Holographically encoded volume
phase masks
Marc SeGall
Ivan Divliansky
Clémence Jollivet
Axel Schülzgen
Leonid B. Glebov
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Optical Engineering 54(7), 076104 (July 2015)
Holographically encoded volume phase masks
Marc SeGall, Ivan Divliansky,* Clémence Jollivet, Axel Schülzgen, and Leonid B. Glebov
University of Central Florida, College of Optics and Photonics, P.O. Box 162700, Orlando, Florida 32816-2700, United States
Abstract. We present here a method to create spectrally addressable phase masks by encoding phase profiles into
volume Bragg gratings, allowing these holographic elements to be used as phase masks at any wavelength capable
of satisfying the Bragg condition of the hologram. Moreover, this approach enables the capability to encode and
multiplex several phase masks into a single holographic element without cross-talk while maintaining a high diffraction efficiency. As examples, we demonstrate fiber mode conversion with near-theoretical conversion efficiency
as well as simultaneous mode conversion and beam combining at wavelengths far from the original hologram
recording wavelength. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction
of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. [DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.54.7.076104]
Keywords: holographic optical elements; phase masks; volume gratings; Bragg gratings; laser beam shaping; laser beam combining.
Paper 150252P received Feb. 27, 2015; accepted for publication Jun. 15, 2015; published online Jul. 13, 2015.
1 Introduction
Over the last decades, phase masks have found numerous
applications, including imaging,1–5 encryption,6–9 beam
shaping,10–14 and mode conversion.15–18 To create permanent
phase masks there are two typical methods of production.
The first method controls the local geometrical path length
by generating a contoured surface,5,10–15 while the second
method changes the local refractive index in the bulk of a
photosensitive medium such as lithium niobate or photosensitive glass.19,20 Both methods can be employed to generate
phase masks with almost any profile. However, because the
phase shift is induced by changing the local optical path
length, these phase masks are inherently limited to use at
a specific wavelength, which limits the range of potential
applications. To increase this range, achromatic phase masks
have been previously produced utilizing either birefringent
materials or the birefringence in diffraction gratings with
periods below the working wavelength.21,22 Other techniques
include wavelength multiplexing several computer-generated holograms so that arbitrary wavefronts can be generated
when illuminated by the appropriate wavelength beam.23–25
This technique will allow the diffracted beam to have
the same wavefront for multiple incident wavelengths, but
requires that a separate hologram be recorded for each desired
wavelength. Therefore, to make this a truly achromatic device,
many holograms must be recorded and the diffraction efficiency of each hologram will necessarily be reduced.
We demonstrate here that such a complex method for
achromatization is unnecessary for certain phase profiles.
Instead, a quasiachromatic element can be generated by
encoding stepped phase mask profiles into transmitting volume Bragg gratings (TBGs),26,27 which produce holographic
phase masks (HPMs). Though this technique has been demonstrated for HPMs utilized at reconstruction wavelengths
identical to the recording wavelength,28,29 we show here
that HPMs can produce identical diffracted phase profiles
over a wide range of wavelengths as long as the Bragg condition of the volume grating is satisfied. This is in contrast to
*Address all correspondence to: Ivan Divliansky, E-mail: ibd1@creol.ucf.edu
Optical Engineering
more complex holograms that, though they can be read at
any wavelength satisfying the Bragg condition, cannot generally reconstruct the same phase profile at wavelengths different than the recording one. To simplify fabrication and to
provide a clear demonstration of the phenomenon, we chose
to use binary phase profiles, but the approach is fully applicable for multilevel phase masks as well. The HPM utilizes
the diffraction characteristics of TBGs, which can diffract
up to 100% of a beam into a single order and can diffract
over a broad range of wavelengths by changing the angle of
incidence (with the diffraction efficiency depending on the
wavelength and strength of the grating).26 The high-angular
selectivity of a TBG also allows for several TBGs to be
multiplexed into the same element with little to no cross-talk
between gratings; each grating is accessed by altering the
beam’s angle of incidence onto the element.
