We are living through an acceleration of crisis-like climate events. Climate research is one of the foremost areas of social science, humanistic, and scientific inquiry. A wide range of scientific, humanist, sociological, and activist writing has emerged to analyze and inspire climate warriors, as well as to urge us to take seriously the entanglement of our histories with non-human forms, grand and minor. Analyses of climate change and ecologies through the experience and history of race, gender, indigeneity, and colonialism have been a part of this outpouring; yet few book series foreground such voices. This book series inaugurates a conversation about climate ecologies, histories, and activisms by foregrounding histories of othering and by weaving persuasive inquiries in language that crosses traditional disciplinary silos. The Critical Climate Studies book series is located in the transdisciplinary space that cross-cuts the social sciences, humanities, creative writing, environmental studies, and climate science. Scholarship and activism are powerful but often invisible in the interstices. We seek to draw attention and analysis to such domains. The series welcomes short books (20,000-50,000 words) that experiment with holistic engagement, critique, and conversation. In addition to nuanced academic prose, the series embraces multi-genre writing, experimental ethnographies, creative non-fiction, lyrical sociology, ficto-critical writing, as well as science-humanities collaborations. We encourage contributions that are investigative, immersive, and attentive to the obviously understudied and obscured planetary transformations taking hold as climate change accelerates. How is our awakening and our resistance to changes shaped by the spaces and political histories of the specific climate conditions we find ourselves in? How do we build alliances, solidarities, and imaginations across the historical divisions of imperialism and its rot, while keeping a critical eye on the potential of climate crises to exacerbate those legacies of inequality? How do our policy futures change when we prioritize experiences that fall outside western humanist models of 'nature' and those that divide nature and culture? Will alternative voices give us different accounts of nature's histories, climate crises, resource economies, and planetary futures? The book series offers a platform for postcolonial and subjugated histories and futures of ecologies, the human-environment interface, and climate politics. From diminished glaciers to expanded deserts to disappeared shorelines gobbled by a rising sea, the planet is in the grip of a cascading series of climate disturbances both grand and gross. Our notions of humanity and planetary futures must contend with it all in an era of vulnerability, disenchantment, creativity, and survivance.

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CRITICAL CLIMATE STUDIES BOOK SERIES Routledge India Editors: May Joseph (US), Kavita Philip (Canada), Jonathan Walz (Zanzibar), Viju James (India) Routledge Editor: Aakash Chakrabarty. We are living through an unprecedented acceleration of crisis-like climate events. Climate research is one of the foremost areas of social science, humanistic, and scientific inquiry. A wide range of scientific, humanist, sociological, and activist writing has emerged to analyze and inspire climate warriors, as well as to urge us to take seriously the entanglement of our histories with non-human forms, grand and minor. Analyses of climate change and ecologies through the experience and history of race, gender, indigeneity, and colonialism have been a part of this outpouring; yet few book series foreground such voices. This book series inaugurates a conversation about climate ecologies, histories, and activisms by foregrounding histories of othering and by weaving persuasive inquiries in language that crosses traditional disciplinary silos. The Critical Climate Studies book series is located in the transdisciplinary space that cross-cuts the social sciences, humanities, creative writing, environmental studies, and climate science. Scholarship and activism are powerful but often invisible in the interstices. We seek to draw attention and analysis to such domains. The series welcomes short books (20,000-50,000 words) that experiment with holistic engagement, critique, and conversation. In addition to nuanced academic prose, the series embraces multi-genre writing, experimental ethnographies, creative non-fiction, lyrical sociology, ficto-critical writing, as well as science-humanities collaborations. We encourage contributions that are investigative, immersive, and attentive to the obviously understudied and obscured planetary transformations taking hold as climate change accelerates. How is our awakening and our resistance to changes shaped by the spaces and political histories of the specific climate conditions we find ourselves in? How do we build alliances, solidarities, and imaginations across the historical divisions of imperialism and its rot, while keeping a critical eye on the potential of climate crises to exacerbate those legacies of inequality? How do our policy futures change when we prioritize experiences that fall outside western humanist models of ‘nature’ and those that divide nature and culture? Will alternative voices give us different accounts of nature’s histories, climate crises, resource economies, and planetary futures? The book series offers a platform for postcolonial and subjugated histories and futures of ecologies, the human-environment interface, and climate politics. From diminished glaciers to expanded deserts to disappeared shorelines gobbled by a rising sea, the planet is in the grip of a cascading series of climate disturbances both grand and gross. Our notions of humanity and planetary futures must contend with it all in an era of vulnerability, disenchantment, creativity, and survivance. Critical Climate Studies invites scholarly, activist, creative, and transdisciplinary work that probes the vast repositories of climate change thinking, practice, doing, and imagining. We seek manuscripts that investigate the overlooked and interstitial junctures between the anthropocenic and anthropogenic aspects of planetary life. We are interested in human habitation as well as multispecies research. Our interests lie in large debates as well as in the understudied regions and microhistories of the world, where the impact, of the planet’s climate convulsions generate changed experiences and striking analyses of ontologies, geographies, ecologies, and political economies. Submissions: May Joseph and Kavita Philip, Twitter: @books_climate Instagram: @criticalclimatebooks Routledge India is an imprint of Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Routledge India books are first published from Abingdon, UK, and New York, USA. A South Asia edition with regional pricing follows 6-8 weeks later. All books published by Routledge India follow the global publishing norms followed across Routledge, Taylor and Francis.