte transport. Dig Dis Sci 1998 Aug;43(8): 1605-20. Klimpel BE et al., Anthranoidhaltige Laxantien - ein Risiko fur die Entwicklung von Tumoren der ableitenden Harnwege. In: PUZ 26(1 ):33 Jahrestagung der DPhG, Berlin, 1996. 1997. Manitto P et al., Studies on Cascara, part 2. Structure of cascarosides £ and F. In: JNP 58(3):419-423. 1995. Mereto E; Ghia M; Brambilla G. Evaluation of the potential carcinogenic activity of Senna and Cascara glycosides for the rat colon. Cancer Lett 1996 Mar 19;I01( 1 ):79-83. Siegers CP; Siemers J; Baretton G. Sennosides and aloin do not promote dimethylhydrazine-induced colorectal tumors in mice. Pharmacology 1993a Oct:47 Suppl 1:205-8. Siegers CP; von Hertzberg-Lottin E; Otte M; Schneider B. Anthranoid laxative abuse—a risk for colorectal cancer? Gut 1993b Aug;34(8): 1099-101. Thesen R, Phytotherapeutika - nicht immer harmlos. In: ZPT 9(49): 105. 1988. Further information in: PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a small tree that rarely grows to more than 6 m. It has small, opposite, ovatelanceolate leaves about 5 cm long. Scales beneath densely cover the leaves, giving them a silver-bronze appearance. Above, the scales are scattered and white. The bark occurs in short quilled pieces, usually with a chalky, more or less cracked, white surface, with black dots due to the fruit of lichens. The transverse fracture is reddish-brown. Characteristics: The taste is aromatic and bitter. Habitat: Indigenous to the West Indies, also grown in tropical areas of America. Production: Cascarilla bark is the bark of Croton eluteria. Other Names: Sweet Wood Bark, Sweet Bark, Bahama Cascarilla ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (1.5 to 3%): chief components are p-cymene, limonene, alpha-thujone, pinenes, linalool, myrcene, terpeninol-4 Hansel R, Keller K, kimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Resins Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Cascarilla is a stimulant and a tonic. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen. 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Diterpene bitter principles: including Cascarillin A (15%) (25%) EFFECTS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Cascarilla is used for digestive disorders, diarrhea and vomiting. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. DOSAGE Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Cascarilla Croton eluteria DESCRIPTION Mode of Administration: Available as a powder, extract or tincture. liquid LITERATURE Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried bark. Mc Echean CE et al., J Chem Soc 166B:633. 1966. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small, with white petals and a pleasant fragrance. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Cashew Anacardium occidentale DESCRIPTION «p» Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the finely chopped bark, the cashew nut, the fresh leaves and extracted cashew oil. Flower and Fruit: Flowers are in terminal, cyme-like, 10 to 20 cm long panicles and are polygamous. The pedicles are 2 to 3 mm long. The calyx is deeply divided into five sepals, which are lanceolate, erect, imbricate, glabrous inside and covered on the outside with short, thick, gray hairs. The corolla is 5-petaled. The petals are lineal-lanceolate, 7 to 8 mm long by 1 mm wide, acute, soft and gray-haired on the outside. The petals are glabrous and yellow with a red stripe on the inside that curls outward in the later stages. Seven to 10 stamens are fused at the base, but only one 8 to 9 mm long stamen is fertile; the sterile ones are shorter. Anthers are yellowish-white, oblong-ovate and burst open along a vertical slit. The gynoecium is obovate, 2 mm long, onevalved and elongates to a 4 mm long wedge-shaped style with a spot-like stigma. The flowers are followed by a tw fleshy, edible receptacle, which partly encloses the fruit. The fruit is reniform, with a smooth, pale grayish-brown drupe, about 2 to 3 cm long and 1 cm thick. Leaves, Stem and Root: The Cashew is a broad evergreen tree from 6 to 10 m high with smooth glabrous branches, densely leafed toward the tops. It has short-petioled leaves that are alternate, coriaceous and entire-margined. The leaf blade is obovate, 12 to 14 cm by 6 to 8 cm with a prominent midrib and 10 to 14 veins that are almost parallel. Habitat: The plant grows in the Caribbean and Central and South America; it is cultivated everywhere in the tropics especially in Africa and India. Production: Fruit of the Cashew tree is harvested with the stem removed. Other Names: East Indian Almond ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: IN THE SEED CASE * Alky I phenoles Anacardic acid Cardol Methyl cardol COMPOUNDS: IN THE SEEDS Fatty oil Chief fatty acids: oleic acid and linolenic acid CASHEW / 1 5 7 Proteins Starch EFFECTS It has been demonstrated in vitro that the dried extract prepared with ethanol is effective against the gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. It also acts as an astringent and cauterizing agent due to the phenolic skin stimulant (anacardic acid) found mostly in the skin of the fruit, but also in the fruit itself. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Cashew is used for gastrointestinal ailments in Brazil and Nigeria. Cashew shell oil and cashew fruit are used as skin stimulants and cauterizing agents for ulcers, warts and corns. In Brazil and Nigeria, the bark is used to make an astringent decoction to treat toothache and inflammation of the gums. External uses in Haiti include amenorrhea, and internally cashew is used for dysentery. Young leaves are used in the Philippines in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and hemorrhoids; older leaves are used as hot poultices for burns and skin disorders Efficacy for these indications has not been documented. Indian Medicine: Cashew bark is used for fevers, as a laxative and anthelmintic, and to treat diabetes insipidus. One particular form is used to treat snake bites. Cashew shell oil is used as a runefacient and skin stimulant in the treatment of leprosy, elephantitis, psoriasis and ring worm, in addition to warts and corns. Homeopathic Uses: Cashew is used to treat severely itching rashes with blistering and also facial erysipelas. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The alkyl phenoles contained in the seed case of the nut are strong skin irritants. Contact between the seed case and skin can lead to erythemas with nodule and blister formation. Frequent contact can lead to rimose exanthemas The roasted seeds eaten as cashew nuts are free of alkyl phenoles, as is the plant stalk. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Available preparations include acajou oil, cashew oil, oleum anacardiae and fatty oil extracted from the seeds. Preparation: Preparations are often compounds, particularly in homeopathy. Homeopathic Dosage: Daily dosage is 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules, every 30 to 60 minutes for acute conditions; or one of those options 1 to 3 times daily for chronic conditions. Parenterally: 1 to 2 ml 3 times daily; Ointments, rinses and poultices: 1 dessertspoon : 1/4L water 1 to 2 times daily (HAB34). 158/CASHEW LITERATURE Banerjee S, Rao AR, Promoting action of cashew nut shell oil in DMBA-initiated mouse skin tumour model system. Cancer Lett, 47:149-52, 1992 Feb 29. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N ES Kubo I, et al., Tyrosinase inhibitors from Anacardium occidentale. J Nat Prod 57 (1994), 545. Laurens A, Paris RR, Plant Med Phytother 11 (1976), 16. Barroso MAT, Hort Sciences: 8:99. 1973. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Behl, Buch. In: Behl PN, Captain RM, Bedi BMS, Gupta S: Skin Irritant and Sensitizing plants found in India, PN Behl, India. 1967. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Kubo I, et al., Tyrosinase inhibitors from Anacardium occidentale. In: JNP 57(4):545. 1994. Laurens A, Paris RR, (1976) Plant Med Phytother 11:16. Nagaraja KV, Plant Foods Hum Nutr 37:307-311. 1987. Nagaraja KV, Qual Plat - Plant Foods Hum Nutr 37:69-75. 1987. Neuwinger HD, Arzneipflanzen Schwarzafrikas. In: DAZ 134(6):453. 1994. Ogunlana EO, Ramstad E, (1975) Planta Med 27:354. Paul VJ, Yeddanapalli LM, J Am Chem Soc 78:5675-5678. 1956. Samant SK, Rege DV, Lebensm-Wiss Technol 22:164-168. 1989. Smit HF, Woerdenbag HJ, Singh RH, Meulenbeld GJ, Labadie RP, Zwaving JH, Ayurvedic herbal drugs with possible cytostatic activity. J Ethnopharmacol, 47:75-84, 1995 Jul 7. Sullivan JT, et al., (1982) Planta Med 44:175. Mendes NM, de Oliveira AB, Guimaraes JE, Pereira JP, Katz N, Molluscacide activity of a mixture of 6-n-alkyl salicylic acids (anacardic acid) and 2 of its complexes with copper (II) and lead (II). RJV Soc Bras Med Trop, 47:217-24, 1990 OctDec. Oliver-Bever B (Ed.), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa, Cambridge University Press Cambridge, London 1986. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Smit HF, Woerdenbag HJ, Singh RH, Meulenbeld GJ, Labadie RP, Zwaving JH, Ayurvedic herbal drugs with possible cytostatic activity. J Ethnopharmacol, 47:75-84, 1995 Jul 7. Vijayalakshmi T, Muthulakshmi V, Sachdanandam P, Salubrious effect of Semecarpus anacardium against lipid peroxidative changes in adjuvant arthritis studied in rats. Mol Cell Biochem, 36:65-9, 1997 Oct. Vijayalakshmi T, Muthulakshmi V, Sachdanandam P, Semecarpus anacardium-induced facial oedema. Br J Dermatol, 58:338-9, 1996 Aug. Tyman JHP, Anal Chem 48:30-34. »976. Tyman JHP, Kiong LS. Lipids 13:525-532. 1978. Further information in: Franca F, Lago EL, Marsden PD, Plants used in the treatment of leishmanial ulcers due to Leishmania (Viannia) braziiiensis in an endemic area of Bahia Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 47:229-32, 1996 May-Jun. Cassia fistula See Golden Shower Tree Cassia species George J, Kuttan R, Mutagenic carcinogenic and cocarcinogenic activity of cashewnut shell liquid. Cancer Lett, 47:11-6, 1997 Jan 15. See Senna Gil RR, Lin LZ, Cordell GA, Kumar MR, Ramesh M, Reddy BM, Mohan GK, Narasimha AV, Rao A, Anacardoside from the seeds of Semecarpus anacardium. Phytochemistry, 58:405-7, 1995 May. Castanea sativa Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Jurberg P, et al., Effect of Niclosamide (Bayluscide WP 70) Anacardium occidentale hexane extract and Euphorbia splendens latex on behavior of Biomphalaria glabrata (Say 1818) under laboratory conditions. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 58:191-4, 1995 Mar-Apr. See Spanish Chestnut Castor Oil Plant Ricinus communis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the oil extracted from the seeds, the fat extracted from the oil, the ripe seeds and the dried seeds. CASTOR OIL PLANT /159 HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are terminal and almost panicled and 15 to 50 cm long. The pedicled female flowers are in the upper section and the male flowers are clustered in the lower section of the inflorescence. The male ones have a 3 to 5 part perianth with numerous, heavily w* branched stamens which bear up to 1,000 separate bursting anthers. The female perianth is divided in 5. The ovary is trilocular. The style has 3 red, doubly split stigma branches. The fruit capsule is soft prickly or smooth and grooved, 1 to 2.5 cm in diameter. The capsule bursts open when ripe flinging out the large brightly speckled seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: Ricinus communis is an annual plant in Central Europe, a bi- or -triennial shrub in Southern Europe and a perennial tree in the tropics. There is a taproot and lateral roots near the surface. The stem is erect and hollow. As it grows older, the stem becomes green or brownish-red. The leaves are petioled, greenish or reddish, often frosted blue, and arranged in a spiral. The leaf blade is peltate, 10 to 60 cm long and wide. The blade is usually divided into palmate, ovate-oblong or lanceolate lobes. The ribs are palmate and the margins are irregularly serrate. Habitat: The plant is cultivated widely today in the tropics and subtropics and in temperate latitudes where maize thrives. Production: Castor Oil is fatty oil obtained from the seeds of Ricinus communis. It is obtained by mechanical harvesting followed by sorting. Fruits that open by bursting when ripen, must be harvested before ripening and then threshed. Not to be Confused With: May be confused with the poisonous seeds of other Euphorbiaceae. Other Names: Castor Bean, Mexico Seed, Castor Oil Plant, Castor Oil Bush, Palma Christi ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS CASTOR OIL SEEDS Fatty oil (42 to 55%, see below for constituents) Proteic substances (20 to 25%) Lectins (0.1 to 0.7%): including ricin D (RCA-60, severely toxic), RCA-120 (less toxic) Pyrridine alkaloids: ricinine (up to 0.3%) Triglycerides: chief fatty acids ricinoleic acid (12-hydroxyoleic acid, 85 to 90%) Tocopherols (vitamin E) EFFECTS The laxative principle of Castor Oil is the ricinolic acid. Ricinolic acid is anti-absorptive and secretogogic. In animal experiments, stimulation of PgE2 synthesis in the small intestine was proven. The possible reason for effectiveness of ricini semen is the antimicrobial activity of the seeds (ricin is highly toxic). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Castor Oil is used internally in folk medicine for acute constipation, intestinal inflammation, for removal of worms, and as a form of birth control. The oil is used externally for inflammatory skin disorders, furuncles, carbuncles, abscesses, inflammation of the middle ear and headaches (poultice.) Chinese Medicine: In China, Castor Oil is used to treat sore throat, facial paralysis, dry stool, furuncles, ulcers and festering inflammation of the skin. Indian Medicine: In India, the drug is used for dyspeptic complaints and joint pains. Homeopathic Uses: Ricinus communis is used to treat diarrhea. CONTRAINDICATIONS Castor Oil is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory intestinal diseases, appendicitis, abdominal pain of unknown origin, during pregnancy and while nursing. The drug is not to be administered to children under 12 years of age. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages of Castor Oil. Allergic skin rashes have been observed in rare cases. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. OVERDOSAGE Overdosage can lead to gastric irritation with nausea, vomiting, colic and severe diarrhea. Long-term use leads to loss of electrolytes, especially potassium ions. This effect may lead to hyperaldosteronism, inhibition of intestinal motility and enhancement of the effect of cardioactive steroids. Castor beans are severely poisonous due to the toxic lectin content. The ricinus lectins disturb the function of ribosomes and thereby prevent protein synthesis. 12 castor beans are believed to be fatal for an adult. Symptoms include severe gastroenteritis with bloody vomiting and bloodyv diarrhea, kidney inflammation, loss of fluid and electrolytes and ultimately circulatory collapse. Death is usually the result of hypovolemic shock. Following gastrointestinal emptying (inducement of vomiting, gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium permanganate solution, sodium sulfate) and installation of 1 6 0 / C A S T O R OIL PLANT medicinal charcoal, the therapy for castor bean poisoning includes treating spasms with diazepam (i.v.), generous supplies of fluids, electrolyte substitution and treating possible cases of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate infusions. In case of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused. Monitoring of kidney function and blood coagulation is essential. Papain activated with H2-S has been attempted as an antidote. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Castor Oil is available as whole drug, in solid, semi-solid and in compounded pharmaceutical preparations for internal and external use. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist" U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Preparation: Industrial production using specific procedures. Daily Dosage: Internally — for acute constipation or as a laxative against worms, at least 5 (x2 g) or 10 (xl g) capsules must be taken; Caster Oil is also available in compound preparations. Externally — a paste made of ground seeds is applied to the affected skin areas twice daily. A course of treatment takes up to 15 days. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34) LITERATURE Anonym, Pharmaceutical Care: "Den Mi(3brauch von Laxanzien vermeiden helfen". In: DAZ 135(20): 1867-1868. 1995. BGA, Abwehr von Arzneimittelrisiken:Poly-(oxyethylen)-35Rizinusol. In: DAZ 132(33): 1733. 1992. Macfarlane N, Trop Sc 17:217-228. 1975. Scarpa A, Guerci A, Various uses of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.), a review. In: ETH 5(2): 117. 1982. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K: Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Cat's Claw Uncaria tomentosa TRADE NAMES Cai's Claw (available from numerous manufacturers), Cat's Claw Power, Cat's Claw Inner Bark, Cat's Claw Bark DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root bark Flower and Fruit: The flowers are bisexual and sessil. The calyx is tubular 1 to 2 mm in length and 1 mm in diameter. The corolla is 7-12 mm long, 4 mm in diameter and contains 5 roundish lobes. The stamens are in fives and fused. The anthers are 1 mm in length; the stigma eliptical. The ovary is inferior. The fruits are elliptical, 6-8 mm in length and 4-6 mm wide. Leaves, Stem and Root: Uncaria tomentosa is a large woody vine that sometimes reaches heights of 100 feet. The bark has longitudinal fissures and range from yellow to yellowgreen in color. The leaves are simple, opposite, elliptic or ovate. They range in size from 7 to 18 cm in length and from 4 to 13 cm wide. The margins of the leaf are entire, with a roundish base.The spines are woody and occur in pairs. They are curved like a cat's and thorn-like. Characteristics: The sap of Uncaria tomentosa is watery and has an astringent taste. Habitat: Cat's Claw is indigenous to the rainforest areas of Central and South America Production: Cat's Claw is harvested in the wild. Not to be Confused With: There are several plants with the common name of Una de Gato. Confusion can occur with Anadenanthera flava, Bauhinia aculeata, Berberis goudotii, Celtis uguanae, Doxantha ungis catti, Mimosa albida, Pisonia aculeata, Rubus urticaefolius, the various Smilax species and Zanthoxylum panamensis (Obregon, 1995). CAT'S C L A W / 1 6 1 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Other Names: Una de Gato, Paraguaya, Garbato, Tambor hausca, Toron inhibiting the calcium influx through voltage dependent calcium channels in the rat aorta (Horie, 1992). ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Contraceptive Effect — There is only anecdotal evidence of the use of Cat's Claw in the prevention of pregnancy. In Peru, it has been used for this purpose for years in some rainforest tribes, but the amount of drug used would be considered very high. A decoction prepared from 11 to 13 pounds of the root is reduced to about 1 cup and taken at the time of menstruation. It is claimed that sterility can be maintained for 3 to 4 years after one dose (Cabieses, 1994). COMPOUNDS Alkaloids: including 5-alpha-carboxystrictosidine, isoptero^* podine, mitraphylline, isomitraphyllin, isorynchophylline, rynchophyllin Triterpenes Organic acids: oleanolic acid, ursolic acid Glycosides: quinovic acid glycosides Procyanidins: (-)-epicatechin, cinchonain l a, cinchonain lb Sterols: beta-sitosterol (60%), stigmasterol, capesterol EFFECTS Anti-inflammatory/Immunostimulating Effects — The sterol componants of Cat's Claw have been found to have antiinflammatory activity (Scnatore, 1989). Carrageenan-induced rat paw edema was shown to respond to per oral doses of various extracts of Cat's Claw dried root bark (Aquino, 1991). The beta-sitosterol fraction, which accounts for 60% ^ of the total steroid content in the herb is thought to be ~ responsible for most of the anti-inflammatory effect (Senatore, 1989). Uncaria tomentosa extract has been found to stimulate interleukin-l and interleukin-6 production by alveolar macrophages (Lemaire, 1999). Effects on Platelet Aggregation — Rhynchophylline, an alkaloid present in Cat's Claw, has been found to inhibit venous and cerebral thrombosis in rabbits. It has also demonstrated platelet aggregation inhibition (Chen, 1992). Effects on Serotonin and Dopamine — In one study, rhynchophylline increased the serotonin levels in the hypothalamus and cortex of rat brain and reduced the dopamine levels in the cortex, amygdala, and spinal cord. Rhynchophylline increased the release of endogenous dopamine from 4 brain regions. The release of serotonin was increased in 2 brain regions (Shi, 1993). Hirsutine, an alkaloid present in Uncaria tomentosa has a potent ganglion blocking effect. Hirsutine was found to block nicotine induced dopamine release in rat pheochromoj^ cytoma cells. Hirsutine was found to be equipotent to hexamethonium in blocking the inward current activated by nicotine (Nakazawa, 1991). Antihypertensive Effects — Hirsutine has antihypertensive effects. This effect can partly be explained by die ability of hirsutine to reduce intracellular calcium levels by inhibiting calcium release from the calcium store and increasing calcium uptake into the calcium store. Hirsutine was also found to exhibit calcium channel blocking activity by Effects on Cancer — Aqueous extracts of Uncaria tomentosa suppressed cell growth through induction of apoptosis in two different human leukemic cell lines. Apoptosis was demonstrated by the fact that both DNA single and double strand breaks increased within 24 hours of treatment with the Uncaria tomentosa extract (Sheng, 1998). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The effects that have some scientific evidence of efficacy include antiviral, immunostimulating, and anti-inflammatory properties. Cat's Claw has been used in folk medicine for rheumatic complaints, diarrhea, gastritis, treatment of wounds, as an adjunct to cancer treatment, asthma, menstrual irregularity and as a contraceptive. CONTRAINDICATIONS Cat's Claw is contraindicated in pregnancy and in nursing mothers. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Serum estradiol and progesterone levels may be reduced after long-term Cat's Claw use. In one study, long term use (8 weeks) of Uncaria tomentosa resulted in a precipitous drop in both estradiol and progesterone serum levels (Rodriguez, 1998). Uncaria tomentosa prevented estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors on breast cancer cells (Salazar & Jay me, 1988). There is one report of acute renal failure associated wim Cat's Claw ingestion in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Though the patient was taking several other medications at the time, Cat's Claw was the only agent that was discontinued. Urinalysis results gradually returned to baseline following discontinuation of the herb (Hilepo, 1997). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cat's Claw is available in a powder form, capsules and liquid for internal administration. Preparation: To prepare a decoction, add 30 g of powder to 800 ml water; allow to simmer on the stove for 45 minutes or 1 6 2 / C A T ' S CLAW PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S until there is about 500 ml liquid remaining. Allow to cool, then strain and refrigerate (Schauss, 1998). extracts of Uncaria tomentosa. Anticancer Res 18(5A):33633368. 1998. How Supplied: Capsule — 250 mg, 350 mg, 400 mg, 440 mg, 500 mg, 505 mg, 540 mg Shi J, et al., Effects of rhynchophylline on motor activity of mice and serotonin and dopamine in rat brain. In: Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao, 14(2): 114-117, Mar, 1993. Liquid — 4:1 Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 250 to 1000 mg daily. The total alkaloid equivalent should be 10 to 30 mg. Decoction dosage is 60 ml once daily in the morning on an empty stomach (Schauss, 1998). Storage: Cat's Claw should be stored at room temperature away from heat, moisture and direct light. LITERATURE Aquino R, De Feo V, De Simone F et al: Plant metabolites: new compounds and anti-inflammatory activity of Uncaria tomentosa. J Nat Prod 54(2):453-459. 1991. Chen C, et al., Inhibitory effect of rhynchophylline on platelet aggregation and thrombosis. In: Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao, 13(2); 126-30, Mar. 1992. Cabieses, Fernando. The saga of the Cat's Claw, In: Via Lactera Editores: Lima, Peru, 1994. Cat's Foot Antennaria dioica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the flower. Flower and Fruit: The plant has bright red and white, dioecious composite flowers. They are very small and are in terminal cymes. The female flowers are bright red with thread-like, cylindrical corolla. The male flowers are white with a funnel-shaped corolla. The bracts of the male are white, the female, pink. The fruit has a tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 7 to 20 cm tall, with leafy rooting runners. The stem is erect with basal leaves that are spatulate, green above, gray beneath, cauline, linear and erect. Hilepo JN, Bellucci AG & Mossey RT: Acute renal failure caused by "cat's claw" herbal remedy in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (letter). Nephron 77(3):36I-369. 1997. Habitat: Cat's Foot is found in Europe, Asia and America as far north as the Arctic. Horie S, et al.. Effects of hirsutine, an antihypertensive indole alkaloid from Uncaria rhynchophylla, on intracellular calcium in rat thoracic aorta. In: Life Sci, 50(7):491-8, 1992. Production: Cat's Foot flower consists of the fresh or dried flowers of Antennaria dioica. Lemaire I, Assinewe V, Cano P et al: Stimulation of interleukin-1 and -6 production in alveolar macrophages by the neotropical liana, Uncaria tomentosa (una de gato). J Ethnopharmacol 64(2): 109-115. 1999. Not to be Confused With: Occasional confusion occurs with die flower heads of Helichrysum stoechas or Helichrysum angustifolium. Nakazawa K, et al.. Inhibition of ion channels by hirsutine in rat pheochromocytoma cells. In: Jpn J Pharmacol, 57(4):507-15, Dec, 1991. Other Names: Cudweed Obregon LE: Identificacion correcta de "una de gato" (genero Uncaria). Natura Medicatrix 40(summer):28-30. 1995. Everlasting, Life Everlasting, ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Rodriguez H, Massey PJ, Rodriguez K et al: Inhibition of steroid hormone production by a nutrition supplement "una de gato" or "cat's claw." Biol Reprod 58(1):208. 1998. Anthracene Salazar EL & Jayme V: Depletion of specific binding sites for estrogen receptor by Uncaria tomentosa. Proc Western Pharmacol Soc 41:123-124. 1998. Bitter Schauss AG: Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa). Nat Med J 1998; 1(2): 16-19. Mountain derivatives Flavonoids: including luteolin and its glucosides substances Mucilages Saponins Senatore A, Cataldo A, Iaccarino FP et al: Ricerche fitochimiche e biologiche sull? Uncaria tomentosa (Italian). Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 65:517-520. 1989. EFFECTS Sheng Y, Pero RW, Amiri A et al: Induction of apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation in human tumor cells treated with In animal tests, a mild spasmolytic and choleric effect has been reported. Tannins HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, preparations of Cat's Foot flower are used as a diuretic, for diarrhea, and to treat respiratory and intestinal diseases. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy for the claimed uses is not documented, a therapeutic application cannot be recommended. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over l gm finely cut drug, then strain after 5 to 10 minutes. LITERATURE Delaveau P, et al., (1980) Planta Med 40:49. Didry N, et al.. (1982) Ann Pharm Fr 40 (1):75. Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Swiatek L, et al., (1982) Planta Med 30:153, 12P. Catechu CATECHU/163 Not to be Confused With: Haematoxylon campechium and the seeds of Areca catechu, tar products and admixtures of earth, alumen, iron carbonate and sand. Other Names: Cutch ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Catechins (2-12%): (&plus;)- and (-)-catechin, (&plus;)- and (-)-epicatechin Catechin tannins (20-60%) EFFECTS Catechu is an astringent and antiseptic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internally, Catechu is used for chronic catarrh of the mucous membranes, dysentery and bleeding. Externally, Catechu is a constituent of tooth tinctures, mouth washes and gargles. It is used externally in hemostatic powders, dressing solutions and injection solutions. It is also used for colitis mucosa, gingivitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis. Indian Medicine: Catechu is a constituent of preparations for mouth ulcers, throat infections and toothache. Chinese Medicine: The drug is used for poorly healing ulcers, weeping skin diseases, oral ulcers with bleeding and traumatic injuries. Acacia catechu PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DESCRIPTION No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Medicinal Parts: Black catechu is extracted from the heartwood in a process of distillation and is used in a variety of preparations. Flower and Fruit: The flowers grow in closely sitting spikes from the leaf axils. The calyx is about 1 to 2 mm and covered in gray hairs. The corolla is yellow. The pod is about 10 to 15 cm long, dark brown and veined with 6 to 8 seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: Acacia catechu is a medium-sized tree with brown bark and downy-haired branches. The leaf stems of the double-pinnate leaves are about 15 cm long and have glands at the base and between the upper 5 to 7 cm long fronds. The leaflets are sessile, close, pale green and smaller than 1 cm. There are a few short thorns in pairs. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to India and Burma. Production: The heartwood is ground and boiled in water for 12 hours. The wood residue is removed and die extract steamed to the consistency of a syrup. The syrup is stirred and cooled in molds. The dried mass is broken up into irregular pieces. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Catechu tincture can be painted on mucous membranes or used for mouth washes. Preparation: Catechu tincture. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose of the drug is 0.3 to 2 gm to be taken orally, 3 times daily; single dose is 0.5 gm. Twenty drops of Catechu tincture is added to a glass of lukewarm water for use as a mouthwash, or the tincture may be applied with a brush in undiluted form to affected mucous membranes. LITERATURE Sham JSK et al., (1984) Planta Med 2:177. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeuuschen Praxis, 5. AufL, Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. 164/CATECHU Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, 'John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES nepetalactone, caryophyllene, camphor, thymol, carvacrol, pulegone EFFECTS Catha edulis See Khat Active agents are bitter and tannin substances, as well as essential oil. Catnip is considered to have antipyretic, refrigerant, antispasmodic, sedative and diaphoretic effects. The tea has a diuretic effect and increases gallbladder activity. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Catnip Nepeta cataria TRADE NAMES Catnip is available from numerous manufacturers, sometimes as Catnip Leaf, Catnip Herb or Catnip Herb Liquid. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the aerial parts of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is spike-like and the lower verticillasters distant from each other. The small individual flowers are on short pedicles. The bracts are 1.5 to 3 mm and linear-awl-shaped. The sepals are 5 to 6.5 mm long and ovate. The tips are 1.5 to 2.5 mm long, linearlanceolate and patent. The corolla is 7 to 10 mm long, slightly longer than the calyx and white with small purple spots. Leaves, Stem and Root: The root of the plant is perennial. The stems are up to 1 m high, angular, erect and branched. They are leafy and gray-pubescent to tomentose, which gives the entire plant a whitish-gray appearance. The leaves are 2 to 8 cm, ovate, cordate at the base, crenate or serrate and gray-tomentose beneath. The petiole is 0.5 to 4 cm in length. Characteristics: The plant has a characteristic aromatic scent, reminiscent of Mint and Pennyroyal. Habitat: Catnip is indigenous to Europe and naturalized in the U.S. Production: Catnip is the aerial part of Nepeta cataria. The harvesting'of uncultivated plants takes place during the flowering season. The drug is manually cut during dry and sunny weather. The woodless parts of the plant are sorted out and the usable material is then left to dry in the shade. Other Names: Catnep, Catnip, Catmint, Catswort, Field Balm ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (0.2-0.7%): chief components are nepetalactone (share 80-95%), additionally including among others epi- Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include treatment of colds, colic and fevers. It is also used for nervous disorders and migraine, since preparations from the mint have a calming effect. It is also used in the treatment of gynecological disorders. Nepeta cataria has a long tradition in England and France as a kitchen and medicinal herb and was used occasionally as a stimulating drink until the introduction of black tea. CONTRAINDICATIONS Catnip is not to be taken during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Orally in ground and dried forms. Flowers are usually ingested in tea form, because the important constituent elements are to some extent volatile. How Supplied: Capsules — 380 mg Fluid extract — 1:1 Liquid — 1:01 Preparation: To prepare an infusion (tea), add 10 dessertspoonfuls per liter of water, leave this to steep for 10 minutes, then strain.' Daily Dosage: 2 to 3 cups of the tea daily. LITERATURE Harvey JW et al., (1978) Lloydia 41:367. Hatch RC, (1972) Amer J Vet Res 33:143. Margolis JS, In: Complete Book of Recreational Drugs, Cliff House Books USA 1978. Roitman JN, (1981) Lancet 1:944. Sakan T et al., (1967) Tetrahedron 23:4635. Sastry SD et al., (1972) Phytochemistry 11:453. Sherry CJ et al., (1981) Quart J Crude Drug Res 19(1):31. Tagawa M, Murai F, (1983) Planta Med 47:109. CAYENNE/165 H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS Young LA et al.. In: Recreational Drugs, Berkeley Publishing Co. USA I977. has 5 to 7 tips. The corolla is wheel-shaped with a short tube, varying in color from white to yellow, occasionally from purple to violet with whitish-green or violet markings. There are 5 to 6 stamens with violet anthers and 5 small papillous staminoids. The ovary is superior. The dividing walls are partially underdeveloped. The seed carriers at the top are attached to the walls and fused to a column below. The berry is 1.5 to 5 cm long and up to 9 cm thick; it varies in form. The calyx remains. The wall of the fruit is tough and leathery and may be red, yellow-green or brownish. The seeds are numerous, light, yellowish-white, flat, disc, circular or kidney-shaped and thickened at the margins. The surface is pitted. Further information in: Clark IM, Forde BG, Hallahan DL, Spatially distinct expression of two new cytochrome P450s in leaves of tfepeta racemosa: 'identification of a trichome-specific isoform. Plant Mol Biol, 33:875-85. Mar 1997. Hallahan DL et al.. Purification and characterization of an acyclic monoterpene primary alcohol:NADP+ oxidoreductase from catmint (Nepeta racemosa). Arch Biochem Biophys, 33:105-12. Apr 1. 1995. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen. Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8. Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York, 1969. Leaves, Stem and Root: Capsicum annum is an annual (perennial in the tropics) 20 to 100 cm high plant with an erect stem, which is somewhat woody and angular. It is sparsely branched higher up. The leaves are usually solitary, long-petioled, oval, lanceolate to ovate, obtusely accuminate, wedge-shaped at the base, entire-margined or slightly curved and glabrous. Massoco CO, Silva MR, Gorniak SL, Spinosa MS, Bernardi MM Behavioral effects of acute and long-term administration of catnip (Nepeta cataria) in mice. Vef Hum Toxicol, 33:530-3. Dec 1995. Osterhoudt KC. Lee SK. Callahan JM, Henretig FM, Catnip and the alteration of human consciousness. Vet Hum Toxicol, 33:373-5. Dec 1997. Habitat: The herb is indigenous to Mexico and Central America and is cultivated today in wanner regions of the globe. Simon E, Chadwick AF, Craker LE (Eds.), Herbs. An Indexed Bibliography 1971-80 Archon Books USA 1984. Production: Paprika consists of the dried ripe fruit of Capsicum anuum or Capsicum fructescens. The fruit is harvested when completely ripe and dried at a maximum temperature of 35° C. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie. Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Not to be Confused With: Other varieties of Capsicum anuum. Caulophyllum thalictroides Other Names: Capsicum, Grains of Paradise, African Pepper, Bird Pepper, Chili Pepper, Sweet Pepper, Hungarian Pepper, Red Pepper, Goat's Pod, Zanzibar Pepper, Paprika, Tabasco Pepper, chilies, Chili See Blue Cohosh Cayenne ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Capsicum species TRADE NAMES Cayenne (available from numerous manafacturers), Cayenne I Herbal, Cayenne Peppers, Cayenne 30,000 Heat Units, Premium Cayenne, Cayenne Power Herb, Cayenne 40,000 BTU, Natural Herbal Cayenne, Zostrix DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The fresh or dried fruits of different Capsicum species are used medicinally. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are usually solitary, but may occasionally be in pairs or in threes. They are hanging and long-pedicled. The calyx is semi-globose to campanulate and ;; Capsaicinoids (amides of the vanillyl amine with C8 - CI 3fatty acids): chief components capsaicin (32-38%), dihydrocapsaicin (18-52%) Carotinoids (0.3-0.8%): in particular capsanthin (dark red), alpha-carotin, violaxanthine, free or as fatty acid esters Flavonoids: including apiin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside Steroid saponins: mixture referred to as capsicidine, in the seeds Volatile oil (0.1%): 2-methoxy-3-isobutyl pyrazine and N(13-methyl tetradecyl)acetamide (capsiamide) 1 6 6 /CAYENNE EFFECTS Pain Modulation The most important active ingredient in the herb is the capsaicin, which exerts hyperemic effects. Cutaneous nociceptors are also known as peripheral sensory neurons of primary sensory neurons activated by noxious stimuli (Biro, 1997; Nakamura, 1999). Peripheral fibers produce a local response consisting of edema, redness and vasodilation, while afferent fibers relay nocioceptive information to the central nervous system resulting in the perception of pain and burning. Long-term desensitization of the fibers occurs after repeated exposure to capsaicin, and results in a subsequent loss of pain sensation (Appendino, 1997). Capsaicin binds to the C-type vanilloid receptor (VR1) and opens a cationic channel allowing the influx of calcium. The calcium influx is an excitatory response, which initiates release of neuropeptides (substance P). The neuropeptides are responsible for chemogenic pain, thermoregulation and neurogenic inflammation. By blocking the calcium channel, there will be a depletion of substance P in the sensory nerves and loss of pain (Appendino, 1997; Biro, 1997; Jung, 1999). PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Many documented trials are based on observations of various extracts of the drug. The initial local effect is pain, then warmth, then hypersensitivity; reversible or irreversible peripheral nerve damage is possible. CLINICAL TRIALS Pain Modulation The efficacy of topical capsaicin was determined in 22 patients with chronic severe painful diabetic neuropathy over an 8-week study period. The randomized, placebo-controlled study demonstrated a significant improvement with capsaicin 0.75% applied 4 times daily for the overall clinical improvement of pain status, as measured by physician's global evaluation and by a categorical pain severity scale. The capsaicin treatment group had a 16% decrease in mean pain intensity by a visual analogue scale (VAS) versus 4.1% decrease with the placebo group. The capsaicin treatment group had a 44.6% decrease in mean pain relief on VAS versus 23.2% decrease with the placebo group. Approximately 50% of subjects reported improved pain control or were cured in a follow-up, open-label study, and 25% were unchanged or worse (Tandan, 1992). Antimicrobial Capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin have antimicrobial effects against Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium sporogenes, Clostridium tetani, and Streptococcus pyogenes (Cichewicz, 1996). Capsaicin has shown bactericidal activity against H. pylori and therefore, could have a protective effect against H. pylori-associated gastroduodenal disease (Jones, 1997). A recent study using capsaicin from jalapeno peppers did not support the role for jalapenos in the treatment of H. pylori infection (Graham, 1999). Antineoplastic Capsaicin, once thought to be carcinogenic, has been shown to not cause any significant increase in papilloma formation, abnormal hyperplasia or inflammatory lesions. The drug does not induce the epidermal ornithine decarboxylase activity, suggesting that it lacks tumor-promotional activity (Park, 1997; Park, 1998). Chemoprotective effects of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin include the inhibition of microsomal monooxygenases involved in carcinogen activation (Surh, 1995). Detoxification/Gastroprotective/Thrombolytic Effects Capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin have detoxification activity with pharmacologically active substances by interacting irreversibly with hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes (Surh, 1995). Capsaicin has a gastroprotective effect against gastric mucosal injury caused by aspirin (Yeoh, 1995). Capsicum has been found to induce increased fibrinolytic activity and simultaneously cause hypocoagulability of blood (Visudhiphan, 1982). Gastroprotective Effects The efficacy of capsaicin as a gastroprotective agent was determined in 18 healthy volunteers with normal index endoscopies. The volunteers underwent two studies four weeks apart to evaluate the effect of capsaicin against aspirin-induced gastric mucosal injury. Each volunteer took 20 g chili orally with 200 ml water in one study and 200 ml water in another study. After 30 minutes, each case was followed with 600 mg aspirin with 200 ml water. Endoscopy was repeated 6 hours later, and the gastroduodenal mucosal damage was assessed by a previously validated scoring system. The median gastric injury score in the chili group was significantly less, demonstrating a gastroprotective effect of chili in human subjects (Yeoh, 1995). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Muscular tensions • Rheumatism Unproven Uses: Cayenne is used for painful muscle spasms in areas of shoulder, arm and spine. In folk medicine the herb is used for frostbite, chronic lumbago and as a gargle for hoarseness, sore throats and infected throats. The drug is also used internally for gastrointestinal disorders, seasickness and as prophylactic therapy for arteriosclerosis, stroke and heart disease. The herb is used in cream form for circulation and as a female orgasm stimulant. Use should be limited to 2 days, HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S and should only be used again after 2 weeks. Longer usage can cause festering dermatitis, blistering and ulceration (See PRECAUTIONS). Indian Medicine: Cayenne is used for gout, arthritis, sciatica, coughs and hoarseness. It has been used for lowering the "W temperature in malaria, yellow fever, scarlet fever and typhus. It is used for cholera, edema and anorexia nervosa. It is used in compound preparations for loss of appetite, dyspepsia and diarrhea (tablets l:l:l; Cayenne pepper, rhubarb and ginger root) and for alcoholism as an infusion (Cayenne pepper with sugar and cinnamon) to reduce the desire for alcohol. Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for inflammation of the efferent urinary tract, the alimentary canal, the mouth and throat, and middle ear infection. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS mt •^ CAYENNE/167 Capsicum annuum extract, containing 100 mg of capsaicin per gram as a result of the gastrointestinal effects of capsaicin (Cruz, 1999). OVERDOSAGE Toxic dosages lead to life-threatening hypothemias by affecting the thermoreceptors. High doses of the drug (or the herb) administered over extended periods can cause chronic gastritis, kidney damage, liver damage and neurotoxic effects. The treatment for poisonings proceeds symptomatically. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Preparations of Cayenne are exclusively for external indications in antirheumatic ointments and plasters. How Supplied: Capsules—400 mg, 445 mg, 450 mg, 455 mg, 500 mg General: There has not yet been a final determination of possible health hazards or side effects in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Internal administration may increase gastrointestinal peristalsis resulting in diarrhea, intestinal and gallstone colics. Besides the intended stimulating effect, external applications can lead to blister and ulcer formation. Investigations into mutagenicity, teratogenicity and carcinogenicity yielded contradictory results. Warning: Use should be limited to 2 days and should only be used again after 2 weeks. Keep away from the eyes! Daily Dosage: External daily dose: 10 gm drug; Tincture: (1:10); Semi-solid preparations: maximum 50 mg capsaicin in 100 gm neutral base. The cream is applied to the affected area not more than 3 or 4 times daily (Zostrix Package Insert, 1998). Hematologic Effects: Capsicum has been found to induce increased fibrinolytic activity and simultaneously cause hypocoagulability of blood (Visudhiphan, 1982). Internal application: Decoction: '/: liter water with 5 gm powdered drug, 3 gm powdered Cascarilla bark and 5 gm powdered rhubarb root; 2 cups per day. Hypersensitivity: Anaphylaxis and rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms have been associated with the herb due to its antigenic components (Jensen-Jarolim, 1998; Vega de la Osada, 1998). Contact dermatitis has been reported from the direct handling of chili peppers containing capsaicin (Williams, 1995). A hypersensitivity reaction known as plasma cell gingivitis may occur with the herb, and may cause severe gingival inflammation, discomfort and bleeding (Serio, 1991). One study suggest the allergy is rarely an autonomous sensitization, but rather a consequence of pollen allergy on the basis of immunologic cross-reactivity (Ebner, 1998). Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); ointment: once or twice daily (HAB1) Respiratory Effects: Alveobronchiolitis and fibrotic changes have occurred as a result oft a respirable paprika dust preparation used after a single intratracheal dose (Tatrai, 1992). Chronic exposure to chili peppers has been associated with an increase in cough (Blanc, 1991). Drug Interactions: Aspirin and salicylic acid compoundsThe bioavailabilities of aspirin (acetylsalicyhc acid) and of salicylic acid were reduced when given concomitantly with Cream—0.25% capsaicin, 0.75% capsaicin Preparation: A liquid extract is prepared by percolating 100 gm drug with 60 gm ethanol. Other formulations include: Capsicum-oleoresin with 90% ethanol and a tincture with 90% ethanol. Storage: Should be well sealed and protected from light. LITERATURE Anonym, Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen: Capsaicin Lichtblick fur Schmerzpatienten. In: DAZ 137(13): 1027-1028. 1997. Anonym, Phytotherapie:Pflanzliche Antirheumatika - was bringen sie? In: DAZ 136(45):4012^015. 1996. Bascom R, Kageysobotka A, Prous D, Effect of intranasal capsaicin on symptoms and mediator release. In: J Pharmacol Exp Ther 259(3): 1323. 1991. Biro T, Acs G, Acs P et al., Receptor advances in understanding of vanilloid receptors: a therapeutic target for treatment of pain and inflammation in skin. J Invest Dermatol 1997; 2:56-60. Blanc P, Liu D, Juarez C, Boushey HA, Cough in hot pepper workers. Chest 1991 Jan;99(l):27-32. 168 /CAYENNE Camara B, Moneger R, (1978) Phytochemistry 17:91. Cichewicz RH, Thorpe PA. The antimicrobial properties of chile peppers (Capsicum species) and their uses in Mayan medicine. J Ethnopharmacol 1996; 52:61-70. Cruz L, Castaneda-Hernandez G, Navarrete A et al., Ingestion of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) reduces salicylate bioavailability after oral aspirin administration in the rat. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1999 Jun:77(6):441-6. Ebner C, Jensen-Jarolim E. Leitner A. Breiteneder H, Characterization of allergens in plant-derived spices: Apiaceae spices, pepper (Piperaceae), and paprika (bell peppers, Solanaceae). Allergy 1998:53(46 Suppl):52-4. Fusco BM, Fiore G. Gallo F et al., 'Capsaicin-sensitive' sensory neurons in cluster headache: pathophysiological aspects and therapeutic indication. Headache 1994 Mar;34(3): 132-7. Gal IE, (1967) Pharmazie 22:120. Graham DY, Anderson SY. Lang T et al.. Garlic or jalapeno peppers for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Am J Gastroenterol 1999 May;94(5): 1200-2. Jensen-Jarolim E, Santner B. Leitner A et al.. Bell peppers (Capsicum annuum) express allergens (profilin. pathogenesisrelated protein P23 and Bet v 1) depending on the horticultural strain. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1998 Jun:l 16(2): 103-9. Jung J, Hwang S, Kwak J et al.. Capsaicin binds to the intracellular domain of the capsaicin-activated ion channel. J Neurosci 1999 Jan 15;19(2):529-38. Kohane D, Kuang Y, Lu N et al., Vanilloid receptor agonists potentiate the in vivo local anesthetic activity of percutaneously injected site 1 sodium channel blockers. Anesthesiology 1999 Feb;90(2):524-34. Kreymeier J, Rheumatherapie mit Phytopharmaka. In: DAZ 137(8):611-613. 1997. Masada Y et al., (1971) J Food Sci 36:858. Monsereenusorn Y et al., (1982) Crit Rev Toxicol 10:321. Nakamura A, Shiomi H, Recent advances in neuropharmacology of cutaneous nociceptors. Jpn J Pharmacol 1999 Apr;79(4):42731. Park KK, Surh YJ, Effects of capsaicin on chemically induced two-stage mouse skin carcinogenesis. Cancer Lett 1997 Mar 19; 114(1-2): 183-4. Park K, Chun K, .Yook, Surh Y, Lack of tumor promoting activity of capsaicin, a principal pungent ingredient of red pepper, in mouse skin carcinogenesis. Anticancer Res 1998 Nov-Dec;18(6A):4201-5. Surh YJ & Lee SS, Capsaicin, a double-edged sword: toxicity, metabolism and chemopreventive potential. Life Sci 1995; 56:1845-1855. Surh YJ, Lee RC, Park KK, Mayne ST et al., Chemoprotective effects of capsaicin and diallyl sulfide against mutagenesis or tumorigenesis by vinyl carbamate and N-nitrosodimethylamine. Carcinogenesis 1995 Oct;16(10):2467-71. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Surh YJ, Ahn SH, Kim KC et al., Metabolism of capsaicinoids: evidence for aliphatic hydroxylation and its pharmacological implications. Life Sci 1995 Mar 10;56(16):PL305-11. Surh YJ & Lee SS, Capsaicin in hot chili pepper: carcinogen, co-carcinogen or anticarcinogen? Fd Chem Toxic 1996; 34:313316. Vega de la Osada F, Esteve Drauel P, Alonso Lebrero E, et al., Sensitization to paprika: anaphylaxis after intake and rhinoconjunctivitis after contact through airways. Med Clin (Bare) 1998 Sep 12;111(7):263-6. Williams S, Clark R, Dunford J, Contact dermatitis associated with capsaicin: Hunan hand syndrome. Ann Emerg Med 1995 May;25(5):713-5. Yeoh KG, Kang JY, Yap I et al., Chili protects against aspirininduced gastroduodenal mucosal injury in humans. Dig Dis Sci 1995 Mar;40(3):580-3. F U R T H E R I N F O R M A T I O N IN: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Tandan R, Lewis G, Krusinski P et al., Topical capsaicin in painful diabetic neuropathy. Controlled study with long-term follow-up. Diabetes Care 1992 Oct; 15(10): 1434. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Ceanothus americanus See New Jersey Tea CELANDINE/169 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Cedar Cedrus libani Cedrus libani See Cedar DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves, the *•* wood and the oil. Flower and Fruit: The male cones are 3 to 5 cm; the female cones are 7 to 12 cm and almost cylindrical-truncate or umbilicate at the apex. Leaves, Stem and Root: The cedar is a majestic tree that grows up to 40 m in height with a rigid leading shoot and a flat crown. The young branches are glabrous. The needlelike leaves are dark green and 20 to 30 mm long. Habitat: The Lebanon Cedar is indigenous to the Lebanese mountains and the southwest of Turkey, Cyprus, the Atlas Mountains and the Himalayas. The tree is also found in Asia and Africa. Production: Cedar oil is the essential oil extracted from the leaves and wood of Cedrus libani. ^^ ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY ** COMPOUNDS When extracted from Cedrus libani (true cedarwood oil): borneol When extracted from Cedrus atlantica (atlas cedarwood oil): cadinene, alpha- and gamma-atlantone When extracted from Cedrus deodora (Himalayan cedarwood oil): alpha- and gamma-atlantone, p-methyl-delta-3tetrahydroacetophenone, (+)-longiborneol, himachalol, allohimachalol EFFECTS Chelidonium majus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal pans are the aerial parts that have been collected during the flowering season and dried. The root, which has been collected in late autumn and dried, and the fresh rhizome are also used medicinally. Flower and Fruit: The plant has yellow flowers arranged in umbels. There are 2 sepals, 4 petals, numerous yellow stamens and l ovary. The fruit is pod-like and many-seeded. The seeds are black-brown and glossy. Leaves, Stem and Root: Celandine is a 30 to 120 cm high plant with an erect stem. The stem has irregularly bifurcated, thickened nodes. The leaves are alternate and indent-pinnatifid. The upper leaves are pinnatisect, dull green above, seagreen beneath. The plant contains a dark-yellow latex. Characteristics: Celandine has a hot and bitter taste. The latex has a narcotic fragrance. Habitat: Celandine is found throughout Europe and the temperate and subarctic regions of Asia. Production: Celandine herb consists of the dried, above ground parts of Chelidonium majus gathered during flowering season. The herb is collected in the wild during the flowering season and dried at high temperatures. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Greater Celandine root is the root, harvested between August and October, of Chelidonium majus. The herb is gathered in uncultivated regions and harvested commercially. Unproven Uses: Cedar wood oil is used for catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract. Other Names: Tetterwort PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. COMPOUNDS: CELANDINE HERB Cedar has an expectorant effect. 4p Celandine DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Externally, the drug is used as a rub (Bormelin balm). It is also used internally as an inhalation. Isoquinoline alkaloids of the protoberberine type: including coptisine (main alkaloid), berberine Isoquinoline alkaloids of the benzophenanthridine type: including chelidonine, sanguinarine, chelerythrine LITERATURE Isoquinoline alkaloids of the protopine type: including protopin, cryptopine Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Caffeic acid derivatives: including 2-(-)-coffeoyl-D-glyceric acid, coffeoyl-L-malic acid 1 7 0 /CELANDINE E F F E C T S : CELANDINE HERB Celandine has mild analgesic, cholagogic, antimicrobial,, oncostatic and central-sedative effects. It also acts as a spasmolytic on smooth muscles. In animal tests, Celandine is a cytostatic. It also has a nonspecific immune-stimulating effect. Note: The blood pressure-lowering effects and the therapeutic efficacy for mild forms of hypertonia (borderline hypertonia) need further investigation. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S sis, high blood pressure, stomach cancer, gout, edema and hepatitis. Chinese Medicine: Celandine is used for inflammation of the rim of the eyelid, febrile and ulcerating dermatitis, warts, edema, ascites, jaundice and stomach carcinomas C E L A N D I N E ROOT Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the fresh roots are chewed to alleviate toothache, and a powder derived from the roots is applied to ease tooth extraction. C O M P O U N D S : CELANDINE ROOT Isoquinoline alkaloids of the protoberberine type: including coptisine (main alkaloid), berberine Chinese Medicine: Preparations are used for irregular menstruation. Isoquinoline alkaloids of the benzophenanthridine type: including chelidonine. sanguinarine, chelerythrin Homeopathic Uses: Chelidonium majus is used for inflammation, stones and chronic disorders of the hepatobiliary system, rheumatism and inflammation of the lungs and pleura. Isoquinoline alkaloids of the protopine-type: including protopin, cryptopine Caffeic acid derivatives: including 2-(-)-coffeoyl-D-glyceric acid, coffeoyl-L-malic acid E F F E C T S : CELANDINE ROOT Only clinical studies and experiments on the fresh plants are available. However, previous studies have shown that the extract, with an alkaloid content of 80%, should have similar effects to those of the fresh leaves. These effects include immobilization in mice, when it was applied subcutaneously and orally. On rabbit intestines it caused limpness; and in higher doses, tone reduction. When applied to the rabbit uterus, it caused contraction of the smooth muscle. Positive inotropic effects were observed in isolated cat and frog hearts; in a canine heart-lung preparation it stimulated the heart, raised blood pressure and widened the arteries. Experimental data are unavailable, therefore the results must be considered unofficial. An oncostatic effect was observed through the cytotoxic results of Eagle's 9 KB carcinoma of the naso-pharynx in cell cultures. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS C E L A N D I N E HERB General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Older scientific literature credits the plant with toxicity (burning in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, hematuria, stupor), but recent studies offer no clear proof of this; animal experiments yielded no results. No symptoms of inflammation were observed in the eyes of rabbits following introduction of the chyle. Nevertheless, contact between it and the eyes should be avoided. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. C E L A N D I N E ROOT No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Older scientific literature credits the plant with toxicity (burning in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, hematuria, stupor), but recent studies offer no clear proof of this. Animal experiments yielded no examples of toxicity. INDICATIONS AND USAGE CELANDINE HERB DOSAGE Approved by Commission E: C E L A N D I N E HERB • Liver and gallbladder complaints Unproven Uses: Celandine is used for spasmodic pain of the bile ducts and the gastrointestinal tract. In folk medicine, it was used for skin conditions such as blister rashes, scabies and warts. It is said to be effective in the treatment of cholecystitis, chloelithiasis, catarrhal jaundice, gastroenteritis, and diffuse latent liver and gall bladder complaints. It has also been used for intestinal polyps and breast lumps. Other uses include angina pectoris, cramps, asthma, arteriosclero- Mode of Administration: Comminuted and powdered drug for infusions and decoctions; dried extracts for liquid and solid medicinal forms for internal use. Preparations: Fluid extract — 1:1 in 25% ethanol. Tincture — 1:10 in 45% ethanol (BHP83). Tea — allow 1V2 dessertspoonfuls to draw in boiling water for 10 minutes. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Infusion — 15 gm dried herb to 1 liter of water, leave to draw for 15 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 2 to 4 gm of drug in liquid or solid extracts, equivalent to 12 to 30 mg total alkaloids calculated as chelidonine; fluid extract, 1 to 2 ml three times daily; decoction, 3 cups daily; infusion, 3 cups between meals. Storage: Celandine herb should be protected carefully from light. C E L A N D I N E ROOT Mode of Administration: Most standardized and compound preparations contain the extract of Celandine herb; various homeopathic preparations also contain dilutions of the fresh herb Greater Celandine. Daily Dosage: The standard dose is 0.5 gm of drug. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once daily (HAB1). Storage: Preparations must be stored carefully. CELANDINE/171 Kim DJ, Ahn B, Han BS, Tsuda H, Potential preventive effects of Chelidonium majus L (Papaveraceae) herb extract on glandular stomach tumor development in rats treated with Nmethyl-N'-nitro-N nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and hypertonic sodium chloride. In: Can. . Mitra S et al., Effect of Chelidonium majus L. on experimetal hepatic tissue injury. In: Phytother Res 10(4):354-356. 1996. Reuter HD, Pflanzliche Gallentherapeutika (Teil I) und (Teil II). In: ZPT 16(1): 13-20 u. 77-89. 1995. Schilcher H, Pharmazeutische Aspekte pflanzlicher Gallentherapeutika. In: ZPT 16(4):211-222. 1995. Schmidt M, Phytotherapie: Pflanzliche Gallenwegstherapeutika. In: DAZ 135(8):680-682. 1995. Taborska E et al.. The alkaloids of Chelidonium majus L. and their variability. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 145. 1996. Vahlensiek U et al., The effect of Chelidonium majus herb extract on the choleresis in the isolated perfused rat liver. In: PH 61(3):267-270. 1995. Vavreckova C, Gawlik I, Miiller K, Benzophenanthridine alkaloids of Chelidonium majus: I. Inhibition of 5- and 12lipoxygenase by a non-redox mechanism. In: PM 62(5):397-401. 1996. Willaman JJ and Hui-Li L, (1970) Lloydia 33 (3A):1. LITERATURE C E L A N D I N E HERB Aberlein H et al., Chelidonium majus L, Components with in vitro affinity for GABA A receptor. Positive cooperation of alkaloids. In: PM 62(3):227-231. 1996. Anonym, Brennpunkt ZNS. In: DAZ 137(25):2166-2167. 1997. Amason JT, Gurein B, Kraml MM, Mehta B. Rehmond JC, Scaiano JC, Phototoxic and photochemical properties of sanguinarin. In: Photochemistry and Photobiology 55(1 ):35. 1992. Baumann J, (1975) Ober die Wirkung von Chelidonium, Curcuma, Absinth und Carduus marianus auf die Galle- und Pankreassekretion bei Hepatopathien. Med Mschr 29:173. Boegge SC et al., Reduction of ACh-induced contraction of rat isolated ileum by Coptisin, Caffeoylmalic acid, Chelidonium majus, and Corydalis lutea extracts. In: PM 62(2): 173-174. 1997. Further information in: Chan, EH et al., (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Diener H, Schollkraut. In: PTA 8(2): 145. 1994. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Dostal J et al.. Structure of chelerythrine base. In: JNP 58(5):723-729. 1995. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Fulde G, Wichtl M, Analytik von Schollkraut, Hauptalkaloid Coptisin. In: DAZ 134(12): 1031. 1994. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Hahn R, Nahrstedt A, Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, caffeoylmalic and new caffeoylaldonic acid esters, from Chelidonium majus. In: PM 59(1):71. 1993. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hamacher H, Haben Phytopharmaka eine Zukunft? In: DAZ 131(42):2155. 1991. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. 1 7 2 /CELANDINE Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. CELANDINE ROOT Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Literatur zu den Wirkungen der Inhaltsstoffe vgl. Chelidonii herba. Celastrus scandens See American Bittersweet PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S cauline leaves are wedge-shaped and acuminate, also 3-lobed or pinnate or lanceolate and entire-margined. Characteristics: The plant has a strong odor. Habitat: Celery is found in Europe from England and Lapland to southern Russia. The plant also grows in western Asia as far as eastern India; in northern and southern Africa and South America; and is cultivated and grows wild in North America, Mexico and Argentina. Production: Celery seed consists of the fruit of Apium graveolons; celery herb consists of the fresh or dried aboveground parts of the plant; and celery root is the plant's fresh or dried underground parts. Other Names: Smallage ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Celery Apium graveolens TRADE NAMES Celery Seed, Celery Seed-Power, Celery Liquid DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the root, aboveground foliage and stems, the fruit (seeds) of the plant and the oil extracted from the seeds. Flower and Fruit: The umbels are greenish-white, small, 6 to 12 rayed, star-shaped and splayed. Some umbels are topheavy, short petioled or sessile, and some are terminal and more or less long-petioled with no involucre. Petals are usually 0.5 mm, white or greenish to yellowish, cordate at the base and have indented tips. The fruit is almost spherical and somewhat compressed at the side. The 5 mm mericarps are rounded in section. They are 5-cornered with 5 equal, weakly protruding, bow-shaped main ribs. The edge of the ribs form the edge of the mericarps. The fruit axis is bristly and slightly crenate at the tip. Leaves, Stem and Root: The glabrous plant is a biennial and reaches a height of 30 to 100 cm. The root of the wild variety is fusiform, about 5 to 7 mm thick, branched and becomes woody in the second year. The root of the cultivated variety is fleshy, roundly tuberous and reaches a diameter of over 15 cm. The stem is erect, with edged grooves, often hollow and branched. The leaves are glossy and rich green. The basal and lower cauline leaves are more or less long-petioled and pinnatifid. The upper cauline leaves are sometimes opposite. They are on short white-membrane-edged sheaths and are almost sessile and tri-pinnate. The lower leaves are roundish, almost blunt at the base with broad, lozenge-shaped, indented-serrate, blunt and short-thorned tips. The upper C O M P O U N D S : C E L E R Y SEED (FRUIT) Volatile oil: chief constituents ((:) - limonene, beta-selinene, phthalides among them 3-butyliden phthalide, 3-butyl phthalide, 3-isovaleryliden-3a, 4-dihydrophthaIid, 3-isobutyliden phthalide, sedanoid, neocnidilid) Flavonoids: graveobioside A and B, apiin, isoquercitrin Furocoumarins: isopimpinellin including bergapten, isoimperatorin, Fatty oil E F F E C T S : C E L E R Y FRUIT In animal tests, a sedative and anticonvulsive effect was demonstrated, a diuretic effect could not be proven. The essential oil contained in the drug had a mildly inhibiting effect on bacteria and fungi. C O M P O U N D S : C E L E R Y HERB Volatile oil): including (+)-limonene, myrcene, beta-selinene, alpha-terpineol, carveol, dihydrocarvone, geranyl acetate, phthalides (including 3-butyliden phthalid, 3-butyl phthalid, 3-isobutyliden dihydrophthalid) Flavonoids: including apiin, luteolin-7-O-apiosyl glucoside, chrysoeriol glucoside Furocoumarins: isopimpinellin including bergaptene, xanthotoxin, Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid E F F E C T S : C E L E R Y HERB In animal tests, a sedative and anticonvulsive effect was demonstrated, a diuretic effect could not be proven. The essential oil contained in the drug had a mildly inhibiting effect on bacteria and fungi. CELERY / 1 7 3 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS COMPOUNDS: CELERY ROOT Volatile oil: chief constituents (+)-limonene, beta-pinene, pcymene, cis-, 3-methyl-4-ethyl-hexane), phthalides (including 3-butyliden phthalid, 3-butyl phthalid, ligustilid, neocnidilid) Flavonoids: including apiin, luteolin-7-O-apiosyl glucoside Furocoumarins: including bergaptene How Supplied: Capsules — 450 and 505 mg Fluid Extract — 1:1 Preparation: To prepare a liquid extract, percolate 1 kg of seed in a specula process to 1 liter of fluid extract. The essential oil is removed after filtration with paper soaked in alcohol. Polyyne: including falcarinol, falcarindiol For an infusion, pour boiling water on 1 g of the squeezed drug and strain after 5 to 10 minutes. EFFECTS: CELERY ROOT Decoctions are prepared in a 1:5 ratio. In animal tests, a sedative and anticonvulsive effect was demonstrated; a diuretic effect could not be proven. The essential oil contained in the drug had a mildly inhibiting effect on bacteria and fungi. INDICATIONS AND USAGE CELERY FRUIT. HERB AND ROOT Unproven Uses: Folk medicine use of celery and preparations of celery are used as a diuretic, for regulating the bowels, for glandular stimulation, rheumatic complaints, gout, gall and kidney stones. Other traditional uses include as a prophylactic for nervous agitation, for loss of appetite and exhaustion. Celery is also used as a cough treatment and as a helminthic. Homeopathic Uses: Celery preparations are used in homeopathy for ailments of the ovaries and rheumatism. CONTRAINDICATIONS CELERY SEED (FRUIT) The drug should not be used during pregnancy. Also, because of the kidney-irritating effect of the volatile oil, the drug should not be administered to individuals with kidney infections. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS CELERY FRUIT, HERB AND ROOT: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Nevertheless, because of the kidney-irritating effect of the volatile oil, the drug should not be administered in the presence of kidney infections. Latent yeast infections of the plant could cause the furanocoumarin content of the fresh root to rise to 200 times its original level under storage conditions. For this reason, the relatively large amounts of furanocoumarins frequently to be found in stored celeriac bulbs, or in incorrectly dehydrated drug samples, could lead to phototoxicoses. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage of the seeds is 1.2 to 4 g and as an infusion, 1 g drug. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution twice weekly sc (HAB34). Storage: Celery seed should be kept tightly sealed, away from light and moisture. CELERY HERB Mode of Administration: Whole and cut drug as well as a variety of tea mixtures. Preparation: Celery is contained in a variety of tea mixtures (kidney and bladder teas). Daily Dosage: Pressed juice of the fresh plant: 23 g (15 ml) 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution twice weekly sc (HAB34). Storage: The herb should be kept sealed, away from light and moisture. CELERY ROOT Mode of Administration: The drug is available in a few combination preparations for internal use. Preparation: A cough mixture is prepared by boiling the root juice with sugar. Dosage: Pressed juice of the fresh plant: 23 g (15 ml) 3. times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution twice weekly sc (HAB1). DOSAGE Storage: Celery root should be kept sealed, away from light and moisture. CELERY SEED (FRUIT) LITERATURE Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug, liquid Beier RS, Oertli EH, Psoralen and other phytoalexins in celery. extract, and as a component in a variety of tea mixtures. | In: PH 22(11):2595. 1983. 174/CELERY Bjeldanes LF, Kim I, (1977) J Org Chem 42:2333. Fehr D, (1979) Pharmazie 29(5):349 et 34 (10):658. Garg SK et al., (1979) Phytochemistry 18:1580 et 1764. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Centaurium erythraea See Centaury Garg SK et al., (1980) Planta Med 38:363. Gijbels MJM et al., Phthalides in roots of Apium graveolens, A- graveolens var. rapeceum, Bifora testiculata and Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum. In: Fitoterapia 56:17. 1985. Harborne JB, in "The Biology and Chemistry of the Umbelliferae," Ed. V. N. Hey wood. Pub. Academic Press, London 1971. Lewis DA et al., (1985) Int J Crude Drug Res 28 (1):27. Mac Leod G, Ames JM. Volatile components of celery and celeriac. In: PH 28(7): 1817-1824. 1989. Nigg HN. Strandberg JO. Beier RC, Petersen HD, Harrison JM, Furanocoumarins in Florida celery varieties increased by fungicide treatment. In: J Agricult Food Chem 45(4): 1430-1436. 1997. Tsi D et al., Effects of aqueous celeiy (Apium graveolens) extract on lipid parameters of rats fed a high fat diet. In: PM 61(0:18-21. 1995. Uhlig, JW, Chang A, Jen JJ, Effect of phthalides on celery flavor. In: J Food Sci 52(3):658-660. 1987. Yu RS, You SQ, (1984) Acta Pharm Sinica 19 (8):566. Centaury Centaurium erythraea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried, aerial parts of the flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The different-sized flowers form a dense or loose cyme. They are purple to pink-red. seldom white. The calyx tube is pentangular with awl-shaped tips. There are 5 petals fused into a tube, 5 stamens mostly fused to the corolla and 1 superior, narrowly linear ovary. The stigma is 2-lobed. The fruit is a large, yellow, many-seeded capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an annual that grows to between 5 and 30 cm high. The stem is erect, quadrangular and unbranched. The cauline leaves are crossed opposite, fleshy, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, and sessile. The basal leaves are rosette-like, obovate and narrowed to a petiole. Further information in: Characteristics: Centaury has a very bitter taste. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Habitat: The plant is found in the Mediterranean region and as far as Britain and Scandinavia. It is cultivated in the U.S. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Production: Centaury consists of the dried aerial parts, in flower, of Centaurium erythraea. The plant is harvested during the flowering season and dried quickly to retain the flower color. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Not to be Confused With: Other Centaurium varieties. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Other Names: Feverwort, Centaury Gentian, Filwort, Centory, Christ's Ladder, Bitter Herb, Bitterbloom, Bitter Clover, Eyebright, Rose Pink, Wild Succory, Canchalagua Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. COMPOUNDS Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Centaurea cyanus See Cornflower ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Iridoide bitter principles swertiamarin, including sweroside (monoterpenes): in particular among others gentiopicrin, Pyrridine alkaloids: gentianine, gentianidine Xanthones: including methyl bellidifoline EFFECTS Centaury increases gastric secretion and salivation because of the typical bitter reaction, also antiphlogistic and antipyretic effects have been studied in various animal experiments. The effect for loss of appetite, stomach complaints and dyspepsia can also be attributed to the amaroids. HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS CETRARIA ISLANDICA/175 INDICATIONS AND USAGE van der Sluis WG et al., (1980) Planta Med 39:268. Approved by Commission E: van der Sluis WG, PM 41:221-231. 1981. • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite Further information in: • ** Unproven Uses: The drug is used for loss of appetite, dyspepsia and poor gastric secretion. In folk medicine, it is used for fever, worm infestation and as a hypotensive. It is also used for diabetes in Mallorca, and for expelling kidney stones in Egypt. Externally, it is used in the treatment of wounds. CONTRAINDICATIONS Because of its secretion-activating effect, the drug should not be administered in the presence of stomach or intestinal ulcers. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb for infusions and ^^ other bitter-tasting preparations for internal use. Preparation: Tea: Brew 2 to 3 gm drug with 150 ml boiling water and strain after 15 minutes; Centaurium Extract: extract of 1 part drug to 10 parts water and 1 part 9 8 % ethanol steamed till thickened (EB6). Liquid extract: 1:1 25% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83). Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 6 gm of drug or 1 to 2 gm of extract; single dose is 1 gm. The powdered drug is taken 3 times daily on a wafer with honey; the infusion is taken 1/2 hour before meals. The daily dose of extractum Centaurii fluidum is 2 to 5 ml. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl.. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika. Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Centella asiatica See Gotu Kola Centranthus ruber See Red-Spur Valerian Storage: Keep protected from light and moisture in sealed containers. Bishay DW et al., (1978) Planta Med 33:422. Cephaelis ipecacuanha D'Agostino M et al., (1985) Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 61 (2): 165. See Ipecac LITERATURE Do T et al., PM 53:580. 1987.'" % Lacroix R et al., (1973) Tunisie Med 51:327. Ceratonia siliqua Neshta NM et al., (1983) Khim Prir Soed 1:106. Schimmer O, Mauthner H, Centaurium erythraea RAFN. Tausendgiildenkraut. In: ZPT 15(5):299-304. 1994. See Carob Schimmer O, Mauthner H, Polymethoxylated xanthones from the herb of Centaurium erythraea with strong antimutagenic properties in Salmonella typhimurium. In: PM 62(6):561-564. 1996. Getraria islandica van der Sluis WG, Plant Syst Evol 149:253-286. 1985. See Iceland Moss 176/CHAMAEMELUM NOBILE Chamaemelum nobile See English Chamomile Chaste Tree Vitex agnus-castus TRADE NAMES Chasteberry Power, Vitex, Alcohol-Free Chaste Tree Bern' DESCRIPTION PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S In older animal experiments, the drug was tested on the ovaries and resulted in a reduction of cystic and bleeding follicles. In other animal experiments, an inhibition of lactation and a normalization of stress-induced hyperprolactin anemia was observed. In clinical studies, the positive effect on symptoms resulting from hyperprolactin anemia was proven. A dopaminergic effect via bonding on D2-receptors was also shown. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe dried fruit and the dried leaves. • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) • Menopausal complaints Flower and Fruit: The 8 to 10 cm, blue, occasionally pink flowers form terminal, branched, spike-like inflorescences. The calyx and epicalyx of the bilabiate corolla are pubescent. The fruit is a globular to oblong, 3 to 4 mm, reddish black, 4seeded drupe. It is surrounded up to two-thirds in cup-like fashion by the calyx. The exocarp has short-stemmed. glandular hairs. Unproven Uses: Chaste Tree preparations are used to treat irregularities of the menstrual cycle, premenstrual complaints, menstrual disturbances caused by corpus luteum insufficiency, insufficient milk production and mastodynia. It is also used to control libido, increase milk flow, reduce flatulence, suppress appetite, and induce sleep. Additional uses include the treatment of impotency, spermatorrhea, prostatitis, swelling of the testes, sexual neurasthenia, sterility, amenorrhea, uterine pain, and swelling of the ovaries. Chaste Tree is also used to induce menstruation. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a l to 6 m high bush or tree with quadrangular, gray, tomentose, young branches. The leaves are deciduous, crossed-opposite, long-petioled and palmate. They have 5 to 7 entire-margined, up to 10 cm long, lanceolate leaflets. The under surface of the leaf is white and tomentose. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean region as far as western Asia. Production: Chaste Tree fruits consist of the ripe, dried fruits of Vitex agnus-castus. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Iridoid glycosides: agnoside, aucubin Flavonoids: including casticin, 3,6,7,4'-tetramethylether, 6hydroxy-kempferol -3,6,7,4'-tetramethylether, 6-hydroxykempferol-3,6,7-trimethylether (penduletin), quercetagenin3,6,7-trimethylether (chrysosplenol D) Volatile oil (0.8-1.6%): including among others, 1,8-cineole, lime, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, as well as bornyl acetate, camphor, p-cymol, sabinene Fatty oils EFFECTS The drug is dopaminergic and FSH-suppressive; it also inhibits lactation (main active principles aucubin and agnoside). In addition, the drug represses the release of prolactin and improves the symptoms of PMS. Homeopathic Uses: Chaste Tree is used for male sexual disturbances, disturbances of milk flow, and nervous depression. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and in nursing mothers. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Occasionally, the administration of the drug leads to the formation of rashes. Drug Interactions: Because of the dopaminergic effect of the drug, a reciprocal weakening of die effect can occur in case of ingestion of dopamine-receptor antagonists. Pregnancy: The drug should not be administered during pregnancy Nursing Mothers: The drug should not be used by breastfeeding mothers. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug available as capsules, drops, film tablets, and compound preparations. How Supplied: Capsules — 40 mg, 100 mg Liquid Extract — 1:1 H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS Preparation: For the dried extract, preparations of 100 gm contain 0.2 gm dried extract in a ratio of 1:5, in either ethanol or water. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage of aqueous-alcoholic j^ extracts is 30 to 40 mg of the drus. m Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules, 1 to 3 times a day; parenterally: 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly (HAB1). LITERATURE Becker H. Hemmung der Prolaktinsekretion. In: T W Gynakologie 6:2-10. 1991. Bohnert KJ. Hahn G. Erfahrungsheilkunde 39:494-502c. 1990. Dittmann FW. Bohnert KJ. Peeters M. Albrecht M. Lamertz M, Schmidt U. Prumenstruelles Syndrom. Behandlung mit einem Phytopharmakon. In: TW Gynakologie 5:60-68. 1992. Feldmann HU. Albrecht M. Lamertz M. Bohnert KJ, Therapie bei Gelbkorperschwache bzw. pramenstruellem Syndrom mit Vitex-agnus-castus-Tinktur. In: Gyne 11:421-425. 1990. Jarry H. Leonhardt S. Gorkow C. Wuttke W. (1994) In vitro prolactin but not LH and FSH release is inhibited by compounds in extracts of Agnus castus, direct evidence for a ^t dopaminergic principle by the dopamine receptor assay. Exp ~ Clin Endocrinol 102:448-454. CHAULMOOGRA / 1 7 7 Doppelblindstudie gegen Pyridoxin.. In: ZPT, Abstract-Band, S.7. 1995. Roder D, Therapie von Zyklusstorungen mit Vitex agnus-castus. In: ZPT 15(3):155-159. 1994. Wichtl M, Phytopharmaka: Agnus castus - ein DopaminAgonist? In: DAZ 132(8):360. 1992. Winterhoff H, (1993) Arzneipflanzen mit endokriner Wirksamkeit. Z Phytother 14:83-94. Winterhoff H, Gorkow C, Behr B, Die Hemmung der Laktation bei Ratten als indirekter Beweis fur die Senkung von Prolaktin durch Agnus castus. In: ZPT 12(6): 175-179. 1991. Wuttke W, Gorkow Ch, Jarry J, (1995) Dopaminergic Compounds in Vitex Agnus Castus. In, Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, S. 81-91. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl.. Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Jarry H. Leonhardt S. Wuttke W. Behr B, Gorkow C. (1991) Agnus castus als dopaminerges Wirkprinzip in Mastodynon N. Z Phytother 12:77-82. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Kustrac D et al.. The composition of the essential oil of Vitex agnus-castus. In: PM 58(7):A681. 1992. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Lehmann-Willenbrock E. Riedel HH. (1988) Klinische und endokrinologische Untersuchungen zur Therapie ovarieller Ausfallserscheinungen nach Hysterektromie unter Belassung der Adnexe. Zent Gyniikol 110:611-618. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Loew D, Gorkow C, Schrodter A. Reitbrock S, Merz PG, Schnieders M, Sieder C, Zur dosisabhangigen Vertraglichkeit eines Agnus-castus-Spezialextraktes. In: ZPT 17(4):237-243. 1996. Merz PG, Schrodter A, Rietbrock S, Gorkow Ch, Loew D, (1995) Prolaktinsekretion und Vertraglichkeit unter der Behandlung mit einem Agnus-castus-Spezialextrakt (B1095E1). Erste Ergebnisse zum EinflufJ auf die Prolaktinsekretion. In, Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, S. 93-97. Propping D, Bohnert KJ, Peeters M, Albrecht M, Lamertz M, Vitex agnus-castus. Behandlung gynakologischer Krankheitsbilder. In: Therapeutikon 5:581-585. 1991. Reuter HD, Bohnert KJ, Schmidt U, (1995) Die Therapie des pramenstruellen Syndroms mit Vitex agnus castus. Kontrollierte Doppelblindsrudie gegen Pyridoxin. Z Phytother Abstractband, S.7. Reuter HD, Bohnert KJ, Schmidt U, Die Therapie des pramenstruellen Syndroms mit Vitex agnus castus. Kontrollierte Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Chaulmoogra Hydnocarpus species DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: Chaulmoogra is found in all of the named species. The expressed oil is known as Gynocardia oil in Britain and Oleum Chaulmoograe in the U.S. Flower and Fruit: The grayish seeds are about 2 to 3 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter. They are irregularly angular with rounded ends. The kernel is oily and encloses two thin, heart-shaped, three-veined cotyledons and a straight radical. Characteristics: The taste is acrid and the odor disagreeable. Habitat: Malaysia, Indian subcontinent. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 178/CHAULMOOGRA Production: Chaulmoogra seeds are the seeds of various Hydnocarpus varieties. Chaulmoogra oil is the fatty oil extracted from the seeds. C O M P O U N D S : C H A U L M O O G R A SEEDS The seeds are severely poisonous due to their cynagenic glycoside content. Injections of solutions of Dicobalt-EDTA or of thiosulfates, or administration of methemoglobin-forming agents, such as amyl nitrite, are recommended as antidotes. The triggering of vomiting and gastric lavage should be carried out in a parallel fashion. Circulatory support measures and artificial respiration may be required. Fatty oil (30-40%, bitter-type consistency) DOSAGE Other Names: Hydnocarpus ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Proteins (25%) Cyanogenic glycosides Flavolignans E F F E C T S : C H A U L M O O G R A SEEDS The chauimoogric acid in the drug is antimicrobial. The drug has sedative, febrifuge and dermatic effects. The flavonol lignans hydnocarpin, hydnowightin and neohydnocarpin isolated from the seeds are lipid lowering, anti-inflammatory and antitumoral in animal experiments. C O M P O U N D S : C H A U L M O O G R A OIL Triglycerides: chief fatty acids D-hydnocarpic acid, D-chaulmoogric acid, D-gorli acid (cyclopentene fatty acids) E F F E C T S : C H A U L M O O G R A OIL The chauimoogric acid in the drug is antimicrobial. Mode of Administration: The seeds and oil in various preparations, as powder, oil, emulsion and ointments. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 1969. Lefort D et al., (1969) Planta Med 17:261. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Sleumer, (1947) Pharm Ztg 83:165. Teuscher E. Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Externally, preparations of Hydnocarpus are used in the treatment of various skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. It is also used as an injection in the treatment of leprosy. Chinese Medicine: In China, Chaulmoogra is used for leprosy, scabies and furuncles. Indian Medicine: Uses include leprosy, skin diseases, itching, leocodermia, eczema, flatulence and diabetes. Cheiranthus cheiri See Wallflower Gheken Eugenia chequen PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DESCRIPTION Coughing, dyspnea, laryngospasms, kidney damage, visual disorders, head and muscle pain, and central paralyses are side effects following intake of the oil. It is severely irritating in local application. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves. OVERDOSAGE Following stomach and intestinal emptying (inducement of vomiting, gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium permanganate solution, sodium sulfate), the treatment for poisonings consists of the instillation of activated charcoal and shock prophylaxis (quiet, warmth), and of electrolyte substitution and the countering of any acidosis imbalance that may appear through sodium bicarbonate infusions. In the event of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused. Monitoring of kidney function is necessary. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be required. 4| Flower and Fruit: The flowers are usually solitary, occasionally in threes. The receptacle is top-shaped and pubescent. There are 4 pubescent or ciliate sepals. The petals are white, oval and 5 to 8 mm long. The stamens are numerous but small. The ovary is glabrous. The fruit is a red or blackviolet, glabrous, globular berry, 6 to 8 mm in diameter. It has 2 to 3 seeds which are dark, lentil-shaped and are about 4 mm in diameter. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen tree, which grows up to 15 m high and sometimes looks like a shrub. The leaves are coriaceous, ovate, about 1 to 1.5 cm long, 0.5 to 1 cm wide, entire-margined, very shortly petioled with numerous minute, round, translucent oil-cells. j^ CHERRY LAUREL/179 HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Characteristics: The leaves have a bitter taste that is astringent and aromatic, reminiscent of bay leaves. The odor is slight and they contain an essential oil. Chenopodium vulvaria See Arrach Habitat: Eugenia chequen grows in Chile. *^ Production: Cheken leaves are the leaves of Eugenia chequen. Cherry Laurel Other Names: Arryan, Myrtus Chekan Prunus laurocerasus ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY DESCRIPTION COMPOUNDS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves. Bitter substances Volatile oil: including alpha-pinene, 1,8-cineol EFFECTS The ethanol extract inhibits xanthinoxydasis. The essential oil has a similar effect on germinating salad seeds such as auxin. An antibacterial and antimycotic effect has also been demonstrated. In the agar diffusion test, the leaf oil was effective against Pseudomonas acruginsosa, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Aspergillus niger. It also affects fat metabolism: the oil is used against hyperlipoprotinemia. It is ^^used as a tonic, a diuretic and an expectorant. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In South American folk medicine, a decoction of the leaves is used in the treatment of diarrhea, fever, gout, as a tonic, diuretic, an antihypertensive, and as a digestive aid. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a decoction and as a liquid extract. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are erect and in slender racemes 10 to 12 cm long with 3 mm pedicles. The petals are obovate, 3 mm long and white. The fruit is black and globular-ovoid. The smooth kernel within the fruit is ovoid and acute, with a long black weal. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen shrub or tree, completely glabrous, and grows up to 6 m high. The bud scales drop early. The petioles are 1 cm long and glandless. The leaf blades are obovate-lanceolate and 8 to 15 cm long. They are curved, entire or with a finely serrate margin, coriaceous and bright green. The upper surface of the leaves is glossy. The lower surface has 1 to 4 protruding nectaries in the axils of the ribs. Characteristics: Poisonous. The fruit is similar to black cherries, and smells of hydrocyanic acid. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to parts of Asia and is cultivated in many temperate areas. Production: Cherry Laurel leaves are the leaves of Prunus laurocerasus. Not to be Confused With: Other forms of Prunus species. Other Names: Cherry-Bay Chelidonium majus ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS See Celandine Cyanogenic glycosides: prunasin (corresponding to 0.52.5%, 50-210 mg HCN/100 gm) Chelone glabra The drug acts as a tonic for the stomach, an anti-irritant and a sedative. + EFFECTS See Balmony INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Cherry Laurel is used to treat coughs and the common cold. Chenopodium ambrosioides See Wormseed Oil Homeopathic Uses: Cherry Laurel is used for dry coughs, whooping cough, cyanosis and spasms. 180/CHERRY LAUREL PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DESCRIPTION No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh flowering or dried herb. OVERDOSAGE Overdoses of Cherry Laurel water prepared from the drug can lead to fatal poisonings. Ingestion of the leathery leaves and the seeds is improbable; the fruit pulp is low in cyanogenic glycosides (yielding 5-20 mg HCN/lOO gm). The recommended antidotes include the injection of solutions of Dicobalt-EDTA or thiosulfates, or the administration of methemoglobin-forming agents, e.g., amyl nitrite, 4-dimethyl aminophenol. The inducement of vomiting or gastric lavage should be done in parallel fashion. Circulatory support and artificial respiration may also be required. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is available as a watery extract, an aromatic, a breathing stimulant and an antispasmodic. Flower and Fruit: The solitary white flowers are located in the leaf or branch axils. They open at 9 am and, in good weather, remain open for 12 hours. The 5 double petals are shorter than the oblong-lanceolate sepals. There are 2 to 5 stamens and 3 stigma. The fruit is globular or ovate and covered in teeth. It opens when ripe and the seeds are shaken out through the movement of the plant. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 5 to 30 cm high. The stem is decumbent and weak, heavily branched and often grows to an impressive length. It creeps along the ground, is fleshy, pale green, and slightly thickened at the nodes. The leaves are opposite and orbicular-ovate. The lower ones are long-petioled and the upper ones are sessile. They are 1.25 cm long and 0.70 cm wide and sit in pairs on the stem. Characteristics: The stem is pubescent on one side. LITERATURE Habitat: The plant is found worldwide as a weed. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Production: Chickweed is the fresh herb in flower of Stellaria media. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. I-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Sommer W, Dissertation Universitat Kiel. 1984. Other Names: Adder's Mouth, Passerina, Satin Flower, Starweed, Starwort, Stitchwort, Tongue-Grass, Winterweed ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: including, among others, rutin Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, 0.1-0.15%) Alkaloids INDICATIONS AND USAGE Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Unproven Uses: Internally. Chickweed is used for rheumatism, gout, stiffness of the joints, tuberculosis, and diseases of the blood. Externally, it is used for poorly healing wounds, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the eyes, eczema and other diverse skin diseases. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Chickweed Mode of Administration: The herb is used as a tea or in the form of juice for poultices, and in baths for medicinal purposes. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. DOSAGE Stellaria media TRADE NAMES Chickweed Herbs, Wild Countryside Chickweed LITERATURE Tsotsoriya G et al., (1977) Kromatogr Met Farm 172 (via CA 90:51421). HERBAL CHICORY / 1 8 1 M O N O G R A P HS Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Watt JM. Breyer-Brandwijk MG. The Medicinal, Poisonous Plants of Southern. Eastern Africa. 2nd Ed. Livingstone 1962. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Sesquiterpenes: sesquiterpene lactones, especially lactucin, lactucopicrin, 8-desoxy lactucin, guaianolid glycosides, including chicoroisides B and C, sonchuside C Caffeic acid derivatives: chiroric acid, chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid, dicaffeoyl tartaric acid Hydroxycoumarins: including umbelliferone Flavonoids: including hyperoside Polyynes Chicory Cic ho Hum intybus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the dried leaves and roots, which are collected in autumn; the whole plant collected and dried in the flowering season; and the fresh plant and root. Flower and Fruit: Size: The numerous flower heads are 3 to 4 cm in diameter and are terminal or axillary, solitary or in groups, sessile or short-pedicled. The epicalyx bracts are bristly ciliate, often glandular-haired. The inner bracts are oblong-lanceolate and erect, the outer ones ovate, splayed and half as long as the inner ones. The androgynous lingual florets are usually light blue, but occasionally white or pink. The fruit is an achaene 2 to 3 mm in length. It has no hair tuft and is ovate and straw yellow to blackish. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant can grow to a height of 2 m and has a hardy, 10 to 30 cm long, thick root. The stem is rigidly erect, sparsely branched above and often bristly. The leaves are 10 to 30 cm long and 1 to 5 cm wide. Diey are obovate, oblong, shaped like a cross-cut saw or slit, with numerous stiff hairs beneath. The lowest leaves in a basal rosette are petiolate. The upper ones as well as those near the inflorescences are alternate, oblong to lanceolate, crenatedentate and sessile. Characteristics: Chicory has a bitter taste. Habitat: The plant is found in Europe, the Middle East as far as Iran, north and south Africa, all of America, Australia and New Zealand. Production: Chicory consists of the dried leaves and underground parts of Cichorium intybus, which are collected in autumn in the wild and air-dried. Other Names: Succory, Hendibeh EFFECTS An anti-exudative, choleretic, negatively chronotropic and negatively inotropic effect has been described due to the plant's sesquiterpene lactones, cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids. Animal studies have noted a distinct reduction of pulse rate and contractility; a mildly cholagogic effect; and lowered cholesterin level in rats' livers and plasma. Application for dyspeptic complaints seems plausible because of the amaroid (guaianolide) content. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Loss of appetite • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: In Folk medicine, the herb is used externally for liver complaints and as a gargle. Among internal uses are sore throat, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, abdominal cramps, melancholy, deafness and rashes. The juice of the chicory plant is also used as a laxative for children. Indian Medicine: Medicinal uses include headaches, dyspeptic symptoms, skin allergies, vomiting and diarrhea. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. There is a slight potential for sensitization via skin contact with the drug. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug for infusions as well as other bitter-tasting preparations for internal use. How Supplied: Commercial pharmaceutical preparations include drops and compound preparations. Preparation: Prepare an infusion by scalding 2 to 4 g drug with boiling water, allowing it to stand for 10 minutes, then straining. A tea is prepared by brewing 2 to 4 g of the whole herb with 150 to 250 ml boiling water and then straining it after 10 minutes. 182/CHICORY Daily Dosage: 3 to 5 g comminuted drug. Single dose: 2 to 4 g whole herb for an infusion. LITERATURE Anonym, Abwehr von Arzneimittelrisiken, Stufe II. In: DAZ l36(38):3253-2354. 1996. BGA, Arzneimittelrisiken: Anthranoide. In: DAZ 132(21): H64. 1992. Balbaa S et al., (1973) Planta Med 24:133. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Leaves, Stem and Root: This evergreen tree grows up to 7 m tall with aromatic bark and angular branches. The bark is brown, in quilled pieces, sometimes with the remains of the outer layer present. The 7.5 to 10 cm long leaves are oblanceolate and pubescent on 6 to 8 cm long petioles, more or less tapered toward the base. They are coriaceous, alternate and brown underneath. Habitat: Indigenous and cultivated Vietnam, Laos and Burma. in southern China, Benoit PS et al., (1976) Lloydia 39:160. Kawabata S, Deki M, (1977) Kanzei Chuo Bunsek 17:63. Miiller K, Wiegrebe W, Psoriasis und Antipsoriatika. In: DAZ 137(22): 1893-1902. 1997. Noldenn U, Dissertation Universitat Bonn. 1989. Proliac A, Blanc M, (1976) Helv Chem Acta 58:2503. Wagner, H, In 'The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae," Eds V. N. Heywood et al. Academic Press, London 1977. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Production: Chinese Cinnamon consists of the completely or partly peeled, dried stem bark from the aboveground or thinbranched axis of Cinnamomum aromaticum. The drug, from branches 2 to 3 cm thick, is peeled with horn knives, freed from cork and outer rind, and dried in the sun for 24 hours. Not to be Confused With: Chinese Cinnamon should not be confused with waste products from the production process or other barks and materials, nor with the skins of horse chestnut seeds. Other Names: Cassia, False Cinnamon, Bastard Cinnamon, Cassia Lignea, Cassia Bark, Cassia aromaticum, Canton Cassia ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chief components are cinnamaldehyde, weiterhin cinnamylacetate, cinnamyl alcohol, o-methoxycinnamaidehyde, cinnamic acid, coumarin Diterpenes: cinnzeylanoles, cinncassioles A to E Tannins: catechin tannins Ghimaphila umbellata Oligomere See Pipsissewa Mucilages proanthocyanidins EFFECTS Chinese Cinnamon Cinnamomum aromaticum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the flowers collected and dried after they have finished blossoming, and the whole or partly peeled, dried bark of thin and young branches, as well the oil extracted from them. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small on short, slender, silky pedicles. They are arranged in threes in cymous panicles in the leaf axils and in larger panicles at the end of the branches. The perianth is slightly silky, about 3 mm long, with oblong-lanceolate petals. The fruit is a juicy, pea-sized, elliptoid, smooth drupe. The essential oil and its main constituent cinnamaldehyde are antibacterial, fungistatic, improve immune resistance in animal tests (inhibiting allergic reactions Type I and II), promote motility, inhibit ulcers and act on the digestive tract (tannin content). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Loss of appetite • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (mild, colicky upsets of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea), as well as for temporary states of exhaustion and to increase weight. Efficacy has been sufficiently proven for HERBAL MONOGRAPHS gastric complaints and it is plausible for diarrhea, but the evidence is not sufficient for the other indications. Chinese Medicine: Among uses in Chinese medicine are impotence, diarrhea, enuresis, rheumatic conditions, testicle , hernia, menopause syndrome, amenorrhea, abortion and to stabilize immunity. Indian Medicine: Digestive complaints, vomiting and diarrhea are the most common uses in Indian medicine. CHINESE MOTHERWORT 183 Further information in: Chan, EH et al., (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 19S5. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 1991 1994. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. CONTRAINDICATIONS Use of medicinal preparations of Chinese Cinnamon is contraindicated during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug possesses a medium potential for sensitization, primarily due to the cinnamaldehyde. Pregnancy: The drug is not to be administered in time of pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted bark for infusions, essential oil, as well as other galenic preparations for internal use. Preparation: To prepare a tincture of Chinese Cinnamon, moisten 200 parts cinnamon bark evenly with ethanol and percolate to produce 1000 parts tincture. Daily Dosage: 2 to 4 g drug; 0.05 to 0.2 g essential oil. The average single dose is 1 g. Storage: Chinese Cinnamon should be stored in a cool, dry environment in tightly sealed containers. LITERATURE Hikino H, Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, Vol I., Academic Press UK 1985. Lockwood GB, Die Hauptbestandteile des atherischen Ols von Cinnamomum cassia BLUME. In: PM 36(4):380-381. 1979. Nagai H et al., (1982) Jpn J Pharmacol 32(5):813. Nohara T et al., (1982) Phytochemistry 21(8):2130. Nohara T et al., (1985) Phytochemistry 24(8): 1849. Nohara T et al., Cinncassiol E, a diterpene from the bark of Cinnamomum cassia. In: PH 24:1849. 1985. Nohara T et al., PH 21:2130-2132. 1982. Otsuka H et al., (1982) Yakugaku Zasshi 102:162. Sagara K et al., J Chromatogr 409:365-370. 1987. Chinese Motherwort Leonurus japonicus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The fruit is said to have medicinal properties. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is long with whorls of a few flowers at some distance from each other. The bracts are short and usually have a thorn-like awn. The flowers are sessile and dorsiventral. The calyx is narrow clavate. approximately 8 mm long, short-haired. The calyx teeth are upright, the lower 2 are longer than the 3 upper ones. The corolla is bilabiate, made up of 5 fused petals, approximately 10 mm long, lilac to pink. The upper lip has a purple middle lobe and the lower lip is divided into 3. There are 2 long and 2 short stamens. The ovary is superior, 2-carpled and 4chambered. The fruit breaks up into 4 black. 3-edged approximately 2 mm long, 1-seeded mericarps. Leaves, Stem and Root: This herbaceous perennial grows to a height of up to 1 m. The leaves are petiolate, 5 to 10 cm long, ovate to cordate, narrowing cuneiformly at the base. The lower leaves are palmately divided to the middle: the sections are pinnatifid with linear-acuminate lobes. The upper leaves are decussate opposite, simple, lanceolate. entire and pubescent on both surfaces. The stem is graygreen, upright, branched and square; the surface is grooved, and the ribs are pubescent. Habitat: Leonurus japonicus is found in China, North and South Korea, and Japan. Production: Chinese Motherwort fruit is the dried fruit of Leonurus japonicus. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Senayake UM et al., (1978) J Agric Food Chem 20:822. Diterpenes: including leonurine Structure of potent antiulcerogenic compounds from Cinnamomum cassia, Tetrahedron 44:4703. 1988. Fatty oil: chief fatty acids oleic acid and linolenic acid 1 8 4 /CHINESE MOTHERWORT EFFECTS When taken internally, the alkaloid-containing drug (chief active ingredient leonurine) is said to have a contracting effect upon the uterus and to have generally anti-inflammatory effects upon various organ systems. Topical application is said to reduce edema connected with injuries. Watery drug extracts reduce blood pressure in animal experiments. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Chinese Medicine: Chinese Motherwort is used internally for inflammation of the kidney, the throat and the retina; for disturbances of menstruation, and in obstetrics for lochiastase. Externally, the fruit is used for swelling of the tissue after trauma. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used as a cardiac tonic, for nervous cardiac disturbances, anxiety states and nervous breathlessness. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE Feelings of weakness, outbreaks of sweating, enhanced sensitivity to pain and feelings of closeness in the chest can all follow intake of higher dosages of the drug (starting at 30 g). CONTRAINDICATIONS Not to be used during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug. Preparations are administered internally and externally PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged in helicoid or scorpiod cymes; the structures are in threes. The 3 petals are thick and often coriaceous; the 3 sepals are usually fused into a cup- or jug-shaped calyx. There are 6 stamens, and the ovary is 3-chambered with an ovule in each chamber; the stigma is 3-lobed. The fruit is an ovoid drupe with a thin, resin-rich mesocarp. Leaves, Stem and Root: The tree is monoclinous or diclinous, reaching heights up to 15 m. The leaves are odd pinnate. The leaflets are short-petiolate and very irregular. The stipules are round or slit. Habitat: The tree is indigenous to the Spice Islands, Philippines, China, Melanesia, and Moluccas. Production: Elemi is the oleoresin (soft) exuding from fresh cuts made in Canarium luzonicum and the residual resin (hard) left to dry on the tree. The soft elemi is obtained by cutting split secretion channels and, after knocking off the hard elemi, collecting the resin which dries on that tree. Other Names: Elemi ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpenes (70 to 80%): particularly alpha- and beta-amyrin, including alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-elemic acid, brein, maniladiol Volatile oil (20 to 30%): chief component limonene (25%), also including alpha-phellandrene, elemol, eudesmol, carvacrol, methyl eugenol EFFECTS The resin is credited with promoting the healing of wounds. An immunostimulating effect was demonstrated in animal experiments. Topical administration causes skin irritation. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Daily Dosage: Not specified in the literature Unproven Uses: The resin is used in folk medicine as an expectorant for coughs as well as for gastric complaints, ulcers and rheumatism (plaster). LITERATURE PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Preparation: Infusion: 4 to 10 g drug Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL, Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Chinese Olive Canarium species DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the resin. No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. According to older sources, stomach complaints, kidney irritation and hemorrhagic erosions have been observed following administration of the essential oil. Topical application causes skin irritation. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Preparations of the resin are used topically. Preparation: Elemi resin is prepared by melting the resin at low heat and putting it through a filter. This cleaning process CHINESE RHUBARB (DA-HUANG ) / 1 8 5 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS results in a somewhat darker elemi. Plasters are prepared using 25% drug in ointment. Storage: Store in well-sealed tins protected from light. LITERATURE •• Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G, Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. rhein, chrysophanol, physcion (together 60-80%), 8,8'-diglucosides of dianthrones (10-25%), including among others, sennosides A and B Tannins: gallo tannins, including among others galloyl glucose, galloyl saccharose, lindleyine, isolindleyine Flavonoids (2-3%) Naphthohydroquinone glycosides EFrECTS Chinese Rhubarb (Da-Huang) Rheum palmatum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried underground parts, and most of the root bark in the dried form. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is an erect panicle foliated to the tip. The flowers have narrow, red, pink or whitish yellow tepals. The tepals are curved and located far ^ • b a c k in the mature flowers to facilitate wind pollination. The fruit is red-brown to brown, and oval. The fruit is angular, about 10.2 mm to 7.8 mm wide and usually has scarious wings. The nutlet is 6 to 10 mm long and 7 mm in diameter. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a large, sturdy herbaceous perennial. The stem grows to over 1.5 m high. The leaves are orbicular-cordate, palmate lobed, somewhat rough on the upper surface and 3 to 5 ribbed. The lobes are oblong-ovate to lanceolate, dentate or pinnatisect. The root system consists of a tuber, which after a number of years measures 10 to 15 cm in diameter and has arm-thick lateral roots. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the western and northwestern provinces of China and is cultivated in many regions around the world. The main producers are China and Russia. Production: Chinese Rhubarb consists of the dried underground parts of Rheum palmatum, Rheum officinale or of both species. Stem parts, roots and most -of the bark are removed from the rhizomes. Not to be Confused With: Other Rheum species such as Rheum rhaponticum or Rheum rhabarbarum. Garden Rhubarb is Rheum ponticum. Other Names: Rhubarb Main active principles: hydroxyanthracene derivatives, tannins and a small proportion of flavonoids The laxative effect is due to the hydrogogic and antiabsorptive properties of the anthranoids. This effect causes an increase in the volume of the intestinal contents resulting in pressure and stimulation of intestinal peristalsis. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Constipation Unproven Uses: Rhubarb is used as an appetite stimulant and for digestion problems, gastrointestinal catarrh and painful teething (children). External uses include burn treatment and skin conditions. Chinese Medicine: In China, Rhubarb is used for delirium, tenesmus, edema, amenorrhea and abdominal pain. Efficacy for digestion problems is plausible because of the tannin content but not without risk because of the anthranoids (toxicity); efficacy for the other indications has not been proven. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include diarrhea and teething. CONTRAINDICATIONS Chinese Rhubarb is contraindicated in cases of intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory intestinal disease, appendicitis and abdominal pain of unknown origin. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints can occur as a side effect to the drug's purgative effect. Long-term use leads to losses of electrolytes, in particular potassium ions. The loss of electrolytes may lead to hyperaldosteronism, inhibition of intestinal motility and enhancement of the effect of cardioactive steroids. Long term use may lead to heart arrhythmias, nephropathies, edema and accelerated bone deterioration. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Anthracene derivatives (3-12%): chief components 1- or 8O-fJ-glucosides of the aglycones rheumemodin, aloe-emodin, The increased incidence of carcinoma of the colon following long-term administration of anthracene drugs has not yet been fully clarified. Recent studies show no association 1 8 6 / C H I N E S E RHUBARB (DA-HUANG) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES between the administration of anthracene drugs and the frequency of carcinoma of the colon. Stimulating laxatives must not be used over an extended period (1 to 2 weeks)^ without medical advice. Drug Interactions: Potassium deficiency can increase in the effect of cardiac glycosides. cause an Pregnancy: Use during pregnancy or while nursing only after consulting a physician. Pediatric Use: The drug is not to be administered to children under 12 years of age. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Liquid or solid forms of medication are exclusively for oral use. The drug is available as comminuted drug, powder or dry extracts for teas, decoctions, cold macerations or elixirs. Extracts of the drug are often constituents of laxatives, cholagogics and gastrointestinal remedies, and are found in "slimming cures," "springtime tonics" and "blood purifying" teas. Preparation: To prepare an infusion to be used as a laxative, use 1.0-2.0 gm coarse powdered drug; for a stomachic, 0.1 to 0.2 gm powdered drug stirred with sufficient liquid (may be flavored with cinnamon, ginger, or peppermint oil) or scald and strain after 5 minutes. (1 teaspoonful = approximately 2.5 gm drug) Daily Dosage: As a laxative, the dose is 1.0 to 2.0 gm of drug prepared according to instructions above. As an astringent and stomachic, the dose is 0.1-0.2 gm. 1.2 to 4.8 gm drug corresponds to 30 to 120 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives/day, calculated as rhein. Foust B, In: Foust MC. Rhubarb: The Wondrous Drug. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 1992. Friedrich H, Hohle J, (1966) Arch Pharm 299:857. Iida K et al., Potent inhibitors of tyrosinase activity and melanin biosynthesis from Rheum officinale. In: PM 61(5):425428. 1995. Kashiwada Y et al., (1984) Chem Pharm Bull 32(9):3461. Klimpel BE et al., Anthranoidhaltige Laxantien - ein Risiko fiir die Entwicklung von Tumoren der ableitenden Harnwege. In: PUZ 26(1 ):33, Jahrestagung der DPhG, Berlin, 1996. 1997. Nonaka G et al., (1977) Chem Pharm Bull 25:2300. Oshio H et al., (1974) Chem Pharm Bull 22:823. Sanches EF, Feritas TV, Ferreiraalves DL, Velarde DT, Diniz MR, Cordeiro MN, Agostinicotta G, Biological activities of venoms from south American snakes. In: Toxicon 30(1 ):95. 1992. Tsuboi et al., (1977) Chem Pharm Bull 25:2708. Van Os FHL, (1976) Pharmacol 14(Suppl 1):7. Zwaving JH, (1972) Planta Med 21:254. Zwaving JH, (1974) Pharm Weekbl 109:1169. Further information in: Chan EH et al., (Eds.), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Tea — 1 cup mornings and/or evenings Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Extract — Single dose: 0.3 to 1 gm Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Laxatives should be used for the shortest possible time (maximum 1 to 2 weeks) Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Anonym, Abwehr von Arzneimittelrisiken, Stufe II. In: DAZ 136(38):3253-2354. 1996. Anonym, Anwendungseinschrankungen fur Anthranoid-haltige Abfuhrmittel angeordnet. In: PUZ 25(6):341-342. 1996. BGA, Arzneimittelrisiken: Anthranoide. In: DAZ 132(21): 1164. 1992. Fairbairn JW, (1976) Pharmacol 14(Suppl 1):48. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. | Stuttgart 1997. HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS Chinese Thoroughwax (Chai-Hu) Bupleurum chinense DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the root. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is a compound umbel. The flower structures are arranged in fives. The flowers are radial and small; the petals are yellowish, almost orbicular; the calyx teeth are insignificant. The ovary is inferior and 2chambered. The fruit is a double achaene. Leaves, Stem and Root: Thoroughwax is an upright herbaceous perennial, which grows about 30 to 70 cm high. The leaves are alternate, arranged in spirals, simple and entire. The stem is hollow, gnarled and branched. Habitat: China, Japan and central Europe Production: Bupleuri roots are the dried roots of Bupleurum chinense. They are collected in the wild. Not to be Confused With: May be confused with Bupleurum 4 F longiradiatum. Other Names: Chai Hu ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins (saikosides.1.2 to 4.9%, content declining with the diameter of the root): saikosaponins a, bl, b2, c and d, aglycones are the so-called saikogenins Steroids: sterols, including alpha-spinasterol, stigmasterol CHIRETTA 187 PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Pregnancy: The drug is not to be administered during pregnancy. OVERDOSAGE The ingestion of larger dosages of the drug may lead to gastroenteritis, intestinal colic and diarrhea, due to the saponin content. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole drug and cut drug preparations for internal and external use. Preparation: The drug is usually only used in Chinese and Japanese medicine in compounded preparations. Storage: Should be well sealed (to protect against insects), and air dried. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL. Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Jin RL. Shi L, Kuang Y, Comparative studies on the roots of wild and cultured Bupleurum chinense. DC Chung Yao Tung Pao, 20:11-3, 61, 1988 Apr. Ohtsu S, Izumi S, Iwanaga S, Ohno N, Yadomae T. Analysis of mitogenic substances in Bupleurum chinense by ESR spectroscopy. Biol Pharm Bull, 20:97-100, 1997 Jan. Zhang J, Comparison on saikosaponin levels in the root of Bupleurum chinense of various sizes. Chung Yao Tung Pao. 20:13-4, 1985 Apr. Polyynes: saikodiine A, B and C EFFECTS The drug is not usually used alone, but rather used in various drug mixtures. The saiko saponins or saikogenins that the drug contains have exhibited antipyretic, edema-protective and anti-inflammatory effects in animal experiments. At the same time, an inducement of the depletion -of corticosterone and a liverprotective effect could be demonstrated, as could a sedative A- and an analgesic effect. The drug is also credited with antitussive, anti-ulcerogenic and blood-pressure lowering characteristics. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Chinese Thoroughwax is used for inflammatory conditions (oriental regions). Chinese Medicine: Preparations are used for shivering and fever, jaundice, chest pain, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, malaria and deafness. Chionanthus virginicus See Fringetree Chiretta Swertia chirata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb, which is cut and dried when the seed is ripe. Flower and Fruit: The numerous flowers are small and form a yellow panicle. The fruit is a single-valved capsule, which tastes very bitter and is odorless. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an annual and grows up to 90 cm high. The branching stem is brown or purplish. 2 to 1 8 8 /CHIRETTA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 4 mm thick, cylindrical below and becoming quadrangular toward the top. The leaves are smooth, opposite, lanceolate or ovate and entire-margined with 3 to 7 longitudinal ribs. Ray S et al. Amarogentin, a naturally occuring secoiridoid glycoside and a newly recognized inhibitor of topoisomerase I from Leishmania donovani. In: JNP 59(l):27-29. 1996. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to northern India and Nepal. Sharma PV (1982) Indian J Pharm Sci 44 (2): 36. Production: Chiretta is the aerial part of Swertia chirata. Other Names: Chirata, Chirayta, Indian Balmony, Indian Gentian ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Iridoide monoterpines as bitter substances (1.3%): chief components swertiamarin (0.4%), sweroside (0.2%), including as well gentiopicrin. amarogentin, amaroswerin Xanthone derivatives: including mangiferin (0.12%), swerchirin (methyl bellidifoline), swertianin, 7-O-methyl swertianin, chiratol, swertiapunicoside, chiratanin EFFECTS Chiretta stimulates the secretion of gastric juices. In animal experiments, an anticholinergic (due to swertiamarin), antiphlogistic, hypoglycemic (due to xanthone derivatives), and centrally suppressing effect has been described. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl, Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Chives Allium schoenoprasum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh or dried aerial parts of the plant. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Chiretta is used for dyspeptic disorders, loss of appetite, problems with the production of gastric juices and disorders of the digestive system. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug should not be used in patients who have gastric or duodenal ulcers due to the drug's stimulation of gastric juice secretion. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is a constituent part of various preparations, especially drops. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 15 to 20 drops, 3 times daily before meals. For nervous disorders, 10 to 15 drops are taken daily between meals. LITERATURE Dalai SR et al. (1953) J Ind Chem Soc 30: 455. Flower and Fruit: The cyme has numerous florets. The sheath of the inflorescence has 2 or 3 flaps. The flap is broad-ovate and shorter than the inflorescence; it is white or reddish. The florets are dense and globose with no bulbils. The petals of the perianth are lanceolate-ovate and acute or pointed. They are 7 to 11 mm long, bluish or white to yellowish, and have a dark middle stripe. The stamens are shorter than the perianth. They are awl-shaped and fused with each other and the perianth petals at the base. The perianth surrounds the capsule like a balloon. Leaves, Stem and Root: Allium schoenoprasum is a perennial, 15 to 30 cm high plant. The base is branched with numerous erect, closely packed leaves. Thin sheaths form incomplete, oblong bulbs. The bulb skin is thin, white and splitting when mature. The stem is round, usually smooth and leafy from the lower third. The compact leaves are completely hollow, round, somewhat elastic, and gray or gray-green. Habitat: Chives grow wild in the temperate regions of Europe and North America and are cultivated in Europe, Turkistan, North America and from Siberia to Japan. Ghosal S et al. (1973) J Pharm Sci 62: 926. Goyal H et al. (1981) J Res Ayur Siddha 2 (3): 286. Production: Chives are the complete aerial parts of Allium schoenoprasum, which are harvested before flowering. Hikano H et al. (1984) Shoyakugku Zasshi 38: 359. Komatsu M et al. (1971) Jpn Kokai 71 (27): 558. Other Names: Cive Garlic, Civet, Chive HERBAL MONOGRAPHS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Alliins (alkyl cysteine sulfoxides): in particular, methyl alliin (S-methyl-L-(+)-cysteine sulfoxide) and pentyl alliin (Spentyl-L-(+)-cysteine sulfoxide), as well as their gammaW- glutamyl conjugates; in the course of cutting up the fresh foliage, the alliins undergo a transformation (which is triggered by fermentation) into the so-called alliaceous oils, e.g., dimethyl-disulfide-mono-S-oxide EFFECTS The volatile and non-volatile sulphur bonds are said to be anthelmintic. However, efficacy has not been documented in scientific studies. CHOCOLATE VINE (MU-TONG) / 1 8 9 black, ovoid, approximately 6 mm long and embedded in jelly-like tissue. Leaves, Stem and Root: Akebia quinata is a climbing shrub that grows up to 10 m high. The shrub is deciduous, diclinous and monoecious. The leaves are alternate and arranged in fives. The petiole and the stems of the leaflets are approximately 2 cm long. The leaflets are up to 2.5 cm long, rounded at the base and entire. The trunk is silvery or gray, with cork warts. Characteristics: The fruit is edible. Habitat: Japan, China, Korea INDICATIONS AND USAGE Production: Chocolate vine is the dried stem of Akebia quinata. Unproven Uses: The drug is used to expel worms and intestinal parasites. Other Names: Five-Leaflet Akebia, Mu Tong PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The intake of large quantities can lead to stomach irritation. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Chives are used fresh or dried, as a cut drug. LITERATURE Kameoka H, Hashimoto S, Two sulfur containing constituents from Allium schoenoprasum. In: PH 22:294-295. 1983. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl.. Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Hashimoto S et al., Food Sci 48:1858. 1983. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins: akebosides, aglycones oleanolic acid and hederagenin Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol glucoside, betulin Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides: saccharose Cyclitols: meso-inositol EFFECTS Animal experiments have demonstrated an anti-edemic effect attributed to the saponin mixture contained in the drug. In addition, diuretic, uricosuric, centrally depressant, antipyretic, mild analgesic and motility-inhibiting (intestinal) effects have been reported, although no results of controlled clinical studies have as yet been published. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Chocolate Vine (Mu-Tong) Akebia quinata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The dried stems and fruits of the Akebia £? quinata are frequently used in medicine. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is racemose, hanging, 5 to 9 cm long, with 1 to 3 female flowers. The pedicle is 3 to 5 cm long. There are 3 to 4 violet to pink-violet sepals up to 1.5 cm long and 5 to 7 apocarpic, blue-violet carpels. There are 4 to 15 male flowers with 3 violet to lilac sepals and 6 to 7 violet to black stamens. The fruit is an elongate pome, 6 to 9 cm long, dark violet when ripe with white spots and a coriaceous cupule. The seeds are numerous, red-brown to Unproven Uses: Preparations of the plant have been used for acute urinary tract infections and ascites. Chinese Medicine: Mu Tong is used for laryngitis and dry coughs, urinary stones, disturbances of bladder function, galacturia, convulsions, anemia and hematuria. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The ingestion of larger dosages of the drug may lead to gastroenteritis, intestinal colic and diarrhea, due to the saponin content. The drug is not to be administered during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Liquid preparations for internal use. Daily Dosage: 3 to 9 gm in the form of a decoction. 1 9 0 / C H O C O L A T E VINE (MU-TONG) LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen). Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Yang DJ. The study of the constituents of Clematis and Akebia spp. II. On the saponins isolated from the stem of Akebia quinata Decne. (1) (authors transl) Yakugaku Zasshi, 9:194-8, 1974 Feb. Yang DJ. Tinnitus treated with combined traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chin, 9:270-1, 259-60. 1989 May. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Cimicifuga racemosa See Black Cohosh Cinchona pubescens See Quinine Cinnamomum aromaticum See Chondrodendron tomentosum See Cinnamon Cinnamomum camphora See Camphor Tree Pareira Chondrus crispus See Chinese Cinnamomum verum See Cinnamon Carrageen Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium See Pyrethrum Cinnamon Cinnamomum verum TRADE NAMES Cinnamon bark liquid extract is available from several manufacturers. DESCRIPTION Chrysanthemum leucanthemum See Ox-Eye Daisy Cichorium intybus See Chicory Cicuta virosa See European Water Hemlock Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the cinnamon oil extracted from the bark, the cinnamon bark of younger branches and the cinnamon leaf oil. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are whitish-green, inconspicuous and have an unpleasant smell. They are about 0.5 cm long; arranged in loose, axillary or terminal panicles; and covered in silky hairs. The fruit is berry-like, ovoid-oblong, short-thomed and half-enclosed by the attached epicalyx. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a heavily foliated evergreen tree 6.5 to 12 m tall with a pale brown bark in thin quills, several rolled inside one another. The branches are cylindrical with a gray-brown bark. The tough leaves, which are opposite and splayed horizontally to leaning, are initially red then turn green. They are about 12 cm by 5 cm, roundish-ovate or ovate-lanceolate to oblong, more or less acuminate and entire-margined. The leaves smell like cloves. HERBAL Habitat: Cinnamon is indigenous to Sri Lanka and southwest India. Production: Cinnamon consists of the dried tree bark, "separated from the cork and outer rind, of young shoots ••K growing on the branches of Cinnamomum verum. The tree is widely cultivated, and the harvested bark is dried in the shade. Not to be Confused With: Confusion can arise with other powdered cinnamon varieties. Other Names: Ceylon Cinnamon ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chief components - cinnamaldehyde, weiterhin eugenol, cinnamylacetate, cinnamyl alcohol, o-methoxycinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid Diterpenes: cinnzeylanol, cinnzeylanin DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug for infusions; essential oil, as well as other galenic preparations for internal use. Bath additives, drops and compound preparations for external use. How Supplied: Extract — l:l Preparation: To prepare a tea, pour hot water over 0.5 to 1 g cinnamon bark and strain after 10 minutes. A tincture is made from a maceration of 20 parts cinnamon bark + 100 parts 70% ethanol V/V (OAB90). Daily Dosage: 2 to 4 g drug; 0.05 to 0.2 g essential oil. One cup of tea/infusion is taken 2 to3 times daily at mealtimes. Liquid extract is taken 3 times in 1.5 to 1 ml doses. Two to 4 ml of tincture are taken 3 times daily. The standard single dose is 0.5 to 1 g of the drug. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins Storage: Protect from light and moisture in non-synmetic containers. Mucilages LITERATURE 4f» EFFECTS The cinnmaldehyde in the cinnamon bark's essential oil is antibacterial, fungistatic and promotes motility. It has a mildly positive estrogen effect on the genital system of animals in tests, although the constituent responsible is unidentified. Cinnamon increases gastric secretions slightly and is an insecticide due to the diterpenes cinnzeylanin and cinnceylanol. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Loss of appetite • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: In addition, folk medicine internal uses include infantile diarrhea, chills, influenza and worm infestation. Cinnamon is used externally for. cleaning wounds. Indian Medicine: Uses in Indian medicine include toothache, nausea and vomiting, and halitosis. ^ CINNAMON/191 M O N O G R A P HS CONTRAINDICATIONS * Use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug possesses a medium potential for sensitization because of the cinnamaldehyde content. Buchalter L, (1971) J Pharm Sci 60: 144. Isogai A et al., (1977) Agric Biol Chem 41: 1779. Kato Y, (1975) Koryo 113: 17, et 24. Kaul R, Pflanzliche Procyanidine. Vorkommen, Klassifikation und pharmakologische Wirkungen. In: PUZ 25(4): 175-185. 1996. Schneider E, Cinnamomum verum - Der Zimt. In: ZPT 9(6): 193. 1988. Schroder, Buch. In: Schroder R: Kaffee, Tee und Kardamom, Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart. 1991. Further information in: Hansel R. Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.): Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Pregnancy: The drug is not to be administered to pregnant Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. | Stuttgart 1997. women. 1 9 2 /CINQUEFOIL PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Gallo tannins (3.5%), including agrimonine, pedunculagin, levigatines B and F proanthocyanidins Ginquefoil Potentilla erecta Tannins (17 to 22%) DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the rhizome freed from the roots, the fresh underground parts collected in the spring, the dried rhizome and the rhizome gathered in the spring. Flower and Fruit: The small, yellow, long-pedicled flowers grow opposite the leaves or at branching points on the stem. The 4 sepals have a 4-bract epicalyx. There are 4 free petals. which are obcordate and somewhat darker at the base. There are usually 16 stamens and numerous ovaries with threadlike styles. The receptacle is domed. The fruit is nut-like. hard, 1 seeded, ovate, grooved and occasionally smooth. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is about 30 cm high and a rhizomatus herbacious perennial. The rhizome is 1 to 3 cm thick, irregular, gnarled to cylindrical, woody, dark-brown outside and blood red inside. The stem is erect or decumbent. never rooting, branching. The trifoliate rosette-like basal leaves wilt early and are gone before flowering. The cauline leaves are sessile, trifoliate and appear to be in fives because of 2 stipules Characteristics: The plant is odorless and has an astringent taste. Habitat: The plant is found as far north as Northern Scandinavia and as far south as Northwest Africa, Italy. Central Spain and the Balkans. Production: Cinquefoil rhizome consists of the dried rhizome, freed from the roots, of Potentilla erecta (syn: Potentilla tormentilla N.) and its preparations. After harvesting the rhizome is air-dried. Not to be Confused With: May be confused with Radix bistortae and the rhizomes of Geum species. Other Names: Cinquefoil, Septfoil, Thormantle, Biscuits, Bloodroot, Earthbank, Ewe Daisy, Flesh and Blood, Shepherd's Knapperty, Shepherd's Knot, English Sarsaparilla ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Catechins: including (-)-gallocatechin gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, dimerics and trimerics of the catechin derivatives Catechin tannins (15 to 20%), transformed under storage conditions into non-water soluble tanner's reds (phlobaphenes) Flavonoids: including kaempferol Triterpenes: including tormentoside, ursolic acid, e-epi-pomolic acid EFFECTS The drug is astringent, antimicrobial and molluscidal because of the tannin complex (gallic tannins and ellagic tannins). In animal experiments an antihypertensive, antiallergic, immune-stimulating, antiviral and interferon-inducing effect has been demonstrated. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Diarrhea • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Tormentil is used internally to treat non-specific acute diarrhea. The drug is used externally for gingivitis, stomatitis and pressure caused by prosthetic devices. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used internally for acute and subacute gastroenteritis and diarrhea and externally for poorly healing wounds, frostbite, burns and hemorrhoids. PRECAUTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. There are reports in the literature of gastric complaints or vomiting following intake of the drug or its extracts. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Tormentil is available in solid, liquid and compounded preparations for internal and external use. Preparation: To prepare a tea, 2 to 3 gm finely cut or coarsely powdered drug is added to cold water, and rapidly brought to a boil, steep for some time and then strain. A cold water decoction may be used to avoid loss of tannin strength that occurs during the boiling process (1 teaspoon is equivalent to approximately 4 gm drug). To prepare a tincture, 1 part cut rhizome is percolated with 5 parts 70% ethanol (V/V) (DAB 10) Daily Dosage: 4 to 6 gm drug Tincture (1:10): 10 to 20 drops to one glass of water as a rinse several times a day Tea: 1 cup to be taken 3 to 4 times a day (acts as an antij diarrheal agent.) CLEAVERS/193 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Wine decoction: For diarrhea soak 2 to 4 gm powdered drug with red wine) Storage: The herb should be protected from light. Citrus limon See Lemon LITERATURE 'W* Bilia AR, Ctalano S, Fontana C, Morelli I, Palme E, A new saponin from Potentilla tormentilla. In: PM 58(7)23. 1992. Geiger C et al., EUagitannins from Alchemilla xanthochlora and Potentilla erecta. In: PM 60(4):384. 1994. Citrus sinensis See Sweet Orange Glasl H, DAZ 123:1979. 1983. Lund K, Rimpler H, (1985) Dtsch Apoth Ztg 125(3): 105. Lund K, Rimpler H, (1985) Tormenullwurzel. Dtsch Apoth Z 125:105-107. Lund K, Tormentillwurzelstock. Phytochemische Untersuchungen des Rhizoms von Potentilla erecta (L.) RAUSCHEL. In: Dissertation Universitiit Freiburg. 1986. Scholz E, Rimpler H, Osterr Apoth Ztg 48:138. 1994. Vennat B et al., J Pharm Belg 47:485. 1992. Cladonia pyxidata See Cupmoss Claviceps purpurea See Ergot Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers ^ Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schulz R, Hansel R. Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Citrullus colocynthis See Bitter Apple t— .—.— Citrus aurantifolia Cleavers Galium aparine DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the aerial parts collected during the flowering season and dried, as well as the fresh, flowering herb and the fresh or dried whole plant. Flower and Fruit: There are a few small white or greenish flowers in axillary, peduncled cymes. The corolla is about • 1.5 to 1.7 mm long and has a pointed tip. The pedicles do not turn back before the fruit ripens. The 4 to 7 mm long mericarps are covered in barbed bristles. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 60 to 150 cm high. The stem is decumbent or climbing, sharply quadrangular even to the point of being winged and branched. There are long cauline leaves. The margins and midrib of the leaves are thorny. The foliage leaves are arranged in false whorls of 6 or 8. They are lanceolate from a wedge-shaped base, 30 to 60 mm long and 3 to 8 mm wide, obtuse and thorny tipped. Habitat: A common wild plant throughout Europe, in Asia from Siberia to the Himalayas, and in North and South America. See Lime Production: Cleavers is the flowering herb of the aerial part of Galium aparine, which is garnered and then dried. Citrus aurantium Other Names: Clivers, Goosegrass, Barweed, Hedgeheriff, Hayriffe, Eriffe, Grip Grass, Hayruff, Catchweed, Scratweed, Mutton Chops, Robin-Run-in-the-Grass, Love-Man, Goosebill, Everlasting Friendship, Bedstraw, Coachweed, See Bitter Orange 194/CLEAVERS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Cleaverwort, Goose Grass, Gosling Weed, Hedge-Burs, Stick-a-Back, Sweethearts ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY monoterpenes: asperuloside Benzyl isoquinoline alkaloids: including protopine Beta-carbolin Clematis recta DESCRIPTION COMPOUNDS Iridoide Clematis alkaloids: harmine Quinazoline alkaloids: l -hydroxydesoxypeganin, 8-hydroxy2,3-dehydrodesoxypeganin Flavonoids EFFECTS No information is available. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh, flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in many blossomed terminal cymes. The individual blossoms are white and similar to Clematis vitalba, except that the bracts are only downy on the edges. The nutlet is glabrous, with a thickened edge and a long tail. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows to about 50 to 125 cm high. The stem is non-climbing, erect, leafy and glabrous. The leaves are pinnatifid. The leaflets are smaller than those of Clematis vitalba. INDICATIONS AND USAGE The drug is used internally as well as externally for ulcers, festering glands, lumps in the breast and skin rashes. It is also used for lithuresis and calculosis and as a diuretic for dropsy, bladder catarrh and retention of urine (ischuria). Efficacy has not been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Characteristics: The plant is poisonous. Habitat: The plant grows in Europe. Production: Clematis herb is the whole fresh flowering plant of Clematis recta. The herb is gathered when the plant is in full flower. It is turned regularly while being dried in the shade. Other Names: Upright Virgin's Bower ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Used topically in alcoholic extracts. Internally as a tea and juice. Daily Dosage: As a tea, add 4 teaspoonfuls (3.3 to 4.4 gm) of the drug to 2 glasses of hot water. Drink in sips during the course of the day. LITERATURE Berkowitz, WF et al., (1982) J Org Chem 47:824. COMPOUNDS Protoanemonine-forming agents in the freshly harvested plant: presumably, the glycoside ranunculin changes enzymatically when the plant is cut into small pieces (and probably also when it is dried) into the pungent, volatile protoanemonine that quickly dimerises to anemonine. Once dried, the plant may not be capable of protoanemonine formation. Saponins Bhan MK et al., (1976) Ind J Chem 14:475. Buckova et al., (1970) Acta Fac Pharm Univ Comeniana 19:7. Burnett AR, Thomsom RH, (1968) J Clin Soc (6):854. Corrigan D et al., (1978) Phytochemistry 17:1131. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Inouye H et al., (1974) Planta Med 25:285. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. EFFECTS The fresh plant induces blistering on the skin and mucous membranes and is a fungicide. Sun plants are more effective than shade plants. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Clematis was formerly used as a remedy for venereal diseases (syphilis), chronic skin conditions, gout, rheumatism and bone disorders, as well as a diuretic. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used for rheumatic pains, headaches and varicose veins. In folk medicine, it is used for blisters and as a poultice for festering wounds and ulcers. Homeopathic Uses: Clematis is used in homeopathic dilutions for ulcers and poor wound healing. CLOVE/195 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages of the dehydrated drug. Extended skin contact with the freshly harvested, bruised plant can lead to blister V formation and cauterizations that heal poorly, due to the released protoanemonine, which is severely irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. If taken internally, severe irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, combined with colic and diarrhea, as well as irritation of the urinary drainage passages, are possible. Symptomatic treatment for external contact consists of mucilaginosa, after irrigation with diluted potassium permanganate solution. In case of internal contact, administration of activated charcoal should follow gastric lavage. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Clematis recta See Clematis OVERDOSAGE Death by asphyxiation following the intake of large quantities of protoanemonine-forming plants has been observed in animal experiments. The risk associated with use of this plant is less than that of many other Ranunculaceae (e.g., Anemones nemorosae) due to the relatively low levels of protoanemonine-forming agents. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is seldom used today. It is available in the form of decoctions, which are used for poultices, as well as extracts and drops. Homeopathic Dosage: Clematis is used in homeopathic dilutions D3 and D4. Storage: The herb should be stored in tightly sealed containers. LITERATURE Bonora A et al., PH 26:2277. 1987. Kizu H, Shimana H, Tomimori T, Studies on the constituents of Clematis species. VI. The constituents of Clematis stans Sieb. et Zucc. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo), 43:2187-94, 1995 Dec. Ruijgrok HWL, PM 11:338-347. 1963. Shropshire CM, Stauber E, Arai M, Evaluation of selected plants for acute toxicosis in budgerigars. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 0 200:936-9, 1992 Apr 1. Southwell IA et al., Protoanemonin in australian Clematis. In: PH 33:1099. 1993. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Clematis vitalba See Traveller's Joy Clove Syzygium aromaticum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the oil extracted from the whole or macerated flower buds, the pedicles and leaves, the dried flower buds and the not quite ripe fruit. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in triply-triple-branched cymes. They are short-pedicled, whitish-pink, approximately 6 mm wide and have 2 scale-like bracteoles. The calyx tube is 1 to 1.5 cm long and cylindrical. The 4 sepals are fleshy and there are 4 petals. The fruit is 2 to 2.5 cm long, 1.3 to 1.5 cm wide and is crowned by 4 curved sepals. The fruit is 1seeded. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 20 m high, pyramid- shaped evergreen tree. The diameter of the trunk is 40 cm. The branches are almost round. The leaves are 9 to 12 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. They are coriaceous, elliptical to lanceolate, short, obtusely tipped and narrowing in a cuneate form to the petiole, which is 2.5 cm long. There is 1 main rib and more than 20 lateral ones. Characteristics: The taste and odor are characteristic. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Molucca Islands and is cultivated there and in Tanzania, Madagascar, Brazil and other tropical regions. 196/CLOVE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Production: Cloves consist of the hand-picked and dried flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum (syn. Jambosa caryophyllus, Eugenia caryophyllata). Deiniger R, Gewiirznelken (Syzygium aromaticum) und Nelkenol - aktuelle Phytopharmaka. In: ZPT 12(6):205. 1992. Kato Y, (1975) Koryo 113:17 and 24. Narayanan CS, Matthew AG (1985) Ind Perf 29(1/2): 15. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (15-21%): chief components eugenol (70-90%), eugenyl acetate (aceteugenol, up to 17%), beta-caryophyllene (5-12%) Flavonoids: including astragalin, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, quercetin-3,4'-di-0-glycoside Tannins (10%): ellagitannins, including eugenin Triterpenes: oleanolic acid (1%), crataegolic acid (maslic acid, 0.15%) Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol EFFECTS Clove is antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, spasmolytic and a local anaesthetic. Tanaka T, Orii Y, Nonaka GI, Nishioka I, Kouno I, Syziginins A and B, two ellegitannins from Syzygium aromaticum. In: PH 43(6)1345-1348. 1996. Willuhn G, Pflanzliche Dermatika. Eine kritische Ubersicht.. In: DAZ 132(37): 1873. 1992. Further information in: Hansel R. Keller K. Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL. Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, iNew York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl.. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. • Dental analgesic • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Unproven Uses: Clove oil is used internally for stomach ulcers and externally for colds and headaches. It is also used externally as a local analgesic and dental antiseptic. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Indian Medicine: The drug is used for halitosis, toothache, eye disease, flatulence, colic, gastropathy, and anorexia. Club Moss PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Lycopodium No health hazards or side effects are known in with the proper administration of designated dosages. Allergic reactions to eugenol occur concentrated form, oil of clove may be irritating conjunction therapeutic rarely. In to mucosa. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a powdered, ground, or whole herb for the recovery of the essential oil, and other galenic preparations for topical use. Daily Dosage: Aqueous solutions corresponding to 1 to 5% essential oil are used externally for mouthwashes. In dentistry, the undiluted essential oil is used. Storage: Do not store the drug in plastic containers, and protect it from light. LITERATURE Cai L, Wu ChD, Compounds from Syzygium aromaticum possesing growth inihibitory activity against oral pathogens. In: JNP 59(10):987-990. 1996. Debelmas AM, Rochat J, (1967) Plant Med Phytother 1:23. clavatum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the spores and the fresh plant. Flower and Fruit: Sulfur yellow, minute spores, carried in large numbers in 2 to 3 cylindrical yellow-green cones, develop in August at the ends of leafy, 15 cm high stalks extending from aerial branches. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant has a 1 m long, procumbent stem with only a few roots. It is covered with yellowish-green leaves, densely arranged in spirals, which are entire-margined, linear, smooth and end in a long, white, upwardly bent hair tip. There are numerous erect, circular, 5 cm high branches on the mainstem. Habitat: The plant is found worldwide, but it originated in China and Eastern Europe. Production: Club Moss is the aerial part Lycopodium clavatum. It is collected in the uncultivated regions and airdried or dried artificially at a maximum of 40° C. COCA/197 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Other Names: Stags Horn, Witch Meal, Wolfs Claw, Vegetable Sulfur ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS ^£ Alkaloids (0.2%): including among others those of the lycopodine- and lycodan-types (derived from piperidine alkaloids), chief alkaloids lycopodine and dihydrolycopodine, in traces also nicotine. Triterpenes: including alpha-onocerin, lycoclavatol, lycoclavanol, serratendiol (demonstrated in plants of Japanese origin) Steroids: including stigmasterol beta-sitosterol, campesterol LITERATURE Blumenkopf TA, Heathcock CH, The Alkaloids, Vol. 5, Ed. SW Pelletier, John Wiley 1985. Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 1969. Leete E, The Alkaloids, Vol. 1, Ed. SW Pelletier, John Wiley 1983. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. and Flavonoids: including among others chrysoeriol, luteolin Cnicus benedictus EFFECTS See Blessed Thistle Club Moss has a diuretic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE |0 Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, it is used internally for bladder and kidney complaints, also for pharyngeal catarrh and tonsillitis, menstruation complaints, rheumatism and impotence; externally for wounds, itching and suppurating eczema of the skin. Homeopathic Uses: Herb and spores are used in liver and gallbladder complaints, general blood poisoning, inflammation of the respiratory tract, disorders of the intestinal tract, varicose veins, metabolic diseases, chronic and acute skin conditions, inflammation of the female genital organs and menstruation complaints, as well as behavioral and mood disturbances. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Irritations should be expected with extended used of the drug. OVERDOSAGE Despite the toxicity of the alkaloids, no poisonings have been, recorded. g, DOSAGE *• Mode of Administration: In folk medicine, chopped drug is used in teas. Coca Erythroxylum coca DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves of the coca bush. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small and greenish white. They are in axillary clusters. The fruit is a red almost 1 cm long drupe with 1 seed. Leaves, Stem and Root: Erythroxylum coca is a small shrublike tree up to 5 m tall. The leaves are brownish-green, oval, thin but tough, up to 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide with two lines on the surface parallel to the midrib. The margins are entire, the apex rounded. There are 2 faint projecting lines on the upper surface parallel to the midrib which stiffen the leaf. There are small stipules in the leaf axils, which later become brown and hard. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Andes region of South America; it is cultivated in Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka. Production: Coca leaves are the dried leaves of Erythroxylum coca. Other Names: Bolivian Coca, Cocaine, Cuca, Peruvian Coca Daily Dosage: Single dose: 1.5 gm drug. Tea: 1 cup to be taken 2 to 3 times daily. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally; 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1) Tropane alkaloids: main alkaloid (-)-cocaine, including, among others, cis-cinnamoyl cocaine, trans-cinnamoyl cocaine, also including alpha-truxillin, beta-truxillin, benzoylecgonin COMPOUNDS 198/COCA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES EFFECTS Tuerner CE, Ma C, Elsohly MA, ETH 3:293. 1981. The leaves act as a local anesthetic and stimulate the central nervous system. In high doses, the drug causes paralysis of motor neuron fibers. Wiggins RC, Pharmacokinetics of Cocaine in pregnancy and effects on fetal maturation. In: Clinical Pharmacokinetics 22(2):85. 1992. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Further information in: Unproven Uses: The plant is used in the manufacture of the local anesthetic cocaine hydrochloride. It is a model for synthetic local anesthetics. Cocaine is still occasionally used in ophthalmology. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Chewing an excessively large quantity of the leaves can cause psychic disturbances and hallucinations. Chronic use can lead to poor nutritional states and disinterest in work, due to the suppression of feelings of hunger and the resulting reduction in food intake. The enhanced vulnerability to illness and the reduced life expectancy are also conditioned by the immunosuppressive effect of the drug. Beyond that, the drug is probably carcinogenic in effect. embryotoxic and sensitizing. The observed dependence on the drug (cocoaism) is mainly psychically conditioned. although withdrawal symptoms are also known (need for sleep, bulimia, anxiety, irritability, tremor). For the toxicology of cocaine, consult publications (Lewin, Teuscher). Pregnancy: Cocaine passes into the embryo or fetus and is embryotoxic. Nursing Mothers: Cocaine passes into the mother's milk. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Cochlearia officinalis See Scurvy Grass DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Use of Erythroxylum obsolete except for use in 2% eyedrops. coca is LITERATURE Cochlospermum gossypium Aynilian G et al., (1974) J Pharm Sci 63:1938. See Cotton Tree Brustschmerzen und Atherosklerose durch Cocain. In: DAZ 130(49):2723. 1990. Chen GJ, Pillai R, Erickson JR, Martinez F, Estrada ALO, Watso RR, Cocaine immunotoxicity - abnormal cytokine production in hispanic drug users. In: Toxicol Lett 59(1-3):81. 1991. Evans WC, ETH 3:265. 1981. Grieb G, Mipbildungen: Schadigt Cocain menschliche Spermien? In: DAZ 132(12):578. 1992. Homstedt B et al., (1977) Phytochemistry 16:1753. Moore JM et al., 1-Hydroxytropacocaine: an abundant alkaloid of Erythroxylum novogranatense var. novogranatense and var. truxillense. In: PH 36(2):357. 1994. Novak M, Salemink C, (1987) Planta Med 53(1): 113. Novak M, Salemink CA, Khan I, ETH 10:261. 1984. Sukrasno N, Yeoman MM, Phenylpropanoid metabolism during growth and development of Capsicum frutescens fruits. In: PH 32:839. 1993. Cocillana Tree Guraea rusbyi DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the bark. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are radial, and their structures are in fives. They are white to yellowish and inconspicuous. The ovary is superior. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows as a tree, rising up to 5 m high. The leaves are large and pinnatifid. Habitat: Guraea rusbyi is indigenous to Cuba, Brazil and Bolivia. Production: Cocillana bark is the bark of the trunk of Guarea rusbyi, which is collected in the wild. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS COCOA COMPOUNDS Cocoa Volatile oil Theobroma cacao Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol DESCRIPTION ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Tannin Alkaloids EFFECTS The drug is said to be expectorate, emetic and laxative in effect. In higher dosages, it is said to be menstruationinducing. The emetic effect is credited to the alkaloid fraction, which has not been more precisely defined. Experimental data have not been made available. The bark of the tree induces vomiting and can frequently bring on a feeling of weakness and nausea. But it can also provide a stimulatory expectorant and has been used successfully in the treatment of bronchitis and respiratory illnesses. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Uses in folk medicine have included treatment of chronic bronchitis and coughs and also as an emetic. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug is said to induce vomiting and diarrhea in high dosages. CONTRAINDICATION Because it is said to induce menstruation, it should not be administered to anyone who is pregnant. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole, cut and powdered drug preparations for internal use. Preparation: Tinctures are prepared using drug 1:10 60% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83). Liquid extracts contain drug 1: 60% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83). Daily Dosage: Decoction — from 0.5 to 1 g drug, 3 times daily Liquid extract — 0.5 to 1 ml, 3 times daily Tincture — 5 to 10 ml, 3 times daily Syrup — 2 to 4 ml, 3 times daily Dose for children — 1/4 to 1/3 of the above doses. LITERATURE Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G, Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. 199 Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seed skins that remain after making cocoa and cocoa butter: the seeds which have been partly freed from their skins and lightly roasted: and the raw, dried, unroasted seeds. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are on the main trunk and thicker branches on a so-called "flower cup."" The cyme-like branchlets are short, noded and persistent. There are 5 sepals, which are narrow. The petals are cap-shaped and stemmed with flag-like laminas. The stamen tube, wiih 5 fertile stamens and 5 awl-shaped staminoids. is short. Trie fruit is a 15 to 25 cm long and 10 cm thick, large berry. It is oblong or obovate, thick-skinned, yellow or reddish, grooved and sometimes bumpy and cucumber-like. The 20 to 50 seeds are arranged in rows and embedded in a pink, fruity. sweetish-sour pulp. They are pressed flat, almond-shaped. reddish-brown and without endosperm. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 4 to 6 m. occasionally up to 13 m, tall tree with an irregular knotty trunk and a broad crown. The young branches are rounded. The leaves are coriaceous or paper-like, alternate and in 2 rows on the branches. The petiole is downy, cushioned, and 1.5 to 2 cm long. The lamina is oval or elliptical, slightly asymmetrical. rounded at the base with a conspicuous tip. The upper surface is green and pale when dry. The lower surface is paler green, glabrous or has a few, tiny, simple, branched and scattered hairs. Habitat: The plant is cultivated globally in tropical regions. Production: Cocoa seeds consist of the seeds of Theobroma cacao, which have been removed from their shells, fermented and lightly roasted. Cocoa consists of the testae of Theobroma cacao. Cocoa butter is the hard fat obtained from the ripe cocoa seeds of Theobroma cacao. After removal of the germ-roots and the shell from the seeds, the seeds are removed from the shell and crushed. The cocoa fat is squeezed out at a temperature of 70° C to 80° C and allowed to cool. Other Names: Cacao, Chocolate Tree ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: COCOA SEED Purine alkaloids (3 to 4%): main alkaloid theobromine (2.8 to 3.5%), with a lesser amount of caffeine (0.1 to 0.4^) Fat (50%): chief fatty acids oleic acid (33 to 39C7c). stearic acid (30 to 37%), palmitic acid (24 to 31^) Proteic substances (10 to 16%) 2 0 0 /COCOA PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Starch (5 to 9%) COCOA SEED COAT Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides glucose, fructose (2 to 4%): saccharose, Biogenic amines: including phenyl ethyl amine, tyramine, tryptamine, serotonin Isoquinoline alkaloids: salsolinol Catechin tannins (10%): including oligomeric proanthocyanidins (8%) Oxalates (0.6 to 1%) E F F E C T S : C O C O A SEED Cocoa seeds can cause constipation because of the tannin content. The drug contains methylxanthines, mainly theobromin, which have a diuretic, broncholytic, and vasodilatory effect. They also stimulate cardiac muscle performance and act as a muscle relaxant. C O M P O U N D S : C O C O A SEED COAT Purine alkaloids: main alkaloid theobromine (0.4-1.2%) with less caffeine (0.02%) Preparations of cocoa seed coat are used for liver, bladder, and kidney ailments, diabetes, as a tonic and general remedy and as an astringent for diarrhea. C O C O A BUTTER Cocoa Butter is used by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as an inactive ingredient in dermatologic preparations. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS COCOA SEED General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with either the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages or the consumption of normal amounts of chocolate products. Large dosages lead to constipation due to the tannin content. Cocoa and cocoa products can cause allergic reactions. The amines can trigger migraine attacks. Pediatric Use: Large quantities of chocolate products can lead to overexcitability, racing pulse and sleep disorders in children because of the caffeine content, which can be as high as 0.2% in milk chocolate and 0.4% in bitter chocolate. Fat (5%) COCOA SEED COAT Biogenic amine: including phenyl ethyl amine, tyramine, tryptamine, serotonin Catechin tannins: among them, proanthocyanidins E F F E C T S : C O C O A SEED C O A T Cocoa can cause constipation. Cocoa contains methylxanthines, which have a diuretic, bronchyolitic, and vasodilatory effect. They also improve cardiac muscle performance and act as a muscle relaxant. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Cocoa and cocoa products can cause allergic reactions. Large dosages lead to constipation due to the tannin content. The amines can trigger migraine attacks. C O C O A BUTTER No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. C O M P O U N D S : C O C O A BUTTER Triglycerides (melting temperature 31 to 35°C): chief fatty acids oleic acid (33 to 39%), stearic acid (30 to 37%), palmitic acid (24 to 31%) Free fatty acids Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol Purine alkaloids (0.001 to 0.1%) DOSAGE COCOA BUTTER Mode of Administration: Cocoa Butter is used as a pharmaceutical base for suppositories and vaginal globules. It is an additive for ointments and cosmetic preparations, such as skin creams and lip balms. Storage: Store in a cool, dark place. LITERATURE EFFECTS: COCOA BUTTER The main constituents are triglycerides. High doses of cocoa butter, in contrast to similar saturated fatty acids, do not cause an increase of serum cholesterol and the LDL fraction. INDICATIONS AND USAGE COCOA SEED Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Cocoa seeds are used for Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug infectious intestinal disease, diarrhea and as a secretolytic. It Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. is also used to regulate the thyroid and as a mild stimulant (in compound drinks containing caffeine.) | Naturw R, 49:481. 1996. HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S COCONUT PALM /201 Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schroder B, In: Schroder R. Kaffee, Tee und Kardamom, Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart. 1991. manual or mechanical opening of the kernel and then followed by the extraction of the endosperm (known as copra). It is dried in the sun, over a fire or in special drying houses. The pressed oil is refined and cleaned. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Teuscher E, Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Coconut Palm Cocos nucifera DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the fruit. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged in up to 1.5 m long, spindle-shaped, branching axillary inflorescences, which are surrounded by a woody spathe. On each of the 20 to 40 lateral branches of the inflorescence there is only one, 3 to 3.5 cm large, yellowish-green-white female flower. There are 200 to 300 male flowers at the apex of the single ff branches with their structures arranged in threes. The flowers are up to 1.5 cm wide and yellowish; the ovary is 3-carpeled and fused. The drupe is up to 30 cm long and weighs 1.5 to 2.5 kg. The exocarp is smooth and impervious to water. The mesocarp is fibrous (certain floating ability, coconut fiber) and the endocarp woody and hard. The stone kernel is incorrectly called a nut. The inconspicuous embryo is embedded in the fat rich endosperm (copra). Inside the unripe fruit there is approximately 500 ml of clear, sweettasting liquid (coconut milk), which reduces when the fruit ripens. At the side stem insert there are 3 shoot holes, only one of which is covered with a membrane. These allow the embryo to penetrate the surrounding fiber layer. Leaves, Stem and Root: Coconut Palm is diclinous and monoecious. The tree grows up to 30 to 35 m high. The frond is up to 5 m long, 1 to 1.7 m wide (up to 15 kg in weight) and clasps the trunk with a wide petiole. The bark is thick and the surface is shaggy with remains of the leaf bases of fallen leaves. The trunk is divided into nodes and internodes. Adventitious roots arise from the base of the HIT trunk. COMPOUNDS Fatty oil: chief fatty acids lauric acid (45 to 50%), myristic acid (13 to 20%), palmitic acid (7 to 10%), caprylic acid (5 to 10%), including as well stearic acid, linoleic acid, caproic acid. Free fatty acids (3 to 5%) Delta-lactones of 5-hydroxy-fatty acids: particularly deltaoctalactone (as aroma compounds) EFFECTS Coconut oil is characterized by having a large quantity of short-chained fatty acids and a rather small amount of unsaturated fatty acids. It is chiefly used as a dietetic. An immunomodulating effect was observed in animal experiments, as was an inhibiting effect upon the growth of carcinoma cells of the colon in vitro. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The oil of Coconut Palm has been used for poorly healing wounds and skin infections (Africa). Internally it is used for colds and inflammation of the throat (with salt; Central America) and for tooth decay (southeast Asia). Indian Medicine: Coconut Palm oil is used for dysuria, coughs, bronchitis and to stop hair from turning gray. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the use of the drug as a food or as a pharmaceutical vehicle or raw substance (including its use in the extraction of short- and medium-chained fatty acids and in the manufacture of soaps and solubilizing agents). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Preparations are intended for internal and external use. Storage: Protect from light in tightly sealed containers at a maximum temperature of 25° C. LITERATURE Characteristics: One palm tree produces up to 70 ripe fruit per year. Habitat: The native country of this species is disputed, but is believed to be the Pacific regions. Production: Coconut oil is the fat extracted from the dried solid part of the endosperm of Cocos nucifera through cold pressing. Completely ripe fruit is harvested, followed by Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G, Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. Eghafona NO, Immune responses following cocktails of inactivated measles vaccine and Arachis hypogaea L. (groundnut) or Cocos nucifera L. (coconut) oils adjuvant. Vaccine, 84:1703-6, 19% Dec. 202 /COCONUT PALM Jaggi KS, Arora N, Niphadkar PV, Gangal SV, Immunochemical characterization of cocos nucifera pollen. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 84:378-85, 1989 Sep. Karmakar PR, Chatterjee BP, Cocos nucifera pollen inducing allergy: sensitivity test and immunological study. Indian J Exp Biol, 84:489-96, 1995 Jul. Nalini N, Sabitha K, Chitra S, Viswanathan P, Menon VP, Antifungal activity of the alcoholic extract of coconut shell Cocos nucifera Linn. J Ethnopharmacol, 84:291-3, 1980 Sep. Nalini N, Sabitha K. Chitra S, Viswanathan P, Menon VP, Histopathological and lipid changes in experimental colon cancer: effect of coconut kernel (Cocos nucifera Linn.) and (Capsicum annum Linn.) red chilli powder. Indian J Exp Biol, 84:964-71, 1997 Sep. Cocos nucifera See Coconut Palm Coffea arabica See Coffee Coffee Coffea arabica PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ashy-white. The leaves are 6 to 20 cm long, 2.5 to 6 cm wide and live for 2 to 3 years. They are glabrous, slightly coriaceous, dark green, glossy and elliptoid-lanceolate, with a distinct leaf tip. The border is occasionally extensively ribbed. Habitat: Coffee's area of origin is disputed, but it is now cultivated in many tropical regions of the world, including Brazil, Mexico, Columbia and Ethiopia. Production: Coffee charcoal is produced by roasting the outer seed parts of the green, dried fruit of Coffea arabica (and other Coffea species) until almost black, then grinding the carbonized product. Coffee beans are the seeds of Coffea arabica, which are ripe for harvest nine months after flowering. Thereafter, they are processed using one of two methods. In the dry method, the beans are dried for 3 to 4 weeks in the sun, or mechanically with air-stream dryers. In the wet method, the beans are placed in a water-filled tank, where only the ripe ones sink to the bottom. The ripe fruit is then mechanically crushed and subsequently fermented. Fermentation lasts for approximately 48 hours (for arabica varieties). Afterward, the coffee is dried mechanically or in the sun. Not to be Confused With: Coffee beans are not easily confused with other drugs. However, ground and roasted coffee may contain coffee substitutes such as chicory, dandelion root, figs, sugar beet root, lupin seeds, rye kernels and barleycorn. Other Names: Arabica Coffee, Arabian Coffee, Caffea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the seed in various forms and stages. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are axillary dense clusters with 10 to 20 flowers. The sessile or very short pedicled partial inflorescences bear dense, overlapping apical leaves. The calyx is 2.5 to 3 mm long with a blunt 5-tipped border. The corolla is white and fragrant. The stamens come from the mouth of the tube and are exserted. The ripe fruit is ellipsoid, 12 to 18 mm long by 12 to 15 mm wide with a 3 to 6 mm long stem. It is initially green, later yellow and dark red when ripe. The exocarp is tough and the mesocarp fleshy and slightly sweet. The endocarp is hard. The seeds are flatconvex with a groove on the flat adaxial side. They are 8 to 12 mm long, 5 to 8 mm wide and 3 to 5 mm thick. When fresh, the seeds are gray-green. They turn brown after roasting. Leaves, Stem and Root: Coffea arabica is an evergreen shrub or small tree up to 8 m high with many basal branches. The young branches are glabrous and flattened, and the nodes produce many shoots. The bark of the fruiting branches is ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: COFFEE CHARCOAL Purine alkaloids: main alkaloid caffeine Trigonelline Carbonization products of hemicelluloses EFFECTS: COFFEE CHARCOAL Coffee charcoal contains purine alkaloids, with caffeine as the man constituent, and is absorbent and astringent. COMPOUNDS: COFFEE BEANS (SEEDS) Purine alkaloids: main alkaloid caffeine (0.6 - 2.2%), with it theobromine, theophylline Caffeic and ferulic acid ester of quinic acid: in particular chlorogenic acid Trigonelline Norditerpene glycoside ester: atractylosides Diterpenes: including the diterpene alcohol fatty acid esters kahweol and cafestol HERBAL MONOGRAPHS In roasted coffee beans: numerous aromatic substances yielded from carbohydrates, proteins, fats and aromatic acids through pyrolysis EFFECTS: COFFEE BEAN'S ^ Most of the indicated effects of coffee are due to the presence of caffeine. The primary effects of caffeine can be summarized as follows: Caffeine has a positive inotropic effect. In higher concentrations, it has a positive chronotropic effect on the heart and CNS. It causes a relaxation of the smooth muscles of blood vessels (except for cerebral blood vessels) and the bronchial tubes. Moreover, caffeine works as a short-lived diuretic and produces an increase of gastric secretions and the release of catecholamines. Caffeine works competitively to block adenosinal receptors that lie on cell surfaces in the brain, fat tissue, liver, kidneys, heart and erythrocytes. Heart, circulation, vessels: People who normally do not drink coffee react 1 hour after an intake of 250 gm, with an increase of 10 mm Hg in their systolic blood pressure. Habitual coffee drinkers are tolerant in this regard. Blood: After 9 weeks of an average daily intake of 5.6 cups W* of coffee (steeped for 10 min.), the overall and LDL cholesterol increases significantly. The use of coffee filters can reduce this by up to 80%. Digestive tract: Oral intake of 200 mg of chlorogene acid doubles gastric secretion, as does caffeine alone. Miscellaneous: In animal studies, a diet consisting of 20% green coffee impedes the growth of DMBA-induced tumors in hamsters by 90%. Outcome of the stimulating effects of caffeine commence a few minutes subsequent to taking the drug. The maximum plasma concentration of caffeine is reached between 15 and 45 minutes later. The plasma half-life amounts to 4 to 6 hours. Coffee extracts made from roasted and unroasted seeds are used analogously with other drugs containing caffeine for physical and mental fatigue. The drink can also be used therapeutically in cases of hypotonia, as an analeptic agent, in the treatment of influenza (flu) and migraine and as an £t additive to analgesia. INDICATIONS AND USAGE COFFEE CHARCOAL Approved by Commission E: • Diarrhea • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Unproven Uses: Coffee is used for nonspecific, acute diarrhea, and local therapy of mild inflammation of the oral COFFEE / 2 0 3 and pharyngeal mucosa. In folk medicine coffee is also used for festering wounds. COFFEE BEANS (SEEDS) Unproven Uses: Coffee is used to treat hypotonia and as a constituent of analgesics. In folk medicine coffee is also used to increase performance capability as well as for anemia, hepatitis and edema. Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include insomnia and neuralgias. Indian Medicine: Unripe seeds are used in Indian medicine for migraine and fever; ripe seeds for diarrhea; and strong coffee to treat opium and alcohol intoxication. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS COFFEE CHARCOAL General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Drug Interactions: The drug can hinder the resorption of other medicines. COFFEE BEANS General: Health risks following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Quantities corresponding to as much as 500 mg caffeine daily (5 cups of coffee) spread out over the day are toxicologically harmless for healthy adults accustomed to drinking coffee. Caution is advised for persons with sensitive cardiovascular systems, kidney diseases, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, higher disposition to convulsions and certain psychic disorders (for example, panic anxiety states). Side effects of coffee intake, mainly caused by its chlorogenic acid content, can include hyperacidity, stomach irritation, diarrhea and reduced appetite. Non-specific symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, palpitations, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and headache appear with the long-term intake of dosages exceeding 1.5 g caffeine per day. Caffeine can lead to psychic as well as physical dependency (caffeinism). Symptoms of withdrawal can include headache and sleeping disorders. Pregnancy: Pregnant womerr should avoid caffeine, under no circumstances exceeding a dosage of 300 mg per day (3 cups of coffee spread out over the day). Nursing Mothers: Infants nursing from mothers who take drinks containing caffeine may suffer from sleeping disorders. OVERDOSAGE Dosages exceeding 1.5 g caffeine per day can lead to stiffness, arrhythmic spasms of different muscle groups, opisthotonus and arrhythmic tachycardia. Fatal poisonings 204/COFFEE PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S with the drug are not conceivable: The lethal dosage (LD50) for an adult is approximately 150 to 200 mg caffeine per kg body weight (for which 50 kg body weight = 7.5 g = 75 cups of coffee), although there are cases of survival also with 106 g caffeine. The death of a child following the intake of 5.3 gof caffeine has been reported. The first signs of poisonings are vomiting and abdominal spasms. The therapy for caffeine poisoning should begin with the inducement of vomiting or gastric lavage. Afterward, activated charcoal and sorbitol should be given to retard resorption. Spasms are to be treated with diazepam. DOSAGE COFFEE CHARCOAL Mode of Administration: Powdered coffee charcoal and its preparations intended for internal consumption or local application. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose for internal use is 9 g of ground drug. The average single dose is 3 g of powder. Storage: Coffee charcoal should be stored in well-sealed containers. C O F F E E BEANS Mode of Administration: The ground beans are different types of infusion, i.e. cooked coffee (filter, etc.). Caffeine is used in various combinations and tions for numerous therapeutic uses. Commercial ceutical preparations include tablets, coated compresses and diverse compound preparations. used in espresso preparapharmatablets, Preparation: The dried seeds are roasted until they procure a deep brown color and a characteristic aroma. This process is usually carried out in the country of consumption. During roasting, the beans float for 1.5 to 3 minutes in hot gas at 220°C to 270°C. Daily Dosage: 15 g drug Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) and 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1) Storage: The beans should be stored in sealed containers away from light and moisture. LITERATURE COFFEE CHARCOAL Kuhn A, Schafer G, (Kaffeekohle). In: Dtsch Med Wochenschr 23:922-923. 1939. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. COFFEE BEANS Anonym, Wieviel Coffein ist in welchem Produkt? In: PTA 5(1):40. 1991. Battig K, Kaffee in wissenschaftlicher Sicht. In: ZPT 9(3):95. 1988. Bornkessel B, Sind Kaffeetrinker starker gefahrdet? In: DAZ 131(5):189. 1991. Butz S, Nurses'-Health-Studie: Kaffe - kein Risikofaktor fur koronare Herzkrankheit? In: DAZ 136(19): 1680-1582. 1996. Coffein: Entzugssyndrom bei Kaffeetrinkern. In: DAZ 133(6):441. 1993. Dieudonne S, Forero ME, Llano I, Lipid analysis of Coffea arabica Linn, beans and their possible hypercholesterolemic effects. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 159:135-9, 1997 Mar. Ferre, Buch. In: Ferre F. Kaffee-Eine Kulturgeschichte. 1992. Garattini, Buch. In: Caffeine, Coffee, and Health. Garattini S. Monographs of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan. Raven Press, New York. 1993. Martin E, Cholesterolspiegel erhohender Faktor in Kaffeelipiden. In: DAZ 130(42):2376. 1990. Mensink RP, Lebbink WJ, Lobbezoo IE, Weusten-Van der Wouw MP, Zock PL, Katan MB, Diterpene composition of oils from Arabica and Robusta coffee beans and their effects on serum lipids in man. J Intern Med, 237:543-50, 1995 Jun. Phillips R, Smith D, Characterization of coffea canephora alphaD-galactosidase blood group B activity. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol, 103:489-502, 1996 Sep. Ponepal V, Spielberger U, Riedel-Caspari G, Schmidt FW, Use of a Coffea arabica tosta extract for the prevention and therapy of polyfactorial infectious diseases in newborn calves. DTW Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 103:390-4, 1996 Oct. Ratnayake WM, Pelletier G, Hollywood R, Malcolm S, Stavric B, Investigation of the effect of coffee lipids on serum cholesterol in hamsters. Food Chem Toxicol, 33:195-201, 1995 Mar. Schroder, Buch. In: Schroder R: Kaffee, Tee und Kardamom, Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart. 1991. Schroder-Rosenstock K, KaffeegenufJ - ein medizinisches Problem. In: DAZ 130(35):1919. 1990. Silnermann K et al., (Entzugssymptome nach regelmaf3igem Kaffeegenup).Jn: New Engl J Med 327:1109. 1992. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. 4/2 Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Cola COLA / 2 0 5 Catechin tannins Oligomeric proanthocyanidins Starch EFFECTS Cola's purine (caffeine) content makes it a strong CNS stimulant. In humans it acts as a respiratory analeptic, lipolytic, mildly positively chronotropic and mild diuretic. In addition, it stimulates gastric acid and increases motility of the gastrointestinal tract. In animal tests. Cola is also analeptic, lipolytic, stimulates production of gastric acid and increases gastric motility. Cola acuminata INDICATIONS AND USAGE DESCRIPTION Approved by Commission E: Medicinal Parts: The seeds are the medicinal parts of the plant. • Lack of stamina Flower and Fruit: The male flowers with a diameter of 1.5 cm or the androgynous flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm are axillary or on branches in cymes of few flowers. The 5 part chalice-shaped perigone is white to yellow and marked with red on the inside. The star-shaped fruits have 5 coriaceous, W thick, dark brown, unkeeled follicles arranged at right angles to the stem. The fruits grow up to 20 cm long and 5 cm wide. There are up to 14 ovate or square seeds of about 2.5 cm diameter in 2 rows with a white fleshy seed shell. The seed kernel is usually reddish or red, occasionally white. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen tree 15 to 20 m tall. The trunk is branched down as far as the base. The bark is dark green, rough and breaks off in pieces as it ages. Branches have leaves only at their ends. The tough coriaceous leaves are 15 to 18 era long and 10 cm wide, elliptoid to ovate, and end in a curled and spiraled tip. Both sides are dark green and glossy. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Togo, Sierra Leone and Angola. It is found today in all tropical regions and cultivated widely. Production: The ripe fruit is harvested and the seeds are removed and dried. Cola nut is the endosperm freed from the testa of various Cola species, particularly Cola nitida. ft; Not to be Confused With: Other varieties of Cola, such as Male kola which contains no caffeine. Other Names: Kola Tree, Guru Nut, Cola Nut, Cola Seeds, Bissy Nut ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Purine alkaloids: main alkaloid caffeine (0.6 - 3.7%), additionally theobromine, theophylline (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin Unproven Uses: Cola is used internally to decrease mental and physical fatigue. In folk medicine it is chewed to treat diarrhea, suppress hunger, thirst, morning sickness and migraine. It is also used to promote digestion. It is ground and made into poultices for wounds and inflammations. Cola is also an indigenous cult drug. CONTRAINDICATIONS Use of Cola is contraindicated during pregnancy. The drug should not be administered in the presence of stomach or duodenal ulcers, due to the drug's stimulation of gastric juice secretion. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages have not been recorded. Side effects that may occur include difficulty falling asleep, hyperexcitability, nervous states of restlessness and stomach complaints. Signs of poisoning following the intake of Cola drinks (20 to 60 mg caffeine per glass) or medications or stimulants containing Cola extracts are not expected. Small children should avoid the intake of large quantities of Cola drinks. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Powdered drug and other galenic preparations for internal use. How Supplied: Capsules, tablets, tonics. Preparation: Dry extract: from the percolation 1:1 with 45% ethanol; fluid extract: percolation with 70% ethanol (V/V); Cola tincture: 1:5 with 70% ethanol; Cola wine: 50 parts fluid Cola extract with 850 parts Xeres wine and 100 parts sugar syrup. Daily Dosage: 2 to 6 g of Cola nut drug, usually taken 1 to 3 g, 3 times daily; 0.25 to 0.75 g of Cola extract: 2.5 to 7.5 g of Cola liquid extract; 10 to 30 g of Cola tincture; 60 to 180 g of Cola wine. 206/COLA Storage: Cola should be protected from light in sealed containers. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES leaves appear together with the fruit in spring. They are 8 to 25 cm long, 2 to 4 cm wide and overlap at the base to form a tube. Characteristics: All parts of the plant are very poisonous and have a disgustingly bitter and scratchy taste. Not to be Confused With: The tubers are sometimes confused with cooking onions. Habitat: Colchicum autumnale is primarily a central European plant found in northern Ireland, England, northern Germany, southern Poland, the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey, Albania and northern Spain. It also grows in central Asia. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Production: Colchicum seeds are the dried seeds of Colchicum autumnale harvested in the wild in June or July and airdried. Colchicum bulbs are the cut and dried tubers of the plant harvested in early summer. After the surrounding leaves have been removed, the tubers are cut into slices and dried at temperatures of 60°C or lower. Colchicum flowers are collected from the wild in late summer and autumn and then air-dried. Steinegger E, Hansel R: Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Other Names: Meadow Saffron, Meadow Saffran, Autumn Crocus, Naked Ladies, Upstart Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Morton, JF, An Atlas of Medicinal Plants of Middle America, Charles C. Thomas USA 1981. Oliver-Bever B (Ed.), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa, Cambridge University Press Cambridge, London 1986. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. C O M P O U N D S : C O L C H I C U M BULB Tropolone alkaloids: colchicine, colchicoside and N-deacetyl-N-formyl-colchicine; companion alkaloids include demecolcine Starch Cola acuminata C O M P O U N D S : COLCHICUM SEEDS See Cola Trupolone alkaloids: colchicine and colchicoside Fatty oil Colchicum Colchicum autumnale DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The fresh flowers and the dried ripe seeds, collected in early summer and then sliced, as well as the tubers (fresh and dried) are the medicinal parts of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The 5 to 20 cm flowers usually bloom in autumn. They are a bright lilac-pink, and solitary or in pairs from the corm. The 6 bracts of the involucre are fused into a long, narrow tube. The flower has 6 stamens and 3 threadlike styles. The ovaries are on the side of the corm. The 3valved capsule is initially green, later becoming brown and wrinkled, and contains black seeds with sticky appendages. Leaves, Stem and Root: Colchicum can grow to 40 cm in height. The 3 to 4 broadly lanceolate leaves are tulip-like; C O M P O U N D S : C O L C H I C U M FLOWERS Tropolone alkaloids: colchicine and N-deacetyl-N-formylcolchicine, additional alkaloids including demecolcine E F F E C T S : C O L C H I C U M B U L B S , SEEDS AND F L O W E R S Colchicum inhibits mitosis through the inhibition of motility, particularly of the phagocytosing lymphocytes. This is of .-therapeutic use for blocking the immigration and the autolysis of phagocytes in inflammatory processes and thereby producing an antiphlogistic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE C O L C H I C U M BULBS, S E E D S AND FLOWERS Approved by Commission E: • Gout • Mediterranean fever Unproven Uses: Due to the plant's toxicity, internal application is seldom used with the exception of acute attacks of COLCHICUM A U T U M N A L E / 207 HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S gout and familial Mediterranean fever. Efficacy for these uses appears plausible. The drug was previously used for skin tumors, condyloma, psoriasis, necrotic vasculitis, tendovaginitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, morbus ^ Behect, liver cirrhosis, acute and chronic leukemia; also for lice, asthma, dropsy and rheumatism. Homeopathic Uses: In addition to acute and chronic gout, Colchici is also used for inflammation of the kidney and gastrointestinal tract, bodily secretions, tendovaginitis and acute joint rheumatism. Efficacy has not been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: The drugs are severely poisonous. Signs of poisoning, including stomachaches, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and, less frequently, stomach and intestinal hemorrhages, can occur even with the administration of therapeutic dosages. Kidney and liver damage, hair loss, peripheral nerve inflammation, myopathia and bone marrow damage with their resulting symptoms (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, megaloblastic anemia, and, more rarely, aplastic anemia) have been observed following long-term administration. 4 Pregnancy: Colchicum is not to be used during pregnancy because of possible teratogenic damage. This also has been noted following intake of the drug by the father before conception. OVERDOSAGE Three to 6 hours following intake of acutely toxic dosages, burning of the mouth, difficulty swallowing and thirst appear. After 12 to 14 hours, the following appear: nausea, severe stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea, bladder spasms, hematuria, falling blood pressure and spasms, and later, progressive paralysis. Death follows through exhaustion, asphyxiation or circulatory collapse. The fatal dosage for an adult is 5 g of the seeds, 1 to 1.5 g for a child. The fatal dosage of an intake of colchicine lies between 7 mg and 200 mg. ^ The treatment for poisonings, following gastric lavage and the administration of a saline purgative (such as sodium sulfate), proceeds symptomatically (diazepam for convulsion, atropine for intestinal spasm) and includes possible intubation and oxygen respiration. DOSAGE COLCHICUM BULBS, SEEDS AND FLOWERS Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug, freshly pressed juice and other galenic preparations taken orally. How Supplied: Ampules, tablets. Daily Dosage: For an acute attack of gout, an initial oral dose corresponding to 1 mg colchicine, followed by 0.5 to 1.5 mg every 1 to 2 hours until pain subsides. Total daily dosage must not exceed 8 mg of colchicine. For prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, the dosage should correspond to 0.5 to 1.5 mg of colchicine. Storage: All forms of the drug should be stored in containers that protect them from light and dampness. In addition, the seeds should be stored over lime. LITERATURE Fell KR. Ramsden D, (1967) Lloydia 30:123. Gasisc O, Potesilova H, Santavy F, PM 30:75-81. 1976. Grobner W, Wlater-Sack I, Gicht und ihre medikamentose Therapie. In: DAZ 131(35):1789. 1991. Heide L, Traditionelle Arzneipflanzen in der Gesundsheitsversorgung der Dritten Welt. Moglichkeiten und Grenzen. In: DAZ 133(23):2067. 1993. Potesilova H, Coll Czech Chem Comm 32:141-157. 1967. Santavy F, Reichstein T, Helv Chim Acta 33:1606-1627. 1950. Santavy F, Talas M, Coll Czech Chem Comm 19:141-152. 1954. Santavy F et al., PM 43:153-160. 1981. Santavy F et al.. Coll Czech Chem Comm 48:2989-2993. 1983. Santavy F, (1957) Pharm Zentralhalle 96:307. Ulrichova J et al.. Biochemical evaluation of colchicine and related analogs. In: PM 59(29): 144. 1993. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Colchicum autumnale See Colchicum 208/COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS Collinsonia canadensis See Stone Root Colombo Jateorhiza palmata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the roots cut in slices when fresh and then dried. Flower and Fruit: The plant is dioecious. The male inflorescences are 40 cm long and have green sepals, which are 2.7 to 3.2 mm long and 1.2 to 1.6 mm wide. The stamens are free and are fused at the base with the involuted margins of the petals. The female inflorescence is 8 to 10 cm long and has a 1 to 1.5 mm rust-red. pubescent ovary. The fruit is a 2 to 2.5 cm long and 1.5 to 2 cm wide globose drupe containing a moon-shaped stone. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a woody, branched liane, which can climb to tree height. The liane is initially downy, then bristly to villous. The leaves are opposite and have an 18 to 25 cm long petiole. The leaf blades are 15 to 35 cm long and 18 to 40 cm wide. They are bristly haired on both surfaces, broadly rounded, deeply cordate at the base and usually have 5 broad-ovate lobes. The root has a diameter of 3 to 8 cm. It is greenish-black. The root has a floury consistency, an indented center and a thick bark. The transverse section is yellowish, with vascular bundles in radiating lines. Characteristics: The taste is mucilaginous and very bitter, the odor is slight. Habitat: Indigenous to Mozambique, east Africa and Madagascar. It is cultivated elsewhere. Production: Colombo root is the root of Jateorhiza palmata, which has been sliced horizontally and dried. The tuber roots, stemming from the rhizome, are dug up in March, washed and thinly sliced, and then dried quickly in the shade to avoid ^decomposition. Other Names: Calumba ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Isoquinoline alkaloids: main alkaloid palmatine, additionally jatrorrhizines (jateorhizine), columbamine, and bisjatrorrhizines Diterpene bitter principles: including palmarin, chasmanthin and their glucosides (palmatoside A and B), columbin, jateorin and their glucosides (palmatoside D and E) PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S EFFECTS The drug is no longer used as a bitter (amarum). The alkaloids have a narcotic effect. They act similarly to morphine, increasing resting muscle tone in the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract. Colombo alkaloids are said to act as a CNS paralyzing agent in frogs, and palmatin has the same effect on mammals. No further information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine it is used for digestive disorders accompanied by diarrhea, dyspeptic disorders, chronic diarrhea in patients with lung disease, subacidic gastritis and chronic entercolitis. The drug is used in some European countries as an antidiarrheal agent because of its morphine-like side effects. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Higher dosages of the drug may trigger vomiting and pains in the epigastrium. OVERDOSAGE According to older sources, very high dosages can also lead to signs of paralysis and unconsciousness (Lewin). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Due to its morphine-type action, its use as an antidiarrheal agent is limited. Otherwise, the chopped root is used (no preparations known). Preparation: Colombo liquid extract is prepared with diluted ethanol, according to the German pharmacopoeia. Colombo wine is prepared using 100 parts coarsely powdered drug and 1000 parts xeres wine. The extract is pressed out after 8 days and filtered. Daily Dosage: The dose of the decoction is 1 dessertspoonful every 2 hours. The liquid extract standard single dose is 20 drops. Tincture of Colombo standard single dose is 2.5 gm. Colombo wine standard single dose is 5 gm. Storage: Colombo must be kept dry at all times. LITERATURE Chan, EH et al. (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Overton KH, Wier NG, Wylie'A, J Chem Soc 1482-1490. 1966. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. COLTS FOOT 209 ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: COLT'S FOOT FLOWER Mucilages (7%): acidic polysaccharides Tannins Triterpenes: including beta-amyrin, arnidiol. faradiol Colt's Foot Steroids: including beta-sitosterol Tussilago Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (traces, not in plants from all places of origin): tussilagine, isotussilagine, senkirkine. senecionine farfara DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried inflorescences, the dried leaves and the fresh leaves. Flower and Fruit: The yellow compound flowers are in small, solitary capitula at the end of the scapes. The lateral florets are lingual, narrow and female. The disc florets are tubular-campanulate, 5-petalled and male. The involucral bracts are almost as long, linear-lanceolate and have a scarious margin. The fruit is 3 to 11 mm long, cylindrical, brown, glabrous and stemmed. The pappus is in a number of rows and consists of long, glossy white hairs, which are much lonser than the fruit. * Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial, 10 to 30 cm high. It has a broadly branched, underground shoot and root system with a thin round, scaly base. There is also an up to 1.8 m long, far-reaching, creeping shoot. The flower stern is a scaly, round, tomentose scape covered with lanceolate, reddish scales, which is 30 cm long when the fruit ripens. The leaves, which appear after flowering, are basal, coriaceous, cordate-round, angular, irregularly dentate, long-petioled and tomentose beneath. The leaves can reach a diameter of up to 30 cm. Characteristics: The taste and texture is slimy-sweet and the leaves have a honey-like smell when they are rubbed. Habitat: The plant grows wild in most of Europe, central, western and northern Asia. It has spread to the mountains of northern Africa and has been introduced into North America. Production: Colt's Foot flower consists of the fresh or dried flowers of Tussilago farfara. Colt's Foot herb consists of the fresh or dried, above-ground parts of Tussilago farfara. * Colt's Foot root consists of the fresh or dried, below-ground parts of Tussilago farfara. Not to be Confused With: The leaves of various Petasites species, but petasine and flavonoids can be identified using thin layer chromatography. Other Names: British Tobacco, Bullsfoot, Butterbur, Coughwort, Rower Velure, Foal's-Foot, Horse-Foot, Horsehoof, Hallfoot, Ass's Foot, Foalswort, Fieldhove, Donnhove Flavonoids C O M P O U N D S : C O L T ' S FOOT HERB Mucilages (8%): acidic polysaccharides Tannins (5%) Triterpenes: including alpha-amyrin, beta-amyrin Steroids: including beta-sitosterol, campesterol Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (not in plants from all places of origin): senkirkine (0.01%), senecionine. tussilagine, isotussilagine Flavonoids COMPOUNDS: C O L T S FOOT ROOT The roots have not been fully investigated. Only the presence of triterpenes and sterols has been established. EFFECTS: COLT'S FOOT FLOWER, HERB, AND ROOT The mucin contained in the drug has a sequestering effect and envelopes the mucous membrane with a layer that protects the throat from chemical and physical irritation and thereby reduces cough irritation. The pyrrolizidine alkaloids are antibacterial, carcinogenic, and hepatotoxic. COMPOUNDS: COLT'S FOOT LEAF Mucilages (8%): acidic polysaccharides Tannins (5%) Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (traces, not from all sources): tussilagine, isotussilagine, senkirkine 0.01%), senecionin Steroids: including beta-sitosterol, campesterol Triterpenes: including alpha- and beta-amyrin Flavonoids EFFECTS: COLT'S FOOT LEAF The pyrrolizidine alkaloids are antibacterial, carcinogenic, and hepatotoxic. The mucin polysaccharides cause a demulcent, sequestering, and anti-inflammatory effect. In animal experiments there was evidence of a stimulating effect on the ciliated epithelium. 2 1 0 / C O L T ' S FOOT PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES INDICATIONS AND USAGE C O L T ' S F O O T F L O W E R . H E R B , AND ROOT Unproven Uses: When added to Colt's Foot leaf, the flower, herb, and root are used to treat rheumatism. Daily Dosage: The total daily dose is 4.5 to 6 gm of drug. The maximum daily dosage must not be more than 1 meg of total pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1.2 unsaturated necine structure. Approved by Commission E: The tea is given several times a day. The dosage for the extract is 2 ml 3 times daily; for the tincture, it is 8 ml 3 times daily. • Cough • Bronchitis • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Storage: Protect the drug from light and store it tightly sealed. C O L T ' S FOOT L E A F ' Unproven Uses: Colt's Foot leaf is used for inflammation of the oraFand pharyngeal mucosa. In addition, cigarettes made of the leaves are used to help cure smoking addiction. LITERATURE C O L T ' S FOOT F L O W E R , H E R B , AND R O O T Delaveau P et al., (1980) Planta Med 40:49. Didry N et al., (1982) Ann Pharm Franc 40(1 ):75. CONTRAINDICATIONS Engalycheva EI et al., (1982) Farmatsiya 31(2):37. C O L T ' S FOOT F L O W E R . H E R B , ROOT. AND LEAF Administration during pregnancy and while nursing contraindicated. is PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS COLT'S FOOT FLOWER, HERB, AND ROOT Franz G, PM 17:217. 1969. Hiller K, Pharmazeutische Bewertung ausgewahlter Teedrogen. In: DAZ 135(16): 1425-1440. 1995. Hirono I et al., (1976) Gann 67(1): 125. Because of the possible hepatotoxic and carcinogenic pyrrolizidine alkaloid content, the administration of the blossoms should be avoided. Ihrig M, Pyrrolizidinalkaloidhaltige Drogen im Handverkauf? In: PZ 137(40):3128. 1992. C O L T ' S FOOT L E A F Kraus C et al., (1985) Planta Med 51(2):89. Colt's Foot leaves may no longer be brought into circulation in Austria. In Germany, dosages cannot exceed an intake of 10 meg pyrrolizidine alkaloids with l .2-unsaturated necic parent substances in the form of tea mixtures, and an intake of l meg in the form of extracts. Hirono I et al., (1979) J Natl Cane Inst 63(2):469. Miething H, Steinbach RA, Ermittlung der Freisetzungsraten des Pyrrolizidinalkaloids Senkirkin in Huflattich-Teegetranken. In: PZW 135(4): 153. 1990. PapVeiter CM, Co-occurence of 2-pyrrolidineacetic acid with four isomeric tussilaginic acids in Arnica species and Tussilago farfara. In: PM 58(7)94. 1992. Because even traces of the alkaloids present some danger, one should forgo any administration of the drug. Roder E et al., (1981) Plant Med 43:99. DOSAGE Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. COLT'S FOOT FLOWER, HERB, A N D ROOT Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally through the use of tea and standardized remedies. Preparation: To prepare a tea, add l .5 to 2.5 gm cut drug to boiling water, then strain after 5 to 10 minutes. Storage: Protect the drug from light and store it tightly sealed. COLT'S FOOT LEAF Mode of Administration: Whole, cut, and powdered drug used in teas, infusions, extracts, and tinctures. Preparation: To make an infusion, pour hot water over 1.5 to 2.5 gm of drug and allow to draw for 10 minutes. Other preparations are made as follows: liquid extract: 1:1 with 20% ethanol; extract: 1.1 with 25% ethanol; tincture: 1:5 with 4 5 % ethanol. Wagner H, In: Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, Vol. 1, Academic Press, UK 1985. Wunderer H, Zentral und peripher wirksame Antitussiva: eine kritische Ubersicht. In: PZ 142(11):847-852. 1997. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. COLUMBINE/211 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Teuscher E, Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. 4t mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Columbine COLT'S FOOT LEAF Aquilegia vulgaris Delaveau P et al., (1980) Planta Med 40:49. Didry N et al., (1982) Ann Pharm Franc 40(1 ):75. Engalycheva El et al., (1982) Farmatsiya 3l(2):37. Franz G, PM 17:217. 1969. Hiller K. Pharmazeutische Bewertung ausgewahlter Teedrogen. In: DAZ 135(16): 1425-1440. 1995. Hirono I et al., (1976) Gann 67(1): 125. Hirono I et al., (1979) J Natl Cane Inst 63(2):469. Ihrig M, Pyrrolizidinalkaloidhaltige Drogen im Handverkauf? In: PZ 137(40):3128. 1992. Kraus C et al., (1985) Planta Med 51(2):89. Miething H, Steinbach RA. Ermittlung der Freisetzungsraten des %" Pyrrolizidinalkaloids Senkirkin in Huflattich-Teegetriinken. In: PZW 135(4): 153. 1990. PapVeiter CM, Co-occurence of 2-pyrrolidineacetic acid with four isomeric tussilaginic acids in Arnica species and Tussilago farfara. In: PM 58(7)94. 1992. Roder E et al., (1981) Plant Med 43:99. Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. Wagner H, In: Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, Vol. 1, Academic Press, UK 1985. Wunderer H, Zentral und peripher wirksame Antitussiva: eine kritische Ubersicht. In: PZ 142(11):847-852. 1997. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fiir Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. jfe Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the stems and leaves, the aerial parts gathered and dried in flowering season, and the seeds and preparations of the whole plant also gathered in flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The long-stemmed flowers are terminal, hanging, and either dark blue, dark violet, pink or white. The 5 sepals spread like petals. They are broadly ovate, and end in a blunt, green tip. The 5 petals are hood-shaped with long, inwardly hooked spurs. There are numerous stamens and usually 5 ovaries. The follicle is oblong, erect and glandulardowny. The seeds are glossy black, oval, 2.2 to 2.5 cm long by 1.5 cm wide. They are thick, blunt-tipped and anatropous. The raphe forms a distinct line on the side of the plant. Leaves, Stem and Root: The 30- to 60-cm high plant has a many-headed, light brown and branched rhizome. The stems are erect and usually branched. They are glabrous or softhaired. The basal leaves are long-petioled and trifoliate. The leaflets are wedge-shaped to ovoid, blunt, irregularly crenate to serrate, and bluntly lobed. The underside of the leaves are usually light green and pubescent. The cauline leaves are smaller than the basal leaves and simpler. The highest leaves are usually made up of a few elongate-ovate, entire-margined lobes. Habitat: Columbine is indigenous to central and southern Europe and is also found in the eastern U.S. and Asia. Production: Columbine herb is the complete aerial part of Aquilegia vulgaris harvested while in flower and dried. Other Names: Culverwort, Capon's Feather, Culver Key ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cyanogenic glycosides: trigloquinine, dhurrin (presumably only traces) EFFECTS It is not known which constituents are responsible for the herb's effects. The cyanogenic glycoside trigloquinine could possibly be of toxicological interest but is probably only present in traces. 212/COLUMBINE PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S INDICATIONS AND USAGE DESCRIPTION Unproven Uses: Columbine is used internally for scurvy and jaundice; the herb is also used to treat states of agitation due to its supposedly tranquilizing effect. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh root and the leaves. Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used to treat menopausal vomiting and dysmenorrhea in young women. It is also used to treat the sensation of a lump in the throat (globus hystericus) and nervous shaking. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE Poisonings from the leaves because of the cyanogenic glycoside content have not been observed. The amount of hydrocyanic acid that is released from the leaves is apparently too small to cause toxicity. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Columbine is available in tablets and capsules for internal use. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, l tablet or 5 to 10 globules l to 3 times a day or l ml injection solution sc twice a week (HABl). Flower and Fruit: The flowers are dull purple or violet. They are arranged in crowded, apical, 2-fayed hanging cymes. The calyx is fused and has 5 tips. The corolla is also fused and is cylindrical-campanulate with a pentangular tube and 5tipped border. The tips are revolute and there are 5 awlshaped scales in the mouth of the tube. The scales close together in a clavate form and have a glandular tipped margin. There are 5 stamens and 1 style. The ovary is 4valved. The fruit consists of 4 smooth, glossy nutlets. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 30 to 120 cm in height. The root is fusiform, branched, black on the outside and white on the inside. The stem is erect and stiffhaired. The leaves are wrinkly and roughly pubescent; the lower ones and the basal ones are ovate-lanceolate and pulled together in the petiole; the upper ones are lanceolate and broad. Characteristics: The root is slimy and horn-like when dried. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe and temperate Asia and is naturalized in the U.S. Fat LTS, Proc Kon Nederl Akad Wetensch Ser C82:l97. 1979. Production: Comfrey herb consists of the fresh or dried above-ground parts of Symphytum officinale. Comfrey leaf consists of the fresh or dried leaf of Symphytum officinale. Comfrey root consists of the fresh or dried root section of Symphytum officinale. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen). Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Other Names: Ass Ear, Black Root, Blackwort, Boneset, Bruisewort, Consound, Gum Plant, Healing Herb, Knitback, Knitbone, Salsify, Slippery Root, Wallwort, Consolida, Boneset Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY LITERATURE Bonora A et al., PH 26:2277. 1987. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. COMPOUNDS Allantoin Mucilages (Fructans) Triterpene saponins: including symphytoxide A Combretum micranthum Tannins See Opium Antidote Silicic acid: to some extent water-soluble Comfrey Symphytum officinale TRADE NAMES Comfrey (available from numerous manufacturers) Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (0.03% in the leaves): including echinatine, lycopsamine, 7-acetyl lycoposamine, echimidine, lasiocarpine, symphytine, intermedine, symveridine. EFFECTS Anti-inflammatory Effect—Comfrey suppresses leukocyte infiltration during the inflammation process (Shipochliev, 1981). HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Demultant Effect—The mucilages act as demultants for a soothing and irritation reduction effect. Hypotensive Effect—Symphytoxide A, a triterpene saponin, exhibited hypotensive activity in anesthetized rats (Ahmad, 4P 1993). Tissue/Nerve Stimulation—Allantoin, a component in Comfrey, stimulates tissue repair and wound healing through cell proliferation (Rieth, 1968). Allantoin has also had significant effect on cellular multiplication in degenerating and regenerating peripheral nerves (Loots, 1979). CLINICAL TRIALS The anti-inflammatory effects of Comfrey were studied in musculoskeletal disorders. Forty-one patients with musculoskeletal rheumatism were treated with either a pyrrolizidine alkaloid-free ointment or placebo for 4 weeks. The patient illnesses consisted of epicondylitis, tendovaginitis, and periarthritis. Efficacy was determined by evaluation of different pain parameters (tenderness on pressure, pain at rest, pain on exercise). There was significant improvement with the ointment compared to placebo at weeks 1, 2. and 4 in patients with epicondylitis. There was improvement with M. tendovaginitis at week 1 and 2, but not at week 4 with the ointment compared to placebo. There was no improvement in the peri-arthritis patients in either of the two treatment groups (Petersen, 1993). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Blunt injuries Externally, Comfrey is used for bruises, sprains and promotion of bone healing. Unproven Uses: The root has been used externally as a mouthwash and gargle for gum disease, pharyngitis, and strep throat. Internally, the root has been used for gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers. In Folk medicine, the root of the plant has been used for rheumatism, pleuritis, and as an antidiarrheal agent. CONTRAINDICATIONS Jfr Comfrey is contraindicated in pregnancy and in nursing mothers. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Hepatotoxicity: Internal administration of the drug, due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, has resulted in hepatocyte membrane injury with hemorrhagic necrosis and loss of microvilli (Yeong, 1993). Hepatic veno-occlusive disease and severe portal hypertension has been associated with Comfrey ingestion, and in one case report, death resulted by liver failure (Ridker, 1989; Yeong, 1990). COMFREY /213 Carcinogenic/Mutagenic Effects: Mutagenic effects are associated with aqueous extracts of the alkaloid fractions (Furmanowa, 1983). Hepatocelluar adenomas have been reported in animal models receiving diets containing Comfrey roots and leaves (Hirono, 1978). Comfrey also has chromosome-damaging effects in human lymphocytes (Behninger, 1989). Gastrointestinal/Kidney/Pancreas Effects: Comfrey, through the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, has been shown to produce lesions in the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and renal glomeruli in animal models (Winship, 1991). Respiratory Effects: Pulmonary endothelial hyperplasia from the pyrrolizidine alkaloids has been seen in animal models (Miskely, 1992). Use in Pregnancy: The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. Use in Nursing Mothers: Use of the drug while nursing is contraindicated. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The crushed root, extracts, and pressed juice of the fresh plant are used as semi-solid preparations and poultices for external use. The drug is a component of standardized preparations of analgesics, antirheumatic agents, antiphlogistics, antitussives, and expectorants. How Supplied: Cream—1.25 oz„ 2 oz. Preparation: To make an infusion, pour boiling water over 5 to 10 gm comminuted or powdered drug, steep 10 to 15 minutes, then strain (1 teaspoonful = 4 gm drug). For external application, a decoction of 1:10 is used, or the fresh roots are mashed. Daily Dosage: External Use—The daily dosage should not exceed 1 meg of pyrrolizidine alkaloids for external preparations calculated with 5 to 7% drug, maximum 1 ppm/gm for commercial pharmaceutical preparations. The drug should be used for a maximum of 4 weeks. Tea—When using the infusion, take 1 cup 2 to 3 times daily, but not for a long duration (SEE PRECAUTIONS). LITERATURE Ahmad VU; Noorwala M; Mohammad FV et al. Symphytoxide A, a triterpenoid saponin from the roots of Symphytum officinale. Phytochemistry 1993 Mar;32(4): 1003-6. Behninger C; Abel G; Roder E et al. Studies on the effect of an alkaloid extract of Symphytum officinale on human lymphocyte cultures. Planta Med 1989 Dec;55(6):518-22. 214/COMFREY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Bhandari P, Gray AI (1985) J Pharm Pharmacol 37:50P. Taylor A, Taylor NC, (1963) Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 114:772. Branchlij et al., (1982) Experientia 38:1085. Weston CFM et al., (1987) Brit Med J 295:183. Culvenor CJJ et al., (1980) Experientia 36:377. White RD et al., (1983) Toxicol Letters 15:25. Franz G, (1969) Planta Med 17:217. Winship KA: Toxicity of comfrey. Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 1991; 10:47-59. Furmanowa M, Guzewska J, Beldowska B. Mutagenic effects of aqueous extracts of Symphytum officinale L. and of its alkaloid fractions. J Appl Toxicol 1983 Jun;3(3): 127-30. Furuya T, Araki K, (1968) Chem Pharm Bull 16:2512. Garrett BJ; Cheeke PR; Miranda CL et al. Consumption of poisonous plants (Senecio jacobaea, Symphytum officinale, Pteridium aquilinum, Hypericum perforatum) by rats: chronic toxicity, mineral metabolism, and hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes. Toxicol Lett 1982 Feb; 10(2-3): 183-8. Gracza L et al., (1985) Arch Pharm 312(12): 1090. Gray AI et al., (1983) J Pharm Pharmacol 35:13P. Hirono I, Mori H, Haga M. carcinogenic activity of Syphytum officinale. J Natl Cancer Inst 1978 Sep; 61(3):865-9. Ihrig M, Pyrrolizidinalkaloidhaltige Drogen im Handverkauf? In: PZ137(40):3128. 1992. Kozhina IS et al., (1970) Rastit Resur 6:345. Loots JM; Loots GP; Joubert WS. The effect of allantoin on cellular multiplication in degenerating and regenerating nerves. S Afr Med J 1979 Jan 13;55(2):53-6. Mascolo N et al., (1987) Phytother Res 1(1):28. Miskelly FG & Goodyer LI: Hepatic and pulmonary complications of herbal medicines. Postgrad J 1992; 68:935-936. Mohammad FV et al., Bisdesmosidic triterpenoidal saponins from the roots of Symphytum officinale. In: PM 61(1):94. 1995. Miitterlein R, Arnold CG, Untersuchungen zum Pyrrolizidingehalt und Pyrrolizidinalkaloidmuster in Symphytum officinale L. In: PZ-W 138(5/6): 119. 1993. Noorwala M et al., A bisdesmosidic triterpene glycoside from roots of Symphytum officinale. In: PH 36(2):439. 1994. Petersen G et al., Anti-inflammatory activity of a pyrrolizidine alkaloid-free extract of roots of Symphytum officinale. In: PM 59(7)A703. 1993. Rieth H. Stimulation of tissue reparation with allantoin as adjuvant of the antifungal treatment. Mykosen 1968 Jan l;ll(l):93-4. . Ridker PN; McDermont WV. Hepatotoxicity due to comfrey herb tea. Am J Med 1989 Dec;87(6):701. Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. Shipochliev T; Dimitrov A; Aleksandrova E. Anti-inflammatory action of a group of plant extracts. Vet Med Nauki 1981;18(6):87-94. Schoental R et al., (1970) Cancer Res 30:2127. Stamford IF, Tavares IA, (1983) J Pharm Pharmacol 35:816. Yeong ML, Wakefield SJ, Ford HC. Hepatocyte membrane injury and bleb formation following low dose comfrey toxicity in rats. Int J Exp Pathol 1993 Apr;74(2):211-7. Yeong ML, Swinburn B, Kennedy M, Nicholson G. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease associated with comfrey ingestion. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1990 Mar-Apr;5(2):211-4. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.): Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M: Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York, 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Commiphora molmol See Myrrh Common Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulneraria DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the flower. COMMON STONECROP/215 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Flower and Fruit: The many-floreted capitula are in the upper bract axils. The papilonaceous flowers are almost sessile and have an upright corolla up to 20 mm long. The calyx is membranous and up to 17 mm long. It is tubularbottle-shaped and shaggy to felt-haired. The color is yellow '4B to white at the bottom, turning violet toward the top. The petals are whitish-yellow to yellow or occasionally crimson. They have a free standard, slightly shorter wings, and an acute, often red, carina. Ten stamens are fused into a tube. The ovaries are stemmed with a thickened style and rounded stigma. The pod-fruit is enclosed in the dried calyx. It is ovate, reticulate, dark brown, single-seeded, and does not spring open. The seed is ovate, smooth, shiny and checkered yellow-green. Leaves, Stem and Root: Anthyllis vulneraria is a 15 to 30 cm high half-rosette shrub with a sturdy tap-root and a short, entire or often branched rhizome. The stem is upright, unbranched or branched, and tomentose. The leaves are variously pinnate, depending on where they are on the stem. All leaves are entire-margined, glabrous or slightly pubescent above, and thickly tomentose beneath. The stipules are small and generally connected to a clasping sheath. ^ Characteristics: Kidney Vetch has a weak aromatic odor and dry taste. Unproven Uses: Kidney Vetch tea is used in the treatment of ulcers and wounds both internally and externally. The drug is also used in a tea for coughs that also contains ribwort, as an ingredient of blood-purifying teas, and for exposure and vomiting. It is used internally for diseases of the mouth and throat. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Preparations are available for internal uses, often as teas, and external uses including poultices, washes and rinses. Preparation: To prepare tea, use 1 dessertspoonful of the flowers per 250 ml of water. LITERATURE Czeczot H, Tudek B, Kusztelak J, Szymczyk T, Dobrowolska B, Glinkowska G, Malinowski J, Strzelecka H, Isolation and studies of the mutagenic activity in the Ames test of flavonoids naturally occurring in medical herbs. Mutat Res. 240:209-16, 1990 Mar. Sile A, Vanaga A, Nauka-Prakt Farm: 82-85. 1974. Habitat: The plant is found all across Europe to the Caucasus and the Middle East. It is found in the south to the Sahara and Ethiopia. Vetter J, Seregelyes-Csomos A, Magy Allatory Lapja 43(8):479482. 1988. Further information in: Production: Kidney Vetch are the flowers of Anthyllis vulneraria wimout their stems.Woundwort is collected in the wild and then dried quickly in the shade. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl, Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Other Names: Ladies' Fingers, Lamb's Toes, Kidney Vetch, Staunchwort, Woundwort ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Common Stoneerop COMPOUNDS Sedum acre Tannins Saponins Flavonoids . 4f INDICATIONS AND USAGE Isoflavonoids Lectins EFFECTS Antiviral activity was demonstrated with an ethanol extract of the plant. The flavonols quercetin and rhamnetin have a mutagenic effect. The herb's use in the treatment of ulcers and wounds may be due to the tannins (probably of the catechin type). DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh or dried aerial parts collected during the flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are leafy, twining cymes on short pedicles. There are 5 ovate sepals and 5 golden yellow petals that are 7 to 9 mm long, lanceolate and twice as long as the calyx. The fruit is a follicle, which splits after flowering to form a 5-rayed star, which is 3 to 5 mm long and has numerous seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The perennial plant grows 2 to 15 cm high. It has many heavily branched shoots, which often creep underground and form grass. The leaves are thick, fleshy, almost round, acute, appressed and knobby-domed. 2 1 6 / C O M M O N STONECROP They are rounded at the base and have no spur-like appendage. Characteristics: The texture is slimy and the taste hot and pepper-like. Habitat: Common Stonecap is common to all of Europe, western Siberia, the Caucasus region and North America. Production: The flowering parts of Sedum acre are picked while in bloom and then dried, either in the sun or, preferably, with the use of artificial heat. Other Names: Wallpepper. Golden Moss, Wall Ginger, Bird Bread, Prick Madam, Gold Chain, Creeping Tom, Mousetail, Jach-of-the-Buttery ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Piperidine alkaloids (0.39c): chief alkaloids are sedinine, sedinon Flavonoids: including among others, glycosides of isorhamnetin, quercetin, limnocitrin Tannins (10%) Hydroquinone glycosides: Mucilages PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S vomiting and diarrhea. However, cases of poisoning have not been recorded in recent times. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Decoctions or syrups for internal use; poultice of fresh leaves for external use. Preparation: A decoction is prepared using 1 teaspoonful of the drug in 1 cup of water. Prepare a syrup by mixing 100 g of plant juice with 180 g of sugar. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose of the drug as a decoction is 3 g (approximately 2 teaspoonfuls). Average syrup dosage is 1 dessertspoonful every 3 hours. In external application as a poultice, the fresh plants are crushed and placed on the wart or skin area exhibiting eczema. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). LITERATURE Francis LPS, Francis GW, PM 32:268-274. 1977. Halin F et al., Tetrahedron 41:2891. 1985. Arbutin (30%) EFFECTS In animal experiments, the drug displayed both motilityinhibiting and motility-stimulating effects. The alkaloids and tannins may make use of the drug in the treatment of wounds plausible, but no reliable documentation is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used internally for coughs (Spain) and high blood pressure (central Europe), edema and febrile conditions. Externally, it is used for wounds and ulcers resulting from burns, hemorrhoids, warts, eczema, and oral ulcers. Homeopathic Uses: In homeopathy, Common Stonecap is used for hemorrhoidal pain and anal fissures. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug should not be administered in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or of the urinary drainage passages. Hootele C et al., Tetrahedron 41:5563. 1985. Niklon B et al., Acta Pharm Jugosl 40:555. 1980. Van der Wal R et al., PM 43:97. 1981. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teusch'er E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Condurango Marsdenia condurango OVERDOSAGE DESCRIPTION Dosages consisting of over 10 g of the juice or 1 to 3.5 g of the dried foliage of the fresh plant result in queasiness, Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried bark of the branches and trunks. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in umbel-like inflorescence. The calyx and the campanulate to funnel-shaped corolla have 5 sepals and petals. Pollination is only possible by insects. The fruit is a follicle containing the seeds, with a tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a climbing shrub with pubescent shoots. The trunk can have a diameter of 10 cm. The transverse section shows granular, yellowish-white, scattered, fine and silky fibers. The outer surface is brownish-gray, often warty, with patches of lichen. The tough, ovate, 8 to 11 cm long and 5 to 8 cm wide leaves are very pubescent. They are crossed opposite. Characteristics: The taste is bitter and acrid. The odor is faintly aromatic. Habitat: The plant grows on the western slopes of the Andes in Ecuador, Peru and Columbia. Production: Condurango bark consists of the dried bark of branches and trunk of Marsdenia condurango. Not to be Confused With: Asclepias umbellata or Elcomarrhiza amylacea Other Names: Eagle Vine ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Pregnane- and pregn-5-ene glycosides (mixture known as condurangin): including condurango glycosides A, A0, Al, BO, C, CI, DO, E0, E2 Caffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid Flavonoids: including trifoliin, hyperoside, quercitrin, rutin, and saponarin EFFECTS The drug contains bitter condurango glycosides (condurangin). As with other amaroid drugs, a reflexive increase of saliva and gastric juice secretion is to be expected. The drug stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juices. It has an antitumoral effect in animals. INDICATIONS AND USAGE CONDURANGO / 2 1 7 Homeopathic Uses: Condurango is used for cracked skin, constriction of the alimentary canal, and for ulceration of the lips and anus. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug for infusions and other bitter-tasting preparations for internal use. Preparation: An infusion is prepared by adding 1.5 gm comminuted drug to cold water and bringing to a boil; strain when cold. The drug is also added to wine; 50 to 100 gm of the drug per liter. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose of aqueous extract is 0.2 to 0.5 gm; tincture, 2 to 5 gm; liquid extract, 2 to 4 gm; bark, 2 to 4 gm; Infusion and wine: 1 cup or 1 liquor glass 30 minutes before meals. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day. Apply ointment 1 to 2 times a day (acute and chronic) (HAB1). Storage: Condurango should be kept tightly sealed and protected from light. LITERATURE Berger S et al., Arch Pharm 320:924. 1987. Berger S et al., PH 27:1451. 1988. Hayashi K et al., (1980) Chem Pharm Bull 28:1954. Hayashi K et al., (1981) Chem Pharm Bull 29:2725. Steinegger E, Koch H, Pharm Acta Helv 56:244 et 57:211. 1982. Takase M et al., (1982) Chem Pharm Bull 30:2429. Tschesche R, Kohl H, Tetrahedron 24:4359. 1968. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, .-New York, 19921994. Approved by Commission E: Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Unproven Uses: Condurango is used for loss of appetite. In folk medicine, it is used for atonia of the stomach, painful nutritional disorders, for stomach cancer to alleviate nausea, as an appetite stimulant and to increase tolerance of food. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. 218/CONGOROSA Congorosa Maytenus ilicifolia DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the dried leaf. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in clusters in the leaf axils; the bracts have a reddish border. The flowers are radial; their structures are in fives. The calyx is reddish and 5-tipped. The petals are free, oval to elliptical and yellow. The male flowers have 5 stamens approximately 2 mm long with their ovary covered by a disc. The female flowers have 1 mm long stamens and a 2-carpeled, fused ovary on a thick fleshy disc. The fruit is a reddish, 2-chambered capsule. The seeds are reddish with a thin aril. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S PRECAUTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Animal experiments revealed embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of maytansines (no detailed description of dosage or experimental procedure available). Should not be used during pregnancy. CONTRAINDICATIONS Congorosa pregnancy. preparations are Mode of Administration: Preparations are available for internal and external use. How Supplied: Capsules Daily Dosage: Infusion/decoction (2 to 5%) — 100 to 400 ml internally. Externally as required. Liquid extract — 5 to 20 ml Habitat: The plant is indigenous to South America. Extract — 1 to 4 g Production: Congorosa leaves (Argentinean name) are the dried leaves of Maytenus ilicifolia. Tincture — 25 to 100 ml ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Macrocyclic alkaloids (0.00005%): maytansinoides, including maytansine, maytanprine, maytanbutine EFFECTS The quinoid triterpene maytenin contained in the drug exhibits antimicrobial and tumor-inhibiting properties, particularly in topical administration for the treatment of basal cell carcinomas. Maytansine exhibits significant cytotoxic and antitumoral efficacy (similar to that of vinca alkaloids). Additionally, an ulcer-preventing effect has been demonstrated in both animal and human studies. INDICATIONS AND USAGE during DOSAGE Leaves, Stem and Root: Congorosa grows as a dioecious evergreen shrub or tree, reaching up to 5 m high. The leaves are alternate, 2 to 15 cm long and 1 to 7 cm wide. They are elliptical to lanceolate, coriaceous and covered on both sides with 4 to 7 prickly teeth. Sometimes the leaves are completely entire, with very narrow, dropping stipules. Not to be Confused With: Congorosa is sometimes confused with (and adulterated with) Verba Mate. contraindicated Powder — 5 to 20 g Elixir/wine/syrup — 50 to 100 ml LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lima OG de, Coelho JS, Weigert E, Albuquerque IL d', Lima D de A, Moraes e Souza MA, Antimicrobial substances from higher plants. XXXVI. On the presence of maytenin and pristimerine in the cortical part of the roots of Maytenus ilicifolia from the South of Brazil. Rev Inst Antibiot (Recife), 11:35-8, 1971 Jun. Conium maculatum See Hemlock Unproven Uses: Congorosa is used mainly in South American folk medicine. In Brazil, external uses focus primarily on skin conditions such as eczema and skin ulcers. Internal uses include skin cancer, gastrointestinal complaints, gastrointestinal ulcers, hyperacidity, flatulence, gastralgia, dyspepsia, pain, states of exhaustion and anemia. Dorstenia In Argentina, Congorosa is used for asthma, alcoholism and as a vulnerary. Other varieties are also used for inflammatory swelling and eye conditions. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the roots of a number of species. Contrayerva contrayerva DESCRIPTION HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Flower and Fruit: The plant has long-pedicled, greenish flowers. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial, growing to a height of up to 30 cm. It is stemless with palmate leaves. The rhizome is about 2 to 4 cm long and 1 cm thick. It is reddish-brown on the outside, paler on the inside and rough with leaf scars. The rhizome is nearly cylindrical and tapers suddenly at the end into a tail-like root with numerous curled, wiry rootlets. Characteristics: The taste is slightly aromatic, then acrid. Habitat: Contrayerva is found in Mexico, Peru and the West Indies. Production: Contrayerva root is the rhizome of Dorstenia contrayerva and related varieties. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroids (cardenolides): syriogenin Furocoumarins Volatile oil EFFECTS Diaphoretic and stimulant. COOLWORT/219 Convallaria majalis See Lily-of-the-Valley Coolwort Tiarella cordifolia DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb. Flower and Fruit: The plant has inconspicuous white flowers in racemes. The buds are pink-tinged. The few seeds are somewhat clavate. They have a light acrid taste and are odorless. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 15 to 20 cm high herbaceous perennial, which produces runners. The simple leaves are usually slightly 5-lobed and cordate. The basal leaves are often deep red-orange. The cauline leaves have deep red spots and veins, although the latter are often lacking. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to North America from Virginia to Canada. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of the root are used as a stimulant and to treat low stamina. It has also been used as an antidote for snakebite (uncertain mechanism). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The plant can trigger phototoxicoses through skin contact. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Ground root as an infusion. Production: Coolwort is the aerial part of Tiarella cordifolia. Other Names: Foam Flower, Mitrewort ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS The effective agents of the plant are unknown. EFFECTS The herb is a diuretic and a tonic. LITERATURE INDICATIONS AND USAGE Casagrande C et al., Tetrahedron 30:3587. 1974. Unproven Uses: Coolwort is used for conditions of the urinary tract and digestive disorders. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kanamori H, Sakamoto I, Mizuta M, Chem Pharm Bull 34:1826. 1986. Renner W, PA 17:763. 1962. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction witii the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Reisch J, PM 15:320. 1967. Szenedrei K, Novak I, Varga E, Buzas G, PA 23:76-77. 1968. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is ground for infusions. Renner W, PA 12:763-776. 1962. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. LITERATURE No literature is available. 220/COPAIBA BALSAM Copaiba Balsam Copaifera langsdorjfi DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the resin- oil (containing resin and essential oil) tapped from drillings in the trunk. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small and yellow. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S vesicular rash, urticaria and petechias. Occasionally, the rashes leave brown spots after healing. LITERATURE Delle Monache G et al., (1971) Tetrahedron Letters 8:659. Ferrari M et al., (1971) Phytochemistry 10:905. Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1. 2nd Ed. CRC Press 1975. Leaves, Stem and Root: Copaifera langsdorffi is an evergreen tree up to 18 m high with compound leaves. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Characteristics: The resin oil consists of resin and essential oil. The resin oil (oleoresin) ranges in viscosity from very liquid to a resin-like substance, and in color from a pale yellow to a red or fluorescent tint. The taste is unpleasant and there is a characteristic smell. A single tree can yield up to 40 liters. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Habitat: Copaiba Balsam is indigenous to tropical regions of South America and South Africa. Production: Copaiba Balsam is extracted from Copaifera reticulata and other varieties from cavities drilled into the tree trunk. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen. Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Other Names: Copaiva ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chief constituent alpha- and beta-caryophyllene, beta-bisabolene, L-cadinene, ~)-aIpha-copaene Resins: in particular, diterpenoid oleoresins including eperu8(20)-en-15,18-dicarboxylic acid, (-)-16beta-kaurane-19-carboxylic acid, copaiferic acid, (+)-hardwickiic acid, copalic acid Copaifera langsdorffi See Copaiba Balsam Goptis trifolia See Goldthread EFFECTS Possible bacteriostatic effect on the urinary tract. The sesquiterpenes give the drug an antimicrobial effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The obsolete drug is still used in some homeopathic preparations. Folk medicine employed Copaiba Balsam as a stimulant, laxative and diuretic for conditions such as infections of the urinary tract, chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the lungs, kidney stones and gonorrhea. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is irritating to the mucous membranes and toxic in large amounts. Stomach pains appear after the intake of 5 g of the drug. Repeated doses bring about summer cholera, shivers, tremor, pains in the groin and insomnia. Skin contact can lead to contact dermatitis such as erythema, papular or Coral Root Corallorhiza odontorhiza DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the roots of the parasite. Flower and Fruit: The plant has 10 to 20 flowers in terminal panicles. The flower heads are hood-like, reddish or purplish on the outside, paler and flecked with purple lines on the inside. One petal forms a lip with purple spots and a purple rim. The fruit is a large, bent-back, ribbed, long capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: Coral Root is a perennial found growing around the roots of trees in woodlands. The rhizome is small, brown, coral-like, about 2 to 3 cm long and 2 mm in HERBAL MONOGRAPHS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include gastritis, coughs, skin impurities, edema and worm purging. Homeopathic Uses: Dilutions are used for gastritis. ^ PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated homeopathic dosages of the drug. OVERDOSAGE 2 to 3 gm of the seeds are considered harmless to humans; poisonous levels are reached between 3 and 5 gm, due to the toxic triterpene saponin content. Dosages over 5 gm are considered lethal. Signs of poisoning include local irritation of mucous membranes (sneezing, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea). The ingestion of toxic levels leads to headache, dizziness, restlessness, circulatory disorders, deliria and possible spasms. Death occurs through asphyxiation. Long-term ingestion of acute non-toxic dosages can cause chronic signs of poisoning. The toxins are not affected by baking or cooking. Following gastrointestinal emptying (inducement of vomit^ ing, gastric lavage, sodium sulfate) and the instillation of activated charcoal, the treatment for poisoning includes diazepam or barbital (i.v.) for spasms. In the event of shock, plasma volume expanders shou'd be infused. Monitoring of kidney function is necessary. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be required. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole herb preparations for internal, external and parenteral uses. Homeopathic Dosage: Parenterally: Can be given 1 ml sc, 3 times daily for acute use; and once a day for chronic use but only from D2 (HAB34). Orally: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules, every 30 to 60 minutes for acute use; and 1 to 3 times daily for chronic use. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kende H, Shen TC, Nitrate reductase in Agrostemma githago. Comparison of the inductive effects of nitrate and cytokinin. Biochim Biophys Acta, 216:118-25, 1972 Nov 24. Siepmann C, Bader G, Hiller K, Wray V, Domke T, Nimtz M, New saponins from the seeds of Agrostemma githago var. githago. Planta Med, 216:159-64, 1998 Mar. Smith RA, Miller RE, Lang DG, Presumptive intoxication of cattle by corn cockle, Agrostemma githago (L) Scop. Vet Hum Toxicol, 216:250, 1997 Aug. CORN POPPY/223 Stirpe F, Gasperi-Campani A, Barbieri L, Falasca A, Abbondanza A, Stevens WA, Ribosome-inactivating proteins from the seeds of Saponaria officinalis L. (soapwort), of Agrostemma githago L. (corn cockle) and of Asparagus officinalis L. (asparagus), and from the latex of Hura crepitans L. (sandbox tree). Biochem J, 216:617-25, 1983 D. Corn Poppy Papaver rhoeas DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the flowers and seeds. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary, terminal or axillary, and have a diameter of 10 cm. The pedicles are bristly, irregularly curved and usually axillary. The two sepals are green, bristly and fall off. The 4 petals are orbicular, usually scarlet or crimson (though occasionally white or violet) with a round, shiny, often white-bordered deep-black mark at the base. The fruit capsule is broadelliptical, dark brown and reticulate-pitted. Leaves, Stem and Root: Poppy is an annual, occasionally biennial, multiple-stemmed plant 25 to 90 cm high. The stems are erect to semi-erect, simple or branched with stiff, protruding hairs. They have basal rosette lanceolate leaves and deeply indented cauline leaves. The foliage leaves are oblong-lanceolate, pinnatifid to pinnatisect and very bristly. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, northern Africa and temperate regions in Asia, and has been introduced in North and South America. Production: Corn Poppy flower consists of the dried petals of Papaver rhoeas as well as its preparations. Not to be Confused With: Confusion can occur with Papaver dibium and Papaver argemone. Other Names: Copperose, Corn Rose, Cup-Puppy, Headache, Headwark, Red Poppy ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Isoquinoline alkaloids (0.1%): chief alkaloids rhoeadine, isorhoeadine, rhoeagenine, coptisine, isocorydine, stylopine Anthocyans: including among others mecocyanin (cyanidin3-isosophoroside), cyanin Mucilages 224/CORN POPPY EFFECTS No information is available other than that the drug, which contains alkaloids (not opium alkaloids), is said to be convulsive. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Corn Poppy flower is used for diseases and disorders of the respiratory tract, for disturbed sleep, as a sedative and for the relief of pain. In folk medicine, it is used to make a cough syrup for children, as a tea for insomnia, for pain relief and as a sedative. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathy uses Corn Poppy flower for states of agitation and excitation and also for spasms of the hollow organs. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug itself is non-toxic due to the low level of alkaloid content, but reports exist in the scientific literature of children being poisoned by intake of the fresh foliage (with blossoms). Poisoning symptoms include vomiting and stomach pain. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a component of "metabolic" teas. Preparation: To prepare a tea, use 1 g of the flowers to 1 cup hot water. To make an infusion, scald 2 teaspoonfuls drug, steep for 10 minutes and strain (1 teaspoonful is equal to approximately 8 g drug). A poultice is prepared using 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls of tincture to 250 ml of water. (Prepare tincture in accordance with HAB1 guidelines.) Daily Dosage: As an expectorant for inflammation of the bronchial mucous membranes, drink 1 cup infusion 2 to 3 times a day. The infusion may be sweetened with honey. Homeopathic Dosage: Full bath: 2/3 dessertspoon tincture in a bath (correspondingly less for partial baths). Storage: Corn Poppy flower should be thoroughly dried before storing in a tightly sealed container that protects it from light. LITERATURE El-Masry S et al., (1981) Planta Med 41:61. Fairbairn JW, Williamson EM, (1978) Phytochemistry 17:2087. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Gasic O et al., Hem Pregl 33:23. 1992. Kalaw Y, Sariyar S, PM 55:488. 1989. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Vedagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Willaman JJ, Hui-Li L, (1970) Lloydia 33 (3A): 1. Corn Silk Zea mays DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the seed. Flower and Fruit: The plant is monoecious. The male flowers form terminal racemes of spikes with 2-flowered husks. The female flowers are axillary. The spikes are at varying distances from the ground and are enclosed in a number of thin leaves, the sheath-like maize husk. The spikes consist of a cylindrical substance, the cob, on which the seeds are arranged in 8 rows of 40 or more. Single whitish-green threads of a silky appearance grow from the eyes of the seeds and hang outside the husk, where they catch the pollen. The Maize seeds are usually yellow but can be darker to almost black. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 1 to 3 m high and sturdy with a solid stem covered in alternate, over 4 cm wide, linear leaves. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to America and is cultivated all over the world as green fodder or as a cereal crop. Production: Corn Silk flowers are the styles and stigmas Zea mays. The styles of the female flowers, as they begin grow out of the pillow-lace, are gathered for medicinal therapeutic purposes. They are removed by hand and dried the shade. of to or in Other Names: Indian Corn, Maize, Stigmata maydis ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (0.2%): including among others carvacrol, alphaterpineol, menthol, thymol Flavonoids: including among others may sin, maysin-3'-etiiyl ether HERBAL CORIANDER / 221 MONOGRAPHS thickness, with minute warts and transverse scars. The fracture is short and horny. Characteristics: The taste is sweetish, then bitter. The odor is strong and peculiar when fresh. W-- Habitat: The parasite is indigenous to the U.S. Production: Coral Root is the rhizome of Corallorhiza odontorhiza. Other Names: Crawley Root. Scaly Dragon's Claw, Chicken Toe, Crawley, Fever Root, Turkey Claw ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Unknown EFFECTS Coral Root has diaphoretic, febrifuge and sedative effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Coral Root is used for colds. It is very efficient at inducing perspiration. Its scarcity prevents its wider use. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS A- Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Internally as a liquid extract. The stem is erect, round, glabrous and branched above. The leaves are light green, entire below and double-pinnate above. Characteristics: The fresh herb and unripe fruit have a buglike smell. Ripe fruit has a pleasant, tangy smell and taste. Habitat: The herb is found in the Mediterranean region. central and eastern Europe, eastern Asia, and North and South America. Production: Coriander consists of the ripe, dried, spherical fruit of Coriandrum sativum and its varieties vulgare A. and microcarpum. The fruit is threshed when it is rust red and is dried in lofts. Not to be Confused With: Grains and legumes. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (0.4 to 1.7%): chief components D-(+)-linalool (coriandrol, share 60 to 75%). including in addition borneol. p-cymene, camphor, geraniol, limonene, alpha-pinene: me unusual, bug-like smell is caused by the trans-tridec-2-enale content Fatty oil (13 to 21%): chief fatty acids petroselic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid Hydroxycoumarins: including umbelliferone, scopoletin EFFECTS No references are available The essential oil of coriander stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and is a carminative and spasmolytic; in vitro it has antibacterial and antifungal effects. Corallorhiza odontorhiza Approved by Commission E: See Coral Root • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite LITERATURE Coriander Coriandrum sativum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the coriander oil and dried ripe fruit. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are white, compact, 3 to 5 blossomed umbels with no involucre. The floret has a 3-bract epicalyx. The border of the calyx has 5 tips. The corolla of the androgynous lateral florets is splayed. The fruit is globular and has a diameter of 3 cm, is straw yellow to brownish, and drops without dividing. Leaves, Stem and Root: Coriandrum sativum is a 20 to 70 cm high plant with a bug-like smell. The root is thinly fusiform. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Coriander is used for dyspeptic complaints. loss of appetite and complaints of the upper abdomen. In folk medicine, Coriander is also used for digestive and gastric complaints; in other cultures for coughs, chest pains. bladder complaints, leprosy rash, fever, dysentery, externally for headaches, oral and pharyngeal disorders, halitosis, postpartum complications; the folk indications have not been proven. Chinese Medicine: Coriander is used in China for loss of appetite, the pre-emptive phase of chickenpox and measles. hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse. Indian Medicine: In India, Coriander is used to treat nose bleeds, coughs, hemorrhoids, scrofulous, painful micturation. edema, bladder complaints, vomiting, amoebic dysentery and dizziness. 2 2 2 /CORIANDER PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The drug possesses a weak potential for sensitization. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Crushed and powdered drug, as well as other galenic preparations for internal indication. Preparations: Coriander extract 1:2 is prepared by percolating 1 weight part of the drug with 4 5 % ethanol so that 2 weights tincture is produced. The infusion is prepared by pouring 150 ml of boiling water over 2 tsp. of crushed drug and straining after 15 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 3.0 gm of drug. The single dose is 1 gm. Infusion — 1 fresh cup between meals. Tincture — 10 to 20 drops after meals. Storage: The non-comminuted drug is stored at a maximum temperature of 25°C, protected from light in well-sealed containers. LITERATURE Calcandi V. Ciropol-Calcandi I. Georgescu E, PA 16(6):331334. 1961. Diedreichsen A et al., Chemotypes of Coriandrum sativum L. in the Gatersleben Genebank. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 82. 1996. Formacek. Buch. In: Formacek, V, Kubeczka KH: Essential Oils Analysis by Capillary Gas Chromatography and Carbon-13NMR Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto. Singapore 1982. Gijbels MJM et al.. (1982) Fitoterapia 53(1/2):17. Coriandrum sativum See Coriander Corn Cockle Agrostemma githago DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the herb is the seed. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are apical or arranged in twos or threes like a curled cyme; the 5 sepals of the calyx have 2 to 4 cm long tips that project above the corolla; the flower tube is 14 to 18 mm. The 5 petals are 30 to 35 mm long, dark purple and occasionally whitish. There are 5 styles and 10 stamens. The ovary is superior, undivided and has a central placenta. The fruit capsule is 15 to 18 mm long with numerous 2.5 to 3.5 mm long, warty seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: Agrostemma githago is an annual herb that grows upright, up to 100 cm high. The leaves are opposite, linear-lanceolate, acuminate and up to 10 mm wide. The stem is upright, usually unbranched, shaggy-graypubescent. The primary root is spindle-shaped and heavily branched. Habitat: Europe and Asia Ram AS, Devi HM, (1983) Indian J Bot 6(1):21. Schratz E, Quadry SMJS, PM 14(3):310-325. 1966. Production: Corn cockle seed is the dried seed of Agrostemma githago. Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York 1980. Mascolo N et al., Phytother Res 1 (1987), 28. Other Names: Cockle ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins: chief component is githagoside (0.04%, gypsogenine tetraglycoside), additional components are gypsogenin and quillaic acid gylcosides Fatty oil: 6% Steroids: sterols, including alpha-spinasterol Unusual amino acids: orcyl alanine (0.4%) Simon JE, Chadwick AF, Craker LE (Eds.), Herbs. An Indexed Bibliography 1971-80. Archon Books, USA 1984. EFFECTS Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. The drug exhibits an antimycotic effect. Cornflower seeds are toxic in higher dosages. HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS Bitter substances Saponins (2-3%) Tannins: the main one is probably proanthocyanidins Mt Sterols: including among others beta-sitosterol, ergosterol Alkaloids (0.05%) 6-methoxybenzoxazolinone Fatty oil (2%) EFFECTS The active agents are saponin, essential oil and tannin. Maize stimulates the cardiac muscles, increases blood pressure, acts as a diuretic and sedates the digestive tract. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Maize is used for disorders of the urinary tract. Chinese Medicine: Maize is used in the treatment of liver disorders. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction ^ with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. CORNFLOWER / 2 2 5 Cornflower Centaurea cyanus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fast-growing ray flowers and the dried ray florets, which have been separated from the receptacle and epicalyx, and to a lesser extent the tubular florets, which have usually been separated from the ovaries. Flower and Fruit: The 3 cm wide flowers are solitary and terminal. The tubular flowers are blue, the cultivated ones are usually all purple-violet, pale pink or white. The lateral florets are larger, in rays and funnel-shaped. The oblong gray fruit is an achaene with the remains of a tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: Growing 20 to 70 cm high, the annual or biennial plant contains fusiform, pale tap roots. It has a rosette of basal leaves and an erect, branched, spiderweb-pubescent angular stem, covered in alternate, faintly linear-lanceolate leaves. The basal leaves are lyre-shaped, pinnatafid and long-petioled. The upper leaves are noncompound. Habitat: The plant is probably indigenous to the Middle East, but is cultivated worldwide because of grain production. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Liquid extract, in medicinal preparations and combinations. Preparation: Prepare an infusion using 2 teaspoons of drug per cup of water. A tincture is prepared by adding 20 gm of drug to 100 ml of 20% alcohol (leave to stand for 5 days). Daily Dosage: Drink 1 cup of infusion every other day. Take 2 to 3 teaspoons of tincture per day. LITERATURE Chan H, But P, Pharmacology. Applications of Chinese Materia Medica, Vol 1, World Scientific Singapore 1986. Hahn SJ, (1973) K'at'ollick Taehak Uihak Nonmun J 25:127 (via [51). Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der " Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Paris F, Schauenberg P, Guide des Plantes Medicinales, Delachaux et Niestle Switzerland 1969. Production: Cornflower consists of the quickly dried flowers of Centaurea cyanus. The plant is harvested during the flowering season from June to August. Other Names: Centaurea, Bachelor's Buttons, Bluebonnet, Bluebottle, Blue Centaury, Cyani, Bluebow, Hurtsickle, Blue Cap, Cyani-flowers ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Anthocyans: chief components succinylcyanin (centaurocyanin, cyanidine - 3 - 0 - ( 6 - 0 - succinyl - beta- D- glucosyl)-5-0beta-D-glucoside) Flavonoids Bitter principles (structure unknown) EFFECTS The drug has an antibacterial effect in vitro (centaurocyanin), but only for the aerial parts of the plant without the flowers. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Cornflowers and their preparations are used internally for fever, constipation, leucorrhea, menstrual disorders and vaginal Candida, and as a laxative, tonic and bitter. The flowers are also used as a diuretic and an expectorant, or as a stimulant for liver and gall bladder function. Externally, Cornflowers are used in preparation of 226/CORNFLOWER eye washes for eye inflammation and conjunctivitis, and for eczema of the scalp. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The drug possesses a weak sensitization potential. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cornflower is rarely used today. Occasionally, it is used as an inactive ingredient in tea mixtures. Preparation: The infusion is prepared by adding 1 gm of drug per cup. Dosage: The tea should be drunk several times daily. Storage: Store carefully and protect from light. LITERATURE Bandyukova V, Khalmatov K, (1967) Khim Prir Soedin 3:57. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kakegawa K et al., PH 26:2261-2263. 1987. Suljok G, Laszl&oacute;-Bencsik A, PH 24:1121-1122. 1985. Takeda K et al., PH 27:1228-1229. 1988. Cornus florida See Dogwood PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Flower and Fruit: Flowers first appear in the fourth.or fifth year. There are 4 to 5 racemes of 6 to 12 blooms, which are symmetrically 2-sided. There are 2 entire-margined bracts under the racemes. The flowers are dull red or yellowishwhite, seldom lilac, brown-red or dark blue. The sepals are very small. The upper petal is drawn out into a downward curved spur; the front end is curved upward like a lip. The inner petals form a hood-like protective cover for the 6 stamens fused into 2 bundles. There is one ovary. The fruit is a pale green pod 20 to 25 cm long. The seeds are 3 mm wide, black, round, smooth and glossy. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial and grows to about 15 to 30 cm. A number of erect- stems grows from the tuberous rhizome, which quickly becomes hollow. The stems bear the racemes and the 2 leaves. The 2 leaves under the racemes are long-petioled, double trifoliate, sea green above, and whitish green beneath. Characteristics: The flowers have a slight fragrance of resin. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southern and central Europe. Production: Corydalis tubers are the rhizomes of Corydalis cava. The tubers are dug up in autumn or in spring, once the ground has thawed. They are thoroughly cleaned, the roots and greenery are removed, and the remainder is sliced. The material is dried in a well-aired place, turned regularly and kept in temperatures not exceeding 40°C. Other Names: Early Fumitory, Turkey Corn, Squirrel Corn, Yan-Hu-Suo ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cornus officinalis See Asiatic Dogwood Isoquinoline alkaloids: very complex, breed-specific mixture of approximately 40 alkaloids, including (&plus;)-bulbocapnine and (+)-corytuberin (aporphine-type) as well as (-)corydaline (berberine-type) EFFECTS Corydalis cava See Corydalis (Yan-Hu-Suo) The full extract has a mildly sedative, sleep-inducing, spasmolytic, tranquilizing and hallucinogenic effect. It suppresses the CNS, reduces blood pressure and impedes movement of the small intestine. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Corydalis (Yan-Hu-Suo) Corydalis cava DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the tubers collected and dried when the plant is dormant. The fresh tuber collected just before flowering is also used. Unproven Uses: Formerly, Corydalis was used for hyperkinetic conditions. Today, it is occasionally used for treat melancholia, pathological neuroses and mild forms of depression, as well as for severe nerve damage, trembling limbs and emotional disturbances. Folk medicine: Corydalis was used in the past for worm infestation, menstruation disorders, Menier's disease and COSTUS HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Parkinson's. Externally, the plant was used for poorly healing wounds and ulcers. Homeopathic Uses: Used for inflammations of the respiratory tract and the eyes, rheumatism, hyperorexia, diarrhea *£ and furunculosis. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Poisonings among humans have not yet been observed. OVERDOSAGE Clonic spasms overdosages. with musculature tremor occur with DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is available as a full extract in ready-made preparations. Daily Dosage: Externally: as a compress, 3 to 5 gm of drug to 1/8 Liter of water. Homeopathic Dosage: Oral: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules A every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day; eye drops 1 to 3 times daily; liquid dilutions D2 to D6: 20 to 60 drops; D12 to D30: 15 to 45 drops (HAB1). LITERATURE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl, Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. r Santavy F, in Manske RHF (Ed.), The Alkaloids, Vol XII, Academic Press New York, p. 333-354. 1970. Slavfk J, Slavfkova L, Collect Czech Chem Commun 44:22612273. 1979. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. 1221 Corynanthe pachyceras See Hwema Bark Costus Saussurea costus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in tough, orbicular, axillary or apical capitula with a diameter of 2.5 to 3.8 cm surrounded by an involucre. The epicalyx sepals are in a number of rows, ovate to lanceolate, acuminate, stiff and revolute. The tubular florets are dark blue to black-violet. The fruit is an achene up to 8 mm long with a brownish, feather-like pappus that is up to 1.7 cm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: Saussurea costus is a herbaceous upright perennial growing to a height of up to 2 m. The leaves are alternate, the lamina simple, irregular dentate, basal, 0.5 to 1.2 m long and triangular. The petiole is lobedwinged. The cauline leaves are smaller, petiolate or sessile with 2 clasping lobes at the base. The plant has a strong, hard root up to 6 cm thick. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to India and China. Production: Indian Costus roots are the dried roots of Saussurea costus, which are harvested in September and October when the concentration of essential oils is highest. Not to be Confused With: Because of the similarity in name, confusion sometimes occurs with Costus speciosus. The plant is also confused with Inula racemosa. In the past, confusion existed with many plants such as Byronia or Galanga, which went under the name of Kostus. However, differentiation has been established. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (1 to 6%): chief components dehydrocostus lactone (35%) and costunolid (15%), including as well alpha-, beta- and gamma-costol, elemol, cyclocostunolide; aroma bearers include acetic acid, 4-ethyl octanoic acid, heptanoic acid, 3-methyl butyric acid, 7-octenoic acid, isopropyliden pentanoic acid Resins (6%) Polysaccharides: inulin (18%) Lignans: including olivil-4"-0-beta-D-glucoside Sesquiterpenes: saussureamines A to E 228/COSTUS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol Cotton EFFECTS Gossypium The drug contains large quantities of essential oil with the sesquiterpene lactones, costunolid and dehydrocostus lactone. Various drug extracts exhibit antimicrobial and fungistatic efficacy, and have an influence over liver metabolism and liver sugar levels. The saussure amines it contains inhibit the formation of stress-related stomach ulcers. A bronchospasmolytic effect has also been described. A dry extract of the drug administered in 500 mg dosages p.o. 3 times daily over a 3-month period led to a statistically significant reduction of angina pectoris attacks among patients with coronary heart disease. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Indian Medicine: The root has been used in India since ancient times as a universal antidote and as a contraceptive (Tschirch manual). It was also used medicinally as an aromatic and stimulant (according to Hoppe's work on drugs - 1958). Chinese Medicine: Internal uses include gastric complaints, flatulence, coughs, cholera, loss of appetite and asthma. Externally, it has been used for poorly healing wounds and skin conditions. Efficacy for these indications has not yet been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. It is conceivable that the plant could cause allergic reactions due to its sesquiterpene lactone content, but no cases of this have as yet been documented. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug preparations for internal and external use. LITERATURE Cheminat A, Stampf JL, Benezra C, Farrall MJ, Fr chet JM, Allergic contact dermatitis to cosrus: removal of haptens with polymers. Acta Derm Venereol, 61:525-9, 1981. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Costus specious See Cane-Reed hirsutum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seeds. Flower and Fruit: Single axillary, radial flowers are structured in fives. The calyx is approximately 4.5 cm long, fused, divided into 5 and surrounded by 3 large, deeply dentate, epicalyx sepals. The 5 petals are 5 to 7 cm long, free, white to cream-yellow. The stamens are numerous, and the filaments are fused into a tube. The ovary is superior, and the carpels are fused. There is 1 style, with 3 to 5 stigmas that project through the stamen tube. The fruit is a walnutsized capsule that opens on 3 to 5 sides and has 8 to 10 reniform, 3 to 5 mm thick, black seeds. These are covered in single-celled hair up to 46 mm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: This evergreen shrub grows up to 2 m high and is typically cultivated as an annual. The leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, 3- to 7-lobed, with serrate margins, a rounded base and stipules that drop. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the U.S., China, Commonwealth of Independent States, India, Pakistan and Egypt. Production: Cotton seeds are the ripe seeds of Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium oleum and Gossypium herbaceum, as well as other cultivated Gossypium species. Cotton seed oil is the refined, fatty oil from the seeds. The oil is extracted using solvents or pressing followed by refinement with a yield of approximately 19%. Gossypium semen is derived from the industrial extraction of cottonseed oil. Not to be Confused With: Mistaken identity can occur with sesame and kapok oil, which are sometimes used to adulterate Cotton oil preparations. Other Names: American Cotton Plant, Cotton Seed ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: COTTON OIL Fatty oil: chief fatty- acids include linoleic acid (55%), palmitic acid (22%), oleic acid (15%), myristic acid (5%), as well as stearic acid, eicosanoic acid, di- cyclopropene-fatty acids malvalic acid and sterculiac acid Lignans: gossypol (traces) Steroids: sterols, particularly beta-sitosterol, as well as campesterol, stigmasterol, delta7-stigmasterol, 24-methyl cycloartenol Tocopherols (vitamin E): including 0.04% alpha-tocopherol, 0.04% gamma-tocopherol HERBAL MONOGRAPHS COTTON T R E E / 2 2 9 EFFECTS: COTTON OIL men. After feeding sheep and cattle a total of 2 to 3 kg of Cotton seed press cakes over a period of 3 to 4 weeks, gastroenteritis, kidney damage with hematuria and icterus were observed. Death occurred 24 to 48 hours after first appearance of symptoms. Eye damage (Cotton seed blindness) was also noted. The oil contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and is chiefly used as a dietetic. COMPOUNDS: COTTON SEED ^ Fatty oil (20 to 30%): chief fatty acids include linoleic acid (55%), palmitic acid (22%), oleic acid (15%), myristic acid (5%), as well as stearic acid, eicosanoic acid, the cyclopropene-fatty acids malvalic acid and sterculic acid Protein (20 to 25%) Lignans: (+)-gossypol and (-)-gossypol (0.1 to 6.0%, yellow to red in color); there are also cultivated forms that are low in gossypol (gossypol content < 0.01%) Flavonoids Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides (7%): saccharose, raffinose, stachyose, glucose, fructose DOSAGE COTTON OIL Preparation: Emulsion 10 to 15%: sterilization is carried out at 150° C for 1 hour. Daily Dosage: Emulsion 40%: 60 ml p.o. in a single dose. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Ed.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl.. Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. EFFECTS: COTTON SEED The pigment substance gossypol contained in the seeds inhibits enzymes of the energy metabolism, decouples the respiratory chain from the oxidative phosphorylation, reduces the cellular ATP concentration, lessens membrane fr potentials and inhibits the acrosomal sperm proteinase acrosine (anti-fertility effect). A cytostatic effect has been demonstrated. INDICATIONS AND USAGE COTTON OIL Unproven Uses: Folk medicine indications for Gossypii oleum have included hypercholesteremia and vitamin E deficiency. It is also used when a non-nitrogenous or parenteral nourishment is required. INDICATIONS AND USAGE C O T T O N SEED Indian Medicine: Among indications in Indian medicine are headache, coughs, dysentery, constipation, gonorrhea, chronic cystitis, fever, poor lactation, epilepsy and snake bites. Reference is also made to use as an abortifacient and aphrodisiac. Efficacy for these indications has not yet been proven. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS COTTON OIL 4p^No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Animal experiments over a period of several weeks involving the administration of cyclopropene-fatty acids led to elevated cholesterol and triglyceride blood levels in rabbits and to a delayed sexual development in young female rats. COTTON SEED Cotton Tree Cochlospermum gossypium DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant is the root, which yields a laxative, and the hard exudate of the aromatic bark. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in apical, sparsely flowered panicles. Flowers are 11 to 15 cm in diameter with 4 to 5 free silky-haired sepals, 4 to 5 gold-yellow petals and numerous stamens. The superior ovary has 5 carpels with many ovules attached to the walls. The fruit is an oval, darkbrown, hanging capsule 5 to 10 cm long, 4 cm thick and loculicidal. The seeds are reniform, approximately 7 mm long, 5 mm wide and villous. Leaves, Stem and Root: Cochlospermum gossypium grows as a tree, rising up to 10 m high. The leaves are 10 to 20 cm wide and palmate-lobed. The 3 to 5 lobes are acuminate, or digitate; the petioles are 6 to 17 cm long. The young branches are velvet-haired and tinged reddish, the older ones are glabrous and ash gray. Habitat: The tree is indigenous to India, Southeast Asia, Kenya and Mauritius. Production: Cotton Tree gum is made up of the irregularly formed, leathery clumps of the exudate from the bark of Cochlospermum gossypium. The drug is toxic, due to its gossypol content. Chronic ingestion of Cotton seed will lead to fertility disorders in I Other Names: Cotton Shell 2 3 0 / C O T T O N TREE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Water-soluble polysaccharides: heteroglycans partially-acetylated, acidic EFFECTS The drug (acetylized acid polysaccharide) is laxative in effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used in folk medicine for constipation and sluggishness of the bowels. Indian Medicine: Uses include coughs, diarrhea, dysentery, pharyngitis and venereal disease. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages, nor with the drug's use as a pharmaceutical vehicle. j Production: Cowhage bean pods are the bean pods of Mucuna pruriens. The drug is derived from the hair of the pods. Other Names: Cowitch, Couhage, Kiwach ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Serotonin: 5-methyl-N,N-dimethyl-tryptamine EFFECTS Externally, Cowhage is a cutaneous stimulant and rubefacient. Internally, the drug has an anthelmintic effect. Carminative, hypotensive, hypoglycemic and cholesterolreducing effects have also been described. Experiments carried out on frogs demonstrated that prurieninin slowed down the heart rate, lowered blood pressure and stimulated intestinal peristalisis. The reduction in blood pressure was caused by the release of histamines; the spasmolysis of smooth muscle by indole bases. DOSAGE Preparation: There is no information in the literature. Daily Dose: A single dose of 3 g drug with plenty of liquid LITERATURE Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G, Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgeb nde 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. Gowhage Mucuna pruriens DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the hairs on the pod and the seeds. Flower and Fruit: The flowers grow in racemes in twos and threes. They are large and white, with a bluish-purple papilionaceous corolla. The pod is pubescent, thick and leathery and averages about 10 cm in length. Pods have the shape of the sound opening in a violin. They are dark brown, covered with 0.25 cm long stiff hairs and contain 4 to 6 seeds. The seeds are made up of conical, sharply acuminate cells less than 1 mm in diameter and barbed at the apex. They are extremely irritating to the skin and must be handled with caution. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a climbing legume with long, thin branches and opposite, lanceolate leaves 15 to 30 cm in length. The petioles are pubescent. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to tropical regions, especially India and the West Indies. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used externally for rheumatic disorders and muscular pain, and internally for the treatment of worm infestation. Indian Medicine: Uses in Indian medicine include gonorrhea, sterility and general debility. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Once in contact with the skin, the stinging hairs lead to extremely aggressive itching and burning, accompanied by long-lasting inflammation, caused by the injection-like introduction of serotonin and proteins (mucunain, proteolytic enzyme). The intake of the hairs for the purpose of fighting intestinal worms should be avoided. Internal administration of the drug in the form of extracts may be harmless due to the difficulty involved in resorbing the active ingredients. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally in extract form and powder form. LITERATURE Bell EA, Jansen DH, (1971) Nature 229:136. Ghosal S et al., (1971) Planta Med 24:434. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Infante ME, Perez AM, Simao MR, Manda F, Baquete EF, Fernandes AM, Cliff JL, Outbreak of acute toxic psychosis attributed to Mucuna pruriens. Lancet, 29:1129. Nov 3, 1990. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Manyam BV, Paralysis agitans and levodopa in 'Ayurveda : ancient Indian medical treatise. Mov Disord, 29:47-8. 1990. Morton JF, An Atlas of Medicinal Plants of Middle America, Charles C Thomas USA 1981. 4£ Revilleza MJ, Mendoza EM. Raymundo LC, Oligosaccharides in several Philippine indigenous food legumes: determination localization and removal. Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 29:83-93. Jan, 1990. Roth L. Daunderer M. Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. AufL Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. AufL, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. AufL, Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. AufL, Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Woerdenbag HJ. Pras N, Frijlink HW, Lerk CF, Malingre TM, Antidiabetic evaluation of Mucuna pruriens Linn seeds. JPMA J Pak Med Assoc, 29:147-50. Jul, 1990. Production: Cowslip flower consists of the dried, whole flowers with calyx of Primula veris and/or Primula elatior as well as their preparations. Cowslip root consists of the dried . rhizome with roots of Primula veris and/or Primula elatior as well as their preparations. Cowslip root is harvested at best in the third year of growth. • Other Names: Oxlip, True Cowslip, Peagles, English Cowslip, Butter Rose, Herb Peter Paigle, Key Flower, Key of Heaven, Fairy Caps, Petty Mulleins, Buckles, Crewel. Palsywort, Plumrocks, Mayflower, Password. Primrose. Arthritica, Our Lady's Keys ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: COWSLIP FLOWER Flavonoids (3%): including rutin, kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside; isorhamnetin rhamnosyl robinoside, isorhamnetin robinoside, isorhamnetin rutinoside, kaempferol robinoside, limocitrin-3-O-glucoside. quercetin gentiobioside, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, quercetin robinoside Primine Triterpene saponins Cowslip Primula veris DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the roots and flowers. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in richly blossomed umbels with a short peduncle. The flowers are turned to one side and grow in clusters (up to 25) from the center of the leaf rosette. The calyx is cylindrical and appressed with a green margin. The remaining part of the calyx is yellow and it is 12 to 15 cm long. The corolla is odorless, usually sulfur yellow and has a tube with 5 triangular, orange spots. The fruit is an oval capsule with 1.5 to 2.5 mm-long brown, warty seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: This 10 cm high plant is a herbaceous perennial with a short sturdy rhizome. The green plant parts are covered in 2 mm long segmented hairs. The 4£ leaves are revolute in the bud. They are wrinkled, ovate or ovate-oblong and are rounded at the base. They narrow quickly to the winged stems. During the flowering season they are irregularly dentate with blunt teeth. They are 3 to 6 cm long during the flowering season, but grow larger later. The upper side of the leaf is glabrous. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to all of Central Europe as far as the Southern European mountains. There are many subspecies. EFFECTS: COWSLIP FLOWER The drug has an expectorant effect, which is due to the flavonoid and saponin content. An increase of the volume of bronchial secretion has been demonstrated in animal experiments. COMPOUNDS: COWSLIP ROOT Phenol glycosides (0.2 to 2.3%, high values in the Spring): primulaverin (3%, 2-hydroxy-5-methoxy- benzoic acid methyl ester-O-xyloglucoside) changing over during dehydration into the characteristic-smelling 5-methoxy-methyl salicylate Triterpene saponins (5 to 10%): chief components primulic acid A (chief aglycone protoprimulagenin) EFFECTS: COWSLIP ROOT The saponin content gives the drug expectorant and diuretic effects. Recent studies on these effects are not available. The mode of action is postulated to be due to vagal stimulation. INDICATIONS AND USAGE COWSLIP FLOWER Approved by Commission E: • Cough/Bronchitis Unproven Uses: Cowslip flower is used internally for catarrh of the respiratory tract. In folk medicine it is used for insomnia, anxiety states, as a cardiac tonic for feelings of dizziness and cardiac insufficiency. It is also used as a nerve tonic for shaking limbs, headaches and neuralgia. 2 3 2 /COWSLIP Homeopathic Uses: Primula veris is used to treat headaches and skin rashes C O W S L I P ROOT Approved by Commission E: • Cough/Bronchitis Unproven Uses: Cowslip root is used internally for catarrh of the respiratory tract. In folk medicine it is used internally for whooping cough, asthma, gout, rheumatic arthritis, bladder and kidney disease, migraine, dizziness, stomach cramps, scurvy and neuralgia. Externally it is used for headaches and skin impurities. CONTRAINDICATIONS C O W S L I P FLOWER Contraindicated in known allergies to Cowslip. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS C O W S L I P FLOWER No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The epigeal organs of the Primula species possess a very high potential for sensitization due to the primine content. In the cases of Primula veris and P. elatior, the primine content is quite low, but sensitizations are nevertheless possible. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Liquid extract — 1 to 2 ml 3 times a day Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: i to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34); different doses for children. Storage: Should be protected from light and moisture. C O W S L I P ROOT Preparations: Tea: 0.2 to 0.5 gm finely cut drug are added to cold water and brought to the boil, left to draw for 5 minutes and strained (1 teaspoon corresponds to approximately 3.5 gm drug). Extract: Percolation with 50 parts water and 50 parts ethanol, then filtration and vacuum drying. The residue is dissolved in 60 parts ethanol and 40 parts water and neutralized with ammonia. It is then cooled for 24 hours and filtered again. It is finally dehydrated to produce a dry extract under low pressure. (OAB90) Liquid extract: the Primula extract is dissolved in a mixture of ethanol (30 parts), glycerol 85% (20 parts) and water (20 parts) and filtered when cool. (OAB90) C O W S L I P ROOT Tincture: 20 parts root and 100 parts diluted ethanol are processed to a tincture in accordance with the OAB VII maceration procedure. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Syrup: 1.5 parts Cowslip are dissolved in 20 parts water while being heated. It is then mixed with 10 parts 85% glycerol and 68.5 parts simple syrup. (OAB90) OVERDOSAGE Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 1 gm of drug. The single dose is 0.5 gm of drug. C O W S L I P FLOWER Overdose could lead to gastric complaints and nausea. Tincture: The daily dose is 7.5 gm. C O W S L I P ROOT Overdose could lead to queasiness, nausea, gastric complaints and diarrhea. DOSAGE C O W S L I P FLOWER Extract: The single dose is 0.1 to 0.2 gm. Liquid extract: The single dose is 0.5 gm. Tea: as an expectorant, 1 cup every 2 to 3 hours, sweetened with honey Mode of Administration: Cowslip preparations are available as solid and liquid pharmaceutical forms for oral intake and also available parenterally for homeopathic use. Storage: Cowslip should be protected from light. Preparations: Tea: boiling water is poured over 2 to 4 gm drug and strained after 10 minutes (1 teaspoon corresponds to approximately 1.3 gm drug). Biiechi S, Antivirale Saponine, pharmakologische und klinische Untersuchungen. In: DAZ 136(2):89-98. 1996. Liquid extract — drug 1:1 with 25% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83) Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 3 gm of drug. The single dose is 1 gm of drug. Tea — 1 cup several times a day. As a bronchial tea, several cups a day, possibly sweetened with honey LITERATURE C O W S L I P FLOWER Busse WW et al., (1984) J All Clin Immunol. 73:801. Calis I, YCiriiker A, Ruegger H, Wright AD, Sticher O, Triterpene saponins from Primula veris ssp. macrocalyx and Primula elatiro ssp. meyeri. In: JNP 55:1299-1306. 1992. Grecu VL, Cucu V, (1975) Planta Med 25:247. Karl C et al., (1981) Planta Med 41:96. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS CRANESBILL/233 Middleton E, Drzewiecki G, (1984) Biochem. Pharmacol. 33:3333. Cranesbill Thieme H, Winkler HJ, (1971) Pharmazie 7:434. Geranium maculatum Further information in: 4Qf Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl.. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie, Pharmakoiogie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4.'Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. COWSLIP ROOT Biiechi S, Antivirale Saponine, pharmakologische und klinische £ Untersuchungen. In: DAZ 136(2):89-98. 1996. Busse WW et al., (1984) J All Clin Immunol. 73:801. Calis I, Yuruker A, Riiegger H. Wright AD. Sticher O, Triterpene saponins from Primula veris ssp. macrocalyx and Primula elatiro ssp. meyeri. In: JNP 55:1299-1306. 1992. Grecu VL, Cucu V, (1975) Planta Med 25:247. Karl C et al., (1981) Planta Med 41:96. Middleton E, Drzewiecki G, (1984) Biochem. Pharmacol. 33:3333. Thieme H, Winkler HJ, (1971) Pharmazie 7:434. Wagner H et al., Radix-Primulae-Extrakte. HPLC-Analyse. In: DAZ 126:1489-1493. 1986. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. £' Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the plant's dried rhizome and the leaves. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is a terminal, cymose umbel. The flowers are radial with the structures arranged in fives with a 2.5 to 4 cm diameter. There are 5 free, pubescent sepals, 5 free purple petals and 10 stamens. The ovary is formed from 5 carpels, which are fused to the sides of the central column with their long awns. The fruit is a schizocarp, which breaks up into 5 mericarps with beak-like extensions and 1 seed each. Leaves, Stem and Root: The herbaceous perennial grows upright, rising to 60 cm high. The leaves are opposite, in fives with cuneiform lobes and whitish-green spots when older. Leaves growing from the rhizome are large with long, pubescent petioles: those growing from the trunk have short petioles; stipules are present. The stem is upright, green, pubescent and dichotomously branched. The rhizome is thick, cylindrical and branched. Habitat: The plant is found throughout Europe, but also in North America from Newfoundland to Manitoba and as far south as Georgia and Missouri. It grows in shady and moist ground in mixed and deciduous forests. Production: American Cranesbill herb is the dried aerial herb of Geranium maculatum harvested during the flowering season. American Cranesbill root is the dried rhizome of Geranium maculatum, which is collected in late summer and autumn. Other Names: Alumroot, Crowfoot, Geranium, Spotted Cranesbill, Spotted Geranium, Storksbill, Wild Cranesbill ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: CRANESBILL HERB Tannins (30%): gallotannins COMPOUNDS: CRANESBILL ROOT Tannins (10 to 28%): gallotannins EFFECTS The tannins give the drug astringent, hemostyptic and tonic properties. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Unproven Uses: Folk medicine indications have included hemorrhoids, duodenal ulcers, diarrhea, metrorrhagia, heavy menstruation and dysmenorrhea. Efficacy for these internal use indications has not yet been proven. 234/CRANESBILL Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used for stomach ulcers and bleeding of the mucous membranes, but efficacy for these indications has not yet been proven. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Croton eluteria See Cascarilla PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Because of its high tannin content, the intake of preparations of the drug could lead to digestive disorders. Individuals with sensitive stomachs could experience nausea and vomiting. DOSAGE C R A N E S B I L L HERB Daily Dosage: Powder/Infusion: 1 to 2 g, 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: Literature notes the drug's importance as a homeopathic medicine, but does not state dosage. C R A N E S B I L L ROOT Preparation: Liquid extract - drug 1:1 45% ethanol (V/V) percolated (BHP83). Croton Seeds Croton tiglium DESCRIPTION Medicinal Paris: The seeds are the medicinal parts. The oil is extracted from the seeds and is toxic; 1 ml can be fatal. Flower and Fruit: Croton tiglium is a shrub or tree that grows up to 6 m. The leaves are alternate, smooth, ovate or acuminate. They are dark green above and paler beneath, with an unpleasant smell. There are inconspicuous flowers in terminal racemes. The seeds have a brown, mottled appearance. The outer layer of the seed is easily removed, leaving a hard, black coat. Decoction — 1 to 2 g drug, 3 times daily Characteristics: Croton Seed oil is yellowish or reddishbrown and rather viscid, with an unpleasant odor. It is toxic and should be handled with extreme care. Liquid extract — 1 to 2 ml, 3 times daily Habitat: The tree is found throughout Asia and China. Tincture — 2 to 4 ml, 3 times daily. Production: Croton oil is extracted from the seeds of Croton tiglium. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules, 1 to 3 times daily, or 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly (HAB34). Other Names: Tiglium, Tiglium Seeds Daily Dosage: LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed.), Hagers Handbuch der harmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Diterpenes: phorbol ester, including 12-O-tridecane olyphorbol-13-acetate (TPA, myristoylphoarbolacetate, MPA) Fatty oil EFFECTS Crataegus laevigata See English Hawthorn Grithmum maritimum Croton Seed oil is a laxative, skin-irritant, co-carcinogenic, nephrotoxic. It is a drastic irritant. TPA is a carcinogen, affecting prostaglandin metabolism. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: At present, it is used only in Chinese medicine and in very small doses as a remedy for gall bladder colic, obstruction of the bowels and malaria. The drug is obsolete in Europe. See Samphire Chinese Medicine: In China, Croton Seed oil is used for edema, furuncles, constipation, chest and stomach pain, worm infestation and sore throat. Crocus sativus Indian Medicine: Indian uses include constipation, abdominal disorders, worm infestation, convulsions and attacks of dizziness. See Saffron HERBAL MONOGRAPHS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The phorbol esters of the oils are severe co-carcinogenics. Therapeutic uses as well as skin or mucous membrane .contacts with the drug are to be strictly3 avoided. The drug A possesses acute toxicity. When applied to the skin, it brings about itching, burning and after a time, blisters. If taken internally, it leads to burning in the mouth, vomiting, dizziness, stupor, painful bowel movements and ultimately to collapse. OVERDOSAGE One to 2 drops are already acutely toxic; the lethal dosage is put at 20 drops. After stomach and intestinal emptying, treatment of poisonings can only proceed symptomatically. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Croton Seed oil is obsolete as drug LITERATURE Berenblum I, Shubik P. (1947) Brit J Cancer 1:379. Evans FJ (Ed.), Naturally Occurring Phorbol Esters, CRC Press 1986. Evans FJ. Taylor SE, (1983) Prog Chem Org Nat Prod 44:1. & Hecker E, (1968) Cancer Res 28:2338. McEchean CE et al., J Chem Soc 166B:633. 1966. Nishizuka Y, (1984) Nature 308:693. Further information in: Chan, EH et al., (Eds): Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. CUBEB/235 Cubeb Piper cubeba DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried, not fully ripe fruit. Flower and Fruit: The male flowering spikes are about 4 cm long and have 2 or 3 stamens. The female spikes are made up of about 50 individual flowers, which mostly consist of the oblong ovary of 4 fused carpels with 4 sessile stigmas. The infructescence is 4 to 5 cm long. When ripe, the base of the ovary grows into a stem-like, cylindrical lower part. The upper portion of the fruit is globular and holds the seed, which contains a tiny embryo in a small cavity at the apex. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 5 to 15 m high dioecious climbing shrub. The branches are initially pubescent, later glabrous. The leaves are glabrous, entire-margined, coriaceous, ovate to oblong-elliptical and up to 15 cm long and 6 cm wide. Characteristics: The odor is warm and reminiscent of turpentine. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Indonesia and is cultivated in Sri Lanka, India and Malaysia. Production: Cubebs are the fruit of Piper cubeba. The fruit is harvested when still green and dried in the sun. Other Names: Java Pepper, Tailed Cubebs, Tailed Pepper ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (10 to 20%): chief constituents alpha- and betacubebenes (11%), copaene (10%), cubebol (10%), deltacadinene (9%), humulenes Lignans: chief components (-)-cubebin, additionally (-)cubebinin, dihydroclusin, (-)-dihydrocubebin, hinokinin Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Resins Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Fatty oil (12%) 4^ Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. EFFECTS The sesquiterpene-rich essential oil is said to be expectorant in chronic bronchitis. The resinous acids in the drug are said to have an antiseptic and astringent effect on the urinary tract. There is no information on the mode of action. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Croton tiglium See Croton Seeds Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include treatment for urinary tract diseases, flatulence and stomach complaints, headaches (dizziness), chronic bronchitis, to increase libido and for poor memory. 236/CUBEB Homeopathic Uses: Piper cubeba is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Cucurbita pepo See Pumpkin Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. OVERDOSAGE High dosages (over 8 gm) cause irritation of the urinary passages, kidney and bladder pains, albuminuria and urination problems. Beyond this, vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac pain and skin rashes can occur. After stomach and intestinal emptying, treatment of poisonings should proceed symptomatically. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cubeb is contained in medicinal preparations, such as bath additives. Daily Dosage: Powder — 2 to 4 g daily for internal administration Extract (1:1) — daily dose: 2 to 4 ml Tincture (1:5) — daily dose: 2 to 4 ml Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times a day or 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly (HAB1); children's dosage does not equal adult dose. LITERATURE Batterbee, J E et al., (1969) J Chem Soc (c), 2470. Ikeda RM, (1962) J Food Sci 27:455. Koul SK et al., Phenylpropanoids and (-)-ledol from Piper species. In: PH 32:478. 1993. Lawrence BM, Perfum Flavor 5:28. 1980. Ohta Y et al., (1966) Tetrahedron Letters 52:6365. Cudweed Gnaphalium uliginosum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The aerial parts are the medicinal parts of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The composite flower heads are 3 to 4 mm by 5 mm, sessile and in terminal racemes of 3 to 10. They are shorter than the leaves growing from the leaf axil. The involucral bracts are oblong to linear and brownish. There are 50 to 150 female florets, 5 to 8 hermaphrodite florets. The achaene is 0.5 mm oblong-cylindrical. The pappus is 1.5 mm. Leaves, Stem and Root: The stems are 5 to 20 cm high and branched. The leaves are 10 to 50 mm by 2 to 5 mm, linearlanceolate to oblong-obovate. They are downy and greenish above; whitish and even more downy beneath. Habitat: The plant is native to many parts of Europe, the Caucasus and west Asia. It has been introduced into America. Production: Cudweed is the aerial part of Gnaphalium uliginosum. Other Names: Cotton Weed, Dysentery Weed, Everlasting, Mouse Ear, Wartwort, Cotton Dawes ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Opdyke DU, (1976) Food Cosmet Toxicol 14. COMPOUNDS Prabhu BR, Mulchandani. NB, (1985) Phytochemistry 24 (2), 329. Volatile oil Tannins Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL, Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. The constituents of the drug have not been extensively investigated. EFFECTS Cudweed is an astringent and a stomachic. According to unconfirmed sources, the drug also has antidepressive, aphrodisiac and hypotensive effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used as a gargle and rinse in the treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlaa Landsberg Lech 1993. Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS CUMIN / 2 3 7 DOSAGE EFFECTS Mode of Administration: Liquid extract used as a gargle and rinse. Antimicrobial: The drug contains fatty oil (mainly petroselic acid and oil acid) and has an antimicrobial effect. A powder suspension of the drug has diverse inhibitory effects; it stunts mycelium growth, toxin production or afla-toxin production in Aspergillus ochraceus, C. versicolor, and C. flavus. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der W Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Cumin Cuminum cyminum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the Cumin oil extracted from the ripe fruit and the ripe, dried fruit. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in umbels radiating in groups of 3 to 5. The petals are white or red, oblong and deeply bordered with a long indented tip. The involucral bracts are long and simple. The style is short and turned outward at the end. The ovary is inferior and 3-Iocular. The fruit is a schizocarp, about 6 mm long and 1.5 mm wide and crowned with awl-shaped calyx tips. The mericarp is almost ' round in transverse section, with 5 thread-like, bristly main ribs and bristly secondary ribs. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a delicate, glabrous annual 10 to 50 cm high. The stem is bifurcated at the base and glabrous. The leaves are glabrous and finely pinnatifid with oblong-linear tips, of which the lower are mostly doubly trifoliate. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Turkestan (Hager) or northern Egypt (Grieve), but is cultivated today in the whole of the Mediterranean region as well as in Iran, Pakistan, India, China, the U.S. and South America. Production: Cumin is the dried ripe fruit of Cuminum cyminum. Not to be Confused With: Certain Indian products, such as Carum carvi and the fruit of the earth chestnut, Bunium bulbocastanium can be mistaken for or confused with Cumin. Synthetic coloring is frequently added to Turkish products. Influence on blood-clotting: A dried Cumin ether extract inhibits (in vitro) arachidon acid-induced plate aggregation in platelet-rich human plasma. Mutagenic effect: In comparison to Salmonella thyphimurum TA 100, a mutagenic effect of the polar fractions of chloroform extract and methanol extract of Cumin did appear. Influence of pharmacological metabolism: An injection of a dried ether extract prolonged the phenobarbituate hypnosis of female albino mice, up to 120%; a higher dose shortened it to 83%. Estrogenic effect: An acetone extract of cumin, administered to female albino rats (ovariectomised, ovaries have been removed) led, depending on the dosage, to an increase in the weight of the uterus, an increase in the amount of protein in the endometrium and an increase of alkali phosphates. Other effects (for which there are no experimental results) include the following: obstructive influence on fertility, galactogen, antispasmodic, diuretic and aphrodisiac. Cumin also has carminative, stimulant and analgesic effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Cumin is used as a carminative for stomach disorders, diarrhea and colic, particularly in veterinary medicine. In America, Africa and India the drug is used as an abortive and as an emmenagogue. In Indonesia, Cumin is used in cases of bloody diarrhea and headache (paste is applied to the forehead). It is also taken orally for rheumatic ailments. Indian Medicine: In India, Cumin is used as an abortifacient, for kidney and bladder stones, chronic diarrhea, leprosy and eye disease. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (2 to 5%): chief components cuminaldehyde, gamma-terpenes, beta-pinenes, p-cymene, 1,3-p-menthandial Fatty oil (10 to 15%): chief fatty acids petroselic acid, palmitic acid Proteic substances (15 to 20%) Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated dierapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cumin is used both internally and externally in ground form and as a pressed oil. Daily Dosage: The average single dose is 300 to 600 mg of drug (equivalent to 5 - 10 fruits). 238/CUMIN PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES LITERATURE INDICATIONS AND USAGE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Unproven Uses: Cup Plant has been used for digestive disorders. Harborne JB, Williams CE, (1972) Photochemistry 11:1741. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc.. New York 1980. Tassan CG, Russel GF, J Food Sci 40:1185-1188. 1975. Varo PT, Heinz DE, (1970) J Agric Food Chem 18:234 et 239. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cup Root is not used in modern medicine. LITERATURE Davidyants ES et al.. (1984) Khim Prir Soedin. 5:666. Cuminum cyminum Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. See Cumin Gup Plant Silphium Cupmoss Cladonia pyxidata perfoliatum DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are 5 to 8 cm wide, longpedicled and clustered. The sepals are overlapping, and the petals are egg-yolk yellow. The disc-like flowers are androgynous with long thread-like styles. The lateral flowers are female and lingual. The double-winged fruit is compressed and has a pappus of lateral awns. Leaves, Stem and Root: The perennial plant is a 1.25 to 2.5 m high plant with a branched rhizome. The erect, angular, smooth stem is branched higher up and foliated up to the tip. The leaves are opposite, rough, ovate, acuminate, crenate, dark green above and blue-green beneath. The lower leaves are up to 30 cm long, and the upper ones are oblong-ovate, sessile and fused at the base to a cup form. Medicinal Parts: The wineglass-shaped scyphi of Cladonia pyxidata are used medicinally. Flower and Fruit: Cupmoss is a lichen, not a moss as the name suggests. The scyphi are grayish-white, about 2.5 cm long, wineglass-shaped, with hollow stems and terminal cups. Characteristics: The taste is mucilaginous and slightly sweet. There is no odor. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to North America and is also common in other areas including Great Britain. Other Names: Chin Cups ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the western U.S., Oregon and Texas. Lichen acids: including fumaroprotocetraric acid, barbatic acid, psoromic acid Other Names: Ragged Cup, Indian Gum, Prairie Dock, Pilot Plant, Polar Plant, Rosinweed, Turpentine Weed Mucilages ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins Sesquiterpenes: including among others silphinene, silphiperfolen, 8-hydroxy-presilphiperfolane EFFECTS The drug is a tonic and has a diaphoretic effect. EFFECTS Cupmoss has the effect of an expectorant and antitussive. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Cupmoss is used for coughs, bronchitis, and also in the treatment of whooping cough. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. CURCUMA / 2 3 9 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cupmoss is used internally as an infusion with honey. LITERATURE Hoppe HA, (1975-1987): Drogenkunde. 8. AufL, Bde 1-3, W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Curcuminoids (0.8 demethoxycurcumin to 2%): including curcumin, Non-phenolic diarylheptanoids: alnustone Starch (30-40%) EFFECTS Curcuma acts in a manner similar to turmeric root but is mainly choleretic and antitumoral (animal testing). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: Cupressus sempervirens See Cypress Curcuma Curcuma xanthorrhizia DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried, tuberous ™ rhizomes cut into slices. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is large; it is purple or crimson. The corolla has a red margin. Otherwise it is very similar to Curcuma domestica. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial, 1.75 m high and leafy. The leaves are in long thin sheaths on the rhizome. The leaf blades are broadly lanceolate or oblong and have a narrow, purple mark on the midrib. The main rhizome is thickened like a tuber, ovate, the size of a fist with numerous roots and thin lateral rhizomes. The roots terminate partially in ovate tubers. Habitat: Curcuma is indigenous to the forests of Indonesia and the Malaysian peninsula. It is cultivated mainly on Java, in Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Production: Japanese turmeric consists of the sliced, dried, tuberous rhizomes of Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Curcuma is cultivated and harvested in the second year of growth. After the rhizome has been washed, die main mick root is isolated, fa cut and dried at a temperature of 50°C. Not to be Confused With: The rhizome of Curcuma domestica. Other Names: Tewon Lawa, Temu Lawak • Liver and gallbladder complaints • Loss of appetite Unproven Uses: Curcuma is used for dyspepsia, particularly feelings of fullness after meals and meteorism. In Indonesia it has long been used for liver and gallbladder complaints. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Stomach complaints can occur following extended use or in the case of overdose. Because of the stimulating effect of the drug on the biliary tract, it should not be administered if there is a bile duct blockage. Colic can occur when the patient suffers from gallstones. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug for infusions and other galenic forms for internal use. Preparation: The infusion is prepared by pouring 1 cup of boiling water over 1/2 tsp. of drug and straining after 10 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 2 gm of drug; infusion: 2 to 3 times daily between meals. Storage: It should be protected from light. LITERATURE Anonym, Brennpunkt ZNS. In: DAZ 137(25):2166-2167. 1997. Baumann J, (1975) Tiber die Wirkung von Chelidonium, Curcuma, Absinth und Carduus marianus auf die Galle- und Pankreassekretion bei Hepatopathien. MedMschr 29:173. Claeson P et al., Non-phenolic linear diarylheptanoids from Curcuma xanthorrhiza: a novel type of topical anti-inflammatory agents: Structure-activity relationship. In: PM 62(3):236-240. 1996. COMPOUNDS Guttenberg A, (1926) Das Cholagogum Curcumen. Klein Wschr 5:1998-1999. Volatile oil (3 to 12%): chief components ar-curcumene (alpha-curcumene), xanthorrhizol, beta-curcumene, germacrene, furanodien, furanodienone Maiwald L, Schwantes PA, (1991) Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., eine Heilpflanze tritt aus dem Schattendasein. Z Phytother 12:35-445. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY 240/CURCUMA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Reuter HD, Pflanzliche Gallentherapeutika (Teil I) und (Teil II). In: ZPT 16(0:13-20 u. 77-89. 1995. Cyclamen Sabieraj J, Wirkung von Curcuma xanthorrhiza. In: DAZ 131(13):609. 1991. Cyclamen Schilcher H, Pharmazeutische Aspekte pflanzlicher Gallentherapeutika. In: ZPT 16(4):211-222. 1995. Schmidt M, Phytotherapie: Pflanzliche Gallenwegstherapeutika. In: DAZ 135(8):680-682. 1995. Veit M, Beeinflussung der Leukotrien-Biosynthese durch Curcumin. In: ZPT 14(1 ):46. 1993. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. europaeum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried rhizome with the roots. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are pinkish-red, solitary and nodding on erect stems. The 5 sepals are ovate, pointed and dentate. The corolla is a short campanulate tube with 5 revolute tips; it is darker at the base. There are 5 stamens and 1 ovary. The fruit is a capsule, which opens on 5 sides. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from about 5 to 10 cm. The rhizome is a disc-like tuber. The leaves are longpetioled, orbicular or cordate, crenate, glabrous, with a white edge above and red beneath. The petioles and pedicles are roughly glandular. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Characteristics: The flowers are fragrant and poisonous. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Habitat: The plant is found in the Alps and the alpine regions of southern Europe. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl.. W'iss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Other Names: Groundbread, Sowbread, Swinebread, IvyLeafed Cyclamen Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins: including cyclamine, deglucocyrlamine I, deglucocyclamine II Curcuma domestica EFFECTS See No information is available. Turmeric INDICATIONS AND USAGE Curcuma xanthorrhizia See Curcuma Curcuma zedoaria See Zedoary Unproven Uses: The drug is used to treat menstrual complaints, emotional disorders/nervous states and digestive problems. Homeopathic Uses: Cyclamen is used for migraine and its accompanying autonomic symptoms, and for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The intake of even small dosages (0.3 gm) can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. OVERDOSAGE Cuscuta epithymum See Dodder Cyamopsis tetragonoloba See Guar Gum High dosages can cause spasm and asphyxiation. Following gastric lavage and the administration of activated charcoal, the treatment for poisoning should proceed symptomatically (e.g., treatment of convulsions with diazepam, treatment of colic with atropine). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cyclamen is used in homeopathic treatments. It is also used topically and in alcoholic extracts. CYPRESS/241 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS LITERATURE Braccini I, Herve du Penhoat C, Michon V, Goldberg R, Clochard M, Jarvis MC. Huang ZH, Gage DA, Structural analysis of cyclamen seed xyloglucan oligosaccharides using cellulase digestion and spectroscopic methods. Carbohydr Res, ^ 276:167-81, 1995 Oct 16. w Calis I, Satana ME, Yrker A, Kelican P, Demirdamar R, Alacam R, Tanker N, Ruegger H. Sticher O, Triterpene saponins from Cyclamen mirabile and their biological activities. J Nat Prod, 60:315-8, 1997 Mar. Calis I, Yrker A, Tanker N, Wright AD. Sticher O, Triterpene saponins from Cyclamen coum var. coum. Planta Med, 276:166-70, 1997 Apr. Jaspersen-Schib R, Theus L, Guirguis-Oeschger M, Gossweiler B, Meier-Abt PJ, Serious plant poisonings in Switzerland 19661994. Case analysis from the Swiss Toxicology Information Center. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 60:1085-98, 1996 Jun 22. Tschesche R. Mercker HJ, Wulff G. Liebig Ann Chem 721:194. 1969. Tschesche R, Striegler H. Fehlhaber HW, Liebig Ann Chem 691:165. 1966. Gymbopogon citratus See Lemongrass Gynanchum vincetoxicum See German Ipecac Gynara scolymus See Artichoke Cynoglossum officinale See Hound's Tongue Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur ^ Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Cyperus articulatus See Adrue Cypress Cupressus sempervirens DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the cones, branches and oil. Leaves, Stem and Root: Cupressus sempervirens is a tree that grows up to 30 m tall. The leaves are 0.5 to 1 mm, dark green and obtuse. The male cones are 4 to 8 mm, the female are 25 to 40 mm. They are elliptical-oblong (rarely globose), green when young and shining yellowish-gray when ripe, with 8 to 14 short and obtusely spiked scales. There are 8 to 20 seeds on each scale, Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Turkey and is cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region. Cyclamen europaeum ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY See Cyclamen COMPOUNDS Chief components: alpha-pinene, D-camphene, D-silvestrene, p-cymene, L-cadinene, cedrol, terpinenol-4, terpineol, acetyl- and isovalerianyl esters of monoterpene alcohols Cydonia oblongata EFFECTS See Quince Cypress acts as an expectorant. 242/CYPRESS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES INDICATIONS AND USAGE EFFECTS Unproven Uses: The drug is used externally for head colds, coughs and bronchitis. The diterpene esters in the drug are severely toxic, a strong irritant, drastically purgative and encourage growth of tumors. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Kidney irritation is likely with intake of larger dosages. In animal tests and in vitro there are indications of a cytotoxic, non-specific immune-stimulating, antiphlogistic and strongly laxative effect. DOSAGE INDICATIONS AND USAGE Mode of Administration: Occasionally, Cypress is used externally as an ointment. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine Cypress Spurge is used internally for constipation, toothache and as a diuretic (macerate). It is used externally for warts and corns (ointment). LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Homeopathic Uses: Euphorbia cyparissias is used for diseases of the respiratory organs, diarrhea, and skin diseases. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Cypress Spurge Euphorbia cypahssias DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the flowering plant with the root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in terminal cymes. They are yellow-green but usually red after flowering. What appear to be flowers are in fact inflorescences. In the jugshaped invulucres there is 1 hanging pistil with a 3 valved ovary and 3 styles each with 2 stigmas and numerous stamens. Four half-moon-shaped nectaries are at the edge. The fruit is covered in small papilla. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is about 15 to 30 cm high. The stem is erect, unbranched, and glabrous. The leaves are alternate, sessile, linear, entire-margined and very narrow on the non-flowering branches. Characteristics: The entire plant contains white latex, which is poisonous. Habitat: Indigenous to Europe and Mediterranean. Production: Cypress Spurge herb and root is the whole plant in flower and root of Euphorbia cyparissias. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Diterpenes: ingenan-di- and triester, for example 13-hydroxy-ingenol-3-(2,3-dimethylbutyryl)-13- dodecanoate, 13hydroxy - ingenol - 5 - (2,3-dimethylbutyryl)-13-dodecanoate, 13-hydroxy-ingenol-3-(2,3-dimethylbutyryl)-13-decanoate Triterpenes The Ingenan esters are severely inflammatory in their effect and cocarcinogenic. Administration of the drug should be avoided because of the cocarcinogenic effect. A particular danger exists with the chyle of the freshly harvested plant, but the ingenan ester retains its efficacy even after drying, which means that the drug also is acutely toxic. If it gets on the skin, the chyle causes reddening, itching, burning and blisters. In the eye, the chyle leads to swelling of the lids, conjunctival inflammation and corneal defects. If taken internally, the chyle in the drug causes burning in the mouth and vomiting. Very high dosages cause pupil enlargement, dizziness, stupor, painful bowel movements, cardiac rhythm disorders and ultimately collapse. Skin contact with the chyle requires thorough cleaning. Contact with the eye requires thorough rinsing with water. Following stomach and intestinal emptying, the treatment of poisonings is carried out symptomatically. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Cypress Spurge is used only in homeopathic dilutions. Daily Dosage: Macerate/decoction: 0.5 to 1 gm daily Homeopathic Dosage: from D4: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); From D6 parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day. Children should be given a weaker dose (HAB1) LITERATURE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. DAFFODIL/243 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin-L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. AufL, Nachdruck, Haug ^Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. margin. The stamens are fused to the tube. The ovary is inferior, the style is thread-like and the stigma obtuse. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 15 to 30 cm high. The leaves are basal, sprouting from an ovate, brown bulb. They are erect, linear, flatly grooved, and have 2 grooves rather than a keel. Oksuz S et al., Biological active compounds. In: PM 60(6):594596. 1994. Characteristics: Daffodil has a weak unpleasant odor and is poisonous. Ott HH, Hecker E, Experientia 37:88. 1981. Habitat: The plant is found all over Europe and is cultivated elsewhere. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Production: Daffodil is the flowering plant Narcissus pseudonarcissus without the root. Other Names: Lent Lily ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Cypripedium calceolus See Nerve Root •Cytisus laburnum See Laburnum COMPOUNDS Amaryllidacae alkaloids (0.08-0.15% in the bulb, with considerably less in the foliage): including, among others, hemanthamine, galanthine, galanthamine, pluviine, masonine, homolycorine Chelidonic acid EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Cytisus scoparius See Scotch Broom Unproven Uses: Daffodil is used for irritation of the mucous membranes, such as bronchial catarrh, whooping cough, colds and asthma. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Daemonorops draco See Dragon's Blood (Xue-Jie) No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The plant possesses a weak potential for sensitization, a condition called "daffodil itch." OVERDOSAGE Daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus DESCRIPTION W Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the bulb, die leaves and the flowers, or the whole flowering plant without the roots. Overdosage or accidental intake of the bulbs (e.g., confusing them with cooking onions) can lead to poisoning. Symptoms include vomiting, salivation, diarrhea and central nervous disorders following resorption. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Daffodil is available ground and as an extract. It is also found in homeopathic remedies. LITERATURE Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary and bending on compressed 2-edged pedicles. They are pale yellow. At the base of the flower there is a dry, membranous sheath that is split higher at the side. The perigone is 6-tipped and splayed like a plate. The secondary corolla is egg-yolk yellow and cylindrical, with an undulating, folded, unevenly crenate Furusawa E, Suzuki N, Ramanathan S, Furusawa S, Cutting W, Effect of long-term administration of Narcissus alkaloid on Rauscher leukemia and combinations with standard drugs. In: Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 140:1034-1040. 1972. Moraes-Cerdeira RM et al., Alkaloid content of different bulb parts of Narcissus cv. Ice follies. In: PM 63(l):93-94. 1997. 2 4 4 /DAFFODIL Suzuki N, Tania S, Furusawa S, Furusawa E, Therapeutic activity of narcissus alkaloids on Rauscher leukemia: Antiviral affect in vitro and rational drug combination in vivo. In: Proc Soc Expl Biol Med 145:771-777. 1974. Tojo E, (&plus;)-Narcidine, a new alkaloid from Narcissus pseudonarcissus. In: JNP 54: 1387. 1991. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (0.5-0.9%): chief components 1,8-cineole, alphaand beta-pinene, p-cymene, as well as thymol, alpha-copene, gamma-cadinene, calamene Tannins Resins (4%) (7%) Hydroquinone glycosides: arbutin (0.2-0.7%) Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Cyanogenic glycosides: tetraphylline B (barterin) Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.): Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl.. Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. No information is available. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen. 6. Aufl.. Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. EFFECTS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Damiana preparations are used as an aphrodisiac and for prophylaxis and treatment of sexual disorders. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Damiana How Turnera diffusa Capsules — 380 mg, 384 mg, 395 mg, 450 mg TRADE NAMES Fluid Extract — 1:1 Damiana Leaves (from various manufacturers), Wild Countryside Damiana Leaves DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves harvested during the flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are yellow, solitary and axillary. The fruit is a small, globular, many-seeded capsule, which breaks up into 3 parts. It is aromatic and resinous. Supplied: LITERATURE Auterhoff H, Haufel HP, (1968) Arch Pharm 301:537. Dominguez XA, Hinojosa M, (1976) Planta Med 30:68. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl., Bde 1-3: W de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a small shrub that grows up to 60 cm high. The leaves are 1 to 2.5 cm long and up to 6 mm wide. They are smooth and pale green on the upper surface and glabrous with a few scattered hairs on the ribs underneath. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate, short-petioled and have 2 glands at the base. They have a few serrate teeth and recurved margins. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Habitat: The plant is found mainly in the region of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and southern Africa. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Production: Damiana leaf consists of the leaf of Turnera diffusa and its variations. Damiana herb consists of the herb of Turnera diffusa and its variations. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Jin J, (1966) Lloydia 29(3):250. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Dandelion Taraxacum officinale TRADE NAMES k Dandelion Root (available from various manufacturers) Alcohol-Free Dandelion, Wild Countryside Dandelion Root DANDELION 245 Triterpenes and sterols: beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol-glucosides, taraxasterol, psi-taraxasterol, taraxerol, taraxol Flavonoids: including among others, apigenin-7-O-glucosides, luteolin-7-O-glucosides Mucilages Inulin (2-40%, high values in autumn) DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves harvested before the flowering season, the dried root collected in autumn, the dried aerial parts with the rhizome harvested before the flowering season and the whole fresh plant. Flower and Fruit: The flower is a golden yellow composite flower. The composite head is solitary and has a diameter of 3 to 5 cm. All the florets are lingual and androgynous. The epicalyx is oblong-campanulate. The tepals are arranged in 3 imbricate rows, 2 of which are turned back. The inner one is long acuminate with a white margin and erect. The receptacle has no bracts. The fruit is small, long-beaked, light gray-brown, ribbed and has a parachute-like tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial, hardy and is found in a number of forms. It grows to about 30 cm tall and has a short rhizome. The rhizome turns into a many-headed, 20 to 50 cm long and 2 cm thick taproot. The hollow stem is erect or ascending. The basal leaves are glabrous or villous, usually deeply notched, lanceolate and lobed like a saw. They narrow to a red-violet tinged petiole and end in a large deltoid tip. Characteristics: The flower opens in the morning and closes in the evening remaining closed all night and in dull weather. The plant parts contain bitter latex. Habitat: Dandelion grows in most temperate regions of Europe and Asia. Production: Dandelion root with herb consists of the entire Taraxacum officinale plant gathered while flowering. It is air dried. Not to be Confused With: Cichorium intybus and the leaves of various Leontodon species. Other Names: Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion's Tooth, Priest's Crown, Swine Snout, Wild Endive ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Sesquiterpene lactones (bitter substances): including, among others, taraxinacety 1 - 1 ' - O - glucosides, 11,13- dihydrotaraxinacetyl - 1 ' - O - glucosides, taraxacolide - 1 ' - O - glucosides, 4alpha, 15,11 beta, 13 - tetrahydroridentin B EFFECTS The amaroids in Dandelion are cholagogic and secretolytic in the upper intestinal tract. The saluretic effect demonstrated in animal experiments requires further investigation. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • Dyspeptic complaints Infections of the urinary tract Liver and gallbladder complaints Loss of appetite Unproven Uses: Dandelion is used internally for disturbances in bile flow, inflammatory conditions of the efferent urinary tract, and dyspepsia. It is also used for liver and gallbladder disorders, hemorrhoids, congestion in the portal system, gout, rheumatic disorders, eczema, and other skin disorders. The drug has a diuretic effect and is used for kidney and bladder complaints and kidney stone formation. A diabetic infusion is made from the roots and leaves. Chinese Medicine: The drug is used for acute mastitis. urinary disorders, and agalactia. Indian Medicine: The drug is used for chronic ulcers. tuberculosis, flatulence, colic, kidney disease, gout, jaundice. and biliary stones. CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindications include closure of the biliary ducts. gallbladder empyema, and ileus. Consultation with a doctor is necessary in the presence of biliary ailments. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Superacid _ gastric complaints are possible due to the drug's secretionstimulating effect. The drug possesses weak potential for sensitization reactions. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole, cut, and powdered drug is available in the form of drops, tinctures, juice, and in compound preparations. How Supplied: Capsules—425 mg, 475 mg, 515 mg, 520 mg, Liquid—1:1 2 4 6 /DANDELION Preparation: To make a tea, use 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls finely cut drug with 150 ml rapidly boiled water; strain after 15 minutes and drink warm. To make a decoction, use 3 to 4 gm cut and powdered drug per cup of water. To make an infusion, use 3 to 4 gm cut drug per 1 cup of water. For an extract, mix 1 part coarsely powdered Dandelion root with 8 parts of water and 1 part spirit of wine. Daily Dosage: When using a tincture, the recommended dosage is 10 to 15 drops 3 times daily. A cup of the freshly made tea can be taken mornings and evenings. Storage: The drug should be protected from light and moisture. LITERATURE Baba K et al., (1981) Yakugaku Zasshi 101(6):538. Bohm K, (1959) Untersuchungen iiber choleretische Wirkungen einiger Arzneipflanzen. Arzneim Forsch Drug Res 9:376. Budzianowski J, Coumarins, caffeoyltartaric acids and their artifactual estres from Taraxacum officinale. In: PM 63(3):288. 1997. Czygan FC, Taraxacum officinale WIGGERS - Der Lowenzahn. In: ZPT 11(3):99. 1990. Hansel R et al., (1980) Phytochemistry 19:857. Kotobuki Seiyaku KK, (1981) Pat. JP 81/10117 Japan. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. • Stuttgart 1997. Daphne mezereum See Mezereon Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fruit. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are androgynous and are in branched, cob-like inflorescences. The 3 carpels form 1 ovary. The fruit is a 1-seeded berry about 5 cm long (the date with the characteristic seed). Leaves, Stem and Root: The Date Palm is a woody plant growing primarily in girth. The leaves form a large longpetioled tuft at the top of the trunk. The lamina are frond-like pinnatifid. Mascolo N et al., (1987) Phytother Res 1(1):28. Habitat: Date Palm is found from India to northern Africa. Rauwald HW, Huang DT, (1985) Phytochemistry 24(7): 1557. Production: Dates are the fruits of Phoenix dactylifera. Further information in: ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: IN THE FRUIT PULP Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leucoanthocyanidine Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Piperidine derivatives: pipecolic acid, 5-hydroxy-pipecolic acid, baikiaine Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Sugar (50%): saccharose, inverted sugar COMPOUNDS: IN THE SEEDS Fatty oil (10%) EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Indian Medicine: Date Palm is used for bronchitis, clouding of the cornea, headaches, inflamed wounds, kidney disease and gastric complaints. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS DOSAGE Preparation: Honey made from dates is produced in Algeria using juice-rich dates, which are dried in the sun; the leftover liquid results in date honey. Date honey is used to treat chest complaints. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Wylegalla R, Biblische Botanik: Pflanzen und F-iichte aus dem gelobten Land. In: DAZ 137(11):867-869. 1997. Datura stramonium See Jimson Weed Daucus carota See Wild Carrot DEVIL"S CLAW / 2 4 7 capsules contain about 50 dark oblong seeds with a rough surface. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial and leafy. It has a branched root system and branched, prostrate shoots 1 to 1.5 m long. The leaves are petiolate and lobed, and may be opposite or alternate. The aerial parts of the plant die back in the dry season. The tuber (storage) roots are formed from the main and lateral roots. The main roots have obtuse, quadrangular, upright collar-like sections, 10 to 20 cm long and 30 to 60 cm thick, which are covered in a fissured cork layer. The nodes of the lateral roots are up to 60 mm thick and 20 cm long, and are light-brown to red-brown on the outside. The roots extend out to an area of about 150 cm around the plant and grow down to a depth of 30 to 60 cm. Characteristics: The dried, pulverized secondary tubers and roots are yellowish-gray to bright pink and horn-like in their hardness. They have a bitter taste. Habitat: The plant originated in South Africa and Namibia, and has spread throughout the Savannas and the Kalahari. Delphinium consolida Production: Devil's Claw root consists of the dried lateral roots and secondary tubers of Harpagophytum procumbens. The lateral roots are cut into slices or pieces, or pulverized immediately after digging because they harden and become very difficult to cut once dry. See Other Names: Grapple Plant, Wood Spider Larkspur ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Delphinium staphisagria See Stave sac re Devil's Claw Harpagophytum procumbens Liridoide monoterpenes: including harpagoside (extremely bitter), harpagide, procumbide Phenylethanol derivatives: including acteoside (verbascoside); isoacteoside Oligosaccharides: stachyose Harpagoquinones (traces) EFFECTS TRADE NAMES Devil's Claw (available from a number of manufacturers), Devil's Claw Secondary Root, Devil's Claw Root Tuber DESCRIPTION * Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried tubular secondary roots and the thick lateral tubers. Flower and Fruit: The flowers grow on short pedicles in the leaf axils and are solitary, large and foxglove-like. The petals are pale-pink to crimson. The seed capsules are bivalvular, compressed at the sides and ovate. The capsules are 7 to 20 cm long, 6 cm in diameter, and very woody with longitudinally striped rind. They have a double row of elastic, armlike, branched appendages with an anchor-like hook. The Devil's Claw stimulates gastric juice secretion and is choleretic. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic (and tiius anti-arthritic) effect has been shown in animal experiments. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite • Rheumatism Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Devil's Claw is used as an ointment for skin injuries and disorders. The dried root is used for pain relief; pregnancy discomforts; arthritis; allergies; metabolic disorders; and kidney, bladder, liver and 2 4 8 / D E V I L ' S CLAW gallbladder disorders. In South Africa it is used for fevers and digestive disorders. Devil's Claw is also used for supportive therapy of degenerative disorders of the CNS system. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Eichler O, Koch C, (1970) Arzneim Forsch 20(1): 107. Erdos A et al., (1978) Planta Med 34:97. Haag-Berrurier, M et al., (1978) Plant Med Phytother 12(3): 197. Kreymeier J, Rheumatherapie mit Phytopharmaka. In: DAZ 137(8):611-613. 1997. Homeopathic Uses: Chronic rheumatism is the primary use for Devil's Claw in homeopamy. Lichti H, Von Wartburg A. (1964) Tetrahedron Letters 15:835. CONTRAINDICATIONS Sticher O, (1977) Dtsch Apoth Ztg 32:1279. The drug should not be used in the presence of stomach or duodenal ulcers, due to the drug's stimulation of gastric juice secretion. Tunmann P, Stierstorfer N. Tetrahedron Letters 15:1697. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The drug has a sensitizing effect. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As comminuted drug for infusions and other preparations for internal use, as an ointment for external use. How Supplied: Capsules — 405 mg, 480 mg, 510 mg, 520 mg Tablets Preparation: To make an infusion, use 1 teaspoonful (equivalent to 4.5 g) comminuted drug with 300 ml boiling water. Steep for 8 hours and strain. Daily Dosage: For loss of appetite, the recommended dosage is 1.5 g of drug; otherwise 4.5 g of drug is used. The infusion can be taken 3 times a day. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times a day, or from D3 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly (HAB1). The ointment is applied 1 to 3 times a day. For external use, 1 dessertspoon of the tincture should be diluted with 250 ml and used for washes or poultices. Wenzel P, Wegener T, (1995) Teufelskralle. Ein pflanzliches Antirheumatikum. Dtsch Apoth Ztg 135(13): 1131-1144. Wolf E. Teufelskralle hat Entzundungen im Griff. In: PZ 142(14): 1122. 1997. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Dicentra cucullaria See Turkey Corn Storage: Store Devil's Claw in a container that protects it from light and moisture. , Dictamnus albus LITERATURE See Burning Bush Abramowitz M, (1979) Med Letters 21:30. Amling R, Phytotherapeutika in der Neurologic In: ZPT 12(1):9. 1991. Anonym, Phytotherapie:Pflanzliche Antirheumatika - was bringen sie? In: DAZ1136(45):4012-4015. 1996. Baghdikian B et al., An analyticyl study, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Harpagophytum procumbens and Harpagophytum zeyheri. In: PM 63(2): 171-176. 1997. Carle R, Pflanzliche Antiphlogistika und Spasmolytika. In: ZPT 9(3):67. 1988. Circosta C et al., (1984) J Ethnopharmacol 11:259. Digitalis Digitalis purpurea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves (in powder form), the ripe dried seeds, the fresh leaves of the 1year-old plant or the leaves of the 2-year-old plant collected at the beginning of flowering. In the past, the drug of Digitalis purpurae was the raw material employed in HERBAL MONOGRAPHS DIGITALIS/249 isolating the cardiac glycosides. Today, Digitalis lantana is used. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are carmine red with whiteedged spots on the inside. The flowers appear in long > hanging racemes. They have 5 free, short-tipped sepals. The corolla is about 4 cm long, campanulate, bilabiate with an obtuse upper lip and an ovate tip on the lower lip. The flower is glabrous on the outside and has a white awn on the inside. There are 2 long and 2 short stamens, and 1 superior ovary. The fruit is a 2-valved, ovate, glandular, villous capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a biennial with a branched tap root. In the first year it develops a leaf rosette. In the second it produces a 2 m high, erect, unbranched, gray, tomentose stem. The leaves are alternate, ovate, tapering upward and petiolate. Almost all leaves are crenate; only the highest ones are entire-margined. Characteristics: The plant is very poisonous; it tastes hotbitter with a slightly unpleasant odor. Habitat: Digitalis is indigenous to Europe. It was introduced to the east and the American continent. Production: Digitalis leaves are the leaves of Digitalis purpurea or of Digitalis lanata. Digitalis lanata corresponds to Digitalis purpurea but has a milder effect. The rose leaves are harvested during the first period of vegetation in early autumn. The drying period is decisive for the content of cardenolide glycosides. The temperature for drying is 30° C to 50° C. Not to be Confused With: Confusion seldom occurs due to cultivation under controlled conditions. Other Names: Foxglove, Dead Men's Bells, Dog's Finger, Fairy Fingers, Fairy Gloves, Finger Rower, Folks' Glove, Lion's Mouth, Ladies' Glove, Witches' Gloves, Gloves of Our Lady, Fairy Caps, Fairy Thimbles, Virgin's Glove ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroid glycosides (cardenolides 0.5 to 1.5%): including ones of the - A-sequence (aglycone digitoxigenin): purpurea glycoside A (primary glycoside), digitoxin (secondary glycoside) - B-sequence (aglycone gitoxigenin): purpurea glycoside B (primary glycoside), gitoxin (secondary glycoside), Digitalinum verum Steroid saponin: including desgalactotigonin. digitonine, purpureagitoside Anthracene derivatives: anthraquinones EFFECTS The drug contains cardioactive cardenolide glycosides that are positively inotropic, negatively chronotropic and improve the contraction power of cardiac muscle. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug's use originated in Ireland, then came to Scotland and England and finally to central Europe. It was used to treat ulcers in the lower abdomen, boils, headaches, abscesses and paralysis. Externally, the drug was used for the granulation of poorly healing wounds and to cure ulcers. Furthermore, the drug was used for cardiac insufficiency, especially high blood pressure. Use of the raw product has become obsolete because the effect is not reproducible. The use of pure glycosides is recommended instead. Digitoxin is available in mono preparations (extract) and is used as an isolated pure substance. Homeopathic Uses: Digitalis purpurea is used for cardiac insufficiency and migraine. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Because of the narrow therapeutic range of digitalis glycosides, a certain percentage of patients may experience side effects immediately upon administration of therapeutic dosages: hypertonia in gastrointestinal area, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and headache. Drug Interactions: The simultaneous administration of arrhythmogenic substances (sympathomimetics, methylxanthines, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, quinidine) increases the risks of cardiac arrhythmias. OVERDOSAGE With overdosage, in addition to the already-mentioned symptoms, the following can also occur: Heart: cardiac rhythm disorders, all the way up to lifethreatening ventricular tachycardia, atrial tachycardia with atrioventricular block Central nervous system: stupor, visual disorders, depression, confused states, hallucinations, psychoses - E-sequence (aglycone gitaloxigenin): glucoverodoxin, glucogitaloxin, gitaloxin Lethal dosages lead to heart failure or asphyxiation. Administration over extended periods leads in rare cases to gynecomastia. Because of the difficulties in standardizing the drug, the administration of pure glycosides is to be preferred (digitoxin). Pregnane glycosides: digitalonin The first measures to be taken in case of poisoning are gastric lavage and activated charcoal instillation. All other including digipurpurin, diginin, 2 5 0 /DIGITALIS measures proceed according to the symptoms. For loss of potassium, careful replenishment is necessary. For ectopic irritation build-up in the ventricle, administration of phenytoin as an antiarrhythmatic is recommended. Lidocaine should be used in cases of ventricular extrasystole, and for partial atrioventricular block, atropine is recommended. The prophylactic installation of a pacemaker is often necessary. For elimination of the glycosides hemoperfusion is possible, the administration of cholestyramine for interrrupting the enterohepatic circulation and/or the application of digitoxin antibodies (antigen-binding fragments, digitalis antidote {Boehringer Mannheim}, is very likely only fully effective with digitoxin poisoning). The drugs and pure glycosides should be administered in the following situations (among others): atrioventricular block of the 2nd and 3rd degree, hypercalcaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, carotid sinus syndrome, ventricular tachycardia, thoracic aortic aneurysm, WPWsyndrome. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Today, the drug is obsolete. Due to the lack of reproductivity of content, the use of appropriate pure glycosides is advisable. Digitoxin is contained in mono preparations (extract) and used as an isolated pure substance. Preparation: Tincture: shaken for 1 day in 25% ethanol at a ratio of 1:10. The manufacture of the digoxin and digitoxin is a complicated process that involves fermentation, extraction and evaporation. Storage: Store carefully away from sources of light. LITERATURE Brisse B, Anwendung pflanzlicher Wirkstoffe bei kardialen Erkrankungen. In: ZPT 10(4): 107. 1989. Buschauer A, Entwicklung neuer positiv inotroper Arzneistoffe: Suche nach einm "Digitalisersatz". In: PZW 134(1)3. 1989. Cohn JN, (1974) J Am Med Ass 229: 1911. Holtje HD, Molecular Modelling von Digitaloiden. In: PZ 137(37):2812. 1992. Ikeda Y et al., Quantitative HPLC analysis of cardiac glycosides in Digitalis purpurea. In: JNP 58(6):897-901. 1995. Lichius JJ, Weber R, Kirschke M, Liedtke S, Brieger D, Neues vom Fingerhut und seinen Kaffeesaureestern. In: DAZ 135(40):3794-3800. 1995. Lustenberger, B, In: Lustenberger J (Basler Dissertationen zur Geschichte der Pharmazie und Naturwissenschaften, Bd. 4), Der Weg zur Etablierung der Reinglykoside in der Digitalistherapie. Juris Druck - Verlag Dietikon. 1993. Rail B, Herzinsuffizienz: Was bringt die Digitalis-Therapie? In: DAZ 137(3): 126-27. 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Thomas R e t al., (1974) J Pharm Sci 63:1649. Tschesche R, Briigmann G, Tetrahedron 20:1469-1475. 1964. Voigt G, Hiller K, Sci Pharm 55:201-207. 1987. Wichtl M, Buhl W, Huesmann G, DAZ 127:2391-2400. 1987. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Digitalis Lanata Digitalis lanata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The leaves are the medicinal part of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is long and densely flowered, with racemes facing all directions. The bracts are glandular-haired with ciliate edges. The flower structures are in fives. The sepals are fused, the calyx tubular. The petals are fused to a campanulate corolla, which is glandular-haired on, the outside, white with yellow-brown spots, 18 to 25 mm long and unevenly bilabiate. The upper lip has 4 points, and is flat and hem-like. The lower lip is almost as long as the corolla tube and is turned away from it. There are 4 stamens, often stretching out of the corolla tube. The ovaries are superior, 2-chambered, clavate, glandular-haired, gradually merging into the stigmas. The fruit is a 10 mm long septicidal, brittle capsule. The seeds are approximately 1.5 mm long and red-brown. DIGITALIS HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Leaves, Stem and Root: Digitalis lanata is a herbaceous biennial or perennial, upright, up to 1.2 m high. The leaves are sessile, simple, narrow-lanceolate, 15 to 35 cm long, entire and ciiiate in the upper area of the shoot axis. The stem is upright, usually green, grooved-edged, usually glabrous below and long woolly-haired in the upper half. The plant has a primary root with no shoot-bearing roots. Habitat: The plant's habitat extends from Greece and the Balkans across the northern coast of the Black Sea to the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea. Production: Woolly foxglove leaves are the dried leaves of Digitalis lanata. Annual cultivation begins with sowing in April; harvesting is between September and November. The roughly cut leaves are dried for 10 to 12 hours at 50° C. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroid glycosides (cardenolides) (0.5 to 1.5%) of the following series, including: A-series (aglycone digitoxigenin): including lanatoside A (0.05 to 0.25%) glucodigifucoside (0.01 to 0.15%), glucoeM* vatromonoside (0.02 to 0.05%), digitoxin, alpha- and betaacetyldigoxin LANATA/251 qualities, the drug is now obsolete and has been replaced by pure cardenolide glycosides. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Because of the unsatisfactory reproducibility during production, this drug is obsolete today; the pure cardenolide glycosides are used. The simultaneous administration of arrhythmogenic substances (sympathomimetics, methyl xanthines, phosphodiestrase inhibitors, quinidine) increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Because of the difficulties involved in standardizing the drug, the administration of pure glycosides is to be preferred (digitoxin, digoxin, alpha-acetyldigoxin, beta-acetyldigoxin, lanatoside C, deslanoside). Patients receiving no more than therapeutic dosages might experience the following side effects: hypertonias in gastrointestinal area, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and headache. Drug Interactions: Neither the drug nor pure glycosides should be administered in the presence of first- and seconddegree AV-Block, hypercalcemia, hypokaliemia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, carotid sinus syndrome, ventricle tachycardia, thoracic aortic aneurysm or WPW syndrome. OVERDOSAGE B-series (aglycone gitoxigenin): lanatoside B (0.01 to 0.15%), glucogitoroside (0.02 to 0.12%), Digitalinum verum (0.02 to 0.12%), gitoxin, alpha- and beta-acetylgitoxin With overdosage, in addition to the symptoms above, the following can also occur: C-series (aglycone digoxigenin): lanatoside C (0.08 to 0.24%), desacetyl lanatoside C, digoxin Heart: Cardiac rhythm disorders as serious as life-threatening ventricular tachycardias and atrial tachycardias with atrioventricular block. D-series (aglycone diginatigenin): lanatoside D, diginatin, diginatigenin gitaloside Central nervous system: Dizziness, vision disorders, depressions, states of confusion, hallucinations, psychoses. E-series (aglycone gitaloxigenin): lanatoside E, glucoveredoxin (0.01 to 0.14%), glucoverodoxin (0.02 to 0.12%), gitaloxin Pregnane derivatives: including digifolein, glucodigifolein, diginin, digipronin, lanafolein, gitonine Steroid saponins: including lanagitosides I and II, tigonin, desglucolanatigonin, aglycones including tigogenin, digalogenin, digitogenin, gitogenin EFFECTS The cardioactive cardenolide glycosides contained in the drug are positively inotropic and negatively chronotropic. Digitalis lanata is known to be highly resorbent when administered orally. It produces rapid results and wideranging effects; has strong diuretic properties; is quickly abating; and demonstrates good tolerability. Digitalis lanata has three times the physiological effect of Digitalis purpurea and is preferred for its fast-acting effect. Despite these Lethal dosages (for humans, 2 to 3 g of the drug) initially lead to signs of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea caused by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Slowed pulse, extrasystoles and conduction disturbances result from resorption. These are followed by ventricular fibrillation and later death from cardiac arrest. The first-aid measures to be taken with poisonings are gastric lavage and instillation of medicinal charcoal. All otherr measures proceed according to the symptoms: careful potassium substitution for potassium; phenytoin as an antiarrhythmic for ectopic stimulation formation in the ventricle; lidocaine for ventricular extrasystole; atropine for partial atrioventricular block. The prophylactic insertion of a cardiac pacemaker is recommended. Hemoperfusion for the elimination of the glycosides and cholestyramine administration for the interruption of the enterohepatic circulation are possible. 2 5 2 / D I G I T A L I S LANATA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Mode of Administration: The drug is not used today. The following preparation and supply information is for historical reference. The stem is branched above, with a bluish bloom. The leaves are double and more pinnate, feathery, white-tipped leaflets with a deep groove on the upper surface. The leaf sheath is oblong with a thick-skinned edge. How Supplied: Whole and powdered drug. Characteristics: Dill has an aromatic scent. Preparation: Tincture; powder: ethanol 25%; 1:10; succussed for 24 hours. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, southern Russia, and cultivated throughout Europe as well as North and South America. DOSAGE Storage: Store securely and protect from light. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kallfelz HC, Reinhardt D, Treatment of heart insufficiency in infancy and childhood with a combined drug made of digitalis lanata glycosides, Thei Ggw, 110:357-8 passim, 1971 Mar. Production: Dill herb consists of the fresh or dried leaf and upper stem of Anethum graveolens. Dill seed consists of the dried fruit of Anethum graveolens. Other Names: Dilly ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : DILL HERB Volatile oil (0.5 to 1.5%): chief constituents are carvone, dill apiole, (+) limonene Pitra J, Hor(3k P. Cardiac glycosides. XII. Digoxin, the fermented drug of undulating foxglove (Digitalis lanata EHRH) Cesk Farm, 21:142-4. 1972 May. Phthalides Schneider KW, Gattenlohner W, Different changes of central hemodynamic: due to Digitalis purpura and ianata preparations, Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med, 77:980-2, 1971. No information is available. E F F E C T S : DILL HERB C O M P O U N D S : DILL FRUIT Digitalis lanata See Digitalis Lanata Volatile oil (2.5 to 4.0%): chief constituents are carvone (approximately 50%), dill apiole, (+) — limonene Phtalides Fatty oil Digitalis purpurea See Digitalis Furanocoumarins: including bergaptene Hydroxycoumarins: including umbelliferone E F F E C T S : DILL F R U I T Dill Anethum graveolens The fruit of the Dill plant has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and a bacteriostatic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE DESCRIPTION DILL H E R B Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the seed, the fresh or dried leaves and the upper stem. Unproven Uses: Dill herb is used for prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and urinary tract, for sleep disorders and for spasms. Flower and Fruit: The yellow flowers are in large, 20 to 50 rayed umbels. There is no involucre or calyx. The petals have an inward-curving point, which is not indented. The fruit is flattened and oval with a rib on the back, which is sharp-edged. Ribs that appear on the edge have a winged edge. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 40 to 120 cm tall. The stem is erect, round, smooth, dark-green and white-striped. DILL FRUIT Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic Complaints Indian Medicine: Dill is used for halitosis, worm infestation, complaints of the repiratory tract and syphilis. DIVI-DIVI / 2 5 3 H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DILL HERB No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DILL FRUIT No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Photodermatosis is possible after contact with the juice of the freshly harvested plant. Poggendorf A, Gockeritz D, Pohloudek-Fabini R, Der Gehalt an atherischem 01 in Anethum graveolens, m: PA 32(10):607. 1977. Varo PT, Heinz DE. (1970) J Agric Food Chem. 18:234 et 239. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979 DOSAGE DILL F R U I T Mode of Administration: Whole seeds and crushed fruits are used to make teas and other galenic preparations for internal application. Dionaea muscipula See Venus Flytrap Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage of the seeds is 3 gm; essential oil daily dose is 0.1 to 0.3 gm. LITERATURE DILL HERB Badoc A, Contribution a 1'etude du genre Anethum. In: Memoire Diplome superieur Rech Biol et Physiol, Univ Sci £ Techn Lille Flandres Artois No. 122. Dec. 1986. Dioscorea villosa See Wild Yam Debelmas AM, Rochat J. (1967) Plant Med Phytother 1:23. Dipsacus silvestris Dranik LI. (1970) Khim Prir Soed 6:268. See Teazle Gijbels MJ et al., (1983) Sci Pharm 51:414. Harborne JB. (1969) Phytochemistry 8:1729. Kosawa M et al., (1976) Chem Pharm Bull 24:220. Poggendorf A, Gockeritz D, Pohloudek-Fabini R, Der Gehalt an atherischem 01 in Anethum graveolens. In: PA 32(10):607. 1977. Varo PT, Heinz DE, (1970) J Agric Food Chem 18:234 et 239. Further information in: Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. DILL FRUIT A* Badoc A, Contribution a 1'etude du genre Anethum. In:' Memoire Diplome superieur Rech Biol et Physiol, Univ Sci Techn Lille Flandres Artois No. 122, Dec. 1986. Debelmas AM, Rochat J, (1967) Plant Med Phytother 1:23. Dranik LI, (1970) Khim Prir Soed 6:268. Gijbels MJ et al., (1983) Sci Pharm 51:414. Harborne JB, (1969) Phytochemistry 8:1729. Kosawa M et al., (1976) Chem Pharm Bull 24:220. Dipteryx odorata See Tonka Beans Divi-Divi Caesalpinia bonducella DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is seed. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are dorsiventrally zygomorphous and arranged in dense clusters. The sepals are free or fused at their base, or fused to the base of the petals and stamens to form the corolla. The petals are separate from each other but have an ascending bud covering. There are twice as many stamens as petals, usually 10. The ovary always has only 1 carpel. The fruit is indehiscent or a legume with yellow nuts. Leaves, Stem and Root: Divi-Divi is a tree or shrub that grows to a height of 9 m, with alternate entire-margined or double-pinnate thorny leaves. 254/DIVI-DIVI Habitat: Sri Lanka, Brazil, South America Production: Nikkar nuts are the seeds of Caesalpinia bonducella. - Other Names: Nikkar Nuts, Nichol Seeds, Gray Nicker ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Fatty oil (20 to 25%, bonduc nut oil): chief fatty acids are linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid Proteins Starch PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a leafless parasite up to 150 cm high. The stem is yellow or reddish, thread-like, branched, with sucking roots, and climbing. Habitat: The plant grows in Europe, Asia and South Africa. Production: Dodder epithymum. whole plant Saponins A purgative principle The drug has been subjected to very little investigation. EFFECTS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Dodder has hepatic and laxative effects. Indian Medicine: The roasted seeds are used in febrile illnesses and in the treatment of diabetes. INDICATIONS AND USAGE PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Seeds are ground and roasted for internal use. LITERATURE Balmain et al., Tetrahedron 1967:5027. 1967. Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl., Bde 1-3, W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Cuscuta ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Saponins No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. of COMPOUNDS Tannins Divi-Divi is a febrifuge and tonic. the Other Names: Lesser Dodder, Dodder of Thyme, Devil's Guts, Beggarweed, Hellweed, Strangle Tare, Scaldweed Diterpenes: including, among others, alpha-, beta-, gamma-, eta-caesalpine EFFECTS is Unproven Uses: Dodder is used for disorders of the urinary tract, spleen and liver. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration ot designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. It is conceivable that the drug triggers intestinal colic in cases of overdosage. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Pagnani F, Ciarallo G, (1974^ Boll Chim Farm 113(1):30. Dog Rose Rosa canina Dodder Cuscuta epithymum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the aerial parts of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are reddish, wax or fleshcolored. They are arranged in small clusters. The calyx is divided into 5 and the corolla is fused to a 4 to 5 tipped tube with fringed scales inside. There are 5 stamens and 1 ovary. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the petals, the Rose hips with and without seeds and die seeds. Flower and Fruit: The pink flowers are usually solitary or in clusters of 2 or 3. The receptacle deepens to form a cup whose upper edge the 5 pinnatifid sepals and 5 petals and numerous stamens sit. There are long white silky hairs in ffie receptacles and numerous ovaries. The ovaries grow into stiff-haired nuts surrounded by the receptacle and become the scarlet 'rosehip'. DOG ROSE 255 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an approximately 1 to 3 m high shrub with hanging branches and erect root shoots that are covered in tough, sickle-shaped prickles that are appressed below. The leaves are pinnatifid with 5 to 7 ft, leaflets. They are markedly petiolate, obovate, smooth-margined, glabrous, glossy and dark green above, lighter and simple-serrate beneath. Characteristics: The sepals revolute at the end of the flowering period and drop when the fruit ripens. Habitat: Rosa canina grows in Europe and North Africa and is extensively cultivated. Production: Dog Rose fruit consist of the ripe, dried fruit (nutlet) of various species of the genus Rosa particularly Rosa moschata. The fruits are secondary products of Dog Rose shells. Dog Rose shells consist of the ripe, fresh or dried, opened seed receptacle, whole or cut and freed from hairs, of Rosa canina, Rosa pendulina, Rosa rugosa, Rosa moschata and other Rosa species. The ripe receptacles are harvested by hand and dried in the air, sun or in drying plants at a maximum temperature of 80° C. The dry Dog Roses are broken up and the fruit and skins are separated by sieving. \ Other Names: Brier Hip, Hip, Rose Hip, Sweet Briar, Brier Rose, Eglantine Gall, Hogseed, Dog-Berry, Sweet Brier, Wild Brier, Witches' Brier A C T I O N S A N D PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: DOG ROSE FRUITS Fatty oil (8 to 10%) INDICATIONS AND USAGE DOG ROSE FRUITS Unproven Uses: Dog Rose fruits are used in folk medicine for disorders of the efferent urinary tract and the kidneys. kidney stones, rheumatic conditions such as rheumatism, and gout, colds, scurvy and febrile conditions. DOG ROSE SHELLS Unproven Uses: Dog Rose shells are used in folk medicine for colds and 'flu,1 intestinal conditions, digestive complaints, vitamin C deficiency, gallstones, subacidic-stomach. infectious diseases, conditions of the efferent urinary tract. edema, rheumatism and gout, bleeding and leucorrhea. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DOG ROSE FRUITS AND SHELLS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE DOG ROSE FRUITS Mode of Administration: Dog Rose fruits are available as whole and powdered drug. Daily Dosage: The single dose is 2 gm drug. Storage: Dog Rose should be stored in a dry and dark place. DOG ROSE SHELLS Mode of Administration: Dog Rose shells are available as whole, crude and powdered drug. Tocopherol (vitamin E) Daily Dosage: Tea: 2 to 5 gm drug added to 1 cup and steeped for 10 to 15 minutes Volatile oil (0.3%) Storage: Should be stored in dark place. Proteic substances EFFECTS: DOG ROSE FRUITS The pectin and fruit acid content are responsible for the diuretic and laxative effect. COMPOUNDS: DOG ROSE SHELLS LITERATURE DOG ROSE SHELLS Czygan FC, Rosa canina L. - Die Hunds- oder Heckenrose. In: ZPT 10(5): 162. 1989. Jaretzky R, Pharm Zentralh 82:229. 1941. Flavonoids Kurucu S, Coskun M, Kartal M, High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of ascorbic acid in the fruits of some Rosa species growing in Turkey. In: PM 58(7)75. 1992. Fruit acids: malic acid, citric acid Luckner M, BepMer O, PA 21:197. 1966. Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides (12 to 15%): invert sugar, saccharose Further information in: Carotinoids Pectins Tannins Vitamins: ascorbic acid (vitamin C, 0.2 to 2.4%) EFFECTS: DOG ROSE SHELLS The drug is a vitamin C supplement Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients U«d in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. 2 5 6 / D O G ROSE Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl.. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homdopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart. Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. DOG ROSE FRUITS Czygan FC, Rosa canina L. - Die Hunds- oder Heckenrose. In: ZPT 10(5): 162. 1989. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Other Names: Dog-Tree, Box Tree, Boxwood, Budwood, False Box, Cornelian Tree, Cornel, Bitter Redberry, Green Ozier, Swamp Dogwood, Silky Cornel, Osier, Rose Willow ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Steroid saponins: including sarsapogenin-O-beta-D-galactoside, sarsapogenin-0-beta-D-xylosyl-( I (2)-beta-D-galactoside Iridoide monoterpenes: cornin (verbenalin) Tannins Jaretzky R. Pharm Zentralh 82:229. 1941. EFFECTS Luckner M, Bepler O. PA 21:197. 1966. Effect on mollusks: The drug destroys the biomphalaria glabratus snails (carrier of bilharziose). Further information in: Kern W. List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl.. Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Cardiac effect: Heart activity, at different levels up to the cessation of heartbeat, is examined depending on the concentration of the methanol extract. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. New York 1980. Antiplasmodic effect: Induced malaria on chicks and Peking ducks was treated for 5 days with a water-insoluble fraction. As a result, antiplasmodic activity toward P. cathemerium could be observed, similar to that deployed by quinine and sulfadiazine. To date, the results cannot be sufficiently assessed. Dogwood Comus florida The bark works as a tonic, an astringent and a stimulant. DESCRIPTION INDICATIONS AND USAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried bark. Fresh bark is also used occasionally. Unproven Uses: In North America, the dried bark was used in folk medicine for strength, to stimulate appetite, for fever and for chronic diarrhea. It is used externally as an astringent for wounds and boils. Formerly, it was in use as a replacement for quinine. It is still used for headaches and fatigue. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are sessile, small, greenish, and in clusters of 12 to 20 at the splayed end of a tough, 3 cm long stem. The bracts are white or pale reddish, ovate to long and are longer than the inflorescence. The petals are about 4 mm long. The fruit is a scarlet berry. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a deciduous shrub or a 4 to 9 m high tree, which is heavily branched and has a dark gray, thick and rough bark. The branches are smooth and covered in leaf scars. The leaves are 7 to 10 cm long, opposite, petiolate, entire, ovate acuminate at both ends, and somewhat rough. The upper surface is dark green. In autumn the upper surface is bright red to violet. The underside is always whitish-green. The leaves are slightly pubescent when young. Habitat: Cornus florida is indigenous to eastern and southern North America; other varieties are found in Europe. Production: American Boxwood bark and root-bark are the dried and occasionally fresh bark and root-bark of Cornus florida. It is collected in the wild. Homeopathic Uses: Uses include for poor digestion and chronic attacks of fever. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Formerly the drug was used internally as a tincture as an alternative to quinine and externally as a liquid extract. Homeopathic Dosage: Oral: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). Preparation: Decoction or infusion (no specifications). HERBAL MONOGRAPHS D R Y O P T E R I S FILIX-MAS / 2 5 7 LITERATURE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Caetano-Anolles G, Trigiano RN, Windham MT, Sequence signatures from DNA amplification fingerprints reveal fine population structure of the dogwood pathogen Discula destructiva. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 145:377-83, 1996 Dec 15 COMPOUNDS 4f._ Jacobs, B, In: Jacobs ML. Burlage HM: Index of Plants of North Carolina with Reputed Medicinal Uses, USA. 1958. Jensen SR, Kjaer A, Nielsen BJ, Biochem Syst Ecol 3:75-78. 1975. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hostettmann K. Hostettmann-Kaldas M, Nakanishi K, Helv Chim Acta 61:1990. 1978. Ester resins (dracoresin): benzoyl ester of dracoresinotannol Dracoresen Flavane quinones: including dracorubin (dracocarmin), dracorhodin, both colored an intense red EFFECTS Dragon's Blood has an astringent effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The resin is used for diarrhea, digestive disorders and as a coloring agent. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Dorema ammoniacum See Ammoniac Gum DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The resin is used in a powder form. LITERATURE * Dorstenia contrayerva See Contrayerva Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Merlini L, Gasini G, J Chem Soc Perkin I 1976:1570. 1976. Dragon's Blood (Xue-Jie) Daemonorops Rao SR et al., JNP 45:646. 1982. draco DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the red resin from the fruit, which is extracted from both Daemonorops draco and Daemonorops propinquis. See Winter's Bark Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged along the branch. The fruit is a cherry-sized berry ending in a point. When the fruit are ripe, they are covered in a reddish, resinous substance, which is separated in various ways. Drosera ramentacea Leaves, Stem and Root: Dragon's Blood is a tree with long, thin, flexible stems, which are inclined to climb when they are older. The leaves have thorny petioles, which grow into long appendages. The bark is covered in hundreds of flattened thorns. Habitat: Malaysia, Indonesia. Production: Dragon's Blood resin is the resin of Daemonorops draco. Other Names: Dracorubin, Sanguis Draconis, Draconis Resina, Xue-Jie Drimys winteri See Sundew Dryas octopetala See Mountain Avens Dryopteris filix-mas See Male Fern 258/DUCKWEED PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Duckweed DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The plant is available as fresh or ground herb and as an extract. Lemna minor DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the whole fresh plant. Flower and Fruit: The plant flowers infrequently. The tiny inconspicuous flowers have 2 unevenly sized stamens and 1 pistil. A delicate membranous bract surrounds 3 flowers, which are located on the edge of the stem. The fruit is tubular with 1 ovule. The seeds have longitudinal ribs. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml s.c, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leaves, Stem and Root: Lemna minor is a water plant with leaf-like organs that are 2 to 6 mm long. They are flat, have 3 to 5 ribs, and are sometimes pigmented with red. Two to six leaf-like shoots stick together, and each bears a root with a rounded root cover. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Characteristics: The plant has leaf-like shoots with 1 root per leaf. Dusty Miller Habitat: The plant is found worldwide in cooler, oceanic climates. The plant is not found in east Asia and South Africa. Production: Duckweed is the fresh plant Lemna minor. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: in particular C-glucosyl-flavone, including among others orientin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin, lutonarin, vicenin-1; also O-glycosides, including among others apigenin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin-7-O-glycoside Cyclopentane fatty prostaglandin acids, with structure resembling Polysaccharides: apiogalacturonans Cardiac steroids (cardenolides) EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Duckweed is used internally for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and externally for gout and rheumatism. Chinese Medicine: Duckweed is used for measles, edema, joint pain, dysuria, acne, erysipelas and epilepsy. Homeopathic Uses: Duckweed is used for chronic colds. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Senecio bicolor DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh plant harvested before flowering, the herb of the flowering plant, and the whole fresh, flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The plant has numerous yellow capitula, 12 to 15 cm in diameter, on short peduncles. The calyx only has a few sepals. There are 10 to 12 lingual florets. The fruit is striped. Leaves, Stem and Root: Senecio cineraria is a semi-shrub that grows up to 80 cm high. The stem is erect, heavily branched at the base, and sometimes snow-white tomentose. The leaves are densely pubescent beneath and more or less cobwebbed on the upper surface. They may have sparse greenish hairs. The lower leaves are oval to lanceolate, pinnatifid, and the outer lobes are usually longer than they are wide. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to die Mediterranean region, naturalized in North America and cultivated as an ornamental plant in many countries. Production: Cineraria juice is the juice of the whole Senecio cinerarian plant. Other Names: Cineraria Maritima ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (0.9% in the blossoming foliage): including, among others, jaconine, jacobine, otosenine, retrorsine, senecionine, seneciphylline Polyynes HERBAL MONOGRAPHS EFFECTS The active agents are the alkaloids jacobin, senecionin, and otosenin These pyrrolizidine alkaloids are hepatotoxic and carcinogenic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Though no longer recommended, the plant previously was administered for ailments of the eye, as an emmenagogic, and in cataplasms and oral rinses. Homeopathic Uses: In homeopathy, the juice is used to treat eye-sight problems (for the treatment of spots before the eyes), migraine, and as an emmenagogue. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Dusty Miller should not be taken internally (except in homeopathic dosages) because of the potential hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids and the 1,2-unsaturated necic parent substances. DWARF E L D E R / 2 5 9 Flowers and Fruit: The reddish-white flowers are in a terminal, umbrella-like, richly blossomed, paniculate cyme with 3 main branches. The calyx margin is 5-tipped. The corolla has fused petals and is rotate with 5 acuminate tips. The 5, stamens have dark red anthers and an inferior, 3valved ovary with 3 stigmas. The fruit is a black, globular, berry-like drupe with at least 3 to 4 ovate seeds. When ripe, the fruit stems are erect and violet or crimson. Leaves, Stem and Root: Dwarf Elder is a perennial, herb-like plant 0.5 to 2 m high with a sturdy, finger-thick, branched rhizome that creeps deeply and horizontally. The stems are leafy, erect, sturdy and branched above. They die off in autumn. The leaves are crossed opposite, odd-pinate with 3 to 4 pairs of ovate-lanceolate leaflets and 2 large, ovatelanceolate, and serrate stipules. Characteristics: The fragrance is similar to that of sunflowers or almond. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The use of the sterilized juice is no longer recommended for internal use, nor is any other preparation of Dusty Miller. Habitat: The plant is found from southern Sweden throughout central and southern Europe, in northern Africa, in western Asia as far as Iran, and in North America. LITERATURE Production: Dwarf Elder root is the root of Sambucus ebulus, which is collected in the spring or late autumn and then air-dried. Adams R et ah, J Am Chem Soc 71:1953-1956. 1941. Barger G et al., J Chem Soc:584. 1937. Habib AM, PM 26:279. 1974. Klasek A et al., Coll Czech Chem Comm 40:2524. 1975. Nachmann RJ, PH 22:780-782. 1983. Resch JF et al., PM 47:255. 1983. Roder E, DAZ 132:2427. 1992. Willaman JJ, Hui-Li L, (1970) Lloydia 33(3A):1. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 19921994 (unter Senecio bicolor). Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979 (unter Cineraria maritima). Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. AufL, Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994 (unter Senecio bicolor). Other Names: Dane wort, Wale wort, Blood Elder, Blood Hilder ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Iridoides: ebuloside, 6'-0-apiosyl-ebuloside, 7,7-0-dihydroebuloside, secoebuloside, isoswer-oside Nauseant, purgative resins with unresolved structure EFFECTS The drug is said to be a mild diuretic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Dwarf Elder is used in folk medicine as an ingredient in different teas prepared to assist in weight reduction and alleviate rheumatism. The drug also is used for constipation and as an emetic and to treat edema and kidney disease. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Dwarf Elder Sambucus ebulus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves, the ripe, dried or fresh fruit and the dried roots. Healtii risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. OVERDOSAGE According to older scientific reports, large quantities of all parts of the plant, (in particular the raw berries) leads to vomiting, bloody diarrhea, cyanosis, dizziness, headache, and unconsciousness. Cases of death are also mentioned. 