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This paper introduces a new form of energy healing specifically designed to address sexual empowerment issues through a variant of Reiki. The author describes the characteristics of this energy, the healing process, and the symbolism involved, particularly the use of the rose as a symbol of love and peace. It emphasizes the energetic connection between healer and recipient, focusing on the intent behind the healing and the significance of proper hand placements.

SEXUAL EMPOWERMENT MANUAL BY ROGER T. HILL It is a well know fact that many of to days problems with couples are with problems dealing with their sex life. I have talked with Doctors and others that deal with these problems every day and we have talked much about the problems of our modern times. Over the past year I have felt led to work with reiki energy to help with this problem. Regular Usui reiki does help but, I felt there was needed more of a special attention to just this part of healing. So over the past year I have been led to and received an energy that is very close to reiki but is a different band or vibration of it for just this purpose. Many will not want to work with this energy because, there is, at least in the USA, a hang up of people dealing with their problems dealing with sex and related problems. There is also the problem that with this systems there is at least one hand placement that is very close to the sex organ of the person receiving the treatment. I feel this is a very important form of energy and one that will come into large use as people become more use to its practice.. A little about me, before we get into the working and symbols of this energy. I am Roger T. Hill from selmer, TN in the USA. I practiced conventional medicine as a PA for many years. I have worked with crystals for several year and Reiki and other energy forms. Now I only work with the energy and crystals forms of healing. I am 62 as of this writing so have been in healing most of my life. I make no claims of this being a new energy it is another form that will deal just with the sexual aspect of the life force. I enjoy helping people and am always open to talk with and learn new things and to teach what I have learned so feel free to call upon me any time. A little about this energy it is a fire type of reiki or energy in that in come from the earth rather than from above like Reiki in place of entering from the crown it enters the healer from the earth passes from the bottom chakra and travels up and out the hands as does USUI reiki . Thus it is involved with the Kundalini. Working with this energy one will fine it is a warm loving energy with a lot of passion in it. It is not uncommon for the healer and the one being healed to become aroused, this is nothing to worry about and does not happen all the time, when it does happen from time to time it is nothing to worry about and should not even be mentioned to either party. If ask about that part of it then by all means give a reason for it. This manual is short and I will try and get right to the point of healing and the attunements. Most of this is pure intent the will of the healer and the will of the person being healed of whatever problem one is having. This will help if it is with the body, mind, or spirit all these things need to be working in order for sex to work the way it should and that is a loving and almost spiritual act. I do want to say here as a disclaimer so as to avoid being sued either myself or anyone else attuned to this energy, that is not to replace medical help, with problems that need repair work then by all means see a doctor. As one works with this energy the better one will become at using it, like most energy forms to work and be at 100% it is not enough to be attuned but one must work with this energy the more one does the better one will become. The first thing is to use this energy on ones self if you are having any problems, when try and help anyone else if you don’t heal your self first, this will also give one more confidence to see that it is working. Now some of the time I will refer to Usui I assume that you have been attuned to regular reiki or at least can read or get a usui manual. So if I mention a symbol and you don’t see it then it will mean it is a usui symbol and I will state this. To begin a healing of any type us the Cho Ku Reia as you would with regular reiki this symbol should be either in the palm of the hands or drawn on paper and held if you don’t want ink on your hands. This is used as a power symbol in sexual reiki just as it is used in Usui, it is the same type energy just a different section of it, as stated before come from the earth in place of from above. It does not enter from the crown but from the lower. Do not be afraid to use this symbol it is very powerful. When healing someone us this symbol and us first the hand placements of the usui reiki. Then move down over the naval and place the hand over this part you do not have to touch the person you can stay a couple inches above if it is better for you and the client.. The next hand placement is with in two inches of the sex organ I recommend staying at least a couple inches above the sex organ then place the left hand under the back of the client. In this energy ask what you want or state to heal mind, body and spirit, and to heal whatever sex problem the client is coming to you for. This may be hard to do at first but as one becomes accustom to it and works with this energy the better one will become and the more results one will see. The hardest part is over coming the taboo of the sex being about to speak open about it and to be able to convey that one has a problem with it. One may do the healing with out know what the problem is, but the more you know the better the healing will be. The energy moves very fast so where it takes about 45 minutes for a regular usui treatment it only takes about 15 to 25 for the sexual empowerment treatment. If one has had a lot of problems I recommend them returning for at least two to three treatments. Dealing with distant healing, once again, we use the same symbol as in regular usui usu This is the distant symbol and is used to send distant healing to person that need a treatment but are two far away to come to you. This works just as a distant attunement. Do the healing just as you would if present only see the treatment in your mind and it helps to have a picture before you. One does not have to have the picture but I have found it works much better with the picture when doing a distant healing. The key word in healing is love and the key word in sexual empowerment is love, with out love nothing works on any level. All reiki comes from a loving energy so if one does not have love in his or her heart for their fellow beings then it will not work well for the either one. This energy can be used on animals that have problems, that have problems having their off spring or any problems that animals may have. The one Symbols of this energy is the Rose. This does not have to be drawn like an artist just a form that to you serves as a rose if all you can drawn is a square with a like from the bottom that is ok. The rose is a symbol of love and peace. To do the healing draw the cho ku reia as stated above then ask for the sexual energy to flow. Us first the hand placements of Usui reiki then the hand placements as stated for the sexual healing. Then draw the rose in the air above the client. The whole process should take about 15 to 20 minutes. Don’t let time however be a factor if you feel the energy is still flowing then wait until you feel the energy has stopped flowing. Respect your clients feelings and don’t force anything that the client don’t want . Also follow your feelings if you feel you should do something different then do it as there is no wrong way to do a treatment. ATTUNEMENT To attune someone in person, draw the cho ku reia symbol and the rose over the one being attuned. Tell the person that they are about to be attuned to the sexual empowerment. Walk around the person 3 times and place the power symbol on the back by drawing it with your finger then come to the front and repeat the same thing. That is all there is to it, state that the attunement is complete. Distant attunement. Us the distant symbol of usui, then look into your hands and say that you are about to attune the name of the person to sexual empowerment. Close your hand while seeing the person in your mind receiving the energy from you like a line from you to the one being attuned the energy should flow about 25 minutes and they will be attuned just as if you were there. State that the attunement is complete. This is a very simple to use energy and a simple method to do the attunements but don’t be fooled the energy is very strong, it may be the most powerful energy you have used in your reiki study. Be Blessed in love and light.