Application of Electromagnetic Energy in
Cancer Treatment
Abstract-While biologists have demonstrated the cancer killing
ability of hyperthermia in combination with radiation and chemotherapy both in vitro and in vivo, clinicians find that it is difficult to raise
and to keep the temperature of tumors at therapeutic levels. During
the last decade, there has been significant progress in the method of
heat delivery, temperature monitoring, and thermal dosimetry. In this
presentation, radiofrequency (RF) and microwave heating techniques
are reviewed. Examples of heating patterns of various applicators are
shown to illustrate the complex energy deposition of RF and microwave
energy in tissues.
ISTORICALLY, the treatment of cancer with hyperthermia can be traced back to 3000 B.C. when
smoldering sticks of wood were inserted in tumors. At the
end of the 19th century, Coley's toxin was introduced to
patients to produce whole body hyperthermia which resulted in tumor regression. Since then, sporadic reports
using heat to treat cancers have appeared in Western journals. During the last decade, especially in recent years,
the interest in using hyperthermia and/or in combination
with other forms of therapy has increased tremendously.
Currently, hyperthermia is an experimental treatment and
usually applied to late stage patients. Heating methods
include whole body heating using hot wax, hot air, hot
water suits, infrared, or partial body heating utilizing radiofrequency (RF), microwave, ultrasound, hot blood, or
fluid perfusion. Clinical and experimental results from
various countries have indicated a promising future for
hyperthermia, however, the main problem is the generation and control of heat in tumors.
Numerous reports show how various animal or human
tumors can be successfully treated by heat alone. Also,
there are many publications emphasizing the synergistic
effects of heat and radiotherapy or heat and chemotherapy. The effective temperature range of hyperthermia is
very small, 42.5-44°C. At lower temperatures, the effect
is very minimum. At temperatures higher than 44"C, the
normal cells are damaged. Due to the difference in blood
flow in normal and tumor tissues, tumor temperatures are
usually higher than surrounding tissue temperatures during hyperthermia treatment. In addition, it is generally
believed that tumors are more sensitive to heat. This is
Manuscript received April 20, 1988; revised August 5 , 1988. This work
was supported in part by NCI under Grant CA33572.
The author is with the Department of Radiation Research, City of Hope
National Medical Center, Duarte, CA 91010.
IEEE Log Number 8824016.
explained by the hypoxic, acidic, and poor nutritional state
of tumor cells. The synergism of radiation and hyperthermia is accomplished by the thermal killing of hypoxic
and S-phase cells which are resistive to radiation. Since
heating increases the membrane permeability and the potency of some drugs, hyperthermia has been used in combination with chemotherapy.
The temperature rise in tumors and tissues is determined by the energy deposited and the physiological responses of the patient. When electromagnetic methods are
used, the energy deposition is a complex function of frequency, intensity, polarization of the applied fields, geometry, and size of applicator as well as the dielectric
property, geometry, size, and depth of the tumor. The
final temperature elevations are not only dependent on the
energy deposition but also on blood flow and thermal conduction in tissues. In present hyperthermia research, thermal dosimetry and treatment planning with microwave
and RF waves is far from adequate. Further clinical applications cannot fully proceed without the prerequisite
knowledge of how heat is to be delivered in various clinical situations. The development of advanced hyperthermia equipment and techniques will allow successful treatment of cancers that are resistant to other methods of
The cooling mechanism of superficial tissue circulation
has made it difficult to heat deep tissue by conductive
heating. Diathermy using microwaves, RF waves, and ultrasound is necessary to bring electromagnetic or acoustic
energies to tissue beneath the subcutaneous fat layers.
Microwaves occupy the electromagnetic frequency band
between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. The most commonly
used frequencies for hyperthermia are 4 3 3 , 9 15, and 2450
MHz. They are the designated ISM (industrial, scientific,
and medical) frequencies in the U.S. and Europe (433
MHz in Europe only). Frequencies higher than 2450 MHz
have no practical value due to their limited penetrations.
While RF by definition is between 3 kHz and 300 GHz,
generally it means frequencies below microwave range in
hyperthermia. The RF frequencies of 13.56 and 27.12
MHz have been widely used in diathermy and now in hyperthermia. The other ISM frequency is 40.68 MHz,
which has not been used extensively for tissue heating.
