Nick Norelli
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Journal Articles ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Seminar Papers .................................................................................................................................................19
Books .................................................................................................................................................................25
Ecclesiastes 12:12 in the KJV says in part,
spending countless hours compiling this list of resources I’m convinced that the author had in mind
works about or related to the doctrine of the Trinity! This bibliography (presently in its third
edition) is a compilation of materials that I have found (or hope to find) useful over the years in my
study of the doctrine of the Trinity. It goes without saying that I don’t agree with everything written
in the various resources listed here, but even in my disagreement I have never once failed to grow in
my knowledge and understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity, even if all I gained was a realization
of what not to believe.
This list is by no means exhaustive; in fact it doesn’t even exhaust all that I have available to
me at present. I have chosen not to include certain materials that I’ve acquired over the years
through various internet searches and downloads due to their not providing the necessary
bibliographic information to allow me to cite them properly, or in some cases at all. I don’t believe
that their non5inclusion in any way takes away from the overall usefulness of this bibliography. This
list is an eclectic one, ranging from journal articles to societal paper presentations, from doctoral
dissertations to monographs, from popular level to academic books, all of which cover a broad
spectrum of Trinitarian thought. There’s a decent mix of Biblical studies, Systematic theology,
Biblical theology, Philosophical theology (or Theological philosophy), Patristic theology,
Christology, and Church History in these articles/papers/dissertations/books.
While not all of the works listed deal with the doctrine of the Trinity directly, they are related
to what I would consider cognate fields of research. So e.g., you will find plenty of material on
Jewish monotheism as well as Christology, with a special focus on texts related to the preexistence
and Incarnation of Christ. If I’ve come across a resource that addresses a key Christological or
Trinitarian text in the Bible (e.g., John 1:1518; Phil. 2:6511; etc.), then I have included it. But
whatever the focus of the particular work cited, I’m confident that you’ll be able to find something
that you haven’t previously encountered.
There’s no doubt that there are works missing from this list that you’ll feel should be
included, and for this I apologize in advance. Some obvious omissions are those of various patristic
writers (e.g., Athanasius; Gregory Nazianzen; Augustine; et al.) but there is what I’d consider an
obvious reason for this; rather than list the myriads of writings from the fathers on the Trinity (and
they’re almost all in some way related to the Trinity!), I’ve opted to simply list the popular sets that
contain these works (e.g.,
series 1 & 2). I’ve also opted not to cite particular articles or
essays in dictionaries or collected works for the sake of brevity (and my sanity!), but instead have
listed the work as a whole (e.g.,
). At some point in the future, as time allows, I will mine these resources for
all of the most relevant articles/entries and update this list accordingly.
If you would like to see something else included on this list then please email me
(prophetnick77@aol.com) with the reference (full bibliographic information is preferable) and I will
update the bibliography accordingly.
If you locate any errata (e.g., spelling errors; incorrect
publisher; year/place of publication; etc.) then please point it out to me and I will make the
necessary corrections. I thank you in advance for taking part in making this bibliography the best it
can possibly be. I leave you with the Apostle Paul’s Trinitarian benediction from 2 Corinthians
Vs. 14 in (N)KJV, NASB, (T)NIV, RSV, et al.
Abrams, Daniel. “The Boundaries of Divine Ontology: The Inclusion and Exclusion of Metatron in
the Godhead.”
- ( , 87/3 (1994): 2915321.
Anatolios, Khaled. “Yes and No: Reflections on Lewis Ayres,
- ( , 100/2 (2007): 153558.
# !
Anderson, James. “In Defence of Mystery: A Reply to Dale Tuggy.” 145563.
41/2 (2005):
Anderson, Paul N. “The Having5Sent5Me Father: Aspects of Agency, Encounter, and Irony in the
Johannine Father5Son Relationship.” $
85 (1999): 33557.
Armstrong, A. H. “The Plotinian Doctrine of ΝΟΥΣ in Patristic Theology.” .
(1954): 134538.
Awad, Najeeb G. “Between Subordination and Koinonia: Toward a New Reading of the
Cappadocian Theology.” /
23/2 (2007): 1815204.
