Education and Information Technologies
Negotiating (dis-)engagement in K-12 blended learning
Nina Bergdahl1
· Melissa Bond2
Received: 3 May 2021 / Accepted: 11 August 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
It is well-recognised that engagement is critical for learning and school success.
Engagement (and disengagement) are, however, also influenced by context. Thus,
as digital technologies add complexity to the educational context, they influence
classroom leadership, lesson designs and related practices, and thereby engagement. Despite being critical, engagement and disengagement are not well explored
concerning these influences, with a lack of research undertaken within socially disadvantaged schools. In this qualitative study, 14 classroom observations were conducted, during five months, in twelve classes in an upper secondary school in Sweden, along with dialogues with teachers (n=12) and students (n=32). The data were
analysed using thematic analysis and descriptive statistics. Identified themes include
digital context, teacher leadership, engagement and disengagement. A network of
relations between the (dis-)engagement compound and themes is presented. The
results identified processes in which engagement shifted into disengagement and
vice versa; in particular, that the intention of active learning does not automatically
translate to active learning for all students, although teachers employed a higher
work pace than did their students. Teacher self-efficacy and awareness of how to
manage digital technologies in and outside the classroom was found to play a vital
role in facilitating engagement. Understanding the (dis-)engagement compound in
blended learning environments is key to inform active and visible learning for future
research and supportive organisational structures.
Keywords Engagement · Disengagement · Work pace · Teacher leadership · K-12 ·
Blended learning
* Nina Bergdahl
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University, Stockholm,
University College London, London, UK
Education and Information Technologies
1 Introduction
Research on the effectiveness of digital technologies shows diverging outcomes.
Some conclude that there is potential, but that school digital maturity and teaching
practices do not align with the use of digital tools in society at large (Gudmundsdóttir
et al., 2014; Håkansson-Lindqvist, 2015; Krumsvik & Skaar, 2020), and that
digitalisation does not lead to increased academic achievement (Chen & Jang, 2010;
Giesbers et al., 2013; Warschauer et al., 2014). While the literature is replete with
research on educational technology and design interventions, approaches have
been criticised that overlook axiology, that is; questions of principle and value
(e.g. Raes et al., 2020; Tulu et al., 2019), research on engagement in Learning
Management Systems (LMS) (Matcha et al., 2019) or evaluating teachers’ IT
skills (Saubern et al., 2020), with calls for informative examples on how to (better)
intervene in the learning environment(s) and use existing digital technologies
effectively in situ. As education has shifted towards becoming more digital,
particularly after the COVID-19 outbreak (see Bond, 2020a; Bond et al., 2021),
it is important to understand how teachers and the digital technologies used for
learning influence engagement and disengagement. While engagement is often
described as the visible and measurable outcome of motivation (Boekaerts, 2016;
Fredricks & McColskey, 2012), many teachers report that student disengagement
is the biggest challenge they face in their classrooms (Fredricks, 2016). Where
engagement is strongly correlated with proactive behaviours for learning, general
school success and retention (Bergdahl et al., 2019; Finn & Zimmer, 2012; Wylies
& Hodgen, 2012), disengagement is related to disruptive behaviours, negative
attitude, withdrawal, absenteeism and school dropout (Alexander et al., 2001;
Greener, 2018; Griffiths et al., 2012). However, engagement and disengagement
are malleable (Fredricks et al., 2004; Fredricks et al., 2019), and thus teachers,
learning environments and digital technologies (and the various uses of them)
may influence engagement (Bond & Bedenlier, 2019).
Due to the strong relationship between engagement and disengagement to
either school success or school failure (Finn & Zimmer, 2012; Ma et al., 2015),
insights into how teachers are utilising digital technologies within blended learning environments and how these, in turn, influence engagement and disengagement are critical to schools (Hietajärvi et al., 2015). It remains important to realise that behind school success or failure lies an individual’s success or tragedy,
which further accentuates the need for a deeper understanding of how engagement and disengagement manifest, are altered or redeemed, alongside teacher
considerations or agile didactic decisions in Blended Learning (BL) (Lawson
& Lawson, 2020). A growing body of research has found that today’s students
are becoming increasingly disengaged in school; displaying increased levels of
boredom (Salmela-Aro et al., 2016b; Yazzie-Mintz, 2007), taking the opportunity
to escape the classroom via digital devices when feeling bored (Bergdahl et al.,
2019), along with general passivity, zoning out, and even occurrences of sleeping (Canaleta et al., 2014; Fredricks et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2017), all of which
may increase during a pandemic, but then without a teacher present to support
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the individual student. Recent reports have called for research that can inform the
transformation of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) into high-quality distance
learning (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020) and concluded that there is a lack of
research "... with a specific focus on how the use of collaborative learning with
the support of digital tools affects socio-economically disadvantaged students"
(Swedish School Research Institute, 2020:10). In addition, a systematic review
on global responses to the pandemic in secondary education also concluded that
disadvantaged students have received very little focus (Bond et al., 2021). This
study, therefore, explores the (dis-)engagement compound in BL in a socially
disadvantaged school to meet this gap, and contributes to the field as it brings
together aspects of teacher leadership, digital technologies and management of
engagement and disengagement in a real classroom setting, to explore meaningful
facets. More specifically, this paper adds an exploration and further refinement of
the (dis-)engagement compound, which has been called for (Chiu, 2021; Ryan &
Deci, 2020), where the digital context, work pace, learning design, and teacher
self-efficacy are explored in relation to student (dis-)engagement.
Informed by the above, this study seeks to answer the following research
1) How do the uses of digital technologies influence how students (dis-)engage
in a disadvantaged upper secondary school?
