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Reliable optimised looding in ad hoc networks
J. Lipman
University of Wollongong,
P. Boustead
University of Wollongong,
J. F. Chicharo
University of Wollongong,
Publication Details
his article was originally published as: Lipman, J, Boustead, P & Chicharo, JF, Reliable optimised looding in ad hoc networks,
Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless
Communication, 31 May-2 June 2004, vol 2, 521-524. Copyright IEEE 2004.
Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the
University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW
Reliable optimised looding in ad hoc networks
Information dissemination (looding) forms an integral part of routing protocols, network management,
service discovery and information collection (sensing). Given the broadcast nature of ad hoc network
communications, information dissemination provides a challenging problem. Blind looding in ad hoc
networks results in the broadcast storm problem. To limit the broadcast storm problem, mechanisms for
optimised looding have been proposed. However, this optimisation reduces the inherent level of redundancy.
the minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm using local one hop topology in a distributed manner as the
basis of a more reliable optimised looding mechanism called, reliable minimum spanning tree (RMST) lood
is proposed. RMST utilises unique properties of MST graphs that allow for broadcast transmissions to be
replaced by unicast transmissions. Unicast transmission is inherently more reliable than broadcast
transmission as it utilises link layer acknowledgement and retransmission, thereby improving the reliability of
a lood and reducing the broadcast storm problem. Simulation is used to show that RMST is able to achieve
equivalent reliability in terms of packet delivery compared to blind looding. Importantly, RMST is able to
achieve signiicantly beter performance than MPR and equivalent performance to LMSTFlood in terms of
reducing the broadcast storm problem.
Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Publication Details
his article was originally published as: Lipman, J, Boustead, P & Chicharo, JF, Reliable optimised looding in
ad hoc networks, Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies:
Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication, 31 May-2 June 2004, vol 2, 521-524. Copyright IEEE
his conference paper is available at Research Online: htp://
IEEE 6th CAS Symp. on Emerging Technologies:Mobile and Wireless CO”.
Shanghai,China; May 3 I-June 2,2004
Reliable Optimised Flooding in Ad hoc Networks
Justin Lipman and Paul Boustead and Joe Chicharo
Telecommunications and Information Technology Research Institute
University of Wollongong, Wollongong Australia
Email: Cjustin,paul,joe~hicharo}
Absfmc-Information dissemination (flooding) forms an
integral part of routing protocols, network management,
service discovery and information collection (sensing). Given
the broadcast nature of ad hoc network commnnications,
information disseminationprovides a challenging problem. Blind
flooding in ad hoc networks results in the broadeast storm
problem. To limit the broadcast storm problem, mechanisms
for optimised flooding have been proposed. However, this
optimisation reduces the inherent level of redundancy. We
propose to apply the M i n i ” Spanning lkee W T ) algorithm
using local one hop topology in a distributed manner as the basis
of a more reliable optimised flooding mechanism called, Reliable
Minimum Spanning ’ h e (RMST)flood. RMST utilises unique
properties of MST graphs that allow for broadcast transmissions
to be replaced by unicast transmissions. Udcast transmission
is inherently more reliable than broadcast transmission as
it ntilises link layer acknowledgement and retransmission,
thereby improving the reliability of a flood and reducing the
broadcast storm problem. We show through simulation that
RMST is able to achieve equivalent reliability in terms of packet
delivery compared to Blind flooding. Importantly, RMST is
able to achieve SigniSeantly better performance than MPR and
equivalent performance to LMSTFlood in terms of reducing the
broadeast storm problem.
Keywords: Ad hoc Network, Flooding, Broadcasting
An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes
forming a temporary network lacking traditional centralised
administration. Mechanisms for information dissemination in
ad hoc networks, such as Blind flooding, form an integral part
of communication. Blind flooding is seen as a reliable [l]
as all nodes participate in rebroadcasting a message at least
once. This redundancy provides an inherently high degree of
fault tolerance. However, this results in the Broodcast Storm
Pmblem [2]. Numerous optimised flooding mechanisms
[3][41[51[6][71 have been proposed to limit the broadcast
storm problem. However, limiting the broadcast storm
problem reduces the inherent redundancy found in Blind
flooding making optimised flooding mechanisms less reliable.
We compare the performance of optimised flooding
mechanisms and Blind flooding at reliably delivering a
message in the presence of increasing background traffic. We
show that Blind flooding is remarkably robust and is able
to reliably deliver messages, however: it suffers from the
broadcast storm problem. Optimised flooding mechanisms
aimed at reducing the broadcast storm problem prove to be
less reliable in the presence of background traffic than Blind
flooding. Optimised flooding mechanisms rely upon selected
0-7803-7938-1/04 /$20.00 ?ZOO4 IEEE
nodes to rebroadcast messages during a flood. Given the use
of unreliable broadcast transmissions in optimised flooding,
a problem arises when nodes responsible for rebroadcasting
a message do not receive the message. There exists some
work on reliable flooding in wireless networks, however
much of this work does not relate to ad hoc networks with
an lEEE 802.11 MAC. Related reliable flooding mechanisms
[8][9][101[11] provide only limited optimisation and require
significant overhead to ensure reliability. Some of these
mechanisms require that acknowledgements are returned to
the source of a flood, however: this is not always necessary
depending upon the application. This is particularly so in a
typical ad hoc network where the source of a flood may not
know of the existence of non local nodes. There also exist
mechanisms [10][11][12] that consider changes to the IEEE
802.1 1 MAC layer. However we do not focus upon the later
in this paper.
In ad hoc networks, there exists a need for optimised
flooding mechanisms that limit the broadcast storm problem
yet provide reliability in terms of packet delivery. In
this paper we propose Reliable Minimum Spanning Tree
(RMST) flooding. RMST is a reliable and optimised
flooding mechanism that benefits from the unique nature of
the localised Minimum Spaqning Tree (MST) as used in
[6][7]. RMST utilises unicast transmission (with link layer
acknowledgement and retransmission), which provides a more
reliable transport mechanism than broadcast transmission.
Reliability is improved at each trhsmitting node, thus RMST
distributes the load of ensuring flood reliability among all
nodes. We show that RMST is comparable with existing
optimised flooding mechanism at reducing the broadcast
storm problem. More importantly, RMST shows comparable
reliability, in terms of packet delivery, to Blind flooding
and greatly improves upon reliability ‘provided by existing
optimised flooding mechanisms in the presence of background
This paper is organised as follows. Section ll explores
the use of distributed MST and proposes Reliable Minimum
Spanning Tree flooding. Section III provides a performance
evaluation based on realistic simulations. Section IV concludes.
The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) graph [13], shown
in Figure l(a), is a.coMected graph that uses the minimum
Fig. 1. Centralised and Distributed MST
Fig. 2. RMST Roodutilising IEEE 802.1 I
.total edge length. This results in a graph with one less edge
than the number of vertices. The MST is traditionally used
in networks for determining broadcast trees using global
topology information. In [6] and [71 the authors propose the
use of MST with restricted one hop topology as the hasis
of a distributed optimised flooding mechanism. This allows
for an optimal broadcast set (BSET) of nodes with minimal
.transmission range to be determined as with the centralised
approach. More importantly, the resulting distributed MST
graph (Figure I@)) does not exhibit the tree like structure
of the centralised MST (Figure I(a)). It can be seen by
comparing Figure l(a) and Figure l@) that centralised MST
2 distributed MST as described in [14]. Thus many of the
performance benefits (reducing the broadcast storm problem)
of centralised MST are maintained with the addition of
fault tolerance not found in the centralised MST approach.
However, there exists a significant problem in ' broadcast
environments where a broadcast transmission may be lost
due to packet corruption, packet collision or hidden node
transmissions. Therefore it is possible that nodes may not
receive a broadcast transmission. Furthermore those nodes
that do not receive a broadcast transmission may be required
to receive a transmission. This is especially true in the case
of optimised flooding mechanisms, where selected nodes are
responsible for retransmission. Given that optimised flooding
mechanisms greatly reduce the redundancy found in Blind
flooding, there may be situations where a packet may be
lost and a flood may not propagate due to reduced redundancy.
RMST is a reliable and optimised flooding mechanism
that computes a local MST based upon one hop neighbour
knowledge in a distributed manner as is done in [61 and [71.
