Cancer and Society
Antioxidants and cancer
For the Oxford University
review see Br J Cancer 2011;
104: 6–11
John Heseltine/Science Photo Library
For more on the ViMiS database
see http://journals.cambridge.
One of biology’s paradoxes is that we
require oxygen for life, but it can be
a highly reactive molecule that can
damage cells through the production
of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Plants and animals thus keep stores
of many types of antioxidants, such
as glutathione, vitamins C and E, and
specific enzymes, which have generally
been thought to either prevent ROS
being made or remove them before
they can cause harm. However, because
ROS also have useful functions,
including natural host defence against
cancer cells, we should know which
antioxidants might be useful, how
much one should take, or whether they
might cause harm.
Many so-called superfoods originate
from Chinese and Ayurvedic systems
of medicine and have been used
medicinally for thousands of years.
Although their benefits are not
evidence-based in the western sense,
such long-term use lends credence
to the idea of superfoods for those
fashionable and health-conscious
individuals searching for an elixir
of life. Since research in the 1970s
suggested vitamin C was an effective
cancer therapeutic, superfoods that
include antioxidants have spawned an
entire industry aimed at mopping up or
squelching these supposedly harmful
ROS. This trend has been met with an
Antioxidant-containing superfoods have spawned an entire industry
apathetic response from the scientific
community. After all, how much harm
can antioxidants do?
Human studies examining the oftenrepeated inverse connection between
fresh produce and cancer have led many
to recommend an intake of five servings
of fruit or vegetables per day, but even
this benign idea is questionable—
findings from a review done at Oxford
University showed no firm benefits.
Genetic variation means that no two
fruits or vegetables contain the same
amount of antioxidants and our own
genes and gut flora will in turn affect our
ability to absorb them. A solution, then,
has been to administer known amounts
of a variety of these compounds as a
supplement. However, once again, not
only have many trials shown equivocal
results, but the ATBC, CARET, and
SELECT studies were all stopped early
because of the emergence of data
implicating high concentrations of
vitamins A, C, and E, and β-carotene as
potentially promoting carcinogenesis.
The development of the Vitamin
and Mineral Supplement (ViMiS)
database at Cambridge University,
which includes 2066 supplements and
16 586 ingredients, is thus likely to
be very useful in the identification of
effective antioxidant preventatives and
the establishment of their potential
toxic effects or benefits.
A reasonable inference is that cancer
and its risk is regulated by a balance
between specific toxins and the
proteins and processes that control
their concentrations. Thus, under
normal physiological circumstances,
ROS concentrations are controlled by
a feedback loop in which the inputs
include cellular stressors and the
output includes activation of pathways
inside cells, which in turn controls
the activity of genes that produce
proteins implicated in detoxification
and elimination of ROS through direct
binding and mopping mechanisms
and actions. Research published in the
past few weeks shows that cancercausing genes themselves activate an
antioxidant pathway via a range of
mechanisms, and that production of
ROS is actually part of an anticancer
host defence. It’s a balance between
having some ROS to ward off cancer
cells but not too many to cause
damage to normal tissues. Some of the
newest, most exciting bench-to-bedside
targeted anticancer therapeutics specifically inhibit the activity of genes that
act to reduce ROS concentrations, so
by keeping these switched off, ROS
concentrations remain high. This can
subvert cancer cells’ ability to survive
when nutrients and oxygen are scarce,
especially when the cancer is just
starting to develop.
In the same way drug studies are
now being personalised, and directed
to the right cancer in the right person
at the right time, studies are needed
to establish whether antioxidants can
change cancer risk or the outcome
of cancer, depending on a person’s
genomic or indeed tumorigenic
fingerprint. Until these data are mature,
aiming to kill cancer cells by oxidative
stress while concomitantly reducing
ROS is a flawed and populist approach,
and that’s what the evidence suggests
thus far. The specific antioxidants
present in dietary or supplemental form
that might be beneficial or harmful
is unclear, so although an increase in
fresh fruit, vitamin, or supplement
consumption seems to do no harm,
we still await supportive evidence. To
take antioxidants out of context might
be more dangerous than we realise.
Intelligence is recognising that a
tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing
not to put one in a fruit salad.
*Justin Stebbing, Colin A Hart
Imperial College, London, UK (JS) and
University of Leicester, UK (CAH) Vol 12 October 2011