Parallel Computing For Neural Networks

A neuron is commonly modeled by synapses, represented by Wi, connected to input signals, represented by Xi. These inputs are either inputs to the network, or outputs from previous neurons. A neuron will sum these inputs and calculate the output based on an activation function.

Parallel Computing For Neural Networks Dan Grau and Nick Sereni Introduction ● What is a neural network? ○ Collection of interconnected neurons that compute and generate impulses ○ Components of a neural network include neurons, synapses, and activation functions ○ Neural networks modeled by mathematical or computer models are referred to as artificial neural networks ○ Neural networks achieve functionality through learning/training functions Neurons, Synapses, & Activation A neuron is commonly modeled by synapses, represented by Wi, connected to input signals, represented by Xi. These inputs are either inputs to the network, or outputs from previous neurons. A neuron will sum these inputs and calculate the output based on an activation function. Network Topologies ● Network topologies describe how neurons map to each other. Many artificial neural networks (ANNs) utilize network topologies that are very parallelizable. Most Commonly Used Algorithms ● Multilayer feedforward networks ○ Layered network where each layer of neurons only outputs to next layer ● Feedback networks ○ Single layer of neurons with outputs that loops back to the inputs ● Self-organizing maps (SOM) ○ Forms mappings from a high dimensional space to a lower dimensional space (one layer of neurons) ● Sparse distributed memory (SDM) ○ Special form of a two layer feedforward network that works as an associative memory Learning/Training ● The key to neural networks is weights. Weights determine the importance of signals and essentially determine the network output. ● Training cycles adjust weights to improve the performance of a network. The performance of an ANN is critically dependant on training performance. ● An untrained network is basically useless. ● Different training algorithms lend themselves better to certain network topologies, but Why Neural Networks? There are about 10^16 synapses in the human brain each performing multiple operations/s. This means that the brain is processing approximately 10^16 operations/s while only dissipating a few watts. ANNs aim to mimic this behavior in hopes of achieving similar performance. The brain's ability to interpret raw sensory data and perform behavior based on it outperform any modern design. Why Parallel Computing? ● Training and evaluation of each node in large networks can take an incredibly long time ● However, neural networks are "embarrassingly parallel" ○ Computations for each node are generally independent of all other nodes Possible Levels of Parallelization Typical structure of an ANN: ● For each training session ○ For each training example in the session ■ For each layer (forward and backward) ● For each neuron in the layer ○ For all weights of the neuron ■ For all bits of the weight value Possible Levels of Parallelization So there are at least 6 possible ways to achieve parallelism, from coarse grain to fine grain: ● Training session parallelism ○ Training example parallelism ■ Layer parallelism or Forward-Backward parallelism ● Neuron parallelism ○ Weight parallelism ■ Bit parallelism Even coarser parallelism: Network level [4] Matching the Degree of Parallelism to the Network ● The multiple layer structure of many feedforward networks and their backpropagation training technique severely limits the speedup of parallel neuron computations ○ Training set or network level parallelism more practical ● Neuron level parallelism more effective for single layer networks ○ SOM or some recurrent networks Network Level vs Neuron Level Parallelism Neuron Level Parallelism [7] Network Level Parallelism [7] Computational Considerations ● Main operation is matrix-vector multiplication ○ For an N-node layer, there are N2 scalar multiplications and N sums of N numbers ○ Need good support for multiply or multiply-and-add ● Sigmoid function ○ In many models, neuron output is determined by a function such as f(x) = 1/(1+e-x) ○ For efficiency, needs to be approximated via lookup table or a piecewise linear model Communication Considerations ● High degree of connectivity and large data flows are characteristic features of ANNs ● Structure and bandwidth of communication are very important ○ Depends of degree of parallelism ● Broadcast or ring communication very efficient for ANNs More processors is not always better Division of labor for a 5x5 SOM (25 neurons). Bold numbers show the required number of sequential loops [5] Additionally, the effort and time to transfer data between processors increases with each step Example: Parallel Back-propagation training [7] Training-set parallelization -Each processor performs full sequential training of the network for one portion of the training set -Main processor performs averaging procedure on results to extract final weight table Example: Parallel SOM [7] Partitions the neuron grid into a set of nodes that can be processed independently of each other. Results Execution time vs. number of processors in MPI: Neuron-level parallelism[3] Execution time vs. number of processors in MPI: Training-Set Parallelism[3] Results (cont...) Training Time of 25-node SOM depending on the number of used processors [5] Results (cont...) Problem Decomposition [6] References [1] Kwabena Boahen. Neuromorphic microchips. Scientific American, 292(5):56–63, 2005. [2] Nordström, T. and B. 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