Object Technology
Pr oviding Tr ust ed
Component s t o
t he Indust r y
Bertrand Meyer, EiffelSoft
Christine Mingins and Heinz Schmidt, Monash University
he software industry stands on
feet of clay. H owever carefully
we may strive to build correct
and reliable software, we have
no way of guaranteeing the
quality of the result. Building correct and
reliable software depends on the quality
of so much else, from the hardware and
the operating system to the compiler and
the runtime libraries. And any significant
software system has so many details and
components of its own that we can
hardly expect to get everything right if
we do it all by ourselves.
N one of the commonly suggested
approaches suffices to quell these worries: “ Test, test, and retest,” the implicit
motto of much of the industry, is expensive and wasteful. Yet as any user of PC
software knows all too well, the result of
all this sweat is far from ideal. Software
companies systematically and openly
ship software that has a large number of
known bugs.
O n the academic side, much progress
has been made toward formal methods,
through which it is possible (in principle)
to prove the correctness of program elements using mathematical techniques.
But results from this important field have
had only limited effect on the practice of
the industry for several reasons:
Editor: Bertrand Meyer, EiffelSoft, ISE
Bldg. , 2 nd Fl. , 270 Storke Rd. , Goleta, CA
93117; voice (805) 685-6869; ot-column@
eiffel. com
The goal of this project is
to provide the entire
softw are industry w ith
a pow erful set of
components deserving
a high degree of trust.
• It is too difficult to build mathematical models of the most delicate aspects
of “ real” programs, from floatingpoint computation to pointers.
• There are few powerful tools to
assist this effort.
• Even more fundamentally, it is just
too expensive and difficult to apply
formal techniques thoroughly.
The recent push for reuse and componentware has raised the hope that by
relying on reusable components we can
gain quality and reliability. But without
excellent techniques to build the components themselves, this nirvana is a
mirage. In fact, the spread of less-thanoptimal components could lead to a
w orsening of the situation.
At least one major industrial disas-
ter—to the tune of half a billion US dollars—has already been ascribed to the
reuse of an improperly specified component. With the progress of incompletely
designed approaches to reuse, more catastrophes are likely to happen, leading to
a broad rejection of the very idea of
reusability, unless the industry takes measures to guarantee component quality.
Formal methods, because of their cost,
only make sense when applied to widely
reused components, which can recoup
the investment through effects of scale.
(Possible exceptions are the missioncritical systems for which the stakes are
so high that money is not the issue.)
Widespread reuse is only attractive if
we can be formal enough to guarantee
that the components will be correct,
aiding rather than harming the systems
that will rely on them. (See “ The N ext
Software Breakthrough,” Com puter,
July 1997.)
In this column, we describe an ambitious but realistic project that combines
the ideas of reuse and formality with other
more pragmatic techniques. The goal is to
provide the entire software industry with
a powerful set of reusable components
deserving a high degree of trust.
N o single technique can produce completely trusted components. Trust is in
fact a social phenomenon. Even in mathematics, the most formal of all disciplines, professionals only believe in a
theorem based on a mix of formal criteria, such as published proofs, and social
ones, such as
• who produced the theorem and its
• where it was published,
• who reviewed the publication,
• who else already believes it,
• how much the result has already
been applied,
• whether it is consistent with other
results in the same area or others,
• whether it gives the “ right feeling,”
• whether the theorem and proof are
“ elegant.”
Part of the reason is that almost all published proofs omit intermediate steps to
avoid overwhelming the reader with useless complexity. The complexity in this
case is not unlike the complexity of a
software system, except that many
industrial systems are far more complex
than the average mathematical proof.
As a result, trust—especially in software—will not be a binary proposition:
“ blindly trusted” versus “ untrusted.”
We may trust M icrosoft Word enough
to use it for our next paper, but we
would not bet a year’s salary on the
assumption that it will not crash while
we are writing the paper.