Ayres, Lewis. “Athanasius' Initial Defense of the Term ὉOοούσιος: Rereading the De Decretis.”
12/ 3 (2004): 337559.
––––––. “Nicaea and Its Legacy: An Introduction.”
––––––. “The Question of Orthodoxy.” %
- ( , 100/2 (2007): 141544.
14/4 (2006): 395598.
––––––. “‘Remember That You Are Catholic’ (Serm. 52.2): Augustine on the Unity of the Triune
God.” %
8/1 (2000): 39582.
––––––. “A Response to the Critics of
# !
- ( , 100/2 (2007):
Bacon, Hannah. “What's Right with the Trinity? Thinking the Trinity in Relation to Irigaray's
Notions of Self5love and Wonder.”
15/2 (2007): 220535.
Bacon, Theodore D. “Practical Aspects of the Doctrine of the Trinity.”
16/4 (1912): 528541.
Barnard, L. W. “The Antecedents of Arius.” .
24/3 (1970): 172588.
Barnes, Michel René. “Augustine in Contemporary Trinitarian Theology.”
Barrow, G. A. “The Christian Experience of the Trinity.”
56 (1995):
12/4 (1908):
Barton, George A. “On the Jewish5Christian Doctrine of the Pre5Existence of the Messiah.” %
21/1 (1902): 78591.
Bateman, Herbert W., IV. “Psalm 45:657 and Its Christological Contributions to Hebrews.”
22/1 (2001): 3521.
Beatrice, Pier Franco. “The Word ‘Homoousios’ from Hellenism to Christianity.” &
71/2 (2002): 243572.
Beckman, Patricia. “Swimming in the Trinity: Mechthild of Magdeburg's Dynamic Play.” $
4/1 (2004): 60577.
Beckwith, Roger. “The Calvinist Doctrine of the Trinity.” &
115/4 (2001): 308515.
Behr, John. “The Pascal Foundation of Christian Theology.” $ .
(2001): 115536.
––––––. “Reponse to Ayres: The Legacies of Nicaea, East and West.”
100/2 (2007): 145552.
––––––. “The Trinitarian Being of the Church.” $ .
Behr, John and Khaled Anatolios. “Final Reflections.”
-( ,
48/1 (2003): 67588.
- ( , 100/2 (2007):
Bickmore, Barry R. “Of Simplicity, Oversimplification, and Monotheism.”
(2003): 215558.
-/$ - ( , 15/1
Bird, Michael and Robert Shillaker, “Subordination in the Trinity and Gender Roles: A Response to
Recent Discussion.”
29/2 (2008): 267583.
Block, Daniel I. “How Many is God? An Investigation into the Meaning of Deuteronomy 6:455.”
47/2 (2004): 1935212.
Bockmuehl, Markus. “‘The Form of God’ (Phil. 2:6): Variations in a Theme of Jewish Mysticism.”
48 (1997): 1523.
Bowman, Robert M., Jr. “Jesus Christ, God Manifest: Titus 2:13 Revisited.” %
51/4 (2008): 733552.
Box, G. H. “The Idea of Intermediation in Jewish Theology: A Note on Memra and Shekinah.”
%, 2
- ( , 23/2 (1932): 103519.
Boyarin, Daniel. “The Gospel of the /
: Jewish Binitarianism and the Prologue to John.”
- ( , 94/3 (2001): 243584.
Bradshaw, David. “The Concept of the Divine Energies.”
18/1 (2006): 935120.
Bray, Gerald. “The Double Procession of the Holy Spirit in Evangelical Theology Today: Do We
Still Need It?” %
41/3 (1998): 415526.
––––––. “The
4 Clause in History and Theology.”
34 (1983): 915144.
Brower, Jeffrey E. and Michael C. Rea. “Understanding the Trinity.” !
8/1 (2005): 145557.
Bychkov, Oleg V. “What Does Beauty Have to Do With the Trinity?: From Augustine to Duns
66 (2008): 1975212.
