Fu n d am en ta l Jo u rn a ls
International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences (IJFPS)
Original Research Papers
Open Access Journals
ISSN: 2231-8186
H.A. Khan
IJFPS, Vol 11, No 3, pp 43-49 Sept 2021
The Ultimate Sophistication of Special Theory of Relativity
Hamdoon A. Khan
Independent researcher, Sri Lanka
Received July 2021
Received in revised: August 2021
Published: Sept 2021
With the consideration of the light which carries the photon particles, the Lorentz transformation was constructed with an
impressive mathematical approach. But the generalization of that equation for all the velocities of the universe is direct
enforcement on other things not to travel faster than light. It has created serious issues in every scientific research that was done
in the last century based on the special theory of relativity. This paper replaces the velocity of light with some other velocities
and shows us the possible consequences and highlights the issues of special relativity. If I travel through my past or future and
was able to see another me there, who would be the real Hamdoon I or the one I see there in the past or future! If the real one is
only me, the one I saw, is not me, so, I could not travel through my or someone else's past or future. Therefore, no one can travel
through time. If both of us are the same, can the key of personal identity be duplicated or be separated into two or more parts?
These are some of the fundamental philosophical arguments that annihilate the concept of time travel which is one of the sequels
of special relativity.
Keywords: Special theory of relativity-Paradoxes-Time Travel-Relativistic mass-Time Dilation-Length contraction.
©2021 The Authors. Published by Fundamental Journals. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC
Over a century our scientific research being taken into a wrong
phase; far beyond the reality and facts of nature. Since
Einstein's miraculous year, 1905, the world changed its view
about events and time; energy and mass. The future of science
seemed to be based on Einstein’s ideology on relativity.
Thereon, all the researches that were based on this took us into
a dilemma; confusing ideologies about the universe; drove the
science of nature away from the understanding of the human
mind. When the research was carried out as an attempt to prove
the none-equitability of energy and mass (Khan, 2020), it was
inevitable to impeach the fundamental ideologies behind the
concept of mass and energy equivalence. The mathematical
part of relativity is excellently done. But this itself turned to be
an impenetrable trap against scientific research for more than
a century.
Though there were some remarkable objections against the
ideology of relativity, no significant evidence was there to
endorse their claims. One of the famous such objections is
“Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb
which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the
underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple
whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are
brilliant men, but they are meta-physicists rather than
ISSN: 2231-8186/ ©2021 Published by Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci
IJFPS, Vol 11, No 3, pp 43-49, Sep, 2021
scientists.”(Kakos, 2020). As the concept of relativity leads us
into metaphysical aspects, unavoidably this paper will
experience some philosophical arguments.
The objections against relativity were taken, a step further with
the help of paradoxes such as twin paradox, pole and barn
paradox, grandfather paradox, and so forth. But somehow the
exponents of relativity were able to protect the credo of
relativity with some responses to those paradoxes. But a
logical approach to those responses persuades us to suspect
their understanding of special relativity. though we could
appeal for the defensibility of those paradoxes against special
relativity, in order to make my arguments on the point and nonopposable, I have come up with four well-constructed
paradoxes rather than evocating for the existing ones.
If the Lorentz transformation was derived with something
slower than the light, the velocities of objects in the universe
would be restricted more including photons, or with something
faster than the light; the objects would be allowed
mathematically to move even swiftly. Mathematically no
objections could be placed against the special theory of
relativity. But yet, it is far beyond the acceptance in the nature
of reality.
As modern physics is constructed on the foundation of the
special theory of relativity, only by questing these
fundamentals and scrutinizing all the researches that were built
upon these, we can take the future of physics into the
scrupulous track. And this would allow us to understand the
real nature of our universe.
