Natural products and drug discovery
Can thousands of years of ancient medical knowledge lead us to new and powerful drug combinations
in the fight against cancer and dementia?
Hong-Fang Ji, Xue-Juan Li & Hong-Yu Zhang
he medicinal use of natural products—compounds that are derived
from natural sources such as plants,
animals or micro-organisms—precedes
recorded human history probably by thousands of years. Palaeoanthropological studies at the cave site of Shanidar, located in
the Zagros Mountains of Kurdistan in Iraq,
have suggested that more than 60,000 years
ago, Neanderthals might have been aware
of the medicinal properties of various
plants, as evidenced by pollen deposits in
one of the graves at the site (Solecki, 1975).
Over the ensuing millennia, humankind
discovered and made use of an enormous
range of natural compounds; the latest version of the Dictionary of Natural Products
(DNP; has
just over 214,000 entries.
Throughout our evolution, the importance of natural products for medicine and
health has been enormous. Since our earliest
ancestors chewed on certain herbs to relieve
pain, or wrapped leaves around wounds
to improve healing, natural products have
often been the sole means to treat diseases
and injuries. In fact, it has only been during
the past decades that natural products have
taken a secondary role in drug discovery
and drug development, after the advent of
molecular biology and combinatorial chemistry made possible the rational design of
chemical compounds to target specific molecules. The past few years, however, have
seen a renewed interest in the use of natural
compounds and, more importantly, their role
Throughout our evolution, the
importance of natural products
for medicine and health has
been enormous
194 EMBO reports VOL 10 | NO 3 | 2009
as a basis for drug development. The modern
tools of chemistry and biology—in particular, the various ‘-omics’ technologies—now
allow scientists to detail the exact nature of
the biological effects of natural compounds
on the human body, as well as to uncover
possible synergies, which holds much promise for the development of new therapies
against many devastating diseases, including
dementia and cancer.
wing to the diverse biological
activities and medicinal potentials
of natural products, nearly every
civilization has accumulated experience
and knowledge of their use. The oldest medical text comes from ancient Mesopotamia,
circa 2600 BC, and is written on hundreds
of clay tablets in cuneiform. It describes
approximately 1,000 plants and plantderived substances, such as the oils of Cedrus
species (cedar), the resin of Commiphora
myrrha (myrrh) and the juice of the poppy
seed Papaver somniferum (Newman et al,
2000). Many of these herbs and formulations
are still used today. The ancient Egyptian
Ebers Papyrus, dating from around 1550 BC,
contains about 800 complex prescriptions
and more than 700 natural agents such as
Aloe vera (aloe), Boswellia carteri (frankincense) and the oil of Ricinus communis
(castor) (Zhong & Wan, 1999). The famous
Greek physician, Hippocrates of Cos (circa
460–377 BC), collected more than 400
natural agents and described their use in his
Corpus Hippocraticum. He mentioned using
melon juice as a laxative, described the diuretic effect of the juice from Ornithogalum
caudatum (squill) and detailed how to use
an extract from Atropa belladonna as an
anaesthetic. He also advised using an extract
of Veratrum album (white hellebore) as an
emetic and how to use olive oil to improve
wound healing (Castiglioni, 1985). Roman
physicians built on this extensive know
ledge and added their own insights and
experience. Pedanius Dioscorides (circa
40–90 AD) compiled De Materia Medica,
which described the dosage and efficacy of
about 600 plant-derived medicines and laid
the foundations of pharmacology in Europe
(Wermuth, 2003). Galen (129–200 AD),
another famous Greek physician and pharmacist, recorded 540 plant-derived medicines
and demonstrated that herbal extracts contain not only beneficial components, but
also harmful ingredients (Cai, 1992; Cheng
& Zhen, 2004).
…the switch away from natural
products to combinatorial
chemistry during the 1990s
might have led to the current
paucity of new drug candidates
in the development pipeline…
Natural product-based medicines also
flourished in the Orient. Charaka Samhita,
the first treatise devoted to the concepts
and practice of Indian Ayurveda, was written around 900 BC and contains 341 plantderived medicines. The Sushruta Samhita
(circa 600 BC) was mainly devoted to
surgical practices, but also described 395
medicinal plants and 57 animal-derived
products (Dev, 1999).