2) How does classroom leadership influence (dis-)engagement in a disadvantaged upper secondary school?
2 Background
2.1 The blended learning context and the (dis‑)engagement compound
BL combines online and physical elements, such as instruction, material, resources,
and learning activities (Bonk & Graham, 2012). For the purpose of this article, digital technologies refer to the devices (e.g., laptops, mobile phones), digital resources
with learning content, or to support learning activities (e.g., applications for online
meetings, here: Google Meet), digital infrastructure, (e.g., that include the Internet
and overarching learning management systems; here: Google work suite for Education), but also other hardware (e.g., cameras, chargers, headphones, projectors). The
BL context is thus infused with varying kinds of digital technologies and resources.
When entering a classroom (physical or digital), the teacher needs to establish an
agreement – a teacher-student contract – which serves to remind and consolidate the
structure, expectations, agreements and positions between the teacher and the students. The teachers communicate norms and expectations, explicitly and implicitly.
Even if teachers would not establish a teacher-student contract, they cannot separate themselves from the school context and [Blended] learning environment (Bond
& Bedenlier, 2019). Kuh (2010) refers to teachers’ negotiation and facilitation of
needs as an engagement compound that establishes the roles, structure, expectations,
agreements and positions between the teacher and the student. However, while the
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communication can be coloured by personality, structural and contextual factors, it
may also be influenced by the BL context, the digital technology and teacher ITliteracy (Bond, 2020b). While non-pedagogical digital tools and resources may be
explored separately from pedagogical digital tools and resources (see for example
Rolf et al., 2019), both may influence the (dis-)engagement compound (Bergdahl
et al., 2018a, b). The school, the teaching profession, the role of students, and even
digital technologies, are not value-free; and individuals and digital technologies are
heavily intertwined, which is why teaching cannot be separated from the context in
which it happens (Barab & Squire, 2004; Bond & Bedenlier, 2019).
2.2 Teacher leadership
Teacher leadership entails quite a few perspectives. For the purpose of this article,
we explore the blended learning context, teacher self-efficacy, and management of
student (dis-)engagement in learning.
2.2.1 The blended learning context and work pace
Importantly, digital technologies have the potential to disrupt learning, and the
maturity of BL can be viewed as moving from ‘enabling and enhancing’ to transforming learning (Bonk & Graham, 2012). Leadership qualities commonly refer to
an individual’s traits and characteristics, even though the context may trigger and
shape leadership qualities (Fors Brandebo, 2020). In BL and online learning, teacher
leadership demands the ability to lead with digital and physical tools and resources
in both physical and digital learning environments. Digital technologies challenge
the spatiotemporal aspects such as pace, place and time in relation to teaching and
learning (Johnson et al., 2016), and studies have proposed that teachers’ workload
could decrease as a result of ‘working smarter not harder’ (e.g. Kaden, 2020; Kim
& Asbury, 2020). At the same time, leadership research has proposed that passive
destructive leadership or laissez-faire type of leadership can be triggered by contextual factors such as lack of time, pressure and stress, which then impact teachers
ability to exert the leadership they otherwise would (Fors Brandebo, 2020).
2.2.2 Teacher self-efficacy and the fostering of engagement
A critical perspective relating to engagement and disengagement is self-efficacy.
Established as a socio-cognitive theory, Bandura (1977) emphasised that perceived
self-efficacy links one’s own ability to manage situations. The self-efficacy theory
is the motivation theory used to study teachers since it was first applied in 1977
(Fives & Buehl, 2016). Teachers’ views on their own ability to influence situations
thus govern if they ‘can’ and ‘want’ to get involved. Regarding the disengagement
compound, the negotiation of engagement and disengagement is strongly related to
teachers’ self-efficacy, as it places the teachers’ perceived ability to influence students in focus. A teacher’s self-efficacy affects their leadership in the classroom
(Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001) and determines if the solution will be implemented
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(Fives & Buehl, 2016). Teachers’ self-efficacy refers to their beliefs and to what
extent they can influence or affect student learning (Valckx et al., 2020). In addition, Hatlevik (2017) concluded that teachers’ self-efficacy is related to their digital
competence and uses of digital tools and resources in and for teaching and learning.
Thus, what teachers do in the classroom is related to their efficacy, but their
actions also directly affect student engagement and school outcomes (e.g., Ertesvåg,
2019). Perera et al explored teachers’ personality profiles (i.e., ordinary, rigid, welladjusted and excitable) and how those related to self-efficacy, work engagement,
and job satisfaction. They found that job satisfaction was the lowest among excitable teachers, while well-adjusted teachers was found to report significantly higher
self-efficacy in relation to classroom management than teachers in the ordinary
and rigid subgroups (Perera et al., 2018). As seen above, research have pointed the
importance of exploring contextual influences in relation to leadership. Researchers
have addressed a similar need when fostering engagement (Engle & Conant, 2002;
Shi et al., 2021). Engle and Conant, highlighted that students need support, relevant
resources and authority to engage productively, and that shared norms are needed
to be able to hold students accountable for their learning engagement and that such
guiding principles can inform teaching practices. Understandably, they did not view
these in a BL setting. Some twenty years later, Shi et al, proposed that the blended
learning setting in particular that needs to be taken into account when trying to
engage students (Shi et al., 2021).