Operating frequencies other than these are not allowed
by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) unless
O 1988 IEEE
the treatment is administered in a shielded room to minimize interferences with the communication network. In
addition, the electromagnetic stray radiation during treatments must be monitored. Occupational safety standards
recommended by the American National Standard Institute and the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists are to be complied with in order to protect
the safety of the operators.
The following heating methods have been used for
diathermy in rehabilitation medicine for four decades.
During the last ten years, these techniques have been
modified and refined for heating tumors. Specific clinical
applications are described in subsequent sections.
A . Resistive Heating
Tissues can be heated by alternating RF currents
through the use of needle or plate electrodes. The operating frequency should be higher than 100 kHz to prevent
excitation of nerve action potentials.
B. Capacitative Heating
Tissues can be heated by displacement currents generated between two capacitor plates. This method is simple,
but the overheating of fat remains a major problem. In
planar tissue models, the rate of temperature rise is about
17 times greater in fat than in muscle. In addition, the
blood flow is significantly less in fat, so the final temperature is much higher than that in muscle. In Japan, the 8MHz Thermotron system uses a water-cooled bolus to
minimize the heating of fat tissues. The sizes of the two
electrodes are adjusted to control the heating patterns in
C. Inductive Heating
Magnetic fields generated by solenoidal loops or “pancake” magnetic coils induce eddy currents in tissue. Since
the induced electric fields are parallel to the tissue interface, heating is maximized in muscle rather than in fat.
However, the heating pattern is generally toroidal in shape
with a null at the center of the coil.
D. Radiative Heating
The previous three heating methods use frequencies in
the RF band where a quasi-static condition applies. In the
microwave frequency range, energy is coupled into tissues through waveguides, dipoles, or other radiating devices. The shorter wavelengths of microwaves, as compared to RF, provide the capability to direct and focus the
energy into tissues by direct radiation from a small applicator. Loading an applicator with dielectric material can
reduce the size of its aperture to provide more flexibility
in controlling the amount of energy deposited at tumor
A . Interstitial Hyperthermia
Interstitial techniques for radiation implants as primary
or boost treatments have been practiced successfully by
radiation oncologists for many years. When hyperthermia
was known to be cytotoxic and synergistic with radiation,
it was natural to consider the combination with conventional interstitial radioactive implantation. Other advantages of this technique include better control of heat distributions within the tumor as compared with external
hyperthermia, and sparing normal tissue, especially the
overlaying skin.
1) Local Current Fields (LCF) Techniques
At the City of Hope National Medical Center an interstitial hyperthermia equipment utilizing 0.5-MHz RF currents was used for Phase I and I1 clinical trials. Most of
the patients treated had advanced primary breast and cervix cancers which were considered uncontrollable by conventional methods. Complete response rate was high in
primary carcinoma of the breast (12/13 patients, 92.3
percent), and less in primary carcinoma of the cervix
(9/14, 64.2 percent) with follow-up times between 6 and
47 months. Overall complete response rate was 64.3 percent, 36/56 lesions.
A number of technical improvements have occurred in
the last few years in the development of the LCF unit.
Multiple sensors can be built into a thermocouple probe
so that measurements at up to 5 points can be made. The
aggregate temperature information can give an excellent
representation of the temperature distribution across a
plane or volume of tissue. The present unit (Oncotherm
LCF 2032) can record up to 32 temperature readings with
20 electrode pairs and simultaneously display these temperatures on a video terminal. Feedback control of RF
power and current dwell time across the selected needle
pairs can be adjusted by the computer, based on the temperature monitored by a reference sensor.
Current research involves the refinement and clinical
testing of a “multipoint feedback (MPF) system.” The
MPF system takes into account the adjustments current
dwell time across each needle pair, and theoretically it
should provide for a more homogeneous temperature distribution than what can be achieved at the present.
2) Microwave Technique
Small microwave antennas inserted into hollow tubings
can produce satisfactory heating patterns with frequencies
between 300-2450 MHz. A common frequency used in
the United States is 915 MHz. A small coaxial antenna
can irradiate a volume of approximate 60 cc. With a multinode coaxial antenna, the length of the heating pattern
can be extended to about 10 cm in a 3 node antenna.
Strohbehn et al. have calculated the isotherms for an array
of antennas taking into account the absorbed power in tissues and relating it to the bio-heat equation. Assumptions
with or without blood flow were included in the theoretical modelling.
