Quantum Tunneling in 1-D potentials - May-June 2012

The exact transmission co-efficient T c and reflection co-efficient R c of a one dimensional (1D) potential step, potential barrier, deformed step and asymmetrical potential barrier have been obtained. The nature of the T c and R c have been studied by varying potential parameters in all the above cases. Finally,a general FORTRAN program is developed for the calculation of T c and R c for all the above cases by using Gauss Elimination Method.

Summer Project Report Quantum Tunneling in One-Dimensional Potentials Agnish Dev Prusty Roll No-410PH5027, Fourth Semester, Integrated National Institute of Technology, Rourkela-769008 Guided by Dr. S. K. Agarwalla P. G. Department of Applied Physics and Ballistics F. M. University, Balasore-19 1 Abstract: The exact transmission co-efficient Tc and reflection co-efficient Rc of a one dimensional (1D) potential step, potential barrier, deformed step and asymmetrical potential barrier have been obtained. The nature of the Tc and Rc have been studied by varying potential parameters in all the above cases. Finally,a general FORTRAN program is developed for the calculation of Tc and Rc for all the above cases by using Gauss Elimination Method. 2 1 Introduction The transmission co-efficient of a potential barrier finds application in the fields like nuclear fission, heavy-ion fusion and the phenomenon of tunneling in solids. Since Tc and Rc contain information about the energy eigen spectrum (bound, quasi-bound and resonances) of the potential, the above two co-efficients become the very ingredients of the theory. In this report, I have calculated Tc and Rc for potential step, potential barrier, deformed step, deformed barrier in Section-I. I have also analysed the Tc and Rc for various cases by using FORTRAN programming in Section-II. In section-III, I have calculated Tc and Rc numerically by using Gauss-elimination procedure for all the above cases. Section-IV contains the results and discussions. 2 Formulation: 2.1 Potential Step V0 Region − I Region − II x=0 ✲ x Figure 1: Potential Step Function The nature of the potential step V(x) is: V (x) = V0 when x ≥ 0 = 0.0 elsewhere 3 (1) We analyze a time independent situation where a current of particles with a welldefined energy is incident on the potential step. The time independent Schroedinger equation(SE) is: Hψ(x) = Eψ(x) (2) h̄2 d2 ψ + V (x)ψ(x) = Eψ(x) 2m dx2 2m d2 ψ = − 2 (E − V (x))ψ(x) 2 dx h̄ − (3) (4) Qualitative Features Qualitative features of solutions for regions of constant V (x) = V0 , at x ≥ 0. Case-I: If E − V0 ≥ 0,the solutions are of the form e±ik1 x with h̄2 k12 2m = E − V0 ; k1 is real. Interpretation: Kinetic Energy of the particle in the region x ≥ 0 is E − V0 = h̄2 k12 . 2m So, in a region where the particle energy is greater than the (constant) potential, the solutions of the SE are plane waves e±ik1 x ; where E −V0 = h̄2 k12 2m is the kinetic energy of the particle in that region. Case-II: If E − V0 ≤ 0, the solutions are of the form e±αx with h̄2 α2 2m = V0 − E; α is real. Interpretation: These are damped exponentials with a decay length constant α (decay length α− 1); where h̄2 α2 2m = V0 − E represents the ”missing” kinetic energy of the particle. As E → V0 , the 4 decay length α−1 becomes longer and longer. NOTE: There is a non-zero probability to find the particle with energy E in a ”classically forbidden region” with E≤ V0 . The less the region is forbidden (the smaller V0 − E), the further the particle penetrates into the forbidden region (the longer the decay length α−1 ). The phenomenon is similar to the total internal reflection inside glass at a glass-vaccum interface. The light field has non-zero amplitude in the ”forbidden region”. How do we know? Approach with a second prism. The evanescent (decaying) field existing in the vaccum is converted back into a travelling wave in the second prism. Similarly, a particle can tunnel through a potential barrier even if its energy is insufficient to surpass it. Quantitative Features Case-I: E≥ V0 Define h̄2 k 2 =E 2m h̄2 k12 = E − V0 2m (K.E in region x < 0) (5) (K.E in region x≥ 0) (6) in the region x < 0 (7) in the region x≥ 0 (8) The most general solution is: Aeikx + Beikx Ceik1 x + Deik1 x Put D=0 (since there is no reflection from infinity). We can find constants A, B and C by using the following rules. 5 (i) The wavefunction is always continuous. (ii) The first spatial derivative of the wave function dψ dx is continuous. We get, k − k1 A k + k1 2k C= A k + k1 B= (9) (10) Reflection amplitude; r= k − k1 B = A k + k1 (11) t= C 2k = A k + k1 (12) Transmission amplitude; Reflection co-efficient; k − k1 2 ) k + k1 (13) 4k 2 (k + k1 )2 (14) Rc =| r |2 = ( Transmission co-effiecient; Tc =| t |2 = Reflection current; jr = h̄k  k − k1 2 h̄k | A |2 | B |2 = m m k + k1 (15) jt = h̄k1 h̄k 4kk1 | C |2 = | A |2 2 m m (k + k1 ) (16) Transmission Current; Net current for x < 0; jx<0 = h̄k 4kk1 h̄k (| A |2 − | B |2 ) = | A |2 m m (k + k1 )2 (17) h̄k 4kk1 h̄k1 | C |2 = | A |2 m m (k + k1 )2 (18) Net current for x ≥ 0; jx≥0 = 6 The current obeys the continuity equation ∂j ∂ + | ψ |2 = 0 ∂x ∂t Here, we are considering stationary states, ∂ | ∂t (19) ψ |2 = 0 (no change of probability density with respect to time) ⇒ j=constant, current is continuous across the potential step jx<0 = jx≥0 jin = jref + jtrans NOTE: Rc + Tc 6= 1 because the particle velocity is different for x≥0 from that for x<0 Discussion and results In contrast to classical mechanics, there is some reflection at the potential step even though the energy of the particle is sufficient to surpass it. This is familiar from optics; where a step-like change in the index of refraction leads to partial reflection. The particle reflection is a consequence of the matching of the wavefunction and its derivative at the boundary. Again, this is similar to optics where the matching of the electromagnetic fields at the boundary results in a reflected field. For a smooth change of potential, there is no reflection. What is smooth? A change over many wavelengths. Changes of potential over a distance l which is short compared to a wavelength λ = 2π k results in reflection. Slow changes of potential over many λ do not result in reflection if particle energy exceeds barrier height. Case-II: E< V0 We Define 7 Kinetic Energy (KE) for x<0 h̄2 k 2 2m =E Missing KE to surpass the barrier h̄2 α2 2m = V0 − E Most general solution ψ = Aeikx + Be−ikx for x<0 (20) ψ = Ce−αx + Deαx for x≥0 (21) The eαx term is not normalizable, D=0. We can go through the same procedure as before using the continuity of ψ and ψ ′ at x=0, or use the previous calculation if we set k1 = iα consequently, Rc =| B 2 | =1 A (22) A part of the wave penetrates the barrier which is why the ′ transmission′ amplitude does not vanish. Note, however, that there is no associated particle current: since Ce−βx does not have a spatially varying