Re-Thinking Urban Flood Management—Time for a
Regime Shift
Johanna Sörensen 1 , Andreas Persson 2 , Catharina Sternudd 3 , Henrik Aspegren 4 ,
Jerry Nilsson 5 , Jonas Nordström 6 , Karin Jönsson 4 , Misagh Mottaghi 4 , Per Becker 7 ,
Petter Pilesjö 2 , Rolf Larsson 1 , Ronny Berndtsson 1,8, * and Shifteh Mobini 9
Water Resources Engineering, Lund University, Lund SE-221 00, Sweden; johanna.sorensen@tvrl.lth.se (J.S.);
rolf.larsson@tvrl.lth.se (R.L.)
GIS Centre/Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Lund SE-221 00, Sweden;
andreas.persson@nateko.lu.se (A.P.); petter.pilesjo@gis.lu.se (P.P.)
Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University, Lund SE-221 00, Sweden;
Water and Environmental Engineering, Lund University, Lund SE-221 00, Sweden;
Henrik.Aspegren@vasyd.se (H.A.); karin.jonsson@chemeng.lth.se (K.J.);
misagh.mottaghi@chemeng.lth.se (M.M.)
Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, Malmö SE-205 06, Sweden; jerry.nilsson@mah.se
AgriFood, Economics Centre, Lund University, Lund SE-220 07, Sweden; jonas.nordstrom@agrifood.lu.se
Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund University, Lund SE-221 00, Sweden; per.becker@risk.lth.se
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Lund SE-221 00, Sweden
VA Syd, Malmö SE-211 20, Sweden; Shifteh.mobini@tvrl.lth.se
Correspondence: ronny.berndtsson@tvrl.lth.se; Tel.: +46-46-222-8986
Academic Editor: Peter J. Coombes
Received: 7 June 2016; Accepted: 2 August 2016; Published: 4 August 2016
Abstract: Urban flooding is of growing concern due to increasing densification of urban areas,
changes in land use, and climate change. The traditional engineering approach to flooding is
designing single-purpose drainage systems, dams, and levees. These methods, however, are known
to increase the long-term flood risk and harm the riverine ecosystems in urban as well as rural areas.
In the present paper, we depart from resilience theory and suggest a concept to improve urban flood
resilience. We identify areas where contemporary challenges call for improved collaborative urban
flood management. The concept emphasizes resiliency and achieved synergy between increased
capacity to handle stormwater runoff and improved experiential and functional quality of the urban
environments. We identify research needs as well as experiments for improved sustainable and
resilient stormwater management namely, flexibility of stormwater systems, energy use reduction,
efficient land use, priority of transport and socioeconomic nexus, climate change impact, securing
critical infrastructure, and resolving questions regarding responsibilities.
Keywords: urban flooding; resilience; climate change adaptation; blue-green urban solutions
1. Introduction
Urban flooding problems are increasing due to numerous reasons. Urbanization is an accelerating
trend. At present about 54% of the global population live in cities [1] and by 2050, almost two thirds
of the world’s population will live in urban environments [2]. Thus, urban areas are growing and
in many cases, they are becoming denser [3]. Many cities are striving to reduce their negative,
environmental impact and densification of existing urban areas has become the dominating urban
planning strategy in order to meet a rapid urbanization with limited expansion on agricultural
land [4,5]. The large proportion of impermeable surfaces makes built-up land more vulnerable to
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flooding than the surrounding environment. Moreover, the risk of being flooded due to sea level
rise or river discharge is threatening 15% of the world’s population [2]. Recently, severe flooding
hit highly developed cities like Prague, Dresden, and several other cities (2002), Bern and several
other cities (2005), New Orleans (2005), Copenhagen (2010, 2011, and 2014) (Figure 1), and New York
(2012), as well as areas like Queensland (2010),‐ South-western England (2013–2014), and the French
Riviera (2015). The societal consequences are severe. In Europe only, the average cost of flood damages
between 2000 and 2012 has been estimated to about 4.9 billion euros per year. It is estimated that this
figure may increase to about 23.5 billion per year by 2050, i.e., with almost 400% [6].
