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2021, The Ancient Near East Today
9 pages
1 file
When a historian of Israelite religion talks of the origin of God, she certainly doesn’t mean ontology. Though the Hebrew Bible teases with the name Yahweh derived from a verb of “being,” ontological proofs for the existence of God are above the historian’s pay grade. A study of how people interacted with the divine in history does not focus on the prehistorical description of God’s existence at the start of time articulated in Genesis 1. Instead, historians undertake a far messier task, as the history of humans and their ideas is always messy. Incredibly messy. Epistemological certainty is not the historian’s wheelhouse. Moreover, historians of religion are not charged to be systematic theologians who weave all data into a unified whole. Even our skilled biblical redactors knew better when it came to the Almighty, as they left plural voices in our final dataset. Adding in archaeology, epigraphy, art history, and comparanda from across the entire ancient Near East broadens the historian’s dataset even more. The historical origin of God has to do with wrestling with texts and physical remains (material culture) of the past to reconstruct how the ancients thought about divinity and religious performance.
Revue de l’histoire des religions, 2020
Cette contribution s'intéresse à la nature des dieux dans l'Orient ancien à la lumière de la théologie négative. L'analyse des sources suméro-akkadiennes datées du III e millénaire av. n. è. montre qu'une divinité est distincte de tout autre créature. Une divinité, bien qu'immanente et résidant à l'intérieur du cosmos, n'est pas une création seconde, elle n'est pas la création d'une autre entité. Une divinité peut être considérée comme une forme d'existence permanente dans le cosmos, tandis que toutes les autres créatures, humaines ou animales, peuvent être considérées comme des développements secondaires. Cette compréhension ancienne d'un dieu immanent en Mésopotamie n'évoluera que tardivement au I er millénaire avec l'apparition du concept de la transcendance divine en particulier au Levant puis avec l'émergence du christianisme. Ce qu'un dieu n'est pas. Les sources les plus anciennes dans une approche comparée The paper discusses the nature of Ancient Near Eastern gods from the perspective of negative theology. It is based on the analysis of several 3 rd-millennium Sumero-Akkadian sources showing that a god or a higher divine creature was distinct from all other living beings. A god-although immanent and residing inside the cosmos-was not a secondary idea or a creation of another being. A god can be seen as a natural idea or permanent form of existence in the cosmos while all other creatures such as men or animals can be considered later secondary developments. This Ancient Mesopotamian understanding of an immanent god residing inside the universe would only change with later first-millennium ideas of a divine being from Israel and later in Christianity, where a new supernatural or transcendent God emerged. Revue de l'his toire des reli gions, 237-2/2020, p. 195 à 209
Filosofia Theoretica Online, 2023
The essence of deities has captured our imaginations for as long as we can remember. Does a God exist, or is the divine entity just a figment of our dreams, a projection? Is God what Aribiah Attoe calls a "regressively eternal and material entity" or what Gericke calls "a character of fiction with no counterpart outside the worlds of text and imagination"? This paper aims to wrestle with those questions from a theological perspective and to look at the ontological status of Yahweh and how that worldview lends itself to African Traditional Religions in conversation with Attoe's method of inquiry from the perspective of African Metaphysics. This paper aims to be a part of the larger project undertaken by the author, showing that philosophy can and should be an auxiliary discipline in Old Testament Studies as it has been seen, both fields have ways of similar arguing and coming to the same conclusions. This paper is intended to be an interlocutory exercise or experiment and does not seek to validate any hypothesis about either view.
The concept of God has evolved over time and different civilizations have perceived it according to their sensibilities. However, a trend of convergence towards the idea of transcendental unity of Divine existence has been noticed in most, if not all civilizations. This paper looks at the historical evolution of the concept of God.
Introduction The basic elements in the biblical account of origins are summarized in the opening verse of the Bible, Gen 1:1: I. ÒIn the beginningÓÑthe ÒwhenÓ of origins; II. ÒGodÓÑthe ÒWhoÓ of origins; III. ÒcreatedÓÑthe ÒhowÓ of origins; IV. Òthe heavens and the earthÓÑthe ÒwhatÓ of origins. In this paper we will take up each of these elements in turn, with special emphasis upon the ÒwhenÓ1 and aspects of the other elements that impinge upon the relationship between Scripture and science.
