Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Bathing facilities and health phronesis: tackling English obesity
Simon Huston1
The Coronavirus pandemic has raised questions about public health system fragility or lack of health
phronesis (practical wisdom). The UK is one of the unhealthiest developed nations on the planet with
over 35% of its population projected to be obese by 2025. Notwithstanding, local sports infrastructure
is patchy, raising the spectre of ‘accumulation by dispossession’. To investigate English obesity problem
and its eu̯daemonic impediments the study ignored lines of inquiry involving confectionary vested
interests. Instead, it focused on bathing amenities that, since antiquity, signal civilisation. The
phronetic bathing health research involved five sequential phases. First, the health issue was identified
(1) and then bathing facilities put into historical context (2a). A structured literature review of
contemporary facilities and health associations (2b) provided the backdrop for subsequent
nomothetical (3a-e) and idiographic investigations (4a-c). The mixed research strands were finally
synthesised (5). Statistical analysis of English local area standardised mortality (2013-2017) found a
significant association with pool sparsity, controlling for deprivation, obesity and other environmental
factors (3a-b). Longitudinal time series modelling of English swimming pool construction data since
the Victorian era found that, recently, it has become erratic and diverges from its GDP and population
growth fundamentals (3c-e). Idiosyncratically, the study considered three case studies, looking for
qualitative insights (4). The closure of Bromley Lido in 1983 raises suspicions that short-termism or
agency issues usurped public health phronesis (4a). In Cirencester, mistrust lingers about the privileged
beneficiaries of local leisure service outsourcing (4b).
An exemplary German pool complex in
Ludenscheid illuminates comparative UK public bathing infrastructure deficiencies and intimates
paradigm myopia or managerialist neglect (4c). Although the study is preliminary with acknowledged
limitations, the literature reviews, nomothetic analyses and case studies impel phronetic deliberations
to re-calibrate investment towards ecological public health and resilience in post-COVID ‘doughnut’
Dr Simon Huston | Lecturer in Accounting | School of Economics, Finance and Accounting | Faculty of
Business and Law Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB
T: +44 (0) 24 77 657424 | E:
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Beyond the immediate COVID-19 infectious pandemic, chronic diseases like obesity check human
flourishing or eudaemonia (εὐδαιμονία). Worldwide, obesity growth has plateaued but its health and
development repercussions remain concerning (NCD, 2017). Without integrated diagnostics and
prevention, morbidity and its associated social burden impend (Park & Lee 2020). Ecological public
health professionalism, unlike managerialist short-termism or surreptitious ‘nudge’ ideology, involves
phronesis (φρόνησις) or the explicit articulation of and engagement with stakeholders on contentious
social and environmental choices (Leggett, 2014). Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (350 B.C, 6.5.6), was
‘concerned with action in relation to the things that are good for human beings’. Its academic corollary
is problem-driven, mixed-method research (Schram, Flyvbjerg & Landman, 2013). Inequality in health,
education or transport and sporting infrastructure are obvious fields for phronetic investigation to
identify issues, extirpate vested interests and illuminate roadmaps for socially fruitful investment
(Deem, 2000; Lang & Rayner, 2012).
In terms of health, WHO data (2020) suggests an impending chronic disaster following in the wake of
the infectious one (see Fig.1). COVID-19 induced death rates were, if not scandalous, shocking2 (ONS
2020) and illustrates health system fragility and spatial fragmentation. The health impacts of
deprivation extends beyond mortality to morbidity or health constraints imposed by disease, injury or
disability (Segen's Medical Dictionary, 2011). Some attribute crisis aetiology to confectionary or fizzy
drinks behemoths like McDonalds and Coca Cola (incidentally the world’s largest plastic polluter3) but
Gibson (2008) only found inconclusive evidence.
Most deprived areas 55.1 deaths per 100,000 population compared with 25.3 deaths per 100,000 population
in the least deprived areas (ONS 2020)
McVeigh, K. (2020) Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestlé named top plastic polluters for third year in a row (Guardian,
07th December 2020), accessed at: (18/12/20).
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Figure 1: WHO time series data illustrating UK obesity issue (Global Health Observatory 2020)
Possible English health bottlenecks include dilatory food industry regulations, planning failures and
sports infrastructure neglect. Swimming is the most popular sport in England yet, currently, 60% of
English swimming pools are over 20 years old and one quarter have not been refurbished for 20 years
(Sport England, 2018). Sport England estimates that complete replacement of these facilities would
cost over £1.5 billion. Chronic underinvestment belies bombastic bluster of ‘harnessing the potential
of sport for social good [in an] active nation’ (HM Government, 2015, 6). Harvey (2005; 2007) blames
predatory capitalism for the inexorable public facilities underinvestment by way of stealthy
dispossession (Das, 2017) but a complete answer to the ruckus impels structure and some perspective.
Research questions and methodology
The phronetic sequential research involved five phases. First, the study identified the health issue (1)
and then put bathing facilities into their historical context (2a). A structured literature review of
contemporary facilities and health associations (2b) provided the backdrop for subsequent
nomothetical (3) and idiographic case study investigations (4) to answer three research questions:
RQ1: Does the geospatial distribution of swimming facilities impact health? (Nomothetic).
(H10: Pools is insignificant vs. H1A: Pools is significant)
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
RQ2: Is the construction of swimming pools adequate for national health need? (Nomothetic).
(H20: Forecast pool construction stable vs. H2A: Forecast pool construction increases)
RQ3: What policy learning emerges from idiosyncratic cases? (Idiographic & qualitative)
Finally, in Phase V of the Bathing facilities and health phronesis investigation, the research triangulated
its four strands for synthesis (see Fig. 2).
Bathing & health
review (2)
Nomothetic (3)
Idiographic case
studies (4)
analysis (3a-b)
Bromley (4a)
Time series
analysis (3c-e)
Cirencester (4b)
Synthesis (5)
Ludenscheid (4c)
Figure 2: Pool phronesis research phases and stages
With the research roadmap clarified, before reviewing the contemporary health and sports facilities
literature, the study reflected on bathing facilities in antiquity.