Figure 1. Pluvial flooding on the 31st of August 2014. Photos were taken at three different flood
affected locations in Copenhagen (photo by Johanna Sörensen).
The traditional engineering approach to manage urban drainage is by combined (sewage water
and stormwater in the same pipe) or separate pipe systems. In semi-urban catchments, urban drainage
systems may be combined with dams, levees, and other types of storage and detention facilities to cope
with floods. However, during recent decades alternative ways to manage floods have evolved since
traditional methods often harm the riverine ecosystems in urban as well as rural areas and increase the
long-term flood risk [7,8]. Alternative methods relate to resilience theory and address the city’s capacity
to mitigate flooding in particularly sensitive urban areas, tolerate controlled flooding on assigned
areas, and to re-organize in case of damage. This means that adaptive, multifunctional infrastructure
in combination with water sensitive urban design are seen as means to reinforce resilience against
climate change [9–11]. However, incorporation of these measures into decision-making and ways to
handle integrative and multi-criteria aspects in the legal and organizational system are still to a great
extent undeveloped. In general, a design framework integrating technical, social, environmental, legal,
and institutional aspects is crucial [12]. Introducing such a framework is faced with barriers that are
largely socio-institutional rather than technical [13].
Sustainable and resilient water management thus needs to involve water supply access and
security, public health protection, as well as flood protection in densely built urban areas with many
types of important urban infrastructure [10]. In view of the above, it is clear that urban water
management systems need to become integrated elements in a multifunctional urban environment.
Increasingly urgent and complex problems have to be solved by the city, where the water sector
management systems should be developed in close collaboration with regional and municipal
planning authorities.
The traditional thinking is that resilient societies bounce back from the state they were in before
a devastating event. However, lessons learned, from for example the Hurricane Katrina in 2005,
show that this may not the case. Ten years after the catastrophe, the area is still suffering from reduced
long-term population and low economic activity [14]. Thus, instead of viewing the drainage design
as a static process and to cope with floods of a certain recurrence, a contemporary interpretation of
urban resilience needs to encompass a more flexible and adaptive approach to flood management.
A flexible flood management system may be defined as measures for a given level of flooding, but with
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an integrated ability to modify it later [15]. Urban resilience should be viewed as an adaptive process
where the society continuously learns how to cope with changing socioeconomic conditions and urban
land use as well as a changing climate. Since the urban space and flooding are complex, it is necessary
to adopt a systems-analytical approach.
Figure 2 outlines the three systems involved in urban flood
problems, namely (1) the hydrological
(2) the impact system; and (3) the management system.
For a systematic approach to flood resilience, the dynamic character of all three systems needs to
be considered.
Figure 2. The three systems involved in urban flooding. (A) The hydrological system is the terrestrial
part of the hydrological cycle with both natural and man-made components; (B) The impact system
is the part of urban society that may be affected in a detrimental
way by a flooding event; (C) The
management system is the part of urban society that deals with floods in order to decrease the
detrimental effects of flood events.
A new adaptive approach to urban water management has to be integrated among stakeholders
and authorities and by using sustainability criteria. It should secure a higher level of resilience to
climate change and water services, while at the same time enhancing attraction and social inclusion of
urban environments. In this regard, the complex function of urban areas needs to be weighed into
the design process. In view of the above, the objective of this paper is to bring forward the concept of
urban flood resilience into a context of sustainability and risk management. We elaborate on these
concepts according to the concept graph in Figure 3 and point out areas where an updated approach
serves to cope with changing risks and increase urban resilience through integrated flood management.
Figure 3. Outline of concept chart for improved urban flood resilience followed in this paper.
The marked area in the middle of the chart denotes sustainable stormwater management solutions.
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2. Resilience in Flood Management
As mentioned above, resilience is a key notion in sustainability science and contemporary urban
flood management. For this purpose, we give a brief account of this concept in relation to risk below.
