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The Maldives Heritage Survey aims to systematically inventory and document endangered cultural heritage in the Maldives – including mosques, Muslim grave markers, the remains of Buddhist stupas, and other historical structures and physical objects – through digital photography, 3D terrestrial scanning, and GIS to create an open-access online heritage database. The materials documented through this work are critically endangered, facing both natural and human threats that jeopardize the survival and accessibility of historical information for this vital node in pre-modern global economic and religious networks. This work is thus crucial for the people of the Maldives in interpreting their own past, and for global scholarship on the history and material culture of this little-studied archipelago at the crossroads of an interconnected Indian Ocean world. The project, based at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, is led by Dr R. Michael Feener and funded by Arcadia. Work in country will be done in partnership with the Maldives Department of Heritage, with additional support from the Earth Observatory of Singapore. The initial field survey is planned over a two-year period beginning in April 2018. Watch this page for forthcoming updates:
Antiquity, 2021
The Maldives Heritage Survey was established to document cultural heritage vulnerable to human and envir- onmental threats in the Maldives. An open-access online database is being produced to inform academic studies, support heritage-management plans and create a permanent archive of digital heritage resources.
Applied positive psychology: Improving everyday life, schools, work, health, and society, 2011
Increasingly, individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) seek and provide support for relapse prevention in text-based online environments such as discussion forums. This paper investigates whether language use within a peer-to-peer discussion forum can predict future relapse among individuals treated for AUD. A total of 104 AUD sufferers who had completed residential treatment participated in a mobile phone-based relapse-prevention program, where they communicated via an online forum over the course of a year. We extracted patterns of language use on the forum within the first four months on study using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), a dictionary-based text analysis program. Participants reported their incidence of risky drinking via a survey at 4, 8, and 12 months. A logistic regression model was built to predict the likelihood that individuals would engage in risky drinking within a year based on their language use, while controlling for baseline characteristics and rates of utilizing the mobile system. Results show that all baseline characteristics and system use factors explained just 13% of the variance in relapse, whereas a small number of linguistic cues, including swearing and cognitive mechanism words, accounted for an additional 32% of the total 45% of variance in relapse explained by the model. Effective models for predicting relapse are needed. Messages exchanged on AUD forums could provide an unobtrusive and cost-effective window into the future health outcomes of AUD sufferers, and their psychological underpinnings. As online communication expands, models that leverage user-submitted text toward predicting relapse will be increasingly scalable and actionable.
Miksi tarvitaan oppivia tuotantokonsepteja? 1.1 Verkostoituneen tuotannon kehittämistarpeet 1.2 Oppivien tuotantokonseptien perusteet 1.3 Oppivien tuotantokonseptien kehittämisen tavoitteet 2 Oppivien tuotantokonseptien kehittämisprosessi 2.1 Oppivien tuotantokonseptien kehittämisen suunnittelu 2.2 Tutkiva kehittäminen 2.3 OT-kehittämisprosessin vaiheet 2.4 Kehittämisprosessin toimijat ja kehittämistehtävät 3 Verkoston nykytoiminnan tutkiminen 3.1 Mitä tutkitaan? 3.2 Miten tutkitaan: Verkoston nykytoiminnan tutkimisen menetelmiä 3.3 Peiliaineiston valmistelu 4 Konseptien ja välineiden kuvaaminen ja tunnistaminen 4.1 Konseptityöskentelyn valmistelu 4.2 Konseptityöpaja 1: Tuotekonseptien tunnistaminen 4.3 Konseptityöpaja 2: Tuotantokonseptien tunnistaminen 4.4 Konseptityöpaja 3: Konseptien ja välineiden kehittämistarpeiden tunnistaminen 4.5 Työpajatyöskentelyn dokumentoiminen 5 Oppivia tuotantokonsepteja tukevan välineistön kehittäminen 5.1 Välineistön kehittämiskohteiden valinta ja kehittämissuunnitelman laatiminen 5.2 Käytäntöjen ja välineiden kokeileva kehittäminen ja arvioiminen pilottikohteissa 5.3 Oppivia tuotantokonsepteja tukeva välineistö käytössä Kirjallisuutta tutkivasta kehittämisestä OT-kehittämisprosessin työkalupakki
Migration letters , 2024