2.3 Engagement and disengagement in blended learning
Research has indicated that context affects engagement both sequentially and reciprocally (Wang & Hofkens, 2019) and emphasised that how digital technologies are
used, along with the considerations aimed at promoting engagement and redeeming or circumventing disengagement, is critical for learning (Bergdahl & Nouri,
2020). Together with how and when digital technologies are used, a digital context
is shaped, which subsequently influences (dis-)engagement (Bergdahl et al., 2020a;
Henrie et al., 2015; Ma et al., 2018). Building on previous engagement and disengagement research (Bergdahl et al., 2019, b; Wang et al., 2017) engagement and disengagement in BL can be understood as a multi-dimensional construct, consisting
of four dimensions: a behavioural, a cognitive, an emotional and a social dimension,
with engagement encompassing pro-learning behaviours, emotions, focus and interaction, and disengagement encompassing negative emotions, maladaptive behaviours and responses.
2.4 Student self‑beliefs
It has been suggested that contemporary theories of learning generally include a section about student beliefs about their competence (Cook & Artino, 2016). Schmid
and Petko (2019) explored students’ beliefs about their capability of using digital technologies and the perceived usefulness of the same. They found that these
aspects are often overlooked, even when digital technologies have a significant
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impact on the learning context. Schmid and Petko suggest that personalized learning
using digital technologies has positive effects on students IT-realted beliefs in learning. However, they also found that “freedom of choice” of learning activities with
digital technologies had no significant effect on student beliefs, which may indicate
the need for instruction, guidance and leadership. While one aspect of self-belief
relates to their competence, another part relates to a student’s sense of belonging,
and thoughts about their relationship with teachers and peers. Functional relationships are critical for students to sense that they are a part of a learning community (Bond, 2020a; Ruzek et al., 2016), and identify as a learner together with other
learners (Voelkl, 2012). Research has also pointed out that students’ self-beliefs also
influence how they experience factors related to their learning. A recent study (conducted during the pandemic) (Pelikan et al., 2021) showed that students who had
a high perception of their competence to a much greater extent than students who
perceived that they have low competence, nuanced their answers and pointed to several influencing factors: results, learning process and context, while students with
lower self-confidence briefly stated that nothing was good. Similarly to Schmid and
Petko (2019), and Pelikan et al. (2021), Bergdahl et al. (2018a) shadowed students
across their school week, and concluded that student engagement varied, but the patterns seemed to be more related to how the teacher orchestrated the digital technologies than student interest in specific subjects. In fact, only one student compensated
for poor orchestration with a devoted interest in a subject (Bergdahl et al. 2018b).
Students coming together from several cultures may carry with them varying selfbeliefs that influence their learning (Chavous et al., 2003; Fryer & Bovee, 2016).
Research exploring the digital divide has focused on digital inequality and concluded that different groups (often multi-cultural and socially disadvantaged) might
have limited access to digital tools, may have limited IT-literacy, and also indicated
that, even when access and literacy exist, some groups do not benefit from the time
they invest online (van Deursen & Helsper, 2015), which during the pandemic has
also hindered, for example, immigrant groups from benefiting from the shift to
online services in society at large (Ramsetty & Adams, 2020). In schools, studies
have found that teachers may reduce the use of digital technologies and resources
for immigrant students (Gómez-Fernández & Mediavilla, 2019), which may be due
to teacher consideration of student wellbeing, as second language students may have
difficulty interpreting social cues, or experience their culture as devalued (Bingham
& Okagaki, 2012). Moreover, if left unsupported, students’ negative self-beliefs
may cause their disengagement to spiral, particularly in online learning (Fryer et al.,
3 Methodology
In order to explore the (dis-)engagement concept in depth, a qualitative case study
was conducted across five months (September 2020 through January 2021). Case
studies allow researchers to explore a phenomenon from multiple angles within their
“natural setting” (Willis, 2008, p. 212), which enables data triangulation and validation (Yin, 2014).
Education and Information Technologies
3.1 Research context
This case study was conducted in an upper secondary school, in a socially disadvantaged area, in one of the larger cities in Sweden. This is an example of purposeful
sampling, which is an appropriate method for selecting sites for deep investigation
in qualitative research (Creswell, 2012; Patton, 1990). The upper secondary school
welcomes students who have poor primary school results, and while some students
study to gain eligibility to enrol with a national program, others are enrolled in a
more practically oriented apprenticeship program. The school welcomes students
all year round, which means that students, who have just arrived in Sweden, could
enrol at any time. In this school, the work is structured around teams that work
around their dedicated student groups. Each team of teachers includes a dedicated
student health team: a school nurse, a counsellor and a special needs teacher. All
teachers and students have their own laptops, use GSuite for Education, and have
classrooms fitted with projectors.
3.2 Participants
Following approval and informed consent from the school principal, all teachers
at the school and their classes were invited to the study, with 12 teachers agreeing
to participate, across the following subjects: Swedish as a second language (SSL),
English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Social Sciences and Music. 32 students (year 10-12) also agreed to participate and provided written, informed consent (see Appendix). Information about the study was always provided to the students verbally in easy-to-understand Swedish, with translations most often made
with the assistance of the teacher, teaching assistant or peers.
3.3 Ethical considerations and researcher bias
The school principal and all participants provided written informed consent to participate. All respondents were informed of their right to withdraw from the study at
any time without questions asked, and that data would be treated in line with current legislation and analysed and reported anonymously. While, the department had
prior established connections with the school the observing researcher had not. The
researcher remained an impartial observer during all observations, and did not interfere in any of the lessons. During the five months of observations, the school dedicated a room to the researcher, which further enabled the researcher to spend additional time at the school and with the teachers and students. This familiarity may have
helped participants to feel more comfortable in the classroom whilst being observed.
