For a country that endured decades of racial segregation, cultural
freedom has a particular poignancy. Iain Low of the University of Cape
Town takes his cultural barometer to the new South Africa to measure
up the challenges of broadening ‘the new mix’ within a housing landscape
that only 10 years ago was dictated by the politics of separation.
South Africa is experiencing its 'new moment' in architecture, one
in which many cultural values are competing in the
transformation of apartheid's legacy of homogeneity and inequity.
The collapse of the artificial boundary that racially defined a
society of 'two' cultures has made space for the flowering of a
heterogeneous society. Ten years into the country’s democracy,
this emerging tendency has begun to broaden the mix and extend
the range of possibilities for dwelling in the 'new' South Africa.
Not necessarily reliant upon evocative forms, this 'newness' is
predicated predominantly by the economic necessities of survival.
Architectural innovation is therefore more evident from the
production of new living arrangements that attend to the
contemporary needs of ordinary people that 'freedom' has
Prior to 1994, the divisions dictated by Afrikaner Nationalist
government policy ensured a divided society characterised by
radical extremes. One of the most effective extremes arising from
such policy was that of separate development. Evident in the
spatial and formal manifestation of different architectures for the
country’s black and white people, it impacted on the nature of
dwelling. Whereas the predominant aspiration of white people
was the three-bedroomed suburban house, the black equivalent
was the NE 51/9.2 The result of research by the state's National
Building Research Institute (NBRI), the NE 51/9 was designed as an
existenzminimum for members of the black population who
qualified for residence in urban areas.
Cohen&Judin, House Gibson, Parkview, Johannesburg, 2004
The new children’s (below) and parent’s (above) accommodation frames the
rear court against the original dwelling to the left.
The first decade of the post-apartheid era has been characterised
by the struggle of the African National Congress (ANC)-led
government to redress this apartheid heritage. The goal of
delivering a million houses within its first five years of
governance effected a quantitative approach to the problem of
housing. A shift in macroeconomic policy realised the
abandonment of the ANC's Reconstruction and Development
Programme (RDP)3 in 1994 and minimalised the value of housing to
a utilitarian investment. This reductive approach has effectively
served to marginalise the production of difference that reflects
South African society.4
Despite the change effected by the events of 1994, the
settlement landscape of the past maintains and ensures
separation between people of ethnic difference. Evidence of
spatial dynamism is, however, an emerging phenomenon within
the confines of these historically constructed categories.
Architectural solutions consequently respond to the exigencies of
the cultural conditions that inform the lived experiences of these
(two) constituencies.
Typically, whites have located themselves in suburban
mansions or gated communities. Extending the boundary of the
private realm beyond the individual unit, these developments
reflect little desire to construct and interact with the public
realm. Social interaction and respect for commons is all but
absent. The complement to the gated community is the gated
household. Fortified architect-designed homes present
compelling edifices to a public that maintains elitist designer
Notwithstanding this withdrawal to the security of privileged
environments, the responses to black communities from
government, NGOs and social-housing organisations, along with a
few private initiatives from whites, is more complex and contextual.
Row-attached units form a street
edge with a generous trading
sidewalk at Mansel Road.
Typical unit showing crosssectional response with dwelling
units mediated by an interior
Typical plan configuration showing courtyards mediating the public/private spaces
and the articulation of street frontage to afford formal and utilitarian resolution.
They present a richer set of configurations informed by two
primary influences that produce their difference: economic
necessity and traditional practice. These forces are
interrelated, essentially expressed by accommodating the
extended family through the extension of an existing dwelling,
to include a rental component or a new functional space to
house a small business. Consequently, such changes
necessarily play themselves out in a variety of formal
configurations to effect very situated architectural responses.
