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2005, Neurological Sciences
5 pages
1 file
Hyperkinetic seizures are considered a typical manifestation of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE). Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with mainly sleeprelated seizures have been described; however they commonly lack hyperkinetic activity and seizure frequency is low. We retrospectively analysed our population of 442 consecutive patients surgically treated between January 1996 and January 2004. Among these there were 25 patients with sleep-related hyperkinetic epileptic seizures, with a frontal lobe onset in 18 cases and a temporal lobe onset in 7. Patients with sleep-related hyperkinetic seizures with temporal lobe origin had anamnestic and clinical features strikingly similar to those with a frontal onset, with agitated movements, high seizure frequency and no history of febrile convulsions. We confirm our previous findings that this kind of epileptic manifestation is not only peculiar to frontal lobe epilepsy.
Neurology, 2004
Sleep-related hyperkinetic seizures are a common feature of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. Although sleeprelated seizures with a temporal lobe origin have been reported, they commonly lack hyperkinetic activity. The authors describe three patients with sleep-related seizures characterized by frenetic, agitated, hyperactive movements (bimanual/ bipedal activity, rocking, axial, pelvic, and hemiballistic movements), in whom stereo-EEG investigation and surgical outcome demonstrated a temporal lobe origin of the attacks.
Epilepsy Currents, 2007
Surgical Treatment of Drug-Resistant Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. Nobili L, Francione S, Mai R, Cardinale F, Castana L, Tassi L, Sartori I, Didato G, Citterio A, Colombo N, Galli C, Lo Russo G, Cossu M. Brain 2007;130(Pt 2):561–573. Of the cases with nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) 30% are refractory to antiepileptic medication, with several patients suffering from the effects of both ongoing seizures and disrupted sleep. From a consecutive series of 522 patients operated on for drug-resistant focal epilepsy, 21 cases (4%), whose frontal lobe seizures occurred almost exclusively (>90%) during sleep, were selected. All patients underwent a comprehensive pre-surgical evaluation, which included history, interictal EEG, scalp video-EEG monitoring, high-resolution MRI and, when indicated, invasive recording by stereo-EEG (SEEG). There were 11 males and 10 females, whose mean age at seizure onset was 6.2 years, mean age at surgery was 24.7 years and seizure frequency ranged ...
Brain, 1999
Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) has been delineated as a distinct syndrome in the heterogeneous group of paroxysmal sleep-related disturbances. The variable duration and intensity of the seizures distinguish three non-rapid eye movement-related subtypes: paroxysmal arousals, characterized by brief and sudden recurrent motor paroxysmal behaviour; nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia, motor attacks with complex dystonic-dyskinetic features; and episodic nocturnal wanderings, stereotyped, agitated somnambulism. We review the clinical and polysomnographic data related to 100 consecutive cases of NFLE in order to define the clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of the different seizure types that constitute NFLE. NFLE seizures predominate in males (7 : 3). Age at onset of the nocturnal seizures varies, but centres during infancy and adolescence. A familial recurrence of the epileptic attacks is found in 25% of the cases, while 39% of the patients present a family history of nocturnal paroxysmal episodes
Epilepsia, 1998
Purpose: The influence of sleep on the incidence of seizures and the reciprocal effects of epilepsy on sleep were analyzed in 30 patients with intractable partial seizures, all candidates for surgery.
Brain, 2007
Of the cases with nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) 30% are refractory to antiepileptic medication, with several patients suffering from the effects of both ongoing seizures and disrupted sleep. From a consecutive series of 522 patients operated on for drug-resistant focal epilepsy, 21 cases (4%), whose frontal lobe seizures occurred almost exclusively (>90%) during sleep, were selected. All patients underwent a comprehensive presurgical evaluation, which included history, interictal EEG, scalp video-EEG monitoring, high-resolution MRI and, when indicated, invasive recording by stereo-EEG (SEEG). There were 11 males and 10 females, whose mean age at seizure onset was 6.2 years, mean age at surgery was 24.7 years and seizure frequency ranged from <20/month to >300/month. Nine patients reported excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). Prevalent ictal clinical signs were represented by asymmetric posturing (6 cases), hyperkinetic automatisms (10 cases), combined tonic posturing and hyperkinetic automatisms (4 cases) and mimetic automatisms (1 case). All patients reported some kind of subjective manifestations. Interictal and ictal EEG provided lateralizing or localizing information in most patients. MRI was unrevealing in 10 cases and it showed a focal anatomical abnormality in one frontal lobe in 11 cases. Eighteen patients underwent a SEEG evaluation to better define the epileptogenic zone (EZ). All patients received a microsurgical resection in one frontal lobe, tailored according to pre-surgical evaluations. Two patients were operated on twice owing to poor results after the first resection. Histology demonstrated a Taylor-type focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) in 16 patients and an architectural FCD in 4. In one case no histological change was found. After a post-operative follow-up of at least 12 months (mean 42.5 months) all the 16 patients with a Taylor's FCD were in Engel's Class Ia and the other 5 patients were in Engel's Classes II or III. After 6 months post-surgery EDS had disappeared in the 9 patients who presented this complaint preoperatively. It is concluded that patients with drug-resistant, disabling sleep-related seizures of frontal lobe origin should be considered for resective surgery, which may provide excellent results both on seizures and on epilepsyrelated sleep disturbances. An accurate pre-surgical evaluation, which often requires invasive EEG recording, is mandatory to define the EZ. Further investigation is needed to explain the possible causal relationships between FCD, particularly Taylor-type, and sleep-related seizures, as observed in this cohort of NFLE patients.