22 L2
Δt = √χ2 −v2 =
𝑡 = 𝛥𝑡0
The factor which
transformation is
√1−v ⁄χ2
√1−v ⁄χ2
√1−𝑣 ⁄𝜒2
= (χ)
To find a mathematical formula that will relate the space and
time let’s think about three observers; one on a stationary land,
the second one on a moving training with velocity v relative to
the stationary observer, and the third person standing on the
same train in the direction of the movement at the distance s at
coordinate 𝑥 ′ from the Nikola source which is in-front of the
co-traveler, and there is another source of Nikola in front of
the observer on the platform. when both the sources meet each
other at the origin where (𝑡 = 0, 𝑥 = 0) and (𝑡 ′ = 0, 𝑥 ′ = 0)
coincide, the source on train releases a Nikola particle at the
moving direction at non-relative velocity 𝜒 and the source on
the platform does the same in the opposite direction.
Imagine two Nikola clocks; one is stationary and the other is
in movement at constant velocity 𝑣 relative to the stationary
clock. The Nikola particle travels between two frames crossing
the distance 𝐿 the way up and the way down at constant
velocity 𝜒.
Figure 1
If we calculate the relativistic time elapses on the moving
clock compared to the elapsed time on the stationary clock.
𝐿2 +
𝐿 =
𝑣 2 𝛥𝑡 2
𝛥𝑡 2 ( 22
𝜒2 𝛥𝑡 2
− 22 )
22 𝐿2
𝛥𝑡 2 = 𝜒2 −𝑣2
Figure 2
When the particle by the source on the train reaches the point
𝑠 at the coordinate 𝑥 ′ we try to find where is the point s from
the perspective of platform observers’ 𝑥-coordinate system at
time 𝑡.
𝑥 = 𝑥 ′ 𝛼 + 𝑣𝑡
𝑥 ′ = 𝛼 (𝑥 – 𝑣𝑡)
As we already know that the time at the origin is
𝑡 = 𝑡 ′ 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛 = 0
𝑡 = 𝛼(𝑡 ′ 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛 )
Relative to the platform observer as the train is in motion, the
time that elapses in the moving train will always be slower than
the stationary time which is bigger by the factor 𝛼.
ISSN: 2231-8186/ ©2021 Published by Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci
IJFPS, Vol 11, No 3, pp 43-49, Sep, 2021
We are also aware that as the train is in motion, the time of the
person standing on the train at point s in coordinate 𝑥 ′ will be
slower than the time of the person standing at the origin of 𝑥 ′ .
𝑡 ′𝑥′
𝑡 ′ 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛 = 𝑡 ′
𝑣𝑥 ′
𝑡 = 𝛼 (𝑡′ +
𝑣𝑥 ′
𝑣𝑥 ′
As the observer at the origin of the train can claim that he’s at
rest and the person on the platform is on the movement we can
use the same equation by interchanging the rows of platform
and train as below.
𝑡′ = 𝛼 (𝑡 −
𝑣𝑥 ′
For the sake of argument, I would like to consider equations 4
and 6 as my equations of transformation.
Imagine that you and a horse start to run from the origin where
𝑡 and 𝑥 equal 0, the horse runs at velocity w and you run
towards it at velocity 𝑣, and I observe this event from a
stationary platform without relative motion. According to me
at time 𝑡 you and the horse will be at distance as below:
Horse: (𝑡, 𝑤𝑡), and you: (𝑡, 𝑣𝑡). From your perspective, the
horse will be
t ′ = α (t −
𝑥 ′ = 𝛼 (𝑤𝑡 – 𝑣𝑡) = 𝛼𝑡 (𝑤 − 𝑣)
(1− 2 )
𝑤𝑧 =
(1− 2𝑥 )
(1− 2𝑥 )
√1− 2
(𝑡1 , 𝑥1 ) = (𝑡, 𝜒𝑡)
Spaceship perspective
𝑡 ′1 = 𝛼 (𝑡 –
𝑥 ′1 = 𝛼 (𝜒𝑡 – 𝑣𝑡)
Based on these, according to the observers in the spaceship,
the velocity of the Nekota particle will be
= χ
using these transformation equations if I had tried to find the
speed of the light from the perspective of the observers in the
spaceship, the result would have been as below
𝑐 =
(1− )
As I go further using the same method, I can get the equations
of relativistic velocity, and equivalence of energy and mass as
(𝑡0 , 𝑥0 ) = (0, 0);
this is the relativistic velocity combination equation when only
the 𝑥 coordinate is involved. And the equations for 𝑦 and
𝑧 coordinates will be
𝑤𝑦 =
The pivotal understanding from the discussions above is, the
speed of the light came into the picture of these equations
because only since we make the equation to find the velocity
of the light. But by generalizing those equations for all the
velocities, we, fortunately, force the velocities of everything
within this universe to be less than the speed of light as it’s
obvious from the discussions above. Just to make it clearer
imagine if I had taken some particle that travels slower than
the speed of the light into account when I derived the above
equations, the speed of the light will be forced mathematically
to be less than the velocity of that particle or something higher
than the speed of the light such as tachyon, it would allow the
things in the universe to travel faster than the speed on the
light. And by doing so the constancy of the speed of the light
will be disproved for the sake of the argument.
