“Models of Man” in Design Thinking:
The “Bounded Rationality” Episode
Rabah Bousbaci
Footnotes for this article begin on page 51
Figure 1
Some landmarks in the evolution of design
The “Generation Game” in Design Thinking
Design thinking—“the study of the cognitive processes that are
manifested in design action” 1—has been mostly described, from
the late 1950s to the early 1980s, in terms of what is largely accepted
today as the “generation game” (i.e., first-, second-, and third-generation design methods).2 Proponents of the first generation; based
on a strong reaction against the intuitive, artistic, and “beaux-arts”
vision of the design process, which was largely diffused since the
nineteenth century in design professional education; have supported,
between the late 1950s and 1967,3 a very logical, systematic, and rationalist 4 view of design activities (see figure 1). However, difficulties
and a huge resistance met by this rationalist and logical trend led
some major proponents of the design methods movement to fundamentally change their theoretical perspective from 1967 to the early
1980s. Horst Rittel proposed the idea of second- generation design
methods5 oriented towards more participatory and argumentative
design and planning processes. In a similar participatory perspective, Christopher Alexander also experimented with a new approach
to design based on the idea of the “pattern language.”6 But according
to Nigel Cross, “…it has to be admitted that, like the first-generation methods, these second-generation methods have also met with
only moderate success.” 7 Therefore, simultaneous to this period, a
third-generation view emerged whose proponents8 were devoted to
studying and acquiring an increased understanding of designers’
cognitive behaviors as they simply occurred in the traditional ways
of their practice.
The “generation game” line
First generation
design methods
Schön, D.
The Reflective Practitioner
Second and third
generation design
The “models of man” line
The “intuitive and
artistic” designer
The rationalist and
logical designer
The designer with a
bounded rationality
The designer as a
reflective practitioner
© 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
Finally, in an attempt to go beyond this “generational” evolution of
design thinking, Nigel Cross, in his 1981 paper, introduced arguments to encourage a paradigmatic shift with the intention of helping
design thinking inquiries move towards what he called a “post-industrial” design paradigm. However, what is known today as the
“reflective turn” suddenly emerged. It was introduced at the same
time by Donald Schön (1983), who proposed a more comprehensive
vision. This would help scholars, particularly in design thinking, to
position their research on a more global perspective; an epistemology
of the “reflective practice.” 9 Therefore, since the early 1980s, research
in design thinking tried to embrace a wide range of issues (poetical,
rhetorical, phenomenological, hermeneutical, and ethical)10 in order
to obtain greater insights and an improved understanding of the
design phenomenon.
The Idea of “Models of Man”
The teaching of design theories, especially at the graduate level,
increasingly imposes the need for professors to explain some of the
underlying philosophical roots and assumptions of the theoretical
discourses to their students. Therefore, it is recommended that, as
an academic discipline, design and its philosophy (i.e., the knowledge that leads to the degree of Ph.D. in Design) deal with these
issues in a suitable and precise manner. This paper is an attempt
in this direction. I would like to propose in the following sections a
more “philosophical” approach to describing the phenomenon of the
“generation game” and the other theoretical shifts that have structured the evolution of design thinking. My arguments will be based
on the philosophical idea of “models of man”; models which are
implicit or postulated in any design discourse. In order to clarify the
issue, I will take an example from Herbert Simon’s work in the field
of economics; the field in which he received the Nobel Prize:
Traditional economic theory postulates an “economic man,”
who, in the course of being “economic,” is also “rational.”
This man is assumed to have knowledge of the relevant
aspects of his environment?? He is assumed also to have a
well-organized and stable system of preferences, and a skill
in computation that enables him to calculate, for the alternative courses of action that are available to him, which of
these will permit him to reach the highest attainable point
on his preference scale.11
As does economic theory which postulates an “economic man,” each
design theory, unless it puts forward its philosophical assumptions,
assumes as well a particular view (i.e., a model of the designer).
Some other theoretical discourses in the field of design are more
concerned with the users of design results. In the same way, these
theories assume an implicit view (i.e., a model of the user).12 I will
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
argue, therefore, that each shift in the evolution of design thinking
in fact corresponds to a major shift in the implicit models of the
designer included within the analogous theoretical discourses.
The “first-generation” design methods had accomplished a
shift from the romantic, intuitive, and artistic model of the designer
in order to embrace a very logical and rationalist one (i.e., the “analysis/synthesis” model, of which Alexander’s Notes on the Synthesis
of Form is a good example). This logical and rationalist view has
its obvious and deep origins in the mechanical world of René
Descartes’s philosophy. This was exposed in his Discourse on Method
(1637), especially the very well-known statements of the second and
third precepts of Descartes’s method:
The second was to divide each of the problems I was examining in as many parts as I could, as many as should be
necessary to solve them.