Byrne, Brendan. “Christ’s Pre5Existence in Pauline Soteriology.”
58 (1997): 308530.
Cary, Phillip. “The New Evangelical Subordinationism: Reading Inequality into the Trinity.”
20/4 (2006): 42545.
Carpenter, Mark. “A Synopsis of the Development of Trinitarian Thought from the First Century.”
26/2 (2005): 2935319.
Casey, Robert P. “Clement of Alexandria and the Beginnings of Christian Platonism.”
- ( , 18/1 (1925): 395101.
Chapman, Mark D. “The Social Doctrine of the Trinity: Some Problems.”
83/2 (2001): 239554.
-( ,
Chia, Roland. “Trinity and Ontology: Colin Gunton’s Ecclesiology.” #
9/4 (2007): 452568.
Christie, Francis A. “The Significance of the Nicene Creed: A Reply to Professor Faulkner.”
14/2 (1910): 266571.
Coakley, Sarah. “Introduction: Disputed Questions in Patristic Trinitarianism.”
- ( , 100/2 (2007): 125538.
Coffey, David “The Roman ‘Clarification’ of the Doctrine of the Filioque.” #
5/1 (2003): 3517.
Coffey, David M. “A Trinitarian Response to Issues Raised by Peter Phan.”
(2008): 852574.
Collins, Adela Yarbro. “Psalms, Philippians 2:6511, and the Origins of Christology.”
11/354 (2003): 361572.
Cowan, Christopher. “The Father and the Son in the Fourth Gospel: Johannine Subordination
Revisted.” %
49/1 (2006): 115535.
Crawford, H. Toy. “The Triumph of Yahwism.” %
24/2 (1905): 915106.
Cross, Richard. “Divine Monarchy in Gregory of Nazianzus.” %
(2006): 105516.
––––––. “2
? On What Precisely Augustine Professes Not to Understand in
- ( , 100/2 (2007): 215532.
––––––. “Two Models of the Trinity?.”
5 and
43/3 (2002): 275‐94.
Crump, David. “Re5examining the Johannine Trinity: Perichoresis or Deification?” $
59/4 (2006): 3955412.
Curtiss, Samuel Ives. “The Transformation of Local Divinities into Gods.”
(1903): 7516.
D’Angelo, Mary Rose. “Intimating Deity in the Gospel of John: Theological Language and ‘Father’
in ‘Prayers of Jesus’.” $
85 (1999): 59582.
Del Colle, Ralph. “Oneness and Trinity: A Preliminary Proposal for Dialogue With Oneness
Pentecostalism.” %
10 (1997): 855110.
––––––. “Trinity and Temporality: A Pentecostal/Charismatic Perspective.” %
8 (1996): 995113.
Dibble, Charles L. “The Nicene Idea of God.”
52/3 (1918): 240547.
Dragas, George Dion. “The Incarnation and the Holy Trinity: An Introduction to the Theme.”
- ( , 43/154 (1998): 257580.
Drever, Matthew. “The Self Before God? Rethining Augustine’s Trinitarian Thought.”
- ( , 100/2 (2007): 233542.
Drilling, Peter. “The Psychological Analogy of the Trinity: Augustine, Aquinas, and Lonergan.” #
71 (2006): 320537.
Drown, Edward S. “The Growth of the Incarnation.”
Dulles, Avery. “The
4 : What Is at Stake?” &
- ( , 7/4 (1914): 507525.
59/152 (1995): 31547.
Edwards, M. J. “The Arian Heresy and the Oration to the Saints.” .
49/4 (1995):
––––––. “Clement of Alexadnria and His Doctrine of the Logos.” .
54/2 (2000):
Eriksson, Stefan. “The Resurrection and the Incarnation: Myths, Facts or What?” $
55/2 (2001): 129544.
Flett, John G. “In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: A Critical Reflection on the
Trinitarian Theologies of Religion of S. Mark Heim and Gavin D’Costa.” #
10/1 (2008): 73590.
Ford, Lewis. “Process Trinitarian.” %
Freeman, Charles. “Threefold Mystery.”