phase, the particle current j= h̄ ∂ψ ∂ψ ∗ (ψ ∗ −ψ ) 2im ∂x ∂x For x>0; j=0 The net current is zero in steady state because all particles are reflected. The reflected wave has an energy dependent phase shift. Reflection amplitude k − iα B = A k + iα k 2 − α2 − 2ikα = k 2 + α2 = eiφ r= 8 (23) where tanφ = − k22kα −α2 The phase shift of the wave is important in 3D scattering problems. Can we localize the particle in the forbidden region? To be sure that we have measured the particle inside the barrier, and not outside, we must measure its position at least with accuracy ∆x ≈ k−1 . Then according to Heisen- h̄ ∼ h̄k will be transferred on to berg uncertainity, a momentum kick exceeding ∆p ≥ ∆x the particle. 2.2 Square Potential Barrier V0 Region − I Region − II x=0 Region − III x=a ✲ x Figure 2: Square Potential Barrier The square potential barrier is V (x) = V0 0≤x≤a = 0.0 elsewhere (24) Case-I (E> V0 ):Resonances The solutions of the Schroedinger equations in region I, II and III are: ψ1 = Aeikx + Be−ikx 9 (25) ψ2 = Ceiαx + De−iαx (26) ψ3 = F eikx + Ge−ikx (27) Let us choose G=0 (no reflection from infinity). The matching conditions at x=a then give C and D in terms of F, and those at x=0 give A and B in terms of C and D. Thus we find: k 2 + α2 sin αa]eika F (28) 2kα α2 − k 2 sin αa eika F (29) B=i 2kα enable us to calculate the reflection coefficient Rc and the transmission coefficient A = [ cos αa − i B A and F A Tc of the barrier, which are Rc =| B 2 (k 2 − α2 ) sin2 αa | = 2 2 A 4k α + (k 2 − α2 )sin2 αa F 2 4k 2 α2 |= 2 2 A 4k α + (k 2 − α2 )sin2 αa It is easy to verify that Rc +Tc =1. Another form of Tc is Tc =| Tc = (30) (31) 4E(E − V0 ) (32) 4E(V0 − E) (33) q 4E(E − V0 ) + V 0 2 sin2 [ 2m(E − V0 )a/h̄] Case-II (E< V0 ): Tunnel effect We must now replace α by ik1 . We get Tc = q 4E(V0 − E) + V 0 2 sinh2 [ 2m(V0 − E)a/h̄] The wave function in the region-II is not zero, but has the behaviour of an ”evanescent wave” of the range 1/k1 . When a ≤ 1 , k1 the particle has a considerable probability of crossing the barrier by the ”tunnel effect”. The effect has numerous physical applications: the inversion of the ammonia molecule, the tunnel diode, the Josephson effect, the α decay of certain nuclei, etc. 10 2.3 Deformed Potential Step V2 Region − III V1 Region − I Region − II x=a x=0 ✲ x Figure 3: Deformed Potential step The Deformed Potential Step V(x) is V (x) = 0.0 x< 0 = V1 (34) 0≤x<a (35) x≥a (36) = V2 Let us take E>V2 . The solutions of the Schroedinger equations in region I, II and III are where k1 = √ 2mE , h̄ k2 = √ ψ1 = A1 eik1 x + B1 e−ik1 x (37) ψ2 = A2 eik2 x + B2 e−ik2 x (38) 2m(E−V1 ) h̄ ψ3 = A3 eik3 x √ 2m(E−V2 ) and k3 = . h̄ (39) By using boundary conditions at x=0 and x=a, we get (k1 − k2 )(k2 + k3 )e−ik2 a + (k1 + k2 )(k2 − k3 )eik2 a B1 = A1 (k1 + k2 )(k2 + k3 )e−ik2 a + (k1 − k2 )(k2 − k3 )eik2 a 11 (40) A3 4k1 k2 e−ik3 a = A1 (k1 + k2 )(k2 + k3 )e−ik2 a + (k1 − k2 )(k2 − k3 )eik2 a (41) The transmission co-efficient (Tc ) is Tc = k3 A3 2 | | k1 A1 (42) B1 2 | A1 (43) The reflection co-efficient (Rc ) is Rc =| 2.4 Asymmetric square barrier V2 Region − III V1 Region − I Region − IV Region − II x=a x=0 x=b ✲ x Figure 4: Asymmetric square barrier The Asymmetric square barrier V(x) is V (x) = 0.0 x< 0 = V1 0≤x<a = V2 a≤ x≤b = 0.0 12 x>b (44) Let us take E>V2 . The solutions of the Schroedinger equations in region I, II, III and IV are where k1 = √ 2mE , h̄ k2 = √ ψ1 = A1 eik1 x + B1 e−ik1 x (45) ψ2 = A2 eik2 