A striking example of the power of
social processes exists in software: the
success of free source code, notably the
tools developed for GN U and Linux.
These tools, some quite ambitious, have
been developed by volunteers under the
international scrutiny of a network of
enthusiasts who, relying on all the tools
of the Internet, scrutinize the source
code of every new version, test it, report
defects, and suggest improvements. This
process leads to collective work of
unprecedented scope outside of any formal organization or commercial framework.
Some of the results are of astounding
quality, leading many commercial companies to select, for example, the free
GCC compiler over commercial C/C++
compilers, or Linux—initially the work
of a student—over commercial versions
of Unix, which are the result of tens of
thousands of collective years of development in industry hotbeds. Such examples
illustrate the power of this recent phenomenon: volunteer scrutiny as a form
of free, global quality assurance.
The Trusted Component Project proposes to apply a mix of formal and informal approaches. It rests on six principal
Design by contract. This approach to
software construction is meant to ensure
software is reliable from the start, by
building it as a collection of elements that
cooperate on the basis of precise definitions of mutual obligations—contracts.
Formal validation. Use modern techniques and tools such as B or O bject-Z
in connection with the principles of
design by contract.
OO and reuse techniques. Thoroughly
apply object-oriented techniques and the
strict principles of reusable library design.
Global public scrutiny. Make the components freely available in source form;
seek contributions as well as criticism
from the worldwide Internet community.
Extensive testing. Take advantage of
design by contract and focus on component reuse.
M etrics efforts. Track component
properties in a controlled fashion.
N one of these ideas by itself will do the
job. But by com bining technical and
social processes, we can hope to build
a set of components the industry can
really trust.
• Developing testing technology for
reusable components, including
standards describing the test cases
and test procedures.
• Developing assertion language and
other conceptual tools for proving
practical components.
• Developing and applying effort
• Developing reuse-based teaching
curricula and applying them to
actual courses.
• Identifying interesting application
areas and developing applicationspecific libraries on the same principles as the general-purpose libraries.
• Identifying further techniques and
tools for building quality componentware.
The Trusted Components Project has
its initial home—in collaboration with
Interactive Software Engineering (EiffelSoft)—at M onash University. But it is
beyond the scope of any single institution and can only succeed as a long-term
collaborative project between many
organizations in academia and industry.
The results will be of many kinds—
publications and standards as well as
trusted software components. The
major areas of effort include:
• Choosing areas for component
development. Starting with the
most humble areas, we can replace
the feet of clay with more solid
• Developing base components. The
base versions will be developed in
Eiffel, which has the proper support for design by contract. The
Eiffel Kernel Library can serve as a
starting point.
• Adapting language-specific components. Versions of the components will be needed by other
widely used languages, such as C,
C++, and Java. Interface versions
will have to be produced in IDL
and M icrosoft CO M .
• Adapting verification technology.
Existing tools (such as those for B)
may be appropriate, but both the
tools and the techniques will need
to be adapted to the proof of
reusable components.
There are many ways to get involved.
(A Web page is forthcoming at http://
www.trusted-components.org; you can
subscribe to a mailing list by writing to
trusted-request@eiffel.com.) This list
includes practical tools as well as theoretical themes; research projects for universities as well as product development
by companies; possible contributions by
institutions as well as dedicated individuals. We hope that it will operate as a
truly cooperative endeavor in the tradition of the Internet.
he Trusted O bjects Project offers
the prospect of a joint effort that
may have a major impact on the
evolution of the software industry. We
view it as a collective, international effort
and hope that many people will be interested in joining it. The aim—providing
a solid foundation for the software
industry—is worth it. ❖
Bertrand Meyer is editor of the O bject
Technology departm ent.
Christine Mingins is a senior lecturer and
associate head of school at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Contact her
at cmingins@insect.sd.monash.edu.au.
Heinz Schmidt is associate dean of research of the Faculty of Information Technology and head of software engineering
at M onash University. Contact him at
May 1998