43/2 (1975): 1995213.
58/2 (2008): 22524.
Friedman, Russell L. “Divergent Traditions in Later5Medieval Trinitarian Theology: Relations,
Emanations, and the Use of Philosophical Psychology, 125051325.” $
(1999): 13525.
Gamberini, Paolo. “Incarnation at the Crossroad: The Doctrine of the Pre5existence of Jesus Christ
in Dialogue with Judaism and Islam.” #
73 (2008):995112.
––––––. “‘Subsistit’ in Ecumenical Ecclesiology: J. Ratzinger and E. Jüngel.” #
72 (2007): 61573.
Gathercole, Simon. Pre5existence, and the Freedom of the Son in Creation and Redemption: An
Exposition in Dialogue with Robert Jenson.” #
(2005): 38551.
Gieschen, Charles A. “The Divine Name in Ante5Nicene Christology.” .
(2003): 115558.
Giles, Kevin. “The Doctrine of the Trinity and Subordinationism.” 0(
(2004): 270584.
-( ,
––––––. “The Father and the Son Divided or Undivided in Power and Authority?” 1520. Cited 15
Mar. 2009. Online:
Gomes, Alan W. “Some Observations on the Theological Method of Faustus Socinus (153951604).”
70/1 (2008): 49571.
Green, Brad. “The Protomodern Augustine? Colin Gunton and the Failure of Augustine.”
9/3 (2007): 328541.
Groppe, Elizabeth T. “Catherine Mowry LaCugna's Contribution to Trinitarian Theology.”
63/4 (2002): 730562.
Gunton, Colin. “The God of Jesus Christ.”
54/3 (1997): 325534.
Haanes, Vidar L. “Christological Themes in Luther’s Theology.” $
Haas, Christopher. “The Arians of Alexandria.” .
61/1 (2007): 21546.
47/3 (1993): 234545.
Habets, Myk. “Spirit Christology: Seeing in Stereo.” %
11/2 (2003): 1995
Hall, Jason. “A Review of Jesus and the Father: Modern Evangelicals Reinvent the Doctrine of the
Trinity by Kevin Giles.” %
12/1 (2007): 32539.
Hallman, Joseph M. “The Mistake of Thomas Aquinas and the Trinity of A. N. Whitehead.” %
70/1 (1990): 36547.
Hanson, R. P. C. “Basil’s Doctrine of Tradition in Relation to the Holy Spirit.” .
22/4 (1968): 241555.
––––––. “The Source and Significance of the Fourth ‘Oratio contra Arianos’ Attributed to
Athanasius.” .
42/3 (1988): 257566.
Harris, Murray J. “The Translation of Elohim in Psalm 45:758.”
35 (1984): 65589.
Haugaard, William P. “Arius: Twice a Heretic? Arius and the Human Soul of Jesus Christ.” &
29/3 (1960): 251563.
Hayman, Peter. “Monotheism: A Misused Word in Jewish Studies?” %
(1991): 1515.
Hector, Kevin W. “God’s Triunity and Self5Determination: A Conversation with Karl Barth, Bruce
McCormack, and Paul Molnar.” #
7/3 (2005): 246561.
Helm, Paul. “Of God, and of the Holy Trinity: A Response to Dr. Beckwith.” &
(2001): 350557.
Helmer, Christine. “God from Eternity to Eternity: Luther’s Trinitarian Understanding.”
- ( , 96/2 (2003): 127546.
Hennessy, Kristin. “An Answer to de Régnon’s Accusers: Why We Should Not Speak of ‘His’
- ( , 100/2 (2007): 179597.
Hocart, A. M. “The Origin of Monotheism.”
33/3 (1922): 182593.
Holmes, Stephen R.. “Three Versus One? Some Problems of Social Trinitarianism.” %
3/1 (2009): 77589.
Hoover, Roy W. “The Harpagmos Enigma: A Philological Solution.”
(1971): 955119.
- ( , 64/1
Horrell, J. Scott. “In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Constructing a Trinitarian
Worldview.” Cited 16 Oct. 2007. Online: http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=246.