x + B2 e−ik2 x (46) ψ3 = A3 eik3 x + B3 e−ik3 x (47) 2m(E−V1 ) h̄ ψ4 = A4 eik1 x √ 2m(E−V2 ) and k3 = . h̄ (48) By using boundary conditions at x=0, x=a and x=b, we get (k1 − k2 )e−ik2 a R1 + (k1 + k2 )eik2 a R2 B1 = A1 (k1 + k2 )e−ik2 a R1 + (k1 − k2 )eik2 a R2 (49) R1 = (k2 + k3 )(k3 + k1 )eik3 (a−b) + (k2 − k3 )(k3 − k1 )e−ik3 (a−b) (50) R2 = (k2 − k3 )(k3 + k1 )eik3 (a−b) + (k2 + k3 )(k3 − k1 )e−ik3 (a−b) (51) A4 8k1 k2 k3 = A1 T1 (k1 + k2 ) + T2 (k1 − k2 ) (52) where and where T1 = (k3 + k1 )(k2 + k3 )ei(k3 −k2 )a ei(k1 −k3 )b + (k3 − k1 )(k2 − k3 )e−i(k3 +k2 )a ei(k1 +k3 )b (53) T2 = (k3 + k1 )(k2 − k3 )ei(k3 +k2 )a ei(k1 −k3 )b + (k3 − k1 )(k2 + k3 )ei(k2 −k3 )a ei(k1 +k3 )b (54) Now the transmission co-efficient (Tc ) is Tc =| A4 2 | A1 (55) Rc =| B1 2 | A1 (56) and refelection coefficient (Rc ) is 13 3 Numerical Method Gauss Elimination Procedure It is a widely used method to find the solution of a set of linear independent equations. In this method, we proceed by eliminating the variables from the equations one by one. In order to understand this method, let us consider a set of linear independent equations: a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + ............ + a1n xn = a1,n+1 (57) a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + ............ + a2n xn = a2,n+1 (58) a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 + ............ + a3n xn = a3,n+1 (59) ................................ (60) ................................ (61) an1 x1 + an2 x2 + an3 x3 + ............ + ann xn = an,n+1 (62) having n independent variables x1 , x2 , x3 , .......xn . These variables are arranged in the equations of the set in a sequence so that they could be eliminated one by one. In the present set of the equations, we intend to elliminate x1 , x2 , x3 ,.......and xn−1 , one by one. Normalisation If a11 6=0, then the first equation is divided by a11 (the process is known as normalisation)to get x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + ............ + a1n xn = a1,n+1 where a1j ,j=2,3,.....,n+1,is replaced by a1j . a11 Now, we multiply this equation separately by a21 , a31 ,............and an1 , and substract the product from the second, third,.....and nth equation respectively, and we get the set of equations: 14 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + ............ + a1n xn = a1,n+1 (63) a22 x2 + a23 x3 + ............ + a2n xn = a2,n+1 (64) a32 x2 + a33 x3 + ............ + a3n xn = a3,n+1 (65) ................................ (66) an2 x2 + an3 x3 + ............ + ann xn = an,n+1 (67) where aij ,i=2,3,.....,n+1,is replaced by aij − ai1 ∗ a1j . Thus, the variable x1 is eliminated from the second two equations. If a22 6=0, then the second equation is divided by a22 (normalization)to get x2 + a23 x3 + ............ + a2n xn = a2,n+1 where aij , j=3,4,....., n+1, is replaced by a2j . a22 Now, we multiply this equation, separately, by a32 , a42 ,..... and an2 and substract the product from the third,fourth,..... and nth equations as: x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + ............ + a1n xn = a1,n+1 (68) x2 + a23 x3 + ............ + a2n xn = a2,n+1 (69) a33 x3 + ............ + a3n xn = a3,n+1 (70) ................................ (71) an3 x3 + ............ + ann xn = an,n+1 (72) where aij , j=3,4,.....,n+1, is replaced by a1j − ai2 ∗ a2j . Thus, the variable x2 is eliminated from the third to nth equations. 