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In 2022, the bishops of the universal Catholic Church will meet for a Synod in Rome. The theme will be synodality. The synodalisation of the Catholic Church is a matter close to the heart of Pope Francis. The survey, to which Tomas Halik, Peter Neuner, Anna Hennersperger and myself (Paul M. Zulehner) cordially invite you, is itself a kind of practised synodality. We hope for strong participation. The results are intended to familiarise the Synod with views from the people of God and encourage them to bold deliberations and decisions.
This bibliography is an instrument to keep track of the rapidly increasing academic output generated in the past decade. It lists around 1,100 academic publications on synodality for the period 2013-2024 in four languages: English, French, German, and Spanish. The publications are ordered, firstly, per year, and secondly, on alphabetical order. A methodological introduction explains the choices that have been made. This is the 4th edition. Corrections or updates are very welcome, kindly send an email to
Full text: --- This article contributes to the growing body of literature on synodality with a comprehensive introduction. Firstly, the author observes the link between the synodal approach promoted by Pope Francis and the Second Vatican Council. With the help of Myriam Wijlens' term 'reconfiguration,' he then discusses the theological foundations of a synodal understanding of the Church. Synodality recontextualizes the bishop's responsibility by situating it within the community of the faithful. In addition, as the Holy Spirit is the main actor in the synodal process, all the faithful, including bishops, have to listen to what He is saying, a task that requires discerning the spirits. In the third place, the author focuses on the reconfiguration of ecclesial practice. In a synodal way of proceeding, the traditional virtue of obedience is complemented by various other virtues, such as speaking out, listening with interest, and a deep openness to the Spirit's newness. Finally, the author identifies practical issues that need attention.
Paper delivered at the American Academy of Religion, Atlanta 21 th-24th November 2015, at the seminar 'What is point of Synods?' organized by the Ecclesiological Investigations Group. The theology and the practice of synodality in the Catholic Church are reviewed in the light of Pope Francis’ encyclical Evangelii Gaudium, of his recent declaration that “The path of synodality is that which God expects of the Church of the third millennium” and of his highly symbolical gestures in connection to the two sessions of the recent synod on family. Pope Francis is slowly overcoming a one-sided approach to collegiality through a practice of synodality which re-establishes the link between conciliarity and local churches and tries to root ecclesial discernment in the prophetic character of the whole people of God.
Vidyajyoti, 2020
The present article seeks to highlight two issues and set them against each other. On the one hand is the vision of Pope Francis “Towards a synodal Church: Communion, Mission, Participation”. This vision is established on the nature of the Church as sign of communion and instrument of attaining the intimate union with God and the unity of the whole human race. This vision is to operate with maximum cooperation of the entire people of God. It is not a new institution that the Pope seeks to inaugurate; but a new mindset – the church always repenting and preaching repentance (ecclesia semper reformans). Is this possible? This is the second issue. The Pope points out elements of a contrary mind-set. This article highlights various other elements of sinfulness that are embodied in the functioning of the Church and calls for a reform, such as clericalism, poor theology and magisterium functioning as control. However conversion is possible – it needs to be preached and lived. Then, we can begin to move to be a synodal church. The articles begins with a diagram. The article seeks to see what blocks/ hinder the interaction towards discernment at the centre of the process.
Vidyajyoti Journal of Thological Reflection, 2024
In a notable development, Pope Francis has approved the Final Document of the Synod on Synodality, choosing to implement its conclusions directly rather than issuing a traditional Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation. This article explores the Final Document from the perspective of Canon Law and emphasizes its implications for synodality. It also analyses the importance of strengthening, modifying, and introducing new canonical provisions related to lay ministries, participatory bodies, decentralization and consultation. Additionally, it examines the establishment of mechanisms to promote a culture of accountability and transparency, the missionary role of the Roman Curia, formation in the seminary, and the involvement of women.
New Blackfriars, 2023
This paper works from the ITC document, Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church (2018), to outline four essential components of an emergent theology of synodality: the claim that synodality is constitutive of the Church, an ecclesiology of communion, the ecclesial title People of God, and the sensus fidei. The paper then critically assesses the interplay of these four elements in the ITC document, along with the Vademecum and the Preparatory Document which were disseminated with the beginning of the synodal process itself (2021). Certain issues from this interplay, it is argued, require further reflection as this emergent theology develops: the theological weight of consensus, the degree to which belonging to the Church is (or is not) essentially discursive in character, how the sensus fidei seems to imply that the practice of the faith is an integral element of meaningful synodal participation by Catholics, and indeed, finally, the participation of those who do not bear the name of Christian.
