Carbon nanotube bolometers
M. Tarasova兲
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, 125009 Moscow, Russia
J. Svensson
Department of Physics, Göteborg University, SE-41296 Göteborg, Sweden
L. Kuzmin
Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Göteborg,
E. E. B. Campbell
Department of Physics, Göteborg University, SE-41296 Göteborg, Sweden
共Received 23 January 2007; accepted 13 March 2007; published online 16 April 2007兲
A cryogenic bolometer has been fabricated using a bundle of single-walled carbon nanotubes as
absorber. A bolometric response was observed when the device was exposed to radiation at
110 GHz. The temperature response was 0.4 mV/ K, with an intrinsic electrical responsivity at low
frequency up to 109 V / W and noise equivalent power of 3 ⫻ 10−16 W / Hz1/2 at 4.2 K. The response
is largest at input power levels of a few femtowatts and decreases inversely proportional to the input
power. Low frequency noise shows a 1 / f dependence. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2722666兴
Recent breakthroughs in cosmology have stimulated the
development of a generation of detectors for millimeter and
submillimeter wavelengths. The detectors should be fast and
sensitive to perform a fast survey of the sky for measurements of, e.g., cosmic background radiation. The advanced
cameras developed for astronomy usually find applications
also in terahertz imaging for security, medical, and biological
applications. For these applications, it is required to have fast
and sensitive bolometers working at relatively high temperatures. A bolometer with a carbon nanotube 共CNT兲 is an attractive option for these applications.
It was predicted in Ref. 1 that superconductor–insulator–
normalmetal–insulator–superconductor 共SINIS兲 structures
can be effective bolometers and electron coolers of normal
metal absorbers, similar to conventional semiconductor
Peltier elements. Experimental cooling from 300 down to
100 mK in a SINIS structure was demonstrated in Ref. 2 and
bolometric response up to 2 THz in Ref. 3. The characteristics of such devices can be estimated using the relation for
energy transfer between electrons and phonons, P = ⌺共T5e
− T5o兲, or for electron temperature, Te = 共T5o + P / ⌺兲1/5, in
which ⌺ is a material parameter, is the absorber volume,
and To is the phonon temperature. According to these expressions, in order to increase the efficiency of warming by radiation and improve electron cooling, it is necessary to considerably reduce the volume of the absorber. In a
conventional bolometer with a thin-film absorber fabricated
using e-beam lithography,3 the volume is typically 10⫻ 0.2
⫻ 0.05= 0.1 m3. It should be possible to reduce the volume
of the absorber by replacing the metal with a carbon nanotube. In this way the volume could be reduced to 10
⫻ 共0.0005兲2 ⫻ 3.14⬇ 10−5 m3, that is, four orders of magnitude smaller for an absorber of the same length.
Recently, a bolometric response to near-infrared radiation was reported for suspended macroscopic films of ena兲
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tangled single-walled nanotubes.4 In that work, the nanotube
samples had dimensions of 3.5⫻ 0.5 mm2 with a thickness in
the range of 40 nm– 1 m. No bolometric response could be
detected for nonsuspended nanotube films. In this letter, we
report the results of a proof-of-principle experiment, where
we show a strong bolometric response of deposited nanotube
bundles to microwave radiation. This provides encouragement for the development of sensitive cold electron bolometers based on individual carbon nanotubes as the absorber,
where one could expect considerably enhanced electron
cooling to temperatures below 100 mK.
Our samples were fabricated on 7 ⫻ 7 mm2 oxidized
n-doped silicon wafers. Ti/ Au electrodes were first patterned
using photolithography. An ac voltage is applied between the
electrodes for dielectrophoretic deposition of single-walled
nanotubes dispersed in H2O with 4 wt % of sodium dodecyl
sulphate. A relatively high nanotube concentration was deliberately used to deposit bundles of thousands of nanotubes
rather than individual nanotubes between the electrode pairs.
The voltage applied was 20 V peak to peak at a frequency of
13 MHz. After the nanotube deposition, four aluminum electrodes were deposited on top of the nanotube bundles. A
typical device is shown in Fig. 1. The deposited nanotubes
are expected to have a relatively high content of metallic
nanotubes,5 but semiconducting nanotubes will also be
present in the deposited bundles. Arrays of deposited nanotubes were preferred for these initial experiments instead
of individual nanotubes, in order to reduce the resistance
of the sample and enhance the response. The resistance of
such samples at a temperature of 4 K was down to a few
kiloOhms. The main part of this resistance seems to be due
to the contact resistance.
The voltage response of such a CNT array to microwave
radiation 共110 GHz兲 was measured. The source of radiation
was an impact ionization avalanche transit-time diode with
an output power of about 10 mW. The signal was modulated
with a mechanical chopper and attenuated with an ECCOSORB absorber. The radiation illuminated the CNT
90, 163503-1
© 2007 American Institute of Physics
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Tarasov et al.