3.4 Data collection
Multiple data sources were collected across the five months (September 2020
through January 2021). Classroom observations (n=14) were undertaken and
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documented using field notes and photos. Then the teachers assisted in suggesting students that could be observed, close to where the first author would sit to
enable observation and dialogue (typically at the back of the classroom) (see
Appendix B).
3.4.1 Identifying work pace
During the first classroom observation, an emerging indication was that teachers
worked to influence student work pace (redeem disengagement). This spurred the
interest in observing, and making subjective (yet inductively informed) notes on
student and teacher work pace respectively. A schema was developed (see Table 1,
Appendix). The schema uses the letters A-E to reflect distinct characteristics of
work pace. The work pace schema was added to the classroom observation schema
and subsequently used to identify student and teacher work pace in relation to
uses of digital technologies during class. Even though there is no equal distance
between A - E, the categories were arranged so that A reflects higher engagement
and E lower. With the purpose to compare teacher and student work pace, in terms
of high and low, the observed pace was re-calculated into numeric values (where
E = 1 and A = 5).
3.5 Data analysis
Data were analysed using thematic analysis and descriptive statistics, using actions
and processes as units of analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2012). After conducting classroom
observations, field notes and photos were coded with memos. Thematic analysis focuses
on meaning across a data-set. Data were coded using post-it notes, and codes were subsequently arranged into themes, reflecting instances of actions and processes (ibid.).
Codes were discussed between the researchers, explored for emergent, unexpected
angles, and re-checked against the data. This reflected a combination of two styles of
thematic analysis: 1) descriptive (in which data can be used in illustrative ways) and
2) interpretative (Braun & Clarke, 2012). Thematic analysis was used to identify how
the themes could be visualised in a network display (thematic map) (Braun & Clarke,
2006). By arranging and rearranging the themes in thematic maps, the visualising can
reveal patterns, support conclusions of the analysis, and provide insights into the relationship between the themes (ibid.). To ensure ‘authentic triangulation’, data collected
and analysed were verified by the participating teachers (Yin, 2014).
4 Results
Figure 1 displays a network of themes related to the (dis-)engagement compound.
In exploring the (dis-)engagement compound in BL, four main themes were identified that represent perspectives of influence: 1) The blended learning context, 2)
Teacher leadership, 3) Blended Learning activity, and 4) The student as a learner
(see Fig. 1).
Education and Information Technologies
Fig. 1 Network of themes identified to influence the (dis-)engagement compound
4.1 The blended learning context
Under the category digital context, two themes were identified: I. Blended learning work pace and II. Unintended consequences.
4.1.1 Blended learning work pace
While students could choose which digital technologies to use to work toward
their learning objectives, they were also observed to become passive due to using
those technologies.
Some students did not have a password and did not have access to the digital
learning material - and they continued to be passive throughout the lesson.
(Observation 12)
On the other hand, teachers’ work pace was high, trying to assist students and
encourage them to complete their work.
The teacher was energetic and worked hard to try and meet student needs,
while the students were passive. (Observation 2)
The teacher draws on the text for topics and tries to start a dialogue. Students are passive, waiting. The teacher encourages the students further by
relating the content to the students’ world. (Observation 4)
An emerging indication was that the student pace was observed to be related to
and influenced by the teachers’ teaching practices and lesson design. Because of this
emerging indication, student and teacher work pace were observed throughout the
lessons (see Fig. 2; Table 1, Appendix). All observations included exploring student
and teacher work pace in relation to uses of digital technologies during class. In
Fig. 2, where category E reflects the lowest work pace and category A the highest.
Figure 2 reflects the occurrences of lessons in a certain combination of (student and
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Fig. 2 Teacher and student work
teacher) work pace. The teachers had in common that their work pace was characterised by categories B, C and D, while the students displayed a larger variety of categories (E, D, C and B), with almost half of the lessons falling into categories reflecting lower pace (E and D) (see Table 1, Appendix for a description of categories).
Figure 2 reveals that some teachers work hard to sustain a high level of activity (category B), but half of the teachers in category B do not succeed in reaching the same
level of activity for their students. The teacher pace matched categories C (5) or B (6),
with a slight inclination for the higher pace. For students, the most common work pace
was identified as categories D (5) or C (4), with the lower work pace being slightly
more common. In three observed lessons, teacher and student work pace were the same
(fitting categories C and B). Figure 2 also shows that three teachers employed a slower
work pace than their students: Teacher: C; Students: B, or Teacher: D and Students C.
Neither extreme (E, fully disengaged/asleep or A, stressed to a level of burnout) was
observed. The mean of teachers’ observed work pace was 3. 30, which was higher than
the students’ mean of 2.69. Category A was not observed for teachers or students.
Most often, teachers had a higher working pace than did their students. An
emerging indication was that the student pace was observed to be related to and
influenced by the teachers’ teaching practices and lesson design. While category
E does not include teacher-student interaction focused on learning, designing
learning as described in category E may be deliberate for a specific learning goal.
However, if the teacher always designs for category E, that decision can reflect
values of the surrounding culture and attitudes and may also be a reaction to high
work pressure, frustration, and a sense of giving up.
4.1.2 Unintended consequences
However, the effect of using educational technology in the classroom meant
that students occasionally had to move positions so that they could charge their
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devices as needed when their batteries ran out, a design consideration that is now
essential in modern classrooms. Another effect of using technology was the need
for teachers to be cognisant of flexible lesson design, adapting their lesson plans
when the Internet, in particular, was not working. When faced with this obstacle,
one Music teacher asked the students to turn their computers off and sing instead.
Teacher: "OK - you can turn off your computer now - and we’ll sing".
