CharmFL: A Fault Localization Tool for Python
Qusay Idrees Sarhan1,2 , Attila Szatmári1 , Rajmond Tóth1 , Árpád Beszédes1
arXiv:2108.12377v1 [cs.SE] 27 Aug 2021
Department of Software Engineering, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Department of Computer Science, University of Duhok, Duhok, Iraq
{sarhan, szatma, beszedes}
Abstract—Fault localization is one of the most time-consuming
and error-prone parts of software debugging. There are several
tools for helping developers in the fault localization process,
however, they mostly target programs written in Java and C/C++
programming languages. While these tools are splendid on their
own, we must not look over the fact that Python is a popular
programming language, and still there are a lack of easy-touse and handy fault localization tools for Python developers. In
this paper, we present a tool called “CharmFL” for software
fault localization as a plug-in for PyCharm IDE. The tool
employs Spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL) to help Python
developers automatically analyze their programs and generate
useful data at run-time to be used, then to produce a ranked list
of potentially faulty program elements (i.e., statements, functions,
and classes). Thus, our proposed tool supports different code
coverage types with the possibility to investigate these types in
a hierarchical approach. The applicability of our tool has been
presented by using a set of experimental use cases. The results
show that our tool could help developers to efficiently find the
locations of different types of faults in their programs.
Index Terms—Debugging, fault localization, spectrum-based
fault localization, Python, CharmFL.
Software systems and applications cover many aspects of
our day-to-day activities. However, they are still far from
being free of faults. Software faults may cause critical undesired situations including life loss. Therefore, various software
fault localization techniques have been proposed over the
last few decades including Spectrum-based fault localization
(SBFL) [1]. In SBFL, the probability of each program element (e.g., statements) of being faulty is calculated based on
program spectra obtained by executing a number of test cases.
However, SBFL is not yet widely used in the industry because
it poses a number of issues [2]. One of such issues is that most
of the SBFL tools currently target programs written in C/C++
and Java. Thus, there is lack in SBFL tools that help developers
debug their programs that are written in other programming
languages including Python which is considered also as one
of the most popular programming languages.
In this paper, we present a tool called “CharmFL” as a plugin for the PyCharm IDE, a popular Python development platform, to automate the software fault localization process. Our
tool utilizes SBFL to assist Python developers in automatically
analyzing their programs and producing useful data at run-time
that can then be used to generate a ranked list of potentially
faulty program elements. To determine whether a statement
is faulty or not, developers examine each statement in turn,
beginning at the top of the list (the most suspicious element).
Several experiments with Python projects were conducted to
assess the applicability of our tool. The results indicate that the
tool is useful for locating faults in various types of programs
and that it is simple to use.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly introduces the background of SBFL and its
main concepts. Section III presents an overview of the most
related works. Section IV provides a theoretical overview
on the used techniques in our tool. Section V presents our
proposed software fault localization tool. Section VI discusses
the applicability of our tool in different practical contexts.
Finally, we provide our conclusions and possible future works
in Section VII.
Fault localization is a time consuming part of the software
debugging process, therefore the need for automating it is incredibly important. There are several approaches to implement
the process [3], however we focus on SBFL due to its simple
but powerful nature, i.e. using only code coverage and test
results. There have been several surveys written [3]–[5] and
various empirical studies [6], [7] performed on this topic.
Fig. 1. SBFL process
Figure 1 shows the SBFL process. Using the program’s
spectra (i.e., program elements, per-test coverage, and test
results), SBFL can help the programmer to find the faulty
element in the target program’s code easier. The code coverage
matrix is a two-dimensional matrix used to represent the
relationship between the test cases and the program elements,
whose rows demonstrate the test cases and columns represent
the program elements. An element of the matrix is 1, if it is
covered by test case, otherwise it is 0. In another matrix vector,
the test results are stored where 0 means the test case is passed
and 1 when it is failed. Using these matrices, the following
four basic statistical numbers are calculated for each program
element φ:
• φep : number of passed tests covering φ
• φef : number of failed tests covering φ
• φnp : number of passed tests not covering φ
• φnf : number of failed tests not covering φ
Then, our tool uses these four numbers with the formula in
Equation 1, Tarantula [8]; Equation 2, Ochiai [9]; Equation 3,
DStar [10]; Equation 4, Wong2 [11] to provide a ranked list
of program elements as an output. Whichever element ranked
the highest in the list, it is the most suspicious of containing
a bug.