2.1. Concepts of Risk and Resilience
Although risk is a contested concept with numerous definitions [16], most characterizations have
three aspects in common [17], namely (1) The assumption that the future is uncertain [18,19] and
that any future event is possible to influence [20]; (2) the uncertain future has a potential impact on
humans [18,21], or can at least be so perceived [22]; and (3) risk is defined in relation to a preferred
outcome [20,23,24]. Thus, risk is a potentially negative deviation from a preferred expected
development over time. This definition may at first appear as merely complicating more conventional
approaches to risk, such as a combination of probability and consequence or of events and consequences
and their associated uncertainties, but even so may serve its purpose [16].
The notion of resilience is usually used to describe (1) the ability of a system to “bounce back” to
a single equilibrium [25,26]; (2) a measure of robustness or buffering capacity before a disturbance
forces a system from one stable equilibrium to another [27,28]; or (3) a system’s ability to adapt in
reaction to a disturbance [29]. It has been suggested that human beings have the ability not only to
react to disturbances but also to anticipate and learn from them [17]. Resilience can be regarded as a
purely descriptive concept in relation to systems behavior, or if it is normative in the sense of relating
outcomes to human values and objectives. Both approaches have merits, but if resilience is to have
any meaning in relation to risk and sustainable development, which are both inherently normative
concepts, it becomes equally normative [17].
2.2. Flood Resilience
Urban flood risk management aims at assessing and reducing flood risk, as well as preparing
for effective response to, and recovery after, actual floods, with the purpose of minimizing
disturbances, disruptions, and associated costs in relation to a city’s preferred development over time.
Thus, resilience is the capacity of a system, such as a city, to continuously develop along a preferred
and expected trajectory [17], while remaining within human and environmental boundaries [30].
This approach to resilience is suitable when focusing on the sustainable development of cities, which
entails human beings with preferences and expectations for their future as well as agency to strive to
meet them. City authorities develop visions and plans for the future use of urban areas. Plans may
span over years and even decades, during which the city changes more or less continuously and
most often significantly due to purposeful and proactive human activities, also often reducing the
applicability of all three main approaches to resilience previously listed. If a city’s resilience instead is
its capacity to continuously develop along its preferred expected trajectory, then this resilience is an
emergent property determined by the city’s ability to anticipate, recognize, adapt to, and learn from
variations, changes, disturbances, disruptions, and disasters that may cause harm to what human
beings value [17]. Sustainable development thus means to manage risk and resilience is the capacity
for doing so in an uncertain, ambiguous, complex, and dynamic world.
2.3. Time Perspective on Flood Management
Long-term strategies are needed to facilitate cost-effective and rapid implementation of
integrated flood management [31]. The aim is fast recovery from flooding and restoration to good
living conditions. Sustainability should not only be achieved economically, but also socially and
environmentally [32]. Cities are challenged by climate change, and according to the European
Environmental Agency report [33] immediate action is needed since delaying adaptation actions
will be much more costly in the long-term. Climate change will not only affect the economy but also
increase the number of possible hazardous events to citizens. When planning for climate change,
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however, also other related climate change effects such as, water scarcity, drought, and heat waves,
need to be considered in the municipal planning. Cities should thus, not wait for a larger flood event
or a large-scale catastrophe to act. Instead, city planners need to study front-runner cities that are
dealing with flood challenges such as New York, Copenhagen, and Rotterdam. Learning from the
experiences of others, and ourselves is of crucial importance and saves energy, resources, and time [34].
Thus, it is a long-term process to achieve a flood resilient city, and it is vital to ensure synergy between
urban development and urban drainage strategies [35]. It is dangerous to make long-term decisions
based only on experiences of a recent severe flood event. Doing so might lead to lock-in effects where
irreversible decisions are made [36].
2.4. Flood Management Strategies
After a series of catastrophic floods in Europe, the EU Flood Directive was ratified in 2007 [37].
The Flood Directive gives two design levels, namely the 100-year event, and the “worst case scenario”.
