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Sur le marché des semi-conducteurs, deux géants se livrent une bataille féroce : Intel et AMD (Advance Micro Devices). Nous nous intéressons dans cet article à la compétition au sein du marché de microprocesseur de type x86 entre ces deux... more
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      DuopolyVertical Differentiation
Marketers and researchers alike typically regard products as differentiated by quality (modeled via vertical differentiation) or taste (modeled via horizontal differentiation). This research examines consumer beliefs about product... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchVertical Differentiation
This thesis investigates the relationship between the distribution of non-European Union (EU) international students across the UK higher education sector and the characteristics of UK higher education institutions (HEIs) and the... more
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      Pierre BourdieuUnited KingdomUniversityInternational student mobility
Film is an example par excellence of a product that is vertically differentiated, in that although each film is unique in some respects in relation to other films, they are not of equal attractiveness to audiences, perhaps because each... more
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      Research and DevelopmentLower BoundVertical DifferentiationSunk Cost
We develop a vertical differentiation game-theoretic model that addresses the issue of designing free software samples (shareware) for attaining follow-on sales. When shareware can be reinstalled, cannibalization of sales of the... more
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      Information SystemsGame TheoryIndustrial OrganizationFree Software
If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note... more
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      International TradeIntra-Industry TradeVertical intra-industry tradeSpectrum
This paper develops a model of price competition between two international airline alliances, with consumers' preferences vertically differentiated by the number of stops. Alliances benefit the interline passengers. Alliances with... more
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      Applied EconomicsProfitabilityPrice CompetitionVertical Differentiation
JEL Classification numbers: L13, L51, Q55, Q58.
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      Environmental EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsProfitability
This paper tests industry-specific hypotheses of the determinants of intra-industry trade in the context of Australia-UK trade. In doing so it separates intra-industry trade (IIT) into IIT in horizontally differentiated products and IiT... more
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      EconomicsIntra-Industry TradeIndustry StructureVertical Differentiation
Suppose you are a Marketing Manager envisioning a new product, or an Operations Manager contemplating a process improvement, or a CEO who commissioned an integrated new product development team. If our assumptions hold, our model offers... more
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      MarketingApplied MathematicsOperations ManagementProduct Design
In this paper, we examine national conditions that encourage the growth of a private regulatory environmental system to govern forests. Economic, institutional and social capital variables for 117 countries are used to examine factors... more
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      Social CapitalApplied EconomicsSustainable forest managementCivil Society
This is a Working Paper and the author(s) would welcome any comments on the present text. Citations should refer to a Working Paper of the International Monetary Fund. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily... more
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      GlobalizationVertical DifferentiationWage DifferentialBertrand Competition
We adopt a vertical differentiation model to study the effect of deregulation in the airline industry. In particular, we show that traditional carriers form international alliances on hub-and-spoke networks to compete against low cost... more
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      Social WelfareVertical Differentiation
In this paper, we examine national conditions that encourage the growth of a private regulatory environmental system to govern forests. Economic, institutional and social capital variables for 117 countries are used to examine factors... more
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      Social CapitalApplied EconomicsSustainable forest managementCivil Society
Educational tracking is a very controversial issue in education. The tracking debate is about the virtues of uniformity and vertical differentiation in the curriculum and teaching. The pro-tracking group claims that curriculum and... more
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      GeographyEconomicsPublic EconomicsEducation
This paper tests industry-specific hypotheses of the determinants of intra-industry trade in the context of Australia-UK trade. In doing so it separates intra-industry trade (IIT) into IIT in horizontally differentiated products and IiT... more
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      EconomicsIntra-Industry TradeIndustry StructureVertical Differentiation
This paper empirically investigates a firm's propensity to patent. It thereby builds on a theoretical model on a firms' patenting decision in a market with vertically differentiated products. We deduce and empirically test several... more
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      Market EntryVertical DifferentiationTheoretical Model
This paper examines the relationship between per capita GDP differences and bilateral intraindustry trade shares. The relationship is negative in OLS regressions but positive in fixed-effect regressions, and evidence is presented... more
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      EconomicsIncome DistributionApplied EconomicsVertical Differentiation
This paper studies the provision of environmental quality in an imperfectly competitive market. It uses a vertical differentiation model in which the free entry equilibrium results in an under-provision of quality. The following main... more
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      EconomicsEuropean Economic IntegrationMarket StructureEnvironmental quality
Educational tracking is a very controversial issue in education. The tracking debate is about the virtues of uniformity and vertical differentiation in the curriculum and teaching. The pro-tracking group claims that curriculum and... more
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      GeographyEconomicsPublic EconomicsEducation
for helpful comments. We have also benefitted from the comments of two anonymous referees and a co-editor. The usual disclaimer, unfortunately, applies. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors and not those of the National Bureau... more
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      EconomicsQuality ImprovementApplied EconomicsProduct innovation
In order to understand the mechanical processes that influence the deformation patterns of active rock glaciers, information about local horizontal and vertical deformations as well as knowledge of the internal structure and the... more
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      SeasonalityRock GlacierTemperature DistributionShear Zone
As was shown in some previous studies, the creation of the North American Free Trade American (NAFTA) has significantly increased trade and investment flows between member countries. Consequently, it seems appropriate to analyze the... more
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      Regional IntegrationFree TradeIntra-Industry TradeGravity Model
This study identifies country and industry-level determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT) between the United States and developing countries. IIT is found to decline with greater differences in relative factor endowments. Economic size... more
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      Economic DevelopmentIntra-Industry TradeScale EconomiesDeveloping Country
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Pour communiquer avec les responsables d'Érudit : more
