Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 341–347
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Criteria for energy efficient lighting in buildings
Wouter R. Ryckaert a,b,*, Catherine Lootens a, Jonas Geldof a, Peter Hanselaer a,b
Catholic University College Ghent, Light and Lighting Laboratory, Gebroeders Desmetstraat 1, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
K.U.Leuven, Dept. ESAT/ELECTA, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - bus 2445, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Article history:
Received 11 August 2009
Received in revised form 4 September 2009
Accepted 17 September 2009
In order to assess the energy efficiency of an indoor lighting installation, a criterion for the installed
electrical power is proposed which is broadly applicable and easy to use. Introducing target values for
lamps and gear and taking into account some basic lighting comfort requirements, the maximum
electrical power to be installed can be predicted for any kind of application. Herewith, one or more task
areas with appropriate target illuminance values may be defined. The key parameter of the criterion is
the analytical expression for the target utilance as a function of common lighting design parameters.
Two practical examples illustrate the validity of the criterion. In a first example, a general case where
the task area is coincident with a reference plane parallel with the floor has been studied. The values
obtained converge to actual target values in current practice. In a second example, the lighting design of a
store with many vertical task areas is explained. These cases illustrate the advantages of the criterion as
compared to energy evaluation criteria based on the normalized power density.
From 2010 on, the proposed criterion will be used in Flanders to assign grants for a re- or newlighting.
ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Energy efficient lighting
Normalized power density
1. Introduction
Lighting is an important issue in minimizing overall energy
consumption [1]. For the industrialized countries, lighting
accounts for 5–15% of the total electric energy consumption.
Besides direct savings, indirect energy savings can be realized due
to a reduced consumption for air conditioning.
The energy consumption of a lighting installation is strongly
dependent on lighting controls (daylight, presence detection,
dimming, etc.) [2,3]. Nevertheless, the electrical power load of a
lighting installation is often a first and significant measure for the
energy consumption. In this paper, only the installed power load
will be considered.
In many countries, the government allocates grants to
companies or local authorities choosing for energy efficient
lighting solutions. To get a subsidy for a re- or newlighting in
Flanders, the normalized power density NPD has been used as the
evaluation criterion. The NPD of a lighting installation relates the
electrical power for lighting to the mean maintained illuminance
on a reference plane and to the overall floor area and is typically
expressed in W/(m2 100 lx). As an example, the maximum NPD
* Corresponding author at: Catholic University College Ghent, Light and Lighting
Laboratory, Gebroeders Desmetstraat 1, B-9000 Gent, Belgium.
Tel.: +32 9 265 87 13; fax: +32 9 225 62 69.
E-mail address: (W.R. Ryckaert).
0378-7788/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
value to receive grants for relighting an office is 2 W/(m2 100 lx).
The limit values have been based on everyday experience.
In fact, NPD values are only applicable for areas where a uniform
illuminance is required over a task area approximately equal in
area to the floor, such as in open plan offices. It is obvious that in
shops, storehouses, classrooms and many other situations, the task
areas can be completely different from the floor area. In these
cases, NPD values referenced to the floor area are by no means
relevant any more. For this reason, a lot of energy efficient lighting
solutions are not considered for grant.
In [4,5], a new general criterion for energy efficient lighting
installations has been proposed, taking into account basic lighting
comfort requirements. The criterion is suitable for any interior task
areas (not restricted to standard task areas) and is valid for a wide
range of applications as may occur in offices, shops, storehouses,
work areas, classrooms, etc.
Nevertheless, there are still some difficulties with this
calculation method hampering its general use. Only one target
illuminance value for all the task areas is allowed, which is a severe
restriction. Furthermore, the assumption of a mean reflectance of
0.50 and a very basic estimation of the indirect illumination limits
its accuracy. Moreover, the criterion seems to be too flexible for
rooms where the task area is very small compared to the total area.
In this paper, this former criterion is adapted and refined to
overcome the shortcomings listed above. Some examples illustrate
the usability of the criterion for standard as well as for nonstandard task areas.
W.R. Ryckaert et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 341–347
From 2010 on, the assignment of grants in Flanders will be
based on the criterion described in this paper.
2. Installed lighting load
The power load P of an interior lighting installation is
dependent on
The efficiency of the gear hgear.