Implicitly the Flood Directive focuses on riverine floods. However, pluvial floods, i.e., flooding
generated locally by an overload of the urban drainage system by extreme rainfall, also constitute
a formidable threat to cities around the world. Since traditional urban drainage systems rely on
underground pipes, they have, in order to avoid huge dimensions, typically been designed to cope
with rainfall of 10 year recurrence period or less. More extreme events are deliberately allowed to
generate inundation of selected areas such as streets, infrastructure, and building basements. Even with
design level of 100 year recurrence period, the risk of exceeding critical conditions during a period of
50 years is 40%. On top of that, the uncertainty associated with recurrence periods based on existing,
limited data is quite large [38]. The EU Flood Directive highlights that, irrespective of the recurrence
period chosen, there is always a non-negligible probability of system failure. Unfortunately, it remains
to make this an accepted public fact and a component of the strategic thinking among all stakeholders
including especially the general public.
As climate change continues and the sea level rises [39], concerns regarding coastal flooding
are growing. Three different strategies have been suggested [40,41], i.e., to retreat (slowly move
buildings to higher elevations), to defend (secure areas with measures like dikes and floodgates), or to
attack (build on the water, with buildings and infrastructures that can endure the water). From an
environmental perspective, retreat or attack is most suitable, while defend is found less advisable.
From an economical perspective, defend or attack is most suitable if there are high assets in the area,
and defend will minimize the construction and maintenance costs. From a social perspective, the retreat
might be a good solution [41]. Mathur, A. et al. [42] discussed flooding and sea level rise for Mumbai
(India) and suggested that the sea should be seen as a friend rather than an enemy from which to
be protected. Further, the islands of Mumbai should more correctly be called estuary and Mithi
River a river rather than a part of the sewage system. They argued that the change in naming and
understanding are important for how we reflect upon the nature as well as the city and that this
influences how we plan the city and prepare ourselves for flooding.
In general, coastal flooding is different from riverine (from river) and pluvial (from intense
rainfall) flooding with respect to physical planning. Cities are often experiencing a combination of
riverine and pluvial floods. The pluvial flood type is generated locally and the result of exceedance
of natural infiltration and drainage as well as exceedance of the capacity of the urban drainage
system [43]. On the contrary, riverine floods are usually generated at a much larger rural catchment
scale. Consequently, the flood problem for riverine cities may often be a result related to scale and
upstream rainfall-runoff processes. Consequently, upstream flood management will also affect the
downstream water level and discharge. In this regard sustainable flood management for urban areas
needs to consider larger, often rural catchments that discharge nearby or inside urban neighborhoods
as well as direct stormwater runoff from impermeable areas. This can be seen as a scale problem where
both quantitative and qualitative aspects of runoff need to be considered. Nevertheless, the problem is
similar when it comes to organizational strategies and the understanding of resilience and risk.
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3. Integrated Approach to Urban Planning and Design
To manage floods in a sustainable way it is necessary to apply a holistic viewpoint and employ an
integrated approach for the different functions that a modern city entails.
3.1. Water Management beyond the Traditional Pipe System
Continuous urbanization will result in increasing nutrient and contaminant emissions of
watersheds, putting human health and ecosystems in danger [44,45]. Due to the absence of trans-scale
thinking, drainage and flood protection systems mostly rely on expensive and inflexible underground
solutions. High-intensive rainfall is causing more frequent overloading of pipes resulting in flooding of
public and private property [46]. As most cities still are using combined sewage systems for drainage,
more frequent overflow of untreated sewage may be expected in the future [46]. At the same time,
urban areas are getting denser, and thus less space will be available for underground infrastructures
including extensive use of drainage pipes. Developing the underground water infrastructure will thus
be even more costly in the future. Urban transition should instead lead towards less and slower surface
runoff, which requires more soil and surface infiltration. Accordingly, applying surface solutions and
evolving the drainage systems are essential steps for the reduction of flood impacts [47]. Utilizing urban
areas as integrated parts of the drainage system provides promising opportunities.