Catholic Voyage: African Journal of Consecrated Life, 2023
The synodality of Pope Francis comes with lots of excitement, misgivings and misconceptions. Some have asked whether it is a product of coercion or freedom. Some have wondered whether it is a true renewal or a disguised trap. Some have questioned the intention of this synod. It is factual that every synod is shrouded in mystery and the Holy Spirit is the principle of communion and mission in the Church, the principle of synodality. The fears, anxiety, tensions, joys and excitement this synod has generated seems unprecedented in the recent history of the Church. The processes of this synodality will determine the ‘shape of the future of the Church. We shall therefore examine in this paper the virtues and vices that can make or mar the processes.
Pope Francis’s Synod on Synodality and Modern Sociology: Exploring the Synod’s Behavioral and Research Aspects, 2024
This chapter discusses the sociological significance of providing clear conceptualization and operationalization of the major terms, which are broadly and theologically defined, in Pope Francis’s ecclesial project called the Synod on Synodality (SoS). It argues that Francis’s SoS has behavioral and research aspects despite primarily being an ecclesial and theological project in the Catholic Church. This synod is primarily social rather than doctrinal in nature, aiming to fundamentally realize Vatican II’s concept of the Church as an intimate community of the People of God and adapt the church mission in contemporary society. This chapter attempts to conceptualize and provide research indicators for the synod’s two major theological concepts, namely, synodality and synodal church, as well as to provide a sociological methodology for Francis’s SoS.
Cahiers Internationaux de Théologie Pratique, série "Documents" n° 17, en ligne :, 2023
Le document contient une liste d’environ 700 publications académiques sur la synodalité pour la période 2013-2023 en quatre langues : l’allemand, l’anglais, l’espagnol et le français. Les publications sont présentées par année, et ensuite par ordre alphabétique. Une introduction méthodologique explique les choix qui ont été faits. La bibliographie permet entre autres de mettre en lumière une croissance étonnante du nombre de publications. C’est un outil très précieux pour des études thématiques transversales. L’auteur lui-même en publiera prochainement, ainsi qu’un article indépendant de la bibliographie pour interpréter cette évolution. Summary The document provides a list of around 700 academic publications on synodality for the period 2013-2023 in four languages: English, French, German, and Spanish. The publications are ordered, firstly, per year, and secondly, on alphabetical order. A methodological introduction explains the choices that have been made. Amongst other things, the bibliography shows a stunning growth in the number of publications. In the near future, the author will publish separately an article that interprets these and other feats.
in Naiju Jose Kalambukattu (ed.), Mystery of the Church. Models and Images, ISPCK, Delhi, 2022, 311-333., 2022
This paper is an enquiry into the origin and prospects of a synodal vision of the Church. Second Vatican Council forged a new vision of the Church, which steered the vision off the predominant juridical conception of the church as a hierarchical perfect society towards a more biblical and missionary vision of the Church as the pilgrim people of God. However, the new ecclesiologies produced only a shift in emphasis and ‘theological’ vision and no substantial reform in Church structure or administration happened, that many feel the reform initiated by Vatican II remains an unfinished agenda. Pope Francis has finally taken a bold initiative to bring the ecclesial reforms forward in the direction of synodality – saying that is the future of the Church in the third millennium. This paper is an enquiry into the prospects of a synodal vision of the Church. We will start by taking a look at the evolution of ecclesiological vision and reforms in the post-Vatican II period and move to a detailed analysis of the Synodal Church proposed by Pope Francis and examine synodality itself and the prospects and challenges of the synodal Church in the third millennium. The synodal Church is a decisive theme for the life and mission of the Church in the third millennium.
Geodetski List, 2021
Springer International Publishing = Innovative Approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning for the Workplace, 2023
Journal of Australian Colonial History, 2020
Industry and Higher Education, 2022
DPCE On line: Note e commenti , 2024
npj Digital Medicine
Journal of The Institute of Brewing, 2015
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2006
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Zootechnica, 2010
Journal of clinical immunology, 2017
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2010
The EuroBiotech Journal, 2017