The third, to develop my thoughts in order, beginning with the simplest and easiest to understand matters,
in order to reach by degrees, little by little, to the most
complex knowledge, assuming an orderliness among them
which did not at all naturally seem to follow one from the
In design thinking, this shift gained more importance during the
period which Herbert Lindinger characterizes as the “fourth phase”
of the reestablishment of the Bauhaus tradition in Ulm, Germany
after the Second World War (from 1953 to 1968). This specific phase
took place between 1958 and 1962; and Lindinger introduced it with
the very symptomatic title of “Planning Mania.” During this short
phase, the school program witnessed a strong thrust towards scientific topics and planning methodologies:
Planning methodology took such a hold that some students
made it almost a religion. It seemed only a matter of time
before scientific precision, system, and the computer …
would free design of all its irksome, irrational weaknesses.13
Since the early 1980s, design thinking had entered a more complex
view in which designers, according to Donald Schön, should be
seen more as reflective practitioners.14 The reflective practitioner is
indeed a post-rationalist model of the designer.15 The reflective turn
was the last paradigmatic shift, and it also has been described by
Donald Schön as a move from the realm of “technical rationality”
to a rationality of reflection-in-action.16 Furthermore, at a methodological level, this shift leads design theorists to gradually abandon the very rationalist and logical concept of “problem” (and the
entire instrumental view of design as a “problem-solving process”)
in order to adopt the more pragmatic and phenomenological concept
of “situation.”17
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
We now are faced with the remaining question: how had the
gap between the rationalist and the reflective view of the designer
(i.e., the entire period occupied by the second- and third-generation
design methods) been bridged in design thinking? What was the
implicit model of the designer during this specific period in design
thinking? This intermediate period, between the mid-1960s and the
early 1980s, was central in the history and evolution of design thinking for two reasons. First, before embracing the reflective paradigm
of the 1980s, research in design thinking had explored a “median”
position which can be appropriately labeled as “the wicked problems theory of design.”18 This characterization can be extended to
embrace all of the major theoretical works of the second- and thirdgeneration design methods. Second, these two generations have
brought to design knowledge some remarkable concepts that are
still used with great relevance in design discourses—concepts such
as “wicked problems” by Rittel and Webber; “solution-focused strategy” design by Lawson; design “conjectures” by Hillier, Musgrove,
and O’Sullivan; design “primary generator” by Darke;19 and, finally,
even though they were not considered as members of the entire
movement of design methods, Simon’s concept of “ill-structured
problems,” and Newell and Simon’s concepts of “problem space”
and “generative processes.”20
The design thinking delivered by these two generations
mainly was recognized as one which moved away from the very
rationalist and systematic ambitions of the first generation, in which
researchers tried to give a complete account of the designer’s operations. However, the main underlying idea of all these works is based
on their common view of design as predominantly a “problem-solving process,” and to this extent one notices that all of these authors
continued to use the concepts of “problem” and “solution” to
describe design activities.21 As a consequence of the intrinsic nature
of seeing design as a problem-solving process, the authors of the two
generations somehow maintained some shared beliefs in a certain
degree of rationality, logics, and objectivity which fundamentally
characterize the design process. However, such a process cannot be
totally rational and logical due to the accepted high complexity of
design problems. As a result, they may implicitly assume a particular
idea of a designer armed with what Simon has conceptualized more
precisely as a “bounded rationality.” Such a view of the designer
therefore can be considered as the main “model of man” of the
second- and third-generation design methods. I propose to call this
period the “bounded rationality episode” in design thinking.
The following sections are principally related to the concept of
“bounded rationality.” This concept originates from Herbert Simon’s
theoretical works in the field of psychology. It was developed in one
of his several distinguished works, Administrative Behavior. I will first
present some of the important historical and theoretical elements
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
which describe the coming of this idea. After this historical overview, I will attempt to show how the idea of “bounded rationality”
appears in Newell and Simon’s concepts of “problem space” and
“generative processes.” This will lead directly to an interpretation
of two key concepts introduced by researchers of the second- and
third-generation design methods: the concept of wicked problems
conveyed by Horst W. J. Rittel, and the concept of primary generator developed by Jane Darke. I will conclude this paper by revealing
two points of view considered as very critical of Simon’s conception
of rationality.