The MST allows nodes to determine the closest neighbouring
nodes that must be included within any transmissions, to
ensure a connected graph, thereby ensuring a flood propagates
throughout an ad hoc network. The distributed MST results in
a connected graph with a neighbour degree greater than one
but less than six and an average neighbour degree of less than
2.04 nodes [14]. If the prior broadcasting node is removed, the
average neighbour degree is reduced to 1.04 nodes. This low
neighbour degree results in a reduced BSET of neighbouring
nodes to which a broadcasting node must transmit a message.
The resulting small BSET allows for IEEE 802.11 broadcast
transmissions (as used by existing flooding mechanisms) to
be replaced with IEEE 802.11 unicast transmissions. Unicast
micast and link layer
transmission is a more reliable transport mechanism than
broadcast transmission as it implements a RTS/CTS exchange
at the MAC layer prior to transmission in order to reduce
problems associated with the hidden node problem. More
importantly, unicast transmission utilises a frame retransmission mechanism at the MAC layer based upon a positive
acknowledgement scheme (ARQ). Thus, a transmitting node
will retransmit a frame if it does not receive a positive
acknowledgement from the destination node. The IEEE 802.11
ARQ is not completely reliable and packet loss is still possible.
However it provides a more reliable transport mechanism than
broadcasting and requires no modifications to the MAC layer.
The number of retransmissions before a timeout o c c m may be
adjusted, but is generally 4-7 retransmissions. If a node fails
to retransmit a message to a destination node, it is able to
detect the failure and may utilise an alternative scheme (such
as broadcasting) to continue dissemination.
Figure 2 shows the distributed MST graph for a topology of
nodes. Nodes obtain their local topology through the exchange
of beacon messages. Nodes B and D are node A's determined
MST neighbours and must be included in any transmissions
from node A. In LMSTFlood, node A would adjust its
broadcast transmission power to include the distance of its
furthest MST neighbour. However, in RMST, node A will first
unicast a message to its furthest MST neighbour. The unicast
is shown by a black directed line. If this unicast is successfull
it will then unicast the message to the next furthest node, in
this case node B. The reasoning for unicasting to the furthest
node is a result of the limited transmission distance and the
possibility of a node moving out of broadcast distance in a
highly mobile environment. In Figure 2, both unicat messages
are successfully delivered. However, when node B transmits
to node F and node D transmits to node E both packets are
lost or corrupted. Therefore, at the link layer, both nodes then
retransmit as shown by the dashed grey directed limes until an
ACK is received or the maximum number of retransmissions
is reached.
Each node, upon receiving a broadcast message, calls
RMSi"(message). The algorithm determines if tlie message
has been seen before. If not, then a BSET is determined
by supplying the MST with the node's one hop topology.
The previous broadcasting node and all neighbouring nodes
that may have heard the previous broadcast are removed
from the BSET. If the BSET is not an emptyset, then the utilises transmission power control thus limiting the number
required transmission power to reach the remaining nodes of nodes affected by a broadcast, whereas MF'R does not.
Figure 3 shows the percentage of nodes that receive a
in the BSET is determined and the message rebroadcast.
The MST algorithm used is based upon Prim's algorithm [IS]. message as the CBR packet rate is increased. In a NULL
MAC environment, delivery is assumed to be 100%.However,
in GloMoSim the use of a more realistic IEEE 802.11 MAC
Algorithm RMST(message)
1. if not seen message before
and transmission medium. results in nackets being lost due to
MST(I-bop Neighbours)
collision, corruption and fading. We utilise three CBR source3.
i +previous broadcasting node
destination pairs in the simulation to create background aaffic
H +nodes that recieved orevious broadcast
that may effect the delivery performance of the flooding mech5.
anisms. The source-destination pairs are selected randomly and
for each node i in BSET
UDP packets of 512 bytes are transmitted between nodes using
Tpower transmission.power(i)
the AODV routing protocol. Each source begins transmitting
Unicast(Message, TpoIUe7.)
data at a random time prior to the initiation of a flood.
