Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is a devastating pathogen of potatoes
(Solanum tuberosum L.) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) worldwide, and
causes a disease known as Late Blight.
Montagne first identified the pathogen as Botrytis infestans (Mont.) in 1845, but De
Bary renamed it to P. infestans in 1876.
P. infestans is famous for causing the Irish famine in 1845. Almost 1 million people
was died from starvation, malnutrition and disease and another 1 million was
emigrated to avoid the famine in Ireland.
P. infestans continues today to be a devastating pathogen, capable of causing complete
crop loss, and is estimated worldwide to cost producers approximately US$3 billion
per year in yield losses and chemical control.
Taxonomic Classification
Kingdom: Chromista
Phylum: Oomycota
Class: Peronosporomycetidae
Order: Pythiales
Family: Pythiaceae
Genus: Phytopthora
Species: P. infestans
The Centre of Origin & Migration Pathways– P. infestans
Two Centres of origin have been proposed for P. infestans are the central highlands of
Mexico and the South American Andean region.
From different evidence, it is clear that Central highlands of Mexico is the true Centre of
origin (Fry et al., 2009; Grünwald & Flier, 2005.
Fig.: The series of migration events that likely led to the panglobal spread of a single clone
of Phytophthora infestans (Goodwin 1997).
Until the 1980s, the A2 mating type was restricted to central Mexico, and only the A1
mating type was found to be distributed worldwide
In Korea, A2 mating s of P. infestans have been reported by Koh et al in 1994 and So and
Lee in 1993
Fig.: Possible paths of the second global migration of P. infestans in the late 1970s and 1980s
Biology of Phytophthora infestans
P. infestans has asexual (clonal) and sexual stages and is heterothallic.
Gametangia (male antheridium; female oogonium) are produced on separate thalli
known as A1 and A2 compatibility (mating) types. Isolates of both mating types must
be present for sexual reproduction to occur. A thick walled resting spore (oospores)
develops within the fertilized oogonium.
The asexual cycle of P. infestans begins with the production of multinucleate sporangia.
Sporangia can germinate either directly through the production of a germ tube, or
indirectly through the production of zoospores.
Late blight development is favored by cool and moist conditions. The optimum
temperatures for disease development are 16-21°C, with sporulation occurring at a
relative humidity of around 90%.
Disease symptoms occur on the leaves, stems, fruits or tubers of potato and tomato
Characterization of P. infestans Isolates
Genetic and Biological (Phenotypic) markers can be used to characterize plant pathogen
In P. infestans, given below genetic and phenotypic markers have been used study genetic
Genotypic Markers
Mitochondrial DNA haplotype (mtDNA)
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) fingerprinting using probe RG-57
Randomly Ampified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs)
Simple Sequence Repeat Markers (SSRs)
Phenotypic Markers
Mating type
Fungicide resistance testing (Metalaxyl sensitivity)
Mitochondrial DNA haplotype
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been used to determine the population genetics and
evolutionary biology of the pathogen among Phytophthora species.
P. infestans has a circular mtDNA molecule that is approximately 37914 bp long,
depending on the specific haplotype
There are four known mtDNA haplotypes, namely Ia (37922 bp), Ib (37957), IIa (39870
bp) and IIb(39840 bp)
Fig: A scheme of the mitochondrial genome of P.
infestans illustrating the location of the various
amplification products (shaded).
Allozyme Alleles have been used to compare genetic diversity in populations from
different locations.
Incase of P. infestans, 17 Allozyme was identified. Among them Glucose-6-phosphate
isomerase (Gpi), Peptidase (Pep) and Malic enzyme loci have been widely used.
Gpi is an enzyme that catalyzes the isomerisation of glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-6phosphate while Pep is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of short peptides into
free amino acids.
The Allozyme genotype of P. infestans in korea was first reported by Koh et al. in 1994.