In order to explain the unique properties of the HPMs, we
note that a Bragg grating is the simplest volume hologram,
which, unlike more complex holograms, can, by changing
the incident angle, diffract a different wavelength without
distorting the beam profile. By encoding phase levels which
cover a macroscopic area, the HPM acts locally as a standard
TBG with a given phase shift. Thus, the HPM will diffract in
the same manner as a standard TBG except at the relatively
small number of phase discontinuities, and the diffracted
beam’s phase profile will match the encoded phase level profile regardless of incident wavelength. The HPM, therefore,
acts as a spectrally addressable phase mask, and by applying
surface gratings with double the period of the HPM, a truly
achromatic element will be created.30
In this paper, we focus exclusively on the properties of the
HPM itself, and demonstrate HPMs that, though recorded at
325 nm, preserve a binary phase profile in the diffracted
beam at wavelengths beyond 1 μm and can operate over a
bandwidth larger than 500 nm. These elements are used to
perform fiber mode conversion and simultaneous TEM mode
conversion and spectral beam combining.
2 Theory of HPM Encoding and Operation
To encode the phase profile into a TBG, consider the holographic recording setup in Fig. 1. Here, a multilevel phase
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mask has been placed into one arm of a two-beam interference system (the object beam), where the two beams interfere at an angle θ relative to the normal of the holographic
sample. The two-beam interference equation describing the
fringe pattern in the sample is then
I ¼ I1 þ I2 þ 2
I 1 I 2 cos½ðk 1 − k 2 Þ · r þ ϕðx; y; zÞ;
where I is the intensity, k i is the wavevector for each beam,
and ϕ is the phase variation introduced by the phase mask
after the object beam has propagated to the sample. Since the
phase mask’s profile is located in the x0 –y plane, which is
rotated with respect to the sample plane, the recorded phase
profile will generally be different than the phase mask.
However, if the thickness of the sample, the axial distance
between the phase mask and the sample, and θ are small
then ϕðx; y; zÞ ≈ ϕðx; yÞ ≈ ϕðx0 ; yÞ, so the phase profile
recorded in the hologram will be approximately the same as
that of the original phase mask. The recorded hologram will
have a refractive index profile of
nðx; y; zÞ ¼ n0 þ n1 cos½K · r þ ϕðx; yÞ;
where n0 is the background refractive index, n1 is the refrac⇀
tive index modulation, and K ¼ k 1 − k 2 is the grating
Once the hologram is recorded, it is placed in a system
with some probe beam to be diffracted which may or may not
have the same wavelength as the recording beams. If the
probe beam is incident at or near the Bragg condition (see
Kogelnik26), the total electric field will satisfy the scalar
Helmholtz wave equation,
∇2 E − k2p n2 E ¼ 0:
Here, kp is the wavenumber of the probe beam. For thick
volume gratings, where only a single incident and diffracted
beam contain significant energy, the Helmholtz equation has
a solution of the form26
Here, κ ¼ πn1 ∕λ0 is the coupling coefficient of the grating.
Note that we have assumed that the second derivatives are
negligibly small in the same manner as Kogelnik,26 as we
still expect the transfer of energy between the transmitted
and diffracted waves to be slow.
We solve the coupled equations numerically by converting Eq. (4) into Fourier space along the transverse dimensions x and y, giving
kp;z ∂Ã
¼ Ff−iκe−iϕðx;yÞ Bg
ðf k þ f y kp;y ÞÃ þ
kp ∂z
kp x p;x
k ∂B̃
¼ Ff−iκeiϕðx;yÞ Ag;
ðf k þ f y kd;y ÞB̃ þ d;z
kp x d;x
kp ∂z
where à and B̃ are the Fourier transforms of A and B, respectively, and f x and f y are the spatial frequencies along the
x and y axes, respectively. To solve these equations, we split
the propagation and energy transfer between the waves into
two discrete steps and successively propagate and transfer
energy between waves over several small propagation steps.