––––––. “Toward A Biblical Biblical Model of the Social Trinity: Avoiding Equivocation of Nature
and Order.” %
47/3 (2004): 3995421.
Hunsinger, George. “Robert Jenson’s Systematic Theology: A Review Essay.” $
55/2 (2002): 1615200.
Hunt, Anne. “Apostle of the Indwelling Trinity: Elizabeth of the Trinity OCD.” #
73 (2008): 60572.
––––––. “Psychological Analogy and Pschal Mystery in Trinitarian Theology.”
(1998): 1975218.
Hurtado, Larry W. “First5Century Jewish Monotheism.” %
(1998): 3526.
––––––. “Homage to the Historical Jesus and Early Christian Devotion.” %
1/2 (2003): 131546.
––––––. “New Testament Christology: A Critique of Bousset’s Influence.”
(1979): 306517.
––––––. “The Origin of the Nomina Sacra: A Proposal.” %
––––––. “Pre570 CE Jewish Opposition to Christ5Devotion.” %
117/4 (1998):
50 (1999):
Jacobs, Nathan. “On 'Not Three Gods'55Again: Can a Primary5Secondary Substance Reading of
Ousia and Hypostasis Avoid Tritheism?.” /
24/3 (2008): 331558.
Jensen, Robin Margaret. “The Economy of the Trinity at the Creation of Adam and Eve.” %
7/4 (1999): 527546.
Jenson, Robert W. “The Bible and the Trinity.”
––––––. “The Hidden and Triune God.” #
11/3 (2002): 329539.
2/1 (2000): 5512.
Jones, John N. “The Status of the Trinity in Dionysian Thought.” %
Jowers, Dennis W. “Divine Unity and the Economy of Salvation in the
- ( , 60/2 (2001): 68584.
80/4 (2000): 6455
of Augustine.”
––––––. “An Exposition and Critique of Karl Rahner's Axiom: ‘The Economic Trinity
Immanent Trinity and Vice Versa’.” / 8
15/2 (2004): 1655200.
––––––. “The Meaning of ΜΟΡΦΗ in Philippians 2:657.” %
49/4 (2006): 739566.
––––––. “The Reproach of Modalism: A Difficulty for Karl Barth’s Doctrine of the Trinity.” $
56/2 (2003): 231546.
––––––. “A Test of Karl Rahner's Axiom, ‘The Economic Trinity
70/3 (2006): 421555.
the Immanent Trinity and Vice
––––––. “The Theology of the Cross as Theology of the Trinity: A Critique of Jürgen Moltmann’s
Staurocentric Trinitarianism.”
52/2 (2001): 245566.
Juel, Donald H. “The Trinity and the New Testament.”
54/3 (1997): 312524.
Kaiser, Christopher B. “The Incarnation and the Trinity: Two Doctrines Rooted in the Offices of
Christ.” )
- ( , 43/154 (1998): 221555.
Kalberg, Stephen. “Max Weber’s Analysis of the Rise of Monotheism: A Reconstruction.”
45/4 (1994): 563583.
Kazen, Thomas. “The Christology of Early Christian Practice.” %
(2008): 5915614.
Keener, Craig S. “Is Subordination Within the Trinity Really Heresy? A Study of John 5:18 in
20/1 (1999): 39551.
Kilby, Karen. “Aquinas, the Trinity and the Limits of Understanding.” #
7/4 (2005): 414527.
Knuuttila, Simo and Risto Saarinen. “Luther's Trinitarian Theology and its Medieval Background.”
53/1 (1999): 3512.
Kovach, Stephen D. “Egalitarians Revamp Doctrine of the Trinity: Bilezikian, Grenz and the
Kroegers Deny Eternal Subordination of the Son.” & /5 , 2/1 (1996): 1, 355.
Kovach, Stephen D. and Peter R. Schemm, Jr. “A Defense of the Doctrine of the Eternal
Subordination of the Son.” %
42/3 (1999): 461576.
Kuehn, Evan F. “The Johannine Logic of Augustine’s Trinity: A Dogmatic Sketch.”