The Concept of “Bounded Rationality”: A Historical and
Theoretical Overview22
In Administrative Behavior, Simon developed the foundations of his
theory about the rationality and the psychology of decision making,
especially in administrative organizations.23 But, in more general
terms, Simon perceives decision making and some other complex
cognitive behaviors as problem-solving activities in which the human
brain plays the role of an information-processing system. Therefore,
he later developed with a colleague a comprehensive theory in
another seminal work entitled Human Problem Solving. Generally, the
idea of bounded rationality arises in this context of psychological
and cognitive investigations. It took place mainly within the large
area of interest left behind by traditional psychology (i.e., behaviorism), especially its inability to describe, in an acceptable manner,
some complex cognitive behaviors such as rational choices, games,
decision making, and problem solving in general.24 Peter Rowe gives
us an interesting description of some assumptions of behaviorism:
The behaviorist position began as a reaction to what proponents termed the mentalism of earlier doctrines. It was a
fundamental rejection of all attempts to study inner mental
processes in which distinctions were made between a
concept of mind and a concept of body. Instead, the behaviorists postulated that human behavior, including problem
solving, could only be adequately explained in nonmentalistic, concrete terms. By concrete terms they meant
observable, measurable, and replicable patterns of physical
behavior. Investigations within the position quickly gave
rise to the now familiar stimulus-response, or S-R models of
behavior, founded on the assumption that given a particular external stimulus, one could predict a certain response
with complete assurance.25
This static and deterministic orientation of behaviorism, which is
commonly expressed in terms of direct correlations between environmental stimulus and human response (i.e., the behavior), has in fact
a hidden assumption which resides within the idea of the “empty
organism.”26 This concept expresses the functional void or emptiness,
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in terms of information processing, between the two poles S and R.
This means a fundamental incapability for the organism to process
the information brought by the stimulus in order to satisfy its own
goals. In other words, such a view of human beings allows no place
for purposive behaviors or rational behaviors which can require the
processing of that information:
The behaviors commonly elicited when people (or animals)
are placed in problem-solving situations (and are motivated toward a goal) are called adaptive, or rational. These
terms denote that the behavior is appropriate to the goal
in the light of the problem environment: it is the behavior
demanded by the situation.27
On the other hand, before 1945, the year that the first edition
of Administrative Behavior was published, there have been numerous
theoretical accounts of rational behaviors provided by social sciences,
especially sociology and economics, in which Simon could find some
philosophical foundations to support his theoretical enterprise about
human rationality. Unfortunately, this was not the case:
The social sciences suffer from a case of acute schizophrenia
in their treatment of rationality. At one extreme we have the
economists, who attribute to economic man a preposterously omniscient rationality. Economic man has a complete
and consistent system of preferences that allows him
always to choose among the alternatives open to him….
At the other extreme, we have those tendencies in social
psychology traceable to Freud that try to reduce all cognition to affect…. The past generation of behavioral scientists
has been busy, following Freud, showing that people aren’t
nearly as rational as they thought themselves to be. Perhaps
the next generation is going to have to show that they are
far more rational than we now describe them as being—but
with a rationality less grandiose than that proclaimed by
So when the time came to understand and acquire insights into the
field of individuals’ behavior within an administrative environment,
Simon was simply not satisfied with these two extreme positions
(see figure 2). There was a sort of a “fallow land” between them
that comprised a great number of human behaviors of which these
theories gave no accounts. Therefore, Simon proposed the concepts
of “bounded rationality” and “satisficing” with which he endorsed
an “intermediate” position.
Figure 2
Herbert Simon’s concept of bounded
Psychology of
Field of the
bounded rationality
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
Psychology of the
“economic man”
(excessive rationality)
Indeed, whoever has observed these types of behavior will
notice that the rationality which underlies them has no close relationship to the total rational behavior of the “economic man.” However,
if the administrative behavior is not totally rational, it is obvious that
although it contains some rationality in its intentions, this rationality is limited. This is what can be described as an “intended rational
behavior,” or a “behavior of limited rationality”:
Administrative theory is peculiarly the theory of intended
and bounded rationality—of the behavior of human beings
who satisfice because they have not the wits to maximize.29
Therefore, the concept of bounded rationality will be particularly
suited to describe human actions in situations that endure some
degree of uncertainty. The uncertainty, in Simon’s view, is principally
due to the inability of the human mind to acquire all of the necessary information required by a totally rationalist decision-making
The capacity of the human mind for formulating and solving complex problems is very small compared with the size
of the problems whose solution is required for objectively
rational behavior in the real world…30
It was this theory of behaviors with a bounded rationality, initially
developed to describe decision making in administrative organizations, which later was extended to become a general theory of human
problem solving.
