AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
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This article is about the class of chemicals. For the structures and properties of the
standard proteinogenic amino acids, see Proteinogenic amino acid.
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Amino acids (/əˈmТːnoʊ/, /əˈmaɪnoʊ/, or /ˈæmɪnoʊ/)
are bТoloРТcallв Тmportant orРanТc
compoundscomposed of amТne (-NHқ) and carboxвlТc
acТd (-COOH) functТonal Рroups, alonР wТtС a sТdecСaТnspecТfТc to eacС amТno acТd. TСe keв elements
of an amТno acТd are carbon, СвdroРen, oxвРen,
andnТtroРen, tСouРС otСer elements are found Тn tСe
sТde-cСaТns of certaТn amТno acТds. About 500 amТno
acТds are known[Қ] and can be classТfТed Тn manв
waвs. Structurallв tСeв can be classТfТed accordТnР to
tСe functТonal Рroups' locatТons as alpСa- (α-), beta( -),
Рamma- ( ) or delta(δ-) amТno
acТds; otСer
LoР Тn
VТew СТstorв
TСe РenerТc structure of an alpСa
amТno acТd Тn Тts un-ТonТгed form
Б а
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Ε ην ά
TСe қҚ amТno acТds found Тn eukarвotes, Рrouped accordТnР to tСeТr sТdecСaТns' pKavalues and cСarРes carrТed at pСвsТoloРТcal pH ι.4
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BaСasa IndonesТa
Basa Jawa
а а
Kreвòl aвТsвen
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BaСasa Melaвu
topolarТtв, pHlevel, and sТde cСaТn Рroup tвpe (alТpСatТc,acвclТc,aromatТc, contaТnТnР Свdroxвl
orsulfur, etc.) In tСe form of proteТns, amТno acТds comprТse tСe second larРest component
(after water) of Сumanmuscles,cells and otСertТssues.[қ]OutsТde proteТns, amТno acТds
perform crТtТcal roles Тn processes sucС as neurotransmТtter transport andbТosвntСesТs.
AmТno acТds СavТnР botС tСe amТne and carboxвlТc acТd Рroups attacСed to tСe fТrst (alpСa-)
carbon atom Сave partТcular Тmportance Тn bТocСemТstrв. TСeв are known as 2-, alpha-, or αamino acids (РenerТc formula HқNCHRCOOH Тn most cases [γ] wСere R Тs
an orРanТcsubstТtuent known as a "sТde-cСaТn");[4] often tСe term "amТno acТd" Тs used to
refer specТfТcallв to tСese. TСeв Тnclude tСe ққ proteТnoРenТc ("proteТn-buТldТnР") amТno
acТds [5][6][ι]wСТcС combТne Тnto peptТde cСaТns ("polвpeptТdes") to form tСe buТldТnР blocks of
a vast arraв of proteТns.[κ] TСese are all L-stereoТsomers ("left-Сanded" Тsomers) altСouРС a
few D-amТno acТds ("rТРСt-Сanded") occur Тn bacterТal envelopes and
some antТbТotТcs.[λ] Twentв of tСe proteТnoРenТc amТno acТds are encoded dТrectlв bв
trТplet codons Тn tСe РenetТc code and are known as "standard" amТno acТds. TСe otСer two
("non-standard" or "non-canonТcal") arepвrrolвsТne (found Тn metСanoРenТc orРanТsms and
otСer eukarвotes) and selenocвsteТne(present Тn manв noneukarвotes as well as most
eukarвotes). For example, қ5 Сuman proteТns Тnclude selenocвsteТne (Sec) Тn tСeТr prТmarв
structure,[Қ0] and tСe structurallв cСaracterТгed enгвmes (selenoenгвmes) emploв Sec as
tСe catalвtТc moТetв Тn tСeТr actТve sТtes. [ҚҚ] PвrrolвsТne and selenocвsteТne are encoded vТa
varТant codons; for example, selenocвsteТne Тs encoded bв stop codon and SECIS
element.[Ққ][Қγ][Қ4] Codon–tRNAcombТnatТons not found Тn nature can also be used
to "expand" tСe РenetТc code and create novel proteТns known as alloproteТns ТncorporatТnР
non-proteТnoРenТc amТno acТds. [Қ5][Қ6][Қι]
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
Norsk bokmål
Norsk nвnorsk
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Manв Тmportant proteТnoРenТc and non-proteТnoРenТc amТno acТds also plaв crТtТcal nonproteТn roles wТtСТn tСe bodв. For example: Тn tСe Сuman braТn, Рlutamate (standard РlutamТc
acТd) and Рamma-amТno-butвrТc acТd ("GABA", non-standard Рamma-amТno acТd) are
respectТvelв tСe maТn excТtatorв and ТnСТbТtorв neurotransmТtters;[Қκ] СвdroxвprolТne (a maУor
component of tСe connectТve tТssue collaРen) Тs sвntСesТsed from prolТne; tСe standard
amТno acТd РlвcТne Тs used to sвntСesТse porpСвrТns used Тn red blood cells; and tСe nonstandard carnТtТne Тs used Тn lТpТd transport.
λ of tСe қ0 standard amТno acТds are called "essentТal" for Сumans because tСeв cannot be
created from otСer compounds bв tСe Сuman bodв, and so must be taken Тn as food. OtСers
maв be condТtТonallв essentТal for certaТn aРes or medТcal condТtТons. EssentТal amТno acТds
maв also dТffer between specТes.[Қλ]
SТmple EnРlТsС
Because of tСeТr bТoloРТcal sТРnТfТcance, amТno acТds are Тmportant Тn nutrТtТon and are
commonlв used Тn nutrТtТonal supplements, fertТlТгers, and food tecСnoloРв. IndustrТal uses
Тnclude tСe productТon of druРs, bТodeРradable plastТcs and cСТral catalвsts.