Archaeological Discovery Journal Vol 10 No 4, 2022
The writings of 1st century historian Flavius Josephus describe Adam’s vision of the earth’s destruction by flood and flame. Josephus also implies that Enoch, the first holy man and scribe, carved the Razah D’Oraytah (Secret of Knowledge) into stone pillars to preserve this Knowledge for posterity after the prophesied flood. This article introduces evidence that the archaeological discovery of Göbekli Tepe on the Turkish plains of Haran, inadvertently uncovered these legendary “Pillars of Enoch.” This article endeavors to decipher the Enochian “Secret of Knowledge” that is carved into the pillars and architecture of Göbekli Tepe as history’s first theological and mathematical “treatise.” This challenges Assyriologist Samuel Noah Kramer’s assertion that “Sumerian men of letters developed no literary genre comparable in any way to a systematic treatise of their philosophical, cosmological, and theological concepts.” (Kramer, 1981: p. 79). This explains why Abraham’s father Terah longed to spend his final years in Haran, and why he named one of his sons Haran. What ties Enoch’s pillars to Göbekli Tepe are the revelations carved into its pillars and architecture. The one text capable of revealing these secrets is the Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation, the only text attributed to Abraham. This text encrypts an ancient mathematical table known as the “231 Gates” (or “God Table”), which provides the underlying structure of the Abrahamic/Mosaic Word of God, יהוה , as well as Enoch’s Word of God. Both “Words” are rooted in the Luwian hieroglyphics for “God” and “Gate” that are carved into Göbekli Tepe’s “Blueprint of Creation.” This suggests that the pivot point between pre-history and history can be moved from the 4th millennium BCE invention of writing and mathematics to 10th millennium BCE Göbekli Tepe. These Göbekli Tepe revelations, including the DNA of its builders, enable us to trace civilization’s origins back to its Ethiopian founders.
The Bible and Interpretation, 2018
In the Hebrew Bible words like ים להִ ֱ א ל ֵ א and אלוה are often encountered in the generic sense as a classification of the type of entity יה וה and other related beings were assumed to be. But what, according to the Hebrew Bible, was meant by calling something an ֵ א ל ? Is it possible to define the phenomenon of generic ל ֵ -אhood? What were assumed to be necessary and/or sufficient conditions for being classified as a member of the ים להִ ֱ ?א What criteria were used to determine whether an entity should be called an ֵ א ל or not? In this paper the author provides an introduction to the concept of generic ל ֵ -אhood in the Hebrew Bible with reference to perplexing questions involved in its understanding, related research and the gaps therein and the need for philosophical (conceptual) analysis in future inquiries.
Metopedia, 2023
"Godless Evidence: the History of Dyeus Phtr: the Origin of Every God," presents a bold hypothesis through academically accepted evidence that all major religions on Earth today stem from a singular religion of ancient sun worship. Through extensive research and analysis of historical texts and artifacts, the author presents a compelling argument for the origins of religion as a man-made construct. The author had a goal to deliver this work as efficiently as possible, and so, the book was condensed and serialized by subsection, and reduced in order to for one to read it in one sitting, making it perfect for those who want to explore this topic in depth; which delivers the meat without the fat, gristle, and bone which are not central to the metaphorical meal. The book deviates from standard formatting conventions and is presented in a succinct, serialized format for easy reference and further study. Not for the faint of heart, this book will challenge your beliefs and offers a unique and enlightening perspective on the origins of religion which will aid in destroying that feeling of doom and guilt which religious doctrine instills into the gut. This book offers its fair share of criticisms of the religions which English speakers are more exposed to; and those religions belong to the Abrahamic Mythologies.
Religion Compass, 2020
This article treats two separate but interrelated issues: (1) the historical origins of the deity YHWH (commonly rendered Yahweh), known from both biblical and non-biblical sources; and (2) the origins and development of YHWH’s profile(s) in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, specifically as it pertains to the problem of YHWH’s historical beginnings and early character. After some preliminary considerations regarding the Hebrew Bible’s utility for historical reconstruction and the potential contributions of archaeology, iconography, onomastics, and historical linguistics to the problem of YHWH’s historical origins, the article: (1) examines the earliest written evidence for the god YHWH in the historical record, (2) offers a comparative historical treatment of early analogues to YHWH’s character and profile as it appears in the Hebrew Bible, and (3) concludes with an analysis of the most important contemporary scholarly hypotheses regarding YHWH’s historical origins.
Journal of French Language Studies, 2003
Revista Trabalho, Direito e Justiça, 2024
L'EPISTOLOGRAFIA DI ANTICO REGIME. Convegno internazionale di studi. Viterbo, 15-16-17 febbraio 2018, a c. di P. Procaccioli, Edizioni di Archilet, 2019
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2004
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Acta Technica Jaurinensis, 2019
The Australian Educational Researcher, 2021
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International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Research, 2017
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International braz j urol, 2021