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
is also famous for its extensive use of natural products. The most primitive Chinese
medicinal book, Wu Shi Er Bing Fang—
which translates to Prescriptions for FiftyTwo Diseases—was compiled around
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350 BC and lists 247 natural agents and
about 150 combinatorial drug formulae,
along with practical advice regarding the
properties, efficacies and synergies of natural medicines (Wan & Zhong, 1990; Jiao
& Wang, 2005). The monograph Shen
Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong Materia
Medica) was compiled during the Eastern
Han dynasty (25–220 AD) and documented
365 agents, including 252 medicinal
plants and 67 medicinal animals (Gao,
2004). The therapeutic effects of many of
these agents have been confirmed by subsequent medical practice (Gao, 2004), such
as the use of Coptis chinensis (coptis root)
to treat diarrhoea, Ephedra sinica (ephedra herb) as an anti-asthmatic and Melia
azedarach (chinaberry seed) as an antihelmintic. In 659 AD, China issued the first
national pharmacopaeia, Xin Xiu Ben Cao
(Newly Revised Medicinal Materials, also
called Tang Ben Cao), which contained
850 agents (Gao, 2004). In 1587 AD, Li
Shi-Zhen published his famous work Ben
Cao Gang Mu (Compendium of Medicinal
Materials), which recorded 1,892 agents
and about 11,000 combinatorial formulae
(Gao, 2004).
…we need to move beyond either
xenohormesis or co-evolution
to explain the biological effects
of natural products
Although the ancient Occidental and
Oriental medicinal systems developed
independently of one other, it is interesting to note that their respective practitioners often used the same natural products
to treat similar diseases. For example, both
Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing and De Materia
Medica describe the use of an extract from
Tussilago farfara as an antitussivum to suppress coughing. Hippocrates used an extract
of Veratrum album (white hellebore) as an
emetic, whereas his Chinese counterparts
used that of Veratrum nigrum (black hellebore). The oil of Nepeta cataria (catnip) was
used as an antipyretic in Europe for thousands of years, and Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing
notes the same use for another species of the
family, Nepeta tenuifolia. As there seems
to have been little regular communication
between China and Europe 2,000 years ago,
this would seem to be an example of the
convergent evolution of different medicinal
systems (Kong et al, 2008a).
espite the wide use of medicinal
plants in the Orient and Occident,
their effective components—the
specific identity of the chemicals that had
the desired therapeutic effects—remained
all but unknown until the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. However, early doctors, such as Galen, did understand that
various natural products contained different compounds that would each affect the
human body differently.
Modern chemistry has ushered in a new
era for the study and use of natural products. Analytical and structural chemistry
have provided the tools to purify various
compounds and to determine their structures, which, in turn, has given insights into
their action on the human body. In 1805,
the German pharmacist Friedrich Wilhelm
Sertürner (1783–1841) isolated morphine
from opium, and it became both the first
pure naturally derived medicine and the first
to be commercialized, by Merck in 1826.
In fact, Western pharmaceutical companies quickly began to prefer purified natural products as ingredients to make drugs,
rather than crude extracts. In addition, the
elucidation of the molecular structures
of many natural products allowed chemists to synthesize them, rather than isolating
them from natural sources, which markedly
lowered the cost of drug production.
Subsequently, a large number of wellknown natural compounds were identified, analysed and synthesized: salicin
from Salix alba (white willow), emetine
from Cephaelis ipecacuanha (ipecacuanha), strychnine and brucine from
Strychnos nux-vomica (strychnos), quinine
from Cinchona ledgeriana (cinchona bark),
colchicine from Colchicum autumale
(colchicum), caffeine from Coffea arabica,
nicotine from Nicotiana tabacum, atropine from Atropa belladonna and cocaine
from Erythroxylum coca. Many of these
compounds are still widely used as drugs.
The twentieth century saw the discovery
of the antibacterial properties of penicillin, derived from the mould Penicillium
notatum, which was soon followed by
various other antibacterials that gave physicians an enormously powerful weapon in
their battle against infectious diseases.