Historical backdrop
The classical period provides a useful touchstone to benchmark the current English health and bathing
imbroglio. Influenced by the Greek gymnasium or palaestra (Yegül, 1992 & 2010), the importance of
baths in the Roman world is ‘beyond dispute’ (DeLaine, 1988, p. 11). For the Romans, public baths
(thermae) were not only ‘emblematic [for] civilization’ but also technologically impressive (Gagliano
et al., 2017 p. 704). Whist Marcus Aurelius (AD 121 – 180) in his VIII.XXIV meditation dismissed baths
as ‘loathsome or repugnant’ (Απεχθής), Carcopino (1940, p. 254) considered them the ‘fairest
creations of the Roman Empire’ (la plus belles créations de l'Empire Romain). Indisputably, baths were
symbolically and culturally important for community cohesion (Zanker, 2010) and, arguably, conduits
for cultural hegemony (Davis, 2015).
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Roman thermae were diverse, multi-faceted (public, private, military) and served cultural, cleansing,
exercise and recreation functions (Nielsen, 1990; DeLaine, 1997; Fagan, 1999). Bathing facilities
spread across the Empire, financed by patronage and modest entry fees (Meusel, 1960). Fully nude
contiguous bathing emerged during the Principate but Hadrian restored prudery (Fagan, 1999; Ward,
1992). Deming (2020, pp. 152-161), following Carcopino (1940, p. 254) estimates that Roman bathing
facilities grew from 170 baths in 33 BC to nearly 1000 ‘later’, presumably at the height of the empire
around the reign of Antoninus Pius (AD 138 to 161)? In Ostia alone, Krencker (1929) catalogued 20
facilities. Zanker (2010, p. 63) enumerates 956 balneia (βαλανεῖα) (small baths) in the Roman
metropolitan region but these were dwarfed by the 23 grandiose imperial establishments (Platner,
1929). Trajan (109 AD), Caracalla (217 AD) Diocletian (306 AD) all bequeathed iconic imperial baths.
The baths of Diocletian accommodated 3,200 bathers and covered 136,000m 2 or the extent of a typical
provincial settlement such as Timgad in Algeria (Zanker, 2010). In the third century AD, the Emperor
Caracalla’s (AD 188 - 217) competed the Thermae Antoninianae Caracallae, the grandest of Rome’s
bathing facilities. Delaine (1997, p. 193) estimates that upwards of 13,100 worked on this mega urban
project, costing between 1.2 billion denarii or £1.3 - £9.8 billion today4. When completed in 216CE,
Caracalla’s baths accommodated up to 10,000 people, although 1,600 was its norm. Its built area was
~ 2.4 hectare (ha), around 24,000 – 26,477m2, but its contiguous grounds extended 9-11 ha or ~
100,000m2 (Fletcher, 1921; Oetelaar, 2014).
Assumptions: 1D weighs 3.41 g @ 83.5% silver @ £0.39/g. Alternatively, assume 1D = national minimum wage
@ £8.20
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Figure 3: Indicative map, illustrating just a few of Classical Rome’s 23 imperial thermae. (Sources: Author,
Zanker, 2010 p. 62; Andree, R. 1886 in Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas, Droysen. G. (Ed)).
Assuming, as Fig. 3 suggests, that Caracalla’s Baths had similar dimensions as its peers, Rome’s
imperial bathing facilities occupied somewhere between 55.2-207 ha or 4 - 15% of the 1,370 – 1400
ha enclosed within its Aurelian Walls (Claridge, 1998, p. 24; Yawn, 2013). Clearly, in antiquity society
resourced its public bathing facilities well.
Historically informed, the study investigated the
contemporary bathing situation.
Structured literature review
The research undertook a structured rather than systematic review of health, physical activity and
facilities (swimming pools). Although the review involved several formal stages (access to databases,
academic journals and industry or grey literature sources), in practice, it became iterative. Promising
articles led to other fecund papers and the study leads snowballed. The multi-stage iteration provides
some confidence that the study covered key swimming pool and health issues.
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Databases and online platforms
Initially, the study searched a university library database, looking for the term, ‘swimming pools
health’ in peer-reviewed journals. The initial search returned 11,646 results but a public health
restriction reduced this output to a more manageable 1,941 articles. When the filter ‘swimming pools’
was applied, only 399 results were returned. Often articles were incidental to the main purpose of
this investigation. Irrelevant subjects included chlorination (33), disinfection (37), epidemiology (36),
trihalomethanes, water quality (31) and environmental sciences (31). The incidental journal articles
were removed, leaving topics related to ‘health promotion’, ‘public health’, ‘exercise’, ‘humans’ and
‘swimming pools’. When the study imposed language (English and French) and date restrictions
(2000-2020), 21 results emerged of which the most relevant seemed Giampaoli et al. (2014) who in a
World Health Organization Bulletin that noted the increased use of recreational bathing facilities. It
quoted figures from the European Union of Swimming Pool and Spa Associations that intimated that,
in 2011, the continent had 5.7 million pools or one pool for every 150 inhabitants. But, the report
focus was communicable diseases linked to pools, including cryptosporidiosis, giathiasis, leptospirosis,
and legionellosis, bacterial and viral gastroenteritis. Even after this extensive literature filtering, most
of the returned articles were spurious, spanning deaths by drowning in Australia (Staines 2017), the
concentrations of trihalomethanes in Portuguese pools (Silva et al., 2012) or the 65% of Italians who
shower before swimming (Pasquarella et al., 2013). The study tweaked advanced features of Google
Scholar to search the exact term ‘swimming pools health’ in the article title. Yet the search returned
104,000 items. However, the first line of these results intimated that most were thematic distractions,
covering, for example ‘chlorination’, ‘disinfection’ or ‘toxic chloramine’ exposure etc. Next, the study
accessed Scopus and ProQuest databases. For Scopus, using the terms ‘swimming’ AND ‘pools’ AND
‘obesity’ generated 37 results but only one by Stempski et al. (2015) had some bearing on the issue at
hand. The US study found that, for low-income communities, swimming partnerships facilitated
swimming to address health disparities. For ProQuest, search parameters were (sports facilities) AND
(public health) OR obesity OR (swimming pools) which returned 495,805 results. Many were spurious,
including, for example, papers on microbial water quality in indoor pools or preventing
Cryptosporidium etc. A narrower search on (sports facilities) AND (public health), restricted to peerreviewed scholarly journals generated 38,783 results. The most promising top-listed papers included
Heesch et al. (2014) who found socio-economic status, environmental perceptions, and psychological
disposition influence cycling in Brisbane. Reimers et al. (2014) sampled 1,768 adolescents aged 11–
17 years old in 161 German communities and used GIS to compute distances to the nearest sports
facilities. They assessed sports participation and found that distance from sports activities, moderated
by urbanization, influenced activity. However, proximity to tennis courts or indoor pools was not
associated with participation in tennis or water sports, respectively, probably because income barriers
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
restrict access to private facilities. Wicker et al. (2013) analysed the impact of sport infrastructure on
sport participation based on Becker's household theory (1965) that sport participation is a function of
individual choice and available infrastructure. These authors telephoned 11,175 people in Munich
and geocoded sport infrastructure. Multi-level analyses showed that swimming pool or sport field
access influenced sport participation.