Geldof, G.D. [48] suggested the Three Point Approach (3PA) as a tool for how to move from
only focusing on design standards for rainfall events that occur with a return period of 1 in 10 years
(first point) to including extreme rainfall events (second point), and at the same time consider the
impact on every-day life (third point). Fratini, C.F. et al. [49] found this tool useful in discussions
with stakeholders. Rather than seeing the 3PA as going from a one-point to a three-point approach,
the present flood management could be developed from a single-purpose view with a one-point
approach to a multi-disciplinary view with a full spectra approach. This means that the whole range,
from the everyday system and processes in the city to the functionality during the most extreme
events, is incorporated. The whole system can be integrated and treated in unison, including also
extremes. It is no longer appropriate to focus separately on the water issue solely when planning water
infrastructure. For economical as well as environmental reasons, an integrated approach is needed.
New large-scale single-purpose construction projects, such as huge sewerage tunnels in old combined
sewerage systems, have been strongly criticized, for example in Philadelphia [50,51], London [52]
and Copenhagen. Integrated flood management calls for solutions with multiple purposes, which
has a valuable function every day, not only once in 50 or 100 years. With climate change and rapid
urbanization, there is also a need to increase the capacity of the stormwater system. At the same
time, since urban areas are becoming more complex including more and more high-tech and sensitive
infrastructures, the economic value is increasing leading to larger flooding sensitivity. Therefore, more
flexible systems are needed that can adapt to future changes.
3.2. Integrated Approaches to Flood Management
Designing open water management solutions in the urban landscape is a multi-disciplinary
task that requires a combination of scientific and artistic approaches and a new kind of interaction
between green and blue assets is called for [53]. Different mechanisms for infiltration, storage,
transport, evapotranspiration, and treatment are usually applied in surface solutions [54]. In blue-green
infrastructure, the urban greenery and water management are combined in order to protect the urban
landscape and its ecological and hydrological values [55,56]. In successful examples, blue-green
infrastructure not only mitigates flood impacts [57] and improves adaptation to climate change, but
also increases the quality and living conditions of urban environments in terms of improved heat
alleviation, increased biodiversity, and better air quality. It may even have the potential to provide for
food and energy production, improve local economy, and benefit social life [58]. Ecological urbanism
makes it possible for both water flow and urban landscape to act as mutual drivers and at the same
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time, values are added to the public urban space. Due to historical reasons, most cities have today
mainly piped drainage and a flood control system for pluvial flooding [13,59]. Transfer towards
blue and green solutions will be slow and many challenges regarding responsibility, economy, and
maintenance are yet to be solved.
Increased frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall are affecting private and public stakeholders
and municipal authorities. Compact solutions and efficient land use are called for in both new areas
and redevelopment in urban areas. Densely built urban areas should provide easy and convenient
access to a multitude of functions such as retail, service, and public transport, thereby contributing
to reduced energy use and CO2 emissions [5]. This means that a wide range of everyday activities is
carried out simultaneously in densely built urban environments. The value of urban land is high and
thus urban space has a multitude of functions (Figure 4). Strategies to address water challenges at
early stages and implement integrated site-specific urban drainage solutions in all urban projects are
essential [35].
Figure 4. Floodable areas with multifunctional use. (a) A pond in Augustenborg
Malmö. During heavy rainfall, the area can store water up to the stone edge near the trees to the
right (photo by Johanna Sörensen); (b) The Water Plaza in Rotterdam. The multifunctional basins
prevent surrounding streets from being flooded. The plaza is also used for performances, skating,
studying, and group meetings (photo by Misagh Mottaghi).
Several critical considerations need to be taken when introducing flood preventing measures
above ground to assure that retention ponds, permeable surfaces, and open swales are adding to,
rather than subtracting from, the experiential and functional quality of everyday living environments
for urban dwellers (Figure 5). For instance, sustainable urban environments need to prioritize
non-motorized travel modes such as walking, bicycling, and the use of public transport [60].
