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Academia Engineering, 2024
The UK’s nuclear waste disposal strategy was the subject of a recent consultation. In its response to the comments made, two approaches to nuclear waste disposal emerged. Given the potentially catastrophic impact of nuclear waste incidents on UK citizens, this paper’s central question examines these proposals to assess whether they will meet the needs of the UK’s stakeholders. The challenges that these proposals seek to address include a historic lack of progress on waste disposal and its financial provision, an increasing and significant legacy of waste together with significant forecasts of further waste to be generated, and complex and diverse technical requirements concerning nuclear waste extending over extraordinary timescales. However, without a disposal solution, nuclear waste will continue to be stored in temporary facilities, which includes other risks. To overcome these challenges, the proposals seek to bury nuclear waste either in deep geological facilities (GDFs) or near-surface facilities. Both proposals depend on stakeholder agreement as to their location. This paper, therefore, assesses stakeholder needs by developing a stakeholder analytical lens through which events are viewed in order to assess the likelihood of progress. The primary findings of this paper recognise the need to address the issue of nuclear waste disposal through effective governance arrangements, given the unprecedented challenges faced. The challenges of nuclear waste disposal are derived from the environmental impacts of nuclear waste over near-incomprehensible timescales and, subsequently, the limitations of human knowledge. Progress made to date on implementing solutions, perhaps with the exception of Finland, has been unsurprisingly slow. The reasons for this may well be due to stakeholder issues. The nuclear industry’s past, the levels of information asymmetry, and a lack of transparency are some of the factors that may characterise stakeholder relationships. If these relationships fail, this may also lead to a failure in site identification. The ability to assure stakeholders that containment will be effective and that the proposals meet their needs may avoid the spectre of a government-imposed paradigm. Given the global nature of the nuclear waste problem, the wider implications of this paper may also be of international interest.
This course provides a quick overview of the concepts and results in complex analysis that may be useful in engineering. Also it gives an introduction to linear algebra and Fourier transform which are wealth of ideas and results with wide area of application.
Dans de nombreux pays en développement, la migration et les transferts de fonds des migrants qui lui sont associés ont connu une augmentation considérable et sont devenus une source importante de revenus ces dernières années.
Scientia Et Technica, 2009
The correct acquisition and processing of signals for further processing is related largely to the acquisition system and how to analyze the data, is then as the need arises to develop systems that allow us to perform such procedures a more practical and cheaper for multiple purposes. It is then consistent with the above how the digital ammeter, from the acquisition of current levels through a conditioning system, and subsequent retention by the system including digital-analog conversion between the resources with which the Microcontroller PIC16F877 the data are ready for analysis within the generated code in MPLAB
Une « pierre à quatre dieux », trouvée à Tongres en 2015 dans le remplissage d’un puits romain, permet de s’interroger sur les divinités qui étaient honorées dans le chef-lieu et le vaste territoire de la cité des Tongres, et plus particulièrement sur la place qu’y occupaient les dieux romains importés ou assimilés à des dieux indigènes. La pierre est le socle d’une « colonne de Jupiter », type de monument répandu dans les régions rhénanes.
Crossley, J. N. What is Mathematical Logic? OxfordUP 1972. This book—still in print—pretends to tell the clueless neophyte what mathematical logic is—and in 82 small pages. The idea, we do not say fact, that someone knowledgeable in the subject thinks this possible is astounding. As we show in this review and in another much longer review, it is unlikely that Oxford University Press even copy-edited the book much less had it vetted by a competent logician. People who think that Oxford University Press has recently lowered its standards should read this book—or at least the reviews. 1978. Crossley on Mathematical Logic (essay review, Co-author: Stewart Shapiro), Philosophia 8, 79–94. 1988. Ensayo-Resenas: Introduciendo La Logica Matematica, Mathesis X, 133–150. Spanish translation by A. Garciadiego of revised version of “Crossley on Mathematical Logic”, Philosophia 8 (1978) 79–94.
Campo Abierto, 2021
espanol Esta investigacion analizo las disciplinas de Bioetica de cinco facultades de Medicina en el Estado de Sao Paulo, participaran: 206 estudiantes que responden los cuestionarios cerrados y 56 participantes de los cinco grupos focales; y 9 profesores con las entrevistas. Los cuestionarios fueron analizados cuantitativamente, los discursos analizados y clasificados utilizando el metodo del analisis categorial de Bardin. Se demostro, segun los alumnos, que las practicas morales y las tecnicas de ensenanza que mas movilizaron a las clases fueron: las practicas deliberativas - discusion de peliculas y / o series de television, discusiones de casos, roleplaying - dramatizacion, discusiones de debate, conferencias, y, en una menor proporcion la practica normativa - clase expositiva dialogica. De este modo, esas metodologias pueden incrementar y auxiliar en el proceso de formacion moral de los estudiantes para que las capacidades de inteligencia moral y la construccion de la personalid...
La mejora de las metodologías y estrategias para la implementación de módulos de educación virtual, denominado E-Learning, es considerado por la GIZ como un tema fundamental para una adecuada y exitosa transmisión de conocimientos.
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, 2013
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2012
Cancer Letters, 2001
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2003