The structural analysis of natural compounds and the ability to synthesize them
allowed chemists to modify them in order
to suppress or enhance certain characteristics such as solubility, efficiency or stability in the human body. Newman (2008)
…it remains an important
challenge to find biologically
active compounds and to develop
these into new drugs, even if one
uses nature for inspiration
estimates that about 60% of the drugs that
are now available—including household
names such as artemisinin, camptothecin,
lovastatin, maytansine, paclitaxel, penicillin, reserpine and silibinin—were either
directly or indirectly derived from natural
products. Moreover, natural products have
also been an invaluable source of inspiration for organic chemists to synthesize
novel drug candidates (Beghyn et al, 2008;
Hunter, 2008; Koehn & Carter, 2005). Some
have even claimed that the switch away
from natural products to combinatorial
chemistry during the 1990s might have led
to the current paucity of new drug candidates in the development pipeline (Desai
& Chackalamannil, 2008). It is therefore
a matter of great scientific, economic and
medical interest to analyse and understand
why so many natural products are beneficial
to human health.
any chemists and biologists have
attempted to explain the puzzle
of why so many compounds in
nature have biological effects in humans
and other species. One explanation that
has been widely accepted is that it is the
result of long-term co-evolution within
biological communities: interacting organisms that evolved in close proximity to
one another developed compounds that
could influence the biological processes
of neighbouring species. As these compounds proved to be advantageous, they
became a trait on which natural selection
could act, and were retained and improved
throughout the course of evolution. Given
the similarities between aspects of human
physiology and that of other animals, it is
not surprising that such molecules can
also exert biological effects in humans.
For example, many chemicals that plants
evolved to defend themselves against herbivores are now used as laxatives, emetics,
cardiotonics or muscle relaxants in humans
(Briskin, 2000). In addition, humans have
taken advantage of some of the discovered
properties of natural compounds: those
that are able to interact with or suppress the
growth of bacteria, for example, are now
used as antimicrobial drugs in medicine.
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(–)-Huperzine A
Ursolic acid
as 5’-methoxyhydnocarpin (Stermitz et al,
2000). The latter have no microbicidal activity of their own, but seemingly potentiate
the antibiotic effects of other molecules. This
phenomenon could be explained in terms
of co-evolution and the classic ‘arms race’
between host and pathogen. Plants that
evolved antimicrobials were able to defend
themselves against pathogenic bacteria;
pathogens that evolved resistance mechanisms, such as MDR pumps, were able to
break plant defences; in turn, plants that
developed MDR inhibitors had a significant
evolutionary advantage (Li & Zhang, 2008).
…the popularity of natural
products will continue simply
because they are a matchless
source of novel drug leads and
inspiration for the synthesis
of non-natural molecules…
Some compounds exert their biological
effects by mimicking endogenous metabolites, including ligands, hormones or
other molecules involved in inter- and intracellular signal transduction. For example,
some alkaloids—such as anagyrine from
Anagyris foetida, cytosine from Laburnum
anagyroides, lupanine from Cytisus scoparius
[Syn. Spartium scoparium] or sparteine from
Chelidonium majus—affect neuroreceptors
by forming a quaternary nitrogen configuration that resembles a structural motif present
in most neurotransmitters (Wink, 2003). In
other cases, different organisms use similar
molecules for the same purpose: brassinolids are plant steroid hormones, which regulate cell division and cell development in
the plant, and that are structurally similar to
human growth-regulating steroids.
Fig 1 | Molecular structures of natural inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase. (A) (–)-Huperzine A
(EC 50 = 0.1 nM), physostigmine (EC 50 = 0.6 nM), bellidifolin (EC 50 = 0.15 nM) and ursolic acid
(EC 50 = 7.5 nM). (B) Binding sites of these inhibitors on the acetylcholinesterase. (–)-Huperzine A is
shown in red, physostigmine in yellow, bellidifolin in cyan and ursolic acid in orange. The X-ray structure
of acetylcholinesterase and (–)-huperzine A was obtained from the Protein Data Bank (entry 1VOT). The
binding of the other three inhibitors was calculated by using the FlexX module of SYBYL 7.0.
The co-evolution theory also explains
other phenomena, including synergistic
effects. Several years ago, Lewis and coworkers showed that the high antimicrobial
196 EMBO reports VOL 10 | NO 3 | 2009
potential of Berberis spp. (Pepperidge
bush) is caused not only by antimicrobial agents such as berberine, but also by
multidrug-resistance (MDR) inhibitors such
ecently, Howitz & Sinclair (2008)
proposed an alternative hypothesis,
called xenohormesis, to explain
the origin of beneficial natural products.