In 2013, Australian researchers led by Eime reviewed the sports literature between 1990 and 2012.
They identified 3,668 articles but analysed 11 appropriate ones that met Downs & Black (1998). The
Australians found many psychological and social health benefits of sport, including improved selfesteem and social interaction as well as reduced stress.
Club-based and team-based sport
participation appears particularly beneficial. Subsequently, in 2017 Eime et al. conducted their own
empirical sport participation investigation, using a sample of 488,693 respondents in 79 Victorian LGAs
(Local Government Area). These researchers found a consistent pattern of positive associations
between the participation rate and facility provision.
The study identified relevant journal papers that investigated the association between exercise,
swimming pools and health. The research scanned platforms, databases and journals, using terms
‘swimming pools and health’, ‘swimming pools and mental health’ or ‘health and physical activity’.
The study only considered articles from acceptable journals with over 100 citations, published after
In the general health field, the study found a couple of particularly useful systematic health reviews.
For example, van Sluijs et al. (2007) gauged the effectiveness of interventions to promote physical
activity in children and found limited evidence of effective environmental and policy interventions.
Park et al (2012) noted consistent evidence of associations between childhood BMI and cardiovascular
outcomes, but was unclear whether effects persisted, independently of adult BMI. Whilst, mortality
in deprived locales can be double that of affluent ones, (ONS, 2020; Steel et al., 2018), personal
disadvantage is a more significant for mortality compared to spatial communal factors (Sloggett &
Joshi, 1994). Notwithstanding, The Marmot Review (Marmot et al 2020) attributes pandemic outcome
disparities in England to socioeconomic and health inequalities.
For facilities, most of the geospatial studies isolated were micro investigations on specific settlements
and confirmed generally understood linkages. Other studies confirmed the intuitively obvious link
between facilities and health, notwithstanding the influence of other micro spatial or macro factors.
Jimenez et al. (2019) used longitudinal New England data (n = 671) with 46-years of follow-up and
found that neighbourhood socioeconomic status influenced cardiovascular disease, controlling for
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), age, sex, race/ethnicity, individual and parental socioeconomic status. They found that living in a socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhood early
in life and in adulthood was associated with blood pressure and BMI. In (2004) Fisher et al. used a
cross-sectional multilevel analysis to investigate the influence of neighbourhood characteristics on
self-reported physical activity for 582 older (>65 years) adults in 56 Portland on the western seaboard
of the United States. As individuals nested in neighbourhoods, the authors used two-stage multilevel
structural-equation-modelling and found that neighbourhood influenced physical activity. When
individual-level variables were controlled, neighbourhood-level variables like social cohesion
substantially influenced physical activity.
Industry literature
The study interrogated World Health Organisation (WHO) data looking for sources related to obesity
and found an authoritative seminal longitudinal study in the Lancet (NCD, 2017) that pooled analysis
of 128·9 million cases to generate a body-mass index from 1975 to 2016.
According to Public Health England (2017), in 2015 63% of English adults were overweight (BMI>25)
or obese (BMI>30). For men, obesity increased from 13.2% in 1993 to 26.9% in 2015 while for women
the comparable figures were from 16.4% to 26.8%. In 2015, almost one third of English children (more
precisely 34.1% aged 10 to 11) were overweight or obese and the trend is upwards. Each year, obesity
kills 30,000 people and reduces the lifespan of its victims by 9 years of life. More is spent annually
(£6.1 billion 2014 - 2015) treating obesity-related illness than is spent on the police, the fire service
and the judicial system combined. Perceived discrimination compounds the obesity crisis (Jackson &
Steptoe 2017).
Literature conclusion
The multi-stage, iterative review of the health facilities and bathing literature was extensive rather
than narrow. It spanned public health issues, bathing facilities in antiquity and area studies on the
impact of facilities. By comparison with antiquity, contemporary bathing provision appears somewhat
patchy if not depleted. On the health front, obesity emerges as a chronic problem, crippling the nation
beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. The literature found clear associations between BMI and chronic
disease but some uncertainty involving appropriate policy treatment. Due to confounding variables,
the scientific evidence for impact of public health asset intensification on chronic disease remains
uncertain. The literature review supports common sense that swimming or other sport participation
brings physical and psychological benefits, notwithstanding some chemical, bacteriological or injury
The literature repeatedly links excess morbidity with spatially fragmented deprivation.
Affluence and sports facility accessibility influence physical activity.
For serious public health
improvements, the review clearly points to the need to attenuate deprivation on some systematic
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
basis. Even so, the literature suggests that research into the association between swimming pools and
mortality or the influence of bathing facilities investment on health could provide some fruitful policy
Nomothetic (quantitative) investigations
The third phase of the sequential mixed methods Bathing facilities and health phronesis research
involved five nomothetic (statistical) investigations, conducted in two stages. In the first crosssectional stage, the study used factor analysis to explore (3a) and regression to analyse English
mortality and its covariates (3b). During the second stage of this third (nomothetic) phase of the
research, the study analysed 120 years of English pool construction data using autoregressive
distributed lag models - ARIMA (3c), ADL (3d) and ECM (3e).
The study sourced data from Sports England (SE), Office of National Statistics (ONS), WHO, Consumer
Data Research Centre (CDRC) and the Bank of England (BoE). Below are the variables, their source
and their expected inter-relationship.
Cross sectional analysis
Deaths (DV, Yd): cross-sectional analysis (3a & 3b) dependent variable (DV,). Sourced from ONS
standardised mortality ratio (2013-2017). Observed total deaths from all causes (by five year age and
gender band) as a percentage of expected deaths. Mortality in Richmond upon Thames is below ageadjusted expectation (77.3%) compared to Middlesbrough where actual deaths exceeded standard
expectations by over 40% (143%).