From Figure 3, it can be seen that Blind flooding and
RMST provide the best delivery performance and are only
We utilise the GloMoSIM 2.03 simulation environment with slightly affected bx background traffic. Blind flooding provides
two different MAC layers. An ideal NULL MAC layer is reliability through redundant broadcasts, but suffers from the
used to create an environment with no medium contention broadcast storm problem as shown in Figures 4 - 6. However,
nor hidden-node scenario. The transmission medium is error RMST being optimised limits the broadcast storm problem.
free. A bidirectional link between two nodes is assumed upon RMST achieves comparable delivery to Blind flooding as it
reception of a beacon message. In the NULL MAC layer, a first utilises unicast transmissions which are more reliable than
order radio model [I61 is assumed. In this model the first order broadcast transmissions. LMSTFlood and MPR suffer in deradio dissipates Eelec = 50nJJbit to run the circuitry of a livery as broadcast packets are affected more significantly
transmitter or receiver and a further Eamp= 100pJ/(bit*m2) by background traffic as both mechanisms rely upon specific
for the transmitter amplifier. Equation 1 is used to calculate the nodes receiving a broadcast. In the case of LMSTFlood, nodes
costs of transmitting.a k-bit message a distance d. Equation 2 are able to determine whether they are required to rebroadcast
is used to calculate the costs of receiving a k-hit message. The by calculating their local MST. But if a node does not receive
radios have power control and consume the minimal required a broadcast message then it effectively halts the flood in that
energy to reach the intended recipients. The second MAC layer direction. MPR (source based) attaches a relay list to the
tested is the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer as implemented in Glo- broadcast message, thus if the message is not received by
moSIM, however this has been modified to allow transmission one or more of the relays, then it may effectively cancel the
power control for broadcast and unicast packet transmission propagation of the flood at that point.
as required. The simulation area is 600 meters by 600 meters.
Figure 4 shows the power consumed by each mechanism
Nodes are placed in a random topology within this area. to complete a flood. RMST utilises more energy to complete
Nodes have a maximum transmission range of 100 meters. a flood than LMSTflood. This is expected as RMST must
A node within each random topology is selected randomly as perform more transmissions (Figure 5) than LMSTFlood,
the source of a flood. The topologies generated are not fully resulting in more duplicate packets (Figure 6). Compared
connected thus some topologies may result in a partitioned ad to Blind flooding and MF'R, RMST shows significantly
hoc network. The total number of nodes reachable for each better pelformance in terms of reducing the broadcast storm
topology is determined so as to account for partitioning.
problem. The use of transmission power control in RMST
when unicasting allows for a reduction in duplicate packets
ET=(^, d ) = Eelcc* k E.,,
* k * d2
received and limits the number of nodes that will bear a
transmission thereby reducing power consumption.
Simulations are run 50 times with a different seed for
each run. The final results are averaged and 95% confidence
intervals are displayed in each graph. Blind flooding, MPR
(source based) and LMSTFlood are the comparison flooding
mechanisms. Blind flooding is selected as it is a brute force
approach with a high degree of reliability, but suffers from the
broadcast storm problem. MPR and LMSTFlood were selected
as they are both optimised flooding mechanisms that reduce
the broadcast storm problem in ad hoc networks. LMSTFlood
Thus, the combined use of unicast transmission and distributed minimum spanning tree enables RMST to achieve
comparable reliability to Blind flooding, surpassing existing
optimised flooding mechanisms. Additionally, RMST effectively limits the broadcast storm problem outperforming MPR
and acheiving comparable performance to LMSTFlood.
Various mechanisms for reliable flooding have been proposed in literature. However, they either suffer from significant
overhead to disseminate and determine if a flooded message
Fig. 3. Broadcast Reachability with Background CBR traffic
Fig. 6. Duplicate Packets Recieved
to Blind flooding.
was received or they require modifications to the IEEE 802.11
MAC layer to improve broadcast delivery between nodes. In
this paper, we have introduced Reliable Minimum Spanning
Tree (RMST) flooding. RMST is a distributed and more
reliable optimised flooding mechanism that benefits from the
unique nature of the distributed minimum spanning tree and
requires no modification to the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer.
RMST utilises unicast packet transmission, which provides
a mnre reliable transport mechanism than broadcast packet
transmission as used by existing optimised flooding mechanisms. We show that RMST compared to LMSTFlood, MPR
and Blind flooding is able to reliably deliver packets given
three source-destination pairs generating CBR traffic. In fact
the performance of exisiing optimised -flooding mechanisms
was shown '0 suffer in the presence of CBR traffic as packet
rate was increased. RMST shows comparable performance
at reducing the broadcast storm problem when compared to
existing optimised flooding mechanisms. Significa&, RMST
shows equivalent packet delivery performance when compared
Fig. 5 . Packets transmitted
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