To calculate the propagation of the beam, the right side of
Eq. (6) is assumed to be zero. In this case, the Fourier amplitudes will have a solution of the form
ðf x kp;x þf y kp;y ÞΔz
Ãðf x ; f y ; z þ ΔzÞ ¼ Ãðf x ; f y ; zÞe
−i 2π ðf k þf k ÞΔz
B̃ðf x ; f y ; z þ ΔzÞ ¼ B̃ðf x ; f y ; zÞe kd;z x d;x y d;y
Note that this is only exact in the case where the right side of
Eq. (6) truly equals zero, but for small (∼100 nm) propagation steps, this is a reasonable approximation. To account
for energy transfer, we piecewise integrate the right side of
Eq. (5) with the Euler method and add it to the inverse
Fourier transform of Eq. (7)
Aðx;y;zþΔzÞ¼F−1 fÃðf x ;f y ;zþΔzÞg−iκe−iϕðx;yÞ Bðx;y;zÞΔz
Bðx;y;zþΔzÞ¼F−1 fB̃ðf x ;f y ;zþΔzÞg−iκeiϕðx;yÞ Aðx;y;zÞΔz:
⇀ ⇀
Eðx; y; zÞ ¼ Aðx; y; zÞeð−i k p · r Þ þ Bðx; y; zÞeð−ik d · r Þ ;
where A and B are the complex amplitudes of the transmitted
and diffracted waves, respectively, and k d ¼ k p − K is the
wavevector of the diffracted beam. Insertion of Eq. (4) into
Eq. (3) results in a set of coupled wave equations between the
amplitudes A and B. Kogelnik26 has solved these equations
when A and B depend solely on the axial distance z (homogenous gratings). However, when a phase mask is placed in
the recording system, the phase term is not a constant across
the entire hologram aperture and consequently it cannot
be assumed that this one-dimensional dependence will still
hold. In this particular study, we are only interested in probe
beams that exactly satisfy the Bragg condition. In this case,
the coupled wave equations become
þ kp;y
þ kp;z
¼ −iκe−iϕðx;yÞ B
kp p;x ∂x
þ kd;y
þ kd;z
¼ −iκeiϕðx;yÞ A:
Optical Engineering
Calculations indicate that for a propagation step size of
100 nm, our numerical method conserves energy to within
0.01% after propagating the coupled waves through the
entire system, which is sufficient for the phase profiles discussed here.
Numerical simulations were performed to determine the
diffracted beam phase profile and diffraction efficiency of an
HPM in the case where a binary phase profile is encoded.
The numerical method described previously was first applied
to simulate a standard TBG with an 8-μm period, a refractive
index modulation of 250 ppm, and a thickness of 2 mm. The
probe beam with a wavelength of 1064 nm is incident at the
Bragg angle and propagates in the x–z plane [see Fig. 2(a)].
Using a propagation step size of 100 nm, the simulated diffraction efficiency of this TBG is 99.13%, which is consistent with the peak diffraction efficiency of a homogenous
TBG described by Kogelnik.26 A π phase step was then introduced to the grating at a recording wavelength of 325 nm.
This binary step was first introduced along the x-axis, and
then along the y-axis, to determine if there would be any
orientation-dependent variations in diffraction efficiency or
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Vol. 54(7)
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Fig. 1 The phase profile of a standard binary phase mask in the
object beam is encoded into a volume Bragg grating at a recording
wavelength of 325 nm.
phase profile. The calculations were then repeated for two
probe beams with wavelengths of 632 and 975 nm. In all
cases, the grating parameters are the same but the incident
angle was changed so that all beams were incident at their
respective Bragg angles.
As shown in Fig. 2(b), each diffracted beam contains a
π phase shift when the phase step is introduced along the
x-axis. The location of the phase step is slightly offset
from the origin due to the propagation of the beam through
the sample, and changes for each beam due to their different
Bragg angles. For the local intensities of the diffracted
waves, shown in Fig. 2(c) for a plane wave, (note that the
relative strengths are different due to the wavelength-dependent diffraction efficiency) a general decrease in diffracted
energy is observed at the phase discontinuity. This is not surprising, as any region of the probe beam crossing the phase
discontinuity will not be able to satisfy the Bragg condition
at that point. This inability to locally satisfy the Bragg
condition will result in a decrease in diffraction efficiency
(which is the total energy in the diffracted beam divided
by the total energy in the incident beam) that is dependent
on the fraction of the beam energy which crosses the phase
discontinuity. This decrease in diffraction efficiency will also
mask the slight differences in phase for each wavelength in
the phase transition region. However, as shown in Fig. 2(d),
this loss in efficiency becomes very small with increasing
beam size and the diffraction efficiency of an HPM will
asymptotically approach the diffraction efficiency of a standard TBG as the beam diameter approaches infinity.