Table: Differentiation of mating type, allozyme pattern, and mtDNA haplotype of
P. infestans isolates collected in Korea from 2002 to 2004
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) finger printing using probe
RFLP fingerprinting consists of first cutting genomic DNA into fragments using
a restriction enzyme (s), followed by an agarose gel according to size.
Probe RG-57 hybridizes to approximately 25 fingerprint loci, and can be used to
differentiate homozygous from heterozygous loci based on band intensity.
The advantages of probe RG-57 is that it is not prone to spontaneous mutation;
has somatic stability.
Fig.: DNA fingerprint patterns revealed by probe RG57. 568 is the A1 parent and 575 is the A2
parent. Band numbers are indicated to the left. Approximate fragment sizes are indicated to the
right, in kilobases.
Randomly Ampified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
The Randomly Ampified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Techniques has been used as an
Auxiliary tools for the genetic analysis, classification or identification of plant
pathogenic fungus.
Punja et al. described novel genotypes of P. infestans in British Columbia during 1990s
by using RAPD analysis, and postulated that sexual reproduction was responsible for the
Fig. RAPD profiles of P. infestans genomic DNAs amplified by the primer OPC-5. About 0.6 kb of
specific DNA fragments, indicated by arrows, was found only from A1 mating type isolates. Lanes M1
and M2 are 100 bp DNA ladder and 1 kb DNA ladder, respectively
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs)
AFLPs are based on the selective PCR amplification of a subset of genomic restriction
fragments, using different primer and restriction enzyme combinations.
In P. infestans, AFLPs have only been used in a few population studies .
In Mexico and Europe, AFLPs were used to differentiate isolates.
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs)
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), also known as microsatellites, are short tandem repeats
(2-6 bp) randomly distributed in a genome.
They are multiallelic, co-dominant, highly polymorphic.
The first SSRs for P. infestans were developed by Knapova et al. in 2001.
Initially, they developed six SSR markers (Pi4B, Pi4G, PiG11, Pi1D, Pi2D and Pi2H)
Lees et al. (2006) subsequently developed twelve other SSR markers (Pi02, Pi04, Pi16,
Pi26, Pi33, Pi56, Pi63, Pi65, Pi66, Pi70, Pi89 and D13).
Mating type determination
Mating type determination is conducted by pairing an unknown isolate of P. infestans
with an isolate of a known mating type on synthetic medium.
The production of oospores can be observed by viewing the bottom of a paired Petri
dish under a compound microscope. An isolate that produces oospores when paired
with a known A2mating type, is designated an A1 mating type, and vice versa.
This method is considered reliable and is widely used but more recently, PCR–based
techniques have been used for determining P. infestans mating types.
Fig.: Mating culture established by growing an A2 isolate (left; Na1-2) together with an unknown isolate (right; YY-8). A
and C: zoospores and mycelia produced; arrows/B: oospores formed.
Metalaxyl sensitivity
Sensitivity to the fungicide Metalaxyl and its more recent isomer Mefenoxam has also
been used to characterize P. infestans isolates.
Metalaxyl resistance is controlled by a dominant gene influenced by minor genes
Therefore, isolates are often broadly grouped as sensitive, intermediate resistant and
Control 5 ppm
Intermediate resistant
10 ppm
100 ppm
Table: Frequency of mating type occurrence and metalaxyl resistance of P. infestans
isolate obtained from Korea in 2001-2004
Mating Type
Response to metalaxyl
The genetic and phenotypic diversity of P. infestans populations has subsequently been
investigated in many countries.
New populations of P. infestans appear as a result of Mutation, Parasexual Recombination,
Mitotic Recombination, Interspecific Hybridization, Migration into regions and / or sexual
recombination within them.
A global marker database for P. infestans, containing information on Mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA) haplotypes, Allozyme genotypes, RFLPs obtained using the RG57 probe, RAPD
markers , Mating types and sensitivity to Metalaxyl, other factors.