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Date: __26/4/2020__________________________________ Caseworker code: ______F35__________________________________________________________ Instructions: The purpose of Safety planning is to help survivors stay as safe as possible from the people who are abusing them and to find ways to minimize the harm done by abusers by identifying ways to escape, ways to avoid harm, and places she can run for safety. In cases of extreme or immediate danger, the response officer/case worker should notify her manager for additional assistance. Remember: The safety plan has to be realistic and it has to come from the Survivor herself. She knows more than anyone her situation and what strategies she can implement and what strategies she cannot. Your role is simply to guide her in identifying key information and resources that are available to her and together come up with the plan.
El diseño de este curso y la organización de sus contenidos cumple con los criterios de la declaración de Bolonia, que tiene como ejes fundamentales el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la adquisición no sólo de conocimientos, sino también, y fundamentalmente, de destrezas. Esta adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha permitido basar la metodología docente del curso en clases magistrales (CM), las clases prácticas de aula (PA), las clases prácticas del Centro de Cálculo (PO), los seminarios (S) y los talleres (TA). Cada una de estas clases conlleva una hora de trabajo presencial. Con respecto a las horas no presenciales por cada clase recibida, es decir de tiempo de trabajo no presencial del alumno, las equivalencias son las siguientes: cada clase magistral implica una hora de trabajo no presencial del alumno, mientras que cada clase práctica de aula, práctica de laboratorio informático, de taller o de seminario implica dos horas de trabajo no presencial del alumno. Este curso conlleva 50 horas de trabajo presencial y 70 horas de trabajo no presencial. Tiene asignados 5 créditos ECTS. En este curso cada tipo de docencia tiene las siguientes características:
Philosophical Explorations, 2010
In both psychology and philosophy, cognitive theories of emotion have met with increasing opposition from theorists who emphasize bodily feelings. Yet this apparent controversy is not so much a gridlock between antithetical stances as a critical debate in which each side is being forced to qualify its position in order to accommodate the other side of the story. Here, I attempt to sort out some disagreements between cognitivism and its opponents, adjudicating some disputes while showing that others are merely superficial.
Lately, first implementation approaches of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies penetrate industrial value-adding processes. Within this, the competence requirements for employees are changing. Employees' organization, process, and interaction competences are of crucial importance in this new IoT environment, however, in students and vocational training not sufficiently considered yet. On the other hand, conventional learning factories evolve and transform to digital learning factories. Nevertheless, the integration of IoT technology and its usage for training in digital learning factories has been largely neglected thus far. Existing learning factories do not explicitly and properly consider IoT technology, which leads to deficiencies regarding an appropriate development of employees' Industrial IoT competences. The goal of this contribution is to point out a didactic concept that enables development and training of these new demanded competences by using an IoT laboratory. For this purpose, a design science approach is applied. The result of this contribution is a didactic concept for the development of Industrial IoT competences in an IoT laboratory.
In this paper, a detailed analysis of servant leadership in the evangelical church is explored. Realizing that there is much diversity regarding leadership patterns, an examination of servant leadership is essential for impacting the lost and bringing about spiritual change in the church. It is paramount to consider servant leadership as clearly exemplified by Jesus Himself. This document addresses the necessity of servant leadership in the pastoral role as demonstrated by Jesus. This type of leadership needs to be restored to the church. In order for the church to be productive, it is imperative for senior pastors to adopt the role of servanthood. The approach toward research focuses on scholarly and secondary works, with two 10-question surveys involving pastors and church members. The exploration of this topic will result in a renewed passion for ministry and church leadership through the implementation of biblical theology.
В статье подробно рассмотрен процесс эвакуации немецкого населения оккупированных районов Ленинградской области зимой — весной 1942 г. Основное внимание уделено планированию, организации и осуществлению этой акции германскими властями на занятых территориях. Разрастание масштабов гуманитарной катастрофы в захваченном регионе, а также интенсивные боевые действия вынудили командование 18-й армии вермахта приступить к поэтапным эвакуациям гражданского населения из прифронтовой зоны в конце осени 1941 г. Эти мероприятия также затронули представителей немецкой национальности и членов их семей, находившихся под покровительством местных оккупационных властей. С января по апрель 1942 г. из предместий Ленинграда и ряда населенных пунктов области проходила эвакуация этнических немцев. Данный контингент в количестве 3749 чел. временно был размещен в лагерях на территории рейхсгау Данциг — Западная Пруссия. Переселенцы из Ленинградской области стали первым и наиболее многочисленным немецким контингентом, который в организованном порядке был вывезен из прифронтовых территорий в начале 1942 г. за пределы СССР. Несмотря на декларированные заявления о заботе над соплеменниками, отношение властей Германии к этническим немцам из СССР имело в значительной степени утилитарный характер. Прибывшие в Рейх переселенцы рассматривались прежде всего как ресурс для германизации аннексированных польских территорий. Этнические немцы с точки зрения национал-социалистической идеологии не считались однородной общностью. Ценность каждого из них должна была определяться в ходе проверочных процедур.
This project is a web based shopping system for an existing shop.
El autor del presente trabajo desea agradecer a todas las personas que directa e indirectamente contribuyeron a la realización del mismo: A todo el cuerpo docente de la carrera de Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas (Universidad Nacional del Centro) que supieron brindar lo mejor de su tiempo y su saber con el objetivo de formar científicos sociales de excelencia, a los compañeros de los distintos cursos que aportaron en no pocas ocasiones perspectivas constructivas y especialmente a la familia, amigos y afectos personales que sostienen y alientan a cada paso, sin los cuales este trabajo no hubiera podido plasmarse:
A Critique of the "Economic Constitution" Looking at the Transformations of Representative Democracy -The concept of "Economic Constitution" (Wirtschaftsverfassung) is highly controversial and closely related to different constitutional mindsets of representative democracy. Even though its roots can be traced back to the Weimar context, its use can hardly be considered politically neutral still today. Therefore, it must be analysed in a historical and comparative perspective. The aim is to highlight its different constitutional meanings, in particular in the Italian and German debates, to examine how they reflect on the functioning of representative democracy. More specifically, this paper deals with the debates on the concept of Wirtschaftsverfassung, which took place during the Twenties and the Thirties and after the Second World War. During the Seventies, some scholars, moving from a strong critique of representative democracy, tried to impose binding fiscal rules to limit public borrowing. This gave rise to the fundamental concept of "Fiscal Constitution". Considering the European integration process, this essay concludes with a proposal to use this concept to protect representative democracy.
Image result for cryogenic grinding Cryogenic grinding, also known as freezer milling, freezer grinding, and cryomilling, is the act of cooling or chilling a material and then reducing it into a small particle size.
Engineering Economics, 2015
La política de fronteras de Colombia ante las nuevas amenazas de seguridad y defensa , 2019
Legal Form A Forum for Marxist Analysis of Law, 2019
nguyen quang vinh, 1978
Pendas: jurnal ilmiah pendidikan dasar, 2022
Clinics of Surgery , 2023
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2022
Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 2015
The Literary Pearls: Journal of English Language and Literature, ISSN-2319-8001, VOL 11, U.G.C. Ref. No. 64201, 2023
Carolina Digital Repository (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2007
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2014
Social Movement Studies, 2019