International Journal of Industrial Organization
16 (1998) 285–311
Market structure, innovation and vertical product
a ,b
Shane Greenstein , Garey Ramey
a ,b ,
University of Illinois, Commerce West, Dept. of Economics, 1206 -S. 6 th Street,
Champaign-Urbana, IL 61820, USA
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
We reassess Arrow’s (1962) [Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for
Invention, in NBER, The Rate and Direction of Innovative Activity (Princeton University
Press, Princeton NJ)] results concerning the effect of market structure on the returns from
process innovation. Here we consider product innovations that are vertically differentiated
from older products, in the sense of Shaked and Sutton (1982) (Relaxing Price Competition
through Product Differentiation, Review of Economic Studies 49, 3–13.), Shaked and
Sutton (1983) (Natural Oligopolies, Econometrica 51, 1469–1484.). Competition and
monopoly in the old product market provide identical returns to innovation when (i) the
monopolist is protected from new product entry, and (ii) innovation is non-drastic, in the
sense that the monopolist supplies positive quantities of both old and new products. If the
monopolist can be threatened with entry, monopoly provides strictly greater incentives.
Welfare may be greater under monopoly when innovation is valuable. Published by
Elsevier Science B.V.
1. Introduction
In his seminal analysis of innovation, Arrow (1962) demonstrates that the
returns generated by a process innovation are greater when the innovation is used
in a competitive as opposed to a monopolized market, and hence competitive
markets imply greater incentives to innovate. A key factor in the comparison of
* Corresponding author.
0167-7187 / 98 / $19.00 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S0167-7187( 96 )01056-9
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
market structures is that under monopoly, part of the added returns from
innovation serve simply to replace rents that the monopolist already earns prior to
innovating. This replacement effect implies that the monopolist faces a higher
opportunity cost of innovating, leading to a greater level of net returns under
In this paper, we ask whether this ranking of market structures extends to the
case of product innovations. In particular, we consider product innovations that
take the form of vertically differentiated products, in the sense of Shaked and
Sutton (1982, 1983): the new product provides a greater level of new surplus to
every consumer than does the old, if the two products are sold at a common price;
but the old product remains more attractive to a subset of consumers if it is offered
at a lower price. This gives rise to a natural notion of non-drastic product
innovation, in which the existence of the old product alters the behavior of
new-product sellers.
Given this notion of vertical product innovation, we ask whether returns from a
new product are higher when it emerges from a competitive or a monopolized
market for the old product. For a monopolized market, the monopolist can either
be protected, in which case only the monopolist is able to market the innovation,
or threatened, in which case any firm can market the innovation. We show that the
comparison of market structures turns on two effects. Just as in Arrow’s analysis,
the replacement effect arises here, and it implies a higher opportunity cost of
innovation under either protected or threatened monopoly, relative to competition.
We identify an offsetting effect that is specific to product innovation: when the old
product is competitively supplied, competition from firms producing the old
product reduces the profits of the new-product supplier. This product inertia effect
makes innovation relatively less attractive under competition, since the old-product
monopolist internalizes this externality when it adopts the new product.
We demonstrate that, for the case of protected monopoly, the replacement and
product inertia effects exactly offset when innovation is non-drastic in a verticallydifferentiated market. This implies that competition and protected monopoly
provide identical incentives for innovation. We also show that a threatened
monopoly provides strictly greater incentives than does competition. These
findings stand in sharp contrast to Arrow’s results concerning process innovation.
Our analysis clarifies the conditions under which monopoly is socially preferable due to its effect in innovation. Since a protected monopoly provides no
greater incentive to innovate than does competition, social surplus under competition must be greater. A threatened monopoly may, however, bring forth innovation
that does not occur under competition, and threatened monopoly becomes superior
when the value of innovation is great enough to outweigh the allocative efficiency
See Tirole (1988), [chapter 10] for an explication of Arrow’s result, along with further discussion
of the replacement effect in related contexts.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
of competition. These welfare rankings may be altered if total R&D spending is
very sensitive to innovative rivalry, and in such cases product inertia may actually
enhance welfare by slowing the pace of innovation, thereby reducing R&D costs.
We illustrate the latter point below by means of a simple deterministic patent race
Our results are related to those of Gilbert and Newbery (1982), who also
consider the returns to product innovation in a differentiated-products model.
Restricting attention to the case of a threatened monopoly, Gilbert and Newbery
show that the old-product monopolist has a greater return from preemptively
adopting the new product than does an entrant, and therefore the monopoly will
tend to persist. This finding, along with our own results, may be viewed as
instances of a more general principle known as the efficiency effect: monopoly
provides greater returns to innovation to the extent that it internalizes competitive
externalities that dissipate post-innovation rents. In Gilbert and Newbery, potential
new-product suppliers dissipate rents obtainable by the old-product monopolist,
while in the present paper rivalry from old-product suppliers threatens the
new-product monopolist. In either case, stronger innovation incentives are
associated with monopolized market structures. The persistence of monopoly
result hinges on the hypothesis that introducing the new product preempts all
rivals, while product inertia continues to exert an effect under various conditions
of rivalry in the innovative activity and structure of new-product supply, as we
show below.2
A number of other papers have previously considered R&D rivalry from the
point of view of vertical product differentiation: Beath et al. (1987); Dutta et al.
(1993); Gruber (1992); Riordan and Salant (1994) and Shaked and Sutton (1990)
study leader–follower relationships in models with two or three rivals; Chang
(1995); Green and Scotchmer (1995); Scotchmer and Green (1990) and Van Dyck
(1996) study patent policy in the context of vertically-differentiated innovations;
and Motta (1992) and Rosenkranz (1995) considers cooperative R&D. In the
present paper, we abstract from the structure of rivalry in the innovative activity in
order to develop a more detailed analysis of product-market rivalry under market
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines our basic model of product
differentiation, and Section 3 compares the incentives to innovative under
competitive and monopolistic structures of the old-product market. Section 4
compares the social surplus generated by competition and monopoly, and Section
In other related work, Romano (1987) considers a version of Arrow’s process-innovation model,
and he shows that monopoly might provide greater incentives to innovate when the innovator can itself
enter the product market. This finding and our results on threatened monopoly share a common basis:
when a non-adopting monopolist can be threatened with new entry, its opportunity cost of innovating is
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
5 extends our analysis to allow for rivalry in the innovative activity, i.e., a patent
race, as well as oligopolistic rivalry in the new-product market. Section 6
concludes the text. Proofs of propositions are given in Appendix A, and Appendix
B further develops the equality-of-returns result by showing that either protected
monopoly or competition may provide greater returns for appropriate perturbations
of the utility functions.