(Being online, this would have caused a lesson breakdown.) "Teacher:
"Oh, the Internet is up again ... [The teacher can end the lesson by showing
streamed media; a snippet of a band who performed the verse that the students had practised]. (Observation 7)
On several occasions, it was observed that the digital technologies the school
provided could lead to unintended consequences, such as shared information
unintended for students or only being able to listen or use the mobile phone for
learning, only if they had access to one.
The teacher logs in to [a digital learning resource] and shows the teacher view...
when he does this, all the students can see everything on the teacher’s screen as
the teacher searches for the information needed for the lesson. (Observation 12)
Teacher: Now we are going to India. This is going to be funny. If you have
headphones, you can listen individually [the students use their laptops to log
in to an online resource]." (Observation 12)
Other unintended consequences could mean teachesrs had to support students
in overcoming challenges, for which there was not always time after class, leading
to instruction on how to use IT competing with subject content during lessons.
4.2 Teacher leadership
Three sub-themes of teacher leadership were identified: I. Management of education, II. Teacher self-efficacy and III. Managing engagement and disengagement.
4.2.1 Management of education
In some classes, the characteristics of digital technology use related to managing education, such as distribution of learning materials and resources, including
directing students to other resources for use outside of class, e.g. students needing
to download an app to practice the bass guitar at home. When learning was online,
attendance was an automatic feature in another application (e.g., Google Classroom), where timestamps reflected student logins (e.g. lesson 12).
4.2.2 Teacher self-efficacy
Teacher self-efficacy includes the motivation to act but may also be influenced by
external factors, such as information, organisational support and school culture.
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The teacher says he does not know why only nine students are present ... he says
that he is very frustrated. There used to be classroom rules posted on the walls
in all classrooms. He points to a poster saying, among other things, that mobile
phones should be switched off. He sighs and comments that it is not a priority. It is
hard not to be heard when you point out that we need to make efforts, such as locking the doors if the students arrive late. Instead, the teacher reports being met with
a negative jargon that applies "a certain type of students". (Observation 7)
Teacher self-efficacy is only possible when students are present. On the other
hand, views of having ‘a certain type of student’ may reflect a school culture of collective efficacy, impacting individual teachers.
4.2.3 Managing engagement and disengagement
Efficacy and knowledge may influence teachers to increase engagement or manage disengagement. The observations, however, included instances when engagement shifted into disengagement and vice versa. In three observed lessons (1, 4, 12),
engagement was observed to shift into disengagement. In the observed classes, such
instances revealed that instruction to actively work triggered engagement (students
got ready to work), but when the teacher continued to talk, instead of allowing work
as promised, the students returned to their mobile phone games. In the two other
classes, there was little consideration on active learning for all, especially when digital technologies allowed for simultaneous activity, and when the teacher took over
from digital technologies, s/he would engage with one or a few students. The majority of students would then be passive.
In five of the observed lessons (1, 5, 7, 9, 10), there were instances when student disengagement shifted into engagement. A low threshold invited students to
engage in some lessons (e.g., 10), even after missing classes. Often, little effort
was observed that challenged students’ cognitive level. Instead, there was a clear
focus on raising the low achievers above the pass threshold. However, if lessons are
always un-demanding to be inclusive, this risks lowering or omitting the cognitive
challenge that spurs progression for the present students.
Nonetheless, the way teachers respond to disengaged students signals teacher
expectations and what will be accepted. In one of the lessons (1), it was observed
that the teacher ignored the disengaged student and refrained from communicating
any fostering norms. This reflects a delicate balance on how and when it may be
suitable to approach disengagement, but it may also remain unmanaged. However,
there was one teacher that succeeded with students that had failed in other classes.
Teacher: (became teary-eyed) he does not function well in the other classes.
And when [another student’s name] first came to me, she was very aggressive.
But I talked to her, met her and talked about what she wanted in life and that I
empowered. I supported and encouraged her. And now, now she’s not like that.
She functions very well [in class].” (Observation 9)
When asked about managing disengagement, the teacher forwarded that “it is
not about offering treatment - it is about being human, engaging in dialogue and
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showing you care, that may help turn schooling around fully for students, then the
challenges pale in comparison". In other instances, when the teacher-initiated interaction, students were observed to display a range of responses; some students took
the initiative to learn, others would rest or even yawn. There was no instruction on
what to do when the teacher was interacting with other students.
4.3 Blended learning
Two sub-themes were identified: I. Uses of digital technologies, II. Avoidance of
digital technologies.
4.3.1 Uses of digital technologies
It was observed that digital and physical resources were often combined and that students were accustomed to bringing both digital and physical tools with them to class;
some had pen, paper and books, and others also had laptops and mobile phones.
After the film, the students work on the [digital learning resource] material...
They can see the exercise on the whiteboard and their screens. (Observation 12)
A text is projected onto the whiteboard. The students can access the text
through Google Classroom. The teacher reads: "Ebba has an exciting book
with her and a chocolate bar to munch on. She sinks into the comfortable
blue seat on the train. Lisa’s mother will meet Ebba. But no Ebba gets off.
"Why doesn’t Ebba get off the tram?". The teachers remind the students
of the built-in audio support: "You can listen to the text again if you have
headphones." When the question is raised, students use translation apps,
including image search in Google, to visualise what a tram is. (Observation
4,Photo 1, 2)
Digital tools seem to be intertwined with the social and culture, that it is expected
to function and serve as a foundation from which to manage learning (such as an
LMS), distribute tasks (Google Classroom), using media (i.e. access media via individual laptops, or to project imagery or play audio or streaming media to a screen at
the front). Digital media has become a standard in classrooms of today.