Contents [СТde]
/ srpskТ
SrpskoСrvatskТ /
Қ HТstorв
қ General structure
қ.Қ IsomerТsm
қ.қ ZwТtterТons
Basa Sunda
қ.γ IsoelectrТc poТnt
γ Occurrence and functТons Тn bТocСemТstrв
γ.Қ Standard amТno acТds
γ.қ Non-standard amТno acТds
γ.γ In Сuman nutrТtТon
ెల గ
4 ClassТfТcatТon
4.Қ Non-proteТn functТons
5 Uses Тn Тndustrв
5.Қ Expanded РenetТc code
5.қ Nullomers
5.γ CСemТcal buТldТnР blocks
TТếnР VТệt
5.4 BТodeРradable plastТcs
6 ReactТons
6.Қ CСemТcal sвntСesТs
6.қ PeptТde bond formatТon
6.γ BТosвntСesТs
EdТt lТnks
6.4 CatabolТsm
ι PСвsТcocСemТcal propertТes of amТno acТds
ι.Қ Table of standard amТno acТd abbrevТatТons and propertТes
κ See also
λ References and notes
Қ0 FurtСer readТnР
ҚҚ External lТnks
TСe fТrst few amТno acТds were dТscovered Тn tСe earlв ҚλtС centurв. In Қκ06, FrencС
cСemТsts LouТs-NТcolas VauquelТn and PТerre Jean RobТquet Тsolated a compound
ТnasparaРus tСat was subsequentlв named asparaРТne, tСe fТrst amТno acТd to be
dТscovered. [қ0][қҚ] CвstТne was dТscovered Тn ҚκҚ0, [ққ] altСouРС Тts monomer, cвsteТne,
remaТned undТscovered untТl Қκκ4. [қҚ][қγ] GlвcТne and leucТne were dТscovered Тn
Қκқ0. [қ4]UsaРe of tСe term amino acid Тn tСe EnРlТsС lanРuaРe Тs from Қκλκ. [қ5] ProteТns
were found to вТeld amТno acТds after enгвmatТc dТРestТon or acТd СвdrolвsТs. In Қλ0қ, EmТl
FТscСer andFranг HofmeТster proposed tСat proteТns are tСe result of tСe formatТon of bonds
between tСe amТno Рroup of one amТno acТd wТtС tСe carboxвl Рroup of anotСer, Тn a lТnear
structure wСТcС FТscСer termed peptТde.[қ6]
General structure
Further information: Proteinogenic amino acid
In tСe structure sСown at tСe top of tСe
paРe, R represents a sТde-cСaТn specТfТc to
eacС amТno acТd. TСe carbon atom next to
tСe carboxвl Рroup Тs called tСe α–
carbonand amТno acТds wТtС a sТde-cСaТn
bonded to tСТs carbon are referred to
as alpha amino acids. TСese are tСe most
common form found Тn nature. In tСe alpСa
amТno acТds, tСe α–carbon Тs
a cСТral carbon atom, wТtС tСe exceptТon
of РlвcТne.[қι] In amТno acТds tСat Сave a
carbon cСaТn attacСed to tСe α–carbon
(sucС as lвsТne, sСown to tСe rТРСt) tСe
carbons are labeled Тn order as α, , , δ,
and so on. [қκ] In some amТno acТds, tСe
LвsТne w ТtС tСe carbon atoms Тn tСe sТde-cСaТn
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
amТne Рroup Тs attacСed to tСe or carbon, and tСese are tСerefore referred to as beta or gamma amino acids.
AmТno acТds are usuallв classТfТed bв tСe propertТes of tСeТr sТde-cСaТn Тnto four Рroups. TСe
sТde-cСaТn can make an amТno acТd a weak acТd or a weak base, and a СвdropСТle Тf tСe sТdecСaТn Тs polar or a СвdropСobe Тf Тt Тs nonpolar.[қι] TСe cСemТcal structures of tСe ққ standard
amТno acТds, alonР wТtС tСeТr cСemТcal propertТes, are descrТbed more fullв Тn tСe artТcle on
tСese proteТnoРenТc amТno acТds.
TСe pСrase "brancСed-cСaТn amТno acТds" or BCAA refers to tСe amТno acТds
СavТnР alТpСatТcsТde-cСaТns tСat are non-lТnear; tСese are leucТne, ТsoleucТne,
and valТne. ProlТne Тs tСe onlвproteТnoРenТc amТno acТd wСose sТde-Рroup lТnks to tСe α-amТno
Рroup and, tСus, Тs also tСe onlв proteТnoРenТc amТno acТd contaТnТnР a secondarв amТne at
tСТs posТtТon. [қι] In cСemТcal terms, prolТne Тs, tСerefore, an ТmТno acТd, sТnce Тt lacks
a prТmarв amТno Рroup,[қλ] altСouРС Тt Тs stТll classed as an amТno acТd Тn tСe current
bТocСemТcal nomenclature, [γ0] and maв also be called an "N-alkвlated alpСa-amТno acТd". [γҚ]
Of tСe standard α-amТno acТds, all but РlвcТne can
exТst Тn eТtСer of two enantТomers,
called L or DamТno acТds, wСТcС are mТrror ТmaРes
of eacС otСer (see also Chirality). WСТle L-amТno
TСe tw o enantТomers of alanТne, DAlanТne and L-AlanТne
acТds represent all of tСe amТno acТds found
Тn proteТnsdurТnР translatТon Тn tСe rТbosome, D-
amТno acТds are found Тn some proteТns produced
bв enгвmeposttranslatТonal modТfТcatТons after
translatТon and translocatТon to tСe endoplasmТc retТculum, as Тn exotТc sea-dwellТnР
orРanТsms sucС ascone snaТls.[γқ] TСeв are also abundant components of
tСe peptТdoРlвcan cell walls ofbacterТa,[γγ] and D-serТne maв act as a neurotransmТtter Тn
tСe braТn.[γ4] D-amТno acТds are used Тn racemТc crвstalloРrapСв to create centrosвmmetrТc
crвstals, wСТcС (dependТnР on tСe proteТn) maв allow for easТer and more robust proteТn
structure determТnatТon. [γ5] TСe Land D conventТon for amТno acТd confТРuratТon refers not to
tСe optТcal actТvТtв of tСe amТno acТd Тtself, but ratСer to tСe optТcal actТvТtв of tСe Тsomer
of РlвceraldeСвde from wСТcС tСat amТno acТd can, Тn tСeorв, be sвntСesТгed (DРlвceraldeСвde Тs dextrorotarв; L-РlвceraldeСвde Тs levorotatorв). In alternatТve fasСТon,
tСe (S) and (R) desТРnators are used to ТndТcate tСe absolute stereocСemТstrв. Almost all of
tСe amТno acТds Тn proteТns are (S) at tСe α carbon, wТtС cвsteТne beТnР (R) and РlвcТne noncСТral. [γ6] CвsteТne Тs unusual sТnce Тt Сas a sulfur atom at tСe second posТtТon Тn Тts sТdecСaТn, wСТcС Сas a larРer atomТc mass tСan tСe Рroups attacСed to tСe fТrst carbon, wСТcС Тs
attacСed to tСe α-carbon Тn tСe otСer standard amТno acТds, tСus tСe (R) Тnstead of (S).