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Terazi Yayıncılık, 2024
Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nın trajik olayları, Doğu Anadolu cephesindeki savaş felaketlerinin gelgitleri, Ermeni nüfusun bir kısmının belirli bölgelere sevk ve iskânı da dâhil olmak üzere, bağlamından koparılarak yorumlanan ve Türkiye'yi ve Türk halkını vurmak için siyasi amaçlarla istismar edilen bir konu haline gelmiştir. Emekli Büyükelçi Pulat Y. Tacar bu konuyu hukuki açıdan kapsamlı bir şekilde incelemiş ve konuyla ilgili çok sayıda makale yayınlamıştır. Gerçek Ortaya Çıkar (“The Truth Will Out”) başlıklı bu kitap, Türkiye'nin dış politika sorunlarından birine ışık tutmak amacıyla daha önce yayımlanmış makalelerinin kapsamlı bir derlemesidir. Büyükelçi Pulat Y. Tacar, Türkiye'ye ve Türklere yönelik Ermeni iddialarına ve tarihsel çarpıtmalara üçüncü taraf soruşturmalarında ve üst düzey uluslararası platformlarda dahi karşı koymuş, kariyerinde ordinaryüs düzeyine çıkmış, hukuk geçmişi olan son derece tecrübeli bir diplomat olarak, iddiaları en kırılgan cephesinden, hukuki, adli dayanaklarından ele almayı tercih etmiştir. AVİM'in, dönemin olaylarının tarihi, siyasi, dini yönleri hakkında çok sayıda yayını bulunmaktadır. AVİM ve Terazi Yayınları tarafından yayınlanan 44. kitap olan “Gerçekler Ortaya Çıkacak”, geçerliliğini korumaya mahkûm, hukuksal bir referans kaynağıdır. AVİM olarak bu değerli eseri konuya ilgi duyan okuyucularımıza sunmaktan memnuniyet duyuyoruz. ------ The tragic events of the First World War, the ebb and flow of the calamities of war in the Eastern Anatolia front, including the relocation and resettlement of some of the Armenian population in specific areas has become a topic construed out of context and abused for political ends to hammer Türkiye and the Turkish people. Retired Ambassador Pulat Y. Tacar has studied this subject extensively from a legal-judicial point of view and has published numerous articles on the subject. This book, titled “The Truth Will Out,” is a comprehensive compilation of his previously published articles to shed light on one of Türkiye’s foreign policy challenges. Ambassador Pulat Y. Tacar, a highly seasoned diplomat with a legal background, an emeritus in his career, having countered Armenian allegations and historically distorted narrative against Türkiye and the Turks even at third party inquiries and high-level international platforms, has opted to deal with the allegations from its most vulnerable façade, that of legal, judicial basis. AVİM has a number of publications on the historical, political, religious aspects of the events of the time. The 44th book published by AVİM and Terazi Publishing, “The Truth Will Out,” is a legalistic reference source that is bound to sustain its validity. As AVİM, we are proud to present this valuable work to readers interested in the subject.
This chapter reports initial findings from a study of the thinking, beliefs and tutorial action of higher education teachers who are working in a 'virtual classroom'. The teachers work on an 'online learning' course at the Masters level. An important means of communication on this course is computer conferencing. The work of the teachers is centred upon reading and constructing electronic texts-contributions to an ongoing 'electronic seminar'. The research setting allows an unusual degree of access to the thinking of teachers during the process of teaching. It also allows access to the thinking of teachers during the whole of the (relatively short) cycle of planning, teaching and reflection that surrounds each moment for intervention in the electronic seminar. The chapter offers two contributions to our understanding of online teaching. First, it begins to locate online teaching in relation to other forms of teaching by providing an analysis of how some common kinds of online teaching are undertaken. Second, through illustrations of the work of one experienced online teacher-supplemented by data taken from their 'think aloud' protocols and from interview transcripts-it highlights some key areas of knowledge and belief that seem to be a critical part of online teaching. The chapter discusses both substantive findings about relationships between teachers' thinking, beliefs and practices, and methodological issues raised by this relatively novel research site. It concludes with some suggestions for further research.
Multitudes, 2022
S’inscrivant dans le champ des Black Male Studies, cet article montre comment les hommes non blancs sont souvent les grands oubliés des luttes abolitionnistes, et ce alors mêmes qu’ils représentent l’écrasante majorité des personnes incarcérées. Détaillant les raccourcis ou les omissions qui grèvent certains textes de la justice transformatrice, ce texte rappelle ainsi que l’abolition requiert un changement radical d’imaginaire, et qu’elle ne peut se faire sans se confronter à la misandrie raciale.
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