of Leibniz’s Fictions
hat was Leibniz’s take on ‘‘impossible’’ numbers?
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) described
imaginary roots, negative numbers, and infinitesimals as useful fictions. But did he view such ‘‘impossible’’
numbers as mathematical entities? Did he envision a
violation of the Archimedean axiom? And what were his
‘‘bounded infinities’’? Can a person of infinite age have
been born? Did mathematical existence have comparable
meaning to Leibniz as to Hilbert?
Numbers that we take for granted today, such as negative, irrational, imaginary, and infinitesimal, go beyond the
conceptual world of the ancient Greek mathematicians.1 In
a sense, such numbers are impossible, or fictional.
Many seventeenth-century pioneers saw their task as
either explaining, or expanding on, ancient Greek mathematics. A typical case is Fermat’s reconstruction of
Apollonius’s Plane Loci (see [12, 30] for a discussion). In
particular, they had to justify the status of certain ‘‘fictions’’
admitting no geometric representation. Throughout his
mathematical career, Leibniz argued for the virtues of
expanding the scope of ‘‘quantity’’ to include negative,
imaginary, and infinitesimal numbers. It is, however, not
always easy to discern the precise nature of Leibniz’s attitude toward expanding the conceptual resources of
Leibniz saw Galileo’s paradox of the infinite2 as an
indication that the concept of an ‘‘infinite whole’’ is contradictory, because it contradicts the part–whole principle.3
Leibniz’s view is in sharp contrast with the modern one,
comfortable with the concept of an infinite cardinality.
Leibniz often used ‘‘infinite number’’ in the sense of what
we would refer to today as ‘‘infinite cardinality’’ (contradictory in Leibniz’s view), indicating that he used the term
‘‘infinite number’’ in a generalized sense. When he spoke of
the reciprocals of the infinitesimals used in his calculus, he
tended to use either ‘‘infinite quantity’’ or infinitum terminatum (bounded infinity) rather than ‘‘infinite number,’’
though occasionally he used the latter term as well, as
when he defined an infinitesimal as an ‘‘infinitely small
fraction, or one whose denominator is an infinite
In his 1683 Elementa Nova matheseos universalis, Leibniz explained that some mathematical operations cannot be
performed in actuality, but one can nonetheless exhibit ‘‘a
construction in our characters’’ (in nostris characteribus
[15, p. 520]), meaning that one can carry out a formal calculation, such as those with imaginary roots. Just as Leibniz
is pushing the envelope by extending the domain of
quantities to include unassignable ones, he is pushing the
Some prominent twentieth-century scholars were still opposed to, or uncomfortable with, both irrationals and infinitesimals. Thus, Errett Bishop opposed both the
classical development of the real numbers and the use of infinitesimals in teaching calculus [5]. For a discussion, see [9–11, 31].
Galileo (1564–1642) observed that the natural numbers admit a one-to-one correspondence with their squares.
The part–whole principle, which goes back to Euclid, asserts that a (proper) part is smaller than the whole.
‘‘fraction infiniment petite, ou dont le denominateur soit un nombre infini’’ [19, p. 93].
Ó 2021 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
envelope by extending the meaning of ‘‘construction’’ to
include a mental operation using ‘‘our characters.’’
Leibniz referred to infinitesimals as fictional entities. But
what is the precise meaning of that expression? The crux of
the matter is whether Leibniz viewed infinitesimals as
mathematical entities.
Alice holds that the Leibnizian term ‘‘infinitesimal’’ does
not refer to a mathematical entity,5 and she sees Leibniz’s
expression ‘‘fictional entities’’ as including terms that only
seem to refer to mathematical entities but in actuality do
not. Alice reads the epithet ‘‘fictional’’ as undermining the
noun ‘‘entity.’’ Furthermore, to Alice, ‘‘infinitesimals’’ do not
refer to mathematical entities, because such would be
inconsistent, i.e., contradictory, and more specifically,
contrary to the part–whole axiom.
