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2020, Muriel Blaive, “The Czech Museum of Communism: What National Narrative for the Past?”, in Stephen Norris (ed), Museums of Communism: New Memory Sites in Central and Eastern Europe, Indiana University Press, 2020, p. 219-245.
28 pages
1 file
The Bible Today, 2024
A short article on the chronology of David's reign.
Dr. Culpepper's article and then expanded on a related topic. This is the advantage of these contributions-they not only introduce the reader to the finer nuances of the debate, but also explore the wider field. Secondly, the contributors were asked to present their own views. The articles therefore do not only critically engage with Culpepper's views, but also offer alternative views, which obviously broaden the scope of these discussions. Dr. Culpepper then finally offers some concluding remarks in light of the discussions in the volume. The volume consists of three parts. There is firstly the prestige lecture by Dr. Culpepper itself. The next major part, "Part 1: Creation and Science," then reflects on creation, science, "Big history," in some cases in dialogue with some Biblical texts. This is followed by "Part 2: Creation Stories in Religion" which is divided into two sections, namely, "Section 1: Creation stories-Judaism, Buddhism, and African Religions," and "Section 2: John, creation and the kosmos." The purpose of section A is to get a wider scope of creation stories and in the case of the African religion's view it is also shown how these stories impacts on the culture and politics of the people adhering to it. In section 2 the focus shifts to different aspects of the Johannine creation story, which was also discussed by Dr. Culpepper. The wide scope of the different perspectives the contributors approach the issues with is a strength of this volume. However, theoretical tensions, the impact of differences in presuppositions and points of scientific departure, the role of different world views, and many other issues are tabled in this book, inviting the reader to think along in this difficult but nevertheless intriguing debate to which Dr. Culpepper invited us. Our thanks and appreciation go especially to Dr. Culpepper for his willingness to read the Radboud Prestige Lectures in New Testament in 2013, as well as for taking a leading part in developing this volume and co-editing it. We also want to thank the other contributors for their willingness to participate in this volume. Brill deserves special mention for their willingness to support and print the lecture series.
ILIRIA, 2021
The presented paper provides the first attempt at determining the origin of Albanian amber finds from the Bronze Age with scientific methods. The samples of amber artifacts assembled for the study represent the majority of the known Bronze Age contexts with amber in present-day Albania. The fourteen samples analyzed come exclusively from under-tumuli graves dated to the latter half of the 2nd millennium B.C., and from six different archaeological sites which are dispersed in three different parts of Albania: the southeastern, the north-central and the northeastern region. The outcome of conducted study offers a strong argument for Baltic/northern European provenience of the first ambers which reached the present territory of Albania at this period.
Educational privatization has received increasing scholarly attention in recent decades. In much of this work, educational privatization is viewed as the outcomes of certain government policies or as the result of the influences of education businesses in school systems. My study of one community in Cambodia builds on this work by focusing on the ways privatization has been enacted by individuals through their social relations: the situated practices of interactions and interrelations among them. In Cambodia, the history of social upheavals throughout the 20th Century, which resulted in a large share of education costs paid by households and international aid, provides an instructive arena for exploring the diverse ways in which individuals enact educational privatization. I begin by studying individuals through the method of portraiture. I situate six portraits of individuals, each of whom occupies a different role in society, in terms of the ways in which they are contextualized in time (through their biographies) and space (through their social relations). By focusing on each individual’s social relations within specific times and places, I extend the method of portraiture. The addition of the extended case study and the use of morphogenesis as an analytical approach to social change show the intersection between space, place, and time within each portrait. The combination of the multiple portraits creates a relational sense among the individuals, together constructing a portrait of Cambodia’s educational landscape in one specific location. I call this a landscape portrait. The landscape portrait combines Henri Lefebvre’s spatial triad — perceived, conceived, and lived spaces — with his concept of “lived time” to theorize educational privatization as a collection of processes and practices in everyday life. “Perceived spaces” are different situated practices of socio-economic processes by individuals who use and create space. I map these perceived spaces beyond mainstream schooling and include private places of education, such as fee-based private tutoring classes, NGO schools, churches, and pagodas. “Conceived spaces,” which are representations of space in the minds of individuals, consist of discursive knowledge related to neoliberalism, human capital theory, and the notion of progress, as well as ideas related to inequality, social injustice, and corruption. These ideological conceptions are represented in each individual’s ideal plan for education. “Lived spaces” emerge from perceived and conceived spaces, and help people make sense of their lives and choices through the promulgation of desires and myths. Across the six portraits, the desire for education is depicted as an individual endeavor where one must do anything and everything to obtain as much of it as possible. My work develops the literature on educational privatization by offering a spatial and temporal analysis of the forces shaping the behavior of individuals and their social relations in a specific context. This analysis shows how educational privatization is not only a process of government policy but also a social practice. The everyday lives of individuals are therefore seen as playing an integral role in enacting spaces of educational privatization.