FIG. 1. Carbon nanotube bundles deposited across the top and bottom electrodes using ac dielectrophoresis. Four Al electrodes were patterned on top
of the deposited nanotubes.
sample through a quasioptical window and cold IR filters.
The sample was mounted on the flat side of an silicon extended hyperhemisphere silicon lens, 12.6 mm in diameter.
The back side of the Si substrate was turned toward the silicon lens. The two of four outer Al electrodes 共see Fig. 1兲
were dc biased and the voltage response on the two inner
electrodes was lock-in detected, while the electrodes used for
dielectrophoresis were kept unconnected. The I-V characteristics of the sample at 4.2 K, in the absence of microwave
radiation, are shown in Fig. 2 共left hand axis兲 for a temperature of 4.2 K. The microwave response for a dc bias from
−100 to + 100 nA is shown on the same plot 共right hand
axis兲, demonstrating an output signal of over 50 V. The
behavior looks very similar to the I-V curve and the response
of a conventional SINIS bolometer with an absorber made of
a normal metal thin-film strip.3 The difference is that in a
SINIS bolometer, the nonlinearity originates from the superconductor energy gap of the SIN junction, and in the CNT
junction, the nonlinearity is due to other effects such as
Schottky-type junctions or Coulomb blockade.
The temperature dependence of the voltage on the same
sample was measured at a bias current of 0.3 A 共see Fig.
3兲. From this dependence we can calculate a temperature
response dV / dT = 0.4 mV/ K for T ⬍ 50 K that is close to the
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 163503 共2007兲
FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of the response voltage for a bias current
of 0.3 A.
temperature response of the metallic thin-film SINIS bolometer in Ref. 3 共1.7 mV/ K兲.
Due to a huge impedance mismatch 共100 ⍀ – 300 k⍀兲
and high losses in the quasioptical beamguide, the incident
power in the microwave measurements that is absorbed in
the whole bundle can be very roughly estimated to be below
1 nW. To improve the accuracy of the responsivity measurements, we performed much more accurate ac measurements.
The ac response was measured by applying an ac signal to
the outer pair of the four electrodes and using the inner electrode pair as the detector at varying dc bias. The results are
shown in Fig. 4 for an input power of 2.4 fW. There is a
strong dependence of the response on the input signal power
共Fig. 5兲. One can see that already for powers greater than a
few femtowatts, the response decreases inversely proportional to the applied power.
To estimate the sensitivity, the noise of the device was
also measured. It shows clear 1 / f dependence 共Fig. 6兲. From
these measurements it is possible to deduce the noise equivalent power 共NEP兲 by dividing the noise by the response. The
best NEP= 3 ⫻ 10−16 W / Hz1/2 was measured at an input amplitude of 2.4 fW and an input frequency of 700 Hz, at
FIG. 2. I-V curve 共left hand axis兲 measured between inner electrodes and
FIG. 4. ac response for input probe power of 2.4 fW. ac voltage applied
voltage response of the nanotube device shown in Fig. 1, exposed to
across outer electrode pair; response measured across inner electrode pair.
110 GHz radiation. Measurements were performed at 4.2 K.
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 163503 共2007兲
Tarasov et al.
FIG. 5. Dependence of response on input probe power.
which the noise impact from the readout amplifier was the
We have demonstrated that carbon nanotubes can operate as bolometric detectors at microwave frequencies. Due to
the small diameter of carbon nanotubes, the junction capaci-
tance can be significantly smaller than for normal Schottky
detectors, which could push the detection frequency cutoff to
beyond 30 THz.6,7 Besides bolometric detectors, other microwave applications of CNTs such as mixers,8 microwave
field-effect transistors,9 and direct and heterodyne detectors10
have been realized. The NEP obtained in our work is better
than what has been achieved with other direct detector device at an operating temperature of 4.2 K 共see Ref. 11兲.
However, it is important to emphasize that the measured
NEP is for intrinsic electrical responsivity, while similar optical characteristics are many orders of magnitude worse.
The fabrication technology should be further developed to
improve impedance matching and quality of CNTs. The
small volume of CNTs also makes them promising materials
for the construction of cold electron bolometers formed from
superconductor–insulator–normal metal structures.1 Electron
refrigeration from 360 down to 120 mK was recently demonstrated in a superconductor–insulator–normal metal
structure,2 and we expect to be able to improve this by using
single CNTs or CNT bundles. However, for this purpose, the
fabrication technology of the nanotube contacts will have to
be improved.
This work was supported by the Swedish Institute, Vetenskapsrådet, K & A Wallenberg Foundation, and Grant Nos.
PGLSS 7812.2006.2, and RFBR 05-02-19650.
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