Access Leisure (IV, X1): reflects accessibility to 727 leisure centres, swimming baths or 2,738 health
clubs in kilometres. Sourced via SE (2020) from Liverpool University’s Consumer Data Research Centre
(CDRC), Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards (AHAH) index (CDRC, 2020). AHAH integrates retail
environment, health services, physical environment and air quality to generate an overall summary of
locales environmental health (Green et al., 2016). The Isles of Scilly (74.3) or Melton Mowbray (19.9)
have relatively poor access compared to City (0.3), Kensington and Chelsea (0.4) or Islington (0.5).
Ceteris paribus, easier access should improve health so the coefficient expectation for X1 is positive
(lower km or easier access, then lower mortality or if X1 ↓, → Yd ↓
Obesity (IV, X2): percentage of adult population with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or higher,
age-standardized sourced from WHO 2389 NCD_BMI_30 (2020). In Kensington and Chelsea it was
14% compared to, for example Gateshead at 30.7%. Coefficient expectation for independent variables
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
(IV), X2 = Obesity, is positive as more excess obesity is expected to increase excess deaths. If X2 ↑, →
Deprivation (IV, X3): deprivation score for English small areas, sourced from Index of Multiple
Deprivation (2019). To generate the index, deprivation indicators across seven domains (income,
employment, education/training/skills, health and disability, crime, housing, and environment) are,
adjusted, combined, ranked, transformed and weighted. A lower rank indicates higher deprivation
(e.g. Birmingham and Solihull = 4,191 vs. Windsor 26,634 (mean 17,460). Expectation is that if X3 ↑,
→ Yd ↓
Environment (IV, X4) measures accessible blue and green space, sourced via SE (2020), the data
constitutes an element of AHAH (2017) (see above). Hackney had the worst environmental score (0.2)
compared to Mid Suffolk (60.4). The expectation is that environment coefficient will be negative as
more green or blue space access should reduce mortality ceteris paribus so if X4 ↑, → Yd ↓
Pools (IV, X5): reflects pools per 10,000 in 2018 (latest available data). Data extracted from Active
Places Power (APP) SE’s analytical interactive web mapping and reporting tool. APP references
England’s most authoritative sport facility and club database. The study then used ONS population
data to compute the number of pools per 10,000 residents in each locales. Locales comprised 343
English local authorities (county councils, district councils, unitary authorities, metropolitan districts
and London boroughs) but also SE Active Partnerships (45) and Local Delivery Pilots (11). The study
acknowledges the need to audit the geospatial integrity of pool data (see study limitations).
Expectations is that if X5 ↑, → Yd ↓
Time series analysis
Pools constructed (PC & ∆PC): English swimming pools constructed each year during a 120 year period
since 1900, sourced form Sports England: Active Places Power (2020) database.
English output (GDP & ∆GDP): Bank of England millennium of macroeconomic data UK (2017) provides
historical macroeconomic and financial statistics. Based on the Blue Book 2016, it includes historical
data from Broadberry et al. (2015), cross checked against Mitchell (1988).
English population (Pop & ∆Pop): English population and population growth 1900-2020, sourced from
Office for National Statistics (ONS): Total population (2018). ONS England population mid-year
estimate (2019) shows mid-year estimates of total population of area (all ages and genders). English
population estimates 2000-2018 were cross checked against ONS Population growth in the United
Kingdom (2018).
Simon Huston
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Cross-sectional analysis
To answer the first research question (RQ1: Does the geospatial distribution of swimming facilities
impact health?), the study applied insights from the medical literature for its explanatory framework.
Mortality is influenced by a matrix of personal, social and environmental factors, in particular obesity,
deprivation and other cross sectional environmental factors. To explore the cross sectional data, the
study conducted factor analysis, using principal components extraction (3a). Later, a regression
analysis (3b) found that swimming pool density was a significant influence on mortality.
The principal components analysis (PCA) revealed no eigenvalues close to 0 that provided some
comfort about indicator collinearity.
Table 1: Factor analysis - extraction method Principal Component (3a)
Initial Eigenvalues
Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
% of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance
Cumulative %
38.623 2.317
62.558 1.436
Access Leisure
PCA extracted two main components that explain over 62% of variable fluctuations. Component 1
seems to capture relatively privileged locales, loading strongly and negatively on obesity and deaths
as but positively on environmental variables and deprivation index. It is perhaps more intuitive to
think of Deprivation as an indicator of privilege, given it rises as conditions improve. Component 2
perhaps captures semi-rural and rural locales with access to green and blue space, a dearth of sports
infrastructure and endemic obesity. The upshot of the factor exploration reinforces the literature that
obesity is a key mortality covariate in a geographically and socially fragmented English landscape.
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
In the second stage (3b) of the cross sectional analysis, the study regressed deaths against covariates
of independent variables (IVs) suggested by the health and medical literature.
𝑌𝑡 =∝ +β𝑋1 + 𝛽2 𝑋2 + 𝛽3 𝑋3 + 𝛽4 𝑋4 + 𝛽5 𝑋5 + 𝜀 (3b)
Yt = English LGA standardised mortality ratio (2007-13)
X1 = Access to leisure (coefficient expectation >1, as easier access/shorter distance, lowers excess
X2 = Obesity (coefficient expectation >1, as higher excess obesity increases excess mortality)
X3 = Deprivation (coefficient expectation <1, as low score indicates worse deprivation and expected
increase in excess deaths)
X4 = Environment (coefficient expectation <1 as better environment should reduce mortality).
LGA Pools per 10,000 (coefficient expectation <1, as higher pool density should cut excess
mortality. Null hypothesis for RQ1: H10: β5 = 0
Table 2 presents regression descriptive statistics.
Table 2: Cross sectional descriptive and regression statistics (3a & 3b)
Std. Deviation
Access Leisure
Valid cases
Although the Shapiro-Wilk (SW) test was highly significant (p < 0.001), suggesting data significantly
deviate from a normal distribution. As the study analysed all, rather than a sample of, English locales,
the Central Limit Theorem does not apply but with the large number of cases (N = 404), SW sometimes
detects trivial normality departures. In short, regression and t-tests remain robust even if not always
BLUE (best linear unbiased estimator).
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Case wise diagnostics pulled out three outliers. The first was Hackney, where deaths were well below
those modelled by the regression line (residual -21.736). Gentrification could provide a plausible
explanation for the negative residual of this central London suburb. At the other end of the spectrum
and country was Middlesbrough, a de-industrialised locales whose toxic chemical industry legacy
could explain higher than modelled death rate (residual 25.046). In terms of pools per 10,000
residents, the City of London was an anomaly (19.52) compared to the mean (1.01) (see Fig. 4). This
is likely due to prevalence of hotel swimming pools or stockbroker underground ones.