Human trafficking crimes threaten societies' security and stability. They also hinder social growth and harm economic, social, and security institutions. These crimes also confront global security agencies, pushing the international community to fight them. By establishing accords and conventions to address slavery and enslavement, one of the most disgraceful global afflictions and a grave infringement on human rights, including the trafficking, sale, and exploitation of individuals, sometimes called transnational organized crime, Unfortunately, every country is vulnerable to humanitarian violations. through Crossing borders takes many forms. There is also a lack of accurate statistical data and thorough information on human trafficking, especially for women and children. in the light of the lack of agreement on basic assessments, data, and indications of the volume and geographic distribution of different kinds of trafficking makes tackling this problem difficult. A crime cannot be called a "phenomenon" without specifying its scope. also, the victims' ambition for quick and large financial gain drives them into trouble. Organized crime syndicates exploit this tendency, coupled with poverty, unemployment, military conflicts, and natural disasters. Family disintegration, population growth, slums, globalization, the Internet, and an environment of culture that exploits people, especially vulnerable groups, contribute to perceiving them as a commodity that can generate income. Human trafficking victims face security, economic, social, political, psychological, and health risks. Some of these effects may be lethal. The victim's broke immigration and employment rules, as well as fraud, forgery, bribery, smuggling, and rape. Thus, this crime may exceed traditional criminality by including a variety of interrelated violations that result in inhumane deeds. So the paper will clarify the challenges of these serious crimes in all their forms (traditional and modern) and the weakness of international, rigorous cooperation in confrontation and its negative impacts on international society as a whole.
Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology
Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASSGM) has experienced rapid growth due to mineral value and increasing poverty level in western and Nyanza regions in Kenya. The sub-sector has hazardous tasks occasioned by chemical exposures to such substances as mercury, physical strain and repetitive movements associated with extractive tasks challenge which vary from region to region and site to site. This paper reports findings of a study conducted on ASSGM in Kakamega (Roster mine and Ikolomani) and Migori (Masara-Suna West and Francis - Suna East) counties to assess workplace safety, health risk and good health practice among a population of one thousand four hundred (1400) miners and non-miners to identify and determine levels of health hazard in the sector. Descriptive cross-sectional design that involved stratified sampling technique with three broad stages was used: dividing mining and non-mining population in sub-groups (miners, foremen/supervisors, and head of households) at site...
In occasione della pubblicazione del volume di Giuseppe Dematteis La geografia come immaginazione. Tra piacere della scoperta e ricerca di futuri possibili (Donzelli, 2021), la Rivista ha deciso di ospitare un forum di approfondimento invitando studiose e studiosi di diversa estrazione a riflettere sui contenuti del libro e sull'itinerario personale dell'autore.Il volume raccoglie alcuni articoli di Dematteis, pubblicati tra il 1986 e il 2009, sull'ambiguità della geografia come sguardo in parte scientifico e in parte poetico, conoscenza di ciò che è e immaginazione di ciò che potrebbe essere, disciplina al tempo stesso moderna, pre-moderna e post-moderna, invitando a leggere la terra come un insieme di relazioni. Queste riflessioni interrogano la natura stessa del sapere geografico e chiamano in causa questioni relative al posizionamento e alla ‘utilità' della disciplina nel dibattito scientifico e pubblico. L'occasione è stata inoltre ritenuta utile per riflett...
Outline of the political sociology of French teachers Based on a statistical survey, the article analyses the politicisation and contemporary forms of engagement of teachers in France. The first step is to identify the types of relations which French teachers have with engagement and politics. Globally, this professional body remains more unionised, participates more in elections and is more mobilised than most others. If it remains strongly left wing in its ideology, this tendency must not mask powerful internal heterogeneities. By distinguishing ideal types of teachers, according to their political positioning and their relationships with unionism and their engagement in collective mobilizations, the author identifies the variables which take them into account. By using the tools of political sociology of engagement to study the professional body of teachers, he discusses the hypothesis of a decline in their political commitment.
Revista Papeles de Trabajo, Dossier “Imagen y cultura visual” Nº 7, marzo 2011, IDAES, ISSN 1851-2577., 2011
American Journal of Archeaology 127.4, E106-107, 2023
LIBREAS: Library Ideas, 2006
Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 19(2): 24-29
Journal of Pragmatics, 2006
European Journal of Clinical Medicine
Current Opinion in Rheumatology, 2014
Iranian Journal of Neonatology IJN, 2018
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2020
Injury Prevention, 2012
Anaesthesia, 2021
Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health - South East Asia 2019 (ISESSAH-SEA 2019), 2019
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease, 2015