15 Similarly, the process continues for each variable, one by one. For example, for the kth variable, the kth equation is divided by akk (normalization) and then the element aij , j=k+1,.....,n+1, in the equations is replaced by 1j − aik ∗ akj . In the said process, if some pivot element akk is zero, this kth equation (provided that it is not last one) is replaced by one of the equations following the kth equation. So that akk is zero. The process continues until we arrive at the set of equations where the nth equation is given by: ann xn = an,n+1 Now,we divided the equation by ann (normalization) and get xn = an,n+1 , where an,n+1 is an,n+1 . ann Finally, the set of equations reduces to: x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + ............ + a1n xn = a1,n+1 (73) x2 + a23 x3 + ............ + a2n xn = a2,n+1 (74) x3 + ............ + a3n xn = a3,n+1 (75) ................................ (76) xn = an,n+1 (77) Back Substitution Now, from this final set of equations, the values of the unknown variables can be obtained by the process of back substitution which is as follows. From the last equation of the final set,we know the value of xn . By substituting the value of xn in the last but one equation, we can calculate the value of xn−1 . This process of back substitution continues getting the values of xn−2 , xn−3 and so on. This process of back substitution can be expressed as xi = xi − Pn j=i+1 aij xj , i=n-1,....,1. The algorithm consists of the following three major steps: 1.Read the matrix A.(n-equations) 16 2.Reduce it to upper triangular form. (by normalisation) 3.Use back sustitution to get the solution. 3.1 Applications Potential Step For the potential-step, the linear equations are: B1 − A2 = −1 (78) −ik1 B1 − ik2 A2 = −ik1 (79) Thus,the matrix forms are given by:  [A] =    1 −1  −ik1 −ik2    B1  [X] =    A2   [Y ] =   −1  −ik1  Now by using Gauss Elimination Method one can find the Transmission coefficient Tc and Reflection coefficient Rc . 17 Square potential Barrier After using the boundary conditions the linear equations, for square potential barrier, are: B1 − A2 − B2 + 0 ∗ A3 = −1 (80) −ik1 B1 − ik2 A2 + ik2 B2 + 0 ∗ A3 = −ik1 (81) 0 ∗ B1 + eik2 a A2 + e−ik2 a B2 − eik1 a A3 = 0 (82) B1 + ik2 eik2 a A2 − ik2 e−ik2 a B2 − ik1 eik1 a A3 = 0 (83) Thus,the matrix forms are given by:  [A] =          1 −1 −1 0 −ik1 −ik2 ik2 0 0 eik2 a e−ik2 a −eik1 a 0 ik2 eik2 a −ik2 e−ik2 a −ik1 eik1 a    B1       A2  [X] =      B2 A3         −1       −ik1  [Y ] =      18 0 0                Now by using Gauss Elimination Method one can find the Transmission coefficient Tc and Reflection coefficient Rc . Deformed Step Similarly, for the deformed potential-step, the linear equations are: B1 − A2 − B2 + 0 ∗ A3 = −1 (84) −ik1 B1 − ik2 A2 + ik2 B2 + 0 ∗ A3 = −ik1 (85) 0 ∗ B1 + eik2 a A2 + e−ik2 a B2 − eik3 a A3 = 0 (86) B1 + ik2 eik2 a A2 − ik2 e−ik2 a B2 − ik3 eik3 a A3 = 0 (87) Thus,the matrix forms are given by:  [A] =          1 −1 −1 0 −ik1 −ik2 ik2 0 0 eik2 a e−ik2 a −eik3 a 0 ik2 eik2 a −ik2 e−ik2 a −ik3 eik3 a    B1       A2  [X] =      19 B2 A3                 [Y ] =           −1   −ik1   0 0      Now by using Gauss Elimination Method one can find the Transmission coefficient Tc and Reflection coefficient Rc . Deformed Square Barrier For the asymmetric potential-barrier,the linear equations are: B1 − A2 − B2 + 0 ∗ A3 + 0 ∗ B3 + 0 ∗ A4 = −1 (88) −ik1 B1 − ik2 A2 + ik2 B2 + 0 ∗ A3 + 0 ∗ B3 + 0 ∗ A4 = −ik1 (89) 0 ∗ B1 + eik2 a A2 + e−ik2 a B2 − eik3 a A3 + 0 ∗ A4 = 0 (90) B1 + ik2 