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    •   69  
      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipSpiritual Leadership
Bu kitap; duygusal ve davranışsal bozukluklara sahip öğrenciler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen sınıf öğretmenleri, özel eğitim öğretmenleri ve alanda çalışan uzmanlar için hazırlanmış giriş niteliğinde bir uygulama kitabıdır. Her bir... more
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    •   255  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
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    •   259  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
Ünlü eğitim psikoloğu Robert Slavin'in Eğitim Psikolojisi kitabının onuncu baskısı, kuramı uygulamaya aktarma konusunda önemli bir eksikliği gidermekte ve öğretmenlerin sınıfta ihtiyaç duyabilecekleri alanlarda uygulayabilecekleri... more
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    •   262  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychology
Uzmanlar, klinisyenler ve araştırmacılar, yeme bozukluklarının duygusal düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı vakalarda Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin etkin olacağı konusunda hemfikirdi. Alanda yapılan pek çok adaptasyon çalışması olmasına... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyClinical Psychology
Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük... more
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    •   260  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyClinical Psychology
This paper discusses the effect of two leadership styles, namely: transformational and bureaucratic styles of leadership as practiced by head teachers on the quality of support supervision they offer primary teachers in Mid-western... more
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    •   20  
      Teaching and LearningEducational LeadershipTeacher EducationLeadership
This 40-day invitation to a transformative reading of a biblical text puts into play what I call "The 5 Rs of Transformative Bible Reading—Read, Reflect, Respond, Remember, Record". Especially meaningful during Lent, but a worthy exercise... more
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    •   20  
      ReligionTransformative LearningReligious EducationContemporary Spirituality
Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S., Paskova, T., & Buhalis, D. (2020). Emotional intelligence: a competitive advantage for tourism and hospitality managers. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-13. The purpose... more
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    •   15  
      ManagementTourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism Management
Toplumsal etkileşimin olduğu her yerde, anlaşmazlıkların olması doğal ve kaçınılmazdır. Kişiler, gruplar ve toplumlar arası anlaşmazlıklar; doğru bir biçimde yönetildiğinde gelişimin, ilerlemenin, dönüşümün, barışın ve bütünleşmenin hem... more
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    •   261  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyInformation Technology
Emotional Intelligence has become an increasingly popular construct in diverse business environments besides being used as a measure for identifying potentially effective leaders. The present paper attempts to examine multivariate... more
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    •   2  
      Emotional intelligenceEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
Esta presentación fue la base de mi ponencia magistral inaugural durante la Semana de la Evaluación en el Estado de Puebla, México. Aborda los grandes retos del momento, aspectos clave de la situación de América Latina hacia el futuro,... more
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    •   6  
      Monitoring And EvaluationEvaluationTransformational LeadershipEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
Tüm yaşamımız duygu ve düşüncelerimiz tarafından yönetilmektedir. Çoğumuz ağırlıkla gerçeğin farkına varmadan yaşadığımızdan düşünce becerilerimizi geliştirmeyi önemsemeyiz. Ancak düşünme, eğitim, psikoloji ve daha birçok alandaki bilim... more
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    •   263  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryManagementPsychology
Abstract: This study explores the leadership actions-oriented behavior of school principals in Finland. Actions-orientated behavior enables the leader to appropriately articulate relations and task orientation to meet the immediate... more
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    •   166  
      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
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    •   270  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
The aim of the present study is to examine the emotional intelligence which is studied under five dimensions, i.e. Self-Awareness, Managing Emotions, Motivating oneself, Empathy and Social Skills. The present study was carried out on 139... more
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    •   4  
      Organizational BehaviorEmotional LabourStress ManagementEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
The study has analyzed and compared emotional intelligence training on high school students' conflict resolution, empathy and leadership skills.
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    •   7  
      Emotional intelligenceEmotional Intelligence (Psychology)Emotional Intelligence Transformational LeadershipEffect of Emotional Intelligence on Academic Achievement
This article presents a theoretical review based in one of the emerging new leadership models: emotional leadership; likewise, the impact of exercising this style of leadership in Spanish educational institutions. These effects are in the... more
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    •   5  
      Coaching (Education)EducaciónEmotional Intelligence Transformational LeadershipEducational Institutions
Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. Know Yourself is increasing self-awareness. It is... more
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    •   10  
      Emotional intelligenceMusical IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence Transformational LeadershipInterpersonal Intelligence
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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    •   255  
      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
Anksiyete; kaygı veya başka bir deyişle endişe insanların deneyimlediği bir korku ve gerilim halidir. Bazı görüşlere göre yaşanan iç çatışmaların sonucudur. Bazılarına göre ise öğrenilmiş davranışlardır. Denetim dışına çıkıp kişinin... more
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    •   261  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychology
These 7 Laws of Wealth Attraction are the secrets to success that the rich don’t want you to know.
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    •   20  
      Emotional intelligenceDepressionSuccession LawPersonal Development
It is the premise of this paper to show that if the collective consciousness shifts towards Love, then Love/God will prescribe our Reality. Love's truth says that we are creatures bound together, unique, and interdependent, collectively... more
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    •   20  
      ChristianityTheologyPhilosophical AnthropologyCollective Intelligence
Емоционалната интелигентност (ЕИ) представлява комплексна интегралност от способности, поведения и ценности, която по своята същност e градивен елемент на успешната реализация на личността, в условия на предоставените й възможности. Като... more
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    •   3  
      Higher EducationEmotional intelligenceEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
This second article of a three-part series describes a methodology framework for educator preparation programs and professional development promoting embedded SEL/TEI in practice and pedagogy.
