La Ricerca Folklorica n. 74 ARCHIVE AND ETHNOGRAPHY


The introduction to the special issue discusses epistemological and methodological questions with regard to ethnographic approaches in archival research. Inspired by anthropological debate on the ethnographic approach to and with colonial archives, the authors tackle the question of Roma and Sinti’s presence in European archives. They display how a methodological and theoretical de-construction of the archive allows shedding light on marginalized and often silenced voices within Europe’s history. It is shown how the reduction of the history of the presence of the «Gypsies» in Europe to a succession of repressive acts and negative topos means, in fact, not taking into account the capacity for civilisation on the part of the Romanì people, their being part of contexts that are not only, and not always, marginal. It introduces into how the archival material that contains the category of «Gypsy» unfolds and develops when it is approached through an ethnographic lens. Opening up for the specific combination of European archival sources, and Romanì ethnographies with their inherently diverging understandings of time and history, the authors propose a twofold approach on how to engage with the archival sources: by ethnographically denaturalizing the archive and by basing its research on present ethnographic experiences with Romani people.

ARCHIVE AND ETHNOGRAPHY: THE CASE OF EUROPE’S SINTI AND ROMA (19TH-20ST CENTURIES) N. prodotto: ISSN 0391-9099 (74) LA RICERCA FOLKLORICA - n. 74, anno 2019 Archive and ethnography: the case of Europe’s Sinti and Roma (19th-20st centuries) a cura di Elisabeth Tauber e Paola Trevisan E. Tauber, P. Trevisan, Archive and Ethnography – the case of Europe’s Roma and Sinti (19th-20st centuries): An introduction – V. Bartash, Towards ethnography of archival silence: Romani memory of Nazi genocide confronts the Soviet records - C. Tesar, P. Matei, Work and mobility among Roma from Southeast Romania from the 1920s to 1980 through a historical-anthropological lens. The case of Ursari (Bear-Tamers)/Pieptanari (Comb-Makers) - C. Tribulato, B. Pastori, «Per racontare tutta una vita non bastano poche pagine». Il diario di Jucki tra ricerca e presentazione di sé - E. Tauber, Public policy, police, peasants and Sinti in the crown land of Tyrol (1904-1910). A micro-historical ethnography - J. Illuzzi, Stories of a life together: Romani-gagè networks in turn of the twentieth century Italian archival sources - P. Trevisan, Diventare italiani dove finisce la nazione. Il difficile riconoscimento della cittadinanza italiana ai Rom e ai Sinti della Venezia Giulia dopo il primo conflitto mondiale - E. Rosenhaft, Afterwords