Yet one question remains unanswered: if none of the social
sciences theories have brought any satisfaction for Simon’s investigations, where will he find the necessary and adequate philosophical
elements to build and secure the foundations of his own theory? It
is a difficult question which undoubtedly can provide the motivation for developing a research paper of its own. The answering of it,
however, can hardly escape the idea that some influences stemmed
from the philosophy of pragmatism. Therefore, some of the foundations of the psychological side of Simon’s model of “man with a
bounded rationality” are based on the philosophy of pragmatism.
Pragmatism is a philosophical school of thought initiated in the
United States in the second half of the nineteenth century. It used to
be described as an empirical theory of knowledge in which action,
and especially its practical consequences, plays a fundamental role.
In order to put forward their ideas, each of the most important pragmatist philosophers (Charles S. Peirce, Williams James, John Dewey,
and F. C. S. Schiller) have introduced a psychological view of the
human condition in which action and a great number of related
concepts (such as intention, situation, meaning, end, habit, conduct,
etc.) play a significant role. Therefore, some of the principal insights
that Simon was searching for, and could not find within the psychology of behaviorism and the other social sciences in order to develop
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
his own psychology of human rational problem solving, were later
found within the psychological parts of the pragmatist philosophers
works.31 We will see now how two specific methodological concepts
have emerged from this philosophical view of human rationality.
Newell and Simon’s Concepts of “Problem Space” and
“Generative Processes”
We will begin with the central concept which is used regularly and
instinctively in design discourses: the concept of “problem.” Newell
and Simon give this description:
A person is confronted with a problem when he wants
something and does not know immediately what series of
actions he can perform to get it. The desired object may be
very tangible (an apple to eat) or abstract (an elegant proof
for a theorem). It may be specific (that particular apple over
there) or quite general (something to appease hunger). It
may be a physical object (an apple) or a set of symbols (the
proof of a theorem).32
This characterization of the idea of problem may be considered as a
very instrumental one, and it reminds us of the frequent mathematical modeling: A → B, where A represents an initial state, B a desired
state, and the arrow (→) represents the process of problem solving;
that is how to get from A to B.33 But the significance of this simplistic
mathematical model becomes evident only when we understand that
the state of knowledge we acquire about A and B is “not problematic”: the problem indeed lies in the path from A to B. However, if
we consider in a much closer way the main methodological concepts
to which Simon’s theory of bounded rationality gave birth, we will
notice a certain hidden complexity. Peter Rowe summarized it in
these words:
First, there is a problem space whose elements are knowledge states, some of which represent solutions to a problem.
Second, there are one or more generative processes, or operations, that allow one to take knowledge states as inputs,
or as starting positions, and produce new knowledge states
as output… Third, there are one or more test procedures
that allow the problem solver to compare those knowledge
states that are presumed to incorporate solution properties
with a specification of the solution state.34
“Problem space” and “Generative processes” are two key methodological concepts of Newell and Simon’s problem-solving model,
and each of them expresses the bounded rationality of the designer
who can use this model. The idea of problem space expresses the
problematic state to be changed and corrected. The solution, on the
other hand, is delivered by the means of one or more generative
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
Every problem-solving effort must begin with creating a
representation for the problem—a problem space in which
the search for the solution can take place.35
The significance here is the fact that a problem space is, above all,
a matter of knowledge (i.e., the state of knowledge the problem
solver (the designer) has about the problematic state). Therefore,
the first sign of the designer’s bounded rationality appears here.
Since such knowledge cannot be complete and comprehensive, the
problem space then is described by Newell and Simon simply as a
“representation”36 (not the total and objective reality) of the problematic state. Thus, one can imagine that there can be more than just one
representation for the same problematic state. This is very important
because in another seminal work, The Sciences of the Artificial, Simon
will give a definition of a designer as everyone “who devises courses
of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.”37
The idea of the “existing situation” is equivalent to the concept of
“problem space,” and the two are similar to cognitive constructed
realities (i.e., cognitive representations), which help the problem
solver to frame an existing state and attain it intelligibly. This implies
that the solution is strongly dependant on the way in which the
existing state has been framed as a problem. This last element was a
compelling insight of second- and third- generation design methods,
and Simon had emphasized this in one section of the chapter devoted
to “the science of design” in The Sciences of the Artificial. That section’s
title is: “Problem Solving as Change in Representation.”
