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Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC
4 pages
1 file
Diabetic patients are at an increased risk of acquiring Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection owing to the nature of the disease and its inherent complications or frequent parentral exposure. On the other hand HCV infection may itself contribute to the development of Diabetes Mellitus. The epidemiological evidence of this association has not been studied in Pakistan at a population level and its exact biological mechanisms are not obvious. Objective of this study was to study the frequency of HCV infection among adult diabetic patients attending the Hospital. The study comprised of 100 Diabetic patients visiting the out patient clinics or admitted in the medical wards of a Teaching Hospital, in Peshawar. Diabetes was confirmed according to the new diagnostic criteria based on 2 fasting or 2 random plasma glucose levels of more than 126 milligram per deciliter (mg/dL) and 200 mg/dL respectively. The presence of HCV infection was confirmed by Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) met...
American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice
Background: Hepatitis C virus is a blood-borne virus, and the vast majority of infections are the result of blood exposure from unsafe injection practices, poor health care, unscreened blood transfusions, injection drug use, and sexual practices that result in blood exposure. Chronic (CHC) infection is caused by the hepatitis C virus, and affected nearly 198 million people worldwide. Objective: To determine whether there was a link between hepatitis C virus infection and Diabetes Mellitus. Methodology: After receiving approval from the Hospital's Ethical Committee, this study was conducted over a one-year period (15-01-2018 to 16-01-2019) to investigate the relationship between HCV infection and D.M patient reports at the Diabetic Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology HMC Hospital in Peshawar. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to measure anti-HCV antibody, as well as glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting and random blood sugar levels. SPSS version 2...
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021
Background: Infection caused by hepatitis C virus is common and important issue of public health in Pakistan. The risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hepatitis C virus has common association. Objectives: To find out the frequency of hepatitis C virus in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients and to assess the association between Type 2 Diabetes mellitus and hepatitis C virus. Methodology: This was descriptive study piloted at the Department of Medicine Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar for duration of one year. Totally, 157 type 2 diabetic patients were included. All information’s were documented on a prescribed Performa. Results: Out of 157 confirmed diabetic patients, 50 (31.85%) were seropositive for anti HCV antibodies while 107(68.15%) were negative. There were 48% males and 52% female in the entire study. Patient’s age ranged from 31 to 73years. The seroprevalence of HCV in female was 29(58%) while in male it was 21(42%). Conclusion: Our study concludes that ...
Baghdad Science Journal
Hepatitis, a condition of liver’s inflammation that can be self-limiting or, in certain chances, it may lead to liver cancer, fibrosis or cirrhosis. Hepatitis viruses mainly cause hepatitis in the world. People with hepatitis C have predominant chances to develop diabetes as HCV virus participates in causing type 2 diabetes. HCV virus causes pathogenesis in two ways: it either directly destroys the β cells of pancreas or contributes to the specific autoimmunity of β cells. The present cross sectional study was done in Wazirabad Tahsil of Gujranwala District to analyze the percentage of patients suffering from hepatitis C who had the risk of diabetes mellitus. For this research work, demographic information and data about any other medical history were collected by using a questionnaire. Blood samples were collected from hospital and real time PCR was performed to measure the viral load and blood sugar was measured by using glucometer. Data were then analyzed by using statistically d...
Presently in Pakistan the rates of HCV caused infection is about 8 - 10% in general population, where as diabetes prevalence is in 12% of people above 25 years of age. The associated risk factors in HCV and diabetes are very common in Pakistan. This study was conducted to prove association between diabetes, hepatitis C and different risk factors bio-chemically and epidemiologically, establish potential relationship (s) and determine independent associations of covariates with diabetes and HCV infection abnormalities. A total of 700 consecutive patients were prospectively selected. On the bases of recorded data, patients were classified as having HCV positive (without diabetes) N = 532 (76%), HCV positive with diabetes N = 118 (16.85%) and normal N = 50 (7.14%) as control. Data showed that HCV infection was independently related to glucose abnormalities and there was a three folds increase in the prevalence of diabetes in HCV subjects. Our study provided evidence that there is a defi...
Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are two major public health problems associated with increasing complications and mortality rates worldwide. The objective of this study to evaluate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in diabetic patients and to investigate the influence of several epidemiological and clinical factors on HCV infection. Method: A total number of one hundred and eighty diabetic patients were recruited for this study. Consented subjects made up of 71(39.4%) males and 109(60.56%) females were recruited for the study. Structured questionnaires were administered to the consented participants to obtain relevant data. Sera samples were assayed for antibodies to HCV using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay [Inteco Diagnostic Limited]. ELISA technique. Result: Overall prevalence of HCV infection among diabetes patients assayed was 13.3%. Out of which 8(11.3%) was obtained from the male subjects compared to 16 ...
Normas de Información Financiera México NIF, 2023
A. C. (CINIF) es un organismo independiente en su patrimonio y operación, constituido en el año 2002 por entidades líderes de los sectores público y privado 1 , con objeto de desarrollar las "Normas de Información Financiera" (NIF) para ser de utilidad tanto para emisores como para usuarios de la información financiera. A partir del 1° de junio de 2004, el CINIF es el organismo que tiene la función y asume la responsabilidad de emitir la normativa contable en México en congruencia con la tendencia internacional. Para el logro de sus objetivos, el CINIF cuenta con un Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo (CID) conformado por investigadores de tiempo completo provenientes de diferentes áreas del campo profesional y que tienen un alto nivel de competencia; ellos trabajan junto con otras personas externas que están en la práctica profesional o en la academia a fin de obtener puntos de vista en forma plural en el desarrollo de las NIF. Asimismo, el CINIF cuenta con un Consejo Emisor, el cual está integrado por personas del más alto nivel técnico y de amplia experiencia profesional, resaltando su independencia de criterio, objetividad e integridad; los miembros del Consejo Emisor son quienes tienen la facultad de aprobar la normativa desarrollada por los integrantes del CID para su emisión, ya sea como documento para auscultación o como norma final. Las NIF son producto de un largo proceso que se inicia con la identificación de dudas o áreas de oportunidad en materia de normas contables; después del análisis y evaluación de las distintas alternativas de solución por parte de los miembros del Consejo Emisor, se formula un proyecto para discusión, el cual una vez que ha sido aprobado por la mayoría de los miembros del Consejo Emisor, se envía al Comité Técnico Consultivo del CINIF para que realice recomendaciones. Si el contenido del proyecto tiene el carácter de norma, se somete, durante un periodo suficientemente amplio, a un proceso de auscultación no menor a tres meses, entre todas las personas interesadas en la información financiera. Durante este proceso, todos los puntos de vista que se recogen, se analizan y se evalúan cuidadosamente y, con base en ellos, se modifica en lo procedente el proyecto de norma, el cual nuevamente debe ser aprobado por los votos de la mayoría de los miembros del Consejo Emisor. La versión aprobada se envía nuevamente al Comité Técnico Consultivo junto con un análisis de los puntos observados durante la auscultación más el sustento técnico por el cual fueron aceptadas o rechazadas las sugerencias o modificaciones propuestas al CINIF durante ese proceso; además, en caso de proceder, debe enviarse el voto razonado de miembros del Consejo Emisor que hubieran objetado parcial o totalmente el pronunciamiento que se está proponiendo.
Abstract: Construction workers discover a tomb in the historic district of Strumica. The National Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum - Strumica will be ready as quickly as feasible for the inspection of the tomb and the entire area of the construction plot, and the construction work will stop. The tomb is divided into two sections: a segment that is accessible through a stairway and the dromos burial chamber and hypogeum. Its outside dimensions are 3.15 m long and 1.65 m broad. Northwest through southeast is the orientation. A grave was also discovered while conducting study in the local area of the tomb. It is a burial form with double-pitch roof, i.e. “alla cappuccino” type, arranged horizontally along the longer length, with one tegula from each of the northeast and southwest sides More terracotta figurine and pottery vessel fragments were discovered nearby after the initial examination and later during the excavation of the tomb and its surroundings. Of course, the discovery of the statuette depicting a rooster is the most intriguing.
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