Bob holds that infinitesimals are mathematical entities,
and he interprets the expression ‘‘fictional entities’’ as
describing entities of a special kind, namely ‘‘fictional.’’ Bob
reads the epithet ‘‘fictional’’ not as undermining but as
delimiting the meaning of ‘‘entity,’’ and he views these
mathematical entities as consistent, as any mathematical
entity would have to be; in particular, they do not contradict the part–whole axiom. Bob holds that their fictionality
references the fact that they are merely accidentally
impossible (in accordance with the Leibnizian philosophy
of knowledge) but nonetheless consistent, and therefore
legitimate mathematical entities in Leibniz’s view.
Law and Fictio Juris
Did Leibniz view the term ‘‘infinitesimal’’ as tied up with
contradiction? Alice cites as evidence the fact that Leibniz
sometimes used contradictory notions in jurisprudence.6
Bob argues that jurisprudence fails to provide convincing evidence as far as Leibniz’s mathematical practice is
concerned. Bob holds that noncontradiction was the very
foundation of the mathematical method for Leibniz (see [4,
§3.4] and the section below on mathematical possibility),
barring any inference from legal usage.
Reference to Violation of Euclid V.4
Infinitesimals, as usually conceived, involve a violation of
the Archimedean property. One can therefore ask whether
Leibniz ever alluded to such a violation in writing. In fact,
Leibniz wrote in a June 14/24, 1695, letter to Guillaume de
l’Hospital (1661–1704):
I use the term incomparable magnitudes to refer to
[magnitudes] of which one multiplied by any finite
number whatsoever, will be unable to exceed the
other, in the same way [adopted by] Euclid in the fifth
definition of the fifth book [of The Elements] [16].
In modern editions of The Elements, the notion of comparability appears in Book V, Definition 4.7 A similar
discussion of incomparability in the context of Euclid’s
definition appears in a 1695 publication of Leibniz’s [17] in
response to criticism by the Dutch mathematician and
philosopher Bernard Nieuwentijt (1654–1718).
Alice reads the Leibnizian reference to Euclid’s Definition V.4, and the violation thereof by infinitesimals when
compared to ordinary magnitudes, as merely a ‘‘nominal
definition.’’8 Alice quotes Leibniz to the effect that nominal
definitions could harbor contradictions. Alice holds that the
true meaning of infinitesimals resides in the Archimedean
exhaustion-style unwrapping of ostensibly infinitesimal
Bob argues that Archimedean paraphrases in exhaustion
style constitute an alternative method rather than an
unwrapping of the infinitesimal method.10 He notes that
while Leibniz warned that nominal definitions may harbor
contradictions, there is no indication that they must do so;
hence, regardless of whether one interprets the violation of
Euclid’s Definition V.4 as a ‘‘nominal’’ move, infinitesimals
can still be consistent mathematical entities.
Fictions, Useful Fictions, and Well-Founded
Do fictions involve contradictions? Some Leibnizian texts
shed light on the matter. In 1674, Leibniz analyzed the area
under the hyperbola, and concluded that
the infinite is not a whole, but only a fiction, since
otherwise the part would be equal to the whole [21, A
VII 3, 468; October 1674].
‘‘[Numbers or ideal entities] are entities that are referred to. Fictions, on the other hand, are not entities to which we refer. They are not abstract entities’’ [8, p. 100]
(emphasis added).
‘‘Leibniz conceived of infinitely small as compendia cogitandi for proofs and discovery and not as genuine mathematical entities’’ [28, p. 360] (emphasis added).
‘‘[R]eference to the infinite and infinitely small does not amount to the acceptance of genuine infinite entities, but is a ‘way of speaking’ referring ultimately to the only
existing mathematical quantities, that is, finite quantities’’ [29, p. 441] (emphasis added).
‘‘[E]ven though its concept [infinitesimal] may contain a contradiction, it can nevertheless be used to discover truths, provided a demonstration can (in principle) be
given to show that its being used according to some definite rules will avoid contradiction. This strategy of using ‘fictions’ is not limited to mathematics and was very
widespread in Law, the discipline which Leibniz first learned as a student, where it took the form of the ‘fictio juris’’’ [29, p. 407].