…solving a problem simply means representing it so as
to make [its] solution transparent. If the problem solving
could actually be organized in these terms, the issue of
representation would indeed become central. But even if
it cannot if this is too exaggerated a view? a deeper understanding of how representations are created and how they
contribute to the solution of problems will become an
essential component in the future theory of design.38
The second indication of the designer’s bounded rationality lies
in the concept of generative processes. Basically, the generative
processes include different instrumental methods suited to tackle
specific problems: methods such as trial-and-error procedures,
means-ends analysis, heuristic searches, and the generator-test
cycle.39 Once the designer has chosen and created an adequate representation of the problem (a problem space), he then selects one or
more generative processes that lead him not to the single and true
solution, but to the most satisfying one. Therefore, one can argue
that it was the misunderstanding of this fundamental characteristic
of the problem space concept (i.e., as a created representation) which
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
frequently led to the reduction of the inherently complex design
process to a simple matter of generative processes; and Peter Rowe,
once again, had aptly noticed this trend:
Those who study problem-solving behavior generally
make comparisons among problem solvers according to
differences in their methods of problems representation,
solution generation, and solution evaluation. Clearly these
three sub-classes of activity are interdependent. The choice
of solution generation strategy may markedly affect the
manner in which a problem is represented and the manner
in which solutions are evaluated. It is generally in terms of
solution generation strategy that problem-solving procedures are described.40
Some “Bounded Rationality” Ingredients in Second- and ThirdGeneration Design Methods
In order to illustrate the dissemination of the bounded rationality
current in design thinking, I will briefly deal with two major theoretical works which I consider very representative of the two generations of design methods: Horst Rittel’s concept of wicked problems,
and Jane Darke’s concept of primary generator.
According to Richard Buchanan,41 the phrase “wicked problems” was borrowed by Rittel from the philosopher Karl Popper.42
Ten important, related characteristics of this concept were reported
by Rittel and Webber,43 and it was very interesting to notice the
several occurrences of the adverb “no” in some of them. This can
be considered as a clear indication of what Buchanan depicts as the
indeterminacy of design problems44 and, ultimately, the bounded
character of the rationality which underlies design realities and
objects. The first several characteristics express the idea that wicked
problems have no definitive formulation—“the formulation of a
wicked problem is the problem!”45—and the fact that they have no
stopping rule—“there are no criteria for sufficient understanding.” 46
Consequently, “the choice of an explanation (i.e., a representation)
to the problem determines the nature of the resolution.” 47 Herbert
Simon probably would say here: “Since the search for a solution
occurs in a problem space, the creation of a representation for the
problem therefore is the problem.” Furthermore, solutions to wicked
problems are not true-or-false but good-or-bad—“Assessments of
proposed solutions are expressed as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or, more likely,
as ‘better or worse’ or ‘satisfying’ or ‘good enough.’” 48 Finally,
every wicked problem is essentially unique—“there are no classes
of wicked problems.” 49 In an epistemological sense, this last characteristic clearly means that a general science of problems, in which
design problems are just a subclass, cannot exist. Such a statement
then is very close to Donald Schön’s idea that every design situation is essentially unique. The logical or rationalist approaches are
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not completely suited to understand such problems. This is why
Schön recommends a dia-logical conversation with the materials of
the situation.
The Cartesian and rationalist method, as we have mentioned
above,50 was a great influence on the philosophy of the first generation design methods. With the introduction of Rittel’s concept of
wicked problems, the Popperian philosophy and thoughts—especially the idea of conjecture—emerged as important philosophical
arguments to replace the Cartesian model. It was Brian Lawson who
launched in his doctoral thesis of 197251 the idea that architects’ strategies of the design process are solution-focused ones; in opposition
to scientists’ approaches, which are problem-focused. Such orientation seems to be very analogous to the role of the Popperian idea
of conjecture in the growth of scientific knowledge and discovery;
and on which Hillier et al. also have based their arguments in their
1972 paper.52
As a representative of third-generation design methods, Jane
Darke’s paper, “The Primary Generator and the Design Process”53
was significant since, in some sense, it completed Lawson’s and
Hillier’s previous theoretical works on the same topic. For Hillier
et al., and also for Darke, the idea of conjecture refers to an important characteristic of design which “is seen as a process of ‘variety
reduction’ with the very large number of potential solutions.” 54 In
addition to this, Darke conveys the insightful suggestion that this
“greatest variety reduction or narrowing down of the range of solutions occurs early in the process.” 55 Darke proposes, therefore, the
concept of the primary generator to summarize this phenomenon,
which basically consists of the use of a few simple objectives in architects’ approaches to design in order to attain an initial concept.56 Jane
Darke refers clearly to the bounded character of the rationality with
which architects engage in the resolution of design problems, especially when she tries to describe what causes the emergence of what
she calls the “visual concept”:
In other cases it appears that a certain amount of preliminary analysis takes place before the visual concept arises. It
seems normal, however, for there to be a “rationality gap”:
either the visual concept springs to mind before the rational justifications for such a form, or the analysis does not
dictate this particular concept rather than others.57
…any particular primary generator may be capable of justification on rational grounds, but at the point when it enters
the design process it is usually more of an article of faith on
the part of the architect.58
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
In the second section of this paper, I mentioned that each design
theory assumes a particular view or a model of the designer. Also,
each design theory may assume a certain view of the people to whom
the design result or product is intended (i.e., the users). I will end this
section by showing that it was remarkable how, in the conclusion of
her paper, Darke raises these two critical issues, and proposes some
orientation for future research in this field:
The author [Darke] feels that the most interesting direction
for design research to take now is to find further ways of
“looking inside the designer’s head,” of exploring subjectivity. The denial of the value of the subjective and the
hope that the building would “design itself” now seem to
be products of a scientistic rather than a scientific way of
The image of the user implied by this attitude was a mechanistic one, an anthropometric manikin with certain environmental needs but no emotional responses…. A revaluation
of subjectivity in design can lead to a revaluation of the
subjective responses of the user, and hopefully to a more
responsive architecture. Such an architecture will reflect
the diversity and anarchy of human life, just as research on
design methods should reflect the diversity in approaches
to design.60
I would like to conclude this paper by emphasizing some elements of
two authors’ critiques of Simon’s view of rationality. These authors
address, in particular, two main issues in Simon’s intellectual
approach to decision making, problem solving, and design. The first
is Simon’s perspective of “cognitive” orientation of these complex
human behaviors, especially the subject of uncertainty. Cognitive
orientation here means that design activity has its raison d’être in
the existence of a problem, which is essentially a problem of knowledge. Carolyn R. Miller, in a paper entitled “The Rhetoric of Decision
Science, or Herbert A. Simon Says,” 61 criticizes Simon’s cognitive
approach on the issue of uncertainty. She brings some theoretical
elements from the discipline of rhetoric (especially the Aristotelian
Rhetoric in order to deal more adequately with this issue:
Simon’s definition of bounded rationality in terms of the
disparity between the capacity of the human mind and
the size of the problems implies that uncertainty lies in the
discrepancy between information available and information
needed; that is, uncertainty is wholly a problem of knowledge…. By contrast, Aristotle observes that uncertainty
concerns not knowledge but human actions. Our imperfect
knowledge, of course, makes deliberation about our actions
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
more difficult, but, as Aristotle says, we do not waste
time deliberating about questions with only one possible
answer…. Problems of knowledge presuppose no real
conflict— except between people and the limits of available
information. Problems of action involve conflict between
people…. Problems of action are “essentially contestable”;
problems of knowledge are not…. The task in solving a
problem of action is not to acquire more information or to
modify a calculus; it is, rather, to exercise what Aristotle
called practical reason….62
Beyond the topic of uncertainty, the second issue which raises criticism in Simon’s approach; specifically his attitude to design; was
brought by Donald Schön. The author detects in Simon’s view a clear
expression of what he calls technical rationality—or the instrumental
view of human reason and human action—which, according to him,
underlies the epistemology of a great number of professional disciplines since their establishment in the nineteenth century:
He (Simon) saw designing as instrumental problem solving:
in its best and purest form, a process of optimization. This
view ignores the most important functions of designing in
situations of uncertainty, uniqueness, and conflict where
instrumental problem solving—and certainly optimization—occupy a secondary place, if they have a place at all.63
As we can see from these two critiques, it was the dominant role
Simon assigned to rational knowledge in human action which is
questioned. Miller sets a place for rhetoric in human action; and
Schön, on the other hand, argues that human action is not just a
matter of scientific and technical rationality. In Simon’s concept of
“bounded rationality,” I rather see an opportunity for a wise and
careful use of rationality, especially in design practice. Rationality,
whether scientific or technical, has to play a role, but it must be
moderate. Thus, from a phenomenological perspective, I prefer to
focus not on the concept of “bounded rationality” itself, but on what
really “bounds” rationality within human action. The great danger
then is to restrict the bounding factors to simply a matter of knowledge. Rationality is one part of all human faculties and condition.
Therefore, what really bounds rationality in human action is nothing
more than all the other parts which comprise the human existence as
a whole: poetics, rhetoric, hermeneutics, and ethics; because, when
humans act, they act as whole humans.