2. A model of vertical product differentiation
Our analysis will build on the following model of vertical product differentiation, which is inspired by Shaked and Sutton (1982), (1983). There is a basic good
that comes in old and new versions. We assume that production technology for the
old version exhibits constant returns to scale, with CO denoting its per-unit product
cost. Variable production costs for the new product are constant at CN (fixed R&D
costs for the new product will be introduced in Sections 4 and 5). Further, there is
a continuum of consumers with heterogeneous tastes, indexed by v [ [0, 1], who
are uniformly distributed on this interval with total mass one. Each consumer
demands either zero units or one unit of the basic good, and either the old or the
new product can be chosen. Let PO and PN be the prices of the old and new
products. The net utilities for consumer v purchasing the old and new products are
given by fO (v ) 2 PO and vfN (v ) 2 PN , where v . 0. The utility of not purchasing
is zero.
We assume that fO (v ) and fN (v ) are twice continuously differentiable, and that
fO (0) 5 fN (0) 5 0. In addition we suppose f O9 (v ), f N9 (v ) . 0 for all v, so that
higher v indicates stronger preference for the basic good, and that fO (1) . CO , so
that the old product is viable. Define v
] . 0 by:
]vfN (1) 2 CN 5 fO (1) 2 CO
Assume further that f 9O (v ) ,vf
] N (v ) for all v ; this implies that consumers v .0
are willing to pay a greater amount for the new product, and also that the premium
is greater for consumers with higher v. Thus, for v ,v
] the new product is not a
viable competitor against the old, so we henceforth require v >v.
] For technical
purposes, we assume ]vfN ‘(v ) < fO ‘(v ) < 0 for all v (e.g., as a sufficient condition
for concavity of profit functions). Finally, we impose the condition f 9N (0)<CO ,
which is motivated below.
Fig. 1 illustrates these demand conditions for prices PN .PO .0. As shown,
consumers with vN , v <1 maximize utility by purchasing the new product, those
with vO , v , vN purchase the old product, and those with 0< v , vO choose to
make no purchase. The marginal consumers vO and vN are determined by:
fO (vO ) 2 PO 5 0
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
Fig. 1. Net utility from product O and product N under prices PO and PN .
fO (vN ) 2 PO 5 vfN (vN ) 2 PN
Manipulating these equations and setting Q O ; vN 2 vO and Q N ;12 vN gives the
inverse demand functions:
PO 5 fO (1 2 Q O 2 Q N )
PN 5 vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 fO (1 2 Q N ) 1 fO (1 2 Q O 2 Q N )
Our analysis will focus primarily on the case in which the new-product market is
monopolized, e.g., due to a patent.3 Either monopoly or competition will prevail in
the old-product market. This leads to three possible configurations of postinnovation market structures:
1. Joint Monopoly. Both the old and new products are monopolized by a single
firm, which is the joint monopolist.
2. Differentiated Duopoly. The old and new products are monopolized by
different firms, who consequently sell vertically differentiated products. For
differentiated duopoly we will assume that the firms play a Nash equilibrium in
quantity choices. For the fringe, we take the limiting case of quantity competition
as the number of rivals becomes infinite; thus, the old-product price will be equal
to CO .
3. Dominant–Fringe Structure. The old-product market is competitive, and the
Post-innovation market structures in which the new product need not be monopolized will be
considered in Section 5.2.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
new-product market is monopolized. Thus, the new-product monopolist is a
dominant firm facing a competitive fringe that sells a vertically differentiated
product. In this case, we assume that the dominant firm has a first-mover
advantage in choosing quantities.
We will say that the new product represents a drastic innovation if the presence
of the old product has no effect on the maximized profits of the new product
monopolist, i.e., the latter may simply act as if the old product did not exist. This
obviously occurs when the new product’s quality is much higher than that of the
old product, without a substantially higher cost. If the presence of the old product
constrains the new-product monopolist, then innovation is non-drastic.4 Regions of
drastic and non-drastic innovation under the three market structures are characterized in the following proposition, whose proof is given in Appendix A:
Proposition 1. There exist v A and v B , satisfying ]v , v A , v B , such that ( i) under
joint monopoly, innovation is non-drastic if ]v < v , v A , and drastic if v > v A ; and
( ii) under dominant–fringe and differentiated-duopoly structures, innovation is
non-drastic if ]v < v , v B , and drastic if v>v B .
Observe that under joint monopoly, innovation is non-drastic for a strictly
smaller range of v than under dominant–fringe and differentiated-duopoly
structures. In proving the proposition, we invoke the condition fN (0)<C0 to rule
out the possibility that innovation is non-drastic for all v.5
3. Returns to innovation
We now turn to the central question of our paper: what market structure
generates the greatest returns to innovation? More specifically, how does the
structure of product-market rivalry impact on innovation incentives? We measure
Our notion of drastic innovation is analogous to Bain (1949) concept of blockaded entry, where the
old-product suppliers are thought of as entrant firms. Arrow (1962) defines a process innovation to be
drastic if and only if the monopoly price under the new technology lies below the competitive price
under the old technology; hence the profits of a monopolist operating the new technology are
unaffected by the existence of the old. Our notion of drastic innovation extends Arrow’s basic idea to
the case of product innovation.
To see how the latter may happen, consider the case of joint monopoly and suppose the monopolist
chooses Q O 50. The elasticity of demand for the new product at Q O 50 is, using (1b), ´(Q N )5fN (12
Q N ) /fN (12Q N )Q N . Note that demand elasticity is independent of v and strictly decreasing in Q N . Profit
maximizing choice of Q N given Q O 50 requires ´(Q N ).1. Further, let Q N9 denote the smallest level of
Q N such that the marginal profitability of the old product at Q O 50 is nonpositive. As long as
´(Q N9 )<1, it is never optimal for the monopolist to choose Q O 50, no matter how large v is. The
condition f 9N (0)<CO implies ´N (Q 9N ).1, however, and innovation becomes drastic once v reaches the
critical level v A . Similar comments apply with respect to the other market structures.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
the returns to innovating in terms of the post-innovation profits obtainable by a
new-product monopolist, i.e., returns are given by the value of a patent for the new
product, gross of R&D costs. Following Arrow, we frame the question in terms of
a rhetorically convenient conceptual experiment, in which the innovation is
controlled by a patent-holding inventor, whose returns are generated by licensing
revenue. Thus the question becomes, what market structure allows the inventor to
obtain the greatest possible revenue?
Consider first the case of competition in the old-product market. Here the
inventor may license to as many firms as desired, and he can appropriate any
profits generated by the new product by means of licensing fees. Denote by P C
the profits earned by the new-product monopolist under dominant–fringe structure;
thus P C gives the maximum licensing revenue of the inventor, which the inventor
may obtain by licensing to a single firm that becomes the new-product monopolist.