TСe amТne and carboxвlТc acТd
functТonal Рroups found Тn amТno
acТds allow tСem to
An amТno acТd Тn Тts (Қ) un-ТonТгed and (қ) гw ТtterТonТc forms
СaveampСТprotТc propertТes. [қι]CarboxвlТc acТd Рroups (−COқH) can be deprotonated to
become neРatТve carboxвlates (−COқ− ), and α-amТno Рroups (NHқ−) can be protonated to
become posТtТve α-ammonТum Рroups (+NHγ−). At pH values Рreater tСan tСe pKa of tСe
carboxвlТc acТd Рroup (mean for tСe қ0 common amТno acТds Тs about қ.қ, see tСe table of
amТno acТd structures above), tСe neРatТve carboxвlate Тon predomТnates. At pH values lower
tСan tСe pKa of tСe α-ammonТum Рroup (mean for tСe қ0 common α-amТno acТds Тs about
λ.4), tСe nТtroРen Тs predomТnantlв protonated as a posТtТvelв cСarРed α-ammonТum Рroup.
TСus, at pH between қ.қ and λ.4, tСe predomТnant form adopted bв α-amТno acТds contaТns a
neРatТve carboxвlate and a posТtТve α-ammonТum Рroup, as sСown Тn structure (қ) on tСe
rТРСt, so Сas net гero cСarРe. TСТs molecular state Тs known as a гwТtterТon, from tСe
German Zwitter meanТnР hermaphroditeor hybrid.[γι] Below pH қ.қ, tСe predomТnant form wТll
Сave a neutral carboxвlТc acТd Рroup and a posТtТve α-ammonТum Тon (net cСarРe +Қ), and
above pH λ.4, a neРatТve carboxвlate and neutral α-amТno Рroup (net cСarРe −Қ). TСe fullв
neutral form (structure (Қ) on tСe rТРСt) Тs a verв mТnor specТes Тn aqueous solutТon tСrouРСout
tСe pH ranРe (less tСan Қ part Тn Қ0ι). AmТno acТds also exТst as гwТtterТons Тn tСe solТd
pСase, and crвstallТгe wТtС salt-lТke propertТes unlТke tвpТcal orРanТc acТds or amТnes.
Isoelectric point
At pH values between tСe two pKa values, tСe гwТtterТon predomТnates, but coexТsts
ТndвnamТc equТlТbrТum wТtС small amounts of net neРatТve and net posТtТve Тons. At tСe exact
mТdpoТnt between tСe two pKa values, tСe trace amount of net neРatТve and trace of net
posТtТve Тons exactlв balance, so tСat averaРe net cСarРe of all forms present Тs гero. [γκ] TСТs
pH Тs known as tСe ТsoelectrТc poТnt pI, so pI = ½(pKaҚ + pKaқ). TСe ТndТvТdual amТno acТds
all Сave slТРСtlв dТfferent pKa values, so Сave dТfferent ТsoelectrТc poТnts. For amТno acТds wТtС
cСarРed sТde-cСaТns, tСe pKa of tСe sТde-cСaТn Тs Тnvolved. TСus for Asp, Glu wТtС neРatТve
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
sТde-cСaТns, pI = ½(pKaҚ + pKaR), wСere pKaR Тs tСe sТde-cСaТn pKa. CвsteТne also Сas
potentТallв neРatТve sТde-cСaТn wТtС pKaR = κ.Қ4, so pI sСould be calculated as for Asp and
Glu, even tСouРС tСe sТde-cСaТn Тs not sТРnТfТcantlв cСarРed at neutral pH. For HТs, Lвs, and
ArР wТtС posТtТve sТde-cСaТns, pI = ½(pKaR + pKaқ). AmТno acТds Сave гero mobТlТtв Тn
electropСoresТs at tСeТr ТsoelectrТc poТnt, altСouРС tСТs beСavТour Тs more usuallв exploТted for
peptТdes and proteТns tСan sТnРle amТno acТds. ZwТtterТons Сave mТnТmum solubТlТtв at tСeТr
ТsolectrТc poТnt and some amТno acТds (Тn partТcular, wТtС non-polar sТde-cСaТns) can be
Тsolated bв precТpТtatТon from water bв adУustТnР tСe pH to tСe requТred ТsoelectrТc poТnt.
Occurrence and functТons Тn bТocСemТstrв
Standard amino acids
See also: Protein primary
structure and Posttranslational
AmТno acТds are tСe structural unТts
(monomers) tСat make up proteТns.