When the phase discontinuity is oriented along the y-axis,
the phase profile of the diffracted beam will also have a π
phase shift, as shown in Fig. 2(e). Here, the phase discontinuity is located at the origin because the probe beam has no
component propagating along the y-axis. This zero y-axis
component results in the diffracted beam having a near
zero-width transition region that is identical for every
Fig. 2 (a) A probe beam incident at the Bragg angle is diffracted by a holographic phase mask (HPM)
with a single phase dislocation along one axis. Numerical simulations results demonstrating: (b) the diffracted beam phase profile and (c) the local diffracted intensity of a plane wave for beams of different
wavelength. (d) The diffraction efficiency of an HPM at 1064 nm relative to a standard transmitting volume
Bragg grating as a function of beam diameter when a binary phase dislocation is encoded along the
x -axis. Here, the coordinate origin is the center of the front surface of the HPM. (e) The diffracted beam
phase profile and (f) the local diffracted intensity when a binary phase dislocation is encoded along the
y -axis for beams of different wavelength.
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wavelength. It also results in only a single infinitesimal fraction of the beam ever encountering the phase discontinuity,
giving constant local intensities for the diffracted waves, as
shown in Fig. 2(f). The simulated diffraction efficiency of the
HPM in this case is constantly within 0.01% of the predicted
efficiency for a TBG at each wavelength as given by
Kogelnik26 regardless of beam diameter, and given that
there is a 0.01% uncertainty in energy conservation in the
numerical method, we conclude that the diffraction efficiency is identical to a standard TBG. These two cases indicate that the diffracted beam from an HPM will always
inherit the phase profile of the original phase mask, and
will have some orientation-specific decrease in diffraction
efficiency that is dependent on beam size and largely negligible for most typical beam diameters. Repeating these cases
for other wavelengths at their respective Bragg angles show
similar results, with the diffraction efficiency of both the
TBG and HPM changing with respect to wavelength as
described by Kogelnik.26 Thus, the HPM will maintain
the diffraction characteristics of a TBG, including the wavelength and angular spectrum, while preserving the desired
phase profile over the whole bandwidth of possible Bragg
3 Experiments
3.1 HPMs
A complete set of experiments have been performed using an
HPM recorded in a 1.97-mm thick photo-thermo-refractive
(PTR) glass sample as illustrated in Fig. 1. PTR glass is a
multicomponent photosensitive glass with a transparency
window from the near UV to the near IR which has the ability to sustain high power beams.31–33 It has been used in
a variety of applications, including producing volume phase
masks20 and holograms for pulse stretching/compression34 as
well as coherent and spectral beam combining.35–37 To fabricate the HPM, a four-sector binary phase mask20 designed
for the recording wavelength of 325 nm was placed in one
arm of the setup and the half angle of interference was set to
0.786 deg, giving a grating period of 8 μm. The phase mask
was placed approximately 150 mm from the sample.
In order to directly and accurately compare the diffraction
efficiency of the HPM with that of a standard TBG, we fabricated a sample containing both an HPM and a homogeneous TBG in the same volume of PTR glass. This was
done by recording an HPM, and then removing the phase
mask from the object beam and rotating the PTR glass sample without lateral shifting to record a tilted TBG with the
same recording dosage. Recording both elements in the same
volume ensured that the local refractive index change and
any sample inhomogeneities would be shared between the
elements and demonstrated a new opportunity for holographic phase mask multiplexing. As shown in Fig. 3, the
diffraction efficiencies of each element are approximately the
same, showing good agreement with theoretical predictions.
Note also that there is no cross-talk between the two multiplexed holograms, demonstrating that the HPM preserves the
narrow angular acceptance of standard TBGs.
3.2 Mode Conversion
As demonstrated previously,20 a four-sector binary phase
mask can itself be used as an optical mode converter
Optical Engineering
Fig. 3 Diffraction efficiency angular spectrum of an HPM and homogenous grating.
when the probe beam center is properly aligned with respect
to the phase steps. Such a binary phase mask though works
only for the particular wavelength for which the phase shift is
π. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the expected far-field intensity profile for a beam passing through the center of a four-sector
regular binary phase mask consists of a four-lobed clover
pattern. However, since the phase shift is only π at the design
wavelength, this is the only wavelength with effective mode,
as has been demonstrated by recent results for fiber modes.38
To demonstrate the capabilities of HPMs, we encoded such a
four sector phase mask in a transmission volume Bragg grating, thus creating a mode converting HPM. Here, we report
a series of experiments to test the theoretical predictions of
the HPM multiwavelength operation presented above. If the
encoded binary phase steps are indeed transferred to the
probe beams diffracted from the HPM at their respective
Bragg wavelengths, the HPM should simultaneously act as
a diffraction element and a mode converter, when the beams
are correctly aligned to the phase steps. To perform this
investigation, we recorded the far-field intensity distributions
of diffracted beams at multiple wavelengths by imaging them
onto a CCD camera using a 500-mm lens.
Three beams (3-mm in diameter at 1∕e2 ) at wavelengths
in the visible and the infrared regions were applied to study
the wavelength dependence of diffraction and mode conversion using the HPM. As shown in Figs. 4(b)–4(d), for the
three very different Bragg wavelengths (632.8, 975, and
1064 nm), the diffracted beam profiles exhibited the predicted four-lobed pattern. This clearly confirms our initial
thesis that the binary phase profile is being preserved in
the diffracted order for an extremely broad range of wavelengths. To further verify the binary phase step in the diffracted beam, an interferometric experiment was developed
and is presented in Fig. 5(a).
A 1064-nm laser was collimated and split into two arms
of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer. The HPM was placed in
one arm and rotated so that the beam incident on the HPM
was at the Bragg angle, and the two beams were recombined
and imaged onto a camera. In this experiment, the beam incident on the HPM was horizontally offset from the center so
that the HPM acted as a two-sector binary mask. As shown in
Figs. 5(b) and 5(c), the interference fringes of the upper and
lower lobes produced by the HPM have a relative π phase
shift, confirming that the encoded phase profile is preserved
in the diffracted beam at wavelengths far from the recording
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3.3 Fiber Mode Conversion
Fig. 4 (a) Simulated far-field profile of a beam after passing through
an ideal four-sector binary mask and the diffracted beam from a foursector HPM at (b) 632.8 nm, (c) 975 nm, and (d) 1064 nm. The sizes
shown here are not to scale.
In this section, we consider another practical application for
HPM elements by studying the conversion of fiber modes.
This is of particular interest for applications such as power
scaling of fiber lasers and amplifier systems, as higher-order
modes (HOMs) propagating in fibers can carry more energy
than the fundamental mode since their mode area is significantly larger. As a result, several fiber lasers and amplifier
systems have been recently demonstrated with improved performances by using HOMs39–41 which, at some point, have to
reconvert to the desired mode.
In this context, we investigated the ability of the HPM to
convert higher-order fiber modes into the fundamental mode;
the usually preferred output beam of high-power fiber lasers
and amplifiers. A diagram of the experiment is shown in
Fig. 6, where a 1064-nm laser beam is coupled into a singlemode fiber to produce a high-quality fundamental mode
Gaussian beam. The Gaussian beam is then collimated and
directed onto a reflecting spatial light modulator (SLM).
Applying the SLM encoding technique by Arrizón et
al.,42 the incident beam was converted into the LP11 and LP21
HOMs. These modes were selected because their spatial
phase pattern match the HPM with the encoded four-sector
binary phase profile previously presented. The generated
HOMs were then directed onto the HPM and the far-field
of the diffracted order was analyzed.
Because the LP modes form an orthonormal basis, we can
define the conversion efficiency of a converted beam with
respect to a desired mode by the overlap integral
Fig. 5 (a) Mach–Zehnder interferometer measuring the relative phase between the upper and lower
lobes of the diffracted beam from the HPM. (b) The resulting interferogram with markers indicating
two line cuts, and (c) the line cuts of the two lobes compared to each other, showing a relative π
phase difference. Note that the line cuts do not appear to be completely out of phase due to the slight
tilt of the fringes, which can be seen in (b).