eik2 a A2 − ik2 e−ik2 a B2 − ik3 eik3 a A3 + 0 ∗ A4 = 0 (91) 0 ∗ B1 + 0 ∗ A2 + 0 ∗ B2 + eik3 b A3 + e−ik3 b B3 − eik1 b A4 = 0 (92) 0 ∗ B1 + 0 ∗ A2 + 0 ∗ B2 + ik3 eik3 b A3 − ik3 e−ik3 b B3 − ik1 eik1 b A4 = 0 (93) Thus,the matrix forms are given by: 20  [A] =                 1 −1 −1 0 −ik1 −ik2 ik2 0 0 0 0 eik2 a e−ik2 a −eik3 a −e−ik3 a 0 ik3 e−ik3 a 0 e−ik3 b −eik1 b 0 0 ik2 eik2 a −ik2 e−ik2 a −ik3 eik3 a 0 0 0 eik3 b 0 0 0 ik3 eik3 b                           0 −ik3 e−ik3 b −ik1 eik1 b                  B  1     A   2  [X] = B2 A3 B3 A4                           −1      −ik   1  [Y ] = 0 0 0 0 Now by using Gauss Elimination Method one can find the Transmission coefficient Tc and Reflection coefficient Rc . 21 Potential Step 1 V0=10.0 fm-2 Tc 0.8 Tc,Rc 0.6 0.4 Rc 0.2 0 10 12 14 E [fm-2] 16 18 20 Figure 5: Variations of Transmission coefficient Tc and Reflection coefficient Rc as a function of energy E in fm−2 for the 1D potential step with step height V0 =10.0 fm−2 . Here e>V0 . 4 Results and Discussions In Figure-5, we have shown that the Tc and Rc as a function of energy E. Tc strats from zero and gradually increases slowly towards maximum value 1. Similarly, Rc starts from one and gradually decreases slowly towards minimum value 0. Here E > V0 . In Figure-6, we have shown that the Tc and Rc as a function of energy E. Tc and Rc are oscillatory in nature. The Oscillations are controlled by varying the potential parameters 22 Potential Barrier 1 V0=10.0 fm-2 0.8 Tc a=5.0 fm Tc,Rc 0.6 0.4 Rc 0.2 0 10 12 14 E [fm-2] 16 18 20 Figure 6: Variations of Transmission coefficient Tc and Reflection coefficient Rc as a function of energy E in fm−2 for the 1D potential barrier with barrier height V0 =10.0 fm−2 and width a=5.0 fm. Here e>V0 . 23 Potential Barrier 1 0.8 Tc 0.6 V0=10.0 fm-2 0.4 E=12.0 fm-2 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 Width (a) [fm] 8 10 Figure 7: Variations of Transmission coefficient Tc as a function of width ’a’ for the 1D potential barrier with barrier height V0 =10.0 fm−2 and E=12.0 fm. Here e>V0 . that is potential height (V0 ) and width ’a’. Maxima of Tc or minima of Rc are the resonance energies of the 1D square potential barrier. At these energies the particle suffer maximum transmission and minimum reflection in classical continuum. Plotting of Tc and Rc as of function of energy E is a powerful technique for the identification of resonances in 1D potential scattering. The variations with respect to ’a’ of the transmission coefficient Tc are shown in Figure-7 (with fixed value of V0 and ’E’): Tc oscillates periodically between its minimum value and its maximum value 1. This function is the analogue of the one which describes the 24 transmission of a Febry-Perot interferometer. As in optics, the resonances correspond to the values of ’a’ which is integral multiples of the half wavelength of the particle in Region-II. When E>V0 , the reflection of the particle at each of the potential discontinuities occurs without a phase shift of the wave function. This is why the resonance condition k2 a = nπ corresponds to the values of ’a’ for which a system of standing waves can exist in Region-II. On the other hand, far from the resonances, the various waves which are reflected at x=0 and x=a destory each other by interference, so that the values of the wave function are small. A study of the propagation of a wave packet would show that, if the resonance condition is satisfied, the wave packet