The author wishes to thank, in particular, Carmela Cucuzzella for
the suggestions and corrections she recommended with respect to
the English vocabulary and orthography in the elaboration of this
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
Nigel Cross, Kees Dorst, and Norbert
N. Roozenburg, Preface to Research in
Design Thinking, Nigel Cross, Kees Dorst,
and Norbert N Roozenburg, eds. (Delft:
Delft University Press, 1992), 1. See also
Peter Rowe, Design Thinking (Cambridge:
MIT Press, 1987).
I borrow the phrase “generation game”
from Nigel Cross, “The Coming of Postindustrial Design,” Design Studies 2:1
(1981). See also Geoffrey Broadbent,
“The Developments of Design Methods”
in Developments in Design Methodology,
Nigel Cross, ed. (New York: Wiley, 1984).
1967 is the year in which the Design
Methods in Architecture Symposium
was held in Portsmouth, UK. For more
on this symposium, see Design Methods
in Architecture, Geoffrey Broadbent
and Anthony Ward, eds. (London: Lund
Humphries, 1969).
See especially the introduction of
Christopher Alexander’s Notes on the
Synthesis of Form (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1964), whose
subtitle is: “The Need for Rationality.”
For more on the proponents of this first
generation, see the proceedings of the
1962 first conference on design methods
published in Conference on Design
Methods, John Christopher Jones and
D.G. Thornley, eds. (New York: Pergamon
Press, 1963).
Horst Rittel, “Second-Generation Design
Methods” in The DMG 5th Anniversary
Report: DMG Occasional Paper 1 (1972):
5–10. Also reproduced in Developments
in Design Methodology, Nigel Cross, ed.
(New York: Wiley, 1984).
Christopher Alexander et al., A Pattern
Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
(New York: Oxford University Press,
Nigel Cross, “The Coming of Postindustrial Design,” Design Studies 2:1
(1981), 4.
See the following authors in “Part
Three: The Nature of Design Activity” in
Developments in Design Methodology,
Nigel Cross, ed. (New York: Wiley, 1984):
Jane Darke, “The Primary Generator and
the Design Process”; Omer Akin, “An
Exploration of the Design Process”; and
Bryan Lawson, “Cognitive Strategies in
Architectural Design.”
Donald Schön, The Reflective
Practitioner: How Professionals Think in
Action? (New York: Basic Books, 1983);
Educating the Reflective Practitioner (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990).
For more on this topic, see Rabah
Bousbaci and Alain Findeli, “More Acting
and Less Making: A Place for Ethics in
Architecture’s Epistemology,” Design
Philosophy Papers 4 (2005); www.desphilosophy.com/dpp/home.html (accessed
April 29, 2007); Alain Findeli and Rabah
Bousbaci, “The Eclipse of the Object in
Design Project Theories,” The Design
Journal 8:3 (2005): 35–49.
Herbert. A. Simon, Models of Man:
Social and Rational (New York: Willey
and Sons, 1957), 241.
Some insights about this issue are well
developed by Aren Kortguzu, “From
Function to Emotion: A Critical Essay on
the History of Design Arguments,” The
Design Journal 6:2 (2003): 49–59.
Ulm Design, Herbert Lindinger, ed.
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991), 11.
Donald Schön, The Reflective Practitioner
See especially Chapter 3 in Schön (1983).
See especially Donald Schön,
“Towards a New Epistemology of
Practice: A Response to the Crisis of
Professional Knowledge” in Learning and
Development: A Global Perspective, Alan
Thomas and Edward W. Ploman, eds.
(Toronto: OISE Press, 1986).
Donald Schön, “Designing as Reflective
Conversation with the Materials of
a Design Situation,” Research in
Engineering Design 3:3 (1992): 131–148.
See Richard Buchanan, “Wicked
Problems in Design Thinking” in The Idea
of Design, Victor Margolin and Richard
Buchanan, eds. (Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Press, 1995), 12.
For more about these authors and their
concepts, see their texts in Cross (1984).
Allan Newell and Herbert A. Simon,
Human Problem Solving (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972).
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008
21 “Once again we confront the attempt to
turn the incalculable into the calculable.
But there can be no ‘solution‘ to a state
of affairs that never had the structure of
a ‘problem‘ in the first place” in Wilson
C. St John, Architectural Reflections:
Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of
Architecture (Oxford: Butterworth, 1992),
22 This section and the next one were
adapted (and translated) from Rabah
Bousbaci, Les modèles théoriques de
l’architecture: de l’exaltation du faire à
la réhabilitation de l’agir dans le bâtir
(Ph.D. thesis, University of Montreal,
2002). This thesis was directed by
Professor Alain Findeli.