4.3.2 Avoidance of digital technologies
There were also situations when digital technologies (and the properties thereof)
were not used. Reasons included that writing by hand was needed or preferred, that
digital applications were no longer supported by the developer, and a gap between
digital uses during class and school structures enabling student access to digital
technologies and digital literacy training.
I have worked with [application name] for eight years … Now, the company
no longer releases updates, and I can no longer get an overview of the students’ progression…But I still use the functions I can. (Observation 9)
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Photo 1 Student using Google
image search
Photo 2 Student using a translation application
Teacher: " Today we are not using the computers. It is because it takes a long
time for the students to log in. Even if we use [name of application] almost
every lesson, it takes too much time from the lesson". (Observation 11)
The digital context appears to frame the conditions under which the digital technologies can be used to both manage education and support learning. There were
several instances when digital technologies were the cause of problems: such as
teachers having only one device (laptop) or outdated learning resources, which may
indirectly affect student engagement negatively.
4.4 The student as a learner
Three sub-themes were identified: I. Belonging, II. Self-beliefs, and III. Individual
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4.4.1 Belonging
When a student signals they dare to be passive during an active learning activity,
they challenge the teacher and norms. The lesson derives from students making their
own choices to engage in learning, with the student having to take his/her initiative
to learn. When a student chooses not to make that choice, it can be interpreted as a
rebellious protest, a signal that something is not right within him/her. Moreover, it
may create an unsettled atmosphere, especially if the student holds a status position
in the class.
[Sound from phone]. The teacher does not react. Two students who had arrived
late both used their mobile phones. One hides under the desk and spends the
lesson time scrolling instead. This behaviour signals shared norms between
the latecomers. However, in the class, other norms existed. Another student
then takes the opportunity to signal belonging to another set of norms "I have
already written everything". This student raises his hand every time the teacher
asks a question. (Observation 6)
The disengagement is infectious, spreading to nearby peers. Moreover, if other
students have unrest, struggle to concentrate or self-regulate, they may become
distracted or take the opportunity to disengage actively. When several outbursts
of disengagement happen simultaneously in class, the teachers’ stress levels were
observed to increase. The teacher could not oversee all behaviour and hence did
not set boundaries directed to specific individuals, as they would act out behind the
teacher’s back.
4.4.2 Self-belief and withdrawal
One teacher described that the school caters for socially disadvantaged students; that
some are even accustomed to physical abuse from their teachers. When arriving in
Sweden, they are often unsure of the rules and norms in the Swedish classroom.
As such, one critical aspect for these students is to re-evaluate their self-beliefs in
the new context, where diverse cultures and norms co-exist. Many students were
observed to display silence and withdrawal. While self-beliefs may refer to one’s
ability, it may also reflect insecurities. When the students withdrew into passivity, it
appeared as if the passivity had different levels, as if one layer was a temporary idle
mode, waiting for the teacher to activate them. The other level, observed when students were left alone for a longer time, was interpreted as if students retracted into a
state of isolation and loss of agency, even in class.
When the teacher is with the students, works to engage them, and helps them
get started, the students begin to work, but without the teacher’s constant
prompts, awareness, and leadership, they tend to return to the passive state.
(Observation 7)
When the teacher turned to manage disengaged students, the other students in
the class received no teaching or instruction. The teachers were observed to balance
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continuing their teaching or managing student disengagement at the expense of educating the class.
4.4.3 Individual challenges
There were instances when teachers tried to engage students and then encountered
other challenges, such as student knowledge gaps, or that latecomers could remain
invisible in online classes as there was less disruption, which in turn might not trigger a teacher reaction. A third observed challenge was that different students might
respond differently to the same situation.
Students were also observed to respond differently to learning activities. In the
same situation, one student proactively showed that he was participating in a
situation that enabled passive presence. In a similar situation, another student
had his eyes open, looked ahead, and observed to work but did not engage in
classroom interaction. (Observation 12)
In a classroom, students take on different roles. There might not be room for
every individual student to be proactive, who takes the initiative to talk. On the other
hand, in classes with no student interaction, little dialogue or momentum, a verbal
exchange can challenge the cognitive level.
5 Discussion
In answering the first research question: ”How are the uses of digital technologies
influencing how students (dis-)engage in a disadvantaged upper secondary school?”,
we found that in BL, there were both uses and deliberate avoidance of digital technologies. In the observed BL classrooms, digital technologies were used to enhance
learning, often combined with traditional practices. For example, classroom observations revealed that teachers frequently use their laptops to project content onto
the whiteboard (see Table 1, Appendix), which resembles the blackboard, but with
digital equipment. While projecting content saves time and helps avoid problems
that may arise when teachers have to turn their back against students, it remains a
traditional approach (Gudmundsdóttir et al., 2014). Teachers would then alternate
between engaging in dialogues with students and directing questions to students,
referring to the content on display.
Expanding on previous research (Engle & Conant, 2002; Perera et al., 2018), we
found that a teacher is physically managing the classroom (to foster engagement) by
initiating and shifting interactions (e.g., question/answer, dialogue), tone of voice,
signals, prompts, and by providing or withholding information. Our results also
show the impact of digital technologies on the learning context e.g., when teachers
initiated uses or avoided uses of digital technologies, experienced technology breakdowns or that students lacked necessary digital skills, equipment, or login details.