2 6 0 / D W A R F ELDER DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Dwarf Elder is obsolete as a drug in most countries. It is found in some tea mixtures, but is not used in medicinal preparations. LITERATURE Gross GA, Phytochemische Untersuchungen von Inhaltsstoffen der Zwergholunderwurzel, Dissertation Ziirich. 1985. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Petkov V, Markovska V, (1981) Plant Med Phytother 15(3): 172. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Dyer's Broom Genista tinctoria DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The entire plant has medicinal applications. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in short, terminal racemes. They are golden yellow and bean-shaped, 1.5 to 2 cm long and are on pedicles, which are shorter than the calyx. The petal stems of the 4 lower petals are initially straight, but in moments of tension, when for instance, they are touched by an insect, they curl down suddenly and the flower opens. The fruit is a smooth pod 2.5 to 3.5 cm long. It is brown, compressed at the sides, and contains 5 to 10 seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 30 to 60 cm high, always thornless subshrub with a creeping, woody rhizome. The florescent green stems are smooth and produce fairly rigid, smooth or pubescent forked branches, which sprout lanceolate leaves. The leaves are alternate, glabrous, entiremargined, 1.25 to 2.5 cm long, nearly sessile, and with a ciliate margin. The stipules are linear-awl-shaped. Habitat: Dyer's Broom is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, the Canary Islands, Europe and western Asia, and cultivated elsewhere, including the eastern U.S. Production: Dyer's Broom leaves are the green leaves of Genista tinctoria. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Other Names: Dyer's Weed, Dyer's Greenwood, Dyer's Whin, Furze, Green Broom, Greenweed, Wood Waxen ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Quinolizidine alkaloids: main alkaloids — cytisine, methylcytisine, anagyrine, as well as isosparteine, lupanine, tinctorin Flavonoids: in particular luteolin glycosides Isoflavonoids: genistein, genistin Lectins EFFECTS The drug acts as a purifier, cathartic, diuretic, purgative and emetic. It increases heart rate, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates kidney blood circulation and affects metabolism. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Formerly, the drug was used as a purgative and to remove bladder stones, as well as for digestive disorders and gout. Once an infusion has been taken, breathing deepens and pain in the lumbar and pelvic region is alleviated. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Overdosage can lead to diarrhea and to symptoms of a cystine poisoning. Anagyrine has exhibited teratogenic effect in animal experiments. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally as an infusion. Preparations: To prepare an infusion, use 1 teaspoonful of the ground drug per cup of water. Daily Dosage: Drink 1 to 2 cups of infusion daily. LITERATURE Atkinson JE et al., (1969) Tetrahedron 25:1507. Bricout J, (1974) Phytochemistry 13:2819. Harborne JB, (1969) Phytochemistry 8:1449. Hrochova V, Sitaniova H, Farm Obz 51:131. 1982. Inouye H et al., (1968) Tetrahedron Letters 4429. Inouye H et al., (1970) Chem Pharm Bull 18:1856. Lewis JR, Gupta P, (1971) J Chem Soc Chem Comm 4:629. Rulko F, (1976) Pr Nauk Akad. Med Wroclawin 8:3. Sadritdinov F, (1971) Farmakol Alkaloidov Serdechnykh Glikozidov 146. ECHINACEA / 261 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Swietek L, Dombrowicz E, (1984) Farm Pol 40(12):729. Ulubelen A et al., (1971) Lloydia 34(2):258. Further information in: Chan, EH et al. (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal J^, Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Characteristics: The taste is slightly sweet then bitter leaving a tingling sensation on the tongue. The odor is faintly aromatic. Habitat: Echinacea purpurea and Echinaceae pallida grow in the middle or eastern U.S. and is cultivated in Europe. Production: Echinacea purpurea herb consists of the fresh, above-ground parts, harvested at flowering time. The root consists of the fresh or dried underground part, gathered in autumn. Echinacea pallida herb consists of the fresh or dried above-ground parts, collected at the time of flowering. Echinacea angustifolia herb and root consist of the fresh or dried roots, or above-ground parts collected at the time of flowering. Not to be Confused With: The herbs and roots of Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea pallida have different medicinal properties. Some Echinacea species may be confused with or adulterated with Parthenium integrifoium. Other Names: Black Sampson, Niggerhead, Rudbeckia, Sampson Root, Purple Coneflower, Hedgehog, Red Sunflower ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Echinacea Echinaceae species TRADE NAMES Water-soluble immunostimulating polysaccharides (4-O-methylglucuronylarabinoxylans, acidic arabinorhamno-galactans) Echinacea (available from numerous manafacturers), Echinacea Root, Echinacea Standardized, Echinacea Root Herbal, Echinacea angustifolia Herb, Echinacea purpurea Root Volatile oil (under 0.08-0.32%): components including germacrene alcohol, borneol, bornylacetate, pentadeca-8-en2-on, germacrene D, caryophyllene, caryophyllene epoxide DESCRIPTION Flavonoids: ferulic acid derivatives including cichoriic acid, cichoriic acid methyl ester, 2-0- caffeoyl-3-O-feruloyl-tartaric acid, 2,3-O-diferuloyl tartaric acid 2-O-caffeoyl tartaric acid Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are, depending on varieties, the roots, leaves or the whole plant in various stages of development. M COMPOUNDS: ECHINACEA PURPUREA HERB Flower and Fruit: The flower-heads are large and solitary on terminal peduncles with spreading ray florets. The bracts are in a number of rows. The bracts are leafy, rigid, thorny tipped, and longer than the conical erect disc florets. The reddish or occasionally white florets are conspicuous. The Hgual florets are usually sterile and 3 cm long. The pappus is small or absent. Leaves, Stem and Root: Echinacea is usually a perennial herb and grows up to 45 cm. in height. The leaves are large, solitary, opposite or alternate and are smooth-margined. They are 7 to 20 cm long and have a rough surface. The leaves are entire-margined and are on slender petioles. A transverse section of the rhizome shows a thin bark and a yellowish, porous wood, which is flecked with black. Alkamides: including undeca-2E,4Z-dien-8,10-diin acid- and dodeca-2E,4E-8Z,10E/Z- tetraen acid isobutylamide Polyenes: trideca-l,ll-dien-3,5,7,9,-tetraine, trideca-1-en3,5,7,9,11-pentaine, trideca-8,10,12-trien-2,4,6-triine, pontica epoxide COMPOUNDS: ECHINACEA PURPUREA ROOT Water-soluble immunostimulating polysaccharides Water-soluble immunostimulating glycoproteins Volatile oil (0.2%): components including caryophyllene, humules, caryophyllene epoxide, dodeca-2,4-dien-l-yl-isovalerate, germacrene D, palmitic acid, linolenic acid 262/ECHINACEA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Caffeic and ferulic acid derivatives (0.6-2.1%): including cichoriic acid, cichoriic acid methyl ester, 2-0- caffeoyl tartaric acid Alkamides (0.01-0.04%): including undeca-2E,4Z-dien-8,10diinacetyl- and dodeca-2E,4E-8Z,10E/Z-tetracetyliso-butylamide Polyynes (0.01 mg/%): including trideca-l-en-3,5,7,9,11 -pentain, trideca-1,1 l-dien-3,5,7,9,-tetraine, trideca-8,10,12-trien2,4,6-triine, pontica epoxide Effective pyrrolizidine alkaloids: tussilagine, isotussilagine COMPOUNDS: ECHINACEA PALLIDA HERB Volatile oil (0.1%)- including 1,8-pentadecadien Flavonoids: in particular rutin Caffeic acid derivatives: Cichoriic acid, chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid, verbascoside Alkamides: including butylamide dodeca-2E,4E-8Z,10E-tetracetyliso- COMPOUNDS: ECHINACEA PALLIDA ROOT Water-soluble immunstimulating polysaccharides (arabinorhamnogalactans) Volatile oil (0.2 - 2%): chief components include pentadeca8Z-en-2-on, pentadeca-1,8Z-dien, 1 -pentadecan Caffeic acid derivatives: echinacoside Alkamides: including isomeric dodeca-2E,4E-8Z,10E/Z-tetraenic acid-isobutylamide Polyynes: including trideca-l-en-3,5,7,9,11-pentain, pontica epoxide COMPOUNDS: ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA HERB Volatile oil (under 0.1%): typical components consist of epishyobunol, beta-farnesene, alpha- and beta-pinenes, myrcene, carvomenthene, caryophyllene Flavonoids Caffeic acid derivatives: cichoriic acid, chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid, verbascoside, echinacoside Alkamides: including isobutylamide dodeca-2E,4E-8Z,10E-tetracetyl- Polyynes: including trideca-l-en-3,5,7,9,11-pentaine, pontica epoxide COMPOUNDS: ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA ROOT Volatile oil (under 1%): components include dodeca-2,4dien-1-ylisovalerate, as well as palmitic acid, linolenic acid Flavonoids Caffeic acid derivatives (0.3 to 1.3%): echinacoside, cynarin Alkamides (0.01%): including dodeca-2E,4E-8Z,10E/Z- tetracetyl isobutylamide Polyynes: including trideca-l-en-3,5,7,9,11-pentaine, pontica epoxide, in dehydrated roots only traces EFFECTS: ALL VARIETIES General Echinacea activity is directed towards the nonspecific cellular immune system. The herb exerts anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, bactericidal, and wound healing actions, depending on the type of plant species. The main active principles of the immunostimulating, antibacterial and virostatic drug are the alkamides, glycoproteins, caffeic acid derivatives (cichoriic acid and echinosides) and polysaccarides. Immunostimulating Ethanolic root extracts of the Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea pallida and Echinacea angustifolia were shown to cause a 23% increase of the phagocytosis rate in granulocyte smears in vitro (Jurcic, 1989; Melchart 1995). Confirmed by the carbon clearance test and granulocyte tests, the ethanolic root extracts significantly enhance phagocytosis (Bauer, 1988). The ethanolic extracts of aerial parts of Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea exert immunostimulatory effects also through metabolic and bactericidal activities of peritoneal macrophages. The ethanolic extracts of both Echinacea plants also increase the total weight of the spleen (Bukovsky, 1993). Anti-Inflammatory Polyunsaturated alkamides in Echinacea angustifolia exert anti-inflammatory effects through inhibition of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase (Muller-Jakic, 1994). The polysaccharide fraction of Echinacea angustifolia exerts antiinflammatory effects (Tubaro, 1987), and the polysaccharide from Echinacea purpurea induces an acute phase reaction. The acute phase reaction occurs with enhancing the spontaneous motility of PMN and increasing the ability of these cells to kill bacteria such as staphylococci. (Roesler, 1991). Cytokine Stimulation Arabinogalactan, a highly purified polysaccharide from plant cell cultures of Echinacea purpurea, is effective in activating macrophage cytotoxicity actions against tumor cells and microorganisms (Leishmania enriettii). This polysaccharide induces macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1 (TL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-beta. The component also induces a slight increase in T-cell proliferation (Burger, 1997; Luettig, 1989; Roesler, 1991). Extracts of Echinacea purpurea stimulate cell-mediated immunity through the ECHINACEA / 263 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS production of lymphokines by lymphocytes (Coeugriiet, 1987). Echinacea purpurea herb has shown some short-term viral resistance against influenza, herpes, and vesicular stomatitis viruses, which has been credited to an interferonlike effect (Wacker, 1978). Collagen Protectant The caffeic acid derivatives exert a protective effect on the free-radical-induced degradation of Type HI collagen. Collagen degradation was inhibited the greatest by echinacoside and chicoriic acid, then cynarine and chlorogenic acid. The collagen protection from free radical damage is through a scavenging effect on reactive oxygen species and/or C-, N-, S-centered secondary radicals. These activities may be useful for the treatment/protection of photodamage of the skin by UVA/UVB radiation, in which oxidative stress plays a critical role (Facino, 1995). CLINICAL TRIALS A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial evaluated the effect of a fluid extract of Echinacea purpurea on the incidence and severity of colds and respiratory infections. There were 109 patients with a history of more than 3 colds jtL or respiratory infections in the previous year included in the study. The fluid extract, given 4 mL twice daily for 8 weeks, did not significantly decrease the incidence, duration or severity of colds and respiratory infections compared to placebo (Grimm, 1999). The efficacy and safety of Echinaforce® (Echinacea purpurea preparation from 95% herb and 5% root), Echinacea concentrate (same preparation at 7 times higher concentration), and special Echinacea purpurea root preparation were evaluated in the treatment of the common cold. There were 559 volunteers with a common cold included in the study. The participants received 2 tablets 3 times daily. The primary endpoint was the relative reduction of the complaint index, which is a group of 12 symptoms that occur during common cold. Echinaforce® and its concentrated preparation were significantly more effective than the special extract or placebo treatment group. All treatments were well tolerated with the frequency of adverse events not significantly higher than in the placebo group (Brinkeborn, 1999). m The safety and efficacy of Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea ethanolic root extracts for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) was determined in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The time until the first URTI (time and event) and adverse effects were evaluated in 302 patients. The root extract dosages were 50 drops twice daily for 12 weeks from Monday to Friday. The time until occurrence of a URTI was 66 days in the Echinacea angustifolia group, 69 days in the Echinacae purpura group and 65 days in the placebo group. Though the results do not prove efficacy of prophylaxis, the authors conclude that Echinacea may reduce the risk of developing a URTI by 10 to 20% (Melchart, 1998). A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was conducted to determine the effect of an extract of Echinaceae pallidae root with influenza infections of the upper respiratory tract. A dose of 900 mg daily was evaluated for the relief of symptoms, including shortening of the illness period and curing cough and hoarseness. The length of the illness period was reduced significantly with the extract from 13 to 9 days compared with placebo. The strongest effects on the clinical symptoms were achieved after 8-10 days (Brauning. 1993). INDICATIONS AND USAGE ECHINACEA PURPUREA HERB Approved by Commission E: • • • • • • • Common cold Cough/bronchitis Fevers and colds Infections of the urinary tract Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Tendency to infection Wounds and burns Echinacea purpurea herb is used internally as supportive therapy for colds and chronic infections of the respirator) tract and lower urinary tract. It can also be applied locally to poorly healing superficial wounds. ECHINACEA PURPUREA ROOT Unproven Uses: Echinacea purpurea root is used for acute and chronic respiratory tract infections (of viral and bacterial origin); increased susceptibility to infection due to temporarily lowered resistance, treatment of leukopenia following radio and cytostatic therapy and in support of anti-infectious chemotherapy. ECHINACEA PALLIDA ROOT Approved by Commission E: • Fevers and colds Echinacea pallida root is used as a supportive therapy for influenza-like infections. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA HERB AND ROOT Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, native Americans use the drug externally for burns, swelling of the lymph nodes, and insect bites. The drug is used internally for pain associated with headaches and stomach aches, measles, coughs and gonorrhea. The drug has also been used for rattlesnake bites. Today the drug is used for prophylaxis and treatment of 'flu' infections, sepsis, and mild to moderate cold infections. Externally, the drug is used for treatment of poorly healing 264 /ECHINACEA wounds and inflammatory conditions such as abscesses and leg ulcers. CONTRAINDICATIONS ALL VARIETIES AND FORMS Because of a possible activation of autoimmune aggressions and other overreactive immune responses, the drug should not be administered in the presence of multiple sclerosis, leukosis, collagen disease, AIDS or tuberculosis. Parenteral administration should not be used in patients with tendencies to allergies, especially allergies to members of the composite family (Asteraceae). Echinacea should not be used during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES ECHINACEA PURPUREA ROOT Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug for decoctions and galenic preparations. Daily Dosage: When using the tincture, 30 to 60 drops should be taken three times a day. Storage: Echinacea should be protected from light sources, and, if possible be uncomminuted. ECHINACEA PALLIDA HERB AND ROOT Mode of Administration: As a liquid preparation for oral use. Preparation: A 1:5 tincture is made using 50% (V/V) ethanol and native dried extract (50% ethanol in a 7 to 11:1 proportion) ALL VARIETIES AND FORMS General: When used parenterally, dose-dependent short-term fever reactions, nausea and vomiting can occur. Caution should be exercised if the drug is administered parenterally to people with diabetes. Hypersensitivity reactions with anaphylaxis have been reported (Mullins, 1998). Rashes, itching, occasional swelling of the face, breathing difficulties, dizziness and a drop in blood pressure have been observed after administration of preparations containing Echinacea. Fertility: High concentrations of Echinacea had adverse effects on oocytes in animal models (Ondrizek, 1999). Pregnancy: Parenteral administration should be avoided during pregnancy. Drug Interactions: The immune-stimulating effect of echinacea may interfere with drugs that have immunosuppressant effects. Interaction may occur when using cyclosporine or other anti-rejection drugs. Echinacea may also interfere with the cancer chemotherapeutic effect of corticosteroids. DOSAGE ECHINACEA PURPUREA HERB Daily Dosage: The daily dose is 900 mg of drug. The drug should be used for a maximum of 8 weeks. Storage: Protect from light sources. If possible, store uncomminuted. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA HERB AND ROOT Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy in the claimed areas of application has not been documented, therapeutic application cannot be recommended. Because of the risks, the use of parenteral preparations is not justified. How Supplied: Capsule — lOOmg, 125mg, 250mg, 380mg 390mg, 400mg, 430mg, 450mg, 500mg Liquid — 120mg/5mL Preparation: The root tea is prepared using 1/2 teaspoonful of comminuted drug with boiling water. Strain after 10 minutes. Daily Dosage: For colds, drink 1 cup freshly made tea several times daily. Mode of Administration: Pressed juice and galenic preparations for internal and external use. Storage: Protect from light sources. If possible, store uncomminuted. Preparation: The pressed juice is prepared in a concentration of 2.5:1 and is stabilized with 22% alcohol. Other complicated methods of preparation are known. LITERATURE Daily Dosage: When used internally, the recommended dosage is 6 to 9 ml of the expressed juice. The recommended dosage for parenteral administration should be individualized, depending on the seriousness of the condition as well as the specific nature of the respective preparation. Parenteral application requires a gradation of dosage, especially for children. The manufacturer is required to show this information for the respective preparation. When used externally, semi-solid preparations containing at least 15% pressed juice are used for a maximum of 8 weeks. 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Elecampane Inula helenium DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried or fresh rhizome. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are yellow composite flowers in loose, terminal, panicled cymes. They are 7 to 8 cm in diameter. The involucre is imbricate and cup-shaped. The inner bracts are dry at the tip and splayed, the outer ones are like leaves and ovate. The female lateral florets are narrowly linguiform. The androgynous disc florets are tubular. The receptacle is flat, slightly pitted and glabrous. The flowers are a bright yellow. The achaenes are cylindrical, 4 to 5 mm long, brown, glabrous and have 4 tips. The pappus is 8 to 10 mm long and consists of brownish, fine, rough, brittle bristles. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial and 80 to 180 cm high. The rhizome is short with compact branches. It is tuberous and has sturdy, 1 cm thick and 50 cm long roots. The stem is erect, branched above and villous. The leaves are large, tomentose beneath and irregularly dentate. The cauline leaves are cordate-acute. The basal leaves are oblong and petiolate. Characteristics: The rhizome has a strong odor, the taste is pungent, bitter and tangy. Habitat: Indigenous to Europe and temperate Asia, introduced to the U.S. and China. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Production: Elecampane root is the root of Inula helenium. It is harvested in autumn. The roots are then cut and hung up to dry or dried artificially at 50° C. Other Names: Alant, Elfdock, Elfwort, Horse-Elder, Horseheal, Scabwort, Wild Sunflower, Yellow Starwort, Velvet Dock ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chief components alantolactone, isoalantolactone, 11,13- dihydroisoalantolactone, 11,13- dihydroalantolactone (the mixture of alantolactone derivatives is also known as helenalin or elecampane camphor) Polyynes Polysaccharides: above all inulin (fructosan) EFFECTS The main active principles are alantolacton, isoalantolacton and other sesquiterpenlactones. Compounds of this kind have an antiphlogostic and antibiotic effect. Antifungal activity has also been demonstrated. The antimicrobial and anthelmintic effect results from the sesquiterpene lactones. Alantolactone and isoalantolactone are antitumoral, and helenin shortens clotting time. Alantolactone and lead to complete paralysis of the spontaneous contraction of the intestine in animal studies. The plant has mild antiseptic and expectorant effect due to the essential oil, which contains sesquiterpene. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of the rhizome are used to treat bronchitis, whooping cough and bronchial catarrh. In folk medicine, Elecampane is used as a stomachic, diuretic, carminative and cholagogue, as well as for menstrual complaints. Homeopathic Uses: Inula helenium preparations are used for stomach ulcers and chronic cough. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: The drug is severely irritating to mucous membranes and strongly sensitizing. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. OVERDOSAGE Larger administrations of the drug lead to vomiting, diarrhea, spasms and signs of paralysis. Following gastric lavage, intestinal emptying (sodium sulfate) and the administration of activated charcoal powder, poisoning is treated with the antimetic trifluopromazine. ELECAMPANE/267 DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The comminuted drug is used in tea mixtures. The extract is used as a constituent in numerous pharmaceutical preparations, including gastrointestinal remedies, alterants, gout remedies, diuretics and in numerous expectorants. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, boiling water is poured over 1 gm of ground drug and left to draw for 10 to 15 minutes, after which time it is strained through a tea strainer (1 teaspoonful corresponds to about 4 gm drug). Daily Dosage: Average single dose 1 gm. Tea—1 cup is drunk 3 to 4 times daily as an expectorant; may be sweetened with honey. Helenium Extract—The single dose is 0.5 gm. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic once a day (HAB34). Storage: Store in a cool place, protected from light, not in plastic containers. LITERATURE Kerimov SS, Chishov OS, (1974) Khim Prir Soed 10:254. Khvorost PP, Komissarenko NF, (1976) Khim Prir Soed 6:820. Kiesewetter R, Miiller M, (1958) Pharmazie 13:777. Lauro L, Rolih C, Observations and research on an extract of Inula viscosa Ait. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper, 66:829-34, 1990 Sep Pazzaglia M, Venturo N, Borda G, Tosti A, Contact dermatitis due to a massage liniment containing Inula helenium extract. Contact Dermatitis, 61:267, 1995 Oct Rosik GH et al., Khim Farm Zh 21:632-634. 1987. Tripathi YB, Chaturvedi P, Assessment of endocrine response of Inula racemosa in relation to glucose homeostasis in rats. Indian J Exp Biol, 61:686-9, 1995 Sep Vishnakova SA et al., (1977) Rasut Resur 13:428. Zinchenko V et al., Rastit Res 19:544-548. 1983. Further information in: Alonso Blasi N, Fraginals R, Lepoittevin JP, Benezra C, A murine in vitro model of allergic contact dermatitis to sesquiterpene alpha-methylene-gamma-butyrolactones. Arch Dermatol Res, 284:297-302, 1992 Fokina GI, Frolova TV, Roikhel VM, Pogodina W, Experimental phytotherapy of tick-borne encephalitis. Vopr Virusol, 36:18-21, 1991 Jan-Feb. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Veriag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. 268/ELECAMPANE Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Iijima K, Kiyohara H, Tanaka M, Matsumoto T, Cyong JC, Yamada H, Preventive effect of taraxasteryl acetate from Inula britannica subsp. Japonica on experimental hepatitis in vivo. Planta Med, 61:50-3, 1995 Feb. Jiang B, Liao X, Jia X, Ye X, Ding J, Yu X, Wu Y, Studies and comparisons on chemical components of essential oils from Clematis hexapetala Pall, and Inula nervosa Wall. Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih, 15:488-90 512, 1990 Aug. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wang Q, Zhou BN, Zhang RW, Lin YY, Lin LZ, Gil RR, Cordell GA, Cytotoxicity and NMR spectral assignments of ergolide and bigelovin. Planta Med, 62:166-8, 1996 Apr Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Elephant-Ears Bergenia crassifolia DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: Whole plant has medicinal properties. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged in curled cymes. Their structures are arranged in fives and tfiey are radial with the 2 to 3 ovaries joined only at the base. The petals are red or pink-violet and up to 1.5 cm long. The ovary is superior, and the fruit has numerous seeds. The seeds are brown to brown-black, edged, up to 2 mm long and 0.5 mm thick. Leaves, Stem and Root: Bergenia crassifolia is a herbaceous perennial that grows up to 50 cm high. The leaves are basal, oval, up to 20 cm long, over 10 cm wide, orbicular, fleshy, glabrous, with indented glands and slightly dentate. The rhizome is up to 3 cm thick, above ground and covered with the sheaths of the previous year's leaves. Habitat: Russia, Mongolia Production: Bergeniae rhizoma are the dried rhizomes of Bergenia crassifolia. They are collected in the wild and airdried for 2 weeks. Other Names: Learner Bergenia, Siberian Tea ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Hydroquinone glycosides: arbutin (1.8 to 2.3%) Phenol carboxylic acids: bergenin (6.7 to 10.1%, lactones) Tannins (28%) EFFECTS The watery extracts of the drug have astringent, bacteriostatic, local hemostyptic and antiphologistic effects, due to the tannin content and that of other phenolic constituents. The arbutin they contain exhibits urine-disinfecting effect (comparable to Uva ursi). A shortening of blood coagulation time could be demonstrated in animal experiments. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Elephant-Ears have been used for fever, tuberculosis, pneumonia, diarrhea, intestinal disease and rheumatism. The drug is also used for skin leishmaniosis and as a hemostyptic. CONTRAINDICATIONS Preparations are contraindicated in pregnancy, breast-feeding and children under 12 years of age. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction wim the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Because of its high tannin content, the intake of preparations of the drug could lead to digestive disorders; individuals with sensitive stomachs may experience nausea and vomiting. OVERDOSAGE Overdose could lead to inflammatory irritation of the mucous membranes of the bladder and urinary tract, accompanied by urgency and blood in the urine. Long-term administration of the drug could lead to liver damage, due to the possible hepatotoxicity of the hydroquinone released, particularly among children. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole internal and external use. drug preparations for LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kindl H, Conversion of (4-3H)L-phenylalanine into (43H)pyrocatechol and (3-3H)hydroquinone in leaves of Bergenia HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S crassifolia. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem, 350:1289-90, 1969 Oct. Elettaria cardamomum See Cardamom ENGLISH A D D E R S T O N G U E / 2 6 9 Tannins (3%) Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid Sterols: including, among others, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol EFFECTS The drug has diuretic and astringent properties. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Eleutherococcus senticosus See Siberian Ginseng Unproven Uses: Internally, the drug is used for digestive disorders and severe cases of diarrhea. Externally, it is used to treat open wounds. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Elm Bark No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Ulmus minor DOSAGE DESCRIPTION Mode of Administration: Elm bark is used both internally and externally in various preparations. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the inner bark of the young branches. Flower and Fruit: The reddish brown flowers appear before the leaves. They are androgynous, short-pedicled and in globular clusters. The perigone is campanulate-top-shaped and greenish with a purple margin. There are 3 to 4 stamens witii dark violet anthers. The tree is wind pollinated. The fruit is a broad-winged, almost circular, oval or elliptical and glabrous achaene. The reddish nutlet reaches to the front margin of the notch. Leaves, Stem and Root: Ulmus minor is a 40 m high tree with black-brown, finely fissured bark. The branches, which develop long grooves, have alternate, petiolate, 6 to 10 cm long leaves with 8 to 12 lateral ribs. The leaves are ovate. The lamina is irregular and the margin double-serrate. The petioles are 8 to 15 mm longer than the buds, which develop in spring on short branches and form into clusters before flowering. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe as far as the Mediterranean. Production:. Smooth-leaved Elm bark is the bark of Ulmus minor. The bark is gathered for therapeutic or medicinal purposes. It is manually cut in circles and the bark is removed from the young (new) twigs (the diameter of the twig should not be more than 1 cm). The long grain and the upper layer of the bark must be removed, then the bark is dried. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mucilage: yielding mainly D-galactose, L-rhamnose, D-galacturonic acid after hydrolysis Preparation: The ground bark is used for infusions. A decoction from the bark can be prepared using 2 teaspoons of the drug per cup of water. Externally, a 20% decoction is used, which is diluted 1:1 with water, for the treatment of festering and open wounds. Daily Dose: The dosage of the decoction prepared from die bark is 1 cup 2 to 3 times daily. In powder form, a dose of 2 to 5 gm may be taken daily. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. English Adder's Tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the root and leaves. Flower and Fruit: The plant's 12 to 40 ripe yellow sporangia on either side of the middle panicle form an acuminate spike. The tip contains no sporangia. Leaves, Stem and Root: This fern grows from 8 to 25 cm high. The stems, covered in the remains of leaves, grow singly from the underground roots. The stems consist of a few sturdy, yellow fibers and are round, hollow and 2 7 0 / E N G L I S H A D D E R ' S TONGUE succulent. Each bears a smooth, oblong-oval, acuminate, entire frond. Characteristics: Though a member of the Fern family, the appearance of English Adder's Tongue is not at all typically fern-like. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Britain. Production: English Adder's Tongue is the aerial part of Ophioglossum vulgatum. Not To Be Confused With: English Adder's Tongue is not related to American Adder's Tongue (Erythronium americanum). Other Names: Serpent's Tongue, Christ's Spear ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: including among others quercetin-3-methyl ether-7-diglucoside-4' glucoside The constituents of the drug have not been thoroughly investigated. EFFECTS See Erythronium americanum. receptacle is clavate, filled with latex, and covered at the edge with slit bracts. The linguiform florets are female and silver-white. The tubular florets are androgynous and yellow. The corolla of every floret has a short appendage at the base, which surrounds the tip of the fruit. The achaenes are 2 mm long, light brown and almost triangular with vertical ribs. The achaenes are smooth and have no pappus. Leaves, Stem and Root: The 15 to 30 cm high plant has a deeply buried rhizome. The rhizome sprouts numerous, ascending, occasionally upright, simple or branched, rounded, vertically grooved, pubescent stems. The stems are covered in alternating, heavily segmented, gray-green to rich-green leaves that are 2 to 4 cm long. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southern and western Europe and northern Africa, and is cultivated all over Europe. The main exporters are Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy, as well as Poland, the Czech and Slovakian Republics, North America and Argentina. Production: English Chamomile consists of the dried flowers of the cultivated double flowered variety of Chamaemelum nobile. The plant is harvested in June and July, then dried at temperatures of 35°C. See Erythronium americanum. Other Names: Chamomile PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. COMPOUNDS INDICATIONS AND USAGE DOSAGE Mode of Administration: See Erythronium americanum. LITERATURE Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen. Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Ground Apple, Whig Plant, Roman Volatile oil: chief components include ester of angelic- or tiglic acid with isobutanol, isoamyl alcohol or 3-methylpentan-1-ol, to some extent present as hydroperoxides Sesquiterpene lactones: in particular nobilin, besides 3epinobilin, 1,10-epoxynobilin, 3-dehydronobilin that is present to some exient as hydroperoxides, including 1-betahydroperoxy-isonobilin and 4-alpha-hydroperoxy-manolide Flavonoids: including anthemoside, cosmosioside, luteolin7-0-glucoside English Chamomile Caffeic and ferulic acid ester Chamaemelum nobile Polynes: Including cis- and trans-dehydromatricaria ester "DESCRIPTION EFFECTS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the English Chamomile oil extracted from the fresh or dried filled or unfilled flower heads and the dried aerial plant parts; the dried flower heads of the cultivated, filled varieties; and the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant. In contrast to true chamomile, few studies are available. The essential oil is active against gram-positive bacteria and dermatomyces. The drug is also cytostatic and acts on the CNS, causing a reduction of aggressive behavior in animal tests. Efficacy in dyspepsia (including flatulence) may be due to the amaroids. Flower and Fruit: The stems end in 12 to 18 fruit-bearing, white florets, which are about 2 to 2.5 cm wide. The epicalyx is semi-globose. The bracts are in a number of rows and are lanceolate to spatulate with a broad membranous border. The INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the French use English Chamomile mainly for feelings of fullness, bloating and mild HERBAL MONOGRAPHS spasmodic gastrointestinal disturbances and sluggishness of the bowels. It is also used for menstrual complaints, nervousness, hysteria and general debility. It is used topically for inflammation of the mouth and throat, rhinitis, toothache, earache, headache and influenza. The oil is used in mouthwashes. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used in homeopathy to treat nervous gastrointestinal disorders, but efficacy has not been proven. CONTRAINDICATIONS Use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug possesses a small potential for sensitization. Pregnancy: The drug is not to be used during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy for the claimed uses is not documented and there is a certain risk involved, a therapeutic application cannot be recommended. English Chamomile is used in folk medicine as a fluid extract, tincture, elixir, wine, syrup, ointment and powder. Preparation: To prepare a decoction, add 3 g drug to 100 ml water. An infusion is prepared using 7 to 8 capitula per cup. A liquid rub is prepared using 1 dsp diluted in 250 ml water. Daily Dosage: The average single dose of the drug is 1.5 g at the main meals. The average daily dose of an infusion is 50 ml to 200 ml. When used as a bath additive, add 50 g to 10 liters of water. Liquid rubs are applied as poultices or washes 2 to 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes for acute conditions. For chronic conditions: 1 to 3 times daily; Parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute 3 times daily; Chronic: once a day (HAB1) Storage: Store in well-sealed glass or metal containers protected from moisture. LITERATURE Damiani P et al., (1983) Fitoterapia 54:213. ENGLISH HAWTHORN/271 Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E. Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. English Hawthorn Crataegus laevigata TRADE NAMES Hawthorn, Hawthorn Extract (available from numerous manufacturers and as a combination product), Hawthorne Berries, Hawthorn Flowers, Leaves & Berries, Standardized Hawthorn Extract, Hawthorn Extract, Hawthorn Power, Time Release Hawthorn Power, HeartCare DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are generally white thorn flowers, leaves, fruit, and various mixtures of different plant parts. Flowers and Fruit: The white flowers are in richly-blossomed cymes. The sepals are usually short, more or less triangular, entire-margined or, particularly the American variety, fairly long with glandular tips. The petals are usually separate, orbicular, crenate, white or occasionally red. There are 10 to 20 stamens and 1 to 5 carpels, which are more or less fused to the receptacle. There are 2 ovules, the upper one is sterile and covers the lower fertile one like a cap. There is 1 seed in each chamber. The false fruit is ovoid or globose and crowned by the remains of the sepals. It is red, black, or yellow and mealy. Herisset A et al., (1974) Plant Med Phytother 8(4):306 and 287. Holub M, Samek Z, (1977) Collect Czech Chem Commun 42: 1053. Leaves, Stem and Root: Hawthorn is a bulky shrub or small tree, 1.5 to 4 m high with hard wood and usually thorny branches. The leaves have many forms. They are shallow, 3 to 5 lobed, with the lobes pointed forward. The leaves are unevenly serrate, obovate, yellowish-green, and glossy. Isaac O, Chamaemelum nobile (L.) Allioni - Rdmische Kamille. In: ZPT 14(4):212. 1993. Characteristics: The flowers have an unpleasant smell and a slightly bitter taste; the fruit has a sour taste. Herisset A et al., (1971) Plant Med Phytother 5(3):234. 2 7 2 / E N G L I S H HAWTHORN PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES = .- Habitat: The plant is indigenous to northern temperate zones of Europe, Asia, and North America. Production: Hawthorn consists of the leaves and flowers of Crataegus laevigata and. occasionally other species. The medicinal parts of the Hawthorn plant are collected in the wild and dried at room temperature. Not to be Confused With: Hawthorn is sometimes mistaken for the flowers, leaves, and fruit of Robinia pseudoacacia, Sorbus aucuparia or Prunus spinosa. Other Names: Haw, May, Whitethorn, Hawthorn ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoides (1.8%): O-glycosides, including hyperoside (0.28%), rutin (0.17%) 6-C- and 8-C-glycosyl compounds, (0.02%), vicenin-1, orientin including vitexin 6-C- and 8-C-glycosyl compounds, linked O-glycosidically as well as with other monosaccharides, including vitexin-2"O-alpha-L-rhamnoside (0.53%), vitexin-2"-0-alpha-Lrhamnoside-4'"-acetate Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (2.4%) Biogenic amines, including tyramine Triterpenes ( 0.6%): including oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, 2alpha-hydroxy oleanolic acid (crataegolic acid) EFFECTS The active principles are procyanidins and flavonoids. They cause an increase in coronary blood flow due to dilatory effects resulting in an improvement of myocardial blood flow. The drug is positively inotropic and positively chronotropic. The cardiotropic effect of Crataegus is said to be caused by the increased membrane permeability for calcium as well as the inhibition of phosphodiesterase with an increase of intracellular cylco-AMP concentrations. Increased coronary and myocardial circulatory perfusion and reduction in peripheral vascular resistance were observed. High doses may cause sedation. This effect has been attributed to the oligomeric procyanidins (Anonym, 1994). Crataegus extract has been found to prolong the refractory period and increase the action potential duration in guinea pig papillary muscle. One study demonstrated that a Crataegus extract blocked the repolarizing potassium currents in ventricular myocytes of guinea pigs. This effect is similar to that of class HI antiarrhythmic drugs and may explain the antiarrhythmic effect of Hawmorn (Muller, 1999). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Decrease in cardiac output (Stage II NYHA) Hawthorn is used for senile heart, chronic cor pulmonale, and mild forms of bradycardia! arrhythmias. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Hawthorn is also used as a cardiotonic, for hypertension, ischemia of the heart, arrhythmia and as a sedative. Hawthorn has a high flavonoid content and is used to prevent collagen destruction in joints and decrease inflammation and decrease the fragility of capillaries. Hawthorn has shown some effectiveness in lowering cholesterol levels in at least one study. Several extracts from different componants of the plant have demonstrated antioxidant effects. Chinese Medicine: In China, Hawthorn is used to reduce food stagnancy and blood stasis (Chen, 1995). Homeopathic Uses: Therapeutic dilutions are used for cardiac insufficiency, senile cardiac insufficiency, dysrhythmia, and angina pectoris. CLINICAL STUDIES Cardiac Effects Several studies that have used animal models demonstrate the cardiac effects of Hawthorn. The influence of the main flavonoids from Hawthorn on coronary flow, heart rate, left ventricular pressure and the velocity of contraction and relaxation was investigated on isolated guinea pig hearts maintained at a constant perfusion pressure was the focus of one study. The study recorded an increase in coronary flow of 186% for one of the main glycosides, luteolin-7-glucoside; 66% for the hyperoside component and 66% for the rutin flavonoid. Coronary relaxation velocity increased by 104% in the luteolin-7-glucoside arm, 62% for hyperoside and 73% for rutin. Positive inotropic and chronotropic effects were noted for all of the above extracts as well. The beta adrenergic effects of the flavonoids were prevented by the addition of propranolol. The authors postulate that the mechanism of action for the cardiac effects of Hawthorne is due to the inhibition of the 3', 5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase enzyme (Schussler, 1995). It should be noted that in a more recent study, the positive inotropic effect of Hawthorn was not attributed to phosphodiesterase inhibition or to a beta-sympathomimetic effect (Muller, 1999). Another small, placebo controlled, randomized double-blind study was performed to test the efficacy of a special extract (WS 1442) of Hawthorn in a group of 30 patients with stage II NYHA cardiac insufficiency. Treatment duration was 8 weeks. Primary parameters were alteration in the pressure-x- HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S rate product (PRP) under standardized loading on a bicycle ergometer, and the score of a subjective questionnaire on improvement of complaints. Secondary target parameters included exercise tolerance and the change in heart rate and arterial blood pressure. A statistically significant improvement in both primary and secondary parameters were noted in the WS 1442 group over that of the placebo group (Leuchtgens, 1993). ENGLISH HAWTHORN/273 OVERDOSAGE The LD50 via intraperitoneal injection in the mouse model has been reported at a single dose of 1,170 mg/kg and 750 mg/kg in the rat. In both species, signs of overdose included sedation, dyspnea, tremor and piloerection (Schlegelilch & Hey wood, 1994). The same authors reported that an oral dose if 3,000 mg/kg in mice and rats was well tolerated with no negative clinical signs or death reported in the animal models. CONTRAINDICATIONS Hawthorn is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. Use of Hawthorn during the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: It is recommended that Hawthorn supplements be prescribed and monitored by a physician. During treatment with Hawthorn, the clinician should monitor heart rate and blood pressure on a regular basis. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The dried and comminuted drug for decoctions as well as liquid or dry extracts for oral intake. How Supplied: Capsules — 80 mg, 100 mg, 300 mg, 450 mg, 455 mg, 480 mg, 500 mg, 510 mg, 565 mg Liquid — 250 mg/ml Tablets — 80 mg Higher doses can produce hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, and sedation. Less serious adverse effects include dizziness and tremor. Accidental corneal scratches caused by thorns of hawthorn bushes have resulted in blindness in 88 out of 132 reported cases in Ireland (Duke, 1985). Drug Interactions Hawthorn may potentiate the effects of cardiac glycosides. If Hawthorn therapy is initiated in patients taking digoxin, digitoxin or g-strophanthin, the dosage of standard cardiac glycosides should be adjusted downward. Hawthorn may cause a hypertensive effect when used in combination with beta-blockers (Murray & Pizzorno, 1996). Because Hawthorn has an action similar to Class III antiarrhythmics, use with other antiarrhythmics should be discouraged. Hawthorn has been found to inhibit the inward flow of potassium channels resulting in an increased action potential in cardiac ventricular cells. Drugs that act in a similar manner such as cisapride are likely to interact with Hawthorn and should therefore not be taken in conjunction with Hawthorn. Pregnancy: Hawthorn is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy. Nursing Mothers: There are no warnings in the literature regarding use of Hawthorn in nursing mothers. Pediatrics: Hawthorn is not recommended for children under the age of 12 years. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 5 gm of drug or 160 to 900 mg extract administered in divided doses, 3 times daily, (ethanol 45% V/V or methanol 70% V/V) standardized on procyanidin or flavonoids; single dose: 1 gm of drug several times daily. The duration of treatment is minimum 6 weeks. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times a day or 1 ml injection solution sc twice a week; ointment 1 to 2 times a day (HAB1) Storage: Hawthorn should be protected from light and moisture in well-sealed containers at temperatures below 25° C. LITERATURE Ammon HPT, Handel M, (1981) Crataegus, Toxikologie und Pharmakologie. Teil 1, Toxizitat. Planta Med 43:105-120. Ammon HPT, Handel M, (1981) Planta Med 43:105, 209 et 313. Anonym, 5. KongreJJ fur Phytotherapie: Phytoforschung intensiviert. In: DAZ 133(48):4593. 1993. Anonym, Behandlung der leichten Herzinsuffiziens: Weijklornextrakt und ACE-Hemmer im Vergleich. In: DAZ 134(39):3749. 1994. Anonym, Phytopharmaka fur altere Menschen: Ginkgo, Kava, Hypericum und Crataegus. In: DAZ 135(5):400-402. 1995. Anonym, Weipdorn bei Herzinsuffiziens und Angina pectoris. In: Symbiose 4(3): 16. 1992. Bahorun T, Gressier B, Trotin F, Brunet C, Dine Th, Luyckx M, Vasseur J, Cazin M, Cazin JC, Pinkas M, Oxygen species scavenging activity of phenolic activities, fresh plant organs and pharmaceutical preparations. In: Arzneim Forsch 46(11): 10861089. 19%. 2 7 4 / E N G L I S H HAWTHORN PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Bahorun T, Trotin F, Pommery J, Vasseur J, Pinkas-M, Antioxydant activities of Crataegus monogyna extracts. In: PM 60(4):323-328. 1994. Leuchtgens H, Cratagus Special Extract WS 1442 in NYHA II heart failure. A placebo controlled randomized double-blind study. In: Fortschr Med 20;111(20021: 352-4 Jul 20,1993. Beretz A et al., (1980) Planta Med 39(3):241. Loew D, (1994) Crataegus-Spezialextrakte bei Herzinsuffizien. Kassenarzt 15:43-52. Chen JD, WU YZ, Tao ZL et al: Hawthorn (shan zha) drink and its lowering effect on blood lipid levels in humans and rats. World Rev Nutr Diet 77:147-154. 1995. Ciplea AG, Richter KD, (1988) The protective effect of Allium sativum and Crataegus on isoprenaline-induced tissue necroses in rats. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res 38:1588-1592. Czygan FC, Crataegus-Arten- WeipMorn. Portrait einer Arzneipflanze. In: ZPT 15(2): 117. 1994. Dingermann T, Phytopharmaka im Alter: Crataegus, Ginkgo, Hypericum und Kava-Kava. In: PZ 140(23):2017-2024. 1995. Duke JA: Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Inc, Boca Raton, FL, pp 146-147. 1985. Eichstadt H, Bader M, Danne O, Kaiser W, Stein U, Felix R, (1989) Crataegus-Extrakt hilft dem Patienten mit NYHA IIHerzinsuffizien Therapiewoche 39: 3288-3296. Ficarra P et al.. (1984) Farm Ed Prat 39(10)342. Ficarra P et al., (1984) Farm Ed Prat 39(5)148. Fischer K, Jung F, Koscielny J, Kiesewetter H, (1994) Crataegus-Extrakt vs. Methyldigoxin. EinfluP auf Rheologie und Mikrozirkulation bei 12 gesunden Probanden. Miinch Med Wschr 136 (Suppl 1), 35-38. Forster A, Forster K, Buhring M, Wolfstadter HD, (1994) Crataegus bei ma(3ig reduzierter linksventrikularer Auswurffraktion. Ergospirometrische Verlaufsuntersuchung bei 72. Patienten in doppelblindem Vergleich mit Plazebo. Miinch Med Wschr 136 (Suppl I). 21-26 Iwamoto M et al., (1981) Planta Med 42(1 ):1 Joseph G, Zhao Y, Klaus W (1995) Pharmakologisches Wirkprofil von Crataegus-Extrakt im Vergleich zu Epinephrin, Amrinon, Milrinon und Digoxin am isoliert perfundierten Meerschweinchenherzen. Arzneim Foisch/Drug Res 45: 12611265 Kaul R, Pflanzliche Procyanidine. Vorkommen, Klassifikation und pharmakologische Wirkungen. In: PUZ 25(4): 175-185. 1996. Klensch O, Nagell A, Die Darreichungsform Tee am Beispiel Weipdornblatter mit Bluten. In: DAZ 134(32):3005. 1994. Krzeminski T, Chatterjee SS, (1993) Ischemia and early reperfusion induced arrhythmias, beneficial effects of an extract of Crataegus oxyacantha L. Pharm Pharmacol Lett 3:45-48. Kurcok A, (1992) Ischemia- and reperfusion-induced cardiac injury; effects of two flavonoids containing plant extracts possessing radical scavenging properties. NaunynSchmiedebergs's Arch Pharmacol 345 (Suppl RB 81) Abstr 322. Kurzmann M, Schimmer O, Weifkiorn - Flavonoidmuster und DC-Identitatspriifung. In: DAZ 136(33):2759-2764. 1996. Loew D, Phytotherapie bei Herzinsuffizienz. In: ZPT 18(2):9296. 1997. Meier B, Neue Erkenntnisse zur Analytik und Wirksamkeit von Wei|3dorn. In: DAZ 136(44):3877-3879. 1996. Murray M & Pizzorno J: A Textbook of Natural Medicine, 2nd ed. Batyr University Publications, Seattle, WA, USA, ppV Cratag-1-4. 1996. Muller A, Linke W, Klaus W: Crataegus extract blocks potassium currents in guinea pig ventricular cardiac myocytes. In: Planta Med 65(4): 335-9 May, 1999. Popping S, Rose H, Ionescu I, Fischer Y, Kammermeier H, (1995) Effect of a Hawthorn Extract on Contraction and Energy Turnover of Isolated Rat Cordiomyocytes. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res 45:1157-1161. Rehwald A et al., HPLC analysis of the flavonoids of Crataegi folium cum flore. In: PM 59(7)28. 1993. Reuter HD, Crataegus als pflanzliches Kardiakum. In: ZPT 15(2):73. 1994. Rewerski W et al., (1971) Arzneim Forsch 21:886. Schlegelmilch R, Heywood R, (1994) Toxicity of Crataegus (Hawthorn) Extract (WS 1442). J Am Coll Toxicol 13:103-111. Schmidt U, Kuhn U, Ploch M, Hubner WD, (1994) Wirksamkeit des Extraktes LI 132 (600 mg/Tag) bei 8wochiger Therapie. Plazebokontrollierte Doppelblindstudie mit Weifklorn an 78 herzinsuffizienten Patienten im Stadium II nach NYHA. Munch Med Wschr 136(Suppl 1): 13-20. Schussler M et al., Effect of flavonoids from Crataegus species in Langendorf perfused isolated guinea pig heart. In: PM 58(7)46. 1992. Schuessler M et al., Cardiac effects of flavonoids from Crataegus species. In: PM 59(7)88. 1993. Schussler M, Holzl J, Fricke U, Myocardial effects of flavonoids from Crataegus species. In: Arzneimittelforschung 45(8): 842-5, Aug, 1995. Siegel G, Casper U, (1995) Crataegi folium cum flore. In, Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, S. 1-14. Siegel G, Casper U, Walter H, Hetzer R, (1994) WeipMornExtrakt LI 132. Dosis- Wirkungs-Studie zum Membranpotential und Tonus menschlicher Koronararterien und des Hundepapillarmuskels. Miinch med Wschr 136(Suppl l):45-56. Sprecher E, Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In: ZPT 9(2):40. 1988. Sticher O, Rehwald A, Meier B, (1994) Kriterien der pharmazeutischen Qualitat von Crataegus-Extrakten. Miinch Med Wschr 136(Suppl l):69-73. ENGLISH I V Y / 2 7 5 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Tauchert M, Loew D, (1995) Crataegi folium cum flore bei HerzinsuffizienZ In, Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, S. 137-144. ^ Tauchert M, Ploch M, Hubner WD, (1994) Wirksamkeit des ~* Weipdorn-Extraktes LI 132 im Vergleich mit Captopril. Multizentrische Doppelblindstudie bei 132 Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz im Stadium II nach NYHA. Munch Med Wschr 136(Suppl l):27-34. Tauchert M, Siegel G, Schulz V, (1994) Weipdom-Extrakt als pflanzliches Cardiacum (Vorwort). Neubewertung der tfierapeutischen Wirksamkeit. Miinch Med Wschr 136(Suppl l):3-5. Trunzler G, Phytotherapeutische Moglichkeiten bei Herz- und arteriellen Gefafkrkrankungen. In: ZPT 10(5): 147. 1989. Wagner H, Grevel J, (1982) Planta Med 45:98. Wichtl M, Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In: DAZ 132(30): 1576. 1992. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. 0Q Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotiierapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. densely covered in 1- or more-celled tomentose hairs with few glands and a mild odor. The stem is erect, simple or branched, up to 1 m high, tough and obtusely angular. The leaves are sessile, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, usually acuminate, with 6 to 12 pairs of curved pinnate veins. The underside of the leaves are gray to white tomentose. Production: English Horsemint is the aerial part of Mentha longifolia, the dried herb. Habitat: The plant is common in all of Europe to southern Sweden. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chief components piperitone (share 60-80%), furthermore beta- caryophyllene (5-15%), germacren D (515%), 1,8-cineole (2-7%), limonene (1-8%), with other chemotypes chief components D-carvone, piperitone, isomenthone &plus; menthofurane, menthone, piperitol, menthol or linalool Flavonoids: including among others diosmin, hesperidin, quercitrin, thymonin, apigenine-7-glucuronide EFFECTS English Horsemint has carminative and stimulant effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used for digestive disorders, particularly for flatulence. Historically, it has been used for all kinds of pain, headaches in particular. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The ground drug is used internally as an infusion; it is used externally as a bath additive. English Horsemint Mentha longifolia DESCRIPTION £k Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried herb. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are sometimes interrupted lower down by 1 cm thick, gray to white, downy, panicled, false spikes. The false spikes are arranged with linear, villous bracts, which are longer than the flowers. The calyx is fluffy and woolly pubescent with awl-shaped tips. The corolla is lilac to flesh-colored. The fruit is a finely speckled nutlet Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial. It has a sturdy rhizome with underground runners. The shoots are LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogdh), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. English Ivy Hedera helix DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and berries. 2 7 6 / E N G L I S H IVY Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are greenish-yellow umbels, which form dense, semi-globular clusters. The calyx tips are short, almost triangular, tomentose and drooping. The 5 petals are oblong and slightly involute. There are 5 stamens and 1 inferior ovary with 5 valves. The style is fused into a column. The fruit is a globular, usually 5-valved berry, which becomes black and ripens in spring. It contains 3 to 5 reniform, triangular, acute seeds, which are reddish-violet when young, later dark brown, and finally black. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen perennial, which creeps or, by means of adventitious roots, climbs to a length of 3 to 15 m. The stem is branched, the leaves are alternate, petioled, glabrous, glossy, coriaceous. Younger leaves are 5-lobed; the leaves of older flowering plants are ovate-rhomboid. Characteristics: The berries and leaves have a bitter taste. Habitat: English Ivy is indigenous to the temperate regions of Europe, and also north and central Asia. It is cultivated in the U.S. Production: English Ivy leaf consists of the dried leaves of Hedera helix. Other Names: Gum Ivy, True Ivy, Woodbind ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins: aglycone hederagenin, oleanolic acid, bayogenin, chief components hederosaponin C (hederacoside C, slightly transforming into alpha-hederin, aglycone hederagenin), additionally hederosaponin B (hederacoside B) Volatile oils: including some with methylethylketone, methylisobutylketone Polyynes: including falcarinol, 11,12-didehydrofalcarinol Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol, campesterol Flavonoids: including rutin EFFECTS English Ivy is an expectorant and antispasmodic. In animal experiments, the drug is anti-exudative and cytotoxic. Hedera saponin C exhibits an antiviral, antibacterial, antimycotic, anthelmintic and mollusicidal, as well as an antiflagellate, effect. The fresh leaves are an irritant to the skin and mucosa and can have an allergenic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: m Cough • Bronchitis English Ivy is a respiratory catarrh used for the symptomatic treatment of chronic inflammatory bronchial conditions. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, English Ivy is used internally for liver, spleen and gallbladder disorders and for gout, rheumatism and scrofulosis. Externally, it is used for burn wounds, calluses, cellulitis, inflammations, neuralgia, parasitic disorders, ulcers, rheumatic complaints and phlebitis. Homeopathic Uses: English Ivy is administered in homeopathy for rachitic states. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or sid^ effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. The drug has a medium potential for sensitization through skin contact. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: English Ivy is available as comminuted drug and other galenic preparations for internal external use. How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical preparations include drops, suppositories and tablets. Preparation: Prepare a tea by adding 1 heaped teaspoonful of drug to 1/4 liter of hot water and steeping the mixture for 10 minutes. A poultice is prepared by mixing fresh Ivy leaves 1:3 with linseed meal. To make an infusion, add 1 heaping teaspoonful of drug to one-quarter cup boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Daily Dosage: Tea and other infusions can be taken internally 3 times daily. The average daily dose is 0.3 to 0.8 g of drug. Fresh leaves may be laid upon festering wounds and burns; a decoction of fresh leaves (200 gm/liter water) may be used externally for rheumatism. The daily dose of a tincture is 40 to 50 drops; single dose: 5 to 10 drops. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Balansard G et al., (1980) Planta Med 39:234. Czygan FC, Hedera helix L. - Der Efeu. In: ZPT 11 (4): 133. 1990. Elias R et al., JNP 54:98-103. 1991. Gladtke E, Zur Wirksamkeit eines Efeublatterpraparates (Prospan).1 In: Intern Praxis 32(1)187. 1992. Hansen L, Boll PM, (1986) Phytochemistry 25(2):285. Julien J et al., (1985) Planta Med (3):205. Mahran GH et al., (1975) Planta Med 29:127. Trute A, Gross J, Mutschler E, Nahrstedt A, In vitro antispasmodic compounds of the dry extract obtained from Hedera helix. In: PM 63(2): 125-129. 1997. H E R B A L MONOGRAPH S Trute A, Nahrstedt A, Identification and quantitative analysis of phenolic dry extracts of Hedera helix. In: PM 63(2): 177-179. 1997. Tschesche R, Schmidt R, Wulff G, Z Naturforsch 20B:708-709. 1965. ^* Wulff G, DAZ 108:797-807. 1968. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fiir Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen. 4. AufL, Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4 -6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl.. Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. *fc Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. ENGLISH L A V E N D E R / 2 7 7 is amethyst-colored, tomentose and after flowering it is closed by a lidlike appendage of its upper tip. The corolla is longer with a cylindrically fused base, the lips are flat, and the upper lip is larger with 2 lobes. The lower lip is 3-lobed with even* tips. The stamens are enclosed in the tube. The ovary consists of 4 carpels and has a nectary below it. The fruit is a glossy brown nutlet. Leaves, Stem and Root: English Lavender is a 60 cm high subshrub and is heavily branched with leafy, erect, rod-like, gray-green, young branches. The leaves are sessile, oblonglanceolate, entire-margined, involute, gray, later green with glandular spots beneath. Characteristics: The flowers have a fresh aromatic fragrance. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean region but is common in most of southern Europe and is cultivated extensively. Production: English Lavender flower consists of the dried flower of Lavandula angustifolia, gathered shortly before fully unfolding, as well as its preparations. Flowering shoots are harvested when the middle section of the spike is flowering; it is cut 10 cm beneath the insertion of the spike. The most valuable part is the receptacle. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Not to be Confused With: Other varieties of lavender such as Lavendula intermedia (Lavendin) and Lavendula latifolia. The varieties are often mixed commercially. When the drug material has a high proportion of stem and leaf material, it is considered less valuable. English Lavender Hydroxycoumarins: including among others, umbelliferone, herniarin Lavandula angustifolia Tannins (13%) Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. the Great 2.Plague in London in the 17th century, Pharmakologie. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Other Names: French Lavender, Garden Lavender, Lavender when it Wiesenauer was suggested that Phytopharmaka a bunch of Wagner H, M, Phytotherapie. undlavender ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY pflanzliche Homoopathika, Stuttgart, Jena, New fastened to each Fischer-Verlag, wrist would protect the wearer C OMPOUNDS York 1995. against the deadly disease. Furthermore, Volatile oil (1-3%): chief components (-)-linalool (making Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. grave-robbers were known to wash in Four Thieves Vinegar, up 20-50%) and linalyl acetate (30-40%), furthermore, Stuttgart 1997. including amongthey others, cis-ocimene, terpinene-4-ol, betawhich contained lavender, after doing their dirty work; caryophyllene, lavandulyl acetate rarely contracted the disease DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the essential oil extracted from the fresh flowers and/or the inflorescences, the flowers collected just before opening and dried, the fresh flowers and the dried flowers. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in false whorls of 6 to 10 blossoms forming interrupted terminal spikes. The pedicles are 10 to 15 cm long downy stems. The bracts are 5 mm long, ovate to broadly triangular, often brown and brownviolet or violet-tinged. The tubular calyx has 5 uneven tips, it | Cqffeic acid derivatives: including among others, rosmaric acid EFFECTS The drug contains essential oil. The main active constituents are linalyl acetate and linalool. In a 1936 study, a choleretic and cholagogic effect was described. In addition, an antimicrobial effect has been demonstrated in vitro. In animal experiments a neurodepressive effect was demonstrated (shortening of the falling- 278/ENGLISH LAVENDER PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES asleep period and lengthening of sleep duration) and a reduction of motor activity. Guillemain J, Rousseau A, Delaveau P. (1989) Effets neurodepresseurs de l'huile essentielle de Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Ann Pharmaceutiques Francaises 47:337-343. In humans, after inhalation of the drug, an effect on the limbic cortex (similar to nitrazepam) was demonstrated. Herisset A et al., (1971) Plant Med Phytother 5:305. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • Loss of appetite Nervousness and insomnia Circulatory disorders Dyspeptic compaints Internally, English Lavender is used for mood disturbances such as restlessness or insomnia, functional abdominal complaints (nervous stomach irritations, Roehmheld syndrome, meteorism, nervous intestinal discomfort). Ianova LG et al., (1977) Khim Prir Soedin 1:111. Kaiser R, Lamparsky D, (1977) Tetrahedron Lett 7:665. Meyer A, Der Duft des Monats: Lavendel. In: DAZ 133(40):3667. 1993. Mukherjee BD, Trenkle RW, (1973) J Agric Food Chem 21:298. Schilcher H, Pflanzliche Psychopharmaka. Eine neue Klasbifizierung nach Indikationsgruppen. In: DAZ 135(20): 18111822. 1995. Schulz V, Hubner WD, Ploch M, Klinische Studien mit Psycho-Phytopharmaka. In: ZPT 18(3): 141-154. 1997. Ter Heide R et al., (1970) J Chromatography 50:127. Externally, English Lavender is used in balneotherapy for treatment of functional circulatory disorders. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, English Lavender is used for migraine, cramps and bronchial asthma. Externally, it is used for rheumatic conditions (the drug as an extract in liniments), as a sedative in cases of tension, exhaustion; also for poorly healing wounds (lavender baths) and for sleep as aroma therapy (herb pillow). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The volatile oil possesses a weak potential for sensitization. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The whole drug is used for infusions, as an extract and as a bath additive. Combinations with other sedative and/or carminative herbs may be beneficial. Preparation: An infusion is prepared by adding 5 to 10 ml of drug per cup of hot water (150 ml), draw for 10 minutes, and strain. For external use as bam additive, 100 g of drug is scalded or boiled with 2 liters of water and added to the bath. Daily Dosage: A tea prepared as indicated above can be administered 1 cup three times daily. One to 4 drops of Lavender oil may be placed on a sugar cube. LITERATURE Atanassova-Shopova S, Roussinow KS, (1970) On certain central neurotropic effects of lavender essential oil. Bull Inst Physiol 8:69-76. Buchbauer G, Jirovet L, Jager W, Dietrich H, Plank C, Karamat E, (1991) Aromatherapy: Evidence for Sedative Effects of the Essential Oil of Lavender after Inhalation. Z Naturforsch 46c: 1067-1072. Timiner R et al., (1975) J Agric Food Chem 23:53. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. English Plantain Plantago lanceolata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves, the dried herb and the fresh plant. Flower and Fruit: The globular or shortly cylindrical spikes are on erect or ascending, 5-grooved, appressed pubescent HERBAL MONOGRAPHS peduncles. The flowers are small, almost colorless behind scarious, narrow-acuminate bracts. The scarious calyx is deeply divided into 4 parts and has a cylindrical tube and a margin with 4 ovate tips. There are 4 long stamens with yellowish-white filaments and anthers and 1 superior ovary. The fruit is a bivalvular, 3 to 4 mm long capsule. The seeds are oblong, 2 mm long and blackish. ENGLISH PLANTAIN/279 INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • • Common cold Cough/bronchitis Fevers and colds Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Inflammation of the skin Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial and grows from 5 to 50 cm high. It has a very fibrous root. All the leaves are in basal rosettes and are lanceolate or linearlanceolate, deeply 3 to 5 ribbed, entire-margined or shortdentate. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the pressed juice of English Plantain is used internally for conditions of the respiratory tract, cystitis, enuresis, liver disease, stomach cramps, diarrhea and as a diuretic. Habitat: The plant is widespread in the cool temperate regions of the world. Externally the plant is used for wounds, furuncles, conjunctivitis and as a hemostyptic. Production: English Plantain herb consists of the fresh or dried above-ground parts of Plantago lanceolata, harvested at flowering season (May to September) and dried quickly at 40 to 50° C. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Not to be Confused With: the similar Digitalis-lanata leaves. Other Names: Buckhorn, Chimney-Sweeps, Headsman, Narrow-Leaved Plantain, Ribgrass, Ribwort, Ripplegrass, Soldier's Herb ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a comminuted herb and other galenic preparations for internal and external use. It is available as macerations, liquid extracts, lozenges, syrup and pressed juice of the fresh plant. The drug is available in many standardized preparations of antitussives and expectorants. COMPOUNDS Iridoide monoterpenes (2-3%): chief components are aucubin (rhinantin) and catalpol as well as asperuloside Mucilages (2-6%): glucomannans, arabinogalactane, rhamnogalacturonane Flavonoids: including among other chief components apigenine-6,8-diglucoside, luteolin-7-glucuronide Preparation: To make an infusion, pour boiling water over 2 to 4 gm cut drug (or put in cold water brought to a boil) and strain after 10 minutes (1 teaspoonful = approximately 0.7 gm drug). Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 3 to 6 gm of herb. Tea—1 cup of freshly made tea to be drunk several times a day. Cqffeic acid esters: chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, acteoside (verbascoside) LITERATURE Tannins Brautigam M, Franz G, Schleimpolysaccharide aus Spitzwegerichblattem. In: DAZ 125:58. 1985. Hydroxycoumarins: aesculetin Davini E, The quantitative isolation and antimicrobial activity of aglycone of aucubin. In: PH 25:2420. 1986. Saponins (traces) Silicic acid EFFECTS Liquid extract and the pressed juice of fresh Plantain herb have a proven bactericidal effect. The aucubigenin (hydrolised acubin) and an antimicrobial saponin are believed to be responsible for the antibacterial effect. In addition, acceleration of blood clotting has been demonstrated and a possible epithelization effect has been mentioned. Elich J, Die antibakterielle Aktivitat einiger einheimischer Plantago-Arten. In: Disseration Universitat Berlin. 1962. Koedam A, Plantago - history and use. In: Pharm Weekbl 112(10):246-252. 1977. Murai M et al., Phenylethanoids in the herb of Planatago lanceolata and inhibitory effects on arachidonic acid-induced mouse ear edema. In: PM 61(5):479-480. 1995. Wunderer H, Zentral und peripher wirksame Antitussiva: eine kritische Ubersicht. In: PZ 142(11):847-852. 1997. 280/ENGLISH PLANTAIN Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde. 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Ephedra sinica See Ma-Huang PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES of the fungus begins with the infection of the ovary by an ascospore. The spore, usually deposited by a visiting insect, germinates on the stigma, and the hyphae grows down into the ovary where it appropriates food destined for the grain. When the ovary has been completely destroyed, the mycelium grows. Horizontal walls are formed and fat vacuoles become visible. The hyphae of the skin layer store purple pigment 3 weeks after the infection a long, curved, black sclerotium develops. It reaches a length of up to 8 cm and bears minute condia, which are made up of the remains of the ovary and the style embedded into the loose mycelium. The sclerotium usually falls to the ground before harvest and survives the winter. In the spring, 1 to 3 cm long redstemmed, capitula-like, pink fruiting bodies grow out of it, which in turn produce 50 to 70 u.m long thread-like ascospores. *f£ Habitat: Claviceps purpurea grows as a parasite on rye (occasionally on other grasses), and is found in all areas of the world where rye is cultivated. Production: Ergot consists of the sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea, a parasitic fungus harvested after it has grown on cultivated rye. Other Names: Cockspur Rye, Hornseed, Mother of Rye, Smut Rye, Spurred Rye * ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Epigae repens See Trailing Arbutus Epilobium species See Willow Herb Equisetum arvense See Horsetail COMPOUNDS Indole alkaloids (ergot alkaloids, varying by variety of ergot) Chief alkaloid of the lysergic acid amide type: ergometrine (ergobasine) Chief alkaloid of the lysergic acid ergopeptine type: ergotamine, ergovaline, ergosine, ergocristine, ergocornine, alpha- and beta-ergocryptine, further alkaloids of the clavine type: including among others agroclavine, elymoclavine, festuclavine Peptide alkaloids (ergopeptine group): especially ergotamine, as well as ergovaline, ergosine, ergocristine, ergocornine, alpha- and beta-ergocryptine Xanthone derivatives (ergochromes): including, among others, secalonic acid A to C, ergoflavin Ergot Claviceps purpurea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the fungus is the sclerotium, which grows on rye plants and is later dried. Flower and Fruit: Ergot is a permanent form of a fungus that is a parasite on ripening rye, wheat and other grasses. It is black, hard and much larger than the grains of rye. The cycle Anthracene derivatives: including, among others, clavorubine, endocrocine Amines: including, methylamine among others, trimethylamine, Fatty oil EFFECTS The drug contains ergoline alkaloids of which only ergometrin and ergopeptine have a therapeutic and toxic effect. The «* HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S action of ergot is traceable to its stimulation of the smooth musculature. However, therapeutic use cannot be recommended because of the risks involved. INDICATIONS AND USAGE ^| Unproven Uses: Although the risk involved is too high to recommend therapeutic use, ergot and ergot preparations were previously used in gynecology and obstetrics. Uses included hemorrhages, climacteric hemorrhages, menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, before and after miscarriage, for removal of the placenta and shortening of the afterbirth period, for atonia of the uterus and also for migraine. ERGOT/281 Drug overdose is managed by1 gastrointestinal emptying through inducement of vomiting and gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium permanganate solution, sodium sulfate. That is followed by installation of activated charcoal and shock prophylaxis (quiet and warmth). The therapy for poisonings consists of treating angiospasms with Nitrolingual-spray and vascular massage, sedatives for spasm (diazepam or chloral hydrate), administration of blocking agents, electrolyte substitution and treating possible cases of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate infusions. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. DOSAGE Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include uterine and muscle spasm, convulsions, paralysis, circulatory problems accompanying arterial disease and a tendency to bleed. Efficacy has not been proven. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc: acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). CONTRAINDICATIONS Storage: Ergot must be stored in tightly sealed containers and kept in a cool place, protected from light. The powdered form should not be stored. Ergot is now contraindicated for all therapeutic use, but especially in the presence of peripheral blood flow disorders such as Raynaud's disease. Thrombangitis obliterans, severe arteriosclerotic vascular changes, liver function disorders, severe coronary insufficiency, kidney damage, pregnancy, £- nursing, infectious diseases, sepsis, hypertonia and severe hypotonia. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages, but therapeutic use is not recommended because of the many side effects. Among side effects that may occur are queasiness, vomiting, feeling of weakness in the legs, muscle pain, numbness in the fingers, angina complaints, tachycardia or bradycardia, localized edema and itching. OVERDOSAGE Overdosage or long-term administration can lead to thrombosis, damage to the vessels of the retina (combined with optic atrophy) gangrene of the extremities, hemiplagia and convulsions. fc Symptoms of acute poisonings include queasiness, vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, skin coolness, itching of the skin, rapid and weak pulse, paresthesia, numbness of the extremities, confusion or unconsciousness. Chronic poisonings appear as: Ergotismus gangrenosus: characterized by painful arterial blood flow disorders of the extremities with dry gangrene, angina complaints, field of vision losses, aphasias. Ergotismus convulsivus: characterized by muscle twitching, later clonic spasm and ultimately tonic spasms, hemiplagia, loss of consciousness and death. LITERATURE Anon., Ergotamin. Deutsche Apotheker Ztg 134 (1994), 1887 Anon., Hepetitis C - Hohes Riskiko fur Medizinberufe. In: PUZ 25(6):344. 1996. Anon., Parkinson-Krankheit: Mehe Lebensqualitat bei (Combination von L-DOPA mit Dopaminagonisten. In: PUZ 24(2): 101. 1995. Anon Anon. Vom Ergolin-Pharmakophor zu selektiven Arzneistoffen. Deutsche Apotheker Ztg 132 (1992), 1235 Crespi-Perellino N et al., JNP 50:1065-1074. 1987. Ergotamin. In: DAZ 134(20): 1887. 1994. Flieger M et al., JNP 47:970-976. 1984. Frohne D, Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kobel H, Sanglier JJ, Biotechnology 4:569-609. 1986. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Marshall M, Wiistenberg P, Klinik und Therapie der chronischen venosen Insuffizienz. In: Klinik und Therapie der chronischen venosen Insuffizienz, Braun Fachverlage, Karlsruhe 1994. 1994. Milhahn HC et al., Contributions to the dissociation between antineoplastic and mutagenic activities of the ergot minor 282/ERGOT alkaloid festucalavine by substitution at C-2. In: PM 59(7): A&83. 1993. Militz M, Antoniusfeuer, Mutterkron und Isenheimer Altar. In: PZ 141(9):720-721. 1996. Neurotransmitter: Serotoninagonisten und -antagonisten in der Pharmakotherapie. In: DAZ 133(51/52):4895. 1993. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Eryngium campestre See Eryngo Eryngo Perellino NC, et al., Identification of ergobine, a new natural peptide ergot alkaloid. In: JNP 56(4):489-493. 1993. Eryngium campestre Pertz H, Naturally occuring clavines: Antagonism/partial agonism at 5-HT2alpha receptors and antogonism at alpha 1adrenoceptors in blood vessel. In: PM 62(5)387-392. 1996. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves, dried flowers and dried roots. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K: Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schlenger R, 50 Jahre LSD. In: DAZ 133(32):2903. 1993. Schmidt M, LSD, Psilocybe, Ololiuqui. In: PTA 8(3): 186. 1994. Seeger R, Neumann HG, D-(&plus;)-Lysergsaurediethylamid (LSD). In: DAZ 132(42):2244. 1992. Seiffer B, Therapie der Akromegalie. In: Med Mo Pharm 15(5): 159. 1992. Stadler PA, PM 46:131-144. 1982. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. DESCRIPTION Flower and Fruit: The plant bears small terminal cymes on oval to globular capitula on sweeping inflorescences. The linear-lanceolate to awl-shaped bracts terminate in sharp thorns. The sepals are lanceolate, terminate in thorny tips and are twice as long as the white or gray-green petals. The fruit is compressed obovate with lanceolate, pointed scales. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 15 to 60 cm high, perennial, with a whitish or yellow-green color. The bifurcated stem is erect, thick, grooved and spare. The stem forms a round bush with the branches. The leaves are tough, short-petioled or sessile. The upper leaves are clasping, double pinnatesect and thorny dentate. The root is cylindrical, thick, brown and woody. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Characteristics: The root is spicy. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Habitat: The plant grows in most parts of Europe and northern Africa and has been introduced into North America. Vom Ergolin-Pharmakophor zu selektiven Arzneistoffen. In: DAZ 132(23): 1235. 1992. Production: Eryngo root is the root of Eryngium campestre, which is gathered and dried in the spring and autumn. It is gathered in uncultivated regions. The roots are halved and air-dried. Eryngo herb is the dried leaves and blossoms of Eryngium campestre. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wang BH, Polya GM, The fungal teratogen secalonic acid D is an inhibitor of protein kinase C and of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. In: PM 62(2): 111-114. 1997. Wenzlaff H, Dihydroergotamin. In: DAZ 136(26):2179-2181. 1996. Other Names: Eringo, Sea Holly, Sea Holme, Sea Hulver ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: ERYNGO ROOT Triterpene saponins Furanocoumarins Erigeron canadensis See Canadian Fleabane Pyranocoumarins: including egelinol and its angeloyl-, senecionyl- or benzyl-esters agasyllin, grandivetin and egelinol benzoate Monoterpene glycosides of the cyclohexenol type: including 3-(beta-D-glucosyloxymethyl)-2,4,4-trimethyl-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-one Eriodictyon californicum Caffeic acid ester: chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid See Yerba Santa Oligosaccharides: 1-kestose HERBAL MONOGRAPHS EFFECTS: ERYNGO ROOT The root is said to be mildly expectorant and spasmolytic; however, there is no scientific evidence to support this. COMPOUNDS: ERYNGO HERB ^TTriterpene saponins EUCALYPTUS 283 Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Hiller K, In "The Biology and Chemistry of the Umbelliferae"'. Ed. V. N. Hey wood, Academic Press London 1971. Caffeic acid ester: chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid Hiller K, Linzer B PA 22:321. 1967. Flavonoids Kartnig T, Wolf J. Flavonoide aus den oberirdischen Teilen von Eryngium campestre. In: PM 59(3):285. 1993. EFFECTS: ERYNGO HERB Lisciani R et al., (1984) J Ethnopharmacol 12(39):263. The herb is said to be a mild diuretic and an expectorant; however, there is no scientific evidence to support this. INDICATIONS AND USAGE ERYNGO ROOT Unproven Uses: The root is used in the treatment of bladder and kidney stones, renal colic, kidney and urinary tract inflammation, urinary retention and edema. It is also used for coughs, bronchitis, skin disorders and respiratory disorders. ERYNGO HERB Unproven Uses: The herb is used in the treatment of urinary tract infections and as an adjuvant to treat inflammation of • the efferent urinary tract, prostatitis and bronchial catarrh. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ERYNGO ROOT AND HERB Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-5. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl.. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Erysimum diffusum See Gray Wallflower Erythronium americanum See American Adder's Tongue Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE ERYNGO ROOT Mode of Administration: The comminuted root is contained in tea mixtures, extracts, decoctions, liquids and tinctures. Preparation: To make a tea, use 1 level teaspoonful of the ground root per cup of boiling water (30 to 40 gm per liter boiling water). Allow to draw until cold. To make a decoction, boil 4 teaspoonfuls of the ground root in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes and allow to draw for 15 minutes. The tincture is prepared by soaking 20 gm ground drug in 80 gm of 60% alcohol for 10 days. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 3 to 4 cups of the tea; 2 to 3 cups of the decoction; 50 to 60 drops of the tincture in 3 or divided doses; or 2 to 3 gm of the liquid extract. ERYNGO HERB Mode of Administration: The herb is administered as an extract and in homeopathic dilutions (from E. yuccifolium). LITERATURE Bhargava SK, Dixit VP, (1985) Plant Med Phytother 19(1):29. Erdelmeier CAJ, Sticher O, (1985) Planta Med 51(5):407. Gracza L et al., (1985) Arch Pharm 312(12): 1090. Erythroxylum coca See Coca Eschscholtzia californica See California Poppy Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the oil extracted from the fresh leaves and branch tips as well as the dried leaves. Flower and Fndt: The flowers are solitary on short pedicles. They have a somewhat pointed, but low operculum stretching over the surface of the stamens. There are no sepals but there are numerous long stamens turned inward, which open along the whole length in 2 splits. The fruit is 10 to 15 by 15 284/EUCALYPTUS PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S to 30 mm and is a depressed-globose, somewhat tapering toward the base, with 4 main ribs. gamma-terpenes, valerenaldehyde) Leaves, Stem and Root: Eucalyptus is a deciduous tree up to 40 m tall with silver-gray bark, which has scattered warts. The trunk is twisted. The juvenile leaves are 7 to 16 by 4 to 9 cm, ovate to broadly lanceolate, cordate, very glaucus. The mature leaves are 10 to 13 by 3 to 4 cm, lanceolate to falcate-lanceolate, acuminate, asymmetrical rounded and glossy green. Euglobale: macrocarpale (with acylphloroglucinol-monoterpene or else sesquiterpene- parent substances) Habitat: Eucalyptus is indigenous to Australia and Tasmania. It is cultivated today in some subtropical regions of southern Europe, Africa, Asia and America. Production: Eucalyptus oil consists of the volatile oil from various cineol-rich species of Eucalyptus, such as Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus fructicetorum (syn. Eucalyptus polybractea) and/or Eucalyptus smithii. The oil is obtained by steam distillation, followed by rectification of the fresh leaves and branch tops. Eucalyptus leaf consists of the dried, mature leaves from older trees of Eucalyptus globulus. To harvest eucalyptus, the trees are cut down; drying takes place in the shade. Not To Be Confused With: Camphor oil and by-products of turpentine manufacture: the oil is also blended with other expensive oils, such as rosemary and thyme. The properties of Eucalyptus leaves vary from species to species. Other Names: Blue Gum, Fever Tree, Gum Tree, Red Gum, Stringy Bark Tree ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : EUCALYPTUS OIL Chief constituent of the rectified volatile oil: 1,8-cineol (over 80%), furthermore p-cymene, alpha-pinenes, limonene, geraniol, camphene E F F E C T S : EUCALYPTUS OIL Some of the subsequent properties mentioned refer to isolated cineole. As the standardized commodity, the drug contains 80 to 90% cineole. In vitro, eucalyptus oil has an antibacterial and fungicidal effect. The drug inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis and has a mild hyperemic, expectorant and secretolytic motor effect when used topically. In animal experiments eucalyptus was demonstrably cough relieving and displayed a surfactant effect. In vitro, the oil was enzyme inducing and improved pulmonary compliance. It is secretolytic, expectorant, mildly antispasmodic, and a mild local hyperemic. COMPOUNDS: EUCALYPTUS LEAF Volatile oil: chief constituent 1,8-cineol (45-75%), in additions myrtenol, alpha-pinenes, beta-pinenes, pinocarvon, aliphatic aldehydes (butyr-, capron-, Flavonoids: rutin, hyperoside, quercitrin E F F E C T S : E U C A L Y P T U S LEAF The drug has been shown to be secretolytic, expectorant, weakly antispasmodic, deodorizing, cooling and diuretic. In animal experiments the blood-sugar level of uninfluenced plasma insulin was reduced. The euglobulin is said to have an anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effect in animal experiments and inhibits in vitro TPA-induced EBV-EA activity. INDICATIONS AND USAGE E U C A L Y P T U S OIL Approved by Commission E: • Cough/bronchitis • Rheumatism Eucalyptus oil is used internally and externally for catarrh of the respiratory tract and externally for rheumatic complaints. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the oil is used for asthma, coughs, diseases of the frontal sinuses, fever, flu, gastric complaints, hoarseness, incipient scarlet fever and measles, worm infestation and as an intestinal antiseptic. EUCALYPTUS LEAF Approved by Commission E: • Cough/bronchitis Eucalyptus leaf is used internally as a catarrh of the respiratory tract. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, it is used internally for the treatment of bladder diseases, asthma, fever, flu, whooping cough, liver and gallbladder complaints, loss of appetite and diabetes. It is used externally for wounds, acne, poorly healing ulcers, stomatitis, bleeding gums, pain and rheumatism, neuralgia, gonorrhea and as a gastrointestinal remedy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS EUCALYPTUS OIL General: The administration of the drug leads in rare cases to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It should not be taken internally with inflammation of the gastrointestinal area and the biliary ducts or with severe illnesses of the liver. Pediatric Use: Infants and small children should not have preparations containing the oil applied to their faces as this practice can lead to glottal or bronchial spasms, asthma-like attacks or even death by asphyxiation. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS EUCALYPTUS LEAF General: The administration of the drug leads in rare cases to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It should not be taken internally with inflammation of the gastrointestinal area and the biliary ducts or with severe illnesses of the liver. Poisonings occur with the volatile oil but are not likely with administration of the leaf drug. Pediatric Use: Infants and small children should not have preparations containing the oil applied to their faces as this practice can lead to glottal or bronchial spasms, asthma-like attacks or even death by asphyxiation. OVERDOSAGE EUCALYPTUS OIL Overdoses can lead to life-threatening poisonings. Severe poisonings are possible for children after a few drops; poisonings have been known in adults with 4 to 5 ml. Symptoms include drop in blood pressure, circulatory disorders, collapse and asphyxiation. Because of the danger of aspiration, vomiting should not be induced. Following the administration of activated charcoal, therapy consists of diazepam for spasms, atropine for colic, electrolyte replenishment and sodium bicarbonate infusions for any acidosis that may arise. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. EUCALYPTUS/285 tions for internal and external application. The drug may also be administered by inhalation. Preparations: Eucalyptus tincture — 1:5 70% ethanol (V/V) Eucalyptus liquid extract — 60% 1:1 Eucalyptus syrup — pour 1500 ml on 100 gm cut drug and leave to draw for 6 hours and strain. 180 gm sugar is added to 100 ml infusion, brought to a simmer and filtered. Tea — pour boiling water over 1.5 to 2 gm of the finely cut drug, cover and leave to draw for 5 to 10 minutes, strain. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 4 to 6 gm of drug, divided up every 3 to 4 hours. Single dose: 1.5 gm several times a day The average dose for the tincture is 3 to 4 gm. Eucalyptus tea — 1 cup up to 3 times a day. Eucalyptus syrup — 2 to 5 dessertspoons daily. Eucalyptus powder — daily dose 4 to 16 gm; divided over 3 to 4 hours. DOSAGE Storage: Eucalyptus must be kept in appropriate, tightlysealed, non-synthetic containers; different consignments must be stored separately. EUCALYPTUS OIL LITERATURE Mode of Administration: Essential oil and other galenic preparations are available for internal and external application. Anonym, Phytotherapie:Pflanzliche Antirheumatika - was bringen sie? In: DAZ 136(45):4012-4015. 1996. EUCALYPTUS OIL Preparation: 1,8-cineole is recovered through a renewed fractional distillation of the oil. Boland B, In: Eucalyptus leaf oils. Boland DJ. Brophy JJ, House APN (Eds.). Inkata Press, Melbourne, XII + 252 pp. 1992. Daily Dosage: For internal use, the average daily dose is 0.3 to 0.6 gm eucalyptus oil. Boland DJ, Brophy JJ, House APN, Eucalyptus leave oils. In: Inkata Press Melbourne. 1991. Inhalation: 2 to 3 drops in boiling water, inhale the steam (single dose: 0.2 gm corresponding to 10 drops). Oil: 3 to 6 drops added in 150 ml water, to be taken several times a day. When used externally, the concentration is 5 to 20% essential oil,.in oil and semi-solid preparations and 5 to 10% essential oil, in aqueous-alcoholic preparations. If the essential oil is used, several drops may be nibbed into the skin. Storage: Eucalyptus must be kept in appropriate, tightly sealed containers protected from light; different consignments must be stored separately. EUCALYPTUS LEAF Mode of Administration: Eucalyptus leaf is administered as the comminuted leaf for infusions and other galenic prepara- Boukef K et al., (1976) Plant Med Phytother 10:24, 30:119. Burrow A, Eccles R, Jones AS, (1983) The effects of camphor, eucalyptus and menthol vapor on nasal resistance to airflow and nasal sensation. Acta Otolaryng (Stockholm) 96:157-161. Fox N, (1977) Effect of Camphor, Eucalyptol and Menthol on the vascular state of the mucos membrane. Arch Otolaryngol 6: 112-122. Gobel H, Schmidt G, (1995a) Effekt von Pfefferminz- und Eukalyptusolpraparationen in experimentellen Kopfschmerzmodellen. Z Phytother 16:23-33. Gobel H, Schmidt G, Dworschak M, Stolze H. Heuss D, (1995) Essential plant oils and headache mechanisms. Phytomedicine 2: 93-102. Gobel H, Schmidt G, Dworschak M, Stolze H, Heuss D, (1995) Essential plant oils and headache mechanisms. Phytomedicine 2: 93-103. 286/EUCALYPTUS Gobel H, Schmidt G, Soyka D, (1994) Effect of peppermint and eucalyptus oil preparations on neurophysiological and experimental algesimetric headache parameters. Cephalalgia 14: 228-234. Gobel H, Stolze H, Dworschak M, Heinze A, (1995) Oleum menthae piperitae, Wirkmechanismen und klinische Effektivitat bei Kopfschmerz vom Spannungstyp. In: Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, S. 177-184. Grafe AK, Besonderheiten der ArzneimitteltJherapie im Sauglings- und Kindesalter. In: PZ 140(30):2659-2667. 1995. Ikeda RM et al., (1962) J Food Sci 27:455. Linsenmann P, Hermat H, Swoboda M. (1989) Therapeutischer Wert atherischer Ole bei chronisch-abstruktiver Bronchitis. Atemw Lungenkrankh 15:152-156. Linsenmann P, Swoboda M. (1986) Therapeutische Wirksamkeit atherischer Ole bei chronisch-obstruktiver Bronchitis. Therapiewoche 36:1161-1166. Osawa K et al., Macrocarpals H, I, and J from the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus. In: JNP 59(9):824-827. 1996. Patel S, Wiggins J, (1980) Eucalyptus oil poisoning. Arch Dis Childh 55:405-406. Rommelt H, Schnizer W, Swoboda M, Senn E, (1988) Pharmakokinetik atherischer Ole nach Inhalation mit einer terpenhaltigen Salbe. Z Phytother 9:14-16. Ziinker KS, Bliimel G. (1983) Terpene-induced lowering of surface tension in vitro. In: A rationale for surfactant substitution. Resp Exp Med 182:33-38. Zanker KS, Bliimel G, Probst J, Reiterer W, (1984) Theoretical and experimental evidence for the action of terpens as modulators in lung function. Prog Resp Res 18:302-304. Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fiir Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika. Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. EUCALYPTUS LEAF Anonym, Phytotherapie: Pflanzliche Antirheumatika - was bringen sie? In: DAZ 136(45):4012-4015. 1996. Boland B, In: Eucalyptus leaf oils. Boland DJ, Brophy JJ, House APN (Eds.). Inkata Press, Melbourne, XII + 252 pp. 1992. Boland DJ, Brophy JJ, House APN, Eucalyptus leave oils. In: Inkata Press Melbourne. 1991. Boukef K et al., (1976) Plant Med Phytother 10:24, 30:119. Burrow A, Eccles R, Jones AS, (1983) The effects of camphor, eucalyptus and menthol vapor on nasal resistance to airflow and nasal sensation. Acta Otolaryng (Stockholm) 96:157-161. ™ Fox N, (1977) Effect of Camphor, Eucalyptol and Menthol«M*C"*»^,. the vascular state of the mucous membrane. Arch Otolaryngol 6: 112-122. Gobel H, Schmidt G, (1995a) Effekt von Pfefferminz- und Eukalyptusolpraparationen in experimentellen Kopfschmerzmodellen. Z Phytother 16:23-33. Gobel H, Schmidt G, Dworschak M, Stolze H, Heuss D, (1995) Essential plant oils and headache mechanisms. Phytomedicine 2:93-102. Gobel H, Schmidt G, Dworschak M, Stolze H, Heuss D, (1995) Essential plant oils and headache mechanisms. Phytomedicine 2:93-103. Gobel H, Schmidt G, Soyka D, (1994) Effect of peppermint and eucalyptus oil preparations on neurophysiological and experimental algesimetric headache parameters. Cephalalgia 14: 228-234. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Gobel H, Stolze H, Dworschak M, Heinze A, (1995) Oleum menthae piperitae, Wirkmechanismen und klinische Effektivitat bei Kopfschmerz vom Spannungstyp. In: Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, S. 177-184. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Grafe AK, Besonderheiten der Arzneimitteltherapie im Sauglings- und Kindesalter. In: PZ 140(30):2659-2667. 1995. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Ikeda RM et al., (1962) J Food Sci 27:455. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. ^i Linsenmann P, Hermat H, Swoboda M, (1989) Therapeutischer Wert atherischer Ole bei chronisch-abstruktiver Bronchitis. Atemw Lungenkrankh 15:152-156. ^ W EUROPEAN E L D E R / 2 8 7 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Linsenmann P, Swoboda M, (1986) Therapeutische Wirksamkeit atherischer Ole bei chronisch-obstruktiver Bronchitis. Therapiewoche 36:1161-1166. Eugenia chequen See Cheken Osawa K et al., Macrocarpals H, I, and J from the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus. In: JNP 59(9):824-827. 1996. Patel S, Wiggins J, (1980) Eucalyptus oil poisoning. Arch Dis Childh 55:405-406. Eugenia uniflora Rommelt H, Schnizer W, Swoboda M, Senn E, (1988) Pharmakokinetik atherischer Ole nach Inhalation mit einer terpenhaltigen Salbe. Z Phytother 9:14-16. See Surinam Cherry Zanker KS, Blumel G, (1983) Terpene-induced lowering of surface tension in vitro. In: A rationale for surfactant substitution. Resp Exp Med 182:33-38. Zanker KS, Blumel G, Probst J, Reiterer W, (1984) Theoretical and experimental evidence for the action of terpens as modulators in lung function. Prog Resp Res 18:302-304. Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Euonymus species See Wahoo Eupatorium cannabinum See Hemp Agrimony Eupatorium perfoliatum See Boneset Euphorbia cyparissias See Cypress Spurge Euphorbia resinifera See Spurge Schulz R, Hansel R. Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbli Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Eucalyptus globulus See Eucalyptus Euphrasia officinalis See Eyebright European Elder Sambucus nigra DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the bark peeled from the branches in spring and freed from the cork, the airdried flowers, the fresh and dried leaves, the fresh and dried ripe fruit, the dried roots, and the fresh leaves and inflorescences in equal parts. 288/EUROPEAN ELDER Flower and Fruit: The strongly perfumed, yellowish-white flowers are in large, flat, apical, richly and densely blossomed erect cymes with 5 main branches. The edge of the calyx is small and 5-tipped. The corolla is rotate, deep, and has 5 petals. There are 5 stamens and 1 inferior ovary. The fruit is a black-violet, berry-like drupe with blood-red juice. The seeds are brownish, ovate, and domed on the outside. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a shallow-rooted, up to 7 m high tree or bush with spreading branches containing dry white latex. The bark of the trunk is light brown to gray, and fissured. The bark on the young branches is green and covered with gray lenticles. The leaves are odd 3 to 7 pinnate. They are matte green above and light blue-green beneath. The leaflets are ovate or oblong acuminate, and densely serrate. Characteristics: The flowers have a strong, somewhat numbing perfume. Habitat: European Elder is indigenous to almost all of Europe. Production: Elder flowers consist of the inflorescence of Sambucus nigra, which are collected in the wild, sifted and dried. Not to be Confused With: Confusion sometimes arises with the flowers of Sambucus ebulus. Other Names: Black Elder, Black-Berried Alder, Boor Tree, Elder, Bountry, Ellanwood, Ellhorn ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES mouthwash and for respiratory disorders such as coughs, head colds, laryngitis, flu, and shortness of breath. Elder is used occasionally by nursing mothers to increase lactation. Externally, herbal pillows are used for swelling and inflammation. Homeopathic Uses: Among uses in homeopathy is inflammation of the respiratory tract. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole herb and other galenic preparations for infusions. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, brew 2 teaspoonfuls (3 to 4 g) of elder flowers in 150 ml of boiling water and strain after 5 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose of the drug is 10 to 15 gm. The infusion (tea) should be freshly prepared and drunk in doses of 1 to 2 cups several times—especially in the afternoon and evening. Homeopathic Dosage: For adults, 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic once a day (HAB1). Adjust dosages for children. Storage: Elder should be stored where it is protected from light and moisture. Flavonoids (up to 3%): chief components are rutin, isoquercitrin, quercitrin, hyperoside, astragalin, nicotoflorin LITERATURE Volatile oil (0.03-0.14%): higher share (65%) of free fatty acids, including among others palmitic acid (share 38%) Czygan FC, Holunder wird wieder gesellschaftsfahig. In: ZPT 15(2): 111. 1994. Caffeic acid derivatives (3%): chlorogenic acids Eberhardt R, Pfannhauser W, Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 181:97. 1985. EFFECTS Bauer R et al., (1985) Helv Chim Acta 68:2355. Inoue T, Sato K, (1975) Phytochemistry 14:1871. Animal tests have shown that Alder increases bronchial secretion. A diaphoretic effect is apparent, but the mechanism is unknown. Mascolo N et al., (1987) Phytother Res 1(1):28. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Paulo E, (1976) Folia Biol 24(2):213. Approved by Commission E: • Cough/bronchitis • Fevers and colds The drug is used for colds and coughs. It is a sweatproducing remedy for the treatment of feverish colds. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Elder flowers are used internally as a sudorific tea and for colds and other feverish conditions. Elder is also used as an infusion, as a gargle/ Lawrie W et al., (1964) Phytochemistry 3:267. Petitjean-Freytet C et al., J Pharm Belg 46:241. 1991. Richter W, Willuhn G, DAZ 114:947. 1974. WiUuhn G, Richter W, PM 31:328. 1977. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. EUROPEAN GOLDEN ROD / 289 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients; Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Other Names: Cinquefoil, Five Fingers, Five-Finger Blossom, Sunkfield, Synkfoyle Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY jf? Schuiz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena. New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. COMPOUNDS Tannins (6 to 12%) Flavonoids: including quercetin-3,7-diglucuronide EFFECTS The drug is astringent and has wound healing effect due to the tannin content. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: European Five-Finger Grass is used internally for diarrhea and fever; externally for inflammation of the mucous membranes of mouth and gums, toothache, and heartburn. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS European Five-Finger Grass Potentilla ^ reptans DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh flowering plant and the roots. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary or in pairs on long thin pedicles opposite the leaves. The calyx has 5 segments and is 10 to 25 mm across. The golden yellow petals are obcordate and up to twice as long as the calyx. A ring-like swelling at the base of the stamens exudes a kind of honey. The small fruit is oblong-ovate and wrinkled. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a herbaceous perennial with a thin, divided rhizome and rosettes of basal leaves. The basal leaves produce 30 cm to 100 cm-long flowering stems from their axils, which are rooted at the nodes. The stems are pubescent or almost glabrous, have no glands and are often tinged red. The cauline leaves are long-petioled and 5 to 7 digitate. The basal stipules are fused to the petiole. The leaflets are obovate, 10 to 70 mm long, dentate to serrate and pubescent or almost glabrous. ^ No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. There have been complaints of gastrointestinal upset in conjunction with the drugs use reported in the literature. Habitat: Europe. The plant is common in Europe, Western Asia, North America, Ethiopia and the Near East. Potentilla canadensis is indigenous to Canada and the U.S. and is very similar. Production: European Five-Finger Grass and root is the complete plant of Potentilla reptans. The drug is a mixture of green and brown in color and has no particular smell or taste. The roots are dug up in September/ October and then dried in a sunny, airy place. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Available as crude drug and as an infusion for internal and external use. Preparation: A decoction for internal use is prepared by adding 3 gm of drug per 100 ml of water. A decoction using 6 gm of drug per 100 ml of water is used for external application and mouth rinses. Daily Dosage: Internally, 2 to 3 cups of a decoction prepared according to the formula above are administered daily. Externally, a decoction using the formula above is administered as a gargle, mouthwash or rinse. Moist compresses may be applied to affected areas of the skin. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. European Golden Rod Solidago virgaurea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried aerial parts collected during the flowering season, the fresh inflorescences and the flowering twigs. 2 9 0 / E U R O P E A N CrOLDEN ROD Flower and Fruit: The yellow composite flowers are in erect racemes facing all directions and are simple or compound. They are medium-sized. The involucral bracts are imbricate and arranged in numerous rows. The ray florets are narrow, lingual and female. The disc florets are funnel-shaped, 5tipped and androgynous. The fruit is a cylindrical achene with numerous ribs. It is brown, sparsely pubescent and 3.5 to 4.5 mm long with a tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial that ranges in size from a few centimeters to over 1 m. The rhizome is cylindrical, noded, diagonally ascending and short. The stem is erect, cane-like, angularly grooved above, usually redtinged beneath, and glabrous to loosely appressed pubescent higher up. The basal leaves are long-petioled, elliptical, acuminate and narrowing to the winged stem. The lower ones are serrate and the upper ones entire-margined. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Carotinoids (as blossom pigments) Flavonoids (I.I to 2%): chief component rutin (0.8 %), including as well hyperoside, isoquercitrin, avicularin, quercetin-3-O-beta-D-robinoside, astragalin, nicotiflorin, kaempferol-3-O-beta-D-galactoside, kaempferol3-0alpha- arabinoside, kaempferol - 3 - O - beta - D - robinobioside, isorhamnetin - 3 - O - beta - D- galactoside, isorhamnetin - 3 - O beta - D - glucoside, isorhamnetin - 3 - O - beta - D - rutinoside, rhamnetin - 3 - O - glucorahamnoside Phenol glucosides (hydroxy benzylbenzoyte diglucosides, 0.2 to 1.0%): leicarposide (0.2 to 1%), virgaureoside A (0.01 to 0.14%), benzyl-2,6-dimethoxy-benzoate Caffeic acid derivatives (0.2 to 0.4%): including chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, Asia and North America. Phenol carboxylic acids: salicylic acid (0.1%), as well as vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, sinapineic acid—free, estered or glycosylated Production: Golden Rod is the aerial part of Solidago virgaurea. It occurs in the wild in Hungary, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Poland Polyynes (in the roots): 2,8-cis-trans-matricaria ester, 2,8cis-cis-matricaria ester, cis-lachnophyllum ester, matricaric acid lactone, lachnophyllum lactone Not to be Confused With: Despite qualitative and quantitative differences in their effects, drugs containing Solidago gigantea or Solidago canadensis are exchanged with Solidago virgaurea on the market; confusions with Senecio species are also conceivable. Other Names: Aaron's Rod, Woundwort, Goldenrod EFFECTS The drug has a diuretic effect due to the leiocarposide and the phenol glycosides. Golden Rod also inhibits the formation of urinary calculi. Leiocarposide displays an analgesic effect. The saponin is antimicrobial, weakly spasmolytic and anti-exudative. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY INDICATIONS AND USAGE COMPOUNDS Approved by Commission E: Triterpene saponins (0.2 to 0.3%): In the European form—3,28-bisdemosidic ester saponins, including acyl-virgaurea saponins 1, 2 and 3; the acid components are acetic acid and beta-hydroxy butyric acid; aglycone is polygalic acid. • Infections of the urinary tract • Kidney and bladder stones In the Asian fonn—bi- or tridemosidic solidago saponins I to XXIX, acyl-virgaurea saponin 1, acylvirgaurea saponin 2, bellis saponin BA2 Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Golden Rod is used internally for rheumatism, gout, diabetes, hemorrhoids, prostatic hypertrophy, nervous bronchial asthma, internal bleeding, enlargement of the liver, acute exacerbation of pulmonary tuberculosis; externally for inflammations of the mouth and throat as well as festering wounds Volatile oil (0.4 to 0.5%, in the stored drug less than 0.2%): chief components Homeopathic Uses: Solidago virgaurea is used for renal insufficiency and liver disorders. In the European form—alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, limonene, delta-elemene, gamma-cadinene, beta-phellandrene, myrcene CONTRAINDICATIONS In the Asian form—limonene, germacrene-D, germacrene-B and beta-caryophyllene Polysaccharides (water-soluble, 6 to 8%) Diterpenes: cis-clerodane-derivatives, presumably only in the Asian variety Irrigation therapy is c6ntraindicated in cases of edema resulting from reduced cardiac and/or kidney function. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug possesses a weak potential for sensitization. Care must be taken in patients with chronic renal EUROPEAN HERBAL MONOGRAPHS diseases, and the drug should be used in this patient population only under physician supervision. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As chopped drug by itself or in . combination preparations. Preparation: To make an infusion, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls (3 to 5 gm) of drug is scalded with simmering water (150 ml) and strained after 15 minutes. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 6 to 12 gm of comminuted drug prepared as an infusion. The infusion dosage is one cupful, 2 to 4 times daily between meals. The recommended dosage for the liquid extract is 0.5 to 2 ml liquid extract (1:1) in 25% ethanol 2 to 3 times daily. A dosage of 0.5 to 1 ml tincture (1:5) in 45% ethanol, 2 to 3 times daily is commonly used. Ample fluid intake should be ensured. In folk medicine, 0.5 to 2 gm drug as an infusion is taken 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1) Storage: The drug must be protected from light and moisture. MISTLETOE/291 Vonkruedener S et al., Effects of extracts from Populus tremula L., Solidago virgaurea L. and Fraxinus excelsior L. on various myeloperoxidase systems. In: Arzneim Forsch 46(8):809-814. 1996. Further information in: * Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997, LITERATURE Bader G et al., (1987) Pharmazie 42(2): 140. Bader G, Plohmann B, Franz G, Hiller K, Saponins from Solidago virgaurea L. - Possible agent for therapy of cancer? In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 21. 1996. Bader G, Wray V, Hiller K, The main saponins from the aerial parts and the roots of Solidago virgaurea subsp, virgaurea. In: PM 61(2);158-161. 1995. Goswami A et al., (1984) Phytochemistry 23(4):837. Hiller K, Pharmazeutische Bewerrung ausgewahlter Teedrogen. In: DAZ 135(16): 1425-1440. 1995. Hiller K, Bader G, Goldruten-Kraut Portrait einer Arzneipflanze. In: ZPT 17(2): 123-130. 1996. Inose Y, Miyase T, Ueno A, Studies on the constituents of Solidago virga-aurea L. 1. Structural elucidation of saponins in the herb. In: Chem Pharm Bull 39: 2037. 1991. Kalemba D, Phenolic acids in four Solidago species. In: PA 47:471-472. 1992. Lassere B et al., (1983) Naturwissenschaft 70:95. Metzer J et al., (1984) Pharmazie 39(12):869. Schilcher H, Boesel R, Effenberger ST Segebrecht S, Neuere Untersuchungsergebnisse mit aquaretisch, antibakteriell und prostatotrop wirksamen Arzneipflanzen. In: ZPT 10(3):77. 1989. Sokeland J, Phytotherapie in der Urologie. In: ZPT 10(1):8. 1989. European Mistletoe Viscum album DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and twigs collected before the berries form, the fresh herbs of certain host plants, the fresh leafy twigs with fruit collected in the autumn, the whole fresh plant collected from apple trees, the leaves and the berries. Flower and Fruit: The flower is yellowish-green, dioecious and appears in insignificant, small, 3 to 5 flowered clusters. The perigone of the male flower is 4 tipped. The stamens are fused with the tips. The female flower is smaller and has 4 tepals with a thick stigma sitting on die short style. The fruit is a glossy, white, globular, pea-sized berry with thick sticky flesh. When ripe, it is white to yellowish or orange and has 1 to 2 oval or angular seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a semi-parasitic, almost round bush growing on deciduous trees, which are 30 to 80 cm in diameter. The round branches are repeatedly bifurcated and thickened to knots at the joints and are the same yellowish-green as the leaves. The leaves are alternate, sessile, lanceolate or lanceolate-spatulate, coriaceous and evergreen. 292/EUROPEAN MISTLETOE Habitat: European Mistletoe is found mostly in Europe and as far as Iran. It is not found in America or Australia. It is cultivated in central Europe and China. Production: European Mistletoe berries are the fresh or dried fruit of Viscum album. Mistletoe stem is the fresh or dried stem of Viscum album. Mistletoe herb consists of fresh or dried younger branches with flowers and fruits of Viscum album. The drug is collected in the wild during the spring and is air-dried or put in driers at a maximum temperature of 40° C. Other Names: Mistletoe, Mystyldene, All-Heal, Birdlime, Devil's Fuge ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : E U R O P E A N M I S T L E T O E FRUIT Mucilage (2%, referred to as Viscin): The mock berries of the Mistletoe have not been fully investigated. Presumably, they lack the toxic lectins and viscotoxins. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Lignans: including among others syringaresinol and its glycosides Triterpenes: including among others alpha-amyrin (alphaviscol), beta-amyrin acetate, betulic acid, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid * .^ % E F F E C T S : E U R O P E AN M I S T L E T O E HERB The Mistletoe lectins in the drug are hypotensive, cytotoxic and immune-stimulating. It causes significant improvement of the symptoms of chronic joint conditions, and a significant lengthening of survival times of cancer patients as well an improvement of quality of life. INDICATIONS AND USAGE E U R O P E A N M I S T L E T O E FRUIT Unproven Uses: The fruit acts on circulation by regulating blood pressure. It is also an expectorant and a tonic. In addition, the fruit is used to treat internal bleeding, epilepsy, arteriosclerosis, cramps, gout, hysteria and major blood loss. E F F E C T S : E U R O P E A N MISTLETOE FRUIT No information is available. C O M P O U N D S : E U R O P E A N M I S T L E T O E STEM The Mistletoe stems contain the same constituents as the Mistletoe foliage (Visci alhi herba), but because of the high percentage of support elements lacking any effective ingredients, these constituents exist only in very low concentrations. E U R O P E A N M I S T L E T O E STEM Unproven Uses: The stem of European Mistletoe is used for its calming effect; in the treatment of mental and physical exhaustion; and as a tranquilizer against nervous conditions such as agitation, anxiety and increased excitability. 41 EUROPEAN M I S T L E T O E HERB Approved by Commission E: E F F E C T S : E U R O P E A N M I S T L E T O E STEM No information is available. • Rheumatism • Tumor therapy (adjuvant) C O M P O U N D S : E U R O P E A N M I S T L E T O E HERB Lectins (glycoproteins with 11% carbohydrate): Mistletoe lectin I (ML I, VAA 1, viscumin), mistletoe lectin II (ML II), mistletoe lectin III (ML III, VAA II), the lectin fractions named are isolectin mixtures Polypeptides (built up out of 46 amino acids, 0.05-0.1%): viscotoxins A2, A3, B, Ps 1Mucilages (knovm as viscin, 4-5%): including among others galacturonans, arabino galactans Sugar alcohols: including among others mannitol, quebrachitol, pinitol, viscumitol Flavonoids: including glycosides of quercetin, quercetin methyl ethers, isorhamnetin, sakuranetin and homoeriodictyol; in the subspecies V. album ssp. platyspermum: homoeriodictyol - 7 - O - glucoside, isorhamnetin - 3 - O - rutinoside, isorhamnetin-3-[apiosyl (l->6)]-glucosyl-7-0-rhamnoside, 5,7-dimethoxyflavanone-4'-0-glucoside, 3',5,7trimethoxyflavanone-4' - O-glucoside Phenyl alyl alcohols: including among others syringin (syrigenin-4'-0-glucosides), coniferyl-4'-[apiosyl (1-2')] glucoside Unproven Uses: For treating degenerative inflammation of the joints and as palliative therapy for malignant tumors through nonspecific stimulation. Other uses include longterm therapy for cases of mild high blood pressure and as an arteriosclerosis prophylactic. European Mistletoe tea may be used for high blood pressure, epilepsy, whooping cough, asthma, vertiginous attack, amenorrhea, diarrhea, chorea, nervous tachycardia, hysteria and nervousness. Chinese Medicine: The drug is used for joint pain, tendon and muscle pain, lumbago, back pain, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and agalactia. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used for dizziness, high and low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia and joint degeneration. CONTRAINDICATIONS EUROPEAN MISTLETOE HERB Contraindications for parenteral administration of the herb include protein oversensitivity, chronic-progressive infections, e.g., tuberculosis, and conditions of high fever. ™ HERBAL MONOGRAPHS EUROPEAN MISTLETOE/293 PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS LITERATURE EUROPEAN MISTLETOE FRUIT EUROPEAN MISTLETOE FRUIT No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper ^administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The berries are said to have emetic and evacuant effects and to have caused the death of children. However, unambiguous proof for these effects does not exist. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. EUROPEAN MISTLETOE STEM No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. EUROPEAN MISTLETOE HERB No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug is non-toxic with peroral administration. Local reactions can occur with parenteral administration of European Mistletoe extracts such as wheal formation, possibly also necrosis, chills, fever, headache, anginal complaints, orthostatic circulatory disorders and allergic reactions. The wheal formation and the elevation of body temperature are considered signs of immune system stimulation and therefore as positive therapeutic effects. DOSAGE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Teuscher E. Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl.. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. EUROPEAN MISTLETOE HERB AND STEM Anonym, Allergie auf Mistelextrakt. In: ZPT 13(3):96. 1992. Anonym, Die Mistel. In: DAZ 136(48):4330-4332. 1996. Anonym, Integrative Konzepte in der Onkologie: Misteltherapie (S. 19). In: NGM Suppl. 1/94:1-36. 1994. Anonym, Misteltherapie aus schulmedizinischer Sicht. In: DAZ 131(37):1894. 1991. Anonym, Optimale Misteldosierung. In: PZ 140(35):3082. 1995. Anonym, Phytotherapie: Einsatz von Mistelextrakten in der Tumortherapie. In: DAZ 135(1):73. 1995. Anonym, Sind Mistelpraparate mehr als nur Adjuvanzien in der onkologischen Therapie? In: ZPT 15(6):353-355. 1994. Becker H, Exner J, (1980) Z Pflanzenphysiol. 97 EUROPEAN MISTLETOE HERB Berg P, Stein G, Ein Inhaltsstoff allein geniigt nicht, s. auch folgenden Artikel. In: ZPT 16(5):282. 1995. Mode of Administration: Whole, cut and powdered herb are available in the forms of juice, coated tablets, drops, oil preparations, ampules and compound preparations. Beuth HJ, Mistel: "In der Onkologie nur Praparate einsetzen, die auf Mistellektin standardisiert sind!" In: ZPT 16(1):40-41. 1995. Preparation: A medicinal tea is prepared using 2.5 gm (1 teaspoonful) finely cut drug with 1 cup cold water, steeped for 12 hours at room temperature, then strained. European Mistletoe wine is prepared by adding 40 gm drug to 1 liter wine; the preparation is ready for use after 3 days. A liquid extract is made in the ratio of 1:1 with diluted ethanol; a tincture is made in the ratio of 1:5 with 4 5 % ethanol. Daily Dosage: The recommended daily dose is 10 gm drug. The dosage of medicinal tea is 1 to 2 cups daily. European Mistletoe wine dosage is 3 to 4 glasses daily, liquid extract dosage is 1 to 3 ml 3 times daily, and the tincture dosage is 0.5 ml 3 times daily. The dosage for the treatment of hypertonia and as an arteriosclerotic prophylactic is 2 to 6 gm of European Mistletoe powder 3 times daily by mouth. Storage: European Mistletoe must be stored away from the light over an appropriate drying agent. Beuth J, Ko HL, Gabius HJ, Burrichter H, Oette K, Pulverer G, (1992) Behavior of lymphocyte subsets, expression of activation markers in response to immunotherapy with galactoside-specific lectin from Mistletoe in breast cancer. Clin Invest 70:658-661 Beuth J, Ko HL, Pulverer G, Angewandte Lektinologie. In: DAZ 134(25):2331. 