Now suppose there is a monopoly in the old-product market. In this case, there
are two possible situations. First, the monopoly power of the old-product
monopolist might extend as well to the new-product market, so that the inventor
cannot license to any firm other than the old-product monopolist. This may occur
when the monopolist controls essential production or distribution facilities or
brand names, or when the monopolist holds complementary patents. We call this
the situation of protected monopoly. Alternatively, the inventor might be free to
license to any firm, either the old-product monopolist or a new entrant; we call this
the case of threatened monopoly.
In either situation, by adopting the new product the old-product monopolist
earns the joint monopoly profits, denoted P M , less the licensing fee. Under
protected monopoly, adoption will be chosen only if these postadoption profits
exceed what the monopolist would have earned by simply keeping its old-product
monopoly; profits in the latter case are written P OM . Thus, P M 2 P OM gives the
maximum licensing revenue available to the inventor under protected monopoly.
Competitive market structure provides greater returns to the inventor than does
protected monopoly if P C . P M 2 P OM , which can be reexpressed as:
P OM . P M 2 P C
On the left-hand side we have the difference between firms’ opportunity costs of
adoption under protected monopoly and competition, which is certain to be strictly
positive. This is the replacement effect discussed by Arrow, and it may be seen
that the effect tends toward giving competition the advantage as far as innovation
On the right-hand side we have the difference between the total benefits of
adoption under competition and monopoly, and this will be strictly positive as long
as the new product does not completely displace the old. This is a version of the
efficiency effect: competition from the old product, which takes the form of a
competitive fringe of old-product suppliers, limits the rents that can be extracted
from the new product. The old product acts as a drag on the incentives to adopt the
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
new; hence, to highlight the vertical-differentiation context, we call this the
product inertia effect. Note that this effect tends toward providing greater
incentives under monopoly.
Since the replacement and product inertia effects cut in opposite directions, it is
not immediately clear which market structure provides greater incentives for
innovation. In fact, we can show that when protected monopoly leads to nondrastic innovation, i.e., when a joint monopolist supplies positive quantities of both
old and new products, the two effects exactly offset, and protected monopoly and
competition provide precisely the same returns to innovation. This surprising result
hinges on the relationships between pre- and post-innovation quantities. Let Q M
and Q NM denote the quantities supplies under joint monopoly, Q NC the new-product
supply under dominant–fringe structure, and Q OM
the monopoly supply of the old
product when the new product has not been adopted. In Appendix A we prove the
Lemma. If ]v < v < v A , then: (a) Q OOM 5 Q OM 1 Q NM , i.e., the protected monopolist’ s
total output is the same whether or not it adopts the new product; and ( b)
N 5 Q N , i.e., output of the new product under joint monopoly is identical to
output under dominant–fringe structure.
The Lemma relates important restrictions on the equilibrium quantities when
innovation is non-drastic under joint monopoly. To develop some feel for these
restrictions, let us express the profit function of the joint monopolist in terms of the
total output Q;Q O 1Q N and the new-product output Q N ; using (1a) and (1b), we
[ fO (12Q)2CO ][Q2Q N ]1[vfN (12Q N )2fO (12Q N )1fO (12Q)2CN ]Q N
5[ fO (12Q)2CO ]Q 1[vfN (12Q N )2fO (12Q N )1CO 2CN ]Q N
Observe that on the right-hand side of (2), profits have been decomposed into two
components, with one component depending only on Q and the other depending
only on Q N . Part (a) follows from the fact that the Q component has exactly the
same form as the profit function of a non-adopting monopolist. Essentially, the
total quantity produced in the non-drastic case hinges on the marginal old-product
purchaser, and under our demand structure this purchaser’s behavior is the same
whether or not the monopolist adopts the new product.
Part (b) is a bit more subtle. Note first that under dominant–fringe structure, the
competitive fringe imposes an ‘‘implicit tax’’ on the new-product supplier; using
(1a), (1b) and PO 5CO , we may express the new-product price as:
PN 5 vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 h fO (1 2 Q N ) 2 CO j
The implicit tax is given by the term in braces. Similarly, the existence of the old
product reduces the new-product price under joint monopoly, but the effect is more
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
complex since the monopolist earns profits from both products. Note however that
in the Q N component of the right-hand side of (2), the effective new-product price
is exactly the same as (3). Since the implicit tax is the same in each case, the
incentives to produce the new product are also the same.
The equality of implicit tax rates is explained by two effects. First, the existence
of the old product under joint monopoly directly reduces PN by an amount
fO (12Q N )2PO , as can be seen in (1b). When innovation is non-drastic, however,
the joint monopolist reduces its sales of the old product at a one-to-one rate when
it sells additional units of the new; this imposes an added tax of PO 2CO , which is
the profit margin on the old product. The sum of these effects yields an implicit tax
rate that is identical to the level under dominant–fringe structure.
We now establish P C 5 P M 2 P OM . Using the Lemma and (2), maximized
profits under joint monopoly may be written:
P M 5 [ f(1 2 Q OM ) 2 CO ]Q OM
1 [vfN (1 2 Q CN ) 2 fO (1 2 Q CN ) 1 CO 2 CN ]Q CN 5 P OM 1 P C
which establishes the result. In essence, the implicit tax rates under dominant–
fringe and joint monopoly structures serve as per-unit measures of the product
inertia and replacement effects, respectively. Equality of the tax rates directly
reflects equality of the two effects.
For innovations of greater value, in particular those that are drastic under joint
monopoly but not under dominant–fringe structure, the product inertia effect is
partially attenuated by the fact that Q CN .Q NM when v A ,v,v B . As a consequence,
competition provides strictly greater returns than does protected monopoly. The
arguments supporting this result are given in Appendix A, and here we summarize
Proposition 2. (a) If ]v < v < v A , then P C 5P M 2P OM , and competition and
protected monopoly provide the same returns to innovation; ( b) If v . v A , then
P C .P M 2P OM , and competition provides strictly greater returns.
The equality of returns shown in part (a) of Proposition 2 establishes that
competition and protected monopoly can provide equal incentives to innovate
under reasonable market conditions. It is appropriate to ask, however, whether the
equality is part of a larger weak inequality over a broader class of demand
conditions, or whether equality itself holds up for broader conditions. This
question is addressed in Appendix B, where it is shown that by appropriately
perturbing the utility functions in the ]v , v < v A case, either competition or
protected monopoly may provide strictly greater returns; thus equality should be
interpreted to mean that returns will be very close over a large range of demand
conditions, but that it is possible for either market structure to provide greater
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
Now consider the case of threatened monopoly, in which the inventor can
license the innovation to any firm. As with competition, the inventor does best by
licensing to whatever number of firms maximizes industry profits, and the latter is
accomplished by selling the rights to a single firm. If this firm is a new entrant,
then by adopting the innovation it earns the new-product monopolist’s Nash
equilibrium profit, given by P ND, less the licensing fee, as adoption leads to a
differentiated duopoly that pits the entrant against the old-product monopolist. The
opportunity cost of adoption for the new entrant is the normal profit rate, i.e., zero.