Special attention needs to be given to vulnerable and less mobile groups such as children, elderly
people, and those with physical or visual impairment. It is therefore crucial to include designers with
expertise in urban landscaping and social structures in the design process, to make sure that new
designs meet the requirements for all users. With multipurpose solutions, increased complexity in
the design process will follow. Water planning and urban planning integration are thus keys to flood
resilience. The focal points should be at improving the spatial and economical values of the use of
water in the city, protecting the city against sea level rise and river discharge, and increasing resilience
to stormwater. Solutions should consist of the combination of planning, technology, and design.
Accordingly, merging different urban projects and taking advantage of various sectors, working
groups, and experts are necessary [61].
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Figure 5. (a) Blue-green ‐infrastructures in Rotterdam (photo by Misagh Mottaghi); (b) Amsterdam
(photo by Misagh Mottaghi); and (c) London (photo by Johanna Sörensen).
3.3. Importance of Planning for Sensitive Infrastructure
Flood events pose special threats to society through the effects on infrastructure. Large quantities
of water may flood buildings and cut off roads. Flooded buildings with sensitive equipment such as
electrical and IT systems may have devastating societal effects. Moreover, since sensitive infrastructure
systems usually are connected and interdependent, effects may cascade to other systems and over
a much larger area than the initially affected one [62,63]. Additionally, the consequences may occur
instantly or show up later making it very difficult to assess the consequences that a flood event may
have on society as a whole [64,65]. This is serious since the infrastructure is often critical for society’s
function to work properly and deliver basic services and supplies to its inhabitants, such as fresh
water and electricity. This is especially true for urban environments with no or few alternatives
to the failed infrastructure. Moreover, vital societal functions, such as hospitals, may not tolerate
interruptions in water supply, electricity, as well as transportation. Hence, it is paramount that effective
planning measures for protecting the infrastructure are developed and implemented. Considering the
damages flooding causes worldwide there is still much to do when it comes to protecting the sensitive
infrastructure from being damaged or affected by flooding.
From the above, it is clear that planning is essential for protection of vital infrastructure when
dealing with disaster risk management. Not only flooding, but also other potential threats to a
functional society, have to be taken into account when designing and building infrastructure. We have
to make sure that water, transportation, energy, and other important infrastructures are protected
in non-normal situations, like during flood events. A way to prepare the society is to simulate
different scenarios by applying disturbing factors. Using modern technology, like up to date spatial
planning techniques, makes it possible to integrate a large number of societal threats and optimize
solutions [66]. Solutions can also be based on different priorities, such as cost-benefit, time, or
environment [67]. For this purpose, adequate and high quality data are a necessity to make simulations
trustworthy, as even small errors in these datasets will highly influence the results [68]. The scale and
accuracy challenge makes the planning site specific, and does not allow for spatial generalizations.
Coombes, P.J. [68] noted that an appropriate policy framework is required that integrates land and
water management with design processes at spatial scales from local to regional and that also applies
to urban renewal and asset renewal or replacement choices. However, integrative aspects may as well
lead to competing scales of issues and inertia of existing systems may severely challenge innovative
facets of solutions [69].
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4. Flood Management with Multiple Stakeholders
4.1. Roles and Responsibilities
The water supply and water sector is arguably the local activity that is first to be exposed by a
changing climate and increased flood risk. However, the water sector cannot be expected to handle the
complex problems by itself only. To find cost-effective solutions, public and private actors at the local
and national level must cooperate and share the responsibility to reduce the negative effects of flooding.
For the water sector, this would call, e.g., for measures to integrate water management with a wider
planning system, such as land-use planning and development of transport systems, and decentralized
blue-green solutions to handle stormwater. Future effects of climate change are also expected to vary
considerably, due to, e.g., variation in local climate as well as variation in natural and social conditions.