Such contextual occurrences directly affected students’ actual possibilities to engage
proactively in BL activities and demanded the teacher to shift the order of learning
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activities promptly. Several teachers also displayed an accumulated understanding
of students’ vocabulary, anticipating new and potentially problematic words, and
were attentive for cues, particularly related to students not understanding the language. With meticulous perfection, teachers identified students’ level of knowledge,
or expanded on students’ insights, using gestures, tone of voice, visualisations and
peer translations to communicate their message. However, in a digital learning context, relying on non-verbal communication, gestures and enthusiasm, is far from the
design-thinking needed in a BL context. Merely offering a traditional class online
may then cause some unexpected disturbances. For example, whilst turn-taking was
an accepted method a couple of decades ago, it may be interpreted as un-demanding, slow and boring for the students of today, who may look to be simultaneously
active using digital resources. Indeed, when relying on traditional ways of teaching,
seven out of ten students were passive, and four out of these seven did not accept
sitting passively but either initiated private conversations or turned to their mobile
phones. That is, the very interaction that used to be effective, or at least accepted in
the classroom some decades ago, was promoting passivity and reduced interaction
(e.g. Luckin, 2008).
In regards to question two: “How does classroom leadership influence (dis-)
engagement in a disadvantaged upper secondary school?”, classroom leadership was
found to influence (dis-)engagement directly. Results indicate that teacher leadership in BL entails both self-efficacy and the knowledge of how to design lessons
that positively influence engagement and work pace and manage disengagement. As
expected, ICT tools and related activities were used in almost all lessons. Still, the
tools were almost always treated as something that should be handed over to the students to choose and utilise, without moderation or prior consideration by the teacher.
In line with Valckx et al. (2020), we agree that teachers’ beliefs of what they can do
to influence student learning relate to their self-efficacy. However, apart from leadership efficacy (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001), we argue that digital self-efficacy
is needed. There were differences in how ICT tools and related activities were used
amongst the teachers, and there was no indication that access to technology, or students lacking digital literacy, would hinder implementing BL. On the contrary, students used many technologies as an integrated part when switching between their
educational and privacy spheres (Giesbers et al., 2013; Rashid & Asghar, 2016;
Zheng & Warschauer, 2015).
ICT tools were standard when it came to teachers managing the class and the
content. However, they were rarely used in a deliberate way to shape learning or
engagement. Warschauer et al. (2014) argued that how teachers integrate ICT tools
and pedagogical thinking, aiming to promote engagement and learning, is critical,
with teachers in this school seemingly making the same considerations throughout
their lesson planning. On the one hand, it is understandable that ICT knowledge differs. On the other, developing an overall school strategy could lead more teachers
to develop their use of ICT for pedagogical purposes (Boekaerts, 2016; Furrer &
Skinner, 2003). Developers of educational technologies should incorporate axioms,
considering what teachers need and how those can be met, and considering that
poor designs may trigger unwanted behaviours, considering whether learning will
be increased, alongside the actual benefits of the software will be. The conditions to
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exert leadership is influenced by critical contextual factors (Fors Brandebo, 2020).
Thus, the digital context, work pace, designs for learning and teacher self-efficacy
are viewed as critical aspects of the (dis-)engagement compound. Bergdahl et al.
(2018b) concluded that engagement can be designed for if teachers are supported
in becoming more aware of their potential to influence student (dis-)engagement.
Extending these findings, the results found that teachers’ planning seemed to be
teacher-centred and that active learning is not active learning for all students. When
all students were expected to engage in learning and supported by lesson design
actively, students were not observed to disengage.
A lack of digital devices or outdated applications was also observed to impede
teacher excellence. However, structural access needs to be combined with digital
competence and awareness of implications that occur when shifting between the
teacher and the digital tools and resources as agents for learning. When using
digital technologies, a teacher could serve an unlimited number of students, as
digital technologies are used to mediate one-to-many communication. In this
case, though, when the teacher withdrew the digital technologies and turned to
just one or a few students, the majority of students were left passive, and few students knew what to do. This resulted in most students being left passive for up to
three times longer than the duration of observed technology breakdowns. Moreover, when comparing student and teacher work pace, teachers often worked at a
more intense pace than their students (Kaden, 2020; Kim & Asbury, 2020). This
implies that digital competence is more than subject didactics, or how to teach
one’s subject using digital resources and IT skills. We suggest that IT competencies should include aware considerations of consequences relating to digital technologies and digital leadership. Indeed, passive or disruptive presence negatively
affected the learning climate for students and the working climate for teachers.
The teachers were struggling with managing and redeeming disengagement, and
often, individual or even collective denial was observed. Coming to class and
being actively disengaged may be a students’ way of repeating negative selfbeliefs; that no one cares. In the online classes, there was considerably less disengagement and managing of maladaptive behaviours. However, considering the
uneven digital competencies and teachers struggling to offer support (see Fryer
et al., 2014; Fryer & Bovee, 2016), not only wanting to give support but ensuring
school structures adapt to the needs of support appears critical. In BL learning
classes, it also became important how the teacher worked to establish a positive
learning climate or react to disengagement signals. However, working with negative self-beliefs remains a challenge (Fryer et al., 2014; Fryer & Bovee, 2016).
6 Conclusion
Building on the analysis and previous work, the results indicate that negotiation of
engagement in the BL setting is a legitimate problem as the (dis-)engagement compound is affected by both individual traits and context. Thus, a complex network of
factors seem to influence learners (dis-)engagement.
Education and Information Technologies
• First the school context, which includes teacher workload with factors like time,
pressure and stress that may negatively impact the conditions to realise positive
• Second, digital technologies were found to influence leadership conditions.
Thus, we propose that teachers’ classroom leadership should include digital selfefficacy, and teachers’ IT competencies should include digital leadership.