68/3 (2007): 572594.
Lake, Kirsopp. “The Apostles’ Creed.”
- ( , 17/2 (1924): 173583.
LaCugna, Catherine Mowry. “The Baptismal Formula, Feminist Objections, and Trinitarian
Theology.” %
26/2 (1989): 235550.
Le Boutillier, Cornelia. “The Doctrine of the Trinity: An indispensable Norm.” %
23/1 (1943): 33542.
Lee, Dorothy Ann. “The Symbol of Divine Fatherhood.” $
85 (1999): 177587.
Leithart, Peter J. “‘Framing’ Sacramental Theology: Trinity and Symbol.” 5
62/1 (2000): 1516.
––––––. “Supplement at the Origin: Trinity, Eschatology and History.” #
6/4 (2004): 369583.
Letham, Robert. “The Trinity: Yesterday, Today and the Future.”
28/1 (2002): 26536.
Lienhard, Joseph T. “The ‘Arian’ Controversy: Some Categories Reconsidered.”
48/3 (1987): 4155436.
––––––. “Ps5Athanasius, Contra Sabellianos, and Basil of Caesarea, Contra Sabellianos et Arium et
Anomoeos: Analysis and Comparison.” .
40/4 (1986): 365589.
Link, Christian. “Incarnation and Creation: interpreting the World through the Theology of the
- ( , 43/154 (1998): 327538
Loos, Andreas. “Divine Action and the Trinity: A Brief Exploration of the Grounds of Trinitarian
Speech about God in the Theology of Adolf Schlatter.” #
4/3 (2002): 255577.
MacArthur, John. “Reexamining the Eternal Sonship of Christ.” %
6/1 (2001): 21523.
Marshall, I. Howard. “The Christ5Hymn in Philppians 2:5511.”
19 (1968): 1045107.
––––––. “The Development of Christology in the Early Church.”
Martinich, A. P. “Identity and the Trinity.”
18 (1967): 77593.
58/2 (1978): 169581.
McDonald, H. D. “Development and Christology.” . 7 0(
9 (1975): 5527.
McDougall, Joy Ann. “The Return of Trinitarian Praxis? Moltmann on the Trinity and the Christian
Life.” %
83/2 (2003): 1775203.
McGowan, Andrew. “Tertuliian and the ‘Heretical’ Origins of the ‘Orthodox’ Trinity.” %
14/4 (2006): 437557.
McGrath, James and Jerry Truex. “‘Two Powers’ and Early Jewish and Christian Monotheism.”
4/1 (2004): 43571.
McIntosh, Esther. “The Possibility of a Gender5Transcendent God: Taking Macmurray Forward.”
15/2 (2007): 236555.
Meconi, David V. “Deification in the Thought of John Paul II.” #
71 (2006):
Meek, Theophile James. “Monotheism and the Religion of Israel.” %
(1942): 21543.
Meyer, John R. “God’s Trinitarian Substance in Athanasian Theology.” $
59/1 (2006): 81597.
Middleton, R. D. “Logos and Shekinah in the Fourth Gospel.” % ,
(1938): 101533.
- ( , 29/2
Milbank, John. “History of the One God.”
38/4 (1997): 3715400.
Min, Anselm K. “The Dialectic of Divine Love: Pannenberg’s Hegelian Trinitarianism.” #
6/3 (2004): 252566.
Molnar, Paul D. “Incarnation, Resurrection and the Doctrine of the Trinity: A Comparison of
Thomas F. Torrance and Roger Haight.” #
5/2 (2003):
––––––. “The Trinity, Election and God’s Ontological Freedom: A Response to Kevin W. Hector.”
8/3 (2006): 2945306.
Moore, George Foot. “Intermediaries in Jewish Theology: Memra, Shekinah, Metatron.”
- ( , 15/1 (1922): 41585.
Nathan, N. M. L. “Jewish Monotheism and the Christian God.” -
42/1 (2006): 75585.