According to their theory, the common
ancestor of plants and animals was able to
synthesize a large number of stress-induced
secondary metabolites. Animals and fungi
that feed on plants gradually lost the capacity to synthesize these low-weight molecular compounds, but retained the ability to
sense these chemical cues in plants, possibly in order to detect when plants were
stressed and gain an early warning of
changing environmental conditions.
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Asp 964
His 114
Lys 833
Asn 110
Met 89
Phe 56
Gly 98
Glu 880
Val 882
Fig 2 | Binding modes of quercetin. Binding to (A) phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase; (B) helix–turn–helix-type transcriptional regulator; and (C) 3-hydroxyisobutyrylCoA hydrolase.
This theory is at least partly supported by
the finding that certain human genes have
homologues in plants and microbes—at
least to the extent that plants and animals use
similar signalling molecules and receptors in
some cases. Indeed, a comparative genomic
analysis revealed that 70% of cancerrelated human genes have orthologues in
Arabidopsis thaliana ( Jones et al, 2008). Thus,
given the similarity of many plant and human
genes, it seems obvious that some secondary
metabolites produced by plants to modulate
their own metabolism should also be able to
bind to molecules that have a role in human
disease. For example, multidrug resistancelike proteins that are used by Arabidopsis to
transport auxin have orthologues in humans
that are crucial for the transport of anti-cancer
agents; auxin-distribution modulators such
as flavonoids from Arabidopsis can inhibit
P-glycoprotein (MDR1) in various human
cancer cells (Taylor & Grotewold, 2005).
owever, neither theory explains
the full power of natural products.
First, some natural compounds—
for example, curcumin, resveratrol or quercetin—can bind to many target molecules
implicated in human disease (Aggarwal
& Shishodia, 2006; Goel et al, 2008; Ji &
Zhang, 2008). Some of these targets such as
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) or monoamine
oxidases A and B, are unique to animals and
have no homologues in plants that produce
these natural agents.
Second, the health effects of many plant
compounds are not intrinsic to those molecules but are a consequence of the human
digestive system processing their metabolites. Willow bark has long been used to
ease pain and reduce fever; yet, although
the effective component is salicylic acid,
willow bark only contains the precursor
salicin, which is hydrolysed in the small
intestine to salicylic alcohol and further
oxidized to salicylic acid by intestinal bacteria (Akao et al, 2002). Another example is
phenolic glucoside arbutin, which is used to
treat urinary tract infections. This compound
itself is ineffective until it is hydrolysed and
oxidized to hydroquinone in the human
body. Further examples are the sennosides,
which are converted into laxative anthrones
by bacteria in the gut. Similarly, conjugated
phytoestrogens have to be hydrolysed in the
stomach or the gut to exert their oestrogenlike effects (Hostettmann & Marston, 2007).
Strictly speaking, these plant molecules are
not drugs, but proto-drugs.
…natural products provide
important clues for identifying
and developing synergistic
drugs that, so far, research has
largely neglected
Third, some of the biological effects of
these natural products—such as slowing
down the progress of Alzheimer disease or
dementia—give no obvious advantage to the
producer of the agent, and so their action cannot be explained as the result of co-evolution.
Taken together, these puzzling observations
seem to suggest that we need to move beyond
either xenohormesis or co-evolution to
explain the biological effects of natural products. In turn, this has stimulated our interest
in the three-dimensional structures of natural
product–target complexes.
odern structural biology has made
possible the exact determination
of the crystal structures of protein
target–inhibitor complexes, such as HIV-1
protease–lopinavir complex or AChE–
huperzine A complex. These studies have
revealed that, in most cases, the relationship between a target and a native inhibitor is not a rigid lock and key combination.
First, the same macromolecule can bind
to distinct inhibitors. By way of example,
natural inhibitors of AChE can have different structures (Fig 1A), but have comparable
inhibitory activities (Mukhejee et al, 2007).
The explanation for this is that the binding
cavity of the protein is larger than the small
inhibitor, which means that there are many
binding modes for these agents to modify
enzyme activity. Fig 1B shows how four
AChE inhibitors are able to occupy different
parts of the protein.