In order to prove it, just imagine that I stand on a stationary
platform in front of the Nikola source and you are passing by
me at velocity v by a spaceship. when both our frames are
meeting at the origin, a Nikola particle being released out. And
when the particle reaches the location 𝑥 = 𝜒𝑡, we have to find
when and where this event happens from your perspective. The
stationary perspective:
and from your perception, the speed of the horse will be
𝐸 = 𝑚𝜒2
which makes the speed of the light to be relative to the motion
of the observers. From all of our above discussions, it is being
clear to us that the entire issue of the special theory of relativity
being originated from the Lorentz factor.
To bring my argument a step further imagine that I kicked a
football into a wall. It hit the wall and bounced back. Now
according to the special theory of relativity, the time elapsed
on the ball should be slower than mine. As the time of the ball
is slower than mine, the ball should be left in my past, which
ISSN: 2231-8186/ ©2021 Published by Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci
IJFPS, Vol 11, No 3, pp 43-49, Sep, 2021
means I should not be able to see that ball in my present since
it is still in my past. But as I see the ball in my present, the time
of the moving ball was not slower than mine. Therefore, there
is no time dilation due to the relative motion.
Let’s take into account an experiment, believed to be practical
evidence of time dilation. Hafele-Keating experiment in which
four cesium atomic clocks were flown on commercial flights
around the world twice, once eastward and once westward, to
test Einstein’s theory of relativity (Hafele & Keating, 1972).
Try to have a logical look at this experiment. If the time of
each flight was different from the other and the times of both
flights were different from the time on earth, none of them
would have been able to meet in the present of the earth.
Because to be frank we are not talking about something called
clock dilation, but time dilation. If it was true why it’s only
shown in the clocks, not in the reality. Strictly speaking, this
experiment arises a strong suspicion, but the objection against
the accuracy of the clocks in motion.
Instead of trying to prove the relativity with this experiment, I
suggest if we can spend some time creating a clock that will
not mislead us even when in motion, would be worth for us.
‘A reliable clock though in motion’ could be the next
revolution in the clock manufacturing industry.
The idea of time dilation with relative motion opens the gate
for the belief in time travel. And the concept of time travel
takes me into some philosophical arguments. i.e., if I am in my
present right now, and there are trillions of ‘I’s in my past and
future, what will happen to the ‘I’ was in my next yoctosecond
when that yoctosecond becomes my present? What will
happen to the ‘I’ was in my last second of my life when I pass
one more second of my present? If that ‘I’ dies how I am alive
in my present and who I will be then? The ‘I’s in my past have
less experience than me and the ‘I’s in the future have more.
So, they cannot be me, if they are not me, I do not exist in my
past or future. Same the way everything in my present does not
exist in past or future since all are in the same present.
Therefore, no one can time travel into their past or future.
Hypothetically if we accept that I am there in all my past,
present, and future, that would be a self-contradicting belief.
i.e., how was I dying even before I ever be born; would be
given birth even since before my parents met each other even
since before they were born; would be alive even when I die in
my present.
Perhaps, I can take this argument into a different philosophical
phase as well. i.e., if you say all ‘I’s in my past, present, and
future are the same; who is real? What is the key to personal
identity? If you say that the experience is the key, just a while
ago I have proved that none of them have the same experience
as I have, or if you say it is the body or the soul, can they be
cloned or duplicated, if so, who is the factual ‘I’?