City of London
Figure 4: Fluctuations of deaths and pool density, illustrating London outlier in terms of pool density
The study ran graphical and diagnostic tests to check linear regression assumptions compliance (linear
fit without influential observations and random errors that are independent, normally distributed with
an expected zero mean and constant variance). The histogram of residuals (Fig. 5) and PP plot of
standardised residuals (Fig. 6) illustrate an acceptable residual regime, normally distributed and with
observed and fitted model deviations in line with expectations.
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Figure 5: Regression residual histogram, illustrating normal distribution
Figure 6: PP Plot of regression standardised residuals, confirming residuals are normally distributed
To check for residual variance constancy, the study plotted standardised residuals (ZRESID) against
predicted values (PRED) which generated a reasonably random scatter (Fig. 7).
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Figure 7:
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Standardised residuals scattergram, illustrating broadly acceptable DV variance fluctuation,
although slight ‘megaphone’ or fanning of error dispersion as locales mortality increases (heteroscedasticity)
Graphs of key IV against the DV confirmed linear regression suitability, notably for Deprivation variable
in explaining the variability in Deaths.
Figure 8: Scatterplot of deaths and pool density with City of London outlier removed
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Simon Huston
Graphical diagnostics (Fig. 8) suggests locales pool density mitigates excess deaths but, ceteris pariubs,
the influence of pool facilities is markedly less pronounced compared to the deprivation IV (Fig. 9).
Figure 9: Strong impact of deprivation on mortality
Multicollinearity or high correlations between IVs can render regression coefficients unstable,
unreliable and lower statistical power. Variance inflation factors (VIF) though were acceptable) see
Table 4). VIF estimates how much IV interdependence inflates coefficient variance and a VIF limit of
2.50 is customary. The standard error (s.e.) of regression coefficients appear relatively small. An
examination of Pearson cross-correlations (Table 3) confirms the literature that Obesity and
Deprivation are strongly associated with mortality. Curiously, Access and Pools only have a Pearson
correction of 0.153 despite pools inclusion in the former. The positive association between the
Environment and Access Leisure reflects the increased distance from leisure facilities in the suburbs
and rural locales. Counter intuitively, the negative correlation between Deaths and Access suggests
as distance to facilities decreases, excess deaths increases. Probably, the leisure access variable
reflects not only the benefits of facilities but also the confounding influence of industrial and suburban
blight but, as noted, multicollinearity diagnostics provides some assurance that confounding impact is
Simon Huston
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Table 3 Correlations (Pearson Correlation)
Deprivation Environment
Access Leisure
The F statistic in Table 4 is significant and indicates the regression makes sense and explains
fluctuations of standardised death rates significantly better than the mean (restricted model). The
regression generated an adjusted R2 of 0.673 so that it accounts for over 2/3rd of the variation in deaths
across England.
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Bathing facilities and health phronesis
Table 4: Cross sectional regression statistics (3a)
DV Deaths with Predictors: (Constant), Pool/10,000, Environment, Obesity,
Access Leisure, Deprivation
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Sum of
Mean Square
Regression 3a
Expected sign
Std. Error
Obesity (X2)
Deprivation (X3)
.826 1.211
.701 1.426
.621 1.611
.659 1.517
.895 1.117
Pool/10,000 (X5)
Model coefficients are all significant at the 5% confidence level. There is strong evidence that leisure
access, obesity, deprivation and pool density are significantly associated with mortality (p < 0.01) but
only some evidence (p = 0.023) that the environment is significant. All have the expected signs except
for leisure access, already flagged as a variable with confounding issues. Variance inflation factors
(VIFs), that quantifies multicollinearity severity, are under the generally accepted 2.5 threshold. Due
to IV measurement variability, the standardised coefficients provides most useful insights into the
relative impact of the variables and suggests, unsurprisingly, a strong association between deprivation
and excess deaths. In fact a reduction in deprivation rank of one standard deviation (SD) or 5146.47,
increases locales excess deaths by more than half a SD (-0.569). Given deaths SD of 12.293 % (see
Table 2), this would augment excess mean deaths by almost 7%. The results confirm the literature,
that deprivation and obesity are the main predictors of excess deaths. Surprisingly, pool density seems
to have more of an impact than the two environmental variables, with a standardised β of -0.136. The
unstandardized pools coefficient of -1.434 suggests that if another pool were built per 10,000
residents, one could expect an associated reduction in excess mortality over 1.4%. The evidence from
the cross sectional regression analysis (3b) supports the alternative hypothesis, H1A, that pool density
significantly influences excess mortality in England.
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Time series analysis
The time series analysis sought to answer RQ2: Is the construction of swimming pools adequate for
national health need? (Nomothetic). The study ran three time series models where pools constructed
(PC) or changes in this dependent variable (∆PC) were fitted to lag values of itself and other predictors,
covariates or independent variables (IVs):
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average - ARIMA (3c)
Autoregressive Distributed Lag - ADL (3d )
Error Correction Model - ECM (3e)
Fig. 10 illustrates the evolution of bathing facilities construction in England over the past 120 years
Figure 10: Pool construction in England and Wales (Sports England, 2020)
It is clear from Fig. 10 that pool construction in England has fluctuated widely. Technically, the pools
series appears non-stationary because its mean and variance vary. Autoregressive models use current
and past values of DV and IV to explain pool construction activity. However, deterministic and
stochastic trends mean residuals are autocorrelated and OLS modelling assumptions violated. Detrending removes deterministic (time based) whilst differencing removes stochastic trends. A
differenced stochastic process becomes stationary so that autocorrelation functions die out rapidly.
Whilst inspection (Fig. 10) guided initial series diagnosis, the study formally tested the association of
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lagged pool construction (PCt-1) with current period activity (PCt). Formally, whether for equation PCt
= α + ϕPCt-1 + ε i.e. (3c) the coefficient ϕ = 1 (random walk with drift). When a shock destabilises such
a series, the unit root prevents reversion to equilibrium. However, because of the spurious regression
issue, we cannot test ϕ = 1 in 3c directly. Instead, the study used the Dickey Fuller Test (DFT)
procedure. ∆PC was regressed against PC lagged by one period. ∆PC = α + θ PCt-1 + ε, (3d) - where θ =
ϕ-1. For this differenced regression, if θ = 0, then ϕ = 1 in 3c and a unit root is present. For 3d, the
DFT null hypothesis (H0) is that a unit root is present and θ = 0.