If the inventor sells to the old-product monopolist, then the latter’s profits upon
adoption are P M less the licensing fee. The monopolist’s opportunity cost is the
Nash equilibrium profit of the old-product monopolist, written P OD, since the
inventor will sell to a new entrant if the monopolist declines to adopt. Thus
P M 2 P OD is the maximum revenue that the inventor can gain by licensing to the
old-product monopolist. Now, as long as v
] < v , v we have P . P 1 P ,
i.e., joint monopoly yields strictly greater industry profits than does differentiated
duopoly, and it is apparent that the inventor’s best policy is to license to the
old-product monopolist (here we have an instance of Gilbert and Newbery (1982)
‘‘persistence of monopoly’’ result).
In view of Proposition 2, it is simple to compare competition and threatened
monopoly for the non-drastic case: we have P OD , P OM , since the entrant cuts
into the old-product monopolist’s market, and thus P M 2 P OD . P M 2 P OM 5 P C
when innovation is non-drastic under joint monopoly. In this case, the replacement
effect is mitigated by the threat of entry. The resulting dominance of the product
inertia effect means that threatened monopoly provides strictly greater returns to
innovation than does competition. In Appendix A we extend this conclusion to the
interval (v A , v B ), on which innovation is non-drastic under dominant–fringe
structure but not under joint monopoly. This establishes:
Proposition 3. (a) If ]v < v , v B , then P M 2P OD .P C , and threatened monopoly
provides strictly greater returns to innovation than does competition; ( b) If v > v B ,
then P M 2P OD 5P C , and the two market structures provide the same returns.
It follows that, for product innovations that are vertically differentiated from
established products, Arrow’s comparison of market structures is reversed when
(i) the innovation is non-drastic, and (ii) the old-product monopolist can be
threatened by a new-product entrant.
We conclude this section by considering one final situation, in which the
old-product market is monopolized, but the inventor can license the new product
only to a new entrant, e.g., because institutional constraints prohibit the oldproduct monopolist from adopting the new product. We call this the case of
excluded monopoly. Since the inventor cannot license to the old-product monopolist, his maximum licensing revenue becomes P ND, and since P ND , P M 2 P OD
for v
] < v , v it follows that excluded monopoly provides strictly lower returns to
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
innovation than does threatened monopoly. In Appendix A we demonstrate
P C , P ND for these levels of v, and this gives:
Proposition 4. (a) If v
] < v , v , then P 2P .P .P , and excluded
monopoly provides returns to innovation that are strictly between those of
threatened monopoly and competition; ( b) If v > v B , then P M 2P OD 5P ND 5P C ,
and all of the market structures provide the same returns.
The superiority of excluded monopoly over competition in the non-drastic case
illustrates how the product inertia effect is sensitive to the intensity of competition
from the old-product market. Differentiated duopoly conveys greater market power
in the new-product market than does dominant–fringe structure, and as a
consequence innovation under excluded monopoly generates more rents for the
inventor to extract. This suggests a more general conclusion: if innovation is
non-drastic, then returns to innovation rise as the old-product market becomes
more concentrated. In this way, the efficiency effect, as reflected here by product
inertia, gives a direct link between monopoly power and innovation incentives.
4. Social welfare
In this section, we consider normative aspects of vertically-differentiated
product innovation. While competition in the old-product market yields better
allocative efficiency for a given set of products, monopoly may give rise to
innovation that would not occur under competition. Monopoly may then be
superior on balance if the innovation is of sufficient value. Let S CNA denote the
social surplus obtaining from competition in the old-product market when the new
product is not adopted, and let S M
A denote the surplus associated with an
old-product monopoly that adopts the new product. This trade-off between market
structures is made explicit in the following proposition, which is proved in
Appendix A:
Proposition 5. There exists v*, satisfying v
] , v* , v , such that S N A . S A if
v , v*, S N A 5 S A if v 5 v*, and S N A , S A if v . v*.
According to this proposition, there exists a level v* such that for v above this
level, monopoly with adoption provides strictly greater social surplus than
competition without adoption. It follows that normative comparison of the market
structures depends on the incentives that are provided to adopt the new product,
together with the value of the innovation.
To illustrate the normative comparison of market structures, let us consider the
very simple situation in which the inventor must incur a fixed R&D cost of F .0
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
in order to bring forth the new product. This can be thought of as a case with no
rivalry in R&D, where only one inventor has the knowledge to see the innovation;
we consider alternate possibilities in Section 5.1. In the present instance, adoption
of the new product occurs if and only if the returns from adoption exceed F. It is
clear from Proposition 2 that competition provides strictly greater social welfare
than protected monopoly, since P C . P M 2 P OM implies that adoption occurs
under competition whenever it occurs under protected monopoly. Threatened
monopoly may provide greater welfare than competition, however, since we have
P M 2 P OD . P C for v
] ,v,v .
The latter comparison is illustrated in Fig. 2, which depicts P M 2 P OD and P C
as functions of v for a given specification of the functions fO (v ) and fN (v ).6 For
F < P C , adoption occurs under both threatened monopoly and competition, while
for F . P M 2 P OD adoption occurs under neither; in these regions competition is
superior based on static allocative efficiency. In the area between the curves,
Fig. 2. Social Surplus with fixed R&D cost F. Regions 1, 2 and elsewhere: competition gives greater
social surplus. Regions 3: threatened monopoly gives greater social surplus.
In particular, we specify fO (v )5fN (v )5 v. Fig. 2 is calculated for the values CO 54 / 7 and
CN 56 / 7; this gives v 5 9 / 7, v A 51.5 and v B 56. The propositions hold for this example despite the
violation of the assumption f 9N (0)<CO ; for fO (v )5fN (v )5 v the assumption may be replaced by
CO .1 / 2.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
labelled Regions 1, 2 and 3, adoption occurs under threatened monopoly but not
under competition. Note further that S M
NA denotes surplus under monopoly in the
old-product market when the new product is not adopted, and the social surplus
measures are gross of R&D expenditures. In Regions 1 and 2 we have S M
A 2F ,
, so competition remains superior. In Region 3, however, the value of
innovation is great enough to outweigh the efficiency advantage of competition,
and the inequality is reversed. In this region, it is threatened monopoly that
provides the greater social welfare.
Interestingly, in Region 1 social welfare under monopoly would be greater if the
monopolist did not adopt the innovation. This exemplifies the familiar proposition
that rivalry may lead to socially excessive innovation, where in this instance it is
product market rivalry, rather than rivalry to acquire the patent, that leads to
excessive adoption. Finally, excluded monopoly and competition may be compared by noting that the curve P ND lies between P M 2 P OD and P C , so that the
areas corresponding to Regions 1, 2 and 3 become smaller.
5. Extensions
5.1. Rivalry in the innovative activity
In the preceding analysis we have taken the point of view of an inventor whose
innovation decision is essentially static, and who faces no rivals in the innovative
activity. Actual R&D activity, however, has important dynamic aspects and
frequently involves intense rivalry among potential discoverers of the innovation.
Further, rivalry typically affects the amount of R&D expenditures that are
undertaken, and thereby exerts an added effect on net social surplus. In this
section, we will introduce rivalry in the innovative activity that determines the
timing of innovation together with the resources devoted to R&D. The main new
finding is that, in situations where delaying innovation generates large reductions
in R&D costs, product inertia may become favorable for welfare, due to its
tendency to slow innovation and thereby to mitigate against excessive R&D
To avoid unnecessary complications, we will follow Gilbert and Newbery and
restrict attention to the simple deterministic patent-race model developed by Barzel
(1968). There is a pool of potential innovators, any of whom can discover the
innovation at time T by paying an R&D cost of F(T ), to be incurred at the instant
of discovery. Time is continuous, and F(T ) is positive and strictly decreasing in T;
the assumption of declining R&D costs can be justified in terms of complementary
discoveries in other sectors, or diseconomies stemming from compression of
research activity. When one innovator makes the discovery at T, he obtains a
patent on the product, and his subsequent profits are determined as above.
Suppose first that the pool of potential innovators includes any agent that desires
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
to make the R&D investment, so that R&D activity is disintegrated from the
production process for the new product; we call this disintegrated R& D.
Innovation occurs as soon as R&D costs exactly dissipate all rents available from
the patent. In the case of competition, for example, the equilibrium discovery time
is determined by:
] 2 F(T ) 5 0
where r is the rate of discount, and we have assumed for simplicity that the flow of
profits from the new product continues unchanged for all time. The discovery time
is determined similarly for protected and threatened monopoly.
Let us now consider social surplus in patent race equilibria for the specification
of Fig. 2, where we also set F(T )5F(0)e 2dT . The parameter d .0 indicates the
rate of which R&D costs decline over time. Further, we put F(0)5(P M 2 P OD ) /r,
i.e., time zero is taken to be the instant at which adoption occurs under threatened
monopoly; measuring discounted social surplus at t50 then serves to maximize
the relative advantage of threatened monopoly versus competition.7
The results are summarized in Fig. 3. For v,v B , adoption occurs sooner under
threatened monopoly than under competition. But threatened monopoly gives
greater equilibrium social surplus than competition only in Region 1, where d is
small and the value of innovation is relatively high. The small d case approximates
the static situation of Section 4; in particular, as d approaches zero, the patent race
outcomes converge to the points on the curve P M 2 P OD in Fig. 2, and it follows
from above that threatened monopoly is superior if v is sufficiently large. For
larger d, delayed adoption leads to greater marginal reductions in R&D costs, and
as a consequence the slower adoption makes competition more attractive. Here
product inertia becomes desirable precisely because it slows innovation.
A similar effect arises when competition and protected monopoly are compared.
Adoption occurs no later under competition, but in Region 4 social surplus is
greater under protected monopoly due to the savings in R&D costs results from
slower adoption. Now it is the replacement effect that becomes relatively favorable
for welfare. Interestingly, the relative advantage of protected monopoly increases
as v rises, since an increase in v serves to widen the gap between adoption times.
Finally, threatened monopoly is superior to protected monopoly only in Regions 1
and 2, where again the slower adoption under protected monopoly becomes
attractive when d is large.
Let us now consider the alternative possibility that R&D is directly related to
Measuring social surplus at other times will increase the weight placed on times at which adoption
has occurred under neither or both threatened monopoly and competition, and at such times threatened
monopoly is relatively less attractive. Thus our results give an upper bound on the attractiveness of
threatened monopoly.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
Fig. 3. Social Surplus in patent race equilibria, case of disintegrated R&D. Region 1: Threatened.
Competitive.Protected. Region 2: Competitive.Threatened.Protected. Region 3: Competitive.
Protected.Threatened. Region 4: Protected.Competitive.Threatened.
the production process, so that the producing firm must pay its own R&D cost
rather than licensing from an outsider; this is called integrated R& D. The
distinction between integrated and disintegrated R&D is immaterial under competition, as any firm can produce the new product; and (4) continues to give the
equilibrium discovery time. Protected monopoly is affected, however, since
integrated R&D gives the old-product producer a monopoly over the innovative
activity. Now the firm chooses its discovery time to maximize discounted profits
net of R&D costs, given by:
2 P OM
]]]] 2 F(T )
The first-order condition for maximization with respect to T is:
P M 2 P OM
F9(T )
]]]] 2 F(T ) 1 ]] 5 0
Since F9,0, it follows that discovery occurs strictly later when R&D is
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
integrated. Threatened monopoly is similarly affected, except that new entrants can
earn P ND by innovating, and this places an upper bound on how long the
threatened monopolist can delay innovation.8
Fig. 4 summarizes equilibrium social surplus in the integrated R&D case, for
the same specification of the model as in Fig. 3. For low values of d, the
reductions in R&D costs from delay are small relative to the surplus that
consumers earn from the new product, so that delay is excessive under protected
and threatened monopoly. Thus Region 1, on which threatened monopoly is
superior to competition, is smaller here than in the disintegrated R&D case of Fig.
3. For large d, in contrast, delay leads to large cost reductions, and protected and
threatened monopoly become relatively more attractive; note that Region 4, on
Fig. 4. Social Surplus in patent race equilibria, case of integrated R&D. Region 1: Threatened.
Competitive.Protected. Region 2: Competitive.Threatened.Protected. Region 3: Competitive.
Protected.Threatened. Region 4: Protected.Competitive.Threatened.
Since new entrants fully dissipate rents, the entry time for new entrants is determined by (4) with
replacing P C . The threatened monopolist is thus constrained to innovate no later than the
new-entrant entry time, which may be sooner than the unconstrained time determined by (5). It can be
shown analytically that this constraint becomes tighter as d rises.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
which protected monopoly dominates competition, becomes much larger under
integrated R&D due to the added delay under protected monopoly.
5.2. Rivalry in the new-product market
Thus far we have assumed that the new product is controlled exclusively by a
patent-holding inventor. In many cases, however, patent protection is not available
to developers of new products, and there arises rivalry between firms that market
different variants of the new technology. In this section, we show that product
inertia continues to play a fundamental role when there is the potential for rivalry
in the new-product market.
We now suppose that two firms produce the old product. Each has the option of
adopting the new product at a cost of F. We consider a two-stage game between
these firms: in the first stage, the firms choose simultaneously whether or not to
market the new product. In the second stage, the firms choose quantities to
produce, where the new product can be produced only if the firm had decided to
market it in the first stage, while the old product can be produced irrespective of
the stage-one decision. Demand and costs take the same form as above. We study
subgame–perfect equilibria of this game, in which the quantity decisions give
Nash equilibria of the second stage for every possible adoption profile in the first
Fig. 5 summarizes the pure-strategy adoption equilibria in terms of F and v, for
the specification considered in Fig. 2.10 In Regions 1a–d, neither firm adopts due
to the high adoption costs. In Region 2 only one firm adopts, and in Regions 3a–b
both firms adopt. Under threatened monopoly, in contrast, there is no adoption in
Regions 1a and 1b, while adoption occurs in the remaining regions. Thus Region
1c and 1d are associated with outcomes in which adoption fails to occur in the
duopoly case, even though a threatened monopolist would adopt. Here product
inertia derives from the rival producer of the old product: although either firm
could adopt and acquire a monopoly position in the new-product market, the
presence of the rival reduces the returns to adoption and makes it unattractive
relative to threatened monopoly.
Let us now compare the adoption equilibria to the adoption profiles that would
maximize social surplus. Social surplus is calculated under the assumption that
outputs are determined by Cournot quantity-setting, i.e., imperfect competition in
the quantity stage is taken as a constraint. In Regions 1a and 1c of Fig. 5,
Shaked and Sutton (1990) consider a reduced-form adoption game having a similar decisiontheoretic structure; here we derive the payoffs from a specific model of differentiated-products duopoly.
Duopoly equilibria are unique on the interiors of Regions 1 and 3, in which neither adopt or both
adopt. In Region 2, there exist a pair of asymmetric pure-strategy equilibria in which only one firm
adopts, as well as a single symmetric mixed-strategy equilibrium.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
Fig. 5. Duopoly adoption equilibria. Regions 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d: Neither firm adopts. Region 2: One firm
adopts. Region 3a, 3b: Both firms adopt.
non-adoption maximizes social surplus, while in Regions 1b, 1d, 2 and 3a the
highest social surplus is associated with adoption by only one firm. Adoption by
both firms is optimal only in Region 3b. It follows that adoption is suboptimally
low in Regions 1b and 1d, as a consequence of product inertia together with
incomplete appropriability of consumer surplus, while adoption is suboptimally
high in Region 3a. In the latter region, which is associated with relatively high v
for given F, most of the gains in consumer surplus are generated by the initial
adoption, and the cost of the second adoption outweighs the gain in surplus from
having lower concentration in the new-product market.
6. Conclusion
Our analysis demonstrates that, for the case of a product innovation that is
vertically differentiated from old products, monopoly in the old-product market
may provide greater incentives for innovation than does competition. The key
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
effect is product inertia, which is a variant of the efficiency effect wherein
competition from the old product reduces the rents available from the new. When
innovation is non-drastic under protected monopoly, our model demonstrates that
the incentives to innovate under competition and protected monopoly are identical.
Further, incentives are strictly greater under monopoly when the monopolist can
be threatened by entry. These findings constitute a reversal of Arrow (1962)
conclusions with respect to process innovations. Threatened monopoly may
provide greater social welfare than competition when the innovation is sufficiently
valuable to offset the static allocative efficiency of competition, and realized R&D
costs are not excessively sensitive to rivalry in the innovative activity.
Stated more briefly, monopoly threatened with entry gives greater social welfare
when innovations are valuable and adoption costs are high, while competition is
best when adoption costs are low. This welfare analysis suggests a potentially
useful classification of industries by scope for innovation. Highly innovative
sectors in which entirely new markets emerge from rapid technological progress
(computers, communication equipment, biotech) may most often provide greater
welfare when markets are monopolized. In sectors where new technologies are less
fundamental and innovation takes the form of nonprice competition via small
product improvements (food and household items, apparel), welfare may tend to
be higher under competition, since the gains from innovation are small. As pointed
out above, this classification may be reversed if excessive R&D expenditures
become the dominant consideration.
We count ourselves among the growing number of researchers who have found
that models of vertically-differentiated markets open up fruitful avenues for
developing new insights about innovation. A number of further questions seem
very well-suited to this approach: How important is product inertia for the returns
to low-quality, low-cost innovations (e.g., the replacement of fresh vegetables by
cheaper frozen vegetables)? How does product inertia affect firms that market a
portfolio of old and new products, or who spread incremental improvements across
a product line? Does product inertia exert a greater effect when there is a large
number of old-product firms, or is there a nonmotonic relation between concentration and innovation incentives? These and related questions about the
relationship between market structure and innovation arise naturally once innovation is formulated in terms of vertical product differentiation.
This paper is a revised and extended version of Greenstein and Ramey (1988).
We thank seminar participants at the 1989 AEA Winter Meetings, the European
Association for Research in Industrial Organization, Stanford University, the
University of Illinois and UCSD, as well as an anonymous review.
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
Appendix A
Proofs of Propositions and Lemma
Proof of Proposition 1. The profits of a joint monopolist may be written, using
P 5 [ f0 (1 2 Q O 2 CO ]Q O
1 [vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 fO (1 2 Q O ) 1 fO (1 2 Q O 2 Q N ) 2 CN ]Q N
Under our assumptions, (A1) is a strictly concave function; let Q OM and Q NM denote
the unique maximizers of (A1). We have Q M
N .0 as a consequence of v .v.
] The
remaining possibilities are Q M
O .0, which constitutes non-drastic innovation, and
Q OM 50, which is drastic innovation. Q OM and Q NM in the non-drastic case are
characterized by:
2 f 9O (1 2 Q M
O 2 Q N )[Q O 1 Q N ] 1 fO (1 2 Q O 2 Q N ) 2 C 0 5 0
2 f 9O (1 2 Q M
O 2 Q N )[Q O 1 Q N ] 2 [vf 9
N (1 2 Q N ) 2 f 9
O (1 2 Q N )]Q N
1 vfN (1 2 Q NM ) 2 fO (1 2 Q NM ) 1 fO (1 2 Q M
O 2 Q N ) 2 CN 5 0
and in the drastic case by:
2 f 9O (1 2 Q M
N )Q N 1 fO (1 2 Q N ) 2 C O < 0
2 vf 9N (1 2 Q M
N )Q N 1 vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 C N 5 0
Let Q 9N be the level of Q N that gives quality in (A3a). Since Q 9N ,1 necessarily,
we may choose v sufficiently close to v
] to give:
vfN (1 2 Q 9N ) 2 CN 2 fO (1 2 Q 9N ) 1 CO , 0
For Q NM >Q 9N we may invoke vf 9N (v ).vf 9O (v ) to obtain:
vfN (1 2 Q M
N ) 2 C N 2 fO (1 2 Q N ) 1 C O , 0
Thus if Q M
N satisfied (A3b) we would have:
0 5 2 vf 9N (1 2 Q M
N )Q N 1 vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 C N
, 2 f 9O (1 2 Q M
N )Q N 1 fO (1 2 Q N ) 2 C O
in violation of (A3a); thus, innovation must be non-drastic for v sufficiently close
to v.