As a concomitant of the special theory of relativity, we
mathematically accept that the past, present, and future are
invariably there. This logically means that my future is
predefined, which time I will go to bed tonight; where I will
sleep; what color cloth I will wear tomorrow; whom I will meet
my next day, and what will I discuss with them. Each and
everything in my life is predefined; second by second, minute
by minute. A strong objection against free will arises from this
concept. Therefore, I would like to throw an essential question,
i.e., who defined my future in such an irrevocable manner?
After all, these logically constructed arguments and
explanations still if there is someone who could not understand
this, I would like to suggest a practical experiment. i.e., board
a prolonged train. Measure the length of the train from inside
when it is stationary relative to the observers from outside the
train with a precise digital measuring device that can display
even slight changes in the length. And then let the train move
in non-constant speed, and keep in measuring the length in
every phase whether the device reads changes in the length or
not. At least I hope no one will come up with any mathematical
equations to argue that the digital programming of the devices
also will be changed relative to the motion.
The time does not need to be dilated; the length to be contacted
in order to make the speed of the light constant. If we truly
understand the concept of energy; the type of energy causes
the light for its velocity, and the type of energy causes the
velocity of other objects we relatively observe. The light has a
constant velocity because it is the internal energy of the
photon, which does not experience relative changes in it
(Khan, 2020).
The perspicuous understanding of the facts of nature and the
enervations of the special theory of relativity, allows us to
accept the reality that matter and particles can travel faster than
the speed of the light such as the velocity of the expanding
universe. Thus, the concept of time traveling remains to be
science fiction.
Upon the unacceptability of the Lorentz transformation, the
gape would be replaced by the Galilean transformation. but
only for the motions caused by the external energy, since only
that could be relative (Khan, 2020). As c is not the external
energy of the photon, the noncompliance of the speed of light
to the proposed equation will not affect the accuracy of the
Galilean transformation.
Envision a train with a light source in the exact center of it,
which means when the light from the source being released, it
reaches both the ends (A, and B) at a meticulous time.
Figure 3
Let’s now consider that the train is in motion to the right at
constant velocity 𝑣 relative to the observer from a stationary
As the train is in continuous motion, from the perspective of
the stationary observer; the light has to travel more distance to
the right compared to the left side of the train. Therefore, the
light would take a longer time to arrive at 𝐵 compared to 𝐴.
ISSN: 2231-8186/ ©2021 Published by Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci
IJFPS, Vol 11, No 3, pp 43-49, Sep, 2021
𝑡ⅈ𝑚ⅇ =
𝑡𝐵 =
𝑡𝐵 =
( +𝑣𝑡𝐵 )
As A moves towards the light, the time to reach A would be
𝑡𝐴 =
As the time difference between 𝐴 and 𝐵 will be
𝑡𝐶 = 𝑡𝐵 − 𝑡𝐴
𝑡𝐶 = 2(𝑐−𝑣) − 2(𝑐+𝑣)
2 𝑐−𝑣
𝑡𝐶 = (
𝐿 (𝑐+𝑣)−(𝑐−𝑣)
𝑡𝐶 = 2 ( (𝑐+𝑣)(𝑐−𝑣) ) = 2 (𝑐 2 −𝑣2 )
𝑡𝐶 =
𝑐 2 −𝑣 2
say that the light is the cause of brightness in a room, to make
this statement true the brightness should not exist when we
switch the light off, otherwise, the statement would be wrong.
But as the brightness disappears as the light turned off, we can
conclude the credibility of that statement. Perhaps someone
could commit mistakes in reasoning because of some gaps in
understanding. e.g., someone says that the fire is the cause of
cooking rice. But look at the rice cooker, which also cooks the
rice, but without fire. Therefore, the first reasoning would be
wrong since he failed to notice the heat in the fire which is the
real cause as they are accompanied by each other. With the
same logic, if we reconsider both the examples above in the
talk of the relativity of simultaneity, we could notice the
motion accompanied by the change in observational points
from both ends of the train. And in the second situation only
the change between the distance of observational points; is
taking place. But still, we notice the differences between the
durations, the light takes to reach both the ends relative to the
platform observer.