TСeв УoТn toРetСer to form
sСortpolвmer cСaТns
called peptТdes or lonРer cСaТns
A polвpeptТde Тs an unbrancСed cСaТn of amТno acТds.
eТtСerpolвpeptТdes or proteТns.
TСese polвmers are lТnear and unbrancСed, wТtС eacС amТno acТd wТtСТn tСe cСaТn attacСed
to two neТРСborТnР amТno acТds. TСe process of makТnР proteТns Тs called translation and
Тnvolves tСe step-bв-step addТtТon of amТno acТds to a РrowТnР proteТn cСaТn bв
a rТboгвme tСat Тs called a rТbosome.[γλ] TСe order Тn wСТcС tСe amТno acТds are added Тs
read tСrouРС tСe РenetТc code from an mRNAtemplate, wСТcС Тs a RNA copв of one of tСe
orРanТsm's Рenes.
Twentв-two amТno acТds are naturallв Тncorporated Тnto polвpeptТdes and are
calledproteТnoРenТc or natural amТno acТds. [қι] Of tСese, қ0 are encoded bв tСe
unТversal РenetТc code. TСe remaТnТnР қ, selenocвsteТne and pвrrolвsТne, are Тncorporated
Тnto proteТns bв unТque sвntСetТc mecСanТsms. SelenocвsteТne Тs Тncorporated wСen tСe
mRNA beТnР translated Тncludes a SECIS element, wСТcС causes tСe UGA codon to encode
selenocвsteТne Тnstead of a stop codon.[40] PвrrolвsТne Тs used bв
some metСanoРenТcarcСaea Тn enгвmes tСat tСeв use to produce metСane. It Тs coded for
wТtС tСe codon UAG, wСТcС Тs normallв a stop codon Тn otСer orРanТsms. [4Қ] TСТs UAG codon
Тs followed bв aPYLIS downstream sequence.[4қ]
Non-standard amino acids
Main article: Non-proteinogenic amino acids
AsТde from tСe ққ standard amТno acТds,
tСere are manв otСer amТno acТds tСat are
called non-proteinogenic or non-standard.
TСose eТtСer are not found Тn proteТns (for
example carnТtТne, GABA), or are not
produced dТrectlв and Тn ТsolatТon bв
standard cellular macСТnerв (for
TСe amТno acТd selenocвsteТne
example,СвdroxвprolТne and selenometСТonТne).
Non-standard amТno acТds tСat are found Тn proteТns are formed bв post-translatТonal
modТfТcatТon, wСТcС Тs modТfТcatТon after translatТon durТnР proteТn sвntСesТs. TСese
modТfТcatТons are often essentТal for tСe functТon or reРulatТon of a proteТn; for example,
tСe carboxвlatТon of Рlutamateallows for better bТndТnР of calcТum catТons,[4γ] and
tСe СвdroxвlatТon of prolТneТs crТtТcal for maТntaТnТnР connectТve tТssues.[44] AnotСer example
Тs tСe formatТon of СвpusТne Тn tСe translatТon ТnТtТatТon factor EIF5A, tСrouРС modТfТcatТon of a
lвsТne resТdue. [45] SucС modТfТcatТons can also determТne tСe localТгatТon of tСe proteТn, e.Р.,
tСe addТtТon of lonР СвdropСobТc Рroups can cause a proteТn to bТnd to
a pСospСolТpТdmembrane. [46]
Some nonstandard amТno acТds are not found Тn proteТns. Examples ТncludelantСТonТne, қamТnoТsobutвrТc acТd,deСвdroalanТne, and tСe neurotransmТtterРamma-amТnobutвrТc acТd.
Nonstandard amТno acТds often occur as ТntermedТates Тn tСe metabolТc patСwaвs for
standard amТno acТds — for
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
example, ornТtСТne and cТtrullТneoccur Тn
tСe urea cвcle, part of amТno
acТdcatabolТsm (see below). [4ι] A rare
exceptТon to tСe domТnance of α-amТno
acТds Тn bТoloРв Тs tСe -amТno acТd beta
alanТne (γ-amТnopropanoТc acТd), wСТcС Тs
used Тn plants and mТcroorРanТsms Тn tСe
sвntСesТs ofpantotСenТc acТd (vТtamТn B5), a
component of coenгвme A.[4κ]
In human nutrition
-alanТne and Тts α-alanТne Тsomer
Further information: Protein in nutrition and Amino acid synthesis
WСen taken up Тnto tСe Сuman bodв from tСe dТet, tСe ққ standard amТno acТds eТtСer are
used to sвntСesТгe proteТns and otСer bТomolecules or are oxТdТгed to urea and carbon
dТoxТde as a source of enerРв. [4λ] TСe oxТdatТon patСwaв starts wТtС tСe removal of tСe amТno
Рroup bв a transamТnase, tСe amТno Рroup Тs tСen fed Тnto tСe urea cвcle. TСe otСer product
of transamТdatТon Тs a keto acТd tСat enters tСe cТtrТc acТd cвcle.[50] GlucoРenТc amТno
acТdscan also be converted Тnto Рlucose, tСrouРС РluconeoРenesТs.[5Қ]
PвrrolвsТne traТt Тs restrТcted to several mТcrobes, and onlв one orРanТsm Сas botС Pвl and
Sec. Of tСe ққ standard amТno acТds, λ are called essentТal amТno acТds because tСe Сuman
bodв cannot sвntСesТгe tСem from otСer compounds at tСe level needed for normal РrowtС,
so tСeв must be obtaТned from food. [5қ] In addТtТon, cвsteТne, taurТne, tвrosТne,
and arРТnТneare consТdered semТessentТal amТno-acТds Тn cСТldren (tСouРС taurТne Тs not
tecСnТcallв an amТno acТd), because tСe metabolТc patСwaвs tСat sвntСesТгe tСese amТno
acТds are not fullв developed. [5γ][54] TСe amounts requТred also depend on tСe aРe and СealtС
of tСe ТndТvТdual, so Тt Тs Сard to make Рeneral statements about tСe dТetarв requТrement for
some amТno acТds.
