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1992, Sound & Communication
4 pages
1 file
As a part of founding the Sound Quality Working Group, this series of articles on psychological acoustic design, research and testing were completed in the 1990's and used extensively by the Fortune 1000 to move into the SQ field. Part One was focused on the introduction of the Sound Quality concept to the reader
RESUMEN: El actual contexto socio-tecnologico propicia el incremento de productos con interfaces cada vez mas complejas y avanzadas. Dada la necesidad de comunicacion entre producto y usuario, el sonido es un recurso capaz de facilitar la interaccion, y transmitir informacion sobre eventos de diferente naturaleza y criticidad. Sin embargo, la ingenieria de diseno carece de un conocimiento unificado y una metodologia consensuada que facilite la caracterizacion del sonido durante los procesos de desarrollo de producto. Este articulo expone una revision retrospectiva, critica y ordenada de las mas relevantes aportaciones teoricas y practicas aplicables en ingenieria de diseno, procedentes de diferentes perpectivas cientificas. El resultado es un mapa de publicaciones clasificado en 6 grandes bloques, que abarcan desde los iniciales estudios psicoacusticos, pasando por las observaciones sobre semantica del sonido, hasta las mas modernas aproximaciones apoyadas en teorias de la comunicac...
The current socio-technological context encourages the increase of products with increasingly complex and advanced interfaces. Sound is a valuable resource capable of facilitating interaction between product and user, and conveying information about events of different nature and criticality.However, design engineering lacks unified knowledge and a consensus methodology that facilitates the characterization of sound during product development processes. This article presents a retrospective, critical and systematic review of the most relevant theoretical and practical contributions applied in design engineering, from different scientific perspectives. The result is a map of publications classified in 6 large blocks, ranging from initial psychoacoustic studies, through observations on sound semantics, to the most up-to-date approaches supported by communication theories. In this way, researchers and developers in design engineering are provided with a guide and introduction to the main key aspects of sound study and in its application to product design domain. The article collects the main bibliographical references indicating whether they are theoretical or experimental studies, the scientific field with which they relate, their chronological location, and highlighting their main contributions.
Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2006
Despite being a promising and lively playground, sound design is not a discipline as solid and established as visual or product design. We believe that the reason is to be found in the lack of design-oriented measurement and evaluation tools. The European project CLOSED (Closing the Loop Of Sound Evaluation and Design) aims at providing a functional-aesthetic sound measurement tool that can be profitably used by designers. At one end, this tool is linked with physical attributes of soundenhanced everyday objects; at the other end it relates to user emotional response. The measurement tool will be made of a set of easy-to-interpret indicators, which will be related to use in natural context, and it will be integrated in the product design process to facilitate the control of sonic aspects of objects, functionalities, and services encountered in everyday settings.
ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop …, 2003
One of the major goals of current sound-quality research has been to develop automated, objective metrics of perceptual attributes. These metrics have to be validated against subjective measures of the attributes which they claim to capture. To that end, typically, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008
Sounds may be characterized by objective perceptual attributes (for which there may exist physical metrics) or by subjective (affective or connotative) attributes. This paper will deal with the perceptual attributes. Within product sound quality the metrics for classical the psycho-acoustic attributes (loudness, sharpness, roughness and fluctuation strength and maybe supplemented with tone and impulse prominence) are often used as the only attributes to characterize the sounds. But are these 4-6 attributes or dimensions sufficient to characterize a sound? Within room acoustics and reproduced sound many other attributes are used and in the language around 100 direct sound describing words may be found. This paper will give an overview over attributes used within different acoustic areas. The latter part of the paper will discuss the role of sensory evaluation methods as a means to systematically developing attributes for the objective qualification and quantification of sound characteristics.
2018 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2018
E-mail: (1 sara.akbarzadeh, 2 sung.lee, 3 satnam.singh, 4 Chin-Tuan.Tan)
Being able to characterize and estimate the urban sound perception is a key point to improve the city dwellers environmental quality. In the past decade, various studies have focused on collecting perceived global sound pleasantness at specific locations. Some of them were carried out on field in order to evaluate the soundscape perception of the participants directly in their context. Other studies were realized in laboratory to better control the stimuli and to increase the number of participants who were subjected to the same sound environment. Most of the laboratory experiments are done in large or semi-anechoic chamber with calibrated and highly realistic audio reproduction in order to respect the ecological validity of the experiment. On one hand, even with a high immersive level, the laboratory context is not as rich as the field context and the two types of experiment could lead to different results. On the other hand, few studies exist showing the influence of decreasing ec...
Proceedings of the ICA congress, 2019
This paper is the first to examine the influence of sociodemographic characteristics of listeners on the tendency to extreme response style (ERS) in psychoacoustical experiments. ERS can be described as the trend to exploit the edges of the rating scale in quantitative surveys leading to a systematic deviation of the respondents' reported values from the true values. According to the psychological literature, we assumed that ERS is more pronounced in women compared to men. Furthermore, we expected that ERS increases with ascending age of people and increasing duration of the survey. To test our hypotheses, we re-analyzised the data obtained by Weinzierl et al. (2018). In their study, 190 subjects rated their acoustical impression of 35 binaurally simulated rooms by means of the Room Acoustical Quality Inventory (RAQI). Results of linear mixed-effect models did not reveal any significant influences of age on ERS. In contrast, results confirmed our assumption that women show a significantly higher frequency of ERS than men, as well as increasing duration of the survey leads to a higher ERS. The results therefore highlight the role of ERS in sound evaluations and the need to consider this moderating factor when conducting and analysing psychoacoustical experiments.
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