Second, many natural compounds can
bind to diverse proteins. Quercetin, for
example, can inhibit enzymes with distinct
architectures such as phosphatidylinositol3-kinase, which has a protein kinase-like
fold; helix–turn–helix-type transcriptional
regulator, which has a tetracycline repressorlike fold; and 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA
hydrolase, which has a ClpP/crotonase
fold (Fig 2A–C). This phenomenon is likely
to result from the fact that ligand-binding
cavities are less diverse than protein architectures ( Ji et al, 2007; McArdle & Quinn
2007); that both natural products and proteins are flexible entities, which allows them
to adapt their configuration; and that natural
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Lys 213
Glu 306
Val 235
Asp 234
v i ew p oint
Fig 3 | Binding modes of quercetin and its
precursors. (A) Aromadendrin with flavanone
3-dioxygenase; (B) taxifolin with flavonoid
3',5'-hydroxylase; (C) quercetin with flavonol
synthase. (D) Quercetin (cyan) superimposed
with aromadendrin (red) and taxifolin (yellow).
The structures of flavonoid 3',5'-hydroxylase
and flavonol synthase were modelled based on
the crystal structures of cytochrome P450 from
Homo sapiens (similarity: 49%) and anthocyanidin
synthase from Arabidopsis thaliana (similarity:
62%) respectively, by using the homology module
of Insight II.
Pro 435
Arg 441
Arg 100
Asn 217
in the final steps, each of which has distinct
architectures and molecule-binding cavities,
and all of which the quercetin molecule
under synthesis must be able to interact
with (Fig 3A–C). The core structure of quercetin has therefore inherited diverse binding groups and a certain level of flexibility
in order to be able to bind to these enzymes
(Fig 3). This diversity and flexibility thus
allows it to interact with other unintended
proteins with similar binding sites.
Arg 300
His 234
His 272
His 290
Asp 236
products usually have diversified binding
groups, a subset of which is sufficient to bind
to the target, as explained below.
In fact, the reason why natural products
are able to bind to multiple target molecules
might be due to their mode of generation.
Many of the natural compounds used in
medicine have a complex structure and their
synthesis involves a range of enzymes. In the
case of quercetin biosynthesis, for example,
no less than three synthetases are involved
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n the early 1990s, many pharmaceutical
companies concentrated their research
efforts on combinatorial chemistry
and high-throughput screening to generate and identify new drug candidates.
However, this strategic shift did not bring
the expected returns in terms of new drug
candidates. In 2007, only 17 new drug
entities were approved, compared with 53
in 1996. Moreover, given the average duration of drug discovery and development,
most of the latter were originally identified
in the 1980s (Hughes, 2008). Pharmacists
and chemists are therefore turning their
attention back to nature’s toolbox: indeed,
some promising drug candidates such as
huperzine A, triptolide, celastrol, capsaicin and curcumin, have come from this
recent focus on natural agents ( Ji & Zhang,
2008; Corson & Crews, 2007). However, it
remains an important challenge to find biologically active compounds and to develop
these into new drugs, even if one uses
nature for inspiration. Their complex evolutionary histories mean that the structures of
natural compounds are highly likely to generate secondary effects and their efficacy
often depends on synergistic interactions
with other components (Keith et al, 2005).
Nonetheless, the popularity of natural
products will continue simply because
they are a matchless source of novel
drug leads and inspiration for the synthesis of non-natural molecules (Baker et al,
2007; Beghyn et al, 2008; Harvey, 2008;
Hunter, 2008; Koehn & Carter, 2005). In
addition, natural products provide important clues for identifying and developing
synergistic drugs that, so far, research has
largely neglected. Most modern drug discovery has been based on a ‘one-disease–
one-target–one-drug’ strategy. The pathogenesis of many diseases involves multiple
factors, however, and a selective compound against a single target often fails
to achieve the desired effect, particularly
in cancer therapy. Consequently, there is
increasing interest in ‘multi-component
therapeutics’ to overcome the challenge
of ‘more investment, fewer drugs’ (Keith
et al, 2005; Schmidt et al, 2007; Kong
et al, 2008b). This new strategy could have
several advantages as it would modulate
biological networks rather modestly and
might therefore be more efficient in dealing with complex diseases (Csermely et al,
2005; Dancey & Chen 2006; Zimmermann
et al, 2007). Moreover, it could prevent,
or at least slow down, the development
of resistance against many antibiotics,
antimalarials and anti-cancer drugs.
he prospect of new and better drug
combinations is enticing, and natural compounds hold great promise.