23 Herbert A. Simon, Administrative
Behavior. A Study of DecisionMaking Processes in Administrative
Organizations (New York: The Free
Press, MacMillan, 2nd edition, 1957).
See particularly chapter 4: “Rationality
in Administrative Behavior” and chapter
5: “The Psychology of Administrative
Decisions,” which represent the heart of
this book.
24 For more about the behaviorist school of
thought‘s inability to describe some of
the human and animal complex behaviors, see Rowe, Design Thinking, 50,
and Newell and Simon, Human Problem
Solving For a more historical overview
about this issue, see the chapter entitled
“Historical Addendum” in Newell and
Simon, Human Problem Solving, 873.
25 Rowe, Design Thinking, 44.
26 See Newell and Simon, Human Problem
Solving, 875.
27 Ibid., 53.
28 Herbert A. Simon, Administrative
Behavior, xxiii.
29 Ibid., xxiv.
30 Herbert A. Simon, Models of Man, Social
and Rational (New York: Wiley, 1957),
31 In Administrative Behavior, 80, Simon
refers explicitly to Williams James‘s
The Principles of Psychology; to John
Dewey‘s Human Nature and Conduct
and to some analysis of E. C. Tolman in
Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men.
32 Newell and Simon, Human Problem
Solving, 72.
33 For more about this model, see
Tom Heath‘s analysis in Method in
Architecture (Toronto: Wiley, 1984),
34 Rowe, Design Thinking, 51–52.
35 Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the
Artificial (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press,
3rd edition, 1996), 108.
36 See Newell and Simon, Human Problem
Solving, 59.
37 Simon The Sciences of the Artificial, 111.
38 Ibid., 132.
39 For more, see Newell and Simon, Human
Problem Solving, 87; Rowe, Design
Thinking, 56; and Simon, The Sciences of
the Artificial, 121 and 128.
40 Rowe, Design Thinking, 56.
41 See footnote 36 in Buchanan, “Wicked
Problems in Design Thinking”: 14.
42 Karl Popper, Conjectures and Refutations:
The Growth of Scientific Knowledge
(London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,
1963). Hillier, Musgrove, and O’Sullivan
also borrow from this philosopher’s
thinking the idea of design conjecture.
See Hillier, Musgrove, and O’Sullivan in
Developments in Design Methodology,
Nigel Cross, ed.
43 For all the references here, I will use
the 1984 edition. See Rittel, Horst,
and Webber, “Planning Problems Are
Wicked Problems” in Developments in
Design Methodology, Nigel Cross, ed.
Originally published as part of “Dilemmas
in a General Theory of Planning,” Policy
Sciences 4 (1973).
44 Buchanan, “Wicked Problems in Design
Thinking,” 14.
45 Rittel and Webber, “Planning Problems
Are Wicked Problems,” 137.
46 Ibid., 138.
47 Ibid., 142.
48 Ibid., 139.
49 Ibid., 141.
50 See the statements of the 2nd and 3rd
precepts of Descartes’s Discourse on
Method in section 2.
51 See Bryan R. Lawson, “Cognitive
Strategies in Architectural Design” in
Developments in Design Methodology,
Nigel Cross, ed.
52 Bill Hillier, John Musgrove, and Pat
O’Sullivan, “Knowledge and Design” in
Developments in Design Methodology,
Nigel Cross, ed. Originally published in
Environmental Design: Research and
Practice, W. J. Mitchell, ed. (Los Angeles:
University of California, 1972).
53 For all the references here, I will use
the 1984 edition. See Jane Darke,
“The Primary Generator and the Design
Process” in Developments in Design
Methodology, Nigel Cross, ed. Originally
published in Design Studies 1:1 (1979).
54 Darke, “The Primary Generator and the
Design Process,” 180.
55 Ibid., 180.
56 Ibid.
57 Ibid., 180–181.
58 Ibid., 181.
59 Ibid., 187.
60 Ibid.
61 Carolyn R. Miller, “The Rhetoric of
Decision Science, or Herbert A. Simon
Says” in The Rhetorical Turn: Invention
and Persuasion in the Conduct of Inquiry,
Herbert W. Simons, ed. (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1990).
62 Ibid., 175–176. On the idea of “practical reason,” which means “ethics” in
Aristotelian philosophy, see Bousbaci and
Findeli, “More Acting and Less Making:
A Place for Ethics in Architecture’s
63 Donald Schön, Educating the Reflective
Practitioner, 41.
Design Issues: Volume 24, Number 4 Autumn 2008