Tarantula =
φef +φnf
φef +φnf
φep +φnp
Ochiai = p
(φef + φnf ) ∗ (φef + φep )
Dstar =
φef +φnf
φef +φnf
φep +φnp
Wong2 = φef − φep
There are many software fault localization tools implemented and proposed in the literature. This section briefly
presents them. Jones et al. [8] proposed a standalone software
fault localization tool called “Tarantula” to help C programmers to debug their programs. The tool assigns different colors
to program statements based on how suspicious they are,
ranging from red (most suspicious) to green (not suspicious).
Besides, the tool displays varying brightness levels based on
how frequently the tests execute a statement. The brightest
statements are those that are most commonly executed. However, the tool does not run test cases and record their results;
it takes as input a program’s source code and the results of
executing a test suite on the program. Furthermore, the tool’s
only supported metric is the Tarantula metric.
Chesley et al. [12] proposed an Eclipse plug-in tool called
“Crisp” that helps developers identify the reasons for a failure
that occurs due to code edits by constructing intermediate
versions of a program that is being edited. For example, if
a test case fails, the tool will identify parts of the program
that have been changed and caused the failing test. Thus,
developers can concentrate only on those affecting changes
that were applied.
Ko and Myers [13] proposed a standalone debugging tool
called “Whyline” for Java programs. The tool employs both
static and dynamic slicing to formulate why and why not questions, which are then presented in a graphical and interactive
way to help developers in understanding the behavior of a
program under test. It also records program execution traces
and the status of each used class whether it is executed or
not. Using the tool also allows the user to load the execution
trace of a program and select a program entity at a specific
point during its execution. Then he or she can click on the
selected entity to bring up a pop-up window containing a
set of questions that include data values gathered during the
execution as well as information about the properties of the
selected entity.
Hao et al. [14] proposed an Eclipse plug-in tool called
“VIDA” for programs written in Java. The tool extracts
statements hit spectrum from the target programs, executes
JUnit tests and based on their results, it calculates suspiciousness. It also provides a list of the ten most suspicious
statements as potential breakpoints. It displays the history
of breakpoints including the developers’ previous estimates
of the correctness of the breakpoint candidates as well as
their current suspiciousness. Moreover, it employs colors to
distinguish between the developers’ estimations, ranging from
red (wrong) to green (correct), and suspiciousness, ranging
from black (very suspicious) to light gray (less suspicious).
And, it provides the users with the ability to extract static
dependency graphs from their programs to assist developers
with their estimations and also to help them understand the
relationships among different program entities.
Janssen et al. [15] and Campos et al. [16] proposed a fault
localization tool that adopts SBFL and it is available as a
command-line tool called “Zoltar” and as an Eclipse plug-in
called “Gzoltar”. The tool provides a complete infrastructure
to automatically instrument the source code of the programs
under test in order to generate runtime data, which is then used
to return a ranked list of faulty locations. It also uses colors
to mark the execution of program entities from red to green
based on their suspiciousness scores. The tool only employs
the Ochiai metric to compute suspiciousness.