Nevertheless, a huge challenge remains
to identify natural compounds—or naturally inspired compounds—that can be
combined to be effective against human
disease. The enormous number of possible
drug combinations, the inherent risks of
harmful drug–drug interactions, the possible antagonistic effects and the unpredictable pharmacokinetic properties of
multi-component formulations must still be
addressed. As pointed out above, we have
a rich historical record from ancient physicians about how to use natural medicines
alone and in combination, which might
provide important clues for developing
new drugs (Schmidt et al, 2007; Verpoorte
et al, 2009).
To make the best use of our forbearers’ knowledge, we need to analyse these
medical formulae and elucidate their synergistic effects. We already know of some
compounds that are more powerful in combination than alone: for example, the combination of Realgar, Indigo naturalis, Radix salviae
miltiorrhizae and Radix pseudostellariae
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constitutes a formula in TCM that has proven
effective against human acute promyelocytic leukaemia (Huang et al, 1995). Its synergistic effect was recently attributed to the
direct anti-cancer properties of tetra-arsenic
tetrasulphide from Realgar and the complementary effects of indirubin and tanshinone
IIA from Indigo naturalis and Radix salviae
miltiorrhizae, respectively, which enhance
the transport of tetra-arsenic tetrasulphide into
target cells and thus potentiates its efficacy
(Wang et al, 2008).
…we have a rich historical record
from ancient physicians […],
which might provide important
clues for developing new drugs…
Similarly, the combination of Coptidis
rhizoma and Evodia rutaecarpa, known as
Zuo Jin Wan, has been used for more than
700 years in TCM to treat gastric conditions. This herbal combination contains
possible drug candidates such as berberine
and calystigine—antibiotics and potential inhibitors of Helicobacter pylori—
limonene, an antineoplastic agent, and
obacunone and rutecarpine, which are
inhibitors of cancer-cell multidrug resistance, which are all relevant to treating
gastric conditions including cancers (Kong
et al, 2008c). Thus, this naturally occurring,
effective combination of chemicals points
us towards new combinations and uses for
those drugs that we already have.
TCM has also accumulated experience of
treating dementia using plant-derived medicines. A recent analysis of 1,232 TCM formulae revealed that the most common
combination of herbs used for this purpose
was Rhizoma chuanxiong, Radix salviae
miltiorrhizae, Radix polygalae tenuifoliae
and Rhizoma acori tatarinowii. These herbs
contain hundreds of natural products, some
of which have anti-dementia effects. For
example, tetramethylpyrazine and 3-n-butylphthalide from Rhizoma chuanxiong are
neuronal injury inhibitors; 9-cis,12-cislinoleic acid from Rhizoma chuanxiong is
effective against cognition disorders; miltirone from Radix salviae miltiorrhizae is an
anxiolytic; and baicalin from Radix salviae
miltiorrhizae has anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant potential. In addition, Radix
polygalae tenuifoliae contains 1-hydroxy3,6,7-trimethoxy xanthone, which is an
antidiabetic agent and could be used to
treat diabetes-related cognitive disorders
(Kong et al, 2008b).
These formulae also contain important
clues about synergistic effects that could
provide new leads for the fight against
complex diseases such as cancer and
dementia. Most of these compounds are
available as pure chemicals and some
have already been used in the clinic for
many years. This accumulated experience
from TCM and other ancient medicinal
practices could allow modern researchers
to design and control synergistic effects far
better than was possible by blending crude
natural products.
As mentioned above, a strategy to analyse and modify synergistic drug combinations still poses considerable challenges
for research, clinical development and
regulatory agencies. Nonetheless, modern pharmaceutical research, using the
powerful tools of genomics, proteomics,
metabolomics and synthetic and combinatorial chemistry, could learn a lot from the
historical record of using natural products
to fight diseases—after all, this knowledge
represents the cumulative experience of
thousands of years of medical practice.
This study was supported by the National Basic
Research Program of China (2003CB114400), the
National Natural Science Foundation of China
(30870520 and 30700113) and Outstanding
Youth Foundation of Shandong Province
( JQ200812).
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Hong-Fang Ji (top left), Xue-Juan Li (top right)
& Hong-Yu Zhang are at the Shandong Provincial
Research Center for Bioinformatic Engineering
and Technique at Shandong University of
Technology in Zibo, People’s Republic of China.
Published online 20 February 2009