These characteristics make adaption to climate change and flood control a local task [70]. There is,
thus, a need for differentiated and flexible measures. For example, giving responsibility to different
sectors at the local level can motivate them to seek cross-sector cooperation where they find this
relevant [70]. For this to function, stricter central government regulations may be necessary. Adopting
a highly decentralized organization is not without problems. [71,72] studied the effects of introduction
of a revised system of funding flood management schemes in England, the ‘Partnership Funding’ [73].
The results suggested, e.g., that the economic efficiency did not increase. Instead, higher costs resulted
due to longer decision-making practices. In addition, the scheme increased social inequality, where
rural middle-class groups with local capacities, such a networks, skills, and cultural capital, gained
from the funding scheme. Hovik, S. [72] concluded that there is not necessarily a contradiction between
strong vertical links and a strengthening of horizontal cooperation in a system of network governance.
Although in the resilience literature decentralized and deregulated risk management systems have
been suggested, often as part of a neoliberal policy agenda [74–76], there is nothing in the concept itself
that disqualifies all levels to take active part. In other words, just because individuals, households,
and communities become involved, the state is not restrained from a central role in a resilient city.
A characteristic of the 20th century was development of utility services that did not require the citizens’
active behavior. With regard to solid waste, citizens need to and are willing to interact with this system
on a wider basis. It may well be that we now see changes also with regard to water, where the citizens
have to interact and be part of the system. For this to take place, support by legislation is required.
The Danish law on sky burst management may well be the first example of this. The concept requires
an environment where different techniques are allowed to co-exist as different possible ways to solve
multifunctional goals.
4.2. Multi-Stakeholder Planning
To facilitate multi-stakeholder planning, it is first necessary to identify all relevant stakeholders in
a given area and create forums in which they can communicate their specific interests and needs to
each other [77]. There is also a need to increase the stakeholders’ knowledge and understanding about
flooding as phenomena as well as how flooding may affect specific urban locations. The stakeholders
need to work with and see the result of reliable flow models that can visualize how flooding may
develop at these locations. The stakeholders also need to increase their understanding on how
flooding may affect the infrastructure in these places and how the effects may spread from one
system to another. This calls for solutions where it is possible to illustrate and visualize how exposed
the infrastructure is to flooding and collectively analyze what the effects flooding may have on
infrastructure and society. The analysis can be refined by clarifying the sensitivity of the different
infrastructures, their interdependences, and the functions they support. An exciting way to perform
this analysis may be to use social media and techniques in virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality
(AR). A common denominator is to improve the communication between stakeholders before, during,
and after flood events.
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A major challenge concerns the implementation of effective measures. Although the infrastructure
is connected, the responsibility, ownership, and competence are often separated, adding to the
difficulties to obtain a holistic perspective and a general understanding among the stakeholders.
This is further complicated by the fact that information about infrastructure may be sensitive and
therefore cannot be openly communicated. Moreover, the divided responsibility makes it difficult
to implement cost effective measures since cost and effect may be separated for different actors and
systems. Hence, there is a need to encourage formation of joint priorities and objectives among all
stakeholders. For a holistic flood risk planning to function, the planning process must be imbued
by a high degree of communication and collective learning. Collective learning can be defined as
“ . . . a broad term and includes learning between dyads, teams, organizations, communities, and
societies” [78]. It stresses “ . . . characteristics such as relationships, shared vision and meanings,
mental models and cognitive and behavioral learning” [78].
Zhou, Q. [12] provided a general summary of the capacity of various models and software in
terms of water quantity and quality simulation, sustainable drainage device modeling, and spatial
planning. It is important that the multi-stakeholder planning involves a presentation and motivation
of selected models for the quantitative and qualitative modeling. A general concern, however, for these
models is the lack of a shared interface/platform for integrated use. Many models are specialized for
only one or a few aspects of SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage System) and therefore the simulation
is often performed in isolation and thus only partially reveals all effects of SUDS. For a detailed
discussion of models see [12]. A possible way to better integrate hydrological and hydraulic model
results into multi-stakeholder planning is the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
4.3. Information Sharing between Stakeholders
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an effective tool for building databases and analyzing
spatial data, and may be of great help for accomplishing learning across organizational boundaries.