As in LCF hyperthermia, the degree of control of microwave power radiating from these antennas is important
in order to achieve homogeneous heating. Multiple point
feedback control would be important as well. At Dartmouth College, biomedical engineers have designed a
system which has the capability to split the power from
the generator to the various antennas and modulate it according to the temperature measured.
3 ) Ferromagnetic Seed Implants
Burton et al. used thermally self-regulating implants for
the production of brain lesions. This technique is also applicable for delivering thermal energy to deep seated tumors. When exposed to magnetic fields, the implants absorb power and become heated but when a critical
temperature (Curie point) is reached, the implants become
nonferromagnetic and no longer produce heat. The surrounding tissues are then heated by thermal conduction.
The influence of blood flow and tissue inhomogeneities of
the tumor which may affect the temperature distribution
can be compensated by the self-regulation of the implants
and maintain a temperature close to the Curie point.
Atkinson et al. showed that the rate of energy absorption by the implant is strongly dependent on the permeability of the material, the frequency of the magnetic field,
the implant diameter, and the orientation of the implants
with respect to the magnetic fields. Since the temperature
of the tissues between the implants is dependent on thermal diffusion, the spacing between the implants must be
small enough to achieve a therapeutic temperature. In animal studies the spacing was 1 mm or less. In areas with
high blood flow, the spacing may need to be reduced.
4) Intracavitary/Intraluminal Hyperthermia
Certain tumor sites at hollow visceras or cavities may
be treated with these techniques: 1) gastrointestinal
(esophagus, rectum), 2) gynecological (vaginal, cervix,
uterus), 3) genitourinary (prostate, bladder), 4) pulmonary (trachea, bronchus), and 5 ) miscellaneous sites where
it is technically feasible to insert such applicators.
Clinical experience to date has been quite limited in the
United States. Leybovich et al. presented their designs of
intracavitary applicators for treating tracheal stoma cancers. These applicators permitted air flow and resulted in
adequate heating patterns in phantoms. Wong et al. have
performed phantom (tissue simulation) studies of the
heating pattern of an intraluminal probe and treated a patient with recurrent adenocarcinoma of the bile duct
through a percutaneous biliary drainage tube with combined microwave hyperthermia and radiation. Broschat et
al. investigated the construction of an insulated dipole applicator for intracavitary hyperthermia, with potential application of treatment of prostate cancers. Mendecki et al.
have reported the use of microwave applicators for localized hyperthermia for the treatment of cancers of the prostate.
Third world countries, especially China, are pursuing
this area of research because a large population of patients
with cancers are suitable for such treatments. Li et al.
reported the combined treatments with radiation and hyperthermia of 103 patients with esophageal cancers using
intraluminal microwaves. Hao et al. reported 53 cases of
carcinoma of the uterine cervix, 47 percent of whom were
Stage IIb/IIIb. They were treated with intracavitary hy-
perthermia alone, radiation alone, or combined hyperthermia and radiation. The best responses were observed
in the combined group.
B. Local External Hyperthermia
Heating of small volumes of tumors usually up to 50
cm2 in area and up to 4 cm in depth located near the surface of the body can be achieved quite easily today. Perez
and Meyer summarized the clinical experience with localized hyperthermia and irradiation. The majority of
studies involve the use of microwaves, usually at 915
MHz. In most cases, skin cooling was employed if there
was no evidence of superficial tumor. The average complete response rate with irradiation alone is 30 percent in
comparison to 70 percent with irradiation and hyperthermia. Toxicities are mainly pain and thermal bums. Side
effects of thermal blistering and bums were correlated with
maximum temperatures attained during heat treatments.
Engineering development has been mostly on the design of new microwave applicators. A number of applicators with various sizes operate over a frequency range
of 300- 1000 MHz. Most of them are dielectrically loaded
and with a water bolus for surface cooling. Low profile,
lightweight microstrip applicators, which are easier to use
clinically, have also been reported. To reduce the applicator size and weight, methods of using high permittivity
dielectric material, electric wall boundary, and magnetic
material have been applied. Although these applicators are
only useful for treatment of tumors at a few centimeters
below the skin, they are much more convenient than
waveguide applicators in phased-array applications for
treating deep-seated tumors.
C. Regional Hyperthermia
To heat deep-seated tumors noninvasively is difficult.