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    •   11  
      Organizational BehaviorTeacher EducationAppreciative InquiryHigher Education
Bu kitap, girişimci olarak yeni bir işe başlayan ya da girişimci olup işlerini sistemli ve stratejik olarak büyütmek isteyen kişilere girişimciliğin tüm yönlerini kapsayan pratik bir rehberdir. Özellikle 21. yüzyılda girişimciliğin... more
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    •   266  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
Bu kitapla ilk seanstan son seansa kadar, yardım ilşikisini yapılandırmanın yollarını gösteren bir haritaya sahip olacaksınız. Kitap boyunca ilişki kurma konusunda ilişkinin yapısını ve danışmanlık sürecini; anlama konusunda problemi... more
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      ManagementPsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
This research project seeks to design, develop and test the acceptability of the innovative e-learning management system in transforming the traditional methods into Information Communication and Technology (ICT) based approach. Also, to... more
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    •   6  
      Artificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyBusiness AnalyticsEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
İnsanoğlunun hayat serüveninde belki de en fazla zorlandığı evre ergenlik evresidir çünkü bu evrede yavaş yavaş çocukluktan çıkıp yetişkinliğe geçiş yapmakta olan bir birey, artık ne çocuktur ne de tam anlamıyla bir yetişkindir. Bu evre... more
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    •   269  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
This paper is a synopsis of the results, findings and insights learned from a UNDP-supported project on "Leveraging Best Practices" among 100+ community-based sustainable development projects in the Philippines
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    •   32  
      Social SciencesKnowledge ManagementProject ManagementEmotional intelligence
La inteligencia emocional y el liderazgo dentro de las organizaciones.
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    • Emotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
Danışmanlar ve yardımcılar kimlerdir? Temel danışmanlık becerileri nelerdir? Yardım etme süreci nasıl işler? Alandaki etik meseleler ve ikilemler nelerdir? Çok kültürlü ve cinsiyete duyarlı yardım nasıl olmalıdır? Tüm bu sorulara... more
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    •   256  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyPsychological Assessment
Dunia pendidikan kini saban hari mengalami pelbagai perubahan sejajar dengan reformasi bagi melahirkan generasi minda kelas pertama. Seiring dengan perubahan-perubahan yang berlaku ini, turut mendesak perubahan dalam gaya kepimpinan guru... more
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    •   4  
      INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIPEmotional Intelligence Transformational LeadershipSchool Education, School Choice, Education PolicyTransformational Learning Theory
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    •   140  
      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyEmotion
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    •   102  
      Creative WritingSociologyPsychologyClinical Psychology
Appreciative inquiry is an important framework for guiding positive change. What has been missing is the critical analysis of AI to determine impacts on organizations' espoused values. The purpose of this bounded case study was to explore... more
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    •   3  
      Social-Emotional LearningEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadershipphenomenon of shift in Appreciative Inquiry
This study empirically examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment of the employees. Data were collected from 100 employees working for a Public Sector Undertaking in India, who were selected by... more
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      Emotional intelligenceOrganizational Behaviour, Emotional IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
Abstract: The secondary schools bursary fund was introduced in 1993/1994 financial year to enhance access, ensure retention and reduce the disparities and inequalities in provision of secondary education in Kenya. Decentralization... more
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    •   6  
      Transformative LearningEducational measurement/assessmentEmotional Intelligence Transformational LeadershipAssessment of Student Learning Outcomes, Educational Research
This power point presentation is a  summary of the main ideas presented in the book The Eight Habit for  Stephen R.Covey,
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    • Emotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
Updated CV
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    •   8  
      Educational LeadershipLeadershipGlobal LeadershipLeadership Development
“Liderazgo es el proceso de inducir a la acción voluntaria a otros en la persecución de una meta común”
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    •   208  
      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipSpiritual Leadership
How to Improve Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
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    • Emotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
O presente trabalho visa a analisar como é que se dá, no dia a dia das atividades de regentes corais profissionais, a aplicação de habilidades de liderança e, principalmente, apontar como coralistas amadores avaliam seus maestros... more
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    •   8  
      ConductingChoral ConductingEmotional intelligenceEmotional Intelligence (Psychology)
In this study, the effects of peace educaiton through improving emotional intelligence have been examined for effective leadership in the secondary schools of Istanbul.....
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    •   264  
      Creative WritingManagementMarketingManagement Information Systems
Mitler, bazı gizemli olayların neden gerçekleştiğini açıklamak veya nasıl davranmamız ve düşünmemiz gerektiğini doğrulamak amacıyla ortaya çıkan ve nesilden nesile aktarılan hikâyelerdir. Kültürler, etraflarındaki dünyayı açıklamak için... more
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    •   264  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychology
There is minimal empirical evidence to show the cognitive perception and regulation of emotions are a fundamental prerequisite for successful outcomes in business administration. Furthermore, there is a lack of empirical evidence on what... more
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    •   12  
      Emotional intelligenceEmotional LabourResearch ParadigmEmotion Regulation
Good communication skill in the English language is a necessity for graduates in a second language learning environment to ensure that they can secure employment upon graduation. To be successful communicators, learners must be able to... more
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    •   6  
      Emotional intelligenceEmotional Intelligence (Psychology)Communication SkillsEmotional Intelligence Transformational Leadership
In the context of changes or decreasing quality of life at school and at work (violence, incivilities, stress, anxiety, depression, burn out, pressure, bullying..), research on Education with its dialectic links between learning and... more
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    •   3  
      Emotional intelligenceEmotional Intelligence Transformational LeadershipEmotional capital