Therefore, the relative velocities cannot be reasoned for the
relativity of simultaneity. And this relativistic phenomenon
just occurred due to the changes in the observational point.
Strictly, it is called a mere optical illusion. And the illusion has
nothing to do with the occurrence of the real event; if they take
place simultaneously, the event is just simultaneous regardless
of motions or perspectives of the relative observers. And we
just have to post-process that to realize the fact.
The above steps of the thought experiment prove the relativity
of simultaneity mathematically(Morin, 2008). But let’s step
back at this point and look into it from a different perspective.
Over the past century, there was plenty of changes against the
special theory of relativity with the succor of some
phosphorescent paradoxes such as ladder paradox, rod and
grate paradox, and so forth. But unexpectedly, they were
comprehended imprecisely and were pretended as all those
paradoxes are puzzled out. However, lamentably it had been
done with some non-sophistic explanations.
Strictly speaking, I can build up my arguments based on the
responses were given to those paradoxes. But I apprehend that
my explanations also will take someone into a delusion and
make them come up with some misleading responses.
Therefore, I choose to place my arguments with four different
paradoxes which can nimbly controvert all four basic
teachings of special relativity; relativistic observation, length
contraction, time dilation, and relativistic mass.
Figure 4
Imagine that both the train and the platform observers are
stationary relative to each other. But the platform observer
stands at a closer distance from point 𝐴 relative to point 𝐵.
Though the light travels starting from the source and arrive
both the end at the very same time, the observer at point 𝑃 will
assume them not to be simultaneous as the light from point B
has to travel longer than from point 𝐴. understanding of this
essential fact, will help us solve the puzzle of the relativity of
If we say that 𝑥 was caused by 𝑧, the 𝑥 should not exist in the
absence of 𝑧. if not 𝑧 could not be the cause of 𝑥. e.g., if we
1. Envisage two identical balls; 𝐴 and 𝐵. 𝐴 is suspended
under a roof or in space, and 𝐵 is traveling towards 𝐴 in
uniform velocity 𝑣. when 𝐵 hits 𝐴; 𝐴 should move backward
and 𝐵 forward according to the suspended ball. But as special
relativity comes into account, from the perspective of 𝐵, it is
stationery and 𝐴 is the one in motion. Therefore, when it is hit,
it should move backward and 𝐴 forward. How these two selfcontradicting events can occur as a consequence of a single
incident! Perhaps, based on this experiment, we can prove that
only one of those two perspectives can eventuate. Thereon the
relativistic perspective of 𝐵 would be proved just to be a
falsifying illusion.
ISSN: 2231-8186/ ©2021 Published by Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci
IJFPS, Vol 11, No 3, pp 43-49, Sep, 2021
2. We have two analogous magic sticks; 𝑥 and 𝑥 ′ , which have
a width of 1 m. The specialty of these sticks is, no force in this
universe can break them when their width is exactly 1 m. But
only a magic stick with the perfect condition can shatter them
when their width becomes smaller than 1 m. A scientist who
has expertise in the special theory of relativity separated both
the magic sticks with the distance 𝑑. Then he set the stick 𝑥 ′
into motion towards 𝑥 with constant velocity.7𝑐.
relative to Alex, he would be dead before he meets Bob. This
circumstance will be antipode under the relativity of Bob.
Whose perspective is correct, who is alive and who is dead?
4. Imagine a magic cage that has a mass of 10 kg. The cage
always travels at a content velocity of 0.6 𝑐. As it travels when
the mass exceeds 199 kgs; the cage teleports from milk way to
Andromeda galaxy. People have a mass of more than 120 𝐾𝑔
were not permitted to enter the magic cage and no items could
be taken with, and the personals who have 120 𝑘𝑔 mass, were
not able to hit the targeted mass.
𝑚 = 𝑚0 𝛾 = 130 × 1.249 = 161.2 𝑘𝑔
Figure 5
According to the special theory of relativity, the width of the
𝑥 ′ will be
𝑙 = 𝑙0 √1 −
√1 −
= 𝑙 = 0.7141 𝑚
Therefore, when both the sticks hit each other, the x′ would be
broken by 𝑥 from the perspective of 𝑥. But based on special
relativity, from the perspective of 𝑥 ′ ; 𝑥 is in motion. so that, 𝑥
would be broken by 𝑥 ′ . Which stick will be broken by which?