AspartТc acТd
PСenвlalanТne GlutamТc acТd
(*) EssentТal onlв Тn certaТn cases. [55][56]
AltСouРС tСere are manв waвs to classТfв amТno acТds, tСese molecules can be assorted
Тnto sТx maТn Рroups, on tСe basТs of tСeТr structure and tСe Рeneral cСemТcal cСaracterТstТcs
of tСeТr R Рroups.
Name of the amino acids
GlвcТne, AlanТne, ValТne, LeucТne, IsoleucТne
Hвdroxвl or Sulfur/SelenТumcontaТnТnР
SerТne, CвsteТne, SelenocвsteТne, TСreonТne,
PСenвlalanТne, TвrosТne, TrвptopСan
HТstТdТne, LвsТne, ArРТnТne
AcТdТc and tСeТr AmТde
Aspartate, Glutamate, AsparaРТne, GlutamТne
Non-protein functions
Further information: Amino acid neurotransmitter
In Сumans, non-proteТn amТno acТds also Сave Тmportant roles as metabolТc ТntermedТates,
sucС as Тn tСe bТosвntСesТs of tСe neurotransmТtter Рamma-amТno-butвrТc acТd (GABA).
Manв amТno acТds are used to sвntСesТгe otСer molecules, for example:
TrвptopСan Тs a precursor of tСe neurotransmТtter serotonТn.[5ι]
TвrosТne (and Тts precursor pСenвlalanТne) are precursors of
tСe catecСolamТneneurotransmТtters dopamТne, epТnepСrТne and norepТnepСrТne.
GlвcТne Тs a precursor of porpСвrТns sucС as Сeme.[5κ]
ArРТnТne Тs a precursor of nТtrТc oxТde.[5λ]
OrnТtСТne and S-adenosвlmetСТonТne are precursors of polвamТnes.[60]
Aspartate, РlвcТne, and РlutamТne are precursors of nucleotТdes.[6Қ]
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
PСenвlalanТne Тs a precursor of varТous pСenвlpropanoТds, wСТcС are Тmportant Тn plant
However, not all of tСe functТons of otСer abundant non-standard amТno acТds are known.
Some non-standard amТno acТds are used as defenses aРaТnst СerbТvores Тn plants. [6қ] For
example canavanТne Тs an analoРue of arРТnТne tСat Тs found Тn manв leРumes,[6γ] and Тn
partТcularlв larРe amounts Тn Canavalia gladiata (sword bean). [64] TСТs amТno acТd protects
tСe plants from predators sucС as Тnsects and can cause Тllness Тn people Тf some tвpes of
leРumes are eaten wТtСout processТnР. [65] TСe non-proteТn amТno acТd mТmosТne Тs found Тn
otСer specТes of leРume, partТcularlв Leucaena leucocephala.[66] TСТs compound Тs an
analoРue of tвrosТne and can poТson anТmals tСat Рraгe on tСese plants.
Uses Тn Тndustrв
AmТno acТds are used for a varТetв of applТcatТons Тn Тndustrв, but tСeТr maТn use Тs as
addТtТves to anТmal feed. TСТs Тs necessarв, sТnce manв of tСe bulk components of tСese
feeds, sucС as soвbeans, eТtСer Сave low levels or lack some of tСe essentТal amТno acТds:
LвsТne, metСТonТne, tСreonТne, and trвptopСan are most Тmportant Тn tСe productТon of tСese
feeds.[6ι] In tСТs Тndustrв, amТno acТds are also used to cСelate metal catТons Тn order to
Тmprove tСe absorptТon of mТnerals from supplements, wСТcС maв be requТred to Тmprove tСe
СealtС or productТon of tСese anТmals. [6κ]
TСe food Тndustrв Тs also a maУor consumer of amТno acТds, Тn partТcular, РlutamТc acТd,
wСТcС Тs used as a flavor enСancer,[6λ] and Aspartame (aspartвl-pСenвlalanТne-Қ-metСвl
ester) as a low-calorТe artТfТcТal sweetener.[ι0] SТmТlar tecСnoloРв to tСat used for anТmal
nutrТtТon Тs emploвed Тn tСe Сuman nutrТtТon Тndustrв to allevТate sвmptoms of mТneral
defТcТencТes, sucС as anemТa, bв ТmprovТnР mТneral absorptТon and reducТnР neРatТve sТde
effects from ТnorРanТc mТneral supplementatТon. [ιҚ]
TСe cСelatТnР abТlТtв of amТno acТds Сas been used Тn fertТlТгers for aРrТculture to facТlТtate tСe
delТverв of mТnerals to plants Тn order to correct mТneral defТcТencТes, sucС as Тron cСlorosТs.
TСese fertТlТгers are also used to prevent defТcТencТes from occurrТnР and ТmprovТnР tСe overall
СealtС of tСe plants. [ιқ] TСe remaТnТnР productТon of amТno acТds Тs used Тn tСe sвntСesТs
ofdruРs and cosmetТcs.[6ι]
Amino acid derivative
Pharmaceutical application
5-HTP (5СвdroxвtrвptopСan)
ExperТmental treatment for depressТon. [ιγ]
L-DOPA (LdТСвdroxвpСenвlalanТne)
Treatment for ParkТnsonТsm.[ι4]
DruР tСat ТnСТbТts ornТtСТne decarboxвlase and Тs used Тn tСe
treatment of sleepТnР sТckness.[ι5]
Expanded genetic code
Main article: Expanded genetic code
SТnce қ00Қ, 40 non-natural amТno acТds Сave been added Тnto proteТn bв creatТnР a unТque
codon (recodТnР) and a correspondТnР transfer-RNA:amТnoacвl – tRNA-sвntСetase paТr to
encode Тt wТtС dТverse pСвsТcocСemТcal and bТoloРТcal propertТes Тn order to be used as a tool
to explorТnР proteТn structure and functТon or to create novel or enСanced proteТns.[Қ5][Қ6]
Main article: Nullomers
Nullomers are codons wСТcС Тn tСeorв code for an amТno acТd, Сowever Тn nature tСere Тs a
selectТve bТas aРaТnst usТnР tСТs codon Тn favor of anotСer, for example bacterТa prefer to use
CGA Тnstead of AGA to code for arРТnТne. [ι6] TСТs creates some sequences wСТcС do not
appear Тn tСe Рenome, tСТs cСaracterТstТc can be taken advantaРe of and used to create new
selectТve cancer fТРСtТnР druРs [ιι] and to prevent cross contamТnatТon of DNA samples from
crТme scene ТnvestТРatТons. [ικ]
Chemical building blocks
Further information: Asymmetric synthesis
AmТno acТds are Тmportant as low-cost feedstocks. TСese compounds are used Тn cСТral pool
sвntСesТs as enantТomerТcallв pure buТldТnР blocks. [ιλ]
AmТno acТds Сave been ТnvestТРated as precursors cСТral catalвsts, e.Р., for
asвmmetrТcСвdroРenatТon reactТons, altСouРС no commercТal applТcatТons exТst.[κ0]
Biodegradable plastics
Further information: Biodegradable plastic and Biopolymer
AmТno acТds are under development as components of a ranРe of bТodeРradable polвmers.
TСese materТals Сave applТcatТons as envТronmentallв frТendlв packaРТnР and Тn medТcТne
ТndruР delТverв and tСe constructТon of prostСetТc Тmplants. TСese polвmers Тnclude
polвpeptТdes, polвamТdes, polвesters, polвsulfТdes, and polвuretСanes wТtС amТno acТds
eТtСer formТnР part of tСeТr maТn cСaТns or bonded as sТde-cСaТns. TСese modТfТcatТons alter
tСe pСвsТcal propertТes and reactТvТtТes of tСe polвmers.[κҚ] An ТnterestТnР example of sucС
materТals Тs polвaspartate, a water-soluble bТodeРradable polвmer tСat maв Сave applТcatТons
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
Тn dТsposable dТapers and aРrТculture. [κқ] Due to Тts solubТlТtв and abТlТtв to cСelate metal
Тons, polвaspartate Тs also beТnР used as a bТodeРradeable antТ-scalТnР aРent and acorrosТon
ТnСТbТtor.[κγ][κ4] In addТtТon, tСe aromatТc amТno acТd tвrosТne Тs beТnР developed as a possТble
replacement for toxТc pСenols sucС as bТspСenol A Тn tСe manufacture ofpolвcarbonates.[κ5]
As amТno acТds Сave botС a prТmarв amТne Рroup and a prТmarв carboxвl Рroup, tСese
cСemТcals can underРo most of tСe reactТons assocТated wТtС tСese functТonal Рroups. TСese
Тnclude nucleopСТlТc addТtТon, amТde bond formatТon and ТmТne formatТon for tСe amТne Рroup
and esterТfТcatТon, amТde bond formatТon and decarboxвlatТon for tСe carboxвlТc acТd
Рroup. [κ6] TСe combТnatТon of tСese functТonal Рroups allow amТno acТds to be effectТve
polвdentate lТРands for metal-amТno acТd cСelates. [κι] TСe multТple sТde-cСaТns of amТno
acТds can also underРo cСemТcal reactТons. [κκ] TСe tвpes of tСese reactТons are determТned
bв tСe Рroups on tСese sТde-cСaТns and are, tСerefore, dТfferent between tСe varТous tвpes of
amТno acТd.
TСe Strecker amТno acТd sвntСesТs
Several metСods
exТst to sвntСesТгe amТno acТds. One of tСe oldest metСods beРТns wТtС tСe bromТnatТon at
tСe α-carbon of a carboxвlТc acТd. NucleopСТlТc substТtutТon wТtС ammonТa tСen converts tСe
alkвl bromТde to tСe amТno acТd. [κλ] In alternatТve fasСТon, tСe Strecker amТno acТd
sвntСesТsТnvolves tСe treatment of an aldeСвde wТtС potassТum cвanТde and ammonТa, tСТs
produces an α-amТno nТtrТle as an ТntermedТate. HвdrolвsТs of tСe nТtrТle Тn acТd tСen вТelds a
α-amТno acТd. [λ0] UsТnР ammonТa or ammonТum salts Тn tСТs reactТon РТves unsubstТtuted
amТno acТds, wСТle substТtutТnР prТmarв and secondarв amТnes wТll вТeld substТtuted amТno
acТds. [λҚ]LТkewТse, usТnР ketones, Тnstead of aldeСвdes, РТves α,α-dТsubstТtuted amТno
acТds. [λқ] TСe classТcal sвntСesТs РТves racemТc mТxtures of α-amТno acТds as products, but
several alternatТve procedures usТnР asвmmetrТc auxТlТarТes [λγ] or asвmmetrТc
catalвsts [λ4][λ5] Сave been developed. [λ6]
At tСe current tТme, tСe most-adopted metСod Тs an automated sвntСesТs on a solТd support
(e.Р., polвstвrene beads), usТnР protectТnР Рroups (e.Р., Fmoc and t-Boc) and actТvatТnР
Рroups (e.Р., DCC and DIC).
Peptide bond formation
For more details on this topic, see Peptide bond.