The results indicate a significant (p = 0.001) DFT statistic equal to -3.375. Assuming the series has a
constant but no trend, for our 121 cases, -3.375 is below the 5% DFT critical values of -2.891/-2.873
(samples of 100 or 250 respectively). So the null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected and the series
appears stationary enough without differencing for an initial analysis. However, if we impute a trend
(as Fig.10 portends), then the relevant DFT critical values increases to -3.45/-3.43 and we can no longer
reject unit root hypothesis and so series statistics are unreliable without differencing (Koop 2013). In
short, the DFT diagnostics were equivocal and the pool series is, at best, weakly stationary.
Notwithstanding the need for cautious interpretation, the study input this untransformed series (3c)
into SPSS Time Series Modeller to generate an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
model (3c) with a Stationary R-squared of 0.421, suggesting that the model improves fit by 42%
compared to a simple mean for the stationary part of the series (see Table 5).
Table 5: Diagnostic statistics for untransformed pools construction time series ARIMA model (3c)
Stationary RNormalized BIC
Ljung-Box Q(18)
28.173 (0.021)
Lag 1
Lag 5
Lag 10
The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is a model selection criterion that increases with the number
of cases, unexplained error variance and IVs but the study did not field any alternative untransformed
candidates. The study loss functions indicates differences between model outputs and actual values.
The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 22.247 indicates the standard deviation of the unexplained
variance over the series was less than 23 pools (out of 116 years of construction data). Mean Absolute
Percent Error (MAPE) indicates, in general an > 85% divergence between forecast and actual results.
The Ljung-Box Q (LBQ) is a portmanteau test of overall randomness of residual errors (white noise
Bathing facilities and health phronesis
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process). The p-value of 0.021 provides some evidence (p = 0.05 < 0.1) of a residual pattern. Serial
autocorrelation means standard errors are underestimated and hypothesis tests unreliable. With
these caveats in mind, significant autocorrelation lags were at 1, 5 and 10 years. Running ARIMA (3c),
forecasts construction of 30 pools 2025 but with prudent margin of error (see Fig 11).
Figure 11: Time series model (3c) on untransformed pool construction data, forecast to 2025
As discussed, the borderline DFT and LBT diagnostics for the untransformed 3c series flags spurious
regression risk (misleading coefficients and statistics). To mitigate, the study transformed the data
and ran an autoregressive distributed lag model (3d) and an error correction model (3e) using first
differences of DV and IVs (Koop 2013) with stronger stationary credentials. For 3d, the modelling
assumed that changes in pool construction (DV) are driven by previous construction activity, previous
fluctuations in it and a combination of other current and lagged IVs (real GDP and population levels or
∆PC = PCt-1, ∆PCt-1, GDP, ∆GDP, ∆GDPt-1, Pop +∆P + ∆Pt-1 (3d)
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Table 6: Transformed pool construction ADL modelling (3d) diagnostic statistics
R Square
Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
Predictors: (Constant), PC Lagged, ∆PCt-1, GDP, ∆GDP, ∆GDPt-1, Pop, ∆P, ∆Pt-1
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Ljung-Box Q(18)
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
2978.793 4.325 .000b
Standardized Coefficients
-.472 -3.329
-.179 -1.837
-.114 -1.062
.316 2.884
The coefficient on PC_Lagged (θ) is < 0, suggesting model stability (Koop, 2013, 172). There is strong
evidence (p = 0.001) that lagged pool construction has a significant influence on the change in pool
construction which confirmed the stationarity of the transformed series (θ is not 0 so ϕ in 3c is <1).
Fig.12 lends intuitive support to series stationarity.
The evidence for lagged changes in pool
construction was only borderline (p =0.069). However, for lagged alterations in economic activity
(∆GDPt-1) the evidence is strong (p = 0.005) that upswings influence subsequent pool construction.
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Figure 12: Forecasting result generated by transformed pool construction ADL modelling of time series (3d)
The study also ran an Error Correction Model (ECM) (3e) that used previous departures from fitted
estimates to adjust pool construction. The diagnostics in Table 7 suggest there is strong evidence
(p=0.003) of error correction (reversion to mean) but lagged changes in GDP only have a borderline
influence on construction (p = 0.075), naturally only detectable through its standardised coefficient so
if GDP grew by one SD then, the following year, pool construction would rise by around 15%.
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Table 7: Error correction model ∆PC = (Constant), et-1, ∆GDPt-1, ∆Pt-1, ∆PCt-1 (3e)
R Square
Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Std. Error
6.548 .000b
A limitation of ECM modelling was that Engle Granger cointegration tests were not conducted to
mitigate against spurious regression (Koop 2013). Durbin-Watson statistic is 2.018 within acceptable
1.5 and 2.5 limits, intimated that residuals were uncorrelated and reasonable DV predictors. However,
PP plots and scatterplots (not illustrated) showed that residuals ‘funnelled’ and or fell systematically
as ∆PC increases. This flags some modelling issues, probably related to the increased dispersion of
construction activity over time, as indicated by the Fig. 13.scatterpolot.
Figure 13: Scatterplot of revised ECM, illustrating series stationarity but temporal variance dispersion
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Figure 14: ECM modelling (3e), illustrating indicative need to ramp up bathing facilities construction to return
to equilibrium
All three times series models project an increase in pool construction which lends support to H2A of
an increased pool construction need. For RQ2 then, current levels of swimming pool construction
appear inadequate.
Nomothetic conclusion
The cross-sectional statistical analysis (3a) refuted the null hypothesis that pool density has no
influence on deaths (H10: β5 = 0). The study thereby, answered its first question in the affirmative
that the geospatial distribution of swimming facilities is associated with health.
Given the
acknowledged limitations of the pools data, the results are only preliminary. For the times series
modelling, recent construction fluctuations and the time series forecasts (3c-e) are indicative of policy
flux and lend qualified support to a moderate and targeted increase in pool construction, subject to
appropriate evaluation and planning approval. However, statistical results need careful consideration.
The Vietnamese War provides perhaps the most telling example of ‘data dictatorship’ that spawned
misguided policy. Notoriously, Robert McNamara, America’s secretary of defence (1961 - 1968),
infamously relied on body bag counts and other statistical metrics to evaluate the operational
‘performance’ of US forces. He neither considered metric gaming by generals nor the patriotic ardour
of his Vietnamese enemies (Cukier & Mayer-Schönberger, 2013). To mitigate the risk of statistical
myopia and enrich its policy insights for RQ3, the study also considered some idiosyncratic swimming
pool case studies.
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Idiographic case studies
Following traditions of inter and transdisciplinary research at different levels of abstraction
(Baumgärtner et al., 2008), the study identified three idiosyncratic bathing facilities for investigation.
A formal case study survey to bridge the nomothetic-idiographic divide was not attempted (see e.g.
Larsson, 1993) but the case studies triangulated evidence and generated some useful preliminary
insights. The three cases included English metropolitan (Bromley) and regional (Cirencester) sites and
an overseas facility (Ludenscheid, Germany). The comparative case study research integrated visits,
recollections, online information or requested documentation to sketch geographical context and
pool facilities development or management issues.
Bromley is a prosperous South East London borough with 331,002 residents (ONS, 2018) and one of
the highest UK retail spends. In 2017, its gross disposable household income (GDHI) per head
exceeded the national average by 45.2%. In that year, GDHI income in the Borough grew at 2.4%,
compared to the UK’s lacklustre 1% (ONS, 2020). Bromley’s economy is comparable to that of Reading
and is fuelled by easy rail access to London (Victoria and Charring Cross) or the continent. ‘Old money’
is crystallised in pockets of residential housing wealth (e.g. Chislehurst and Keston) but much ‘new
money’ is incubated in the Borough’s substantive office (335,000m2) or retail spaces (Ramidus
Consulting, 2017). 41% of local jobs are in financial services (e.g. selling insurance), although their
usefulness and pandemic resilience remains uncertain. Under the commercial froth, the Borough’s
record in the public health sphere is mixed. Although, the second stated objective of its Core Strategy
is ‘a health infrastructure to support people in living longer, healthier lives’ (Bromley 2020, 2.02),
preliminary analysis suggests pool scarcity. The Council’s web site (04/04/2020) listed 7 public bathing
facilities which implies 47,286 people share each pool (see Caracalla’s baths above for indicative
capacity comparison). The discrepancy between the 36 (public and private) pools logged on SE (2020)
database and the seven accessible facilities illuminates pool data quality issues noted earlier in data
section and subsequently acknowledged in the study’s limitations.
In 1925, Southlands Road Lido opened on Bromley Common, at that time a relatively sparsely built-on
precinct. For decades, the open air pool provided a healthy outlet for children in London’s burgeoning
south eastern suburb (Ideal Homes, 2020). In June 1983, the Conservative council decided to close
the lido and sold the land to Holme’s Place (HP) private health club (Bromley 1983). Subsequently,
the ownership structure of HP went through various permutations, involving the Virgin group,
presumably linked to tax or other vagaries of global capitalism. Planning records are Spartan and
consider mainly car parking or vehicular access provision (ibid.). Curiously, SE database record of this
facility (Site ID: 1000344) fails to reveal the site’s heritage, community health contribution or public
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asset origin and only list it as a Virgin Active Club. The stealthy takeover of Southlands Road Lido by a
Virgin subsidiary looks and feels like accumulation by dispossession (Harvey 2005, 2007; Das, 2017).
Presumably, Harvey would consider HP/Virgin group a predatory privatisation vehicles that leverages
private equity to expropriate public assets. Instead of a public sporting milieu for needy children, the
lido premises now gratifies the narcissistic impulses of a global elite so they can ‘live longer, happier
and more balanced lives’ (HP website, 2020). In relation RQ3 on policy learning, this case study (4a)
accentuates rather than subdues pool phronesis concerns. Having considered a metropolitan bathing
case, the study turned its attention to an English regional one 90 miles west of the capital.
Administratively, Cirencester sits within the Cotswold District Council (CDC) – a local government tier.
In 49AD, Publius Scapula (AD 15 – 52) constructed a fort on a limestone outcrop for two quingenary
alae (~1000 auxiliary horsemen) to defend the Fosse Way from Caratacus (AD 15-54) and oversee the
Dobunni tribesmen at Bagendon, three miles north (RCHME, 1976). Subsequently, probably for both
logistical and cultural reasons, the Romans built Corinium on the floodplain between Thames
tributaries (Daglingworth Brook and the Churn). Generally, the market town thrived except during
the Civil War (1642–1651) when loyalties were sharply divided.
Nowadays, the settlement’s
population is 20,780 (OCSI, 2018) but 17% have a limiting long-term illness (ibid.).
Although, CDC notional pool availability is above the English average (1.68 vs. 1.07 per 10,000
residents), as with Bromley, many are private facilities. Sports England (2020) data lists 10 CDC pools
(as detailed in Table 8). In fact, in CDC, only 3 pools seem accessible to the general public (47% of CDC
total bathing space).
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Table 8: Bathing facilities within Cotswold District Council, indicating access restrictions
Site Name
Year Built
Ownership Type
Public Access?
Bourton Leisure Centre
Commercial Management
Calcot Manor Spa
Cirencester Leisure Centre
Commercial Management
Cirencester Open Air Pool
Chipping Campden
Commercial Management
Fire Service College Leisure Club
National Star College
Sixth Form Centre
Northleach Primary School
Rendcomb College
Independent School
Westonbirt Leisure Centre
Independent School
TOTAL (available to pubic)
Currently, the Cotswold Leisure Centre in Cirencester is operated by Everyone Active, an entity owned
by Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM). SLM is a private limited Company registered in 1987
based in Hinckley, Leicestershire which, in turn is controlled by Castle View Ventures (CVV). SLM
manages over 190 UK centres across the UK in partnership with over 60 local authorities. Over its
2018-19 financial year, SLM turnover grew by almost 20% with profits up by 23.3% (Companies House
2020). In the year to 2019, SLM return on capital employed (ROCE) 5 was 43.2 % and its cash grew
from £35m to over £41m. In 2019, it paid dividends of £10m, presumably to CVV and its three principle
Scottish-based investors. The limited due diligence suggests unprecedented profits accruing to a small
group of privileged investors and seems to accord with a narrative of dispossession.
Lüdenscheid is a regional German settlement in North Rhine-Westphalia south of Dortmund with a
population of around 70,000. It is located on a watershed between two Ruhr tributaries. Originally a
member of the Hanseatic League, its economy was founded on metal ore mining and component
manufacturing. In fact, in 1898 the aluminium framework of the first Zeppelin airship was built in
Lüdenscheid. As a provincial town, its industrial base is more diversified and its population ~3.3X larger
Defined as Operating Profit in 2019/ (Total assets − Current liabilities in 2018)
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than Cirencester’s. The Familienbad Nattenberg Lüdenscheid (FNL) is a 25m indoor lap poor with 70m
long slide, conservatory, and outdoor diving and leisure pools. Its translucent foil roof and sliding side
walls flood rooms with natural light and give unrestricted views over and summertime access to
greenery (see Fig. 15). Hygienically, ventilation and natural lighting is desirable.