RF energy can be deposited into the center of the body
but a large region is affected. Differential increases of
blood flow in the normal and tumor tissues may result in
higher temperature in tumors than normal organs. However, this temperature differential cannot be assured.
Strohbehn used the term “dump and pray” to describe the
situation of putting large amounts of electromagnetic energy into the region, and hoping for satisfactory results.
So far, the annular phased array systems (APAS) made by
BSD Corporation (Salt Lake City, UT) and the Magnetrode made by Henry Medical Electronics, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) have been evaluated by several institutions.
The APAS consists of four sets of dual radiating apertures which operate in the transverse electromagnetic
(TEM) mode over the frequency range of 50-110 MHz.
The maximum power is 2 kW. The patient is placed inside
the octagonal aperture. Distilled water bolus bags fill the
air space within the aperture, and have the function of
improving energy coupling, reducing stray radiation, and
providing surface cooling. Due to FCC regulations, the
system has to be operated inside a shielded room.
In clinical evaluations, the safety, feasibility, and also
the limitations of the use of APAS have been demonstrated for achieving therapeutic temperatures in the abdomen and pelvis. Treatment of the chest can cause severe heating in the head and neck region. In addition, the
invasive thermometry current employed can puncture the
lung or major vessels. Therefore, it has been concluded
that more pilot studies are needed before this modality can
be evaluated by a randomized clinical trial.
The magnetic-loop applicators of the Magnetrode unit
are self resonant, noncontact cylindrical coil with built-in
impedance matching circuitry and operate at 13.56 MHz
with a maximum power output of 1000 W. The RF current in the coil creates strong magnetic fields in parallel
to the center axis of the coil where the body or limb of a
patient is located. Since the magnitude of the induced eddy
current is a function of the radius of the exposed object,
there is no energy deposition at the center of the exposed
tissue. However, Storm et al. have shown that in live dogs
and humans the heating of tumors deep in the body was
possible with no injury to surface tissue. This was apparently due to the redistribution of the thermal energy by
blood flow.
cident waves, various distinct SAR patterns were predicted. These patterns were verified experimentally by
thermographic techniques. A patient with recurrent melanomas on a lower leg was subjected to a clinical trial.
The heating pattern was the same as predicted on models.
A therapeutic temperature of 43°C in the tumor was easily achieved.
A miniature APAS called MAPA, was designed by
Turner for treating cancers on the extremities. The MAPA
deposits energy into tumors by an annular co-phase focusing of the E-field radiating from each of the 8 metallic
strip radiators. The SAR patterns in a cylindrical phantom
vary with the operating frequency and the position of the
phantom. This system is being evaluated clinically at
Duke University.
For treatment planning, the heating patterns of a particular modality is needed before the treatment. The heating
patterns can be predicted by numerical modeling. After
the pattern is found, the next step is to use the heat transfer equation to calculate the temperature distribution. Numerous papers on mathematical modeling have been published. Numerical techniques, such as finite differences,
D . Phased-Array Hyperthermia
finite element, moment, and finite-difference time-domain
An array of applicators with variations in phase, fre- methods, have been used for numerical modeling.
For heating pattern measurements in phantoms heated
quency amplitude, and orientation of the applied fields
can add more dimensions to controlling the heating pat- by electromagnetic energy, the following method has been
terns during the treatment. The APAS described by Turner described in detail in the literature. The absorption of
radiates 16 RF fields in phase toward the patient. When electromagnetic energy in tissue is determined by many
the electrical field in the tissue is increased by a factor of factors. Among them are amplitude, frequency, duration,
N , the specific absorption rate (SAR) (and, therefore, the and polarization of applied fields; dielectric properties,
temperature rise) is N 2 times higher. By changing the size, geometry, and depth of tissues; size and shape of
phase and amplitude of the applied fields incident from applicator; as well as spacing or coupling between tissue
different directions, the SAR pattern can be controlled. and the applicator. Therefore, in order to apply the penTheoretically it is possible to achieve the temperature el- etrating microwave or RF energy for tissue heating, meaevation at the tumor only. A few researchers have shown surements of energy absorption in tissues are required for
theoretically and/or experimentally that the focusing ef- effective treatment in cancer hyperthermia. Phantom mafect can be achieved in models. A special issue on phase terials with dielectric properties similar to those of real
arrays for hyperthermia treatment of cancer has been pub- tissues have been used for electromagnetic heating studlished in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
THE- ies.