Observe next that our assumptions imply, for all v .0:
fO (v ) 2 fN (v ) 2 f O9 (v )[1 2 v ] 1 f N9 (v )[1 2 v ] , f N9 (0) < CO
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
Rearranging gives:
2 f 9O (v )[1 2 v ] 1 fO (v ) 2 CO , 2 f N9 (v )[1 2 v ] 1 fN (v )
and at v 512Q 9N we have:
0 5 2 f O9 (1 2 Q 9N )Q N9 1 fO (1 2 Q 9N ) 2 CO , 2 f 9N (1 2 Q 9N )Q 9N 1 fN (1 2 Q 9N )
It follows that for sufficiently large v:
2 f 9N (1 2 Q 9N )Q N9 1 vfN (1 2 Q N9 ) 2 CN . 0
and (A3b) will be satisfied by Q N .Q N9 , which implies satisfaction of (A3a). Thus
innovation is drastic for sufficiently large v. Note finally that the Q M
N satisfying
(A3b) is strictly increasing in v, which implies that once innovation is drastic at a
given v, it continues to be drastic for all larger v. It follows that v A is given by the
value of v such that (A3a) holds with equality.
Next, let Q CO denote the fringe supply, and let Q LN be defined by:
fO (1 2 Q N ) 2 CO 5 0
If the new-product monopolist chooses Q N ,Q , then Q is determined by the
requirement that price equal marginal cost in the old-product market:
fO (1 2 Q CO 2 Q N ) 2 CO 5 0
while if Q N >Q LN we have Q CO 50; thus Q LN is the limit quantity. If Q N <Q LN , then
the monopolist’s profits are:
P 5 [vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 fO (1 2 Q N ) 1 CO 2 CN ]Q N
which is a strictly concave function. Let Q NC denote its maximizer on [0, Q NL ]; we
] Q C , Q L , then Q C is characterized by:
have Q NC . 0 as a consequence of v .v.
] If ]
2 [vf 9N (1 2Q N ) 2 f 9O (1 2Q N )]Q N 1 vfN (1 2Q N ) 2 fO (1 2Q CN ) 1 CO 2 CN
] ]
If instead we have Q N >Q LN , then the monopolist’s profit function is:
P 5 [vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 CN ]Q N
which again is strictly concave. Let Q¯ N denote the maximizer of this function over
all quantities, including Q N ,Q N ; thus Q¯ N is defined by (A3b), with Q¯ N replacing
Q N . It follows that innovation is drastic as long as Q¯ N > Q N , since the newproduct monopolist may simply implement the unconstrained profit maximum by
choosing Q CN 5Q CN , while if Q¯ N , Q LN the presence of the competitive fringe
affects the monopolist’s
profits, so that innovation is non-drastic. In the latter case,
the monopolist’s optimal choice is Q CN 5Q CN .
The earlier arguments are easily modified
to establish that innovation is
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
non-drastic for v sufficiently close to ]v (replace Q N9 with Q NL ). Further, the
condition f N9 (0)<CO implies
2 f 9N (1 2 Q LN )Q LN 1 fN (1 2 Q LN ) . 0
so that Q¯ N . Q NL for sufficiently large v. Since Q¯ N is strictly increasing in v, it
follows that a v .v
the desired property; in particular, v5v B solves
] exists having
(A3b) with Q N replacing Q N . Finally, at v5v A we have Q NM 5 Q¯ N and thus Q¯ N
satisfies (A3a) with equality; this implies Q¯ N , Q N , so that we must have v .v .
Under differentiated duopoly, the profit functions for the old and new monopolists respectively are:
PO 5 [ fO (1 2 Q O 2 Q N ) 2 CO ]Q 0
PN 5 [vfN (1 2 Q N ) 2 fO (1 2 Q N ) 1 fO (1 2 Q O 2 Q N ) 2 CN ]Q N
Let the Nash equilibrium quantities be denoted Q OD and Q ND . As above, v .v
assures Q DN .0. Under our assumptions, there exist downward-sloping and
continuous reaction functions in the space of quantity pairs, and moreover these
reaction functions have one and only one intersection; thus Q DO and Q DN are
uniquely defined.
Innovation is drastic in this case if and only if Q DO 50. Comparing (A4) with the
first-order condition of the old-product duopolist, it follows that innovation is
drastic under differentiated duopoly if and only if Q DN >Q LN , and in the latter
instance we have Q ND 5Q NC since the first-order condition of the new-product
duopolist coincides with (A3b). Thus, innovation is drastic under differentiated
duopoly precisely when it is drastic under dominant–fringe structure. Q.E.D.
Proof of Lemma. (a) The profit function of an old-profit monopolist that does not
adopt the new product are:
P 5 [ fO (1 2 Q O ) 2 CO ]Q O
and the unique maximizer Q OOM is defined by:
f O9 (1 2 Q O )Q O 2 fO (1 2 Q O ) 2 CO 5 0
Since v
, v < v A, Q M
O and Q N are defined by (A2a–b), and substituting Q O 1
] OM
Q N 5Q O into (A2a) gives (A7).
(b) Subtracting (A2a) from (A2b) gives a condition equivalent to (A5), with Q NM
replacing Q NC . Thus the result holds if the dominant firm does not choose the limit
pricing strategy
for v
v < v A . Now, for v5v A we may use (A3a) with equality
and (A4) to obtain Q N , Q NL , while subtracting (A3a) with equality from (A3b)
gives (A5) with Q M
N replacing Q N ; since (A3b) also determines Q N , this
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
establishes Q¯ N , Q LN for v5v A . It is also true that Q CN is strictly increasing in v at
v5v A , for differentiation of (A5) gives:
sign ]]
5 sign[2f 9N (1 2Q N )Q N 1 fN (1 2Q N )] . 0
] ]
where the inequality follows from (A3b) and Q CN 5 Q M
N . Moreover, the second
term in (A8) remains positive for smaller hhUNDERLINE
Qj]hfunc hNjj3hfunc
hCjjj, so that Q CN continues to be an increasing function of v at lower levels of v;
thus Q NC , Q NL]for all v
, v , v A . Similarly, we may use (A3b) to show Q¯ C , Q NL
] v , v , v A . Q.E.D.
for all
Proof of Proposition 2. It remains to consider the case of v.v A . Note first that
N ,Q N for v ,v,v : this may be seen by subtracting (A3a) with equality from
(A3b) and comparing with (A5), when Q CN ,Q LN ; and by comparing (A3b) at v5v A
with (A3b) at v5v B and Q LN replacing Q M
N , using (A6), when Q N 5Q N . Further,
Q N 5Q N for v>v . Making the dependence on v explicit, we have:
P C (v) 2 (P M (v) 2 P OM ) 5 P C (v A) 2 (P M (v A) 2 P OM )
≠P (t) ≠P (t)
E F]]
2 ]]]G dt
minhv,v B j
[ fN (1 2 Q NC )Q NC
2 fN (1 2 Q N )Q N ] dt . 0
using Q N ,Q N <Q N over the relevant interval, along with fN (12Q N )Q N strictly
increasing in Q N for Q N <Q LN , which follows from (A6). Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 3. Here we provide a sketch of the proof; a more detailed
proof is available from the authors upon request. First, it can be shown that
v A ,v,v B implies two facts: (i) Q OD ,Q NC and (ii) sign[Q NC –Q ND ]5sign[Q ND 2Q OD ].