Wang et al. [17] proposed a fault localization tool called
“FLAVS” for developers using Microsoft Visual Studio platform. The tool provides an automatic instrumentation mechanism to record program spectrum information during the
execution. It also provides a user with two options either
automatically or manually to mark the result of each used test
case; whether it is successful or not. Additionally, it monitors
each test environmental factors of the running program such
memory consumption, CPU usage, and thread numbers. For
example, the developer can notice that there is something
wrong when the CPU time drops to zero and never gets
increased again during the running of a test case. The tool
provides different levels of granularities for fault localization
analysis such as statement, predicate, and function. Using the
tool allows the users to examine the correct positions in the
source code files by clicking on the suspicious units, which
are displayed and highlighted in different colors also. The
functionalities of “FLAVS” have been extended by Chen and
Wang [18] in another tool called “UnitFL”. The tool uses program slicing to decrease the program execution time. Besides,
it provides different levels of granularities for fault localization
analysis to provide different aspects of execution during the
program analysis. And, it shows fault-related elements with
different colors based on their suspiciousness; ranging from
green to red.
Ribeiro et al. [19] proposed a SBFL tool called “Jaguar” for
Java developers. The tool supports two advanced spectra types
which are control-flow and data-flow. Also, it visualizes suspicious program elements where the user can easily inspect suspicious methods, statements, or variables. Although the dataflow spectrum provides more information, it is not adopted
widely in SBFL because of the high costs of execution.
To overcome this issue, the tool utilizes a lightweight dataflow spectrum coverage tool called “ba-dua”. This enables the
tool to be used for testing large-scale programs at affordable
execution costs. The tool can be used as an Eclipse plug-in or
as a command-line tool.
All the previous tools target programs written in Java and
C/C++ programming languages. Tools for helping Python
developers in their debugging process have not been previously
proposed in the literature by other researchers. However, two
open-source fault localization tools for Python’s pytest testing framework are available, namely, Fault-Localization [20]
and PinPoint [21]. In this paper, we propose a tool called
“CharmFL” with more features to target programs written
in Python; which is considered one of the most popular
programming languages nowadays. Compared to the other
two tools, our proposed tool supports different types of code
coverage (i.e., class, method, and statement), displays the fault
localization results in different ways, provides a graphical userfriendly interface to examine the suspicious elements, and
enabling the user to smoothly examine any suspicious element
via clickable links to the source code. Table I summarizes the
features of our proposed tool compared to the others.
Statement hit coverage
Method hit coverage
Class hit coverage
Supported SBFL metrics
Shows ranking
Shows suspicious scores
Ties ranking
GUI interface
Command-line interface
Elements investigation
Elements navigation
Tool type
Current version
Value-based list
Min, Max, or Average
Via clickable links to each element in the source code
Option for pytest framework Option for pytest framework Plug-in for PyCharm IDE
In this section, we give a theoretical overview on the used
techniques in our tool. We will use an example project for
demonstration purposes. The selected project has four methods
as shown in Figure 2 and four test cases to test them as shown
in Figure 3. For simplicity, we will represent the four test cases
through the paper as T1, T2, T3, and T4 according to their
order in the figure.
Fig. 2. Running example – program code
Fig. 3. Running example – test cases
Our tool provides the opportunity to measure statement,
method, and class coverage levels. This is achieved by employing the “zooming in/out” hierarchy approach, where the user
can examine the suspicious elements from the highest level
in the hierarchy (i.e., classes) to lower levels in the hierarchy
and repeat the steps above, until s/he reaches the lowest level,
which is the statements level. This is better than only one level
of granularity as the developer can exclude methods or even
classes from the ranking list, thus saving time spent on the
debugging process.
We can see in this example that the highest granularity is
method level; in this case, the class level coverage is absent.
Table II presents the method level coverage matrix, and the
basic statistical numbers. Running any SBFL algorithm, e.g.
Tarantula, we get a list of elements with suspiciousness scores
as presented in Table III. For the lack of space, we will not
show the statement granularity, but the overarching principle is
the same; we investigate the elements with highest scores until
we find the bug. We can see that the “addToCart” method has
the highest score according to Tarantula. Using the “zooming
in/out” technique, we need to investigate the statements in
the “addToCart” method first. This saves the developers time
since they do not have to go through all the statements in the
suspicousness list.
Test results
Fig. 5.