Architects and planners: Harber, Masson and
Client: Durban City Council
Design: 1993
Implementation: 1994
Rodney Harber and his architectural practice represent a
singular force in the architectural profession where there
exists a consistent attempt to engage the project of
transformation through all dimensions of architectural
production. This endeavour has been realised through
persistence and a dedication to the social dimension of
architecture that appropriates the exigencies of the
everyday in a productive and imaginative way. The result
has been an oeuvre of problematic projects that are
diseased with the difficulty of operating in this manner.
A response to pressure from the influx of chartered
buses of rural shoppers who had begun to establish semipermanent sidewalk homes for their weekend shopping
sprees, the Mansel Road project is rich in appropriate
design solutions and innovative arrangements. These are
evident in the cross-programming of a public bathhouse
with a commercial shop, and the shopping/dwelling units
with their interior courtyard to mediate the public and
private life of the family.
The project realises the opportunities inherent in urban
problems, particularly in relation to empowering
marginalised people and providing viable inner-city housing
for poor families. By reusing wasteland, urban renewal has
generated activity for both dwelling and trade. Despite its
formal and design resolution, the benefits of a creative
design process can be hijacked when the local authorities
opt out of facilitating local/community management and
delivery systems for these new structures. Though Mansel
Road demonstrates the possibilities of recognising and
redirecting urban conditions unique to African cities, it is
evident that the process needs to be managed creatively.
Though Mansel Road demonstrates
the possibilities of recognising and
redirecting urban conditions unique
to African cities, it is evident that
the process needs to be managed
Architect/client: Department of Housing, Provincial
Administration of the Western Cape (PAWC)
Design: 1999
Implementation: 2000
This small greenfields insertion in Weltevrede Valley on the
Cape Flats represents a thoughtful and informed
experiment in housing design. Diverting from standard
planning regulations, it presents a dense living
environment in which vehicle usage has been marginalised,
to the benefit of its users. It relies on two complementary
strategies that contest the traditional RDP approach: a
reconfigured urban layout and multi-expandable core
dwelling units.
Keeping vehicles at the periphery provides for a
pedestrian-friendly interior, an environment where
children, the elderly, families and general users can find
comfort in their everyday living. The individual dwellings
are arranged in attached rows, and consist of duplex units
that have the potential to expand both vertically and
horizontally. The fixing of the interior front edge establishes
intimate streets/walkways, with kitchens fronting onto
public/play areas. The 'rear' expansion, in fact, suggests
the potential for economic units that will eventually
establish public street frontages.
This small greenfields insertion
in Weltevrede Valley on the Cape Flats
represents a thoughtful and informed
experiment in housing design. Diverting
from standard planning regulations,
it presents a dense living environment
in which vehicle usage has been
marginalised, to the benefit of its users.
Urban neighbourhood configuration with parking at the street edge and
pedestrian/play areas at the interior.
Typical interior-street configuration
with pedestrian-scaled unit access.
Back-street elevation with first
tentative rear extensions.
Plan/section layouts
Left: Ground-floor plan with public
communal/living and service functions.
Right: Section showing mezzanine sleeping deck
and rear expansion wall.
Ground-Floor plan
Section A-A
Scale 1:100
Scale 1:100
Plan and setting. Architect’s storyboard showing the scheme in
the context of Johannesburg inner city.
Architect: Savage + Dodd Architects
Client: Johannesburg Housing Company (JHC)
Design: 1998
Implementation: 2000
Though some 1.6 million houses have been delivered in 10
years, national government housing policy has still failed to
deliver both the quantity and quality of housing that meets not
only the expectations of its citizens, but, more importantly, the
needs of an urbanising environment. Imagination here is not a
strong point. Despite ambitious policy shifts, it seems that,
although there have been momentary breakthroughs, the
government lacks the capacity to engage with the speculative
thinking that fuels the imagination necessary to produce new
living arrangements commensurate with the transformed
society. The Elangeni housing project is the result of a socialhousing initiative. It presents a workable example of the
integration of living and working that complements the South
African urban and social conditionalities. If space is to be
transformed, then so, too, must be the (government) agencies
that implement change. If the Afrikaner Nationalist government
could establish a spatial research institute devoted to fulfilling
its political vision, then a similar response is required postapartheid.
