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2021, Henry of Blois: New Interpretations, ed. W. Kynan-Wilson and J. M. Munns
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Hameara publishing, Israel, 2023
Two thousand years of interpretation and two hundred years of research have clarified every word and every statement in the Bible, fueled by the desire to elucidate the birth of Israel and the singularity of its beliefs. Have we reached a satisfying level of understanding today? This book answers in the negative. It shows that the original identity of the God of Israel became gradually obfuscated throughout the second temple period, and that it is so far from the current concepts that ignoring it prevents us to elucidate the mystery of the emergence of the nation of Israel. The book is based on a renewed analysis of the biblical texts and new archaeological findings. It reveals the original identity of YHWH as a god close to the people of Cain (the Kenites), a group of copper metalworkers originating from Sinai, Arabah and the Negev. It also reveals that the ancient Israelite religion emerged from the transformation of the esoteric Yahwistic traditions of these Kenite metalworkers into the official religion of an entire people. Through this perspective, the birth of Israel becomes the expression of a movement of liberation unique in the history of mankind, which extended in all kinds of ways its message in the whole world, until this very day.
This paper presents a brief theoretical review on deep neural network architectures, deep learning procedures, as well assome of its possible applications. The paper focuses on the most common networks structures: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Deep Belief Network (DBN) and Stacked Auto-encoders (SA). The building blocks which enabled the construction of deeper networkssuch as Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) and softmax activation functions, convolution filters, restricted Boltzmann machines and autoencoders, are explained in the beginning and middle sections of the paper. A few examples of hybrid systems are also presented at the last sections of the paper. The paper concludes with some considerations on the state-of-art work and on the possible future applications enabled by deep neural networks.
This thesis is a contribution to recent debates on the labour theory of value (LTV). It builds upon two distinctive features of the LTV; first, the categories used in the inquiry are historically determined modes of existence of capitalist social relations; second, it rejects equilibrium as the organizing principle of the investigation. Six issues are analysed in the light of these elements and the previous literature. First, the relationship between dialectical logic and the LTV is addressed through an evaluation of the 'new dialectics'. This approach to Marx's method understands the LTV as a systematic dialectical theory, whose aim is the reconstruction in thought of the main characteristics of capitalism. Second, the relationship between labour and value is assessed through the real processes that determine value and price, the normalization, synchronization and homogenization (NSH) of labour. Three well-known views of the LTV are assessed in this light; the tradition...
A B R I L D E L 2 0 0 2 ÍNDICE Contenidos Pag.
In recent decades, textile industrial sectors are getting increasing interest worldwide in global contest due to the diverse and changing world market conditions in terms of price, design, ease of handling, durability, and product safety. The increasing ecological and health concerns related to the use of large amounts of dyes (Synthetic as well as natural) in textile industries to counter the growing demands of people lead to the design, development and establishment of new dyeing strategies; and technologies in addition of reducing the load of effluents in wastewaters. Textile industrial sectors and its associated wastewaters have become an increasing cause of main sources of severe pollution worldwide. The effluents produced from these textile wet processing industries are very diverse in chemical composition, ranging from inorganic finishing agents, surfactants, chlorine compounds, salts, total phosphate to polymers and organic products. Most of the techniques used for removal of dye effluents from wastewaters were physico-chemical methods which are costly and cause an accumulation of concentrated sludge. Hence there is need to develop alternative treatments plans and strategies that are are cost effective and environmentally benign. In this paper authors review the advancements in eco-friendly and sustainable technologies used for minimizing the negative environmental impact of wastewater from textile sectors by biological and combination systems.
Acercarse a la vida y la obra de un poeta de los albores del s. XVII no es tarea fácil, cuánto menos si hablamos de nuestro espacio antártico. A las formas vitales y poéticas que nos separan se añaden, en nuestro esfuerzo de acercamiento, las categorías espaciales y literarias heredadas de los siglos XIX y XX que, muchas veces, nos empeñamos en imponer al siglo XVII. El objetivo de esta charla es compartir los métodos y procedimientos que se han seguido en pos de una nueva biografía de nuestro poeta y en la elaboración de una edición anotada de su Primera parte del Parnaso de Obras amatorias.
List of Abbreviations v Introduction 1 Analysing Sir John Malcolm as an ideologue of the British empire 16 Structure and aims of the thesis 21 Chapter One: Sir John Malcolm and the British Empire in India 26 Chapter Two: The Political History of India and the creation of an historiography of imperial conquest Acting in History: "Send Malcolm!" The political context for the Sketch of the Political History of India The Sketch of the Political History of India as a book 79 Conclusion 96 Chapter Three: Sir John Malcolm and the History of Modern Asia 99 The Literary Society of Bombay, orientalism and information-gathering 100 The Sketch of the Sikhs The History of Persia Sir John Malcolm and Orientalism during the Napoleonic Wars Conclusion
Antiquité vivante, 2023
Our knowledge of the Seleucid Empire has grown immensely during the last century, yet the largest Hellenistic state remains somewhat elusive. The debate on the fundamentals of its organization, ideology and character is still ongoing. One of the more eccentric attempts to force the issue was that of the renowned American historian and epigraphist Charles Edson, who argued that a solution could be found in works of late, Roman-era authors, since the state of the contemporary sources is allegedly so dire that "no coherent picture of the empire emerges". This assumption led Edson to rely overwhelmingly on the Epitome Historiarum Pompeii Trogi by Justin, a late abbreviation and a rewrite of the world history of Pompeus Trogus, a 1 st century BC Latin historian. Edson's conclusion was that Justin's text reflects the official Seleucid usage, proving, furthermore, that the Seleucid Empire was not a typical dynastic monarchy of the Hellenistic age, but essentially the old Macedonian kingdom replanted in Asia. Edson's thesis was mostly ignored and rejected by scholars, but the issue of Justin's terminology remains. Why does this late epitomator use expressions such as "Macedonicum Imperium" and "Macedonum reges" to describe Seleucids in some parts of his work? Is it simply because the dynasty was of Macedonian descent, or is there more to it? This paper examines terminology utilized by Trogus/Justin to describe Macedonian imperialism and, more specifically, the Seleucid state and rulers, in order to understand the concepts and intentions behind the words.
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