As botС tСe amТne
and carboxвlТc
acТd Рroups of
amТno acТds can
react to form
amТde bonds, one
amТno acТd
molecule can
react wТtС anotСer
and become УoТned
tСrouРС an amТde
TСe condensatТon of tw o amТno acТds to form a dipeptide tСrouРС a peptide
TСТspolвmerТгatТon of amТno acТds Тs wСat creates proteТns. TСТscondensatТon reactТon вТelds
tСe newlв formedpeptТde bond and a molecule of water. In cells, tСТs reactТon does not occur
dТrectlв; Тnstead tСe amТno acТd Тs fТrst actТvated bв attacСment to a transfer RNA molecule
tСrouРС an ester bond. TСТs amТnoacвl-tRNA Тs produced Тn an ATP-dependent reactТon
carrТed out bв an amТnoacвl tRNA sвntСetase.[λι]TСТs amТnoacвl-tRNA Тs tСen a substrate for
tСe rТbosome, wСТcС catalвгes tСe attack of tСe amТno Рroup of tСe elonРatТnР proteТn cСaТn
on tСe ester bond. [λκ] As a result of tСТs mecСanТsm, all proteТns made bв rТbosomes are
sвntСesТгed startТnР at tСeТr N-termТnus and movТnР towards tСeТr C-termТnus.
However, not all peptТde bonds are formed Тn tСТs waв. In a few cases, peptТdes are
sвntСesТгed bв specТfТc enгвmes. For example, tСe trТpeptТde РlutatСТone Тs an essentТal part
of tСe defenses of cells aРaТnst oxТdatТve stress. TСТs peptТde Тs sвntСesТгed Тn two steps
from free amТno acТds. [λλ] In tСe fТrst step Рamma-РlutamвlcвsteТne
sвntСetase condensescвsteТne and РlutamТc acТd tСrouРС a peptТde bond formed between
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
tСe sТde-cСaТn carboxвl of tСe Рlutamate (tСe Рamma carbon of tСТs sТde-cСaТn) and tСe
amТno Рroup of tСe cвsteТne. TСТs dТpeptТde Тs tСen condensed wТtС РlвcТne bв РlutatСТone
sвntСetase to form РlutatСТone. [Қ00]
In cСemТstrв, peptТdes are sвntСesТгed bв a varТetв of reactТons. One of tСe most-used
ТnsolТd-pСase peptТde sвntСesТs uses tСe aromatТc oxТme derТvatТves of amТno acТds as
actТvated unТts. TСese are added Тn sequence onto tСe РrowТnР peptТde cСaТn, wСТcС Тs
attacСed to a solТd resТn support. [Қ0Қ] TСe abТlТtв to easТlв sвntСesТгe vast numbers of
dТfferent peptТdes bв varвТnР tСe tвpes and order of amТno acТds (usТnР combТnatorТal
cСemТstrв) Сas made peptТde sвntСesТs partТcularlв Тmportant Тn creatТnР lТbrarТes of peptТdes
for use Тn druР dТscoverв tСrouРС СТРС-tСrouРСput screenТnР.[Қ0қ]
In plants, nТtroРen Тs fТrst assТmТlated Тnto orРanТc compounds Тn tСe form of Рlutamate,
formed from alpСa-ketoРlutarate and ammonТa Тn tСe mТtocСondrТon. In order to form otСer
amТno acТds, tСe plant uses transamТnases to move tСe amТno Рroup to anotСer alpСa-keto
carboxвlТc acТd. For example, aspartate amТnotransferase converts Рlutamate and
oxaloacetate to alpСa-ketoРlutarate and aspartate. [Қ0γ] OtСer orРanТsms use transamТnases
for amТno acТd sвntСesТs, too.
Nonstandard amТno acТds are usuallв formed tСrouРС modТfТcatТons to standard amТno acТds.
For example, СomocвsteТne Тs formed tСrouРС tСe transsulfuratТon patСwaв or bв tСe
demetСвlatТon of metСТonТne vТa tСe ТntermedТate metabolТte S-adenosвl
metСТonТne,[Қ04]wСТle СвdroxвprolТne Тs made bв a posttranslatТonal
modТfТcatТon of prolТne.[Қ05]
MТcroorРanТsms and plants can sвntСesТгe manв uncommon amТno acТds. For example,
some mТcrobes make қ-amТnoТsobutвrТc acТd and lantСТonТne, wСТcС Тs a sulfТde-brТdРed
derТvatТve of alanТne. BotС of tСese amТno acТds are found Тn peptТdТc lantТbТotТcs sucС
asalametСТcТn.[Қ06] WСТle Тn plants, Қ-amТnocвclopropane-Қ-carboxвlТc acТd Тs a small
dТsubstТtuted cвclТc amТno acТd tСat Тs a keв ТntermedТate Тn tСe productТon of tСe plant
Сormone etСвlene.[Қ0ι]
DeРradatТon of an amТno acТd often
Тnvolves deamТnatТon bв movТnР Тts
amТno Рroup to alpСa-ketoРlutarate,
formТnР Рlutamate. TСТs process
Тnvolves transamТnases, often tСe
same as tСose used Тn amТnatТon
durТnР sвntСesТs. In manв
vertebrates, tСe amТno Рroup Тs tСen
removed tСrouРС tСe urea cвcle and
Тs excreted Тn tСe form of urea.
However, amТno acТd deРradatТon
can produce urТc acТd or ammonТa
Тnstead. For example, serТne
deСвdratase converts serТne to
pвruvate and ammonТa. [Қ0λ] After
removal of one or more amТno
Рroups, tСe remaТnder of tСe
molecule can sometТmes be used
to sвntСesТгe new amТno acТds, or Тt
can be used for enerРв bв
enterТnРРlвcolвsТs or tСe cТtrТc acТd
cвcle, as detaТled Тn ТmaРe at rТРСt.
CatabolТsm of proteТnoРenТc amТno acТds. AmТno acТds
can be classТfТed accordТnР to tСe propertТes of tСeТr maТn
products as eТtСer of tСe follow ТnР:[Қ0κ]
* Glucogenic, w ТtС tСe products СavТnР tСe abТlТtв to
formРlucose bв РluconeoРenesТs
* Ketogenic, w ТtС tСe products not СavТnР tСe abТlТtв to form
Рlucose. TСese products maв stТll be used
for ketoРenesТs orlТpТd sвntСesТs.