Newheart, Michael Willett. “The Sould of the Father and the Son: A Psychological (Yet Playful and
Poetic) Approach to the Father5Son Language in the Fourth Gospel.” $
85 (1999): 1555
Ngien, Dennis K. P. “The
4 Clause in the Teaching of Anselm of Canterbury – Part 1.”
118/2 (2004): 105522.
––––––. “The
4 Clause in the Teaching of Anselm of Canterbury – Part 2.” &
(2004): 219534.
Nielsen, Jesper Tang. “The Secondness of the Fourth Gospel: A Peircean Reading.” $
60/2 (2006): 123544.
Nilsson, Martin P. “The High God and the Mediator.”
- ( , 56/2 (1963): 101520.
O’Conner, Kathleen Malone. “The Islamic Jesus: Messiahhood and Human Divinity in African
American Muslim Exegesis.” %
66/3 (1998): 4935532.
O’Day, Gail R. “‘Show Us the Father, and We will be Satisfied’ (John 14:8).” $
Pakkala, Juha. “The Monotheism of the Deuteronomistic History.” $
21/2 (2007): 159578.
85 (1999): 11517.
Pelikan, Jaroslav. “Montanism and Its Trinitarian Significance.” &
25/2 (1956): 995109.
Peri, Chiara. “The Construction of Biblical Monotheism: An Unfinished Task.” $
19/1 (2005): 135542.
Perkins, Pheme. “Jesus: God’s Wisdom.” 5
7/3 (1987): 273580.
Pfeiffer, Robert H. “The Dual Origin of Hebrew Monotheism.” %
(1927): 1935206.
Phillips, Benjamin B. “Method Mistake: An Analysis of the Charge of Arianism in Complementarian
Discussions of the Trinity.” %
13/1 (2008): 42547.
Purcell, Michael. “Leashing God with Levinas: Tracing a Trinity with Levinas”
(1999): 301518.
Rainbow, Paul A. “Jewish Monotheism as the Matrix for New Testament Christology: A Review
Article.” (
33/1 (1991): 78591.
––––––. “Orthodox Trinitarianism and Evangelical Feminism.” 1512. Cited 15 Mar. 2009. Online:
Raith, Charles D., II. “Resourcing the Fathers? A Critical Analysis of Catherine Mowry LaCugna's
Appropriation of the Trinitarian Theology of the Cappadocian Fathers.” #
10/3 (2008): 267584.
Rasuer, Randall. “Logos and Logoi Ensarkos: Christology and a Problem of Perception.” #
5/2 (2003): 133546.
––––––. “Rahner’s Rule: An Emporer witout Clothes?” #
(2005): 81594.
Reid, Jasper. “The Trinitarian Metaphysics of Jonathan Edwards and Nicolas Malebranche.”
43/2 (2002): 152569.
Reinhartz, Adele. “‘And the Word was Begotten’” Divine Epigenesis in the Gospel of John.” $
85 (1999): 835103.
––––––. “Introduction: ‘Father’ as Metaphor in the Fourth Gospel.” $
85 (1999): 1510.
Richardson, Canon R. D. “The Doctrine of the Trinity: Its Development, Difficulties and Value.”
- ( , 36/2 (1943): 109534.
Ringe, Sharon H. “Reading Back, Reading Forward.” $
85 (1999): 189594.
Robertson, David G. “Stoic and Aristotelian Notions of Substance in Basil of Caesarea.” .
52/4 (1998): 3935417.
Rowe, C. Kavin. “Luke and the Trinity: An Essay in Ecclesial Biblical Theology.” $
56/1 (2003): 1526.
Schemm, Peter R. “Kevin Giles’s
7/2 (2002): 67578.
: A Review Article.” %
––––––. “Trinitarian Perspectives on Gender Roles.” %
(2001): 13520.
Schwöbel, Christoph. “Radical Monotheism and the Trinity.”
43 (2001): 54574.
––––––. “The Trinity Between Athens and Jerusalem.” %
: $
3/1 (2009): 22541.
Scott, Mark S. M. “God as Person: Karl Barth and Karl Rahner on Divine and Human
Personhood.” $
25/2 (2006): 161590.
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