Linguistik Online
The present article examines metalinguistic and metadiscursive reflections in the public discourse on climate change. The public thematisations of language play a crucial role in public discourses as they carry out strategic and action-orienting functions. The article investigates which expressions and whose language use are repeatedly the subject of metalinguistic reflections in the defined section of the discourse. In the process we also address the question of which positions and arguments are expressed or justified through the thematisation of language. Furthermore, the study investigates the metadiscursive reflections of the discourse participants, which are frequently connected with media criticism. The analysis focuses on a corpus of manually selected articles from German newspapers. In order to identify and examine the explicit thematisations of language, the paper adopts a methodological approach which combines corpus-linguistic tools with interpretive-hermeneutic analyses....
Cadernos de Letras, 2023
Resumo: As primeiras traduções dos clássicos no Brasil datam dos tempos da Colônia, mas versões assinadas por mulheres só têm registro a partir da década de 30 do último século. Minha proposta é apresentar um levantamento, ainda que incipiente, dessa produção, de modo a fornecer um panorama das tradutoras brasileiras do grego e do latim, contribuindo, assim, para dar visibilidade a uma atividade muitas vezes relegada ao segundo plano. Vou me deter sobre as precursoras e sua condição de trabalho nas décadas de 1930 e 1940; as desbravadoras, primeira geração oriunda dos cursos universitários de Letras Clássicas nos anos 1950 e 1960; chegando às doutoras, que hoje se fazem cada vez mais presentes no mercado editorial. A ideia é lançar o fio de Ariadne para que seja possível nos orientarmos nos labirintos da desmemória, dando assim início a um projeto mais ambicioso, o de se escrever a história da tradução dos clássicos no Brasil. Palavras-chave: Recepção dos Clássicos. História da Tradução. Tradutoras brasileiras. Literaturas Clássicas
The present dissertation aims in analyzing the civil liability of the parent for abandonment of affection of the minor child. Family law underwent a great transformation over the centuries, starting from a situation in which the male parent had practically absolute powers over the other members. Throughout this evolution, which has taken place both internally and abroad, principles such as human dignity, equality, full protection of minors and responsible parenthood have been accepted, culminating in the principle of affectivity. Such principles were explicitly or implicitly brought by the 1988 Federal Constitution, and transformed the concept of parental authority, in such a way, bringing obligations upon parents, whose purpose was to guarantee the well-being and full development of the child. Among these obligations are the duties of care, coexistence and contact, which, as we intend to demonstrate, encompasses the objective characteristics of an affective relationship. The present dissertation will analyze the objective content of the affective relationship, investigating the possibility of civil liability of the parent which, omitting in the fulfillment of these duties, causes harm to the minor that is under his parental authority. Constitutive elements of the civil liability of the parent will be studied, as well as its excluding causes, seeking, finally, to make an analysis of current case law trends.
Posted on 07/21/2013 8:34 PM | Updated 07/24/2013 2:15 PM PUBLIC HEALTHCARE. Nurses tend to a woman at the Jose Reyes M emorial M edical Center in M anila. File photo by AFP MANILA, Philippines -Thirty-year-old housewife Evelyn Bautista-Dumangas rushed her crying 3-year-old son to the Kitcharao District Hospital in Agusan del Norte province, only to find out there was no stay-in doctor to attend to their needs.
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Pensamiento Educativo: Revista de Investigación Educational Latinoamericana, 2016
Seminars in Orthodontics, 2012
Physiotherapy, 2015
The Journal of arthroplasty, 2016
Nuclear Physics A, 1999
Physical Communication, 2013
Malaria Journal, 2011
Informe Epidemiológico do Sus, 2002