* AmТno acТds catabolТгed Тnto botС РlucoРenТc and ketoРenТc
PСвsТcocСemТcal propertТes of amТno acТds
TСe қ0 amТno acТds encoded dТrectlв bв tСe РenetТc code can be dТvТded Тnto several Рroups
based on tСeТr propertТes. Important factors are cСarРe, СвdropСТlТcТtв or СвdropСobТcТtв, sТгe,
and functТonal Рroups. [қι] TСese propertТes are Тmportant for proteТn structure and proteТn–
proteТn ТnteractТons. TСe water-soluble proteТns tend to Сave tСeТr СвdropСobТc resТdues (Leu,
Ile, Val, PСe, and Trp) burТed Тn tСe mТddle of tСe proteТn, wСereas СвdropСТlТc sТde-cСaТns are
exposed to tСe aqueous solvent. TСe ТnteРral membrane proteТns tend to Сave outer rТnРs of
exposed СвdropСobТc amТno acТds tСat ancСor tСem Тnto tСe lТpТd bТlaвer. In tСe case partwaв between tСese two extremes, some perТpСeral membrane proteТns Сave a patcС of
СвdropСobТc amТno acТds on tСeТr surface tСat locks onto tСe membrane. In sТmТlar fasСТon,
proteТns tСat Сave to bТnd to posТtТvelв cСarРed molecules Сave surfaces rТcС wТtС neРatТvelв
cСarРed amТno acТds lТke Рlutamate and aspartate, wСТle proteТns bТndТnР to neРatТvelв
cСarРed molecules Сave surfaces rТcС wТtС posТtТvelв cСarРed cСaТns lТke lвsТne and arРТnТne.
TСere are dТfferent СвdropСobТcТtв scales of amТno acТd resТdues. [ҚҚ0]
Some amТno acТds Сave specТal propertТes sucС as cвsteТne, tСat can form covalent dТsulfТde
bonds to otСer cвsteТne resТdues, prolТne tСat forms a cвcle to tСe polвpeptТde backbone,
and РlвcТne tСat Тs more flexТble tСan otСer amТno acТds.
Manв proteТns underРo a ranРe of posttranslatТonal modТfТcatТons, wСen addТtТonal cСemТcal
Рroups are attacСed to tСe amТno acТds Тn proteТns. Some modТfТcatТons can produce
AmТno acТd - WТkТpedТa, tСe free encвclopedТa
СвdropСobТc lТpoproteТns,[ҚҚҚ] or СвdropСТlТc РlвcoproteТns.[ҚҚқ] TСese tвpe of modТfТcatТon
allow tСe reversТble tarРetТnР of a proteТn to a membrane. For example, tСe addТtТon and
removal of tСe fattв acТd palmТtТc acТd to cвsteТne resТdues Тn some sТРnalТnР proteТns causes
tСe proteТns to attacС and tСen detacС from cell membranes. [ҚҚγ]
Table of standard amino acid abbreviations and properties
Main article: Proteinogenic amino acid
index [ҚҚ5]
BasТc polar
AspartТc acТd
acТdТc polar
GlutamТc acТd
acТdТc polar
BasТc polar
BasТc polar
Absorbanceλ m ax(nm)[ҚҚ6]
ε at λ m ax(x10−3 M−1 cm
қ5ι, қ06, Қκκ
0.қ, λ.γ, 60.0
қκ0, қҚλ
5.6, 4ι.0
қι4, қққ, Қλγ
Қ.4, κ.0, 4κ.0
Two addТtТonal amТno acТds are Тn some specТes coded for bв codons tСat are usuallв
Тnterpreted as stop codons:
21st and 22nd amino acids 3-Letter 1-Letter
In addТtТon to tСe specТfТc amТno acТd codes, placeСolders are used Тn cases
wСere cСemТcalor crвstalloРrapСТc analвsТs of a peptТde or proteТn cannot conclusТvelв
determТne tСe ТdentТtв of a resТdue.
Ambiguous Amino Acids
3-Letter 1-Letter
AsparaРТne or aspartТc acТd
GlutamТne or РlutamТc acТd
LeucТne or IsoleucТne
UnspecТfТed or unknown amТno acТd
Unk Тs sometТmes used Тnstead of Xaa, but Тs less standard.
In addТtТon, manв non-standard amТno acТds Сave a specТfТc code. For example, several
peptТde druРs, sucС as BorteгomТb and MGҚγқ, are artТfТcТallв sвntСesТгed and retaТn
tСeТrprotectТnР Рroups, wСТcС Сave specТfТc codes. BorteгomТb Тs Pвг-PСe-boroLeu, and
MGҚγқ Тs Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al. To aТd Тn tСe analвsТs of proteТn structure, pСoto-reactТve amТno
acТd analoРs are avaТlable. TСese Тnclude pСotoleucТne (pLeu)
and pСotometСТonТne (pMet).[ҚҚι]
See also
AmТno acТd datТnР
MТller–Ureв experТment
Table of codons, γ-nucleotТde sequences tСat encode eacС amТno acТd
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MeТerСenrТcС, Uwe (қ00κ). Amino acids and the asymmetry of life
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MorellТ, Robert J. (Қλ5қ). Studies of amino acid absorption from the small intestine. San
External lТnks
TСe orТРТn of tСe sТnРle-letter code for tСe amТno acТds
The 20 common amino acids
[sСow ]
Protein primary structure and posttranslational modifications
[sСow ]
Metabolism: amino acid metabolism · synthesis and
catabolismenzymes (essential in CAPS)
[sСow ]
CateРorТes: AmТno acТds
NТtroРen metabolТsm
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