‘‘Magnitudes which when multiplied can exceed one another are said to have a ratio to one another’’ [translation by Ian Mueller]. A system of magnitudes satisfying
Euclid V def. 4 is said to be Archimedean, in connection with the so-called Archimedean axiom; in modern notation: for every A and every B, a multiple nA of A exists
such that nA [ B.
‘‘If one wants to infer existence, one cannot just rely on the nominal definition of ‘incomparables’ (as not respecting the definition of Archimedean quantities)’’ [29,
p. 433].
‘‘The strict proof operating only with assignable quantities justifies proceeding by simply appealing to the fact that dv is incomparable with respect to v: in keeping with
the Archimedean axiom, it can be made so small as to render any error in neglecting it smaller than any given’’ [2, pp. 567–568].
See [4, §1.3].
Alice quotes this text as evidence that Leibniz uses the term
‘‘fiction’’ to refer to a contradictory infinite whole.11
Bob points out that although Leibniz uses the term
‘‘fiction’’ in this analysis of an infinite whole, he never refers
to such contradictory notions as either useful or wellfounded fictions; meanwhile, Leibniz describes infinitesimals as both useful fictions and well-founded fictions.12
Furthermore, Leibniz did not actually write that an infinite
whole was a fiction, contrary to Alice’s inference. Leibniz
wrote that ‘‘the infinite is not a whole, but only a fiction.’’
That is not the same as saying that an infinite whole is a
fiction. Therefore, the inference from the 1674 passage is
Infinite Cardinalities and Infinite Quantities
Alice and Bob have argued about both the meaning of
‘‘infinite number’’ in Leibniz and his distinction between
infinita terminata (bounded infinities) and infinita interminata (unbounded infinities). One of the main sources for
this Leibnizian distinction is his De Quadratura Arithmetica [24].
Leibniz’s writings contain many speculations about the
paradoxical behavior of the infinita terminata. For example, Leibniz mentioned the allegory of somebody of infinite
age who nonetheless was born; somebody who lives infinitely many years and yet dies [1, p. 51]. According to
Leibniz, the kind of infinite quantities one obtains by
inverting infinitesimals is infinita terminata, as in the
example of an infinite-sided polygon. Bob argues that these
ideas seem difficult today because of the prevalence of a
post-Weierstrassian mindset in traditional mathematical
Alice quotes passages in which Leibniz argues that
infinite wholes are contradictory, because contrary to the
part–whole axiom.14 Alice holds that ‘‘infinite number’’
necessarily means ‘‘infinite whole,’’ that infinitesimals are
their inverses, and therefore all are contradictory.
Bob analyzes the Leibnizian distinction between bounded infinity and unbounded infinity and points out that the
latter is akin to cardinality.15 The former are the inverses of
infinitesimals; they constitute a notion distinct from cardinalities and involve no contradiction.16 Bob holds that the
expression ‘‘infinite number’’ in Leibniz is ambiguous and
could refer either to cardinalities (contradicting the part–
whole axiom) or to (noncontradictory) infinita terminata.
A modern illustration of infinita terminata is given in the
following section.
Bounded Infinities from Leibniz to Skolem
We provide a modern formalization of Leibniz’s infinita
terminata in terms of the extensions of N developed by
Thoralf Skolem in 1933 [33]. Such an extension, say M,
satisfies the axioms of Peano arithmetic (and in this sense is
indistinguishable from N). Yet M is a ‘‘proper’’ extension,
of which N is an initial segment. Such models are sometimes referred to as nonstandard models of arithmetic; see,
e.g., [14]. Each element of the complement M n N is greater
than each element of N and in this sense can be said to be
Notice that, depending on the background logical system, one can view Skolem’s extensions as either
‘‘potentially’’ or ‘‘actually’’ infinite (of course, in the former
case, neither N nor M exists as a completed whole). The
sense in which elements of M n N are infinite is unrelated to
the Aristotelian distinction. An element of M n N provides a
modern formalization of the infinita terminata.
