International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS)
ISSN: 2377-8075
Biocompatibility and Osseointegration of Nanohydroxyapatite
Review Article
Revathi Duraisamy1*, Dhanraj Ganapathy2, Rajeshkumar Shanmugam3
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical
Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai 600077, Tamil Nadu, India.
Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and
Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai 600077, Tamil Nadu, India.
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences
(SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai 600077, Tamil Nadu, India.
Hydroxyapatite is the most important mineral component of bones and teeth. Hydroxyapatite is also called hydroxyapatite
(HA). HA is used to reconstruct the damaged hard tissue for several reasons which include traumatic or non-traumatic events,
and congenital diseases. The hydroxyapatite crystals present in the human body are there in both bone and teeth. In the human
bone, the HA crystals act as a bioactive ceramic cover of about 65 - 70% by the weight of bone. This hydroxyapatite is an
inorganic component. The HA crystals are arranged in different sizes and shapes which provides support for the tissue with
structural durability, stability, function, and hardness. About the concern of dental role in hydroxyapatite crystals, it covers
the dentin and enamel by 70-80% by weight. The hardest substance with relatively large hydroxyapatite crystals present in the
human body is in the enamel. A is the main material of light which reflects by covering the pores on the enamel surface which
will make the enamel appear semi-translucent. Recently the HA crystal is most widely used in dental implants because of its
excellent osteoconductive property which supports the osseointegration and osteogenesis process. This article gives a short
review of the biocompatibility and osseointegration of hydroxyapatite.
Keywords: Dental Implant Coating; Bioactivity; Bone Tissue Engineering; Osteoconductivity.
Hydroxyapatite is a material that has multiple uses because of
its biocompatibility and osseointegration with a resemblance to
the nonorganic bone structure. Hydroxyapatite is the basic primary material that is used in dentistry and orthopedics. This hydroxyapatite is used in many dental specialties such as Implantology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontology, and Esthetics.
Recently, this hydroxyapatite is most commonly used as an Implant material because of its excellent osteoconductive property
which gives the best support for the osseointegration and osteogenesis process. This is used to increase the thickness of atrophic
alveolar Ridges, used in cystectomy to fill the bone defects [1].
enamel, which has a bright white appearance and eliminates the
reflection of light by closing the minute pores in the enamel surface. Hydroxyapatite is an important source of calcium and phosphate, and remineralization occurs in the demineralized enamel
areas [2]. HA in a granular form is currently used in clinical dental
practice for the reconstruction of periodontal bone defects [3].
Hydroxyapatite can be used in bone tissue engineering, dental
implant coating, orthopedic applications, restoration of the periodontal defect, remineralizing agent in toothpaste, drug delivery,
and gene delivery, and desensitizing agent in post teeth bleaching.
Issues of Concern
In teeth, the enamel is the most mineralized tissue of the human
body. In, the same way Hydroxyapatite is the main component of
Hydroxyapatite has been long term used in hard tissue engineer-
*Corresponding Author:
Revathi Duraisamy,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha
University, Chennai 600077, Tamil Nadu, India.
Received: August 16, 2021
Accepted: August 22, 2021
Published: August 23, 2021
Citation: Revathi Duraisamy, Dhanraj Ganapathy, Rajeshkumar Shanmugam. Biocompatibility and Osseointegration of Nanohydroxyapatite. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(9): 41364139. doi:
Copyright: Revathi Duraisamy©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Revathi Duraisamy, Dhanraj Ganapathy, Rajeshkumar Shanmugam. Biocompatibility and Osseointegration of Nanohydroxyapatite. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(9): 4136-4139.
ing because of its high chemical similarity to the mineral hard
tissue. In the 1950's the bioceramics were used to fill the bone
defects, but now recently the hydroxyapatite crystals are used to
fill the bone defects. The interlocked porous structure has been
provided in the hydroxyapatite based Implants. This interlocked
porous structure acts as the extracellular matrix which promotes
the natural process in cellular development and for tissue regeneration [5, 6].
Moreover, the HA increases the osseointegration and biocompatibility process by promoting through the rigid anchorage in between the implants and surrounding tissues in the bone without
forming the growth of fibrous tissue. The bone anchorage should
retain for a longer period in the successful osseointegration which
will hence provide a complete functional ability [7, 8].
Furthermore significant applications of HA have been seen in
dentistry since 1979. The HA cylinders have been used for the
replacement of teeth. In the Era of 1980’s this restorative dental
procedure was used to enhance the bone fixation which was followed by utilizing the HA blocks. But recently, the HA is not only
found in the dental cement and fillings but also in the tooth paste.
The HA in toothpaste is used to decrease the deposition of layers
on teeth and it acts as a polisher [9, 10].
The HA application can also be found in drug delivery. In physiological conditions the nano- HA contributes to a longer degradation rate. For the surgical placement or injection this local drug
delivery can be useful as a carrier. Hence, the controlled drug delivery using HA will maintain the drug concentration in blood and
it will reduce the toxicity to the other organs [11, 12].
The HA has several methods to produce either from synthetic
material or through natural sources. Synthetic Hydroxyapatite
uses raw materials in the form of calcium carbonate, calcium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, ammonium hydroxide, and diammonium
hydrogen phosphate. The HA fabrication process is called as wet
method and solid-state reaction , which is followed by calcination
or sintering process. Both the wet method and solid state method
are used by chemical reaction by varying the content of calcium
oxide and tricalcium phosphate to reach the hydroxyapatite in the
stoichiometric conditions [13].