Fixing v and parameterizing by CO , it can be shown that there exist C O and C O ,
with C
] O , C O , C O , suchA that innovation is non-drastic under joint monopoly if
and only if C
structure and
] O , CO , C O , and non-drastic under dominant–fringe
differentiated duopoly if and only if C
region C OA ,
B ]
CO ,C O (corresponding to v ,v,v ). To ease notation, we will use a lower bar
to indicate that a function is evaluated at 12Q DO 2Q DN , and an upper bar to indicate
evaluation at 12Q ND . Making explicit the dependence on CO , we may write:
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
P M 2 P OD(CO ) 2 P C (CO ) 5 hP M 2 P OD(C BO ) 2 P C (C BO )j
E F 2f] 9 Q
1 Q N dCO
E ]D1 (2f] 9 Q [2f] ‘Q
1f 9O ] 1 DQ NC ) dCO
where P M is independent of CO due to CO .C AO ; the term in braces vanishes since
innovation is drastic under all three market structures for CO >C BO ; and D is given
D ; 2fO ‘f O9 [Q OD 1 Q ND ] 1 3[f 9O ] 2 1 [fO ‘Q DO 2 2f 9O ] ? hvf¯N ‘ 2 f¯O ‘]Q ND
] ]
2 2[vf¯ 9N 2 f¯ 9O )j . 0
In the last integrand in (A9), the numerator may be written:
fO ‘f O9 Q OD Q ND 2 [f O9 ] 2 Q OD 2fO ‘f 9O [Q DO 1 Q DN ]Q CN 1 3[f 9O ] 2 Q CN 1 hfO ‘Q DO 2 2f 9O j ?
] ]
] ]
h[vf¯N ‘ 2 f¯O ‘]Q ND 2 2[vf¯ N9 2 f¯ O9 ]jQ NC
The last term in (A10), which includes the product of expressions in braces, is
strictly positive, and the remaining terms may be written:
fO ‘f O9 Q OD [Q ND 2 Q NC ] 1 [f O9 ] 2 [3Q CN 2 Q DO ] 2fO ‘f O9 Q ND Q ND
] ]
] ]
The third term in (A11) is evidently positive. Using fact (i), the second term is
strictly positive. If Q DN >Q CN , then we have Q DO >Q DN , by fact (ii), but these
inequalities contradict Q NC .Q OD ; thus Q ND ,Q NC and the first term is positive.
Proof of Proposition 4. Here we provide a sketch of the proof; a more detailed
proof is available from the authors upon request. We may write:
(v) 2 P (v) 5
¯f N Q ND 2fO Q ND ]]
2 fN (1 2 Q N )Q N dv
using P (v)
] 5 P (v)
] 5 0. Since Q O is strictly decreasing in v, the second term
within the braces is strictly positive. Further, it was established above that
fN (12Q N )Q N is strictly increasing in Q N for Q N <Q NL , so P ND(v). P C (v) if
Q N >Q N . Otherwise, parameterizing by CO , we have
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
E ]D1 h 2f] 9 Q ([vf¯ ‘ 2 f¯ ‘ 1f] ‘]Q
P ND(c O ) 2 P C (CO ) 5 2
2 2[vf¯ 9N 2 f¯ 9O 1f 9O ]) 2 DQ CN j dC0
using P ND(C BO )2 P C (C BO )50, where D is defined in the proof of Proposition 3.
The expression in braces may be written:
h 2fO ‘f 9O Q ND 1 2[f 9O ] 2 2f 9O ([vf¯N ‘ 2 f¯O ‘]Q DN 2 2[vf¯ 9N 2 f¯ 9O ])j ? [Q DN 2 Q CN ]
] ]
2 h 2 f¯O ‘f¯ 9O Q DO [f O9 ] 2 1 [fO ‘Q DO 2f 9O ] ? ([vf¯N ‘ 2 f¯O ‘]Q DN 2 2[vf¯ 9N 2 f¯ 9O ])jQ CN
which is strictly negative as long as Q DN ,Q CN . Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 5. Social surplus when the new product has been adopted by
a joint monopolist is:
12Q M
S 5 maxhQ
2 Q , 0j
( fO (v ) 2 CO ) dv 1
12Q OM
(vfN (v ) 2 CN ) dv
12Q N
It can be shown using (A2a–b) that Q M
N is strictly increasing in v for v
]A, v < v M,
while we have already noted that Q N is strictly increasing in v for v.v ; thus S A
is strictly increasing in v. Social surplus under competition in the old-product
market when the new product has not been adopted is given by:
( fO (v ) 2 CO ) dv
12Q L
where Q LN is given by (A4). Now, Q M
while Q
follows from
N →0 as v →v,
(A4) and (A7); thus S NA .S A for v close to ]v. At v5v , in contrast, we have
N 5Q N , and moreover (A3a–b) imply:
vfN (1 2 Q LN ) 2 CN . fO (1 2 Q LN ) 2 CO
Thus, S A .S NA for v5v . It follows that S A 5S NA for a unique v* satisfying
] , v* , v , with S A ,S NA for v,v* and S A .S NA for v.v*.Q.E.D.
Appendix B
Comparison of Returns for Perturbed Utility Functions
First, for given Q O and Q N , the utility of consumer vN will be denoted by:
UN 5 fO (1 2 Q N ) 2 fO (1 2 Q O 2 Q N )
S. Greenstein, G. Ramey / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 16 (1998) 285 – 311
Since UN is strictly increasing in Q O , we can recast the joint monopolist’s profit
maximization problem in terms of Q N and UN , and there will be unique
maximizers Q N and U N . In the dominant–fringe case, fO (12Q O 2Q N )5CO and
UN is increasing in Q N , so we can think of the new-product monopolist as
choosing a profit-maximizing level U N . It is easy to see that U N .U N when
v,v .
Now consider perturbations of the utility function that have the form g(vfN (v )2
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is unaffected by the perturbation. Now fix a
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unaffected. It follows that we have P M 2 P OM . P C following the perturbation,
and returns are strictly greater under protected monopoly. By a symmetric
argument, it follows that competition will provide strictly greater returns following
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