Leibniz’s Rebuttal of Bernoulli’s Inference
from Series
In a February 24/March 6, 1699, letter to Johann Bernoulli
(1667–1748) [18], Leibniz noted that the infinitude of terms
in a geometric progression does not prove the existence of
You do not reply to the reason which I have proposed for the view that, given infinitely many terms,
it does not follow that there must also be an
infinitesimal term. This reason is that we can conceive an infinite series consisting merely of finite
terms or of terms ordered in a decreasing geometric
progression. I concede the infinite plurality of terms,
but this plurality itself does not constitute a number
or a single whole [22, p. 514].
Leibniz used the distinction between a plurality and an
infinite whole to refute Bernoulli’s attempted inference
from the existence of infinite series to the existence of
infinitesimals, and reiterated his position against viewing an
infinite plurality as a whole (see the section on infinite
cardinalities above).
The Leibnizian passage is quoted as evidence in [2] and [29] as follows: ‘‘Even though this establishes the fictional nature of such infinite wholes, however, this does
not mean that one cannot calculate with them; only, the viability of the resulting calculation is contingent on the provision of a demonstration’’ [2, p. 557] (emphasis
‘‘Here, the infinite area is that between the hyperbola and its asymptote (bounded on one side), and Leibniz argues that since taking it as a true whole leads to
contradiction with the axiom that the whole is greater than its (proper) part, it should instead be regarded as a fiction’’ [29, p. 405] (emphasis added).
See [3, 13, 32].
See the section on bounded infinities below for Thoralf Skolem’s (1887–1963) formalization of the idea of an infinite integer.
‘‘[Leibniz] argued in some critical comments on Galileo’s Discorsi in 1672 that the part–whole axiom must be upheld even in the infinite. It follows that it is impossible
to regard ‘all the numbers’ and ‘all the square numbers’ as true wholes, since then the latter would be a proper part of the former, and yet equal to it, yielding a
contradiction’’ [29, pp. 405–406]. Arguably, Leibniz in fact possessed the means to see that the part–whole axiom and the existence of infinite wholes are not
incompatible [34].
See [4, §2.2].
‘‘[U]nlike the infinite number or the number of all numbers, for Leibniz infinitary concepts do not imply any contradiction, although they may imply paradoxical
consequences’’ [6, Section 7].
Ó 2021 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
Alice argues that Leibniz’s exchange with Bernoulli
about infinite series shows that Leibniz viewed infinitesimals and infinite quantities as contradictory.17
Bob notes that Leibniz stresses the distinction between
infinite cardinality and infinite quantity (reciprocal of
infinitesimals). Bob argues that the exchange with Bernoulli precisely refutes Alice’s attempt to blend infinite
cardinality and infinite quantity so as to deduce the
inconsistency of infinitesimals. Bob holds that Leibniz
didn’t blend cardinality and quantity; only Alice did. Leibniz, on the contrary, emphasized the distinction in order to
refute Bernoulli’s inference. Bob holds that Leibniz’s
rebuttal of Bernoulli’s inference does a serviceable job of
refuting Alice’s inference concerning a purported inconsistency of fictional entities as well.