The wet method process produces a non-stoichiometric Hydroxyapatite powder, with more impurities such as ions of hydrogen phosphate, carbonate, sodium and chloride. These HA
impurities cause the formation of calcium deficient. On the other
hand, this solid state reaction produces a stoichiometric and well
defined crystals shape of HA product. But even though this solid
state reaction requires high temperature and long heat treatment
procedures. If the crystalline size increases then it will cause a
decrease in porosity, which is associated with the aging process
[14, 15].
Clinical Significance
For the hard tissue repair over the Autograft and Allograft the
synthetic and natural hydroxyapatite have long been preferred.
Usually these grafts will have problems with several natural issues
such as shortage of grafts, morbidity of donor site, graft rejections and disease transmission [16].
The bioactivity of HA in bone tissue engineering, has proved to
support the osseointegration through the osteoconductive and
osteoinductive process. The property of Osteoconductive in HA
provides a way to guide the new bone formation on the surface of
the pores to the implant body. To the formation of strong tissue
- implant interface the hydroxyapatite osteoconductive property
allows the osteoblasts to attach, grow, proliferate and then phenotypes get expressed in a direct contact manner. The specific geometry and pore size of HA depends upon the osteoconductive
property. The osteoconductive property of HA has the purpose
for tissue ingrowth in which the neoformation of bone occurs
in the non-bone forming areas. By coating the implant using HA
increases the initial mechanical stability post implantation which
results in the decrease of aseptic loosening. HA combines with
the chemical bonding of the implant with the surrounding tissue
which absorbs the protein into the implant surface. To the early
healing event at the tissue implant surface the presence of protein
on the surface will be favorable. The implant gives high stability
which makes the immediate loading more predictable. The chemical presence of HA to the bone minerals will ensure its ability
to bond directly to the bone tissue with any intervening fibrous
layer. Application of HA as the cellular matrix plays a major role
The advanced material fabrication process which leads to the development of Nano - HA particles and induce the fast dentin
remineralization. The demineralized collagen matrix of dentin
gets diffused in the Nano-HA which act as a mineral precursors
by the changing the environment into a suitable scaffold for the
remineralization process. Nano - HA provides a good source of
calcium phosphate. This calcium phosphate is an important element to promote the protection against dental caries and erosion.
The presence of Nano-HA in toothpaste acts as a filler particle to
repair the holes and to surface the enamel at lower levels. During
this reparation process, to replace the phosphate and calcium ions
which have dissolved, the Nano- HA gets through the surface
of the enamel. Thereby remineralizing the damaged enamel and
to reconstruct its structural integrity. However, the Nano-HA in
toothpaste will also provide a protective coating over the dentinal
tubules. This offers a fast and potential relief from the tooth hypersensitivity [20, 21].
The Hydroxyapatite is quite strong in atomic bonds which contributes to the fact that the HA does not swell or change in size
under the range of temperature and PH [18]. The most common
problem because of the low swelling ratio of HA is drug delivery, the HA forbids the outburst of drugs. Bone cement in the
HA has both the fixating materials and drug carriers [15]. The
controlled drug capacity gets released via the diffusion from the
cement through the dissolution of the apatite material. The bone
cement will have less in vitro solubility than the typical block hydroxyapatites [22]. Probably, HA is used in delivering the skeletal
drug system in the diseased bone. The oral therapeutic system
has more acid in the gastric environment which can degrade its
structure [22-24].
HA application has several problems in medicine. The use of HA
as an Implant has inherent defects and fine porosity that could act
as a crack initiator. In the event, the crack propagation can cause
catastrophic deterioration during the application. More bulk of
HA application sometimes will cause the mismatch between the
Revathi Duraisamy, Dhanraj Ganapathy, Rajeshkumar Shanmugam. Biocompatibility and Osseointegration of Nanohydroxyapatite. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(9): 4136-4139.
implant and bone which will later cause the disproportionate load
sharing. On the other side, the HA will always contain a trace of
elements such as Fluoride ions ( F-) and Hydroxyl ions (OH-).
These fluoride ions and hydroxyl ions will cause an increase in
crystallite size and a decrease in solubility which can increase the
appetite strength. Few elements such as phosphide ions (PO3 3-)
and chloride ions (CL-) have been known to decrease the Hydroxyapatite mechanical properties which cause the reduction in
crystalline size and an increase in solubility [25].
Another problem that occurred by using HA in the application is
to fine-tune the degradation rate. An HA-based implant will have
poor mechanical properties which can induce not only fast degradation but also implant failure and chronic inflammatory reaction. For bone regeneration, the high calcium which is produced
naturally is more important. Nevertheless, when the degradation
occurs too fast the structural collapse of the implant may occur
and induce too much graft resorption. For tissue regeneration,
HA degradation is more important for the implant. Regarding this
HA condition, the controlled release of HA particles can be carried out by manipulating the particle size. The particles which are
small have a wider surface than large sizes with the same weight.
The particle which has a smaller size will be easy to detach from
the implant body [26-29].
HA is the most commonly used material in dentistry. This Hydroxyapatite coating on metal implants intensifies osseointegration in the early stage of bone healing. The HA on metal implants
provides a strong bone-bonding capacity. While the titanium implant will also have the same level of bone contact in the later
stage of healing. There is no significant coating over the influence
of bone formation and bone-bonding strength through the crystallinity of HA. Among all, the HA coating has higher crystallinity which is more desirable in providing good strength, durability,
and osteoconductive properties. In the future, it is reasonable to
assume that hydroxyapatite and vitamin K2, vitamin D, chitosancoated titanium dental implants may have better biocompatibility and osseointegration properties and hence, it is of interest to
prepare titanium dental implants coated with nanohydroxyapatite
and Vitamin K2 and to study their biocompatibility and osseointegration.
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Revathi Duraisamy, Dhanraj Ganapathy, Rajeshkumar Shanmugam. Biocompatibility and Osseointegration of Nanohydroxyapatite. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(9): 4136-4139.