1994. Beuth J, Lenartz D, Uhlenbruck G, Lektionoptimierter Mistelextrakt. In: ZPT 18(2):85-91. 1997. Bloksma N et al., (1982) Planta Med 46:221. Dumont S et al., Lectins from Mistletoe (Viscum album L.) induce the production of cytokines by cultured human monocytes. In: PM 61 (Abstracts of 43rd Ann Congr):57. 1995. Franz G, Phytotherapie in der Tumorbehandlung. In: DAZ 130(26): 1443. 1990. Franz H, (1985) Pharmazie 40(2):97. Franz H et al., (1981) Biochem J 195:481. Gabius HJ, Gabius S, Die Misteltherapie auf dem naturwissenschaftlichen Priifstand. In: PZ 139(22): 1745. 1994. Hamacher H, Mistel (Viscum album L.) - Forschung und therapeutische Anwendung. In: ZPT 18(l):34-35. 1997. 2 9 4 / E U R O P E A N MISTLETOE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Gabius HJ, Gabius S, Joshi SS, Koch B, Schroeder M, Manzke WM, Westerhausen M, (1994) From ill-defined extracts to the immunomodulatory lectin: Will there be a reason for oncological application of Mistletoe? Planta Med 60:2-7. Schwarz T et al., Stimulation by a stable, standardised Mistletoe preparation of cytokine production in an in vitro human skin bioassay. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 1996. Gabius HJ, Gabius S, Miinchner-Phytotherapietagung 1992. Neues iiber die Misteltherapie. In: ZPT 14(1): 17. 1993. Stirpe F et al., (1982) J Biol Chem 257(22): 13271. Gabius HJ, Mythos Mistel: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. In: PZ 140(12): 1029-1030. 1995. Hajto T, Hostanka K, Frei K, Rordorf Chr, Gabins H-J. (1990a) Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor interleukin 1: und interleukin 6 by Heiman mononuclear cells exposed to galactoside - specific lectin from clinically applied Mistletoe extract. Cane Res 50:3322. Hajto T, Hostanka K. Gabius HI. (1989) Modulatory potency of the galactoside-specific lectin from Mistletoe extract (Iscador), the host defense system in vivo in rabbits, patients. Cane Res 49:4803. Hajto T, Hostanka K, Gabius HI. (1990) Zytokine als Lectininduzierte Mediatoren in der Misteltherapie. Therapeutikon 4:136-145. Hamacher H. Mistel (Viscum album L.) - Forschung und therapeutische Anwendung. In: ZPT 18(l):34-35. 1997. Hamacher H. Scheer R, Anthroposophie/Phytotherapie: MistelForschung und therapeutische Anwendung. In: DAZ 136(34):2904-2905. 1996. Hassauer W et al., (1979) Onkologie 2(1):28. Hauser SP. (1993) Mistel - Wunderkraut oder Medikament? Therapiewoche 43(3):76-81. Keine H, (1989) Klinische Studien zur Misteltherapie karzinomatoser Erkrankungen. Eine Obersicht. Therapeutikon 3:347-353. Kleijnen J, Knopschild P, (1994) Mistletoe treatment for cancer. Review of controlled trials in humans. Phytomedicine 1:255260. Timoshenko AV et al., Influence of the galactoside-specific lectin from Viscum album and its subunits on cell aggregation and selected intracellular parameters of rat thymocytes. In: PM 61 (2): 130-133. 1995. Uhlenbrock S, Weihnachten, Miraculix und die Anthroposophie. In: PZ I40(5I/52):4602-4603. 1995. Wagner H et al., (1986) Planta Med (2): 102. Wagner H, Die Mistel in der Tumortherapie. In: DAZ 132(20): 1087/1088. 1992. Wagner H, Jordan E, (1986) Structure, properties of polysaccarides from Viscum album (L). Oncology (Suppl 1):815. Wagner H. Pflanzliche Immunstimulanzien. In: DAZ 131(4): 117. 1991. Wasielewski S, Krebserkrankungen: Streit um alternative Heilverfahren in der Onkologie. In: DAZ 135(24):2234-2235. 1995. Woynarvski JM et al., (1980) Hoppe-Seylers Z Physiol Chem 361(10): 1525 et 1535. Further information in: Frohne D. Pfiinder HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker. Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. AufL Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AufL, Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kwaja TA et al., (1980) Experientia 36:599. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Loew, B, In: Loew D, Rietbrock N: Phytopharmaka II: Forschung und klinische Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1996. Roth L. Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. AufL, Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Luther P et al., (1980) Int J Biochem 11:429. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Muller J, (1962) Ger Offen DE 1:130:112. Olsn'es S et al., (1982) J Biol Chem 257:1371. Rentea R et al., (1981) Lab Invest. 44(1 ):43. Saenz MT, Ahumada MC, Garcia MD, Extracts from Viscum and Crataegus are cytotoxic against larynx cancer cells. In: Z Naturforsch C 52(l-2):42-44. 1997. Salzer G, Havelec L, (1978) Onkologie 1(6):264. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. AufL, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. AufL, Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. AufL, Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Samuellson G et al., (1981) Acta Pharm Sueca 18:179. Wagner H. Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Schmidt S, Unkonventionelle Heilverfahren in der Tumortherapie. In: ZPT 17(2): 115-117. 1996. Wichtl M (Hrsg.). Teedrogen, 4. AufL, Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Salzer G, Muller H, (1978) Prax Klein Pneumol 32(11):721. EUROPEAN PEONY/295 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS European Peony COMPOUNDS: EUROPEAN PEONY ROOT Monoterpenes: monoterpene ester glucosides of the pinanetype: chief component paeoniflorine (1.5 to 3.5%) Paeonia officinalis EFFECTS* EUROPEAN PEONY ROOT DESCRIPTION A Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried ripe seeds, the fresh underground parts harvested in spring and the fresh root. Flower and Fruit: The large flowers are solitary at the ends of the stems. The calyx consists of 5 green, partly corollalike sepals. The wild species has 5 to 8 ovate, red petals that are 4 to 5 cm long; the cultivated forms have many more. The stamens are light-red with long yellow anthers. The 2 or 3 ovaries have red stigmas and develop into tomentose follicles containing numerous, dark, glossy, pea-sized seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: In its winter state, the plant has a turnip-like rhizome and close, gnarled root fibers that are brown on the outside and white inside. The stem is leafy, erect, lightly branched and glabrous, with a stalk about 50 cm high. The leaves are alternate, more or less petiolate with a dark green glossy upper surface and a light green finely pubescent undersurface. m Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the mountains ot southern Europe from Portugal to Albania and Hungary, as far as Asia Minor. It is widely cultivated as a garden plant. Production: European Peony flower consists of the petals of Paeonia officinalis and/or Paeonia mascula. European Peony root consists of the dried secondary roots of Paeonia officinalis and/or Paeonia mascula. The cultivated Peony roots are dug up in spring, cleaned and dried in the sun or artificially. The flowers are harvested in dry weather shortly after the end of flowering and dried quickly in the shade or in moderate sunshine. Other Names: Peony, Piney The plant contains anthocyanin glycosides and tannins (main active principle: paeonidin-3, 5-diglucoside*. Animal tests have demonstrated strong uterine contraction, tone reduction in the gastrointestinal tract and a drop in blood pressure. Anticonvulsive and analgesic effects could not be demonstrated. INDICATIONS AND USAGE EUROPEAN PEONY ROOT Unproven Uses: In folk medicine. European Peony root is used for neurasthenia and neurasthenia syndrome, neuralgia, migraines and allergic disorders such as excitability, epilepsy and whooping cough. Homeopathic Uses: Among uses in homeopathy are hemorrhoids and other anal conditions. EUROPEAN PEONY FLOWERS Unproven Uses: The flowers were formerly used as a folk medicine remedy for epilepsy, as an emetic, emmenagogue and abortifacient, for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, fissures, anal fissures associated with hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and ailments of the respiratory tract. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include hemorrhoids and other anal conditions. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Side effects that may occur, particularly in cases of overdosages, include gastroenteritis with vomiting, colic and diarrhea. Because efficacy has not been documented, therapeutic use cannot be recommended. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY DOSAGE COMPOUNDS: EUROPEAN PEONY FLOWERS Anthocyans: diglucoside) in particular paeonin (paeonidin-3,5- Tannins (pentagalloyl glucose) £ Flavonoids: in particular kaempferol glycosides EFFECTS: EUROPEAN PEONY FLOWERS The plant contains anthocyanin glycosides and tannins (main active principle: paeonidin-3, 5-diglucoside). Animal tests have demonstrated strong uterine contraction, tone reduction in the gastrointestinal tract and a drop in blood pressure. Anticonvulsive and analgesic effects could not be demonstrated, although hypertonia has been reported in animal tests. EUROPEAN PEONY FLOWERS Mode of Administration: Therapeutic use cannot be recommended because efficacy has not been proven. How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical preparations include drops and compound preparations. Preparation: To make an infusion, use 1 g Tree Peony flowers per cup water. Daily Dosage: Drink one cup of infusion per day. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops. 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic). Parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute. 3 times daily: chronic: once a day (HAB1). 2 9 6 /EUROPEAN PEONY Storage: Store protected from light and moisture for no longer than 1 year. E U R O P E A N PEONY ROOT Mode of Administration: European Peony root is administered as a tincture. European Peony flowers are used as an inactive ingredient in cough and fumigant teas and as a coloring agent in cough syrup. How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical preparations include drops and compound preparations. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Leaves, Stem and Root: The perennial, plant grows 20 to 40 cm high. The short rhizome is solid, horizontal, multisegmented, broken off and covered in thick fibers. It has scales formed by leaf stalk remnants at the neck and has a number of segments. The stem is usually undivided, erect, grooved, and has only 1 to 2 sessile leaves. The leaves are basal, long-petioled, and palmate with 5 lobes. The tips are 3-lobed. The lateral tips are divided in 2 and especially glossy underneath. Characteristics: The taste is slightly salty, bitter and dry. Daily Dosage: Tincture: 30 to 50 drops daily. Storage: Store protected from light and moisture for no longer than 1 year. LITERATURE Caesar W, Die Pfingstrose. In: DAZ 130(23): 1339. 1990. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, western Siberia, northern Africa, and in the mountains of tropical Africa. Production: European Sanicle consists of the dried, aboveground parts of Sanicula europaea, which is collected in the wild. Hikino H, Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, Vol I., Academic Press UK 1985. Not to be Confused With: Commercially, the herb may be mixed with leaves of Cardamine enneaphylos. In some areas, Astrantia major is labeled as sanicle and used accordingly in folk medicine. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Other Names: Poolroot, Self-Heal, Sanicle Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins (up to 13%): including among others, acyl-saniculosides A-D, aglycones including A1-barrigenol, Rl-barrigenol, barringtogenol Caffeic acid derivatives: rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid Flavonoids: chief components rutin, isoquercitrin, astragalin EFFECTS European Sanicle Sanicula europaea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh flowering herb and the basal leaves collected during the flowering season and dried. Flower and Fruit: The white or reddish inflorescences form a cyme with small head-like umbels with 4 to 6 linear bracts. The calyx is 5-tipped and there are 5 petals. The androgynous florets are in the center of the small umbel surrounded by 10 to 20 male florets. The ribless fruit is densely covered with barbed thorns and almost globular, with long styles that curve downwards. The mericarps are distinctly domed and almost flat at the narrow groove. There are numerous oil lines. The drug has a mild astringent and expectorant effect. It also reduces edema in animal experiments. The saponin complex has been shown to be antimicrobial and antifungal. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Cough/bronchitis European Sanicle is used for mild inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Unproven Uses: Past external uses in folk medicine have included wounds and contusions, and European Sanicle has been used internally for stomach inflammations and bloody vomiting, among other applications. Homeopathic Uses: The primary application of European Sanicle in homeopathy is for diarrhea. HERBAL E U R O P E A N WATER H E M L O C K / 2 9 7 MONOGRAPHS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic 3 dosages. DOSAGE w* Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug for decoctions and other preparations for oral application. How Supplied: Commercial pharmaceutical preparations include juices, tablets and compound preparations. Preparation: No information is available. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 4 to 6 g of the herb. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (Chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily: chronic once a day (HAB34). Storage: The drug must be kept in sealed containers, protected from light. Characteristics: The rhizome has a bad odor and is extremely poisonous. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe and Asia. Other Names: Cowbane ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Polyynes: including cicutoxin (0.07-0.2^ in the fresh rhizome tuber), isocicutoxin, cicutol, cicudiole. falcarindiol Furanocoumarins Alky I phthalides EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used in homeopathic dilutions for migraine, painful menstruation, worm infestation and inflammation of the skin. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS LITERATURE Engel S, Horn K, Phytodermatosen (lurch Dictamnus albus. Sanicula europaea und Philodendron consanguineum. In: Dermat j£ Mschr 158(l):22-27. 1972. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hiller K et aL PA 24:178. 1969. Hiller K et al., PA 22:220-221. 1967. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. European Water Hemlock The freshly harvested root stock is extremely poisonous due to its cicutoxin content. The plant itself is weakly poisonous. OVERDOSAGE Two to 3 gm of the root stock are said to be fatal for an adult. The toxicity of the drug declines through dehydration and storage. Symptoms of poisoning, following the initial stupor and nausea, include severe tonic-clonic spasms, unconsciousness, canosis and extremely widened pupils. Death occurs through asphyxiation at the peak of a convulsive attack or through heart failure. Forced diuresis, hemodialysis and hemoperfusion are initiated as treatment for poisonings. Gastric lavage should only be carried out under anesthetic because of the danger of convulsion. Benzodiazepine or barbiturates are used to lessen the effects of the spasms. Cicuta virosa DOSAGE DESCRIPTION Mode of Administration: The drug is used topically and internally as a dilution of the mother tincture. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the rhizome with roots. Flower and Fruit: The flower is a white umbelliferous blossom with distinct calyx tips. The petals have indented tips. The style cushion is flat. The fruit is brown-yellow, 2.5 mm by 3 mm, and has dark-brown stripes. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows to a height of 30 to 120 cm. The leaves are 2- to 3-pinnate. The leaflets are lanceolate and sharply serrate. The whole plant is glabrous. The rhizome is tuberous, fleshy and hollow. The stem is erect, round, hollow, glabrous, branched above, and forms adventitious roots at the nodes. LITERATURE Bilia AR, Ctalano S, Fontana C, Morelli I, Palme E. A new saponin from Potentilla tormentilla. In: PM 58(7)23. 1992. Strauss U, Wittstock U, Schubert R, Teuscher E, Jung S, Mix E, Cicutoxin from Cicuta virosa—a new and potent potassium channel blocker in T lymphocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 219:332-6. 1996. Wittstock U, Hadacek F, Wurz G, Teuscher E, Greger H. Polyacetylenes from water hemlock, Cicura virosa. In: PM 61(5):439-445. 1995. Wittstock U, Lichtnow KH, Teuscher E, Effects of cicutoxin and related polyacetylenes from cicuta virosa on neuronal action 2 9 8 / E U R O P E A N WATER HEMLOCK potentials: a comparative study on the mechanism of the convulsive action. In: PM 63(2): 120-124. 1997. Wittstock U. Lichtnow KH, Teuscher E, Effects of polyacetvlenes from Cicuta virosa on the electrical activity of molluscan giant neurones. In: PM 61 (Abstracts of 43rd Ann Congr):84. 1995. Wittstock U. Wurz G. Hadacek F, Greger H, Teuscher E, Biocative polyacetylens from Cicuta virosa. In: PM 58(7)22. 1992. FDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Leaves, Stem and Root: This biennial grows up to 1 m and has a spindle-shaped, fleshy, turnip-like root, which produces leaf rosettes in the first year. The stem is erect, unbranched or branched higher up and angular. The ovary is a capsule covered in short glandular hairs, with simple, light hairs on the purple papilla. The cauline leaves are shortpetioled or sessile, often hanging, oblong-lanceolate, pointed, irregular and finely dentate. Further information in: Characteristics: The flowers are fragrant and open in the evening. Frohne D. Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker. Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Habitat: Originally indigenous to North America, it is now naturalized throughout most of Europe and parts of Asia. Lewin L. Girte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1992. Production: Evening Primrose oil is the fatty seed oil of Oenothera biennis. The oil is extracted by means of a coldextraction process, which involves hexane in steel or glasslined tanks. The extract is washed and the solvent removed using low pressure. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Other Names: Fever Plant, King's Cureall, Night Willowherb, Scabish, Sun Drop Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4.Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Kern W. List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York. 1969. Teuscher E. Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie. Pharmakologie. 2. Aufl.. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E. Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttaart 1997. Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis TRADE NAMES Evening Primrose Oil Capsules (available from numerous manufacturers), Mega Primrose Oil, Oil of Evening Primrose. Original Primrose for Women, Royal Brittany Evening Primrose Oil DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fatty oil extracted from the ripe seeds and the fresh plant gathered at the beginning of the flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The fragrant flowers are 2 to 3 cm long and are solitary in the leaf axils. The open ones are lower than the buds. The sepals are lanceolate, acuminate, turned down, thin, more or less pale green and smooth on the outside with a few scattered hairs. The petals are obovate. The ovary is inferior. The style has a 4-sectioned stigma. The fruit is a linear-oblong, quadrangular, downy-villous capsule that's up to 3 cm long. The seeds are 1.5 mm long, dark gray to black with irregular sharp edges. COMPOUNDS Fatty oil: chief fatty acids linoleic acid (65-80%), gammalinolenic acid (8-14%), oleic acid (6-11%), palmitic acid (710%) EFFECTS Gamma-linolenic acid (a component in Evening Primrose oil) is converted to dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid and then to prostaglandin El (PGE1) in-vivo by the enzyme delta-6desaturase. PGE1 has anti-inflammatory and cell membrane stabilizer activity in the body. Evening Primrose oil supplements provide increased levels of dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid in the blood of people with a deficiency of the enzyme delta-6-desaturase. Gamma-linolenic acid is also a component in breast milk, but is not added to infant formulas. It has been postulated that gamma-linolenic acid may be beneficial to neural development in breast-fed infants (Newall, 1996). A review of the literature involving human trials shows that EPO has not been effective in the treatment of atopic asthma, weight loss, atopic dermatitis, arthritis, attention deficit disorder, diabetes or premenstrual syndrome. Animal studies have demonstrated benefits in treating hypertension, thrombosis, hypercholesterolemia and platelet aggregation. CLINICAL TRIALS Mastalgia A retrospective study covering seven years involving 566 women with cyclical breast pain (mastalgia) was performed. Most women were first treated with Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine HCL) 100 mg daily for a 3-month period. Those that did not EVENING PRIMROSE / 2 9 9 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS w respond were given 3 g of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) daily for a one-month period followed by 2 g daily for an additional two months. Other women were given the Evening Primrose oil regimen as first-line treatment. 5 8 % of the pyridoxine/EPO treatment group reported pain relief and 59% of the EPO first-line group reported relief. The author concluded that good responses can be obtained from products devoid of significant side effects, such as EPO and Vitamin B-6 as a first line treatment (McFayden, 1992). Tamoxifen and danazol should be reserved for those patients who do not respond to EPO or pyridoxine. Premenstrual Syndrome A meta-analysis of 7 placebo-controlled trials involving the use of EPO for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) was carried out in 1996. The authors note that two well-constructed studies in the group failed to show any statistically relevant beneficial effects with EPO in treating PMS symptoms. The scoring in the remaining studies was not consistent and therefore the authors were not able to pool the results for statistical analysis (Budeiri, 1996). INDICATIONS AND USAGE ^ Mastalgia (breast pain) 3 to 4 grams daily in divided doses Storage: Evening Primrose oil is rinsed in nitrogen and stored in cooled tanks lined with polyethylene. Commercial products should be stored at room temperature in an area that is dry and not in direct sunlight. LITERATURE Berth-Jones J, Placebo controlled trial of essential fatty acid supplementation in atopic dermatitis. In: Lancet 341:1557-1560. 1993. Budeiri D, Li Wan Po A, Doman JC, Is Evening Primrose oil of value in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome? Control Clin Trials 17:60-68. 1996. Haslett C et al., (1983) Int J Obesity 7(6):549. Horrobin DF. (1983) J Reprod Med 28(7):465. Ihrig M, Blume H, Nachtkerzenol-Praparate: Ein Qualitatsvergleich. In: PZ 139(9):668. 1994. Ippen H, Gamma-Linolensaure besser aus Nachtkerzen- oder aus Borretschol? In: ZPT 16(3): 167-170. 1995. Unproven Uses: Evening Primrose oil is used for neurodermatitis, premenstrual syndrome and as a dietary aid. The drug is also used to treat hyperactivity in children, high cholesterol levels, menopausal hot flashes and mastalgia. McFayden IJ. Forrest AP, Chetty U, Cyclical breast pain some observations and the difficulties in treatment. BJCP 46:161-164.1992. Capsules containing 500 mg of Evening Primrose oil have been approved for use in Germany, in the treatment of and to relieve the symptoms of atopic eczema. Pye J K et al., (1985) Lancet II, 373. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS There are case reports of seizures in schizophrenic patients that were being treated with Evening Primrose oil along with phenothiazine medications. Practitioners should be aware that Evening Primrose oil has a potential to lower the seizure threshold in patients with seizure disorders or those being treated with drugs that lower the seizure threshold. _ Pediatric—2 to 4 grams daily in divided doses Midwinter RE et al., (1982) Lancet I, 339. Seaman GVF et al., (1979) Lancet 1:1139. Ten Hoor F. (1980) Nutr Metab 24(Suppl. 1):162. Willuhn G, Phytopharmaka in der Dermatologie. In: ZPT 16(6):325-342. 1995. Wright S, Burton JL, (1982) Lancet II, 1120. Further information in: DOSAGE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Mode of Administration: Evening Primrose oil is available in capsules for oral administration. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. How Supplied: Capsules—500 mg, 1300 mg. Newall CA, Anderson LA & Phillipson JD, Herbal Medicines. The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 110-113.1996. Most commercial products (capsules) are standardized for gamma linolenic acid content of 9%. Daily Dosage: Treatment with Evening Primrose oil may require up to 3 months duration before positive results are attained for all indications listed below (Newall, 1996). Atopic eczema Adult—6 to 8 grams daily in divided doses Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. 300/EYEBRIGHT Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis TRADE NAMES Eyebright (Available from numerous manufacturers) Eye-bright Herb, Herbal Eyebright, NuVeg Eyebright DESCRIPTION In folk medicine, Eyebright is used for blepharitis, conjunctivitis, styes, eye fatigue symptoms, functional eye disorders of muscular and nervous origin, coughs and hoarseness. The efficacy of the herb for its^ claimed uses is not documented. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the flowering plant. Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Flower and Fruit: White, bluish or reddish-violet flowers are in spike-like inflorescence in the axils of the upper leaves. The calyx has 4 tips and is glabrous to short bristly. The corolla is bilabiate and is 8 to 12 mm long. The upper lip is domed, helmet-like and revolute at the tips. The lower lip has 9 dark violet long stripes. There are 4 stamens and 1 superior ovary. The fruit is a narrow, oblong capsule with a ciliate edge. The seeds are numerous and grooved. Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy of the claimed uses is undocumented, and external eye application is not absolutely hygienic, therapeutic use cannot be recommended. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is about 30 cm high. It is annual. The stem is rigid, erect, lightly branched below. The leaves are opposite, sessile and grass-green. They are ovate or oblong-ovate and twice as long as wide. The involucral bracts have 4 to 7 teeth. DOSAGE Preparation: To prepare a tea, add 2 to 3 gm of finely cut drug to boiling water; strain after 5 to 10 minutes. Decoction — 2%. Daily Dosage: A decoction is used 3 to 4 times daily for eye rinses. Characteristics: Eyebright is odorless and has a bitter and salty taste. It is semi-parasitic. LITERATURE Habitat: Europe. Luczak S, Swiatek L, Plantes Med Phytother 24:66. 1990. Production: Eyebright consists of the whole plant of Euphrasia officinalis gathered during flowering season. Eyebright herb consists of the fresh or dried, above-ground parts of Euphrasia officinalis. Salama O et al., PH 20:2603. 1981. Sicher O, Salama O, PM 39:269. 1980. Other Names: Euphrasia Sicher O, Salama O, PM 42:122. 1981. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Further information in: Harkiss KJ. Timmins P. (1973) Planta Med 23:342. Salama O, Sticher O, (1983) Planta Med 47:90. COMPOUNDS Iridoide monoterpenes: aucubin, catalpol, euphroside, ixoroside, veronicoside, verproside, mussaenoside, ladroside Lignans: dehydrodiconiferyl-4-beta-D-glucoside Flavonoids: including apigenin-, chrysoeriol- and luteolin-7O-galactosides and -rhamnogalactosides Tannins EFFECTS No documentation available. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. " INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Eyebright preparations are used externally as lotions, poultices, and eye-baths, for eye complaints associated with disorders and inflammation of the blood vessels, inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva, as a preventive measure against mucus and catarrh of the eyes. Fagopyrum esculentum See Buckwheat FALSE UNICORN ROOT/301 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS False Schisandra Kadsura japonica DESCRIPTION LITERATURE ^pt Medicinal Parts: The fruit of the plant is considered to have medicinal value, but efficacy has not been documented. Flower and Fruit: Single axillary flowers on up to 4 cm long, purple stems; there are 9 to 15 white, reddish or yellow tepals. Male flowers have numerous stamens; female flowers have numerous carpels and a superior ovary. The fruit is a berry-like, globose aggregate fruit. Leaves, Stem and Root: This dioecious climbing shrub has leaves that are 6 to 11 cm long, elliptical to lanceolate, simple, pergament-like with a slightly crenate margin. Habitat: Indigenous to Japan. Production: False Schisandra fruit are the dried fruits of Kadsura japonica. They are collected in the wild. Not to be Confused With: Schisandra chinensis Other Names: Kadsura fruit " PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: including germacrene C Lignans: dibenzo[a,c]cyclooctene lignans, including binankadsurin-A-ester EFFECTS Although clinically unsubstantiated, False Schisandra fruit is credited in classical Chinese-Tibetan medicine with an efficacy analogous to that of Schisandra fruit. That drug exhibits liver-protective, inflammation- and tumor-inhibiting, neuroleptic and anti-convulsive effects, as well as a nonspecific enhancement of physical performance ability. Experimental documentation regarding analogous efficacy of kadsura fruit has not been forthcoming, however. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The fruit is used for chronic coughs and asthma, chronic diarrhea, enuresis, spermatorrhoea, night sweats and insomnia. H Chinese Medicine: The fruit is used as an analgesic for pains in the bones, ligaments, stomach and during menstruation, as well as for spontaneous, painful local swellings. DOSAGE Preparation: Before being dried and cut, the fruits are simmered in vinegar. Daily Dosage: 1.5 to 6 g Chinese Dosage: 9 to 15 g drug daily Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, l992-1994. False Unicorn Root Veratrum luteum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are numerous, greenishwhite, without covering leaves. They are dioecious and arranged in terminal racemes of 15 cm with nod-like feathers. The petals are narrow and shorter than the stamens, while the filaments taper to a point. The anthers are terminal and 2-lobed. The petals of the female flowers are linear, the stamens short, and the ovary ovate, deltoid and grooved. The stigmas are oblong, have 3 grooves and open upward. The fruit is numerous and capsule-like, compressed and acute. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial with a strong leafy stem 30 to 90 cm high. The stem is undivided, smooth and angular. The foliage leaves are alternate; the lower ones spatulate and the upper ones lanceolate. The basal leaves are 20 cm long, 1.25 cm wide, narrow and whorled at the base. The rhizome is tuberous and stunted. It is approximately 1.25 cm long. Characteristics: False Unicom Root has a bitter taste. Habitat: The plant grows in the Mississippi Delta region. Production: False Unicorn Root is the rhizome of Veratrum luteum. Other Names: Starwort, Helonias Root, Blazing Star, FairyWand ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Steroid saponins: (mixture is referred to as chamaelirin, ca. 10%), aglycone diosgenin EFFECTS Oxytocic, diuretic, anthelmintic INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: False Unicom Root is used for menstrual disturbances, dysmenorrhea and pregnancy complaints. 302 /FALSE UNICORN ROOT PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The appearance of gastric complaints is conceivable with the drug, due to the high saponin content, particularly in cases of overdosage. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. LITERATURE Atta-Ur-Rahman, Ali RA, Choudhary MI, New steroidal alkaloids from rhizomes of Veratrum album. In: JNP 55:565570. 1992. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel. Boston, Berlin 1962-1997 (unter Chamaelirium luteum (L.) GRAY). Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979 (unter Helionas dioica). Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Fennel seed consists of the dried, ripe fruits of Foeniculum vulgare. Other Names: Large Fennel, Sweet Fennel, Wild Fennel, Fenkel, Bitter Fennel ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: FENNEL OIL When extracted from bitter fennel the chief components are: Trans-anethols (50-75%) Fenchone (12-33%) Estragole (2-5%?) Additional components are - alpha-pinenes. camphene, pcymene, myrcene, limonene, alpha- and beta-phellandrene, gamma-terpenes, terpinols, cis-ocimene When extracted from sweet fennel the chief components are: Trans-anethole (80-90%) Fenchone (1-10%?) Estragole (3-10%c) Fennel Foeniculum vulgare DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the Fennel oil extracted from the ripe fruit and the dried ripe fruit and Fennel seeds of Foeniculum vulgare. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is fairly large umbels almost 15 cm across on very irregular rays. The flowers are fairly small and usually androgynous. The petals are a rich yellow, broadly ovate and have an involute lobe at the tip. The style is very short and almost wart-like. The fruit is glabrous, brownish or greenish-gray. They are 6 to 10 mm long, somewhat cylindrical with blunt ribs and strongly domed. Leaves, Stem and Fruit: The plant is biennial to perennial, about 80 to 15.0 cm high, glabrous, sea-green to glaucous and has a strong spicy smell. The stem is erect, round, glabrous, smooth and filled with latex. The lower leaves are petiolate and have long sheaths. Characteristics: Fennel has a spicy aroma. Habitat: Fennel is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, has spread to England, Germany, South Tyrol and Argentina. Fennel is also found today in Iran, India and China. Production: Fennel oil is the essential oil obtained from the dried, ripe fruits of Foeniculum vulgare by steam distillation. Additional components are - alpha-pinenes. camphene, pcymene, myrcene, limonene, alpha- and beta-phellandrene, gamma-terpenes, terpinols, gamma-fenchen EFFECTS: FENNEL OIL Stimulation of gastrointestinal motility; in higher concentrations, antispasmodic; experimentally, anethole and fenchone have shown a secretolytic action on the respiratory tract. In vitro, it is antimicrobial. COMPOUNDS: FENNEL SEED Volatile oil With bitter fennel the chief components are: Trans-anethole (50-75%) Fenchon (12-33%) Estragole (2-5%) Additional components - alpha-pinenes, camphene, p-cymene, myrcene, limonene, alpha- and beta-phellandrene, gamma-terpenes, terpinols cis-ocimene With sweet fennel the chief components are: Trans-anethole (80-90%) Fenchon (1-10%) Estragole (3-10%) Additional components - alpha-pinenes, camphene, p-cymene, myrcene, limonene, alpha- and beta-phellandrene, gamma-terpenes, terpinols, gamma-fenchen HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Hydroxycoumarins (traces): umbelliferone, scopoletine, osthenol, scoparin, Furocoumarins traces) including bergapten, columbianetin, psoralen, xanthotoxin FENNEL/303 FENNEL SEED Mode of Administration: Crushed or ground seeds for teas, tea-like products, as well as other galenic preparations for internal use. Pyranocoumarins Daily Dosage: 5 to 7 gm of drug Flavonoids Fatty oil LITERATURE Betts TJ, J Pharm Pharmacol 20:469-472 et 61S-64S. 1968. Czygan FC. ZPT 8:82. 1987. EFFECTS: FENNEL SEED The seed promotes gastrointestinal motility. In higher concentrations, Fennel has an antispasmodic effect. Experimentally, anethole and fenchone have been shown to have a secretolytic effect in the respiratory tract of frogs. Aqueous Fennel extracts raised the mucociliary activity of the ciliary epithelium. El-Khrisy EAM et al.. (1980) Titoterapia 51:273. Forster HB et al., (1980) Planta Med 40(4):309. Gershbein LL, (1977) Food Cosmet Toxicol 15(3):173. Harborne JB, Williams CE, (1972) Phytochemistry 11:1741. Harries N et al., (1978) J Clin Pharm 2:171. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Hiller K, Pharmazeutische Bewertung ausgewahlter Teedrogen. In: DAZ 135(16): 1425-1440. 1995. FENNEL OIL Karlsen J et al., (1969) Planta Med 17:281. Approved by Commission E: • Cough • Bronchitis • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: Peptic discomforts, such as mild, spastic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, feeling of fullness, flatulence; catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Fennel honey is used for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract in children. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Allergic reactions following intake of Fennel have been only very rarely observed. Cross Sensitivity among patients with celery allergy appear to be possible. Pregnancy: Preparations, excluding the drug itself and tea infusions are not to be administered during pregnancy. Pediatric Use: Preparations, excluding the drug itself and tea infusions are not to be administered to small children. DOSAGE FENNEL OIL Mode of Administration: Essential oil and galenic preparations for internal use. Note: Diabetics must check the sugar content of available preparations. Daily Dosage: 0.1 to 0.6 ml of Fennel oil Duration of administration: Maximum of 2 weeks. Karlsen J et al., PM 17:281-293. 1969. Kunzemann J, Hermann K, (1977) Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 164:194. Massoud H, Study on the essential oil in seeds of some fennel cultivars under egyptian environmental conditions. In: PM 58(7):A681. 1992. Parzinger R, Fenchel. In: DAZ 136(7):529-530. 1996. Rothbacher H, Kraus A, (1970) Pharmazie 25:566. Shah CS et al., PM 18:285-295. 1970. Stahl E, (1980) Dtsch Apoth Ztg 45:2324. Trenkle K, PA 27:319-324. 1972. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. 304/FENNEL Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997 Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum TRADE NAME Fenugreek Seed (from various manufacturers) Premium Fenugreek Seed DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe, dried seeds. Flower and Fruit: The 0.8 to 1.8 cm long flowers are solitary or in pairs in the leaf axils. They are almost sessile. The calyx tube is membranous and usually longer than the lanceolate tips. The corolla is usually pale yellow, occasionally darker or violet and about double the length of the calyx. The wings are about half as long as the standard and the carina is very obtuse, round and barely longer than the calyx. The fruit is a 2.5 to 10 cm long and 0.5 to I cm wide, erect, leaning, linear and appressed pubescent pod with a long lip. The 4 to 20 seeds are flattened, divided into 2 uneven halves by a deep groove, ovate to di-shaped. yellow-brown, or brown-red and very hard when dry. Leaves, Stern and Root: The plant is an annual, 10 to 50 cm high herb with a long vertical taproot. The stem is sturdy, round, erect or decumbent and branched. The leaves are trifoliate and the petioles are 0.5 to 2 cm long. The leaflets are 1 to 3 cm long, obovate to oblong-lanceolate, obtusely deltoid to rounded. The stipules are fairly large, membranous, ovate, acute and more or less softly pubescent. Habitat: The species is common all over the Mediterranean region as far as India and China and southward as far as Ethiopia. The main regions of cultivation are southern France, Turkey, northern Africa, India and China. Production: Fenugreek consists of the ripe, dried seed of Trigonella foenum-graecum. Other Names: Greek Hay Seed, Bird's Foot ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mucilages (25-45%, mannogalactans) Proteins (25-30%) Proteinase inhibitors Steroid saponins (1.2-1.5%): including trigofoenosides A to G (to some extent bitter), aglycones including diosgenin, yamogenin, gitogenin, smilagenin, tigogenin, yuccagenin PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Steroid saponin-peptide ester: including foenugraecin Sterols: chief constituents 24xi-ethyl-cholest-5-en-3beta-ole (65%), sterols that are to some extent estered Flavonoids: including isoorientin, isovitexin, orientin, orientin arabinoside, isoorientin arabinoside, saponaretin, vicenin1, vincenin-2, vitexin Trigonelline (coffearin, N-methylbetaine of the nicotinic acid, 0.4%) Volatile oil (0.01%): aroma bearer 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl2(5H)-furanone EFFECTS Externally, the drug acts as an emollient. Internally, Fenugreek reduces blood sugar, but the mode of action is unclear. In addition, a lipid-lowering effect attributed to the saponin fraction has been proven as well as a hydrogogic effect. There is no indication of a lactation-promoting effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Loss of appetite • Inflammation of the skin Unproven Uses: Internal uses include upper respiratory catarrh, diabetes, and to increase milk production. Externally, the drug is used as poultice for local inflammation, ulcers, and eczema. Chinese Medicine: The drug is used to treat cold pain in the lower abdomen, impotence, and hernia (said to be due to cold 'chi'). Indian Medicine: The drug is used for fever, vomiting, anorexia, coughs, bronchitis, and colitis. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug should not be used during pregnancy. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Sensitization is possible through repeated external administration of the drug. Drug Interactions: Fenugreek has hypoglycemic effect. There is a potential for the herb to interact with hypoglycemic drugs that are used to treat diabetes resulting in an exaggerated hypoglycemic effect. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug is available in the form of teas and compound preparations. How Supplied: Capsules — 575 mg, 610 mg, 626 mg FEVER BARK/305 HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS Preparation: To prepare a tea, leave 0.5 gm drug to steep in cold water for 3 hours, then strain; the tea may be sweetened with honey. A poultice is prepared as a thick paste made from the powdered seeds: add 50 gm of powdered drug to lU liter of boiling water for 5 minutes. To make a cold maceration, soak 0.5 gm of drug in cold water, then filter. Daily Dose: The daily internal dose ot the drug is 6 gm. One cup of the tea may be taken several times a day. For loss of appetite, take 2 gm of cut drug with fluid 3 times daily, before meals. The cold maceration can be drunk several times a day. Ferula foetida See Asa Foetida Ferula gummosa See Galbanum LITERATURE Ferula sumbul Abdo MS. Al-Khafawi AA, (1969) Planta Med 17:14. See Sumbul Adamska M. Lutomski J, (1971) Planta Med 20:224. Al-Meshal IA et al., (1985) Fitoterapia 56 (4):232. Ali L et al.. Characterization of the hypoglycemic effect of Trigonella foenum graecum seed. In: PM 61(4):358-360. 1995. Bohlmann MB et al., (1974) Phytochemistry 13:1513. Fever Bark AI st on ia constrict a Girardon P et al.. (1985) Planta Med 51 (6):533. DESCRIPTION Girardou P et al., PM 51:533. 1985. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the bark of the root and trunk. Gupta RK. Jain DC, Thakur RS, PH 23:2605. 1984. Gupta RK. Jain DC, Thakur RS, PH 24:2399. 1986. Gupta RK, Jain DC, Thakur RS, PH 25:2205. 1986. Hardman R et al., (1980) Phytochemistry 19:698. Ribes G et al.. (1986) Ann Nutr Metab. 28:37. Ribes G et al., (1986) Phytother Res 1(1):40. Ribes G et al.. (1986) Proc. Soc Exp Biol Med 183:159. Sood AR et al., (1976) Phytochemistry 15:351. Weder JK. Heufiner K, Z Lebensm Untersuch Forsch 193:242 et 321. 1991. Further information in: Chan, EH et al., (Eds.), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New # York 1980. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are creamy white and starshaped. Leaves, Stem and Root: Alstonia are evergreen trees, which grow to a height of 15 m. The leaves are glossy, oblong and petiolate. The tree has a 2 to 7 cm rusty-brown, rugose periderm, which is deeply fissured. The inner surface is yellowish brown and coarsely striated longitudinally, fracture fibrous. Characteristics: The tree is a protected species in some countries. The taste is very bitter, the odor is slightly aromatic. Habitat: Alstonia constricta is indigenous to Australia; Alstonia scholaris is indigenous to India and the Philippines. Production: Alstonia bark is the trunk and branch bark of Alstonia constricta. Other Names: Australian Quinine, Australian Febrifuge, Alstonia Bark, Devil Tree, Dita Bark, Pale Mara, Devil's Bit, Australian Fever Bush, Pali-Mara ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. COMPOUNDS Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Indole alkaloids: including reserpine, deserpidine, alstonine, tetrahydroalstonine, alstonidine, yohimbine Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. The drug is said to be a febrifuge, antispasmodic and antihypertensive. The antihypertensive effect is due to the reserpine and echitamin content. EFFECTS 3 0 6 / F E V E R BARK PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S INDICATIONS AND USAGE DESCRIPTION Unproven Uses: The drug is used as a febrifuge and stimulant and for its reserpine content. In the past, it was used to treat rheumatism. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the herb of the plant. Chinese Medicine: In the Far East, Fever Bark is used for diarrhea and malaria. It has also been used as a uterine stimulant. Flower and Fruit: The 5 to 20 composite flower heads are in a dense corymb. The epicalyx has a diameter of 6 to 8 mm. The lingual florets are white and female. The ray florets are 2.5 to 7 mm. The achenes are 1.2 to 1.5 mm and 5- lo 8ribbed. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Due to the presence of pharmacologically active indole alkaloids of the beta-carbolin type, side effects may resemble those of Rauwolfia. Symptoms of poisoning following the intake of higher dosages are conceivable. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a strongly aromatic perennial. The leaves are pinnatisect to pinnatifid and yellowish-green. The basal and lower cauline leaves are more or less ovate with 3 to 7 oblong-elliptical to ovate segments, which are subpinnately divided. They are crenate or entire-margined. DOSAGE Habitat: The plant originated in southeastern Europe and is now found all over Europe, Australia and North America. Mode of Administration: The forms available are powder, liquid extract, infusion and tincture. Up-to-date information on usage is not available. Preparation: Fever Bark is available as an infusion, 1:20, a tincture, 1:8 or 1:10 and as a liquid extract, 1:1. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose of the infusion is 15 to 20 ml; tincture, 2 to 4 ml; liquid extract, 4 to 8 ml. Production: Feverfew leaves are the leaves of Tanacetum parthenium. The plant is cut before full flowering. It is dried in thin layers in the shade, at temperatures not exceeding 35° C. Other Names: Featherfew, Featherfoil, Midsummer Daisy ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS LITERATURE Atta-ur-Rahman AM, et al., (1985) Phytochemistry 24:2771. Chopra RN, et al., (Eds.) Chopra's Indigeneous Drugs of India, Vol 1, Dhur and Sons Calcutta 1938. Goyal H, et al., (1981) J Res Ayur Siddha. 2 (3):286. Khan I. Qureshi Z, (1967) J Pharm Pharmacol 19:815. Kucera MV, et al., (1973) Afric J Pharm Pharm Sci: 3228. Oliver-Bever B (Ed.), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa, Cambridge University Press Cambridge, London 1986. Sharp TM, (1934) J Chem Soc 287. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Feverfew Tahacetum parthenium TRADE NAMES Feverfew (available from numerous manufacturers), Feverfew Extract, Herbal Sure Feverfew, NuVeg Feverfew Leaf, Premium Feverfew Leaf, Feverfew Traditional Herb, Standardized Feverfew Extract, Feverfew Leaf, Mygrafew Volatile oil (0.75%): chief constituents are L-camphor, transchrysanthyl acetate, including, camphene, p-cymene, gamma-terpinene, D-germacrene, linalool, borneol, terpinenes-4-ol Sesquiterpene lactones: especially parthenolide, and also 3beta-hydroxy-parthenolide, costunolid, reynosin, 8-beta-hydroxy-reynosin, tanaparthin-alpha-peroxide, canin, artecanin, secotanapartholide A Flavonoids: including apigenin-7-0-glucuronide, chrysoeriol-7-0-glucuronide, luteolin-7-0-glucuronide, luteolin-7-0glucoside, tanetin Polyynes: presumably only in fresh plants EFFECTS Sesquiterpene lactones, especially parthenolide, are the active compounds in Feverfew (Groenewegen, 1986; Sumner, 1992). Parthenolide, although a key determinant of biological activity for Tanacetum parthenium leaf extracts, is not the sole pharmacologically active constituent (Brown, 1997). Other sespuiterpene lactones such as 3-beta-hydroxyparthenolide, secotanapartholide A, canin and artecanin, contain an alpha-methylene butyrolactone unit responsible for anti-secretory (anti-inflammatory) activity (Groenewegen, 1986). Physiochemical methods were used to measure partholide in several purported commercial Feverfew products. The results found a wide variation in partholide content FEVERFEW/307 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS and in some products, partholide was not detected (Heptinstall, 1992). ag Crude chloroform extracts of fresh Feverfew leaves (rich in sesquiterpene lactones) and of commercially available powdered leaves (lactone-free) produce a dose-dependent inhibition of thromboxane B2 and leukotriene B4 (eicosanoids) for an anti-inflammatory effect (Sumner, 1992). Anti-inflammatory properties of Feverfew also consist of inhibition of cellular phospholipases. which prevents release of arachidonic acid (Makheja, 1982). Parthenolide and chrysanthenyl acetate have also been shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthetase (Pugh, 1988). Extracts of Feverfew also inhibit granule secretion in blood platelets and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (Heptinstall. 1985). Major flavonol and flavone methyl ethers (tanetin) of the herb inhibit the major pathways of arachidonate metabolism in leukocytes (Williams, 1999). Feverfew extract and parthenolide inhibit human blood aggregation and serotonin (5-HT) secretion by platelets (Groenewegen, 1990). The extract does this through neutralizing cellular sulfhydryl-affecting substances, which are fm properties of monocyte adherence (Krause, 1990). The chloroform extract of the Feverfew leaf contains an unidentified substance capable of producing a selective, openchannel block of voltage-dependent potassium channels, which results in an anti-spasmodic effect (Barsby, 1993). Feverfew extract inhibited anti-IgE-induced histamine release in a unique way, which concludes that Feverfew extract contains a novel type of mast cell inhibitor (Hayes, 1987). CLINICAL TRIALS ffr treatment group, thus suggesting that Feverfew may be taken prophylactically to prevent attacks of migraines (Johnson, 1985). A double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated the use of dried chopped Feverfew (70-86 mg) in patients with symptomatic rheumatoid arthritis. There were 41 patients involved in the study, and they were observed during a 6week period. Variables assessed in the study included stiffness, pain (visual analogue scale), grip strength, articular index, full blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, urea, creatinine, C reactive protein, complement breakdown products, rheumatoid factor titre, immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM), functional capacity, and patient and observer global opinions. There were no important differences in clinical or laboratory variables between the groups during the study period (Pattrick, 1989). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Feverfew is used mainly for migraine, arthritis, rheumatic diseases and allergies. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Feverfew is used for cramps, as a tonic, a stimulant, a digestive agent and a blood purifier. Other uses in folk medicine include migraine prophylaxis, digestion problems, intestinal parasites and gynecological disorders. The herb is also used as a wash for inflammation and wounds, as a tranquilizer, an antiseptic, and following tooth extraction as a mouthwash. The infusion is used for dysmenorrhea. In post-natal care, Feverfew is used to reduce lochia. The drug is used externally as an antiseptic and insecticide. CONTRAINDICATIONS The herb is not to be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. The efficacy of dried Feverfew leaves for migraine prophylaxis was assessed in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over study. The study consisted of 72 patients with classic or common migraine headaches for over 2 years. The effect of 1 capsule daily of Feverfew was determined by the use of diary cards and visual analogue scores. Duration of treatment was 4 months. After this time, Feverfew was associated with a reduction in number and severity of attacks in each 2-month period. The degree of vomiting was also reduced in the Feverfew treatment group. A significant improvement in the visual analogue scale was also observed in the Feverfew treatment group (Murphy, 1988). General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug has a high potential for sensitization via skin contact. Feverfew has been known to cross-react with Tansy, Yarrow, Marguerite, Aster, Sunflower, Laurel and Liverwort (Schmidt, 1986). A post-Feverfew syndrome has been reported in about 10% of migraine patients who abruptly stopped taking Feverfew. Rebound headaches, insomnia, muscle stiffness, joint pain, fatigue, nervousness and tension have occurred (Miller, 1998). Patients already taking Feverfew for migraine prophylaxis were randomized in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The placebo groups had a significant increase in the frequency and severity of headache, nausea and vomiting with the emergence of untoward effects during the early months of treatment. There was no change in the frequency or severity of symptoms of migraine in the Feverfew | Gastrointestinal: Gastrointestinal irritation and abdominal pain or heartburn have been reported (Johnson, 1985; Murphy, 1988; O'Hara, 1998). Glossitis and stomatitis are significant problems if they do occur (Brown, 1996). The occurrence of glossitis and stomatitis with encapsulated products has not been shown to be more common than placebo (Johnson, 1985; Murphy, 1988). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS 308 /FEVERFEW PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Skin: There are reports of allergic dermatitis on exposure to the leaves and petals of Feverfew (Schmidt, 1986). Two elderly individuals suffering from acute recurrent photodermatitis were shown to be allergic to Feverfew (Mensing, 1985). Eczema was reported in greenhouse workers exposed to various members of the Compositae family, including Feverfew (Paulsen, 1998). A recent investigation does not support the theory of airborne sesquiterpine lactone-containing plant parts, or of direct release of sesquiterpene lactones from living plants as the only explanations for airborne Compositae dermatitis (Christensen, 1999). Musculoskeletal: Feverfew contains sesquiterpenes (parthenolide and cynaropicrin), which have been shown to induce toxic and irreversible inhibition of smooth muscle contractility when there are high concentrations in the tissue (Hay, 1994). Drug Interactions: Although reports are sketchy, and most involve animal subjects and in vitro research, there is a strong possibility that Feverfew may interact with thrombolytics, anticoagulants and platelet aggregation. The mechanism of action is believed to be inhibition of arachidonic acid, which is a precursor for prostaglandins that are involved in the clotting mechanism. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Feverfew preparations are both internally and externally. How used Supplied: Capsules — 80 mg, 380 mg, 384 mg, 400 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg Tablets — 12mg (standardized to 600 meg sesuiterpine lactone content) Preparation: To make an infusion, use 2 teaspoonfuls of the drug per cup, allow to draw for 15 minutes. To make a strong infusion, double the amount and allow to draw for 25 minutes. Daily Dosage: Capsules — 200 to 250 mg daily for the treatment of migraines; the usual standardization level is 0.2% parthenolide content (Brown, 1996). Freshly dried powdered Feverfew of 25 mg is approximately equal to 0.1 mg of sesquiterpine lactones (SL) (Mervyn,1986). Fresh leaf — 1 to 3 leaves (25 to 75 mg) once or twice daily has been recommended (Johnson et al, 1985; O'Hara, 1998). Unproven uses — 3 cups of the infusion are taken per day. The stronger infusions are used for washes. Storage: Store the herb in sealed containers. LITERATURE Abad MJ, Berjemo P, Villar A, Phytother Res 9:79-92. 1995. Anderson D, Jenkinson PC, Dewdney RS, Blower SD, Johnson ES, Kadam NP, Human Toxicol 7:145-152. 1988. Anonym, Naturmedizin: Mutterkraut gegen Migrane. In: DAZ 137(28):2424. 1997. Awang DVC, Dawson BA, Kindack DG, Crompton CW, Heptinstall S, JNP 54:1516-1521. 1991. Barsby RW, Knight DW, McFadzean I, A chloroform extract of the herb Feverfew blocks voltage-dependent potassium currents recorded from single smooth muscle cells. J Pharm Pharmacol 1993 Jul;45(7):641-5. Berry MI, (1984) Pharm J 232:611. Bohlmann F, Arndt C, Bomowski H, Kleine KM, Herbst P, Chem Ber 97, 1179-1192. 1964. Bohlmann F, Zdero C, (1982) Phytochemistry 21(10):2543. Brown AMG et al., Inhibition of human neutrophils by aqueous and organic extracts of Tanacetum ssp. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 66. 1996. Brown AM, Edwards CM, Davey MR et al., Pharmacological activity of Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip): assessment by inhibition of human polymorphnuclear leukocyte chemiluminescence in-vitro. J Pharm Pharmacol 1997 May;49(5):558-61. Christensen LP; Jakobsen HB; Paulsen E et al. Airborne Compositae dermatitis: monoterpenes and no parthenolide are released from flowering Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) plants. Arch Dermatol Res 1999 Jul-Aug;291(7-8):425-31. Collier HOJ et al., (1980) Lancet 11:922. Deweerdt CJ, Bootsma HPR, Hendricks H, Herbal medicines in migraine prevention. In: Phytomedicine 3(3):225-230. 1996. Govindachari TR et al., (1964) Tetrahedron 21(6): 1509. Groenewegen WA, Heptinstall S, A comparison of the effects of an extract of Feverfew and parthenolide, a component of Feverfew, on human platelet activity in-vitro. J Pharm Pharmacol 1990 Aug;42(8):553-557. Groenewegen WA, Heptinstall S, Lancet, No 8471, 44-45. 1986. Groenewegen WA, Knight DW, Heptinstall S. J Pharm Pharmacol 1986 Sep;38(9):709-712. Groenewegen WA, Knight DW, Heptinstall S, Progr Med Chem 29:217-238. 1992. Guin JD, Skidmore G, Arch Derm 123:500-503. 1987. Hay AJ, Hamburger M, Hostettmann K et al., Toxic inhibition of smooth muscle contractility by plant-derived sesquiterpenes caused by their chemically reactive alphamethylenebutyrolactone functions. Br J Pharmacol 1994; 112:912. Hayes NA, Foreman JC, J Pharm Pharmacol 1987 Jun;39(6):466-70. Heptinstall S et al., (1985) Lancet 1:1071. FICUS CARICA / 3 0 9 HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S Heptinstall S. Awang DVC, Dawson BA, Kindack D, Knight DW, May J, J Pharm Pharmacol 44:391-395. 1992. Heptinstall S, Groenewegen WA. Spangenberg P, Losche W, J Pharm Pharmacol 39:459-456. 1984. Heptinstall S. Groenewegen WA. Spangenberg P, Losche W, J & Pharm Pharmacol 39:459-465. 1987. Heptinstall S. Groenewegen WA. Spangenberg P, Losche W, J Pharm Pharmacol 39:459-465. 1987. Heptinstall S. J R Soc Med 81:373. 1988. Heptinstall S. White A. Williamson L, Mitchell J, Extracts of Feverfew inhibit granule secretion in the blood platelets and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Lancet 1985 May ll;l(8437):1071-4. Hylands PJ. Hylands DM. Dev Drugs Mod Med 100-104. 1986. Johnson ES. Kadam NP. Hylands DM et al., Efficacy of Feverfew as prophylactic treatment of migraine. Brit Med J 1985 Aug 31:291(6495) 291:569. Krause S, Arese P. Heptinstall S. Losche W. Influence of substances affecting cell sulfhydryl/disulfide status on ahderence of human monocytes. Arzneimittelforschung 1990 Jun;40(6):68992. g| Losche W. Mazurov AV et al.. An extract of Feverfew inhibits interaction of human platelets with collagen substrates. Thromb Res. 1987; 48(5):511-518. Pattrick M, Heptinstall S, Doherty M, Feverfew in rheumatoid arthritis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Ann Rheum Dis 1989 Jul;48(7):547-9. Paulsen E. Occupational dermatitis in Danish gardeners and greenhouse workers (II). Etiological factors. Contact Dermatitis 1998 Jan:38(l):14-9. Pugh WJ. Sambo K. Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors in Feverfew. J Pharm Pharmacol 1988 Oct;40(10):743-5. Romo de Viva A, Jiminez H, (1965) Tetrahedron 21(7): 1742. Schmidt RJ, Plant dermatitis. Compositae. Clin Dermatol 1986 Apr-Jun:4(2):46-61. Sumner H. Salan U, Knight D. Hoult J, Inhibition of 5lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase in leukocytes by feverfew. Involvement of sesquiterpene iactones and other components. Biochem Pharmacol 1992Jun 9:43(11):2313-20. Voyna-Yasenetskaja TA. Losche W, Groenewegen WA, Heptintall S, Repin VS, Till U, J Pharm Pharmacol 40:501-502. 1988. Warren RG. Austr J Pharm 67:475. 1986. Losche W, Mazurov AV, Heptinstall S, Groenewegen WA, Repin VS, Till U, Throm Res 48:511-518. 1978. Williams CA, Harborne JB, Geiger H, Hoult JR, The flavonoids of Tanacetum parthenium and T. vulgare and their antiinflammatory properties. Phytochemistry 1999 Jun;51(3):417-23. Losche W. Mazurow AV. Voyno-Yasenetskaja TA. Groenewegen WA, Heptinstall. Repin VS. Folia Haematol 115:181184. 1988. Williams CA, Hoult JR, Harborne JB et al., A biologically active lipophilic flavonol from Tanacetum parthenium. Phytochemistry 1995 Jan;38(l):267-70. Losche W, Michel E. Heptinstall S, Krause S, Groenewegen WA, Pescarmona GP, Thielmann K, Plant Med 54:381-384. 1988. Willuhn G, Parthenolid - Sesquiterpenlacton zur Migriineprophylaxe. In: DAZ 133(37):3292. 1993. Makheja AN, Bailey JM, (1981) Lancet 11:1054. Makheja AN, Bailey JM, A platelet phospholipase inhibitor from the medicinal herb Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium). Prostaglandins Leukot Med 1982 Jun;8(6):653-60. Makheja AN. Bailey JM. Prostaglandins Leukot Med 8:653-660. 1982. Mensing H, Kimmig W & Hausen BJ, Airborne contact dermatitis. Hautarzt 1985; 36:398-402. r OHara MA, Kiefer D, Farrell K et al., A review of 12 commonly used medicinal herbs. Arch Fam Med 1998; 7:523536. Mervyn L, Standardized Feverfew preparations. Lancet 1986; 1:209. Miller LG, Herbal medicinals: selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions. Arch Intern Med 1998; 158:2200-2211. Further information in: Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Kern W. List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte =- Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Mitchell JC, Geissman TA, Dupuis G, Towers GHN, Invest Dermatol 56:98-101. 1971. Murphy JJ, Heptinstall S, Mitchell JRA, Randomized doubleblind placebo-controlled trial of Feverfew in migraine prevention. Lancet 1988 Jul 23:2(8604): 189-192. Ficus carica See Figs 3 1 0 / F I E L D SCABIOUS Field Scabious Knautia arvensis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leafy stem including the flower heads and the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The flat-domed, composite flowers are on long, pubescent, glandular or non-glandular pedicles. The androgynous heads are 2 to 4 cm in diameter and contain 85 to 100 florets. The female capitula are smaller and contain 55 to 60 florets. The florets are blue-lilac, occasionally red-lilac or yellowish-white to pure white. The lateral florets are raylike. The 2- to 3-rowed involucre bracts are lanceolate, compressed and long-haired. The edge of the calyx has 8 to 16 bristles. The corolla is fused and 4 tipped. There are 4 stamens and 1 inferior ovary. The fruit is a nutlet 5 to 6 mm long and about 2 mm wide. The fruit is thickly covered in vertical hairs. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial and 30 to 150 cm high. The rhizome is branched and has a strong taproot. The rhizome produces a flowering stem from the leaf rosette, which survives the winter. The stem is erect, lightly branched and has short gray hairs. The leaves are opposite, gray-green and matte. The lower ones are petioled, oblong and entire-margined. The upper leaves are sessile, pinnatisect and have lanceolate tips. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used for chronic skin diseases, eczema, anal fissures, pruritus ani, urticaria, scabies, favus, and for the cleansing and healing of ulcers. It is also used to treat coughs and throat complaints, as well as cystitis. Homeopathic Uses: Field Scabious is used in homeopathic remedies to treat respiratory tract inflammations and poor digestion. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Decoction and infusion preparations are used both internally and externally. Preparation: For preparation of the drug, use approximately 30 gm infusion or decoction, add to 1 liter of hot water, strain and cool. Daily Dosage: For chronic eczema, add 4 teaspoonfuls to 2 glasses of water, leave to draw for 10 minutes and drink during the course of the day. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml s.c, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Habitat: The plant is found all over Europe except the Arctic. It is also found in the Caucasus and western Siberia. Production: Field Scabious herb consists of the leafy stems and flower heads and also occasionally the root of Knautia arvensis. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Other Names: Devil's Bit, Seabridge ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins: knautioside (1.1-1.7%) Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol glucoside, knautiosides A and B Iridoide monoterpenes: including dipsacan Flavonoids: including leucanthoside, luteoloside Tannins EFFECTS The drug is said to have an astringent, antiseptic, expectorant and even purgative effect. None of these effects have been proven. Figs Ficus carica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fruit and the tree sap latex. Flower and Fruit: In its known form, the fig is neither a fruit nor a flower. It is a hollow, fleshy receptacle enclosing numerous flowers, which are never exposed to sunlight, but nevertheless develop fully and produce seeds. The inflorescence is hidden in the body of the fruit. The edge of the pearshaped receptacle is curved inwards forming an almost closed hollow space. The numerous fertile and sterile florets are on the inner surface. When it ripens, the receptacle FIGWORT/311 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS enlarges and the one-seeded fruit becomes embedded in it. It appears as a single purple-brown fruit. Leaves, Stem and Root: Ficus carica is a deciduous, heavily branched tree growing to 4 m or more. The leaves are downy A. beneath and are 10 to 20 cm long, broad-ovate to orbicular with 3 to 5 deep lobes. Habitat: Indigenous to Asia Minor, Syria and Iran. It is cultivated or grows wild in many subtropical regions. Production: Figs consists of the dried fruits of Ficus carica. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Furanocoumarins: including psoralen, bergaptene Leaves, Stem and Root: The perennial plant grows from 50 to 100 cm high. The root capitula have ovate, tuberous nodes. The stem is erect, sharply quadrangular, often purple, glabrous, and has a row of hairs at the nodes. The leaves are crossed opposite, dark green, oblong, double serrate and often cordate at the base. Fruit acids: citric acid, malic acid Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, central Asia, and North America. Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides (approximately 50%), to some extent transformed into inverted sugar Other Names: Throatwort, Carpenter's Square, Kernel wort, Heal-All Scrofula Plant, Rosenoble Mucilages ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Pectin Vitamin B and C ^ Flower and Fruit: The reddish-brown or greenish-yellow flowers are in terminal panicles. The calyx has 5 segments, with ovate, narrow-tunicate margined cusps. The corolla is a bilabiate, swollen, almost globular tube. The upper lip is divided into 2 and the lower lip is 3-lobed with revolute lobes. There are 4 stamens and 1 superior ovary. The fruit is an ovate, many-seeded, and pointed green capsule. EFFECTS No information is available INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Fig preparations are used as a laxative. Chinese Medicine: In China, figs are used for dysentery and enteritis. COMPOUNDS Iridoides: including monoterpenes Flavonoids: including among others, diosmin Tannins Saponins EFFECTS Figwort has a diuretic and mildly laxative effect. (No new research is available.) INDICATIONS AND USAGE PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Siewek F et al. (1985) Z NaturForsch 40 (1/2): 8. Unproven Uses: External uses as folk remedies have included skin rashes, venereal warts, hemorrhoids, lacrimation and earache. According to English sources, the plant was used as a remedy for rabies. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used for low resistance, chronic tonsillitis, and tonsillar hypertony as well as for lymphedema. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Figwort Preparation: Homeopathic preparations of the mother tincture are derived from the whole Figwort plant in dilutions. Scrophularia nodosa Homeopathic Dosage: 15 to 20 drops to be taken orally 3 times daily. Scrophularia nodosa can be administered by injection for long-term treatment « DOSAGE DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the dried herb harvested before flowering, the herb with the root, and the root alone. LITERATURE Inouye H et al., (1974) Planta Med 25:285. 3 1 2 /FIGWORT Jerznanowska Z, Pijewska L, (1954) Acta Polon. Pharm l l : l . Kato Y, (1946) Foha Pharmacol Jap. 42:37 (via CA 47:1843) Pauli GF, Ofterdinger-Daegel, S, Teborg D, Digitalis, Scrophularia & Co. In: DAZ 135(2): 111.1995. Pethes E et al., (1973) Herba Hung 12:101. Swann K, Melville C, (1972) J Pharm Pharmacol 24:170P. Weinges K, Von der Eltz H. (1978) Justus Liebigs Ann Chem 1968. Further information in: Fernandez MA. Garcia MD. Saenz MT Antibacterial activity of the phenolic acids fractions of Scrophularia frutescens and Scrophularia sambucifolia. J Ethnopharmacol, 53:11-4, Jul 26 1996. Fernandez MA. Garcia MD. Saenz MT Anti-inflammatory effects of different extracts and harpagoside isolated from Scrophularia frutescens L. Farmaco. 53:443-6, Jun 1996. Fernandez MA, Garcia MD. Saenz MT Gas chromatographic determination of chlorothalonil in leaves and roots of Scrophularia and in soil. J AOAC Int. 53:587-8, Mar-Apr 1996. Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl.. Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliehe Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S of about 30 to 35 anthers. The pollen is round and tricolporate. The female flowers have 3 tepals as well as small staminoids. The 3 or 4 carpels are set sideways on a central, erect fruit axis that becomes conically oblong when the fruit ripens. The style is inserted in the side and the stigma is turned back. The drupes are globose to reniform, 9 to 11 mm long, glabrous, and sit on the short, spreading branches of the fruit axis. The fruit is about 1 cm long, blackish, and contains a horseshoe-shaped seed. Leaves, Stem and Root: Anamirta cocculus are hardy, woody lianas with ash-gray to straw-yellow striped bark. The leaves are ovate to cordate. The leaf blade is 16 to 28 cm long and 10 to 24 cm wide and coriaceous. The main veins are arranged in palmate fashion at the base with parallel secondary veins. The 6 to 18 cm petiole is thickened at both ends. Characteristics: The fruit shell is tasteless, the seed is bitter and oily. Habitat: The plant grows in India. Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Production: Fish Berry seeds are the fruit of the false myrtle Anamirta cocculus. They are collected in the wild and sundried after harvesting. Other Names: Levant Nut, Crow Killer, Fish Killer, Indian Berry, Cocculus Indicus ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Sesquiterpens: picrotoxin, a mixture of picrotoxinine and its by product picrotin, picrotoxin acid methyl ester Isoquinoline alkaloids: Filipendula ulmaria See Meadowsweet Fish Berry Anamirta cocculus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the ripe, dried fruit. Flower and Fruit:' The plant's petiolate inflorescences are panicle-like, 16 to 40 cm long and usually inserted in the stem. Male flowers are occasionally axillary. The two outer petals are smaller and about 1 mm long. The inner ones are whitish or yellowish-green, broad-elliptoid, 2 to 3 mm long, in 2 alternating, triple whorls and are imbricate. The synandria are formed from a short-stemmed, globose cluster menispermine, paramenispermine Fatty oil EFFECTS The effect of the drug is due to the picrotoxin content. Picrotoxin paralyzes presynaptic blocking mechanisms and, like strychnine, has an analeptic effect in low doses. The central ends of the parasympathetic nerves are stimulated, as is the medulla oblongata. Breathing frequency is initially increased and subsequently decreased. The pulse slows due to the stimulation of the vagus and an increase in blood pressure. Central nervous system-stimulated vomiting along with an increase in perspiration and saliva are probably also due to the action of picrotoxin. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In the past, the drug was used as an insecticide in powder form for scabies. Its use against skin parasites and lice, while not substantiated, seems plausible. It was also used in cases of barbituric acid poisoning. In more recent times, it has been used in the treatment of peripheral and vestibular nystagmus, and in both long and short-term H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS therapy for peripherally based dizziness as well as travel sickness. FLAX/313 Storage: Because they are poisonous, preparations should be secured in tightly closed containers, protected from light and unauthorized access. Indian Medicine: The seeds have been used externally in India and on the Malaysian archipelago for gout, skin diseases and parasites. The tender leaves are used as a contracting agent for the womb after birth. Frohne D, Pikrotoxin - Renaisssance eines "obsoleten"" pflanzlichen Arzneistoffes. In: ZPT 10(3): 101. 1989. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used for nervous exhaustion, attacks of dizziness, cramps, paralysis, dysmenorrhea and occipital headaches. Efficacy has not been proven. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl.. Bde 4-6 (Drogen). Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is very poisonous. Mild poisonings cause headache, dizziness, nausea, coordination disturbances, general depression and spastic twitching. OVERDOSAGE With high dosages, the symptoms above are followed by frequent vomiting, sleepiness and tonic-clonic spasms. Death follows, often not until days later, through asphyxiation and heart failure. Two to three Cocculus kernels can be fatal. Treatment consists of inducing vomiting and/or gastric lavage, purging with sodium sulphate, instillation of activated charcoal and forced diuresis. The spasms should be suppressed with diazepam, but only as much as is absolutely necessary. In case of fever, the patient should be wrapped in ice packs, administered high-caloric infusions and possibly given oxygen respiration. Phenothiazines and analeptics should be avoided. LITERATURE Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl.. Bde 1-3. W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. Lewin L. Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck. Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3. Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl.. Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E. Hansel R, Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Teuscher E. Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie. Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H. Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika. Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart. Jena. New York 1995. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: In combination preparations. How Supplied: Commercial preparations include ampules, drops and tablets. Preparation: Liquid extract is prepared using a l:l ratio of the drug and 90% ethanol A mixture of the extract and coconut oil is prepared using a ratio of 1:8 Flax Linum usitatissimum TRADE NAMES Bio flax, Flaxseed Oil, New Energy DESCRIPTION Tincture: 1:10 tincture: 70% ethanol Unguetum cocculi: 125 g extract plus 650 g coconut oil plus 50 g beeswax and 250 g paraffin Picrotoxin extraction is made using special procedures; maximum yield 1.5% Daily Dosage: One to 5 mg can be taken by healthy patients who do not experience side effects. For peripheral states of dizziness: 1 mg to 5 mg (picrotoxin) slow intravenous infusion. As a long-term treatment: 1 mg suppositories for 3 weeks. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the stem as a sterile linen thread, the oil extracted from the seeds, the dry ripe seeds, the linseed cakes and the fresh flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are panicle-like loose cymes on long peduncles in the leaf axils of the upper part of the stem. They have 5 ovate, acuminate, finely ciliate sepals and 5 obovate petals, which are sky blue and longer than the sepals. There are 5 stamens fused at the base and 1 ovary. The fruit is an almost globular, 6 to 8 mm long capsule on an erect or slightly bent stem. The seeds are flat, brown and glossy. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an annual and grow> Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every from 20 to 150 cm high. The root is short, fusiform and light 30 to 60 minutes (for acute conditions), or 1 ml twice a week sc or ointment 1 or 2 times daily for chronic conditions. I| yellow. The stem is unbranched, erect or ascending in shon 314/FLAX PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S curves. The leaves are smooth edged, gray-green, sessile and almost awn-like acuminate. Characteristics: The plant flowers only in the morning. Habitat: The plant is cultivated in temperate and tropical, regions the world over. Production: Flaxseed consists of the dried, ripe seed of the collective variations of Linum usitatissimum as well as its preparations. The various cultivars of Linum usitatissimum are equally acceptable for the indications listed. The plant is cultivated. The ripe seeds are recovered from the capsules by threshing. The oil contained within the seeds is perishable. Processing of the seeds should take place by cold pressing at a temperature below 40° C. Not to be Confused With: Lolium temulentum and weed seeds. Other Names: Flaxseed, Lint Bells, Winterlien, Linseed ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY • Inflammation of the skin Unproven Uses: Internally, Flax is used for irritable colon, diverticulitis and as mucilage for gastritis and enteritis. A decoction is used for bladder catarrh and inflammation, gastritis. Externally, Flaxseed is used for removing foreign bodies from the eye. A single Flaxseed is moistened and placed under the eyelid, the foreign body should stick to the mucous secretion of the seed; as cataplasm for local skin inflammation. Indian Medicine: Flax is used in India as a tea for coughs, bronchial conditions, urethritis, diarrhea and gonorrhea; externally for skin infections. The seeds are also used in Indian veterinary medicine. CONTRAINDICATIONS Flaxseed is contraindicated in the following conditions: ileus, stricture of the esophagus and in the gastrointestinal area, acute inflammatory illnesses of the intestine, of the esophagus and of the stomach entrance. COMPOUNDS Mucilages (3-10%, in the epidermis, high swelling capacity): including arabinoxylans, galactans, rhamnogalacturonans Cyanogenic glycosides (0.05-0.1%): linustatin and neolinustatin (yielding under optimal conditions 30-50 mg HCN per 100 gm) Fatty oil (30-45%): chief fatty acids linolenic acid (40-70%), linoleic acid (10-25%), oleic acid (13-30%) Proteins (20-27%) Lignans: secoisolariciresinol-diglucoside Phenylpropane linusitamarine derivatives: including among others, EFFECTS The bulk material and mucins (swelling agent and mucilage) are responsible for the laxative effect. In animal experiments a reduction of cholesterol levels in the liver was observed (due to the unsaturated fatty acids). A blood sugar lowering effect was also proven. The antitumoral effect is attributed to the lignans (lignans are antimycotic, anti-oxidative and anti-estrogenic). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The use of large quantities of the drug as a laxative with too little fluid intake can lead to an ileus. The cyanogenic glycosides present no danger with the intake of therapeutic dosages; the glycosides are broken down only to a limited extent in the body. An elevation in the concentration of cyanide ions and of the detoxification product thiocyanic acid in the blood could not be demonstrated. It is recommended that if flaxseed is taken for inflammatory bowel conditions, that the flaxseed be preswollen before use (Bisset & Wichtl, 1994). Drug Interactions: The absorption of other drugs taken simultaneously may be delayed. Food Interactions: The absorption of Flaxseed oil is facilitated when taken with food. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Internally, the cracked or coarsely ground seed, in which only the cuticle and mucilage epidermis are damaged is used. Linseed gruel and other galenic preparations are also available for internal use. Externally, as linseed meal or linseed expellent. Toxic principle: there is a discussion on the toxic effect of the cyanogenic glycosides in the drug which may cause prussic acid poisoning in humans. However, neither high single doses nor chronic intake of linseed have caused any signs of poisoning in humans. Capsules — 1000 mg, 1300 mg INDICATIONS AND USAGE Oil Approved by Commission E: Seeds (whole or crushed) • Constipation Powder How Supplied: HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS FOENICULUM VULGARE/315 Preparation: To prepare a demulcent for use in gastritis and enteritis, allow 5 to 10 gm of whole seeds to stand in cold water for 20 to 30 minutes, then pour off the liquid (Bisset & Wichtl, 1994). Hiller K, Pharmazeutische Bewertung ausgewahlter Teedrogen. In: DAZ 135(16): 1425-1440. 1995. Daily Schulz V, (1984) Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Nitroprusside, Cyanide, Thiosulphate and Thiocyanate. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 9:239-251. Dosage: Constipation — l dessertspoon of whole or bruised (not ground) seed with at least 150 ml of liquid 2 to 3 times daily. Lower Cholesterol — 35 to 50 gm daily of the crushed seeds. May be incorporated into muffins or breads (Arjmandi et al, 1998). Decrease platelet aggregation — l to 2 tablespoonfuls flaxseed oil daily (Allman et al, 1995). Gastritis and enteritis — 2 to 4 tablespoons of milled linseed prepared as recommended above (the seeds should not be taken in the dry state, should be pre-hydrated.) External — 30 to 50 gm Flaxseed flour for a hot moist cataplasm or compress. Storage: Flaxseed oil must be processed and stored properly (see "Production" above). Flaxseed meal is less vulnerable to rancidity when exposed to light and heat than the processed oil. The seeds should be protected from light and stored in a sealed container. The oil should also be protected from light and should be refrigerated. LITERATURE Allman MA, Pena MM & Pang D: Supplementation with flaxseed oil versus sunflower seed oil in healthy young men consuming a low fat diet: effects on platelet composition and function. In: Eur J Clin Nutr 49(3): 169-178, 1995. Anonym, Leinol als diatetisches Adjuvans. In: DAZ 135(16): 1501. 1995. Anonym, Leinsamen (Semen Lini) ist ungiftig. In: ZPT 5:770. 1984. Anonym, Pharmaceutical Care:"'Den Mifjbrauch von Laxanzien vermeiden helfen." In: DAZ 135(20): 1867-1868. 1995. Arjmandi BH, Khan DA. Juma S et al., Whole flaxseed consumption lowers serum LDL-cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) concentrations in postmenopausal women. In: Nutr Res 18(7): 1203-1214, 1998. Bisset NG & Wichtl M (eds): Lini semen. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis. Medpharm Scientific Publishers, CRC Press, Stuttgart, Germany, pp 298-300. 1994. Curry CE, (1982) Laxative products. In: Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs. Am Pharmac Assoc, Washington, S 6992. Ecker-Schlipf B, Ostrogensubstitution mit Leinsamen und Sojamehl. In: DAZ 131(19):953. 1991. Schiebel-Schlosser G, Leinsamen - die richtige Wahl. In: PTA 8(4):300. 1994. Schulz V, Loffler A, Gheorghiu Th, (1983) Resorption von Blausaure aus Leinsamen. Leber Magen Darm 13:10-14. Sewing KFR, (1986) Obstipation. In: Fulgraff G, Palm D (Hrsg) Pharmakotherapie. Klinische Pharmakologie, 6. Auflage. Fischer, Stuttgart, S 162-168. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfiinder HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur potheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachvedag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Teuscher E. Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York, 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Foeniculum vulgare See Fennel 316/FOOL'S PARSLEY Fool's Parsley Aethusa cynapium DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the entire fresh plant and the dried aerial parts (herb). Flower and Fruit: The plant has white long-stemmed umbels with many florets and no involucre. The calyx has 5 fused sepals. There are 5 white, sometimes reddish, obcordate, irregular petals. The flowers have 5 stamens and a 2-valved ovate ovary. The fruit is a 3 to 5 mm wide, globose schizocarp, straw yellow when ripe with red-brown stripes; it opens easily. Each section has 5 triangular ribs with l or 2 oil grooves in the hollow and 2 in the joints. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a leafy, 60 cm high annual or biennial plant. The root is thin, spindle-shaped and whitish. The stem is erect, round, grooved, hollow, glabrous and usually forked with a bluish bloom, which rubs off when handled. The leaves are glossy, dark green above and light green beneath. Leaflets are serrate with a triangular outline and double to treble pinnatifid. They give off an unpleasant garlic odor when rubbed. Characteristics: The plant is poisonous. The plant can be mistaken for Parsley because of its similar appearance, but the plant is poisonous and can have fatal consequences. This similarity has resulted in its being given the name Fool's Parsley. It also bears a resemblance to Hemlock, though it is not as poisonous. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to northern and central Europe, introduced into North America; cultivated and used as an ornamental plant for meadows in southern Germany. Not to be Confused With: Young garden parsley is very similar. However, it differs in the glossiness of the underside surface of the leaf and pungent, burning, garlic-like smell of the leaves when rubbed. Other Names: Dog Poison, Fool's-Cicely, Small Hemlock, Dog Parsley, Lesser Hemlock ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Polyynes: (only in freshly-harvested leaves) including aethusin, aethusanol A, aethusanol B Flavone glycosides: including rutoside, narcissine, camphor oil-3-glucorhamnoside Ascorbic acid PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Fool's Parsley has been used for gastrointestinal complaints in children, infantile cholera, summer diarrhea and convulsions. Homeopathic Uses: Aethusa cynapium is used for milk intolerance in children, pylorus cramp, acute diarrhea with vomiting and poor concentration (HABl). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Fool's Parsley is considered a toxic plant. The older literature contains descriptions of poisonings, sometimes fatal, occurring as a result of confusing garden parsley with the freshly harvested drug. Probably, however, these had to do with poisonings by spotted hemlock. Caution should nevertheless be exercised. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The juice of the fresh drug is used in poultices; also available as alcoholic extracts. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, l tablet or 5 to 10 globules, I to 3 times daily; injection solution l ml twice weekly sc (HABl). LITERATURE Bohlmann F, et al., Chem Ber 93:981. 1968. Bohlmann F, et al., Chem Ber 88:1245. 1960. Teuscher E. et al., PA 45:537. 1990. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Forget-Me-Not Myosotis arvensis EFFECTS DESCRIPTION No information is available. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the flowering plant. HERBAL FRANGULA / 3 1 7 MONOGRAPHS Flower and Fruit: The blue flowers are in leafless racemes. The calyx is fused and leaf-like with 5 tips. The corolla is shaped like a stemmed plate, has 5 tips, and is glabrous with yellow scales in the tube. The tube is enclosed in the calyx. There are 5 stamens and a 4-valvular ovary. The fruit stems ^g* are twice as long as the caylx and stand out. The calyx is closed when the fruit ripens. The fruit is composed of 4 nutlets. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is leafy and grows from 15 to 40 cm high. The stem is erect or ascendent and pubescent. The leaves are alternate. The lower leaves are petiolate and oblong-obovate, the upper ones sessile and lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong. Habitat: The plant grows in Europe. Production: Forget-Me-Not is the flowering plant Myosotis arvensis. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Pyrrolizidine alkaloids Caffeic acid derivatives: rosmarinic acid # EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Forget-Me-Not is used in the treatment of respiratory disorders and nose bleeds. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity are possible consequences when taken internally, due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1,2-unsaturated necic parent substances. Therefore, the drug should not be taken internally. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The herb is administered ground and as an extract for external use. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag £ Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Frangula Rhamnus frangula DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried bark of the trunk and branches and the fresh bark of the trunk and branches. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in 2 to 10 axillary blossomed cymes on pedicles that are 1 to 3 times as long. The flowers are greenish white, infundibular, 3 to 4 mm long with 5 sepals and 5 petals, which are initially pubescent. The sepals are 3 mm long, oblong-triangular and acute. The petals are whitish, erect and stemmed. The petals enclose the stamens. The stamens are somewhat shorter than the petals and have large anthers and short filaments. The fruit is a globular, initially green, later red when ripe. The blackpurple drupe is about 8 cm wide containing 2 to 3 seeds. The seeds are wide, flat triangular-lentil-shaped with a longer, very narrow groove. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a thornless, 1 to 3 m high bush or a 7 m high weedy tree. The branches are piled on the boughs and densely foliated. The bark is initially green later gray-brown and covered in gray-white lenticles. The leaf buds are pubescent. The leaves are thin, soft when young later becoming stiffer. They are broadly elliptical to obovate and about 3.5 to 5 cm long. The leaves are usually entire-margined and pubescent on the ribs of the under surface. Characteristics: The heartwood is bright yellow-red. The odor is somewhat foul and the taste is disgustingly bitter. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to all of Europe, Western Asia, Asia Minor and the Caucasus; it has spread to the wild in North America. Production: Frangula bark consists of the dried bark of the trunks and branches of Rhamnus frangula. The bark is peeled in May and June, then either dried and stored for 1 year to dry or heated for 1 hour at 100° C. Other Names: Buckthorn, Frangula, Alder Buckthorn, Black Alder, Dog Wood, Black Dogwood, Black Alder Tree, European Black Alder, Black Alder Dogwood, Arrow Wood, European Buckthorn, Persian Berries, Alder Dogwood ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Anthracene derivatives (4 to 6%): anthranoids, chief components glucofrangulin A, glucofrangulin A-diacetate (estered at rhamnose remnant), as well as frangulin A, frangulin C Fragaria vesca Naphthalene derivatives: naphthoquinones See Strawberry Peptide alkaloids (traces): including frangulanine 318/FRANGULA PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S EFFECTS Preparations: The bark contains anthracene derivatives and their aglycones which have an anti-absorptive and hydrogogic effect. The anthracene derivatives induce active secretion of electrolytes and water in the intestinal lumina and inhibit the absorption of electrolytes and water from the colon by stimulating propulsive contractions. This results in accelerated intestinal passage time. In this manner, the increased water and subsequent volume of the intestinal content raise pressure and stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Tea — scald 2 gm finely cut drug and strain after 15 minutes. The drug may also be left to steep in cold water for 12 hours. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Constipation Unproven Uses: Frangula bark is used to ease bowel evacuation in the case of anal fissures, hemorrhoids and after rectal-anal surgery. It may also be used in preparation for exploratory surgery of the gastrointestinal tract. Homeopathic Uses: Rhamnus frangula is used for weak digestion with a tendency to diarrhea. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is not to be used with intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory intestinal diseases, appendicitis or with children under 12 years of age. The drug is not to be administered during pregnancy or while nursing. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Long-term use leads to loss of electrolytes, especially potassium ions. This may lead to hyperaldosteronism, inhibition of intestinal motility and enhancement of the effect of cardioactive steroids, which may lead to arrhythmias. Nephropathies, edema and accelerated bone deterioration are possible after long term use. The question of an increased incidence of carcinoma of the colon following long-term administration of anthracene drugs has not yet been fully clarified. Recent studies show no definite connection between the administration of anthracene drugs and the frequency of carcinoma of the colon. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. OVERDOSAGE Vomiting and spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints could occur as side effects to the drug's purgative effect or with overdosages. Dry extract — percolation of 100 gm bark with methanol, after 1 day 400 gm to 500 gm percolate are extracted. The liquids (percolate and pressed juice) are left to stand for 8 days at 2 to 8° C before being filtered and dried. The glucofrangulin content must be stabilized at 15 to 17%. Daily Dosage: 20 anthracene derivatives mg to 180 mg hydroxy- Tea — 1 cup mornings and evenings The correct dosage for each individual is the smallest dosage necessary to maintain a soft stool. Frangula bark should not be used continuously for more than 1 or 2 weeks. Homeopathic Dosage: from D3: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1) Storage: Frangula may be stored for at least 1 year if protected from light and moisture. LITERATURE Anonym, Abwehr von Arzneimittelrisiken, Stufe II. In: DAZ 136(38):3253-2354. 1996. Anonym. Pharmaceutical Care: "Den MiJ3brauch von Laxanzien vermeiden helfen". In: DAZ 135(20): 1867-1868. 1995. Demirezer LO. Glucofrangulinanthrone A/B, deren Oxidationsformen und davon abgeleitete Zuckerester aus Rhamnus-Arten. In: Dissertation Universitat Frankfurt/Main. 1991. Helmholz H, Ruge A, Piasecki A, Schroder S, Westendorf J, Genotoxizitiit der Faulbaumrinde. In: PZ 138(43):3478. 1993. Pailer M, Haslinger E, (1972) Monatsh. Chem 103:1399. Sydiskis RJ, Owen DG, Lohr JL, Rosier KHA, Blosmster RN, Inactivation of enveloped viruses by anthraquinones extracted from plants. In: Antimicrob Agents Chemother 35:2463-2466. 1991. Van Os FHL, (1976) Pharmacology I4(Suppf 1)7:18. Wagner H et al., (1978) Planta Med 33:53. Further information in: DOSAGE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Mode of Administration: Frangula Bark is available in solid pharmaceutical form and in commercial compounded preparations for oral intake. It is also available parenterally for homeopathic use. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, ^tk 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H. Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. # Frankincense Boswellia carteri DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the tree is the resin gum exuded when incisions are made in the bark of the trunk. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary on short stalks and single axillary inflorescences. The calyx is small, 5toothed and perennial. The corolla has 5 elongated petals, and there are 5 stamens. The long anthers fall early. The fruit is a capsule divided into 3 parts with a seed in each section. The seeds are surrounded by a wide membranous leaf. * Leaves, Stem and Root: Boswellia carteri is a richly foliated tree whose leaves alternate unevenly on the branches to the tips. The 10 pairs and one leaflet are short-stalked, elongated, blunt, serrate, finely pubescent and mostly alternate. The base of the leaf is a fleshy cup-shaped disc that is larger than the corolla. The plant grows on few roots, which appear to be fused with the stony soil via an inert mass. Habitat: Boswellia carteri is found in Somalia and parts of Saudi Arabia. Production: (Indian) Frankincense or Olibanum is the hardened gum resin of Boswellia carteri, which exudes when incisions are made in the trunk. It is collected after being allowed to harden in the open air for about three weeks. Not to be Confused With: The exuded gum resin of the trunk of Boswellia serrata also is called Frankincense or Olibanum. FRANKINCENSE / 3 1 9 Other Names: Olibanum ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (5-9%): chief components 1-octyl acetate (sliare 60%), 1-octanol (share 12.7%), including as well alphapinene (3.5%), incensol (2.7%) Resins (60%): components including among others alphaboswellic acid, beta-boswellic acid, methyl ester of 3-acetylpVboswellic acid Mucilages (12-20%) EFFECTS Externally, Frankincense can cause mild irritation of the skin. Internally, it is a mild carminative. INDICATIONS AND USAGE The drug is considered obsolete for medicinal use because its mode of action has not been documented. In vitro, the alpha and beta boswellic acids showed antimicrobial activity and inhibited the complementary system. The mucin, triterpene and essential oil content make application for respiratory conditions and its use for wounds seem plausible. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is considered obsolete, even though no health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Preparation: The Frankincense resin is obtained by tapping the bark and leaving the exudate for about three months, during which time it hardens slightly, allowing the resin to be collected. LITERATURE Ammon HPT, Entziindliche Darmerkrankungen: Weihrauch bei Colitis ulcerosa, siehe auch folgenden Artikel. In: DAZ 137(3): 125. 1997. Ammon HPT, Hemmstoffe der Leukotrienbiosynthese. In: DAZ 137(3): 139-40. 1997. Ammon HPT, Weihrauch - ein neuer Weg in der Therapie der •"Entziindungen. In: DAZ 132(45).2442. 1991. Ammon S, Ein pflanzliches Antirheumaticum. In: DAZ 131(19):972. 1991. Ammon T, Lipoxygenasehemmer aus Weihrauch. In: DAZ 133(37):3295. 1993. Anonym, Weihrauchtherapie. In: DAZ 134(4):324-325. 1995. Hoernlein RF et al., Die Hemmung der 5-Lipoxygnesae durch Acetyl-11-keto-P-Boswelliasaure (AKBA): StrukturWirkungsbeziehungen. In: 8. Fruhjahrstagung der DPhG, Salzau, Abstracts, in PUZ 25(3): 140. 1996. 320 /FRANKINCENSE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Kreymeier J, Rheumatherapie mit Phytopharmaka. In: DAZ 137(8):611-613. 1997. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Martinetz D, Der Indische Weihrauch - neue Aspekte eines alten Harzes. In: ZPT 13(4): 121. 1992. Miiller-Bohn T, Chemie und Pharmakologie des Weihrauchs: Boswelliasauren gegen chronische Polyarthritis und Colitis ulcerosa. In: DAZ 136(48):4324-4325. 1996. Pfister-Hotz G, Phytotherapie in der Geriatric In: ZPT 18(3): 165-162. 1997. Rail B et al., Boswellic acids and protease activity (s.auch foigende Abstracts). In: PM 61 (Abstracts of 43rd Ann Congr):105. 1995. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wasielewski S, Maligne G, Weihrauchextrakt bei bosartigen Hirntumoren. In: DAZ 137(26):2250-2251. 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES which are bushily branched with flowering branches at the top. The leaves are simple, lanceolate-linear, 2 to 10 cm by 2 to 10 mm, thorn-tipped, entire or slightly serrate, and somewhat glossy. Characteristics: The odor is aromatic and intense. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Germany, Russia and southern Europe. Production: French Tarragon leaves or herbs are picked when in bloom and carefully dried. Other Names: Little Dragon, Mugwort, Estragon ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil of complex, variety-specific composition (0.253.1%): chavicol methyl ether dominates in German species, accompanied by ocimene, myrcene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, camphene, limonene, linalool Flavonoids: including quercetin and patuletin glycosides Hydroxycoumarins: including herniarin, scopoletin hocoumarins: including artemidin Polyynes EFFECTS Fraxinus excelsior The essential oil of the drug is an appetite stimulant. See Ash INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: French Tarragon is used as an appetite stimulant. Fraxinus ornus PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS See Manna No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. French Tarragon Mode of Administration: Both the fresh and dried plant is used, mostly as a culinary herb. DOSAGE Artemisia dracunculus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried aerial parts of the plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are drooping, almost globular and 2 to 3 mm across. They are whitish, later reddish, and clustered in loose panicles. The sepals of the epicalyx are oblong-elliptic and mostly green; the inner ones are ovate with a broad membranous edge. The ray florets are female. The disc florets are androgynous and infertile. The corolla is yellow with a glabrous receptacle. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a glabrous, 60- to 120cm high herbaceous perennial. There are numerous stems, LITERATURE Balza F, Jamieson L, Towers GHN, Chemical constituents of the aerial parts of Artemisia dracunculus. In: JNP 48:339. 1985. Greger H, Bohlmann F, Zdero Ch, Neue Isocumarine aus Dracunculus. In: PH 16:795. 1977. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen). Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lakupovic J, Tan RX, Bohlmann F, Jia ZJ, Huneck S, Acetylenes and other constituents from Artemisia dracunculus. In: PM 57:450. 1992. Marco JA et al., Sesquiterpenes lactones from Artemisia species. In: PH 32:460. 1993. HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS Schormiiller B, In: Schormiiller J: Alkaloidhaltige Genuf5rriittel, Gewiirze, Kochsalz, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1970. Thieme H, Nguyen XT, PA 27:255-265. 1972. 4Kb Vostrowsky O et al., Uber die Komponenten des atherischen Ols aus Estragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.). In: Z Lebensm Untersuch Forsch 173:365-367. 1981. Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried root or tree bark. Flower and Fruit: The tree bears long peduncles of white, snowdrop-like flowers with fringed petals the same size as magnolia flowers. The flowers are androgynous, but on some stalks the flowers are almost exclusively male or female. The calyx is short and consists of four parts. The four petals are fused at the base. They are initially green but turn snow white and extend about 2.5 cm. Two stamens are enclosed in the short tube. The fruit is 1.5 to 2 cm across, dark blue to black, and oval and with a hard stone. Leaves, Stem and Root: Fringetree is a deciduous shrub or tree up to 10 m tall. The leaves are smooth or downy, oblong or oval, 7.5 to 20 cm long and opposite. The root bark is about 3 mm thick and consists of irregular, quilled pieces up to about 8 cm long. The exterior of the bark is dull brown with concave scars. The inner surface is smooth and buff colored. The fracture is short and dense with projecting bundles of stone cells. Characteristics: Fringetree is almost odorless and very bitter. The bark is so dense that, unlike most other barks, it sinks in water. Habitat: Fringetree grows in the central and southern U.S. and also in eastern Asia. Production: Fringetree root bark is the root bark of Chionanthus virginicus. Other Names: Gray Beard Tree, Old Man's Beard, Poison Ash, Snowflower, White Fringe, Chionanthus, Snowdrop Tree ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Lignane glycosides: phillyrin (chioanthine) Saponins FROSTWORT/321 EFFECTS Fringetree, because of its saponin content, is said to have hepatic, cholagogue, diuretic and tonic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Fringetree is used in treatment of the liver and gallbladder conditions (including gallstones). North American folk uses include jaundice, hepatatrophy, wounds and ulcers. Homeopathic Uses: Although mention is made of significant homeopathic use, no details are given. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Liquid extract and preparations are administered internally. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AutL. Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Steinegger E, Jacober H, Pharm Acta Helv 34:585. 1959. Frostwort Helianthemum canadense DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb. Flower and Fruit: The plant flowers twice each season, once early and again near the end. The first flowers are flat with large, bright yellow petals. The second flowers are in terminal clusters. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial that grows 3 to 6 cm high and has a simple, erect and sparsely branched white stem. The few branches are slender and purplish-green with opposite leaves and leaf scars. The leaves are linear, up to 1.5 cm long, grayish-green and downy. Characteristics: The taste is astringent and bitter. The plant is odorless. Habitat: Frostwort is indigenous to the eastern U.S., but is now also found in Europe. Production: Frostwort is the aerial part of Helianthemum canadense. 3 2 2 /FROSTWORT Other Names: Frost Plant. Frostweed, Rock-Rose, Sun Rose ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Tannins Glycoside: helianthinin The constituents of the drug have not been fully investigated. EFFECTS Frostwort is astringent and tonic. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S crimson to pink. But like the inner petals they are dark-red to black at the tip and have a green keel. The fruit, which appears in the flowering season, is nut-like, globular, slightly flattened at the side, green and has a dent in the top. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 10 to 50 cm high and has a tender, erect, angular, branched, hollow and glabrous stem which, like the leaves, is bluish green. The leaves are alternate and divided into 3-pinnate sections. They are petiolate, double pinnate, soft with petioled palmate or pinnatifid pinna. ^ INDICATIONS AND USAGE The herb is used internally for digestive disorders and externally for ulcers. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Frostwort is administered as a liquid extract. Characteristics: The herb has a bitter, salty taste. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean region to northern Africa and in all of Europe and Siberia. The herb has been introduced into North and South America. Production: Common Fumitory herb consists of the dried, above ground parts of Fumaria officinalis, gathered during the flowering season. LITERATURE Not to be Confused With: The very similar species F. vaillanti and F. schleicheri. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.h Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Other Names: Earth Smoke, Hedge Fumitory, Beggary, Fumus, Vapor, Wax Dolls Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. COMPOUNDS Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homopathika. Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena. New York 1995. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Flavonoids: including rutin Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives: acid including caffeoylmalic Isoquinoline alkaloids: some of them include - Fucus vesiculosus Protoberberine-type: including (-)-scoulerine See Bladderwrack Protopine-type: including protopine; main alkaloid Spirobenzylisoquinoline-type: fumaricine, (+)-fumariline Fumaria officinalis See Fumitory Indenobenzazepine-type: including fumaritine, fumarofine Organic acids: fumaric acid EFFECTS Fumitory Fumaria officinalis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried herb and the aerial parts of the fresh flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The short pedicled flowers are in erect, dense, terminal racemes opposite the leaves and are 5 to 8 mm long. The outer petals are rounded at the front and are Fumitory has a light, antispasmodic effect on the bile ducts and the gastrointestinal tract. It is also amphicholeretic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Liver and gallbladder complaints Spastic discomfort in the area of the gallbladder and bile ducts, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the herb has been used for skin diseases, constipation, cystitis, arteriosclerosis, rheuma- ^ G A L B A N U M /323 HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS tism, arthritis, as a blood purifier, hypoglycemia and for infections. Homeopathic Uses: for chronic, itching eczema resulting j ^ t from liver disease. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS See Snowdrop Galbanum Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Ferula gummosa DOSAGE DESCRIPTION Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug and its galenic preparations for internal use. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the oily gum-resin. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over 2 to 3 gm drug and strain after 20 minutes. Daily Dosage: 6 gm of drug. Infusions for gallbladder complaints, drink 1 warm cup 30 minutes before meals. Pressed juice—2 to 3 teaspoons (2.4 to 3.5 gm drug) daily as a cold or hot infusion. Grated fresh plant—1 teaspoon 3 times daily (about 50% plant material). Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). Storage: Protect from light and moisture. LITERATURE Duke JA, (1985) Die amphocholeretische Wirkung der Fumaria officinalis. Z Allg Med 34: 1819. Two types of Galbanum are used: Levant or Soft Galbanum is more viscous and often contains small root pieces. Persian or Hard Galbanum sometimes contains pieces of stem and is friable in texture. Flower and Fruit: The plant bears yellowish-white flowers in a few flat umbels. The fruit is thin and flat. The seeds are glossy. Leaves, Stem and Root: Ferula gummosa is a perennial plant with a firm, smooth and hollow stem that grows up to 1.75 m tall. The leaflets are glossy, ovate, wedge-shaped and have sharply serrate margins. Characteristics: The gum-resin occurs in translucent, yellowish or bluish-green masses of tears. Soft Galbanum (Levant) is more viscous and may contain small pieces of root. Hard Galbanum (Persian) is friable and may contain pieces of stem. The odor is similar to musk or turpentine. Habitat: The plant is found in central Asia, Iran, the Mediterranean region and also at the Cape of Good Hope. Hahn R, Nahrstedt A, High Content of Hydroxycinnamic Acids Esterified with (&plus;)-D-Malic-Acid in the Upper Parts of Fumaria officinalis. In: PM 59(2): 189. 1993. Production: Galbanum is the resin from the roots and trunk of Ferula gummosa and other related varieties. The exuding resin is collected from the pith without wounding the plant. Mardirossian ZH et al.. PH 22:759. 1983. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Willaman JJ, Hui-Li L (1970) Lloydia 33 (3A): 1. Further information in: W Galanthus nivalis Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der. Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. COMPOUNDS Resinous substances (60%): chiefly galbaresenic acid and galbanic acid Mucilages (40%) Volatile oil (10-20%): including among others, alpha-pinenes, beta-pinenes, myrcene, cadinenes, guaiazulene, aroma bearer undecatriene Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. EFFECTS Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. The drug acts as stimulant, expectorant, and vulnerary. In vitro an antimicrobial effect has been proven. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Unproven Uses: Internally, Galbanum is used for digestive disorders and flatulence; externally it is used in the treatment of wounds. 324/GALBANUM PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Preparations for internal and external use. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.l. Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Autl. Bde 1-8. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Galega officinalis PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Flower and Fruit: The flowers are single or in loose, globose inflorescences. The flowers are fused and grow in fives. The corolla is funnel-shaped, the 2-part ovary is inferior. The fruit is a loculicidal capsule opening on 2 sides. The seeds are long-winged at both ends. Leaves, Stem and Root: This woody liana or climbing shrub has leaves that are opposite and short-petiolate. Young branches are 4-sided or orbicular and have pairs of stipules. Using Uncaria gambir as a prototype, the calyx is 5-tipped, the corolla light purple. The leaves are 6 to 11 mm long with a I to 2 cm long petiole, coriaceous, lanceolate to oval, entire, pubescent at the veins. After the leaf-axillary flower branches drop, a barbed tendril, which is 1 to 2 cm long and woody, is formed. See Goat's Rue Habitat: Indonesia and Malaysia Galeopsis segetum Production: Yellow catechu is the dried aqueous extract of the leaves and young shoots of Uncaria gambir. Cultivated stock is harvested, then the leaves and shoots are boiled with water to form a decoction that is pressed and evaporated to the consistency of syrup. The resulting lumps are dried in the sun. See Hempnettle Not to be Confused With: Acacia Galipea officinalis See Angostura Other Names: Yellow Catechu ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Galium aparine See Cleavers Galium odoratum Catechin tannins (20 to 50%): among them gambirines Al to A3 (astringently active flavanol dimers) Flavanols (JO to 50%): particularly (+)-catechin, gambirines Bl to B3 (dimers) Indole alkaloids of the beta-carboline type (presumably only traces in the drug): including gambirtanine, dihydrogambirtanine See Sweet Woodruff EFFECTS Galium verum The drug is astringent in effect because of the tannins it contains, which are also said to exhibit antibacterial and algicidal efficacy. The flavonoid fraction (cyanidanol = (+)catechin) is said to be hepatoprotective in effect. See Lady's Bedstraw Gambir Uncaria species INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Catechu tincture is used in folk medicine for diarrhea, nausea and gastrointestinal disturbances. Decoction is used for ulcers of the stomach and oral mucosa, and also asthma. The effect for diarrhea appears plausible because of the tannin content. DESCRIPTION PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and young shoots of the plant. No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug for internal use. , Preparation: Tincture: 200 g drug (pounded), 50 g cut cinnamon to 1 liter 45% ethanol, macerated (BP88) Daily Dosage: 0.5 to 2 g drug; Catechu Tincture: 2.5 to 5 ml LITERATURE Balz JP. Das NP. Uncaria elliptica a major source of rutin. Planta Med, 25:174-7, 1979 Jun. Blaschek W. Hansel R. Keller K. Reichling J, Rimpler G, Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgeb nde 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. Chang CC. Tung LH. Chen RR. Chiueh CC, A study on the antihypertensive action of uncarine A, an alkaloid of Uncaria formosana used in Chinese herb medicine. Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih. 25:61-9, 1979 Feb. Chang P. Koh YK. Geh SL. Soepadmo E. Goh SH. Wong AK, Cardiovascular effects in the rat of dihydrocorynantheine isolated from Uncaria callophylla. J Ethnopharmacol, 25:213-5, 1989 Apr. Endo K. Oshima Y, Kikuchi H. Koshihara Y, Hikino H, •r Hypotensive principles of Uncaria hooks. Planta Med, 25:18890, 1983 Nov. Haginiwa J. Sakai S. Takahashi K, Taguchi M, Shujiro S, Studies of plants containing indole alkaloids. I. Alkaloids in Uncaria genus. Yakugaku Zasshi, 25:575-8, 1971 May. Law KH. Das NP, Initiation and maintenance of callus tissue culture of Uncaria elliptica for flavonoid production. Prog Clin Biol Res. 25:67-70, 1988. Lin CC. Lin JM, Chiu HF, Studies on folk medicine 'thangkau-tin' from Taiwan. (I). The anti-inflammatory and liverprotective effect. Am J Chin Med, 57:37-50, 1992. Lin JM, Lin CC, Chen MF, Ujiie T, Takada A, Studies on Taiwan folk medicine, thang-kau-tin (II): Measurement of active oxygen scavenging activity using an ESR technique. Am J Chin Med, 57:43-51. 1995. Mimaki Y, Toshimizu N, Yamada K, Sashida Y, Anticonvulsion effects of choto-san and chotoko (Uncariae Uncis cam Ramlus) in mice, and identification of the active principles. Yakugaku Zasshi, 57:1011-21, 1997 Dec. ML Yamanaka E, Kimizuka Y, Aimi N, Sakai S, Haginiwa J, Studies of plants containing indole alkaloids. IX. Quantitative analysis of tertiary alkaloids in various parts of Uncaria rhynchophylla MIQ. Yakugaku Zasshi, 25:1028-33, 1983 Oct. Yano S. Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S, Watanabe K, Alkaloids from the leaves of Uncaria homomalla. Planta Med, 57:749-52, 1980 Sep. Yano S, Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S, Watanabe K, Alkaloids of Uncaria pterppoda. Isolation and structures of GAMBOGE/325 pteropodine and isopteropodine. J Chem Soc Perkin 1, 57:22459, 1966. Yano S, Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S, Watanabe K, Ca2+ channel blocking effects of hirsutine, an indole alkaloid from Uncaria genus, in the isolated rat aorta. Planta Med, 57:403-5, 1991 Oct. Yano S, Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S, Watanabe K, Gambirine, a new indole alkaloid from Uncaria gambier roxb. Tetrahedron Lett, 57:1571-4, 1967 Apr. Yano S, Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S, Watanabe K, Studies on flavonoid metabolism. Biosynthesis of (+)14Ccatechin by the plant Uncaria gambir Roxb. Biochem J, 57:73-7, 1967 Oct. Yano S, Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S, Watanabe K, Studies on Uncaria alkaloid. XXI. Separation of rhynchophylline and corynoxeine (author's transl.). Yakugaku Zasshi, 57:758-9, 1975 Jun. Yano S, Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S. Watanabe K, The antihypertensive effect of Uncaria rhynchophylla in essential hypertension (author's trans!.). Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih, 57:749-52, 1980 Sep. Zhu M, Bowery NG, Greengrass PM, Phillipson JD, Application of radioligand receptor binding assays in the search for CNS active principles from Chinese medicinal plants. J Ethnopharmacol, 57:153-64, 1996 Nov. Gamboge Garcinia hanburyi DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the tree is the resin extracted from the plant. Leaves, Stem and Root: The tree grows to about 15 m and has a diameter of about 30 cm. The bark is usually in the form of cylindrical sticks, deep orange-brown and opaque. The transverse fracture is smooth and almost conchoidal. Characteristics: The taste is innocuous at first, then becomes very acrid and causes an unpleasant stinging sensation shortly after being placed in the mourn. The powder is highly sternutatory. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Indochina and Sri Lanka. Production: Gamboge is the gum-resin from the trunk of Garcinia hanburyi harvested from trees that are at least ten years old. Other Names: Camboge, Gutta Cambodia, Gutta Gamba, Gummigutta, Tom Rong, Gambodia 326/GAMBOGE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Resins (70-75%): consisting mainly of yellow or red-colored benzophenones and xanthones, including morellic acid, isomorellic acid, alpha-gambogic acid (alpha-guttic acid) Mucilages (25-30%) EFFECTS The drug's mucilage content produces a strong laxative effect. The beta gutteriferine componant acts as a strong irritant to intestinal mucous membranes and also exhibits antimicrobial properties. INDICATIONS AND USAGE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Flower and Fruit: The racemes are terminal or axillary. The sepals are elliptical, 1 to 1.5 mm long and bristly downy. The petals are longer than the calyx, white or reddish, oblongspatulate and indistinctly stemmed. The anthers are often violet. The fruit is a compressed, orbicular-ovate, 5 to 6 mm long, clearly winged small pod on an erect stem. The seeds are ovate, almost smooth and red-brown. Leaves, Stem and Root: Garden Cress is a 20 to 40 cm high herb with a glabrous bluish bloom. The stem is erect, round and branched. The leaves are light green and thin. The basal leaves are usually lyrate-pinnatesect. The lower cauline leaves are usually doubly or singly pinnatesect. All leaves have dentate to prickly segments. Unproven Uses: Gamboge is used for the treatment of digestive disorders, in particular constipation, and is used in combination with other laxatives. Characteristics: Garden Cress has a radish-like taste. The seeds have a slimy skin and swell in water. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Habitat: The herb is grown worldwide. As little as 0.2 g of the drug can lead to abdominal pain and vomiting. OVERDOSAGE Fatalities have been observed with administration of 4 g. Production: Garden Cress is the fresh plant (aerial part) of Lepidium sativum, harvested during the flowering season or shortly afterward. The fresh herb has a spicy odor. It is rarely dried, either naturally or artificially, since the fresh plant is used most often. DOSAGE No information is available in the literature. LITERATURE Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11. Birkhauser Verlag Basel. Boston. Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Lu GB et al., (1984) Yao Hsueh Husueh Pao 19 (8): 636. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena. New York 1995. % * Not to be Confused With: Adulterations rarely occur, since it is usually cultivated. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY C O M P O U N D S : IN THE FRESH FOLIAGE Glucosinolates: chief components glucotropaeolin, yielding benzyl isothiocyanate (benzyl mustard oil) and its autolysis products (including benzyl cyanide, 3-phenyl propionitrile, benzaldehyde) when the plant is bruised Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, 37%) C O M P O U N D S : IN THE SEEDS Glucosinolates (3.5 to 5.3%): glucotropeolin Cucurbitacins Cardiac Garcinia hanburyi See Gamboge Garden Cress Lepidium sativum steroids (cardenolides) EFFECTS The antibacterial action of Garden Cress has been demonstrated in various tests. It was completely inhibitory in the case of 3 microorganisms, although the antibacterial characteristics depended largely on the age of the plants used. An antiviral effect against the encephalitis virus Columbia SH, was demonstrated in tests on mice. Its diuretic action has not been proven through experiments. DESCRIPTION INDICATIONS AND USAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh or dried herb harvested during or shortly after the flowering season. Unproven Uses: The herb is used for coughs, vitamin C deficiency, constipation, poor immunity and as a diuretic. W GARLIC / 3 2 7 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Indian Medicine: Garden Cress is used for vitamin C deficiency, liver disease, asthma, hemorrhoids and as an abortifacient. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS */*• No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The mustard oil contained in Garden Cress can cause skin blisters and necrosis in higher concentrations. It is sometimes misused as an abortifacient because the internal administration of mustard oil causes severe anemia of the internal organs. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Garden Cress is administered as a freshly cut herb in oral preparations. LITERATURE Hansel R. Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Iori R, Rollin P, Streicher H. Thtem J, Palmieri S, The myrosinase-glucosinolate interaction mechanism studied using some synthetic competitive inhibitors. FEBS Lett, 385:87-90, # 1996 Apr 29. Rao KV. Beach JW, Streptonignn and related compounds. 5. Synthesis and evaluation of some isoquinoline analogues. J Med Chem, 19:1871-9, 1991 Jun. Ugazio G et al., co-toxicological study conducted with a battery of biological and phytological tests on sediments carried out on a series of 24 tributaries of the Po in 1994 and 1995. G Ital Med Lav Ergon, 19:10-6, 1997 Jan-Mar. Garlic Allium sativum TRADE NAMES Garlic (available from numerous manufacturers), Garlicin, Garlique, Garlic Oil, Garlic Power, Triple Garlic, High Potency Garlic Oil, Garlic Odorless, Chinese Tian Shan Garlic, Deodorized Garlic, Kyolic Reserve Aged Garlic Extract, Odor Free Concentrated Garlic, Aged Garlic Extract, Kyolic Hi-Po Formula, High Alicin Garlic, Standardized Garlic, Natural Garlic Oil DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the whole fresh bulb, the dried bulb and the oil of garlic. Flower and Fruit: The plant consists of a cluster of long flowers where the floral axis terminates in a single flower and contains few florets (small flowers or buds). There are numerous 1 cm deciduous bulbs capable of producing new plants, which shed simultaneously. The flowers usually remain in bud form and often do not produce any seed. The petals are reddish or greenish-white and longer than the stamens. The anthers of the middle stamens are spread at the base and have fan-shaped tips. Leaves, Stem and Root: Allium sativum is a perennial plant that grows 25 to 70 cm high. The plant contains an erect, rigid or curved stem, which is leafy in the middle. The leaves are flat, 4 to 25 mm, straight and broad, with a wedge-shaped tip; they can be rough or smooth-edged. The sheath, or lower part of the leaf surrounding the stem, is pointed and longer than the flower cluster. The garlic bulb is usually a compound bulb, and the secondary bulbs are oval in shape. The bulb skin color is either silky white or green. Habitat: Central to southern Asia is considered the region of origin; garlic has been introduced to the Mediterranean with cultivation worldwide. Production: Garlic bulbs, either fresh or carefully dried, consist of the main bulb with several secondary bulbs (cloves). Garlic may be harvested in September and October when the leaves and bulbs are dry. Other Names: Poor Man's Treacle, Clove Garlic, Common Garlic, Allium, Stinking Rose ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Alliins (alkylcysteine sulfoxides): in particular allylalliin, propenyl alliin and methylalliin (including their gammaglutamyl conjugates. Once cut, the alliin in the freshly harvested bulbs is converted to allicin (diallyl-disulphidemono-S-oxide). Bulbs that have been dried and then remoistened, ferment into alliaceous oils. These oils are oligosulfides, ajoens (dialkyl-trithlaalkane-monoxides) and vinyl dithiins. Fructosans (polysaccharides) Saponins EFFECTS The alliin in the drug is antimicrobial, lipid-reducing, antioxidative and fibrinolytic. The antibacterial, antimycotic and lipid-reducing effects have been well-documented. Inhibition of thrombocyte aggregation, increased bleeding time and clotting time, and enhancement of fibrinolytic activity have been demonstrated in clinical trials. A study of the lipid-lowering effect with isolated hepatocytes suggest that garlic extracts are responsible for early inhibition of sterol synthesis due to their sulfur-containing compounds. Alliin, the main sulfur-containing compound of garlic, when coverted to allicin, exerts inhibitory effects on 3 2 8 /GARLIC key enzymes in cholesterol biosynthesis, including HMG CoA reductase (Gebhardt, 1993; Gebhardt, 1996). Garlic tablets studied in vitro were found to enhance natural killer (NK) cells, which are an important part of the immune system in fighting cancers, viruses and certain bacteria. Antioxidative effects of garlic, determined by an increase in intracellular glutathione (GSH) levels, are responsible for decreasing poor cellular function and premature aging. Antiviral activity was also noted in vitro with garlic tablets (See, 1999). Ajoen is the antithrombotic compound that inhibits fibrinogen receptors on platelets (Robbers, 1996). The allicin and oligosulfides in garlic oil have antiplatelet activity through inhibition of adenosine diphosphate, collagen and betathromboglobulin release after collagen stimulation. The compounds also exert antithrombotic effects through inhibition of platelet thromboxane formation (Bordia, 1998; Legnani 1993). CLINICAL TRIALS A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study involving 42 outpatients was conducted over a 12-week period to assess the effects of standardized garlic powder tablets on serum lipids and lipoproteins, glucose and blood pressure. Standardized garlic powder administered 900 mg daily produced a significantly greater reduction in serum total cholesterol (262+/- 34mg/dL to 247 +/-40mg/dL with garlic compared to 276+/-34mg/dL to 274+/- 29mg/dL with placebo). Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) was significantly reduced with garlic treatment by 11% compared to 3% with placebo treatment. No significant change was demonstrated in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, serum glucose, blood pressure and other monitored parameters (Jain, 1993). The lipid-lowering effect of garlic powder tablets was tested by administering a dose of 900 mg daily (equivalent to approximately 2.7 grams or 1 clove of fresh garlic daily) to 28 outpatients with hypercholesterolemia. After 12 weeks of treatment, there were no significant lipid or lipoprotein changes in either the placebo- or garlic-treated groups (Isaacsohn, 1998). A 5 mg dose of steam distilled garlic oil was administered twice daily to 25 outpatients with moderate hypercholesterolemia in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The hypocholesterolemic effect of garlic oil was determined after a 12-week period. The commercial garlic oil preparation did not have a significant effect on serum lipoproteins, cholesterol absorption or cholesterol synthesis (Berthold, 1998). PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Note: There are contradicting results regarding the lipidlowering effect of garlic, which may be attributed to lack of manufacturing standardization of the products used in the studies. The fresh garlic may contain higher amounts of the active ingredient, allicin, which is inactivated upon cooking. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Arteriosclerosis • Hypertension • Raised levels of cholesterol Garlic is used internally as an adjuvant to dietetic measures for elevated lipid levels. The herb is also used for prevention of age-related vascular changes and arteriosclerosis. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, garlic is utilized internally for inflammatory respiratory conditions, whooping cough and bronchitis. Garlic is also used for gastrointestinal ailments, particularly digestive disorders with flatulence and gastrointestinal spasms. Other uses consist of menstrual pains, treatment of diabetes, and as a tonic for diverse illnesses and debilities. Externally, garlic is used for corns, warts, calluses, otitis, muscle pain, neuralgia, arthritis and sciatica. Indian Medicine: Garlic is used in bronchitis, constipation, joint pain and fever. Homeopathic Uses: Garlic is used in conditions such as inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, digestive complaints and muscle rheumatism in the lumbar region. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Adverse effects such as headache, myalgia, fatigue and vertigo have been seen with therapeutic doses of garlic (Holzgartner, 1992). Allergic Reactions: Frequent contact with the drug may result in allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis and asthma (Asero, 1998; Lee, 1991). Burns: Garlic associated partial thickness burns and necrosis have been reported in several case studies in which the herb remained in contact with the skin for a minimum of 6 to 18 hours (Roberge, 1997; Garty, 1993; Parish, 1987). Gastrointestinal: Abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a feeling of fullness have occurred with garlic therapy (Holzgartner, 1992; Berthold, 1998) Hematologic: A significant decrease in hematocrit values and plasma viscosity have been associated with the administration of garlic powder (Jung, 1991). There has been risk of postoperative bleeding with TURP (trans-urethral resection of prostate) or mammaplasty surgery (Burnham, 1995; H E R B A L MONOGRAPH S German, 1995). Also, spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma has been reported with garlic (Rose, 1990). Hypersensitivity: Occupational asthma induced by inhalation and ingestion of garlic5 has been observed (Lybarger, 1982). if Ocular: The alliin, S-alkyl cysteine sulfoxide, which decomposes into a variety of thiosulfinates and polysulfides via allinase upon extraction (crushing), produces a lacrimation effect (Augusti, 1996). Olfactory: Garlic therapy is associated with body odor or halitosis (Berthold, 1998). Nursing: Not to be used while nursing. Drug Interactions: Concomitant use of garlic with anticoagulants such as Coumadin and antiplatelets such as aspirin and dipyridamole could increase the risk of bleeding due to the effect of garlic on platelet aggregation and fibrinogen. (Agerwal, 1996; Bordia, 1998; Legnani, 1993; Newall, 1996; Robbers, 1996). NSAID's, such as indomethacin, could increase bleeding time by decreasing platelet aggregation (Agerwal, 1996; Bordia, 1998; Legnani, 1993). ^ DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The minced bulb and preparations are for internal use and external treatment. Garlic oil maceration or garlic oil resulting from steam distillation is widely available. How Supplied: Capsules — 3 mg, 100 mg, 270 mg (total allicin 5000 meg), 300 mg, 500 mg, 580 mg (total allicin 3 mg), 600 mg (total allicin 2500 meg or standardized to 500 meg allicin), 1000 mg, 1500 mg, 5000 mg Dried powder Oil macerations Tablets — 300 mg, 400 mg (total allicin 3 mg), 500 mg, 600 mg (total allicin 5000 meg), 810 mg Preparation: Garlic oil maceration — Bulbs are homogenized and stirred in fatty oil (1:1) for 48 hours, then filtered. £. Solid garlic extract — An extraction of the chopped bulbs with ethanol or methanol is allowed to evaporate. Aqueous extract — Fresh bulbs are macerated in cold water (1:1). Fermented garlic — The minced drug is soaked over a long duration in a water-ethanol mixture, volatile agents escape, and the garlic becomes odorless. Steam distillations and tinctures are also possible. GARLIC / 3 2 9 Daily Dosage: General — The average daily dose is 4 gm of fresh garlic or 8 mg of essential oil. One fresh garlic clove, 1 to 2 times daily. Arteriosclerosis — Daily doses of 600-800 mg of garlic powder and dried garlic have been shown to be effective (Harenberg, 1988: Kiesewetter. 1991). Hyperlipidemia — A total daily dose of 600-900 mg of garlic powder (standardized to 1.3% of alliin content) has been shown effective (Holzgartner, 1992; Isaacsohn, 1998; Mader, 1990; Simons, 1995). Hypertension — The effective dose is garlic powder taken 200-300 mg three times daily (Auer, 1990; Sigagy, 1994). External — Fresh garlic applied to the skin as an antimicrobial dressing should not be left for more than a few hours due to case reports of burns (Garty, 1993; Parish, 1987: Roberge, 1997). Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 times daily sc; ointment 1 to 2 times daily (HAB1) Storage: Garlic should be hung in plaits in a dry place. LITERATURE Agarwal KC, Therapeutic actions of garlic constituents. Med Res Rev 1996; 16(1): 111-124. 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Koch HP, Hormonwirkungen bei AIlium-Arten. ZPT (1992)13(6):177. Roberge RJ, Leckey R, Spence R, Krenzelok EJ, Garlic burns of the breast. Am J Emerg Med 1997 Sep;15(5):548. Koch HP, Metabolismus und Pharmakokinetik der Inhatsstoffe des Knoblauchs. Was wissen wir dariiber? ZPT (1992) 13(3):83. Rose KD, Croissant PD, Parliament CF, Levin MB. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma with associated platelet GERMAN C H A M O M I L E / 3 3 1 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS dysfunction from excessive garlic consumption: a case report. Neurosurgery 1990:26:880-82. Schiewe FP, Hein T, Knoblauch bei Hyperlipidamie. ZPT (l995)16(6):343-348. ^Schoetan A et al.. (1984) Experientia 40(3>:26I. See, D, Gurnee K. LeClair, M. An in vitro screening study of 196 natural products for toxicity and efficacy. JAN A 1999 Winter:2( 1 ):25-39. Sendl A, Phytotherapie: Biirlauch und Knoblauch im Vergleich. DAZ (I993)133(5):392. Siegers CP. Neues zur arteriosklerotischen Wirkung des Knoblauchs. ZPT (1993)14(1):21. Simons LA. 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See Cranesbill Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl.. Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Geranium robertianum Hausen BM, Allergiepflanzen - Pflanzenallergene. Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1988. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. See Herb Robert German Chamomile Matricaria Recutita TRADE NAMES Chamomile Flowers (available from numerous manufacturers), Standardized Chamomile Extract, Wild Chamomile, Kid Chamomile DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts consist of the entire flowering herb or only the flowers. Flower and Fruit: The flower heads are terminal and longpedicled. The flower is white with a yellow center. The margin flowers are obtuse with a tunicate margin. The ray florets are white, linguiform, female and 3-toothed. The disc 332/GERMAN CHAMOMILE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES florets are tubular, androgynous, 5-toothed, with a hollow receptacle. kines. This activity is through a mechanism unrelated to free radical scavenging or leukocyte formation (Panes, 1996). Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 20 to 40 cm high herb with an erect, glabrous stem, which is branched above. The leaves are 2 to 3 pinnatisect and have a narrow thorny tip. Antioxidant Effects Characteristic: The receptacle of the compound head of German Chamomile is hollow which distinguishes it from other types of chamomile. Habitat: German Chamomile is indigenous to Europe and northwest Asia, naturalized in North America and elsewhere. Production: German Chamomile consists of the fresh or dried flower heads of Matricaria recutita and their preparations. Other Names: Pin Heads, Chamomilla. Chamomile, Single Chamomile, Hungarian Chamomile ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil {0.4-1.5%): chief components (-)-alpha-bisabolol (levomenol), bisabolol oxide A, bisabolol oxide B, bisabololone oxide A, beta-trans-farnesene, trans-en-yne-dicycloether (polyyne spiroether, adjoining cis-en-yn-dicycloether), chamazulene (blue in color, arising from the non-volatile proazulene matricin after steam distillation), spathulenol Flavonoids: flavone glycosides: aglycones apigenin, luteolin, chrysoeriol, chief glycosides apigenin-7-O-glucoside, apigenin glucoside acetate, - flavonol glycosides, aglycones including quercetin, isorhamnetin, patuletin, for example rutin, hyperoside Unbound, Highly Methoxylized Flavonoids: jaceidinem chrysospenol, chrysosplenetin Hydroxycoumarins: including umbelliferone, herniarin Mucilages: (10% in the mucilage ribs, fructans) including rhamanogalacturonane EFFECTS Gastrointestinal Effects The proteolytic activity of pepsin is reduced by (-)-alphabisabolol in the gastrointestinal tract (Isaac, 1975). The (-)alpha-bisabolol exerts a protective effect from gastric toxicity produced by acetylsalicylic acid (Torrado, 1995). Anti-Inflammatory Effects Chamazulene exerts anti-inflammatory effects through inhibition of leukotriene B4 formation (Safayhi, 1994). The enyne dicycloether inhibits degranulation of mast cells to prevent histamine release (Miller, 1996). Apigenin, a flavonoid, effectively blocks intercellular adhesion molecule-1 upregulation and leukocyte adhesion in response to cyto- Chamazulene, a volatile oil, exerts antioxidant through inhibition of lipid peroxidation (Rekka, Chamazulene also blocks chemical peroxidation of donic acid for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (Safayhi, 1994). effects 1996). arachieffects Antineoplastic Effects Apigenin applied topically has effects on skin tumorigenesis through inhibition of skin papillomas and a tendency to decrease the conversion of papillomas to carcinomas (Li, 1996; Wei, 1990). Apigenin inhibits UV-induced tumorigenesis when applied topically via G2/M and Gl cell-cycle arrest in keratinocytes (Lepley, 1996; Lepley, 1997). The chemoprevention mechanisms occur through inhibition of the mitotic kinase activity, perturbation of cyclin Bi levels, and inhibition of protein kinase C (Lepley, 1996; Lin, 1997). Apigenin suppresses transcriptional activation of cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase in macrophages, which is important for the prevention of carcinogenesis and inflammation (Liang, 1999). Anxiolytic Effects Flavonoids are CNS-active molecules and the chemical modification of the flavone nucleus dramatically increases the anxiolytic potency (Paladini, 1999). Apigenin is a ligand for the central benzodiazepine receptors exerting anxiolytic and slight sedative effects (Viola, 1995). Miscellaneous Effects Apigenin has been associated with an increase in atrial rate as a result of a reduction in noradrenaline uptake and a reduction in monoamine oxidase activity (Lorenzo, 1996). The herb exerts antibacterial and drying effects on weeping wound areas, which increase healing (Glowania, 1987). Chamomile oil has antimicrobial activity against some skin pathogens such as Staphylococcus and Candida species (Aggag, 1972). CLINICAL TRIALS A Phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluated chamomile mouthwash for prevention of 5-fluorouracil(5FU) chemotherapy induced oral mucositis. There were 164 patients included in the study at the time of their fist cycle of 5-FU based chemotherapy, All patients received oral cryotherapy for 30 minutes with each dose of 5-FU. Chamomile mouthwash was administered three times daily for 14 days in the treatment group. Stomatitis scores determined by health care providers and by patients suggested no difference of HERBAL MONOGRAPHS stomatitis between the chamomile and placebo-treatment group (Fidler, 1996). The efficacy of Kamillosan cream (topical chamomile cream) was compared to steroidal (0.25% hydrocortisone, "ffe 0.75% fluocortin butyl ester) and non-steroidal (5% bufexamac) deramatologic agents for the maintenance therapy of eczematous disease. There were 161 patients suffering from inflammatory dermatoses on hands, forearms, and lower legs included in the study. The patients had initially been treated with 0.1% difluocortolone valerate. The Kamillosan cream was slightly less effective as 0.25% hydrocortisone and superior to 5% bufexarnac and 0.75% fluocortin butyl ester (Aertgeerts, 1985). INDICATIONS AND USAGE GERMAN C H A M O M I L E / 3 3 3 Contact Dermatitis: Chamomile, a Compositae plant, is associated with allergic contact dermatitis (Hausen, 1996; Pereira, 1997; Rodriguez-Serna, 1998). Allergic Conjunctivitis: Chamomile tea eye washing to treat ocular reactions has induced allergic conjunctivitis witii lid angioedema (Subiza, 1990). Drug Interactions: Coumarin Anticoagulants — Due to the content of hydroxycoumarins in chamomile, there may be an additive effect when taken with warfarin. Alcohol/Benzodiazepines — Chamomile has week anxiolytic properties at benzodiazepine receptor sites, thus concomitant use of alcohol and benzodiazepines should be avoided. Approved by Commission E: DOSAGE • • • • • • Cough/bronchitis Fevers and colds Inflammation of the skin Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Tendency to infection Wounds and burns Chamomile is used internally for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with gastrointestinal spasms, irritation of the oral pharygeal mucous membrane and upper respiratory tract. Externally, the drug is used for skin and mucous membrane inflammations, pulpitis, gingivitis, respiratory catarrh, and ano-genital inflammation. Unproven Uses: In Folk medicine, the herb is used internally for diarrhea and flatulence. The herb is used externally for furuncles, hemorrhoids, abscesses, and acne. Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for inflammation and cramps in the gastrointestinal tract, teething symptoms, severe pain, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, and dysmenorrhea. CONTRAINDICATIONS Chamomile should not be taken by anyone with a known allergy to its components or other members of the Compositae family (eg, arnica, yarrow, feverfew, tansy, artemesia) (Hausen, 1996). A case report indicates chamomile may precipitate severe anaphylactic reactions in patients with hay fever and bronchial asthma caused by a variety of pollens (grass, olive, and mugwort) (Subiza, 1989). Mode of Administration: Liquid and solid preparations are available for external and internal application. How Supplied: Capsule — 125 mg, 350 mg, 354 mg Liquid — 1:4 Oil — 100% Preparation: An infusion for internal use is prepared by pouring boiling water (150 ml) over 3 gm of chamomile, cover for 5 to 10 minutes and strain. (1 teaspoonful = 1 gm drug). An infusion for external poultice application is prepared by pouring one and one-half cups of hot water over 2 dessertspoons of the drug, cover, leave to draw for 15 minutes and then strain. Ointments and gels are available in strengths of 3 to 10%. Daily Dosage: An internal single dose is approximately 3 gm as an infusion. Liquid extract 1-4 ml or 1 cup of freshly made tea is administered 3-4 times daily. Externally as a bath additive, 50 gm is added to 1 Liter of water or 6 gm of drug for a steam bath. Washes and gargles may be administered several times a day. Homeopathic Dosage: Internally, the herb is given as 5-10 drops, 1 tablet, or 5-10 globules. Externally, dilute 1 dessertspoon with 250 ml water and use 2-3 times daily in poutices or washes (HAB1). LITERATURE PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Achterrath-Tuckerman U et al., (1980) Planta Med 39(1 ):38. Anaphylactic Reactions: Ingestion of chamomile-tea infusion has precipitated an anaphylactic reaction in an 8 year old male with hay fever and broncial asthma caused by a variety of pollens (Subiza, 1989). Aertgeerts P, Albring M, Klaschka F, Nasemann T, PatzeltWenczler R, Rauhut K, Weigl B, (1985) Vergleichende Priifung von Kamillosan(Creme gegeniiber steroidalen (0,25 % Hydrocortison, 0,75 % Bluocortinbutylester) und nichtsteroidalen 3 3 4 / G E R M A N CHAMOMILE PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S (5 % Bufexamac) Externa in der Erhaltungstherapie von Ekzemerkrankungen. Z Hautkr 60:270-277. umstrittener Memoden. Deutscher Arzte-Verlag Koln, S 197212. Aggag M, Yousef R. Study of antimicrobial activity of chamomile oil. Planta Med 1972 Sep;22(2): 140-4. Lepley DM; Pelling JC. Induction of p21AVAFl and Gl cellcycle arrest by the chemopreventive agent apigenin. Mol Carcinog 1997 Jun;19(2):74-82. Albring M, Albrecht H, Alcorn G, Liicker PW, (1983) The measuring of the anti-inflammatory effect of a compound of the skin of volunteers. Meth Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 5:75-77. Ammon HPT, Kaul R. (1992) Pharmakologie der Kamille und ihrer Inhaltsstoffe! Dtsch Apoth Z 132(SuppI 27):3-26. Dorsch W, Neues iiber antientziindliche Drogen. In: ZPT 14(1 ):26. 1993. Fidler R, Loprinzi C, O'Fallon J et al. Prospective evaluation of a chamomile mouthwash for prevention of 5-FU-induced oral mucositis. Cancer 1996 Feb l;77(3):522-5. Fuller E et al.. Anti-inflammatory activity of Chamomilla polysaccharides. In: PM 59(7)66. 1993. Fuller E, Franz G, Neues von den Kamillenpolysacchariden. In: DAZ 133(45 ):4224. 1993. Gasic O et al., (1983) Fitoterapia 2:51. Glowania HJ; Raulin C; Swoboda M. Effect of chamomile on wound healing—a clinical double-blind study. Z Hautkr 1987 Sep 1:62(17): 1262, 1267-71. Habersang S, (1979) Planta Med 37(2): 115. Hausen HM, Busker E, Carle R. (1984) Ober das Sensibilierungsvermogen von Compositenarten. VII. Experimentelle Untersuchungen mit Ausziigen und Inhaltsstoften von Chamomilla recutita L. Rauschert und Anthemis cotula L. Planta Med 50:229-234. Heilmann J, Kamillenflavonoide: Nur Aglyka dringen in die Haut ein. In: DAZ 133(37):3296. 1993. Isaac D, (1980) Die Kamillentherapie - Erfolg und Bestatigung. Dtsch Apoth Ztg 120:567-570. Isaac O, (1979) Planta Med 35(2):3, 118. Isaac O; Thiemer K. Biochemical studies on camomile components/Ill. In vitro studies about the antipeptic activity of (-)-alpha-bisabolol. Arzneimittelforschung 1975 Sep;25(9):13524. Jakovlev V et al., (1979) Planta Med 35(2):3. Jakovlev V et al., (1983) Planta Med 49(2):67. Jakovlev V, Isaac O, Flaskamp E, (1983) Pharmakologische Untersuchungen von Kamillen-Inhaltsstoffen. VI. Untersuchungen zur antiphlogistischen Wirkung von Chamazulen und Matricin. Planta Med 49:67-73. Jakovlev V, Isaac O, Flaskamp E, Pharmakologische Untersuchungen von Kamilleninhaltsstoffen VI. Untersuchungen zur antiphlogistischen Wirkung von Chamazulen und Matricin. In: PM 49:67. 1983. Jenss H, (1985) Zur Problematik funktioneller Magen-DarmKrankheiten am Beispiel des Colon irritabile. In: Oepen I (Hrsg) An den Grenzen der Schulmedizin, eine Analyse Lepley DM; Li B; Birt DF; Pelling JC. The chemopreventive flavonoid apigenin induces G2/M arrest in keratinocytes. Carcinogenesis 1996 Nov;17(l l):2367-75. Li B; Pinch H; Birt DF. Influence of vehicle, distant topical delivery, and biotransformation on the chemopreventive activity of apigenin, a plant flavonoid, in mouse skin. Pharm Res 1996 Oct; 13(10): 1530-4. Liang YC; Huang YT; Tsai SH et al. Suppression of inducible cyclooxygenase and inducible nitric oxide synthase by apigenin and related flavonoids in mouse macrophages. Carcinogenesis 1999 Oct;20( 10): 1945-52. Lin JK; Chen YC; Huang YT; Lin-Shiau SY. Suppression of protein kinase C and nuclear oncogene expression as possible molecular mechanisms of cancer chemoprevention by apigenin and curcumin. J Cell Biochem Suppl 1997:28-29:39-48. Lorenzo PS; Rubio MC; Medina JH; Adler-Graschinsky E. Involvement of monoamine oxidase and noradrenaline uptake in the positive chronotropic effects of apigenin in rat atria. Eur J Pharmacol 1996 Sep 26;312(2):203-7. Maiche AG. Grohn P. Maki-Hokkonen H. (1991) Effect of chamomile cream and almond ointment of acute radiation skin reaction. Acta Oncol 30:395-396. Miller Th, Wittstock U. Lindequist U, Teuscher E, Effects of some components of the essential oil of chamomile, Chamomilla recutita, on histamine release from mast cells. Planta Med 1996 Feb:62(l):60-61. Nissen HP, Blitz H, Kreysel HW. (1988) Profilometrie, eine Methode zur Beurteilung der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit von Kamillosan-Salbe. Z Hautkr 63:184-190. Paladini AC: Marder M; Viola H et al. Flavonoids and the central nervous system: from forgotten factors to potent anxiolytic compounds. J Pharm Pharmacol 1999 May:51(5): 519-2. Panes J; Gerritsen ME; Anderson DC et al. Apigenin inhibits tumor necrosis factor-induced intercellular adhesion molecule-1 upregulation in vivo. Microcirculation 1996 Sep;3(3):279-86. Pereira F; Santos R; Pereira A. Contact dermatitis from chamomile tea. Contact Dermatitis 1997 Jun:36(6):307. Rekka EA; Kourounakis AP; Kourounakis PN. Investigation of the effect of chamazulene on lipid peroxidation and free radical processes. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol 1996 Jun;92(3):361-4. Redaelli C et al., (1981) J Chrom. 209:110. Redaelli C et al., (1981) Plant Med 42:288. Rodriguez-Serna M; Sanchez-Motilla JM; Ramon R; Aliaga A. Allergic and systemic contact dermatitis from Matricaria chamomilla tea.Contact Dermatitis 1998 Oct:39(4): 192-3. GERMAN IPECAC / 3 3 5 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Safayhi H et al., Chamazulene: an antioxidaht-type inhibitor of leukotriene B4 formation. In: PM 60(5):410. 1994. Schilcher H, (1987) Die Kamille. Handbuch fur Arzte, Apotheker und andere Naturwissenschaftler. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart Ammon HPT, Sabieraj J, Kaul R, ™ Kamille - Mechanismus der antiphlogistischen Wirkung von Kamillenextrakten und -inhaltsstoffen. In: DAZ 136(22): 18211834. 1996. Sorkin B, Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit von Kamille am Menschen. In: Seifen, Ole. Fette. Wachse 108(1):9-10. 1982. Subiza J; Subiza JL; Hinojosa M et al. Anaphylactic reaction after the ingestion of chamomile tea: a study of cross-reactivity with other composite pollens. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1989 Sep;84(3):353-8. Subiza J, Subiza JL, Alonso M et al. Allergic conjunctivitis to chamomile tea. Ann Allergy 1990 Aug;65(2): 127-32. Szelenyi I et al., (1979) Planta Med 35(3):218. Torrado S; Torrado S; Agis A et al. Effect of dissolution profile and (-)-alpha-bisabolol on the gastrotoxicity of acetylsalicylic acid. Pharmazie 1995 Feb:50(2): 141-3. Vilagines P et al., (1985) C R Acad Sci (111)301(6):289. Viola H: Wasowski C: Levi de Stein M et al. Apigenin, a £ component of Matricaria recutita flowers, is a central benzodiazepine receptors-ligand with anxiolytic effects. Planta Med 1995 Jun;61(3):213-6. Wei H, Tye L, Bresnick E. Birt D. Inhibitory effect of apigenin, a plant flavonoid. on epidermal ornithine decarboxylase and skin tumor promotion in mice. Cancer Res 1990 Feb l;50(3):499-502. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 (unter Chamomilla recutita). Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988 (unter Chamomilla recutita). Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. m w Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. German Ipecac Cynanchum vincetoxicum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the leaves or rhizome with the attached roots. Flower and Fruit: The plant has small white flowers in peduncled cymes, 5 sepals and a wheel-shaped corolla. There is a 5-lobed secondary corolla. There are 5 stamens whose anthers are fused to a 5-sectioned wreath. The 2 superior ovaries have a common stigma. The fruit is a 5 cm long, glabrous, striped, clavate follicle. The seeds have silky tufts of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 30 to 100 cm. The underground creeping rhizome has heavily branched runners. The stem is unbranched, thin and erect. The leaves are opposite, short petioled, ovate to oblong and entiremargined. Characteristics: The fresh rhizome has an intensive odor. The taste is sweet, then bitter-hot. It is poisonous. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe. Production: German Ipecac herb and rhizome are the leaves and rhizome (including attached roots) of Cynanchum vincetoxicum. The subterranean rhizome, including parts of the roots, are dug up in autumn, cleaned and quickly dried at temperatures of up to 50° C. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Saponin-like 15-oxasteroide glycosides (mixture termed vincetoxin): aglycones including hirundigenin, anhydrohirundigenin, vincetogenin Isoquinoline alkaloids: including tylophorine EFFECTS The drug has diuretic, diaphoretic, digestive and emmenagogic effects. The alkaloids have an antitumoral effect, and the chloroform extract has an antimicrobial effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug was formerly used as a diuretic, diaphoretic and emetic, and for the treatment of kidney complaints, edema, the plague, snake bite and dysmenorrhea. Today, it is used in the treatment of digestive and kidney disorders and for dysmenorrhea. The poultices heal swellings 336/GERMAN IPECAC and bruising. The drug can also be found in homeopathic preparations. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS According to older scientific literature, "vincetoxin" in high dosages causes vomiting, apnea and cardiac paralysis in animal experiments. Seed extracts led to advancing paralysis of the central nervous system. Poisonings of humans have not been found in recent reports. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As an infusion, powdered drug. alcoholic extract and homeopathic dilution. Preparation: The drug is prepared as an infusion. Daily Dosage: The infusion should be administered under medical supervision. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S both ends, and the tube has a winged edge. The flowers form many blossomed spikelets, which in turn form a terminal, oblong ear. The middle spikelets contain male flowers at the tip and female flowers at the base. The upper spikelets are male. " Leaves, Stem and Root: German Sarsaparilla is a 15 to 45 cm high plant with a 2 to 5 mm thick, horizontally creeping rhizome, which produces extremely long runners. The plant has black-brown basal leaves, which break up into long fibers. The stem is sturdy, upright and about 1 mm thick. It is sharply triangular, rough above, and surrounded by brown leaf sheaths at the base. The leaves are linear and usually grooved. The lamina are rigid and gradually tapering forward to the involute tip. The roots form such a thick mass that they prevent water from getting in and thus prevent the washing away of dykes and dams. LITERATURE Froiine D, Plunder HJ. Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker. Toxikologen und Biologen. 4. Autl. Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R. Keller K. Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen). Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Kennard O et al.. Tetrahedron Letters 3799-3804. 1968. Lewin L. Gifte und Vergihungen. 6. Autl., Nachdruck. Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L. Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl.. Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Characteristics: The rootstock has an aromatic-turpentine odor. Habitat: The plant grows in Europe mainly on the Atlantic, Baltic and southern Scandinavian coasts as far as central Germany. It was introduced to the American Atlantic coast. Production: German Sarsaparilla consists of the dried, underground parts of Carex arenaria. The root is dug up in March and April, dried and cut into pieces for sale. Not to be Confused With: Other Carex varieties Other Names: Red Sedge, Sand Sedge, Red Couchgrass, Sea Sedge ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Saponins Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie. 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Volatile oil: contents include methyl salicylate and cineol COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: including tricine German Sarsaparilla Car ex arenaria DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried rhizome. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is somewhat hanging and consists of 6 to 16 ovoid, 1 cm long, terminal, straight, greenish spikes. The lower ones are female; the middle ones are female at the base and male at the tip. The upper ones are only male. These are simple greenish unisexual flowers without a corolla. They have 1 husk with an ovary surrounded by a tubular-like involucre. The style has 2 stigmas, 3 stamens and a fruit oval. It is somewhat acute at Tannin: (8 to 10%, catechin tannins) EFFECTS There are no studies available on efficacy. The main constituents, saponins, essential oil and flavones, as well as the tannins, are most likely responsible for the effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: There are no documented indications to date. In folk medicine, preparations of German Sarsaparilla are used for the prevention of gout, rheumatism, inflammation of the joints, for skin ailments and as a diaphoretic and diuretic; further, for venereal disease, flatulence, colic, liver disorders, diabetes, edema, lung tuberculosis and amenorrhea. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy for the claimed uses are not documented, a therapeutic application cannot be recommended. The cold maceration and the decoction are used in folk medicine. GERMANDER / 3 3 7 Production: Germander is the aerial part of Teucrium chamaedrys. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (0.07%): chief components beta-caryophyllene (20%), humulene (15%) Iridoide monoterpenes: including among others, harpagide, acetyl harpagide Preparation: A decoction is prepared by adding 3 gin drug to 1 cup water. A cold maceration is made by adding 2 teaspoonfuls drug to 1/4 liter water. Diterpenes: including among others, teugin. teuflin, teuflidin, dihydroteugin, teucrin A, B, E, F, G, marrubiin Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 3 gm drug as a decoction. The cold maceration is dosed 1 cup, 2 to 3 times daily. Flavonoids: including among others, cirsiliol, cirsimaritin, luteolin LITERATURE The drug, which contains strong amaroids, is said to have a cholagogic effect, but this has not been scientifically proven. The toxic principle is therefore unknown. Higher doses or poisoning results in hepatitis-like symptoms, which may include liver cell necrosis. Cajfeic acid derivatives: including among others, teucroside EFFECTS Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Germander is used as a digestive aid, as a rinse for gout, as weight-loss aid and for fever. Germander Teucrium chamaedrys DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb collected during the flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are 10 to 12 mm long and are erect. They are arranged on long pedicles in l-to-6 blossomed, false racemes inclined to one side. The calyx is tubular-campanulate, often tinged with red-violet and is pubescent. The corolla is usually carmine red, occasionally white. The stamens and styles are exserted. The nutlet is ovoid, 1.5 to 2 cm long, smooth, finely reticulate and has a large, circular, attaching surface. Leaves, Stem.and Root: The plant is a subshrub with a shortlived main root from which grow long-reaching, branched, jm, thin woody roots and a stem-producing runner. The stems are usually erect and branched. The older branches are decumbent; the younger ones erect, tough, round and lanate. The branches are occasionally covered in glandular hairs, which are often red-violet. The leaves are in close pairs and are always covered in teeth. They are summer-green and have distinctly protruding pinnatifid ribs. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean region as far as Anatolia and the Urals. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is highly toxic and should not be used (see PRECAUTIONS). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Liver cell necrosis has been observed following intake of the drug. Symptoms include jaundice and an elevated level of aminotransferase in the blood. One case of death has been recorded. For that reason, the drug is not to be administered. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Germander is occasionally used in tea mixtures (see PRECAUTIONS). Daily Dosage: Dosages of more than 600 mg daily can cause toxic effects. LITERATURE Chialva F et al., J High Res Chromatogr Chromatogr Commun 5:182. 1982. Fikenscher LH, Hegnauer R, Plant Med Phytother 3(3): 183. Malakov PY et al., PH 24:301-303. 1985. Reinbold AM, Popa PD, (1974) Khim Prir Soedin. 589. Rodriguez MC et al., (1984) Phytochemistry 23(7): 1467. Rodriguez MC et al., PH 23:2960-2961. 1984. Rovesti P, (1957) Ind Perf. 12:334. Savona G et al., PH 21:721-723. 1982. 3 3 8 /GERMANDER Sticher O, Lahloub MF, (1982) Planta Med 30:124. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Geum rivale See Water Avens Geum urbanum See Bennet's Root PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroid glycosides calactin and uscharidin (cardenolids): calotropin, Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol, taraxasterol EFFECTS The drug contains cardioactive cardenolide glycosides and exhibits an emetic-cathartic effect resembling that of Ipecacuanha. The calotropin demonstrates anti-tumor qualities against human epidermoid carcinoma cells of the nasopharynx, in vitro. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Giant Milkweed has been used for dysentery, vomiting, toothache, syphilis, convulsions, warts, leprosy and digestion problems. Indian Medicine: Preparations are used for skin conditions, intestinal worms, coughs, ascites and anasarca. Homeopathic Uses: Calotropis gigantea is used for obesity. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Giant Milkweed Calotropis gigantea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the bark and roots. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged in umbels. The flower structures are arranged in fives. The corolla is fused and campanulate, 3 to 5 cm wide and split up to two-thirds of the length. The lobes are greenish with purple tips. The paracorolla is composed of 5 cap-like points. The 5 stamens and the 2 styles are fused to a stemmed gynostegium and the pollen sticks together to form to a pollinium. The sepals are ovate and the ovary superior. The fruit is a swollen follicle, 9 to 10 cm long and turned back. The seeds have a silky tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: Calotropis gigantea is a shrub, occasionally tree-like, which grows up to 3 m high. The leaves are sessile with the base clasping th&stem, fleshy, 10 to 20 cm long and 4 to 10 cm wide, elongate-ovate or elliptical. The stem is woody. Habitat: India, China, and Malaysian archipelago Other Names: Giant Swallow Root, Swallow Wort, Crown Flower OVERDOSAGE Higher dosages cause severe mucous membrane irritation, characterized by vomiting and diarrhea, as well as bradycardia and convulsions, sometimes leading to death. It is not known whether those compounds found in the plant that belong chemically to the cardioactive steroid glycoside group are indeed cardioactive, because of their unusual structure (the sugar remnant is bound to the aglycone both as a glycoside and as an ether). Mucilaginous drinks are recommended to treat the symptoms of inflammation; morphine and atrophine for treating pain. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and cut drug preparations for internal use. Daily Dosage: As an emetic: 2 to 4 gm; As a diaphoretic and expectorant: 200 to 600 mg. Homeopathic Dosage: (from D4) 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet, 5 to 10 globules, 1 to 3 times daily or from D6 1 ml injection solution sc. twice weekly (HAB1). LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Kiuchi F, Fukao Y, Maruyama T, Obata T, Tanaka M, Sasaki T, Mikage M, Haque ME, Tsuda Y, Cytotoxic principles of a HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Bangladeshi crude drug, akond mul (roots of Calotropis gigantea L.). Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo), 46:528-30, 1998 Mar. Sen S, Sahu NP, Mahato SB, Flavonol glycosides from Calotropis gigantea. Phytochemisjry, 232:2919-21, 1992 Aug. 4£ Sengupta A, Bhattacharya D, Pal G, Sinha NK, Comparative studies on calotropins DI and DII from the latex of Calotropis gigantea. Arch Biochem Biophys, 232:17-25, 1984 Jul. GINGER/339 Aryl alkanes Gingerols: chief components [6]-gingerol (pungent substances), [8]-gingerol, [10]-gingerol Shogaols: chief components [6]-shogaol (pungent substane), [8]- shogaol, [10]- shogaol (artifacts formed during storage. arising from the gingerols) Gingerdiols Gillenia trifoliata Diarylheptanoids: including among others, gingerenone A and B See Indian Phasic Starch (50%) EFFECTS Ginger Zingiber officinale TRADE NAMES Ginger Root (available from numerous manufacturers,) Ginger Kid, Alcohol Free Ginger Root, Ginger Power, Caffeine-Free Ginger Root, Quanterra Stomach Comfort DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the root. Flower and Fruit: The flower scape grows directly from the root and terminates in a long, curved spike. A white or yellow flower grows from each spike. Leaves, Stem and Root: Ginger is a creeping perennial on a thick tuberous rhizome, which spreads underground. In the first year, a green, erect, reed-like stem about 60 cm high grows from this rhizome. The plant has narrow, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate leaves 15 to 30 cm long, which die off each year. Characteristics: The fracture is short and fibrous. The odor and taste are characteristic, aromatic and pungent. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southeastern Asia, and is cultivated in the U.S., India, China, the West Indies and tropical regions. Production: Ginger root consists of the peeled, finger-long, fresh or dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale. Compounds isolated from the Ginger rhizome have been studied in numerous in vitro and animal experiments. Other studies show that Ginger root is positively inotropic. antithrombotic; has anti-oxidant, anti-migraine and anti-lipidemic effects, and promotes secretion of saliva, gastric juices and bile. Anti-Emetic Effects The components in Ginger that are responsible for the antiemetic effect are thought to be the gingerols and shogaols.The mechanism of action is not due to a nystagmus response or vestibular stimulation (Holtmann, 1989). In contrast to most anti-emetic medications that act on the CNS. the anti-emetic effect of Ginger is thought to be due to local gastrointestinal actions (Mowrey & Clayton, 1982). Anti-Inflammatory Effects The anti-inflammatory effect of Ginger is thought to be due to inhibition of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase, results in reduced leukotriene and prostaglandin synthesis (Kiuchi. 1992; Srivastava & Mustafa, 1992). Miscellaneous Effects In humans, Ginger increases the tone and peristalsis of the intestine (Bisset, 1994; Iwu, 1993). The root of Zingiber officinale has also shown immune system stimulation (Chang, 1995) and platelet aggregation inhibitory activity (Verma, 1993). CLINICAL TRIALS Motion Sickness ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (2.5-3.0%): chief components vary greatly, depending upon country of origin: (-)-zingiberene and arcurcumene, beta-bisabolene and ar-curcumene, neral and geranial, D-camphor, beta-phellandrene, geranial, neral and linalool, (E)-alpha-farnesene, important as aroma carrier zingiberol (mixture of cis- and trans-beta-eudesmol) One double-blind, randomized, non-placebo controlled study compared the effectiveness of Ginger and six other commonly used non-herbal drugs (scopolamine, dimenhydrinate with caffeine, cyclizine, cinnarizine, cinnarizine with domperidone, meclizine with caffeine) in 1489 participants during whale-watching voyages off the coast of Norway. 78.3% of those that took 500 mg of Ginger root 2 hours prior to a boat 340 /GINGER trip were symptom-free for the 6-hour duration. The = incidence of severe vomiting did not differ in a statistically significant way between Ginger and any of the other test groups (Schmid, 1994). Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting A double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 120 females that underwent gynecologic outpatient surgery was performed. The participants were randomly given either 1 gm of powdered Ginger root or 10 mg of metoclopramide orally and evaluated for incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Ten percent of the patients in the Ginger group had one or more episodes of vomiting. 17.59c of the metoclopramide arm and 22.5% of the placebo group had one or more episodes of vomiting. Fifteen percent of the Ginger group and 32.5% of the metoclopramide group required antiemetic treatment compared to 37.5% of the placebo group. The authors concluded that the Ginger group had a statistically significant lower incidence of nausea and vomiting when compared to placebo (Phillips, 1993). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Loss of appetite • Travel sickness • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: In folk medicine. Ginger is used as a carminative, expectorant, and astringent. Chinese Medicine: In China. Ginger is used to treat colds, nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath. Indian Medicine: Indian medicine uses include anorexia, dyspeptic symptoms and pharyngitis. CONTRAINDICATIONS The German Commission E contraindicates the use of Ginger in morning sickness associated with pregnancy. Most research provides evidence that Ginger can be used and is effective in the treatment of morning sickness. It is recommended that excessive doses are avoided for this purpose (see PRECAUTIONS and ADVERSE REACTIONS). Because of its cholagogic effect, the drug should not be taken in the presence of gallstone conditions except after consultation with a physician. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES It has been reported that administration of 6 grams of dried powdered Ginger has been shown to increase the exfoliation of gastric surface epithelial cells in human subjects. It is postulated that this action may possibly lead to ulcer formation. Therefore, it- is recommended that dosages on an empty stomach be limited to 6 grams (Desai, 1990). There have been reports that Ginger can cause hypersensitivity reactions resulting in dermatitis. Large overdoses can cause central nervous system depression and cardiac arrhythmias. Pregnancy: A study in 27 pregnant patients with hyperemesis gravidarum (persistent vomiting occurring prior to the 20th week of pregnancy and requiring hospitalization) found that 1 gram per day (250 milligrams 4 times a day) for 4 days caused no adverse effects. One spontaneous abortion occurred; a causal relationship between the abortion and the use of Ginger was not determined. All infants were normal (Fischer-Rasmussen, 1990). Drug Interactions: More than one in-vitro study confirms an antithrombotic effect. It is recommeded that patients taking anticoagulants or those with bleeding disorders avoid the use of large doses of Ginger. OVERDOSAGE According to research, the LD50 of 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol is set between 250 and 680 mg/kg. (Fulder & Tenne, 1991; Suekawa et al, 1984.) Toxicity tests in mice using a Ginger extract via lavage resulted in no mortality or adverse effects in doses up to 2.5 g/kg over a 7 day period. When the dose was increased to between 3 and 3.5 g/kg, a 10% to 30% mortality rate was reported (Macola, 1989.) Overdosage may cause cardiac arrhythmia and CNS depression (Iwu, 1993). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted rhizome and dry extracts for teas and other galenic preparations for internal use. The powdered drug is used in some stomach preparations. How Supplied: Capsules — 100 mg, 400 mg, 420 mg, 460 mg, 470 mg, 500 mg, 550 mg, 1000 mg Ginger has been found to inhibit thromboxane synthesis, therefore it should not be used by patients who are at risk for hemorrhage (Bracken, 1991) Fluid Extract — 1:1 PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Liquid — 1:4 General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction wiuh the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Oil — 100% Chewable Tablets — 67.5 mg Tea Bags HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over 0.5 to 1 g drug and strain after 5 minutes (1 teaspoonful = 3 g drug). Daily Dosage: ANTI-EMESIS Capsules/Powder — 0.5 to 2 grams (Bisset,1994; Schmid et al, 1994) CHEMOTHERAPY-INDUCED NAUSEA AND VOMITING All dosage forms — 1.5 grams (Myer et al, 1995). DYSPEPSIA Capsules/Powder — 2 to 4 grams/day HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM Capsules/Powder — 1 gram/day given for 4 days (FischerRasmussen et al, 1990). MOTION SICKNESS Capsules/Powder — 1 gram to be taken 30 minutes before travel; for continuing symptoms, 0.5 to 1 gram every 4 hours (Muller & Clauson, 1997). POSTOPERATIVE NAUSEA AND VOMITING Capsules/Powder — 0.5 to 2 gram daily RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. OSTEOARTHRITIS Powder — 1 to 2 grams/day (Srivastava & Mustafa, 1992). Storage: Powdered Ginger root should be stored in a cool, dry place protected from light. Powdered Ginger should not be stored in plastic containers. LITERATURE Bisset NG (ed). Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals; a Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis. Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart and CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994. GINGER /341 Erler J et al., Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 186:231. 1988. Fintelmann V, Phytopharmaka in der Gastroenterologie. In: ZPT 15(3): 137. 1994. Fischer-Rasmussen W, Kjaer S, Dahl C et al., Ginger treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 38:19-24. 1990. Fulder S & Tenne M, Ginger as an anti-nausea remedy in pregnancy; the issue of safety. Herbalgram 1991; 38(Fall):47-50. Gujral S et al., (1978) Nutr Rep Int 17:183. Harvey DJ, J Chromatogr 212:75. 1981. Iwu MM (ed), Handbook of African Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1993. Hikino H, In: Economic, Medicinal Plant Research. Vol. 1. Acadamic Press UK 1985. Kasahara Y, Hikino H, (1983) Shoyakugaku Zasshi 37:73. Kavvai T et al., Anti-emtic principles of Magnolia obovata bark and Zingiber officinale rhizome. In: PM 60:17. 1994. Kikuchi F et al., (1982) Chem Pharm Bull 30. 754. Kikuzaki H, Kobayashi M, Nakatani N, Constituents of Zingiberaceae. 4. Diarylheptanoids from Rhizomes of Zingiber officinale. In: PH 30: 3947. 1991. Kikuzaki H, Kobayashi M, Nakatani N, Diarylheptanoids from rhizomes of Zingiber officinale. In: PH 30(11):3647-3651. 1991. Kikuzaki H, Tsai SM, Nakatani N, Gingerdiol related compounds from the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale. In: PH 31(5):1783-1786. 1992. Kiuchi F, Iwakami S, Shibuya M et al., Inhibition of prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis by gingerols and diarylheptanoids. Chem Pharm Bull 40(2):387-391. 1992. Macolo N, Jain R, Jain SC et al., Ethnopharmacologic investigation of ginger (Zingiber officinale). J Ethnopharmacol 27:129-40, 1989. Bone ME, Wilkinson DJ, Young JR et al.. Ginger root- a new antiemetic. The effect of ginger root on postoperative nausea and vomiting after major gynecological surgery. Anaesthesia 45:669-71. 1990. Maries RJ, Kaminski J, Arnason JT, Pazos-Sanou L, Heptinstall S, Fischer NH, Crompton CW, Kindark DG, A bioassay for inhibition of serotonin release from bovine platelets. In: JNP 55:1044-1056. 1992. Bracken J, Ginger as an antiemetic: possible side effects due to its thromboxane synthetase activity. Anaesthesia; 46:705-706. 1991. Mikawa U et al., Delayed-type allergy-controlling agents containing gingerones. In: Patent Jap. 1988. Chang CP, Chang JY, Wang FY et al.. The effect of Chinese medicinal herb Zingiberis rhizoma extract on cytokine secretion by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. J Ethnopharmacol 48:13-19. 1995. Muller JL & Ciauson KA., Pharmaceutical considerations of common herbal medicine. Am J Managed Care 1997; 3:17531770. 1997. Chen CC, Ho CT, J Agric Food Chem 36:322. 1988. Denyer CV, Jackson P, Loakes DM, Isolation of antirhinoviral sesquiterpenes from ginger (Zingiber officinale). In: JNP 57(5):658-662. 1994. Desai HG, Kalro RH & Choksi AP, Effect of ginger & garlic on DNA content of gastric aspirate. Ind J Med Res 92:139-41, 1990. Mowrey DB, Clayson DE, (1982) Lancet II, 655. Nagabhushan M, Amonkar AJ, Bhide SV, Mutagenicity of gingerol and shoagol and antimutagenicity in zingerone in Salmonella/microsme assay. In: Cancer-Lett (Shannon Irel) 36(2)221-233. 1987. Narasimhan S, Govinarajan VS, (1978) J Food Tech 13:31. Phillips S, Ruggier R & Hutchinson SE., Zingiber officinale (ginger) - an antiemetic for day case surgery. Anaesthesia 48:715-717. 1993. 342/GINGER Sailer R, Hellenbrecht D, Zingiber officinale. In: Tagl Praxis 33(3):629. 1992. Suekawa M et al.. (1984) J Pharmacobio-Dyn 7 (11):836. Sugaya A et al., (1975) Shoyakugaku Zasshi 29:160. Further information in: Chan H, But P, Pharmacology, Applications of Chinese Materia Medica, Vol 1, World Scientific Singapore 1986. Kern W. List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc.. New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schmid R, Schick T, Steffen R et al.. Comparison of seven commonly used agents for prophylaxis of seasickness. J Trav Med 1:203-206. 1994. Srivastava KC & Mustafa T. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in rheumatism and musculoskeletal disorders. Med Hypotheses 39:342-348. 1992. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Suekawa M, Ishige A, Yuasa K et al.. Pharmacological studies on ginger. I. Pharmacological actions of pungent constituents, (6)-gingerol and (6)-shogoal. J Pharm Dyn 7:836-848. 1984. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena. New York 1995. Wichd M (Hrsg.). Teedrogen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba TRADE NAMES Ginkgo Biloba (available from numerous manufacturers and as a combination product), Bioginkgo, Gincosan, Ginexin Remind, Ginkai, Ginkoba, Ginkgo Go!, Ginkgold, Ginkgo Power, Ginkgoba, Ginkgo Leaf, Quanterra Mental Sharpness, Ginko Biloba Premium Extract, Gingko Biloba Extract, Activated Ginkgo, Nuveg Ginkgo Power, Time Release Ginkgo Power, Senior Ginkgo Power, Herbal Sure Maximum Strength Gingko Biloba PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh or dried leaves, and the seeds separated from their fleshy outer layer. Flower and Fruit: The tree flowers for the first time when it is between 20 and 30 years old. The flowers are dioecious. They are in the axils of the lower leaves of the current year's short shoots. The male flowering parts are attached to short catkins. The female flowers have longer pedicles and are at the end of a leafless branch. Fertilization occurs months after pollination by spermatozoids, although usually only one ovule is fully formed. The light green or yellowish seeds, incorrectly called fruit, later become fleshy and plum-like. They have a diameter of 2.5 to 3 cm, and each contains a two-edged edible nut. Leaves, Stem and Root: Ginkgo biloba is a 30 to 40 m high dioecious tree with a girth of about 4 m. The trees can live for hundreds of years. The bark is light to dark brown with rough grooves and reticulate fissures. The leaves are fanshaped with bifurcated ribs and glabrous. They are fresh green to golden yellow in autumn. The female trees are pointed and pyramid-shaped; the male trees are broad and sparer. Characteristics: The seeds smell like butyric, capric or valeric acid when ripe. Habitat: Ginkgo is indigenous to China, Japan and Korea, and is also found in Europe and the U.S. Production: The leaves are harvested either mechanically or by hand from plantations or in the wild. The leaves are then dried and pressed into balls. A dry extract from the dried leaf of Ginkgo biloba is manufactured using acetone/water and subsequent purification steps without addition of concentrates or isolated ingredients. Other Names: Maidenhair-Tree ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids (0.5-1.8%): including monosides, biosides and triosides of quercetin, isorhamnetins, 3-0- methylmyristicins, and kaempferol, to some extent estered with p-coumaric acid Biflavonoides (0.4-1.9%): for example, amentoflavone, bilobetin, 5-methoxybilobetin, ginkgetin, isoginkgetin Proanthocyanidins (8-12%) Trilactonic diterpenes (0.06-0.23%): ginkgolide A, B, C Trilactonic sesquiterpene bilabolids (0.04-0.2%) EFFECTS Ginkgolide B is a potent inhibitor of platelet-activating factor (PAF), which is important for the induction of HERBAL MONOGRAPHS arachidonate-independent platelet aggregation. Ginkgolide B blocks the binding to PAF to its receptor resulting in an antagonistic effect (Chung, 1987). This effect will inhibit PAF-induced bconchoconstriction and airway hyperactivity, along with T-lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production. PAF induces inflammation and changes in vascular permeability (Braquet, 1989: Delia Loggia, 1993). Ginkgo biloba exerts ischemic protective and antioxidant effects through the flavonoids. This occurs through a free scavenger action and prevention of lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is involved in producing tissue and vascular damage, and neuronal loss, which may lead to dementia (Dorman, 1992; Koc, 1995; Otamiri, 1989). The herb also reduces neutrophil infiltration and increases blood flow to prevent the progression of dementia ischemia. The antioxidant and membrane-stablizing activity increases cerebral hypoxia tolerance (Koltringer, 1989; Otamiri, 1989). Other effects consist of spasmolytic properties through direct action on alpha-adrenoceptors and smooth muscle relaxing properties via the signal transduction pathway, intracellular I cAMP, antagonism of the adrenergic nervous system and hyperpolarization (Hellegouarch, 1985; Struillon, 1995). CLINICAL TRIALS Dementia A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial with a particular extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761) was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety in Alzheimer's disease and multi-infarct dementia. Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog), Geriatric Evaluation by Relative's Rating Instrument (GERRI) and Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC) were used to evaluate the response in 309 patients over a 52-week period. EGb 120 mg daily was safe and was shown to stabilize or improve cognitive performance and the social functioning of demented patients for 6 months to 1 year (Le Bars, 1998). Peripheral Occlusive Arterial Disease The clinical efficacy of Ginkgo biloba special extract (EGb 761) was demonstrated in 111 patients with peripheral occlusive arterial disease (POAD) in Fontaine stage lib and intermittent claudication. The mean pain-free walking distances were very similar at the beginning of the treatment period. After 8, 16 and 24 weeks, the EGb treatment group was significantly better than the placebo group with maximum walking distance and relative increases of the pain-free walking distance. The doppler indices remained nearly unchanged during the coarse of therapy (Peters, 1998). GINKGO/343 Equilibrium Disorders An open, controlled study consisted of 44 patients complaining of vertigo, dizziness or both, caused by vascular vestibular disorders. The patients were randomly treated with extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761) 80 mg twice daily or with betahistine dihydrochloride (BI) 16 mg twice daily for 3 months. A complete neuro-otologic and equilibrimetric examination was performed at baseline and after 3 months of treatment, including an evaluation of clinical findings. Dizziness and vertigo improved in 64.7% of patients in the BI treatment group and in 65% of those in the EGb 761 treatment group in the first month of therapy. No significant changes were observed in cranial scans for patients with a 'central' cranial pattern or with the equilibrium score. EGb 761 induced a slight decrease of saccadic delay and considerably increased saccadic velocities while BI improved saccadic accuracy but did not modify delay. EGb 761 improved smooth pursuit gain three times more than BI. Both drugs asymmetrically reduced nystagmus maximum velocity and improved the sinusoidal vestibulo-ocular reflex. BI considerably reduced, whereas EGb 761 considerably improved, visuovestibular ocular reflex (Cesarani, 1998). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • • • • Symptomatic relief of organic brain dysfunction Intermittent claudication Vertigo (vascular origin) Tinnitus (vascular origin) The Commission E approvals listed are limited to special standard extracts of Ginkgo. Unproven Uses: The drug is used for disturbed brain functions that result in dizziness and headache with emotional lability and anxiety. Ginkgo has been demonstrated to improve concentration and memory deficits as a result of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Chinese Medicine: Among traditional Chinese uses for Ginkgo biloba are asthma, tinnitus, hypertonia and angina pectoris. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathy includes tonsillitis and cephalgia among the indications for use of Ginkgo. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is contraindicated in patients knowa to be hypersensitive to Ginkgo biloba preparations. Patients with known risk factors for intracranial hemorrhage (systematic arterial hypertension, diabetes amyloid senile plaques) should avoid the use of Ginkgo biloba due to a recent case report of subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with the herb (Vale, 1998). 3 4 4 /GINKGO PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Mild gastrointestinal complaints could occur as side effects (Cohen, 1998). Also, blood pressure problems, allergic reactions and phlebitis have occasionally been documented after parenteral administration. Allergic skin reactions have been observed on extremely rare occasions. The possible hypersensitivity reactions consist of occurrence of spasms and cramps and, in cases of acute toxicity, atonia and adynamia. Fertility: Ginkgo has adverse effects on oocytes (Ondrizek, 1999): PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S parenterally: 1 to 2 ml acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). Storage: Ginkgo must be protected from light and moisture. LITERATURE American Psychiatric Association (Ed.), DSM-IV. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed. R. R. Donnelly & Sons Company 1994. Amling R. Phytotherapeutika in der Neurologic In: ZPT 12(1):9. 1991. Anonym. Ginkgo und Crataegus. In: DAZ 137(20): 1751-1753. 1997. Anonym. Phytopharmaka fur altere Menschen: Ginkgo, Kava, Hypericum und Crataegus. In: DAZ 135(5):400-402. 1995. Hematologic Effects: Spontaneous bilateral subdural hematomas, subarachnoid hemorrhage and an increase in bleeding time have been associated with chronic Ginkgo biloba ingestion (Rowin, 1996; Vale. 1998). Anonym. Psycho-Phytos: Ginkgo, Johanniskraut und Kava-Kava. In: DAZ 135(18): 1632-1634. 1995. Drug Interactions: Antithrombolytic Agents (anticoagulants, antiplatelets and aspirin) — Spontaneous bleeding has been associated with the herb due to its potent inhibitory effect on the platelet-activating factor (PAF). Case reports involving the herb associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage suggests an additional risk of intracerebral hemorrhage with the use of thrombolytic therapy (Matthews, 1998; Rowin, 1996; Vale, 1998). Bauer R, Zschocke S, Medizinische Anwendung von Ginkgo biloba Geschichtliche Entwicklung. In: ZPT 17(5):275-283. 1996. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Ginkgo is available in liquid or solid pharmaceutical forms, for oral intake and parenterally for homeopathic use. How Supplied: Capsules—30 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg, 260 mg, 400 mg, 420 mg, 440 mg, 450 mg, 500 mg Extract—50:1 Liquid—40mg/5mL Tablets—30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, 120 mg, 260 mg Daily Dosage: Ginkgo biloba extract should be standardized to contain 24% flavone and 6% terpene lactones: 40 to 80 mg three times a day (van Beek, 1998). Studies have demonstrated efficacy with 120 mg daily in 2 to 3 divided doses for dementia, peripheral arterial occlusive disease and for equilibrium disorders like tinnitus or vertigo (Cesarani, 1998; Le Bar, 1998; Peters, 1998). Chinese Medicine: In traditional Chinese medicine, the daily dose is 3 to 6 g of leaves as an infusion. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); Bach D, Behandlung der benignen Prostatahypertrophie. In: ZPT 17(4):209-218. 1996. Beske F, Kunczik T, (1991) Fruhzeitige Therapie kann Milliarden sparen. Der Kassenarzt 42:36-42. Blaha L, (1989) Differential diagnose der zerebralen Insuffizienz in der Praxis. Geriatrie und Rehabilitation 2,1:23-28. Braquet P (Ed.), Ginkgolides. Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology and Clinical Perspectives. Vol I. JR Prous Science, Barcelona 1988. Braquet P (Ed.), Ginkgolides. Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology and Clinical Perspectives. Vol II, JR Prous Science, Barcelona 1989. Briichert E, Heinrich SE, Ruf-Kohler P, (1991) Wirksamkeit von LI 1370 bei alteren Patienten mit Hirnleistungsschwache. Munch Med Wschr 133(Suppl 1):9-14. Bundesgesundheitsamt, (1991) Empfehlungen zum Wirksamkeitsnachweis von Nootropika im Indikationsbereich "Demenz" (Phase HI). Bundesgesundheitsblatt 7:342-350. Burkard G, Lehrl S, (1991) Verhaltnis von Demenzen vom Multiinfarkt- und vom Alzheimertyp in arztlichen Praxen. Munch Med Wschr 133(Supp. l):38-43. Caesar W, Alles uber Ginkgo. In: DAZ 134(44):4363. 1994. Cesarani A, Meloni F, Alpini D et al., Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761) in the treatment of equilibrium disorders. Adv Ther 1998 Sep-Oct;15(5):291-304. Chung KF, Dent G, McCusker M et al., Effect of a ginkgolide mixture (BN 52063) in antagonising skin and platelet responses to platelet activating factor in man. Lancet 1987 Jan 31;1(8527):248-51. Cohen AJ & Bartlick B: Ginkgo biloba for antidepressentinduced sexual dysfunction. J Sex Marital Ther 1998; 24:139143. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Delia Loggia R, Sosa S, Tubaro A, Bombardelli E, Antiinflammatory activity of Ginkgo biloba flavonoids. In: PM 59 (1992), A588. Deutsches Institut fiir medizinische Dokumentation und Information (Hrsg.), ICD-10. Internationale und statistische ^••Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme. 10. Revision. Bd 1. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munchen Wien Baltimore 1994. Dfeudis FV, Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761): Pharmacological activities and clinical applications. In: Elsevier Editions Scientifiques Paris. 1991. Dingermann T, Phytopharmaka im Alter: Crataegus, Ginkgo, Hypericum und Kava- Kava. In: PZ 140(23):2017-2024. 1995. Dorman D, Cote L, Buck W, Effects of an extract of Gingko biloba on bromethalin-induced cerebral lipid peroxidation and edema in rats. Am J Vet Res 1992 Jan;53(l): 138-42. Dom M. Braunig B, Gross HD, Ginkgo-Dragees bei zerebraler Leistungsschwache. In: ZPT 12(6): 180. 1991. Ermini-Funfschilling D, (1992) Moglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Gedachtnistrainings mit Patienten bei beginnender Demenz. Z Moderne Geriatrie 12:459-456. Gravel E, (1989) Vergleich zweier Personengruppen beziiglich jfcder Auswirkungen des mentalen Trainings ("Gehirn-Jogging") auf die Selbsteinschiitzung der Leistungsfiihigkeit in Abhangigkeit von der Trainingszeit (Tageszeit der Trainingsdurchfuhrung). Geriatrie & Rehabilitation 2,1:44-46. Hartmann A, Schulz V (Hrsg.), (1991) Ginkgo biloba, Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 1990/91. Munch Med Wschr 133:1-64. Hellegouarch A, Baranes J, Clostre F et al.. Comparison of the contractile effects of an extract of Ginkgo biloba and some neurotransmitters on rabbit isolated vena cava. Gen Pharmacol 1985; 16:129-132. Hopfenmuller W, (1994) Nachweis der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit eines Ginkgo biloba-Spezialextraktes. Metaanalyse von 11 klinischen Studien bei Patienten mit Hirnleistungsstorungen im Alter Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res 44:1005-1013. Israel L, Dell'Accio E, Martin G, Hugonot R, (1987) Extrait de Ginkgo biloba et exercices d'entra nement de la memoire. Evaluation comparative chez personnes (gees ambulatoiRes Psychologie Medicinale 19(8):1431-1439. Joyeux M et al., Comparative antilipoperoxidant, antinecrotic i y a n d scavenging properties of terpenes and biflavones from Ginkgo and some flavonoids. In: PM 61(2): 126-129. 1995. Kanowski S, (1991) Klinischer Wirksamkeitsnachweis bei Nootropika. Munch Med Wschr 133:5-8. Kanowski S, Herrmann WM, Stephan K, Wierich W, Horr R, (1995) Proof of efficacy of the Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 in outpatients suffering from primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type and multi-infarct dementia. Pharmacopsychiatry 4:149-158. GINKGO / 3 4 5 Kleijnen J, Knipschild P, (1992a) Ginkgo biloba for cerebral insufficiency. Br J Clin Pharmac 35:352-358. Kleijnen J, Knipschild P, (1992b) Ginkgo biloba. Lancet, 11361139. Koalik F et al., (1992) Kombinierte Anwendung von nootroper Therapie und kognitivem Training bei chronischen organischen Psychosyndromen. Neuropsychiatrie 6:47-52. Koc R, Akdemir H, Kurtsoy A et al., Lipid peroxidation in experimental spinal cord injury. Comparison of treatment with Ginkgo biloba, TRH and mehtylprednisolone. Res Exp Med (Berl) 1995;195(2): 117-23. Koltringer P, F.ber O, Lind P et al., Mikrozirkulation und Viskoelastizitaet des Vollblutes unter Ginkgo-biloba extrakt. Eine plazebokonntrollierte, randomisierte Douppelblind-Studie. Perfusion 1989: 1:28-30. Krieglstein J, Neuroprotective properties of Ginkgo bilobaconstituents. In: ZPT 15(2):92-96. 1994. Kurz A, Ginkgo biloba bei Demenzerkrankungen. In: Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg.), Phytopharmaka. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt 1995, S 145-149. Le Bars PL, Katz MM, Berman N et al., A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial of an extract of Ginkgo biloba for dementia. North American EGb Study Group. JAMA 1997 Oct 22-29;278(16): 1327-32. Matthews MK, Association of Ginkgo biloba with intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurology 1998;50:1933-4. Nieder M, (1991) Pharmakokinetik der Ginkgo-Flavonole im Plasma. Munch Med Wschr 133:61-62. Oberpichler-Schwenk H, Krieglstein J, (1992) Pharmakologische Wirkungen von Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakt und -Inhaltsstoffen. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 21:224-235. Ondrizek RR, Chan PJ, Patton WC, King A. An alternative medicine study of herbal effects on the penetration of zona-free hamster occytes and the integrity of sperm deoxyribonucleic acid. Fertil Steril 1999 Mar;71(3):517-22. Otamiri T, Tagesson C: Ginkgo biloba extract prevents mucosa damage associated with small-intestinal ischaemia. Scand J Gastroenterol 1989; 24:666-670. Peters H, Kieser M, Holscher U. Demonstration of the efficacy of Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 on intermittent claudication—a placebo-controlled, double-blind multicenter trial. Vasa 1998 May;27(2):106-10. Pfister-Hotz G, Phytotherapie in der Geriatrie. In: ZPT 18(3): 165-162. 1997. Riederer P, Laux G, Poldinger W (Hrsg.), Neuropsychopharmaka. Band 5: Parkinsonmittel und Nootropika. Springer Verlag, Wien Noew York 1992, S. 161-324. Rosenblatt M, Mindel J, Spontaneous bilateral hyphema associated with ingestion of Ginkgo biloba extract. N Engl J Med. 1997 Apr 10; 336(15): 1108. 3 4 6 /GINKGO Rowen J, Lewis S, Spontaneous bilateral subdural hematomas associated with chronic Ginkgo biloba ingestion. Neurology 1996 Jun;46(6): 1775-6. Rupalla K, Oberpichler-Schwenk H, Krieglstein J, Neuroprotektive Wirkungen des Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakts und seiner Inhaltsstofe. In: Loew D, Rietbrock N (Hrsg.) Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag. Darmstadt 1995, S 17-27. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S F U R T H E R I N F O R M A T I O N IN: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Schilcher H, Ginkgo biloba L. In: ZPT 9:119. 1998. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Schmid M. Schmoll H (Hrsg.), Ginkgo. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart 1994. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Schmid B, In: Schmid, Schmoll gen. Eisenwert: Ginkgo, UrBaum und Arzneipflanze, Mythos, Dichtung und Kunst. 1994. Tang W, Eisenbrand G. Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Schwabe U, Paffrath D (Hrsg.), Arzneiverordnungsreport '95. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart Jena 1995, S 214-224, 373374. Sowers S. Weary PE, Collins OD, Cnoley EP, Ginkgo tree dermatitis. In: Arch Dermatol 81:452-456. 1965. Spegg H, Ginkgo biloba - ein Baum aus Urzeiten, ein Phytopharmakon mit Zukunft. In: PTA 4(12):576. 1990. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Sprecher E, Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In: ZPT 9(2):40. 1988. Sticher O, (1993) Ginkgo biloba - Ein modernes pflanzliches Arzneimittel. Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich 138/3:125-168. Ginkgo biloba See Ginkgo Sticher O, Hasler A. Meier B, Ginkgo biloba - Eine Standortbestimmung. In: DAZ 131(36): 1827. 1991. Sticher O. Quality of Ginkgo preparations. In: PM 59(1):2-11. 1993. Ginseng Struillon L, Cohen Y, Vilde JL et al.. Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 is not active against Mycobacterium avium infection in C57BL/6 mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1995; 39:1013-1014. Panax ginseng Vale, S, Subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with Ginkgo biloba. Lancet 1998 Jul 4;352(9121):36. Vesper J, Hansgen KD, (1994) Efficacy of Ginkgo biloba in 90 Outpatients with Cerebral Insufficiency Caused by Old Age. Phytomedicine 1:9-16. Volz HP, Hansel R, (1994) Ginkgo biloba - Grundlagen und Anwendung in der Psychiatric Psychopharmakotherapie 1:70-76. Volz HP, Hansel R, (1994) Kava-Kava und Kavain in der Psychopharmakotherapie. Psychopharmakotherapie 1:33-39. Vorberg G, Schenk N, Schmidt U, (1989) Wirksamkeit eines neuen Ginkgo-biloba- Extraktes bei 100 Patienten mit zerebraler Insuffizien. Z Herz & plus; GefafJe 9:396-401. Wichtl M, Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In: DAZ 132(30): 1576. 1992. Woerdenberg HJ, Van Beek TA, Ginkgo biloba. In: DeSmet PAGM, Keller K, Hansel R, Chandler RF ed., Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1997; 3:5166. TRADE NAMES Ginseng (available from numerous manufacturers), Ginsana, Gin Zip, Chinese Red Panax Ginseng, Manchurian Ginseng, Premium Blend Korean Ginseng, Ginseng Complex, Korean Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Korean Ginseng Extract, Korean White Ginseng, The Ginseng Solution, Herbal Sure Korean Ginseng, American Ginseng Root, Korean Ginseng Root, Standardized Siberian Ginseng Root, Natural Ginseng, Ginseng Up, Herbal Sure Chinese Red Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng Power Herb, Time Release Korean Ginseng Power, American Ginseng, Chinese Red Panax, Concentrated Ginseng Extract, Eleuthero Ginseng Root, Siberian Ginseng Root, Korean White Ginseng Root, Centrum Ginseng, GinAction, Ginsai, Ginseng Concentrate, Ginseng Manchurian, Ginseng Natural, Ginseng Power Max 004X G-Sana, Lynae Ginse-Cool, Power Herb Korean Ginseng DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried root. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is simple or branched with 1 to 3 umbels of 15 to 30 flowers. The flowers are H E R B A L MONOGRAPH S "androgynous and have greenish-yellow corollas. The ovary is inferior. The fruit is a pea-sized, globular to reniform, scarlet, smooth and glossy drupe, which contains 2 seeds. 3 Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial, and stands &- erect from 30 to 80 cm high. It has a smooth, round stem and bears terminal whorls of 3 to 5 palmate leaves. The leaflets are thin, finely serrate, gradually acuminate, 7 to 20 cm long and 2 to 5 cm wide. The rhizome tapers at the ends and is often palmate at the tip, giving it a human-like form. Habitat: Panax ginseng is indigenous to China. It is cultivated in China, Korea, Japan and Russia. Production: Ginseng root consists of the dried main and lateral root and root hairs of Panax ginseng. Other Names: Five-fingers, Red berry, American Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, Oriental Ginseng ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Triterpene saponins Aglycone (20S)-protopanaxadiol: including ginsenoside Ral, Ra2, Ra3, Rbl, Rb2, Rb3, notoginsenoside R4, Rsl, Rs2, ^r Rs3, Rs4, malonylginsenoside Rbl, Re, Rd Aglycone (20S)-protopanaxytriol: including ginsenoside Re, Rf, Rgl, notoginsenoside Rl Aglycone oleanolic acid: including ginsenoside Ro, chikusetsusasaponin-V Rbl, Rb2, Re, Rd, Re, Rgl Water-soluble polysaccharides: panaxane A to U Polyynes: including falcarinol (panaxynol), falcarintriol (panaxytriol), examples estered with acetic acid or linolenic acid EFFECTS The main active component in Ginseng consists of the ginsenosides, a diverse group of steroidal saponins. There are twenty-five ginsenosides that have been separated and detected based on the sugar unit sequences and aglycone moieties (Attele, 1999; Fuzzati, 1999; Wang, 1999). The ginsenosides demonstrate the ability to target a myriad of tissues, producing a variety of pharmaceuticalr responses gL quite different from one another. A single ginsenoside may initiate multiple or opposing actions in the same tissue, thus making the overall phamacology of ginseng complex (Attele, 1999). Cognitive Function Effects The loss of nicotinic receptor binding has been associated with age-related cognitive impairments. Nicotinic receptor stimulation of the central nervous system is beneficial for neuroprotection against age associated cognitive disorders. A GINSENG / 3 4 7 non-ginsenoside component of the herb has demonstrated affinity for the nicotinic receptor. This binding of the compound to the receptor results in nicotinic activity (Lewis, 1999). Ginsenoside-Rg2 and -Rg3 block nicotinic acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. This results in an inhibitory effect of the acetylcholine-evoked secretion of catecholamines. (Tachikawa, 1999). These different effects of Panax gingseng contribute to the variety of pharmacological effects. Antineoplastic Effects A protopanaxadiol component of Ginseng was shown to inhibit proliferation of pulmonary adenocarcinoma cells resistant to cisplatin (Lee, 1999). Ginsenoside-Rs4 and -Rs3 elevates protein levels of p53 and p21WAFl, which are associated with the induction of apoptosis in human hepatoma cells (Kim, 1999). Ginsenoside Rh2 induces apoptotic cell death in the glioma cell line through activation of caspase and production of oxygen species (Kim, 1999). Antioxidant Effects The antioxidant effects of Ginseng protect against oxidative DNA and protein (globin) damage caused by free radicals (Lee, 1998). Antioxidant activity of the herb also provides a hepatoprotective effect by increasing hepatic gluathione peroxidase activity (Voces, 1999). Antioxidant intervention by Ginseng is exerted by weak radical scavenging activity and stimulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in cardiac tissue (Maffei, 1999). Antiplatelet Effects The antiplatelet components consist of panaxynol and ginsenosides Ro, Rgl, and Rg2 in the diethyl ether and 1butanol fractions of the herb. Panaxynol inhibits the aggregation, release reaction, and thromboxane formation in platelets while ginsenosides Ro, Rgl, and Rg2 suppress the release reaction only (Kuo, 1990; Teng, 1989). Antiviral Effects Ginseng induces production of interferon, enhances natural killer cell and antibody dependent cytotoxic activities, and stimulates cell mediated immunity (Singh, 1983; Singh, 1984). Decrease in Alcohol Levels The effect of ginseng in the reduction of blood ethanol levels may be attributed to different mechanisms. Ginseng increases alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase activity at high concentrations due to an augmented induction of the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system. Ginseng enhances blood alcohol clearance in man (Lee, 1987). The 3 4 8 /GINSENG PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S ginsenosides also reduce plasma ethanol by a delay in gastric emptying time (Koo, 1999). mood, improved psychophysical performance, and reduced fasting blood glucose and weight (Sotaniemi, 1995). Hypolipidemic/Cardiac Effects Antiviral Ginseng saponins activate lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that reduces chylomicrons and very low-density lipoproteins, and results in a decrease of triglycerides and cholesterol (Inoue, 1999). The ginsenosides demonstrate negative chronotropic effects and positive and negative inotropic effects on the heart (Wu, 1988). The anti-arrhythmic properties of Rgl consist of prolonged ventricular refractoriness and repolarization, and increased ventricular fibrillation threshold (Wu, 1995). The properties of a standardized extract of ginseng root for inducing a higher immune response in vaccination against influenza were evaluated in 227 volunteers. The placebocontrolled, randomized, double-blind study was conducted over a 12-week period. Oral standardized ginseng extract 100 mg daily was given over the entire 12-week period, with anti-influenza polyvalent vaccination given to all volunteers at week 4. There were significantly fewer cases of influenza or the common cold in the ginseng-treatment group, and significantly higher antibody titers and natural killer cell levels at 8 and 12 weeks in the ginseng treatment group (Scaglione, 1996). Miscellaneous Effects Stimulation of corticotrophin secretion and increased hepatic ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein synthesis are effects of the saponin glycosides in Ginseng. Panax ginseng is comprised of at least 28 different saponin glycosides, which contain nuclei resembling those of steroids (Punnonen, 1980). The ginsenosides also stimulate insulin release and increase insulin receptors to exert a hypoglycemic effect (Guodong, 1987). Ginseng also decreases blood sugar through glucose metabolism related to adrenergic receptors. Ginseng decreases lactic acid and stimulates other respiratory enzymes in the electron transport chain to promote aerobic oxidation (Yao, 1990). The saponins have shown enhancement of erectile capacity mediated by endotheliumderived relaxing factor and peripheral neurophysiologic enhancement (Choi, 1999; Choi, 1995). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Lack of stamina Ginseng is used internally for fatigue and debility, and for a decrease capacity for work and concentration. Unproven Uses: In Folk medicine, Ginseng is used for loss of appetite, cachexia, anxiety, impotence and sterility, neuralgia and insomnia. Chinese Medicine: In Chinese medicine, Ginseng is used for hemoptysis, gastric disturbances, and vomiting. Homeopathic Uses: Ginseng is used for rheumatism and debility. CLINICAL TRIALS Cognitive Function A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Ginseng on cognitive function over an 8-week period. There were 112 healthy volunteers over 40 years of age. The primary outcome was the change in score on each cognitive test, evaluated at baseline, and again at 8 weeks. Oral standardized ginseng 400 mg daily was significantly better compared to placebo with abstract thinking and a tendency toward faster simple reaction times. There was no difference between the groups with regard to concentration, memory, or subjective experience (Sorenson, 1996). Hypoglycemic The effect on blood glucose with Ginseng was demonstrated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study including 36 newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetic patients. Ginseng 200 mg daily improved glycated hemoglobin, serum aminoterminalpropetptide concentration and physical activity after 8 weeks of therapy. Ginseng 100 mg and 200 mg daily dose elevated PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Caution should be taken in patients with cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Hypertension resulting from Ginseng Abuse Syndrome is associated with prolonged high dose Ginseng with concomitant use of caffeine (Siegel, 1979; Siegel, 1980). General adverse effects include insomnia, epistaxis, headache, nervousness, and vomitting. Mastalgia: Mastalgia with diffuse breast nodularity has been reported with Ginseng use (Palmer, 1978). Vaginal Bleeding: Oral Ginseng and Ginseng face cream have been associated with post menopausal vaginal bleeding (Greenspan, 1983; Hopkins, 1988). Pregnancy/Lactation: Maternal use of Ginseng has been associated with neonatal androgenization, thus it is not recommended for use during pregnancy or lactation (Awang, 1991). Drug Interactions: Diabetic Agents/Insulin — Caution should be taken when taking an antidiabetic agent or insulin to lower blood glucose HERBAL MONOGRAPHS GINSENG/349 because Ginseng has been shown to have hypoglycemic effects (See EFFECTS and CLINICAL TRIALS). Erectile Dysfunction — Korean Red Ginseng given orally as 600 mg three times daily has been effective (Choi, 1995). Warfarin/NSAIDS/Antiplatelet Agents — A case report of a 47-year old male with a mechanical valve in the aortic position taking warfarin had a decrease in the INR 2 weeks after initiating Ginseng therapy. The INR returned to normal 2 weeks after discontinuation of warfarin (Awang, 1991). Due to the antiplatelet effect of Ginseng, avoid concomitant use with antiplatelet agents or NSAIDS. Physical and Psychological Performance Capacity (lack of stamina) — Ginsana given 100 mg twice daily has improved . oxygen capacity, reduction of maximum stress frequency, increase in ling function parameters and shortened reaction time to visual stimulants after 11 weeks (Forgo, 1985). Phenelzine (MAOI) — Headache, tremors, and mania have been reported with concomitant use of phenelzine and Ginseng (Jones, 1987). Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 5 to 10 globules or 1 mL injection solution sc twice weekly. LITERATURE Anonym, Kann Ginseng die Leistungsfahigkeit erhohen? In: DAZ 132(12):XLVMI. 1992. Loop Diuretics — Germanium, present in most Ginseng products, was reported to cause loop diuretic resistance in a 63 year old male with glomerulonephritis. Germainium causes nephrotoxicity in the nephron segment where loop diuretics work (Becker, 1996). Attele AS; Wu JA; Yuan CS. Ginseng pharmacology: multiple constituents and multiple actions. Biochem Pharmacol 1999 Dec 1:58(11): 1685-93. OVERDOSAGE Avakian EV et al., (1984) Planta Med 50:151. Anonym, Mythos-Tonikum-Arzneimittel. Ginsengextrakt bei Atemwegserkrankungen. In: DAZ 134(26):2461. 1994. Massive overdosages can bring about Ginseng Abuse Syndrome, which is characterized by hypertension, insomnia, hypertonia and edema. Awang DV. Maternal use of ginseng and neonatal androgenization. JAMA 1991 Jul 17;266(3):363. ' DOSAGE Bauer R, Neues von "immunmodulierenden Drogen" und "Drogen mit antiallergischer und antiinflammatorischer Wirkung". In: ZPT 14(l):23-24. 1993. Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug infusions, powder and galenic preparations for internal use. Various standardized preparations containing Ginseng root are available. How Supplied: Capsules — lOOmg, 150mg. 200mg, 250mg, 404mg, 405mg, 410mg, 424mg, 470mg, 500mg, 505mg, 535mg, 560mg, lOOOmg, 1250mg Liquid — 300mg/ml Tablet — 350mg, 500mg Baldwin CA et al., (1986) Pharm J 237:583. Becker BN; Greene J; Evanson J et al. Ginseng-induced diuretic resistance. JAMA 1996 Aug 28;276(8):606-7. Blasius H, Phytotherapie: Adaptogene Wirkung von Ginseng. In: DAZ 135(23):2136-2138. 1995. Caesar W, Ginsengwurzel in Europa. Eine alte Geschichte. In: DAZ 131(19):935. 1991. Choi H, Seong D, Rha K. Clinical efficacy of Korean red ginseng for erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res 1995 Sep;7(3): 181-6. Preparation: To make an infusion, pour boiling water over 3 gm comminuted drug and strain after 5 to 10 minutes. Choi Y, Rha K, Choi H. In vitro and in vivo experimental effect of Korean red ginseng on erection. J urol 1999 Oct; 162(4): 1508-11. Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage is 1 to 2 gm root. The infusion may be taken 3 to 4 times a day over 3 to 4 weeks. Forgo I, Schimert G. Zur Frage der Wirkungsdauer des standardisierten Ginseng-Extraktes G 115 bei gesunden Leistungssportiern. Notabene medici 1985 9:636-649. Cognitive Function — Oral standardized Ginseng 400 mg daily was effective in improving cognitive function (Sorenson, 1996). Fulder SJ, (1981) Am J Chin Med 9:112. Hypoglycemic Effects — Dosage of 100-200 mg of oral standardized Ginseng has been effective in Type 2 diabetic patients (Sotaniemi, 1995). Antiviral — Studies have proven efficacy in addition vaccination with 100-200 mg daily of oral standardized Ginseng extract (Scaglione, 1996). Fuzzati N; Gabetta B; Jayakar K et al. Liquid chromatographyelectrospray mass spectrometric identification of ginsenosides in Panax ginseng roots. J Chromatogr A 1999 Aug 27;854(l-2):6979. Greenspan EM. Ginseng and vaginal bleeding. JAMA 1983 Apr 15;249(15):2018. Guodong L, Zhongqui L. Effects of ginseng saponins on insulin release from isolated pancreatic islets of rats. Chin J Integr Trad Western Med 1987;7:326. 3 5 0 /GINSENG Hansen L, Boll PM, (1986) Phytochemistry 25(2):285. Hirakura K, Morita M, Nakajima K, Ikeya Y, Mitsuhashi H, Polyacetylenes from them roots of Panax ginseng. In: PH 30:3327-3333. 1991. Hopkins M, Androff L, Benninghoff A. Ginseng face cream and unexplained vaginal bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988,159:1121-1122. Hyo-Won B, Il-Heok K, Sa-Sek H, Byung-Hun H, Mun-Hae H. Ze-Hun K, Nak-Du K, (1987) Roter Ginseng. Schriftenreihe des Staatlichen Ginseng-Monopolamtes der Republik Korea. Inoue M; Wu CZ; Dou DQ et al. Lipoprotein lipase activation by red ginseng saponins in hyperlipidemia model animals. Phytomedicine 1999 Oct;6(4):257-65. Jones BD; Runikis AM. Interaction of ginseng with phenelzine. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1987 Jun;7(3):201-2. Kim HE, Oh JH, Lee SK, Oh YJ. Ginsenoside RH-2 induces apoptotic cell death in rat C6 glioma via a reactive oxygen and caspase dependent but Bcl-X(L)-independent pathway. Life Sci 1999;65(3):PL33-40. Kim SE; Lee YH; Park JH; Lee SK. Ginsenoside-Rs3, a new diol-type ginseng saponin, selectively elevates protein levels of p53 and p21WAFl leading to induction of apoptosis in SKHEP-1 cells. Anticancer Res 1999 Jan-Feb;19(lA):487-91. Kim SE; Lee YH; Park JH; Lee SK. Ginsenoside-Rs4, a new type of ginseng saponin concurrently induces apoptosis and selectively elevates protein levels of p53 and p21WAFl in human hepatoma SK-HEP-l cells. Eur J Cancer 1999 Mar;35(3):507-ll. Kitigawa I, (1983) Yaligali Zasshi 103:612. Konno C et al., (1984) Planta Med 50(5):434. Koo MW. Effects of ginseng on ethanol induced sedation in mice. Life Sci 1999;64(2): 153-60. Kuo SC; Teng CM; Lee JC et al. Antiplatelet components in Panax ginseng. Planta Med 1990 Apr;56(2): 164-7. Lee FC; Ko JH; Park JK; Lee JS. Effects of Panax ginseng on blood alcohol clearance in man. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 1987 Jun;14(6):543-6. Lee BM, Lee SK, Kim HS. Inhibition of oxidative DNA damage, 8-OhdG, and carbonyl contents in smokers treated with antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene and red ginseng). Cancer Lett 1998 Oct 23; 132(l-2):219-27. Lee SJ; Sung JH; Lee SJ et al. Antitumor activity of a novel ginseng saponin metabolite in human pulmonary adenocarcinoma cells resistant to cisplatin. Cancer Lett 1999 Sep 20;144(l):39-43. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Obermeier A, (1980) Zur Analytik der Ginseng- und Eteutherococcusdroge. Dissertation Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversitat Miinchen. Palmer BV, Montgomery ACV, Monteiro JC. Ginseng und mastalgia. BMJ 1978; 1:1284. Petkov VD et al., Memory effect of standardized extracts of Panax ginseng(G 115), Ginkgo biloba(GK 501) and their combination Gincosan (PHL-00701). In: PM 59(2).106. 1993. Pfister-Hotz G, Phytotherapie in der Geriatric In: ZPT 18(3): 162-165. 1997. Ploss E, (1988) Panax Ginseng C. A. Meyer. Wissenschaftlicher Bericht. Kooperation Phytopharmaka, Koln Bonn Frankfurt Bad Homburg. Punnonen R; Lukola A. Oestrogen-like effect of ginseng. Br Med J 1980 Oct 25;281(6248): 1110. Ro JY; Ahn YS; Kim KH. Inhibitory effect of ginsenoside on the mediator release in the guinea pig lung mast cells activated by specific antigen-antibody reactions. Int J Immunopharmacol 1998 Nov;20(ll):625-41. Scaglione F; Cattaneo G; Alessandria M et al. Efficacy and safety of the standardised Ginseng extract G115 for potentiating vaccination against the influenza syndrome and protection against the common cold. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1996;22(2):6572. Sieg! RK, (1979) Ginseng abuse syndrome - problems with the panacea. J Amer Assoc 241:1614-1615. Siegl RK, (1980) Ginseng and the high blood pressure. J Am Med Assoc 243:32. Singh VK, George CX, Singh N, et al. Combined treatment of mice with Panax ginseng extract and interferon inducer. Amplification of host resistance to Semliki forest virus. Planta Med. 1983 Apr;47(4):234-6. Singh VK, Agarwal SS, Gupta BM. Immunomodulatory activity of Panax ginseng extract. Planta Med 1984 Dec;50(6):462-5. Sonnenborn U, Proppert Y, (1990) Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). Z Phytotherapie 11:35-49. Sorensen H, Sonne J. A double-masked study of the effects of ginseng on cognitive functions. Curr Ther Res 1996;57:959-68. Sotaniemi E, Haapakoski E, Rautio A. Ginseng therapy in noninsulin-dependent diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 1995 Oct; 18(10): 1373-5. Sprecher E, Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In: ZPT 9(2):40. 1988. Lewis R; Wake G; Court G et al. Non-ginsenoside nicotinic activity in ginseng species. Phytother Res 1999 Feb;13(l):59-64. Sprecher E, Phytotherapeutika als Wunderdrogen? Versuch einer Bewertung. In: ZPT 10(1):1. 1989. Maffei F, Carini M, Aldini G, et al. Panax ginseng administration in the rat prevents myocardial ischemiareperfusion damage induced by hyperbaric oxygen: evidence for an antioxidant intervention. Planta Med 1999 Oct;65(7):614-9. Tachikawa E; Kudo K; Harada K et al. Effects of ginseng saponins on responses induced by various receptor stimuli. Eur J Pharmacol 1999 Mar 12;369(l):23-32. Matsuda H et al., (1986) Chem Pharm Bull 34(3): 1153. Takahashi M, Yoshikura M, (1966) Yakugaku Zasshi 86:1051 and 1053. HERBAL MONOGRAPH S Teng CM: Kuo SC; Ko FN et al. Antiplatelet actions of panaxynol and ginsenosides isolated from ginseng. Biochim Biophys Acta 1989 Mar 24;990(3):315-20. Voces J, Alvarez A, Vila L, et al. Effects of administration of the standardized Panax ginseng extract Gl 15 on hepatic antioxidant function after exhaustive exercise. Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol 1999 Jun; 123(2): 17584. Wang B. Yang M. Jin Y, Liu P. Studies on the mechanism of ginseng polypeptide induced hypoglycemia. Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1990:25(10):727-31. Wang X: Sakuma T: Asafu-Adjaye E. Determination of ginsenosides in plant extracts from Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius L. by LC/MS/MS. Anal Chem 1999 Apr 15:71(8): 1579-84. Wichtl M. Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In: DAZ 132(30): 1576. 1992. Wu JX: Chen JX. Negative chronotropic and inotropic effects of Panax notoginseng saponins. Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao 1988 Sep:9(5):409-12. Wu W: Zhang XM: Liu PM et al. Effects of Panax notoginseng saponin Rgl on cardiac electrophysiological properties and ventricular Fibrillation threshold in dogs. Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao 1995 Sep;I6(5):459-63. Youn YS. (1987) Analytisch vergleichende Untersuchungen von Ginsengwurzeln verschiedener Provenienzen. Dissertation Freie Universitiit Berlin. Further information in: Chan. EH et al.. (Eds) Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Frohne D. Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur potheker. Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R. Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen). Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. GLOBE FLOWER / 3 5 1 Glechoma hederacea See Ground Ivy Globe Flower Trollius europaeus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the whole fresh plant. Flower and Fruit: Every branch of the stem bears a solitary, terminal flower. They are up to 5 cm in diameter, globular and have no calyx. The flowers usually have 10 perianth segments. The petals are lemon yellow. The outer petals are occasionally green underneath. They are bent. The stamens are approximately 12 mm long and have a 0.5 to 5 mm long appendage. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 10 to 70 cm high and glabrous. The stem is hollow, smooth and branched upward. The basal leaves are long-petioled and 3 to 5 lobed. The lobes are cuneate and more or less deeply indented and serrate. The cauline leaves are smaller and more or less sessile. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to northern and central Europe. Production: Globe flowers are the flowers of Trollius europaeus. Other Names: Globe Ranunculus, Globe Crowfoot, Globe Trollius ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Ranunculin: protoanemonine-forming substance in the freshly harvested plant that changes enzymatically when the plant is cut into small pieces. The pungent, volatile protoanemonine quickly dimerizes to the non-mucous membrane irritating anemonine. When dried, the plant is not capable of protoanemonine formation. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Flavonoids Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Carotinoids: including neoxanuhine (trollixanthine), xanthophyll epoxide Tang W, Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Ascorbic acid (vitamin Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. C) EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Formerly, the plant was used to treat scurvy. It loses most of its active properties on drying. 352/GLOBE FLOWER PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Extended skin contact with the freshly harvested, bruised plant can lead to blisters and cauterizations due to the resulting protoanemonine formation, which is severely irritating to skin and mucous membranes. If taken internally, severe irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, combined with colic and diarrhea, as well as irritation of the urinary drainage passages, are possible. Because of the very low level of protoanemonine-forming substances in the plant, the danger of poisoning is quite low. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is obsolete. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl.. Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Glycine soja See Soybean Glycyrrhiza glabra See Licorice Gnaphalium uliginosum See Cudweed Goa Powder Andira araroba DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried and pulverized latex of the trunk and branches. Flower and Fruit: Andira araroba is a large smooth tree whose yellowish wood has vertically running channels and spaces. The latex collects increasingly in these spaces as the tree ages. The bark forms in long flat pieces about 3 mm thick and is grayish-white and fissured externally. The inner PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S surface is brownish and striated. The fracture is laminated with yellow fibers. Characteristics: The taste is mucilaginous and bitter, and the odor is slight but disagreeable. Habitat: The tree grows in Brazil. Production: Goa powder is exuded from the nuclear cavity of Andira araroba. The exuded substance is purified by recrystalization in benzol, thus producing raw chrysarobin. Other Names: Araroba, Bahia Powder, Brazil Powder, Chrysatobine, Crude Chrysarobin, Ringworm Powder ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Anthrone derivatives: in particular chrysophanolanthrone, dehydroemodine anthrone monomethyl ether, emodine anthrone monomethyl ether, dimerics of these compounds EFFECTS The powder is a strong reducing agent. It causes severe erythema upon contact with the skin. It inhibits glucose-6phosphate-dehydrogenization in psoriatic skin conditions. The drug easily absorbs through the skin. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Goa Powder is used for psoriasis in chrysarobin ointments and for various kinds of dermatomycosis. It has been widely replaced by synthetic anthranol, which is also used in the treatment of psoriasis. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is severely irritating to skin and mucous membranes (redness, swelling, pustules and conjunctivitis, even without eye contact). Internal administration leads to vomiting, diarrhea and kidney inflammation (with as little as 0.01 g). External administration on large skin areas could cause resorptive poisonings. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Goa Powder is administered topically in emulsion form, but has largely been replaced by the synthetic anthranol cignolin. LITERATURE Anonym, Abwehr von Arzneimittelrisiken, Stufe II. In: DAZ 136(38):3253-2354. 1996. BGA, Arzneimittelrisiken: Anthranoide. In: DAZ 132(21): 1164. 1992. Miiller K, Wiegrebe W, Psoriasis und Antipsoriatika. In: DAZ 137(22): 1893-1902. 1997. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Thomson RH, Naturally Occurring Quinones, 2nd Ed., Academic Press New York 1971. Goat's Rue Galega officinalis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves collected at the beginning of the flowering season and dried, as well as the tips of the flowering branches. Flower and Fruit: The plant's long-peduncled, axillary racemes are made up of numerous 1 cm long, slightly inclined florets. The petals are bluish-white and short stemmed. The filaments are fused. The fruit is a round, indented pod that grows 2 to 3 cm long and 2 to 3 mm thick, and contains many seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The strong, bright green shrub has numerous 40 cm to 1 m high, erect, branched, hollow stems. It has a divided rhizome with brown fibers sprouting numerous erect, corrugated, round, tall stems. The leaves are odd-pinnate; the leaflets are 1.5 to 4 cm long and 4 to 16 mm wide, elliptical to lanceolate and thorny-tipped with a rich green upper surface and a lighter undersurface. Characteristics: The plant is odorless unless bruised, whereupon it emits a disagreeable smell, which probably gave rise to the common name Goat's Rue. Habitat: Goat's Rue grows wild throughout Europe and Asia. Production: Goat's Rue herb consists of the dried, aboveground parts of Galega officinalis, harvested during the flowering season. Other Names: Italian Fitch, French Lilac ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Guanidine derivatives: galegine, 4-hydroxygalegine Quinazoline alkaloids: (+)-peganine Lectins Flavonoids: including galuteolin EFFECTS The herb contains galegin, which affects blood sugar. In vitro, an inhibiting effect on the glucose transport of human epithelium cells has been demonstrated. The reported blood sugar-lowering effect of Goat's Rue herb on humans has not GOATS RUE/ 353 been documented, nor have die reported aggregation-inhibiting, lactagogic and diuretic effects. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of Goat's Rue herb are used as a diuretic, and also as supportive therapy for diabetes. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages have not been recorded. Poisonings have only been observed in animals, and then only following the intake of large quantities of the plant. Sheep reportedly experienced salivation, spasms, paralyses and death through asphyxiation following ingestion of inordinate amounts. Drug Interactions: A possible interaction exists with hypoglycemic medication. Goat's Rue should not be used by diabetics currently maintained with commercial pharmaceutical hypoglycemics. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy for the claimed uses is not documented, therapeutic application cannot be recommended. Goat's Rue cannot be recommended for diabetes mellitus because of the severity of the disease and the availability of effective therapeutic alternatives. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over 2 gm of ground drug and strain after 5 to 10 minutes. Liquid Extract — Drug 1:1 Tincture — 1:10 45% ethanol LITERATURE Barthel A, Reuter G, PA 23:26. 1968. Reuter G, Flora 154:136. 1964. Schreiber K, Pufahl K, Brauninger H, Liebigs Ann Chem 671:142. 1964. Further information in: Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Kem W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl.. Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. HMSO, UK 1984. 3 5 4 / G O A T ' S RUE Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E. Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl.. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. PDR FOR H E R B A L M E D I C I N E S EFFECTS The active agents are seneciionin (aurein), other alkaloids, and resins. The drug has menstruation stimulant, diuretic, and astringent properties, although the mode of action has not been documented. The ^pyrrolizidine alkaloids are hepatotoxic and carcinogenic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Golden Ragwort Senecio aureus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh plant harvested during the flowering season and the dried herb. Flower and Fruit: The few capitula are in a loose, manyblossomed corymb that is up to 2.5 cm wide. They are surrounded by a double involucre and consist of 8 to 12 yellow lingual, female florets. There are also numerous androgynous, tubular ray florets, which are somewhat darker. Leaves, Stem and Root: The perennial plant grows up to 60 cm tall. The rhizome is 2 to 5 cm thick, has numerous thread-like roots, and produces an erect or ascending stem. The root bark is hard and blackish. It surrounds a ring of whitish, woody bundles and a large, dark, central pith. The stem is fluffy-haired when young, later glabrous, and bears alternate leaves. The basal leaves grow up to 15 cm long. They are long-petioled, simple, round, and reniform with a cordate base. The cauline leaves are shorter, incised and pinnatifid, becoming bracts. Characteristics: The herb has a bitter and astringent taste. The smell is slightly acrid. Unproven Uses: Life Root is used for loss of blood (bleeding) and menopausal symptoms. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Life Root should not be taken internally. Hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity are possible due to the pyrrolizidine alkaloids and 1,2-unsaturated necic parent substances. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Internal use of Life Root is not recommended. Daily Dosage: The traditional average daily dose of the drug as a liquid extract is 4 g taken 3 to 4 times daily. (See Precautions and Adverse Reactions.) LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Nachmann RJ, PH 22:780-782. 1983. Resch JF et al., PM 47:255. 1983. Roder E et al., (1983) Planta Med 49:57. Roder E, DAZ 132:2427. 1992. Zalkow LH et al., (1979) J Chem Soc Perkin Trans. 1:1542. Golden Shower Tree Habitat: The plant is indigenous to North America. Cassia fistula Other Names: Squaw Weed, Golden Senecio, Golden Groundsel, Ragwort, Coughweed, Cocash Weed, Grundy Swallow, Life Root Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the bark, fruit and seeds. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: chief alkaloids are floridanine, florosenine, otosenine Sesquiterpenes of the eremophilane-type: including among others, ligularenolide, tetrahydroligularenolide, dehydrofukinone, trans-9-oxofuranoeremophilane Flavonoids: including among others, kaempferol-3-O-glucosyl acetate, quercetin-3-O-glucosyl acetate DESCRIPTION Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in loose, hanging, 30 to 50 cm long racemes. There are 5 pale yellow, ovate petals. The diameter of the corolla is approximately 3.8 cm. The calyx is deeply divided and 5-toothed. There are 10 stamens. The fruit is a legume, 30 to 60 cm long, hanging and indehiscent. Leaves, Stem and Root: Cassia fistula is a tree, that grows up to 9 m high. The leaves are 20 to 40 cm long, 4- to 8-paired pinnate. The leaf spindle is hairy and the leaflet is petiolate, ovate to oval, acuminate, 5 to 12 cm long, 4 to 9 cm wide HERBAL MONOGRAPHS and silvery haired underneath. The young bark is smooth and greenish-gray. Older bark is dark brown and rough. Habitat: India, Africa and South America Production: Cassia pods are the dried ripe fruit of Cassia fistula. Not to be Confused With: Very occasionally the tree has been confused with South American Cassia species. Other Names: Canafistula. Indian Laburnum, Pudding Pipe Tree, Purging Cassia ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Anthracene derivatives (1% in the mesocarp): sennosides, fistulinic acid Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides (50%): particularly saccharose Fruit acids: citric acid Steroids: sterols (in the seeds), including beta-sitosterol Fatty oil (in the seeds) EFFECTS The anthracene derivatives have a laxative effect. Preparations from the fruit have demonstrated antimicrobial and antiviral effects in vitro. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Indian Medicine: Golden Shower Tree is used for flatulence, constipation, fever, anorexia, gout, jaundice, itching and skin conditions. Efficacy for constipation is plausible because of the anthranoid content; the other indications have not been proven. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is contraindicated with ileum, acute-inflammatory diseases of the intestine and appendicitis. It is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age and for women during pregnancy or while nursing. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The question of the increase in probability of the appearance of carcinomas in the colon following long-term administration of Anthracene drugs has not yet been fully clarified. Recent studies, however, have revealed no connection between the administration of Anthracene drugs and the frequency of carcinomas of the colon. GOLDENSEAL/355 lytes, particularly of potassium ions, which in turn leads to aldosteronism, albuminuria, hematuria, inhibition of intestinal motility, muscle weakness, enhancement of the effect of cardioactive steroids and an influence upon the effect of antiarrhythmics. In rare cases, administration of the drug may lead to cardiac arrhythmia, nephropathy, edema and accelerated osteoclasis. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole drug preparations are for internal use. Preparation: To prepare an extract, use pulp and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio, macerate, then exhaustively percolate with distilled water and filter. Evaporate to a soft extract. Daily Dosage: 4 to 8 gm of fruit pulp LITERATURE el-Saadany SS, el-Massry RA, Labib SM, Sitohy MZ, The biochemical role and hypocholesterolaemic potential of the legume Cassia fistula in hypercholesterolaemic rats. Nahrung, 35:807-15, 1991. Esposito Avella M, Diaz A, de Gracia I, de Tello R, Gupta MP, Evaluation of traditional medicine: effects of Cajanus cajan L. and of Cassia fistula L. on carbohydrate metabolism in mice. Rev Med Panama, 16:39-45, 1991 Jan. Esposito Avella M, Diaz A, de Gracia I, de Tello R, Gupta MP, Studies on the possibilities to infect the cells of callus of Cassia fistula by an animal virus & induce production of interferon-like antiviral factor(s). Indian J Exp Biol, 16:349-55, 1981 Apr. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis TRADE NAMES Golden Seal, Goldenseal (Available from numerous manufacturers), Goldenseal Power, Golden Seal Herb, Golden Seal Root, Golden Seal Plus, Goldenseal Root Alcohol Free, Herbal Sure Goldenseal Root DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the air-dried rhizome with the root fibers. OVERDOSAGE In the case of overdose, cramp-like gastrointestinal complaints could occur as a side effect of the laxative effect of the drug. Prolonged administration leads to loss of electro- Flower and Fruit: The flower is small, solitary, terminal and erect. It has 3 small greenish white petals which drop as soon as they come out. The fruit is a group of small, fleshy, 356/GOLDENSEAL oblong carmine berries with 1 or 2 hard, black and glossy seeds. The fruit is similar to the raspberry but is not edible. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a low herbaceous perennial about 30 cm high. It has a horizontal bright yellow, knotty and twisted rhizome about 0.6 to 1.8 cm thick out of which the root fibers grow. It is folded longitudinally and encircled by old leaf scars. The fracture is short and shows a dark, yellow cut surface, thick bark, large pith and broad medullary rays. The flowering stem appears in spring and is erect, cylindrical, downward pubescent, 15 to 30 cm tall and has a few short brown scales at the base. It bears 2 clearly ribbed, dark green and pubescent, cauline leaves. The lower one is sessile the upper one petiolate, round and divided into 7 lobes and finely serrate. There is also a root leaf on a long petiole, which is similar to the cauline leaves but larger. Characteristics: The taste is very bitter, the smell is strong, characteristic and disagreeable. Habitat: Indigenous to the U.S., cultivated elsewhere. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES 1982). Berberine is also active against other intestinal infections that cause aute diarrhea such as Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella paratyphi and various Klebsiella species. Berberine sulfate has been shown to block the adherence of Streptococcus pyrogenes and E. coli to host cells, possibly explaining it's mechanism of action against numerous pathogens (Sun, 1988). Berberine was found to be the active constituent in an extract of Hydrastis canadensis root that demonstrated activity against a multiple drug-resistant strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Gentry, 1998). Berberine also inhibits Helicobacter pylori (Bae, 1998). Berberine has a long history of use for eye infections. In one study that looked at effectiveness in treating trachoma, berberine was more effective than sulfacetamide in eradicating Chlamydia trachomatis from the eye and preventing relapse of symptoms (Babbar, 1982; Mohan, 1982). Production: Goldenseal root is the rhizome of Hydrastis canadensis. The root is dug up in the autumn and dried. Berberine has a choleretic (bile-stimlating) effect and has been shown to lower bilirubin levels (Chan, 1977). Not to be Confused With: Goldenseal is often adulterated with Bloodroot. Berberine inhibited the effects of tumor promotors on the skin using a mouse model (Nishino, 1986). There is evidence that berberine also has a direct tumor killing effect and has the ability to stimulate production of white blood cells (Zhang, 1990; Liu, 1991). Other Names: Orange Root, Yellow Root, Yellow Puccoon, Ground Raspberry, Wild Curcuma, Turmeric Root, Indian Dye, Eye Root, Eye Balm, Indian Paint, Jaundice Root, Warnera, Indian Plant ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Isoquinoline alkaloids: chief alkaloids hydrastine (1.5 to 4%), berberine (0.5 to 6%), (-)-canadine (0.5%) Starch EFFECTS Many of the studies that have been conducted focus on the berberine and hydrastine componants that are found not only in Goldenseal, but also in numerous other herbs commonly used in Chinese and Indian medicine. The effects reported here focus on these componants and not necessarily the Goldenseal in it's raw form. Berberine sulfate has been shown to inhibit the growth of Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis, in vitro. The parasites all exhibited morphological changes after exposure to berberine sulfate (Kaneda, 1991). In one experiment by Swab et al (1981), berberine hydrochloride reduced the cholera toxin-induced secretion of water, sodium and chloride in perfused rat ileum. Berberine was also found to inhibit the intestinal secretory response of Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli enterotoxins without causing histological damage to the intestinal mucosa (Sack, Berberine has hypotensive, antisecretory and sedative effects. The mechanism for these effects may be explained by the fact that berberine has platelet alpha 2 adrenoceptor agonist activity that is similar to that of clonidine (Hui, 1984). CONTRAINDICATIONS Goldenseal is contraindicated in pregnancy. Goldenseal is contraindicated in people with glucose-6phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (Chan, 1993). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Goldenseal is used as an antiseptic externally on wounds and herpes labialis. It is also used for gastritis and as an astringent. The berberine componant is used to treat acute diarrhea caused by numerous gastrointestinal pathogens. Berberine is also used as an adjunct treatment in various cancers and in neutropenia resulting from radiation and chemotherapy. Berberine has been used to treat trachoma, gastric ulcers and gallbladder disease. Homeopathic Uses: In homeopathic dilutions, Hydrastis canadensis is used for the treatment of irregular menstruation, digestive problems and bronchitis. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS GOLDENSEAL/357 PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: If taken over an extended period, the drug can bring about digestive disorders, mucous membrane irritation, constipation, excitatory states, hallucinations and occasionally deliria. Pregnancy: pregnancy. Goldenseal should not be taken during Drug Interactions: Berberine has an antagonistic effect on the anticoagulant activity of heparin (Preininger, 1975). There have been reports of decreased vitamin B absorption with higher doses of Goldenseal (Tierra, 1980). Storage: Store at room temperature. Avoid moisture, high temperatures and direct light. LITERATURE Babbar OP, Chhatwal VK, Ray IB et al: Effect of berberine chloride eye drops on clinically positive trachoma patients. Ind J Med Res 76(suppl):83-88. 1982. Bae EA. Han MJ, Kim NJ et al: Anti-helicobacter pylori activity of herbal medicines. Biol Pharmaceut Bull 21(9):990992. 1998. Chan MY: The effect of berberine on bilirubin excretion in the rat. Comp Med East West 5:161-168. 1977. Galefi C et al., Canadinic acid: an alkaloid from Hydrastis canadensis. In: PM 63(2): 194. 1997. Drug/Laboratory Interactions: At one time it was believed that Goldenseal could mask the detection of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC/Marijuana) in illicit drug urinalysis. This effect has since been disproved (Mikkelsen & Ash, 1988). Gentry EJ, Jampani HB, Keshavarz-Shokri A et al: Antitubercular natural products: berberine from the roots of commercial Hydrastis canadensis powder. J Nat Prod 61(10): 1187-1193. 1998. OVERDOSAGE Gleye J et al., (1974) Phytochemistry 13:675. The LD50 for berberine in rats was found to be greater than 1,000 mg/kg of body weight making the toxicity of this componant in Goldenseal very low (Haldon, 1975). The hydrastine componant appears to be the toxic compound in Goldenseal. High doses result in strychnine-like convulsions and gastrointestinal relaxation (Osol & Garrar, 1955). Other effects of overdose that have been reported include difficulty in breathing, bradycardia and central paralysis. Grieve M: A Modern Herbal. Dover Publications, Inc. New York, New York, p 362-364. 