Mathematical Possibility
Among Leibniz’s preparatory material for his Characteristica Universalis, we find the following definition of
‘‘possible,’’ dating approximately from 1678: ‘‘A possible
thing is that which does not imply a contradiction.’’18 The
same definition appears in many writings, such as, for
instance, the February 24/March 6, 1699, letter to Johann
Bernoulli analyzed in the previous section, in which Leibniz wrote, ‘‘Possible things are those which do not imply a
contradiction.’’19 If even in the broader framework of the
Characteristica Universalis, a thing is possible as soon as it
causes no contradiction, then certainly in the narrower
mathematical context, the absence of contradiction is sufficient to guarantee that the thing is possible. And in fact,
that Leibniz meant the principle of noncontradiction to
apply to mathematics is evident from his second letter to
Samuel Clarke (1675–1729), from 1715:
The great foundation of mathematics is the principle
of contradiction or identity, that is, that a proposition
cannot be true and false at the same time, and that
therefore A is A and cannot be not A. This single
principle is sufficient to demonstrate every part of
arithmetic and geometry, that is, all mathematical
principles [25, p. 7].20
In itself, the identification of possibility with the principle
of noncontradiction is not a novelty, for already in his
Summa theologiae, Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225–1274) clearly
explained the major consequences of this assumption:
But what implies contradiction is not submitted to
divine omnipotence, because it cannot bear the
qualification of possible.21
But while in the Middle Ages, possibility, and hence
noncontradiction, was deemed to be a necessary condition
for the existence of an entity, but not a sufficient one (not
every possibility is actualized), Bob argues that in Leibniz’s
mathematics, the condition is also sufficient: mathematical
existence is equivalent to mathematical possibility, and the
latter is wholly determined by a (global) principle of
noncontradiction. Of course, this is not the case in physics,
so that Leibniz can introduce the notion of accidental
impossibilities, namely notions that are possible—and
hence they exist in mathematics—but not necessarily
instantiated in rerum natura. Accordingly, Leibniz held a
noncontradiction view of mathematical existence that can
be seen as an early antecedent of Hilbert’s formalism.22 Bob
argues that to be usable in mathematics, a concept must
first and foremost be noncontradictory, and that Leibniz’s
letter undercuts Alice’s claim that Leibniz viewed infinitesimals as contradictory.
A-Track and B-Track
Alice (A) and Bob (B) represent a pair of rival depictions in
the scholarly debate concerning the interpretation of
Leibniz’s fictional quantities such as infinitesimals and their
On the A-track reading, these quantities, just like infinite
wholes violating the part–whole axiom, were contradictory
concepts; the expression ‘‘fictional entities’’ describing
them harbors a contradiction. Consequently, this reading
denies that infinitesimals were the very basis of the calculus; formulations that use them were merely figures of
speech, abbreviating the Archimedean unwrappings
On the B-track reading, what Leibniz viewed as contradictory was only infinite wholes (involving a
contradiction with the part–whole axiom), but not infinite
and infinitesimal quantities. The latter were useful and
well-founded fictions involving a violation of the Archimedean property. Their legitimacy as mathematical entities
emanated from their consistency, in an early form of Hilbert’s formalism.
Mikhail G. Katz
Department of Mathematics
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 5290002
‘‘This remains Leibniz’s position into his maturity and both arguments are to be found, for example, in the correspondence with Bernoulli in 1698 .... That is, he held
that the part–whole axiom is constitutive of quantity, so that the concept of an infinite quantity, such as an infinite number or an infinite whole, involves a contradiction’’
[29, p. 406].
‘‘Possibile est quod non implicat contradictionem’’ [26, A VI-2, p. 495]. The definition is an addition made in 1678 to a text dating from 1671–1672 [26, p. 487].
‘‘Possibilia sunt quae non implicant contradictionem’’ [18].
‘‘Le grand fondement des Mathematiques est le Principe de la Contradiction, ou de l’Identité, c’est à dire, qu’une Enontiation ne sauroit etre vraye et fausse en même
temps, et qu’ainsi A est A, et ne sauroit etre non A. Et ce seul principe suffit pour demontrer toute l’Arithmetique et toute la Geometrie, c’est à dire tous les Principes
Mathematiques’’ [20, 7:355–356].
‘‘Ea vero quae contradictionem implicant, sub divina omnipotentia non continentur, quia non possunt habere possibilium rationem’’ [Summa theologiae, I, q. 25,
a. 3].
This observation was first made by Dietrich Mahnke, writing contemporaneously with the development of Hilbert’s formalism. See e.g., [27, pp. 284–287].
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Karl Kuhlemann
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover
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