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This paper introduces a new form of energy healing specifically designed to address sexual empowerment issues through a variant of Reiki. The author describes the characteristics of this energy, the healing process, and the symbolism involved, particularly the use of the rose as a symbol of love and peace. It emphasizes the energetic connection between healer and recipient, focusing on the intent behind the healing and the significance of proper hand placements.
International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2013
This paper encapsulates the history of Reiki, an ancient healing art, from its origins in Japan to current practice in the United States. It defines Reiki therapy and discusses the development of a new Reiki method called Temari Reiki and the use of two additional chakras. Lastly, sample clients scenarios are provided. Because of the success of Temari Reiki in my practice, recommendations include that it be integrated as therapy to augment traditional Western medicine-based patient care plans for patients with cancer, pain, stress and other disabling health issues. Also, additional research using randomized clinical trials is recommended to examine the benefits of Temari Reiki for improving patients' well-being in mind, body and spirit.
Historically and culturally speaking, since late 1990's “Modern” Reiki and Meditation techniques and practices also impacts on the Indonesian people. During my involvement, as practitioner, with one of Reiki meditation group and others engagements with others Javanese spiritual movements including Javanese inner power traditions and martial arts, triggering with my intellectual interest on historical studies, I found a fascinating similar facts of techniques and symptoms in Reiki and some of the schools or movements. In Reiki tradition its meditation and attuning techniques are believed to have originated from the Lotus Sutra of the Lord Buddha himself, though it is declared by the practitioners that it has no ideological or event religious dogma with their method. And indeed Buddhism is unique, as Ven. Bikkhu Jottidhammo of Mendut said that Buddhism, which is based on the teaching of Buddha Gautama, is simply about how to practice certain methods to gain enlightenment; it is wisdom ‘religion’. The globalization of Reiki on healing attunement that is generated from the Reiki's meditation technique also has its influences in Islamic traditional wisdom particularly as practiced by the Javanese Muslim. This modern-globalize Reiki movement apparently has invoked the traditional syncretistic style of some Indonesian Muslim. That in turn, this situation creates political tension between the radical and puritan Islam vis-a -vis with the Muslim Reiki's Masters. My paper is based on the current phenomenon of Islam engagement with Reiki in Java such as Yayasan Wijaya Kusuma Reiki, Bio Energi Klinik, and the Gus Muh's school. This research attempts to explore the politics of Reiki as a global product and its relation to the responses within Indonesian Muslim, historically and sociologically, in Javanese society of Yogyakarta. Keywords: History of Reiki, Inner-power school, martial art, Sufism, spiritual healing, syncretism: Adoption and Adaptation, Indonesian Muslim
Sign 190 Four sprouts in a watery-field or Four twigs. gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'+ kūdī 'bunch of twigs' (Sanskrit) rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter furnace' (Santali); Vikalpa : kor̤ u 'sprout' , kora 'bud' rebus: kor̤ u 'bar of metal'. thus, implements (bar of metal) furnace. Sign 123. badhi 'to ligature, to bandage, to splice, to join by successive rolls of a ligature' (Santali) rebus: badhi ‘carpernter, worker in iron and wood’ (Santali) cognate: ಬಡ್ಡಗಿ baḍḍagi. = ಬಡಗಿ, etc. Tbh. of ವರ್ಧಕಿ (Śmd. 370; Te. ವಡ್ಡಂಗಿ). వడ్రంగి, వడ్లంగి, వడ్లవాడు or వడ్లబత్తుడు ‘carpenter, cire perdue metalcaster, architect’
Cultural Astronomy & Ancient Skywatching – Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC), 6-10 September 2021, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, edited by Penka Maglova and Alexey Stoev, 2023
Yazılıkaya eski Mezopotamya ve Mısır'daki diğer birçok tapınak gibi kozmosu simgelemektedir. Burada farklı olarak, bir bina inşa edilmemiş, ancak kozmosun görüntüsü doğal ortama aktarılmıştır. Başlangıçta, kozmik düzen kaosu yenmiş ve böylece göksel düzen tarafından belirlenen zamanın döngüsel doğasını oluşturmuştur. Bu kozmik düzen Yazılıkaya'da (takvim şeklinde) vurgulanmaktadır. Her şeyden önce, kozmik düzen açıkça yapılandırılmış ögelerde yansıtılır. Örneğin insanların yaşadığı yeryüzü ve üzerlerindeki gökyüzü.
Language and Neoliberal Governmentality, 2019
Archaeological cultures present allegories of ethnic identities across the centuries or millennia but such conceptualisations are necessarily incomplete and lack the resolution to explore transitions between cultures. Here, exploration of the archaeological contexts, production methods, stylistic variation and radiocarbon dating of 20 preserved textile fragments facilitates an examination of cultural change at Huaca del Sol (Huacas de Moche, northern Peru). While occupants of the site experienced many outside cultural influences, including those from the highland Wari Empire, continuity in textile traditions suggests that some sense of Moche identity was maintained through the tenth century and after the perceived end of the Moche culture.
Актуальные проблемы теории и истории искусства: сб. науч. статей. Вып. 13 / Под ред. А. В. Захаровой, С. В. Мальцевой, Е. Ю. Станюкович-Денисовой. СПб.,, 2023
The main objective of the article is to reveal the correlation of functional, constructive aspects and the artistic component of the Novgorod architecture on the example of studying the features of the use of natural stone in the laying of stone building walls. It has been established that the architects of the St. Sophia Cathedral (mid-11th century) were trying to use the features of the masonry for aesthetic purposes, specifically emphasizing the individual blocks of stone that make up the church. The builders of the 12th – first half of the 13th century, following the functional logic, hid the stone walls behind the plaster while creating the image of a laconic, solid, and monumental church. In the architecture of the late 13th–15th centuries, masonry walls were not covered with plaster, as the aesthetic aspect of the masonry started to play an important role again, although such a decision may have been made, among other things, to save building materials, working effort, and time. Thus, design and function of course have always been very significant for medieval architecture, but the aesthetic aspects also concerned architects and customers. We can definitely say that masonry inherently had a certain artistic value when we look at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, but also in the architecture of the late 13th – 15th centuries masonry, obviously, initially had a certain artistic value.
Nucléaire ou renouvelables après les élections législatives ? par Hugues HENRI. Les élections législatives françaises consécutives à la brutale dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale par le président Emmanuel Macron ne lui ont pas réussi, lui qui avait parié sur un recentrage lui donnant une majorité plus large qu'en 2022. Le Nouveau Front Populaire est arrivé en tête et son programme de gouvernement est prêt à être étrenné dès la nomination du 1er ministre qui lui revient de droit.
Il Foro italiano, sezione ForoNews , 2023
II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España
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