The efficacy of the light sources hlamp, expressed in lumen per
The efficiency of the luminaires which relates the luminous flux
released by the luminaires to the luminous flux of the light
source(s). This efficiency is called the Light Output Ratio and is
abbreviated as LOR.
The utilance U is the efficiency of directing the luminous flux
from the luminaires to the task area(s) TA. It is defined as the
ratio of the total initial luminous flux reaching the task area(s) to
the initial luminous flux released by the luminaires.
The maintenance factor MF is defined as the ratio of the
illuminance on a given area at the end of the maintenance cycle
to the initial illuminance on the same area. The factor includes
among others the effects of the depreciation of lamps, the
deposition of dirt on luminaires and room surfaces and the
applied maintenance procedure. In this paper, final values of
illumination quantities at the end of the maintenance cycle are
denoted with the suffix ‘fin’, whereas no suffix is used for initial
The total luminous flux on the task area(s) at the end of the
maintenance cycle FTA can be written as [4]:
¼ MF U LOR hlam p hgear P
When a variety of luminaires, lamps and ballast types are used, (1)
remains valid if weighted mean values are used.
On the other hand, FTA can also be written as
and ATA,i the maintained mean illuminance value and the
surface of the ith task area, respectively.
From (1) and (2), an expression for the power load P becomes:
i ĒTA;i
MF U LOR hlam p hgear
hsys ¼ hgear hlam p > 75 lm=W
In this way, the use of incandescent and halogen lamps is
strongly penalized while, in general, T5 or T8 fluorescent lamps or
the most efficient high pressure (metal halide) lamp types meet the
requirement easily. Although this individual target is not reached
by most compact fluorescent lamps, the overall power target may
still be reached.
By using high reflective materials and smart reflector geometries, LOR values of 80% and higher can certainly be obtained.
Inspecting catalogues of luminaire manufactures justifies that a
realistic target value for the LOR is
LOR > 0:80
For an interior installation with high polluting industrial
activities, a maintenance factor MF lower than 0.6 may be realistic.
On the other hand, in rooms such as office buildings, maintenance
factors of 0.8 or higher are possible. Because MF is strongly
dependent on the type of activities, MF will be considered as an
input parameter
MF : input parameter
The target value for the utilance U is more difficult to define and
is considered in a separate section.
4. Utilance target value
The key parameter to evaluate a lighting design is the utilance U
defined as:
with FTA the total initial luminous flux reaching the task area(s)
and Flum the total initial luminous flux released by all luminaires.
The utilance depends mainly on [6,7]:
Because a gear can have a considerable impact on the lamp
efficacy and lamp power (e.g. a magnetic versus an electronic
ballast for T8 fluorescent lamps), the efficiency of the gear and the
efficacy of the lamp are combined in the system efficiency hsys. The
target value proposed is
In order to classify a lighting installation as being energy
efficient, a maximum target value for the power has to be
formulated. Therefore, minimum values for each parameter
appearing in the denominator of (3) have to be chosen. In this
proposal, it is not required to meet all individual target values and
mutual compensation is allowed.
The basic assumption is to get a criterion which is suitable for
any interior task area or combination of task areas, which is simple
and easy-to-use while being accurate and reproducible. Only
surface areas, reflectance and illuminance values of task areas can
be considered as input which can easily be provided by the lighting
3. Target values
The main goal of this study is to trace the most inefficient
lighting installations. Hence, minimal target values for each
individual parameter are proposed in this section.
the arrangement of the luminaires in the room in relation to the
position of the task area;
the luminous intensity distribution of the luminaires and the
spacing to height ratio;
the reflectance values of the surroundings, which determine the
indirect contribution.
The higher the utilance, the more efficient the lighting
installation will be. On the other hand, to guarantee lighting
comfort [8], non-task areas have to be sufficiently illuminated to
reach a minimal luminance. For this reason, extremely high values
of U are not encouraged.
4.1. Classification of task areas
In order to formulate an analytical expression for the utilance in a
very simple but general way, a classification of the task areas is
needed. A task area is any surface for which a minimal illuminance
has to be guaranteed. The lighting designer, in consensus with the
client, determines the task area(s) and the corresponding illuminance values. The determination can be inspired on the European
standard EN12464-1 [9] in which specific task areas and corresponding illuminance values are defined for many indoor applications.
In light planning software, designers make often use of
transparent calculation surfaces in order to compute main lighting
W.R. Ryckaert et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 341–347
parameters such as maintained mean illuminance and uniformity.
A typical example is an open plan office in which the desks are not
integrated and only one transparent calculation surface at a
particular height is considered.
In order to bring the criterion in line with standard calculation
practice, the use of transparent calculation surfaces must be
One can distinguish three classes of task areas:
reason, F can also be written as:
Task area(s) type a: a task area coincident with the floor or a
transparent calculation surface parallel with the floor (e.g. open
plan office).
Task area(s) type b: a task area coincident with the wall(s) or a
transparent calculation surface parallel with the wall(s). A
typical example is a wall in a museum.
Task area(s) type c: a task area coincident with additional
furniture. A typical example are the many vertical task areas in a
The luminous flux from the luminaires Flum represents the
direct contribution to the flux. The second term represents the
indirect flux after the first reflection with mean reflectance hr1i.
The following terms represent the contributions of each subsequent reflection for which the same reflection hr1i was adopted.
The first reflection has to be treated separately in order to improve
the accuracy.
In calculating hr1i, part of the luminous flux from the
luminaires Flum reaches the task area(s) and is reflected according
to the mean reflectance of the task areas whereas the remaining
part reaches the non-task areas. Therefore, hr1i can be calculated
The total surface area of task area types a, b and c is Aa, Ab, Ac,
respectively. The reflectance for task areas type a and b equals the
reflectance of the floor and walls, respectively. For a task area type
c, the reflectance rc has to be defined.
The total task area ATA equals
ATA;i ¼ Aa þ Ab þ Ac
The total room area Atot interacting with the light is
approximated by
Atot ¼ A floor þ Awall þ Aceiling þ Ac
F ¼ Flum þ hr1 i Flum þ hr1 i hr1 i Flum þ hr1 i hr1 i2
Flum þ
and (15) can be simplified by series expansion:
F ¼ Flum 1 þ hr1 i
1 hr1 i
hr1 i ¼ U dir hrTA i þ ð1 U dir Þ hr0nTA i
Udir is the direct utilance, in according to (7) defined as
U dir ¼
hrTAi is the weighted mean reflectance of the task areas:
hrTA i ¼
Aa r floor þ Ab rwall þ Ac rc
The introduction of type c task areas associated with furniture
on one hand adds some additional non-task area, but on the other
hand will hide some of the floor or wall area. Both effects, which
can partially compensate each other, have been neglected in (9).
hr0 nTAi is the weighted mean reflectance of the non-task areas
with exception of the ceiling:
4.2. General utilance estimation
The contribution of the ceiling is excluded because direct
illumination of the ceiling is assumed to be rather limited.
The weighted mean reflectance hr1i is calculated as:
The initial luminous flux which is incident on the total room
area F can be separated into the flux received by all task area(s)
FTA and the flux received by all non-task area(s) FnTA:
F ¼ FTA þ FnTA
With ĒTA;i and ĒnTA;i the initial mean illuminance value of the ith
task and ith non-task area, one finds:
ĒTA;i ATA;i þ
ĒnTA;i AnTA;i
Introducing the weighted mean illuminance of all task areas
ĒTA and all non-task areas ĒnTA (11) can be rewritten as:
hr1 i ¼
A floor r floor þ Awall rwall þ Aceiling rceiling þ Ac rc
resulting in a general utilance estimation:
ðA floor Aa Þ r floor þ ðAwall Ab Þ rwall
ðA floor Aa Þ þ ðAwall Ab Þ
Combining (14), (16) and (21), one finds
FTA 1 þ nTA nTA ¼ Flum
U dir hrTA i þ ð1 U dir Þ hr0nTA i
1 hr1 i
F ¼ ĒTA ATA 1 þ
hr0nTA i ¼
FTA 1 þ ðU dir hrTA i þ ð1 U dir Þ hr0nTA iÞ=ð1 hr1 iÞ
1 þ ðhĒnTA i=hĒTA iÞ ðAnTA =ATA Þ
4.3. Target utilance value
To calculate a target value for the utilance, target values for the
illuminance ratio hĒnTA i=hĒTA i and for Udir have to be proposed.
On the other hand, the luminous flux from the luminaires Flum
gives rise to a direct and an indirect contribution to the illuminance
values. Because the surfaces in the room are not totally absorbing, a
part of the luminous flux is reflected and redirected into the room,
giving rise to an indirect contribution of the illuminance. For this
4.3.1. Illuminance ratio
The lower the illuminance of the non-task areas, the higher the
utilance and the more efficient the lighting installation will be (23).
On the other hand, non-task areas have to reach a minimal
luminance to maintain lighting comfort [8]. As explained in [4], it
F ¼ FTA 1 þ
W.R. Ryckaert et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 341–347
seems reasonable that the weighted mean illuminance value of the
non-task areas does not exceed the half of the weighted mean
illuminance value of the task areas:
hĒnTA i
< 0:5
hĒTA i
in Section 4.3.2, the target value for the direct utilance is chosen to
be 0.5 and this value can be considered as the ultimate lower limit
of the utilance:
1 þ ð0:5 hrTA i þ 0:5 hr0nTA iÞ=ð1 hr1 iÞ
U T ¼ maximum
; 0:5
1 þ 0:5 ðAnTA =ATA Þ
4.3.2. Direct utilance
The direct utilance is determined by the luminous intensity
distribution and the position of the luminaire towards the task
area. The larger the distance between luminaire and task area, the
narrower the luminous intensity irradiation pattern required.
Typical intensity distributions can be modeled as
Ið#Þ ¼ Ið0Þ cos ð#Þ
With W the viewing angle referenced to the first axis. The value of n
determines the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the
For an energy efficient installation, it seems reasonable that at
least the luminous flux within the FWHM of the luminaire reaches
the task area. As shown in Appendix A, at least 50% of the luminous
flux is emitted within the FWHM, whatever the value of n.
Consequently, the target value for the direct utilance can be
U dir > 0:5
4.3.3. Target utilance value in function of known parameters
Combining (23), (24) and (26), a realistic utilance target value
can be formulated:
1 þ ð0:5 hrTA i þ 0:5 hr0 nTA iÞ=ð1 hr1 iÞ
1 þ 0:5 ðAnTA =ATA Þ
This target value can be directly calculated from known
parameters such as surface areas and corresponding reflectance
The target utilance value as a function of AnTA/ATA is plotted in
Fig. 1 (full line).
As shown in Fig. 1, the utilance target value becomes very small
for high values of AnTA/ATA. Indeed, due to the lighting comfort
requirement (24), a major part of the luminous flux released by the
luminaires is allowed to reach the non-task areas, and this part
could become the main part if the task area surface ATA is much
smaller than the non-task area surface AnTA.
To avoid unrealistic low target values for the power load, a
lower limit for the utilance target value is proposed. As explained
Fig. 1. Target utilance as function of AnTA/ATA. All reflectance values are equal to 0.5.
5. Target value for the installed power load
If all target values from (4)–(6) and (28) are gathered together
and substituted in (3), the target value for the power load PT can be
PT ¼
i ĒTA;i
MF U T 80 0:75
The target value PT can be calculated with known parameters
such as surface areas, reflectance and illuminance values of task
areas and also the maintenance factor:
A list of different task areas reporting the surface areas, type of
the task area (type a, type b or type c), the maintained
illuminance values (as output of light planning software) and
the reflectance rc in case of a type c task areas.
Surface areas and reflectance of walls, ceiling and floor.
The maintenance factor used in the light planning software to
compute the maintained illuminance values.
A format for the required input data is shown in Section 6.2
(Table 2).
With these data, the target value PT can be calculated using a
spreadsheet and is compared to the installed power load Pinst.
Installations which do not fulfil the condition for PT can certainly be
classified as inefficient.
6. Validation
The criterion has been tested for several practical examples.
To illustrate the usability of the criterion, the lighting design
of an office room and a storehouse are considered in detail
as typical applications of standard and non-standard task
6.1. Office rooms
6.1.1. Description
In a first validation, the proposed criterion has been applied
to an office. An office is a typical example of a standard task area
where the task area is parallel with and approximately equal to
the floor area. We consider an office of 30 m by 30 m with a
height of 3 m. The reflectance of the ceiling, walls and floor are
0.7, 0.5 and 0.2, respectively. As in most lighting design studies,
a transparent calculation surface is used in order to calculate the
mean illuminance on the working plane. In this example, the
working plane is at 0.75 m above the floor and a wall zone of
0.5 m is used. With a MF of 0.85, the maintained mean
illuminance value on the task area is calculated using the light
planning software DIALux [10] to be 582 lx for an installed
power load of 7722 W.
To evaluate the energy efficiency of the proposed lighting
installation, the target value PT is calculated. As the task area is a
transparent calculation surface parallel with the floor, the task area
is of type a with a surface area of 841 m (29 m by 29 m). By using
(29), the target value PT can be calculated and equals 10,654 W. The
proposed lighting of the office room can be classified as energy
W.R. Ryckaert et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 341–347
Fig. 4. 3D view of the storehouse.
Fig. 2. NPD values in function of the length (MF = 0.85).
The mounting height of the luminaires is 8.1 m, which is 0.6 m
above the top of the racks. Narrow beam intensity distributions
have been chosen for the luminaires between the racks.
6.1.2. Comparison with traditional NPD values
When the task area equals the floor area, it is meaningful to
calculate the target NPD value and to compare this value with
traditional NPD target values based on current good practice,
which range from 1.5 to 2.2 W/(m2 100 lx) for medium to large size
offices. The target value is calculated to be 2.17 W/(m2 100 lx)
which fits nicely into this range.
In Fig. 2, we calculated the target NPD values as a function of the
length of the office for several combinations of the reflectances (no
wall zone).
The decrease of the target values with increasing lengths and
increasing floor reflectance is in accordance with literature [6,7].
The maximum value of 4 for small rooms is due to the lower limit
for the utilance target value (28).
6.2.3. Assessing energy efficiency
In order to calculate the power load target value PT according to
the proposed criterion, the task areas have to be defined. In this
example, the lighting designer has defined, in consultation with
the customer, three different task areas: floor areas 1 and 2 (Fig. 3)
and all racks (72 vertical task areas, both sides of each rack).
The input parameters needed to assess the energy efficiency of
the lighting installation are summarized in Table 2 (all racks
combined). Indeed, both floor areas are type a task areas while the
racks are of type c (vertical surfaces which are part of additional
furniture). Illuminance values are calculated with DIALux. The
reflectance values are mentioned below.
Using (29), one finds
6.2. Storehouse
PT ¼ 76:7 kW
Storehouses are typical applications where the task areas are
completely different from the floor area.
6.2.1. Description of the storehouse
The floor plan of the storehouse is shown in Fig. 3. A 3D view of
the storehouse is given in Fig. 4. The length, width and height of the
storehouse are 127.84 m, 65 m and 11 m, respectively. There are
36 racks, shown as gray rectangles, with a length of 45 m each. The
rack height is 7.2 m. The floor areas between the racks are
indicated in Fig. 3 as floor area 1. In addition, there are two load
areas transversal to the racks, indicated as floor areas 2 in Fig. 3.
6.2.2. Description of the lighting installation
The total installed power load for the lighting installation Pinst is
64.0 kW. The characteristics of the luminaires are given in Table 1.
The location of the luminaires are shown in Fig. 3 (dashes).
As the installed power load Pinst is 64.0 kW, the lighting
installation of this storehouse can be classified as energy efficient.
However, the NPD value referenced to the floor area – which is
completely irrelevant – is 2.58 W/(m2 100 lx). In the past, this store
would not be considered for grants because the value is higher than
2.5 W/(m2 100 lx).
Although not required in practice, the different parameters
influencing the target power load are considered separately:
hsys ¼ 70:3 lm=W < 75 lm=W
LOR ¼ 104% > 80%
U ¼ 0:94 U T ¼ 0:95
The utilance is in accordance with the target value. The system
efficiency is too low but is compensated by the high actual LOR. Utilance. The real utilance value is slightly lower than the
utilance target value. However, the weighted mean illuminance
values of the task and non-task areas are about 120 lx and 50 lx,
respectively. As the condition described in (24) is fulfilled, we
expect an actual utilance value higher than the target utilance
value, which is not the case. This can be explained as follows.
The estimation of the flux on the total area, given by (16) is
calculated to be 5.40 106 lm. Using DIALux, the actual initial
luminous flux incident on each surface was calculated and
Table 1
Luminaire characteristics.
Fig. 3. Floor plan of the storehouse and indication of floor areas: gray filled
rectangles represent the racks; dashed lines represent the luminaires.
Lamp type
Racks and floor area 1 Fluorescent T5: 1 80 W
105% 540 6,150 lm
Total power (incl. ballast): 88 W
Floor area 2
Fluorescent T5: 2 80 W
102% 96 12,300 lm
Total power (incl. ballast): 172 W
W.R. Ryckaert et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 341–347
Table 2
Required input parameters to calculate the target value for the installed power load.
General room characteristics
Task area data
Type (a–c)
Surface, ATA,i
1 Floor area 1
2 Floor area 2
3 Racks
summed over the total room area, reaching a value of
5.17 106 lm. Although the theoretical estimation for this rather
complex geometry of task areas is very close to this value, the slight
overestimation does explain why the utilance value obtained from
the lighting calculations is yet slightly lower than the target
utilance value.
Fig. A.1. Irradiation pattern I(W) = I(0)cosn(W); n = 1, 5, 25, 100.
7. Conclusions
In order to assess the energy efficiency of a lighting installation,
normalized power density values are often used. Traditionally,
these values are referenced to the overall floor area and target
values, expressed in units W/(m2 100 lx), exist for typical
applications such as open plan offices.
In cases where the task areas are totally different from the floor
area, normalized power density figures referenced to the floor
area are by no means relevant. Applications with a lot of vertical
task areas as can be found in storehouses or shops are typical
This paper presents an alternative approach to obtain an
indication of the energy efficiency of an interior space. Taking into
account basic lighting comfort requirements, the maximum
allowable lighting load for a given application can be predicted.
This alternative criterion for energy efficient lighting installations
is broadly applicable and easy to use as only quite common
parameters of the lighting design have to be known. The criterion
permits a variety of luminaire types and different illuminance
values for different task areas. The key parameter of the criterion is
the analytical expression for the utilance as a function of known
parameters such as task areas, room dimensions and reflectance
Some practical examples illustrate the usability of the criterion
for standard as well as for non-standard task areas. From 2010 on,
the proposed methodology to determine the target power load for
a lighting installation will be used in Flanders as the evaluation
criterion to assign grants for a re- or newlighting.
The authors appreciate the financial support from the Flemish
Energy Agency (VEA) and the Institute for the Promotion of
Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen) for financial support (IWT 030724, IWT 040575, IWT 60163 and IWT 80163).
We thank ETAP Lighting for providing the practical example of
the storehouse.
Fig. A.2. Eq. (A4) as a function of n.
Ið#Þ ¼ Ið0Þ cosn ð#Þ
In Fig. A.1, irradiation patterns for different values of n are shown.
The higher the power n, the smaller the pattern. Many practical
irradiation patterns can be approximated by (A1).
To describe the directivity of a source, the FWHM angle sFWHM is
often used. Consider a distribution curve of Fig. A.1. The angle # = g is
the angle where the intensity has dropped to 50% of the maximum
intensity. The angle sFWHM is given by
s FWHM ¼ 2g
where g fulfils the condition
¼ cosn ðg Þ
Appendix A
In order to make a reasonable estimation of the direct utilance Udir,
theoretical irradiation patterns are considered, fulfilling the condi-
The angle sFWHM corresponds with the full top angle of a cone
where the intensity is at least 50% of the maximum value.
W.R. Ryckaert et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 341–347
The luminous flux within sFWHM as a fraction of the total luminous
flux can be calculated as:
0 cos ð#Þ sinð#Þ d#
¼ 1 cosnþ1 ðg Þ ¼ 1
R p=2
n ð#Þ sinð#Þ d#
For a perfect lambertian pattern (n = 1), sFWHM equals 1208 (2p/3)
and 75% of the total luminous flux is within the FWHM (A4). Eq. (A4) is
plotted in Fig. A.2 as a function of the power n.
As can be concluded from Fig. A.2, at least 50% of the luminous flux
from the luminaire is emitted within the FWHM, under the assumption
of (A1).
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