Several nonperturbing temperature probes are now
May 1986.
To determine the excitation phases of an array for heat- commercially available. They can be used to measure rate
ing an inhomogeneous medium, the retro-focusing tech- of heating at various points in the phantom model. Hownique was applied by Loane et al. A small probe was first ever, this process is quite time consuming, and it is esinserted into a tumor. A signal was radiated fromlhe probe pecially difficult to know where to insert the temperature
and received by the array of applicators outside the pa- probe, because the heating patterns can be very complitient. By reciprocity theory, conjugate fields were ra- cated. Guy has described a thermographic method for
diated from the applicators and focused at the tumor. The rapid measurement of the rate of temperature rise (not
technique was demonstrated experimentally in a water steady-state temperature) in tissue through the use of
tank. A significant power increase at the desired focus phantom models of real tissue. This method uses a thermographic camera for recording RF induced temperature
was observed.
Guy et al. used a phased-array 915-MHz system for changes over an internal surface of the exposed object.
heating deep and superficial tumors in cylindrical struc- The phantoms are composed of materials with dielectric
tures such as the upper and lower limbs or neck. Theo- and geometric properties similar to the tissue structures
retical analysis of SAR patterns was based on superposi- that they represent. Models are designed to separate along
tion of four plane waves incident on a cylinder. By altering planes so that cross-sectional heating patterns can be meathe orientation of the electric fields and the phase of in- sured with the thermographic method.
55 1
p.q Fl
915 MHz
650 MHz
433 MHz
657 MHZ
189 MHz
Fig. 1 Heating patterns of intracavitary applicators.
TCA 434-1
0.8r.m SPACING
Fig. 2. Heating patterns in bisected plane showing hot spots at the edges
of a TAG-MED applicator when no spacing was between the applicator
and model.
This technique has been used to evaluate heating patterns of various RF and microwave applicators. Three selected examples are shown below to illustrate the complexity of heating pattern in tissues.
1) To treat cancers with hyperthermia in hollow viscera
or cavities in the body, such as the esophagus, rectum,
vagina, and bladder, intracavitary applicators have been
designed and tested. The upper half of Fig. I shows that
the heating patterns are different for different intracavitary
applicators operated at the same 915 MHz. Applicator #22
shows that only one side of the phantom was heated, since
the unheated side was shielded by a copper coil. This particular probe is suitable for treating diseases on one side
of the cavity. The bottom of Fig. 1 indicates that with the
same applicator (#12), the heating pattern varies as the
operating frequency changes.
2) In Fig. 2, the heating pattern on the left was for a
TAG-MED applicator (Boulder, CO) in direct contact
with the fat surface. The two hot spots are in the fat with
relatively slight heating in the muscle. When a 0.8 cm
spacing is placed between the applicator and the phantom,
the heating is greatly improved in the muscle region for
electric fields either parallel or perpendicular to the inter-
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Fig. 3. Heating patterns on the surface of a phantom exposed to microwaves at vanous frequencies using a BSD MA-151 applicator.
face. Quantitative data are not shown in this figure but the
data show that heating in the fat was six times higher if
the 0.8 cm spacings were not in place. If the applicator is
in direct contact with the patient this indicates that not
only little heating in the muscle (or tumor) will be produced, but also that hot spots may cause burns in the patient.
3) Heating patterns of a small BSD applicator (3.8 X
5 cm) cooled by a water bolus are shown in Fig. 3 for
operating frequencies of 930, 779, 657, and 581 MHz.
Maximum heating was outside the rectangular aperture of
the applicator for 779 and 657 MHz. Both 930 and 581
MHz produced heating in the center of the applicator. Unfamiliarity with these heating patterns can cause blisters
outside the aperture area.
It is very important to the physician and the hyperthermia treatment team (physicist, engineer, and nurse,
technologist, etc.) that the proper functions of any hyperthermia equipment be fully understood for the sake of
safety to the patients and to the operators. In using electromagnetic heating, the applicators are critical components which come in close proximity or contact with the
patients and can be the determining factor of effective and
safe treatments or complications. Before an applicator is
used, detailed heating patterns should be measured. Dosimetry data on phantom models will give physicians more
insight into the heating capability of the applicator.
Due to the page limitation, the 30 references are available upon request
from the author.