GIS enables numerous types of analyses based on, e.g., proximity and network. In addition,
the effective visualization capability of a GIS makes it highly suitable for learning and communication
activities. As a result different forms of collective GIS-approaches have emerged, e.g., community
mapping and participatory GIS. GIS is also used and developed for improving (flood) risk management.
GIS has, e.g., been used for identifying interdependencies between local infrastructures [65], modeling
and simulation of infrastructure elements interdependencies [79], and modeling urban surface water
balances [80].
Shared responsibility and access to databases and analysis results are essential for successful
planning as discussed above. One way of implementing this is by the use of a spatial data infrastructure
(SDI) that is available on the Internet [80]. Integrated systems and integrated spatial data infrastructures
(see e.g., [81–83]), are essential to make information available and create possibilities to include
various types of data from different stakeholders. SDI makes it possible for data providers, including
participatory data collection made by the broad society, to contribute in building information databases,
to be used for planning as well as for awareness and protective measures. Web-based solutions make
it possible for responsible parties (like municipalities) to retrieve data and information on a detailed
level and for the public to get up-to-date information when needed. All stakeholders are also able to
feed the system, through database writing permission set by the authorities [84,85]. This means that
parts of the system are publicly available, while other parts are restricted to planners and officials only.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
In the above, we elaborated on concepts related to urban flood resilience and pointed out several
areas where the society needs to change the thinking to reach our goal: an integrated flood management
system that can cope with changing risk by increasing urban resilience. In addition to an active civil
society, effective urban water governance is also required. It is crucial to realize that cities are urban
socio-ecological systems where multiple stakeholders can jointly develop multiple-purpose solutions to
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the complex problem of flood prevention in densely built urban areas. There are several challenges that
still call for a solution, and the more important ones are summarized below. Transdisciplinary research
has the potential to identify obstacles, learn from successful examples, promote the development of
new processes, and to support progress in the mentioned areas.
Climate change and related impacts
Future flood protective measures should be climate change resilient. However, also other related
climate change effects such as, water scarcity, drought, and heat waves, need to be considered in the
municipal planning.
Water, energy, land use, transportation, and socioeconomic nexus
The urban water system has traditionally been regarded as a stand-alone system. To develop
flexible, resilient, and multipurpose flood protection systems, the water, energy, land use,
transportation, and socioeconomic nexus need to be jointly considered from a multi-stakeholder
perspective (see also e.g., [86]).
Flexibility of different kinds of stormwater systems
Flexibility of flood protective measures is paramount. Urbanization as well as the changing use of
urban areas imply that flexibility in measures against floods becomes very important. Flexibility is
also needed in view of uncertain future climate change impact.
Unresolved questions regarding responsibilities and improved communication between
stakeholders and authorities.
Sustainable flooding and resilience thinking to flood prevention need better integration among
stakeholders and authorities managing flooding. Flooding, like other sudden events, may change the
city from one state to a new, different one (especially for catastrophic events). This understanding
opens up for new approaches to urban planning. In this process, the responsibility of different sectors
of city and planning authorities needs to be clarified.
Securing critical infrastructures
Important societal sectors may be highly dependent on certain infrastructure and different flows
of supplies, e.g., the health care sector. Methods and tools to clarify the infrastructures’ vulnerability
to flooding can involve simulations, which are efficient in visualizing and have predictive capability;
integrated databases; broad participation of many stakeholders with varying interests; and collective
learning efforts that enhance information sharing. There is a need to reflect carefully on these and
other methods and tools, and consider how they can be implemented effectively in the flood risk
management work.
Acknowledgments: This research was funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas under contract
942-2015-149. Financial support was also provided by Sweden Water Research, Göteborg City, Höje å Water
Council, the Skåne Region, and Länsförsäkringar Skåne.
Author Contributions: All authors contributed equally in writing the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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