10 Years of legally binding EU fundamental rights | New Europe
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PUBLISHED 07:28 JUNE 27, 2019
While it cannot be denied that the transparency and the perspective of people worki
institutions are regularly broadening for the better, it is also true that ‘institutionalise
expected as a result of the values expressed in the EU Fundamental Rights Charter,
after becoming a legally binding instrument, is far from ideal.
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10 Years of legally binding EU fundamental rights | New Europe
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This is definitely the case as regards the rights associated with freedom of religion o
non-discrimination based on religious affiliation.
One of the significant improvements in the exercise of the Charter in that field was t
designation of a Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief – though it is notable
Special Envoy’s mandate excludes any responsibility or authority to look within the E
Member States with regard to their application of the rights developed in the Charte
both the UN Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Religion and Beliefs Ahmed Shahee
Figel, a Special Envoy for Promotion of Freedom of Religion outside the EU appointe
president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, have already stated
interventions that the EU should be consistent with its policies, both internally and e
At the Faith and Freedom Summit event on 2 April in the EU Parliament, Figel said, e
credibility that the EU needs is “to show coherence in external and internal policy”.
This also brings us to what the EU’s principal instruments are for dialogue with belief
communities and institutions, which is Article 17 of the TFEU and which states that t
respects all philosophical and non-confessional organisations equally and that it “sha
an open, transparent, and regular dialogue with these churches and organisations”.
The guidelines, however, for doing so are very vague and open to arbitrary interpret
application of who and what they dialogue with and about. This has a negative effect
with minorities and needs to be remedied at once.
Humanists have also voiced their concern about this lack of transparency, recently co
leaked report from a senior Member of the European Parliament that proposed to giv
groups more control and input into EU legislation.
What is of particular concern is that if the Commission and other bodies of the Europ
institutions favour dialogue with the main religious groups such as KEK and COMECE
good in itself, but keep at a minimum dialogue with other minorities, this might, on t
hand, reflect a certain proportionality of the population but on the other hand it does
the principle of equal opportunity and treatment of minorities who have valid input a
contribution to European society.
Whilst there is a valid argument that proportionality should grant larger groups more
believe that new and minority groups, including the humanists or the Muslims, are n
received on the same terms as “traditionally established” religions of the EU. I also b
“openness” of dialogue that both the Parliament and the Commission are meant to p
not that accessible to smaller groups, contrary to what their tasks oblige them to do
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10 Years of legally binding EU fundamental rights | New Europe
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the EU Fundamental Rights Charter preaches.
I feel the above could be because some officials may feel that interacting with certai
‘disfavoured’ groups – unlisted, yet somehow known as such through the administra
culture – would leave them prone to the threat of the “will I lose my job?” syndrome
syndrome, whilst not acceptable can be understood to exist in a climate where a kin
discrimination exists.
More trust and personal abidance with the EU Charter and the ECHR would increase
integrity and courage, resulting in a far more equitable application of fundamental ri
Europe, even if less so than before, still has this bad habit of not practising what it p
course, or at least I believe, life in Europe is generally freer and more benign than in
areas of the world and provides more opportunities for people to live a life with the h
achieving freedom according to their own ways of living.
Considering the history of Europe, however, and the role it plays around the world, I
believe the current stasis is not enough because discrimination is still happening, be
‘selective religious correctness’ happens to be more important than defending the rig
certain minority groups; when the photo [or avoided photo] opportunity becomes m
important than practising the dignity, freedoms, equality, solidarity, citizens’ rights, a
proclaimed by the European Charter that are enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon.
No politician, no administrator, no head of state, nor a person of any religion, belief,
ideology should ever dare to discriminate against any person or group based on relig
affiliation, in the same way, we must not discriminate as based on gender, sexual ori
ethnicity, etc. We should not allow it. They won’t dare, or at least won’t succeed if w
together. They will have to either join groups that promote, defend, and protect thes
fundamental rights, or we will have to resign to their discriminatory and unjust agen
Will you fight alone for the rights of your own group? Will you fight with a small sele
abiding just by the selective religiously correct? Or will you defend dignity, freedoms
solidarity, citizens’ rights, and justice for all?
I know that truth even if fought, always prevails. I know that sooner or later the valu
Charter will become closer to the fact. How fast we get there, will depend on how de
our response is to the above questions and how fast we all make the choice we know
one. The choice and the speed will also reflect, positively or otherwise, on the numb
months or years of unneeded and unjustified suffering.
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10 Years of legally binding EU fundamental rights | New Europe
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If we chose rights, equality, and justice for all, we will be together on the side of the
Fundamental Rights Charter. If you believe your answer needs a review, then I belie
is good timing to do so. It is my wish that soon children in the streets and schools w
of the Europe that we are building together and in which they learn and live what is
‘European values’ – free from any discrimination and knowing that the same principl
true inside the EU institutions.
This content is part of the ‘Religious Freedom’ section supported (https://www.newe
/supported-content/) by the Faith and Freedom Summit Coalition
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