spends a relatively long time in RegionII. In quantum mechanics this phenomenon is called resonance scattering. In Figure-7, resonances appear at ’a’=2.22 fm, 4.44 fm, 6.66fm so on. These values are exactly integral multiple of the half wavelegth or π/k2. In Figure-8, the non-zero value of Tc for classical forbidden region clearly indicates the quantum tunneling effect. In Figure-9, the variation of Tc as a function of energy E are shown for various deformed potential parameters. In Figure-9(a): V1 =V2 =10.0 and a=5.0 which gives the result of potential step with height 10.0. In Figure-9(b): V1 =5.0, V2 =10.0, a=5.0. In this case the leftside step has height less than the right one. Here, Tc is slightly oscillatory near the barrier height. But the oscillations donot stand for any resonance energies because Tc is less than 1. In figure-9(c):V1 =10.0, V2 =5.0, a=5.0. In this case the rightside step has less height than the left one. Here, Tc is more oscillatory in comparision to the case (b). Below barrier oscillations are generated by proper deformation in the step potential. In Figure-10, the variations of Tc as a function of energy E are shown for asymmetric barrier. Left barrier height is smaller than the right barrier which is shown in 10(a): V1 =5.0, V2 =10.0 a=4.0, b=5.0 Similarly, right barrier height is smaller than left barrier 25 Potential Barrier 1 Rc 0.8 Tc,Rc 0.6 V0=10.0 fm-2 0.4 a=2.0 fm 0.2 Tc 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 E [fm-2] Figure 8: Variations of Transmission coefficient Tc and Reflection coefficient Rc as a function of energy E in fm−2 for the 1D potential barrier with barrier height V0 =10.0 fm−2 and width a=4.0 fm. Here e<V0 . 26 Deformed Step 1 (c) 0.8 (b) (a) Tc 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 E [fm-2] Figure 9: Variations of Transmission coefficient Tc as a function of energy E in fm−2 for the 1D deformed step with different potential parameters. (a)here the potential parametes are V1 =10.0, V2 =10.0 and a=5.0. (b)V1 =5.0, V2 =10.0, a=5.0 (c)V1 =10.0, V2 =5.0, a=5.0 27 Asymmetric Barrier 1 (b) 0.8 Tc 0.6 0.4 (a) 0.2 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 E [fm-2] Figure 10: Variations of Transmission coefficient Tc as a function of energy E in fm−2 for the 1D asymmetric barrier with different potential parameters. (a)here the potential parametes are V1 =5.0, V2 =10.0 a=4.0, b=5.0. (b)V1 =10.0, V2 =5.0, a=4.0 , b=5.0 28 which is shown in 10(b):(b)V1 =10.0, V2 =5.0, a=4.0 , b=5.0. Different deformation in barrier generates different transmission probability. A suitable deformation can generate resonances above the barrier. 5 Acknowledgement I am greatful to Dr. S. K. Jena sir, Head of the Department, Department of Physics, N. I. T, Rourkela for forwarding my summer project application to the F. M. University, Balasore. I am also thankful to Dr. K. C. Pati, Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, N. I. T, Rourkela, for his valuable advice regarding this project work. I am very much thankful to Dr. M. C. Adhikary sir, Head of the Department, P. G. Department of Applied Physics and Ballistics, F. M. University, Balasore, for allowing me to do the summer project at his Department with all the facilites. I am also thankful to Manoj bhai, Sapan bhai for their useful advice and support during the project work. 6 References (1) Quantum Mecahnics, Vol-I, Cohen-Tanuji. (2) Quantum Mechanics, Merzbacher. (3) Quantum Mechanics, Joichan. 29