The Twelve Precious Biblical Stones (in Bulgarian)



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The twelve precious biblical stones Ruslan I. Kostov 1994.’INTERGEORESOURSE’, SOFIA ISBN 954-8753-01-4, Intergeoresourse, Sofia, illustrated with 12 b/w drawings and photos, tables, extended bibliography; in Bulgarian, 78 pp. Contents: Biblical gemmology: historical development – Gemmological analysis of the twelve sacred minerals in the breastplate of the High Priest: correspondence between mineral and Jewish tribe – Gemmological analysis of the twelve gem minerals in the foundations of the New City: correspondence between mineral and apostle – Symbolism of the twelve gem minerals in astronomy, in calendars, in anatomy – Art review in the field of biblical gemmology – Bibliography and notes – List of illustrations About the book: The book is a comprehensive overview on the symbolic role of the twelve gem minerals in the Bible. It traces the ancient lore of gemstones - superstitions, mysticism, use in medicine, protection, etc. The first chapter is a historical review and an introduction to the study of gem minerals in the Bible. Of significant importance in this respect is considered the work of G. F. Kunz (1913) which has been critically revised with introducing new publications. The second chapter deals with the function and mineral composition of the breastplate at the ephod of the High Priest. It has been suggested that it may play the role of an oracle – an enigmatic object of the past (or weapon, or some kind of sacred object of unidentified nature and function). The different twelve sacred minerals (related to the twelve tribes) have been listed and reinterpreted (including literature with Cyrillic alphabet from different old Slavonic sources). The third chapter is related mainly to the correspondence between stones (precious minerals) and the twelve apostles, including their symbolic meaning as given by medieval treatises and contemporary researchers. In the forth chapter stress has been put on the importance of bridging the twelve precious minerals with corresponding astronomical (incl. zodiacal) or medical (incl. anatomical positions and therapeutic virtues) symbols throughout the centuries. In the fifth chapter the precious stones from the Bible are studied from an art point of view in different paintings and drawings worldwide. The interpretations of the artists have been discussed with stress on cases from Bulgaria. About the author: Ruslan I. Kostov, PhD, DSc (born 1956 in Sofia) is an Associate Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography at the University of Mining and Geology ‘St. Ivan Rilski’ in Sofia. He is President of the Bulgarian Mineralogical Society and member of the Advisory Board of the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry. He is a national representative in the International Mineralogical Association. Kostov is author of about 20 books (including textbooks in mineralogy and gemmology) and over 100 publications in mineralogy and gemmology. E-mail: