Recent papers in Gems
According to Dirlam et al. (1992), ruby was first discovered in Tanzania in the early 1900s near Longido, in the northern part of the country (figure 2). At Longido and other similar Tanzanian ruby-producing localities such as Lossogonoi,... more
Diamonds High Pression High Temperature
Im 18. und frühen 19. Jh. erreichte das Interesse an antiker und antikisierender Steinschneidekunst selten gekannte Höhen. Gori, Caylus, Winckelmann und andere studiosi verwendeten in ihren gelehrten Werken fleißig Gemmen, und die Zahl... more
References (Bibliography on litho-, mineral-, crystal- and gem-therapy): p. 171-249.
Turquoise in the Life of American Indians. The mankind has known turquoise for more than ten thousand years. This is the only “live” mineral which can change its color with weather changes and the condition of its owner. Probably it is... more
Short contribution presenting some unpublished etruscan scarabs in the Museum of Grosseto.
A gemstone (also called a gem, fine gem, jewel, precious stone, or semi-precious stone) is a piece of mineral crystal which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. However, certain rocks (such as lapis... more
Page 1. James E. Shigley, Brendan M. Laurs, AJA (Bram) Janse, Sheryl Elen, and Dona M. Dirlam 188 GEM LOCALITIES GEMS & GEMOLOGY FALL 2010 See end of article for About the Authors and... more
The first part of the book presents archaeological evidence from the Prehistoric Aegean and onward, which demonstrates the existence of an enduring, highly valued and advanced prehistoric Aegean apiculture. Some well known ceramic vessels... more
This study determined the effects of project teaching method on students’ performance in bricklaying, blocklaying and concreting trade in technical colleges of Gombe State Nigeria. The population of the study was made up of 180 subjects... more
Prima sintesi delle ricerche del progetto Shardana. Il progetto vuole riprendere le “prove” portate a favore o a contrasto delle varie ipotesi e analizzarle ex novo, prescindendo da qualsiasi soluzione precostituita; cosa che finora non... more
THE GREEN JASPER IN SARDINIA. ITS VEINS, CHARACTERS AND USE IN THE WORKSHOPS OF THE PHOEINICIAN AND PUNIC SARDINIA The jasper, expecially the green one, had been widely used in Sardinia during the phoenician-punic age: in that period,... more
Se presenta aquí un conjunto de trabajos, dirigidos a los especialistas, que bajo el lema «Arte, mitologías, creencias», toman como objeto de estudio (como documento) las gemas y camafeos antiguos, producidos en época romana, aunque... more
Historically believed to be a key zone for the extraction of red garnet, the region of Rajasthan, India has now allegedly become »second choice« for the gemstone manufacturers from Jaipur. According to craftsmen in the »Pink City«,... more
Quaderni di archeologia fenicio-punica/CM 02] [Alle sorgenti del Kothon] Il rito a Mozia nell'Area sacra di Baal 'Addir -Poseidon Lo scavo dei pozzi sacri nel Settore C Sud-Ovest (2006-2011) [di Lorenzo Nigro e Federica Spagnoli] [con... more
Robert Deutsch interprets six bullae from the late Judean Monarchical period. Four of the bullae are aniconic while the other two are iconic depicting Egyptian iconography. The seal impressions are used as “fiscal bullae” in King... more
New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World edited by Meir and Edith Lubetski Society of Biblical Literature 2012 pp. 59-68 Robert Deutsch interprets six bullae from the late Judean Monarchical period. Four of the... more
Greco-Roman culture classified a great variety of gems. Authors such as Theophrastus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder dealt with the subject. To now which gems were most highly valued in ancient Rome, it is essential to consult book 37 of... more
Material: Brown clay. Dimensions: Bulla: L 27.5 mm., W 21.5 mm., T 5.5 mm.; seal: L 14.25 mm., W 8 mm. Method of manufacture: A lump of clay was attached to a rolled papyrus where the string tied it; the clay was then impressed by a seal.... more
On the eve of her wedding, Prince Albert gave Queen Victoria a large sapphire brooch surrounded by 12 brilliants. Nothing was known about the origins of this jewel until correspondence detailing the sale of the brooch emerged. It was... more
L’intervento è indirizzato all’esplorazione dei paesaggi di potere nella Sardegna antica e al formarsi delle identità sarde derivanti dall’incontro tra i mondi nuragico e fenicio. Vengono riesaminati alcuni reperti utili a individuare le... more
he gem mines of Afghanistan are some of the oldest in the world. The lapis lazuli mines at Sar-e-Sang, in the Badakhshan region, have been worked for at least 6,500 years (see, e.g., Wyart et al., 1981). Today, Afghanistan continues to be... more
"""La presente relazione costituisce una sintetica e preliminare rassegna delle testimonianze (scaraboidi e sigilli) in ambra e serpentino nelle aree di occupazione etrusca tra VIII e VII sec. a.C. Particolare attenzione è rivolta ai... more
As the ancient sources make clear, the Etruscans excelled in many fields of artistic craft, especially in the production of jewelry and bronzes. They also produced numerous gems, a small number of which show artisans-blacksmiths,... more
This study characterizes CVD laboratory-grown diamonds from Apollo Diamond Inc. that have strong pink colors produced by high concentrations of NV centers. The samples examined weighed ~0.3–0.7 ct, and their color and clarity grades were... more
RIASSUNTO Il presente articolo si pone quale ulteriore studio e approfondimento di un argomento affrontato in un precedente contributo presentato nell’anno 2009 in occasione della XLIV Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di... more
(Lippke 2010) GGG (Göttinnen, Götter und Gottessymbole) im forschungsgeschichtlichen Kontext, zugleich ein Nachwort zur 6. Auflage, in: Keel, Othmar/Uehlinger Christoph, GGG – Göttinnen, Götter und Gottessymbole. Neue Erkenntnisse zur... more