Figure 15: Familienbad Nattenberg Lüdenscheid illustrating quality local bathing facilities (Source: Franz van
Stephoudt GmbH & Co. KG Bauunternehmung).
FNL illustrates a well-designed bathing facility, fit for community health purpose in a regional German
Case study conclusion
The idiographic case studies illustrate bathing facility idiosyncratic complexity in diverse geographical
settings but seem to confirm a narrative of relative English underinvestment, although it is
acknowledged that the study is preliminary and further cases would strengthen assurance. The
exemplary German facility contrasted with mismatch between English health rhetoric and facilities
liquidation (Bromley) or outsourcing and semi-privatisation (Cotswolds). Arguably, in the Cotswolds,
Table 8 hints at Dickensian health exclusion with less than a half CDC’s bathing resources apparently
actually accessible to the public. The contrast with ancient Rome seems marked. Marcus Aurelius
intimates that he, albeit reluctantly, rubbed shoulders with the hoi palloi (οἱ πολλοί). Notwithstanding
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their somewhat anecdotal selection and limited coverage, the three case studies bring interpretivist
insights that seem to reinforce statistical concerns about English health phronesis.
The study had a number of limitations that future health and sports facilities research could address.
For the literature review (2), the study did not incorporate modified Downs & Black (1998) criteria to
restrict diversity and perhaps enable a meta-analysis. Another study limitation concerned the
heterogeneous pool data with diverse facilities in disparate states of repair and varied access or
ownership structures (3b). Future pool phronesis research needs to, first, audit the geospatial
integrity of pool data for locales, partnerships and local delivery pilots and, subsequently, tighten pool
quality criteria to screen out small or private facilities. Better, rather than communal cross-sectional
analysis of excess deaths, future research should involve individual-level personal panel data analysis
(Sloggett & Joshi 1994). For time series (3c-e), an independent expert audit of modelling would be
useful. The study’s three idiographic case studies limited generalisability (4a-c). Improvements
involve expanding sampling, replacing anecdotal with formal sampling or tightening thematic analysis
to improve trustworthiness (Nowell et al., 2017).
The study investigated the impact of pools on health and their construction history in England. It used
an interdisciplinary mixed methods and phronetic research approach with four main lines of inquiry
(five phases including synthesis with two nested empirical stages). First, the research identified the
health and bathing infrastructure issue and outlined the English chronic obesity epidemic, underlying
the current COVID-19 epidemiological one (1). A contextual and structured literature review (2)
expounded the pools historical background and provided a salutary reminder of Rome’s aquatic
achievements, notwithstanding its slave economy (2a). The structured literature review confirmed the
intuition that sports facilities are associated with public health (2b). Ministerial rhetoric aside, in
comparison with the situation in antiquity, public bathing provision in England seems inadequate for
health flourishing or eu̯ daemonía (εὐδαιμονία). The study then conducted nomothetic (3) and
idiosyncratic (4) primary research to investigate three questions. First, a cross-sectional analysis found
that deprivation, obesity but also swimming facilities density significantly influenced mortality in
English locales (3a & b). Subsequent time series statistical analysis of 120 years of English swimming
pool construction activity from 1900 found infrastructure provision increasingly erratic and
inadequate for health needs (3c-e). Finally, for insight and policy learning, the study enriched its
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nomothetic enquiry lines with idiosyncratic, interpretive research involving three swimming pool case
studies (4). The case studies illustrated complexity and contrasted unsatisfactory English public asset
management with, seemingly, more enlightened overseas provision. Arguably, the Bromley and
Cirencester examples suggest, if not ‘sabotage’ or ‘legalized seizure’ by errant firms, then ‘manoeuvres
of deviation’ or ‘pecuniary operations’ (Veblen, 1919 pp. 34-36). At the very least it seems, council
managerialist myopia or central government austerity impoverished community health εὐδαιμονία.
While the initial study withholds scientific judgement on ‘accumulation by dispossession’ its findings
suggest preventative public health ecosystem weakness or deficiencies in planning φρόνησις
Notwithstanding its limitations, the preliminary analysis feeds into a growing consensus for dialogue
and reflection for socio-economic and health system re-calibration. To help resolve complex health
policy issues Funtowicz and Ravetz (I991) advocate ‘post-normal science’. For Munda (2004, 2008)
Social Multi Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) provides a useful framework to structure and analyse
multidimensional public health issues. SMCE is effectively a structured phronetic or praxis-based
approach that helps navigate contentious, high stakes or urgent problems. The COVID crisis illustrates
how phronesis could provide a platform for scientific, social and economic policy deliberations
(Petersén and Olsson, 2015). For public health, social, ecological or urban problems in a complex
doughnut economy (Raworth, 2017), phronesis can generate ethical and workable solutions that
overcome paradigm incommensurability, asymmetries of power, social and cultural constraints.
Eventual fruits of multi-dimensional political engagement to ‘level up’ could include green
infrastructure (cycle ways, trams etc.) or bathing and other appropriate sports facilities. As a quid pro
quo for subsidies, funding models may need to temper short-term and unevenly-distributed
commercial proclivities against considerations of spatial justice and community preventative health.
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Franz van Stephoudt GmbH & Co. KG Bauunternehmung for Figure 15 photo of Familienbad
Nattenberg Lüdenscheid
Associate Professor Alun Owen and Dr Jia Shao at Sigma, Coventry University
Autoregressive distributed lag
Holme’s Place Private Health Clubs
Access To Healthy Assets And Hazards
Independent Variables
Active Places Power (Sports England)
Local Government Area
MAPE Mean Absolute Percent Error
Bayesian Information Criterion
Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
Office For National Statistics
Bank Of England
Principal Components Analysis
Body Mass Index
The Root Mean Square Error
Cotswold District Council
Return On Capital Employed
Consumer Data Research Centre
Standard Deviation
Castle View Ventures
Sports England
Dicky Fuller Test
Standard Error
Dependent Variable
Shapiro-Wilk Test
Error Correction Model
Sports And Leisure Management Ltd.
Gross Disposable Household Income
Variance Inflation Factors
Familienbad Nattenberg Lüdenscheid
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