• Third, results indicate that teachers’ work pace was related to awareness of the
impact of digital technologies, alongside a teacher’s digital awareness of how to
orchestrate digital technologies and resources to reduce work pace.
• Moreover, results show that teachers manage (dis-)engagement quite differently:
reveal shifts both to engagement from disengagement, and vice versa. Therefore,
the (dis-)engagement compound can be understood as interactions within the BL
context, the conditions for teaching and learning, and leadership execution, the
learning activities and students’ beliefs, sense of belonging and individual challenges.
Thus, the negotiation of student (dis-)engagement, in a BL context, relates to
teacher self-efficacy; namely, their beliefs about their ability to influence students’
(dis-)engagement, teacher work pace, whether affected by digital competence or
other stressful factors, influencing conditions to exert leadership, knowledge on how
to design for engagement, and manage disengagement.
6.1 Limitations and future work
Generalisations from this study are limited. First, the sample size and number of
schools are insufficient to generalise the conclusions. Second, the study was conducted in one school in a socially disadvantaged area. More students, schools and
diversity of the same should be selected for increased generalisability. Moreover,
despite observing several classrooms and lesson, any such observation does at best
provide a snippet of that teacher’s practice, and those students’ engagement. Future
research could explore negotiations in other BL settings or use a longitudinal design.
The findings do however contribute to the research field, in terms of proposing
instances and occurrences when digital technologies hinder and promote engagement, describe how engagement may shift into disengagement and vice versa, and
point to the need to include managing in digital context as a skill for teachers. Future
research should explore teachers’ digital leadership and digital self-efficacy, learning
designs, teacher considerations in relation to online and blended learning.
Teacher and student work pace
Table 1 describes characteristics of categories A-E reflecting teaching practices in
BL classrooms and student practices from a perspective of pace.
Education and Information Technologies
Table 1 Teacher and student pace (without digital technologies)
Student work pace
The lesson is characStressed. The lesson
terised by lack of
is characterised by
digital leadership,
constant high pace
and high levels of
and demands where
perceived stress for
the goals are perteachers, where they
ceived as unreachfeel overwhelmed
able, for example
and/or exhausted.
when the teacher
provides multiple
tasks, unclear
instructions, no
support or resources
and too little time.
The lesson is charHigher pace that
acterised by agile
requires concentrateaching practices.
tion. The lesson is
The teacher works to
characterised by
activate the students
intentionally higher
in each learning
pace, which enables
diverse student
pace and a need for
student autonomy
where several activities or variations
of activities are
Active learning which The lesson is characterised by flexible
sometimes is cogniteaching practices.
tively challenging.
The teacher works to
The lesson is charactivate the students
acterised by students
in each learning
either engaging in
hands-on practice or
working to master a
theoretical content.
The majority of
students are kept at
this pace.
Teacher work pace
The role of digital technologies
Characterised by worry or anxiety related to
using digital technologies, in combination with limited digital competence in
relation to error detection, troubleshooting and problem solving, (which may be
enhanced by limited school support, and/
or a conviction that digital technologies
have no place in education).
Characterised by competing elements
of teacher attention which may cause
stress, such as new, unfamiliar or nonfunctional software or digital devices,
increased workload due to creating new
content, assessments and exams, flipped
classrooms, feedback. The work pace may
increase as teachers try to exert control,
when the teacher experiences disengaged
students, and/or a lack of structural support. Stressed teachers can talk faster to
"survive the lesson or class", dreading to
be there.
Characterised by re-using video-annotations, flipped classrooms, visual feedback,
and designs for gamification. Re-using
online self-assessment and quizzes with
randomised answers and questions and
auto correction. Reusing designs that
previously worked to enable a variety of
peer interactions using cloud services and
online forums.
E.g. the focus on the lesson design derives
The lesson is charSlow and repeated
from a self-centred approach: "what do I
acterised by few or
instances of
do as a teacher", rather than how are the
fragmented activities
enabling passivity.
students actively involved in learning,
that do not overlap
Characterised by
while I am focusing on “xyz”. Digital
smoothly, or too few
empty slots between
technologies are not used to provide
learning activities,
learning activities/
exercises, enable interactions or challenge
leaving students who
learning sequences,
students cognitively.
finish tasks early in a
or one activity that
passive space withdid not last for the
out instructions.
duration of the
Education and Information Technologies
Table 1 (continued)
Student work pace
Teacher work pace
The role of digital technologies
E.g. redirecting students to learn from a
The lesson is characSlow and unpretensource separate from teacher interaction
terised by non-agile
tious. Characterised
such as a movie, animation, streamed
presence. This lesson
by low design effort.
media, working on a project or use digital
can include passive
The teacher does
devices to enable dialog, interaction or
"laissez-faire style
not support a work
of teaching”, but it
pace directed toward
can also be, aware
learning, and allows
design, where the
for a minimum of
teacher deliberately
learning sequences.
designs the lesson
The lesson signals
to decrease their
that if truant or
own work pace, and
absent, you have not
increase the students’
missed anything.
work pace
Authors contributions The first author planned and designed the study, conducted the observations and
made the initial coding. Findings were discussed and the manuscript was co-authored by both authors.
Funding This research is a part of the project Malmö IT i Skolan (MITis), which is partly funded by the
Department of upper secondary and adult education, Malmo, Sweden.
Conflict of interest The authors report no conflict of interest.
Data availability Anonymised results are available from the authors by request.
Code availability n/a
Ethics approval n/a
Consent to participate Written consent on voluntary and anonymous participation was obtained from all
Consent for publication The informed consent form included information about publication (procedure,
form and communication), which was approved by all participants
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article
are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the
material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is
not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission
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