Byron A. Ellis
In terms of electrical savings, capacitors reduce line losses and power factor penalty.
Generally, electricity utility suppliers install revenue meters capable of recording kilowatt
demand, kilowatt-hours (kWh) and kilovolt-amp reactive hours (kVARh) on customers’
electric lines that exceed pre-established peak demand levels.
Electrical power in Alternating Current (AC) has three components: real power (P = I2R),
reactive power (Q = I2X), and apparent power (S = I2Z). Inductive loads, such as
transformers, electric motors, and high intensity discharge lighting, cause low power
factor. Power factor (PF) is the ratio of real power to apparent power, and represents how
much real power electric equipment utilizes.
Power Factor = W (real Power)/VA (Apparent Power)
Electrotek Concepts, a leading power systems engineering consultant, cautions that power
factor should not be confused with energy efficiency or conservation. They note that
improving the efficiency of electrical equipment reduces energy consumption, but may
not improve power factor.
Inductive loads require the electrical current to produce a magnetic field, which produces
the desired work. The total or apparent power required by an inductive device is the
addition of real power, measured in Watts (W), and reactive power, which is the
nonworking power resulting from the magnetizing current measured in Volt-Amps
reactive (VAR).
Apparent Power (VA) = Real Power (W) + Reactive Power (VAR)
The “power triangle,” below, illustrate the relationship between apparent, real, and
reactive powers:
Reactive power required by inductive loads increases apparent power, measured in VoltAmps (VA), which causes the power factor to decrease. Low power factor causes power, TJP, January 01, 2008
Byron A. Ellis
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losses in the electric distribution system, which causes voltage drops. Low voltage can
cause overheating and premature failure of motors and other inductive devices; some
utilities charge a penalty for low power factor.
Low power factor require a higher current draw, which leads to larger cables in the
electrical distribution system. Higher currents lead to higher copper losses in cables and
A reduction in kVARs reduces apparent power and increases power factor. Reducing
kVARs, however, does not reduce kW. Therefore, if the customer is not incurring a utility
penalty, savings, if any, will be insignificant.
Small and fractional horsepower motors have low power factors in the range of 50 to
60%, see graph below. Likewise, idling and lightly loaded motors, as well as equipment
that operate above its rated voltage adversely affect power factor.
High Efficiency Motors
High efficiency motors when operated near their rated capacity realize the benefits of
high efficiency design. Therefore, as low efficiency motors fail, they should be replaced
with high efficiency motors. High efficiency motors meet the Energy Policy Act (EPAct)
of 1992 and have lower losses than old standard motors, and NEMA Premium motors
have lower losses than the high efficiency motors.
Capacitors store energy in an electric field, produced by electric charges on the capacity
plates. Capacities connected from line to neutral provide reactive power to an AC circuit.
When the capacity provides reactive power, it mitigates or eliminates the need for the
system to provide it. The maximum energy that can be store in a given capacitor is
limited by the maximum electric field that the dielectric can withstand before it breaks
Strategically placed capacitors, in parallel with the load, can reduce the magnitude of
reactive power of the system, between the loads and the metering point. Thus, capacitors
reduce total current used by the load. Ghosh (2003) indicates that capacitors draw the
leading current and partially, or completely, neutralize the lagging reactive component of
the current.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) recommends that customers contemplating
power factor reduction must understand existing and future harmonic content of the loads
in the premise, because failure to do so will result in a potential catastrophic failure of the
capacitor., TJP, January 01, 2008
Byron A. Ellis
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Adding capacitors to the power system introduces the possibility of resonance. If the
reactance of inductive and capacitive parts of a circuit is equal, energy will oscillate
between the inductance and capacitance, producing high voltages that could increase the
capability of the system’s insulation (PG&E, 2004); more VARS than needed should not
be introduced in the system.
Correcting for line losses by adding capacitors should only be implemented after
consultation with an experienced electrical engineer and if, within a six-year period, the
marginal benefit exceeds the marginal cost of installing the capacitor. According to
Ghosh (2003), the life of a capacitor is limited to about 8 to 10 years.
The two economic drivers that that would cause a customer to consider installing power
factor correction capacitors are: (1) additional load cannot be added to the existing
customer electrical distribution system and (2) to avoid or reduce utility penalty for low
power factor (PG&E, 2004).
PG&E (2007) notes that capacitors should be as near the load as possible or near the end
of feeders to:
1. Reduce total current in circuits between the load and the metering point.
2. Raise voltage near the loads, rendering improved motor performance.
3. Capacitor kVAR reduction as the load drops off.
Capacitors can reduce utility penalty incurred for poor power factor. Power factor
adjustment only applies to customers that have high kW demand. Capacitors also can
reduce line losses. However, line losses are general small.
PG&E (2004) indicates that facilities that have more than more than 15% non-linear load,
such as adjustable speed drives, should perform a harmonic study prior to installing
capacitors. Accordingly, shunt capacitors can change the system response to injected
harmonic currents. They also noted that transient over-voltages are of concern when
capacitor switching is involved.
Ghosh, S. (2003). Fundamentals of electrical and electronic engineering. New Delhi,
India: Prentice Hall.
Economics of Power Factor Correction in Large Facilities, > 400kW, April 2004.
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