Remembering When

This is a group activity for personal sharing and group cohesion building. The directions are simple: Take turns as a group discussing the questions from this list. There is no specific order

Remembering When… Directions: This is a group activity for personal sharing and group cohesion building. The directions are simple: Take turns as a group discussing the following questions from this list. There is no specific order Start each question with: “When was the last time that you…” Had an argument with a close friend Had a good time socially while sober Made a new friend Did something to help others Left the state Left the country Went somewhere fun Finished reading an entire book Helped someone who needed it Listened to someone who needed support Did something to care for yourself Ate a really, really good meal Cooked a really good meal Used your support system effectively Got in trouble at a job Got a raise at work Had insomnia Had a really restful night’s sleep Felt “true love” (romantically) for someone “Crushed” on someone Felt a real and meaningful connection with someone Went out on a date Had a break-up Cleaned your home really well Got really muddy or dirty Had an especially good day Reached a milestone or achieved a goal Had a good satisfying exercise session or work out Got good news from the doctor or medical professional Achieved a physical or health goal Chose the healthy option Avoided stress or anxiety effectively by using a coping skill Avoided anger by using coping skills Made a really good decision or avoided a really bad one Made the ethical or moral choice even if the wrong one was easier or more tempting Prevented yourself from falling into a depression Felt a strong sense or motivation or inspiration Realized something about yourself that you had not before Bought something for one of your hobbies Hiked, camped, fished or did something “out-doorsy” Practiced one of your hobbies Didn’t get up because of depression Laughed uncontrollably Cried uncontrollably Had a nice dream Had an incredibly bizarre dream Felt embarrassed or regretful for something you did Felt really proud of something you did or achieved Felt a true and deep sense of gratitude Felt that “everything is going to be okay” Gave a nice complement Received a really nice complement Had a pet or animal make you laugh Did something nice for a pet or an animal You thought about moving You thought about a career change or going for more education or training Got into a physical altercation Were able to effectively share or explain your true feelings with someone Prevented a fight from escalating Made the best of a bad situation You had something randomly or accidentally good happen to you You did a solid favor for someone or helped them through something You gave someone a random or unexpected gift “Overdid” it with substances Went a day without thinking about drugs or alcohol Had police involvement Had to apologize and did Were apologized too Felt like a villain Felt like a hero Did something creative Felt a sense of “awe” Moved on from something that you needed to let go of Took it easy on someone instead of giving them a hard time Someone took it easy on you when they could have given you a hard time You made someone feel good (emotionally not physically or sexually) Lost or had to pay a good amount of money Came into a good amount of money Hugged one of your loved ones Ran into an old friend Spent quality time with immediate family Someone checked in on you and it was helpful Sacrificed your time to help your family Were there for a family member who needed help Said something you regretted later Did something you regretted later Felt grossed out Planted something Won a competition, award, or reward You said or thought to yourself “never again” Said to yourself “I am really happy” Were able to have a positive escape from the world without using substances Experienced something that you will surely remember for life Learned something that was life-changing Had a “moment of clarity” or “awakening” Looked in the proverbial mirror and felt comfortable with what you saw Had a mysterious feeling like “someone out there is looking out for me” Thought deeply about the meaning of life Thought deeply about where you want your own life to go This list is long but feel free to make up your own…