Highlighted statements based on suspicious scores
as shown in Figure 6. Such options enable them to select
different metrics for comparison and to apply different tiebreaking techniques to the elements sharing the same score in
the ranking list.
In this section, we give an overview about our tool’s architecture, data processing, and user interface. Our tool can be
divided into two parts; front-end and the back-end framework.
The first part is the actual plug-in for the PyCharm IDE, which
the user can interact with and use during debugging. We detail
this part in Section V-A. The second part is a framework
that gives the opportunity for developers to integrate fault
localization in other IDEs. We give details on its architecture
and usage in Section V-B.
The front-end part of the tool, shown in Figure 4, is an IDE
specific plug-in using the CharmFL engine for the PyCharm
IDE. After installing the plug-in and opening the Python
project in the IDE, the user can run the fault localization
process to get the list of program suspicious elements.
Fig. 6. CharmFL advanced options
When the user selects multiple metrics, there will be a table
for each metric, that way they can compare the elements sideby-side. This is especially good for researchers who would
like to compare the efficiency of the supported SBFL metrics.
The SBFL results table (Figure 7) shows the program
elements hierarchically, next to them there are their positions
in the source code, their ranks, and their scores. Also, the
Action button can be used to hide/show the elements inside
each level of the hierarchy or to jump on a specific element
via clicking on its corresponding document icon.
Fig. 4. CharmFL GUI
Additionally, the corresponding program elements are highlighted with different shades of red color based on the suspicious scores as shown in Figure 5. The darker the color is, the
most suspicious the element is. If the user accidentally closes
the results table, s/he can reopen it again by clicking on the
View button in the CharmFL menu.
There is a set of advanced options for researchers too
which appears via clicking the Options button of the menu
Fig. 7. CharmFL rankling list output
B. Framework’s Architecture
This is the part of the tool where we gather and process the
coverage and test result data. The framework can be used as a
stand-alone tool or integrated in other IDEs too as a plug-in.
In order to collect the program’s spectra, code coverage
measurement is needed. To obtain the code coverage, the target
program needs to be instrumented. For this purpose, our tool
uses the popular coverage measuring tool for Python, called
“” [22]. This tool can measure on either statement
or branch coverage levels, however in its current format it
is not able to measure method or class coverage levels. Our
framework transforms the statement level to method and class
levels as shown in Figure 7. This is achieved by putting all the
statements of each function under the corresponding function’s
name and then putting all the functions of each class under the
corresponding class’s name. Thus, each function will has its
own set of statements and each class its own set of functions
including the statements. Afterward, the classes are sorted
based on their suspiciousness scores, then the functions, and
finally the statements. For example, the statement at line 37
will not be examined before the statement at line 8 because
the latter is belong to a function of higher rank in the ranking
list. This hierarchical coverage feature gives additional useful
information about the suspicious scores on all layers to the
user. They can exclude whole methods or even classes based
from the list.
Additionally, in order to make the coverage matrix, we
used the “.coveragerc” file where the user can configure the
measurement. After collecting the coverage report, we run tests
using “pytest” [23] to fetch the results. Having those collected,
we make coverage and test results matrices according to Jones
et al. [8] from the raw data. Afterward, the tool calculates the
suspiciousness score for each program element based on the
equations as described in Section II. The framework provides
class, method, and statement coverage levels; test results;
coverage matrix and the hierarchical “ranking list”. Figure 8
lists the usages of the framework.
Fig. 8. Framework usage
When programmers face bugs in their Python programs,
they have a couple of directions to go with in the debugging
life-cycle. In order to find the bug, they can either run the test
suite to figure out which test is failing and go from there, or
they can inject break points in the code to investigate each
value while pausing the program execution.
In this section, we will show three ways of how to use our
tool in various phases of the debugging, as follows:
1) Running the test suite, then start the CharmFL tool.
2) Running the test suite, inject break points and then start
the CharmFL tool.
3) Running the CharmFL tool, then inject break points.
