Reading from the papers authored by Dr. Alexander Flor on the topics on Communication, Culture and the Collective Mind, as well as the best paper presented by Dr. Benjamina Flor on the topic Ten Countries One Nation, I had an amazing time and thought provoking experience discovering new things about ASEAN and the countries that makes it as a whole. To be honest I am very excited discovering why ASEAN nations including our own country the Philippines exist. During the entire time I took in studying both papers, indeed I learned a lot and as development communication student I find it very interesting and very helpful for me to push more and more discovering new concepts and applying it I the area of my study. To enumerate and discuss the lessons learned and its importance here are some of the main and important points I had.

UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES- Open University Faculty of Information and Communication Studies AY 2019-2020 2nd Semester DEVC 242 TMA 2: Learning Blog for Unit 2 Submitted by: Bethoven M. Filomeno Program: Masters in Dev Comm. Reading from the papers authored by Dr. Alexander Flor on the topics on Communication, Culture and the Collective Mind, as well as the best paper presented by Dr. Benjamina Flor on the topic Ten Countries One Nation, I had an amazing time and thought provoking experience discovering new things about ASEAN and the countries that makes it as a whole. To be honest I am very excited discovering why ASEAN nations including our own country the Philippines exist. During the entire time I took in studying both papers, indeed I learned a lot and as development communication student I find it very interesting and very helpful for me to push more and more discovering new concepts and applying it I the area of my study. To enumerate and discuss the lessons learned and its importance here are some of the main and important points I had. WHAT IS A COLLECTIVE MIND STATUS IN THE CONTEXT OF ASEAN? It was mentioned by Dr. Godwin Chu in his study on seven year seven country for the East and West Center Institute of Culture and Communication that history was a function that is directly defined by him as the “national character”. This concept was an open door to the creation of another idea of that Mind is molded by societal communication. True enough that this concept is the foundation of the study of Dr. Alexander Flor to give a clear direction towards the idea of ASEAN as a Collective Mind. But before I go to that final conclusion it is necessary for us to understand the underlying factors and concepts that will make it as a whole. As a given example, the European Union (EU) was created as a unification of a Collective Mind and one of the main factors in this unification is because of the common belief in their faith which is predominantly in Christian Faith. Looking at this scenario in the context of EU and comparing it to ASEAN, it is very different because countries that made up the ASEAN has at least three different Religious views. In this context, the bigger question of “Will ASEAN can attain a true Collective Mind”? The answer will be revealed as I continue to give my analysis on the situations presented on both papers. Another factor that I want to state is the concept of “Ideology differences” Focusing on this factor I can say that ASEAN countries has a wide range of focus on their unique ideologies such as fundamentalism, communism, authoritarianism and the concept of democracy. Having said that because of these different ideologies, a Collective Mind idea is on an edge of impossibility yet still possible on other factors. On my own personal perspective, even with these cases presented, ASEAN can still be considered as a Collective Mind. How and why? I believe that as we continue to pursue greatness as one ASEAN nation we should be open for change but not forgetting the foundation of each nation and still embracing their own historical, political , spiritual and cultural differences. Understanding the whole idea of the so called Collective Mind paired with other areas of studies such as Psychology we can clearly conclude that even with differences in some of these aspects, a united body of nation is still possible stating the famous quote “ Cogito, ergo sum” (“I think therefore I am”). Each country is unique on its own, and because of this unique features, this can be a way to lift others culture by learning from one another. PUTTING ASEAN IN THE PEDESTAL OF A COLLECTIVE MIND. The main vision of ASEAN is to have a one community and to have a common understanding of being a citizen of their own nation. This vision is to be carried out not only by the people in the higher ranks but most importantly the entire citizen and community must also be involved in targeting to reach the main goal. But the question is, are the members of the community especially those in grassroots know what really ASEAN is all about? Going back to the discussion of each ASEAN nation member countries uniqueness, it is also vital to understand that because of its differences, this can be a means to communicate towards the other nation and can bridge the gap of disparity in other aspects of lifestyle and living. A very significant concepts must be put into practice to be able for everyone to really understand and grasp the vision of ASEAN. The so called WIVS or also known as Worldview, Ideology, Values and Social Structures are vital in achieving the goal of one nation, one ASEAN. The concept of Worldview that no one should be left behind is such a powerful statement that everyone is part of a bigger group. Without a doubt citizens of each ASEAN nation must understand that we can build a unified bodies of nation if each one will be there to be included in the development, success and growth of the nation. The success of one nation is a success of other ASEAN nations. Another great body of knowledge in this attempt for a Collective Mind is the concept of Ideology. It is defined as the political views of a certain nation that makes it unique. Because of its political view other aspects such as the media industry takes part on a larger perspective of development. Media as a powerful platform in communication affects the way we live and the way we consume information. In this modern day time, each ASEAN nation has their way of consuming media and unique means to deliver it to the other nations as well. Influential people and influential means works hand in hand. Because of the ideology and political structures, even they have differences, still citizens can use this uniqueness to build a collective ideas. The next concept is the Values, this one is very important and defines who we really our as a citizen of a specific nation. Values are sets of beliefs about what is important, good or bad and what is wrong and what is right. Because of this, each ASEAN nations uniqueness stand out. Various traits and values mentioned in the paper was presented and revealed in very unique and creative way. I find it very interesting, and to be honest I had a lots of “AHA Moments” and really discovered new things about our neighboring ASEAN countries. Stating various category of values such as Power, Respect, Rectitude, Affection, Wealth, Well-Being, Skills and Enlightenment makes it more interesting because it really defines how we as ASEAN nation can be together even with differences. As a nation, each country embraces these categories of values in their own unique way. They live their lives founded with these values and makes them successful in every way. Lastly the concept of Social Structure. It is composed of social institutions of a community that makes up a nation. These group of people under the social structure creates a community that aims to be a success in their chosen fields. Given an example, a family that aims to make for a living. To provide for their children’s needs to be educated to become a successful member of the community in the future. Another example is the religious sector which aims to let its believer to live a life with the faith in God which is the supreme being of all. Looking at these social structures, a Collective Mind is indeed possible in the ASEAN context, by bearing in our minds that it is possible and it can be done. The WIVS can be seen to make or break the ASEAN integration of a Collective Mind. We as members of a bigger and larger community must embrace the notion of one nation, one ASEAN. We must put in our hearts and carve inside of it that just like other unions of nations we can be a success. Putting ASEAN in the great pedestal of a Collective Mind is indeed possible even with difference by embracing our uniqueness and using it to bridge the gap. It is happening now and will continue to soar to greatness. As the recent ASEAN games tagline says: WE WIN AS ONE and WE BUILD ASEAN NATION AS ONE.