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Fig. 6 A 1064-nm beam passes through a single-mode fiber and then
is diffracted from a spatial light modulator to generate various LP
modes, which are then converted by a holographic phase mask mode
converter and examined in the far-field.
Table 1 Conversion efficiency of a binary holographic phase mask
when converting between LP modes.
Conversion efficiency (%)
Mode converted
Calculated [Eq. (9)]
Experimental (1.0)
LP01 to LP11;e
LP01 to LP11;o
LP01 to LP21
LP21 to LP01
η ¼ RR
j Econv Elp daj2
jEconv j2 da jElp j2 da
Here, Econv is the electric field of the converted beam, Elp
is the desired LP mode, (*) represents the complex conjugation, and a is the area. This integral will equal zero if the
HPM does not alter the original mode and will equal
unity for a complete conversion, and as such it may be considered as equivalent to the mode purity of the converted
beam with respect to a given mode. Note that because the
encoded phase profiles considered here are binary, they cannot convert a pure LP mode to another pure LP mode with
100% efficiency. Using Eq. (9), we find that the theoretical
conversion efficiency from the fundamental mode to the
LP11 mode (whether odd or even) using a binary phase
mask is 71.8%, while the theoretical maximum conversion
efficiency to the LP21 mode is 64.4%. The conversion efficiency from a pure HOM to the fundamental mode is identical to the conversion efficiency from the fundamental mode
to the HOM.
As shown in Fig. 7, by selecting different positions of the
beam (indicated by the red spots) relative to the four-sectors
of the HPM, various fiber modes can be generated. To calculate the experimental conversion efficiencies, we utilized
an extension of Eq. (9), which is described in Ref. 20; the
experimentally achieved conversion efficiencies are listed in
Table 1. The fundamental mode LP01 has been converted to
the even and odd LP11 modes as well as the LP21 mode with
efficiencies up to 70%, indicating that the calculated
maximum conversion efficiencies can be reached in the
experiments. Slight deviations may be attributed to inhomogeneities in the sample and the finite extent of the transition
region between areas with different phases. The reverse conversion efficiency from the LP21 mode to the fundamental
mode is in excellent agreement with the calculated theoretical maximum, indicating that HPMs have the same conversion efficiencies as standard binary phase masks.
Note that, in addition to efficient mode conversion, size
matching between the free space beam waist of the converted
beam and the fiber mode also has to be considered for
the overall mode converter efficiency. This issue has been
addressed in detail for conventional narrow band phase plate
mode converters.38 Similar overall efficiency results are
expected for broadband HPM-based fiber mode converters,
but are beyond the scope of this paper.
3.4 Simultaneous Mode Conversion and Beam
Beam combining offers the potential to scale the power
of laser systems beyond the limits of individual lasers.
Fig. 7 Far-field profiles of converted modes: (a) LP01 mode converted to higher order modes and (b) the
LP21 mode converted to the LP01 mode.
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Fig. 8 (a) A multiplexed four-sector HPM spectrally combines two beams at 1061 and 1064 nm. (b) If the
initial four-sector HPMs are removed from the system, it combines two Gaussian beams while converting
them to the TEM11 mode. The (c) 1064-nm beam and (d) 1061-nm beam can also be separately converted. (e) If the initial four-sector HPMs are included in the system, then the Gaussian beams are
converted to the TEM11 mode and then reconverted back to a Gaussian beam. The reconverted beam
profile closely matches the sum of the individual profiles at (f) 1064 nm and (g) 1061 nm.
Currently, spectral beam combining and coherent beam combining are the two dominant methods in the effort to reach
multikilowatt diffraction-limited beams. In parallel, as discussed above, fibers that support HOMs are considered to
overcome the power limitations of fiber lasers and amplifiers.
Therefore, the combination of several HOM beams from
different lasers into one high-power fundamental mode
beam suggests itself as a power scaling approach. Here, we
describe a method to accomplish this task by taking advantage of the mode-converting capabilities of HPMs.
