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Academia Letters, 2021
It dates back more than 5000 years before Christ the rudiments of the abacus, the first calculator machine. Human beings have long been creating technologies that help them in the mission of calculating from the simplest to the most complex tasks. After the mechanical machines, we had the electronics ones and, associated with the development of industry and basic research in Physics and Materials Engineering, the creation of computers and so, the twentieth century-especially the second half-showed us how we could do amazing things with technological resources. These chains feed back! Just as basic research enables the development of technologies, the use of technological resources propels science to speeds never before imagined. That would be no different with Applied Statistics. The capacity of pure statistics has been increasingly rapidly implemented in computational languages, and this makes available to the applied researcher a currently enviable arsenal, when compared to that available at the end of the last century. John Chambers, Rick Becker and Allan Wilks, at Bell Laboratories, developed the S programming language in the 1970s. Then, the Macsoft company launched the statistical software S+, based on the Language S. This software was proprietary and sold at high prices for the time. S+ has become popular among statisticians, but with the development of the Linux operating system and the resistance/delay of the release of S+ for this platform, comes the R software (Figure 1c), which takes the opportunity to show itself to the world! The R software borns with the creation of the R programming language. Created by researchers Brian Ripley and Bill Venables (Figure 1a and 1b), the R language joins the appearance of the S language and the semantics of the Scheme language. These researchers have formed a team of experts, the R Core Team, who supports and maintains to this day the R software updated, open-source and free. The first version of the R software was purposely
Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls, 2019
Dr. hist., Latvijas Universitātes Latvijas vēstures institūta pētniece. Zinātniskās intereses: Rīgas vēsture 18. gs. un 19. gs. pirmajā pusē. Raksts veltīts sabiedrisko klaušu jautājumam Rīgas pilsētā un to interpretācijai tiesu materiālos. Rāte klaušas uzdeva veikt nevācu amatiem par velti vai nelielu atlīdzību. Klaušas bija saistītas ar ugunsdrošību un aizsardzību pret plūdiem, satiksmes un sakaru nodrošināšanu, kā arī tīrības un kārtības uzturēšanu. Tām bija ārkārtas un sezonāls raksturs. Sākot ar 18. gs. 30. gadiem, sabiedrisko klaušu uzlikšanu nevācu amatiem pilsētas vadība un birģeri izmantoja kā argumentu, norādot uz amatu locekļu zemāko statusu pilsētas kopienā. Atbildes reakcija uz to bija amatu sūdzēšanās augstākās instancēs par klaušu uzlikšanu un lūgumi darbus apmaksāt vai atcelt. Atslēgas vārdi: onera publica, Rīgas birģeru kopiena, Rīgas nevācu amati, attieksme pret darbu. * Raksts tapis LU Bāzes un snieguma finansējuma projekta Nr. AAP2016/ B060 "Letonika, diaspora un starpkultūru komunikācija" apakšprojekta "Latvijas teritorija kā dažādu kultūrtelpu, reliģiju, politisko, sociālo un ekonomisko interešu saskarsmes zona no aizvēstures līdz mūsdienām" ietvaros.
Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2016
Neurofibromatosis is extremely variable in its presentation. Segmental neurofibromatosis (SNF), which corresponds to NF-type 5 in the Riccardi classification, is a rare disorder. It may go unrecognized if few lesions are observed. We present a case of segmental neurofibromatosis in a 28 year-old patient who presented with multiple papules and nodules distributed in dermatomal fashion on the trunk. The histopathological examination of the lesions revealed a non-encapsulated, well-circumscribed spindle cell neoplasm, which was consistent with neurofibromas.
Revue Française de Gestion, 2018
La succession des crises financières dans le secteur bancaire depuis une trentaine d’années a conduit ą une demande d’amélioration des principes de gouvernance de ces organisations. Le but de cet article est d’examiner et de comparer le rôle de la performance et de la gouvernance dans la détresse financière des banques commerciales et des banques coopératives de l’Union européenne sur la période 2005-2011. L’étude empirique indique que la gouvernance a joué un rôle dans la situation de détresse financière qu’ont connue certaines banques commerciales alors que ce lien n’est pas établi pour les banques coopératives. La situation de détresse financière des banques coopératives relève des variables de performance.
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 2011
Treating chronic pain in the context of opioid misuse can be very challenging. This paper explores the epidemiology and potential treatments for chronic pain and opioid misuse and identifies educational and regulation changes that may reduce diversion of opioid analgesics. We cover the epidemiology of chronic pain and aberrant opioid behaviors, psychosocial influences on pain, pharmacological treatments, psychological treatments, and social treatments, as well as educational and regulatory efforts being made to reduce the diversion of prescription opioids. There are a number of ongoing challenges in treating chronic pain and opioid misuse, and more research is needed to provide strong, integrated, and empirically validated treatments to reduce opioid misuse in the context of chronic pain.
Publicación del volumen ordinario de la revista "En la España Medieval" (Ediciones Complutense). Monográfico: "Las sociedades políticas urbanas en la península ibérica (siglos XIII-XV)", coordinado por Enrique José Ruiz Pilares y Adelaide Millán da Costa. Publicado: 2023-05-18.
Varga A et al (2020), Új kutatások a neveléstudományokban 2019, pp.143-152. , 2020
a neveléstudományokban 2019 magyar tudományos akadémia Pedagógiai tudományos bizottsága Pte btk neveléstudományi Intézet Új kutatások a neveléstudományokban 2019 neveléstudomány: Horizontok és dialógusok szerkesztette: varga aranka
SYNOPSIS The following study was undertaken with the intent of improving the ability to accurately predict the behavior of structural slurry walls. An existing wall, employed during the construction of the Washington D.C. subway system, was examined using four different analysis methods. The actual stresses and displacements of this wall were measured, providing a basis for investigating the accuracy of the different analysis techniques. The results obtained warrant the use of one particular approach, referred to in this study as the "Beam on Elastic Foundation Method". This method provided the most useful simulation of the soil/structure interaction that occurred during construction of the subway, in terms of accuracy and amount of work required.
Chau, C.K Leon, 2024
Revista Contexto & Saúde, 2018
Research Paper, 2021
Healthcare Access - New Threats, New Approaches [Working Title]
LASA 2022 Conference Presentation, 2022
Martori, Claudia, Corbett, Alyce (2024). Vínculos en femenino: representaciones relacionales de mujeres y maternidad en la literatura, vol. I. Dykinson, 9788411701808, pp. 131-147, 2024
Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies, 2023
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2016
Deleted Journal, 2023
Atherosclerosis, 2010
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi, 1990
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 2016