For each scenario, we start from the point when the existence of the bug was first detected, i.e. someone reported the
bug while using the software. For demonstration purposes, we
will use a simple example project; but also any other Python
project can be used. The example project has four methods,
and four test cases that cover 90% of the program. We injected
an artificial bug, in the 11th line, so two of the four test cases
would fail. Our tool is successful if the 11th statement is in the
top-10 of the list of suspicious elements, and the debugging
is successful if the test cases pass after the bug is fixed.
First, we demonstrate the usage of our tool after running
the test suite. Having done that, we get from pytest’s report
that there are two failing test cases. We open the test files,
meanwhile we start the CharmFL tool. Reading the pytest’s
test results report, we can see that there are two failing test
cases. Additionally, we can see that in the test cases the method
“addToCart” is called two times and the “removeFromCart”
is called once. Hence, we start with the examination of the
“addToCart” method. When we investigate the method we
can see that there are three statements. At this point, we start
the CharmFL tool and use it to decide which statement to
investigate first. We click on the first element in the method
with the highest score in the list of suspicious elements and
try to fix the bug in the statement. We run the test cases again
and see that all test cases pass. In this scenario, our tool helped
deciding which statement should be investigated first, hence
saving time on debugging.
Second, we use our tool with a bit more advanced debugging
technique; break-point oriented debugging. The PyCharm IDE
has a built-in debugger, which is the best option to use
alongside our tool. First, we run the tests and investigate the
failing ones similarly like in the previous scenario. Again, we
have two failing test cases that cover the “addToCart” and
“removeFromCart” methods. Then, we insert break points to
those lines that are covered by the failing test cases. Next,
start the debugging session to investigate what values do
the variables take and what is not going according to the
plan. Meanwhile, we start the CharmFL tool to get the most
suspicious elements. We can see in Figure 5 that the 11th
statement in the file is dark red, which is very
suspicious. We fix the bug in the statement, then verify the
fix by running the tests again. We can conclude from this
scenario, that checking against the suspiciousness list can help
the programmer a lot with the debugging.
The final scenario, we start the CharmFL tool before doing
any debugging. In this scenario, we start the tool then look at
the list of suspicious elements.
Developers tend to investigate only the first ten (also referred to as top-10) elements in the ranking list because after
that, they start to lose interest in using the tool [24], [25].
Therefore, a fault localization algorithm is successful if it can
fit as many faulty elements in the top-10 list as possible.
Using this technique, we look at and click on the element
with the highest score in the suspiciousness list table shown in
Figure 7. The tool then redirects us to the statement we want to
investigate. The background color refers to the suspiciousness
level, i.e. how likely the statement is to contain a fault, the
darker the color the higher the suspicion is. We can see in
Figure 5 that the statement has a dark red background, meaning it is the most likely to contain a bug. When investigating
the element we can use break-point-based debugging. Without
running the test cases, we can place a break-point to the
statement we clicked on. We fix the statement and run the
tests for verification. This scenario takes a few more extra
steps. However, this is a helpful guide when the test cases are
well defined and maintained. In this case, our tool can reduce
the excessive time and energy that would have been spent on
This paper describes “CharmFL”1 , an Open-source fault
localization tool for Python programs. The tool is developed with many interesting features that can help developers
debugging their programs by providing a hierarchical list
of ranked program elements based on their suspiciousness
scores. The applicability of our tool has been evaluated via
different use cases. The tool has been found to be useful for
locating faults in different types of programs and it is easy
to use. For the future work, we would like to implement
interactiveness to enable the user to give his/her feedback on
the suspicious elements to help re-rank them, thus improving
the fault localization process. Also, we would like to add other
features such as displaying the tool’s output using different
visualization techniques. Finally, assessing the tool with real
users and in real-world scenarios would be a valuable next
step too.
The research was supported by the Ministry of Innovation
and Technology, NRDI Office, Hungary within the framework
of the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory Program, and
by grant NKFIH-1279-2/2020 of the Ministry for Innovation
and Technology. Qusay Idrees Sarhan was supported by the
Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme.
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