While the ability of HPM elements to perform mode conversion is not unique,14,17 what is unique is the ability to
simultaneously convert multiple beams into different modes
while combining them into a single beam. As previously
demonstrated, it is possible to angularly multiplex multiple
HPMs or gratings into a single element. To perform beam
combining, we utilize the same approach used in multiplexed
volume gratings, where the periods and tilts of each grating
are adjusted so that probe beams of different wavelengths
and angles of incidence will diffract into the same channel.35–37 Here, we encode each grating with the appropriate
phase profile so that each grating will also simultaneously
perform mode conversion. To demonstrate this, we created
two free-space converting/combining systems, illustrated in
Fig. 8(a), where 1061 and 1064 nm beams are incident upon
a multiplexed four-sector HPM at their respective Bragg
angles. In the first combining/converting system, the original
Gaussian beams were incident on the combining HPM
without any additional phase elements added to the system,
resulting in spectrally combined TEM11 modes. The second
system added two four-sector HPMs to each beam, converting each beam to the TEM11 mode, and subsequently
reconverting them to the fundamental mode while spectrally
combining them.
The far-field intensity profile of the combined TEM11
beam in the first setup, shown in Fig. 8(b), shows good
beam combination and conversion from the Gaussian mode.
Note that the differences between the 1064 and 1061 nm
far-field profiles in Figs. 8(c)–8(d) are due to different collimations between the beams rather than to a poor HPM
Optical Engineering
conversion efficiency. The conversion from the TEM11 mode
to the fundamental mode in the second setup, shown in
Fig. 8(e), is likewise demonstrated. While there are some
wings remaining in the combined beam, this is predominately a limitation imposed by using HPMs as the initial
converters, which creates increased alignment challenges, as
seen in the individual beam profiles [Fig. 8(f)–8(g)]. Nevertheless, we have demonstrated that HPMs may be used for
complex beam transformation-combination schemes.
4 Conclusions
We have successfully demonstrated that binary phase profiles may be encoded into TBGs to form holographic phase
masks HPMs, and that for any probe beam capable of satisfying the Bragg condition of the hologram the binary
phase profile will be present in the diffracted beam. These
holographic phase masks may be used to simultaneously diffract and convert both free space and fiber modes. They can
also be multiplexed for beam combining in the same manner
as homogenous multiplexed TBGs are used while converting
the incident beams into a desired mode. This integration of
beam combining and mode conversion at multiple wavelengths opens new optical design spaces in application areas
such as high-power beam combining or mode multiplexing
in optical communication systems.
We would like to thank Prof. Boris Zeldovich for his fruitful
discussions in developing the theoretical model for this work
and OptiGrate Corp for supplying the PTR glass used in our
experiments. This work was funded by ARO and HEL JTO
through grants W911NF-10-1-0441 and W911NF-12-1-0450.
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Marc SeGall received his PhD in optics from the University of Central
Florida in Orlando, Florida, USA, in 2013. He is currently a research
scientist at Physical Optics Corporation. Prior to joining Physical
Optics, he was a graduate student at the University of Central
Florida where he researched the effects of volume phase masks.
His current research interests include head worn displays, nonmechanical beam steering systems, and holography.
Ivan Divliansky received his PhD in electrical engineering/materials
science from The Pennsylvania State University in State College,
Pennsylvania, USA in 2004. Since 2007, he has been a senior
research scientist at CREOL, the College of Optics and Photonics
at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. His current research
interests include high-power laser beam combining, diode and fiber
lasers systems design, implementation of volume Bragg gratings in
different photonics areas, vector beams generation, and others.
Clémence Jollivet received her PhD in optics from the University of
Central Florida in 2014. Highlights of her work are compiled in the PhD
dissertation entitled “Specialty fiber lasers and novel fiber devices.”
Currently, her research interests include design and fabrication of
specialty optical fibers, specialty fiber lasers, novel fiber devices,
and advanced characterization techniques such as modal analysis.
Since 2014, she has been working as a scientist in the Fiber R&D
Department of Nufern Inc.
Axel Schülzgen received his PhD in physics from HumboldtUniversity of Berlin, Germany, in 1992. Since 2009, he has been a
professor of optics at CREOL, the College of Optics and Photonics,
University of Central Florida in Orlando. Prior to joining CREOL, he
was a faculty member at the College of Optical Sciences, University
of Arizona in Tucson. His current research interests include optical
fiber devices and components with applications in fiber laser systems
and fiber optic sensing.
Leonid B. Glebov: Biography is not available.
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July 2015
Vol. 54(7)