Like the NE 51/9, Elangeni, in downtown Johannesburg,
presents an alternative that is worthy of examination. It is a
mixed-use, urban infill, medium-rise building that manages to
achieve both diversity and densification. This in turn affords a
number of real opportunities and choices that benefit occupants
and the greater city alike.
Interior parking court with interactive access stairs and balconies
Apartment layouts demonstrating
various unit options.
Live/work dwelling units at the outer edge forming an interface with the
inner-city regeneration.
Architects: Cohen&Judin
Client: Angus Gibson, Fiona Rankin-Smith
Design: 2003
Implementation: 2004
The adaptation of this suburban home in the leafy suburbs
of Johannesburg contests the autonomy of the
‘freestanding pavilion at the centre of the site'
configuration perpetuated by suburban homes all over the
world. Through a considered and careful incorporation of
additional accommodation, the site has been transformed
into an interactive domain, somewhat reminiscent of a
traditional African kraal (village/hut). This reconfiguration
has established ground for the comfortable coexistence of
five competing occupants of the home: the parents, the
children, the domestic worker and her family, the
home/work space and guest accommodation. The outdoor
space between provides the glue and mediation between
what might have been conflicting arrangements on such a
relatively tight site.
The reactivated site plan showing the grain of subcourtyard spaces that help
to create a fieldwork of interconnection.
Original dwelling with minor amendments and a new entry, guest house and
accommodation insertion to the left.
Reflective of emerging cultural practices,
these few architectural expressions are
not repudiations of the past, but, rather,
attempts to contribute to change via
careful and considered transformation of
the reality that confronts South Africa.
Ultimately, the task is to develop an
architecture that values a located or
critical heterogeneity and thereby comes
to reflect the incredible diversity of the
human creative.
Considering the miraculous political change for which South
Africa is renowned, there is an almost universal expectation that
the country should be a leader when it comes to change,
especially in the field of housing. However, while it has been
reasonably easy to effect change through legislation and a new
constitution, the spatial legacy of apartheid presents a greater
challenge. This is a condition that is further weighed down by the
gravity of radical global destabilisation as well as local cultural
The limited group of architectural practitioners contributing
to the challenge of broadening the cultural landscape of
housing includes fringe or counter-movements of creative
individuals and collectives who are marginal to the
mainstream. Pursuing strategies reliant on social thinking
together with observations of cultural practice, they operate at
the interstices of society. Relatively ignored by the mainstream
and market, they may operate in academies, social-housing
foundations or local government, as well as in private practice.
Such creative thinking and making requires more support,
knowledge, agility and a greater capacity to engage the
contingent reality.
Reflective of emerging cultural practices, these few
architectural expressions are not repudiations of the past, but,
rather, attempts to contribute to change via careful and
considered transformation of the reality that confronts South
Africa. Ultimately, the task is to develop an architecture that
values a located or critical heterogeneity and thereby comes to
reflect the incredible diversity of the human creative. In attending
to housing, this seems to be firmly situated in an interpretation of
the home as both a social and an economic entity that supports
the complex dimensions of contemporary dwelling and
transcends the simplicity of a pure investment. 4
1 DM Calderwood, Native Housing in South Africa, University of the Witwatersrand
(Johannesburg), 1953.
2 I Low, ‘Space and transformation/10 years – 10 buildings’, Digest of South African
Architecture, ‘Space and Transformation: 10 Years of Democracy’ issue, Picasso
Headline (Cape Town), 2004/05.
3 African National Congress, The Reconstruction and Development Programme: A
Policy Framework, Umanyano/ANC (Johannesburg), 1994.
4 JA Scott, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human
Condition Have Failed, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 1998.