3. Alpha and Delta live in a fancy universe where all
inhabitance dies as they complete the age 40. The distance
between their planets is 12 light-years. When both of them
were at the age of 28, Bob started to travel in a spaceship at
constant velocity 12/13c towards the planet of Alex. As special
relativity is concerned the factor gamma 𝛾 will come into the
√1 −
= 𝛾 = 1√ 1 − (
12 2 13
) =
According to Alex, as Bob is in motion, the distance he has to
cross would be as 12 ly = (5⁄13)×12.
The time Bob will take to reach him will be
(60⁄13) ly∕(12⁄13)=5 years. And Alex clock would be
Δt ′ =
= 13 years
Therefore, when they meet each other from the perspective of
Alex, he will be entered into the age 41 and Bob at 33. This
means to say, based on the nature of their fantasy universe,
Therefore, no one could experience teleportation from the
milky way galaxy. But one day, a wise man came to know
about this cage and the rules, he claimed that he can make it
happen. But everybody mocked him. Because he was only 110
kg and even those who were heavier than him, could not
achieve it. But somehow the challenge was accepted.
Surprisingly, the man came with his son who has a mass of 40
kg, and both of them entered the cage. No one could object to
him on what he was doing as there were no restrictions on how
many people should enter at once. Eventually, all the observers
were happy. 𝑚 = 199.84
As the total relativistic mass of the cage hit the target, all the
observers were able to see real-life teleportation in front of
their eyes. But now, relativity comes into account. The man
and his son claim that they are stationary and everything else
is rushing by them. So, the mass of the cage was not able to
exceed 160 kg. therefore, they were not able to experience
teleportation. Who is correct here? Were they teleported or
The entire special theory of relativity was based,
unfortunately, on the illusion of the Lorentz factor. The
acceptance of the speed of light in the equation without
questioning the necessity of it, caused physics to travel into a
fictional world for more than a century. As it proved by the
derivation of an alternative transformation equation.
By the concurrence with the proposals of special relativity, we
must encounter some practical and philosophical objections as
raised above, i.e., if someone hit a ball into a wall, and the time
of the ball runs slower than the person who is relatively
stationary, how the person could see the ball in his present
while it is stuck in his past? if I am in my present right now,
and there are trillions of ‘I’s in my past and future, What will
happen to the ‘I’ was in my last second of my life when I pass
one more second of my life? If that ‘I’ dies how I am alive in
my present and who I will be then?
The critique approach of the facts of nature and the enervations
of the special theory of relativity, reveals the reality that matter
and particles can travel faster than the speed of light such as
the velocity of the expanding universe. Therefore, the concept
of time traveling remains to be science fiction.
ISSN: 2231-8186/ ©2021 Published by Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci
IJFPS, Vol 11, No 3, pp 43-49, Sep, 2021
Since the paradoxes and the discussions above proved the
inexactness of the concepts of length contraction, time
dilation, and relativistic mass, the ideology of relativistic
changes in the internal energy has no proof to be built upon.
Therefore, the speed of the light is constant as it is the internal
energy of the photon and does not experience any relativistic
changes in it.
The imaginary particle used in the derivation of the
transformation equations is named in the honor of one of the
greatest minds of the twentieth century; Nikola Tesla. And this
work is dedicated to my parents who allow me to approach
everything from the philosophical perspective; with the
fundamental question; ‘why’, in respect to them I have named
𝛼 and 𝜒 by the first letters of their names.
Hafele, J. C., & Keating, R. E. J. S. (1972). Around-the-world
atomic clocks: Observed relativistic time gains. 177(4044),
Kakos, S. (2020). Harmonia philosophica.
Khan, H. A. (2020). The probability of equating energy and
Morin, D. (2008). Introduction to classical mechanics: with
problems and solutions: Cambridge University Press.
ISSN: 2231-8186/ ©2021 Published by Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci