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It is about juxtaposing science and Religion, faith and reason in a world of pandemic--a PPP.
This study focuses on the sources that create mental make-ups of different sets of people besides exploring the interface between their religious/ ethical beliefs and health problems. Three groups of people have been identified: a) those who govern themselves by the literal interpretation of the scriptures and try to adhere to it at the cost of their lives b) those who interpret the text by going beyond the literal meaning of the text to take advantage of the latest knowledge in the field of medicines c) those who do not allow any scriptural knowledge to interfere in their ways of life and thinking. The third group tries to out manoeuvre the other two by adopting various pressure tactics and showing little respect for their freedom of faith/ religion, right to self-determination, human rights and free-will. Such persons get perplexed during the times of crisis when the science/ technology does not offer any solution. It becomes problematic for them to live happily during the days of epidemics and pandemics as they have nothing to fall back upon to derive hope. The Hindus have had a traditional holistic life-pattern but in the modern nation-state that India is the Hindus are under tremendous pressure to change their ways in the name of rationality and science.
Conversation between science and religion, reason and faith in the wake of COVID-19.
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2021
India is a country of faith and has followers of various religions. Religion has always served the mankind and played a significant role of ointment for the soul and has demonstrated to be positively associated with better emotional health. Along with all other aspects of life, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected faith, religion and spirituality in different ways. Due to fast spread of virus, numerous restrictions on religious activities have been implemented. The same has impacted religion in various ways, including the cancellation of the worship services of various faiths, as well as the cancellation of pilgrimages, ceremonies and festivals etc. In this brief review, we have studied the relief works and role of religious institutions, congregations, and individuals in this pandemic. Present study also studied the strategically and innovative approaches for revealing ongoing changes to religion, along with the changes in people mindset towards ways of worship, God, religion, humani...
European Journal of Science and Theology, August 2022, Vol.18, No.4, 133-147, 2022
The urgency of understanding the pandemic has exponentially increased the circulation of information. The main directions of information transfer have been internal, that is within scholarly communities, and external, that is towards the public. The very manner in which scientific communication is produced has also changed. While the difficulty of finding practical solutions has often created a sense of mistrust, it has also led to the emergence of an image of scientific rationality as progressive, collective and capable of growth. This image of Science makes it possible to understand and distinguish the epistemic and ontological dimensions of scientific analysis. Theology can identify an attitude of epistemic humility that is conducive to a better understanding of the role of the human being in relation to nature and as the protagonist of history in collaboration with God.
This paper identifies and examines a Jain narrative that frames Jain tenets as being in line with some of the most impactful COVID-19 measures. It demonstrates how during the early stages of the pandemic (i.e., mid-March 2020 to January 2021), some Jains drew parallels between various Jain principles and the WHO guidelines, finding agreement, for instance, between the muhpattī (“face cloth”) and the public face mask and the dig-vrata (a Jain vow of restraint) and social distancing. This paper shows how some also viewed several unintentional consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (such as not being able to go shopping during the lockdown) as being in line with Jain practices (here the practice of aparigraha or non-possessiveness). By means of an analysis of two Jain writings on the WHO guidelines, I demonstrate how some Jains framed several COVID-19 measures within a distinctive Jain worldview. I argue that the equation of Jain practices with the WHO guidelines should be understood wi...
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented various responses in society. A number of individuals have believed in its existence and conducted health protocols properly, but there are also those who have done the opposite. During a pandemic, belief in science influences actions and responses in society. However, individuals often do not believe in scientific findings, such as the existence of the virus causing the COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2). A number of previous studies have often assumed that science is in conflict with religion. But is religion truly the opposite of science? This article aims to look at the role of belief in science in Indonesian society, in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is hoped to be read by various parties such as the general public, scientists, to policymakers. Furthermore, this article may help in understanding the position of science and religion under certain conditions, while also being able to examine the differences in responses that occur. In Ind...
Dialog, 2022
As the COVID-19 pandemic turns two how should those who feel like we have been responsible neighbors (kept our distance, worn our masks, availed ourselves to the vaccine) respond to those we feel have not been—and specifically toward those who have refused the vaccine as a sign of political loyalty? How might those of us tempted to react from anger cultivate an alternative response? This paper explores the texts of two religions traditions—Mahayana Buddhism’s Bodhicaryavatara and Christianity’s Gospel of John—searching for resources for a response other than anger and blame.
2nd International Theological Conference, 2021
Pada 11 Mac 2020, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) telah mengisytiharkan penyakit COVID-19 sebagai pandemik. Kita telah memerangi pandemik COVID-19 selama lebih kurang lapan belas bulan sehingga masa kini. Bagaimanakah rupanya dunia selepas pandemik COVID-19 nanti? Apakah peranan teologi Kristian dalam dunia yang telah menderita kerana pandemik COVID-19? Laura Spinney telah menerbitkan sebuah buku pada 2017 yang menceritakan impak pandemik Influenza Sepanyol 1918 kepada dunia. Pandemik Influenza Sepanyol pada 1918-1920 meninggalkan pelbagai kesan kepada manusia-sosial, ekonomi, politik, emosi peribadi, keraguan terhadap sains dan agama, dan sebagainya. Kesan-kesan seperti ini sudah dapat dilihat dalam dunia masa kini yang dilanda pandemik COVID-19, dan besar kemungkinannya akan berlanjutan pada tahun-tahun selepas pandemik COVID-19 nanti. Jadi, teologi Kristian mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk melayani dunia pasca-pandemik COVID-19 ini. Artikel ini mencadangkan bahawa teologi awam (public theology) yang merupakan satu cabang ilmu teologi yang merangkumi pelbagai bidang disiplin boleh memberi sumbangan dalam aspek ini. Merujuk kepada perbincangan Ted Peters (2018) mengenai fungsi teologi awam, artikel ini mengusulkan bahawa teologi-khususnya teologi awam-boleh memainkan peranan yang penting dalam dunia pasca-pandemik COVID-19 untuk menerangkan perkara-perkara yang susah difahami, menghiburkan orang yang menderita, menyatukan masyarakat yang berpecah belah, menegakkan keadilan sosial, dan menolong orang yang memerlukan bantuan. Sebagai penutup, diingatkan bahawa apa sahaja teologi yang dirumuskan untuk dunia pasca-pandemik COVID-19, ia sepatutnya dapat mewujudkan kesedaran baru terhadap Tuhan dan hasrat-Nya yang penuh kasih kurnia, sehingga manusia sejagat boleh menghayati Tuhan secara peribadi.
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