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      Market StructureProduct differentiationUpper BoundVertical Differentiation
We examine how product and pricing decisions of retail gasoline stations depend on local market demographics and the degree of competitive intensity in the market. We are able to shed light on the observed empirical phenomenon that... more
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      MarketingProduct DesignApplied EconomicsPrice Competition
Large amounts of carbon are stored in permafrost-affected soils of the Arctic tundra. The quantity, distribution and composition of this carbon are important, because much of the carbon is likely to be released as a result of global... more
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      SoilPlant BiologyGlobal WarmingStable Isotope
The 1996 Telecommunications Act requires incumbent providers to lease network inputs to rivals at cost-based prices in order to jump-start competition. Sappington (2005) uses the Hotelling model to show that input prices are irrelevant... more
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      Applied EconomicsRegulatory EconomicsVertical Differentiation
Using a cross-country analysis, this paper examines the determinants of the Italian intra-industry trade in vertically differentiated products. By considering the degree of specialization by quality within industries, we found that Italys... more
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      International TradeIntra-Industry TradeVertical intra-industry tradeSpectrum
Recently, non-axisymmetric convection in vertical directional solidification experiments has been observed. It has been suggested that the asymmetry is due to lack of azimuthal symmetry in imposed temperature and that the flow asymmetry... more
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      EngineeringHeat and Mass TransferMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We consider two firms introducing vertically differentiated products to a market ruled by the consumers’ willingnessto-pay. If consumers behave indifferently to all the products, they would always choose the product which offers highest... more
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      Game TheoryPricingCoopetitionBundling
Double marginalization causes inefficiencies in vertical markets. This paper argues that such inefficiencies may be beneficial to final consumers in markets producing vertically differentiated goods. The rationale behind this result is... more
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      Market StructureSupply ChainVertical IntegrationVertical Differentiation
We document the evolution of product innovation and features in the mobile telephone handset market. We distinguish between two types of product innovation: vertical and horizontal innovation. Using data from 1990 -2003, we find that some... more
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      Product innovationMobile telephonyBusiness and ManagementMobile phone
In a vertically differentiated industry a domestic and a foreign firm first choose the quality of their goods and then compete in quantities, or prices, in the home market. We investigate the cases in which a tariff is chosen before, or... more
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      EconomicsExitVertical Differentiation
We consider a model of vertical competition where downstream firms (retailers) purchase an upstream input from a monopolist and are able to differentiate from each other in terms of quality. Our primary focus is to study the effects of... more
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      Consumer WelfareWorking PapersPrice CompetitionMarket Power
The three-dimensional (3D) Rossby wave energy dispersion of a tropical cyclone (TC) is studied using a baroclinic primitive equation model. The model is initialized with a symmetric vortex on a beta plane in an environment at rest. The... more
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      Wave EnergyRossby WavesAtmospheric sciencesEnergy Budget
This paper addresses the question of how the vertical structure of a product line relates to brand equity. Does the presence of "premium" or high-quality products in a product line enhance brand equity? Conversely, does the presence of... more
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      MarketingBrand equityMarketing ScienceProfitability
The paper investigates a duopoly model with vertical differentiation and both Bertrand and Cournot competition where firms choose between process or product innovation. It is shown that under both competitive regimes three equilibria in... more
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      Product innovationProduction ProcessProcess InnovationInnovation Adoption
Two questions are examined within a model of vertical differentiation. The first is whether cost-reducing innovations are more likely to be observed in regimes of more intense or less intense competition. Following and Bester and Petrakis... more
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      Industrial OrganizationEconomic TheoryProduct innovationIndustrial
We introduce strategic behaviour in assigning a certain distribution channel to a product of a particular quality. We propose a variety of models to analyze and study some of the determinants of the choice of distribution channels. Taking... more
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      ProfitabilityProduct QualityVertical DifferentiationDistribution Channel
Drilling at Soultz-sous-Forêts, France, conducted as part of the European 'Hot Dry Rock' Project, penetrated the Rhine Graben basement down to 5 090 m and revealed a porphyritic monzogranite. Chemical composition and REE patterns of three... more
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In this article, we show that in models where location is endogenous, maximum welfare losses arising from non-optimal locations or from the lack of market coverage may be substantial. In contrast, maximum welfare losses arising from... more
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      EconomicsDOCUMENTOS DE TRABAJO SOCIALVertical DifferentiationHorizontal Differentiation
This paper presents a theoretical and empirical study of price formation in markets where goods differ in two attributes, perceived quality of each variety, and service provided by the store where the good is sold. Price competition in... more
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      MarketingPrice CompetitionEmpirical StudyProduct differentiation
This study examines the determinants of Turkish outward FDI employing a gravity model. The model estimates the impact of traditional gravity variables, as well as openness, labour productivity, infrastructure, institutions and economic... more
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      International BusinessForeign Direct InvestmentPanel DataGravity Model
We analyze the effect of competition in market-accessibility enhancement among quality-differentiated firms. Firms are located in regions with different ex-ante transport costs to reach the final market. We characterize the equilibrium of... more
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      EconomicsWorking PapersWillingness to PayVertical Differentiation
This paper analyzes the regulation of payment schemes for health care providers competing in both quality and product differentiation of their services. The regulator uses two instruments: a prospective payment per patient and a cost... more
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      Product differentiationAllocative EfficiencyVertical DifferentiationHealth Care Provider
JEL Classification numbers: L13, L51, Q55, Q58.
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      Environmental EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsProfitability
Educational tracking is a very controversial issue in education. The tracking debate is about the virtues of uniformity and vertical differentiation in the curriculum and teaching. The pro-tracking group claims that curriculum and... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsEducationEconomics of Education
Educational tracking is a very controversial issue in education. The tracking debate is about the virtues of uniformity and vertical differentiation in the curriculum and teaching. The pro-tracking group claims that curriculum and... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsEducationEconomics of Education