1971. Following stomach and intestinal emptying (inducement of vomiting, gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium permanganate solution, sodium sulfate) the treatment for poisonings consists of the instillation of activated charcoal and shock prophylaxis (quiet, warmth). The treatment of spasms with diazepam (I.V.), electrolyte substitution and the countering of any acidosis imbalance that may appear with sodium bicarbonate infusions may be necessary. In the event of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be required. DOSAGE Daily Dosage: Extract — Standardized extract (5% hydrastine) 250-500 mg 3 times daily (Werbach & Murray, 1994) Fluid extract — l U to 1 teaspoonful (1.25-5 ml) (Grieve, 1971) Solid extract — 325-520 mg (Grieve, 1971) Local antiseptic — 1 teaspoonful powder steeped in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Swish around the mouth or gargle for mouth or throat sores (Tyler, 1997). Travelers diarrhea — One capsule (500-1000 mg root) 3 times daily (Tyler, 1997) Haginiwa J, Harada M, (1962) Yakugaku Zasshi 82:726. Haldon B: Toxicity of berberine sulfate. Acta Pol Pharm 32:113-120. 1975. Hui K. Yu J, Chan W, Tse E: Interaction of berberine with human platelet alpha 2 adrenoceptors. Life Sci 49(4): 315-24. 1991. Kaneda Y, Torii M & Tanaka T: In vitro effects of berberine sulfate on the growth of Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Tricomonas vaginalis. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 85:417-425. 1991. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., NewYork 1980. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Liu CX et al: Studies on plant resources, pharmacology and clinical treatment with berbamine. Phytother Res 5:228-230. 1991. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Mikkelsen SL & Ash KO: Adulterants causing false negatives in illicit drug testing. Clin Chem 34:2333-2336. 1988. Mohan M, Pant CR, Angra SK et al: Berberine in trachoma. Ind J Opthalmol 30:69-75. 1982. Nishino H, Kitagawa K, Fujiki H et al: Berberine sulfate inhibits tumor-promoting activity of teleocidin in two stage carcinogenesis on mouse skin. Oncology 43:131-134. 1986. 358/GOLDENSEAL PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Osol A & Farrar CG (eds): The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 25th ed. JB Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp 660-661. 1955. Habitat: Coptis trifolia is indigenous to India and Coptis groenlandica, which is also used, is indigenous to Greenland and Iceland. Preininger V: The pharmacology and toxicology of the Papaveraceae alkaloids, in Manske RHF & Holmes HL (eds): The Alkaloids, Vol. 15. Academic Press, p 239. 1975. Production: Goldthread rhizome is the rhizome of- Coptis trifolia. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen. Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Sack RB & Froehlich JL: Berberine inhibits intestinal secretory response of Vibrio cholerae toxins and Escherichia coli enterotoxins. Infect Immun 35:471-475. 1982. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl.. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Sun D, Courtney HS & Beachey EH: Berberine sulfate blocks adherence of Streptococcus pyogenes to epithelial cells, tibronectin, and hexadecane. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 32:1370-1374. 1988. Swabb EA, Tai YH & Jordan L: Reversal of cholera toxininduced secretion in rat ileum by luminal berberine. Am J Physiol 1981; 241:G248-252. Tierra M: The Way of Herbs. Unity Press. Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 1980. Tyler VE: The Honest Herbal. George F Stickley Company, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp 111-112. 1982. Tyler VE: Golden Seal: can this herb boost immunity. Prevention July:68-70. 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homdopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Zhang RX, Dougherty DV & Rosenblum ML: Laboratory studies of berberine used alone and in combination with 1,3bis(2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea to treat malignant brain tumors. Chinese Med J 103:658-665. 1990. Other Names: Mouth Root, Cankerroot, Yellowroot, Coptis, Coptide, Coptis Groenlandica ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Isoquinoline alkaloids (6 to 9%): including coptin, berberine EFFECTS The herb is a bitter tonic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Goldthread is used in digestive disorders. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Berberine has a mutagenic effect upon yeast cells and in the Ames test (intercalation into the DNA), although that does not necessarily mean a mutagenic effect for the drug when administered to humans. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Internally as a powdered drug or a liquid extract. LITERATURE Goldthread Coptis trifolia DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the rhizome and sometimes the stems and leaves. Flower and Fruit: The solitary flowers are small and white, and are arranged on leafless scapes. Leaves, Stem and Root: Goldthread is a perennial plant in bushes of up to 15 cm with yellowish, scaly leaves at the base and long-petioled, obovate, evergreen leaves. The rhizome is thread-like, golden yellow with a matte surface and very small roots. Characteristics: Goldthread has a very bitter taste and slight odor. Hegnauer R Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen. Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. Kern W, List PH, Hdrhammer L (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1969. Gossypium herbaceum See Levant Cotton Gossypium hirsutum See Cotton GOTU KOLA/359 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Gotu Kola Centella asiatica TRADE NAMES Jf\ Gotu Kola (available from numerous manufacturers and as a combination product), Gotu Kola Herb, Wild Countryside Gotu Kola, Natural Herbal Gotu Kola, Alcohol Free Gotu Kola Herb DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried aboveground parts, the fresh and dried leaves and stem. Flower and Fruit: The pedicles are 1.2 to 4 cm long. The sepals of the epicalyx are oval to circular, with a membranous border. They are about 2.5 to 3 mm long and 1.5 to 2.5 mm wide. The umbels have 2 or 3 sessile or short-pedicled florets. The petals are white, to purple or pink. The calyx is not generally dentate. The fruit is oval to globular in shape, and has a diameter of 2 to 5 mm. The mericarps are clearly flattened at the sides and usually have 7 to 9 ribs and are raised rugose. Leaves, Stem and Root: Centella asiatica is a tender umbel W plant, which has numerous creeping stems. The stems have roots at the nodes, which are smooth. The circular-reniform leaves are 2 to 6 cm long and 1.5 to 5 wide, with a crenate margin and 5 to 9 ribs. The petioles are 3 to 30 cm long. Characteristics: Gotu Kola is almost tasteless and odorless. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka, parts of China, the western South Sea Islands, Madagascar, South Africa, southeast U.S., Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, and eastern South America. Production: Hydrocotyle herb is the aerial part of Centella asiatica. The plant is gathered throughout the year and dried in the sun. Other Names: Indian Pennywort, Marsh Penny, Indian Hydrocotyle, White Rot, Thick-leaved Pennywort, Hydrocotyle ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS t Triterpene acids: including asiatic acid, madecassic acid (6hydroxy asiatic acid), terminolic acid Triterpene acid ester from oligosaccharides (pseudosaponins): including asiaticoside, asiaticoside A, asiaticoside B Volatile oil (0.1%) Anti-Inflammatory Effects Anti-inflammatory effects exerted by extracts of Centella asiatica were demonstrated by a reduction of acute radiation reaction in rats (Chen, 1999). Anti-Neoplastic Effects Cytotoxic and antitumor effects of Centella asiatica involve direct action on DNA synthesis. The development of solid and ascites tumors was decreased by the herb (Babu, 1985). Ulcer-protective Effects Asiaticoid (suspended in propylene glycol) administered orally to rats, significantly reduced the formation of stressinduced ulcers (Ravokatra, 1993). An extract of the herb also significantly inhibited gastric ulceration induced by cold and restraint stress in animal models. The dose dependent reduction of gastric ulceration was associated with a dose dependent increase of the GABA level in the brain (Chatterjee, 1992). Vascular/Venous Tone Effects Ethanol extracts of Centella asiatica, in vitro, had a remarkable enhancement of fibroblast cell attachment and tissue plasminogen activator (Kim, 1993). Varicose veins are associated with increased uronic acid and lysosomal enzymes involved with mucopolysaccharide (beta-glycuronidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase) metabolism. Total triterpenic fraction of Centella asiatica (TTFCA) decreases uronic acid, beta-glycuronidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, and arysulfatase in the connective tissue and vascular wall (Arpaia, 1990). Wound Healing Effects Asiaticoside facilitates wound healing through an increase in peptidic hydroxyproline content, tensile strength, collagen synthesis, angiogenesis and epithelialization, as shown in animal models (Bonte, 1994; Maquart, 1990; Shukla, 1999). Asiatic acid and madecassic have also demonstrated an increase in peptidic hydroxyproline showing an increased remodeling of the collagen matrix (collagen synthesis) in wounds (Bonte, 1994; Maquart, 1999). Asiaticoside also induces enzymatic and non-emzymatic antioxidants, namely superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, vitamin E, and ascorbic acid in newly formed tissue (initial stage of wound healing) (Shukla, 1999). CLINICAL TRIALS Chronic Venous Insufficiency A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated the efficacy of a titrated extract of Centella asiatica in treating chronic venous insufficiency. Ninety-four patients The main constituents of the drug are triterpene acids and their sugar residues (asiaticoside and madegassoside). , with chronic venous insufficiency were included in the EFFECTS 360/GOTU KOLA study. The asiaticoid mixture, administered as 60 mg daily and 120 mg daily for 2 months, led to significant improve- 1 ment in subjective (heaviness in the legs, pain in standing up, edema) and objective (plethysmographic measurements of vein tone) parameters compared to placebo (Pointel, 1987). Venous Hypertension The effect of an extract of Centella asiatica with capillary filtration and ankle edema was evaluated in patients with venous hypertension. Sixty-two patients were included in the study and administered either placebo or the extract as 60 mg or 30 mg three times daily. Capillary filtration rate and ankle edema both significantly improved in a dose-dependent manner in the extract-treatment groups. The subjective symptoms (swelling, sensation, restless lower extremity, pain and cramps, and tiredness) were significantly improved in the extract-treatment groups, with no change in the placebotreatment group (Belcaro, 1990). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used internally for rheumatism and skin diseases. Externally, the drug is used for poorly healing wounds, leprosy sores, and post-operative scarring. In Asia, the drug is used to enhance urination, for physical and mental exhaustion, diarrhea, eye diseases, inflammations, asthma, and high blood pressure. Indian Medicine: The drug is used for skin diseases, syphilis, rheumatism, and leprosy. Gotu kola is also used for the treatment of mental illness, epilepsy, hysteria, and for dehydration. Chinese Medicine: The herb is used for dysentery and summer diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, urinary calculi, epistaxis and scabies. Homeopathic Uses: Gotu Kola is used for skin diseases associated with itching and swelling and inflammation of the uterus. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Although there have been case reports of allergic contact dermatitis due to Centella asiatica, the plant's sensitizing capacity is considered low (Bilbao, 1995; Danese, 1994; Gonzalo, 1996; Hausen, 1993). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Gotu Kola is available in liquid or solid pharmaceutical forms, for oral intake. Gotu Kola is also available parenterally for homeopathic use. How Supplied: Capsules — 400 mg, 435 mg, 439 mg, 440 mg, 450 mg, 500 mg Liquid — 1:1; 250 mg/ml PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Daily Dosage: 0.6 gm of dried leaves or infusion taken 3 times daily; normal single dose is 0.33 to 0.68 gm. Varicose Veins — Centella asiatica extract administered as 60 mg daily has shown improvement (Arpaia, 1990). Venous Hypertension — Total triterpenic fraction of centella asiatica (TTFCA) tablets have demonstrated improvement of venous hypertension at doses of 30 mg given three times daily or 60 mg given three times daily (Belcaro, 1990). Chronic Venous Insufficiency — Titrated extract of Centella asiatica (TECA) administered as 120 mg daily and 60 mg daily have demonstrated efficacy in chronic venous insufficiency (Pointel, 1987). Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet, 5 to 10 globules or 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly; ointment 1 to 2 times daily (HAB1). Storage: Store in a cool, dry place and in well-sealed containers. LITERATURE Asakawa Y et al., (1982) Phytochemistry 21(10):2590. Allegra G et al., (1981) Clin Terap. 99:507. Arpaia MR, Ferrone R, Amitrano M, Nappo C, Leonardo G, del Guercio R, Effects of Centella asiatica extract on mucopolysaccharide metabolism in subjects with varicose veins. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res, 10:229-33, 1990 Babu TD, Kuttan G, Padikkala J, Cytotoxic and anti-tumour properties of certain taxa of Umbelliferae with special reference to Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. J Ethnopharmacol, 48:53-7, 1995 Aug 11. Belcaro GV; Rulo A; Grimaldi R. Capillary filtration and ankle edema in patients with venous hypertension treated with TTFCA. Angiology 1990 Jan;41(1): 12-8. Belcaro GV; Grimaldi R; Guidi G. Improvement of capillary permeability in patients with venous hypertension after treatment with TTFCA. Angiology 1990 Jul;41(7):533-40. Bilbao I; Aguirre A; Zabala R et al. Allergic contact dermatitis from butoxyethyl nicotinic acid and Centella asiatica extract. Contact Dermatitis 1995 Dec;33(6):435-6. Bonte F; Dumas Mf Chaudagne C; Meybeck A, Influence of asiatic acid, madecassic acid, and asiaticoside on human collagen I synthesis. Planta Med 1994 Apr;60(2): 133-5. Bosse JP et al., (1979) Ann Plastic Surg 3(1).T3. Brevoort P, Der Heilpflanzenmarkt der USA - Ein Uberblick. In: ZPT 18(3): 155-162. 1997. Castellani C et al., Boll Chim Farm 120:570-605. 1981. Chatterjee TK; Chakraborty A; Pathak M; Sengupta GC. Effects of plant extract Centella asiatica (Linn.) on cold restraint stress ulcer in rats. Indian J Exp Biol 1992 Oct;30(10):889-91. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Chen YJ; Dai YS; Chen BF et al. The effect of tetrandrine and extracts of Centella asiatica on acute radiation dermatitis in rats. Biol Pharm Bull 1999 Jul:22(7):703-6. Danese P; Carnevali C; Bertazzoni MG. Allergic contact dermatitis due to Centella asiatica extract. Contact Dermatitis 1994 Sep;31(3):201. Di Carlo FI et al., (1964) J Reticuloendothelial Soc 1:224. Dutta T, Basu UP, (1968) Ind J Exp Biol 6(3): 181. Dutta T, Basu UP, (1967) Ind J Chem 5:586. Dutta T Basu UP, Bull Nat Inst Sci India 37:178-184. 1968. Gonzalo Garijo MA, Revenga Arranz F, Bobadilla Gonzalez P. Allergic contact dermatitis due to Centella asiatica: a new c^ise. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr), 24:132-4. 1996 May-Jun. Grimaldi R et al., Pharmacokinetics of the total triterpenic fraction of Centella asiatica after single and multiple administrations to healthy volunteers. A new assay for asiatic acid. J Ethnopharmacol. 24:235-41, 1990 Feb. Hansel R. Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH. Landsberg 1988. Hausen BM. Centella asiatica (Indian pennywort), an effective therapeutic but a weak sensitizer. Contact Dermatitis 1993 Oct;29(4): 175-9. Kim YN; Park YS; Kim HK et al. Enhancement of the attachment on microcarriers and tPA production by fibroblast cells in a serum-free medium by the addition of the extracts of Centella asiatica. Cytotechnology 1993;13(3):221-6. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Maquart FX, Bellon G, Gillery P, Wegrowski Y, Borel JP, Stimulation of collagen synthesis in fibroblast cultures by a triterpene extracted from Centella asiatica. Connect Tissue Res. 24:107-20, 1990. Maquart FX: Chastang F: Simeon A et al., Triterpenes from Centella asiatica stimulate extracellular matrix accumulation in rat experimental wounds. Eur J Dermatol 1999 Jun;9(4):289-96. Montecchio GP, Samaden A, Carbone S, Vigotti M, Siragusa S, Piovella F, Centella asiatica Triterpenic Fraction (CATIF) reduces the number of circulating endothelial cells in subjects with post phlebitic syndrome. Haematologica, 48:256-9, 1991 May-Jun. Pointel JP; Boccalon H; Cloarec M et al., Titrated extract of Centella asiatica (TECA) in the treatment of venousinsufficiency of the lower limbs. Angiology 1987 Jan;38(l Pt l):46-5. Rao PS, Seshardri TR, (1969) Curr. Sci 38:77. Ravokatra A; Loiseau A; Ratsimamanga-Urverg S et al., Action of asiaticoside (pentacyclic triterpene) extracted from Hydrocotyle madagascariensis on duodenal ulcers induced with GOUTWEED 361 mercaptoethylamine in male Wistar rats. C R Acad Sci Hebd Seances Acad Sci D 1974 Apr 29;278(18):2317-21. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Shukla A; Rasik AM; Jain GK et al. In vitro and in vivo wound healing activity of asiaticoside isolated from Centella asiatica. J Ethnopharmacol 1999 Apr;65(l):l-ll. Shukla A; Rasik AM; Dhawan BN. Asiaticoside-induced elevation of antioxidant levels in healing wounds. Phytother Res 1999 Feb:13(l):50-4. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl.. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Suguna L, Sivakumar P, Chandrakasan G. Effects of Centella asiatica extract on dermal wound healing in rats. Indian J E\p Biol, 24:1208-11, 1996 Dec Tang W. Eisenbrand G, Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Vecchaio AD et al.. (1984) Farm Ed Prat 39(10):355. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka unJ pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena. New York 1995. Goutweed Aegopodium podagraria DESCRIPTION Flower and Fruit: The flowers range from 50 to 100 cm. They have large white or reddish double umbels that are usually androgynous. The flowers have no involucre and no calyx. The petals are white or pink, about 1.5 mm long, obcordate and cuneate at the base. The fruit is oblong and brownish with pale veins. The fruit is slightly pressed in at the sides, unwinged, unstriped, with a 3 mm-long mericarp. Leaves, Stem and Root: The stem is erect, angular, grooved. hollow, glabrous and branched. The lower leaves are double trifoliate, and the upper leaves trifoliate. The leaflets are ovate and crenate-serrate. Characteristics: Propagates via underground runners. Habitat: Indigenous to Europe (not Spain), West Asia. Production: Goutweed is the aerial part of Aegopodium podagraria. Other Names: Goutwort, Ground Elder, Gout Herb. Herb Gerard(e), Jack-Jump-About, Goatweed, Ashweed, Achweed, English Masterwort, Pigweed, Eltroot, Bishop's Elder, Weyl Ash, White Ash, Bishopsweed, Bishopswort. 3 6 2 /GOUTWEED ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil Polyynes: only in freshly-harvested leaves PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N ES Habitat: The plant is indigenous to tropical West Africa. Not to be Confused With: The seeds can be mistaken for peppercorns. Flavonol glycosides: including hyperoside, isoquercitrin Other Names: Guinea Grains, Melegueta Pepper, Mallaguetta Pepper Cajfeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Ascorbic COMPOUNDS acid EFFECTS No information available. Volatile oil Pungent substances: including hydroxyphenylalkanones and hydroxyphenylalkanoles INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The herb is used internally as an infusion for gout and rheumatic diseases. It is used externally in macerations for poultices and baths for hemorrhoids, gout and rheumatic diseases, as well as for kidney and bladder disorders and intestinal disorders. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Internally as a tea; externally, the fresh herb is squeezed for poultices. Daily Dosage: There is no exact dosage. A daily recommended dose consists of 1 to 2 dessertspoonfuls (30ml) of the juice of the fresh plant. LITERATURE Bohlmann F et al., Chem Ber 93, 981. 1968. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Harborne JB, Williams CA, PH 11 (5): 1741-1750. 1972. Schneider V, Ernahr-Umschau 31(2):54-57. 1984. Grains-of-Paradise Tannins Starch Fatty oil EFFECTS The seed is a stimulant. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Grains-of-Paradise was used as a stimulant. Now it is obsolete as a drug. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE Due to the constituent pungent substances, the intake of larger dosages may lead to irritation of the stomach and the urinary tract. LITERATURE Connell WD, J Chem 23:369. 1970. Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl., Bde 1-3, W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Aframomum melegueta Grape DESCRIPTION Vitis vinifera Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe seeds. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary, mauve and waxlike. The fruit is 10 cm long, pear-shaped and scarlet. The seeds are small, hard, shiny, reddish-brown and oystershaped. They have an aromatic and pungent taste and smell. Leaves, Stem and Root: Aframomum melegueta is a reedlike plant, 1 to 2.5 m high. The leaves are long and narrow. TRADE NAMES Grape Seed Extract (Available from numerous manufacturers), Red Wine Extract, Grape Seed, Activin, Dr. Masquelier's Authentic OPC DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves, the fruit and the juice. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in compound compact panicles. The petals are about 5 mm long and droop like the sepals. The fruit is oblong to globular. 6 to 22 mm long, dark blue-violet, red, green or yellow, juicy, sweet or sour. The seeds are pear-shaped, with hard skin and two long dimples on the side. Leaves, Stem and Root: The vine is a 30 cm high climber with deep, heavily-branched roots and a woody trunk. The trunk has striped, loose bark. The brown-red to brownyellow branches are glabrous or slightly downy and finely grooved. The leaves are orbicular, generally in 3 to 5 lobes or blades. They are deeply notched at the stem. The upper surface of the leaves is glabrous, the under surface is lanate. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southern Europe and western Asia and is cultivated today in all temperate regions of the world. Production: Vine leaves are the foliage leaves of Vitis vinifera. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS 4p" Flavonoids (4 to 5%): including. kaempferol-3-O-glucosides, quercetin-3-O-glucosides Tannins: procyanidolic oligomers (proanthocyanidins), including constituent monomers of catechin epicatechin Non-flavonoids (Stilbenes): resveratrol and viniferins Fruit acids: including, tartaric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid Phenylacrylic acid derivatives: p-cumaroyl acid, caffeoyl acid, feruloylsuccinic acid EFFECTS Antiatherosclerotic Effects: The oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) by free radicals is associated with the initiation of atherosclerosis. Proanthocyanidin decreases the number of LDL-positive macrophage-derived foam cells in atherosclerotic lesions. The compound also inhibits the oxidation of cholesteryl linoleate in LDL to exert a reduction in atherosclerosis of the aorta (Nuttall, 1998, Yamakoshi, 1999). ^ Anticarcinogenic/Antitumor: Chemoprotective properties of proanthocyanidins include activity against free radicals and oxidative stress (Ye, 1999). The anti-tumor-promoting acitvity due to strong antioxidant effects of the compound has been demonstrated in animal models (Zhao, 1999). Antioxidant Effects: Proanthocyanidin from the Grape Seed extract exerts a concentration-dependent inhibition of oxygen free radicals. In one study, the antioxidant effect of proanthocyanidin was more potent compared to vitamin C GRAPE/363 and vitamin E succinate (Bagchi, 1997). The compound also inhibits peroxidation of phosphatidylcholine liposomes (Plumb, 1998). Hair Growth: Proanthocyanidins extracted from Grape Seeds promote proliferation of hair follicle cells, and possess remarkable hair-cycle converting activity from the telogen phase to the anagen phase. Epicatechin and catechin are the constitutive monomers inducing the degree of polymerization inducing hair growth (Takahashi, 1998). Hepatoprotective Effects: Proanthocyanidin has been shown to significantly attenuate acetaminophen induced hepatic DNA damage, apoptosic and necrotic cell death of liver cells. The component also antagonizes acetaminophen induced changes in bcl-Xl expression (Ray, 1999). Ischemia Prevention: Maintenance of microvascular injury by procyanidins occurs through the scavenger effect of reactive oxygen species (Maffei Facino, 1994). Procyanidins also reduce ventricular contraction in a dose-dependent fashion. Procyandins decrease coronary perfusion pressure and improve cardiac mechanical performance. (Maffei Facino R, 1996). Vascular Effects: Procyanidins isolated from Grape Seed stabilizes capillary walls and prevents increases in permeability which inhibits edema (Robert, 1990; Zafirov, 1990). Overproduction of hyaluronan content associated with pathologic venous walls, in particular vein-lymphatic edema, is decreased by procyanidolic oligomers (Drubaix, 1997). Procyanidolic oligomers cross-link collagen fibers, resulting in reinforcement of the natural cross-linking of collagen that forms the collagen matrix of vascular connective tissue (Tixier et al, 1984). The vascular activity of procyanidin has positive effects on diabetic retinopathy, night vision and ocular stress (Boissin, 1988; Corbe, 1988; Soyeux, 1987). CLINICAL TRIALS Peripheral Venous Insufficiency The efficacy of Grape Seed extract was evaluated for the treatment of venous insufficiency and symptoms due to hormonal supplementation. Grape Seed extract (150 mg twice daily) was administered to 4,729 patients in an openlabel study. Peripheral venous insufficiency was evaluated 45 and 90 days after treatment. The efficacy score was based on symptoms of nocturnal cramps, paresthesias, sensation of warmth, cyanosis and edema. The sensation of heaviness in the legs decreased in 57% of cases by day 45 and 89.4% by day 90. In addition, the improvement of symptoms occurred in 66% of cases by day 45 and 79-83% of cases by day 90 (Henriet, 1993). 364/GRAPE Ocular PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Effects A lower resistance to glare and alteration of scotopic vision are associated with retinal pathology related to age, fatigue and stress. The effect of procyanidolic oligomers (PCO) on light vision and chorioretinal circulation was determined in 100 subjects. PCO (Endotelon) was administered in tablets of 50 mg four times daily for five weeks. Improvements in visual adaptation to low luminances and visual performances after glare, as measured by a nyctometer were significant (Corbe, 1988). Postoperative Edema The effect of PCO from Grape Seed extract was shown to have protective effects on the postoperative edema compared to placebo in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Thirty-two female patients undergoing a facelift were administered either 300 milligrams Grape Seed extract or placebo daily over the 5 days preceding the operation, and postoperatively from days 2 to 6. Prophylactic decrease in postoperative facial edema was the main efficacy criteria. The Grape Seed extract cohort scored significantly better than placebo against postoperative facial swelling (Baruch, 1984). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In Folk medicine, Grape preparations are used in venous diseases and blood circulation disorders. Indian Medicine: Grape is used for headache, dysuria, scabies, skin diseases, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids and vomiting. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. A reversible inhibition of intestinal enzyme activity (alkaline phosphatase, sucrase and dipeptidyl peptidase) was demonstrated in animal models (Tebib, 1994). DOSAGE How Supplied: Capsule—25 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 500 mg Tablet—50 mg Daily Dosage: Grape Seed extract has been used for preventive therapy with 50 mg daily and treatment doses of 150-600 mg daily in divided doses (Arne, 1982; Baruch, 1984; Corbe; 1988; Delacroix, 1981; Henriet, 1993; Nuttall, 1998; Soyeux, 1987). LITERATURE Arne JL: Contribution to the study of procyanidolic oligomers: Endotelon in diabetic retinopathy. Gaz Med France 1982; 89(30):3610-3614. Bagchi D; Garg A; Krohn RL et al. Oxygen free radical scavenging abilities of vitamins C and E, and a grape seed proanthocyanidin extract in vitro. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol 1997 Feb;95(2): 179-89. Baruch. Effect of Endotelon in postoperative edema. Results of a double-blind study versus placebo in 32 female patients. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 1984;29(4):393-5. Bavaresco L; Fregoni C; Cantu E; Trevisan M. Stilbene compounds: from the grapevine to wine. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1999;25(2-3):57-63. Boissin JP; Corbe C; Siou A. Chorioretinal circulation and dazzling: use of procyanidol oligomers (Endotelon). Bull Soc Ophtalmol Fr 1988 Feb;88(2): 173-4, 177-9. Corbe C; Boissin JP; Siou A. Light vision and chorioretinal circulation. Study of the effect of procyanidolic oligomers (Endotelon). J Fr Ophtalmol 1988;11(5):453-60. Delacroix P: Double-blind trial of endotelon in chronic venous insufficiency. Rev Med 1981;27-28:1793-1802. Drubaix I; Maraval M; Robert L; Robert AM. Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan) levels in pathological human saphenous veins. Effects of procyanidol oligomers. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1997 Jan;45(l):86-91. Henriet JP. Veno-lymphatic insufficiency. 4,729 patients undergoing hormonal and procyanidol oligomer therapy. Phlebologie 1993 Apr-Jun;46(2):313-25. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl.. Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, et al. Free radicals scavenging action and anti-enzyme activities of procyanidines from Vitis vinifera. A mechanism for their capillary protective action. Arzneimittelforschung 1994 May;44(5):592-601. Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, et al. Procyanidines from Vitis vinifera seeds protect rabbit heart from ischemia/ reperfusion injury: antioxidant intervention and/or iron and copper sequestering ability. Planta Med 1996 Dec;62(6):495502. Nutall SL, Kendall MJ, Bombardelli E et al: An evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a standardized grape seed extract, Leucoselect(R). J Clin Pharm Ther 1998; 23:385-389. Plumb GW; De Pascual-Teresa S; Santos-Buelga C et al. Antioxidant properties of catechins and proanthocyanidins: effect of polymerisation, galloylation and glycosylation. Free Radic Res 1998 Oct;29(4):351-8. Ray SD, Kumar MA, Bagchi D. A novel proanthocyanidin IH636 grape seed extract increases in vivo Bcl-XL expression and prevents acetaminophen-induced programmed and unprogrammed cell death in mouse liver. Arch Biochem Biophys 1999 Sep l;369(l):42-58. Robert L; Godeau G; Gavignet-Jeannin C et al. The effect of procyanidolic oligomers on vascular permeability. A study using quantitative morphology. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1990 Jun;38(6):60816. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Soyeux A; Seguin JP; Le Devehat C; Bertrand A. Endotelon. Diabetic retinopathy and hemorheology (preliminary study). Bull Soc Ophtalmol Fr 1987 Dec;87(12):1441-4. Takahashi T; Kamiya T; Yokoo Y. Proanthocyanidins from grape seeds promote proliferation of mouse hair follicle cells in vitro and convert hair cycle in vivo. Acta Derm Venereol 1998 Nov;78(6):428-32. GRAY WALLFLOWER/365 Leaves, Stem and Root: Gray Wallflower is a herbaceous biennial or perennial upright that grows up to 1.2 m high. The leaves are alternate. The lower ones are petiolate, 1 to 8 mm wide, gray-haired, narrow, linear-lanceolate, entire or dentate; the middle and upper ones are sessile. The stem is edged, covered in jointed hairs and branched in larger plants. The root is thin, spindle-shaped and branched. Tebib K, Rouanet JM, Besancon P. Effect of grape seed tannins on the activity of some rat intestinal enzyme activities. Enzyme Protein l994-95;48(l):51-60. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Commonwealth of Independent States and Hungary. Tixier JM; Godeau G; Robert AM: Hornebeck W. Evidence by in vivo and in vitro studies that binding of procyagenols to elastin affects its rate of degradation by elastases. Biochem Pharmacol 1984 Dec 15:33(24):3933-9. Production: The gray-leaved wild radish is collected during the flowering season of the two-year-old plants of Erysimum diffusum and dried after harvesting at a maximum temperature of 40° C. Yamakoshi J; Kataoka S; Koga T; Ariga T. Proanthocyanidinrich extract from grape seeds attenuates the development of aortic atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Atherosclerosis 1999 Jan; 142(1): 139-49. Ye X; Krohn RL: Liu W et al. The cytotoxic effects of a novel IH636 grape seed proanthocyanidin extract on cultured human cancer cells. Mol Cell Biochem 1999 Jun; 196(1-2):99108. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroid glycosides (cardenolids, 1 to 3%): chief component erysimoside (primary glycoside, aglycone k-strophanthidin, 0.6%) Helveticoside {secondary glycoside) Canescine Zafirov D; Bredy-Dobreva G; Litchev V et al. Antiexudative and capillaritonic effects of procyanidines isolated from grape seeds (V. Vinifera). Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg 1990;16(3):50-4. Erycanoside Zhao J, Wang J, Chen Y, Agarwal R. Anti-tumor-promoting activity of a polyphenols fraction isolated from grape seeds in the mouse skin two-stage initiation-promotion protocol and identification of procyanidin B5-3'-gallate as the most effective antioxidant constituent. Carcinogenesis 1999 Sep;20(9): 1737-4. The drug contains cardioactive glycosides of the cardenolide type with k-strophantidin as the aglycone. It is accordingly positively inotropic and negatively chronotropic in its effect. Cheirotoxin EFFECTS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Gratiola officinalis Unproven Uses: The drug was used in the past for cardiac insufficiency (NYHA I and II), but can no longer be recommended. See Hedge-Hyssop PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Gray Wallflower Erysimum diffusum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the plant's radish. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in densely flowered racemes. The 4 sepals are upright and gray-haired, the 4 petals yellow, long-petiolate, pubescent on the lower surface and 8 to 14 mm long. There are 2 short and 4 long stamens; the ovary is superior with 4 fused carpels. The fruit is a 3.5 to 8 cm long, approximately 1 mm wide, 4-sided, appressed pubescent, dehiscent pod that opens on 2 sides. The seeds are elongate with a diameter of approximately 1 to 1.5 mm. Although poisonings among humans are both unknown and unlikely, due to the difficulties accompanying resorption of the glycosides, the possibility of a poisoning resulting from either high dosages of the drug or its glycosides through peroral administration is not to be completely ruled out. DOSAGE How Supplied: capsules; tablets. Storage: Drug should be stored in a tightly sealed, secure container. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 366/GRAY WALLFLOWER PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Great Burnet Sanguisorba officinalis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the fresh aerial parts, the dried herb, the rhizomes and roots. Flower and Fruit: The composite heads are ovate-oblong. approximately 1 to 2 cm long and consist of 5 to 10 usually androgynous flowers. The calyx has 4 dark red-brown tips, 4 stamens with stiffly patent red filaments and yellow anthers. The smooth, spike-like, quadrangular fruit calyx has 1 carpel and 1 style and is narrowly winged. The fruit is a nut enclosed in the perigone tube. Leaves, Stem and Root: Great Burnet is a semi-rosette shrub with a strong dark brown root that produces thick fibers and a short rhizome. The stems are erect, angular, glabrous, and bifurcated. The rosette leaves are 20 to 40 cm long and consist of 7 to 15 ovate leaflets, which are cordate at the base and blue-green beneath. There are only a few cauline leaves. which taper towards the top. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used internally for female disorders, menorrhagia during menopause, hot flushes, dysentery, enteritis, diarrhea, bladder restraint, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, and varicose veins. Externally, Great Burnet is used in plaster for wounds and ulcers. Folk medicine uses included administration of the plant latex as a remedy for pulmonary tuberculosis. Chinese Medicine: The Chinese use Great Burnet as an astringent and hemostyptic for nosebleeds, dysentery, reptile bites and bloody coughs. Homeopathic Uses: Among uses in homeopathy are uterine bleeding, varicose veins and diarrhea. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally and externally. It is available in ground form and is used as an extract, juice or tea. A plaster is used externally. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). Characteristics: The brown-red composite head is characteristic for this plant. LITERATURE Habitat: The plant is widespread in the northern, temperate regions of Europe, temperate Asia, and North America. Bastow KF et al.. Inhibition of DNA topoisomerase by sanguiin H-6, a cytotoxic dimeric ellagitannin from Sanguisorba officinalis. In: PM 59(3):240. 1993. Production: Great Burnet is the Sanguisorba officinalis plant in flower. The fresh aerial parts are collected in the wild during the flowering season. The rhizomes and roots are harvested in autumn, then washed and dried. Chang, EH et al. (Eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. COMPOUNDS Kaneta M et al., Agric Biol Chem 43:657. 1979. Flavonoids: including among others, rutin, flavonoid sulfates Kashiwada Y, Nonaka GI, Niskioka I, Chang JJ, Lee KH, Antitumor agents, 129. Tannins and related compounds as selective cytotoxic agents. In: JNP 55:1033-1043. 1992. Tannins: including casuarinin ellagitannins, sanguinarine H-ll, Kosuga T et al., (1981) Yakugaku Zasshi 101(6):501. Triterpene glycosides: aglycones pomolic acid, tormentolic acid, including among others, ziyuglycosides I and II (sanguisorbin), betulinic acid, ursolic acid Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Sterols: including beta-sitosterol Nonaka GI et al., (1982) J Chem Soc Perkin Trans. 10(4): 1067. Kosuga T et al., (1984) Chem Pharm Bull 32(11):448. Nonaka GI et al., (1984) Chem Pharm Bull 32(2):483. EFFECTS The drug has been credited with decongestant, astringent and diuretic properties, but no investigation into effects has been carried out. Reher G et al., PH 31:3909-3914. 1992. Sunstar Inc. (1980) Pat. JP 80/120509 Japan. Tanaka T et al., (1983) Phytochemistry 22(11):2575. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Tanaka T et al., (1984) Chem Pharm Bull 32(1): 117. Tanake T et al., (1985) J Chem Res (S)6:176. Yosioka I et al., Chem Pharm Bull 19:1700. 1971. GREEK SAGE/367 INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Greater Bindweed is used for fevers, urinary tract diseases, as a purgative for constipation and to increase the production of bile. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Greater Bindweed Calystegia sepium No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. It is conceivable that an overdose of the drug would trigger intestinal colic. DESCRIPTION DOSAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the whole flowering plant and the root. Mode of Administration: The pressed juice, powdered root and an infusion are used internally. The drug is rarely used anymore due to its strong intestinal effects. Flower and Fruit: The solitary white flowers are about 5 cm long, the pedicle is quadrangular. Under the calyx there are 2 cordate, pointed, red-bordered bracts, which extend to cover the calyx. There are 5 sepals. The corolla is fused and conical. There are 5 stamens and 1 superior ovary. The fruit is a capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is about 10 to 30 cm high and has a creeping rhizome. The stem is angular, glabrous and twining. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, cordate or arrow-shaped. The base of the leaves are acuminate, and they often have dentate lobes. Most twining plants seem to follow the course of the sun and bind round a support from left to right. But the Bindweed will always twine against the sun, confounding all attempts to train it, even dying in the process. Preparation: An infusion is prepared by adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of cut drug per cup of water. LITERATURE Asano N, Kato A, Oseki K, Kizu H, Matsui K, Calystegins of Physalis alkekengi var. francheti (Solanaceae). Structure determination and their glycosidase inhibitory activities. Eur J Biochem, 14:369-76, 1995. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Peumans WJ, Winter HC, Bemer V, Van Leuven F, Goldstein IJ, Truffa-Bachi P, Van Damme EI, Isolation of a novel plant lectin with an unusual specificity from Calystegia sepium. GlycoconJ J, 14:259-65, 1997. Characteristics: The flowers close in damp weather. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg / Lech 1993. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe and eastern U.S. Van Damme EJ, Barre A, Verhaert P, Rouge P, Peumans WJ, Molecular cloning of the mitogenic mannose/maltose-specific rhizome lectin from Calystegia sepium. FEBS Lett, 14:352-6, 1996. Production: The upper part of the herb is harvested during the flowering season and dried at temperatures of no more than 40° C in a well-aired place. Other Names: Devil's Vine, Hedge Lily, Lady's Nightcap, Rutland Beauty, Hedge Convolvulus, Old Man's Night Cap, Bearbind ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Greek Sage Salvia triloba COMPOUNDS DESCRIPTION Glycoretines: polymeric, resinous glycosides of hydroxy fatty acids (C12-C16) with oligosaccharides; the hydroxyl groups have been esterified with acetic, propionic, isobutyric and valeric acids, among others Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the leaf. Tannins EFFECTS The drug has a powerful effect; activity in the smooth muscle area is stimulated, intestinal peristalsis is increased, and there is an increase in bile production. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in false whorls of 2 to 6 blossoms. The calyx is campanulate, dentate, 5 to 8 mm long, often purple and pubescent. The corolla is 16 to 25 mm long, typically lilac or pink but occasionally white. Leaves, Stem and Root: Salvia triloba grows as a semi-shrub, up to 1.2 m high. The leaves are petiolate and tomentose. The lamina is simple or pinnatifid with 1 to 2 pairs of lateral leaf sections and a large elongate-ovate end section. The 368/GREEK SAGE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES stem is square, appressed pubescent, grayish-white beneath and green above. Storage: Store tightly sealed and protected from light. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Greece, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Albania, Turkey and Cyprus. Various species are particularly widespread in the Mediterranean region. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Production: Greek Sage leaves are the dried leaves of Salvia triloba, which are harvested once a year if collected in the wild and three times a year when cultivated. Other Names: Three-Lobed Sage, Turkish Sage ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (1.5 to 3.5%): chief component 1.8-cineole (40 to 67%), camphor (2 to 25%), thujone (5 to 6%), including as well camphene, beta-caryophyllene, myrcene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene Flavonoids: including 7-O-gIucosides and 7-O-glucuronides of apigenin, chrysoeriol, hispidulin, luteolin, 6-methyl luteolin, as well as salvigenin, jaceosidin Caffeic acid derivatives: rosmarinic acid (1.0 to 2.5%) Diterpenes: including carnosol (0.5%) Triterpenes (8%): ursolic acid, oleanolic acid EFFECTS The chief active ingredient (cineole) of the drug's essential oil has an antimicrobial effect. The combined action of the essential oil and the tannins is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, particularly in the region of the mouth and throat. Decoctions and infusions of the leaves exhibit antihypertensive, spasmolytic and blood sugar-reducing effects in animal experiments, during which the plasma insulin levels remain unchanged. The hypoglycemic effect is traced to the inhibition of intestinal glucose resorption. A sedative effect has also been described. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Salvia triloba is used internally for diabetes in Israel and Cyprus, and elsewhere for cardiac symptoms, lung complaints, colds, coughs, nervousness and digestion problems. Externally it is used to treat skin damage. LITERATURE Ulubelen A, Ozturk S, Isildatici S, A new flavone from Salvia triloba L.f (Labiatae). J Pharm Sci, 57:1037-8, 1968 Jun. Green Hellebore Helleborus viridis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The drug derived from the plant's rhizome and roots is obsolete in medicine today. Flower and Fruit: There are 2 to 3 flowers with a diameter of 4 to 7 cm and 5 ovate, grass-green, broad flower bracts. The petals are in the form of petaloid honey glands, and there are numerous stamens. The ovary is superior with the carpels only fused at the base. The fruit is a 25 to 28 mm long follicle with beak. The seeds have a narrow longitudinal strip with a ring at the end. Leaves, Stem and Root: This herbaceous perennial grows upright, up to 40 cm high. There are 2 basal, long-petioled leaves; the lamina is divided like a foot into 7 to 13 sections that are narrow-lanceolate, serrate and dark green. The stem is upright, branching higher up and leafless to that point. The cauline leaves are similar to the basal ones but sessile and smaller. The rhizome is usually branched. Habitat: The various species of Hellebore grow mainly in mountainous regions of Europe and North America. The plant is most commonly found in the Alps; Helleborus viridis is found growing as far north as northwest France. Production: Green Hellebore root is the dried rhizome with roots of Helleborus viridis. Not to be Confused With: Adulteration and mistaken identity can occur with Hellebori nigri rhizoma, Actaea spicata, Adonis vernalis, Trollius europaeus and Eupatorium cannabium. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with die proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Other Names: Bear's Foot ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY DOSAGE COMPOUNDS Mode of Administration: Aqueous decoctions and infusions prepared from the whole, cut and powdered drug are used internally. The fresh cut leaves are applied topically. Cardioactive steroid glycosides (bufadienolids, 0.5 to 1.5%): chief component hellebrin, including deglucohellebrin Preparation: The literature contains no detailed descriptions. Alkaloids of unknown structure: celliamine, sprintillamine, sprintilline HERBAL MONOGRAPH S Steroid saponins Storage: Store securely. EFFECTS LITERATURE The steroid saponin mixture helleborin is severely toxic and irritating to mucous membranes (ptarmic). It exhibits digi«• talis-like effects through the cardioactive glycosides it contains (hellebrin). The alkaloids it contains produce an excitation of the motor centers, eventually leading to convulsions and respiratory failure and triggering bradycardia in the heart and a negatively inotropic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Johnson CT, Routledge JK, Suspected helleborus viridis poisoning of cattle. Vet Rec, 89:202, 1971 Aug 14. Green Tea Unproven Uses: The drug is obsolete today because the risks of use are considered too high, given that efficacy for previously accepted indications has not yet been proven. Camellia sinensis Previous uses in folk medicine included nausea, constipation and worm infestation. Root preparations were used also for heart failure and as a diuretic. Helleborus viridis was employed as a laxative according to Hager (around 1930) and was important in homeopathic medicine. Green Tea Leaf (available from numerous manufacturers and as a combination product,) Green Tea Extract, Green Tea, Standardized Green Tea Extract, Green Tea Power, Chinese Green Tea Bags, Green Tea Power Caffeine Free Homeopathic Uses: Helleborus viridis is used for diarrhea. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ^ The drug is not to be administered in allopathic medicine. No risks are known in connection with the administration of homeopathic dosages of the drug. OVERDOSAGE The mucous membrane-irritating effect of the saponins appears to play the largest role in poisonings with the drug. resulting in scratchiness in mouth and throat, salivation. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, shortness of breath, and possible convulsions and asphyxiation. The ingestion of very large dosages leads to disorders of cardiac function (cardiac arrhythmias). Following gastrointestinal emptying (gastric lavage, sodium sulfate) and the administration of activated charcoal, the treatment for poisonings consists of the treatment of spasms with diazepam (i.v.), electrolyte substitution and the countering of any acidosis that may appear through sodium bicarbonate infusions. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be required. £f GREEN TEA / 3 6 9 Cases of fatal poisonings are known among animals who fed on the leaves of the plant. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole, cut and powdered drug. Daily Dosage: 1 g drug; maximum single dosage: 0.2 g drug. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every to 30 to 60 minutes (acute) and 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). TRADE NAMES DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the very young downy leaves, from which green or black tea is prepared according to the treatment being given. Flower and Fruit: The flowers grow short-pedicled and singly or in clusters of a few flowers in the leaf axils. They are white or pale pink and have a diameter of 3 to 5 cm. The flowers have between 5 and 7 sepals and petals at a time. The petals are fused at the base with the numerous stamens. The ovary has 3 chambers. The fruit is a greenish-brown, woody capsule with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 cm and contains 1 to 3 smooth brown seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen, heavilybranched shrub. The leaves are glossy dark green, alternate, short-petiolate, coreacious, lanceolate or elongate-ovate and roughly serrate. The young leaves appear silver because of the covering of downy hairs on the surface. Habitat: The plant does not originate in the wild. It was originally cultivated in China and is grown as a tea plant today in India, China, Sri Lanka, Japan, Indonesia, Kenya, Turkey, Pakistan, Malawi and Argentina. Production: Tea leaves are the fermented and/or dried leaves of Camellia sinensis. Harvesting takes place under stringent quality control. Green Tea is produced by steaming the fresh-cut leaf. Black Tea is produced by allowing the leaves to oxidize. During oxidation, enzymes present in the tea convert many of the polyphenolic therapeutic substances to less active compounds. Oxidation does not occur with Green Tea because die steaming process inactivates die enzymes responsible for oxidation. The anti-oxidant activity of Green Tea is six times greater than that of Black Tea. 370/GREEN TEA Other Names: Black Tea, Chinese Tea, Green Tea ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Purine alkaloids (methyl xanthines): caffeine (previously referred to as theine or teine; depending upon the development stage of the leaves, 2.9-4.2%, content declining with age), theobromine (0.15-0.2%), theophylline (0.02-0.04%) Thterpene saponins (theafolia saponins): aglycones including among others, barringtogenol C, Rl-barringenol e Condensed tannins is catechol tannins) x Tex Catechins: in unfermented (green) tea 10-25%, with fermenttation partially changing over into oligomeric quinones with tannin character, into theaflavine, theaflavin acid, thearubigene, or into non-water soluble polymeric- flavonoids: including, among others, quercetin, kaempferol, myrecetin Flavonoids: including quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin Caffeic acid derivatives: including among others, chlorogenic acid, theogallin Anorganic ions: high fluoride content (130-160 mg/kg), potassium and aluminum ions Volatile oil: chief components linalool, in fermented tea also 2-methyI-hept-2-en-6-on, alpha-ionon and beta-ionon, more than 300 volatile compounds are involved in tea aroma EFFECTS The caffeine in the drug has a centrally stimulating and antidepressive effect (adenosine antagonism.) Adenosine antagonism leads to dilation of the renal vessels with a consecutive increase of the rate of filtration (diuresis). Caffeine is positively inotropic, promotes the secretion of gastric juices, glycolysis and lipolysis. In animal tests, bradykinin and prostaglandin antagonism caused a capillary sealing and anti-inflammatory effect. An antidiarrheal effect can be attributed to a combination of the tannin effect and the fact that doses of 400 mg polyphenols administered three times daily promotes the growth of Lactobacillis and Bifidobacter species while inhibiting the growth of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile (Yamamoto, 1997). There is clinical evidence that Green Tea has cancer preventive effects. The types of cancer that Green Tea has been shown to prevent as demonstrated in well controlled clinical studies include cancers of the pancreas, colon, small intestine, stomach, breast and the lung. Green Tea mouthwashes have been shown to inhibit the growth of cavity-associated bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius and Escherichia coli (Ra~ sheed 1998; Haider, 1998). PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES CLINICAL TRIALS Cancer Treatment/Prevention A large (n = 2226) case-control study was conducted in China, where recently diagnosed cancer cases (pancreatic, colon and rectum) among residents between the ages of 30 and 74 years were included. Controls (n = 1552) were selected and matched to cases by age and gender and adjustments were made for age, income, education and cigarette smoking. As tea consumption increased, the incidence of all three cancers decreased. Women with the highest tea consumption (> or = 200 g/month) had a 33% reduced risk for colon cancer, 43% reduced risk of rectal cancer and 47% reduction in the risk for pancreatic cancer (p= 0.07, 0.001 and 0.008 respectively). For men who consumed > or = 300 g/month of Green Tea, the risk of colon cancer was reduced by 18%, for rectal cancer there was a 43% reduction of risk and for pancreatic cancer the risk reduction was 47% (p= 0.38, 0.04 and 0.04 respectively) (Ji, 1997). A two-part case control study of 472 Japanese women with stage I, II or III breast cancer was conducted. The first part of the study assessed the association between consumption of Green Tea prior to clinical cancer and the number of axillary lymph node metastases for premenopausal women or the increased expression of progesterone receptor and estrogen receptor among postmenopausal women with stage I or II cancer. The second part of the study investigated the recurrence rate of those with stage I or II breast cancer in relation to the amount of Green Tea consumption. There was an inverse relationship between the amount of Green Tea consumption and the rate of cancer recurrence. The recurrence rate was 16.7% for those that consumed > or = 5 cups/ day and 24.3% among those consuming < or = 4 cups/day (p < 0.05). The authors concluded that increased consumption of Green Tea prior to clinical cancer onset is significantly associated with improved prognosis of stage I and II breast cancer, and that this association may be related to a modifying effect of Green Tea on the clinical characteristics of the disease (Nakachi, 1998). Dental Caries Prevention An extract of oolong tea (semifermented tea leaves of Camellia sinensis) containing polymerized polyphenols in 0.2% ethanol was administered to 35 volunteers between 18 and 29 years of age to test the inhibitory effect of the extract on dental plaque deposition. The study was repeated 1 week after the first trial using 0.2% ethanol without the tea extract. The oolong tea cohort showed significant inhibition of plaque deposition (Ooshima, 1994). In another study, it was demonstrated that total inhibition of Streptococcus mutans was possible after exposure to a 0.1% HERBAL MONOGRAPHS 1 infusion of Chinese Green Tea polyphenols (CTP) for 5 minutes. Plaque Index and Gingival Index decreased significantly (p < 0.001) after a 0.2% CTP rinse and brush regimen was used by the shidy participants. The authors conclude that CTP is an effective agent to prevent dental caries (Chung, 1993). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Though no Commission E monograph is available for Green Tea, there is clinical evidence that Green Tea is likely to be useful as a cancer preventive and as a preventive for dental caries. Unproven Uses: Internal application: Green Tea is used for stomach disorders, migraine, symptoms of fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea when taken as a beverage. It can be used to increase performance (stimulant effect). Homeopathic Uses: Camellia sinensis is used for cardiac and circulatory conditions, headaches, states of agitation, states of depression and stomach complaints. Indian Medicine: In India, tea preparations are used for diarrhea, loss of appetite, hyperdipsia, migraine, cardiac pain, fever and fatigue. Chinese Medicine: In China Green Tea is used to treat migraine, nausea, diarrhoea resulting from malaria and digestion problems. It is also used as a cancer preventive. GREEN T E A / 3 7 1 Children: There have been reports of microcytic anemia in infants that were fed an average of 250 ml Green Tea daily. This effect may possibly be due to impairment of iron metabolism (Merhav, 1985). Drug Interactions: The resorption of alkaline medications can be delayed because of chemical bonding with the tannins. OVERDOSAGE Overdosage (quantities corresponding to more than 300 mg caffeine, or 5 cups of tea as a beverage) can lead to restlessness, tremor and elevated reflex excitability. The first signs of poisoning are vomiting and abdominal spasm. Fatal poisonings are not possible with tea beverages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Green Tea is administered as an infusion or in capsule form for internal use. How Supplied: The usual concentration of total polyphenols in dried Green Tea leaf is around 8% to 12%. One cup of Green Tea normally contains 50 to 100 milligrams polyphenols (Murray & Pizzorno, 1998; Yamamoto, 1997). Capsules — 100 mg, 150 mg, 175 mg, 333 mg, 383 mg, 500 mg Liquid — 1:1 Tablets — 100 mg PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Side effects of tea consumption are possible with persons who have sensitive stomachs, chiefly due to the chlorogenic acid and tannin content. Hyperacidity, gastric irritation, reduction of appetite, as well as obstipation or diarrhea, could be the result of intense tea consumption. These side effects can be generally avoided by the addition of milk (reduction of the chlorogenic acid and other tannins). Care should be taken with patients that have weakened cardiovascular systems, renal diseases, thyroid hyperfunction, elevated susceptibility to spasm and certain psychic disorders, such as panicky states of anxiety. With long-term intake of dosages above 1.5 g caffeine per day, non-specific symptoms occur, such as restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, palpitation, vertigo, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and headache. Dried extract (instant tea) — Processed using steam extraction followed by drying Filter tea bags — Available commercially containing 1.8 to 2.2 gm tea Preparation: To prepare a tea, boiling water is poured over a heaped teaspoon of leaf tea, a level teaspoon of crushed leaves or a tea bag and left to draw for 3 to 10 minutes as required. The caffeine is almost completely drawn after approximately 3 minutes. The tannin-containing substance (and with it the antidiarrheal action) increases when the tea is left to brew. Daily Dosage: A daily dose of 300 to 400 mg of polyphenols is typical. The amount of polyphenols in 3 cups of Green Tea is between 240 and 320 mg. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution sc twice weekly (HAB1). Pregnancy: Pregnant women should not exceed a dosage of 300 mg per day (5 cups of tea spread out over the course of a day). Storage: Store tightly sealed and dried; store separately from other chemicals and aromatic substances. Nursing Mothers: Infants whose nursing mothers consume beverages containing caffeine could suffer from sleep disorders. Anonym, Griiner Tee schutzt vor Krebs. In: DAZ 137(24):2045. 1997. LITERATURE 372 /GREEN TEA PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Biiechi S, Antivirale Saponine, pharmakologische und klinische Untersuchungen. In: DAZ 136(2):89-98. 1996. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Graham B, In: Graham HN: Tea: The Plant and Its Manufacture, Chemistry, and Consumption of the Beverage. In: The Methylxanthine Beverages and Foods: Chemistry. Consumption, and Heath Effects, Alan R. Liss, New York, S.29-74. 1984. Oliver-Bever B (Ed.), Medicinal Plants of Tropical West Africa, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1986. Haslam E, Natural polyphenols (vegetable tannins) as drugs: possible modes of action. In: JNP 59(2):205-215. 1996. Imai K, Nakachi K, Cross sectional study of effects of drinking Green Tea on cardiovascular and liver disease. In: Brit Med J 310:693-696. 1995. Jain AK, Shimoi K, Nakamura Y, Kada T. Hana Y, Tomita J, Crude tea extracts decrease the mutagenic activity of N'-methylN'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in-vitro and in gastric tract of rats. In: Mutat Res 210(1)1-8. 1989. Ji BT, Chow WH, Hsing AW et al., Green Tea consumption and the risk of pancreatic and colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer 70(3):255-258. 1997. John TJ, Mukundan P, Antiviral property of tea. In: Curr Sci 47:159. 1978. Ludewig R, (1995) Schwarzer und Griiner Tee als Genup*- und Heilmittel. Dtsch Apoth Z 135:2203-2218. Murray MT & Pizzorno: Camellia Sinensis (green tea), in A Textbook of Natural Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, pp 625627. 1998. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl.. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Grindelia camporum See Gumweed Ground Ivy Nakachi K, Suemasu K, Suga K, Takeo T. Imai K, Higashi Y. Influence of drinking Green Tea on breast cancer malignancy among Japanese patients. In: Jpn J Cancer 89(3): 254-61. Mar, 89. DESCRIPTION Rasheed A & Haider M, Antibacterial activity of Camellia sinensis extracts against dental caries. Arch Pharm Res 21:348352. 1998. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the herb collected during the flowering season and dried, the fresh aerial parts collected during the flowering season, and the whole plant. Scholz E, Camellia sinensis (L.) O. KUNTZE. Der Teestrauch. In: ZPT 16(4):231-250. 1995. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in 2- to 6-blossomed false whorls in the axils of the foliage leaves. The individual flowers are 1 to 2 cm long with distinct pedicles and bracteoles that are 1 to 1.5 mm long. The calyx is bilabiate and tubular, with 5 tips. The bilabiate corolla is 15 to 22 mm long, usually blue-violet but occasionally red-violet or white. The fruit is a nut of about 2 mm. Schroder B, In: Schroder R: Kaffee, Tee und Kardamom. Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart. 1991. Sur P, Ganguly DK, Tea root extract (TRE) as an antineoplastic agent. In: PM 60(2): 106. 1994. Yamamoto T, Juneja LR, Chu DC et al.. Chemistry and Applications of. green tea. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1997. Yoshizawa S et al., (1987) Phytother Res 1(1):44. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Glechoma hederacea Leaves, Stem and Root: This perennial herb grows 15 to 60 cm high and has a creeping main stem, which roots at the lower nodes and keeps its leaves in winter. The quadrangular stem is up to 2 mm thick and often tinged with blue-violet, as are the petioles. The leaves are crossed opposite, longpetioled, reniform to broadly cordate, crenate; dark green above and paler green beneath. Characteristics: The plant has a mild unpleasant smell; the taste is hot and bitter. Habitat: Ground Ivy is a common wild plant in Europe. HERBAL MONOGRAPH S Production:' Ground Ivy is the aboveground part of Glechoma hederacea, gathered when in flower (from April to June). It is air-dried in the shade to keep loss of the essential oil to a minimum. s Other Names: Alehoof. Gill-Go-over-the-Ground, LizzyRun-up-the-Hedge, Gill-to-by-the-Hedge, Robin-Run-in-theHedge, Catsfoot, Hedgemaids, Tun-Hoof, Haymaids, Turnhoof, Creeping Charlie. Cat's-Paw ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil (traces): chief components (-)-pinocarvone, (-)menthone, (+)-pulegone. also including germacran D, germacran B, cis-ocimene Sesquiterpenes: glechomafuran, glechomanolide Hydroxy fatty acid: 9-hydroxy-10-trans, 12-cis-octadecadiendic acid Cajfeic acid derivatives: rosmaric acid Flavonoids: including cymaroside, cosmosyin, hypersoside isoquercitrin EFFECTS ^r The drug is said to be an anti-inflammatory, which is believed to be due to the tripterpen content. No detailed information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used internally for inflammation of gastrointestinal mucous membranes and diarrhea. Ground Ivy is also used for mild respiratory complaints of the upper bronchia; in the symptomatic treatment of coughs; and as a diuretic in cases of bladder and kidney stones. Externally, the drug is used for the treatment of poorly healing wounds, ulcers and skin diseases. In Italy, it is used for arthritis and rheumatism. Chinese Medicine: Ground Ivy is used to treat carbuncles, erysipelas, lower abdominal pain, scabies, scrofulous, irregular menstruation, coughs, dysentery and jaundice. Efficacy has not, however, been proven for these indications. Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include diarrhea and hemorrhoids. <4(r PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Fatal poisonings were observed among horses following intake of large quantities of the fresh plant. Mice who were fed solely on the plant died after 3 to 4 days. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally as well as externally. GROUND PINE/373 Preparations: The liquid extract (1:1) is prepared by using 25% ethanol. Daily Dosage: The normal single daily dose of the dried drug is 2 to 4 gm internally; externally, crushed leaves are placed on the affected areas. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day; suppositories: 1 suppository 2 to 3 times daily (chronic and acute) (HAB34) Storage: Ground Ivy should be stored where it is not exposed to light. LITERATURE Barberan FAT, (1986) Fitoterapia 57(2):67. Bohinc P, Korbar-Smid J, Cicerov-Cergol M, Uber die kardiotonischen Substanzen des Gnadenkrautes - Gratiola officinalis. In: Sci Pharm 47:108-113. 1979. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen). Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Mascolo N et al., (1987) Phytother Res l(l):28. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen. Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Sevenet T, Looking for new drugs: what criteria? J Ethnopharmacol, 32:83-90, Apr 1991. Ground Pine Ajuga chamaepitys DESCRIPTION Flower and Fruit: The plant has 2 to 4 flowers at each node. The petals are 4 to 6 mm. The tips of the petals are as long as or shorter than the tube: The corolla is yellow with red or purple markings, rarely entirely purple. The lower lip is entire, and the stamens are exerted. The filaments are hairy. The mericarps are 2 to 5 mm long, obovate and reticulatewrinkled with a pitted surface. Leaves, Stem and Root: Ground Pine is an annual or shortlived perennial. The stem is 5 to 30 cm long. It is usually heavily branched, glabrous to densely villous. The leaves are 3-partite with linear segments. They are 0.5 to 4 mm wide. The segments are sometimes 3-pinnatifid. The bracts are similar to the leaves. 3 7 4 / G R O U N D PINE PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Habitat: Sandy, stony areas of southern Britain and parts of Europe. Other Names: Yellow Bugle ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Production: Groundsel is the flowering plant of Senecio vulgaris. The herb is gathered in uncultivated regions and dried in the shade. COMPOUNDS Volatile oil Diterpene Habitat: The plant is common in all of Europe, northern and central Asia, northern Africa and has been introduced into various other parts of Africa as well as Australia and the Americas. bitter principles Other Names: Grundy Swallow, Ground Glutton, Simson Caffeic acid derivatives: including rosemary acid ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECTS COMPOUNDS Emmenagogue diuretic. (stimulates menstrual flow), stimulant, Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (up to 0.16% in the fresh foliage): chief alkaloids are senecionine, seneciphylline Unproven Uses: Ground Pine is used for gout, rheumatism and gynecological disorders. Flavonoids: including among others, isorhamnetin-3-O-glucosides, isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinosides, isorhamnetin-3monosulphate PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Volatile oil (traces) INDICATIONS AND USAGE No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Ground Pine is available in compounded preparations as a liquid extract for internal use. LITERATURE Camps F, et al.. (1985) An Quim 8IC(l):74-75. Kooiman P, (1972) Acta Bot Nederl 21(4):417. Groundsel Senecio vulgaris DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb collected during the flowering season. Flower and Fruit: The yellow composite flowers are in compact cymes. The small capitula have tubular florets but no lingual ones. The bract calyx is globose. The involucre and the very short outer bracts have black tips. The fruit is 1.2 to 2 mm long and densely downy. The pappus, which is 3 times as long as the fruit, is silky and pure white. Leaves, Stem and Root: Groundsel grows from about 10 to 30 cm high. It is annual, biennial or occasionally perennial. The plant has a thin, fusiform, pale root, which is densely covered in lateral roots. The stem is erect, simple or branched. The leaves are glabrous or cobweb-lanate and pinnatisect. The lower leaves narrow to the petiole; the upper ones are slit at the base and clasping. The tips are detached, oblong, obtuse and unevenly acute dentate. EFFECTS The toxic principles of the drug are the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are hepatotoxic and carcinogenic. Use of Groundsel for worm infestation can be explained by the high toxicity of the drug. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internal use of Groundsel is not recommended because, similar to S. jacoboeae, it contains toxic and carcinogenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Prior uses have included the treatment of worm infestations, colic and epilepsy. The pressed juice has been used for dysmenorrhea, epilepsy, and as a styptic in dentistry. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Groundsel should not be taken internally because hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity are possible due to the pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1,2-unsaturated necic parent substances in its makeup. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Internal use of Groundsel is not advised. LITERATURE Bull LB et al. in: The Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids, Pub. Wiley NY 1968. Mansour RMA, Saleh, NAM (1981) Phytochemistry 20:1180. Quails CW, Segall H J (1978) J Chrom. 15:202. Toppel G, Hartmann T (1986) Planta Med 6:25P. Van Borstel K et al., PH 28:1635-1638. 1989. Van Dooren Bos R et al., (1981) Planta Med 42:385. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS GUAIAC / 3 7 5 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Guaiacum officinale is fungistatic because of its saponin content. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. • Rheumatism EFFECTS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Guaiac is used as supportive therapy for rheumatic complaints. Guaiac Guaiacum officinale Unproven Uses: Although folk medicine use has declined, it is used for respiratory complaints, skin disorders and syphilis in the Caribbean. DESCRIPTION PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Medicinal Parts: The primary medicinal part is the resin of the heartwood, which is used for various preparations. The wood also has some medicinal properties. Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. High dosages of the drug can lead to diarrhea, gastroenteritis and intestinal colic. Skin rashes have also been observed following intake of the drug. Flower and Fruit: The pale blue star-shaped flowers are in false umbels with 6 to 10 blooms that have 2 cm long pedicles. There are 5 sepals, 5 petals, 10 stamens and a bilocular ovary. The fruit is a bilocular, cordate capsule that is compressed at the side and contains a long and hard seed, in each chamber. j* Leaves, Stem and Root: Guaiacum officinale is an evergreen tree that grows to 13 m high and has a greenish-brown. usually twisted trunk covered in furrowed bark. The heartwood is greenish brown and heavier than water, with an aromatic taste. The opposite leaves are short-petioled, coriaceous and di- to tri-pinnate. The leaflets are ovate or oblong, obtuse and entire-margined. Characteristics: The shavings turn green on exposure to the air and blue-green in the presence of nitrogen. Habitat: The plant grows in Florida, on the Antilles, in Guayana, Venezuela and Columbia. It is closely related to Guaiacum sanctum, which grows in the Bahamas and southern Florida. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The comminuted wood is used for decoctions and other galenic preparations for internal use. The essential oil. known as guaiac wood oil. must be evaluated separately. How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical preparations include drops, ointments and compound preparations. Preparation: To make an infusion, use 1.5 g drug in 1 cup cold water (150 ml). Slowly bring to a boil, remove from heat and let steep, then strain after 15 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 4 to 5 g of the drug. When using a tincture (Guajaci Ligni Tinctura), 20 to 40 drops make a single dose. LITERATURE Ahmad VU, Bano N, Bano S, PH 23:2612-2616. 1984. Ahmad VU, Bano N, Bano S, PH 25:951-952. 1986. King FE, Wilson JG, (1964) J Chem Soc:4011-4024. Production: Guaiac wood consists of the heartwood and sapwood of Guaiacum officinale and/or Guaiacum sanctum. King FE, Wilson JG, J Chem Soc: 1572-1580. 1965. Other Names: Guaiacum, Lignum Vitae, Pockwood Kratochvil JF et al., (1971) Phytochem 10:2529. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY ' Majuinder PL, Bhattacharya M, (1974) Chem Ind 77. COMPOUNDS Schrecker AW, (1957) J Am Chem Soc 79:3823. 4|f° Triterpene saponins: aglycone oleanolic acid Resin: containing, among others, the lignans (-)-guaiaretic acid, dihydroguajaretic acid, guaiacin Isoguajacin: alpha-guaiaconic acid, tetrofuroguaiacine A and B Volatile oil: chief components sesquiterpene alcohols; such as guaiole, which changes into quaiazulene with steam distillation Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl.. Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimirtel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. 3 7 6 /GUA1AC PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl, Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Guaiacum officinale See Guaiac INDICATIONS AND USAGE Guar Gum Cyamopsis EFFECTS Clusterbean or Guar Gum causes a lowering of postprandial serum glucose values through (among other things) the influence of the hydrocolloid guar upon glucose resorption (delaying of stomach emptying into the duodenum), a reduction of glucosuria, improvement of the HBA1 value and leveling of the blood sugar profile. A lipid-lowering effect has also been demonstrated. tetragonoloba DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The whole plant has medicinal properties. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in axillary, 6- to 30flowered racemes. The structures of the flowers are arranged in fives. The sepals are fused and hairy on the outside; the lower calyx teeth are longer than the upper ones. The corolla is butterfly-shaped (flag, 2 wings, keel formed from 2 fused petals), small and reddish; there are 10 stamens. The fruit developing from a carpel is an upright, 3.8 to 5 cm long, sparsely haired legume with 5 to 6 seeds; these have a very well-developed, slimy endosperm. Leaves, Stem and Root: Cyamopsis tetragonoloba is an annual herb, which grows up to 60 cm high. The leaves are alternate, triple-pinnate; the leaflets are broad-elliptical, acuminate, dentate, pubescent on both surfaces. They measure 3.8 to 7.5 cm long and 1.2 to 5 cm wide. The petiole is 2.5 to 3.8 cm long, while the stipules are 6 to 10 mm long. The root and root tuber have symbiotic bacteria, which bonds nitrogen from the air. Habitat: The plant is native to the Indian subcontinent. It originated from India, Australia, South Africa and the U.S. Production: Guar Gum is the powder extracted by milling from the endosperm of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. A dry or wet milling process separates the endosperm from the seed shell! Unproven Uses: Internal application: Guar Gum has been used for diabetes mellitus, for postprandial hyperglycemia and glucosuria, and for hyperlipoproteinemia. It has also been used to regulate digestion. Indian Medicine: Night blindness, dyspeptic complaints, anorexia, constipation and agalactia have all been treated with Guar Gum. CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in diseases of esophagus, stomach and intestine, which might hinder passage of the chyme. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages of the drug, nor with its use as a pharmaceutical vehicle. Possible side effects, particularly at the beginning of treatment, might include feelings of fullness, nausea, wind and diarrhea. Symptoms of hypoglycemia (outbreaks of sweating, vertigo, ravenous hunger) and resorption difficulties involving vitamins, minerals and medications (such as contraceptives!) have been observed, although rarely. Inadequate intake of fluids could lead to the danger of bolus formation. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Powdered drug, granules and tablets for internal use. Daily Dosage: Commercial pharmaceutical preparation with one dose of 5 gm per tablet or granules, 3 times daily. Storage: Keep Guar Gum sealed tightly. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Other Names: Aconite Bean, Calcutta Lucerne, Guar, Clusterbean ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Water-soluble polysaccharides: galactomannans (85%) Guarana Paullinia cupana TRADE NAME Proteins (2 to 5%) Saponins (0.1%) Guarana (available from numerous manufacturers), Guarana Seed H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS DESCRIPTION EFFECTS Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the peeled, dried, roasted and pulverized seeds, formed into a thick paste with water. Guarana produces a stimulating effect, due to the presence of purines (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline). Caffeine is centrally stimulating, has a positive inotropic and, in high concentrations, has a positive chronotropic cardiac effect. It relaxes the vascular muscles (with the exception of cerebral vessels that constrict) and the bronchial tube. ^ Flower and Fruit: The usually unisexual flowers are inconspicuous, yellow to whitish and fragrant. They are in 30 long panicles, which only produce female or male flowers at any one time. The fruit is a hazelnut-sized, deep yellow to red-orange 3-sectioned capsule, which bursts open when ripe and releases 1 purple-brown to black seed in a cup-like aril. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a woody, evergreen perennial vine up to 10 m long, which climbs through the jungle. It is bushier in its cultivated form. The leaves are large, palmate, coriaceous, distinctly ribbed and roughly crenate-serrate. Characteristics: A paste is formed from the pulverized and roasted seeds, formed into rolls or bars and dried. The taste is astringent, bitter then sweet, and the odor is reminiscent of chocolate. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Amazon basin and has been introduced into other rain forests. The main area of *k cultivation is between Maues and Manau in Brazil. Production: Guarana seeds are the seeds of Paullinia cupana. A preparation is also made from the ground seeds. Over a period of approximately 75 days, the pollinated flower develops a "ripe" guarana raceme, which is harvested by hand from October to December. Seeds (up to 80 per raceme) are taken out of the capsule shells, soaked for a time in water and then finally separated from the arillus. Subsequent to being dried in the sun, the seeds are roasted for 2 to 3 hours in special clay ovens. Once they have cooled, the parchment-like shell is removed and the seeds are ground down. Following this, the resulting paste is smoked over aromatic charcoal. The final product is dark brown in color and in stick form. Other Names: Brazilian Cocoa, Guarana Bread, Paullinia ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Caffeine works as a short-term diuretic and increases gastric secretion. Furthermore, it increases the release of catecholamines. Inhibition of blood platelet aggregation has been observed. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Guarana is used as a tonic for fatigue and to quell hunger and thirst, for headache and dysmenorrhoea, digestion problems, fever and as a diuretic. Its effect in stimulating the circulation, heart and diuresis can be explained by the caffeine content. Homeopathic Uses: Headache PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Quantities corresponding to up to 400 mg caffeine per day (7 to 11 gm of the herb), spread out over the day, are toxicologically harmless to a healthy adult habituated to caffeine, through regular consumption of coffee or black tea. One must remember that the quantities of caffeine considered harmless are calculated to include all of the foodstuffs and beverages containing the substance (including coffee, tea, cola, etc.). Caution is advised for patients with sensitive cardiovascular systems, renal diseases, hyperthyroidism, increased tendency to spasms and certain psychic disorders such as panic anxiety. Drug Interactions: The diuretic action of Guarana may lead to hypokalemia with excessive use. Hypokalemia may increase digoxin toxicity. Purine alkaloids: chief alkaloid caffeine (3.6-5.8%), in addition, small amounts of theophylline and theobromine Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid caffeine, and under no circumstances exceed a dosage of over 300 mg per day. Tannins (12%): oligomeric proanthocyanidins, condensed tannins Nursing Mothers: Infants whose nursing mothers consume caffeine products could suffer from sleeping disorders. COMPOUNDS w GUARANA/377 Cyanolipides: including among others, 2,4-dihydroxy-3methylene-butyronitrile Saponins Starch (30%) Proteins (15%) OVERDOSAGE The first symptoms of poisoning are dysuria, vomiting and abdominal spasms. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The seeds of Paullinia cupana are grated and taken directly as powder or diluted in water or 378/GUARANA juice as a drink. It is not in use as a drug. It is available in various medicinal preparations. How Supplied: Capsules — 200 mg Liquid — 1:1 Tablets — 800 mg. 1000 mg Daily Dosage: Average single dose: 1 gm of the powder Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic): parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute: 3 times daily: chronic: once a day (HAB34) LITERATURE Frohne D, Guarana; - der neue Muntermacher. In: DAZ 133(3):218. 1993. Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 19921994. Katzung W, Guarana: - ein Naturprodukt mit hohem Coffeingehalt. In: Med Mo Pharm 16(11):330-333. 1993. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. New York, 1980. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Ed.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S and rust-colored on the inside. The leaves are double abruptly pinnate. The leaflets are in 10 to 15 pairs, narrow, gray-green, up to 5 mm long, opposite and very shortpetioled. There are 2 to 3 stipules, which have formed into thorns, and are covered on the" upper surface with yellow, fleshy glands. Habitat: Acacia Senegal is found in the tropical Savannah belt of Africa, in the southern Sahara (Senegal, Gambia), in Arabia, Beludschistan and Sind. Grown in forest-like conditions in the western and southwestern Sahara region (Senegal, Gambia, Ivory Coast, northern Dahomey and northern Nigeria). Production: Acacia gummi, the latex, is the result of a wound infection of the tree, which has occurred naturally or has been induced. The incised bark is removed in strips of approximately 4 cm by 60 cm. The liquid discharge dries to form a hard, glazed substance, which is collected on a weekly basis. The latex is harvested from trees, ranging from 3 to 12 years old. Not to be Confused With: According to DAB 10 (EUR), USP XXII, only latex from Acacia Senegal or other African varieties are officially recognized. In other words, Asian, Australian and American latex are not official. Other Names: Acacia, Cape Gum, Egyptian Thorn, Gum Acacia, Gum Senegal ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Colloidally soluble polysaccharides: especially Arabic acid (acidic arabinogalactan) Glycoproteins EFFECTS Gum Arabic Acacia Senegal DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The latex from the trunk and branches is the medicinal part of the plant. No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Acacia gummi is used in the preparation of emulsions. The drug is used as a mild stimulant and to impede absorption. It is also used for the treatment of catarrh and diarrhea. Acacia is often a constituent of cough drops. It is also used in veterinary medicine for mild diarrhea in small animals, foals and calves. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences, which grow from the leaf axils, are up to 10 cm long. The flowers are white and grow in cylindrical, dense spikes. The calyx is cup-shaped with 5 sepals. The 5 petals are lanceolate. The numerous stamens are long and fused at the base. The pods are about 10 cm long and contain 5 to 6 shiny brown seeds. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Leaves, Stem and Root: Acacia Senegal is up to 6 m tall with a 12 to 25 cm thick, slightly leaning trunk, which has knotty branches and a thin crown. The sapwood is white and the heartwood is black. The bark is fibrous, gray on the outside Mode of Administration: Acacia is used as a pharmaceutical aid and is also administered internally in combination preparations. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS DOSAGE HERBAL MONOGRAPHS GUMWEED/379 Storage: The drug should be stored in tightly closed containers. Other Names: August Flower, Grindelia, Rosin Weed, Tar Weed LITERATURE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Beuscher N, Bodinet C Willigmann I. Harnischfeger G, ^T Biological activity of Baptisia tinctoria extracts. In: Inst, fiir Angew. Botanik der Univ. Hamburg, Angewandte Botanik, Berichte 6, 46-61. 1997. Diterpene acids: grindelic acid, hydroxygrindelic acid, 6oxogrindelic acid. 7alpha,8alpha-epoxygrindelic acid Randall RC, Phillips GO. Williams PA. Food Hydrocolloids 3:65-75, 1989. Volatile oil: including, among others, borneol, bornyl acetate, camphene, camphor, myrcene, alpha- and betapinene Further information in: Berger F, Handbuch der Drogenkunde. W Maudrich Verlag Wien 1964. Hansel R. Keller K. Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York, 19921994. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E. Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Gumweed Grindelia camporum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the flowering branches and the dried leaves. Flower and Fruit: Gumweed has a number of individual composite heads, each with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm, at the end of leafy stems. The involucral bracts are 3 to 8 mm by 0.5 to 1 mm, with very viscid, cylindrical, deflected apexes. If present, the ligules are 7 to 15 mm long and yellow to orange-yellow. The inner florets are yellow. The achaenes are 2 to 3 mm, oblong and brown. The 2 to 8 pappus-awns are 3 to 5 mm long and usually finely serrulate. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an erect biennial or perennial herb or small bush that grows up to 1 m high, often A branched above. The alternate leaves are 3 to 7 cm long, triangular to ovate-oblong, clasping, resinous-punctate, serrate-crenate or entire-margined, and light green. They break off easily when dry. Habitat: The plant grows in the Southwestern U.S. and in Mexico. Production: Gumweed herb consists of the dried tops and leaves of Grindelia robusta and/or Grindelia squarrosa, which are gathered during flowering season. COMPOUNDS Polyynes: including matricarianol, matricarianolacetate Saponins Tannins Flavonoids: including kaempferol-3,7-dimethyl ether, kaempferol-3-dimethyl ether, luteolin, quercetin, quercetin3.3'-dimethyl ether EFFECTS In vitro, the drug has an antimicrobial, fungistatic and spasmolytic effect caused by the resin, which contains diterpenes, and the phenol carbolic acids. An antibacterial effect has also been demonstrated in vitro. In addition, an inflammation-inhibiting effect has been proven. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Cough • Bronchitis Unproven Uses: Gumweed is also used for infections in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Side effects listed in older scientific literature (Lewin) include gastric irritation and diarrhea. Large dosages, however, are said to have a poisonous effect. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb for teas and other galenic preparations for internal use. Preparation: The tincture is prepared in a 1:10 or 1:5 concentration with 60% to 80% ethanol (v/v). Daily Dosage: The recommended dosage is 4 to 6 g of drug or 3 to 6 g Gumweed liquid extract. If using the tincture, the dosage is 1.5 to 3 ml. LITERATURE Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11, Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston. Berlin 1962-1997. 3 8 0 /GUMWEED PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Kem W, List PH, Hdrhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. 10) are cylindrical and have black glandular hairs and a reticulate surface structure. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Leaves, Stem and Root: Haronga madagascariensis is a small evergreen tree that grows up to 8 m high with a heavily branched crown. It has opposite, elliptical-oval leaves, which are rounded to cordate at the base and dotted black. The upper surface is dark green. The lower surface has red-brown hairs. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Mascolo, N et al., (1987) Phytother Res 1(1):28. Schimmer O, Egersdorfer S. Grindelia-Arten - Die Grindelie. In: ZPT 9(3):86. 1988. Timmermann B et al., (1985) Phytochemistry 24(5): 1031. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M. Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika. Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena. New York 1995. Guraea rusbyi See Cocillana Tree Haematoxylon campechianum See Logwood Hagenia abyssinica See Kousso Hamamelis virginiana See Witch Hazel Habitat: The plant originated in Madagascar and east Africa; it grows in many areas throughout tropical Africa. Production: Haronga is a collective term for extracts from the leaves and bark of the trunk and branches of Haronga madagascariensis, as well preparations made from those components. The leaves are collected and then air-dried whole; the bark is peeled and also air-dried. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Anthracene derivatives: including harunganin, madagascin, madagascinanthrone, haronginanthrone, chrysophanol, physcione, hypericin, pseudohypericin, madagascarine Volatile oil (traces) Oligomeric procyanidins Flavonoids (in the leaves): including quercetin-3-O-arabinsoide, quercetin-3-O-xyloside, quercitrin EFFECTS Haronga has a digestion regulatory effect through stimulation of the excretory function of the pancreas and gastric juice secretion. In animal experiments, it has demonstrated a choleretic, cholecystokinetic and antihepatoxic effect. An antimicrobial effect has also been observed. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic complaints Haronga Haronga madagascariensis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the tree are the leaves and bark. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are richly blossomed, terminal and umbel-like, with a diameter of about 20 cm. The flowers are small and white; they have 5 sepals, 5 petals, 4 stamens and a fanned ovary with 2 ovules per section. The fruit is a roundish, reddish drupe. The seeds (approximately Unproven Uses: Haronga is used for mild exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Internal uses of the bark and leaves in folk medicine include constipation, diarrhea, liver and gallbladder conditions, worm infestations, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, menstrual disturbances and puerperal fever. The bark is used externally for eczema. The effect for the external application seems plausible because of the drug's antibacterial effect. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is not to be used in patients with acute pancreatitis, severe liver function disorders, gallstone illnesses, obstruction of the biliary ducts, gallbladder empyema or ileus. HARTSTONGUE/381 HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Photosensitization in fair-skinned people can be caused by hypericin and pseudohypericin, but is unlikely due to the 4gt, small size of therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As comminuted Haronga bark with leaves for decoctions, extracts and other preparations. How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical reparations include drops, tablets and compound preparations. Preparation: Extracts are standardized to 0.1% chrysophanic acid derivatives; tinctures are standardized to 0.01% chrysophanic acid derivatives. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 7.5 to 15 mg of an aqueous-alcoholic dry extract corresponding to 25 to 50 mg drug. LITERATURE ^ Baldi A et al.. Polyphenols from Harungana madagascarienis. • In: PM 58(7)91. 1992. Buckley DG et al., Aust J Chem 25:843-855. 1972. Hartstongue Scolopendrium vulgare DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the frond. Flower and Fruit: Two rows of large sporangia lie almost horizontally on the under surface of the fronds, with a long film stretching toward the margin. Leaves, Stem and Root: The evergreen plant is a fern with long, wide, simple, short-petioled dark green fronds. They are arranged in clusters and are broad linear-lanceolate, 2lobed cordate at the base and acuminate higher up, with a sinuate margin. The stem is covered in brown, almost hairlike scales. The root is bushy, short and sturdy. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to almost all of Europe, North America, northern Africa, and eastern Asia. Production: Hartstongue is the aerial part of Scolopendrium vulgare. Other Names: Hind's Tongue, Horse Tongue, Buttonhole, God's-Hair ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Tannins Fisel J et al., DAZ 106:1053-1060. 1966. Mucilages Gehrmann B, Analytische Studie an Harungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Poir. In: Dissertation Universitat Hamburg. 1989. Flavonoids: including among others, kaempferol-7-rhamnoside-3-coffeoyl-7-diglucoside Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Messerschmidt W, DAZ 106:1209-1211. 1966. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Thiaminase (probably present only in the fresh plant) Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides: saccharose, invert sugar EFFECTS Hartstongue is a diuretic and has a mild laxative effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Hartstongue is used in folk medicine for digestive disorders, urinary tract diseases, and spleen and liver complaints. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS + Haronga madagascariensis See Haronga No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Harpagophytum procumbens See Devil's Claw Mode of Administration: Hartstongue is used internally as an infusion. LITERATURE Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997. 382/HARTSTONGUE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969 (unter Phyllitis scolopendrium). Madaus G. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids (0.2-0.4%): including among others rutin (violaquercitrin, 23%), luteolin-7-O-glucosides, scoparin, saponarine, violanthin, vicinein-2, vitexin Phenol carboxylic acid: salicylic acid (0.06-0.3%), violutoside (violutin, glucoarabinoside of the methyl salicylate) Mucilage (10%) Heartsease Tannins (2-5%) Viola tricolor Hydroxycoumarins: umbelliferone DESCRIPTION Triterpene saponins (speculated) Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried aerial parts, the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant and the whole plant. Flower and Fruit: The solitary, long-pedicled flower is yellow or tricolored. It has 5 lanceolate, acute and uneven sepals with an appendage and 5 uneven petals, the largest of which is spurred. The 5 stamens also have an appendage at the tip. There are 3 fused superior ovaries. The fruit is an ellipsoid, obtusely angular capsule, which bursts open at 3 points. The seeds are pear-shaped and yellow. Leaves, Stem and Root: Heartsease is annual to perennial and grows about 30 cm high. The shoots are usually yellowish green, glabrous or covered in scattered hairs. The stem is erect, angular, unbranched or branched, glabrous or shorthaired. It has short internodes below and longer ones above. The leaves are alternate, glabrous, or short-haired. The lower leaves are cordate; the upper ones are oblong-elliptical. The stipules are lyrate-pinnatesect and have a large, crenate terminal tip. Characteristics: The plant is odorless and the taste slimysweetish. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to temperate Eurasia, from the Mediterranean to India and as far as Ireland. It is cultivated in Holland and France. Production: Viola herb consists of the dried, above-ground parts of Viola tricolor, mainly of the subspecies vulgaris and subspecies arvensis, harvested at flowering season. The herb is cultivated predominantly in central Europe. The flowering above-ground parts are harvested in die summer months and carefully dried on a well ventilated floor or at 45° C to 50° C. Two to three harvests per year are possible. Other Names: European Wild Pansy, Johnny-Jump-Up, Wild Pansy EFFECTS The drug has soothing, salve-like effects due to its mucin content; in animal experiments oral administration brought about an improvement of eczema-like skin conditions after long-term use. The antisporiatic effect attributed to the drug may be explained by the saponin content, as can its use for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. In vitro the drug is hemolytic and increases chloride elimination in the urine. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved hy Commission E: • Inflammation of the skin Unproven Uses: External uses include mild seborrheic skin diseases, cradle cap in children and various skin disorders, including wet and dry exanthema, eczema, Crusta lactea, acne, impetigo and Pruritus vulvae. The plant is used internally as a mild laxative for constipation and as an auxiliary agent to promote metabolism. Historic uses of Heartsease include the treatment of respiratory catarrh, throat inflammation, whooping cough and feverish colds. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used for eczema and inflammation of the urinary tract. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole, cut and powdered drug is available for infusions, decoctions and other galenic preparations. It is also available in ointments and shampoos for external use. Preparation: To make a tea, pour 1 cup of scalding water over 1 dessertspoonful of drug. An infusion for internal use is prepared using 5 to 10 gm drug per 1 liter of water. A HERBAL MONOGRAPH S decoction for internal use is prepared by adding 1.5 gm drug to 1 cup water. The drug is also used as a bath additive. Daily Dosage: A cup of tea should be taken 3 times daily after meals. The dose for the infusion is 1 dessertspoonful 3 jf, times daily. The dose for the powdered drug is 1/2 teaspoonful in hot sugar water 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). Storage: Heartsease must be kept stored away form light sources, and if possible, from moisture in well-sealed containers. LITERATURE Horhammer L et al., (1965) Tetrahedron Letters 1707. Komorowski T et al., Herba Pol 29:5. 1983. Manez S, Villar A, PA 44:250. 1988. Molnar P et al., PH 25:195. 1986. Further information in: A Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., CRC Press 1975 Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. HEATHER/383 Flowers and Fruit: The inflorescence is turned to one side, dense and hanging. The short-pedicled flowers are nodding, pale-violet-pink and occasionally white; they have 4 small, oval, fringed bracts. The calyx has 4 violet-pink, glossy and petaloid sepals, which have the consistency of straw. The 8 stamens form a brown-red club. The superior ovary has 4 sections, and the style is larger than the calyx. The style has a thick, button-like, 4-knobbed stigma. The fruit capsule is globose, 1.5 mm long and 4 sectioned. The fruit is covered in thick white bristles and is many-seeded. The dividing walls break off easily. Leaves, Stem and Root: Calluna vulgaris is a dwarf shrub, 0.2 to 1 m high with decumbent, rooting shoots and ascending branches. The small stems are thin, gray-brown, heavily branched and have numerous upright branches. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, in groups of 4 rows. They are imbricate, 1 to 3.5 mm long, revolute, sessile and have 2 mm long points at the base. The margins are glandular with downward-pointing spurs. Habitat: With the exception of a few Mediterranean islands, the plant is distributed throughout most of Europe, Russia and Asia Minor, as well as on the Atlantic coast of North America. Production: The herb is harvested from July to October and dried. Not to be Confused With: Erica tetralix. Other Names: Ling Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. COMPOUNDS Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Flavonoids: including kempferol, quercetin, myricetin, taxifolin, and the glycosides of each, as well as callunin Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Catechin tannins (3-7%): (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Oligomeric proanthocyanidins Cqffeic acid derivatives: including chlorogenic acid Phenols: orcin, orcinol Triterpenes: including ursolic acid (2.5%) Steroids: beta-sitosterol Heather Calluna vulgaris DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the complete herb with leaves, the flowers, and the growing shoots of the plant that are collected and dried when the plant is in bloom, as well as the fresh aerial parts collected at the same time. Hydroquinone glycosides: including arbutin EFFECTS Heather is said to be diuretic, antimicrobial, cholagogic and antirheumatic. It is also used as an agent for wound healing. However, these effects have not yet been documented. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of Heather and/or Heather flowers are used as a diuretic for diseases and ailments of the 384/HEATHER kidneys and the lower urinary tract, and for enlargement of the prostate. They are also used for gastrointestinal disorders, colic, liver and gallbladder disease, gout, rheumatism, respiratory complaints, insomnia, agitation and wounds. The efficacy for the claimed uses is not documented. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole, cut and powdered forms are available for internal and external use. Preparation: A decoction is prepared by adding 1.5 gm of the drug to 1/4 liter of water and then boiling for 3 minutes. For a bath additive, 500 gm of the drug is boiled in a few liters of water, strained and added to the bath. A liquid extract 1:1 is also used. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh, flowering herb and the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences at the end of the stems and branches have no bracts and are initially umbelliferousracemous, later stretching into spikes. The pedicles are thin and approximately 1.5 cm long, bearing the small flowers. The 4 sepals are 1.5 to 2.5 mm long, erect, pubescent and narrowly elliptical. The petals are pale yellow and 3 to 4 mm long. The stamens have 0.5 to 0.5 mm long anthers. The fruit is a pubescent pod appressed to the axis of the infructescence. The fruits are 1 to 1.5 cm long and 1 to 1.5 mm thick. The almost-smooth seeds are about 1 mm long, ovate, compressed and unwinged with reddish, yellow-brown seedskins. Externally, the drug is added to full baths. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an annual or biennial, 30 to 60 cm high, and has a thin taproot. The stem is branched, round, leafy and covered in scattered patent hairs. The basal leaves and lower cauline leaves are petiolate-pinnatifid with 3 to 9 segments. The upper leaves are oblong-lanceolate, simple or with 2 to 4 lateral segments, and often hastate and pubescent. Storage: Heather should be stored in well-dried, sealed containers. Habitat: The herb is found mainly in temperate Europe, but it also grows as far as northern Africa and eastern Siberia. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose of the decoction is 3 cups daily between meals; the dose for the liquid extract is 1 to 2 teaspoonfuIs daily. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Production: Hedge Mustard is the fresh flowering herb of Sisymbrium officinale. Other Names: Singer's Plant, St. Barbara's Hedge Mustard, English Watercress, Erysimum, Thalictroc ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Jalal MAF, Read DJ, Haslam E, Phenolic composition and its seasonal variation in Calluna vulgaris. In: PH 21(6): 1397. 1982. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroid glycosides (cardenolides, 0.05% in the tips of the foliage): including among others corchorosid A and helveticosid Simon A et al., Further flavonoid glycosides from Calluna vulgaris. In: PH 32:1045. 1993. Glucosinolates: chiefly sinigrin (allylglucosinolates) and glucohapin (3-butenylglucosinolates), releasing through cell destruction the volatile mustard oil allylisothiocyanate and 3butenylisothiocyanate Simon A et al., Two flavonol 3-[triacetylarabinosyl(l-6) glucosides] from Calluna vulgaris. In: PH 33:1237. 1993. Vitamins: ascorbic acid (vitamin C, up to 0.2 % in the fresh foliage) Hedera helix Hedge mustard contains cardio-active steroids (cardenolids) and is said to be spasmolytic and analgesic. Its use for pharyngitis and laryngitis as well as severe hoarseness may be due to the mustard oils. Mantilla JLG, Vieitez E, An Edafol Agrobiol 34:765-774. 1975. EFFECTS See English Ivy HERBAL M O N O G R A P HS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used for laryngitis and pharyngitis, severe hoarseness including loss of voice, chronic bronchitis and inflammation of the gallbladder. HEDGE-HYSSOP / 3 8 5 5 tips. The corolla has a distinct tube and a bilabiate border. The upper lip is margined, and the lower lip is divided into 3. There are 4 stamens, 2 sterile and 2 fertile, and 1 superior ovary. The fruit has 4 lids, which burst open. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial mat grows 15 to 30 cm high. The stem grows from a creeping scaly rhizome. It is erect and becomes glabrous and quadrangular higher up. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, weakly serrate, smooth and pale green. OVERDOSAGE Characteristics: The plant is poisonous and has a bitter taste. ' PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS It is conceivable that overdosage would have digitalis-like effects. These include queasiness. vomiting, diarrhea, headache and cardiac rhythm disorders. Cases of poisonings have not, however, been recorded. DOSAGE Daily Dosage: The average daily internal dose of the drug is 0.5 to 1.0 gm, which would be equal to 3 to 4 cups daily of an infusion. It takes between 6 and 8 g of drug to make 1 g extract. Habitat: The herb is indigenous to western and central Asia, as well as southern Europe. Production: Hedge-Hyssop is the herb of Gratiola officinalis, which is harvested shortly before flowering. The upper portion of the stem is cut down, then dried in thin layers in the shade at temperatures not exceeding 45° C. Other Names: Gratiola 6 ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Externally, the infusion is used as a gargle or mouthwash, several times daily. COMPOUNDS Bachelard HS, Trikojus VM. (1963) Austral. J Biol Sci 16: 147. Cucurhitacins: gratiogenin, 16-hydroxygratiogenin, cucurbitacins E, I, the glycosides gratiogenin-3beta-D-glucoside, gratioside (gratiolin, gratiogenindiglucoside), elaterinide, desacetylelaterinide Ockendon JG, Buczki ST. (1979) Trans Brit Mycol Soc 72:156. Saponins I LITERATURE Schultz OE, Gmelin R. Naturforsch Z. 7b:500-506. 1952. Further information in: Hansel R. Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K. Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E. Lindequist U. Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl.. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Lignans Flavonoids EFFECTS The glycosides are said to be cardiotonic. The cucurbaticins, especially elaterinide, cause a reduction of the contraction power of cardiac muscle, a lowering of cardiac frequency and a distinct increase in coronary flow. Elaterinide has a laxative effect. The drug is a strong purgative; it eliminates intestinal parasites and increases micturation. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Hedge-Hyssop Gratiola officinalis DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the herb and roots. (In contrast to what its name suggests, Hedge-Hyssop is not a member of the Hyssop family, even though it has a similarly bitter taste.) Flower and Fruit: The pedicled flowers are arranged singly in the axils of the upper leaf pairs and are a pale red or yellowish-white. The calyx is only fused at the base and has Unproven Uses: The herb was formerly used as a purgative and for treating the liver. In folk medicine, it is used as purgative and emetic for gout, liver complaints and constipation, as well as for chronic skin conditions. The drug is only to be taken under medical supervision of a doctor because of its toxicity. Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include stomach colic and bladder and kidney conditions. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Nonetheless, the drug is extremely poisonous. It is severely 3 8 6 /HEDGE-HYSSOP irritating to mucous membranes due to the cucurbitacin and cucurbitacin glycosides content, out of which cucurbitacins are released in watery environments. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Helichrysum arenarium See Immortelle OVERDOSAGE The intake of toxic dosages leads to vomiting, bloody diarrhea, colic, kidney irritation and initially to elevated diuresis, then to anuria. Very high dosages lead to spasm, paralysis and circulatory collapse. Fatalities are seen only rarely. Following gastric lavage, the treatment for poisonings should proceed symptomatically. See Black Hellebore DOSAGE Helleborus viridis Mode of Administration: Hedge-Hyssop is most effective in alcoholic extracts, but it.also is used in infusions and in homeopathic dilutions. Today, it is rarely used in folk medicine. Daily Dosage: A single dose of tea is noted as containing 0.3 g drug. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Bohinc P, Korbar-Smid J, Cicerov-Cergol M, Uber die kardiotonischen Substanzen des Gnadenkrautes - Gratiola officinalis. In: Sci Pharm 47:108-113. 1979. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Muller A, Wichtl M, Herzwirsamkeit des Gnadenkrautes (Gratiola officinalis). In: Pharm Ztg 124(37): 1761-1766. 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Helianthemum canadense See Frostwort Helianthus annuus See Sunflower Helleborus niger See Green Hellebore Hemlock Conium maculatum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the fresh flowering foliage, the branches and the dried leaves. Flower and Fruit: The plant has white flowers in 10 to 20 rayed umbels. The 3 to 5 triangular to lanceolate bracts are acuminate; 3 to 6 small bracts only on the outside of the small umbels. The blossoms have 1.5 mm white petals. The fruit is ovate with undulating veins. Deep indentations on the mericarp on the seam side—with no oil marks in the indentations—are a unique feature. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant can be annual or perennial; it grows up to 2 m high. The stem is erect, tubular, hollow, round and finely grooved. It is branched above, glabrous with brownish-red marks below. The leaves are a glossy dark green, 3-pinnate. The root is whitish and fusiform or branched. Characteristics: When wilting, the highly poisonous herb smells of mice. It tastes disgustingly salty and pungent. The stem has distinctive red marks. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe and the temperate zones of Asia, North Africa, and North and South America. Production: Hemlock is the fresh or dried leaves and the flowering branch tips of Conium maculatum. They are gathered from June to September in the second year of grown and air-dried in a shaded, open location. Not to be Confused With: Hemlock may be confused with water hemlock, canine parsley, wild chervil and with tuberous chervil. Other Names: Cicuta, Poison Parsley, Poison Root, Poison I Snakeweed, Spotted Crowbane, Spotted Hemlock, Spotted HEMLOCK/387 HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S ^ Parsley, Water Parsley, Winter Fern, Herb Bennet, Spotted Corobane, Musquash Root, Beaver Poison, Kex, Kecksies Pregnancy: The drug has a teratogenic effect with chronic intake. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY OVERDOSAGE COMPOUNDS Symptoms of poisoning following intake of toxic quantities (corresponding to 150 mg coniine, approximately 10 g of the freshly dried berries, approximately 30 g of the freshly dried leaves) include burning of the mouth, scratchy throat, salivation, rolling of the eyes, visual disorders and weakness in the legs. Lethal dosages (corresponding to approximately 500 mg coniine) cause glossoplegia, mydriasis, pressure in the head, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of orientation, rising central paralysis, dyspepsia and cyanosis. Death ultimately results through central asphyxiation, in the cases of very high dosages, and also through curare-like paralysis of the breathing musculature. Piperidin alkaloids: main alkaloid coniine, including, among others, N-methyl coniine, gamma-coniceine The piperidin alkaloids are volatile and are likely to be present in toxicologically harmful quantities only in the freshly harvested plant, particularly in its berries, and in the freshly dried plant. Polyynes: including falcarinol, falcarindiol Furanocoumarins: including bergaptene, xanthotoxin EFFECTS The plant is poisonous. The effects of the drug are caused by coniine in particular. Toxic doses given to mice, rats, guinea pigs and cats provoked the autonomous ganglion, clonic and tonal contractions of individual limbs, cramps and eventually, paralysis. Small doses given to mice led to blood pressure reduction in the short term. Higher doses resulted in a rise in blood pressure. Smaller doses stimulated respiration in cats, j g | while higher doses impeded or slowed down the initial stimulus. In isolated guinea pig ileum, coniine brought on contractions. In isolated perfused rabbit hearts, coniine was negatively inotropic while a stable heart beat was maintained. With anesthetized cats, a suppression of the muscle contraction reflex took place. Feeding or injecting lethal doses of coniine into cows, horses, pigs, sheep and hamsters was initially stimulating, producing twitching of the eyes and ears, which was followed by muscular debility, collapse, limpness and deam through paralysis. Coniine absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes is stimulating at first, then causes gradual paralysis of the spinal cord and blockage of the medulla oblongata. Nicotine-like receptors are at first activated, then paralyzed. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses : Use is inadvisable due to the uncontrollable amounts of coniine. Formerly, in folk medicine, the drug was used internally for neuralgia, rheumatism of the muscles and joints, stiffness of the neck, tetanic and epileptic cramps, bronchial spasms and pylori spasms. Externally, the drug W was used as an ointment for coughs, asthma, sciatica, backache and neuralgia. Following stomach and intestinal emptying (gastric lavage, sodium sulfate) and the administration of activated charcoal, plasma volume expanders and sodium bicarbonate infusions should be given in case of shock or to restore acidosis balance. If necessary, intubation and respiration should be carried out. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Hemlock is obsolete and strongly advised against as an internal drug because of the danger of poisoning. Homeopathic dilutions and ointments containing hemlock are used externally. How Supplied: Liquid rubs, ointments. Daily Dosage: Use is discouraged, but the maximum single dose mentioned for internal use is 0.3 g, not to exceed 1.5 g, per day. The standard single dose is 0.1 g. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day; ointment 1 to 2 times daily (HAB34). Storage: Hemlock should be stored above caustic lime, well dried, in closed containers and kept for no more than one year. LITERATURE Cromwell BT, Biochem J 64:259-266. 1956. Kreitmair H, PA 3:565-566. 1948. Homeopathic Uses: Swollen glands, pareses, calcification of cerebral vessels and depressive moods are considered to be indications for use in homeopathy. Roberts MF, (1975) Phytochemistry 14:2395. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Roberts MF, (1980) Planta Med 39:216. General: The drug is severely poisonous and use is not advised. Madaus S, Schindler H, Arch Pharm 276:280-290. 1938. Seeger R, Neumann HG, DAZ-Giftlexikon Coniin. In: DAZ 131(13):720. 1991. 388/HEMLOCK PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Further information in: Immunostimulating Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl, Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: including echinatine, supinine, eucanecine, amabiline, lycopsamin, intermedin Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. polysaccharides (heteroxylans) Sesquiterpene lactones: including eupatoriopicrin, eupatolid EFFECTS Eupatorin is said to be cytotoxic and has an immunestimulating effect. It is also a bitter tonic. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Unproven Uses: The herb is used for disorders of the liver and gallbladder and for fevers. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Homeopathic Uses: Eupatorium cannabinum is used to treat illnesses of the respiratory organs. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hemp Agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the flowering herb. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in compact, terminal, umbrella-like umbels. They are small dull pink tubular androgynous flowers whose corolla tube has a 5-tipped edge. The epicalyx is cylindrical and consists of a few bracts. The edge of the calyx consists of yellowish hairs. The style is divided in two parts and shows above the flower. The corolla is covered in resinous spots. The angular fruit bears a crown of hair and is dirty white. Because of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid content with 1,2unsaturated necic parent substances, hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity are likely consequences of internal use. Therefore the drug should not be taken internally. Sensitization after skin contact with the plant has been reported. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The herb is used topically as an alcoholic extract, as a tea, and as an inhalation for the treatment of colds. LITERATURE Anonym, Positive Auswirkungen von Olivenol auf den Blutdruck. In: ZPT 12(1):13. 1991. Antibiotika und Immunabwehr. In: Symbiose 4(2):20. 1992. Elsasser-Beile U, Willenbacher W, Bartsch HH, Gallati H, Schulte Monting J, Kleist von S et al.. Cytokine production in leukocyte cultures during therapy with echinacea extract. In: J Clin Lab Analysis 10(6):441-445. 1996. Hendriks H et al., (1983) Pharm Weekblad 5:281. Pederson E (1975) Phytochemistry 14:2086. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a small perennial herb 75 to 150 cm high. The rhizome is woody and has stems growing from it, which have short axillary branches. The stems are erect, reddish, pubescent and resinous below. The root leaves are long-petioled. The opposite cauline leaves are short-petioled, trifoliate and serrate and covered in resinous spots. Winterhoff H, Gumbinger HG, Pharmakologische Untersuchungen mit Pflanzenextrakten. Probleme und Losungsmoglichkeit. In: DAZ 130(49):2668. 1990. Habitat: Hemp Agrimony grows in damp regions of Europe. Woerdenbag HJ et al., (1987) Phytother Res 2(2):76. Production: Hemp Agrimony is the flowering herb of Eupatorium cannabium. Other Names: Holy Rope, St. John's Herb, Sweet-Smelling Trefoil, Water Maudlin ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Caffeic acid ester: chlorogenic acid Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ 132(45):2427-2435. 1992. Vollmar A et al., (1986) Phytochemistry 25(2):377. Further information in: Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. HENBANE/389 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the herb is used for pulmonary afflictions and as a diuretic. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Hempnettle Galeopsis segetum TRADE NAMES Hempnettle is available from numerous manufacturers. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the flowering herb. Flower and Fruit: The large, pale yellow, bilabiate flowers are in false whorls on the branch ends. The calyx is evenly 5dentate and covered in patent glandular hairs. The upper lip of the corolla is domed, finely dentate and pubescent. The lateral tips of the 3-lobed lower lip are wide, obtuse and have 1 hollow erect tooth at either side of the base. The stamen halves are horizontal. The fruit is smooth. W* Leaves, Stem and Root: The herb grows 15 to 100 cm high. The stem is erect, heavily branched and downy, with unthickened nodes. The leaves are ovate and serrate. The lower ones are long petiuled, the upper are short petioled. Mode of Administration: Ground and cut herb for teas and other galenic preparations for internal use. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over 2 g of comminuted drug, strain after 5 minutes. Daily Dosage: Average daily dose: 6 g drug. One cup of the infusion may be taken several times daily and, if preferred, sweetened with honey. LITERATURE Junod-Busch U. Dissertation ETH Zurich. 1976. Kern W. List PH. Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl.. Bde. 1-8. Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York. 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Tomas-Barberan FA et al.. PH 30:3311. 1991. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie. 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Wichtl M (Hrsg.). Teedrogen. 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Habitat: Hempnettle is found in southern and central Europe. Production: Hempnettle consists of the aboveground parts of Galeopsis segetum Necker (synonym Galeopsis ochroleuca Lamarck) and is gathered in the wild during the flowering season. Henbane Hyoscyamus niger DESCRIPTION ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Iridoide monoterpenes: including harpagide, 8-O-acetylharpagide, antirrinoside, 5-O-glucosylantirrinoside Silicic acid (to some extent water-soluble) Tannins Flavonoids 4|- EFFECTS The herb acts as expectorant, due to its saponin content, and as an astringent because of the tannins, silicic acid, iridoids and antirrhinoside. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: M Cough • Bronchitis Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves or the dried leaves with the flowering branches, the dried seeds and the whole fresh flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in almost sessile terminal, one-sided leafy and revolute spikes. The calyx is jug-shaped, 5-tipped and does not drop. The corolla is funnel-shaped, 5lobed, dirty yellow with violet veins and dark violet in the tube. The flower has 1 superior ovary and 5 stamens. The fruit is a swollen pixidium with up to 200 seeds. The seeds are gray-brown, pitted, slightly reniform, compressed, 1 to 1.3 mm long and 1 mm wide. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is erect and grows up to 80 cm high. It is an herb with simple leaves. The root is fusiform and turnip-like at the top. The stem is erect and sticky-villous. The leaves are oblong, roughly crenate-dentate and gray-green. The basal leaves are petiolate, and the cauline leaves are stem clasping. 390/HENBANE Characteristics: Henbane has a strong, distinctive odor. The plant is poisonous. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, western and northern Asia, and northern Africa. It has been introduced to eastern Asia, North America and Australia. Production: Henbane leaf consists of the dried leaves or the dried leaves and flowering tops of Hyoscyamus niger, harvested from cultures or in the wild when in bloom and dried mechanically or in the sun. Henbane seeds are the seeds of Hyoscyamus niger. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES In folk medicine, Henbane is used internally for various pain syndromes, in particular toothache and facial pain, painful ulcers and tumors, stomach cramps and lower abdominal pain. Externally, henbane oil is used for the treatment of scar tissue. It has been used for hundreds of years in so-called witches' ointments, as a repellent against mice and rats, as stunning agent for fish and to increase the narcotic effect of beer. Indian Medicine: Used for toothache, bleeding gums and nose, orchitis, dysmenorrhea, worm infestation, black vomit, asthma, diverse pain syndromes and meningitis. Other Names: Devil's Eye, Fetid Nightshade, Stinking Nightshade, Hen Bell, Hogbean, Jupiter's Bean and Poison Tobacco Approved by Commission E: ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY • Dyspeptic complaints COMPOUNDS: HENBANE LEAF Tropane alkaloids (0.05- 0.28%): chief alkaloid (-)-hyoscyamine, under storage conditions changing over to some extent into atropine, and scopolamine Flavonoids: including, among others, rutin COMPOUNDS: HENBANE SEED Tropane alkaloids (0.05-0.3%): chief alkaloid (-)-hyoscyamine, under storage conditions changing to some extent into atropine, and scopolamine HENBANE SEED Unproven Uses: Internal application: Spasms of the gastrointestinal tract; preparations of Henbane oil are used for the treatment of scar tissue. In folk medicine, Henebane was formerly used as a fumigant for asthma and toothache. Chinese Medicine: Used for convulsions, psychoses, joint pains, stomach pains, asthma, chronic dysentery and diarrhea. CONTRAINDICATIONS Fatty oil EFFECTS: HENBANE LEAF AND SEED Main active agents: Alkaloids, flavonids. Henbane preparations produce a parasympatholytic or anticholinergic effect by competitive inhibition of acetylcholine. This inhibition affects the muscarinic action of acetylcholine but not its nicotine-like effects on ganglia and motor end plates. Henbane preparations exert peripheral actions on the autonomic nervous system and on smooth muscle, as well as the central nervous system. Because of their parasympatholytic properties, they cause relaxation of organs containing smooth muscle, particularly in the region of the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, they relieve muscular tremors of central nervous origin. The spectrum of actions of Hyoscyamus niger additionally includes a sedative effect. HENBANE LEAF AND SEED Tachycardiac arrhythmias, prostatic adenoma, angle-closure glaucoma, acute pulmonary edema, mechanical stenoses in the area of the gastrointestinal tract, megacolon. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS H E N B A N E LEAF A N D SEED General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Skin reddening, dryness of the mouth, tachycardiac arrhythmias, mydriasis (the 4 early warning symptoms of a poisoning), accommodation disorders, heat build-up through decline in sweat secretion, miction disorders and obstipation can occur as side effects, particularly with overdoses. Drug Interactions: Enhancement of anticholinergic action by tricyclic antidepressants, amantadine, antihistamines, phenothiazines, procainamide and quinidine. OVERDOSAGE INDICATIONS AND USAGE HENBANE LEAF AND SEED HENBANE LEAF Because of the high content of scopolamine in the drug, poisonings lead at first to somnolence, but then also, after the intake of very high dosages, to central excitation (restlessness, hallucinations, deliria, and manic episodes), followed by exhaustion and sleep. Lethal dosages carry with them the danger of asphyxiation (for adults starting at 100 Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: Preparations of henbane oil are used for the treatment of scar tissue. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS 4£ HENNA / 3 9 1 mg atropine, with an alkaloid-rich drug at 30, considerably less for children). Severe poisonings are particularly conceivable in connection with the misuse of the drug as an intoxicant. Treatment for poisonings include gastric lavage, temperature-lowering measures with wet cloths (no antipyretics!), oxygen respiration for respiratory distress, intubation, parenteral physostigmine salts as an antidote, diazepam for spasms and chlorpromazine for severe excitation. DOSAGE HENBANE LEAF Mode of Administration: Standardized Henbane powder and galenic preparations for internal application. Daily Dosage: The average single dose is 0.5 standardized Henbane powder corresponding to 0.25 mg total alkaloid. Maximum daily dose is 3.0 standardized Henbane powder corresponding to 1.5 mg total alkaloid, calculated as hyoscyamine. Storage: Keep containers. protected from light in tightly gm of to 0.35 gm of to 2.1 sealed H E N B A N E SEED 91 Mode of Administration: emulsion or powder. The drug is available as an Storage: Should be stored separate from other medicines. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wellen BJ, Zur Geschichte des Bilsenkrautes. Eine pharmaziehistorische Untersuchung besonders zu Hyoscyamus niger L. In: Dissertation Universitat Marburg. 1986. HENBANE SEED Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Tattje DHE et al., Zusammensetzung der etherischen Ole von Laurus nobilis, L. nobilis var. angustifolia und L. azorica. In: PM 44:116-119. 1982. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. LITERATURE HENBANE LEAF Lawsonia Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the pulverized leaves, the fruit and the bark. Kraft K, Europaische Rauschdrogen. In: ZPT 17(6):343-355. 1996. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. -W* Henna Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Sharova EG et al., Khim Prir Soedin (1):126. 1977. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. inermis DESCRIPTION Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in small impressive groups of 4 panicles and yellowy-white to brick-red. The calyx is top-shaped, later bowl-shaped without appendages. The petals are thick, very wrinkled, yellowish-white to brickred. The stamens are arranged in pairs. The fruit is an indehiscent or a fibrously torn berry. The seeds are small and angular, and the seed skin is spongy at the tip. Leaves, Stem and Root: Henna is a deciduous, 2 to 6 m high shrub with partly thorny, short shoots and opposite paired, narrowly acuminate lanceolate leaves. Habitat: Found in Egypt, India, the Middle East, Kurdistan and Iran. Production: Henna is the aerial part of Lawsonia inermis. Other Names: Alcanna, Egyptian Privet, Jamaica Mignonette, Mignonette Tree, Reseda, Henne, Mehndi, Mendee, Smooth Lawsonia 392/HENNA ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Naphthalene derivatives (1,4-naphthaquinones): in particular lawsone (2-hydroxy-l,4-naphthaquinone), arising during dehydration of the leaves out of the precursor 1,2,4-trihydroxynaphthalen-4-beta-D-glucoside Tannins PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Hepatica nobilis See American Liverleaf Heracleum sphondylium See Hogweed EFFECTS The drug is an astringent and a diuretic, and has an antibacterial effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used externally for eczema. scabies, fungal infections and ulcers. It is also used for amebic dysentery and gastrointestinal ulcers. In African folk medicine, it is used as an abortifacient. The drug is also contained in facial and hair lotions and is used to treat dandruff. Indian Medicine: Henna root preparations are used to treat leprosy, skin diseases, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. Henna leaves are used to treat wounds, ulcers, dysuria, coughs, bronchitis, one-sided headache, rheumatism and anemia. The flowers are used for headache, fever and acute psychosis. Henna seeds are used to treat intermittent fever, diarrhea and dysentery. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Stomach complaints are possible due to the tannin content. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Henna is used rarely for internal use in ground form or as an infusion. Henna is applied externally as an ingredient in hair and skin lotions. Daily Dosage: For internal use, 3 gm of powder leaves to be taken daily, for amebiasis and ulcers. LITERATURE Bardwaj DK et al., (1978) Phytochemistry 17:1440. Karawya MS et al., (1969) Lloydia 32:76. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Herb Paris Paris quadrifolia DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the whole fresh plant when the fruit begins to ripen. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary and terminal. The sepals are lanceolate, acuminate, 3-veined and 4 times as wide as the linear-awl-shaped petals. The stamens are threadlike to awl-shaped and bear linear anthers in the middle. The ovary has 5 thread-like stigmas, both of which are purplebrown. The fruit is a blue-black globular berry the size of a small cherry. Leaves, Stem and Root: The 15 to 30 cm high plant is a perennial herb with a creeping, fleshy rhizome. The stem is erect, round, unbranched and crowned by 4 acuminate leaves. The leaves are whorled, almost obovate, acute, entire-margined and glabrous. The leaves have 3 to 5 ribs. They are dark green and matte above, pale and slightly glossy beneath. Characteristics: The plant has an unpleasant smell and is poisonous. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe and Asian Russia. Production: Herb Paris is the fresh plant of Paris quadrifolia, when the fruit is ripe. Not to be Confused With: Poisoning can occur in children when they confuse the fruit of the Herb Paris plant with that of blueberries. Other Names: One Berry Mahmood ZF et al., (1983) Fitoterapia 4:153. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. AufL, Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Steroid saponins: chief components are pennogenin triglycoside, pennogenin tetraglycoside, and their bisdemosidic precursors (26-O-glucosides), including 1-dehydrotrillenogenin Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. AufL, Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. COMPOUNDS HERBAL MONOGRAPHS EFFECTS The active agents are the saponins (which irritate mucous membranes), paristyphnin, paridin, citric acid and pectin. The parissaponins are local irritants as well as absorptive when taken orally. The main toxin is paristyphnin, which, when taken orally, leads to miosis and can consequently cause paralysis of the respiratory system. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Homeopathic Uses: Herb Paris is used as a homeopathic remedy for headaches, neuralgia, nervous tension, dizziness, palpitations and migraine. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is considered poisonous. Symptoms of poisoning following intake of the berries include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, miosis and headache. However, no serious poisonings have been recorded in this century. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Herb Paris is available in homeopathic dilutions. LITERATURE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fiir Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen. 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlags# Ges. Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl.. Bde. 1-8. Springer Verlag Beilin. Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. HERB ROBERT / 3 9 3 petals have long stems. There are 10 stamens and 5 ovaries with long styles, which form an upward curve when mature. The fruit is circular and 2 cm long, with 3 mm long protruding, reticulate, glabrous or pubescent fruit lobes which are upward horizontally wrinkled. These permanently enclose the smooth, finely spotted seeds. The fruit lobes burst off from the central column without the awn. Leaves, Stem and Root: Geranium robertianum is a 20 to 40 cm high annual or hardy annual with a weak, branched tap root and a long hypocotyl. The stems are heavily branched. usually red, and glandular-haired. The leaves are 3- to 5sectioned compound leaves with petiolate. entire-margined to double-pinnasect leaflets. Characteristics: Herb Robert has an unpleasant smell often associated with goats or bugs. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the area stretching from Europe to China and Japan; to Africa southward as far as Uganda; to the Atlantic seaboard of North America; and the temperate areas of South America. Production: Herb Robert is the aerial parts of Geranium robertianum, which are gathered between May and October in uncultivated regions, then dried in the open air in the shade. Not to be Confused With: The herbs of Geranium palustre and Geranium pratense are frequently used as an adulteration. Other Names: Dragon's Blood, Storkbill, Wild Crane's-Bill Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Nohara T et al., Chem Pharm Bull 30:1851. 1982. COMPOUNDS Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Flavonoids: including rutin, quercetin-3-O-rhamnogalactoside, kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoglucoside, hyperoside Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Tannins: geraniin, isogeraniin, beta-penta-O-galloylglucose EFFECTS The drug has the following effects: Herb Robert Geranium robertianum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the fresh or dried aerial parts collected during the flowering season, as well as the whole fresh or dried plant. Flower and Fruit: The peduncles are usually distinctly longer than the bracts and the 2.2 to 7 mm long, permanently erect pedicles. The flowers are longer than their pedicles. There are 5 separate sepals and 5 petals. The sepals are erect when they first bloom and hang when the fruit matures. The Antiviral: The extract of the fresh herb, including rhizome, has been shown to have a mild antiviral effect against the vesicular stomatitis virus. In another study, however, the aqueous solution of the ethanol extract was not shown to have an antiviral effect against the polio virus Type 1, measles, coxsachie-B2, adeno- or Semliki forest virus. Antimicrobial: The fraction of an extract produced with 80% ethanol was shown to have an inhibitory effect on the growth of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. In the serial dilution test, growth of Microsporum canis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes was completely stunted. 394/HERB ROBERT Hypotensive effect: Effects have only been described in general reviews. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used internally for functional impairment of the liver and gallbladder, inflammatory conditions of gallbladder and its ducts, inflammation of the kidney and bladder, and calculosis. Folk medicine uses have also included internal use of the drug for diarrhea. In addition, washed fresh leaves are chewed or prepared as an infusion or decoction used as a mouthwash or gargle for inflammatory conditions of the oral mucous membrane. External application is used to treat poorly healing wounds. These uses appear plausible because of the tannins. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is used internally as well as externally. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, add 1 dessertspoonful of drug to 1/2 liter of cold water. Bring to a boil and leave to steep. Daily Dosage: Internally, the average single dose of the drug is 1.5 g; drink 2 to 3 cups of the infusion daily, between meals. LITERATURE Haddock EA et al., J Chem Soc Perkin Trans 1:2535-2545. 1982. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Karnig T, Bucar-Stachel J, PM 57:292-293. 1991. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Herniaria glabra PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary, axillary and almost sessile. The calyx is red, the corolla is yellow, and the anthers are blood red. The fruit is a 2 cm long, ovoid, manyseeded capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: Hibiscus is a 0.15 to 1 m bushy annual that is branched from the base. The stems are reddish, almost glabrous. The basal leaves are undivided and ovate; the cauline leaves are 3-lobed and 7.5 to 10 cm wide. The lobes are 2.5 cm wide and crenate. Habitat: Hibiscus sabdariffa originally came from the area around the source of the Niger. It grows worldwide in the tropics and is cultivated in Europe. Production: Hibiscus flowers consist of the calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa (sabdariffa ruber variety). Other Names: Guinea Sorrel. Jamaica Sorrel, Red Sorrel, Roselle ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Fruit acids (15-30%): in particular hibiscus ((+)-allohydroxy citric acid lacton), additionally lemons, malic acid, tartaric acid Anthocyans (intensive red): including delphinidin-3-xyloglucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-xyloglucoside Flavonoids: including gossypetin Mucilages: rhamnogalacturonans, arabinogalactans, arabinans EFFECTS Hibiscus tea has a laxative effect due to the high content of poorly absorbable fruit acids. Aqueous extracts of hibiscus leaves have a relaxant effect on the uterus musculature. The drug also has a hypotensive effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Hibiscus flowers are used for loss of appetite, for colds that affect the respiratory tract and stomach, to dissolve phlegm, as a diuretic and gentle laxative, and for disorders of circulation. See Rupturewort Chinese Medicine: Preparations of the plant are used to treat carbuncles, swelling and inflammation of the skin, scalding, conjunctivitis and herpes zoster. Hibiscus PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Hibiscus sabdariffa Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DESCRIPTION DOSAGE Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the flowers. Mode of Administration: Hibiscus sabdariffa is available as a tea preparation. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Preparation: To make a tea, pour boiling water over 1.5 gm comminuted drug and strain after 5 to 10 minutes. HIGH MALLOW / 3 9 5 Habitat: The plant probably originated in the southern European-Asia region. Today the tree can be found in subtropical and temperate latitudes of both hemispheres. LITERATURE Miiller BM, Franz G, PM 58:60. 1992. Production: Blue Mallow flower and leaves consist of the dried flowers of Malva sylvestris and/or Malva sylvestris sps. Mauri tiana, Ascherson and Graebner, as well as its preparations. High Mallow leaves are harvested from June to the beginning of September and dried in thin layers in the shade. High Mallow flowers are harvested without the pedicles from the end of June to October and are dried in layers in the shade. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Not to be Confused With: Other varieties of Malvae. the leaves of Althaea officinalis. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Other Names: Mallow, Blue Mallow, Mauls, Cheeseflower Franz M, Franz G, Hibiscus sabdariffa - Hibiscusbluten. In: ZPT 9(2):63. 1988. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Menpen HG, Staesche K, DAZ 114:1211. 1974. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Hibiscus sabdariffa See Hibiscus C O M P O U N D S : MALV A LEAF Flavonoids: including among others hypolaetin-3-glucoside. gossypetin-3-glucoside; also flavonoid sulfates including among others gossypetin-8-0-beta-D-glucuronide-3-sulfate Mucilages: 6-8% arabinogalactans) (galacturonorhamane and COMPOUNDS: MALVA FLOWER Anthocyans: including among others malvin High Mallow Malva sylvestris DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried flowers, the dried leaves and the whole of the flowering fresh plant. Flower and Fruit: The bright purple flowers with long dark stripes are clustered in leaf axils. They have 3 epicalyx leaves, 5 sepals and 5 petals that are much longer than the calyx and have a deep margin. The numerous stamens are fused to a 10 to 12 mm column. The fruit stems are erect or slanted to one side. The ovaries are made up of a ring of 9 to 11 carpels. The fruit is a 7 to 9 mm wide and 2 mm thick disc, which breaks up into mericarps. These are glabrous or covered in a few scattered hairs, sharply angular and punctate. Leaves, Stem and Root: Malva sylvestris is a biennial or perennial leafy herb 0.3 to 1.2 m high. The stems are branched, prostrate to curved, ascending, slightly woody and roughly pubescent. The leaves are alternate, long-petioled, reniform-orbicular, 5-lobed and crenate-serrate. Characteristics: High Mallow has a 3-leaved epicalyx (compare with Althaea officinalis). Mucilages: 10% (galacturonorhamane and arabinogalactane) E F F E C T S : M A L V A L E A F A N D FLOWE R Leaf: Main active principles - polysaccharides, flavonoids. tannins; Flower: Main active principles - polysaccharides. flavonoids. The drug has a mucous membrane-protective effect: it relieves irritation because of the high level of mucilaginous material. INDICATIONS AND USAGE MALVA FLOWER Approved by Commission E: • Cough • Bronchitis • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used internally for bronchial catarrh, gastroenteritis, bladder complaints, and it is used externally for wounds. Externally, it is used as a poultice and bath additive for wound treatment. MALVA LEAF Approved by Commission E: m Cough • Bronchitis • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx 3 9 6 / H I G H MALLOW PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used as poultices and bath additives for wounds. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. MALVA L E A F A N D FLOWER No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York, 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. M A L V A FLOWER Mode of Administration: High Mallow flowers are in various tea mixtures as an inactive ingredient. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, 1.5 to 2 gm of comminuted drug is added to cold water and boiled or scalded and strained after 10 minutes. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 5 gm of the drug. Tea: Drink 2 to 3 times a day. Storage: The drug should be protected from iight, moisture and insects. Hippophae rhamnoides See Sea Buckthorn Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium DESCRIPTION MALVA LEAF Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb for teas and other preparations are for internal use. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 5 gm of the drug. Tea: drink 2 to 3 times a day. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour 150 ml of boiling water over 3 to 5 gm of the drug (about 2 teaspoonfuls) and leave to draw for 2 to 3 hours; stir occasionally. Storage: The drug should be protected from light, moisture and insects. LITERATURE MALVA LEAF A N D FLOWER Classen B, Amelunxen F, Blaschek W, Analytical and structural investigations of the mucilage of Malva species. In: PM 59(7)14. 1993. Classen B, Amelunxen F, Blaschek W, Malva sylvestris Mikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Entstehung von Schleimbehaltem. In: DAZ 134(38):3597. 1994. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Papageorgiou VP, (1980) Planta xMed 38 (3): 193. Schneider K, Ullmann V, Kubelka W, MalvaceenSchleimdrogen. Zur Bestimmung des Quellungsfaktors. In: DAZ 130(42):2303. 1990. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried roots, the herb collected in the flowering season and dried, the fruit, the fresh herb and the whole fresh flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are 15 to 30 rayed, flat umbels with no involucre. The numerous epicalyx leaves are lanceolate and densely pubescent. The petals have a cordate margin with indented lobes. They are irregular, often pubescent on the outside, whitish or greenish, green-yellow or yellowish and sometimes pink. The fruit is compressed, flat, 8 mm long and 5 mm wide, roundish-oval and brownish yellow. The fruit has 10 ribs and oil grooves. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 80 to 150 cm high, is biennial to perennial and has a strong tuberous, whitish-yellow root. The stem is erect, angular, grooved, hollow, stiff-haired and branched above. The leaves are large and odd-pinnate, with 1 to 3 pairs of leaflets. The leaflets are large, ovate and lobed to pinnate. There is a 3-lobed terminal leaflet. The basal leaves are very large and have grooved petioles, which gradually merge into leaf sheaths. The basal and stem foliage are clasping. Characteristics: There is hot, yellow latex in the stem. The leaf umbel is fragrant. Habitat: Heracleum sphondylium is found in most of Europe and in western and northern Asia. Subspecies are found mainly in northwestern Europe, eastern and central Europe, and in the Mediterranean region. Production: Hogweed is the aerial part of Heracleum sphondylium collected between June and August and dried. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS . HOLLY / 3 9 7 Other Names: Masterwort Holly ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Ilex aquifolium COMPOUNDS Furocoumarins (0.5-0.6%): in particular bergaptene, isopimW> pinellin, pimpinellin, isobergaptene, sphondin Volatile oil: including those containing n-octylacetate EFFECTS Hogweed is considered a mild expectorant; however, this has not been scientifically proven. A phototoxic effect should be expected after administration. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used to relieve muscle cramps, stomach disorders, digestion problems, diarrhea, gastrointestinal catarrh and diarrhea following a cold. The furocoumarin methoxsalin is used in the treatment of psoriasis. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Phototoxic effects must be avoided following intake of the drug due to its furocoumarin content. For that reason, UV^ radiation and solaria should be avoided after its administration. The same danger exists following contact with the freshly bruised plant. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: An infusion is used internally. Preparation: To make an infusion, add 3 teaspoonfuls of herb to 2 glasses of cold water and allow to draw for 8 hours. Daily Dosage: The preparation should be drunk throughout the day. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried foliage leaves, the fresh leaves, the young leafy branches with the ripe berries and the flowers of the branch tips with the leaves. Flower and Fruit: Because of the shrinking of the one sex, the flowers are usually dioecious. The inflorescence is a 1 to 3 flowered axillary cyme. They are white. The calyx is small and has 4 to 5 tips. The 5-petalled corolla is rotate. The ovary is superior. There are 4 to 5 stamens. The coral red fruit is a 4-sectioned, sessile, berry-like, pea-sized drupe with 4 to 5 seeds. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 10 m high evergreen bush or tree with smooth, dark, gray-brown bark. The bark on the younger branches is green and glossy. The branches and foliage are glabrous. The leaves are alternate, coriaceous, stiff, ovate or elliptical and acute. The lower ones are thorny denate, the upper ones entire-margined. Characteristics: The flowers have a weak pleasant scent. The berries are poisonous to children. Habitat: The plant is found in central Europe, North America and eastern Asia. Production: Holly leaves and fruits are the leaves and fruits of Ilex aquifolium. Other Names: Hulver Bush, Holm, Hulm, Holme Chase, Holy Tree, Christ's Thorn, Hulver Tree ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS LITERATURE Baerheim Svendsen A et al., PM 7:113-117. 1959. Frohne D, Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Veriagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. • Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G: Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Ognyanov I et al., PM 14:19-21. 1966. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K: Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4.Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U: Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Saponins Nitrile glycosides: menisdaurin, not cyanogenic Flavonoids: including, among others, rutin, kaempferol and quercetin glycosides Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid Sterols: beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol Triterpenes: alpha-amyrin, alpha-amyrinester, beta-amyrin, ursolic acid Purine alkaloids: only traces of theobromine EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Holly is used as a diuretic. Also used for coughs, digestive disorders and jaundice. 398/HOLLY PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES In folk medicine, Holly is used for fever, chronic bronchitis, constipation, rheumatism and gout. Homeopathic Uses: conjunctivitis. Ilex aquifolium is used for •= PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE The intake of more than 5 berries can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Fatal gastrointestinal inflammation is said to have taken place following the ingestion of very large quantities (20 to 30 berries) (Lewin). Stomach emptying and the administration of activated charcoal should therefore be carried out with the intake of more than 10 berries. Further treatment should proceed according to symptoms. Poisonings have not been reported in recent times. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a tea and alcoholic extract for internal use. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB34). LITERATURE Catalano S, Marsili A, Morelli J, Pistelli L, Constituents of the leaves of Ilex aquifolium. In: PM 33:416. 1978. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 (unter Ilex paraguariensis). Lassere B et al., (1983) Naturwissenschaft 70:95. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, Pub; HMSO UK 1984. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Hollyhock Alcea rosea DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried flowers of plants bearing dark purple flowers. Flower and Fruit: Six to 10 cm flowers sit in the axils of the cauline leaves singly or in groups of 2 or 4, with the upper ones forming long spikes. Sepals of the epicalyx are broadly triangular and sharp-edged. The epicalyx is significantly shorter than the calyx and both are gray-green haired. Leaves, Stem and Root: Hollyhock is a biennial plant. In the second year it produces a spire-like, hairy stem up to 3 m tall. The leaves are cordate-orbicular to rhomboid, weakly 3to 5-lobed and slightly scabrid-setulose. The sepals are epiclyx-subacute and triangular. The flowers are found in the leaf axils with short peduncles. The petals are 30 to 50 mm, contiguous, usually pink but sometimes white or violet. The mericarps are 7 mm long. The dorsal face has a deep, narrow furrow with rugose angles produced into parallel wings. The lateral faces are appressed-setose. Habitat: The plant was originally indigenous to southwest and central Asia. A few species were probably introduced into southeast central Europe as ornamental plants and then spread in the wild. Hollyhock is now widely cultivated in Europe and temperate regions of Asia. The main suppliers of the drug are Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia, Rumania, Albania. Production: Hollyhock flower consists of the flowers of Alcea rosea as well as their preparations. The flowers are harvested when not quite in full bloom on plants with over 2 to 3 years of growth, then air-dried at 35°C. Other Names: Althea Rose, Malva Flowers, Rose Mallow ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mucilages (acetylated galacturonorhamane) Anthocyans (termed althaein): delphinidine- and malvidinemono glycosides EFFECTS No information is available. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The herb, roots and seeds have been used internally and externally for treating coughs and lung diseases. The Hollyhock's flower is used as mucilage for prophylaxis and therapy of diseases and discomforts of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, and to relieve fever and thirst. Other folk uses include external application for skin inflammations and ulcers. Infusions and decoctions HERBAL MONOGRAPHS HONEYSUCKLE/ 399 made with the flowers have been used as a gargle for oral and pharyngeal inflammation. They are short-petioled and elliptical. The lower leaves are paired. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Habitat: The plant grows in the northern temperate zones as far as the northern edges of the subtropics and is cultivated extensively. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Administered internally as a mucilage for respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tract discomforts and diseases, and to relieve fever and thirst. External applications include use for skin inflammations and ulcers. Infusions and decoctions, often with added herbs, are used as a gargle for oral and pharyngeal inflammation. How Supplied: Whole, cut and powdered drug. Preparation: To prepare as a tea, use 1 to 2 g of the drug per teacup. For a mouthwash, boil 1.5 g drug with 100 ml water. Production: Honeysuckle flowers and leaves are from Lonicera caprifolium. Other Names: Goat's Leaf, Woodbine ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Saponins Further constituents are largely unknown; iridoide monoterpenes have been demonstrated in the rind including among others loganin (extremely bitter), that possibly also occurs in the drug. EFFECTS LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Autl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 (unter Alcea rosea). Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Autl, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992 (unter Alcea rosea). Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Honeysuckle Lonicera caprifolium DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the flowers, the seeds and the leaves. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in sixes directly on the upper leaf pair. There are sometimes whorls of 6 in the next 1 or 2 leaf pairs. The corolla has a tight, 25 to 28 mm long tube, and a bilabiate margin. It is yellowish-white, often redtinged, glabrous inside and glandular outside. The ovary is jug-shaped. The fruit is a berry. They are ellipsoid, 8 mm long and coral red. The seeds are ellipsoid, flattened, longitudinally grooved and 4 mm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: Honeysuckle is an up to 4 m high, deciduous, clockwise-climbing shrub. The foliage leaves are short-petioled, elliptical or obovate, blunt, entire, glabrous, blue-green beneath and 4 to 10 cm by 3.5 to 6 cm. The leaves are shortly fused in pairs, but the upper ones are fused to an oval or circular leaf through which the stem grows. The main active principles are saponin and luteolin. The drug has a laxative and diaphoretic effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used for digestive disorders, malignant tumors and as a diaphoretic agent. It is rarely used today. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. OVERDOSAGE Because of the saponin content, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and possibly of the kidneys, urinary passages and urinary bladder are possible in the event of overdosage. Case studies are not known. (The berries of the red honeysuckle are considered poisonous. Intakes above 10 berries are said to trigger nausea, vomiting and tachycardia, elevated body temperature, exanthemas and cyanosis.) DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is obsolete. LITERATURE Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. 400/HOPS Hops Humulus lupulus DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the glandular hairs separated from the infructescence, the whole dried female flowers, the fresh cones (preferably with few seeds) collected before the seeds ripen and the fresh or dried female inflorescence. Flower and Fruit: The male flowers are yellowish-greenish, inconspicuous and about 5 mm in diameter. The female flowers are in richly blossomed, heavily branched inflorescence. The ovary, which has 2 long downy stigma, is surrounded at the base by a round compressed nutlet. A yellowish fruit cone grows from the female flower. The inside of the bracts is covered with small, glossy, light yellow glandular scales, which contain hop bitter (Lupulin). Leaves, Stem and Root: The hop plant is a perennial. The annual shoots reach a height of 6 m (12 m when cultivated). The stems are pencil-thick, green and do not tum woody. They are covered in 6 rows of climbing barbs. The leaves are 3 to 5 Iobed, serrate and opposite. PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N ES EFFECTS The drug is a sedative and therefore has sleep-inducing effect. This effect, however, strongly depends on the quality of the extract used. In animal experiments, the 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol exhaled by the plant caused a long and deep narcotic sleep after a short period of excitation. The hop bitter acids are antibacterial and antimycotic. They stimulate the secretion of gastric juices. In animal experiments, a strong spasmolytic effect on the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract has been reported. An estrogenic principle is considered plausible. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Nervousness and insomnia Unproven Uses: Used as a bitter and stomachic to stimulate the appetite and increase the secretion of gastric juices. Characteristics: Lupulin has a very strong odor and an extremely bitter taste. In folk medicine, Hops has been used internally for nerve pain, priapism, inflammation of the intestinal mucous membrane and tension headaches and used externally for ulcus cruris, ulcers and skin abrasions. Habitat: Indigenous to Europe, cultivated in Asia, U.S. and elsewhere. Homeopathic Uses: Humulus lupulus is found in preparations for treating nervousness and insomnia. Production: Hop cones consist of the whole dried female inflorescence of Humulus lupulus. After the harvest, the hops are dried on racks at temperatures of 30 to 60° C. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Acylphloroglucinols (10%) Alpha-bitter acids: including, among others, humulone, cohumulone, adhumulone Beta-bitter acids: including, among others, lupulone, colupulone, adlupulone Volatile oil (0.3-1.0%): very complex in makeup, chief components myrcene, humulene, beta-caryophyllene, undecane-2-on, furthermore 2-methyl-but-3-en-ol (particularly following storage, as breakdown product of the acylphloroglucinols) Resins (oxidation products of the bitter acids) Phenolic acid: including, among others, ferulic acid, caffeic acid and their derivatives, for example, chlorogenic acid Tannins: oligomeric proanthocyanidines Flavonoids: including, among others, xanthohumole No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The fresh plant has a sensitizing effect (hoppicker's disease), which may occur, more rarely, with the dust of the drug as well. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug, powdered drug or dry extract powder for infusions or decoctions or other preparations; liquid and solid preparations for internal use and externally for bath additives. Hops is often found in combination with other sedatives. How Supplied: Liquid extract — drug: 1:1 45% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83). Tincture — drug 1:5 60% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83) Preparation: To prepare an infusion, boiling water is poured over the ground hop cones and left to draw for 10 to 15 minutes (1 teaspoonful is equal to 0.4 gm drug). Daily Dosage: For most indications, a single dose of 0.5 gm is given. HOREHOUND / 4 0 1 H E R B A L MONOGRAPH S To promote sleep, a single dose of 1 to 2 gm drug is given; liquid extract: single dose: 0.5 to 2 ml; tincture: single dose: 1 to 2 ml. Wohlfart R, Hansel R, Schmidt H, (1983) Nachweis sedativhypnotischer Wirkstoffe im Hopfen. 4. Mittlg. Die Pharmakologie des Hopfeninhaltsstoffes 2-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol. Planta Med 48:120-123. Tea: 1 cup before bedtime for 2 to 3 days. Wohlfart R, Wurm G, Hansel R, Schmidt H, (1983) Der Abbau der Bittersauren zum 2-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol, einem Hopfeninhaltsstoff mit sedativ-hypnotischer Wirkung. Arch Pharmaz 315:132-137. m. ^ Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). Storage: Protect from light and moisture in well-sealed containers. LITERATURE Bravo L et al.. (1974) Boil Chim Farm:306. Caujolle F et al.. (1969) Agressologie 10:405. Field JA et al.. Determination of essential oils in hops by headspace solid- phase microextraktion. In: J Agric Food Chem 44(7): 1768-1772. 1996. Fintelmann V, Klinisch-arztliche Bedeutung des Hopfens. In: ZPT 13(5): 165. 1992. Ganzer BM, Hopfen: nicht nur fur die Bierbrauerei. In: PZ 137(38):2824. 1992. # Hansel R et al.. (1982) Planta Med 45(4):224. Hansel R, Pflanzliche Beruhigungsmittel Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der Selbstmedikation. In: DAZ 135(32):2935-2943. 1995. Hansel R, Wagener HH. (1967) Versuche, sedativ-hypnotische Wirkstoffe im Hopfen nachzuweisen. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res 17:79-81. Hartley RD, (1968) Phytochemistry 7:1641. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H. Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. AufL Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. New York. 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen. 6. Aufl.. Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3. Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M. Kormann K. Giftpflanzen. Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie. Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997 Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl.. Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Hartley RD, Fawcett CH, (1968) Phytochemistry 7:1395. Holzl J, Inhaltsstoffe des Hopfens (Humulus lupulus L.). In: ZPT 13(5): 155. 1992. Hordeum distichon Kumai A, Okamoto R, (1984) Toxicol Lett 21(2):203. See Barley Moir M et al.. (1980) Phytochemistry 19(10):2201. Orth-Wagner S, Ressin WJ, Friedrich I, Phytosedativum gegen Schlafstorungen. In: ZPT 16(3): 147-156. 1995. Schmalreck AF et al., (1975) Can J Microbiol 21:205. Schulz V, Hubner WD, Ploch M, Klinische Studien mit Psycho-Phytopharmaka. In: ZPT 18(3): 141-154. 1997. ^ Stevens JF, Ivancic M, Hsu VL, Deinzer ML, Prenylflavonoids from Humulus lupulus. In: PH 44(8): 1575-1585. 1997. Stocker HR, (1967) Sedative und hypnogene Wirkung des Hopfens. Schweizer Brauerei Rundschau 78:80-89. Tobe H, Muraki Y, Kitamura K, Komiyama O, Sato Y, Sugioka T, Maruyama HB, Matsuda E, Nagai M, Bone resorption inhibitors from hope extract. In: Biosc Biotech Biochem 61(1):158-159. 1997. Wohlfart R, (1983) Dtsch Apoth Ztg 123:1637. Horehound Marrubium vulgare DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried flowering branches, the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant and the whole plant. Flower and Fruit: The small, white 5 to 7 mm long, labiate globular flowers are sessile. There are 6 to 8 richly flowered false whorls that are 1.5 to 2 cm long on each stem. The calyx is tubular, white and tomentose with 10 awl-shaped tips, which are curved back in a hook. The corolla is white and downy. The fruit is an ovate. 1.5 to 2 mm long, obtusely 402/HOREHOUND PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S triangular, smootfi, gray-brown with darker marbling or light brown nut. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial herb with a fusiform root and a multi-headed, often woody, root crown. The stems are erect, branched, obtusely quadrangular, and about 40 to 60 cm high and 7 mm thick at the base. The branches are curved, spreading out, obtusely quadrangular, and loosely downy, like the leaves. The leaves are tomentose-downy, petiolate, orbicular and unevenly crenate. They have distinct veins on the underside and are wrinkled. bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, tuberculosis, pulmonary catarrh, respiratory infections, diarrhea, jaundice, debility and painful menstruation, and as a laxative in higher doses; externally for skin damage, ulcers and wounds, and as a gargle for mouth and throat infections. Homeopathic Uses: Inflammation of the respiratory tract. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Characteristics: The leaves smell tangy when rubbed and contain musk juice, which taste bitter and hot. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean region to central Asia. It has become established in central Europe; introduced to America, South Africa and Australia. Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb, freshly pressed plant juice and other galenic preparations for internal use. DOSAGE Production: Horehound herb consists of the fresh or dried, above-ground parts of Marrubium vulgare as well as their preparations. The plant is harvested during the flowering season from June to August. Fast drying is recommended. Other Names: Houndsbane, Marrubium, White Horehound ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Diterpene hitter principles: chief components (0.1-1.0%), premarrubiin (0.1%) marrubiin Caffeic acid derivatives: including among others chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid Flavonoids: including among others chrysoeriol, vicenin II, lactoyl flavones, for example luteolin-7-lactate, apigenin-7lactate Volatile oil (traces): including among others camphene, pcymene, fenchene EFFECTS The bitter ingredients act as a gastric juice stimulant; marrubinic acid acts as a choleretic. In animal experiments, a significant increase of bile secretion was observed after administration of marrubinic acid and its salt. The main active principles, essential oil, diterpene-amaroids, tannins and flavonoids indicate that the drug would probably stimulate gastric juice secretion. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Dyspeptic complaints • Loss of appetite Unproven Uses: The drug is used for dyspepsia, loss of appetite, bloating and flatulence, and respiratory catarrh. In folk medicine, it is used internally for acute and chronic Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over 1 to 2 gm of the drug; strain after 10 minutes. For a liquid extract, prepare as a (1:1) dilution with ethanol (20%). Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 4.5 gm of the drug; 30 to 60 ml pressed juice. The infusion dosage is 1 to 2 gm of the drug taken up to 3 times daily. The liquid extract dosage is 2 to 4 ml 3 times daily. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). LITERATURE Bartarelli IM, (1966) Boll Chim Farm 105:787. Brieskorn CH, Feilner K, (1968) Phytochemistry 7:485. Busby MC et al., (1983) Proc R IR Acad Sect B 83:1. Cahen R, (1970) C R Soc Biol 164:1467. Henderson MS, McCrindle R, (1969) J Chem Soc Chem Comm 15:2014. Karryev MO et al., (1976) Izv Akad Nauk Turkm Ser Biol 3:86. Mascolo N et al., (1987) Phytother Res 1(1):28. Nicholas HJ, (1964) J Pharm Sci 53:895. Pandler WW, Wagner S, (1963) Chem Ind 42:1693. Popa DP et al., (1968) Khim Prir Soedin 4(6):345. Popa DP et al., (1974) Rastit Resur 10(3):365. Popa DP, Salei LA, (1973) Rastit Resur 9(3):384. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. AuflL, Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. HORSE CHESTNUT/403 long, cuneate-obovate, acute and dentate. The leaflets are rich green above and beneath are light green. Habitat: Although the herb is indigenous to the mountains of Greece, Bulgaria, the Caucasus, northern Iran and the Himalayas, it is cultivated elsewhere, especially in northern Europe including the British Isles, Denmark, Scandinavia and Russia (Narva and St. Petersburg). Production: Horse Chestnut leaf consists of the fresh or dried leaf of Aesculus hippocastanum. A dry extract is manufactured from Horse Chestnut seeds standardized to a content of 16-20% triterpene glycosides (calculated as anhydrous aescin). Not to be Confused With: The leaves of the Horse Chestnut are commonly confused with those of Sweet Chestnut. Horse Chestnut Other Names: Spanish Chestnut, Buckeye, Common Horse Chestnut, Conqueror Tree Aesculus ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY hippocastanum TRADE NAMES COMPOUNDS: HORSE CHESTNUT LEAF Horse Chestnut (available from numerous manufacturers), Horse Chestnut-Power, Venastat, Standardized Horsechestnut Extract Triterpene saponins DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried Horse Chestnut leaves, the oil extracted from the peeled fruit capsules (seeds) and dried chestnut seeds. Flower and Fruit: The white flowers are in stiffly upright panicles gradually thickening near the distal end. Most of the flowers are male, but a few are female or androgynous. The calyx is fused and bell-shaped with 5 irregular tips. The petals are 10 to 15 mm long with a yellow spot, which turns red. There are 3 upward petals and 2 downward, which are folded at the edge. The flower is ciliate and cordate (heart shaped) at the base and contains 7 S-shaped, bending stamens with red anthers that are longer than the petals. The ovary is 3-valved, superior and velvety. The fruit capsules are green and globular with soft spines and fine hairs. There are 1 to 3 red-brown seeds (Chestnuts) within the capsules, which are shiny brown with a yellowish gray-brown navel and a tough shell. Leaves, Stem and Root: The seasonal tree is up to 35 m high; it includes a large regular crown and widely spread roots. The trunk is initially smooth but later has thinly scaled, peeling and fissured bark. The young twigs are yellowish to red-brown and are initially covered with brown hairs. The buds gradually thicken near the distal end and are extremely sticky with dark red bud scales to protect the seed plant bud. The leaves are long, 5 to 7 palmate, with a 20 cm long grooved petiole. The leaflets are initially red-haired, 20 cm Hydroxycoumarins: chief component is aesculin, in addition fraxin and scopolin Flavonoids: including rutin, quercitrin, and isoquercitrin Tannins EFFECTS: HORSE CHESTNUT LEAF The main active principles of the anti-exudative effect and improvement of venous tone are hydroxycoumarins (aesculin and fraxin), triterpene saponins in the petioles and leaf veins, flavonoids and a rich supply of tannins. Although the drug is said to have an anti-exudative effect and improve venous tone, there is a lack of clinical data to support the efficacy. COMPOUNDS: HORSE CHESTNUT SEEDS Triterpene saponins (3-5%): The triterpene saponine mixture known as aescin (also escin) consists of diacylated tetra-and pentahydroxy-beta-amyrin compounds.The compounds bear a glucuronic acid remnant substituted with 2 monosaccharide remnants in position 3 at the OH-group. Aglycones, protoescigenin and barringtogenol C, are bonded like esters onto the OH-group at position 21 with either angelic or tiglic acid, or with either alpha-methyl butyric or isobutyric acid remnants. The OH-group in position 22 (beta-escin) or 28 (cryptoescin) is acetylated, and both positional isomeric compounds remain in equilibrium though migration of the acetyl remnant. Flavonoids: in particular biosides and triosides of the quercetins Oligosaccharides: including 1-kestose, 2-kestose, stachyose 404/HORSE CHESTNUT Polysaccharides: starch (50%) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Fatty oil (2-3%) vein incompetence to determine the edema-reducing effect of Horse Chestnut seed extract. The edema reduction effect and reduction of leg volume with edema provocation of the Horse Chestnut seed extract were both statistically significant (Diem, 1992). E F F E C T S : HORSE C H E S T N U T SEEDS INDICATIONS AND USAGE Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, condensed tannins: (only in the seed-coat) As found in different animal tests and preclincal investigations, the principal ingredient of Horse Chestnut seed extract, triterpene glycoside mixture (aescin), has an anti-exudative, vascular tightening effect, and reduction of vascular permeability which result in an antiedemic effect. The vein-toning properties of the Horse Chestnut extract also demonstrated improvement of venous return flow. A significant reduction of transcapillary filtration was seen in a placebo-controlled human pharmacological trial (Bisler, 1986). Significant improvement in the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency was demonstrated in diverse, randomized, double-blind and cross-over studies (Calabrese, 1993; Steiner, 1990). There are indications that Horse Chestnut seed extract reduces the activity of lysosomal enzymes, which increases in chronic pathological conditions of the veins. The enzymes will break down glycoacalyx (mucopolysaccharides) in the region of the capillary walls, allowing proteins to leak into the interstitium. The activity of the enzymes is reduced by the aescin and so the breakdown of glycoacalyx is also inhibited. The transcapillary filtration of low-molecular proteins, electrolytes and water into the interstitium is inhibited through a reduction of vascular permeability by the aescin. CLINICAL TRIALS The efficacy and safety of Horse Chestnut seed extract, given as Venostasin retard (50mg aescin) twice daily, was compared to mechanical compression involving bandages and stockings in a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study. The study consisted of 240 patients with chronic venous insufficiency over a 12-week period. The results determined a similar decrease of lower leg volume of approximately 25% and noted compression treatment is uncomfortable, not convenient and subject to poor compliance (Diehm, 1996). Venostasin retard was administered to 52 pregnant women with edema due to venous insufficiency in a placebocontrolled, double-blind, cross-over study. A significant reduction of edema and greater resistance to edema provocation was demonstrated in the Venostasin retard group. There were also less severe symptoms of pain, fatigue, swelling and itching with patients receiving Venostasin retard therapy (Steiner, 1990). A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was conducted on 40 patients with venous edema in chronic deep HORSE CHESTNUT LEAF Unproven Uses: Eczema, superficial and deep varicose veins, leg pains, phlebitis, hemorrhoids, pains before and during menstruation. In folk medicine, the leaves are used as a cough remedy, as well as for arthritis and rheumatism. H O R S E C H E S T N U T SEEDS Approved by Commission E: • Venous conditions (chronic venous insufficiency) Treatment of symptoms found in pathological conditions of the veins of the legs (chronic venous insufficiency), for example pain and a sensation of heaviness in the legs, nocturnal cramps in the calves, pruritis and swelling of the legs. Unproven uses: Horse Chestnut seeds are used for symptoms of post-traumatic and post-operative soft tissue swelling. Further indications are painful injuries, sprains, bruising, pain syndrome of the spine, edema, rheumatic disease and varicose veins. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic treatments include hemorrhoids, lumbar and low back pain, venous back pressure. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS HORSE CHESTNUT LEAF General: Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. One case of liver damage following intramuscular administration of an extract of the drug (origin details of the drug uncertain) is known. Drug Interactions: Horse Chestnut leaf has a coumarin componant and may interact with warfarin, salicylates and other drugs with anti-coagulant properties. HORSE CHESTNUT SEEDS Health risks following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. Susceptible patients may nevertheless experience mucous membrane irritations of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. nausea) following intake of the drug; decrease in kidney function with pre-existing renal insufficiency and acute nephrotoxicity. Hepatotoxicity and urticaria have also been observed. I.V administration of aescin can lead to anaphylactic reactions. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS OVERDOSAGE HORSE CHESTNUT SEEDS The intake of larger quantities of Horse Chestnut seeds (in one case of a child with 5 seeds) can bring about vomiting, diarrhea, severe thirst, reddening of the face, enlargement of pupils, vision and consciousness disorders. Following stomach and intestinal emptying (gastric lavage, sodium sulfate) and the administration of activated charcoal, therapy for poisonings consists of diazepam for spasms, atropine for colic, electrolyte replenishment and sodium bicarbonate infusions for any acidosis that may arise. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. DOSAGE HORSE CHESTNUT LEAF Mode of Administration: Extracts of the drug are contained in "vein teas" or "hemorrhoid teas," as well as in pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of venous symptoms. Preparation: One ampule corresponds to 4 mg flavones in 0.9% NaCl. Daily Dosage: Infusion (as a tea)—Pour boiling water over 1 tsp. of finely cut drug and strain after 5 to 10 minutes (ltsp = 1 gm drug). Intravenously—1 to 2 ampules daily. Intramuscularly—1 ampule daily. HORSE CHESTNUT SEEDS Mode of Administration: Available in liquid and solid preparations for internal use; semi-solid preparations for external use; and parenterally for homeopathic use. How Supplied: Ampules Capsules — 250 mg, 300 mg, 485 mg Coated tablets Drops Ointment/Gels Tablets HORSE CHESTNUT/405 Oral—Aescin from encapsulated standardized extracts are initially given at doses of 10 mg (Chandler, 1993). The encapsulated standardized extract has been used for the treatment of postoperative or traumatic edema, hemorrhoids or symptoms due to varicose veins in doses providing 40 to 120 mg of aescin per day (Schlesser, 1991). Aescin (escin) 100 mg corresponding to 250-312.5 mg extract may be administered twice daily in delayed-release form. Tincture—For the treatment of painful hemorrhoids, a dose of 1:10 tincture is 0.6 ml (Reynolds, 1977). Topical—A 1 to 2% gel is applied topically several times daily for soft tissue injuries, bruises and symptomatic relief of varicose veins (Fachinfo Reparil (R)- Sportgel 1994; Fachino Opijo (R) N gel, 1991; Calabrese & Preston 1993). Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) and 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml 3 times daily sc; ointment 1 to 2 times daily (HAB1). Storage: The herb should be stored in a dry and dark place. LITERATURE Aizavva X, Fukui. Yamada K, Kogo H, Aescin, antiinflammatory action of Aescin (1, intravenous injection). In: Pharmacometrics (Tokyo) 8:211. 1974. Alter H, (1973) Zur medikamentbsen Therapie der Varikosis. Z AUg Med 49(17): 1301-1304. Annoni F, Mauri A, Marincola Resele LF. (1979) Venotonic activity of Escin on the human saphenous vein. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res 29:672. 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Calabrese C, Preston P, Report of the results of a double-blind, randomized, single-dose trial of a topical 2% escon gel versus placebo in the acute treatment of experimentally-induced hematoma volunteers. Planta Med 59:394-397. 1993. Daily Dosage: Intravenous—Doses of 5 mg once or twice daily of aescin as the sodium salt has been used for treatment or prevention of post-traumatic edema and potoperative edema. The maximum daily dose is 20 mg (Brandt, 1992/1993). Chandler RF, Herbal Medicine: Horse Chestnut. Can Pharm J 1993; 126:297-306. Comaish JS, Kersey PJ, Contact dermatitis to extract of horse chestnut (esculin). Contact Dermatitis 1980 Jan;6(2): 150-1. 4 0 6 / H O R S E CHESTNUT PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Daub B, Chronische Veneninsuffizienz: RoBkastanienextrakt oder Kompressionsstrumpf - gleiche Wirkung. In: DAZ 136(12):946. 1996. Hellberg K, Ruschewski W, de Vivie R, Drug induced acute renal failure after heart surgery. Thoraxchir Vask Chir 1975 Aug;23(4):396-9. 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Horse-chestnut seed extract for chronic venous insufficiency. In: Lancet 347(9009): 182-183. 1996. Vogel G, Aesculus hippocastanum L. - Die Ropkastanie. In: ZPT 10:102 - 106. 1989. Vogel G, Marek ML, Stoeckert J, Weitere Untersuchungen zum Wirkungsmechanismus des RoPkastanien-Saponins Aescin. In: Arzneim Forsch 13:59. 1963. Further information in: Chan, EH et al. (Ed.), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore 1985. Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzheimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. HORSEMINT/407 Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New .York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Horsemint Monarda Punctata DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the herb. Flower and Fruit: The flowers grow in axillary whorls. They are bilabiate. The corolla is yellow with red spots. The 2 stamens and the sessile bracts are yellow and purple. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial and grows up to 90 cm high with a branched, round stem. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate and downy. Characteristics: The taste is pungent and bitter; the odor reminiscent of thyme. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the eastern and central U.S. Other Names: Spotted Monarda, Monarda Lutea, Wild Bergamot ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: including among others thymol (20%), thymol methyl ether, thymol hydroquinone; in Monarda punctata varieties, maritima including also gamma-terpinene, geranylformate, nerylformate EFFECTS The drug has carminative, stimulant and emmenagogic effects. CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug is not to be used during pregnancy. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used for digestive disorders, flatulence and dysmenorrhea. Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996. Indian Medicine: American Indians use inflammations, rheumatism and backache. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. (Oil from the plant, however, is only to be Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. the drug for 408/HORSEMINT administered externally. Even then, because it raises blisters in its pure form, it should be diluted with olive oil before application.) PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Other Names: Mountain Radish, Red Cole, Great Raifort ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS DOSAGE Mode, of Administration: Ground drug used as an infusion. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Glucosinolates sinigrin and gluconasturtin: The freshly harvested root contains the glucosinolates sinigrin (0.3%) and gluconasturtin, which release enzymatically triggered (myrosinase) allyl mustard oil (up to 90%) and a little 2phenyl mustard when the root is cut up. The dehydrated root contains both of these mustard oils. EFFECTS Horseradish Armor acta rusticana DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the fresh or dried horseradish root. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is made up of numerous, richly flowered racemes (cymes). The fragrant flowers are on 5 to 7 mm long, upright pedicles. The sepals are 2.5 to 3 mm long, broadly ovate, with a membranous white margin. The white petals are 5 to 7 mm long and broadly obovate. The inner stamens are 2.5 mm long; the outer ones 1.5 mm long. The stigma is broad, round and gently 2-lobed. The small pods are on 20 mm long, upright spreading stems. They are globose to obovate and 4 to 6 mm long. The seeds are smooth. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 40 to 120 cm high. It is a sturdy and glabrous perennial. The root is quite thick and woody. In cultivated varieties, it is thick and fleshy with numerous root heads, which are light yellowish-white and have horizontal underground runners. The sometimes solitary stems are upright, branched above, grooved and hollow. The leaves are long-petioled, oblong-ovate, cordate at the base, 30 to 100 cm long and unevenly crenate. The lower cauline leaves have shorter petioles and are lobed or combshaped pinnate with linear-oblong, entire-margined or serrate sections. The upper cauline leaves with narrowed bases are sessile, oblong or lanceolate, unevenly crenate to serrate and obtuse. The uppermost leaves are linear or almost entiremargined. Characteristics: The rootstock has an odor that is strong and irritating, and a sharp, burning taste. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the Volga-Don region but has spread to almost all of Europe and other parts of the world. Production: Horseradish consists of the fresh or dried, peeled or unpeeled roots of Armoracia rusticana. Horseradish works antimicrobially against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens, and is hyperemic on skin and mucous membranes and carcinostatic (due to the mustard oils). Horseradish demonstrated an antispasmodic effect in animal experiments. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Cough/Bronchitis • Infections of the urinary tract Unproven Uses: Internally, Horseradish is used to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract and as supportive therapy for infections of the urinary tract. Externally, the drug is used for inflammation of the respiratory tract and for hyperemic treatment for minor muscle aches. In folk medicine, horseradish is administered for influenza, respiratory ailments, digestion, gout, rheumatism, and liver and gallbladder disorders. Homeopathic Uses: Uses in homeopathy include eye inflammations, upper respiratory tract inflammations and upper abdominal colic. CONTRAINDICATIONS Because of the mucous membrane-irritating effect of the mustard oils, the intake of the drug should not be carried out in the presence of stomach or intestinal ulcers or in patients with a history of kidney disease. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Pediatric Use: Preparations of horseradish should not be administered to children under 4 years of age. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Fresh or dried root that has been cut or ground, freshly pressed juice or other galenic preparations for internal or external applications. HORSETAIL / 4 0 9 HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Daily Dose: The average dose for internal use is 20 g of fresh root; for external use, ointments and gels with a maximum of 2% mustard oils may be used. Habitat: Horsetail grows throughout Europe. It grows in Asia as far south as Turkey and Iran. The plant is also found in the Himalayas, central and north China and Japan. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every •^T 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml 3 times daily sc (HAB34). The mother tincture and first decimal dilution to be taken diluted wi water. Production: Horsetail consists of the fresh or dried, green, sterile stems of Equisetum arvense harvested in the summer. The herb is collected in the wild and air-dried. Storage: Fresh roots should be buried in soil or sand. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutisehen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1992. Simon JE, Chadvvick AF, Craker LE (Eds), Herbs. An Indexed Bibliography 1971-80. Archon Books, USA 1984. Stoll A, Seebeek E, Helv Chim Acta 31:1432-1434. 1948. jg| Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie, Pharniakologie. 2. Aufl.. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena, New York, 1995. Not to be Confused With: Other Equisetum species. Other Names: Bottle-Brush, Corn Horsetail, Dutch Rushes, Field Horsetail, Horse Willow, Horsetail Grass, Horsetail Rush, Paddock-Pipes, Pewterwort, Scouring Rush, Shave Grass, Toadpipe ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: (0.6 to 0-9%): apigenin-5-0-glucoside, genkwanin-5-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3,7-di-0-glucoside, kaempferol-3-0-(6'-0-malonyl-glucoside)-7-0-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside, luteolin-5-O-glucoside, quercetin-3-O-glucoside Caffeic acid ester (up to 1%): including chlorogenic acid, dicoffeoyl-meso-tartaric acid Silicic acid (5 to 7.7%): to some extent water-soluble Pyridine alkaloids: nicotine (traces), palustrine (in the gamatophytes and in the rhizome styrolpyrone glucosides, including equisetumpyrone) EFFECTS Horsetail Equisetum arvense TRADE NAMES Alcohol Free Horsetail, Horsetail, Horsetail Grass, Wild Countryside Springtime Horsetail DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried green, sterile shoots and fresh sterile shoots. Flower and Fruit: Horsetail appears in two forms during the year. From March to April the red-brown to straw yellow simple stem develops with leaves arranged in a number of levels on the stem in whorls. The leaves are brown, fused to a sheath at the lower level with black-tipped, dry sporangia cones at the tip sprinkling greenish spore powder. In May and June there is a sterile summer form with 10 to 14 cm high stems and numerous branches that are arranged in whorls at the nodes. The stem and branches are deeply grooved, usually square and rough. Horsetail has a mild diuretic and spasmolytic action in animal tests. The flavonoids and silicic acid contribute to the astringent effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: • Infections of the urinary tract • Kidney and bladder stones • Wounds and burns Internal preparations are used for post-traumatic and static edema, flushing-out therapy for bacterial and inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract and renal stones. It is used externally as a supportive treatment for poorly healing wounds. Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Equisetum arvense is used for tuberculosis, as a catarrh in the kidney and bladder regions, as a hematostatic for profuse menstruation, nasal, pulmonary and gastric hemorrhages, for brittle fingernails and loss of hair, for rheumatic diseases, gout, poorly healing wounds and ulcers, swelling and fractures and for frostbite. 410/HORSETAIL CONTRAINDICATIONS Horsetail is contraindicated in patients who have edema due to impaired heart and kidney function. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. A doctor should be consulted when the drug is utilized as a bath additive in cases of major skin lesions, acute skin lesions of unknown origin, major feverish and infectious diseases, cardiac insufficiency and hypertonia. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted herb for infusions and other galenic preparations are available for oral administration. Comminuted herb for decoctions and other galenic preparations are used externally. Preparation: To make a tea. pour 200 ml boiling water over 2 to 3 gm drug and boil for 5 minutes. Strain after 10 to 15 minutes. To make an infusion, use 1.5 gm drug per 1 cup water. A liquid extract is prepared in a 1:1 ratio in 25% alcohol. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Veit M, Problem bei der Bewertung pflanzlicher Diuretika. Als Beispiel Schachtelhalmkraut DAB 10 (Equiseti herba). In: ZPT 15(6):331-341. 1994. Veit M et al., Flavonoids of the Equisetum hybrids in the subgenus Equisetum. In: PM 58(7)97. 1992. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Daily Dosage: Daily dose of Horsetail is 6 g drug. The drug should be administered with plenty of fluids. The internal dosages are as follows: Hound's Tongue Infusion — 2 to 4 g Cynoglossum officinale Liquid extract — 1 to 4 ml 3 times daily Tea — 2-3 g per cup repeatedly during the day between mealtimes External use: Compresses: 10 g drug to 1 liter Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times a day (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc 3 times daily (HAB1). Storage: Horsetail must be protected from light in wellsealed containers. LITERATURE Beckert C, Veit M, Styrylpyrone im Schachtelhalm. In: DAZ 137(28):2474-2475. 1997. Eugster C, Heterocycles 4:51. 1976. Gibelli C, (1931) Arch Int Pharmacodyn 41:419. Hiller K, Pharmazeutische Bewertung ausgewahlter Teedrogen. In: DAZ 135(16): 1425-1440. 1995. Karrer P et al., Helv Chim Acta 32:2397-2399. 1949. Pohl RW, (1955) Am Fern J 45:95. Sokeland J, Phytotherapie in der Urologie. In: ZPT 10(1):8. 1989. DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the aerial and root of the herb. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are on short, bent pedicles, which grow to 1 cm after flowering. The corolla is cupshaped and larger than the calyx. The corolla is initially dark violet, then dull brown. It is occasionally white with thickened, velvety purple or light red, tubular scales. The nutlets are flat, ovoid and light brown. They are 5 to 7 mm wide, thickened at the edge and covered with barbs. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a biennial. The taproot is 10 to 30 cm long and up to 1.5 cm thick. It is reddish colored with a few fibers. The shoots are gray-green and smell of mice. The stems are usually rigidly erect, angular, hairy and heavily foliated. They are 30 to 80 cm high and up to 1 cm thick. The lower leaves are in rosettes, which form a tough, coriaceous sheath at the base. The upper leaves are sessile and clasping. Habitat: Especially common in Germany and Switzerland, now also found in the U.S. in areas where Germans and Swiss settled. Production: Hound's Tongue herb consists of the aboveground parts of Cynoglossum officinale. Hound's Tongue HERBAL MONOGRAPHS root is the root of Cynoglossum officinale. The root is gathered in the second spring and then dried. Other Names: Dog's Tongue, Dog-Bur, Gypsy Flower, Sheep-Lice, Woolmat ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS: HOUNDS TONGUE HERB Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (0.7 to 1.5%): main alkaloids heliosupine, echinatine, also 7-angeloylheliotridine, acetylheliosupine EFFECTS: No information is available. COMPOUNDS: HOUNDS TONGUE ROOT Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: main alkaloids presumably, as in the plant, heliosupine and echinatine Tannins HOUSELEEK/411 Storage: The herb should be protected from light and kept dry above annealed calcium chloride in air-tight, sealed glass or chalk containers, with the possible addition of a few drops of chloroform or carbon tetrachloride as an insecticide. It should be3 renewed annually. LITERATURE HOUND'S TONGUE HERB Frohne D, Pfander HJ: Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Knight AP, Kimberling CV, Stermitz FR, Roby MR, Cynoglossum officinale (hounds-tongue) - a cause of pyrrolizidine-alkaloid poisoning in horse. In: J Am Vet Med Assoc 185(6):647-650. 1984. EFFECTS: HOUND'S TONGUE ROOT Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. The root has antidiarrheal and wound-healing effects. It is both toxic and carcinogenic. Mattocks AR, Pigott CD, Pyrrolizidine lakloids from Cynoglossum germanicum. In: PH 29(9):2871. 1990. According to previous reports, cynoglossin has a paralyzing effect on the peripheral nerve ends of frogs. The substances consolicin and consolidin have a paralyzing effect on the CNS, which is 3 times stronger than the effect of cynoglossin. The toxicity should disappear with storage. Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. INDICATIONS AND USAGE HOUND'S TONGUE HERB Unproven Uses: Preparations of Hound's Tongue have been used as an antidiarrheal and an expectorant. The effectiveness of the herb for the claimed applications is not documented. CYNOGLOSSUM ROOT Unproven Uses: In the past, it was used as an analgesic both internally and externally, as a cough sedative and for diarrhea. The root is used externally in the treatment of wounds. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. HOUND'S TONGUE ROOT Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Knight AP, Kimberling CV, Stermitz FR, Roby MR, Cynoglossum officinale (hounds-tongue) - a cause of pyrrolizidine-alkaloid poisoning in horse. In: J Am Vet Med Assoc 185(6):647-650. 1984. Mattocks AR, Pigott CD, Pyrrolizidine lakloids from Cynoglossum germanicum. In: PH 29(9):2871. 1990. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Houseleek HOUND'S TONGUE HERB AND ROOT Sempervivum tectorum WARNING: The traditional folk medicinal preparations should not be used! DESCRIPTION Because of its high pyrrolizidine alkaloid content with 1,2unsaturated necine parent substances, the drug is both hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic in effect. The drug should under no circumstances be taken internally. DOSAGE HOUND'S TONGUE HERB AND ROOT See Warning above regarding internal use. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh leaves before flowering and their juice. Flower and Fruit: The pink or red flowers are in cymes on their own peduncles, which are about 22 cm high. The individual flowers are short-pedicled and splayed in a star shape. The 12 sepals and petals are twice as long as the calyx. The 24 stamens are in 2 circles. There are 24 ovaries. The small fruit is many-seeded and fused at the base. 4 1 2 /HOUSELEEK Leaves, Stem and Root: The green succulent leaves grow. directly from the perennial fibrous root and form a dense, obovate, basal rosette 5 to 10 cm in diameter. They are fleshy and juicy, flat, 2.5 to 5 cm long. The purple leaves are sessile-oblong with a ciliate margin and are often in carpets of tufts. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to central and southern Europe and now grows wild in northern Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia. Other Names: Jupiter's Eye. Jupiter's Beard, Thor's Beard, Bullock's Eye, Sengreen, Ayron, Ayegreen, Aaron's Rod, Hens and Chickens, Liveforever, Thunder Plant ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Fruit acids: L(-)-malic acid, isocitric acid, succinic acid PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S water. Gargles are prepared using plant juice diluted with water and sweetened with honey. The pure plant juice is used for ear drops. Daily Dosage: Infusion dosage is 1 cup every 3 hours. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Humulus lupulus See Hops Tannins Mucilage EFFECTS The active agents are the leaves containing tannin, bitter substances, sugar, and mucous. Results of research carried out to date point to a possible liver-protective and antioxidative effect. There are no studies available for the astringent, diuretic and antiseptic effects attributed to the drug. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Houseleek is used internally to relieve severe diarrhea. Folk medicine uses include dysentery, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, impairment of hearing and fever, worm infestation, uterine neuralgia, tonsillitis, headache and toothache. Externally, the drug is used for bums, wounds, ulcers and swelling caused by insect bites, open wounds, sore nipples, corns, inflammation of the throat, hemorrhoids, eczema, stomatitis, oral fungal infections and inflammation of mucous membranes and for the treatment of itchy and burning skin parts. A gargle of diluted juice made from the leaves is used for stomatitis. Hwema Bark Corynanthe pachyceras DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the bark. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is an apical, up to 10cm long panicle. The calyx has 4 short tips. The corolla tube is white and urn-shaped with 4 narrow, approximately 2-mm long lobes. The lobes have globular appendages, with 4 stamens and a 2-chambered ovary. The fruit is a 7 to 10 mm long and 2 to 4 mm wide, loculicidal capsule, which is black when ripe, with numerous double slit winged seeds. Leaves and Trunk: Corynanthe pachyceras is a tree that grows up to 20 m high. The leaves are opposite, with simple lamina that are paper-like. The lamina grow from 15 to 25 cm long and 5 to 7 cm wide. They are elongate-ovate with approximately 12 mm long stipules. The branches are glabrous and the trunk bark is dark green to reddish brown. Habitat: Tropical Africa PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Production: Hwema bark is the dried bark of Corynanthe pachyceras. It is dried in the sun or drying cupboard with circulating air at temperatures less than 70° C after harvesting. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Houseleek is used internally as a decoction. Freshly pressed leaves and their juice is used externally. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, allow 15 g of the drug to steep in 1000 ml water for 10 minutes. Poultices are prepared using crushed fresh leaves. A compress is made by soaking a cloth in plant juice that has been diluted with Not to be Confused With: Incorrect identification can occur with Cinchonae cortex and sometimes with Yohimbe Cortex. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Indole alkaloids of the beta-carboline and oxindole type: chief alkaloids corynanthine (1.2%) and corynantheidine, including as well, corynanthidine (alpha-yohimbine), beta- HERBAL M O N O G R A P H S yohimbine, corynantheine, dihydrocorynantheine, corynoxine, corynoxeine HYDRANGEA/413 Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens EFFECTS The alkaloid-containing drug (yohimbine-corynantheine ^ type) affects the CNS by inhibiting motility in animal experiments. The drug is spasmolytic, blood pressure reducing and also mildly analgesic and locally anesthetic in effect. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Hvvema Bark preparations are used for fever and malaria (infusion), leprosy (decoction), colds, and to lower blood pressure (dry extract). PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The LD50 in mice was determined to be 4.9 mg dry extract/kg body weight, I.V. The symptoms observed included convulsions and dyspnea. OVERDOSAGE Overdoses among humans could conceivably lead to signs of poisoning. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole and cut drug, liquid and solid preparations for internal use; solid preparations for external use. Preparation: To prepare a dry extract (10:1), the bark powder is succussed for 30 minutes at 95°C with a 10-fold amount of isotonic Nacl solution. It is filtered after cooling and the solution is concentrated to double the weight of the drug. Freeze-drying follows a 48-hour clarification period. This produces a brown powder. Drugmative dry extract is 10:1. DESCRIPTION , Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried rhizome and the roots. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is flat cymes of umbels with creamy white flowers. They are androgynous or completely sexless and have inferior ovaries. The fruit is a schizocarp or capsule. Leaves, Stem and Root: Hydrangea is a marsh plant, a bush up to 3 m high whose leaves are only pubescent on the veins of the undersides. The petiole is 2 to 5 cm long. The leaves are simple or lobed and opposite. There are no stipules. The bark is rough and tends to peel off. The roots are of various lengths and widths. They are pale gray on the outside and solid with a slight splitting structure. Habitat: Indigenous to the eastern U.S. as far south as Florida. Production: Hydrangea root is the root of Hydrangea arborescens. Other Names: Seven Barks ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Saponins Flavonolids: including, among others, rutin Volatile oil Isocoumarin hydrangenol derivatives: including, among others, EFFECTS The drug has a diuretic effect. Daily Dosage: Dry extract — 200 mg 1 to 4 times daily. INDICATIONS AND USAGE How Supplied: Tablets, capsules, suppositories and drink ampules. Storage: Hwema Bark should be stored in a dry place. LITERATURE * Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed) Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 Hydnocarpus species See Chaulmoogra Unproven Uses: Hydrangea is used in the treatment of conditions of the urinary tract, particularly bladder and kidney stones. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. According to information in older medical literature, the intake of larger dosages can lead to dizziness, feelings of constriction in the chest and central nervous system disorders. The plant has a weak potential for sensitization (chief allergen hydrangenol). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: As a liquid extract, in compounded preparations. 414/HYDRANGEA" LITERATURE Bate-Smith EC, (1978) Phytochemistry 17:267. Der Mardirossian A et al., (1976) J Toxicol Environ Health 1: 939. PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis TRADE NAMES Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. VerlagsGes. Stuttgart 1997. Hyssop (available from numerous manufacturers and as combination product), Hyssop Herb Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen. Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988. Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves, the flower tips and the essential oil. Kern W, List PH, horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Flower and Fruit: The dark-blue bilabiate flowers are medium-sized false whorls in one-sided, terminal, leafy racemes. The calyx is downy, 5-tipped and glabrous inside. There are 4 stamens, which are turned away from each other and extend far above the perianth. The style is very long. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. DESCRIPTION Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen subshrub about 60 cm high. The stem is erect, quadrangular, shrubby and branched. The leaves are sessile, lanceolate, acute, entire-margined, punctate, glabrous, dark green and paler beneath. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K. Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Characteristics: The plant has a weak sweetish smell. The taste is bitter. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Hydrangea arborescens See Hydrangea Hydrastis canadensis See Goldenseal Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southern Europe and grows wild in the Mediterranean region. It is cultivated elsewhere. Production: Hyssop herb consists of the fresh or dried aboveground parts of Hyssopus officinalis. Hyssop oil consists of the essential oil of Hyssopus officinalis, obtained by steam distillation. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS In the foliage: Volatile oil Hyoscyamus niger Tannins See Henbane Bitter principles: including, among others, marubiin Flavonoids: glycosides of hesperidin and diosmetin Hypericum perforatum See St. John's Wort In the volatile oil: Chief components: 1-pinocamphone, isocamphone, pinocarvone, alpha- and beta-pinene EFFECTS Hypoxis rooperi See African Potato 1-pinocamphone and isopinocamphone are the toxically active constituents of the drug. The oil has an antimicrobial and anthelmintic effect. Extracts of the leaves are antimicrobial, antiviral (herpes simplex) and mildly spasmolytic. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS ICELAND MOSS 415 Flower and Fruit: Cetraria islandica is a lichen that grows on the ground and has a stiff, curling thalius. The thalius is from 2 to 6 cm high, erect, dichotomously branched, with a 1 to 10 cm wide section. The upper surface is olive-brown-green or brown, the underside is whitish to light brownish. The margins are covered in 0.5 mm long papilla, which contain the reproductive parts. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations of Hyssop herb are used for the gentle stimulation of circulation, for intestinal catarrhs, for diseases of the respiratory tract, colds, chest and lung ailments. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Isolated cases of tonic-clonic spasms have been observed among adults after intake of 10 to 30 drops of the volatile oil over a number of days (2 to 3 drops for children). Characteristics: Iceland Moss tastes bitter, and when wet, has a smell reminiscent of seaweed. Habitat: Grows in the boreal, alpine and Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere and in some regions of the Southern Hemisphere. Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. Mode of Administration: Hyssop herb preparations are available as capsules for internal use. Production: Iceland Moss consists of the dried thalius of Cetraria islandica as well as its preparations. It is collected in the wild, then air-dried, moistened, cut and re-dried. How Supplied: Capsules — 445 mg Other Names: Iceland Lichen, Cetraria. Eryngo-Leaved Liverwort DOSAGE LITERATURE Joulain D, (1979) Riv Ital Ess Prof Piante Off Ar Sap Cosm 48:479. Kern W. List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufi., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food. Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Opdyke DU, (1978) Food Cosmet Toxicol 16 (Suppl. 1):787. Hyssopus officinalis See Hyssop ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Mucilages, glucans (50%): lichenan (lichenan). isolichenan (isolichenan) Aromatic lichen acids (2-3%): fumarprototcetraric acid, protocetraric acid, cetraric acid Aliphatic lichen acids (1.0-1.5%): esp. protolichesteric acid EFFECTS The bitter organic acids have an antibiotic effect. It is also a demulcent and a mild antimicrobial. The drug has an demulcent effect due to the sesquitering action of the polysaccharides. An ethanol precipitation of the aqueous extract containing lichenan and isolichenan demonstrated an antitumoural effect in animal tests. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: Iberis amara See Bitter Candytuft Iceland Moss Cetraria islandica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried thalius commonly known as Iceland Moss. • • • • Cough/bronchitis Dyspeptic complaints Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx Loss of appetite r Unproven Uses: Iceland Moss is also used for irritation of the oral and pharyngeal mucous membranes; loss of appetite and gastroenteritis (the bitter organic acids). In folk medicine, the drug has been used for lung disease, kidney and bladder complaints, gastric conditions, nausea and vomiting (in particular in pregnancy and with migraine), bronchitis, whooping cough and diarrhea. It is also used externally for poorly healing wounds. 416/ICELAND Homeopathic bronchitis. MOSS Uses: PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Cetraria islandica is used to treat PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. In rare cases, external administration of the drug led to sensitization. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Comminuted thallus for infusions and other galenic formulations for internal use; comminuted thallus preferably for cold maceration and other bitter-tasting preparations for internal use. Preparation: To prepare an infusion, pour boiling water over 1.5 to 2.5 gm of comminuted drug and strain after 10 minutes (I teaspoonful = 1.3 gm of drug); infusion may be sweetened. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 4 to 6 gm. Single dose: 1.5 g drug in a teacup. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, l tablet, 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or l to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: l to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once daily (HABl). Storage: Store in the dark and well-sealed containers. LITERATURE Anonym, Niedere Pflanzen ganz gro{3 - 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Arzneipflanzenforschung in Saarbriicken. In: DAZ 131(37): 1899. Pengsuparp Th, et aL Mechanistic evaluation of new plantderived compounds that inhibit HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. In: JNP 58(7): 1024-1031. 1995. Wunderer H, Zentral und peripher wirksame Antitussiva: eine kritische Ubersicht. In: PZ 142(11):847-852. 1997. Ignatius Beans Strychnos ignatii DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe seeds and the dried root bark. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in dense, axillary thyrses. Their parts are arranged in fives. They are greenish-white, pubescent and have a 2-valved superior ovary. The fruit is a golden-yellow berry. The berry is up to 13 cm wide and has a hard exocarp. The fruit pulp is yellow and contains up to 40 seeds. The seeds are 2 to 3 cm long by 2 cm wide, oval or rounded-angular, obtuse and very hard. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a climbing hooked stems that are up to 20 m long. The truck cm thick. It is occasionally a small tree. It bears are up to 25 cm long, broad-ovate, opposite petioled. shrub with is up to 10 leaves that and short- Habitat: The plant is common all over southeastern Asia and is cultivated there; especially in Vietnam and the Philippines. Production: Ignatius beans are the seeds of Strychnos ignatii. Not to be Confused With: The seeds of S. lanata and S. multiflora were once treated in the same manner as Ignatii seeds. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Indole alkaloids (2.5-5.6%): chief alkaloid strychnine (share 45-60%), in addition, above all, brucine, further including, among others, 12-hydroxystrychnine, alpha-colubrine, icajine, vomicine, novacine. There are also chemical strains for which brucine predominates, and others in which strychnine occurs only in traces. Fatty oil Further information in: Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Vol. 1. 2nd Ed. Pub. CRC Press Boca Raton 1975. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 (unter Cetraria). Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. EFFECTS The drug, which contains strychnine and brucine, is psychoanaleptic (see Nux Vomica). INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Preparations made of the Ignatius Bean are used to treat faintness. Therapeutic use as a bitter or tonic is not recommended. Homeopathic Uses: The drug is used for nervous disorders, cramps in hollow organs and muscles, and depressive states. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug is severely toxic due to the strychnine content and | should not be administered in allopathic medicine. HERBAL MONOGRAPHS OVERDOSAGE Symptoms of poisoning can occur after ingestion of one bean. Strychnine doses of as little as 1.5 mg (30-50 mg of the drug) initially cause restlessness, feelings of anxiety, heightening of sense perception, enhanced reflexes, equilibrium disorders and painful stiffness of the neck and back musculature. Later, twitching, tonic spasms of the masseter and neck musculature, and finally, painful convulsions of the entire body are triggered by visual or tactile stimulation. Dyspnea comes following spasm of the breathing musculature. Death occurs through suffocation or exhaustion. The lethal dosage for an adult is approximately 50 mg strychnine (1-2 gm of the drug). Chronic intake of subconvulsive dosages can also lead to death under similar conditions after a period of weeks. This is due to an accumulation of drug in the body, particularly in those who have liver damage. Following the administration of a watery suspension of activated charcoal, the therapy for poisoning consists of keeping external stimulation to a minimum through placement in a quiet, warm, darkened room. Convulsions should be treated with dosages of diazepam or barbital (i.v.). Highcalorie glucose infusions should also be given. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be required. Gastric lavage should be avoided, due to the danger of triggering convulsions. Analeptics or phenothiazines should not be administered. Because of the possibility of unwanted effects occurring in conjunction with the administration of therapeutic dosages, one should forgo any administration of the drug. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: It is used in the manufacture of strychnine and brucine. Daily Dosage: If the drug is taken internally, the maximum single dose is 0.1 gm; the maximum daily dosage is 0.3 gm. Homeopathic Dosage: from D4: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day (HAB1). Storage: Mark the container as "poisonous" and keep tightly sealed; protect the drug from cool air and light. LITERATURE Bisset NG, Phillipson JD, JNP 39:263. 1976. Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lenrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. IMMORTELLE 417 Marini-Bettolo GB, Advances in the research of curare and Strychnos. In: Rend Accad Naz 40:1975-1976, 1-2. 61-76. 1977. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte. 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologic Chemie. Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika. Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart. Jena. New York 1995. Ilex aquifolium See Holly Ilex paraguariensis See Mate Illicium verum See Star Anise Immortelle Helichrysum arenarium DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the composite heads and the whole of the flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The small orange flowers are in dense clustered cymes. The bracts are dry-membranous and usually lemon-yellow. All the florets are tubular and funnel-shaped. The fruit is pentangular with a tuft of hair. Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 10 to 30 cm high. The stem is erect, unbranched and gray-tomentose. The leaves are alternate. The lower leaves are spatulate and the upper ones lanceolate, acute and as gray-tomentose as the stem. Characteristics: Immortelle has a weak aroma. Habitat: The plant grows in Europe and the U.S. Production: Immortelle consists of the dried flowers of Helichrysum arenarium gathered shortly before fully unfolding. 4 1 8 /IMMORTELLE Not to be Confused With: Confusion can arise with the capitula of Helichrysum stoechas and Helichrysum augustifolium. Other Names: Common Shrubby Everlasting, Eternal Flower, Goldilocks, Yellow Chaste Weed PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINE S minutes and then strain. Drink throughout the day and make a fresh batch daily. Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 3 g of drug. Storage: Store Immortelle protected from light and moisture. LITERATURE ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Flavonoids: in particular isosalipurposide (intensive yellow chalcone glycoside), naringenin-5-glucosyl-gIucoside, helichrysin A and B (C-2-enantiomeric narigenin-5-O-glucosides, B-salipurposide) Phthalides: including 5-methoxy-7-hydroxy-phthaIides and their monoglucoside Alpha-pyrone derivatives: arenole, homoarenole Sesquiterpene bitter principles Derkach AI et al., Chem Nat Comp 6:722. 1986. Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Dmgs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1980. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Mericli AH et al., Sci Pharm 54:363. 1986. Volatile oil (traces) Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel. 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. mbH Stuttgart 1997. Caffeic acid derivatives Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. EFFECTS The drug has antibacterial principles, and is mildly choleretic and mildly spasmolytic. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Approved by Commission E: Impatiens biflora See Jewel Weed • Dyspeptic complaints Impomoea hederacea Unproven Uses: The drug is used as an adjunct in the treatment of chronic cholecystitis and gallbladder complaints with accompanying cramps. In folk medicine, it is used as a diuretic and for jaundice, gout, rheumatism, kidney complaints and dropsy. See CONTRAINDICATIONS Indian Hemp Because of the bile-stimulating effect of the drug, it is not to be administered when there is biliary obstruction. The presence of gallstone illnesses can lead to colic. PRECAUTICNS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Immortelle is used as a comminuted herb for infusions and other galenic preparations for internal use. Pharmaceutical cholagogues contain extracts of' the drug. It is an inactive ingredient in many tea specialties. How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical preparations include teas, drops and compound preparations. Preparation: To make an infusion, pour boiling water over 2 teaspoonfuls of the drug (3 to 4 g). Allow to stand for 10 Morning Glory Apocynum cannabinum DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the root and the juice obtained from the fresh plant. Flower and Fruit: The small whitish-green, occasionally pink to violet flowers are on pods that grow to 2 to 4 mm in length. The calyx is deeply lobed and half as long as the corolla. The petals are oblong-lanceolate. The tufts of hair on the seeds are 2 to 3 cm long. Leaves, Stem and Root: Indian Hemp is a perennial up to 2 m tall. It has an erect stem, which branches at the top. The whole plant is glabrous or downy. The short-petioled leaves are 5 to 11 cm long, yellowish-green and oblong or oblongovoid. The tips of the leaves are initially rounded and then terminate abruptly in a thorny tip. H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS Characteristics: The plant has an acrid taste and is to a certain degree poisonous. Habitat: The plant is found mostly in the U.S. and Canada. W Not to be Confused With: Indian Hemp (Cannabis indica), though both species contain latex and their tough, fibrous bark can be used as a substitute for hemp, hence the name. Production: Indian Hemp root is the root of Apocynum cannabinum, which is gathered (and sometimes dried), in autumn. The plant is cultivated as a crop in Germany and Russia. Other Names: Bitterroot, Catchfly, Dogbane, Fly-Trap, Honeybloom, Milk Ipecac, Milkweed, Mountain Hemp, Wallflower. Wild Cotton, Canadian Hemp ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY doses of the drug because of the mucous membrane-irritating resin fraction. OVERDOSAGE For possible symptoms of overdose and treatment of poisonings see Digitalis folium. Despite the strong efficacy of the drug's cardioactive steroid glycosides in parenteral application, serious poisoning in the course of peroral administration is unlikely, due to the low resorption rate. DOSAGE Daily Dosage: The average daily dose of die liquid extract is 10 to 30 drops to be taken 3 times daily or 0.3 to 0.6 ml. of a 1:10 tincture. Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or every 1 to 3 days (chronic); Parenterally: 1 to 2 ml 3 times daily sc (HAB1). COMPOUNDS Storage: Store in secure area as the drug is poisonous. Cardioactive steroid glycosides (cardenolids): in particular cymarin, k-strophantoside, apocannoside, cynocannoside LITERATURE EFFECTS W INDIAN N E T T L E / 4 1 9 The high content of cardenolide glycosides causes bradycardia and increased contraction of the heart. Blood pressure is lowered, and rebound vagotonia hypertension can occur. The drug increases diuresis and stimulation of the vasomotor centers. It causes more severe irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane than digitalis and strophantus preparations. It has a lower therapeutic effect on atrial fibrillation than digitalis. Cardenollide glycoside cymine has an effect that is similar but generally weaker than glycoside strophantine, with the exception of the stronger diuretic effect in edema. It is less cumulative. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The juice of the fresh plant is used in the treatment of condylomatosis and warts. American Indians use the roots for asthma, dropsy, coughs, syphilis and rheumatism. In folk medicine, the root is used to strengthen weak heart muscles following pneumonia, valvular insufficiency and senile heart. It is also used as a diuretic. Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include cardiac •fff. insufficiency, renal inflammation with edema, and vomiting with diarrhea. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS The drug should be administered only by someone who is expert in its use. Topical irritation of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is more common than in other drugs containing cardenolid glycosides. Vomiting and gastrointestinal irritations can occur, even with the administration of therapeutic Belkin M et al., (1952) J Nat Cancer Inst 13:742. Desruelles J et al.. Therapie 28:103-113. 1973. Kupchan SM et al.. J Med Chem 7:803-805. 1964. Further information in: Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994. Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1992. Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979. Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, 4. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993. Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. Stuttgart 1997. Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York 1995. Indian Nettle Acalypha indica DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the whole flowering plant. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is spike-like, has 3 to 7 female flowers below, which consist only of a 3-carpeled- 4 2 0 / I N D I A N NETTLE ovary with 3 styles. The male flowers are above these with 4 sepals and 8 stamens. On the tips of the young flower shoots are T-shaped, hairy structures approximately 2 mm wide with 2 side openings. The fruit is a 3-chambered capsule with 3 gray-brown seeds of approximately 1 mm diameter. Leaves, Stem and Root: Indian nettle is an annual, upright, nettle-like diclinous, monoecious herb, which grows up to 60 cm high. The leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, round to rhomboid, 2 to 6 cm long, 1.5 to 5 cm wide narrowing to the petiole. They are matte above, glossy beneath with strongly protruding ribs, dentate at the front and smooth toward the base. The margin, petiole and ribs are weakly pubescent with 2 awl-like stipules. The stem is usually unbranched and pubescent. The main root is unbranched with thin secondary roots. Habitat: The plant comes from India, Indochina and Ethiopia. Other Names: Cat's Nettle Production: Indian nettle is the whole fresh plant of Acalypha indica collected during the flowering season and dried. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cyanogenic glycosides: acalyphin (0.3%, 3-cyanopyridone derivative) Tannins: including tri-O-methyl ellagic acid PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S tration of designated therapeutic dosages. Dermatitis has been observed following skin contact with the latex of the fresh plant. Cyanide poisonings from the drug are unlikely, due to the relatively low levels of cyanogenic glycoside content and the lack of stimuli leading to ingestion. OVERDOSAGE In animal experiments (rabbits), administration of large quantities of the drug led to gastrointestinal inflammation and to a change in blood color to chocolate-brown, indicating the presence of additional toxic substances. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Liquid preparations and other galenic preparations for internal use and liquid preparations for external use. Preparation: Decoction: 100 gm drug to 1 liter water Extract: 1000 gm drug to 1000 ml 90% ethanol (V/V) Infusion: 50 gm drug to 1 liter water Juice: 800 gm drug to 800 ml water and 200 ml ethanol 90% Tincture: 125 gm drug to 1000 ml ethanol 90% (V/V) Daily Dosage: Decoction — single dose: 15 to 30 ml Extract — single dose: 0.3 to 2 ml Volatile oil EFFECTS The drug is hemostyptic and antibacterial in effect (cyanogenic glucoside acalyphine). In vitro, proof of an acceleration of blood coagulation exists, which is due to the high levels of calcium salts. The leaf latex is said to have emetic and expectorant effects upon children. When administered as a suppository for constipation, it is said to immediately relax the contracted anal sphincter. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Internally used for worm infestation and constipation, for pregnant women, also for upset stomach and bronchitis. Externally used for eczema and skin rashes, ear ache (decoction), tumors (juice), as well as for cuts and other wounds, and also for inflammation of the joints (cut leaves and stems). Indian Medicine: Preparations are used for ulcers, changes to the skin, bronchitis, constipation, croup and earache. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS No health hazards or side effects other than possible gastric irritation are known in conjunction with the proper adminis- Infusion — single dose: 15 to 30 ml Juice — single dose: 0.3 to 2 ml Tincture — single dose: 2 to 4 ml LITERATURE Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G, Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 1998. Senanayake N, Sanmuganathan PS, Acalypha indica induced haemolysis in G6PD deficiency. Ceylon Med J, 26:1996 Jan. Senanayake N, Sanmuganathan PS, Acute intravascular haemolysis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient patients following ingestion of herbal broth containing Acalypha indica. Trop Doct, 26:32, 1996 Jan. Shanmugasundaram KR, Seethapathy PG, Shanmugasundaram ER, Anna Pavala Sindhooram - an antiatherosclerotic Indian drug. J Ethnopharmacol, 7:247-65, 1983 May. H E R B A L MONOGRAPHS INDIAN Indian Physic Indian Squill Gillenia trifoliata Urginea indica SQUILL/421 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried and pulverized root bark. Medicinal Parts: The parts used medicinally are the horizontal and vertically cut strips of the dried, middle, fleshy onion layers of the white flowering variety (which are collected after flowering) as well as the fresh, fleshy onion layers of the white and red varieties. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are white and tinged with red. They are arranged in a few loose, terminal panicles. Leaves, Stem and Root: This perennial herb has irregular, cylindrical roots, which are usually transversely grooved and up to 15 cm long. The external surface is blackish, and the transverse section shows a thick, reddish bark, which easily separates from the white woody center. Sprouting from the root are a number of stems 60 to 90 cm high. The leaves and leaflets have various forms. Characteristics: Indian Physic is odorless, but the plant has a pleasantly bitter taste. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to the eastern U.S., and is cultivated in Europe and elsewhere. Production: Indian Physic is the root bark of Gillenia trifoliata. Other Names: Indian Hippo, Bowman's Root, American Ipecacuanha, Gillenia ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Resins Gillein (Gillenin) The constituents of the drug have not been fully investigated. EFFECTS The drug is an expectorant, emetic and a "blood purifier." INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: The drug is used in the treatment of digestive disorders, particularly in cases in which a safe and reliable emetic is required. Folk medicine applications also include use with dyspepsia, dropsy, rheumatism and chronic constipation. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded. DOSAGE Mode of Administration: The drug is available as a powder, an infusion or a tonic for internal use. LITERATURE Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969. Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is a 10 to 60 cm long, loose raceme with 4 to 30 flowers in the axils of the bracts, which usually drop before the flower. The peduncle is upright, up to 1 m high, cylindrical, ribbed, glabrous and reddish-brown. The pedicle is up to 3.5 cm long, splayed when in flower and upright when the fruit is ripe. The flowers are radial with 6 corolla-like tepals, which are 5 to 12 mm long, campanulate and reddish-green. There are 6 stamens, 3 fused carpels and a 3-chambered, superior ovary. The fruit is a capsule, 10 to 25 cm long, with 12 to 30 seeds. The seeds are clavate to elliptical with a diameter of 4 to 10 mm, dark brown to black, with orbicular, translucent wings. Leaves, Stem and Root: Indian squill is a herbaceous perennial bulb plant that reaches up to 35 cm. The flowering varieties might reach up to 1 m high. The leaves are basal, in 2 rows, 13 to 35 cm long, 6 to 30 mm wide, linear to lanceolate or sword-shaped, flat, parallel-veined, glabrous and whorled at the base. The bulb is whitish, globose to ovoid with a diameter of 3 to 7 cm. The outer layer is membranous, the inner one fleshy. Characteristics: The bulb tastes bitter; slimy. Habitat: India and Sri Lanka Production: Indian squill is the dried and cut bulb of Urginea indica freed from the outer layers shortly after harvesting. The bulbs are dug up, cleaned and cut into quarters. Then the core is removed and the remaining pieces are dried in the sun or over a fire until the weight is reduced by 80%. Not to be Confused With: Because of the similarity in name, it can be confused with Scilla indica. Other Names: South Indian Squill ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Cardioactive steroid glycosides (bufadienolids, 0.1 to 1.5%): chief components proscillaridin A and scillaren A, including as well scillipheoside, scillarenine-bis-alpha-rhamnoside, scillicyanogenine glucoside, scillicyanosidine glucoside, scilliglaucosidine glucoside Mucilages (50%, glucomannoxylans) 4 2 2 / I N D I A N SQUILL PDR FOR HERBAL M E D I C I N E S Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol drug, the administration of pure glycosides is to be preferred (proscillaridin A). EFFECTS The first-aid measures to be taken with poisonings are gastric lavage and instillation of activated charcoal. All other measures proceed according to the symptoms: careful potassium replacement for potassium loss; phenytoin as an antiarrhythmic for ectopic stimulation formation in the ventricle; lidocaine for ventricular extrasystole; atropine or orciprenaline for pronounced bradycardia. The prophylactic insertion of a cardiac pacemaker is recommended. Hemoperfusion for the elimination of the glycosides or cholestyramine administration for the interruption of the enterohepatic circulation are possible. The drug's content levels of cardioactive glycosides explain the administration in the presence of cardiac insufficiency and cardio-conditioned edema formation. The expectorant may be due the drug's effect as a mild irritant of the gastrointestinal tract combined with an increase in secretions of the bronchial system. The drug's administration as an antirheumatic appears plausible, due to the skin-irritating effect of the oxalate raphides it contains. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: For chronic bronchitis, asthma and cardiac insufficiency as a treatment of second choice in the case of hypersensitivity to digitalis. Indian Medicine: For edema, digestion disturbances, menstruation disorders, worm infestation, chronic bronchitis, asthma, rheumatism and skin conditions. CONTRAINDICATIONS Neither the drug nor pure glycosides should be administered in the presence of first- and second-degree AV-Block, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, carotid sinus syndrome, ventricle tachycardia, thoracic aortic aneurysm, WPW syndrome. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Because of the limited therapeutic range of the cardioactive steroid glycosides, a number of patients receiving no more than therapeutic dosages might experience the following side effects: hypertonia in gastrointestinal area, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and irregular pulse. Drug Interactions: The simultaneous administration of arrhythmogenic substances (sympathomimetics, methyl xanthines, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, quinidine) increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. Contact witii the latex of the fresh bulbs can lead to skin inflammation (Scilla dermatitis). DOSAGE Mode of Administration: Whole herb, cut drug, powdered drug and other galenic preparations for internal and external use. Preparation: Liquid extract: 100 g drug are percolated with 70% ethanol and then evaporated to 850 ml; the rest is filled to 1000 ml again with 70% ethanol and filtered (BPC79). Tincture: 100 gm drug is macerated with 1000 ml 60% ethanol (BPC79). Acetic acid maceration: 100 gm drug is macerated with 1000 ml acetic acid in a closed vessel and then filtered. Finally the filtrate is heated and re-filtered after 7 days (BPC79). Daily Dosage: Drug: single dose: 60 to 200 mg; Tincture: 0.3 to 2 ml; Liquid extract: 0.06 to 0.2 ml; Acetic acid essence: 0.6 to 2 ml. Storage: Store in a dry place and below 25°C. LITERATURE Hansel R, Keller K. Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4 - 6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 19921994 OVERDOSAGE Overdose could lead to hypertonia in gastrointestinal area, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and irregular pulse along with the following: - heart: cardiac rhythm disorders as serious as life-threatening ventricular tachycardias, atrial tachycardias with atrioventricular block. - CNS: dizziness, vision disorders, depressions, states of confusion, hallucinations, psychoses. Lethal dosages lead to cardiac arrest or to asphyxiation. Because of the difficulties involved in standardizing the Inula britannica See British Elecampane (Xuan-Fu-Hua) Inula helenium See Elecampane HERBAL MONOGRAPHS Ipecac Cephaelis ipecacuanha DESCRIPTION Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the pulverized roots of the 3-to-4-year-old plant, which have been dug up and dried quickly in the sun. Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in terminal, capitulumshaped inflorescences surrounded by 4 to 6 bracts. The individual florets have a 5-tipped calyx, ciliated at the tips with a white campanulate-conical, 5-tipped corolla. A bitter, dark purple, fleshy drupe develops from the 2-carpeled ovary. Leaves, Stem and Root: Cephaelis ipecacuanha is a perennial, evergreen, leafy plant about 40 cm high with a 2 to 4 mm thick rhizome from which sprout numerous 20 cm long fibrous roots. Some of these roots develop into tubers. The green stem may be creeping or ascending, simple or branched. It is somewhat quadrangular, occasionally bears adventitious roots. The opposite leaves are entire-margined, and the leaf blade, narrows into the short petiole. There are stipules at the base of the leaf, which are slit like awls and fused together with the petiole-like leaf sheath. Habitat: Indigenous to the sparser woods of Brazil; cultivated in India and on the Malaysian archipelago. Production: Ipecac is the root of Cephaelis ipecacuanha. The subterranean parts of the 3-to-4-year-old plants are quickly dried in the sun and then cut into pieces of 5 to 10 cm in length. Other Names: Ipecacuanha, Ipecacuanha Rio, Matto Grosso ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Isoquinoline alkaloids of the emetine type (2-4%): chief alkaloids emetine and cephaelin Starch (30 to 40%) IPECAC 423 INDICATIONS AND USAGE Unproven Uses: Ipecac is contained in expectorants and secretory preparations; it is used for amoebic dysentery, as a bronchial treatment and as an emetic in cases of poisoning. It is also used as an expectorant and to soothe and assist in coughing up of thick phlegm and in the treatment of croupous bronchitis in children. Homeopathic Uses: Ipecae is used to treat bronchitis. asthma, whooping cough, gastrointestinal inflammations. disorders in blood pressure and bleeding of the mucous membranes. PRECAUTIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages as an expectorant. Administration over extended periods can lead to myopathias. Frequent contact with the drug can trigger allergic reactions of the skin and the mucous membranes ("druggist's asthma," the allergen is a glycoprotein). Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy. OVERDOSAGE Higher dosages of the drug (1 to 2 gm) have a nauseate effect (therapeutically used as an emetic). Toxic dosages can lead to mucous membrane erosion in the gastrointestinal tract, tachycardia, drop in blood pressure and cardiac rhythm disorders, as well as disorders in respiratory function and possibly to convulsions, shock and coma. Following intestinal emptying (sodium sulfate), the treatment for poisonings consists of the administration of generous amounts of liquids (warm tea), instillation of activated charcoal and shock prophylaxis (quiet, warmth), me treatment of spasms with diazepam (i.v.), electrolyte substitution and the countering of any acidosis imbalance that may appear through sodium bicarbonate infusions. In the event of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused. Monitoring of kidney function is necessary. Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be required. DOSAGE EFFECTS Emetine hydrochloride and cephaelin hydrochloride, alkaloids contained in the drug, have a locally irritating effect on the gastric mucous membrane and are thus responsible for the reflex increase of bronchial secretions and the expectorant effect. The saponins probably support this effect. The drug affects the sensory stomach nerves; it is secretory in small doses and emetic in larger doses. It is also spasmolytic and expectorant. It is partially effective in amoebic dysentery due to the action of the alkaloid emetin on the magna-form of the pathogen. Mode of Administration: Ipecac is used orally as a tincture. extract and fluid extract and in medicinal preparations with a standardized alkaloid content. Preparation: Ipecac extract: After the alkaloids have been determined the powder is stabilized with lactose or dextrin, (DAB 10). Tincture: 1 part root powder with 8 to 12 parts 70% ethanol (DAB 10). These preparations are stabilized to a standardized alkaloid content. 4 2 4 /IPECAC PDR FOR HERBAL MEDICINES Dosage: Infusion 0.5%: 10 ml (adults) Ipomoea orizabensis Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic); parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once a day; suppositories: 2 to 3 times daily (chronic) (HAB1). See Mexican Scammony Root Storage: Store carefully in the dark in tightly sealed containers. Ipomoea purga See Jalap LITERATURE Berrens L, Young E, (1963) Int. Arch All. Appl.